The Living Photograph

November 6, 2018 | Author: John See | Category: N/A
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  Exercise 1

Complete the poem. Try not to refer refer to the text.

The Living Photograph

My small grandmother is tall there, straight-back, white broderie broderie anglaise (1), pleated (!), "at shoes, grey b#n, a kind, old ($) ro#nd her eyes. %er big hand (&)mine, (&)mine, white hand in black hand. %er sharp bl#e eyes look her own (')  in the eye. t was ()  after all* that look. My tall grandmother became small. %er back ro#nd and (+) . %er ()  forgot to boil. he went to the ()  place grandmothers go. omewhere #nknown, (1/) . 0#t there she is still, in the photo with me at (11), (11), the crinkled smile is still (1!)  , breathing. breathing.

Exercise 2

Complete the bridge map with the antonyms to the words gien. 1. !. $. &.

2ord3 2ord3 2ord3 2ord3

tr#e sharp f orgot awf#l

4ntonym3 4ntonym3 4ntonym3 4ntonym3

           

Exercise 3

5ead the following statements and state whether they are 6Tr#e7 or 68alse7. 1. The persona recollects the memories of her grandmother as she looks at the photograph. () !. The persona9s grandmother is still liing with her. () $. The grandmother seems to be a friendly and kind woman. () &. The persona is three years old when her grandmother dies. () '. The grandmother remains strong and healthy #ntil her death. () . n the photograph, the grandmother will always be alie. ()

Exercise 4

4nswer the following :#estions based on yo#r #nderstanding of the poem. 1. %ow old was the persona when the photograph was taken;    !. 2hich line in the poem tells #s the grandmother has become forgetf#l;    $. The grandmother seems to be a friendly and kind woman.    &. The persona is three years old when her grandmother dies.    '. The grandmother remains strong and healthy #ntil her death.    . roide yo#r reason.                !. f yo# were to take care of yo#r grandmother for a day, what wo#ld yo# do to make her experience an #nforgettable one;                Answers

@xercise 1 1. !. $. &. '.

hirt kirt mile %olds ?eath

. Tr#e +. %#nched . o#p . 4wf#l 1/.Anthinkable



1$. @xercise ! 1. !. $. &.

false d#ll remembered 0ea#tif#l

1&. @xercise $ 1. !. $. &. '. .

Tr#e 8alse Tr#e 8alse 8alse Tr#e

1'. @xercise & 1. !. $. &.

he was three years old The line, 6her so#p forgot to boil7 The word 6#nthinkable7 n the Brst stana, the grandmother is strong and healthy in the photograph while in the second stana the grandmother is older and ill. '. The poem is abo#t how a photograph immortalises a person. This is ill#strated in the poem where in real life, the grandmother is dead b#t with the photograph, she will always be remembered by the persona. . The poem teaches #s that we m#st spend time with o#r loed ones beca#se when they pass away, all that will be left are the memories of the time spent together. 1. @xercise ' D  1+.-4ccept all correct and acceptable answers1. 1. !/.



 

1. =ist two items Egrandmother9 wears in the photo. a)   b)   !!. !. 2hat do yo# think the writer is referring to in the phrase Ethe awf#l place grandmothers go; !$.     !&. $. 2hy do yo# think the writer9s Esmall grandmother9 is Etall9 in the photo;

!'.     !. &. n the Brst stana, what does the word there refer to; !+.     !. '. 2hich line tells yo# that the writer and her grandmother come from diFerent ethnic backgro#nd; !.     $/. . %ow old was the writer when the photo was taken; $1.  $!. +. 2hy do yo# think the writer says that her grandmother is tall in the photo b#t later became Esmall9; $$.     $&. . G#ote eidence from line 1& to line 1 that the photograph was taken a long time ago. $'.     $. . @xplain the meaning of the word Ecrinkled9. $+.  $. 1/.%ow do these lines make yo# feel abo#t photographs of people yo# loe; $.     &/.  &1. 42.


1. a) pleated skirt &$.b) "at shoesHwhite broderie anglaise shirt &&.


The writer is referring to death.


$.  think it is probably beca#se the photo was taken when the writer9s grandmother was yo#nger. %er back was not ro#nded and h#nched then, so she looked tall.



t refers to the photograph.



Ewhite hand in black hand9



he was three years old.


+.  think she says that beca#se at the time the photo was taken her grandmother was yo#nger. %er back was straight therefore she

seemed taller. t co#ld also be beca#se the writer was ery yo#ng at the time (only $ years old). 4s her grandmother grew older, her back became Ero#nd and h#nched9. o she appeared Esmall9. The writer wo#ld also hae grown bigger and taller too, therefore her grandmother no longer appears tall to her.



. The persona says that the photograph was taken when heHshe was three years old.






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