The List of Demons

June 5, 2018 | Author: Egw | Category: Christian Mythology, Demons, Deities, Abrahamic Mythology, Mythology
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The List of Demons...


The Demon Lists - Compiled by Rev. Satrinah Nagash Naga sh Welcome to the famous Demon List. I have compiled this list over many years, and have made some recent updates to it. New demons have been added within the last couple of months. This list contains names of demons from just about e very culture. If you can't find it elsewhere, you will probably find it here .

Demon List A - B A

analin !  servitor of staroth and smodeus. Lan"uidne ss. baddon ! #$% &in" of Demons. The Destroyer. ale. #(% )hief Demon of Locusts. #*% )hief of the demons of the seventh hierarchy. baddon is the name +t. ohn of the pocalypse "ave the -in" of the "rasshoppers. e is sometimes re"arded as the destroyin" an"el. #*% ppearance and symbol are of a closely veiled, blac-, "i"antic fi"ure covered with whirlin" wheels. In his hands is a vast wheel whence come as it whirls, multitudes of cat!demons. #/% lso -nown as +overei"n of the 0ottomless 1it or &in" of Demons. #2% In 3ree-, baddon is -nown as pollyon. badir !  servitor of smodeus. +cattered. ba"iron !  servitor of a"oth and &ore. 3atherin" to"ether. bahim !  servitor of staroth and smodeus. Terrible.

bdiel ! n rabic demon said to be the lord of slaves and slavery. is name is derived from the rabic word 4bd,4 meanin" 4slave.4 bdu5uel ! ccordin" to the 6nochian tradition, bdu5uel is oneo f the demonic rulers of the lunar mansions. bi"or ! #$% 78 Le"ions of Devils. ale. #(% 78 Le"ions. &nows the secrets of war a nd  prophecy. #*% 3rand Du-e of ades. is is shown in the form of a handsome -ni"ht  bearin" a lance, standard or scepter. e is a demon of the superior order and responds readily to 9uestions of war. e can foretell the future and instructs leaders on how to ma-e themselves respected by soldiers. 78 infernal le"ions. #/% lso called bi"ar. bra5as ! The 0asilidian sect of the 3nostics of the second century claimed bra5as as their supreme "od, and said that esus )hrist was only a phantom sent to earth by him. They believed that his name contained "reat mysteries, as it was composed of the seven 3ree- letters which form the number *72, which w hich is also the number of days in a year. bra5as, they thou"ht, had under his command *72 "ods, to whom they attributed *72 virtues, one for each day. The older mytholo"ists placed him amon" the number of 6"yptian "ods and demonolo"ists have described him as a demon, with the head of a rooster, a hu"e belly, a -notted - notted tail and serpents instead of le"s. e is represented on ancient amulets, with a whip in his hand. It is from his name that the mystic word, wo rd, bracadabra, is ta-en. lso called brasa5 or braca5. butes !  servitor of staroth and smodeus. 0ottomless, measureless. chaniel !  servitor of 1aimon. Truth. cuar !  servitor of :riens, 1aimon, riton and maymon.  tiller of the earth. dad ! 0abylonian "od of the storm. ddu ! The 0abylonian "od of the storm. lso called dad. dimiron ! Those whose colors are li-e dam blood, mi5ed with water and dull du ll yellow and "rey. Their form is lion!li;ards. dirael !  servitor of 0eel;ebub. a"nificence of "od. don !  servitor of :riens, 1aimon, riton and maymon. Lord. dramelech ! #$% )hancellor of ell. )hancellor of the i"h )ouncil. ale. #(% 3rand )hancellor. #*% )hancellor of the infernal re"ions, &eepe r of the wardrobe of the Demon D emon &in" and 1resident of the i"h )ouncil of the Devils. e was worshipped at +epharavim, an ssyrian town, where children were burned bu rned at his altar. The rabbis say that he h e comes in the form a mule and sometimes a peacoc-. #/% Lord i"h )hancellor, 3rand )ross of the :rder of the ritra. pel-i !  servitor of maymon. isleaders. polhun ! The destroyer.  servitor of :riens, 1aimon, riton and maymon. pollyon !  deceiver. pormenos !  servitor of staroth. Cncertain. pot !  servitor of smodeus and a"oth.  tribute or treasure. rael ! :ne of the spirits which the rabbis o f the Talmud made princes and "overnors over the people of the birds. rae5 !  servitor of staroth. +hoc-. ratron ! )an convert any livin" or"anism into stone in a moment of time. e can chan"e treasure into coals and vice versa. e "ive familiars and reconciles subterranean spirits to men. e teaches ma"ic-, alchemy and medicine. Imparts the secret of invisibility, ma-es the barren fruitful and confers lon" life. rcon !  servitor of 0eel;ebub.  ruler.

rdat!Lile ! +he is a female spirit or demoness who weds human bein"s and wor-s "reat harm in the dwellin"s of men. remata!1opoa ! 4+hort Wave.4 :ne of two ocean demons who are "reatly feared by the 1olynesian mariners because they are at the mercy of their immense power. The other demon is remata!Borua. remata!Borua ! 4Lon" Wave.4 +ee reamata!1opoa. r"ilon !  servitor of staroth. )lay. rioch ! Demon of ven"eance. :nly occupies with what he is employed for. ale. e is different from lastor, and occupies himself with only with ven"eance in particular cases where he is employed for that purpose. rioth !  servitor of a"oth and &ore.  lioness. ro"or !  servitor of 0eel;ebub.  helper. rolen !  servitor of 0eel;ebub. +tron"ly a"itated. rotor !  servitor of a"oth and &ore. usbandman. rpha5at !  1ersian sorcerer who was -illed by a thunderbolt #accordin" to bdias of 0abylon% at the same hour as the martyrdom of +t. +imon and +t. ude. In the account of the possession of the nuns of Loudun there is a demon rpha5at, who too- possession of the body of Louise de 1interville. rpiron !  servitor of a"oth and &ore. ttemptin" strai"htway. rrabin !  servitor of a"oth and &ore. 1led"e= caution money. smiel !  servitor of :riens, 1aimon, riton and maymon. +torin" up. smoday ! #$% &in". ( Le"ions of Inferior +pirits. a-es on invincible. 3ives the Bin" of >irtues. 1atron of all schoolin", i.e. art, science, math astronomy and "eometry. #(%  stron" and powerful -in", appears with three heads, the first li-e a bull, the second li-e a man, and the third li-e a ram. e has a serpent's tail, the webbed feet of a "oose, and he vomits fire. e rides an infernal dra"on, carries a lan ce and pennon, and is the chief of the power of maymon. e "ives the rin" of virtues, teaches math, "eomancy, and all handicrafts, answers all 9uestions, ma-es men invisible, indicates the places of concealed treasures, and "uards them if within the dominion of maymon. #*%  bloated and  beastial man in a crouchin" position. smodeus ! #$% Tempter of women to fornicate with men. ale. #(% Lust. #*% +uperintendent of )asinos. #/% The devil of lechery, sensuality and lu5ury, fre9uently

appears in ewish literature and seems to always have been a devil. Traditionally, he has the feet of a coc-, a bird noted for se5ual vi"or. It was smodeus who -illed the seven husbands of +arah in the 0oo- of Tobit. e may be derived from the 1ersian eshma Daeva, the fiend of the woundin" spear who is the demon of passion, jealously and ra"e, of his name may come from ebrew shamad, 'to destroy'. The Leme"e ton says he must always be invo-ed bareheaded. #2% lso spelled smodee, and sometimes )hashmodai. Derived from the ebrew word +:D, to destroy or e5terminate= and by others from the 1ersian verb, ?:ND6N, to tempt or to try or prove. +ome rabbis say that smodeus was the child of the incest Tubal!)ain and his sister Naamah. :ther sat that he was a demon of impurity. :ther a"ain relate that he was employed by +olomon in the  buildin" of the Temple at erusalem= that he then attempted to dethrone +olomon, to put himself in his place= but that the &in" van9uished him, and the n"el 3abriel chased him into 6"ypt, and there bound him in a build of the 3rotto. The rabbis say that when smodeus was wor-in" at the buildin" of the Temple, he made use of no metal tool= but instead of a certain stone which cut ordinary stone as a diamond will "lass. #7% 6vil chief of 3eburah. sperim !  servitor of :riens, 1aimon, riton and maymon. Bude, ri"orous, perilous, dan"erous. staroth ! #$% 3rand Du-e of Western ell. 1atron of the arts and liberal sciences. /( Le"ions. ale. #(% +loth. #*% Du-e. /8 Le"ions of +pirits. a-es men -nowin" in all liberal sciences. Declares how the spirits of hell and of his own fall. #/% 3rand Treasurer. #2% To some, he appears of a blac- and white color, usually under a human fi"ure, but occasionally in the li-eness of an ass. #7%  "reat and powerful du-e, appears li-e a  beautiful an"el ridin" on an infernal dra"on, and carryin" a viper in his ri"ht hand. e must not be permitted to approach on account of his stin-in" breath, and the ma"ic-ian must defend his face with the ma"ic- rin". staroth answers truly concernin" the past,  present and future, discovers all secrets, and "ives "reat s-ill in the liberal sciences. e will also discourse willin"ly concernin" the fall of the spirits. #% :nce a "reat "oddess of )anaan and 1hoenicia, the e9uivalent of the 0abylonian Ishtar. +he was worshipped lascivious rites, which were constantly condemned by the :ld Testament prophets. The "oddess became a male demon who appears li-e a beautiful an"el, but has very bad  breath. e teaches the sciences and reveals the events of the past present and future. # Th, floc-s, crowds or assemblies. Csually written shtaroth or staroth. lso a name of the 3oddess starte= 6sther is derived from the same root. #A% 6vil chief of )hesed. stre"a !  servitor of :riens, 1aimon, riton and maymon. 65peditions. stolit !  servitor of 1aimon. Without "arment. sto >i''datu ! The 1ersian demon of death whom no human escapes. To"ether with esma Daeva he chases and tries to catch the souls of the deceased with a noose when they rise to heaven.

sturel !  servitor of :riens, 1aimon, riton and maymon. 0earin" authority. sura-umara ! 4Demon princes4.  "roup of ain #one of the "reat classical reli"ions of India% "ods assosciated with rain and thunder. tloton !  servitor of :riens, 1aimon, riton and maymon. Insufferable. ustati-co!1auli"aur !  class of 1ersian evil spirits, which are ei"ht in nu mber, and -eep the ei"ht sides of the world. Their names are as followsE Indiren, the -in" of these "enii= u"ne!0au"auven, the "od of fire= 6emen, the -in" of death and hell= Nerudee, earth in the fi"ure of a "iant= >aivoo, "od of the air and winds= >aroonon, "od of the clouds and rain= 3ooberen, "od of riches= 6ssaunien, or +hivven. ym ! 3rand Du-e. (7 Le"ions. ale. yperor !  count of the infernal empire. +ome consider him the same as Ipes. yperos ! #$% 1rince of ell. *7 Le"ions. ale. #(% Depicted as a standin" vulture or ea"le. irtues. 0ar9u !  demon in whose -eepin" was the secret of the 1hilosopher's +tone. 0aruel !  servitor of a"oth and &ore. Nourishment= food. 0athin ! #$% Du-e. *8 Le"ions of +pirits. &nows virtues of herbs and stones. #(%  mi"hty du-e, who appears li-e a stron" man with a serpent's tail, ridin" on a pale horse. e -nows the virtues of herbs and precious stone s, and can transport men swiftly from one country to another. 0athym ! lso called arthim, a du-e of the infernal re"ions. e has the appearance of a robust man, but his body ends in a serpents tail. e bestrides a steed of livid color. e is well versed in the virtues of herbs and precious stones. e is able to transport men from one place to another with wondrous speed. *8 Le"ions. 0ayemon ! #$% onarch of the Western Be"ions. ale. #(% The "rimoire of 1ope onorius "ives this name as that of a powerful demon whom it addresses as monarch or the western parts of the infernal re"ions. To h im the followin" invocation is addressedE 4: &in" 0ayemon, most mi"hty, who rei"neth towards the western part, I call upon thee

and invo-e thy name in the name of the Divinity. I cammand thee in the name of the most hi"h to present thyself before this circle, thee and the other spirits who are thy subjects, in the name of 1assiel and Bosus, for the purpose of replyin" to all that which I demand of thee. If thou dost not come, I will torment thee with a sword of heavenly fire. I will au"ment thy pains and burn thee. :bey : &in" 0ayemon.4 0earded Demon ! The demon who teaches the secret of the 1hilosopher's +tone. e is but little -nown. The demon barbu is not be confused with 0arbartos, a "reat and powerful demon who is a du-e in ades, nor with 0arbas, who is interested in mechanics. It is said that the 0earded Demon is so called on account of his remar-able beard. 0echard ! #$% lluded to in the &ey of +olomon. 0rin"s forth rain, thunder and hail. ale. #(% as power over winds and tempests, over li"htnin", hail and rain, by means of a charm with toads and other thin"s of this nature. 0eel;ebub ! #$% 1rince of Demons. Lord of the
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