The Limits of Game - Chateau Heartiste

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The Limits of Game May 29, 2007 by CH Copyright © 2015. Chateau Heartiste. All rights reserved.

Game is now packaged, marketed, and taught to tens of thousands of men in the US. At the rate the major businesses businesses are growing and the books books are selling, it’s possible that 10 million or more American men will have some knowledge of the fundamentals fundamental s of game within a few years. This is a not-insignifican t number. number. A percentage of those men will put forth the effort and apply what they’ve learned

Comments are a lunchroom food fight and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Chateau Heartiste proprietors or contributors.

to their dating lives. When a critical love-em-and-leave-em love-em-and-leave-em juncture juncture is reached, I believe the country will go through another another social revolution revolution similar to the great upheaval of the 1960s. What lies beyond is anyone’s guess, though I have my

Visit the Goodbye, America

personal theories.

photojournal website. website.

The art of seduction is not a new discovery, discovery, but it’s transforma transformation tion into a science that can be executed in the field to produce relatively relatively reliable results is new. If  Voltaire were alive today he would recognize a familiar scene of thousands of men talking away their ugly faces to bed their queens of france, but what would strike him as novel is the calculated efficiency and cooperative effort with which these 21st century voltaires, tools of science in hand, eviscerate and demystify the ageold quest of winning a woman’s woman’s heart and spreading spreading her legs. I imagine he would be saddened that the beauty and grandeur of t he chase had been stripped to its bones and displayed textbook-like for the edification of legions of aspiring seducers.

P About Alpha Assessment Submissions Beta Of The Year Contest Submissions Dating Market Value Test For Men Dating Market Value Test

The rise of the era of Game is not hard to explain. Particular social social conditions in

For Women

conjunction with fresh knowledge and rapid information transfer practically

Diversity + Proximity = War:

guaranteed a new world order of more cads, less dads. Ironically, feminism helped

The Reference List

midwife this beast. The free love anti-trust breakup of women’s women’s monopoly monopoly over

Shit Cuckservatives Say

sex and their increased financial independence dissolved the primary pillars of 

The Sixteen Commandments

marriage. The wheels were set in motion, yet the Sexual Revolution 2.0 didn’t didn’t

Of Poon

kick into high gear until the mid 1990s when some very astute and horny guys found in the teachings of darwinistic evolutionary psychology psychology the blueprint for getting what they wanted from women. A shortcut had been discovered. discovered. Now, instead of toiling for years years as a cog in the machine, giving til it hurt, to win the heart of a marriageable woman in a sociallyapproved manner, men were, in effect, mimicing the traditional alpha male through a process of data compression. The confident body language and

T U Diddlers of little boys tend to be gay homosexual men. hth.… 1 hour ago

cocky humor of the CEO or BigLaw sleazebag could be had by the common man

RT @AudaciousEpigon @AudaciousEpigon:: White

for pennies on the dollar.

men (and blacks to lesser

Most men scoff at this. It takes many demonstrations demonstrations by pioneers pioneers before the average guy guy will lose his long-held beliefs about how the world works. Even those guys who know about game and have immersed themselves in it like a religious

extent) oppose gender bender make believe restrooms. Women, gays, Hispanics support h… 1 hour ago

follower at a tent revival find it difficult to change their old ways. For now, the

RT @MeatScales @MeatScales::

status quo continues to be the default default assumption. Marriage, rigged as it is

@ChateauEmissary ChateauEmissary still  still won't

against men in its current configuration, configuration, is still the norm people aspire to. And

return to zero D so, waste of 

that is where game (to date) has fallen short; it is a great tool for pickup but

time. 1 hour ago

needs refining for application in longterm relationships.

Can The Wall be defeated?

A lot of pie in the sky acolytes of game miss the bigger picture. picture. There are some

(doubtful, but not

very immutable laws of human nature that the best game in the world won’t

theoretically impossible)

circumvent. Age is one of them. them. A 90 year old man man will not score 20 year year old coeds on the strength of game alone. He’ll need compensating factors, factors, in massive…

quantities. Fame and and vast wealth are proven sexual sexual value enhancers. enhancers. Without

1 hour ago

game, a man would need a steadily increasing pot of money or accumulating social status to satisfy his urge urge to screw young women. With game, he can afford afford to slack off a certain amount on the traditional traditional attractiveness attractiveness measures. In a sense, game is like an extra 5 inches in height or $100K in salary — it gives a

RT @keksec__org @keksec__org:: Racemixing... It can't be explained any more clear than



man a big leg up in the mating wars.



By age 50, the decrepitude of mitochondrial degeneration degeneration will really begin to

hinder a man’s ability ability to score. Women under under 30 will not take his flirting seriously

7f3…  1 hour ago 7f3…

any longer. At this time, the amount of power (in the form of money) he’ll need to continue attracting younger women will rise exponentially. exponentially. In graph form, it would look like this:

RT @MikeMa_ @MikeMa_:: why are these girls with names like "wine mom" or "dog mom" the most intrusive loser ass people go drink u wine w ur dog nerd… 1 hour ago

R C The Tingler on Tingler on Another Battlefront Opens In T… The Tingler on Tingler on Another Battlefront Opens In T… Libertardian on Another Battlefront Opens In T… Unacknowledged_Legis… on Another Battlefront Opens In T… Corvo on Another Battlefront Opens In T… Corvo on Another

For women, their version of game, wealth, social status, and power over men

Battlefront Opens In T…

are dependent on one necessary variable: her beauty. Once that goes, (and it

grossermanitu on grossermanitu  on The

usually goes faster for them than than it does for men), they are shit out of luck. But

Sexual Market Is The

for the brief window of time they have their beauty, beauty, they hold in their hands the


power of the gods.

plumpjack on Another

Since women cannot do much about their looks other than plastic surgery and, marginally,, makeup, they have to be more cognizant than men of their time left to marginally

Battlefront Opens In T… whorefinder on whorefinder  on Another

secure for themselves the best best deal on the sexual market. Time is no friend to

Battlefront Opens In T…

anyone, but to women it is especially especially cruel. When I see mother-daughter mother-daughter duos

whorefinder on whorefinder  on Another

shopping at the mall I’m always stunned they are related. There isn’t a better, or

Battlefront Opens In T…

sadder, advertisement for trading up. Although a woman’s looks primarily define her sexual marketability, feminine personality and a willingness to experiment sexually count as well, but those factors only work synergistically synergisticall y with youth and beauty. Women who’ve hit the wall can wear dresses every day, learn the art of coquettish flattery, and carry a suitcase full of perverted sex toys, toys, but it will be in vain. Men will look past her at the younger versions of herself. herself. Older women (between 30 and 45) who still have have a few years of serviceability left in them can compete against against the younger competition by putting putting out right away. away. Nevertheless, this is a temporary temporary fix. Any man worth having will get his rocks off with the cougar and save his commitment for the kitten. A graphical graphical representation of the market constraints constraints women operate within would look like this:

T P Another Battlefront Opens In The Diversity Wars How To Get A Girl To Send Nudes Of Herself  The Sexual Market Is The Prime Market The Sixteen Commandments Of Poon The Five Female Body Types (And One Is The Very Best) It's Easy To Identify A Slut Penis Size Around The World Slut Eye The Average Female Face Of  Different Countries Diversity + Proximity = War: The Reference List

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C People of Walmart PostSecret Stuff White People Like The Daily Sarge Things My Boyfriend Says xkcd



60 Years of Challenge Alpha Game Cajun Krauser PUA

While game is the next step in the evolution of relations between men and

Rational Male

women, it is not an alien technology with diplomatic immunity from human human nature

Roosh V

that will yield results for everyone under every circumstance. circumstance. Street bums are not


suddenly going to start banging quality pussy, though they may improve their

The G Manifesto

meet to lay ratio with soup kitchen volunteers. volunteers. For the man who truly wants the

The Rookie

life that most men dream about, a multi-front attack improving his finances,

Treatise of Love

physical well-being, and game, game, with one eye on the ticking clock, is the only way

VKs empire of dirt

to go.

S  S

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Posted in Alpha Alpha,, Culture Culture,, Self-aggrandizement Self-aggrandizement,, Tool Time, Time, Ugly Truths | Truths | 12 Comments

Rogue Health and Fitness

12 Responses sestamibi

Page For Men Parapundit

Steve Sailer on May 29, 2007 at 4:11 pm

The Anti-Gnostic

Once again, I agree with every work, but you are not writing about

The Kakistocracy

anything new.

The Red Pill Review The Spearhead

I’m guessing I’m a lot older than you, and I remember advertisements advertisements in National Lampoon for a book called “How to Pick Up Girls”–in 1974!! It came in a plain brown wrapper (of course).

Unqualified Reservations Vox Popoli West Hunter

No, I never bought it–not because I was so cool that I didn’t need it, but because

Whiskey's Place

I was so completely and pathetically lame that I thought it was a waste of money and would never help.

T H  M H

Alias Clio


on May 30, 2007 at 6:05 am

Dusk in Autumn Elysium Revisited

sestamibi: yeah and there was maybe one or two other books in that

Feminine Beauty

subject and they were all a joke. things have changed.

Gucci Little Piggy Hawaiian Libertarian

Hyperbole and a Half  In Mala Fide


Jack Goes Forth on May 30, 2007 at 2:42 pm

Overcoming Bias

things *have* changed. there are still a few kernels of truth that have

The Fourth Checkraise

withstood the test of time, but by and large dating advice today is

The Rawness

nothing like it was in the past.


i’m deliberating how much personal stuff i want to put on here. it’d be more interesting to write about specific examples of game from my real life successes and failures with women, but i don’t want a vengeful ex stumbling across this site and making life difficult for me. nor do i want girls i’m currently dating to see this.

 sestamibi

on May 31, 2007 at 4:39 am

Roosh, but isn’t that sad that what was once a matter of spontaneous lust should now be so scientifically codified and reduced to a computer


program prog ram equ va en


on June 6, 2007 at 9:57 pm

– The guys who wrote the “game” books capitalized on an early information disparity. But the market has adjusted. Now it’s pretty common knowledge among women that the guy who’s being all charming and cocky and maybe using a few “neg hits,” learned it all from a book. (Actually, the “neg hits” are the real tell). And we’re not… what you’d call… impressed. – Given this, the the guys who are still buying the books will end up taking home: 1) The girl who is too dumb to know to protect herself (usually, funny enough, enough, because she’s husband-hunting and all her friends gave her a copy of that “He’s Just Not That Into You,” book, so she thinks she’s got you on the hook). 2) The girl who is just dumb. 3) The girl who knows what you’re up to and subscribes to the school of “use him right back. “4) The girl who knows what you’re up to and hates herself enough to try to convince you to stay, just stay, with her, for the night… – So either you “win” against someone who’s not playing, someone who is, um, handicapped handicappe d (all due respect to the disabled) in the dating competition, someone who is making a fool of you, or someone who is crazy. Good job. You’re the man. Now go back to gaining money and power in order to get laid, as god intended, and I’ll get back to the kitchen and start making your sam-mich.


on June 16, 2007 at 7:00 pm

Dizzy,, all four of those situations you mentioned are a win for the man. If  Dizzy a girl is hot, do you think a man gives a damn about the petty female carping regarding her personality that you are doing?


on June 19, 2007 at 4:21 pm


No! You shouldn’t do that!


on February 23, 2009 at 11:49 pm

We should distinguish between an old man getting young women vs. youngER women. A 60-year-old man with upper-middle-class wealth and good game will not get hot 25 year olds. But he will get attractive 40-year-old cougars cougars with some consistency. A 40-year-old cougar is preferable to being married to a 58-year-old fat wife, for a 60-year-old man. Also, the good thing about men is that sexual libido declines with age. Men’s prospects decline as their desire declines, thus making celibacy quite acceptab acceptable le later in life. The same is not true for women, as their sexual desire remains high long after their looks are gone.

The man-hating crowd’s blood lust strikes

on January 12, 2010 at 12:03 am

again « The Legal Satyricon

[…] At the heart of this debate is “game,” “game,” the attraction-building strategy I previously discussed and predicted would be subject to attempted suppression because it’s not politically politically correct. Game comes in two broad broad varieties, namely for men and for women. At its core, it’s based on evolutionary psychology psychology principles that allow its user to present himself or herself in the most desirable possible light. It will not, however, change the substance of the user. user. […]




Hah this is like a scene from “Fight Club” where the old woman in rehab is screaming she just wants sex before she dies, and all the sex toys she has at home… and still NOBODY wants her, HAAHHAAHAHHA.


on September 7, 2010 at 6:19 pm

Yea while if it was a guy he could at least just buy the sex. It is like the one perk of being a man. You actually don’t need game at all.

cynical optimist

on March 10, 2011 at 4:27 pm

For the man who truly wants the life that most men dream about, a multi-front attack improving his finances, physical well-being, and game, with one eye on the ticking clock, is the only way to go. never a more appropiate statement -weight lifting -martial arts -good diet -BSc economics -mba -above average IQ -well paid job -nice car -own place -game -pilots licence -6,2 above average looks it still took me over a two years of fucking everywoman i met to find one of LTR standard to me guess it must be irish woman there not renowned for their looks. Blog at

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