The Life and Works of Rizal - Module 1

September 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Tepudlkn gj tme Xmklkppkies Teakgi Z

^gutmeri Dkngl Nglleaes Fosdote Nkty

Rmks fgbule wkll exploki tme mkstgry gj tme Tkzol Low oib kts kfpgrtoit prgvkskgis. Rmks wkll olsg leob tg nrktknolly ossess tme ejjentkveiess gj tme Tkzol Ngurse.  Ngurse. 

?;5: leovkia o nglgrjul iorrotkve gj bedote oib ngitestotkgi. Ki tmks fgbule, ygu wkll stuby tme TO ?245 wktmki kts ngitext, lggc kitg fo`gr kssues oib bedotes surrguibkia surrguib kia tme dkll oib kts possoae kitg low l ow oib rejlent i tme kfpont oib relevoine gj tmks leakslotkgi onrgss mkstgry oib tme preseit tkfe.

LENRUTE Kitrgbuntkgi tg tme ngurse  Os foiboteb foiboteb dy TO ?245, tmks ngurse ngvers ngvers tme lkje oib wgrcs gj tme nguitry‛s iotkgiol merg, @gse Tkzol. Ofgia tme tgpkns ngvereb ore Tkzol‛s Dkgaropmy oib mks wrktkias, portknulorly tme igvel Iglk Fe Roiaere oib El Jklkdusterksfg, sgfe gj mks essoys oib tme vorkgus ngrrespgibeines.


Bksnuss @gse Tkzol‛s Lkje wktmki tme ngitext gj ?;tm Neitury Xmklkppkies Xmklkppkies


Oiolyze Tkzol‛s vorkgus wgrcs,

Uiexpuraoteb skfply feois uitgunmeb. Ki tme nose gj tme igvels gj Tkzol, uiexpuraoteb verskgis were tmgse tmot were igt nmoiaeb gr neisgreb tg refgve ports tmot fkamt gjjeib pegple.

portknulorly tme igvels Iglk Fe Roiaere oib El Jklkdusterksfg. Jklkdusterksfg.

Dknoferol tmks kivglves tme twg nmofder gj Ngiaress0 tme ^eiote oib tme Mguse gj Tepreseitotkves.


Graoikze Tkzol‛s kbeos kitg vorkgus tmefes.


Befgistrote o nrktknol reobkia gj prkfory sgurnes.


Kiterpret tme volues tmot noi de berkveb jrgf mks lkje oib wgrcs.


Bksploy oi opprenkotkgi jgr ebunotkgi oib lgve gj nguitry.

Uiberstoibkia tme Tkzol Low  Low  Rme foibotgry teonmkia gj @gse Tkzol‛s lkje wktm tme efpmosks gi mks oibforc igvels ks kisnrkdeb ki leakslotkgi. Tepudlkn Ont (TO) ig. ?245, fgre pgpulorly cigwi cigwi os Tkzol Tk zol Low, wos posseb ki Rme Lkje oib Qgrcs gj Tkzol

. Zgnodulory0 Dkll ks o feosure wmknm, kj posseb tmrguam tme leakslotkve prgness dengfes dengfes o low.

 Ot tme eib gj tme ngurse, stubeits stubeits smgulb smgulb de odle tg0 

Ki tme ngurse gj ygur reobkia, tme prgness gj mgw o dkll dengfes o low ki tme pmklkppkies wkll de toncleb sg ygu wkll move oi kbeo reaorbkia tme nguitry‛s leakslotkve prgness.  prgness. 

Rme Ngitext gj tme Tkzol Dkll  Dkll   Rme pgstwor perkgb sow o Xmklkppkie rkje wktm nmolleiaes oib prgdlefs. Qktm o nguitry tgri oib tkreb jrgf tme stresses gj Qgrlb Q grlb Qor KK, aettkia up gi tmekr jeet wos o porofguit ngineri gj tme pegple oib tme agverifeit.  Os tme Xmklkppkies Xmklkppkies aroppleb aroppleb wktm vorkgus nmolleiaes, portknulorly portknulorly tme noll jgr iotkgiduklbkia, prgfkieit kibkvkbuls wmg nmofpkgieb iotkgiolksf nofe tg ontkgi. Rmey pursueb agverifeit feosures tg kistkll potrkgtksf oib lgve jgr nguitry ki tme meorts oib fkibs gj tme

Fgbule ?

Xreporeb dy0 Xrgj. Fknmoel F. Ngirobg



elentkgi, tme Nmurnm Nmurnm ngitkiueb ngitkiueb tg jklkpkigs. Rmese pegple brew kispkrotkgis jrgf tme  Ojter Tentg's elentkgi, gppgse tme dkll foibotkia tme reobkia gj Tkzol's Xmklkppkie experkeine gj tme revglutkgi jgr igvels Iglk Fe Rïiaere oib El Jklkdusterksfg, kibepeibeine oaokist ^poki oib jrgf tme nlokfkia kt wgulb vkglote jreebgf gj ngisnkeine merges gj tmot kfpgrtoit perkgb ki tme nguitry‛s oib relkakgi.S?V mkstgry.

Rme gppgsktkgi gj tme Tkzol Low  Low  ^eiotgr Nlorg F. Tentg wos tme foki prgpgieit gj tme Tkzol Dkll. Me sguamt tg spgisgr tme dkll ot

Ki tme nofpokai tg gppgse tme Tkzol dkll, tme Notmglkn Nmurnm uraeb kts obmereits tg wrkte tg tmekr ngiaressfei oib seiotgrs smgwkia tmekr gppgsktkgi tg tme dkll3 loter, kt graoikzeb graoikzeb syfpgskufs. Ki gie gj tmese syfpgskufs, Jr. @esus Novoiio oraueb tmot tme igvels delgiaeb tg tme post oib tmot teonmkia tmef wgulb fksrepreseit nurreit ngibktkgis. Tobkg ngffeitotgr @esus Xorebes olsg sokb tmot Notmglkns mob tme rkamt tg rejuse tg reob tmef os kt wgulb "eiboiaer "eiboiaer tmekr solvotkgi".S?V solvotkgi".S?V

Ngiaress. Mgwever, tmks wosNmurnm. fet wktm stkjj tme gppgsktkgi jrgf tme Notmglkn Burkia ?;55 ^eiote elentkgi, tme nmurnm nmoraeb Tentg wktm dekia o ngffuikst ngffuikst oib oi oitk-Notmglkn.

Argups sunm os Notmglkn Ontkgi gj tme Xmklkppkies, tme Ngiareaotkgi gj tme Fksskgi, tme Cikamts gj Nglufdus, oib tme Notmglkn Reonmers

Gie feosure sguamt wos tme possoae gj TO ?245 gr tme Tkzol Low, wmknm wos prkforkly set tg obbress “o ieeb jgr re-bebknotkgi re-bebknotkgi tg tme kbeols gj jreebgf oib iotkgiolksf jgr wmknm gur merges lkveb oib bkeb.‖ Rme possoae gj tme low wos fet jkerne gppgsktkgi ki tme dgtm tme ^eiote oib tme Mguse gj Tepresseitotkves. Tepresseitotkves.

Rme Lkje oib Qgrcs gj Tkzol

Fgbule ?

Xreporeb dy0 Xrgj. Fknmoel F. Ngirobg


  Auklb graoikzeb gppgsktkgi tg tme dkll3 tmey were nguitereb dy Zeteroigs be lo Tevglunkgi (^pkrkt gj ?=;:), Oloaob ki Tkzol, tme Jreefosgis, oib tme Cikamts gj Tkzol. Rme ^eiote Ngffkttee gi Ebunotkgi spgisgreb o dkll ng-wrkttei dy dgtm @gsë X. Lourel oib Tentg, wktm tme gily gppgsktkgi ngfkia jrgf Jroinksng ^gn Tgbrkag, Forkoig @esðs Nueing, oib Bengrgsg Tgsoles.S4VS>V

wgulb dlgt gut jrgf gur fkibs tme fefgry gj tme iotkgiol merg. Rmks ks igt o jkamt oaokist Tentg dut o jkamt oaokist Tkzol", obbkia tmot skine Tkzol ks beob, tmey ore ottefptkia tg suppress suppress mks fefgry.S:V

Rme Ornmdksmgp gj Foiklo, Tujkig ^oitgs, prgtesteb ki o postgrol letter tmot Notmglkn stubeits wgulb de ojjenteb kj ngfpulsgry reobkia gj tme uiexpuraoteb verskgi were pusmeb tmrguam.S2V Orseikg Lonsgi, Foiklo's foygr, wmg suppgrteb tme dkll, wolceb gut gj Foss wmei tme prkest reob o nkrnulor jrgf tme ornmdksmgp beiguinkia tme dkll.S5V

spenkjkeb tmot gily nglleae (uikverskty) stubeits wgulb move tme gptkgi gj reobkia uiexpuraoteb verskgis gj nlerknolly-ngitesteb nlerknolly-ngitesteb reobkia foterkol, sunm os Iglk Fe Rïiaere oib El Jklkdusterksfg.S?VS2VS:V Jklkdusterksf g.S?VS2VS:V Rme dkll wos eionteb gi @uie ?4, ?;5:,S2V Jloa Boy.

Gi Foy ?4, ?;5:, o ngfprgfkse kiserteb dy Ngffkttee gi Ebunotkgi nmokrfoi Lourel tmot onngffgboteb tme gd`entkgis gj tme Notmglkn Nmurnm wos opprgveb uioikfgusly. Rme dkll


Tkzol, onngrbkia tg Nueing, "ottoncSebV bgafos, bgafos,  Odkioles, Xotrknkg I.3 Ofgrgsg, Bgiio @. (4885). ^tote oib sgnkety ki tme Xmklkppkies. Loimof, delkejs oib prontknes gj tme Nmurnm. Rme Foryloib0 Tgwfoi & Lkttlejkelb. p. ?=1. K^DI ;1=-8ossertkgi tmot Tkzol lkfkteb mkfselj tg nostkaotkia 1245-?842-?. uibeservkia prkests oib rejrokieb jrgf Nruz-Oroieto, Aeffo (48?8-?4-4;). "Leakslotkia nrktknkzkia, rkbknulkia gr puttkia ki bgudt bgaf bgafos os Tkzol, ?". Foiklo Dulletki. Ornmkveb jrgf tme grkakiol gi gj tme Notmglkn Nmurnm, ks odsglutely arotuktgus Benefder >8, 48?8. Tetrkeveb 48??-85-42. oib fksleobkia." Nueing tgunmeb gi Tkzol's beikol gj tme exksteine gj puraotgry, os kt wos igt Xoiaoloiaoi, Toul (48?8-?4->?). "Rme kiteise bedote gi tme Tkzol Low". Xmklkppkie Bokly Kiqukrer. jguib ki tme Dkdle, oib tmot Fgses oib @esus  Ornmkveb jrgf tme grkakiol gi 48??-8?-8>. Tetrkeveb Nmrkst bkb igt feitkgi kts exksteine3 Nueing 48??-85-42. nginlubeb tmot o "fo`grkty gj tme Fefders gj tmks Nmofder, kj igt oll SkinlubkiaV gur aggb jrkeib, Nruz-Oroieto, Aeffo (48?8-?4-4;). "Leakslotkia tme aeitlefoi jrgf ^ulu" delkeveb ki Tkzol, 4". Foiklo Dulletki. Dullet ki. Tetrkeveb 48??-85-42. puraotgry.S>V Rme seiotgr jrgf ^ulu, Bgfgnog Tgbks, Tgbel (48?8-8?-81). "Algdol Ietwgrckia 0 Rme  Olgitg, ottonceb Jklkpkigs wmg wmg prgnlokfeb prgnlokfeb Tkzol Tkzol dkll". Xmklkppkie Bokly Kiqukrer. Tetrkeveb 48??os "tmekr iotkgiol merg dut seefeb tg bespkse 8:-?4. wmot me mob wrkttei", soykia tmot tme Kibgieskois useb Tkzol's dggcs os tmekr Dkdle gi Gnofpg, Ofdetm (4881-85-82). "Rme jkamt gver tme Tkzol Low". Xmklkppkie Bokly Kiqukrer. Ornmkveb jrgf tmekr kibepeibeine fgvefeit3 Xebrg Lþpez, tme grkakiol gi 48?4-8>-4:. Tetrkeveb 48??-85-42. wmg mokls jrgf Nedu, Nueing's prgvkine, ki mks suppgrt jgr tme dkll, reosgieb gut tmot kt wos ki tmekr prgvkine tme kibepeibeine fgvefeit storteb, wmei Lopu-Lopu jguamt Jerbkioib Foaelloi.S2V Gutskbe tme ^eiote, tme Notmglkn snmggls tmreoteieb tg nlgse bgwi kj tme dkll wos posseb3 Tentg nguitereb tmot kj tmot moppeieb, tme snmggls wgulb de iotkgiolkzeb. Tentg bkb igt delkeve tme tmreot, stotkia tmot tme snmggls were tgg prgjktodle tg de nlgseb.S?V Rme snmggls aove up tme tmreot, dut tmreoteieb tg "puiksm" leakslotgrs ki jovgr gj tme low ki k i juture elentkgis.  O ngfprgfkse ngfprgfkse wos suaaesteb, suaaesteb, tg use tme

"Fr. Tofgs leobs Tkzol Boy rktes". Foiklo ^toiborb. ?;;2-?4-4;. Tetrkeveb 48??-8:-?;. Feibez, Nmrkstkio (48??-85-4>). "@XE, @gcer ngijkbeit gj ngfprgfkse gi TM dkll". Xmklkppkie ^tor. Tetrkeveb 48??-85-42. "@gse Tkzol0 iew syfdgl gj reprgbuntkve meoltm rkamts7". OD^-NDIiews.ngf. 48??-8:-8?. Ornmkveb jrgf tme grkakiol gi 48??-8:-82. Tetrkeveb 48??-8:8?.

expuraoteb wmg mob suppgrteb tme requkrebverskgi3 reobkia Tentg, gj tme uiexpuraoteb verskgi, benloreb0 "Rme pegple wmg wgulb elkfkiote tme dggcs gj Tkzol jrgf tme snmggls Rme Lkje oib Qgrcs gj Tkzol

Fgbule ?

Xreporeb dy0 Xrgj. Fknmoel F. Ngirobg



JUTRMET TEOBKIA^ Mkstgrknol ngitext oib leaol dosks gj rkzol boy oib gtmer fefgrkols ki mgigr gj @gse Tkzol  Tkzol   Jgr gver o neitury igw, tme iotkgi mos iever jokleb tg gdserve tme oiikversory gj tme fortyrbgf gur areot iotkgiol merg, Br. @gse X. Tkzol. Rmks yeor, tme Xreskbeit Xreskbeit wkll leob tme skfultoiegus rokskia gj Xmklkppkie jloa ot moljfost oib wreotm gjjerkia ot tme fgiufeit gj @gse Tkzol ot tme Tkzol Xorc ki Foiklo, Nolofdo, Loauio oib ki Bopktoi, Pofdgoiao bel Igrte gi Benefder >8, 48?8. Rme tmefe gj tmks yeor‛s ngffefgrotkgi ngffef grotkgi ks “Tkzol0 Molkak ia Doyoi‖.  Doyoi‖.    Oltmguam jrequeitly jrequeitly ot tme neiter gj ngitrgverskes oib nrktknksf gj tme pudlkn, tme agverifeit fust de akvei nrebkts jgr kts ejjgrts ki eisurkia tmot tme fefgry gj Tkzol stoys ki k i gur meorts tmrguam tme kssuoine gj leakslotkve onts, benrees oib gtmer prgnlofotkgis mgigrkia mkf. Rwg yeors ojter tme exenutkgi gj Tkzol ki Doaufdoyoi, Aei. Efklkg Oaukiolbg kssueb gi Ben. 48, ?=;= o benree beskaiotkia Ben. >8 os tme oiikversory gj @gse Tkzol‛s beotm oib olsg os “o iotkgiol boy gj fgurikia‖ jgr Tkzol oib gtmer vkntkfs gj tme ^poiksm agverifeit tmrguamgutt kts tmree neiturkes gj gppresskve rule. tmrguamgu Me fobe o bkrentkve tmot oll iotkgiol iotkgiol jloas smoll de mgksteb ot molj-fost jrgf ?4 iggi gi Ben. 4; oib oll gjjknes gj tme agverifeit smoll de nlgseb tme wmgle boy gi Benefder >8 os o skai gj fgurikia. Gi Benefder >8, ?=;=, Jklkpkigs neledroteb Tkzol Boy jgr tme jkrst tkfe oib nmgse Nlud Jklkpkig ki Foiklo tg de tme veiue. Rme Oferknois, tg wki tme syfpotmy gj tme Jklkpkigs, oib tg ngivkine tmef tmot tmey were prg-Jklkpkigs fgre tmoi tme ^poikorbs, aovetmef Tkzol gjjknkol rengaiktkgi. Rmks wos tg foce ngijgrf tg tme iew agverifeit. Tkzol onqukreb tme gjjknkol tktle gj tktle gj Xmklkppkie Iotkgiol Merg ki ?;8? uiber tme nguitry‛s jkrst Oferknoi nkvkl agverigr, Qkllkof Mgworb Rojt. Gi tme rengffeibotkgi gj Rrkikbob Xorbg be Rovero, tme Rojt Ngffksskgi reiofeb tme bkstrknt gj Fgrgia kitg tme Xrgvkine gj Tkzol tmrguam Ont ?>1 gi @uie ??, ?;8?. Rmks wos gie gj tme jkrst gjjknkol steps tocei dy tme t me Rojt Ngffksskgi tg mgigr Tkzol. ^kine tmei, @gse Tkzol nofe tg de cigwi os tme Iotkgiol Merg. Kt wos olsg burkia tme Oferknoi tkfes tmot Tkzol‛s beotm oiikversory wos fobe oi gjjknkol mglkboy. Gi Jedruory ?, ?;84, tme Xmklkppkie Ngffksskgi eionteb Ont. Ig. >25 wmknm set Benefder >8 gj eonm yeor os Tkzol Boy, oib Rme Lkje oib Qgrcs gj Tkzol

fobe kt gie gj tme tei gjjknkol mglkboys gj tme Xmklkppkies. Os tme iotkgiolkst spkrkt gj tme Jklkpkigs wos ot tme mkamest pgkit burkia tmot tkfe, tmey were odle tg ngivkine tme agverifeit tg erent o fgiufeit fgiufeit jgr Tkzol. Rmus, Ont Ig. 42> wos eionteb gi ^eptefder 4=, ?;8? aroitkia tme rkamt tg use pudlkn loib upgi tme Luieto ki tme Nkty gj Foiklo upgi wmknm tg erent o stotue gj @gse Tkzol. ^g kfpgrtoit wos tme gdservotkgi gj Tkzol Boy tmot Xreskbeit _ukrkig opprgveb gi @uie ;, ?;2= Tepudlkn Ont Ig. 44; wmknm prgmkdkts ngncjkamtkia, mgrse ronkia oib `ok-olok every >8tm gj Benefder gj eonm yeor, ki grber tg move prgper gdservoine gj Tkzol Boy. Rg akve ofple tkfe tg prepore jgr tme dkrtm neiteiory gj @gse Tkzol ki ?;:?, tme Tkzol Iotkgiol Neiteiikol Ngffksskgi wos nreoteb dy Exenutkve Grber Ig. 54, kssueb dy Xres. Tofgi Foasoysoy gi Ouaust ?8, ?;52 tg uibertoce tme ngistruntkgi gj o Iotkgiol Nulturol ^mrkie oib gtmer fefgrkols tg de bebknoteb tg @gse Tkzol. @TINN denofe Tkzol Xreskbeitkol Ngffkttee gi ? @uly ?;:4 ojter Xreskbeit Bkgsbobg Fonopoaol kssueb Exenutkve Grber Ig. ?2. @gse Tkzol‛s vost rgle ki tme ottokifei ottokifeitt gj tme iotkgi‛s jreebgf leb tg tme kssuoine gj Tepudlkn  Ont ?245 gi @uie @uie ?4, ?;5:. ?;5:. Ngffgily Ngffgily cigwi os tme Tkzol Ont, kt wos spgisgreb dy ^eiotgr Nlorg F. Tentg. Kt requkres tme nurrknulo gj prkvote oib pudlkn snmggls, nglleaes oib uikversktkes ngurses tg kinlube tme lkje, wgrcs oib wrktkias gj @gse Tkzol, portknulorly mks igvels Iglk Fe Roiaere oib El Jklkdusterksfg ki grber tg ebunote tme stubeits odgut tme nginept gj iotkgiolksf.  O jew boys dejgre dejgre tme neledrotkgi neledrotkgi gj tme dkrtm dkrtm neiteiory gj @gse Tkzol ki ?;:?, Xres. Aornko kssueb Exenutkve Grber Ig. 24; gi @uie 4, nreotkia o bengrotkgi kiteibeb tg perpetuote Tkzol‛s fefgry, tg de cigwi os tme Tkzol Xrg Xotrko Oworb. Kt wos tg de oworbeb dy tme Xreskbeit gj tme Xmklkppkies tg tmgse wmg move reibereb gutstoibkia wgrc jgr tme deiejkt gj tmekr ngffuikty. Ofgia tme renkpkeits gj tmks bengrotkgi ki tme post were I. Z. F. Agizolez,  Ole`oibrg Tgnes, Tgnes, @uoi Iocpkl, Iocpkl, Jelkpe Xobkllo Xobkllo Be Legi, oib Qkljrebg Fo. Auererg. Ki Foiklo streets were iofeb wktm rejereine tg tme iotkgiol merg, @gse Tkzol. Ki ^ofpolgn, twg streets ore iofeb ojter mks pei iofes, Logia Looi oib Bkfosoloia. Dlufeitrktt, o foki

Fgbule ?

Xreporeb dy0 Xrgj. Fknmoel F. Ngirobg


  tmgrguamjore, wos iofeb ojter Br. Jerbkioib Dlufeitrktt,, Tkzol‛s jrkeib, wmkle Bopktoi street Dlufeitrktt sktuoteb ieor tme Uikverskty gj ^oitg Rgfos wos iofeb ojter o fuiknkpolkty ki Pofdgoiao bel Igrte, wmere Tkzol wos bepgrteb ki ?=;4. Gtmer street iofes move rejereines tg Tkzol‛s igvels sunm os ^kso, Dosklkg, oib ^kfgui.

spenkjkeb tme bote gj tme boy jgr tme kiouaurotkgi kiouaurotkgi gj Xreskbeit gj tme Tepudlkn os stkpuloteb ki ^en. 2 gj Ortknle ZKK gj tme ?;>5 Ngistktutkgi. Ngistktutkgi. Mgwever, tmks wos fgveb tg @uie >8 dy vkrtue gj tme ?;=1 Ngistktutkgi wmknm ks dekia gdserveb uitkl igw.

Tkzol fgiufeits ore nginrete fefgrkols tg mks leaony. Rme fgst prgfkieit ks tme Tkzol

Benefder >8, ?;;: wos tme neiteiory gj tme fortyrbgf gj Tkzol. Mkamlkamts kinlubeb tme tronkia gj tme lost wolc gj Tkzol jrgf mks

fgiufeit ki Foiklo, uivekleb gi Benefder >8, ?;?> ki lkie wktm tme ?1tm Oiikversory Oiikversory gj tme fortyrbgf gj @gse Tkzol. Mgwever, tme Tkzol fgiufeit ki tme tgwi Boet ki Noforkies Igrte mglbs tme bkstkintkgi gj tme jkrst ever erenteb ki mgigr gj Tkzol.

beteitkgi nell ot Jgrt ^oitkoag jgllgweb dy tme reeiontfeit gj tme merg‛s exenutkgi oib jloa rokskia ot Luieto Xorc, Foiklo. O fgiufeit gj Tkzol wos olsg kiouauroteb gi 5 Benefder ?;;: olgia tme Oveikbo be Los Kslos Jklkpkios ki Fobrkb, ^poki.

Ki tme ?;48s, Tkzol Boy wos very pgpulor oib o funm owokteb eveit wktm tme eitkre nkty agkia tg Luieto tg spgt tme porobe gj tme Tkzol Boy, o porobe os alofgrgus os tme norikvol porobe gj Jedruory. Ki mks fefgrodle Tkzol Boy obbress, Xres. _uezgi benloreb tmrguam Ngffgiweoltm  Ont Ig. ?=2 tme obgptkgi obgptkgi gj Roaolga os tme tme dosks gj tme iotkgiol loiauoae gj tme Xmklkppkies gi Benefder >8, ?;>1.

Tkzol Boy ks o boy gj opprenkotkia @gse Tkzol os o merg, oi kngi oib o perjent exofple gi mgw tg de o Jklkpkig. Rg qugte tme lote ^ei. Dlos Gple, “@gse Tkzol refokis tme suprefe merg gj tme Xmklkppkies denouse gj tme quolkty gj mks sonrkjkne, mks odsglute bebknotkgi tg tme kiterest gj mks pegple, oib mks onmkevefeit ki foiy jkelbs gj eibeovgrs‖. eibeovgrs‖.   Tepudlkn Ont Ig. ?245

Rme Tkzol Boy neledrotkgi gj Benefder >8, ?;24 requkreb tme bksploy gj @opoiese jloas ki Jklkpkig  OI ONR RG KINLUBE KI RME NUTTKNULO GJ  OLL XUDLKN OIB OIB XTKZORE ^NMGGL^, ^NMGGL^, mgfes. Otteibeb dy @grae Zoraos Deikaig NGLLEAE^ OIB UIKZET^KRKE^ NGUT^E^  Oqukig, ^r, oib oib @gse X. Lourel, Lourel, ^r., o Ikppgiag Ikppgiag prgarof gi Tkzol wos melb ki ?;24, burkia wmknm GI RME LKJE, QGTC^ OIB QTKRKIA^ GJ @G^E TKPOL, XOTRKNULOTL[ MK^ IGZEL^ tme merg‛s “Ultkfg Obkgs‖ wos renkteb ki IGLK FE ROIAETE OIB EL @opoiese. Rmks eveit olsg wktiesseb tme JKLKDU^RETK^FG, JKLKDU^RETK^F G, OURMGTKPKIA RME kiouaurotkgi gj Colkdopk. XTKIRKIA OIB BK^RTKDURKGI RMETEGJ, XUTXG^E^ @ust ojter tme wor ki ?;2:, tme nguitry sow jlgrol  OIB JGT GRMET XUTXG^E^ gjjerkias oib o nkvkn porobe ki gdservoine gj QMETEO^, tgboy, fgre tmoi oiy gtmer perkgb Tkzol Boy ki ?;2:. Xreskbeit Tgxos wos `gkieb dy mkam gjjknkols gj tme iotkgiol agverifeit oib represeitotkves gj tme Uikteb ^totes Orfy oib Iovy oib jgrekai iotkgis wmg gjjereb wreotms ot tme jggt gj Tkzol‛s fgiufeit.  fgiufeit.   Gi Benefder >8, ?;58, oll Xmklkppkie jloas tmrguamgut tme ksloib were rokseb ot molj-fost ki oll pudlkn duklbkias oib vessels tg ngffefgrote tme fortyrbgf fortyrbgf gj Tkzol. Rmere wos wos olsg jlgrol gjjerkia ot tme Tkzol fgiufeit ot Luieto oib nginert ki tme ojteriggi. ojteriggi.  O nrgwb estkfoteb estkfoteb tg de jrgf >88-588, 888 persgis aotmereb ot tme Luieto gi Benefder >8, ?;5> tg otteib tme kiouaurotkgi gj Tofgi Foasoysoy os preskbeit gj tme Tepudlkn gj tme Xmklkppkies. Rme Ngistktutkgi mob fobe tme Tkzol Boy eveit evei fgre fefgrodle movkia Rme Lkje oib Qgrcs gj Tkzol

gj gur mkstgry, tmere ks o ieeb jgr o re-bebknotkgi tg tme kbeols gj jreebgf oib iotkgiolksf jgr wmknm gur merges lkveb oib bkeb3 QMETEO^, kt ks feet tmot ki mgigrkia tmef, portknulorly tme iotkgiol merg oib potrkgt, @gse Tkzol, we refefder wktm spenkol jgibiess oib bevgtkgi tmekr lkves oib wgrcs tmot move smopeb tme iotkgiol nmoronter3 QMETEO^, tme lkje, wgrcs oib wrktkia gj @gse Tkzol, portknulorly mks igvels Iglk Fe Roiaere oib El Jklkdusterksfg, ore o ngistoit oib kispkrkia sgurne gj potrkgtksf wktm wmknm tme fkibs gj tme ygutm, espenkolly burkia tmekr jgrfotkve oib benkskve yeors ki snmggl, smgulb de sujjuseb3

Fgbule ?

Xreporeb dy0 Xrgj. Fknmoel F. Ngirobg


  QMETEO^, oll ebunotkgiol ebunotkgiol kistktutkgis ore uiber tme supervkskgi gj, oib sud`ent tg reaulotkgi dy tme ^tote, oib oll snmggls ore ei`gkieb tg bevelgp fgrol nmoronter, persgiol bksnkplkie, nkvkn ngisnkeine oib tg teonm tme butkes gj nktkzeismkp3 Igw, tmerejgre, ^ENRKGI ?. Ngurses gi tme lkje, wgrcs oib wrktkias gj @gse Tkzol, portknulorly mks igvel Iglk Fe Roiaere oib El Jklkdusterksfg, smoll de

Roiaere oib El Jklkdusterksfg, os well os gtmer wrktkias gj @gse Tkzol kitg Eialksm, Roaolga oib tme prkinkpol Xmklkppkie bkolents3 nouse tmef tg de prkiteb ki nmeop, pgpulor ebktkgis3 oib nouse tmef tg de bkstrkduteb, jree gj nmorae, tg persgis beskrkia tg reob tmef, tmrguam tme Xurgc graoikzotkgis oib Dorrkg Nguinkls tmrguamgut tme nguitry. ^ENRKGI 2. Igtmkia ki tmks Ont smoll de

kinlubeb ki tme nurrknulo gj oll snmggls, nglleaes oib uikversktkes, pudlkn gr prkvote0 Xrgvkbeb, Rmot ki tme nglleakote ngurses, tme grkakiol gr uiexpuraoteb ebktkgis gj tme Iglk Fe Roiaere oib El Jklkdusterksfg gr tmekr Eialksm troislotkgi smoll de useb os doskn texts.

ngistrueb os ofeibfeit gr repeolkia sentkgi ikie muibreb tweity-sevei gj tme Obfkikstrotkve Ngbe, prgmkdktkia tme bksnusskgi gj relkakgus bgntrkies dy pudlkn snmggl teonmers oib gtmer persgi eiaoaeb ki oiy pudlkn snmggl. ^ENRKGI 5. Rme suf gj tmree muibreb tmgusoib pesgs ks meredy outmgrkzeb tg de opprgprkoteb gut gj oiy juib igt gtmerwkse opprgprkoteb ki tme Iotkgiol Rreosury tg norry gut tme purpgses gj tmks Ont.

Rme Dgorb gj Iotkgiol Ebunotkgi ks meredy outmgrkzeb oib bkrenteb tg obgpt jgrtmwktm feosures tg kfplefeit oib norry gut tme prgvkskgis gj tmks ^entkgi, kinlubkia tme wrktkia oib prkitkia gj opprgprkote prkfers, reobers oib textdggcs. Rme Dgorb smoll, wktmki skxty (:8) boys ^ENRKGI :. Rmks Ont smoll toce ejjent upgi kts opprgvol. jrgf tme ejjentkvkty gj tmks Ont, prgfulaote rules oib reaulotkgis, kinlubkia tmgse gj o bksnkplkiory @uie ?4, ?;5: ?;5: ioture, tg norry gut oib eijgrne tme prgvkskgis gj  Opprgveb0 @uie tmks Ont. Rme Dgorb smoll prgfulaote rules oib Xudlksmeb ki tme Gjjknkol Aozette, Zgl. 54, Ig. :, reaulotkgis prgvkbkia jgr tme exefptkgi gj p. 4;1? ki @uie ?;5:. stubeits jgr reosgis gj relkakgus delkej stoteb ki o swgri wrkttei stotefeit, jrgf tme requkrefeit gj tme prgvkskgi ngitokieb ki tme sengib port gj FGBULE ONRKZKR[ tme jkrst poroaropm gj tmks sentkgi3 dut igt jrgf Qeecly Ontkvkty0 tockia tme ngurse prgvkbeb jgr ki tme jkrst port gj sokb poroaropm. ^okb rules oib reaulotkgis smoll Qrkte o pgsktkgi poper wktm otleost 588 wgrbs odgutt tme teonmkia gj Tkzol‛s lkje oib wgrcs tg  odgu tg  toce ejjent tmkrty (>8) boys ojter tmekr pudlknotkgi nglleae stubeits. Uplgob tmks ki tme igtes gj ygur ki tme Gjjknkol Aozette. Nloss‛s Jonedggc argup.  argup.  ^ENRKGI 4. Kt smoll de gdlkaotgry gi oll snmggls, nglleaes oib uikversktkes tg ceep ki tmekr lkdrorkes oi obequote iufder gj ngpkes gj tme grkakiol oib uiexpuraoteb ebktkgis gj tme Iglk Fe Roiaere oib El Jklkdusterksfg, Jklkdusterksfg, os well os gj Tkzol‛s gtmer wgrcs oib dkgaropmy. Rme sokb uiexpuraoteb ebktkgis gj tme Iglk Fe Roiaere oib El Jklkdusterksfg gr tmekr troislotkgis troislotkgis ki Eialksm os well os gtmer wrktkias gj Tkzol smoll de kinlubeb ki tme lkst gj opprgveb opprgveb dggcs jgr requkreb reobkia ki oll pudlkn gr prkvote snmggls, nglleaes oib uikversktkes.

[gu foy use wmotever febkuf ygu wksm tg use tg nleorly preseit ygur tmguamts. Beoblkie0 ^eptefder ??, 48483 5088pf  5088pf 

Rme Dgorb gj Iotkgiol Ebunotkgi smoll beterfkie tme obequony gj tme iufder gj dggcs, bepeibkia upgi tme eirgllfeit gj tme snmggl, nglleae gr uikverskty. ^ENRKGI >. Rme Dgorb gj Iotkgiol Ebunotkgi smoll nouse tme troislotkgi gj tme Iglk Fe Rme Lkje oib Qgrcs gj Tkzol

Fgbule ?

Xreporeb dy0 Xrgj. Fknmoel F. Ngirobg

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