The Level of Grammatical Competence of Fourth Graduating Students
Short Description
A study about the level of the grammatical for the graduating students. Including the teaching methodologies of teachers...
Submitted by: Bi#"o"!o$ Eri"a 'oi F( Ma#ino$ Dolore# R( Balatero$ '!on Da)e L( Mala*anan$ C!ri#tian Lo+e,$ '%l%i# P(
Chapter I Introduction
C%rri"%l%m -or t!e rad%atin #t%dent# re.%ire# rammar #!o%ld *e +art o- t!eir /no0lede a# a +art o- t!eir learnin at #"!ool( A# a +rere.%i#ite$ rammar !a# *een ta%!t in !i! #"!ool and at ot!er #"!ool a# 0ell( In lin%i#ti"#$ rammar i# t!e #et o- #tr%"t%ral r%le# o)ernin t!e "om+o#ition o- "la%#e#$ +!ra#e#$ and 0ord# in an& i)en nat%ral lan%ae( T!e term re-er# al#o to t!e #t%d& o- #%"! r%le#$ and t!i# 1eld in"l%de# mor+!olo&$ #&nta2$ and +!onolo&$ o-ten "om+lemented *& +!oneti"#$ #emanti"#$ and +ramati"#( Al#o$ rammati"al "om+eten"e i# t!e a*ilit& to re"oni,e and +rod%"e t!e di#tin"ti)e rammati"al #tr%"t%re# o- a lan%ae and to %#e t!em e3e"ti)el& in "omm%ni"ation( So$ 0!& #t%d& rammar4 5!en &o% #t%d& rammar$ &o% are #t%d&in t!e #tr%"t%re o- lan%ae#$ and learnin a*o%t !o0 lan%ae# 0or/( Grammar all *& it#el- 0ill not ma/e &o% a ood 0riter or a reader( T!e a""%ra"& in t!e #enten"e de+end# on t!e learner6# ma#ter& and /no0lede o- rammar( Grammar i# *elie)ed to *e t!e mo#t im+ortant -a"tor in term# o- lan%ae( So 0!& are t!ere "a#e# a*o%t t!e 0ron rammar o- t!e #t%dent#4 In #ome "a#e#$ t!e& are not -amiliar 0it! t!e 0ord# %#ed in a +arti"%lar #enten"e$ or t!e& reall& do not !a)e intere#t# in #t%d&in rammar( Alt!o%! in toda&7# "%rrent #it%ation$ rammar !a# *een t!o%!t to #t%dent# t!oro%!l& *& t!e tea"!er#$ *%t #t%dent# "!oo#e to +a& a little attention to it( 5it! t!e#e$ t!e #tat%# o- t!e rammati"al "om+eten"& o- t!e rad%atin #t%dent# doe#n6t !a)e t!e a##%ran"e -or t!e ad)an"ed le)el o- rammar(
A""ordin to 5illiam B( Brad#!a0$ an a%t!or o- a rammar *oo/ #a t!at reardle## o- t!e "o%ntr& or t!e lan%ae$ rammar i# t!e -o%ndation -or "omm%ni"ation( T!e *etter t!e rammar$ t!e "learer t!e me##ae$ t!e more li/eli!ood o- %nder#tandin t!e me##ae6# intent and meanin( Hen"e$ i- &o% do not /no0 t!e +ro+er %#ae o- rammar and i- &o% don6t #t%d& to !a)e t!e eno%! /no0lede a*o%t rammar &o% 0ill /ee+ ma/in t!e #ame mi#ta/e# o)er and o)er aain( So t!e im+ortan"e o- rammar i# t!at to en#%re t!at 0!at &o% 0rite i# "orre"tl& "om+re!ended and i# ea#& and en8o&a*le to read( 5ritin t!at i# +oorl& +%n"t%ated and "ontain# rammati"al error# i# di9"%lt to read and #ometime# im+o##i*le to %nder#tand( I- t!e reader !a# to o *a"/ and re:read a #enten"e #e)eral time# *e"a%#e t!e& are not .%ite #%re 0!at it mean#$ it #+oil# t!eir readin e2+erien"e and t!e& are .%ite li/el& to mi#%nder#tand t!e +oint or e)en to i)e %+ and not read an& -%rt!er( A""ordin to Sara! Bron#on$ an eHo0 "ontri*%tor$ no matter 0!at lan%ae &o% %#e to #+ea/ or 0rite$ %#in "orre"t rammar not onl& !el+# &o% "omm%ni"ate more e3e"ti)el& and +re"i#el&$ *%t al#o !el+# &o% a)oid em*arra##ment( Aro%nd t!e 0orld$ "orre"t rammar i# an indi"ation t!at t!e #+ea/er or 0riter i# an ed%"ated +er#on 0!o %nder#tand# t!e n%an"e# o- t!e lan%ae$ 0!ile rammar error# "an indi"ate t!at &o% are not -o"%#in on &o%r 0ord# or$ 0or#e$ t!at &o% do not %nder#tand t!e me"!ani"# o- &o%r o0n lan%ae( T!e rea#on 0!& 0e "ond%"ted t!e re#ear"! i# to determine t!e le)el o- t!e rammati"al "om+eten"ie# o- t!e -o%rt! &ear #t%dent#$ and to !el+ o%r -ello0 rad%atin #t%dent# to e2tend t!eir /no0lede o- rammar( T!i# re#ear"! ma& !el+ t!e #t%dent#$ tea"!er# and al#o t!e re#ear"!er# to an#0er t!eir .%e#tion# a*o%t 0!& i# t!ere a 0ron rammar o- t!e #t%dent# and to im+ro)e t!e #t%dent#6 rammar(
Research Questions
T!e #t%d& aimed to determine t!e le)el o- t!e rammati"al "om+eten"ie# o- t!e #t%dent# amon t!e -o%rt! &ear rad%atin #t%dent# o- Bernardo Lirio Memorial National Hi! S"!ool( S+e"i1"all& t!e #t%d& #o%!t to an#0er t!e -ollo0in; :>J t!e admini#tration o- L&"e%m o- t!e P!ili++ine# Uni)er#it& de"ided to terminate rammar #%*8e"t# o- CTIHM @Collee o- To%ri#m and International Ho#+italit& Manaement in t!eir "%rri"%l%m to add a ne0 #%*8e"t related to HRM @Hotel and Re#ta%rant manaement$ 0it! t!e a##%m+tion t!at t!e #t%dent# are alread& +ro1"ient eno%! in Enli#! #in"e rammar i# alread& t!o%!t d%rin t!eir !i! #"!ool &ear#( In t!i# reard t!e re#ear"!er 0o%ld t!en determine t!e "om+eten"e o- CTIHM #t%dent# #in"e t!e Non:CTIHM #t%dent# retain t!eir rammar "la##e#( Ho0e)er$ *ot! "ollee ro%+# 0ill ta/e ENGLA @5ritin in t!e di#"i+line( T!i# #t%d& anal&,ed t!e "om+eten"& le)el o- ENGNA #t%dent# in t!eir %#e o- arti"le# in 0ritten di#"o%r#e( S+e"i1"all& t!e #t%d& #o%!t to an#0er t!e -ollo0in; @ Doe# t!e ne0 "%rri"%l%m a3e"t t!e #t%dent6# "om+eten"& le)el in t!e %#e o- t!e Enli#! arti"le #tem4 @? I# t!ere a relation#!i+ *et0een t!e re#+ondent#6 +ro1le 0it! t!eir "om+eten"& le)el4 Ea"! re#+ondent 0a# i)en a .%e#tionnaire +atterned -rom Cam*ride Uni)er#it& ESOL te#t in rammar to e2amine t!eir +ro1"ien"&( T!e #"ore# 0ere mea#%red a""ordin to t!e K%*e" S"ale o- Com+eten"e to "lari-& t!eir le)el# in Enli#! lan%ae( T!e re#%lt# o- t!e #t%d& "an *e %#ed a# a *a#i# -or de)elo+in t!e "%rri"%l%m and "o%ld al#o *e %#e-%l in tea"!in arti"le# in "la##room di#"o%r#e( It i# al#o *ene1"ial to -%t%re re#ear"!er 0!o aim# to #t%d& #&nta2 and mor+!olo&(
Re*ated Study
FROM GRAMMATICAL COMPETENCE TO GRAMMATICALLY CORRECT PERFORMANCE; AN EMPIRICAL STUDY 5ITH REGARD TO THE ENGLISH FUTURE TENSE SYSTEM( B& S"!neider$ El/e( Ma#ter7# T!e#i#$ Miami Uni)er#it&( T!i# t!e#i# -o"%#e# on t!e tran#-era*ilit& o- rammati"al "om+eten"e to rammati"all& "orre"t +er-orman"e in t!e -%t%re ten#e in Common Grammar Mi#ta/e# T!at @Almo#t E)er&one Ma/e#
http://lit,eacto,.com/columns/02common2g,amma,2 mistaes2that2almost2eve,yone2gets2w,ongpage4. 'an%ar& ?( •
Ben#/&$ Pat( 5!& i# it im+ortant to %#e "orre"t rammar4
http://www.t,ace,p,,efe,ence/why2is2co,,ect2 g,amma,2impo,tant.php. •
National Co%n"il o- Tea"!er# in Enli#!$ Ronald 'o*a and Poll& Bro0n T!e Enli#! 'o%rnal Vol( Q:>? http://www.6sto,.o,g/stale/i3383
http://www.6sto,.o,g/discove,/10.307/17013 sid411018803;uid4J( • • •
http://inst,,iting/wg/why.htm %eddes , %rosset. Webster’s Dictionary and Thesaurus. 2--. (rint.
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