The Law of Attraction Made Easy by Liam Hill

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“The Law Of Attraction Made Easy” By Liam Hill

CONTENTS: Introduction What Is The Law Of Attraction And How Do I Use It To Succeed? A Step-By-Step Guide To The Law Of Attraction The Law Of Attraction And Visualization How To Use The Law Of Attraction For Your Health The Law Of Attraction In Love And Relationships Gratitude And The Law of Attraction Vision Boards Quantum Physics The Scientific Laws Of Attraction The Law Of Attraction In The Bible Powerful Law Of Attraction Exercises Advanced Law Of Attraction Techniques Problems People Have With The Law of Attraction Famous Law of Attraction Personalities Inspirational Quotes For The Law of Attraction In Conclusion


Have you ever felt as if you were missing some important thing you needed to do in order to make your life work right? Perhaps you're working hard but not making the money you need or are following all sorts of dating advice but aren't meeting anyone you want to spend time with. After a while, you get frustrated, angry or depressed because things just don't seem to turn around for you no matter what you do. If you're reading this book, you probably have felt that way. And you're right; you are missing something essential. What you're missing is a solid understanding of the law of attraction, which determines who and what is in your life. If you never seem to get what you really want and need, you're probably attracting the wrong things into your life without realizing it. The good news is that you can learn the principles behind the law of attraction and turn things around for yourself. It isn't hard to make the changes law of attraction requires of you. In fact, you've already begun doing so. Your desire to improve your life has attracted this book to you, and if you use what you find within these pages things will quickly get better for you. You may have heard of the law of attraction before; lots of people who are into new age philosophy refer to it. Don't let the fact that it's a popular buzzword scare you. Law of attraction isn't magic, at least not in the sense that most people think of the word. You don't have to just do one simple thing and then wait around for riches, fame and love to come to you. While the law of attraction involves making simple changes to your thoughts to

attract more of what you want, it is not a one-step cure or a getrich-quick scheme. You'll have to make some effort to get what you want. However, it won't feel like work; you'll be doing one thing after another that you love, moving towards your goals with the self-confidence needed to achieve truly amazing things.

On its surface, however, the law of attraction is simple. It may seem too easy to you, and you may find yourself wondering if it can really work. It's important not to give in to this kind of doubt. You don't have to believe that the law of attraction works in order for it to work; all you have to do is try it and see. Almost as soon as you begin using it, you'll see dramatic changes. You'll easily achieve goals that previously seemed out of your reach, you'll feel more confident and depression or anxiety will vanish. These changes will encourage you to keep moving forward in your new ways, and the more you use law of attraction, the better your life will get. It also works the opposite way, however; if you stop doing the things you'll learn in the coming pages, your life will get worse again. That's why it's so important to avoid giving in to doubt and fear as you read this book. The law of attraction is a lifestyle and philosophy rather than a self-help technique. You'll learn all sorts of ways to change your thinking to help you get what you want, but that's only the beginning of what the law of attraction can do for you. Embedded within the pages of this book are powerful tips and advice for how to live a good life. You'll find yourself changing in many ways, always for the better. Your whole belief system will change; you'll discover that you are far more powerful than you believed and that you live in a universe that supports your

every dream. As you achieve success, the quality of your dreams will increase. You'll no longer focus your energy on achieving insignificant things like earning enough money to keep up with your neighbours. Instead, you'll start wanting to work towards life's higher purposes. You'll take one action after another to achieve health and happiness for yourself and your family; in addition, you'll begin dreaming bigger and bigger dreams. As you use the law of attraction, you'll realize that nothing is truly impossible; you're limited only by your own heart's desires and by your imagination. You're probably eager to get started, but first you need some information about how this book is organized. The book starts at the beginning and presumes that you know nothing about the law of attraction whatsoever. Even if you've heard of this philosophy before, take the time to read the introductory information; it'll give you a good foundation for everything that's to come. The rest of the book gives you tips for putting law of attraction into practice as well as exercises you can do. Again, it's important to go slowly and work through each exercise. Don't move on to the next chapter until you've completely mastered the information in the previous one. Each chapter builds on what you've already learned, and the exercises get progressively more difficult, so it's important to take your time in order to get what you need. That doesn't mean that this is a book you can read once and ignore, however. The Law of attraction is a process; there's always something more to learn, and there are times where you're going to go off course and need a refresher. After you finish the book, you should read it once every few months again, doing all the exercises as thoroughly as you did the first time.

You'll be surprised about how different your results may be. As you experiment with the law of attraction, it changes you for the better; you might not be the same person six months or a year from now as you are today. It takes strength and courage to admit that your life is not working the way you want it to and resolve to make a change. Congratulations on taking that first step and attracting this book into your life. May your happiness exceed your wildest dreams as you go down the path towards a life that is worth living.

What Is The Law Of Attraction And How Do I Use It To Succeed?

The Law of Attraction has been considered a Universal Truth for as long as mankind has existed, but around 1904, the metaphysical belief in "like attracting like" began to gain traction thanks to the forward thinking of Dakarai Smith of the New Thought Movement. This is the earliest known isolation of the Law of Attraction as it's own acknowledged entity. The movement gained momentum throughout the early 1900's, and the actual phrase "Law Of Attraction" was introduced in 1906 in a book authored by William Arthur Atkinson, Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World. Obviously, then, this is not a new concept; but exactly what is the Law of Attraction and how can we make it work for us? Getting back to the generalized phrase, "like attracting like," the concept of the Law of Attraction is, in it's most simplistic terms, the idea that what you think or feel is what you will continue to receive in your life. If you feel like a failure in any aspect of your life, according to the Law of Attraction, you will continue to fail. If you feel like you will never get better from an illness, you in fact never will, according to this theory. If you worry about having financial difficulties and cannot see a time when you will be free of money worries, you simply won't. The concept of using the Law of Attraction to succeed is a resetting of your thought processes. When you consider what is The Law Of Attraction at its most basic principle, you realize that negative thoughts will continue to produce negative results. In other words, your negative energy will continue to attract

more negative energy. A shift in thoughts from thinking the world around you is influencing your life to thinking that your thoughts control the world around you is the biggest step you can make in applying the Law Of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is a version of what might be called a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you think you will have relationship problems, you most likely will. If you feel you will fail in getting ahead at work, your thought processes will ensure that you do. If you cannot picture your life debt free and financially secure, you will never achieve financial success. You will find negative thinking overshadowing any chances at love, fulfilment and happiness. If you cannot allow positive thought processes to overshadow negative ones, you are doomed to make the same mistakes again and again. Negative thoughts will force you to play it safe in every aspect of your life since you do not feel you can overcome the challenges in front of you. You won't take that chance on that business opportunity because you already know you will lose your money, You will fight with your significant other, since in your subconscious mind, the relationship is doomed anyway. You will not try for the promotional opportunity at your job because you know you can't get it. So on what Universal Law is the Law of Attraction founded, and how does it work? The basis of this concept is the understanding that everything in the world is made up of energy, based on frequencies, and that energies and frequencies that are alike have a natural attraction to each other. The simplest way to understand how this is relevant to your life and life choices is to consider that your own positive thoughts produce positive energy, which in turn attracts more positive energy; likewise,

negative thoughts produce negative energy, which unfortunately attracts more negative energy. Again, this is like attracting like. Love and fear emit a certain frequency and energy, as does hatred, anger or any other emotion humans experience. Consider being at the store amongst strangers, and getting a certain vibe from a fellow shopper; his anger or dissatisfaction can reach you without a word from him. As a result, you might begin to feel angry yourself. Sadness emits energy, too, and we respond to that energy with sympathy. We naturally choose to be around people who are happy and content; the energy those emotions emit triggers the same emotions in yourself. Even animals have the ability to soothe; they are generally incapable of any sustained negative emotions. Conversely, an aggressive dog will cause an immediate negative reaction in you. So, again, what is The Law Of Attraction and how can we benefit? If we can keep our own thoughts positive, then we will attract positive energy and achieve success. If you can think and truly believe that you will get that promotion, you will debt free, and your relationship will flourish, the Law Of Attraction states that you will draw those positive energies back to yourself and reach your goals.

A Step By Step Guide to The Law of attraction

The law of attraction is an ever growing, ever operational system that works all year round. There's not a moment when it works and when it doesn't work. It's forever operational for you to either take advantage of or lose from. Most people who first learn about the law of attraction start off just constantly thinking about what they want without actually following a set process. Imagining is usually already good enough, but it really does help fasten up the process when you follow a set process of everything. A Step By Step Guide to The Law of attraction IMAGINE IMAGINE being with what you want. IMAGINE seeing what you want. IMAGINE literally having what you want. IMAGINE being what you want. Imagination is key, and the thoughts of imagination are extremely powerful. Imagining is the first step to achieving or receiving anything in life. When you imagine exactly the thing that you want, it puts you one step closer to what you've always wanted. Feeling Once you've imagined exactly what you want, you need to add feelings to what you're imagining. So, let's say that you want to be an Olympic Gold Medallist in a sport, and you imagine winning the Olympic Gold Medal and delivering the Ultimate performance. If there are no feelings involved, you won't get so

many results with your dream. Your feelings are what send out the powerful signals into the Universe. A good example is to imagine your thoughts being a rocket, and your feelings being the fuel to shoot the rocket out into the Universe. This is a powerful technique to remember, and it can do wonders to your life when you learn how to use it to your advantage. Feeling is a matter of feeling what you would normally feel as if you were they’re experiencing the real thing you were imagining. Receive Receiving is the part where you allow for the force of attraction to deliver it all to you. It's in this part where the law of attraction will move circumstances, events, and almost anything to get you receiving what you want. This part will only work successfully as long as you really do the first two steps perfectly. If the first two parts are only done slightly, the Universe won't really work on your part at all. If you give this process half of your all, then you will only experience half of the results. You need to feel everything on the highest level in order to receive the best results possible. Tips with the creation process When you first use this process, you may want to really try and see how powerful it is first by attracting something small and unusual. Usually when you attract something small, you get to see how powerful you are in this Universe. I decided to try this out and see what would happen. I've been quite the fan of the Filipino vocalist, Chalice. I absolutely adore her voice, so I made it a strategy to ask the Universe to let me here her song, and if I do, it means that the force of attraction is listening to

me. Now, I here her sing nearly everywhere I go, from the radio to the bowling alley. Try attracting something different for you as well like a particular type of flowers, shoes, type of clothing, color, or a celebrity. Once you attract your very first thing, you'll finally see how powerful you are. Thus, helping you to achieve even more in this world. The law of attraction isn't something that you need to strive for in your everyday life. It can be mastered within a short amount of time, and it all starts when you use the step-by-step information. This book is going to go deeper and deeper on all aspects of the law of attraction, so this will help give you a good start on actually attracting something. Remember, there is no such thing as a time that will prevent what you want from happening. Most people think that you need to wait for what you want to come. In order to see what you want to come to pass, you'll need to believe that you have it now, and that's exactly what this step-by-step process teaches you.

The Law of Attraction and Visualization.

The Law of Attraction has worked for many people who sought to gain financial freedom. It has helped many to experience fuller lives through better relationships. The Law of Attraction can also have a profound affect on your body. Think first of how the Law of Attraction works. You are made up of energy and the energy you send out is positive or negative. This will depend upon whether you focus on the good things in life or the bad. This will not only affect others, but it will affect you. If you want to send out positive energy, you will want to concentrate on the upbeat things in your life. One way to use the Law of Attraction to do this is visualization. Athletes use a form of seeing what future actions will hold. This technique is called Visual Motor Rehearsal. These athletes are practicing the Law of Attraction. They can be hooked up to all kinds of monitors and then practice an athletic event in their minds. The monitors will show that their muscles obey their thoughts even though they are not being actively used. Then, when it comes time to actually do the activity, they are very much prepared. This is the Law of Attraction. With the Law of Attraction, you can feel the reality of your plans and dreams coming true. This can be done in the same

way as the athletes do it, by visualization. This can help you with a physical task you are about to undertake. You might be planning to climb Mt. Everest or simply swim your first lap around the pool. If you can use the Law of Attraction to visualize it and believe the results, you can make it happen. Your positive feelings about accomplishing a difficult undertaking will come back to you in the form of positive energy for you.

How To Use The Law Of Attraction For Your Health

The law of attraction and health comes together just the way it works for money and success. Whether you're young or old, fat or thin, I'm sure you want to be brimming with health. The truth is that we are all deserving of success and good health. We just need to know how it works in order to receive it. Most people tend to believe our bodies just function the way it normally does. It ages, it grows, and it reaches its time. It's only normal to grow old and someday pass away, but you can't live a limited mindset where that's how your life is going to be. You can be brimming with hope and good health every single day of your life if you know how to do it. No matter what you're struggling with regarding your health, you can change its energy levels in an instant. Whether you have a disease, you're overweight, or you lack the health you need for a fulfilling life. You can achieve any level of success with your health as long as you understand the law of attraction. Those who believe that their health is just the way it should be are crazy not to try and believe for better health. You need to believe it in your mind and body that you are filled with good health. You need to believe that you have the perfect body. You need to believe that you are free from cancer and anything that's holding you back from a life filled with good health. Overcoming disease A disease doesn't have to be lived through. If you happen to have a disease, you'll be shocked at how you can easily remove

it by using the law of attraction. In fact, it was once said that a girl was able to overcome her heart cancer through a series of being grateful of having a good heart. She simply gave the thoughts and feelings of already having no more problems with her heart, and she overcame it quickly. It was extremely great for her because all she did was feel with all of heart that she was fine. If you can overcome your thoughts and feelings by believing in the unseen, you will manifest anything that you want. If you want to overcome your own disease, or anything holding you back in the area of health, be thankful in advance for your healing. Overcoming obesity The amount of obese people has grown over the years. People get fatter and fatter because all they do is think that there's no more hope, allowing for them to keep on eating all of that junk food. Your mind is a powerful source for getting thinner and healthier. In fact, if you can say to yourself "I have the perfect body", you may be lying, but if you feel with all of your heart that you are at your best weight, you'll attract circumstances, events, and moments that will cause for you to lose your weight. Whether it means meeting somebody who wants to help you get skinnier, or eating foods that accidentally make you lose weight, it works all the same way. It's basically the law of attraction working in action. The Placebo Effect It was once done in the past where a set of researchers got two groups who were both struggling with some sort of ailment. They gave one group a set of medications that really worked,

while they gave the other a placebo that didn't have any medications inside. Nearly each person in each group was able to see their ailments disappear. It's an astonishing research project, which proves that what you believe really does form your world. Let's face it, don't you have confidence in yourself when you're sick and you take some sort of medication? A few hours later, you find yourself jumping around because you feel so healthy. If you know how to perceive something, it will become your life. Your health works well with the law of attraction the same way that it works with your career and money. You can change your life, live longer, have a healthier body, and feel healthier no matter what situation you're facing. The law of attraction can do anything, and your health is a part of it.

The Law Of Attraction In Love & Relationships

Love and Relationships are always hard to understand, especially if you still have nobody to be with or you have struggled with your current partner. The truth is that relationships aren't just in your marriage, but also the relationships that you have with your parents, siblings, cousins, in-laws, and other extended family or friends. No matter what you're going through in any marriage, there are certain things you need to do regarding the law of attraction before you officially see the good things happen in those relationships. You can easily see something change in your entire set of relationships once you learn how to use the law of attraction in this area. Using the law of attraction in Love & Relationships In the world of attracting, like attracts like. If you were to realize why you're currently experiencing so much heartbreak with your family members, it's probably - or simply is - because of the fact that you focused on their bad sides. Whether it's your brother that you're annoyed at or your lover, you attracted the same bad sides of that person over and over again because of the fact that you focused on all of their bad sides. In this world, everything is made up of energy, and if you're on a frequency of love, you will only experience circumstances on the same frequency. The same works for those whom you love. If you're a frequency of love and forgiveness but the person you used to be mad at is on a bad frequency, you won't experience their bad sides any longer. It's either you just aren't home when

he or she gets mad or you don't get the chance to feel bad by that person. No matter what happens, it happened because you didn't focus on anything bad in the person. Finding love in your family relationships If you struggle with living in harmony with your family members, then you need to know that the exercise I just talked about will help you out. If you'd like to take further this law, you should consider imagining that you're with them doing fun stuff together. Don't imagine him or her hurting you or disappointing. That will only make matters worse. By imagining what you want to happen, you will get that person to be on a positive frequency for every time that you see them. Finding a lover (contradicting) If you've been going to the club and constantly trying to imagine that perfect person coming to you, then you need to start reassessing this law of attraction. You may keep on thinking about your lover coming to you, but if you contradict your thoughts by doing things that get in the way, then you can't expect for your lover to come. In fact, there was one guy who was a painter and he was talked about in The Secret. He explained how he wanted to date many girls, but that never happened because he surrounded himself with paintings he made of girls looking away. In the end, it caused him to achieve no love life at all, as all he was surrounded by were paintings of girls looking away from him. This simple aspect changed his entire love life and life altogether.

Changing your lifestyle If you want to find a lover, you need to make sure that you make a few changes in your lifestyle. Try moving your entire set of clothes to the side of your closet, and that will definitely help create the attraction that you're waiting for somebody to start living with you. This may not seem like a really effective thing to do, but it's amazingly powerful and can create amazing results on finding a partner. It's these small things that make your entire love life change almost instantly. The law of attraction only believes whatever you put out, and if you imagine a good relationship and stop contradicting your desires, you'll soon see your relationships change rapidly. Each technique works in different ways depending on the person and circumstances that you're trying to attract, but if you understand the tips, you'll find these to be extremely useful to do. By utilizing each tip, you'll find your entire love life to change dramatically in all of your relationships.

Gratitude And The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction works, you will surely be grateful for all that you receive as a result of practicing it. Life will be easier and more abundant. However, you actually need to start out with a feeling of gratitude before you can expect good things to come. This is what the Law of Attraction is about. When you believe fantastic things are already happening for you, you will be grateful. According to the Law of Attraction, it is important to believe. Furthermore, being grateful for something you believe is happening sends out positive vibrations into the universe. This brings the good things to you by way of the Law of Attraction. Without even thinking of the future, you can use the Law of Attraction to draw the positive things to you. If you are thankful for the things in your life, you will be focused in on the good energy inherent in your grateful mind. The Law of Attraction is evident in the way being grateful brings you more to be grateful for. Think of the way things snowball, both the good and the bad. You might wake up in a bad mood because you resent a noisy neighbour for keeping you up late. If you let that bad mood win out, more negative things will continue to happen to you all day long. When you consider the Law of Attraction, you will see why this happens. If, however, you brush off the bad feelings and replace them with gratitude you will be surprised at how much better your day will go. Use the Law of Attraction to help you along. You may be thankful that you woke up beside your loving spouse, or you

might be grateful that you have a job to go to. Whatever it is, the Law of Attraction will make it work for you. So, the Law of Attraction works on a system of gratitude and reward. You need a way to remind yourself to always be grateful for the good things in your life. Some people set aside a certain time each day to list the things they're thankful for. They might compile them in a journal and look over them all from time to time. The Law of Attraction is built on good habits. You can carry some sort of talisman. It can be anything from a rock to a coin. It can be anything you will handle daily. Some people put these items in their pockets. Some put them on a string around their necks. The idea is that every time you touch it, you feel gratitude. If at all possible, you express that gratitude to others. Your mind will become geared towards thinking in terms of what you are thankful for. This will allow the Law of Attraction to do its work. Your mind controls who and what you are. According to the Law of Attraction, it can also change what you have. This may be material possessions, relationships, or health. If you are in a mindset of gratitude, you are in a position to make the Law of Attraction bring to you all that you desire.

Vision Boards

In the law of attraction, there can be so many things to always think about. Whether it's gratitude, finding things that you love, or moving things around in your life to put you in alignment to receive, there are literally so many ways to get yourself in the right spot to make your dreams come true. The truth is that it doesn't have to be hard to do it all, and with this law, you should never make it feel like its work. One of the easiest ways to help speed up the process of everything is to create a vision board. Vision boards are what people use to draw or put pictures of the things that they would want. For some, they like to put pictures from magazines into their vision boards and write down at the bottom exactly what they would want. Remember, for the law of attraction, it just wants to know what you want, and it will deliver exactly what you want when you're on the right frequency to receive. These vision boards are helpful to have because they help you to put your dreams out there in the open, and when you do so, you open yourself to receive exactly what you want. How other people attracted what they wanted from a vision board Lisa Nichols is a woman who grew up quite poor and from a bad neighbourhood. She learned about the power of the law of attraction later on in life, and one of the things she had hoped to receive was to guest on the Oprah Winfrey Show talking about the law of attraction. Little did she know, that after just a few months of finishing the movie The Secret, she would guest on

Oprah's show along with the other cast from the film to talk about the law of attraction. In her vision board, she remembers writing down on a sticky note of some sort, and then writing down words like "In (month)... I will be on the Oprah Winrey Show...” It's a powerful little way to let the Universe know that you are 100% sure that what you want is already in your hands. Again, the law of attraction only believes what you believe, and when you perceive for something to be true, one way or another, the law of attraction will make it so. DO YOU SEE HOW EASY IT IS TO MANIFEST WHAT YOU WANT? How to use vision boards effectively You can use these boards effectively by constantly opening it up every single day. When you do so, you remember exactly what you want, and you're letting the Universe know that what you want has already been written. Just like how God's promises in the Bible can now be received because it was written, so it will be the same with you. The Bible cannot be changed, altered, or fixed. Whatever you believe and write down, that's exactly what you will get in your life. Again, the more that you keep on reading what you have written down, the more effective the process will become. Another good way to use it effectively is to use your own drawings combined with both magazine pictures and your own words. The drawings don't need to be perfect as long as you, the creator of your life, knows and understands what the drawings are supposed to be. The magazine pictures will help make what you want more real to you, and if you can look through those pages seeing yourself with what you want or becoming what you want, you will feel like it's already yours right now. The

written words on the bottom can be done on your own, and these words need to be there so that you can add anything of which you would like to add to what you want to receive. The words are important; as you want to make sure that the Universe understands what you're trying to receive. Let's say that you want to become a basketball player and you had a picture of Michael Jordan. The law of attraction may think that you want to meet him. So, if you want to actually become him one day, you need to make sure that you make it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR in your vision board that you want to become LIKE HIM one day. You can do this by writing it down below the picture or the drawing. DON'T STOP BELIEVING If you used a vision board just to see what would happen, then you won't see anything happen. You need to make sure that you actually believe in what it is that you're doing. Remember, the law of attraction only delivers what you want and BELIEVE, and if you believe that this vision board is going to help manifest for you your dreams, it will happen. As long as you have no doubts or any bad feelings, you can be sure that your entire life is going to change, and your dreams are surely going to come true if you truly believe that you have what you want after writing and drawing it in your vision board. Where to get a vision board You can actually get a vision board on Amazon. What's nice about these vision boards is that they aren't just binders that just allow you to add pictures, words, or drawings, but they are meant to be for the law of attraction. So, they aren't exactly just

ordinary binders. If for some reason that you'd like to get started with it right now, why not create a chalkboard or any kind of board and make it your vision board. Outline it on your very heart that whatever you put on this board, wall, or binder that you will manifest all of it in your life. Vision boards are extremely powerful to use, and when you read it on a consistent basis, you can get yourself feeling good and in alignment to receive exactly what it is that you have written. Vision boards have been used time and time again by people to attract beautiful mansion homes, trophies, happy relationships, wealth, and all kinds of success in a variety of areas. By following these tips, the law of attraction can really be made easy.

Quantum Physics, The Scientific Laws Of Attraction

Quantum physics is a different branch of science that defines laws of attraction by the energy of people and matter. Test are difficult to conduct on the theories of quantum physics, though there have been enough studies and discoveries for scientist to create a general overview of the laws of attraction. An extensive amount of research was required for the creation of the theory, though testing something that cannot be seen by scientists is impossible. The basis of the theory relates to the function of matter to act as particles or waves; relating to people and the energy that composes every aspect of life. The comparison pertains to a person's mind and energy, as well as the energy and composition of the person's desires or thoughts. One scientific test was conducted by shooting electrons through a sheet with two slits in it. The goal was to observe the reaction of the electrons to the sheet; testing to see whether the electrons would act as a wave or as individual particles. Behind the sheet a special board was setup to catch the electrons that passed through the sheet, and after so many electrons came in contact with the board it would reveal the path the electrons made when encountering the sheet. While conducting the experiment, it was observed that the electrons acted as a wave while travelling towards the sheet. Upon reaching the sheet, the electrons split to pass through the two slits and hit the board placed behind the sheet; thus proving the ability of matter to act as a wave and a particle. Without the ability to do both the electrons would have simply bounced of the sheet, while only a few passed through the slits.

Part of the theory states that people's thoughts affect everything in the world on a subatomic level. This relates back to the experiment previously mentioned; on a subatomic level the electrons acted as a particle and a wave, which means that a person's brain waves somehow have the ability to affect the wave produced by matter. The law of attraction, in this case, applies to the energy emitted by people and matter in contrast to the physical laws of attraction. Scientist deduced that everything in the universe is infinitely changing, fluid energy that interacts in harmony to create on vibrant energy. With that being said, a person desiring to own a nice vehicle would produce energy that affected everything around that person. If the person has the correct mind frame to produce the correct energy; the person would soon obtain a new vehicle by unexpected means. This is a simplified example of the law of attraction stated by quantum physics; the overview of the law of attraction relates to the person's entire life and the entire life of the universe. The law infers that a person shapes their own life by their thoughts and mindset from day to day. This is made possible through the person and energy attracting the energy that corresponds with the person and thoughts or desires. It is believed to be possible for one to shape one's life by simply focusing on what they desire or any goals one hopes to achieve. By the person constantly focusing on the goal or desire one is pursuing, the person's energy would eventually attract the energy of the required objects to fulfil the person's desires. The opposite of this proves true as well; if one is trapped in a depressed or bad mind state, then the person will continue to

attract negative energy that in turn brings more negative aspects into the person's life. Currently, scientists are unable to test the larger aspects of this theory because the energy that is theoretically in existence is unable to be physically tested. Though there have been test conducted, there is not experiment tested evidence of the existence or relation of the energy. However, there is a discovery that was made by the greatest scientists that detail the energy that is theorized to be present in everything in the universe; for example, Albert Einstein's e=Mc2 formula defines energy and suggests that everything consists of energy. The energy that exists in everything in the universe is attracted to any corresponding energy to create the law of attraction.

The Law Of Attraction In The Bible

Most proponents of the Law of Attraction normally present it as a universal law and therefore they do not consider specific perspectives on it, such as the law of attraction and the bible. There is quite a lot that religion in general has to say about the law of attraction. This law, which at the most basic level states that, like attract like, has very many apparitions in religion. In fact, it may be as universal as the proponents claim. The law of attraction postulates when a person focuses their thoughts on particular things, a process to manifest those things comes into motion. This makes it possible to achieve any goal and to acquire anything that is an object of our desire. While the law should bring about desirable results, it also works in reverse. Focusing on negative thoughts tend to bring about negative results. So, what does the bible have to say about the law of attraction? The Bible takes an individual though life seriously and recognizes that it affects how people relate. In Rom 12:2, the bible advocates for the transformation based on renewing patterns of thinking. This verse shows that the Bible recognizes that thinking patterns are powerful enough to have a transformative effect. This is the same premise on which the law of attraction stands. The Bible provides a list of things that people should dwell on. In Phil 4:8, the Bible provides a list of things that people ought to dwell on in their thoughts. The things include the truth, noble things, right things, pure and lovely ones, and things that are

excellent and attract praise. While these things are not the tangible things that people tend to associate the objects of the law of attraction, they are nonetheless objective issues on which to base a though life. They are the things that can contribute a lot towards personal peace and contentment in life. One obvious benefit is that such thoughts can help reduce stress and improve a sense of well-being. Perhaps the most significant verse in the Bible that sounds as a restatement of the law of attraction is in the book of proverbs 23:7. The verse states that, for as he thinketh in his heart, so is he (KJV). This verse makes an express connection between a man and his thought life. It equates a person’s character and disposition to his thought life. The law of attraction links what we attract and eventually become with what we think. This scripture therefore makes the process immediate. It may refer to the result of a long term thinking pattern but it seems to say with finality that a man is really, what he thinks. The difference between the law of attraction as popularly expressed and the view of the bible is that the Bible ties thinking to its overall objectives. As a religious book, it explain the basis of the faiths that depend on it therefore, it uses the law of attraction to further its objectives. This notwithstanding, it does show that the law of attraction is a universal law that has incarnations in one of the oldest books handed down through generations.

Powerful Law Of Attraction Exercises

The law of attraction believes everything that you put out into the Universe. If you perceive yourself to be inadequate in a certain area, the law of attraction will take your view of yourself and make it your reality. The force of attraction follows everything that you feel on your every being. Instead of letting it rule your world, take advantage of this aspect in your life, because if the law of attraction follows everything that you feel, then you can be sure that what you feel will become your reality. A great way to utilize this gift of ruling your own world is by playing around with it. Since the law of attraction gives to you what you believe, try perceiving your life as perfect and the way that you have always wanted. Instead of feeling down in the dumps, change your energy level by feeling as if everything that you want is already within your reach. This can be done by using your mind and playing around. Imagine holding the money you've always wanted, winning that sports trophy, or receiving cash from out of nowhere. Pretend as if you have it now, and the law of attraction will deliver exactly that to you. Move things around The perfect exercise for this is to move things around in your life in order to receive what you want. Many people who want to earn money will remove all the paper in their wallet, giving it space for the cash. For those looking for a partner, they would start sleeping on the other side of their bed. These are powerful law of attraction exercises that the Universe responds to almost instantly. If you use them the right way, you can be making big

things happen for your life. Remember, no matter what it is that you want, you need to feel having it all right now. Gratitude Gratitude is the one thing that connects everything that you want to you. When you feel grateful that you have something even if it's not there, it speeds up the process even quicker. Combining the power of play and gratitude makes whatever that you want to appear quicker than you think. Gratitude may seem something you do everyday, but I doubt that you really do it effectively. In order to feel thankful sincerely, you need to outline everything you're grateful for as best as you can. For example, make a mental list right now of all the things you're grateful for, which are basically the things that you already have. They're easier to feel thankful for because they're already there in existence. If you believe that what you want is going to come your way, you need to feel grateful for it now. You may not really feel the thankfulness fill your heart since it really isn't there, but the law of attraction only follows what you feel and believe. Know how to feel and be grateful for what you want, and you've nearly mastered your thoughts. After much practice, you'll find yourself feeling grateful for anything, only to see it manifest almost instantly. Imagine being a magnet When you imagine you're a magnet, you remember that you'll become what you believe. For some, they go outside, and they believe that they're full of success and happiness. With those simple feelings, they are attracting happiness and success to

them because they are magnets. When you feel excited and free, you magnetize yourself to those things, and you bring all circumstances of the same nature to come to you. The truth is that we are all magnets in human form, and below the surface we are magnetizing something through out thoughts. One way or another, everything that you feel on a consistent basis is going to manifest in your life. Whenever you feel down, hurt, or down in the dumps, try these law of attraction exercises. For the Universe, there's no timetable as to when you'll receive what you want. It can even manifest tomorrow if you really put yourself in those feelings of true success. Each exercise can be used differently to suit your needs in life. Either way, they all work effectively in each person’s life. We are all connected by one force, one law; The Law Of Attraction.

Advanced Law Of Attraction Techniques

There are plenty of advanced law of attraction techniques that you can use but most of them all have the same simple principle. Most people are now very knowledgeable about the law of attraction but very few are still able to utilize it to the fullest. The problem that a lot of people have is that they tend to have trouble with simply having fun with the law of attraction and they tend to just "want" things instead of "having" things. If you are serious about being able to use these simple yet advanced law of attraction techniques, then you will be able to see more blessings come your way. The law of attraction states that you should expect before you actually receive. This means that whatever you focus your mind on will expand and manifest to become real. However, the problem that this causes is that people seem to "want" things and thus making people feel like the law of attraction does not work. In other words, you will only be able to attract more of what you already have. You can however play tricks on your mind and make it think that you already have a lot of what you "want." For example, in order to attract more wealth, you will need to convince your mind that you are already having a lot of money. In order to make this technique work, you will need to have the correct mindset and the right approach towards wealth. You will need to start looking at life differently because "wealth" is a term that people have trouble with. You are wealthy compared to millions of people all over the world who simply do not even have access to the Internet. Basically, if you are able to tell your mind that you are already wealthy, this will

only bring in more wealth. Think about the fact that you are luckier than a majority of other people and so this is the first step towards being able to attract more of what you already "have." You should never take for granted what you already have because this is your tool towards being able to get more of it. Having a place to stay, a family, water and all the "basic" needs makes you a very wealthy person. Once you focus your mind on the fact that you are already rich, and then you will be able to attract more of it. This is an advanced technique that is very simple to utilize. Once you are able to have the mindset of being happy because of what you already have, you will then be able to attract more of what you already have and not what you want. If you are struggling golfer and you simply cannot find a way to get better and you "want" to have a nicer swing, then you are simply approaching the problem incorrectly. You will need to convince your mind that you swing is absolutely amazing and that you are able to hit the ball where you want. This is a simple example that has helped thousands of golfers from all over the world. Another great tip is to simply keep looking at the money that you already have. Though this is not a good thing to do in public, it is a great way to convince your mind that you are ready to receive even more of it. This means that putting more money in your wallet is a great way to really bring in more blessings and things will simply just keep coming in. Overall, being able to use the law of attraction in different ways is the key to a successful life. Once you are able to convince

your mind that you already have what you have always wanted, then you will be able to attract even more. The problem that a lot of people have is they are not able to convince their mind that they already have amazing blessings. If you can just somehow change the way you think and use your mind, you will be able to witness just how strong the law of attraction is. With just a little patience, you will be able to truly see yourself having more of what you already have.

Problems People Have With The Law Of Attraction

The Law of Attraction seems so easy for some. Others try and try and have no success. They wonder why this should be true. There are some very good reasons why people have problems using the Law of Attraction. The most obvious answer to the question of why it isn't working is that you might be expecting to instantaneously have what you ask for. You have to realize that you are simply sending out positive energy surrounding a subject. You must trust the law of attraction to send it back to you in its time. When trying to use the Law of Attraction, you may find that you are always tapping your foot and asking when it's going to happen for you. If you do, it may mean that you are not really coming into it believing in anything. You are just testing the waters and not willing to commit to anything. You might also be expecting the answer to your demands to come by a certain method. For example, you might ask for money. You are hoping someone will just give it to you. This may be your idea of the Law of Attraction. However, if you are alert to the universe around you, you may come across another means. An idea might come to you that would bring you the money you desire. It might involve some work, but the end result would be the same. If your energy is positive, you will look upon this circumstance with gratitude and joy. By the Law of Attraction, this can only multiply the good in your life.

Another mistake people make in using the Law of Attraction is to put too much emphasis on the evidence they see. When they see things that seem to prove that the Law of Attraction is not working, they quit believing. They get frustrated and become a mass of negative vibrations. This will bring more of the same. The truth is that if they really understand the Law of Attraction and the science behind it, external evidence will have little effect on them. This is because they will have total belief and trust that the Law of Attraction has been working all along. What is happening in the beginning is only a manifestation of earlier bad energy. Their new positive, focused thoughts, without doubt, will come to fruition in the future. This is the outlook of a person who has mastered the use of the Law of Attraction. That person will believe in the outcome because he/she believes in the process. A person might also have problems fully using the Law of Attraction because there past outlook has been so limited. They have strong emotions about things they consider too hard to conquer or too much or too big to have. When these emotions come up, it changes the energy you are sending out. Lecturers and writers of the Law of Attraction have developed ways to release such emotions. These methods allow the person to fully use the Law of Attraction. If you properly use the Law of Attraction, you will have what you want. It is and isn't easy. You only need to change the way

you think and feel about things. If you can come to understand the Law of Attraction fully, you can make it work for you.

Famous Law of Attraction Personalities

According to the Law of Attraction, all things are possible to those who can believe and visualize them. Different speakers and writers have slightly different takes on the basic principles of the Law of Attraction. These famous Law of Attraction personalities have a lot to say about the subject. One Law of Attraction speaker and teacher is Jack Canfield. Most people know of his Chicken Soup for the Soul, etc. books. He has also been teaching success strategies to people and businesses for three decades. If you listen to Canfield, you will accept that your thinking, feelings, and actions will work together to make your life what it is. This will happen if you are in a good state of being or a bad one. You get what you put out there. That's the Law of Attraction. The Reverend Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith has been working with a spiritual version of the Law of Attraction since 1986. It was then that he started up the Agape Centre. This centre is something like a church, but is not exactly one. The Agape Centre is built around the concept that if you want good things for the world, you will help to make them happen. This could happen when you suddenly get an inspiration to do something to help people. His goal is to make the world a better place by using principles such as the Law of Attraction.

There is one man, Dr. Joe Vitale, who takes a rather hard line on the Law of Attraction. He is of the opinion that you bring to yourself all that happens to you. This can be a horrible wreck or a fire. It doesn't matter. If it's in your life, you created it. Of course, he gives credit for the good things you bring yourself as well. An interesting character in the study of the Law of Attraction is Dr. Fred Alan Wolf. This man has been studying theoretical physics for over forty years. His specialty now is quantum physics and how it relates to the mind. He studies this with the Law of Attraction in mind. He also won a National Book Award in 1982 for Taking the Quantum Leap, which is based on this type of study. There is a therapist that is fairly well known for her work with the Law of Attraction. Her name is Jayne Payne. She sees patients who are bogged down in the misery of their past. All they can see is what they need. She helps them to forget that and believe in what they want by using the Law of Attraction. Esther and Jerry Hicks have written several books on the subject of the Law of Attraction. They have made names for themselves by speaking for a being of sorts they call Abraham-Hicks. To some, it sounds a little unusual, but others feel enlightened by the books. Jerry first became interested in related subjects. Then, Esther eventually followed his lead. Soon, they were completely involved in the movement. Now, the Hickses teach seminars and lecture. Of course, they continue to write works on the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction has been an important source of discussion for many years. Before it was ever thought about in the way it is now, great leaders referred it to for centuries. There is an abundance of people willing to speak of it now. So, it is certain that the concept will live on for generations to come.

Inspirational Quotes for The Law of Attraction

Sometimes reading inspirational quotes from people who knew how to use the law of attraction can help you get your mind back onto the right track when you're having a hard time. Here's a selection of inspirational quotes from some master Law of attraction experts to help you.

Be thankful for what you have, you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never ever have enough. -Oprah Winfrey-

Look into the future to see the consequences of your choices in the present. -Andy Andrews-

When you visualize, then you materialize. If you've been there in the mind you'll go there in the body. -Dr Denis Waitley-

Welcome to Planet Earth. There is nothing that you cannot be, or do, or have. You are a magnificent creator. -Abraham/Esther Hicks-

The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. -William James-

Our life is what our thoughts make it. -Marcus Aurelius-

You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work at it, however. -Richard Bach-

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now. -Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe-

I am no longer cursed by poverty because I took possession of my own mind, and that mind has yielded me every material thing I want, and much more than I need. But this power of mind is a universal one,

available to the humblest person as it is to the greatest. -Andrew Carnegie-

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. -Ralph Waldo Emerson-

Follow your bliss and the Universe will open doors where there were walls. -Joseph Campbell-

Your mind is nothing less than a powerful magnet that will attract to you the things you identify yourself with. If you have sad thoughts, you will attract tragedies. If you are a good man, you can't help but attract the company of good people. -Alfredo Karras-

To accomplish great things we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe. -Anatole France-

Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase; just take the first step. -Martin Luther King Jr.-

Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye, and you will be drawn toward it. -Napoleon Hill-

You control your future, your destiny. What you think about comes about. By recording your dreams and goals on paper, you set in motion the process of becoming the person you most want to be. Put your future in good hands - your own. -Mark Victor Hansen-

If you concentrate your thoughts on what you don't have, you will soon be concentrating on other things that you had forgotten you don't have-and feel worse! -Andy Andrews-

Anything we focus on we do create. So if we're really angry, for instance, at a war that's going on, or strife, or suffering, we're adding our energy to it. We're pushing ourselves, and that only creates resistance. -Hale Dwoskin-

Shortage of time is not your problem. Shortage of money is not your problem. Shortage of Connection to the Energy that creates worlds is at the heart of all sensations of shortage that you are experiencing. -Esther and Jerry Hicks-

Winners in life always concentrate on what they can do, not what they can't. Losers, on the other hand, concentrate their waking thoughts on what they should have or would have done, or what they can't do. -Denis Waitley

Feel good. Feeling good goes out as a signal into the universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. -Joe Vitale-

Every regret, every mournful thought, takes so much out of your life. It is force used to pile on more misery. -Prentice Mulford-

All riches have their origin in mind. Wealth is in ideas - not money. -Robert Collier-

I just do not hang around anybody that I don't want to be with. Period. For me, that's been a blessing, and I can stay positive. I hang around people who are happy, who are growing, who want to learn, who don't mind saying sorry or thank you... and are having a fun time. -John Assaraf-

It's not your work to make anything happen. It's your work to dream it and let it happen...In your joy, you create something, and then you maintain your vibrational harmony with it, and the Universe must find a way to bring it about. That's the promise of Law of Attraction. -Ester and Jerry Hicks-

Supplant fear with a constructive thought. Fear has killed millions. Confidence is greater than fear. Nothing is more powerful than faith in God and the good. -Joseph MurphyHe who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away. -Raymond Hull-

Gratitude is an attitude that hooks us up to our source of supply. And the more grateful you are, the closer you become to your maker, to the architect of the universe, to the spiritual core of your being. It’s a phenomenal lesson. -Bob Proctor-

Depressed people think about the way things are now instead of what they want instead. -Andy Andrews-

People who ask confidently get more than those who are hesitant and uncertain. When you've figured out what you want to ask for, do it with certainty, boldness and confidence. -Jack Canfield-

Your subconscious mind does not argue with you. It accepts what your conscious mind decrees. If you say, "I can't afford it," your subconscious mind works to make it true. Select a better thought. Decree, "I'll buy it. I accept it in my mind -Joseph Murphy-

You are the masterpiece of your own life. -Joe Vitale-

The future you see is the future you get. Fear melts when you take action towards a goal you really want. -Robert G. Allen-

Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become. -Jim Rohn-

There are no problems, only solutions. -John Lennon-

You are not the victim of the world you see because you invented it. You can give it up as easily as you made it up. -Abraham Hicks-

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. -Albert Schweitzer-

The people most afraid of dying are the ones who are not really living. -Raymond Hull-

In Conclusion

Remember how you felt when you first picked up this book? Although it may only have been a couple of days ago it probably seems like an entire lifetime ago. You may have been depressed, anxious or moody. Maybe you were having relationship or financial troubles that you couldn't see any way out of, or perhaps you had resigned yourself to living a life that just didn't feel right to you. Whatever the case was, you certainly have changed. After reading this book and working through the exercises, you have a much better handle on how to live your life. You've let go of old, destructive thought patterns that were keeping you stuck and attracting things into your life that serve you much better. You no longer depend on external circumstances for your happiness; you know that your happiness is up to you and that it is your birthright, and you refuse to let anything interfere with it. Whether you are rich or poor, married or single, you know the happiness that is possible to you. And if you are any of those things and wish to be otherwise, you know exactly what to do. As you've learned, law of attraction is all about attitude. Instead of letting other people or things determine how you feel, you've learned to be grateful for everything you have while setting your sights on attracting still more of what you want into your life. You've learned to be happy in the midst of adversity and to trust that the Universe supports you and will provide for all of your needs or wants. You've eradicated the doubt and fear that were your constant companions before you picked up this book and replaced them with joy, hope, trust and excitement. In short,

you've learned how to be fully alive and take advantage of all that life has to offer. Of course, your journey is not done by any stretch of the imagination. As long as you're alive, there's always something new to learn and someplace new to go. The difference is that now you have the tools you need to move forward rather than wasting time marching in place. It's important that you keep moving forward, one step at a time, and keep using what you've learned to build the life you want. Don't get complacent; remain a participant in your own life rather than a spectator so that you can truly live the life you were meant to live. As you move forward, you may encounter dark times or difficulties from time to time. Make sure you see them as they really are, tests of your commitment to the new path you have chosen, instead of worrying that you are returning to your old ways. The law of attraction doesn't promise you that everything you do will be easy; it just promises you that you can get whatever you most want. If you encounter obstacles to your goals, hold fast to everything you've learned here to help you dissolve those blocks so that you can keep moving on the path to success. Never fear that you are moving backwards if you encounter difficult situations or negative feelings. Such a thing is impossible. The energy flows only in one direction, and if you are still living, breathing and learning, you are moving in the direction you are meant to go. Simply breathe through the obstacles and trust the Universe to show you the solution, and soon you'll attract what you need to get around the obstacles and return to a positive state of mind.

The law of attraction principles you've learned in this book are lifelong habits that will continue to serve you well as you progress through your life. The book is right here any time that you need a refresher. In fact, it can be helpful to review the book, particularly the exercises you've done, once every few weeks so that you can see how far you've come and re-energize yourself for the next part of your journey. There are many ways to use this book to help further your journey. Sometimes you may want to return to basics; if you're having a particularly challenging time, you may want to reread the first chapter to help yourself remember how the Universe works. Particular chapters may also speak to you at particular times--you may be having a crisis of ingratitude or impatience and need the wisdom on certain pages to help you turn your thinking around. You can also re-do some of the exercises to see how you've changed and to gain new insights into your current situation. Just relax and let the Universe guide you as to how best to use the book from this point forward. As with everything else, the answers are within you--and you now know how to unlock them. You've learned a lot about the best way to live. Living with openness, faith and gratitude will continue to attract the things you want into your life. Remember that faith and gratitude have no limits; there's always a way to be more grateful and to walk with more faith than you did the day before. Before finishing this book, take a moment to remember the person you were when you first opened its pages. Remember the pain and fear you used to feel on a regular basis. Smile at

yourself in the mirror; you've come a long way, and you deserve acknowledgement for it. After you've basked in the sunlight of your successes, think about all the people who haven't made it as far as you have. There are probably people in your life who are still suffering and wasting energy on trying to make themselves feel better in unproductive ways. Consider recommending a copy of this book to one of those people in gratitude for all you have learned while reading it. They, too, can free themselves from their self-imposed prisons; give them the same tools you were given so that they can do so. May you continue to attract joy, prosperity and peace into your life and into the world. Thank you for making this book part of your very special journey towards fulfilment.

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