The Last Question by Isaac Asimov - Activities

July 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The Last Question by Isaac Asimov Discussion and Comprehension

We learn at the beginning that ‘the last question’ arose ‘in jest’ and as a bet while drinking. Remember this and see if it affects your opinion of the ending or your understanding of the story as a whole.

Identify the setting (time and place.

What is !dell and "upo#’s relationship to the $ulti#ac% What are they talking about% &he story says that in ')* people will no longer use fossil fuels (coal+ gas+ oil. ,ow do you feel about the en#ironment- do you feel the world is going the right way and we will start protecting nature better% r is the world slowly being destroyed by us% 

"upo# says that ‘billions and billions of years’ is not fore#er. Is he correct to say this to !dell or is he being an annoying contrarian% 

What is the $ulti#ac%

What is the question that the two men ask the $ulti#ac%

 ////////////0  //////// ////0

Where are the characters going% Why%

1errord talks about the problem of growing populations and the o#er0crowding of the world. 2o you see this as a problem% If so+ how+ if at all can it be controlled% Is 3hina’s ‘one0baby policy’ acceptable% 3apital punishment for bad people% 3ontrolled sterili4ation for certain people% 

What is the $icro#ac% ,ow is it different from the $ulti#ac and the 5lanetary !3%

What is entropy%

Why does 1errord ask the same question as !dell and "upo# to the $icro#ac%

What does the $icro#ac answer%

,ow do you feel about his lying to the children% ,is first e6ample of ‘entropy’ makes them scream and cry so is he right not to tell them the truth%

 //////////////0  //////// //////0

,ow ha#e the names changed by the start of the third part%

Why has the 7ala6y filled so fast taking into consideration what the characters say%

What problem has the 7alactic !3 sol#ed%

,ow old are $80*91 and :10';ub Wun.

,ow are humans beginning to change%

Why does e#erybody call their gala6y ‘&he 7ala6y’% Why does that bother the characters%

$an built the original $ulti#ac but how do the latest computers e#ol#e or get better%

Why does =ee 5rime ask the question of re#ersing entropy to the computer% What is its answer%

 ///////////?  //////// ///?

$an’s thoughts ha#e become one in this section. What has happened to their bodies%

What does $an say%

When $an asks the question to the 3osmic !3+ what does it answer%

&he 3osmic !3 said+ @A 5RB"C$ I> IA>"DB"C IA !"" 3A3CI:!B"C 3IR3D$>&!A3C> 3IR3D$>&!A3C>.E .E What does it mean%    ///////////?  //////// ///?

What has happened to the stars and gala6ies%

What has happened to $an% ,ow do you feel about !simo#’s ending of the human race% Is it one we can look forward to or one that we should a#oid% Is it progress or destruction%

What does $an’s last mind see before fusion%

 ///////////?  //////// ///?

What happens to matter and energy% &ime and space%

Why does !3 keep working on the questionFwhy doesn’t it stop%

,ow does the story end%  //////////////0  //////// //////0 

,ow do you feel about !simo#’s #ision of the future%

What do you agree with or disagree with in the story%

Regarding the ending specifically+ what can you say about it%  GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG  GGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG  GGGGGGG  

 

 !nalyse the title. &here is interte6tuality in this short story. Where% Between which te6ts%

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