The Lakhovsky MWO

April 5, 2017 | Author: lackoft1290 | Category: N/A
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The LokhovskvM[UO: Bock To Squore One Peter R. Lindemonn




Iigure 4 is Sometimes tlle most obvious things take the longest. I arn the schework back reminded of all the wild hype thatsurrounded Tesla's matic of the put forth on in the 1980'sand the crazy new theories tlat were B eck/ B o b how his vireless power systemsuPPosedlyoperated. Smeuing Klark Kent a rubber fuh in the pan, BSRF railed against tre madness and Figure I I\{!VO (sirneventually released a video presentation of Tesla's wireless phffed). After power system in action. Remarkably, all it took was the genius studying these circuits for a wbile, I realized that there were a of Eric Dollard and going ba.ckto Tesla'sfatent.Tlte model bujlt number ofbasic diflerences. Lakhovsky had plac ed the spark gap from dre parent performed as claimed. No new theories or and the capacitor iI] a different relationship in t]re middle section explanadonswere needed. This video, Teslats lrngitudiof the circuit than Tesla and the others. Could this be important? is prool enough tlat going back to the nal Electricity Lakhovsky had also stepped the volage down in the ffnal stage original design is the best place !o starl when n-ying to underof the circuit where Tesla and ttre othen all stepped the voltage stand,or duplicalcsomeone's work, So, tlre question is, has anyone ever tried to duplicale way up . Was this signiffcant? What was Lakhovsky trying ta do thar was different tran what Tesla was t-ying to do? La.klovsky's I\{!VO as it is described in his patenr? After ffnally 'l"here were some other tlings that also puzded me. Both The read *rough I careitlly the right question, asking myself and Tesla had well developed subde sensi[vities Lakhovsky flandbook Wave Oscillator Multiple Lalrhovsky a pendulum to help him in his design work and Lal,drovs\ used single interesling. Every is quite I forurd for the answer. \Vhat sensory abilities are menlioned tlroughout Tesla's expanded Lakhovsky's for *re book, except in MWO schematic printed t}le writings of his biographers. Because of thb, writings and Tesla's his one of va.riation on patent diagram, is a model of or a that of their electrotherapeutic devices were I both years, assume for the last 30 electrGtherapeutic devicesl It seems that to near, even to very sensitivepeople, like be totally benign people have just be en putting Lakholsky's famous multi-ringed this becausenothingleaves my laboratory themselves. I assume anterura at t}Ie end of a Tesla circuit atrd fiinking tiat they had like. ExPeriments I have run strongly personally that I don't rhe real rhing. All of tlese unis. vaiiacioruon a circuit presented that cause seDsitivepeople to be tlrat a]l of the efiece the suggest by Bob Beck in 1963,spark proftrsely between the rings of style MWO) come from the (Becly'Kent these rnfts iritated by atrtenna.tsob has repeatedly told experimenters to bujld their the anterura. This brings up the the rings of sparking betl'reen MWOs with more and more power so that they will produce ques[on of whether or not tle MWO a.ntennais supposed to iDcreasing anounts of sparking on the anaerura.Oru ffles contain letters from people who report excellent results ftom these spark. Tesla is very clear in his writing tlat his units worked rnuch better when all electrical discharges from the terminals devices.The accolades.however, have notbeen universal.The were suppressed.At one point, he even describeswing 2 inches big problern with this style of MWO is that people who are of wax to cover the teminals (antennas).Likewise, Lakholsky seLsitive!o subtle energy, Iike myself, can't stand to be in the same room with one of thern whjle drey are operating because never mentions sparking dischargesbetween the rings of his alteruras.Somephotos showabn$h or coronadischargeoll the they are so irritating. Something was not right in all of this, and outermost ring of his MWO I wanted to ffgure it out. altennas, but no mention is problem, I To illustrate the made of this being the normal have included foru schematic therapeulic operating mode. diagrams here for reference. AJso, no photo of Lakhorsky's ligu,re I is the schematic o[ show arcing 6a' MWOs ever I-alhovsky's MWO ta]
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