The Keys of Anubis -Aron

March 3, 2017 | Author: Aron Aronite | Category: N/A
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This is a Spiritual thriller. But unlike other genres of Fiction, this is the only one that is utterly not a fiction at...


THE KEYS OF ANUBIS The Great Pull of the Dark Side and the keys of the Deep Secrets This is a Spiritual thriller. But unlike other genres of Fiction, this is the only one that is utterly not a fiction at all in any way. Aron

Anubis is a block cipher designed by Vincent Rijmen and Paulo S. L. M. Barreto as an entrant in the NESSIE project, a former research program initiated by the European Commission in 2000 for the identification of new cryptographic algorithms.[1] Although the cipher has not been included in the final NESSIE portfolio, its design is considered very strong, and no attacks have been found by 2004 after the project had been concluded.[ Anubis is named after the Egyptian god of entombing and embalming, which the designers interpreted to include encryption. They claim that violators of the cipher will be cursed.[1]

If this is a story then I should begin like- “Once upon a time there was a man called Aron”. But it is not. NOt a story in the sense it is a fictitious story. Nevertheless, we beginOnce upon a time there was this guy called Aron. As a kid he wasn’t in anyway exceptional. But looking back at his story you would be amazed at such exceptional happenings. One such happening that you might say should be very unusual indeed would be – the very early arrival into his life of certain Supernatural elements. The existence of such occult powerful kind of beings such as the Master Jedis and the Sith Lords who never need to bear any weapon to do battle physically. And him being chosen by one such Grand Master as an apprentice.

It was amazing to see at first that such beings existed at all. They are so super powerful that they can condense matter and nothing can touch them or approach them. This doesn’t mean they sit safely far away from physical combat zones- and use some occult power. They often sit right in the middle of some thickest fighting to do Battle meditation. They fight sometimes close to each other- like a Master Jedi and a Seth lord can be in the same neighborhood. It is not even like present day Military High commands that often actually doesn’t fire a shot whichever way the war goes. Both Seth Lord and Grand Master Jedi can be potentially attacked by each other. The intensity of the conflict would be very gruesomely tragic. Yet, the Grand Master and the Seth Lord cannot be approached. They deploy such a strong Occult Force field that is nearly impossible to penetrate. Just nearly. In some very exceptional hour of a millennially momentous history the Field can be penetrated. But if a Grand Master is physically attacked, that wouldn’t kill him because he always has a Super-Physical body. It is not a supra physical body but made of a Physically Superior material. It is a kind of matter that present day science cannot understand or even conceive. He always resides in that Super Physical indestructible exotic super-matter.

It is not a spiritual body like say a ghost, spirit or what we call soul. It is a very carefully prepared physical body built brick by brick by an occult technology using biological cells. But if in either’s presence, whether a Seth Lord or a Grand Master’s nothing can move physically without their Will. If something did, then it means that whatever moved had his sanction. The Grand Master or the Seth Lord could both concede such a ‘defeat’ to each other. Of the two the Grand Master is superior in power. But his almost Omnipotent Occult Power cannot operate in all circumstances. The complexity of the reason behind this paradox is difficult for even the best of human intelligence. God moves in mysterious ways as they say. But such occasions are rare. One such rarest of occasions is the sudden swing in the balance of forces which is difficult to be reached. Because for one side of the Force were to decisively and steeply decline the Force Balance in their favor, it would require either a near total disappearance of the Jedis, or the complete conversion of significant section of humanity to the dark Side and or coercion of humanity to turn against the Jedis and join ranks with the Dark Side. This is known in the Jedi Ways as the Great Pull of the Dark Side. When such a Pull of the Dark Side reaches a peak, then usually there is a Reaction from the Light.

The Forces of Light come down swooping on that planet and set to work reverse and cancel all the advances made by the Dark Side. But this was an exceptional hour. ‘This was the hour of God, but that is terrible’ as Sri Aurobindo foresaw our times of Global Terrorism. There was a Jedi Master called Ram Swarup. Very few knew who he was- mistaking him to be a spiritualist and an intellectual. Though he was a Master Jedi he did not know certain secrets that only the Grand Masters knew. The Deep Secrets are accessible only to the Grand Masters. These are immense Occult powers over matter. Ram Swarup was just then entering the Quest for the Deep secrets. Aron had this suspicion only decades after he was gone from this Planet. When Aron was taken almost blindfolded by another Apprentice Jedi of a different kind, to some hiding place that the Jedi Master was secreted away in the maze of that Chakra City that is New Delhi he didn’t realize the real significance of that meeting. Also at our present time, he isn’t sure either Ram Swarup realized that lying on his own bed was The Key. The most sought after Deep Secret Keys. There are hardly handful of Grand Masters in entire history who ever knew the Keys. Or even if they had somehow discovered them or have it, there were very few who knew how to use them to open The Doors of the Deep Secrets.

But this much Aron knows – that there had been other Grand masters who had gone looking for the Keys and had found them. There was in India a time of Great Arrival. It is a time when Grand masters come visiting the Planet in quick successions – So much quickly that there were many Grand Masters simultaneously. This of course cannot be- as you already now know the Balance of Forces will then tilt too heavily to Light before its time, and yet that happened. The real reason was that this was indeed that time when the Balance has to tilt. For the Maha Sidha was arriving soon. That required many Grand masters to be present on the field to guard and protect him. Naturally they knew they have to accept the inevitable Counter move by the Dark Side. Many Sith Lords will arrive and will be present in a planet at the same time. Humanity will be introduced to the Sithian Ways- and Great Sith Lords like Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin and Mao Tse who as their own chosen names tells is Tse, Stai…the Sethi. Adolf Hitler was Great Sethian Lord who is a direct manifestation of the dark side of Vishnu. His own name will tell that… he is Ado…tler…Ado Dalar. Ado dalar is the Lord of the Abyss- the Adala above which is the Patala. Adolf Hitler is what the Vedic Rishis know as the ‘ Ado Ratre Parschve..” the Dark Night of Virat or the Cosmic Being”. But the Great Will had been announced- the Maha sidha had to be here and they have to work their way out of a Long agonious Night.

A Darkest of all nights for humanity that may last for centuries. An uncertainity element had to be accepted to attempt the Certainty. To one curious Apprentice Jedi who asked in all innocence the Maha Sidha or Mazda as to whether it is possible to defeat the Light or destroy the Maha Sidha, he gave this unsettling replyThe Planet can be taken over by the Dark Side completely and forever and completely converted to the Dark side. In which case the humans as a Race, or as a species will fail. “ what kind of a Divine Play is it when one side know that it will always win and keep winning the Game in the end no matter what happens in the game ?” Interesting isn’t it? But the Grand Master who took Aron as his apprentice had the Deep Secret. The Great Pull is known only to Grand Master Jedis. Even when they knew the Great Pull is happening in the world, once again, still they may not know all the Keys of the Deep to know its outcome. But the Grand Master had fathomed the Depth – he simply said that he would work his way through this Longest and most terrible Night then fast approaching. How was the Grand master so sure of his ways? It was decades later that the answer would comeProbably it had to be The Keys of Anubis.

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