The Jinx Issue Index 101 - 151

July 31, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Tod Effoheff `s ` s gafo — Jut bo bo ' i i fovor jo lar arga gatttof jy ei e i i wba cfow b`h es e lr`ofd, fd, efd jy tbo tbausefds al heg`m`efs wba `f lu lutu turo ro yoe yoers rs w` w` i i m ma aho ta edh`ro edh`ro b`h tbraug tbraugb b b`s b`s wr wr`` t ` fg fgs s. fo `sy tbo gu`d gu`d`fg `fg tbo s p`ovof`fg r ` t al TB K@FR fovor otur arrc. TodBpessod pe ssod pieyod lr lra ah tb`s b` s G oae rt biy bi spboro spbor o af alO Kefuery 5:, ta 50r 4ot : urf `ff F— ow lPa Parc. o bes b`s b`s pert pert af t b`s b` s stego st ego al i ` l o efd b`s b` s s sb baw `s a avor vor.. Tbo l` fei fe i mur m urte te`f `f bes joof rufg dawf, taa oe oeriy ` t soohs, af afo wba bes mrawdod sa hefy jr ` i i ` e f t sum summos mossos sos `fta tbo sbart sbar t spef spef al =? yo yoer ers s. B`s pess`fg pess`fg ioevos e va`d fa afo m mef ef l ` i i — lar Tod wes e uf`quo uf`quo pors porsaf afei ei``ty, e rohercej ercejio io po porla rlarh rhor or ef efd e j r ` i i ` e ft mr mroe oeta tar r al al hoftei oftei ol ollo lomt mts, s, b`s b` s mba mbaso sof f l ` o i d. Bo bed e lemui em uitty l lar ar drehet`z` drehet `z`fg fg ttbo bo s` s`hpios hpiostt al t r`mcs efd hec`f `fg g tboh avor `ft fta a porlo por lomt mt hestor hest orp` p`om omos os.. B`s l i e ` r lar sbawhefsb`p laufd oxpross`af `f b`s mauftios mauftioss s mroe mr oet` t`afs afs efd `f b`s b` s awf pros pr osof ofttet et``af. @ t wes ttb` b`s s gu`d`fg larmo wb`mb ioed ioed b`h ta loetur loe turo o tbo defg defgora oraus us Juii Juiiot ot Metmb Metmb`fg `fg Tr Tr`mc `mc `f b`s b` s r rop opor or t a` ro. Tod wes jarf `f Wevoriy, Fow Parc, efd oer oeri y `f `f i ` lo turfod b` b`s s ufusuei tei oft fts s ta mafk mafkur` ur`fg. Bo la lauf ufd `f Heg`m b` b`s s gro gr oetost bepp` bepp`foss foss efd tbraugb Heg`m gevo bepp`fo bep p`foss ss ta e i i . B`s ej` i ` t y ta s`hpi`ly tbo war arc` c`fg fg al e t r` mc ofbefmod `t `ts ollomt oll omt e bufdrodla bufdrodlaid. id. Et boe boert rt bo wes po por rlomt om t ` af af`` st . Bo d`smerdod sio`g sio `gbt bts s efd eppi`od psymb psymbaia aiagy gy efd h`sd` h`sd`ro romt` mt`af af ta ta turf aut ollo ollomt mts s tbet tbe t wor oro o sa `fdo `f doii`j `jiy iy E ff hewr`t ff tt`fgs bet begs t e ei i i atbor atbor ttr r`mD cs al `isaf' s`h`i s` h`ier er fetu fe turo ro—sulloro sul lorod d jys mahper`saf. mah B`e oe oer rioy wr` `f eppoerod ``f f r. W `ie saf's s ]pb ]pb`fx `fx tbof ``f f b` b`s hefper`saf. y jaacs — efd l` fe feii i y mui muih h`f `feto etod d `f tb`s tb` s K@ K@F FR . Boro bo all alloro orod d tbo l` fost fo st maiio mai iomt mt`af `af al al prem pr emt` t` me meii t r` mcs ovor ta jo puj pujii`sbod sbod.. Bo hedo tbo tbo K@CR tbo hoot`fg piemo piemo al tbo heg`m l ret re t orf` or f`tt y, allor`fg tbru ` t s peg pegos, os, ta e i i wba sa saug ugbt bt ` t , tbo jofol`ts al b`s iafg oxpor` oxpo r`ofmo ofmo.. Ta tbet tbet o of fd bo gevo ufs ufsoi oil` l`sb sbiiy al b`s t`ho, t`ho, b`s @d @doe oes, s, b`s pof. B`s `hpr`ft af Heg`m `s porhe porhefof foft. t. Tod w` w`iii eiwey eys s jo w`tb u s . . . ` f tbo wr` wr`t` t`fgs fgs bo i olt job`fd @


T b o o h p t y v a ` d j o t w o o f p e g o s 2 = > e fd fd 2 7 0 r o p r o s o f t s s p e m o e i i a t o d ta e spom`ei @ssuo wb`mb Hr.Effoheff wes ufejio ta puji`sb. K.G.Tbahpsaf,Kr.

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EFOMDATO] G`ijort efd Baud`f` -iest per. All`m`eis Dat Tbo J`rd -Iest per. Otmb`fgs `f Heg`m Jroed @f Jod Iest por. Mberios D`mcofs,Heg`m`ef -per.7 O d ` s a f A f H ` f d r o ed ed ` f g -per . ? & < Kao Voffor,iag`m`ef's Ess`steft Lrod Coet`fg Jurfs _p -per.4 K a s ff ff e ] a u t b m a t t , ^ r a p b o t o s s - p e r . 4 Attacer L`smbor, Maiiomtar -per 4 Zussoii efd Hex -per.i ] b e ii ii W o ] e y ^of Tr`mcs 1 Iest per Tbo Hyst`m Gr`ppa 3 Iest per.

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