The Interviewer Candidate Problem Assuming that the interview day is a working day…….. IF [Interviewer is on me and schedule]
Candidate arrives for interview Checks what the interviewer is doing…. IF [reading magazine || sleeping || interviewing other candidate] candidate] IF [reading magazine] ait to !nish current page Candidate enters the room and asks for interview
"#$" IF [sleeping]
ake him up and ask the interviewer interviewe r to take take interview "#$" IF [interviewing another candidate] candidate] % go to the waing room IF [free chairs availa&le] availa&le] % wait '(
"#$" % leave '(
% when !nishes interviewing candidate candidate % )ismis )ismisses ses candi candida date te and and goes goes to aing aing room room % Chec Check k thr throu ough gh door door * and and door door + IF [candidate waing] % &ring one of them % check documents IF [documents complete and appropriate] % connue
"#$" % /eturn to chair and complete last un!nished magazine IF [01FI1I$2") [01FI1I$2" ) 34546I1"] % Complete last un!nished magazine % go to sleep '( % IF [candidate [candidate arrives for interview] % go to step + at the top "#$" % start reading new magazine % 47er !nishing go to sleep
% a&ort interview'(
$at8aki and 8udishthr pro&lem *. Form either either group'sat8aki9 group'sat8aki9ss :8udhishthr9s( :8udhishthr9s( of andava andava camp camp having plan will will send message to another camp. +. $end $end messen messenge gerr. ;. 4s message message is send< we start the counter counter me me and increase increase it &8 * e check whether the counter=me is less than the me=to=live 'i.e the life of messenger(. If >es < we again increase the counter me &8 *. 4nd received reacknowledge &8 receiver camp and perform step ?. "lse 'messenger caught &8 kauravas( we again repeat the step + and send acknowledge to the receiver camp. /epeat the step ; with all its parts.
?. 47er sending sending the messenger messenger to the another camp. camp. 3essenger 3essenger make make sure whether the receiving camp is sas!ed sas!ed with the plan or not. If 8es
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