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The importance of ludic activities to develop the speaking skill Author 1: Pupiales Briones Nelly del ROCIO Mail 1:
[email protected] Filiation: Universidad de Guayaquil Author 2: Dubraska Maholy Campuzano Parraga Mail 2:
[email protected] Filiation: Universidad de Guayaquil
This study examined the role of ludic activities in the acquisition of English by reviewing some of the most important research projects in the digital repository of Carrera de Lenguas, which belongs to the University of Guayaquil. Two research questions were addressed in this study: Do you think it is good to increase playful activities in oral expression in 8th grade students? Do you think that the students using this activity help the development in their oral expression? A systematic search was carried out in scientific bases, the students together with the background of the study, including several investigations comparable to research works. The eligibility criteria were based on oral expression as a dependent depen dent variable and leisure activities as an independent variable. The findings revealed that most of them like to speak English to improve, the use of playful activities by teachers has not been entirely effective, because they are based on the repetition of old methods, without any type of interaction with native speakers in the oral expression. These results may have implications implications with the application application of the didactic guide, it is expected that students feel more comfortable with each other and feel motivated to improve their speaking skills. KEYWORDS
Speaking skills
Ludic activities
Oral expression
Ludic games
In this analysis we detail all the aspects that we can relate to the importance of recreational activities in the development of oral skills, as well as with each of their deficiencies in said skills that 8th grade students present. In addition, we will be able to provide a long-term solution taking into account all the data collected through the different research instruments that are carried out, this will contribute with the relevant guides to solve the problem, and thus improve the development of oral skills through the use of recreational activities. This area of this research work is related to the use of recreational activities within English classes to observe the influence on the motivation of students regarding oral skills. These authors developed d eveloped a list of the components of motivation divided into three main dimensions: d imensions: the language, the student and the levels of learning situation (Cao 2014 and Mubaslat, 2012) they consider recreational activities as an effective technique in which wh ich students feel interested and motivated to participate in the class. According to the National Curriculum Guidelines, 8th grade Basic General Education students are basic users of the English language who should reach an A1.1 level of proficiency by the end of their academic year. As well as oral proficiency, students must reach this level of proficiency and must be able to introduce themselves, ask and interact with the activities of questions about themselves, make a mini play and an essay, among others. There is no doubt that currently students are not able to perform any of the tasks mentioned above, so this research aims to provide some examples and resources to help students improve their speaking skills. The most interesting thing about this is that learners will be able to learn a second language in a natural way and similar to their mother tongue (Conrad, 2011). Is it possible to insure that our students are motivated enough to put into practice what they have learned in class? Some studies consider that meaningful learning is based on more than what teachers transmit; it promotes the 3
construction of knowledge from learners' experiences, feelings and exchanges with other learners (Sharan, 2015). In addition, their inquiries detail the value of these occupations no foreign or Ecuadorian studies were found in which games are used as legitimate tools to to work in class and their importance as an educational tactic. However, it is not clear that if all institutions are deficient in oral expressions, but when a person learns a second language, internalization of vocabulary and grammatical structures is required for him to use them in some way both in the present and in the future. The future in order to continue learning (Dörnyei, 2005). With young children, the motivation to learn can be increased through physical activities that can be involved in playful activities. GOAL OF THE STUDY
The objective of this study was to investigate or explore in the field of recreational activities ac tivities and oral expression through a rigorous search for educational projects in the repository of the language career to decree the causes that motivated the research on this chosen topic and know the solutions. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE
The article presents a review of 20 research projects with focus on extensive reading and reading comprehension for EFL student. The projects were obtained through the repository of the language and linguistic career. These were we re the authors of the studies selected for the variable Ludic Activities: Espinoza (2018); Castillo & Pérez (2018); Fiallos (2019); Vera & Malave (2015); Cascante (2019); Gutierrez & Ruíz (2019); Yagual & Fuegeroa (2017); Alvarez & Alvarado (2018) :Choez & Leiton (2016):Chenche & Ochoa (2017). These were the authors of the studies selected for the variable Speaking Skill: Navarro & Pita (2021); Romero & Murillo (2017); Peña (2020); Huacon & Suarez (2017); Vargas & Pinargoti 4
(2017); Salinas Salgado (2016); Zambrano (2020); Meza & Martínez (202); Romero & Urgiles (2020); Bonilla & Zambrano (2015); Navarro (2009). Variable 1: 1. Defining: Ludic activities are different types of games to be applied in the educational
field. They aim to make a bridge between education and fun for foreign language learners. The authors of this project have decided to use the following ludic activities proposed by the Common European Framework (2001) such as social language games and individual activities. 2. Importance: An activity-based learning approach puts students in an active role in their
own learning where they learn by doing rather than listening to the teacher. Teachers can use experiments, puzzles, flash-cards, three-dimensional models, role play techniques with the purpose to engage students. 3. Enhancing: Motivational strategies can help to create an increasing interest in learning
English language ( Dörnyei and Ushioda, 2011) affirmed that following the motivational process from the initial arousal of the motivation to the completion and evaluation of the motivated action seems more reasonable than making somewhat arbitrary decisions 4. Ludic Activities: Ludic activities are experiences which people can enjoy and are able to
performance different cultural and sport activities activities such as theater, dance and many others. According to Iglesias (Iglesias, 2017) ludic actions give the human being the mood and attitude to practice different kind of activities making the time enjoyable. 5. Types: In ludic activities inside the classroom, a teacher needs to consider the goals that he
or she wants his or her students to achieve example: Games, air/group work, Songs/Rhymes/Chants, Role-plays/Dramatizations, Flashcards/Illustrations, Stories and tales. Variable 2:
1. Defining: Linguists and educators declare that speaking skills are those that allow a clear
and precise message to be transmitted verbally, where students collect their thoughts, feelings, and opinions to transmit them to other people. However, students can have problems in expressing the opinions or thoughts they want to report to their other peers. It is also important to note that speaking skills are known to be productive and are based on exchanging real conversations (Navarro & Pita, 2019). 2. Types: Goodwin specified those abilities that learners need to acquire acqu ire through certain
linguistic features that can be practiced: Intonation, rhythm, reduced speech, linking words, consonants and vowel sounds, word stress, verbal fluency (Navarro 2015). 3. Speaking Skill: Interaction as the key to improving EFL learners’speaking abilities
Teachers should encourage students to develop de velop the behavior about with interesting material leading students to interact with each other. Spoken Sp oken language has two parts namely: interactional and transactional. The first one has as a purpose to establish social relationship, and the second one is to transfer information and ideas (Vargas & Pinargoti 2017). 4. Importance: Currently, around the world, language is used as a communication tool,
which helps to create new job opportunities and become independent in international business, achieving new job goals. English is one of the the languages that are considered an import important ant instrument of global communication that is used by everyone and required in most countries around the world with the purpose of o f informing and providing new benefits when growing professionally (Navarro & pita 2019). 5. Teaching resources: This activity is appropriate to incorporate at the beginning or end of
the school year. The use of tape recorders and CDs are advantageous resource that can be used in the classroom; this kind of instrument aids students in improving their pronunciation, which is a
crucial aspect of learning the art of speaking and is known for this purpose. This kind of resource makes it easier to hear spoken speech by facilitating various intonation, rhythm, sound, and accentuation patterns (Torres, 2017). METHODOLOGY
This is a systematic review article. Systematic reviews follow a structured order: 1. The systemati systematicc and exhaustive exhaustive search of all all potentially potentially relevant relevant education educational al projects. projects. 2. The selection, selection, by means means of explicit explicit and reproducibl reproduciblee criteria, criteria, of the educational educational projects projects that will finally be included in the review. 3. The descripti description on of the design and analysi analysiss of the educational educational projects projects,, the synthesis synthesis of the data obtained, and the interpretation of the results. Preliminary Research and Validation of Ideas
To identify relevant educational projects, ensure the validity of the proposed idea, avoid duplication of previously addressed questions, and ensure that there were enough educational projects to perform the analysis, a preliminary preliminary search was carried out in the following databases REPOSITORIO.UG.EDU.EC.
Educational projects on The Importance of Ludic Activities to Develop the Speaking Skill were identified to explore the research in the field and to determine research questions. The methodology that we have applied throughout this investigation is based on a mixed method approach. In other words, this implies the use of qualitative and quantitative perspectives. As well as the qualitative perspective, it allows allows understanding the social reality of the problem being treated, maintaining an idealistic position that highlights an evolutionary conception of the problem and its impact within a social context (Niño, 2011). 7
We have also used in this didactic guide methodology and techniques that use the importance of playful activities to develop the ability to speak through such innovative activities that will be entertaining for students and teachers. The activities imply the use of digital platforms or didactic materials where a competitive environment will be created for the students where they will constantly participate among themselves in the classroom with activities such as Games, Pair/group work, Songs/Rhymes/Chants, Song s/Rhymes/Chants, Role- plays/Dramatizations, Flashcards/Illustrations, Stories. RESEARCH QUESTIONS How do ludic activities influence speaking skills?
As you know, English is considered the main language in most countries since the United States became the dominant country in the world. Hence the need to communicate with people whose mother tongue is different. Communication is one of the most powerful tools that people have, and being able to speak a language like that opens many doors for those who are looking for a decent job. Therefore, it is imperative that people learn English at a yo young ung age. For this to happen, it is important that English is taught correctly in schools. Once students are rooted in learning, they can move forward effectively in all matters related to learning English. Lopes (2015), ludicity is a human and social phenomenon that is not as well understood as is commonly supposed. Ludicity refers to the ideas of play, gameplaying, recreation, leisure, and the construction of an object or project. Ludicity is used in various fields, namely, anthropology, sociology, education, technology, and communications. Games are present in daily life, for example: in cultural aspects, sports competitions, entertainment, villages´ folk manifestations, artistic expressions, written works, verbal communication, in teaching materials, and more.
The ludic game are a group of strategies designed to create an atmosphere of harmony in the students that are inmersos in the learning process. This method looks for that the students appropriate of the topics imparted by the educational ones using the game. The ludic method doesn't only mean to play for recreation but on the contrary, it dev develops elops very deep activities worthy of its apprehension on the part of the student but disguised through the game. Diaz, Bach, and Martinez (2014), mentioned that “playing activities consists of having dynamic strategies that active learning involving students and make students go out of the routine and thinking about what they are doing¨ (p.1). Dynamic strategies consist of using games as a mean to motivate students learning. Ludic activities and ludic materials help English teachers in classroom because they allow catching the attention of students. In other words, ludic activities have the objective to facilitate and improve student learning. What benefits will the students get with the results obtained from this thesis project?
The direct beneficiaries of this thesis project will be teachers and students, which will receive guidelines and extra resources to help them both in the teaching-learning process of the English language. The indirect beneficiaries are comprised by the authorities of the institution and the educative community in general, in which the students will have a direct impact once they complete their secondary education. One of the benefits that students obtain is that there are many playful activities that we can carry out in our free time, with the aim of releasing tensions, escaping from routine and daily worries, obtaining some pleasure, fun and entertainment as well as other benefits, among which are: Expands body expression, develops concentration and mental agility, improves balance and flexibility, releases endorphins and serotonin, increases blood circulation and provides social inclusion.
The ludic activities, as resource in the classroom, used to develop behaviors and skill adapted in the students, not single help in the acquisition of knowledge and developing the skill to sepak english language, but rather it contributes in the communication, in the motivation to take of decisions, and in the solution of difficulties that you/they show up during the interaction with other students. The game is an activity, naturally happy that develops the man's personality integrally and in particular its creative capacity. As pedagogic activity he/she has a marked didactic character and it fulfills the intellectual, practical, talkative elements and valorativos in way lúdica (Ocaña 2009). RESULTS
There are different strategies in the use of the importance of playful activities. Currently, classes can be face-to-face at school, that would be one factor less than the wrong oral expression and students can already share face to face and there are a lot of activities such as songs where students can do karaoke where they are going to develop plus their oral expression is one of the useful activities that we have in mind, we have others that are, for example: Pair/group work, Songs/Rhymes/Chants, Song s/Rhymes/Chants, Role-plays/Dramatizations, Flashcards/Illustrati Flashcards/Illustrations, ons, Stories. These activities can be used in and out of class with the students, in the classroom we can pair a group of students to make a competition in order to improve their oral expression. Another advantage is to improve education by making the English language important and ask the authorities for extra materials such as electronic devices such as projectors, printers, computers, speakers and even have an English classroom where students can go do karaoke with music in English and practice. your pronunciation and leave the medium of speaking in front of others.
So, not only that the students repeat the words in the notebooks as it was before in school, but also try to find improvement for them. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS CONCLUSIONS
The following conclusions can be drawn from observations of certain factors, including English proficiency among pupils in public schools, their teachers provided them with motivation with pre-programmed procedures, teaching methods, and statistical findings. It can be inferred from this that students rarely engaged in class discussion and through discussions and planned techniques they desire de sire more and are more interested to voice their beliefs. The present proposal is to analyze oral expression in 8th grade, the an analysis alysis presented and the lack of motivation and playful activities to improve oral o ral skills frequently due to mispronunciation of the basic sounds of the language, use of pronunciation that do not exist. It is announced or we name activities that can solve the said problem both in the long or short term using the tactics to improve communication between students or between students and teachers. The interaction with native speakers, or simply with the recreational activities mentioned above, will be of great help for oral expression, which is one of the most important skills when learning English. RECOMMENDATIONS
Finally, my own suggestions together with my research partner in general we suggest, consist, first an evaluation of the performance of the teachers towards the students in the oral expression, since to obtain good results we need that the teachers are capable and have that ability so that the students have the initiative to improve their oral expression and from the opinion of students that allows to show conformism or non-conformism in front of the teachers.
Students should engage in more speech activities in English class, such as debates, conversations, and dialogues.
Students must take part in role-playing exercises to broaden their vocabulary and develop the ability to have a wonderful conversation while accurately and effectively conveying their own ideas.
The students should take part in fresh group activities.
To keep the students actively participating in the activities, the teacher must develop new tactics.
The teacher should capitalize on the students' enthusiasm for studying English by encouraging them to use new vocabulary and grammatical constructions to express themselves.
The instructor should implement projects that inspire students to speaking and honing speech abilities through warm-ups and brainstorming strategy, music, role-playing, a small competition, etc.
The teacher ought to engage the students by playing g games ames with them activities that support stress-free environments in the classroom.
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