The Importance of An Environmental Management System

July 14, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1. Impro Improving ving Profitability Profitability With ISO 14001 Environmental Management System


2. The Secrets to an Effective Environmental Management System


3. Environ Environmental mental Management Management Systems: Systems: Building Buildin g Your Green Team


4. A Customised Environmental Environmental Management Management System Manual


5. Winning Projects With an Environmental Environmental Managementt System Sample Managemen




Improving Profitability Profitability with the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System  What’s




environment is also good for the bottom line. When Geelong Wool Combing Ltd. (GWC) began working on its environmental management system in 1997, it spent $100,000 plus $5,000 to $6,000 getting certified. But the company’s savings greatly outweighed what they spent for

preparing their  their ISO 14001 environmental management system. system.  By changing their boiler, GWC saved $180,000 annually. By optimising their detergent consumption, they saved $60,000 every year. By making improvements to their by-product recovery systems, GWC increased their estimated estimate d income by $250,000. Moreover, when the wool wool-processi -processing ng plant looked into zero waste off-site, they managed to incorporate their waste products into saleable compost, which allowed them to eliminate 20 tonnes of daily waste and an added avenue for generating income. There are hundreds of other companies worldwide that have adopted a certified environmental environmental managemen managementt system (EMS) in order to comply with legislation. For most of these corporations, the initial objective might have been to avoid any sort of penalty from governing bodies like the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. But with companies like GWC showing better profits by planning and enforcing more efficient environmental systems, the shift from mere compliance has gone on to continual improvement of the EMS.



The ISO 14001 is the most utilised EMS in the world. An estimated 223,000 organisations in over 159 countries are certified for it. As the principal management system standard, the ISO 14001 focuses on controlling the effects a company’s activities have on the environment such as emissions

to water or air. With this standard, companies are required to set objectives, targets, and programmes needed to improve overall environmental environme ntal performance. performance. Remarkable cost savings can be sourced from improved efficiencies in energy and water usage alone. The added value of minimising waste, as GWC had done, brings enormous possibilities for an even greater bottom line. The most basic commitments a company must meet with the ISO 14001 include compliance with legislation, continual improvement of the EMS, and prevention of pollution. In order for a company to fully benefit from the ISO 14001, it must have the full commitment of top management. The burden of having to spend thousands of dollars in preparing the EMS can quickly be remedied by opting for a professionally written, AS/NZ ISO 14001-compliant template that is easily used and underst understood ood by the very people who need to enforce it. With a fully compliant EMS temp late, companies needn’t hire costly consultants who might charge fees of up to $40,000. Businesses that use the  the  ISO 14001 environmental management system, system , like the GWC, have not only improved profitability and saved enormous sums on production costs, but they have also achieved minimised impact on the environment and, along with it, an improved public perception of businesses as environmentally responsible entities.



The Secrets to an Effective Environmental Management System  Reading a wordy and complex thick guide on, say, reducing water consumption by one million gallons a day or implementing a process to reduce the amount of paint sludge in several company-owned company-owne d factories, can easily get in the way of work. Work that prevents a company from, well, working is obviously not cost-effective and therefore inefficient. However, businesses that inescapably affect the environment with its day-to-day operations simply can’t give up enfor cing an environmental management system  (EMS) because it’s cumbersome to draft and difficult to understand. system

Simple, understandable, and positive. This is how the University of Queensland wanted their EMS. In a case study reported by the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts, the country’s first university

to get an environmental management system certification relayed that their desire to achieve an effective EMS was not borne out of mere obligation, but rather stemmed from the university’s own desire to use all

resources efficiently and enhance and protect campus environment through sustainable practices. This began with staff efforts at paper recycling, which eventually led to preparation of an actual a ctual environme environmental ntal strategy they called Unigreen. Later on, the University of Queensland pushed for an ISO 14001 certification as a way of setting an example for their suppliers and contractors, which they required to be certified as well.



The University of Queensland has some 50 sites spread over more than 334,000 square metres, with lakes, gardens, roads, sewage treatment plants, an incinerator and a range of the facilities relevant to the university’s daily function. Suf fice fice it to say with a staff of 5,000 and a student population of 28,000, the coverage of their EMS wasn’t about to be

simple because it needed to incorporate a wide range of activities. But with the persistence of those tasked to implement the school’s E MS to

keep it simple, understandable, and positive, the University of Queensland was able to come up with a system that was easily understood and still right on target with their environmental objectives. To this day, the university makes further improvements to its ISO 14001 certified EMS and sets new targets every year to save costs and employ more efficient procedures. Every business, whether it’s a university, a car manufacturing plant, or a

construction company, can have a simple, understandable, and positive EMS without spending several months drafting it. A clear EMS can also be achieved without hiring expensive consultants who will most likely charge thousands of dollars. A reliable, professionally made ISO 14001-compliant and simple EMS template can be acquired through a reputable online provider of EMS templates. This relieves any business from having to draft a cumbersome and complex EMS manual. There lies the first secret to a successful system. The rest will be up to the commitment environmental management system. of the company’s top management and the dedication of its employees to

enforce it.



Environmental Management Systems: Building Your Green Team Who identifies the environmental competence of all contractors working on a project? Who monitors construction activities to ensure appropriate control measures are effective and in place? Who reviews and improves method statements for environme environmental ntal aspect before commencing any work? Every organisation, especially one that deals with complex and high-risk projects - like a construction firm, for instance) has to have clear roles and responsibilities for the key individuals tasked to enforce  environmental management systems. enforce systems.  If a company’s organisational chart doesn’t clarify each employee’s

responsibilities and roles in the business, inefficiency will ensue, which is most likely followed by chaos. When something bad happens like complaints from other businesses about construction noise and vibration, or waste managem management ent procedures weren’t followed, someone either needs

to be responsible for resolving the issue or be held accountable for it. Otherwise, such incidents that delay work and incur costs will continue to happen. When someone is tasked to manage and inspect every aspect of the work related to your construction company’s environmental impact,

everyone works better. Plan. Do. Check. Act. Each phase of you company’s environmental management system requires the necessary personnel to ensure the project is done and delivered according to environmental legislation and your organisation’s own policies policies..

For instance, your project environmental manager is responsible for coordinating and managing all the environmental activities during the



construction phase. He develops and reviews your construction environmental management plan. He monitors construction activities performance and identifies environmental competence and requirements for all staff working on the project. He does overall monitoring of the programme for environmental works, environmental audit of subcontractors andclient’s suppliers, and performs several the duties that concern liaising with the environmental manager, project’s public officer, and the construction team. Meanwhile, your site environmental represen Meanwhile, representative tative will be directly involved in managing and coordinating environmental activities on-site. That person will be reporting to your project environmental manager. He will assist the manager in developing and maintaining your construction environmental management plan (CEMP). He will undertake weekly (or as indicated in your CEMP) site inspections, determine actions required, and identify training needs and even provide it when required. He will investigate and resolve complaints. He will circulate information on waste management procedures. All environmental management systems  systems  begin with creating or drafting your construction company’s policies. Such policies, as identified by ISO

14001, should be communicated to all employees and suppliers to ensure that everyone works in line with those policies. Monitoring, documentation, compliance audits  –  it takes a good green team to apply the principles of environmental management. Make sure your team is knowledgeable knowledge able and trained so your construction projects fully benef b enefit it from adopting a certified EMS.



A Customised Environmental Management System Manual A grown man wearing an ill-fitting suit looks odd. He looks odd because he might be walking around like a child playing dress-up. A theater

actor that’s speaking lines from “Mama Mia!”

will seem ridiculous. He will seem ridiculous because he’s in a play called “Speaking in Tongues.” An architect that brings the blueprint

of a two-storey narrow block house might worry his site foreman and client. He might worry his site foreman and client if he’s

supposed to be designing a farmhouse. The same sort of principles may be applied to your environmental management system manual. manual.  If the significant document doesn’t correspond to your construction project, you might not make your deadline and end up incurring more costs that goes above the project bid amount.

The creation of an environmental manageme management nt system in your construction business is merely the beginning of an implementation process to manage and continually improve the way your projects are done. The management process requires a tool, and that tool comes in the form of the EMS manual. Your construction EMS manual will include procedures on training, managing records, completing internal audits, and identifying environmental aspects. It needs to detail how requirements of the system are going to be implemented. It will have programmes and operational controls that fall under the EMS. It will contain documents that record EMS training provided to employees, completion of management reviews, and identification of environmental aspects. It should also include definitions and references that will help those reviewing the EMS.



Commissioning a consultant to create a customised environmental management system (EMS) can be expensive. Most businesses spend upwards of $10,000 for consultants and allocate several months drafting it, ensuring it adheres to current Australian policies. However, there is a less costly, less complex way to achieve an EMS manual that complies with state and federal environmental legislation. A customised and comprehensive  comprehensive  environmental management manual  manual  that reflects AS/NZS ISO 14001 standards can be commissioned through a reputable online EMS provider. A professionally written EMS manual will have policies, procedures, practices, and performance standards of your construction construc tion company. The EMS manual will work for construction projects projects like alteration or repair of a building, structural alteration, or repair of viaducts or tunnels. Your EMS manual might also come with a project-specific management plan, which all construction companies frequently require since each project differs in scope and location. All you need to do is fill it out according to your current projec projectt requ r equirements irements.. An environmental management system manual that’s customised for every

construction project that comes your way is a necessary tool that ensures you deliver a project within the deadline, according to specifications, and with minimal impact to the environment. With a comprehensive and professionally written manual made possible through online purchase, you can provide high-quality work without the heavy costs.



Winning Projects with an Environmental Management System Sample  You’ve





company and have begun an effort to land projects by tendering bids. Government contracts, you’ve found out, require certain

certifications before allowing any company to even tender a bid. Most companies, you’ve realised, also require all contractors

to acquire international and state certifications before even considering to let you tender. Before you sell all the construction equipment and relieve the carpenters, the engineers, and the foreman of their jobs, see about an sample.  environmental management system sample. An environmental management system (EMS) manages the impact of an organisation or a company’s activities on the environment and provides a structured approach to planning and implementing protection measures. An internationally certified EMS provides companies like yours the credentials needed to land projects and do business with numerous companies that only deal with environmentally responsible suppliers and contractors. Acquiring that certification, then, becomes fundamental in the operation and development of your business. But where do you start? How do you even begin to formulate your company’s environmental policies? Which state legislations do you need to

take into account when drafting your EMS? How do you know each policy and procedure will work to your company’s and the environment’s




However, drafting your company’s EMS will no longer seem like a daunting task now with reliable online EMS providers offering comprehensive and customised EMS templates for manuals and plans… all of which are

guaranteed to comply with AS/NZS ISO 14001 standards, state and federal government guidelines, and environmental legislation. All you need to do is quite easily fill-in-the- blanks. You’ll only need to specify what your company intends to achieve with the EMS. Is it accomplishing zero waste on-site or managing water usage during construction? You’ll also have to identify and document actual and

potential environmental impacts of your company. These projections will need to be specified later on in your EMS plan, which should be projectspecific. You’ll also need to specify the a llocated roles and responsibilities responsibilities of certain

employees to ensure that implementation of the policies and procedures in your EMS are carried out effect effectively. ively. Adoption of an EMS isn’t just used to comply with state and federal legislations and avoid penalties. Its certification isn’t just to satisfy and meet government contracts and private businesses’ requirements. Its

implementation serves a purpose far greater than compliance and managing environmental impacts of your company’s day -to-day activities. When the policies and procedures in your EMS are implemented to the letter, your company is able to cut costs and gain alternate income sources. A reliable and professional EMS provider will present an environmental management system sample  sample  that you can review and determine if it is, indeed, one that perfectly fits your business; soon enough, you will be competing for government and private projects, and gaining a reputation for providing quality projects that have well-managed environmental impacts.


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