The Imperial College of Australia: SITHCCC019-Produce Cakes, Pastries and Breads Worksheets
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The Imperial College of Australia SITHCCC019-- Produce cakes, past SITHCCC019 pastries ries and bre breads ads Worksheets
List five five food pro product duction ion req require uirement ments s you need to con confirm firm pr prior ior to produci producing ng cakes, cakes, pastries pastries and breads. a) b) c) d) e)
Port Portio ion nc con ontr trol ol Quant Quantiti ities es to be prod produce uced d Sp Speci ecial al cus custom tomer er reque requests sts Sp Speci ecial al di dieta etary ry requi require reme ments nts +Ingr +Ingred edien ients ts and and equip equipme ment nt
You’re You’re making making 4 40 0 servi servings ngs of En English glish custa custard. rd. Eac Each h serving serving is 250 250 ml. The follow following ing recipe recipe yields yields 2 L. Calculate how much of each ingredient you will need to make enough servings of the custard. Milk Vanilla essence Sugar Egg yolks
2L 4 ml 200 g 20
Milk : 20 L Vanilla essence : 40 ml Sugar : 2000 g Egg yolks : 200
Provide Provide three three qu quality ality po points ints for d dairy airy an and d eggs wh which ich ind indicat icate e quality quality and freshne freshness. ss. Dairy and eggs
When we crack egg to open, very liquid whites and flat yolks usually indicate an old egg, whereas firm whites and high, rounded yolks mean the egg is fresh. Dairy products can be smelled. Aroma should be appropriate.
Provide three quality points for dry goods that indicate quality and freshness. a) Large lumps lumps in dry dry goods like flour and and sugar general generally ly indicate moisture is present in in the storage storage container. b) Ap Appr prop opri riat ate e ttex extu ture re c) Appr Approp opri riat ate e smel smelll
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Worksheets SITHCCC019 Version October 2018 Page 1 of 19
The Imperial College of Australia
Identify the type of flour(s) you would select for the following recipes. Sweet pastry : Cake flour/biscuit flour (weak flour)
Puff pastry : Baker's flour
Sponge cake : Plain/all-purpose flour
Wholemeal dinner roll : Wholemeal flour
Identify three stock date codes and rotation labels you should read when selecting ingredients from stores to ensure you’re rotating stock properly. Describe the contents of each one.
We should follow stock rotation requir requirements ements when it comes to selecting ingredients. First In, First Out is a good guide. We should always check use-by or best-before dates. We should never use any product which is past this date.
Describe Describe five wa ways ys you could could incre increase ase the nu nutriti tritiona onall value of classical classical and and contempor contemporary ary cakes, cakes, pastries and breads or their fillings. a) Select Select quali quality ty ingr ingredi edient ents s b) Make sure they are good good for for custom customer er c) Se Sele lect ct fr fres esh h ingr ingred edie ient nts s
Q8:: Q8
Wher Where e does does the blac black k for fores estt cak cake e origin originate ate ffrom rom? ?
The black forest cake originated from Germany.
Q9:: Q9
Briefl Briefly y descri describe be clas classic sical al m mill ille e feu feuill illes. es.
Mille-feuille means a thousand leaves. This dish ahs layers of cooked pieces of puff pastry sandwiching a Mille-feuille pastry cream filling.
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The Imperial College of Australia Q10: Q1 0: Brief Briefly ly descr describe ibe the follow following ing cla classi ssical cal and and conte contemp mpora orary ry yeastyeast-rai raised sed pa pastr stries ies an and d breads breads including their historical and cultural origins. Brioche Brioche is a light, soft, heavily buttered and slightly sweet bread dough which is served savoury or sweet. Its origins are Norman.
Bath buns Bath buns are rich, round, sweet rolls which have sugar baked into the bottom and sprinkled over the top.
Danish Danish pastries are similar to croissants, but filled with cream or cheese and topped with fruits and berries.
Q11: A customer on a low-fat, high-fibre diet has asked you to recommend the healthiest option for them on your menu. Which of the following has the highest nutritional value and is suitable for your customer: apple pie, fruit danish pastry, banana bread, mixed grain bread?
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The Imperial College of Australia SECTION 2: SELECT, PREPARE AND USE EQUIPMENT Q1:
Select Select the correct correct type of equ equipme ipment nt (includin (including g any attac attachme hments nts required required)) for the following following tasks. tasks. Folding ingredients into a sponge cake
Hand-beating mousse Beaters Saucing cake Piping bag Mechanically mixing bread dough Commercial flour standing mixture Cutting croissant dough Pastry cutter and shapes Cutting cake Pastry cutter and shapes Mechanically mixing cake batter Commercial flour standing mixture
What What are the essen essential tial ffeatu eatures res a and nd fu functi nctions ons of of a palet palette te knife? knife?
It has a flexible blade with a rounded top and can be plain edged or serrated. Its function is to use a palette knife predominantly for cake decoration and turning food during cooking.
What What are the essen essential tial ffeatu eatures res a and nd fu functi nctions ons of of a bowl bowl cu cutter tter? ?
A bowl cutter is a tool which has an open hemispherical stainless steel bowl which slowly rotates in a circular fashion around a horizontal axis. Its function is to combine soft items and finely chop large quantities of nuts, praline, biscuit crumbs and other dry items.
Identify three visible signs of uncleanliness you should check for when assembling equipment. a) Le Left ftov over er part partic icle les s b) Pi Piec eces es of pa pack ckag agin ing g c) Sponges
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The Imperial College of Australia Q5:
To ensure ensure ute utensils nsils,, tools an and d equi equipme pment nt are hy hygie gienical nically ly clean, clean, you should should wash wash them in hot hot water and neutral detergent according to manufacturer’s instructions. What temperature water should you use to rinse them to kill bacteria and remove any chemical residue?
We use 77 degree C water to rinse them to kill bacteria and remove any chemical residue.
List three three things things you should should che check ck for whil while e assem assemblin bling g and disassem disassemblin bling g equipmen equipmentt to ensure ensure it’s safe to use. a) We should should rea read d ma manufa nufactur cturer's er's instructi instructions. ons. b) If something something doesn't doesn't look rig right, ht, we can ask to experienced experienced to demonstrate demonstrate how how to do. c) We can chec check k for cracks, cracks, frayed frayed,, cords, fau faults, lts, and inc incorr orrectly ectly fitted fitted blades blades or compone components nts which might make it unsafe.
When When prepari preparing ng dough, dough, it’s it’s impo importan rtantt to keep it co cool ol so it’s easier easier to knead knead,, roll and and cut. List List two ways to do this. a) Place Place the dough dough on on a chil chilled, led, cl clean ean,, well-flou well-floured red su surfac rface. e. b) Start with chilled chilled dough dough as it's easier to work with than dough at room temperature. temperature.
Explain Explain five five thin things gs you should should k keep eep in m mind ind to sa safely fely use use baking baking trays trays and pots. pots. a) b) c) d) e)
Don't Don't allow ba baking king trays trays to hang hang over th the e edge o off bench benches es or stovetop stovetops. s. Use ladle ladle to remove remove sauces fr from om the pot rather rather than than pouring pouring directly directly from from it. Use d dry ry te tea a towel, towel, gl glove oves s to to touch uch hot hot equipm equipment. ent. Leave Leave the pot pot on the sto stop p top to deal deal with llarg arge e quan quantitie tities s of sauce. sauce. Switch Switch off off hot hot equipm equipment ent w when hen not in use. use.
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The Imperial College of Australia SECTION 3: PORTION AND PREPARE INGREDIENTS Q1:
You s sort ort ingredients ingredients and place them ttogether ogether to m make ake asse assembly mbly more more efficient. efficient. Identify Identify seven seven other other preparation prepar ation tasks (mise en place tasks) you may complete when assembling assembling ingredients for cakes, pastries and breads according to food production sequencing. a) b) c) d) e) f) g)
Sift flflour Melt bu butter Wash, Wash, peel, peel, cor core e and and ch chop op fruits fruits Prep Pr epar are e ga garn rnis ishe hes s Choose Choose right right type type of yeast yeast,, flou flour, r, sug sugar, ar, cr cream eams, s, etc etc.. We Weig igh h and and meas measur ure e ingr ingred edie ient nts s Grea Grease se and and li line ne tra trays ys
List four four ways you you can manage manage you yourr own spe speed, ed, timing timing and and productiv productivity ity to produce produce cakes, cakes, pastri pastries es and breads within commercial timeframes. a) b) c) d)
Q3:: Q3
Read Reading ing the recip recipe ec clea learly rly Makin Making g a lis listt of tasks tasks I ne need ed to c comp omplet lete e Prior Prioriti itisin sing g an and d sched schedule ule m my y tasks. tasks. Doing Doing othe otherr tasks tasks while items items ar are e baki baking, ng, re restin sting g or rising. rising.
Explai Explain n how how to mea measur sure e wet wet ingre ingredie dients nts.. a) Measure Measure wet wet ingre ingredien dients ts by weight weight,, liquid measur measuremen ementt or number. number. b) Use accura accurate te measu measuring ring jugs and spoo spoons. ns.
Q4:: Q4
Explai Explain n how how to mea measur sure e dry dry ingr ingredi edien ents. ts.
We measure dry ingredients by weight rather than volume. We use an accurate set of scales with a scooped weighing compartment. Account for the the weight of any containers. containers.
Your recip recipe e calls for sugar sugar,, butter a and nd flou flourr in a ratio of 1:2:3 1:2:3 (that (that is: 1 part sugar sugar to 2 parts parts butter butter to 3 parts flour). You have already accurately measured your 300 g of butter. You have an accurate set of scales on which to weigh your flour and sugar. The bowls each weigh 40 g. In one bowl what should the scales read to ensure you have the correct amount of sugar?
190g In another bowl what should the scales read to ensure you have the correct amount of flour? 490 g Q6:
What What three three specific specific cond condition itions s doe does s yeast yeast require require to be become come active? active? a) It grows grows rrapi apidly dly betwe between en 25 25 C and 32 C C..
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The Imperial College of Australia b) Enzymes Enzymes b brea reak k do down wn s starc tarch h in the flour. flour. c) It is is tem tempe pera ratur ture es sen ensit sitive ive..
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The Imperial College of Australia Q7:: Q7
Ther There e are ten basic basic steps steps to pr prep epare are yea yeastst-ba based sed dou dough gh accordin according g to most most stand standard ard recip recipes. es. The hese se step steps s en ensu sure re that that the the do doug ugh h ferm fermen ents ts/d /dev evel elop ops s pr pro ope perl rly y an and d is the the co corr rrec ectt consistency/shape. List the steps in order. Step 1. Collect and weigh all ingredients Step 2. Mix or knead ingredients together Step 3. Prove the dough for the first time Step 4. Knock back the dough Step 5. Portion, roll and shape the dough Step 6. Portion, roll and shape the dough Step 7. Portion, roll and shape the dough Step 8. Rest the dough Step 9. Prove the dough a second time Step 10. Back the dough
Q8:: Q8
Descri Describe be how to handhand-kn knea ead dd dou ough gh.. a) b) c) d) e)
Placing Placing the doug dough h on a chilled, chilled, coo cool, l, clea clean, n, well-flou well-floured red su surfac rface. e. Keep Keep pressing pressing the the dough dough so that it loo looks ks more lilike ke a big, smo smooth oth stone. stone. Use th the e heel of of our hand hand to pr press ess the d doug ough h down and and forward forward.. Use finger fingerprin prints ts to lift lift the far far edge edge of the the dou dough gh up up.. Push the dough with heel again a and nd keep repeatin repeating g this un until til the dough dough is firm. firm.
Identify Identify three three ways you you ca can n tell it’s it’s time time to sto stop p kne kneadin ading g the d dough ough.. a) When When it fee feels ls like like an earlo earlobe be.. b) Poking Poking the dough dough.. Fingerpr Fingerprint int fill fills s quickl quickly y back up with with doug dough. h. c) It fee feels ls smooth smooth,, soft, soft, elastic elastic a and nd ke keeps eps its its sha shape. pe.
Q10: Explain ‘proving’. ‘proving’. What is is it? What are the the best conditions conditions for it? What happens happens to dough dough when you prove it? Proving stops the dough from drying out and forming a skin. The condition is to cover the dough and leave it to prove somewhere with a temperature between 20 and 37 C and a relative humidity between 7% 5 and 85%. After proving it leaves the dough flat and sticky, makes the dough difficult to work with, results in a coarse cooked texture and so on.
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The Imperial College of Australia
BJSB Pty Ltd. trading as The Imperial College of Australia CRICOS ID: 02858M, RTO ID: 121966
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The Imperial College of Australia Q11:: State Q11 State three reason reasons s you shoul should d knock bac back k dough dough.. a) To rem remove ove large large air pocke pockets ts b) to rel relax ax the the s stre tretch tched ed g glut luten en c) to ex exp pel the the CO CO2
Q12:: Which Q12 Which past pastry ry require requires s the most most resting? resting? Puff pastry requires the most resting.
Q13:: Which Q13 Which pastr pastry y doesn doesn’t ’t requ require ire re resting sting? ? Choux pastry does not require resting.
Q14: How long should you you rest rolled rolled ou outt pastry be before fore cutting cutting out? We should rest rolled out pastry for 5 to 10 minutes before cutting out.
Q15: Give three reasons you should take the initiative to minimise waste. a) We should should colle collect ct req require uired d amount amount of ingr ingredi edients ents.. b) We should should calcu calculate late the ingredie ingredients. nts. c) We sh should ould pre prepare pare using using the the approp appropriat riate e method method..
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The Imperial College of Australia SECTION 4: COOK CAKES, PASTRIES AND BREADS Q1:: Q1
Why Why is itit impo importa rtant nt to to aera aerate te c cak ake e ba batte tter? r?
It is better to aerate cake batter to trap air within the mixture.
Name Name the type type of pastry pastry you w would ould u use se to make make eac each h of the followi following ng baked baked produ products. cts. Profiterole
Choux pastry Apple pie Sweet pastry Quiche Short pastry Mille feuilles
Danish Puff pastry
What What aeratin aerating g met method hod w would ould you u use se to aerate aerate a made madeira ira cake? cake?
I would use chemical method to aerate a madeira cake.
Explain Explain the differen difference ce betwe between en whiski whisking ng and and folding. folding.
Whisking means involvemen Whisking involvementt of bea beating ting a liqu liquid id or batt batter er using a wire whisk. Folding Folding is to gently gently incorporate dry ingredients into an aerated mixture, without releasing the air trapped during whisking, creaming or foaming.
Give Give three re reason asons s why it’s imp importa ortant nt to sift dry ingred ingredient ients s such as flour, flour, baking baking powder powder,, cocoa, etc., when producing cakes, pastries and breads. a) Mix pro properly b) Avoi Avoid d bu bubb bble les s c) Make smo smooth
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The Imperial College of Australia Q6:
What What is the most most common common way to incor incorpor porate ate fa fatt when m makin aking g short short and sweet sweet pastry? pastry? Why? Why?
Rubbing-in is the most common way to incorporate fat when making short and sweet pastry because it helps restrict the development of gluten so we get a crisper pastry when we cook it.
You’re You’re making making thr three-q ee-quart uarter er puff pastry. pastry. Ho How w much fat sho should uld you incorp incorpora orate te if your recipe recipe calls calls
for 400 g flour? 3:4 fat should be incorporated if we recipe calls for 400 g flour.
You can can make pu puff ff pastry pastry using half half turn turns s or book-fol book-fold d turns. turns. In both cases, cases, what what should should you do after every second turn?
We should allow the dough to recover by resting it after every second turn.
Identify Identify three three th things ings you shou should ld d do o wh when en cuttin cutting g pa pastry. stry. a) Make sure sure th the e pastry pastry is cold cold and ha has s been w well ell res rested ted af after ter foldin folding. g. b) Be precise precise when we measure measure and cut straigh straightt lines to control portion portion sizes sizes and minimise minimise waste. waste. c) Cut Cut st stra raig ight ht d dow own. n.
Q10:: Describe Q10 Describe the met method hod you would would use to make crèm crème e chantilly, chantilly, using using 300 ml cream, 20 g caster sugar and 2 drops vanilla. a) Ta Take ke 30 300 0 ml ml o off c cre ream am b) Add 20 20 gm whisk whisk it till till cre creamy amy foam foam an and d 2 dr drops ops of vanil vanilla la
Q11: Your cake mixture has has split. State how you would make food quality adjustm adjustments ents (within the scope of your responsibility) to address them and ensure a quality product. a) Anal Analys yse e ffor ormu mula la b) Weigh Weigh ing ingre redie dients nts acc accur urate ately ly
Q12:: Your bread Q12 bread dough dough isn’t hold holding ing its shap shape. e. Stat State e how you would would make food quality quality adju adjustme stments nts (within the scope of your responsibility) to address them and ensure a quality product. a) Make Make in tins tins fo forr n now ow..
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The Imperial College of Australia Q13: State how you you would prevent prevent these food quality problem problems s from happening happening again. again. Your puff pastry is tough. The gluten enhances elasticity and toughness during dough preparation and rolling. We should not over mix the pastry. We should give time to rest and the gluten to relax. Rest the pastry for 20 minutes.
Your choux pastry collapses. If it collapses we should not add eggs to a base that's too hot.
Q14: Select the approxima approximate te cooking te temperatu mperature re for the fo following llowing baked baked goods. goods.
180 to 190ºC
Baked goods
Génoise sponge
220 to 240ºC
Apple or vegetabl vegetable e strudel
Thick puff pastries
Sausage rolls
Danish pastry products
Dinner rolls Bath buns
200 to 210ºC
Q15: For what duration would would you bake bake a cake in a round 15 cm diame diameter ter cake tin? tin? I would bake for 18 to 20 min in a round 15 cm diameter cake tin.
Q16: Where should you pu putt cakes to cool them d down own co completely? mpletely? We put on wire racks to cool them down completely.
Q17: Describe how to remove sponge cakes fro from m their tins. To remove sponge cakes from their tins, leave it cool, cut edge and remove gently.
Q18: Why should should you immediately immediately turn out out sponge cakes onto a wire rack to cool? cool?
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Identify a suitable filling you would u use se to enhance the ap appearanc pearance e and taste of the following following baked baked goods. Black forest cake Whiting cream and cherry
Fruit flan Strawberry cherry
Quiche lorraine Savoury custard
Mille feuilles Pastry cream and raspberry jam
What What covering covering or icing icing would would you u use se on a carrot carrot o orr or orange ange cake? cake?
Whip soft cream cheese is used for icing a carrot or orange cake.
Q3:: Q3
Yo You u can use decora decoratio tions ns and garnis garnishe hes s to enh enhan ance ce the app appea eara rance nce and and taste of your baked baked goods. Match the following baked goods to the most suitable decorations and garnishes; Draw a line between the matching pair
Raspberry jelly Croquembouche A dusting of icing sugar Danish pastries Spun sugar, crystallised violets and pulled sugar ribbons
Mocha torte
Buttercream rosettes with chocolate run outs
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Apple strudel
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The Imperial College of Australia Q4:: Q4
List List six act action ions s you can take while while applyin applying g and spre spreadi ading ng icing icing to ensur ensure e your cakes cakes ha have ve a smooth, seamless finish. a) b) c) d)
Use a good good,, fle flexi xible ble m meta etall spatu spatula la Use a la lazy zy S Susa usan n to spi spin n th the e cake cake Spre Spread ad frostin frosting g in the midd middle le la layer yer with with a me metal tal spatula spatula Spread Spread the the frosting frosting o on n the top top and sides sides o off the c cake. ake.
e) Scrape Keeppe crum crumbs bs out b by y scrap scraping ing th the etula spatula spat ulao onto on torim theof lifpthe of bow. the bowl. b. owl. f) Scra sp spare are fros frosting ting off th the e spa spatula ont onto the olip bow
List two actions actions you can take while piping piping icin icing g trim to e ensure nsure your your cake decorations decorations are are visually appealing. a) Ap Apply ply the the turn turn and and tuc tuck k tec techni hniqu que. e. b) Pause Pause sometime sometimes s to sque squeeze eze the ic icing ing dow down n the bott bottom om of the piping piping bag. bag.
Identify Identify five five produ product ct chara characteri cteristics stics you sh should ould ev evalua aluate te prior prior to displaying displaying your your finished finished cakes. cakes. a) b) c) d) e)
Chec Check k ap appe pear aran ance ce Che Check text textur ure e Check taste Check Check flav flavour our whic which h is vital vital iin n all baked baked goods. goods. Check the the crumb structure, texture and consistency consistency which which should should be appropriate. appropriate.
List three tips for selecting serviceware to attractiv attractively ely present cakes and pastries. a) Check Check the serv servicew iceware are for chips, chips, st stains ains,, cracks, cracks, and cleanline cleanliness. ss. b) Select Select servicew serviceware are of a size size and c colou olourr that m makes akes b bette etterr the dish. dish. c) Avoi Avoid d small small plates plates that ca causes uses overcr overcrowde owded d app appeara earance. nce.
Your madeira madeira cake cake is lopsided lopsided or over over-coloured -coloured.. What adj adjustments ustments would would you make make to ensure ensure a quality product prior to displaying? We can ensure a quality product prior to displaying over-coloured madeira cake by trimming off over-coloured areas. After that we decorate the trimmed areas with icing or other products.
Your sponge cake has turned out dry and crumbly. What do you do with the sponge cake? If the sponge cake has out dry and crumbly, we can brush syrup over the top of the cake. It adds sweetness andturned moisture.
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The Imperial College of Australia
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The Imperial College of Australia Q10: Identify three pre-bake finishes and/or decorations you can use to decorate baked goods. a) Icing b) Fruit Fruit pure purees es c) Choc Chocol olat ate e
Q11: You must display cakes, pastries and breads in appropriate conditions to optimise shelf life, ensure food safety and retain optimum freshness/product characteristics. List five actions you can take to ensure this happens. Following are the actions: a) Temp empera eratur ture b) Expiry da date c) Pro Produ duct ctio ion n dat date e d) Flakiness e) Tende enderrness
Q12:: You must store cakes, pastries Q12 pastries and breads and their re-usable re-usable by-prod by-products ucts in environm environmenta entall conditions which optimise shelf life, ensure food safety and retain optimum freshness/product characteristics. Describe these environmental conditions. a) Environm Environmenta entall condit conditions ions pre prevent vents s spoilag spoilage e and contamina contamination tion.. b) We should should store fruitcake, fruitcake, ch chocolate ocolate fudge fudge tart, tart, and m madeira adeira cake cake wrapping wrapping with plastic plastic film to to prevent airborne dust, drying and moisture absorption. c) The There re sh should ould be a consta constant nt tem tempera perature ture betwe between en 1 and and 4 C d) There There sh should ould be aroun around d 85% relat relative ive hu humidi midity. ty.
Q13:: How would Q13 would you store cakes or pastries pastries contain containing ing peri perishab shable le ingredien ingredients ts such as fresh fresh fruit or cream? Cakes or pastries containing perishable ingredients such as fresh fruit or cream are stored by filling or coating.
Q14:: How would Q14 would you st store ore un unfille filled d cooke cooked d pastr pastries? ies? We store unfilled cooked pastries in airtight container containers s in a cool, dry storage area. We seal the containers containers tightly or wrap the pastry in cling film. BJSB Pty Ltd. trading as The Imperial College of Australia CRICOS ID: 02858M, RTO ID: 121966
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The Imperial College of Australia
Q15:: How would Q15 would you you store store dinne dinnerr rolls? rolls? Dinner rolls are stored in a plastic storage bag. We can wrap in foil and store in room temperature.
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The Imperial College of Australia Q16:: How do you correctly Q16 correctly store re-usable re-usable dairy dairy pro products ducts to minimis minimise e waste, waste, maximise maximise profitabi profitability, lity, ensure food safety and optimise shelf life. a) Smal Smalll milk milk bott bottle le b) Pro Produ duce ce ch chee eese se
Q17: What information inform should you you put on a date lab label el attached to sur surplus plus food being being stored for service service at another timeation or day? a) Date Date of stor storag age e b) type type of ba bake ked d go good
Q18: What are three three common tasks tasks you complete whe when n cleaning your your work area at the end end of service? a) Clean Clean and and saniti sanitise se al alll wor workin king g are area. a. b) Clean Clean a and nd sanitise sanitise tools tools an and de equip quipmen ment. t. c) Make empty and wash the rubbish bins.
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