The Impact of Online Games To The Psychological Aspects of An Individual

October 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Chapter I The Problem and Its Setting


An online game is a video game played over some form of computer network. This network is usually the internet or equivalent technology, but games have always used whatever technology was current: modems before the internet, and hard wired terminals before modems.

Online games can range from simple text based environments to games incorporating complex graphics and virtual worlds populated by many players simultaneously. Many online games have associated online communities, making online games a form of social activity beyond single player games. Development of electronic and computer games are great threat for youth and adolescents and can lead to psychological disorders and depression in the groups. In  previous times, kids were involved playing with other children but children of today spends most of their time on computer games as soon as they understand and acquainted with them, while these games cannot create any emotional and human relationship.



1.1 Background of the Study

In this new era of technology, online gaming has become more popular among teenager as it can be played whether on smartphone, tablet or computer. As it become accessible almost anywhere at any time, all range of age are now possible to be addicted into playing online video game which at the end of the day they become less care about themselves, their performance at school or workplace and their social life.  Several types of online gaming are massively multiplayer online games (MMOGs) and massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPGs) which involves millions player playing the game at the same time. A relatively large number of studies all indicating excessive online gaming can lead to a wide variety of negative psychological and psychosocial consequences for a minority of affected individuals. In extreme cases, these can include sacrificing work, education, hobbies socializing, time with family and sleep. Some other effects are poorer social skills, decreased achievement, aggressive behavior and hostility and suicidal ideation. Some claimed that playing online gaming is one way to release stress and fill your free time while some said that too much game can affect one's mind and attitude. Some claimed that playing online gaming is one way to release stress and fill your free time. While some said that too much game can affect one's mind and attitude. In addition to that, there are several cases involve a teen died while playing online game in China according to Dean Rousewell (August 29, 2014). 2


1.2 Statement of the Problem

This study aims to state and provide the effects of online games to the wellbeing of an individual. Specific questions that the researcher aims to answer are the following:

1.  What are the factors that lead an individual on becoming addicted to online

games? 2.  What are the influences of online games on the social life of an individual? 3.  What are the problems encountered by an individual when they are engaged

on online games? 4.  What are the harmful effects of online games to the t he health of an individual? 5.  What are the benefits of online games?



1.3 Significance of the Study

This study is conducted to establish understanding on the effects of online games to benefit the society considering the fast growth of technology to our daily lives exposes any individuals to the virtual reality of online games. Thus, enabling the information  presented in the study to influence its readers on the outcome. For the researcher, the study will help them to explore and learn new things in the process resulting to the formulation of their own insights.



1.4 Purpose of the Study 

The study is conducted to overcome the problems that arise among individuals that are engaged in online games. This study aims to provide information to boost awareness on the benefits and consequences of online games.



1.5 Scope and Limitations

This study focuses on the online games and its effects on the wellbeing of an individual. Since excessive exposure on online games is a problem that can have serious unforeseen effect in both the user and the people around. This study can provide answers with regards to the problem and thus may help to find ways to prevent and lessen the problem. This study is restricted on the effects, benefits and influence of online games, the  problems to be encountered, and the ways to solve it.



1.6 Definition of Terms

DSM -5 (APA   Internet Gaming Disorder- is a “condition for further study” in the DSM-5 2013). This means that it is not an official disorder in the DSM, but on which the American Psychiatric Association request additional research.

  Mental Disorder- also called mental illness or psychiatric disorder is a behavioral or mental pattern that causes significant distress or impairment of personal functioning.

  MMOG- a massively multiplayer online game (MMOG) refers to video games that allow a large number of players to participate simultaneously over an internet connection. These games usually take place in a shared world that the gamer can access purchasing or installing the game software. massively multiplayer online role-playing game ((MMORPG) MMORPG) is a   MMORPG- a massively video game that takes place in a persistent state world with thousands, or even millions, o players developing their characters in role-playing environment.

  Mood modification- refers to the subjective experiences that people report as a consequence of engaging in the particular activity and can be seen as a coping strategy.

   Narcissistic personality disorder- is a mental disorder affecting app approximately roximately 1% of the population. It is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, a lack of empathy for the others and a great need for admiration.

  RPG- a role playing game is a game in which players assume the role of characters in a fictional setting 7


  Salience- This occurs when something becomes the most important activity in your life and dominates your thinking, feelings and behavior.

  Social anxiety- also called social phobia, is intense anxiety or fear of being  judged, negatively evaluated, or rejected in a social or performance situation.

  Virtual World/Atmosphere- is a computer based online community environment that is designed and shared by individuals so they can interact with each other in this simulated world using text-based, two dimensional or three dimensional graphical models called avatars.



Chapter II Review of Related Literature

2.1 Theoretical Framework

People nowadays make a statement that addiction of playing video game is one of the modern- day psychological disorders and some of us are disagree with that statement. Based on the research done by the America Psychiatrist Association (APA) in May 2003 conclude that addiction of playing video game is not mental disorder due to the insufficient evidence to include it as an official mental disorder. However, proposed criteria for "Internet Gaming Disorder" are included in Section 3, Conditions for Further Study. While Internet Gaming Disorder is proposed as a disorder (Woffling, Grusser and Thalemann, 2008) it is still discussed how much this disorder is caused by the gaming activity itself, or whether it is to some extent ex tent an effect of o f other disorders. Research suggests that excessive online gaming may in extreme cases lead to symptoms commonly experienced by substance addicts, namely salience, mood modification, craving, and tolerance. Based on the study done by b y Wan, M.S. and Chiou (2006) majority of their respondent that is teenagers showed strong interests in role-playing of online game, in which they often do things that they dare not to do in real life. This is believed due to the 9


fact that in an anonymous environment, online game players tend to use their nickname rather than their real. In their paper, they also conclude that those who are addicted to the Internet might attempt to escape from the limitations brought by real life in order to obtain the space for survival and security. secu rity. In addition to that, their research also indicates that online gaming brings an anonymous environment with lower public self-awareness, and allows players to stop concentrating on the self- consciousness in order to prevent becoming overly- worried about what other people would judge the way they act in front of others. At the conscious level addicted players might seek self- presentation in an anonymous, relaxing, and secure space, but unconsciously, they might actually have an unsatisfied need for self presentation due to their poor self-image in real life. In research done to understand the Generations Online in 2009 (Jones and Fox, 2009) explained that generation Y is a young adults generally 18-32 years old who grew up in the Information Age and they also be dubbed as the ‘Net ‘Net   Generation’. Generation’. But,  But, while the “digital “digital   natives” natives”   may be savvier with their gadgets and more keen on new uses of technology their elders in Generation X, the Baby Boomers and older generations tend to dominate internet use in other areas. In their research they claimed that the most groups of age to use the internet for entertainment and for communicating with friends and family is the teens and generation They are more likely to seek entertainment through online videos, online games and many more. These groups of age are also more likely than older users to read other  people’s  people’s   blog and to write their own, as they like to use social networking sites and to create profiles on those sites. Younger internet users are



often to use personal blogs to update friends on their lives, and they use social networking sites to keep track of and communicate with friends. In other study done by Kim et al., (2008) ,they want to investigate the connection  between online game addiction and self-control, aggression and narcissistic personality traits, which are known as the psychological characteristics linked to “at “at--risk” risk”    populations for online game addiction. They find out that aggression and narcissistic  personality traits are positively correlated with online game addiction, whereas selfcontrol is negatively correlated with online game addiction. In addition, a multiple regression analysis revealed that the extent of online game addiction could be predicted  based on the person's narcissistic personality traits, aggression, self-control, interpersonal relationship, and occupation.

According Thalemann (2009), teenagers choose online gaming as a way or method to cope with daily problem and stress. Online gaming can also become a dysfunctional media-focused coping strategy. It is reported that this is similar somehow teenagers react towards frustration and stresses For example, problematic gamers will indeed show off emotions like anger, depression and frustration. But it’s it’s   not all bad,  problematic gamers can show positive p ositive emotions depending on the outcome of the game. This seems particularly problematic because those teenagers who play online games excessively are likely to develop a healthy lifestyle because they are constantly playing online games instead of occupying themselves with school, friends and family. Therefore, their psychosocial development may be significantly impaired. The consistent blocking out of and passive coping with stressful experiences is a strategy that may be successful 11


in the short-term. However, from a long-term perspective, it may not work quite as well and could have deadly consequences. In this case, it appears more likely that once new stressors appear, teenagers continue to use escapist and media-focused coping mechanisms. A research done by David Rudd (2011) stated that the addiction in playing online game is believed to drive someone to extreme circumstances so much so that from some evidence demonstrated parents tend to believe that their child is in a position where their health and future is a worry. While the health could be an issue due to lack of exercise  but failing to adhere to education and lack of future job prospects has no strong solid evidence to indicate this is a true thus have no findings about the matter. Other than that, social networking sites like Facebook have a good history of allowing young people to gain information and access to various other educational idea’s idea’s and  and games that have some underlying educational traits that may or may not be meant to be viewed. To use a game like Farmville to give any sort of educational foothold for a young person would not be of importance as could we honestly say that what you could give to a young person in that time wouldn’t wouldn’t be  be better spent giving them a proper foundation for understanding.



2.2 Conceptual Framework



A.  Factors



game addiction.


Study of reference

Effective ways and facts

materials regarding online to




B.  Social life influence games and its effects such  problems and attainment of of online games.





e-books, knowledge other appropriate

sources. C.  Harmful effects of online games.






gamers and individuals. of



D.  Benefits of online games.

The conceptual framework of this study follows the Input, Process, and Output (IPO) format to explain the flow of the research. The first column states the input of the study. This includes the effects of online games to the different aspects of an individual. This includes the factors of online game addiction, influence of online games to our social life and the positive and negative effects of online games. The second column presents the process on how to respond to the input. This includes the study of references regarding online games with different sources to acquire 13


necessary information. The use of survey questionnaire will convey the opinion of individuals about online games. The involvement of technology in our daily lives made online games common nowadays, that’s that’s   why proper information and opinions of individuals engaged in technology are needed in the study of online games. The third column shows the output of processing the inputs. The outcome will be knowledge acquisition and awareness on the effects of online games resulting to a better understanding about gaming and sophisticated individuals.



Chapter III Methods and Procedures


This chapter briefly presents the different methods and procedures used by the researcher in doing their study. It consists of the research, the research locale and the subjects. It also includes the the instruments used in the collection and gathering of data as well as the statistical tools used in processing and analyzing the data. This chapter gives an outline of research methods that were followed in the study. It provides information on the participants, how they were sampled and included in the study. The researcher describes the research design that was chosen for the purpose of this study and the reasons for this choice. The researcher also discusses the procedures and methods used to analyze the data.



3.1 Research Design

As this research purpose is to understand the behavior and attitude of concerned

individuals towards online games, the researcher have decided to use descriptive research method. Descriptive research is defined research is defined as a research method that describes the characteristics of the population or phenomenon that is being studied. The descriptive research method is used in gathering the needed information for this study. This method enables the researcher to interpret the theoretical meaning of the findings and hypothesis development for future studies. Specifically the researcher utilized a questionnaire type of descriptive method which enables the researcher to gather information from the respondents without the respondents having any difficulties in answering the questions required. Thus by using descriptive research method, the researcher will acquire information regarding the effects of online games.



3.2 Research Locale

The study was conducted at Batangas Eastern Collages found at 02 Javier St. Barangay Poblacion, San Juan, Batangas. The said school has a large population to accommodate from pre-school department to collage department. The researcher chooses the place of implementation because it will give the research the needed information from the students and other people.



3.3 Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are the students of Batangas Eastern Colleges. 20  junior high school students will be picked randomly by the researcher. The respondents are those who already experienced playing online games.



3.4 Research Procedure

Survey questionnaire containing statements about different effects of online game and several other aspects are being asked in order to achieve the goal of this research. The researcher provided a total of 20 survey questionnaires to the students. The handlings of the questionnaires were done personally by the researcher. The respondents were given a maximum time of 30 minutes to answer or rate the survey and after that the researcher retrieved the responses. The data collection was done on January 3, 2019.



3.5 Research Instrument

The research instrument that was used by the researcher is a survey paper or questionnaire. The questionnaire that was used in the study is designed to obtain information on the effects of online games. Different statements regarding the effects of online games were used to give the respondents the opportunity to give their responses. The researcher chose survey paper over online survey due to the fact that people may be more likely to fill in paper survey than online surveys.



Chapter IV Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data


This chapter describes the discussion of research findings followed by the analysis of data. The findings relate to the research questions that guided the study. This chapter brings in the presentation of the findings and analysis desired from the survey questionnaires. Data were analyzed to identify, describe and explore the effects of online games to the psychological aspects or attitude and behavior of an individual. Data were obtained from self-administered questionnaires, answered by 20 students out of 20 target  potential respondent. The findings are also discussed in the light of previous research findings and available literature. This chapter focuses on presenting the gathered data in a meaningful way to facilitate the discussion like using tables to provide a simplistic reader-friendly writing.



4.1 Discussions

4.1.1 What are the factors that lead an individual on becoming addicted to online games?

-There are many factors that lead someone into online game addition. One factor is having internet access at home because the presence of internet is a must for online games. A person is prone to online game addiction if the means of the addiction itself is at someone’s someone’s   disposition. Another factor is involvement of peers or friends and social interactions with other players. A person will tend to get addicted to online games if there is someone he/she can play with. Also the fact that you can interact to a lot of people inside a game adds more entertainment. en tertainment. Another factor is the game itself is designed to be addictive. Some games are designed to have no end, meaning that you can play it forever without actually beating it. Also the virtual atmosphere is so attractive that the person  playing it always thinks of the game no matter what they are doing.

4.1.2 What are the influences of online games on the social life of an individual?

-There are positive and negative influences in playing online games. Some negative effects of online games are loss of interest in social activities, avoidance of  personal responsibilities and commitments, and lack of social skills which might hinder healthy relationships. When a person is so into online games, they tend to lose interest on things other than playing the game. This occurrence may result to avoidance of 22


responsibilities. Also when a person spends too much time playing only an online game, they will forget how to interact to real persons and they will lack social skills. On the other hand, the positive effects of online games on the social life of an individual are it encourages interaction between players. Thru the use of online games, player share values and goals on which a shared understanding and a sense of community are built.

4.1.3 What are the problems encountered by an individual when they are engaged on online games?

-Playing online games may result to different problems for the player. Some of it is health problems which is a result of being addicted into playing online games. Another one is significant negative impact on work performance, school achievement, and interpersonal relationships. Since an addicted person tend to always play online games all day long; work, school and relationships are being neglected which might result into another problems like financial problems which is most likely because some games requires the involvement of real money.

4.1.4 What are the harmful effects of online games to the health of an individual?

-One of the problems that a gamer faces are health problems due to too much online gaming. Poor sleep habits and improper meals are one of those health problems. When a person is into playing online games, they tend to forget about time which results to lack of sleep and nutrients that result from unscheduled meals. Since they tend to 23


spend almost all of their time playing games, their body lacks exercise that may cause another health problem. Also too much exposure to online games may result to depression, loneliness, social anxiety, and anger that causes the changes of attitude and  behavior of a gamer that may result into hostility.

4.1.5 What are the benefits of online games?

-Contrary to the traditional belief that gaming is merely an additive source of entertainment and diversion, gaming has numerous benefits and among them are coordination and problem solving improvement. The activities and actions on the screen  provide a lot of mental stimulations. For one play, he/she will need to coordinate their visual, audial and physical movement. Online games involve certain rules. This means that the player has to think carefully before making any move to ensure that they stay within the required rules of the particular game. Another benefit is enhancement of memory and multitasking skills. Playing your favorite video game may require both visual and audial memory. The player is required to read and listen to the instructions, thus the need to remember them throughout the entire game. This helps your memory, whether short term or long term. An action game, for example, may require you to be very observant. It requires you to be able to move your joy stick or keys while looking at the various features on your screen. This ensures that the player can observe and react accordingly to all requirements of the particular game. Gaming is not only beneficial to adults and teenagers, but to children as well. Many modern education institutions incorporate video games as a teaching methodology. This helps this children improve 24


their academic skills by providing video games that are specifically aimed at enhancing their cognitive and creative skills.



4.2 Results


Factors of Online Game Addiction


Weighted Mean

Verbal Interpretation


1.Internet access at home


Strongly Agree






Strongly Agree


Strongly Agree




social 4.15

interactions with other  players 3.



are 3.85

designed to have no end 4. Involvement of peers 4.4 and friends 5. Virtual atmosphere of



Table I shows the factors that leads an individual to online game addiction. It is indicated that most of the respondents strongly agree that having an internet access at home leads an individual to online game addiction.




Social Life Influence of Online Games


Weighted Mean

1. Loss of interest in 3.85

Verbal Interpretation












social activities 2. Avoidance of personal 3.5 responsibilities


commitments. 3. Encourage interaction 4 and


 between players 4. Share values and goals on





understanding and sense of community are built 5. Lack of social skills 3.6 which



healthy relationships

Table II shows the social life influence of online games to concerned individuals or gamers. It is stated that most of the respondents agree that online games affects one’s one’s   social life by encouraging interaction and communication between players.




Harmful Effects of Online Games


Weighted Mean

1. Significant negative 3.95 impact


Verbal Interpretation








Moderately Agree


Strongly Agree







interpersonal relationships. 2.



of 4.1

one’s   free time playing one’s online games. 3.




for 3.5


social anxiety and anger. 4. Financial problems


5 Health problems like 4.55  poor sleep habits and improper meals.

Table III shows the harmful and negative effects of online games to the lives of individuals. It is specified that most if the respondents strongly agree that health problems



like poor sleep habits and improper meals are the negative side of online games to the lives of individuals. IV. 

Benefits of Online Games


Verbal Interpretation


Improves 4



problem- 3.85






4. Enhances multitasking 3.9






Weighted Mean

Coordination 2.


solving skills 3.Enhances memory

skills 5. A great source of



Table IV shows the benefits that individuals gain thru online games. It is indicated that most of the respondents agree that the improvement of one’s one’s coordination  coordination is a benefit of online games.



Chapter V Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations


This chapter presents the summary or the research work undertaken, the conclusions drawn and the recommendation made as an outgrowth of this study. The findings of the study without so much detailed information are written on the summary. Generalization and other interferences would be seen on the conclusion while the recommendations of the researchers to the beneficiaries of this study can also be seen on this chapter. This study is on the psychological impact of online games to the lives of individuals.



5.1 Summary of the Findings

The salient findings of the study are as follows:

The factors of online addiction vary in many different ways and means. Online game addiction factors are those things that surround an individual; basically it is the atmosphere itself the person breathes with. The very substantial factor for online game and that is having internet access and the gadget itself. The people around an individual can also be a factor for online game addiction for they could influence you with their habit involving online games. The game itself can be considered a factor for some of the games are designed to be addictive.

The social life influence of online games can be categorized into positive and negative effects. The negative effects of online games to the social life of an individual are loss of interest in social activities, avoidance of personal responsibilities and lack of social skills. Too much exposure to online games may cause someone to drift away someone to drift away someone to socializing. Affected individuals tend to lose confidence for they are not used into talking to a real life person. On the other hand, the  positive side of online games to the social life of an individual contradicts its negative side. Online games can be another mean for interaction. It can encourage communication  between players making it possible for a shared values, goals and understanding.



The harmful effects of online games affect different aspects to the life of a person. It can affect someone’s someone’s responsibilities  responsibilities like work performance, school achievement and interpersonal relationships. Online games can cause an individual to spend most of his/her time just playing it. Online games affect someone’s someone’s   financial and emotional aspect. Some online games require money which might cause over spending just to have an upper hand on the game. It can also cause depression, social anxiety and anger. Online games can affect someone’s someone’s health  health causing them to have poor sleep habits and improper meals. The benefits of online games can help someone in many different ways. Since online games could have a hard requirement to win, problem-solving skills and coordination may improve. Online games can cause someone to enhance their memory and multitasking skills while enjoying what they are doing. An online game can also be a great source of learning not just academically but b ut in many more ways.



5.2 Conclusions

Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn: Regarding the factors of online game addiction, the researcher therefore concludes that the things around an individual are a potential factor for online game addiction. The researcher also concluded that the game itself is a factor for online game addiction for some of the games are designed to be addictive. About the social life influence of online games, the researcher therefore concludes that online games have a positive and negative effect on someone’s someone’s   social life. Online games can encourage interaction between players and cause someone to lack social skills depending on the person. The researcher also concluded that online games could be another mean for interaction. As for the harmful effects of online games, the researcher therefore concludes that online games affect different aspects of an individual. It could be emotional, social,  physical and financial. The researcher also concluded that online games could change someone’s personality. someone’s  personality. Regarding the benefits of online games, the researcher therefore concludes that online games mostly improve someone’s someone’s mental  mental skills and reaction. The complex design of an online game requires someone’s  good thinking and cooperation with other players. someone’s good The researcher also concluded that online games are not just a form of entertainment but also a great source of learning. Online games can help a person in many different ways.



All in all, the conclusion that can be made is that there are some positive effects in  playing online games rather than all of the view is on the negative ne gative side. It depends on the  person on how to operate the games in a positive or negative side.



5.3 Recommendations

From the research that has been made towards the respondents, the researcher has found out that becoming addicted or having too much exposure to online games can affect someone’s someone’s   health, social life, behavior and actions. The researcher recommends having a control on the time a person provides playing online games. Playing online games can also make someone anti-social. However, there is a benefit of playing online games. One of the examples is playing online games train or prepares people to make decision faster. In addition, playing online games can increase someone’s someone’s   leadership especially when it is a game that involves other people. The researcher recommends  being interactive with other people to gain some benefits and also to don’t don’t   forget to socialize with the real world and not just on the virtual world. There is something that the researcher found out in their findings. Those who are addicted to online games would act and think a lot faster than regular people due to the situation they face during the game and they have ability to quickly respond to the situation. This skill could prove to be useful as the researcher indicate that those game “addicts” “addicts”   have a more creative mind than the others thus becoming a recommendation for tthis his research. By all means, this can  be regarded as an area for further study.





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Appendix A

The Impact of Online Games to the Psychological Aspects of an Individual



Date:_____________ Grade and Section:___________________________


Male Female


11-12 13-14 15-16 17 and above

Directions: Using the Likert scale below please put a (   ) check mark on the box that corresponds to your answer. The number correspond to the following 5-Strongly Agree



1-Strongly Disagree

3 Moderately Agree; 37


Statements I. 











Factors of online game addiction

1. Internet access at home. 2. Online social interactions with other players. 3. The games are design to have no end. (which means that someone can play forever without “beating” the game)  game)  4. Involvement of peers and friends. 5. Virtual atmosphere of games. II. 







1. Loss of interest in social activities. 2. Avoidance of personal responsibilities and commitments. 3 Encourage interaction and communication  between players. 4. Share values and goals on which a shared understanding and sense of community are built on. 5. Lack of social skills which might hinder healthy relationships.





Harmful effects of online games











Significant negative impact on work





interpersonal relationships. 2. Spending most of one’s free time playing online games 3. Great risk for depression, loneliness social anxiety and anger. 4 Financial problems. 5. Health problems like poor sleep habits and improper meals. IV. 

Benefits of online games

1. Improves coordination. 2. Improves problem-solving skills. 3. Enhances memory. 4. Enhances multitasking skills. 5. A great source of learning.



Appendix B

About the Author

The researcher was born on August 9, 2002 at Tanauan City, Batangas. He is studying at Batangas Eastern Colleges as a grade 10 student. He graduated elementary at San Juan Children’s Children’s   Center as the first honorable mention and is currently living at Barangay Poblacion San Juan, Batangas. The researcher also loves to play an online game which is the reason that led him to do this research. The researcher aspires to  become a successful medical doctor someday.


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