The Horus Heresy 2 0 Liber Mechanicum Force of The Omnissiah Army

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Liber Mechanicum: Forces of the Omnissiah Army Book © Book  © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2022. Warhammer: The Horus Heresy, Citadel, Forge World, Games Workshop, GW, The Horus Heresy Eye logo, Warhammer, the ‘winged-hammer’ Warhammer logo, and all associated logos, illustrations, images, names, creatures, races, vehicles, locations, weapons, characters, and the distinctive d istinctive likenesses thereof, are either or TM, and/or © Games Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world. All Rights Reserved.


No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or tra transmitted nsmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. This is a work of of fiction. All the characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental. British Cataloguing-in-Publication Cataloguing-in-Publication Data.  A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. Library. Pictures used for illustrative purposes only. only. ISBN: 978-1-83906-534-7

Product Code: 60633008001

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Contents THE MECHANICUM ARMY LIST Crusade Force Organisation Chart .......................... ....................................................... ......................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ ......................................11 ..........11  Allies in the Age of Darkness..................................................... Darkness............................................................................................... ................................................................................... ................................................................ .......................12 12  Warlords of the Mechanicum Mechanicum ....................................... .............................................................................. ............................................................................... ............................................................................... .......................................14 14



 Archmagos Prime...................................................................20 Prime...................................................................20  Archmagos Prime on Abeyant .............................................22 Magos Dominus.....................................................................24 Magos Dominus on Abeyant................................................25 Calleb Decima Invictus.........................................................26 Invictus .........................................................26

Siege-automata ata Maniple .....................................46 Thanatar Siege-autom Myrmidon Destructor Destructor Host.................................................47 Host.... .............................................47 Karacnos Assault Tank..........................................................48 Krios Squadron .............................................................. .......................................................................49 .........49 Knight Moirax Talon.............................................................50

ELITES Tech-Prie Tech-Priest st Auxilia.................................................................28  Arcuitor Magisterium............................................................30 Magisterium............................................................30 Domitar Battle-automata Maniple Maniple ......................................3 ......................................311 Myrmidon Secutor Host.......................................................32

TROOPS   & DEDICATED   TRANSPORTS Tech-thralls Covenant ................................  Adsecularis Tech-thralls .....................................34 .....34 Thallax Cohort .......................... .................................................... ..............................................35 ....................35 Scyllax Guardian-automata Maniple..................................36 Castellax Battle-automata Maniple .................... .....................................37 .................37 Triaros Armoured Conveyor Conveyor................................................38 ................................................38

F AST   A TTACK  TTACK   Arlatax Battle-automata Maniple........................................40 Ursarax Cohort.................................... Cohort............................................................... ....................................41 .........41  Vorax Battle-automata Maniple ..........................................42  Vultarax Stratos-automata Squadron.................................43 Squadron.................... .............43



Mechanicum Knight Magaera .......................... .............................................52 ...................52 Mechanicum Knight Styrix .......................... ...................................................53 .........................53 Mechanicum Knight Atrapos...............................................54 Mechanicum Acastus Knight Asterius................................. Asterius.................................55 55 Ordinatus Ulator....................................................................56 Ordinatus Aktaeus............................................... Aktaeus..................................................................57 ...................57

 A PPENDICES PPENDICES Persona Schismata.................................................................59 Divisio Tactica: Tactica: The Titan Legions .....................................64 Divisio Tactica: Tactica: Questoris Household................................74 Household................ ................74 Mechanicum Unit Types Types ...................................................... ......................................................90 90 Cybertheurgy.......................................................................... Cybertheurgy ..........................................................................92 92 The Orders of High Techno-arcana....................................98 Techno-arcana....................................98 Mechanicum Special Rules.................................................102  Armoury of the Mechanicum .............................................112 .............................................112  Wargear .................................................................................124 .................................................................................124






t the time of the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, the Taghmata Taghmata Omnissiah was the principal type of operational military force of the trans-Martian trans-Martian Mechanicum and also the most numerous. numerous. To those outside the arcane secrets and strange mysteries of the Mechanicum, the Taghmata Taghmata was a difficult thing to grasp, seeming at once a purely descriptive term applied to a bewildering tapestry of magi, machine-works and indentured manpower, and also a rigid and labyrinthine hierarchical structure, the equal of any in the Imperium’s armed forces in complexity. Its name, however, translated from the lingua-technis into the Terran-Go Terran-Gothic thic of the Imperial Court betrays its fundamental nature; Taghmata Omnissiah being related then as: ‘That ‘ That which is divinely ordered for war ’ – being the military reflection of a Forge World’s essentially feudal power structure mustered for battle. Alongside the elite Skitarii S kitarii regiments, whose allegiance and command was owed ultimately to Mars, and the Collegia Titanica, which comprised the planet-shattering Titan Legions, both of which organisations operated separate military traditions of their own, the Taghmata formed formed the great trinity, the ‘Triad-Magna ‘Triad-Magna’,’, of the Mechanic Mechanicum’s um’s power during the Great Crusade. Besides these three there stood the ‘lesser’ independent and allied divisions of the Mechanicum such as the Knight Houses, the Ordo Reductor, the Explorators and the Legio Cybernetica, among others. Each was a great power in its own right, but all were dwarfed, both in scale and reach, by the great three.


 T HE HE   FEUDAL   ORDER   Although Mars itself was a highly singular and unique entity in military terms, much as Terra itself was to the other worlds of the Imperium, each Forge World in the days of the Great Crusade was an independent power – a kingdom in its own right. While each owed fealty to the Lords of the Red Planet, in some cases, these bonds were absolute, while in others the ties to the Mechanicum’s Mechanicum’s seat of power were weaker. In the most extreme cases,

orders who owed fealty to the high magos were called to war, and so on, throughout the patterns of seniority and allegiance that criss-crossed the Forge World. In many cases, such calls to arms reached far beyond a Forge World and its star system to distant outposts, Expeditionary fleets and client worlds tied together by patronage, ancient treaty or pacts of allegiance. From its number the synod would choose several of its own, well versed in the arts of destruction destruction or with proven battlef battlefield ield experience,

rivalry and the threat of rebellion against central control became possible. By this web of fealty, bound more by common doctrine and mutually shared obsession rather than by principle, loyalty or duty, was the shadow empire within the Imperium that was the Mechanicum formed. The proof of this disunity was given form during the Horus Heresy when just as the Imperium was riven by the treachery of the Warmaster, so too was the Mechanicum all too readily riven alongside it, with Forge  Worlds and domains siding along long-held fealties fealties and feudal obligations as much as they did for Emperor or  Warmaster.  Warmaste r. It was of this complex feudal feudal structure, both on the macro scale which encompassed whole Forge  Worlds and alliances of Forge Worlds and on the local scale of orders, colleges, fanes and forge cities, that the

to operate as the Taghmata’s command structure. Such commands were much sought after by many magi, both for the power and prestige they would bring, and for the potential for acquisition of new knowledge and reward they offered. In practice, a Taghm Taghmata ata could be of greatly varying size, disposition and scope, the nature of which was often determined by the role it was called on to serve. Before Bef ore ga galac lactic tic ci civil vil wa warr was to rock rock the Imperi Imperium, um, the Taghmat Tagh mataa was primar primarily ily must mustered ered as a purely de defensi fensive ve measur mea sure, e, commonly commonly when when a Forge Forge Wor World ld came came under directt att direc attack. ack. On Forge Worlds Worlds such as Tigrus and Phaeton, which came came under frequent frequent assault owi owing ng to the proximity proximity of hostile xenos forces, forces, this led to powerful powerful and and highly experienced Taghmata formations which effectively became standing standing arm armies, ies, while oth others, ers, such as the isolated isolated

Taghmata system was a direct reflection.

Stygies, Stygi es, might go for decad decades es without external external threat and so, when needed, needed, Taghma Taghmata ta protocol protocolss were were require required d to be enacted afresh. Smaller Taghmata elements would also be rai raised sed and formed formed dur during ing the Great Great Crus Crusade ade to arm and equip Explorator Explorator exped expeditions itions,, and to garris garrison on outposts in hostil hos tilee or hazard hazardous ous reg region ionss of the void. void. They wer weree also formed form ed more rarely to provid providee armed diploma diplomatic tic escorts or deputat deputation ionss to the Expedi Expeditio tionar naryy fleet fleetss and Rogue Rogue Trader Trad er Militant Militant fleets fleets.. The latter two two needs, h howeve owever, r, were primarily primar ily the provin province ce of the specialist specialist mil military itary co commands mmands of the Mec Mechani hanicum cum not not loyal loyal to any sin single gle Forg Forgee Wor World: ld: the Titan Legions Legions,, the Ordo Reductor, Reductor, the Legio Cyberne Cybernetica tica and the Skitar Skitarii ii of Mar Mars. s.



Each Forge World of this age was itself a patchwork  web of complex loyalties made up of independent and semi-independent domains, both in terms of  physical infrastructure and territory and, perhaps more importantly, of knowledge, craft and sacred rite. So it was that each Forge World was not merely a powerhouse of  industrial production vital to the wider Imperium which it provided for, but also an empire of secrets unto itself.  While nomenclature and structure were hardly hardly uniform between them, the masters of these empires were its magi and archmagi —its ‘Learned Ones’— all were lords both temporal and spiritual whose power was that of life


and death in their own domains. Each specialised in a particular facet of the Machine Cult’s lore or commanded a sizable measure of their world’s infrastructure as their portion, and by this right took their place in the synod that provided the Forge World with its governance and control. Each magos commanded their own resources and military might, armies of retainers and cohorts of  war machines outfitted and formed by their ma master’s ster’s will and in accordance with their master’s specialisation and proclivity. These were the Taghma, the building blocks from which the Taghmata were formed. When a Forge  World’s  World ’s overlord, the Fabricator Fabricator archmagos-intendant or archmagos archimandrite under whose rule the synod served, called a Taghmata into being, it was the sworn duty of each magos to provide such troops and assets

During the cataclysm of the Horus Heresy, the Taghma Taghmata ta was called upon on every Forge World and outpost as war and the threat of attack were constant. Soon, the Mechanicum was engaged in a battle for survival both against outside enemies and against rival factions of  their own kind, and what had been an organisation of  defence became just as frequently a means of attack. As the bloody struggle worsened, many Forge Worlds fought to the death to preserve their sovereignty from invasion by former allies, while others took an active and aggressive hand in the unfolding war, their Taghmata fighting alongside Loyalist or Traitor, or simply for their own ends. In desperate battle were dark sciences and ancient secrets better left undisturbed turned to, either in vain hope of  ensuring survival or by wakened ambition and lust for

as was demanded of them. Through these tech-nobility such lesser Tech-Priests, Tech-Priests, adepts, sub-cults and esoteric

power, and the nightmarish terrors of the Age of Strife were unleashed once more.


The Mech Mechan anic icum um

 Army List

The following comprises a full listing of the servants and armies of the Machine God during the dark age of the Horus Heresy. It includes full Army List entries for the esoteric armouries of the Mechanicum Mechanicum at the onset of the civil war, a time at which the Mechanicum was accumulating vast reserves of arms and armaments in preparation for a terrible coming war. This volume provides all of the rules which allow players to build and field armies of the Mechanicum Taghmataa Omnissiah. Further to this, as part of this volume the Mechanicum’s armies may also be supplemented with Taghmat the battle suits of the Questoris Knights and Titans of the Collegia Titanica. This Army List is intended to be used in conjunction with the Horus the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook, Darkness rulebook, which provides all the rules needed to put the armies of  the Mechanicum into action on the tabletop. In addition, material found in subsequent Horus Heresy volumes will add further diverse units and unique characters to the Mechanicum forces for use in your battles.

‘CORE’   AND   ‘E XPANDED’ A RMY  RMY   L IST  IST   PROFILES  All Army List Profiles for the Warhamm Warhammer: er: The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness range are divid divided ed into two categories: Core units and Expanded units. All of the units in this book are ‘Core’ units. These represent the mainstay of the armies of the Mechanicum and are supported by a wide range of miniatures. Expanded units will have rules for their use provided in supplementary PDF downloads available from the Games Workshop website,  White Dwarf magazine or other places. Both types of unit may be freely used in any Horus Heresy battle, and this category does not affect their availability as part of an army or Detachment or the rules for their use during a battle.  As new units and models are released, their their Army List Profiles will clearly state if those units are Core or Expan Expanded ded units, and future publications may shift the category of a given unit, with any such changes clearly noted in the unit’s Army List Profile.




In games of Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness, the models under a given player’s control are referred to as that player’s army. Each army is composed of a single Force Organisation chart, which will include one or more Detachments, and an army whose Primary Detachment is selected from this Army List is considered a Mechanicum army. Other, non-Primary, non-Primary, Detachments in the same

This volume volume presents presents the more orthodox orthodox forces forces of the Mechanicum Mechanicum that comprised comprised tthe he Taghmata Taghmata of numero numerous us Forge Forge Worlds Worlds across across the galaxy; this ort orthod hodoxy oxy has little little to no bearin bearingg on whe whether ther they sided sided with with tho those se loya loyall to the Emperor Emperor or the  Warmaste  Warm asterr in the wider confli conflict ct of the Horus Here Heresy. sy. Orthodox Orthod ox Forge Worl Worlds ds found political political advantage

army may be selected from any other Army List, but each Detachment may only include units from a single Army List, unless another special rule states otherwise.

among amo ng the ranks ranks of bot both h the Loyali Loyalist st and Traito Traitorr Legions, each depending Legions, depending on their own galact galactic ic position and their individual individual circu circumstan mstances. ces. As such, players players should sho uld feel feel free free to use this vol volume ume to to create create aarmi rmies es from Forge Worlds Worlds that chose chose to follow follow either either the Loyalist Loyali st or Trait Traitor or Allegiance Allegiance..

Before selecting an army, players players should first decide on the  Allegiance (Loyalist or Traitor) Traitor) of the army – this choice will apply to all units in the army, across all Detachments included as part of the Force Organisation chart, and units or models that must be of the opposing Allegiance may not be included in the army. Once All Allegia egiance nce has been dete determi rmined, ned, a points points limit limit must be se sett for for th thee ba batt ttle le – th this is is the the ma maxi ximu mum m nu numb mber er of poin points ts worth wor th of units units that that may may be inc inclu lude ded d in any indivi individu dual al arm army. y.  A poin points ts limit limit of 3,000 3,000 is con consid sidered ered ideal ideal for the aver average age Ho Horus rus He Heres resy: y: Ag Agee of Da Darkn rknes esss battle battle.. Eac Each h pla playe yerr wi will ll use the the poin points ts from from th this is li limi mitt to ad add d un unit itss to thei theirr ar army my,, with with ea each ch un unit it wort worth h a nu numb mber er of poin points ts as show shown n on its its Unit Unit Profi Pro file le in the Arm Armyy Li List st,, wit with h many many uni units ts inclu includi ding ng a num number ber of opt optio ions ns tha thatt may may be selec selecte ted d fo forr a listed listed nu numbe mberr of  addi additio tional nal poi points nts.. A playe playerr may may choose choose to spend spend less less tha than n the agr agree eed d poi points nts limit limit,, but may not spend spend more more than than that that lim limit. it. Once On ce th thee poin points ts li limi mitt ha hass be been en ag agre reed ed up upon on by al alll play player ers, s, each must must select select a sin single gle For Force ce Organi Organisat sation ion chart chart bef before ore spendin spen dingg any points points to select select unit units. s.


The onl onlyy exce except ptio ion n to th this is rrul ulee is a un unit it that that has a specia spe ciall ru rule le or oth other er note that that forc forces es it to use one or other particular particular Alleg Allegiance. iance. Such Such units will have have this except exc eption ion prom promine inentl ntlyy note noted d in their their Arm Armyy List List Pro Profil file. e.


FORCE   ORGANISATION   CHARTS  AND   DETACHMENTS The maximum and minimum number of units that may be included in a given army is defined defined by a Force Organisation chart, of which there is one basic chart available, the Crusade Force Organisation chart. Some special rules, Divisio Tactica and other publications may provide additional Force Organisation charts for use by Mechanicum armies – where players have a choice of several Force Organisation charts they must select one before assembling their army and adhere to the restrictions of that Force Organisation chart. These charts will adhere to the same set of basic principles as the standard Crusade Force Organisation chart presented in the Horus the  Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Darkness rulebook.  rulebook.  Any Force Organisation chart is made up of one or more Detachments. A Force Organisation chart will always include one Primary Detachment, which must be selected, and may also include a number of optional Detachments which a player may choose to use or ignore. Each Detachment that a player chooses to use as part of their army must use a single Army List, which determines the Faction of that Detachment. Most optional Detachments

of each Detachment is illustrative of the force represented by the Army List in use, and are capable of properly participating in the varied missions available to players in the Age of Darkness. Sometimes, a single choice in a Detachment may allow you to select more than one unit, or to vary the Battlefield Role of the unit selected. In all cases, such deviations from the normal procedure will be fully explained in the Force Organisation chart that the Detachment is part of. Each unit selected to fill a box in any single Detachment must be chosen from the same Army List, and must be of the same Battlefield Role as that of the box. The unit profile in the Army List will dictate the number number of points from the points limit that must be spent to add the unit to the player’s army. Players continue to spend points to fill boxes in Detachments within within the chosen Force Organisation chart until either they run out of points, fill all boxes in all available Detachments Detachments or the player chooses to stop.

 The Divisio Tactica Tactica Mechanicum The Mechanicum is an incredibly diverse organisation,

Each Detachment is composed of a number of boxes, each linked to one of the Battlefield Roles presented in the Horus the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Darkness rulebook.  rulebook. Each of  these boxes allows the player to make one selection from the section of their Army List that includes units of the same Battlefield Role. Dark boxes indicate indicate Compulsory selections, which must be included as part of the Detachment, while the lighter boxes indicate

split by the bounds of the Forge Worlds along lines of  religious ideology and the practice of the worshippers and forge-fanes within them, and even by the many orders and sub-cults which operate across the galaxy in specialised roles to further the overall ambitions of the Tech-Priests. Tech-Prie sts. When assembling a Mechanicum army, the Primary Detachment must be chosen using the rules for either the Taghmata Omnissiah (the core Mechanicum  Army List) or a Divisio Tactica Tactica of the Me Mechanicum chanicum such as the Questoris Household and Titan Legions Divisio Tacticaa lists. Rules for these Divisio Tactica are presented Tactic in this volume, and further Divisio Tactica may be added in future supplements. All special rules, Wargear options and Force Organisation changes that apply to specific Divisio Tactica Tactica are described in their own rules section,

optional choices, which are only included as part of  the Detachment if the player in question chooses to do so. If constructing a Primary Detachment using the Crusade Force Organisation chart, this would mean that the Primary Detachment would be required to take at least one HQ choice and two Troops choices. These compulsory choices are intended to ensure that the core

and may be used by the army where appropriate, as defined by those rules and options. Each magos ruler of  such a Divisio is fiercely jealous of their secrets and each variant Divisio Tactica of the Mechanicum does not act as an alternative Faction for the purposes of Allies, and no variant of the Mechanicum Army Lists may be allied with one another as part of the same army.

are not required to be the same Faction as the Primary Detachment, but some Detachments may have special rules which require them to be of a certain Faction (and thus use a specific Army List). Detachments of different Factions in the same army will have additional special rules that determine how they interact (see (see page 12 12). ).


Crusade Force Organisation Chart




The dominating presence of Lords of War and Primarch units can unbalance even the largest games, and so additional restrictions are applied to these Battlefield Roles in order to ensure the most enjoyable game experience for all players. Lords of War and Primarch choices may only be included in an army whose total points value is at least 2,000 points, as long as the Force Organisation chart in use has the appropriate slots. In addition, the combined points value of all Lords of War and Primarch choices present in an army may not exceed 25% of the army’s total points cost, unless specified otherwise by the mission or Force Organisation chart being used.

This means that the maximum combined points value for any Lords of War and Primarch choices included in the more common army sizes in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness is as follows:

Total Tot al Army Size 2,000 points 2,250 points 2,500 points 2,750 points 3,000 points 3,250 points 3,500 points

Maximum Combined Lords of War/Primarc War/Primarch h  Valuee  Valu 500 points 563 points 625 points 688 points 750 points 813 points 875 points

CRUSADE   FORCE   ORGANISATION   CHART  Primary Detach Detachment ment (Required)

 Allied Detachment (Optional)

Lord Lordss of War  War  Detachment (Optional) Detachment (Optional)

Primary Detachment Detachment (Required) (Required) • Compulsory: 1 HQ, 2 Troops • Optional: +2 H HQ, Q, +4 Troops, +4 Elites, +3 Fast Attack, +3 Heavy Support, +1 Fortification, Fortification, +1 Primarch

 Allied Detachment (Optional) • Compulsory: 1 HQ, 1 Troops • Optional: +3 Troops, +2 Elites, +1 Fast Attack, +1 Heavy Support

• Lo Lord rdss of War War Detac Detachm hment ent (Optional) • Compulsory: 1 Lords of War


 Allies in the Age of Darkness



During the Age of Darkness, all of the armies within the Imperium were riven by treachery and distrust; where once they had stood as brothers one and all, now old rivalries and grudges guided their association. Any army which includes a Mechanicum Primary Detachment may be composed of units of two or more of the Factions that make up the various armies fighting fighting in the Horus Heresy using the rules for Allied Detachments, as long as each individual Detachment is entirely composed of models of  a single Faction. When your army incorporates units from more than one Faction, this section tells you how those models will interact with each other.

Factio Fac tions ns and the Legione Legioness Astarte Astartess The wars of the Horus Heresy were fought between a number of Factions, most of which were present to some degree among both the Loyalist and Traitor armies. Each of the eighteen Space Marine Legions forms a single Faction, each differentiated differentiated by the version of the Legiones  Astartes special rule that units of that Faction Faction possess, with examples of other Factions being the Mechanicum and the Imperial Army. In all cases, units of these Factions may be from either the Traitor or Loyalist Allegiance. There also exists an Agents of the Emperor and Agents of the Warmaster Faction – models of these Factions are always either Loyalist (Agents of the Emperor) or Traitor (Agents of the Warmaster) and may not be selected in an army of the opposing Allegiance.




 While the various Space Marine Factions Factions are represented by any army that is composed of the appropriate version of the Legiones Astartes special rule and the Legiones  Astartes Army List, the other Factions Factions are represented by several Army Lists. The Mechanicum Faction represents all armies using the Taghmata Omnissiah Army List, or any variation of it, such as the Questoris Household and Titan Legions Divisio Tactica lists. The Imperial Army Faction represents all armies using the Solar Sol ar Auxilia or Imperialis Militia and Warp Cults Army Lists or any


variation of them. In some cases, as more Army Lists are released in future publications, it may be initially unclear which Faction a certain army should operate under. In such cases, the players should agree on a Faction for that Detachment before the battle begins. The Age of Darkness Allies chart shows the relationship between these various Factions which, in turn, dictate how units of those Factions behave in battle when included as part of the same army.


To represent represent the long history o off grudges, grudges, sworn sworn compacts compacts and battlebattle-tested tested oaths that that exist exist betw between een the various Factio Fac tions ns of the earl earlyy Impe Imperiu rium, m, the Age of Darkne Darkness ss All Allies ies chart chart is used. used. When When an army army featur features es two or more more Factio Factions ns amongstt its Detachments amongs Detachments then then the controlling controlling player player should should check check the chart to to establ establish ish the level of Alliance Alliance that exi exists sts bet betwee ween n them, and and how that wi will ll affect affect the variou variouss units of those those Faction Factionss in pla play. y. Eac Each h of the variou variouss levels levels of   Alliance  Allian ce is described described her here, e, as well as the rules aassocia ssociated ted with with them. Some entries entries may may refer to ‘allied’ ‘allied’ units, units, in these cases all units not part of the same Facti Faction on as the Primary Detachment Detachment are consid considered ered ‘alli ‘allied’ ed’ units. units.

Sworn Swor n Brothers Brothers The closest of allies who have fought beside each other many times. The two forces are considered ‘friendly units’ in all regards. This means, for example, that Sworn Brothers may be joined by allied Independent Characters, are treated as friendly units for the targeting of special abilities, Warlord Traits and so on.

Note: Not even Sworn Brothers can Embark in allied models with the Transport Sub-type, and rules that affect a particular force owing to its L Legiones egiones Astartes special rule do not carry over to Sworn Brother allied units.

Fellow Fell ow Warriors Warriors The two forces are willing to fight together for common cause against their foes. Units in your army treat other units at the Fellow Warriors level of Alliance as not being part of the army with the exception that they may not be deliberately targeted, attacked, targeted with special abilities, etc, (note that Blasts and the like may still scatter over allied forces and adversely adversely affect affect them).

Distrusted Distrus ted Allies The two forces can make common cause against an enemy, but never fully trust each other due to a long-standing feud or inherent antipathy. Models in the Allied Detachment are treated exactly like Fellow Warriors except that units in this Allied Detachment are never counted as Scoring units and may not hold Objectives (see the Horus the Horus Heresy: Age of  Darkness rulebook). Darkness  rulebook).

By the Empero Emperor’s r’s (or the Warma Warmaste ster’ r’s) s) Command The two forces will only ever fight beside each other in the direst of circumstances or by the direct command of their overlord, be they the Emperor or the Warmaster. The two forces are dealt with as Distrusted Allies but, in addition, whenever a unit is within 6" of a unit that is part of a Faction that falls under this level of Alliance then both units reduce their Leadership by -1 until they are no longer within 6" of any unit from that Faction that is part of the same army.

 Agents of the Emperor (or Warmaster) Warmaster) Fellow Warriors Warriors cannot cannot benefit from the effects effects of  allied Warlord Traits or be joined by allied Independent Characters, and are not counted as friendly units for the purposes of special abilities. In essence, the two forces fight fight alongside each other without any additional positive or negative effect.

Some units are described as Agents of the Emperor (notably the Talons of the Emperor – the Legio Custodes and the Silent Sisterhood), or Agents of the  Warmaster.  Warmast er. These are always treated as Sworn Sworn Brothers to either all Loyalist or all Traitor forces respectively.


 Warlords of the Mechanicum Mechanicum



 When choosing your army, you must must nominate one model to be your Warlord. Unless Unless specified otherwise, this must be a Character model and a HQ choice from the Primary Detachment of the army. In a Mechanicum army, Archmagos are the natural Warlords. If you do not have any appropriate Character models in your army, then select any other model in your army to be the Warlord. The model you choose as your Warlord must be from the Primary Detachment of the Force Organisation chart in use. In some cases a model will have a special rule that dictates that the model in question must be selected as the Warlord, such as a Primarch. When this is the case that model is always the th e Warlord regardless of any other factors. An army may not include more than one model that must be selected as the Warlord, unless another special rule contains an exception to this rule.

 W ARLORD   T RAITS RAITS Your Warlord Warlord is a potent force upon the battlefield. Not only are they a mighty hero, with all the skills and renown you might expect from the leader of a great army, but over the course of a long career they will also have picked up specialised abilities, which we refer to as ‘Warlord Traits’. Traits’. Each Warlord has one Warlord Trait, selected from the list of Core Warlord Traits that follows during army selection (or another list of Traits made available as part of that model’s Allegiance or Faction) and noted on the player’s  Army List or roster. Some special special rules attached to certain Factions or models may allow a Warlord to select Warlord

Traits other than those presented in the Core list – such rules will specifically specifically note which other Traits Traits may be selected. • A Warlord taken as part of a Mechanicum Primary Detachment may choose a single Warlord Trait from either the Core Warlord Traits on Traits on page 15 15 or  or from the Mechanicum Warlord Traits listed on listed on page 16. 16 . HARACT ACTERS ERS CHAR


Some Character models will have a special rule that specifies a Warlord Tra Trait it that must be used if that model is selected as the army’s Warlord. If such a unit is your  Warlord, do do not select a Warlord Tr Trait ait – instead, that unit automatically has the listed Warlord Trait. Note that the unit will only gain that Warlord Trait if it is your Warlord. If another model is selected as your Warlord then that Character will not have any Warlord Trait, even if there is a Trait listed in its Profile.



If your Warlord is removed as a casualty during a battle, any abilities or special rules granted by their Warlord Trait are immediately lost. If the Warlord Trait in question conferred a special rule that allows an unusual method of deployment from Reserves (such as conferring the Outflank ability on certain units), units), that special rule iiss immediately lost and the affected affected units must instead deploy from Reserves in the normal fashion.


CORE   W ARLORD   T RAITS RAITS These Traits are available to any Character model selected as an army’s Warlord, regardless regardless of Faction or Allegiance.



Some warlords are only satisfied by the clash of blades and the screams of the enemy as they fall before them. For such warriors, strategy is but a means to an end, a tool by which they can bring their forces into the brutal crucible of the melee as soon as possible. There, in the heart of the battlefield, they   seek victory at any cost.

 Always ready to to take advantage of the the foe’s weakness, this warlord is a master of predicting and exploiting the flow of  battle. Where the foe advances, this warlord falls back to better ground, where the foe retreats, this warlord advances,  for victory is fickle and and only falls into into the grasp of those  prepared for any any eventuality. eventuality.

 Any combat with at least one friendly model within within 12" of this Warlord, or a combat which includes this Warlord, gains a bonus of +1 to the number of Wounds caused for the purposes of combat resolution. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during their opponent’s Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.

 When this Warlord, and and any unit it has joined, Runs during the Movement phase, it adds the value of the  Warlord’s  Warlo rd’s Initiative Characteristic, Characteristic, increased by 1, to the distance moved, rather than the lowest Initiative Characteristic in the unit. In addition, an army whose  Warlord has this Trait may make make an additional Reaction during their opponent’s Movement phase as long as the  Warlord has not been removed removed as a casualty.

Stoic Defender  Defender  This warlord is a rock, the hard place against which their foes are dashed and broken. When the enemy surges forth, they do not foolishly go to meet them, but dig in so that the foe may  exhaust themselves against the defences prepared for them. In the end, victory comes to those willing to endure the fires of  battle and emerge unscathed from its fury.  Any friendly unit joined by a Warlord Warlord with this Trait that makes a Shooting Attack will force the target unit to make a Pinning test if it suffers any unsaved Wounds. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during their opponent’s Shooting phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.



The Army List Profiles presented in this book relate to miniatures available in the Citadel and Forge World ranges, and in most cases it is clear which sets relate to which Profile. Profile. Many Profiles, however, have a range of upgrade options that may not be represented in a particular set of miniatures, but are available as upgrade sets – for example, a Knight Moirax with a graviton pulsar is made by upgrading the Mechanicum Knight Moirax with Volkite Veuglair Veuglairee and Gyges Siege Claw with the Mechanicum Knight Moirax Graviton Pulsar. In other cases, models have available to them weapons and options that are found in other sets – the weapons and wargear of the Mechanicum are extremely varied and esoteric in design, and the Mechanicum and Adeptus Mechanicus ranges benefit from being extremely customisable as a result. Players will often find they have plenty of spare spare weapons or wargear that they can use on other models.


MECHANICUM   W ARLORD   T RAITS RAITS  A Warlord selected selected from a Detachment that has the Mechanicum Mechanicum Faction may select select one of the following Warlord Warlord Traits instead of a Core Warlord Trait. Trait.

 A Soul of Cold Iron

 The Science of Slaughter 

 Many of the most powerful powerful magi among the ranks of the  Mechanicum have left left behind almost all all of the weak flesh that once bound them to humanity. These creatures are no longer truly human, and the concerns of lesser creatures are meaningless to them. On the battlefield, they feel not terror, nor sadness, nor even the joy of victory, and advance even in the face of horrors that would send lesser warriors fleeing.

Combat is not an art to those of the Mechanicum that  dedicate themselves to its perfection, but a brutally callous  science – for everything everything has its weakness, weakness, all things can can be broken and dismembered if one knows when and where to apply force. Those who study the Mechanicu Mechanicum’s m’s methods of combat are terrifying threshing machines of destruction, untiring and utterly implacable. Once they have engaged a target, it is only a matter of time until they detect and exploit  its vulnerabilities. vulnerabilities.

 A Warlord with with this Trait and any friendly unit with with at least one model within 6" that is Pinned may still move and declare Charges, but is limited to only firing firing Snap Shots until it is no longer Pinned. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during their opponent’s Movement phase as long as the Warlord has not been b een removed as a casualty.

 The Logic of Victory  Among the warriors of the Mechanicum it it is not valour  that sustains the attack, nor hatred that fuels their defence – but the cold imperative of logic. They fight only when the calculations of the magi predict victory for the attack or when there is no other option but mutual annihilation. The finest  logis-tacticians logis-tacticia ns seek not to influence the flow of battle with  simple force of arms, but but by manipulating manipulating the ever changing changing equations of victory. If, at no point during this Warlord’s Warlord’s controlling player’s turn as the Active player, a Warlord with this Trait has neither made a Shooting Attack or been locked in combat then they gain an additional Reaction in each Phase of  o f  the following turn as the Reactive player. In addition, a  Warlord with this Trait Trait and any unit it has joined gains +1 WS and +1 BS when making attacks as part of any Reaction and +3 Initiative or +3 Movement when making a move as part of any Reaction.

On the second turn of each combat a Warlord with this Trait is engaged in, and each turn it is locked in the same combat after that, it gains a bonus of +1 to its WS and +1 Strength (to a maximum of 10). Once a given combat has ended and the Warlord is no longer locked in combat, the Warlord’s Warlord’s WS and Strength Characteristics are reset to the original values. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction during their opponent’s Assault phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.


MECHANICUM   A DVANCED DVANCED   R EACTION EACTION This Advanced Reaction is available only to units as part of a Mechanicum Detachment. Unlike Core Reactions, it is activated in unique and specific circumstances, as noted in its description, and can often have game changing effects. Advanced Reactions use up points of a Reactive player’s Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all other restrictions placed upon Reactions, unless it is specifically noted otherwise in their description.

Scornful Fire – This Advanced Reaction may be made once per battle during the Shooting phase when any enemy Scornful unit declares a Shooting Attack targeting a unit that includes a model with the Independent Character special rule under the Reactive player’s control which is part of the Mechanicum Detachment. The Reacting unit, and any friendly Mechanicum units eligible to make a Reaction within 12", may make a Shooting Attack, targeting the unit that triggered this Reaction and following all the usual rules for Shooting Attacks. Any unit that makes a Shooting  Attack as part of this Reaction counts as having made a Reaction in this Phase.  A unit that makes a Shooting Attack Attack as part of a Scornful Fire Reaction may not m make ake any attacks indirectly indirectly (without line of sight) including weapons with the Barrage special rule or other weapons or special rules that otherwise ignore line of sight, and Vehicles may only fire Defensive Weapons. Weapons. Template Template weapons may only be used as part of a Scornful Fire Reaction if the target unit is within 8" and must use the Wall of Death rule instead of  firing normally.


HQ “T 

he machine is not merely an object or device. It is an allegory for all things operating in perfect harmony. In devotion to the Omnissiah we craft all  manner of literal machines, but so too do we organise ourselves in mechanistic ways. Each forge-fane operates as a complex machine; the Tech-Priests and thralls within acting as individual components. And thus is the engine of war that is the Taghmata; complex, harmonious and coordinated. A perfect machine of death and destruction driven by the design of a single cogitation engine – its Archimandrite Prime.”  Overlord Phae Overlord Phaeran ran Ael,  Archima  Arch imandri ndrite te of For Forge ge Vor Vorad ad


 Archmagos Prime

0-1 A RCHMAGOS RCHMAGOS   PRIME   .................. ............................. ..............155 ...155 POINTS HQ The archmagos prime is the commander of the Taghmata Omnissiah; a high adept of the Machine Cult armed and girded  for war with the finest  finest  armaments and defences their arcane arts can  provide. They are chosen chosen  from their peers peers to lead in battle. In most cases this will not merely mean the carrying of sophisticated weaponry but effectively a  physical transformation, transformation, and they may elect to exchange or add to their  augmetics with devices and exoskeletal armoured  frames better better suited to war than to artifice. In the most extreme cases, the magos will choose to have what remains of  their organics re-housed in a purpose-built body  more reminiscent in use and function to a Legiones  Astartes Dreadnought Dreadnought than mere environmental and battlefield armour. Each magos is a unique individual, possessed of  their own mastery of  the higher arts of the  Machine Cult, Cult, and their  own unique resources and secrets, meaning that no two magos prime are truly alike. Each is as  formidable in their their own way as the superhuman Legiones Astartes, and their inhuman intelligence and power spawned of  arcane science is not to be underestimate underestimated. d.

 Archmagos Prime

M 6

WS 4

BS 5

S 5

T 5

W 3

I 4

A 2

Ld 10

Sv Sv 2+

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Archmago Archmagoss Prime Prime

Unit Type Unit Type • Infantry (C (Cybertheurgist, ybertheurgist, Character)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Power Power weapon weapon • Volkite Volkite serpenta serpenta • Mechanicum Protectiva • Cortex Cortex ccontrol ontroller ler

Special Rules Special • Battle Battlesmit smith h (4 (4+) +) • Feud Feudal al Hierar Hierarchy chy • Firin Firingg Prot Protocols ocols (3) • Independent Character • Master Cybertheurgist • The Orders of High Techno-ar Techno-arcana cana • Relen Relentless tless • Stu Stubbo bborn rn

Options • The Archmagos Prime may may take any any of the following following options: - Augury scanner............................................................................................... scanner...................................................................................................+5 ....+5 points - Melta bombs............................................................. bombs.................................................................................................... ...........................................+5 ....+5 p points oints - Rad grenades................................................................................... grenades.....................................................................................................+1 ..................+10 0 points - Cyber-familiar................................................................................................... Cyber-familiar...................................................................................................+15 +15 points • The Archmagos Prime may may exchange either their volkite serpenta and and/or /or power weapon each for one of the following options: - Archaeotech pistol ................................................................................. .............................................................................................+5 ............+5 points - Lucifex........................................................ Lucifex............................................................................................. ..........................................................+ .....................+55 points - Maxima bolter.................................................................. bolter..................................................................................................... ...................................+5 +5 points - Photon gauntlet........................................ gauntlet ................................................................................ ..........................................................+5 ..................+5 points - Plasma pistol .................................. ........................................................................ ..................................................................... ...............................+5 +5 points - Power fist.................................... fist ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ....................................+5 +5 points - Corposant stave........................................ stave ................................................................................ ..........................................................+5 ..................+5 points - Chainfist ............................... ............................................................. ............................................................. ...............................................+1 ................+10 0 points - Paragon blade........................................................................ blade.................................................................................................... ............................+15 +15 points • The Archmagos Prime may may take one of the following following options: - Servo-arm ........................................................... ......................................................................................... ...............................................+1 .................+10 0 points - Incunabulan jet pack ...................................................................................... ......................................................................................+20 +20 points - Conversion beamer.......................................................................................... beamer..........................................................................................+25 +25 points - Graviton imploder................................................................................... imploder............................................................................................+25 .........+25 points - Machinator array............................... array ................................................................ ............................................................... ..............................+25 +25 points • The Archmagos Prime may may take one of the following following additional weapon options (an Archmagos Prime with the Myrmidax Order of High Techno-arcan Techno-arcanaa may take up to two selections from the list instead, but may not select a rad furnace): - Rotor cannon ............................... ............................................................. ............................................................. .......................................+10 ........+10 points - Graviton gun ..................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................+15 +15 points - Meltagun........................................................................................................... Meltagun............................................................................................................+15 .+15 p points oints - Irad-cleanser ................................................................................ ....................................................................................................+2 ....................+20 0 points - Phased plasma-fusil ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................+20 +20 points - Photon thruster...............................................................................................+30 points - Rad furnace ..................................................................................... ......................................................................................................+30 .................+30 points • The Archmagos Prime may may upgrade a single weapon to have the ffollowing ollowing special rule: - Master-crafted ............................................................................. ....................................................................................................+ .......................+55 points


Master Cybertheurgi Cybertheurgist st The Archmagos Prime may select one of the following Cybertheurgic Arcana, gaining all Rites and weapons that are part of that Arcana (note that some Archmagi may gain additional options depending on the Orders of High Technoarcana special rule): • Artificia Artificia Cyberneti Cybernetica ca • Artificia Artificia Machina Machina • Ephemera Ephemera Incur Incursus sus  The Orders of High Techno-arcana Techno-arcana  An Archmagos Prime must take take one of the following Orders Orders of High Techno-arcana; Techno-arcana; no model may take take more than one such upgrade. If your army contains more than one Archmagos Prime (with or without an Abeyant), then each must possess a different Order of High Techno-arcana from this list. The various High Techno-arcana are listed here, but full rules for them can be found in the Appendix: Orders of High Techno-arcana Techno-arcana on  on page 98 98:: • Archimand Archimandrite rite • Cyberneti Cybernetica ca • Lacyraemar Lacyraemarta ta • Macrotek  Macrotek  • Malagr Malagraa • Myrmidax Myrmidax • Reductor Reductor


 Archmagos Prime on Abeyant

0-1 A RCHMAGOS RCHMAGOS   PRI RIME ME HQ Towering above the hosts of their Forge World in battle, the archmagos  prime ensconced upon upon an abeyant embodies the ultimate vision of the Omnissiah’s dominance and glory. As much mobile command platform and  symbol of status as opulent  transport, an abeyant  is a name given to a  general class class of hovering conveyance into which the rider’s augmetics and life support systems are directly connected through mind impulse linkage, so that it becomes an extension of their  own body. The abeyant’s  powerful anti-grav anti-grav engines allow the archmagos to navigate the blasted ruin of  devastated battlefields with ease while its armoured  shell greatly enhances enhances the endurance of its rider.  Many abeyants abeyants are ancient  ancient  wonders of the Dark Age of  Technology and only the mightiest archimandrites know the full extent of  their capabilities. Their  advanced systems are utilised by archmagi on both sides of the civil war to channel their will to all forces under their  command and through the enactment of the most  intricate equations of  war, achieve the complete and utter annihilation of  their enemies.

M  Archm  Archmag agos os P Prim rimee on Abeyan Abeyantt 6 Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Archmagos Prime on Abeyant  Wargear   Wargear  • Power Power weapon weapon • Volkite Volkite serpenta serpenta • Mechanicum Protectiva • Cortex Cortex ccontrol ontroller ler

ON  A BEYANT  BEYANT    ... ...... ....... ....18 1855 POINTS WS 4

BS 5

S 5

T 6

W 5

I 3

A 2

Ld 10

Sv Sv 2+

Unit Type Unit Type • Infantry (M (Monstrous, onstrous, Antigrav, Cybertheurgist, Character) Special Rules Special • Battle Battlesmit smith h (4 (4+) +) • Feud Feudal al Hierar Hierarchy chy • Independent Character • Master Cybertheurgist • Pride of Place • The Orders of High Techno-ar Techno-arcana cana • Stu Stubbo bborn rn

Options • The Archmagos Prime on Abeyant may ta take ke any of the ffollowing ollowing options: - Augury scanner............................................................................................... scanner...................................................................................................+5 ....+5 points - Rad grenades................................................................................... grenades.....................................................................................................+1 ..................+10 0 points - Cyber-familiar................................................................................................... Cyber-familiar...................................................................................................+15 +15 points • The Archmagos Prime on Abeyant may exchan exchange ge either their volkite serpenta serpenta and/  or power weapon each for one of the following options: - Archaeotech pistol ................................................................................. .............................................................................................+5 ............+5 points - Corposant stave........................................ stave ................................................................................ ..........................................................+5 ..................+5 points - Lucifex........................................................ Lucifex............................................................................................. ..........................................................+ .....................+55 points - Maxima bolter.................................................................. bolter..................................................................................................... ...................................+5 +5 points - Photon gauntlet........................................ gauntlet ................................................................................ ..........................................................+5 ..................+5 points - Plasma pistol .................................. ........................................................................ ..................................................................... ...............................+5 +5 points - Power fist.................................... fist ......................................................................... ......................................................................... ....................................+5 +5 points - Chainfist ............................... ............................................................. ............................................................. ...............................................+1 ................+10 0 points - Paragon blade........................................................................ blade.................................................................................................... ............................+15 +15 points • The Archmagos Prime on Abeyant may ta take ke one of the ffollowing ollowing options: - Servo-arm ........................................................... ......................................................................................... ...............................................+1 .................+10 0 points - Conversion beamer.......................................................................................... beamer..........................................................................................+25 +25 points - Graviton imploder................................................................................... imploder............................................................................................+25 .........+25 points - Machinator array............................... array ................................................................ ............................................................... ..............................+25 +25 points • The Archmagos Prime on Abeyant may ta take ke one of the ffollowing ollowing additional weapon options: - Rotor cannon ............................... ............................................................. ............................................................. .......................................+10 ........+10 points - Graviton gun ..................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................+15 +15 points - Meltagun........................................................................................................... Meltagun............................................................................................................+15 .+15 p points oints - Irad-cleanser ................................................................................ ....................................................................................................+2 ....................+20 0 points - Phased plasma-fusil ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................+20 +20 points - Photon thruster...............................................................................................+30 points - Rad furnace ..................................................................................... ......................................................................................................+30 .................+30 points • The Archmagos Prime on Abeyant may upgrade a single weapon to have have the following special rule: - Master-crafted ............................................................................. ....................................................................................................+ .......................+55 points


Master Cybertheurgi Cybertheurgist st The Archmagos Prime on Abeyant may select one of the following Cybertheurgic Arcana, gaining all Rites and weapons that are part of that Arcana (note that some Archmagi may gain additional options depending on the Orders of High Techno-arcana special rule): • Artificia Artificia Cyberneti Cybernetica ca • Artificia Artificia Machina Machina • Ephemera Ephemera Incur Incursus sus  The Orders of High Techno-arcana Techno-arcana  An Archmagos Prime on Abeyant must take take one of the following Orders of High Techno Techno-arcana; -arcana; no model may take take more than one such upgrade. If your army contains more than one Archmagos Prime (with or without an Abeyant), then each must possess a different Order of High Techno-arc Techno-arcana ana from this list. The various High Techno-arcana are listed here, but full rules for them can be found in the Appendix: Orders of High Techno-arcana Techno-arcana on  on page 98: 98 : • Archimand Archimandrite rite • Cyberneti Cybernetica ca • Lacyraemar Lacyraemarta ta • Macrotek  Macrotek  • Reductor Reductor


Magos Dominus

M AGOS   DOMINUS   ............................................75 ............................................75 POINTS HQ The ma magos gos dom domin inus us is a mast ma ster er of th thee ar arts ts of th thee Legio Cyber Cybernetic netica, a, a sect  of the pri priest esthood hood of Mar Marss  grante  gra nted d the dre dread ad righ right  t  to cre create ate and cont control rol the cortex-aut corte x-automata omata built for  warr an wa and d ba base sed d up upon on th thee terrible terri ble secrets secrets of the Dark  Age of Tec Techno hnolog logy. y. Such Such  strang  str angee and and thr threat eateni ening ng  powers  powe rs are not with without  out   price,  pri ce, and by doct doctrin rinal al tradition tradi tion such individu individuals als  forgo  for go an eas easyy rout routee to powe power  r  within wit hin the Mec Mechan hanicu icum, m,  so dan danger gerous ous do do thei their  r   fellow  fel lowss consid consider er the the secr secrets ets theyy wie the wield. ld. Ins Instea tead, d, magi dominus domi nus and the their ir acol acolyte ytess  form but one of the man many  y   factio  fac tions ns and and sec sects ts with within in the Mecha Mechanicum nicum,, divided both bot h by tec technol hnologi ogical cal  specia  spe cialis lisati ation on as wel welll as rivalry and ancien ancientt feud. Less Le ss hu human man tha than n eve even n th their  eir   peers,  pee rs, and ofte often n skir skirtin tingg the edge of tec tech-he h-heres resy  y  with wit h the modi modifica fication tionss they subjec subjectt themselves themselves to, theyy are ren the renown owned ed as much  for the their ir ins insane ane obs obsess ession ionss and eccen eccentricit tricities ies as for  thei th eirr sk skil ills ls in the ar arca cana na of  the cyber cybernetica netica.. The magi domi dominus nus found found with wi thin in th thee ra rank nkss of the Taghma Tag hmata ta fulfi fulfill a vita vitall but   subord  sub ordina inate te role role ben beneat eath h the arc archma hmagos gos prime. prime. They   servee the Tag  serv Taghma hmata ta eithe either  r  under und er ter terms ms of per person sonal al  fealty  fea lty or in ful fulfilm filment ent of  bindingg pacts betwe bindin between en their  Legio Cyber Cybernetic netica a cohort  and the arc archim himand andrit ritee who  stands  sta nds as the powe powerr behi behind nd the Tagh Taghmata mata..

Magos Dominus

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Magos Magos Dominu Dominuss  Wargear   Wargear  • Power Power weapon weapon • Laspistol Laspistol • Mechanicum Protectiva • Cortex Cortex ccontrol ontroller ler

M 6

WS 3

BS 4

S 4

T 4

W 2

I 3

A 2

Ld 9

Sv Sv 33+ +

Unitt Type Uni Type • Infantry (Character, Cybertheurgist, Heavy) Special Rules Special • Battle Battlesmit smith h ((5+) 5+) • Cybertheurgist Adept • Feel No Pain Pain (5+) • Firin Firingg Prot Protocols ocols (2) • Independent Character • Patris Cybernetica • Relen Relentless tless • Stu Stubbo bborn rn

Options • The Magos Dominus may take an anyy of the following following options: - Augury scanner............................................................................................... scanner...................................................................................................+5 ....+5 points - Melta bombs............................................................. bombs.................................................................................................... ...........................................+5 ....+5 p points oints - Cyber-familiar................................................................................................... Cyber-familiar...................................................................................................+15 +15 points • The Magos Dominus may exchange exchange their laspistol for one of the follow following ing options: - Bolt pistol .............................................................. .............................................................................................. ................................................+1 ................+1 point - Volkite serpenta......................................................................... serpenta..................................................................................................+ .........................+55 points - Archaeotech pistol .............................................................. ........................................................................................... .............................+10 +10 points - Photon gauntlet..................................... gauntlet.................................................................... ........................................................... ............................+10 +10 p points oints - Plasma pistol ........................... ......................................................... ............................................................. ............................................+10 .............+10 points • The Magos Dominus may take one of the followin followingg options: - Servo-arm ........................................................... ......................................................................................... ...............................................+1 .................+10 0 points - Conversion beamer.......................................................................................... beamer..........................................................................................+25 +25 points - Machinator array............................... array ................................................................ ............................................................... ..............................+25 +25 points • The Magos Dominus may also take one of the following following weapons: - Rotor cannon ............................... ............................................................. ............................................................. .......................................+10 ........+10 points - Graviton gun ..................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................+15 +15 points - Meltagun........................................................................................................... Meltagun............................................................................................................+15 .+15 p points oints - Irad-cleanser ................................................................................ ....................................................................................................+2 ....................+20 0 points - Phased plasma-fusil ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................+20 +20 points - Photon thruster...............................................................................................+30 points • The Magos Dominus may upgrade a single weapon to have the ffollowing ollowing special rule: - Master-crafted ............................................................................. ....................................................................................................+ .......................+55 points

Cybertheurgist Cybertheurgi st Adept The Magos Dominus may select one of the following Cybertheurgic Arcana, gaining all Rites and weapons that are part of that Arcana: • Artificia Artificia Cyberneti Cybernetica ca • Artificia Artificia Machina Machina • Ephemera Ephemera Incur Incursus sus


Magos Dominus on Abeyant

M AGOS   DOM OMIN INUS US Magos Dominus o on n Abeyant

ON   A BEYANT  BEYANT   ............ ................... ........105 .105 POINTS M 6

WS 3

BS 4

S 4

T 5

W 4

I 3

A 2

Ld 9

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Magos Dominus on Abeyant

Unit Type Unit Type • Infantry (Character, Monstrous,  Antigrav, Cybertheurgist, Cybertheurgist, Heavy) Heavy)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Power Power weapon weapon • Laspistol Laspistol • Mechanicum Protectiva • Cortex Cortex controll controller er

Special Rules Special • Battlesmit Battlesmith h ((5+) 5+) • Cybertheurgist Adept • Independent Character • Stubbo Stubborn rn • Patris Cybernetica • Pride of Place • Feel No Pain Pain (5+)

Sv Sv 3+

Options • The Magos Dominus on Abeyant may ta take ke any of the following options: - Augury scanner............................................................................................... scanner...................................................................................................+5 ....+5 points - Cyber-familiar................................................................................................... Cyber-familiar...................................................................................................+15 +15 points • The Magos Dominus on Abeyant may exchan exchange ge their laspistol fo forr one of the following options: - Bolt pistol .............................................................. .............................................................................................. ................................................+1 ................+1 point - Volkite serpenta......................................................................... serpenta..................................................................................................+ .........................+55 points - Archaeotech pistol .............................................................. ........................................................................................... .............................+10 +10 points - Photon gauntlet..................................... gauntlet.................................................................... ........................................................... ............................+10 +10 p points oints - Plasma pistol ......................................................... ........................................................................................ ............................................+10 .............+10 points • The Magos Dominus on Abeyant may ta take ke one of the following following options: - Servo-arm ............................ ........................................................... ............................................................. ...............................................+1 .................+10 0 points - Conversion beamer............................................................ beamer.......................................................................................... ..............................+25 +25 points - Machinator array............................... array ................................................................ ............................................................... ..............................+25 +25 points • The Magos Dominus on Abeyant may also ttake ake one of the following weapons: weapons: - Rotor cannon ............................... ............................................................. ............................................................. .......................................+10 ........+10 points - Graviton gun ..................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................+15 +15 points - Meltagun........................................................................................................... Meltagun............................................................................................................+15 .+15 p points oints - Irad-cleanser ................................................................................ ....................................................................................................+2 ....................+20 0 points - Phased plasma-fusil ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................+20 +20 points - Photon thruster...............................................................................................+30 points • The Magos Dominus on Abeyant may upgrade a single weapon to have have the following special rule: - Master-crafted ............................................................................. ....................................................................................................+ .......................+55 points

Cybertheurgist Cybertheurgi st Adept The Magos Dominus on Abeyant may select one of the following Cybertheurgic  Arcana, gaining all Rites and weapons that are part of that Arcana: • Artificia Artificia Cyberneti Cybernetica ca • Artificia Artificia Machina Machina • Ephemera Ephemera Incur Incursus sus

HQ The abeyant is a heavily  armoured repulsorthrone, the preferred conveyance of many high ranked dominus of the  Mechanicum. Taking Taking the  form of a stylised pulpit  pulpit  or scarab-like framework, the principal advantage of  these armoured platforms is that their mag-suspensor   fields allow the the most  war-torn battlefield to be traversed with ease, and their enhanced life-support  chassis greatly improves their user’s survivability. In  such a manner the the magos dominus joins the battle at  the head of their cohorts, closely observing the fluid arithmetic of war and affects the battle’s course in the most direct manner  by employing some of the most deadly weapons to be found in the arsenals of  the Mechanicum. The mere  sight of a magos dominus astride an abeyant  directing phalanxes of  Cybernetica automata is enough to break entire  formations of lesser lesser troops, and even the mighty  warriors of the Legiones  Astartes take take pause when  faced with such opposition. opposition.


Calleb Decima Invictus

C ALLEB   DECIMA   INVICTUS   ...... ............ ............ ............ .........20 ...200 0 POINTS Lo Lord rd of Ruin Ruin,, Veng Vengef eful ul Arch Archma mago goss of th thee Ordo Ordo Redu Reduct ctor  or 

HQ Calleb Decima Invictus The warlike and sinister  Calleb Decima, emissary of  the Ordo Reductor of the  Mechanicum, was was a late and unwelcome arrival to the 63 rd Expeditionary  Fleet as it marshalled its  forces to attack Isstvan Isstvan III. Outside the Traitors’ plans, he was distrusted and  feared by those within within the  Mechanicum who would would turn from the Emperor  and so marked for death. His vessel shot down, he and a core of his Thallaxii bodyguard reached the ravaged surface of Isstvan III during its firestorm, and escaped into the blazing ruins of the Ariadne industrial zone to the  south of the Choral City. City. From this lair of shattered  steel and ash, he he made the Traitorss pay in blood for  Traitor their underestimation of  the Ordo Reductor.  A deadly thorn in the Traitors’ side, having rebuilt his body to account   for the injuries Isstvan Isstvan III had cost him, he turned to the acquisition of ever greater military forces forces under no authority but his own, his actions leading him to be denounced as a madman and a heretek even by many within the Machine Cult who remained loyal.

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Calleb Decima Invictus  Wargear   Wargear  • Master-crafted power axe • Master-crafted bolt pistol • Mechanicum Protectiva • Machinator Machinator array • Melta Melta bombs

M 6

WS 4

BS 4

S 5

T 5

W 3

I 4

A 2

Ld 10

Sv Sv 3+

Unit Type Unit Type • Inf Infant antry ry (Character, Cybertheurgist, Unique) Special Rules Special • Battle Battle-hard -hardened ened (1) • Battle Battlesmit smith h (4 (4+) +) • Fearl Fearless ess • Feud Feudal al Hierar Hierarchy chy • Hatred (Traitors) • Ignor Ignores es Cover • Independent Character • Loy Loyali alist st • Master Cybertheurgist:  Artificia Reductor • The Orders of High Techno-arc Techno-arcana: ana: Reductor (see (see page 101 101)) • Precision Strikes (5+) • Relen Relentless tless • Sun Sunder der • Wal Walker ker in Ru Ruin in • Wre Wrecke ckerr

Guardian Retinu Guardian Retinuee • Calleb Decima Invictus may may be joined by one of the following for their normal points cost: - A unit of Tech-Priest 28)) Tech-Priest Auxilia (see (see page 28 - A Scyllax Guardian-automata Maniple (see (see page 36 36)) This unit may be upgraded freely as described in their profile, including taking a Dedicated Transport option listed listed in the appropriate unit profile. If taken in this manner, the unit forms a single unit with Calleb Decima Invictus and he may not voluntarily leave this unit during the course of the battle. This bodyguard unit counts as being part of the same HQ choice as the owning unit and does not take up a separate Force Organisation slot. This unit gains the Ignores Cover, Sunder and Wrecker special rules.

Master Cyber Cybertheurgi theurgist: st: Artificia Artificia Reduc Reductor  tor  Calleb Decima Invictus has all the Rites and weapons that are part of the  Artificia Reductor arcana.  Walker in Ruin  Walker Calleb Decima Invictus and any friendly units that have at least one model within 6" of Caleb Decima Invictus have the Move Through Cover special rule.



arfare is a simple arithmetic. In the calculation calcul ation of victory, one must  imbalance the equation in such a way as to ensure the outcome. Balance is never the goal. The application of overwhelming force is not  a variable, it is the most desirable constant.”  Shuqev Shuq ev Mori Moriask, ask, Myr Myrmido midon n Secut Secutor or Lord


Tech-Priest Tech-Pri est Auxilia

 T ECH ECH-PRIEST    A UXILIA  UXILIA    ........................ ....................................65 ............65 POINTS ELITES Operating in a support  role, Covenants and  Maniples of Tech-Prie Tech-Priest  st  adepts anda lesser magi also form key part of the Taghmata Omnissiah. Of those whose firepower  and expertise is called to the Taghmata by feudal obligation, enginseers are  perhaps the most common. These often accompany  their masters and the mighty war machines they administer onto the battlefield, enabling the Taghmata to make field repairs, assuage fevered machine spirits and  perform the required required micromicrocalibrationss to arms and calibration  systems to ensure ensure the holy  engines of battle perform to their optimal efficiency. Less common are representatives represent atives of militant  orders such as the reductor  and lachrimallus. The  former are siege siege warfare  specialists whose whose arts are used to either lay low   fortifications or defend them as they are called on by their masters. The latter, whose flesh-craft  and alchemistry mercilessly  drives on the half-living tech-thralls employed by the Taghmata, are masters of  teeming hordes of resilient, if expendable, troops.

Tech-Priest Magos Auxilia Servo-automata

M 6 6 6

WS 3 3 3

BS 3 4 3

S 3 3 4

T 3 4 5

W 1 2 1

I 3 3 1

A 1 2 1

Ld 7 8 6

Sv Sv 4+ 33+ + 55+ +

Unit Compositio Composition n

• Unit Unit Type Type

•• 14 Tech-Priest Tech-Pr iest ta Servo-automa Servo-automata

Tech-Prie Tech-Priest: st: Infantry (Character, Line) •• Magos Auxilia: Infantry (Character, Cybertheurgist, Line) • Servo-automata: Automata (Guardian)

 Wargear  • Laspistol (Magos Auxilia and Tech-Prie Tech-Priest st only) • Power axe (Magos Auxilia Auxilia and Tech-Prie Tech-Priest st only) • Close combat combat weapon weapon (Servo-automata only)

Special Rules Special • Battlesmith (5+) (Magos Auxi Auxilia lia only) • Battle Battlesmit smith h (6+) (Te (Tech-P ch-Prie riest st only) • Cybertheurgist Auxilia (Magos Auxilia only) • Stubbo Stubborn rn (M (Magos agos Auxili and Tech-Prie Tech-Priest st only) • Techno-arc Techno-arcana ana (Magos Auxilia and Tech-Prie Tech-Priest st only)

Dedicated Transport Dedicated Transport  A Tech-Priest Tech-Priest Auxilia unit may take a Triaros Triaros Armoured Conveyor as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • The Tech-Pr Tech-Pries iestt Auxilia Auxilia may include include:: - Up to 2 additional Tech-Priests Tech-Priests..................................................+20 ..................................................+20 points per model - Up to 6 additional Servo-automata..............................................+5 Servo-automata ..............................................+5 points per model • A single Tech-Prie Tech-Priest st in the unit may be upgraded to a: - Magos Auxilia ............................................................... ............................................................................................... ....................................+25 ....+25 points • Any Tech-Priest Tech-Priest or Magos Auxilia Auxilia may take take any of the following: following: - Augury scanner............................................................................................... scanner...................................................................................................+5 ....+5 points - Nuncio-vox................................................... Nuncio-vox................................................................................. .....................................................+ .......................+10 10 points - Volkite charger............................. charger ............................................................ ............................................................... ......................................+10 ......+10 p points oints - Cortex controller........................................................................... controller ..............................................................................................+1 ...................+155 points - Graviton gun ..................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................+15 +15 points • Any Tech-Pries Tech-Priestt or Magos Auxilia may may take: take: - Cyber-familiar.................................................... Cyber-familiar..................................................................................... ........................................+5 .......+5 points each - Melta bombs.............................................................................. bombs...............................................................................................+5 .................+5 points each • Any Servo-automata may take one of the following: - Las-lock................................................................ Las-lock............................................................................................ ................................................+2 ....................+2 points - Flamer ........................................................................... ................................................................................................................ .......................................+5 ..+5 points - Maxima bolter.................................................................. bolter..................................................................................................... ...................................+5 +5 points - S  Servo-arm ervo-arm ........................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ....................................+5 +5 p points oints - Rotor cannon ............................... ............................................................. ............................................................. .......................................+10 ........+10 points - Heavy bolter ...................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................+15 +15 p points oints - Multi-melta............................... Multi-melta ............................................................... ................................................................ ........................................+25 ........+25 points


Cybertheurgist Cybertheurgi st Auxilia Auxilia The Magos Auxilia may select one of the following Cybertheurgic Arcana, gaining all Rites and weapons that are part of that Arcana: • Artificia Artificia Cyberneti Cybernetica ca • Artificia Artificia Machina Machina  Techno-arc  Techno-arcana anast Auxilia unit must choose one of the following Techno-arcan Each Tech-Priest Tech-Prie Techno-arcana. a. Only one selection may be made per Tech-Priest Tech-Pri est Auxilia unit. The Techno-arcana applies to the entire unit, providing it with additional special rules and wargear at no additional cost unless noted:  Tech-Priests ts and Magos Auxilia in the unit are each equipped with a servo-arm. While the unit contains Enginseer: Tech-Pries any number of Servo-automata, Tech-Priests Tech-Priests and Magos Auxilia in the unit improve their Battlesmith (X) special rule to Battlesmith (4+).  Tech-Priests, sts, Magos Auxilia and Servo-automata in the unit have the Feel No No Pain (5+) special rule. Lachrimallus: Tech-Prie Friendly Adsecularis Tech-thrall Tech-thrall units with at least one model within 6" of one or more Tech-Priest or Magos Auxilia with this special rule add +1 to their Feel No Pain Damage Mitigation rolls or the Feel No Pain (6+) special rule if they do not already possess the Feel No Pain (X) special rule.

Reductor: Tech-Pries  Tech-Priests ts and Magos Auxilia in the unit are each equipped with a servo-arm, and all models in the unit gainorthe Sunderimploder and Wrecker special rules. beamer graviton for +25 points each.Magos Auxilia may exchange their servo-arm for either a conversion


 Arcuitor Magisterium

0-1 A RCUITOR  RCUITOR    M AGISTERIUM   ..... .......... ........... ............ .........85 ...85 POINTS  Assassin of the Prefecture Magisterium, Paternis Malagra

ELITES  Arcuitor The arcuitor magisterium are accusers and judges of tech-heresy, and the

M 7

WS 5

BS 5

S 5

T 5

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld 10

Sv Sv 3+

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Arcuitor Arcuitor

• Unit Unit Type Type • Infantry (Character)

executioners of usually  heretek magi. They are magi themselves, of high rank and noble standing, tempered by the wisdom of   frequent conclave conclave with the  forge-fane and the will of  the Omnissiah; their belief  is utterly devout, reinforced and become rigid with  zealotry. These venerable venerable  figures are known as the  fathers of the Malagra, Malagra,  for they are often often ancient  beyond belief, and are

 Wargear   Wargear  • Corposant Corposant stav stavee • Archaeotec Archaeotech h pistol pistol • Mechanicum Protectiva • Cortex Cortex ccontrol ontroller ler • Frag grenades grenades • Krak grenades grenades

Special Rules Special • Battle Battlesmit smith h ((5+) 5+) • Feel No Pain Pain (5+) • Firin Firingg Prot Protocols ocols (2) • Hunt Hunter er Killer • Independent Character • Loy Loyali alist st • Monst Monster er Hunter Hunter • Precision Strikes (5+)

heavily augmented attaining closeness in to their   Machine God.

• The Arcuitor may exchange exchange their corposant sstave tave for a: ............................+15 - Paragon blade........................................................................ blade.................................................................................................... +15 points • The Arcuitor may take take a: - Servo-arm ........................................................... ......................................................................................... ...............................................+1 .................+10 0 points - Machinator array............................... array ................................................................ ............................................................... ..............................+25 +25 points

The arcuitors do not  officially lead or guide the Prefecture Magisterium, but through their actions are the agendas of that   pious organisation organisation shaped,  for a senior arcuitor arcuitor can call upon great resources – enough to instigate independent crusades against those they deem worthy of deconstruction, most often of the Ossifram Majority and the Dark Mechanicum.

Options • The Arcuitor may take take one of the following additional additional ranged weapons: - Phased plasma-fusil ............................ ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................+10 +10 points - Photon thruster .................................................................................. ...............................................................................................+20 .............+20 points

Hunter Killer  Hunter Killer  • An Arcuitor Magisterium may be joined by one of the following for their their normal points cost: - An Arlatax Battle-automata Maniple (see 40)) (see page 40 - A Vorax Battle-automata Maniple (see ( see page 42) 42 ) This unit may be upgraded freely as described described in their profile, though they may not take the Paragon of Metal upgrade. If taken in this manner, the unit forms agains single with the Arcuitor Magisterium, the Arcuitor Magisterium theunit Patris Cybernetica special rule. Theand Arcuitor Magisterium may not voluntarily leave this unit during the course of the battle. This unit counts as being part of the same Elites choice as the Arcuitor Magisterium and does not take up a separate Force Organisation slot.


Domitar Battle-automata Maniple

DOMITAR    B ATTLE- AUTOM  AUTOMATA  ATA    M ANIPLE  .....  .......1 ..145 45 POINTS Domitar

M 8

WS 4

BS 3

S 7

T 7

W 5

I 3

A 3

Ld 7

Sv Sv 3+


Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Domitar Domitar

Unit Type Unit Type • Automata (Cybernetica) (Cybernetica)

 Accorded by most observers to be the last class of  battle-automata to enter 

 Wargea  Wargear  r  ton hammers • Two graviton gravi hammers* • One missile missile launcher with fr frag, ag, krak, flak and ignis missiles • Atomantic deflector • Searchlight Searchlightss

Specia Special l Rules • Hammer Hamm er of Wrath Wrath (1) • Relentless Relentless

mass production before the outbreak of the civil war, the Domitar was a  sophisticated variant variant of the ancient Conqueror pattern. Larger than the more common Castellax, it was also swifter, designed to cross the open battlefield at   speed and built expressly expressly to crash into the enemy with  shattering force. force.

*A Domitar with two graviton hammers gains an additional Attack. This additional  Attack is not included included in the chara characteristics cteristics profi profile le above.

Options • The Domitar Battle-automata Maniple Maniple may include: - Up to 4 additional Domitar ..................................................... .......................................................+130 ..+130 points per model • A unit consisting of a single model may may be upgraded to have the following specia speciall rule. Note that only one model in any army may be upgraded in this manner: - Paragon of Metal ........................................................................ ..............................................................................................+3 ......................+355 points

To this end, the Domitar’s armoured frame was itself weapon, whileby  its blowsawere amplified the battle-automata’s inbuilt gravitational hammers, allowing it to  pulverise battle tanks and, as it would later prove, even Legiones Astartes Dreadnoughts in combat.  As a line-breaker, line-breaker, the Domitar was unparalleled in the Mechanicum’s arsenal, and its tactical  flexibility was further  augmented with a missile launcher armed with a variety of munitions. The introduction of the Domitar was part of the  Mechanicum’s  Mechan icum’s growing growing  power by the late 900s.M30 and the source of much disquiet in certain circles of the Imperium’s hierarchy, but like other  weapons of its era, it would burn in the fires of heresy, the apotheosis of power  it represented all but lost  to history…


Myrmidon Secutor Host

M YRMIDON   SECUTOR    HOST  ...... ............ ............ ............ .......150 .150 POINTS ELITES The hulking, heavily  augmented Myrmidon Secutors are ordained  priests of thein Cult   Mechanicus inCult  their own right, but are a breed apart   from their fellow TechTechPriests and magi. Their   sole concentration concentration is the art of destruction and the embodiment of that   power within their their own vastly augmented bodies, in which little organic remains. The Myrmidons  form their own sub-sects sub-sects within the Mechanicum, and to them war is a matter of cold logic and murderous equation. Before the Horus Heresy, the Myrmidons kept no  single master master long, but  instead were drawn to battle as a vulture was drawn to carrion, seeking  fresh challenges challenges to defeat  and the revelations of the Omnissiah unveiled to them in the mysteries of   shot and shell. As As the war  of the Horus Heresy set  the galaxy to burn, the to  Myrmidon facti faction on grew both increased importance and increased numbers on both sides of the warring divide; their invaluable arts and expertise forming a cornerstone of many newly   formed and expanded Taghmata, but to whom their loyalty truly lay, remained often in question.

Myrmidon Secutor Secutor Lord

M 6 6

WS 4 4

BS 5 5

S 5 5

T 5 5

W 4 4

I 2 2

A 3 4

Ld 8 9

Sv Sv 3+ 3+

Unit Compositio Composition n • 2 Myrmidon Myrmidon Secuto Secutors rs

Unit Type Unit Type • Myrmidon Secutors: Infantry (Heavy)

• 1 Secutor Secutor Lord

• Secutor Lord:: Infantry (Character, Heavy) Lord

 Wargear   Wargear  • Myrmidon Myrmidon axe • Two Maxima Maxima bolters bolters • Refractor Refractor field • Frag grenades grenades

Special Rules Special • Bul Bulky ky (3) • Firin Firingg Prot Protocols ocols (2) • Hatre Hatred d (Everyth (Everything) ing) • Relen Relentless tless • Stu Stubbo bborn rn

Dedicated Transport Dedicated Transport  A Myrmidon Secutor Host numbering numbering no more than six models may tak takee a Triaros  Armoured Conveyor as a Dedicated Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • The Myrmidon Secutor Host Host may include: - Up to 7 additional Myrmidon Secutors ............................. .....................................+45 ........+45 points per model • Any model in the unit may exchange either either or both of their Maxima bolters for one of the following: - Volkite charger.......................................................... charger.................................................................................... ................................................... .........................Free Free - Graviton gun ............................................................ ............................................................................................. ..................................+5 .+5 points each - Irad-cleanser ............................................................. ....................................................................................... ...............................+10 .....+10 points each - Phased plasma-fusil ....................... ................................................. ................................................... ...............................+10 ......+10 points each



n obedient soldier is surely an asset to a commander on the battlefield. Yet, obedience implies the choice to disobey. Such a transgression is unworthy of service to the Omnissiah, so we remove the choice entirely. My thralls are not obedient, they are puppets to my will, and so do they perfectly enact the designs of the Machine God.”  Haephex Haep hex Ul, Lach Lachrim rimallus allus Auxil Auxilia ia


 Adsecularis Tech-thralls Tech-thralls Covenant



M 6

WS 2

BS 2

S 3

T 3

W 1

I 2

A 1

Tech-thralls are created by the Mechanicum through basic augmetics

Unit Compositio Composition n • 10 Tech-thralls Tech-thralls

Unit Type Unit Type • Infantry (Heavy, Line)

and surgery the needcranial for them arises.asThey  are not servitors, which often use formerly human biological matter as a component system, but  rather can be considered cyborgs as consciousness is not extinguished before they are reprocessed into their new forms, merely mutilated and overridden. The conversion  process commonly  awaits the laity of a

 Wargea  Wargear  • Closer combat combat weapon weapon • Las-lock  Las-lock 

Special Rules •Specia The lRi Rite te of Pure T Thought hought • Stu Stubbo bborn rn • Feel No Pain Pain (5+) • Hatre Hatred d (Everyth (Everything) ing)

Forge World’s population  should it commit some transgression against their  masters, for few other   punishments exist in the Omnissiah’s domains. Tech-thralls serve many   purposes, principally  principally  that of a flexible pool of  expendable labour. In times of war, this same  fate befalls befalls many to create a quickly produced and ultimately expendable military resource known as the adsecularis. In these cases, the organic human bodies of the tech-thralls tech-thralls,, already altered to lift  heavy loads and function in hostile environments, are fitted with basic weapons systems and bodily protection. On the battlefield they serve as expendable troops, unskilled but relentless and indefatigable; an army of the alive-yet-dead,  puppeted the magi magi who commandby them.

Ld 6

Sv Sv 6+

Dedicated Dedica ted Transport Transport  An Adsecularis Tech-thralls Tech-thralls Covenant numbering numbering no more than twenty models may take a Triaros Armoured Conveyor as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • The Adsecularis Tech-thralls Tech-thralls Covenant may include: - Up to an additional 20 Tech-thr Tech-thralls alls .............................................+3 .............................................+3 points per model


Thallax Cohort

 T HALLAX HALLAX   COHORT   ............. .................... ............. ............. ............. ........125 ..125 POINTS Thallax

M 7

WS 3

BS 4

S 4

T 5

W 3

I 2

A 2

Ld 7

Sv Sv 4+


Unit Compositio Composition n • 3 Thall Thallax ax

Unit Type Unit Type • Infantry Infantry (Line) (Line)

The hulking, heavily  augmented cyborg shocktroops originating within

 Wargea  Wargear  • Closer combat combat wea weapon pon • Lightning Lightning gun • Lorica Lorica Thallax Thallax • Incunabulan Incunabulan jet pack  pack  • Frag grenades grenades

Special l Rules •Specia Bulky Bulky (2) • Djinn-sig Djinn-sight ht • Feel No Pain Pain (6+) (6+) • Relentless Relentless • Stubbo Stubborn rn

the Ordo Reductor faction of the Mechanicum, the Thallax differ from the  Martian Skitarii Skitarii regiments both in their purpose and the unique degree of their augmetics. The Lorica Thallax which encases their major organs, nervous system and cerebrum also replaces the  skeleton and limbs limbs entirely  with armoured mechanical  systems powered by by an internal reactor core.

Dedicated Transport Dedicated Transport  A Thallax Cohort numbering no more than six models may take take a Triaros Arm Armoured oured Conveyor as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • The Thallax Cohort may may include: - Up entire to an additional six Thallax ...................................................+37 ...................................................+37 points per model • The unit may take: - Melta bombs...................................................................... bombs.....................................................................................+5 ...............+5 points per model • Any model with a lightning gun may take: - Chain bayonet........................... bayonet.................................................... ................................................. ........................................+2 ................+2 points each • For every three models in the unit, one Thallax may may exchange their lightning gun for one of the following weapons: - Multi-laser.................................................................. Multi-laser......................................................................................................... .........................................+5 ..+5 points p oints - Irad-cleanser ................................................................................... .....................................................................................................+1 ..................+10 0 points - Phased plasma-fusil ............................ ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................+10 +10 points - Multi-melta............................... Multi-melta ............................................................... ................................................................ ........................................+25 ........+25 points - Photon thruster thruster................................. .................................................................. ............................................................... ..............................+25 +25 points

The agony of this process, along with the replacement  of the usual human  sensory apparatus, apparatus, proves  so traumatic as to require the surgical excision of  the pain centres and emotions. The Thallax, however, retains a degree of independent human thought; this individuality  and self-determination is  greater by far than that  enjoyed by tech-thrall tech-thralls, s, whose cranial-surgery  cranial-surger y  at  implants are often crude best, damaging as much as they control.


Scyllax Guardian-automata Maniple



M 6

WS 3

BS 4

S 4

T 5

W 2

I 3

A 3

Ld 6

Not all of the most   potent creations creations of the  Mechanicum are are hulking

Unit Compositio Composition n • 4 Scylla Scyllaxx

Unit Type Unit Type • Automata (Gua (Guardian, rdian, Heavy, Heavy, Line)

war machines and towering battle-aut battle-automata. omata. Some, such as the Scyllax  guardian-automata,  guardian-a utomata, demonstrate formidable  power in a more compact  compact   frame scarcely scarcely larger than an armoured man. These  sophisticated machinemachinecreatures are neither a true battle-automata, lacking a cybernetica-cortex, cybernetica -cortex, nor are they a true servitor class as their organic component is almost negligible, reduced

 Wargear   Wargear  • Scyllax Scyllax combat combat array array • Kraken Kraken bolter • Rad furna furnace ce • Frag grenades grenades

Speciall Rules Specia • Move Through Through Cover Cover • Night Visio Vision n • Relen Relentless tless • Suppor Supportt Unit

to the ossuary skulls and human neural tissue harvested from sources best left unknown. Their  armoured carapaces house  powerful electro-thermic electro-thermic reactors and banks of  lucid cogitator-st cogitator-stacks acks that process a storm of battlefield analysis engrams and protective tech-incantations, tech-incan tations, a system  so potent some claim claim it  borders on the blasphemy  of the silica animus. Scyllax are found in the retinues of only the highest  ranking magi, where they   serve as bodyguards and and elite shock troops. There are some factions within the Mechanicum who will have no truck with the Scyllax though, claiming  sinister provenance provenance for  its design, and that the automata gain a subtle and dangerous selfawareness over time.

Sv Sv 4+

Dedicated Transport Dedicated Transport  A Scyllax Guardian-automata Maniple Maniple may take a Triar Triaros os Armoured Conveyor as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • The Scyllax Guardian-automata Maniple may include: - Up to 12 additional Scyllax ................................. ..........................................................+2 .........................+255 points per model • Any Scyllax may exchange their Kraken Kraken bolter for one of the following: following: - Maxima bolter............................................... bolter......................................................................... ................................................... .....................................Free ............Free - Flamer ............................................................... .............................................................................................. ..........................................+5 ...........+5 points each - Rotor cannon ................................ ................................................................. ............................................................. ............................+5 +5 points each - Volkite charger.............................................. charger.............................................................................. .............................................+5 .............+5 points each • For every four models in the unit, one Scyllax may exchan exchange ge their Kraken bolter for one of the following: - Graviton gun ........................................................................ ....................................................................................................... ...............................+5 +5 points - Plasma gun ............................................................................. .......................................................................................................... .............................+5 +5 points - Irad-cleanser ................................................................................... .....................................................................................................+1 ..................+10 0 points - Meltagun................................................... Meltagun................................................................................. ......................................................... ...........................+10 +10 points


Castellax Battle-automata Maniple

C ASTELLAX   B ATTL  ATTLE E- AUTOM  AUTOMATA  ATA    M ANIPLE   ..... ......9 .955 POINTS Castellax

M 7

WS 3

BS 4

S 7

T 6

W 4

I 3

A 2

Ld 7

Sv Sv 3+


Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Castellax Castellax

Unit Type Unit Type • Automata (Cybernetica) (Cybernetica)

The most common Castellan-type battleautomata in service, the

 Wargear   Wargear  • Two shock shock ch charger argerss with in-built bolters* • Mauler Mauler bol boltt cannon cannon • Atomantic deflector

Special Rules Special • Hammer Hammer of Wrath Wrath (1)

Castellax is a general battle unit developed during the Great Crusade  from its ancient ancient forebear. forebear. Primarily intended for   siege work and shock assaults, it is a terrifying, humanoid machine thrice the height of a man, with a notoriously aggressive and responsive machine  spirit. Its armoured armoured endoskeleton is proof  against small arms fire and highly resistant to damage

* A Castellax Castellax with two shock chargers gains an additional additional Attack. Thi Thiss additional Att Attack ack is not included in the characteristics profile above.

Options • The Castellax Battle-automata Maniple may include: - Up to 4 additional Castellax ............................ ........................................................ ............................+85 +85 points p per er model • The entire unit may take: - Searchlights .............................. .............................................................. .......................................................... ..........................+1 +1 point per model • Any Castellax may exchange its mauler mauler bolt cannon for one of the follow following: ing: - Multi-melta ................................................................................... ...................................................................................+20 +20 points per model - Darkfire cannon............................................................................+20 cannon............................................................................+20 points per model • Any Castellax may exchange one of its shock chargers with in-built bolter for a: - Siege wrecker ........................................................................................... ...........................................................................................+15 +15 points each • Any Castellax may exchange both of its shock chargers with in-built bolters for: for: - Two power blade arrays with in-built bolters ....................................+5 points each* each* * A Castellax with two power blade arrays gains an additional Attack. • Any Cas Castel tellax lax may may exchan exchange ge ei either ther or both both inin-buil builtt bolter bolterss for for one of the fol follow lowing ing:: - Maxima bolter .................................................. ........................................................................... ................................................... ..................................Free ........Free - Flamer ............................................................... .............................................................................................. ..........................................+5 ...........+5 points each • A unit consisting of a single model may may be upgraded to have the following specia speciall rule. Note that only one model in any army may be upgraded in this manner: - Paragon of Metal ........................................................................ ..............................................................................................+3 ......................+355 points

thanks to its durable design and the presence of the same atomantic  shielding technology technology that   features on the Legiones  Astartes Contemptor  Contemptor  class Dreadnought. The Castellax class was a mainstay of both the Legio Cybernetica and the elite defensive formations of  many Forge Worlds, who relied on its formidable  power for their protection. protection. Some in the Imperial hierarchy saw the steady  increase in the number  of these war machines as a sleeping threat should the Mechanicum ever  default on its treaty with the Emperor. History was to take a different course, course, and thousands of these war engines would be broken on the wheel of  war, and the Castellax was never to be seen again in  such numbers.


Triaros Armoured Conveyor

 T RIAROS RIAROS   A RMOURED RMOURED   CONVEYOR    ............. ................. .....135 .135 POINTS DEDICATED  TRANSPORT  The Triaros is the  primary armour armoured ed battlefield transport of the  Mechanicum  Mechanicu m Taghmata Taghmata during the era of the Great  Crusade and the Horus Heresy. Eschewing the more commonplace STC designs, it relies on a number  of unique technologies held as arcana by the magos autokrator and never divulged for wider  Imperial use, even by the Legiones Astartes. Designed for use in hostile environments, it  incorporates multiple  galvanic  galva nic tractio traction n drives drives and its defences are comprised not merely of brute armour, but layered techno-cant  wardings and interlocking energy shields, particularly  around its seemingly  exposed control dais, as well as independently animated weapons servitors. Its capacious storage bay can be hermetically   sealed if needed  sealed needed,, allowing allowing the Triaros to be used in hard vacuum and on the  surfaces  surf aces of lifel lifeless ess worlds. worlds. Its internal bay is outfitted with numerous specialised couplings for the recharging, cold-sleep storage and the  servicing  servic ing of tech-t tech-thrall hrallss and light automata as needed. Its most remarkable feature, however, is a powerful reactor-fed shock ram mounted to its fore, which can be used to shatter  and incinerate anything it contacts.


M 12

BS 4

 Armour Front Side 14 1122

Rear 12

HP 5

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Triaros Triaros Armoured Conveyor

Unitt Type Uni Type • Vehicle (Transport)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Shock Shock ram • Two Centreline Mounted volkite calivers • Pintle Mounted Mounted twin-linked twin-linked mauler bolt cannon • Flare shiel shield d • Searchlight Searchlightss

Special Rules Special • Galvanic Traction Drive

Transport Capacity 22

 Access Points • A Triaros Armoured Conveyor Conveyor has one Access Point on eac each h side of the hull. Options • The vehicle may take take any of the following options: - Up to two Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missiles .....................+5 points each



unting the enemy upon the battlefield is not so different from hunting those who dissent from orthodoxy. If they take shelter, drive them from it. If they retreat, run them to ground. Mercy and   succour  succ our are neve neverr relevant rele vant varia v ariables bles in i n either ei ther equati e quation. on. Logic L ogic dicta dictates tes only dogged pursuit and tireless persecution.”  Xelipho Xeli phorr Deni Denifax, fax, Arcu Arcuitor itor Magi Magister sterium ium of Tag Taghma hmata ta Ahli Ahlined ned


 Arlatax Battle-automata Maniple



M 8

WS 4

BS 3

S 7

T 6

W 4

I 4

 A variant of the ancient  ancient  and versatile Conqueror  automata STC, the

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1A Arla rlatax tax

Unitt Type Uni Type • Automata (Cybernetica) (Cybernetica)

 Arlatax’s development,  Arlatax’s development, which was the work of  the magos-wrights of   Xana, would do much much to influence the later design of the Domitar. Beyond the Taghmata and skitarii  forces of that Forge Forge World World the pattern never gained wide acceptance, despite its excellent performance as a rapid-moving  shock assault unit. unit. The idiosyncratic choice of  certain components in the

 Wargear   Wargear  • Two power power blade blade arrays arrays with in-built light autocannon* • Plasma Plasma cannon • Atomantic deflector • Utan jump booster booster

Speciall Rules Specia • Hamm Hammer er of Wrat Wrath h (1)

battle-automata’s designs were not approved by the remit of Mars, making refit and and repair difficultfor  difficult for  those without a direct line to Xana’s resources. Despite this, outlying Forge Worlds  such as Atar-Median Atar-Median and Incaladion were known to have obtained full templates to produce their  own independently. Darker   suspicions blamed blamed the lack of widespread use on their  machine spirits, which were particularly prone to greater than tolerable incidences of Malifica. As the Horus Heresy ground on, however, it became clear that Xana had  produced the Arlatax Arlatax in unsuspected numbers, and in increasingly baroque and sinister sub-patterns.  Meanwhile,, Atar-Median  Meanwhile Atar-Median maintained a smaller   stream that saw saw more heavily-sanctified heavily-sanct ified variants take their own place on the Loyalist battlelines.

A 3

Ld 7

Sv Sv 3+

* An Arlatax with two power blade arrays gains an additional Attack. This additional  Attack is not included included in the chara characteristics cteristics profile profile above.

Options • The Arlatax Battle-automata Maniple Maniple may include: - Up to 2 additional Arlatax..........................................................+135 points per model • Any Arlatax in the unit unit may exchange one or both power blade arrays arrays with in-built light autocannon for an: - Arc scourge............................................................................................ scourge............................................................................................+20 +20 points each* * An Arlatax with two arc scourges gains an additional Attack. • A unit consisting of a single model may may be upgraded to have the following special special rule. Note that only one model in any army may be upgraded in this manner: - Paragon of Metal ........................................................................ ..............................................................................................+3 ......................+355 points


Ursarax Cohort

URSARAX   COHORT   ............ .................. ............ ............ ........... ........... ......145 145 POINTS Ursarax

M 7

WS 4

BS 3

S 4

T 5

W 3

I 2

A 2

Ld 7

Sv Sv 4+


Unit Compositio Composition n • 3 Ursar Ursarax ax

Unit Type Unit Type • Inf Infant antry ry

 A development of the later Great Crusade, the Ursarax tech-thralls were

 Wargear   Wargear  • Two lightnin lightningg claws* claws* • Volkite incinerator • Lorica Lorica Thallax Thallax • Utan jump booster booster • Frag grenades grenades

Speciall Rules Specia • Bulky Bulky (2) • Feel No Pain Pain (6+) (6+) • Stubbo Stubborn rn

 first designed designed by Explorator  Explorator   Magos Enabrin Enabrin Falkan as a heavy, rapid-moving close combat unit for  use by the notoriously  independent magos’ forces. Using a fusion of existing technologies sacred to the  Mechanicum, materials materials and patterns taken from the Thallax of the Ordo Reductor (much to their  displeasure) displeasur e) and the fruits of Falkan’s own discoveries, they are formidable, even

* An Ursarax with two lightning claws gains two additional Attacks. These additional  Attacks are not not included in the characteristics characteristics profile profile above.

Options • The Ursarax Ursarax Cohort may include: include: - Up to 6 additional Ursarax .......................................................... ..........................................................+45 +45 points per model • For every three models in the unit, one Ursarax Ursarax may exchange exchange their two lightning claws for: - Two power fists ........................................................................... ...........................................................................+15 +15 points per model* * An Ursarax Ursarax with two power fis fists ts gains a an n additional Attack. Attack.

monstrous, killing engines. Like the Thallax, Ursarax are thralls rather than  servitors. Selected from from  suitable human candidates  for conversion, their  their  living components retain a consciousness and dim recollection of their former  humanity, providing them with superior tactical abilities and the instincts to kill. Neural anaesthesia is automatically  administered for the  successful fulfilment fulfilment of  their orders, providing them with relief, albeit  temporarily,, from their  temporarily tortured existences. After  Falkan’s mysterious disappearancee his warring disappearanc acolytes dispersed to many  different masters, taking the secret of the Ursarax’s creation with them.


 Vorax Battle-automata Maniple

 V ORAX ORAX   B ATTL  ATTLE E- AUTOM  AUTOMATA  ATA    M ANIPLE   ... ...... ....... ....... ....65 .65 POINTS FAST AT ATTA TACK  CK 


M 8

WS 4

BS 4

S 6

T 5

W 3

I 4

A 3

Ld 7

Vorax are hunter-killer  units, battle-aut battle-automata omata created from the ancient 

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Vorax Vorax

Unit Type Unit Type • Automata (Cybernetica, Light)

and revered Crusader  template pattern said to date back to the Dark Age of Technology and which may be found on every  major Forge World in the Imperium.

 Wargear   Wargear  • Two power power blade blade arrays arrays with in-built rotor cannon* • Lightning Lightning gun • Atomantic deflector

Speciall Rules Specia • Fleet Fleet (2) • Hamm Hammer er of Wrat Wrath h (1) • Sc Scou outt

Created on pre-Imperial  Mars to fulfil the role of   search and destroy destroy weapon against rogue machines and mutant vermin, their Cybernetica cortex engrams are known to be particularly predatory  and vicious. Such are the bestial instincts that sleep within their blast-steel and ceramite bodies, that  numerous cut-outs and override cantos are hardwired into their control  programming to prevent  prevent  these tireless hunting machines from devolving into the renegades they   prey upon.  At times they are are also dispatched by their masters to conduct a cull of surplus  population during a time of famine or plague, their  hunts only ending when  some unknown tally  tally  of slaughter has been reached. It is little wonder  then that the Vorax are held in superstitious dread by the indentured human labourers of the  Mechanicum’s  Mechan icum’s farfar flung domains and and by  the neophyte adepts of the Omnissiah’s  priesthood alike.

Sv Sv 3+

*A Vorax with two power blade arrays gains an additional Attack. This additional Attack is not included in the characteristics profile above.

Options • The Vorax Battle-automata Maniple may include: - Up to 5 additional Vorax ....................... .................................................. .......................................+65 ............+65 points per model • For every three models in the unit, one Vorax Vorax may exchange its lightning lightning gun for: - Irad-cleanser ............................................................. ....................................................................................... ...............................+10 .....+10 points each • A unit consisting of a single model may may be upgraded to have the following special special rule. Note that only one model in any army may be upgraded in this manner: - Paragon of Metal ........................................................................ ..............................................................................................+3 ......................+355 points


 Vultarax Stratos-automata Squadron

 V ULTARAX ULTARAX   S TRAT  TRATOS OS- AUTOM  AUTOMATA  ATA  SQUADRON   .....................................................125 POINTS  Vultarax

M 8

WS 3

BS 5

S 4

T 6

W 4

I 3

A 2

Ld 7

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Vultarax Vultarax

Unit Type Unit Type • Automata (Antigrav, (Antigrav, Cybernetica)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Arc blast blaster er • Two havoc launchers launchers • Atomantic deflector • Stratos Stratos tthruste hrusters rs

Special Rules Special • Djinn-sig Djinn-sight ht • It Will Will Not Die ((5+) 5+) • Night Vision Vision • Surveillance Surveillance Protocols Protocols

Sv Sv 3+

Options • The Vultarax Stratos-automata Squadron may include: - Up to 2 additional Vultarax Vultarax .......................................................+125 .......................................................+125 points per model • A unit consisting of a single model may may be upgraded to have the following specia speciall rule. Note that only one model in any army may be upgraded in this manner: - Paragon of Metal ........................................................................ ..............................................................................................+3 ......................+355 points

FAST AT ATTA TACK  CK  The Vultarax was the most common stratosautomata in widespread use by the Mechanicum Taghmata at the time of  the Horus Heresy. A robust, multi-role war engine, heavily armed and fitted with sophisticated sensory   gear and able to to operate in diverse and hostile environments,, it proved environments itself a keystone of both  Mechanicum Explorator  Explorator  Expeditionary forces as an armed, high-mobility   scout and as a hunter-killer  hunter-killer  and rapid response unit in open battle. Unlike the more common automata of the Taghmata,, which were Taghmata designed along primarily  humanoid or animal  forms, its design owed owed little to nature. Instead, it was based on patterns  for autonomous aerial aerial machines found within ancient pre-Imperiu pre-Imperium m STC  templates, and constructed around a powerful variant  of the cybernetica cortex.  A creation of the Forge Forge World of Anetarbraxus during the Age of Strife, it was later given up as tribute to Mars. From there it spread rapidly to other Forge Worlds in the decades after Anetarbraxus’  reunification and, by the Horus Heresy, it stood as a memorial of sorts to that  Forge World, shattered as it was to molten  fragments during during the Great   Mandragoran  Mandragora n Incursion.



 s the Machi Machine ne God bless blesses es our brethr brethren en with wit h the secre secrets ts of divi divine ne creatio cre ation, n, so too do they bless us with the mysteries of ultimate destruction. In their name we lay  bare the profanity of unworthy works and render them to dust and scrap that their  materials may be reshaped in their will.”   Aerulian  Aerul ian Far Farand andus, us, Redu Reductor ctor Prim Primee of Fan Fanee Zorc Zorchal hal


Thanatar Siege-automata Maniple

 T HANATAR  HANATAR    SIEGE- AUTOM  AUTOMATA  ATA    M ANIPLE  .....  ........ ...23 2355 POINTS HEAVY SUP HEAVY SUPPOR PORT  T   A heavy siege-automata, siege-automata, designed as a mobile artillery platform rather  than a general battle unit, the Thanatar frame, built  to accommodate the huge weapon and the power   systems and fuel fuel reserves required to supply it, is considerably larger than even the hulking Castellax. The baseline pattern,  sometimes referred referred to as the Thanatar-Cavas, is armed with a Hellex  pattern plasma plasma mortar, a terrifying weapon able to launch spheres of plasma into the heart of enemy   fortifications. The origins  fortifications. of the Thanatar-Cavas remains uncertain, save that its armament is known to be the product of  the Forge World of Ryza, the sole locale where the Hellex pattern weaponry  is produced.  A variant developed during during the latter part of the Great Crusade, rumours  persist that the the ThanatarThanatarCalix was the work of the combined efforts of the Sollex Myrmidon and Omega-Shevar Covenant  of the Ordo Reductor, alongside unknown representatives representa tives of the Legio Cybernetica. The Thanatar-Calix combines the deadly tech-arcana of these secretive factions into a single devastating weapons platform, able to sunder the strongest   fortifications with the lethal fire of its Sollex heavy lascannon.

Thanatar-Cavas Thanatar-Calix

M 8 8

WS 3 3

BS 4 4

S 8 8

T 8 8

W 7 7

I 3 3

A 3 3

Ld 7 7

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Thanatar Thanatar

Unitt Type Uni Type • Automata (Cybernetica, Heavy)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Two shock charg chargers ers (Thanatar-Cavas only)* • Graviton ram (Thanatar-Calix (Thanatar-Calix only) • Plasma mortar mortar (Thanatar(Thanatar-Cavas Cavas only) • Sollex heavy-las (Thanatar-Calix only) • Twin-linked Twin-linked mauler bolt cannon • Atomantic deflector

Special Rules Special • Hamm Hammer er of Wrat Wrath h (1) • Thanat Thanatar ar Maniple Maniple

Sv Sv 2+ 2+ 2+

* A Thanatar Thanatar-Cavas -Cavas with two shock chargers gains an additional Attack. This additional  Attack is not included included in the chara characteristics cteristics profile profile above.

Options • A Thanatar Siege-automata Maniple may include: - Up to 2 additional Thanatar-Cavas..........................................+235 points per model • A single Thanatar-Cavas Thanatar-Cavas in the M Maniple aniple may be replaced with a: - Thanatar-Calix................................................................................................. Thanatar-Calix.................................................................................................+20 +20 points • A unit consisting of a single model may may be upgraded to have the following special special rule. Note that only one model in any army may be upgraded in this manner: - Paragon of Metal ........................................................................ ..............................................................................................+3 ......................+355 points


Myrmidon Destructor Host

M YRMIDON   DESTRUCTOR    HOST  ..................1 ..................145 45 POINTS Myrmidon Destructor Destructor Lord

M 6 6

WS 4 4

BS 5 5

S 5 5

T 5 5

W 4 4

I 2 2

A 2 3

Unit Compositio Composition n • 2 Myrmidon Myrmidon Destructors

Unit Type Unit Type • Myrmidon Destructors:

• 1 Destructo Destructorr Lo Lord rd

Infantry (Heavy) • Destructor Lord: Infantry (Character, Heavy)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Shock charg charger er • Volkite culverin • Refractor Refractor field • Frag grenades grenades • Krak grenades grenades

Ld 8 9

Sv Sv 3+ 3+ 3+

Special Rules Special • Bulky Bulky (3) • Relentless Relentless • Stubbo Stubborn rn

Dedicated Transport Dedicated Transport • A Myrmidon Destructor Host Host numbering no more than six models may may take a Triaros Armoured Conveyor as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • The Myrmidon Destructor Host Host may include: include: - Up to 7 additional Myrmidon Destructors Destructors ..............................+40 points per model • Any model in the unit may exchange their volkite volkite culverin for one of the follow following: ing: - Conversion beamer ........................................................... .................................................................................+1 ......................+155 points each - Graviton imploder...................................................................................+15 imploder...................................................................................+15 points each - Darkfire cannon...................................................................................... cannon......................................................................................+20 +20 points each - Irradiation engine ..................................................................................+20 ..................................................................................+20 points each

HEA HEAVY VY SUP SUPPOR PORT  T   A sub-faction of the  Myrmidon sect of the cult  of the Machine God, the Destructors craft their  augmetics to carry the heaviest of weapons, often only rendered portable owing to their reinforced endoskeletons and implanted power systems. These augmentation augmentationss enable them to maintain a furious barrage on the battlefield and and to do so with a precision and  skill unequalled. unequalled. They   specialise particularly  particularly  in the destruction of  enemy armoured and  fortified emplacements, emplacements, and wield all manner  of esoteric and arcane weapons, against which conventional defences offer  little protection.  As with the rest of their   Myrmidon brethren, brethren, the Destructors became an increasingly important   faction on many Forge Forge Worlds on both sides of  the civil war, particularly   for those Forge Worlds which became isolated and forced to rely on their  own defences, and on those, such as the worlds of the Anvilus system, where war was all but  constant throughout the Horus Heresy. Here the Ur-Nomuss faction, which Ur-Nomu advocated the complete armed secession from either side in the war had the feared Myrmidon Destructor Lord Ymiros Cyrovile, as their leader.


Karacnos Assault Tank 

K  ARACNOS   A SSAULT  SSAULT    T   ANK   ...... ............ ........... ........... ...........2 .....225 25 POINTS HEA HEAVY VY SUP SUPPOR PORT  T  Karacnos  A variant of the Triaros Triaros  Armoured Conveyor  Conveyor  common within the  Mechanicum Taghmata, Taghmata, the Karacnos is a dedicated assault tank, its armoured chassis and copious transport compartment  devoted to the mounting and munitions store of  a single heavy weapon  system—a mortar mortar battery  of ‘Karacnos’ radiological warheads, designed to  sweep an area clear of  organic life for later  acquisition by the forces of  the Machine God. The warheads are themselves somewhat  volatile and the launcher  battery is protected by  armoured shutters when not in firing mode. The vehicle itself is heavily   protected by armour plate, radiological barriers and a thermogalvanic flare  shield. An additional additional armament of entirely   self-contained  self-contain ed and selftargeting lightning-bla lightning-blaster  ster  weaponry, coupled with its considerable armour   protection, and the the infamous shock ram of its  forebear,, transform the  forebear Karacnos from a mobile artillery platform to a true assault tank, able to close with the enemy battle line and weather shock assault  conditions to deliver its deadly cargo.

M 12

BS 4

 Armour Front Side 14 12

Rear 12

HP 5

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Karacnos Karacnos

Unit Type Unit Type • Vehi Vehicle cle

 Wargear   Wargear  • Shock Shock ram • Hull (Front) (Front) Mounted Mounted Karacnos Karacnos mortar battery • Two Sponson Sponson Mounted Mounted lightning locks • Flare shiel shield d • Searchlight Searchlightss

Special Rules Special • Galvanic Traction Drive • Hazardous Munitions

Transport Capacity -

Options • The Karacnos may take take any of the following options: - Up to two Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missiles .....................+5 points each


Krios Squadron

K RIOS RIOS   SQUADRON   ............. .................... ............. ............. ............. ........125 ..125 POINTS

Krios Battle Tank Krios Venator

M 16 16

BS 4 4

 Armour Front Side 13 12 13 12

Rear 10 10

HP 4 4

Unit Compositio Composition n

Unitt Type Uni Type

• 1 Krios Battle Tank  Tank 

 Vehicle (Fast) (Fast)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Hull (Front) Mounted lightning cannon • Searchlight Searchlightss

Special Rules Special • Galvanic Traction Drive • It Will Will Not Die (6 (6+) +)

Transport Capacity -

Options • A Krios Squadron may include: - Up to 2 additional Krios Battle Tanks......................................+125 points per model • Any Krios Battle Tank Tank in the squadron may be upgraded upgraded to a: - Krios Venator Tank Destroyer, Destroyer, exchanging its lightning cannon for a pulsar-fusil................................ pulsar-fusil .............................................................. ..............................+25 +25 points p per er model • Any Krios Battle Tank or Krios Venator T Tank ank Destroyer in the squadron squadron may take any of the following options: - Up to two Hull (Front) Mounted hunter-killer missiles .....................+5 points each - Two Centreline Mounted volkite calivers................................+30 points per model

HEA HEAVY VY SUP SUPPOR PORT  T   A pattern originating originating on  Mars whose genesis genesis is lost  to the earliest days of the  Mechanicum, the Krios uses numerous arcane integrated systems well outside the purview of  most STC construction  facilities to build build or  maintain, so despite its age and proven record in the  Mechanicum’s  Mechan icum’s arsenals, arsenals, it has never seen service outside the Taghmata and Skitarius. Comparable in many ways in function and tactical role to the Predator tank more widely used by Imperial  forces, it lacks a flexible flexible turret mount for its main armament, but makes up for this disadvantage with its greater speed and manoeuvrab manoeuvrability. ility. In marked contrast to more conventional armoured vehicles, its durability is  provided by interlocking interlocking defensive energy energy fields, (and in some cases potent flare  shield generators) generators) rather  than physical armour, lending it a deceptively   skeletal appearance. appearance. Unsurprisingly, Unsurpris ingly, given its long service history, many  armament patterns and hull variants of the Krios exist but the most common mount a variety of heavy  energy weapons unique to the Mechanicum, such as the lightning cannon and  pulsar-fusil.  pulsar-fu sil.


Knight Moirax Talon

K NIGHT  NIGHT   MOIRAX   T  ALO  ALON N   ..... ........... ............ ........... ........... ........200 ..200 POINTS M 8

WS 4

BS 4

S 7

T 7

W 6

I 4


Knight Moirax

The Knight Moirax was a variant of the Armiger  chassis which saw little

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Knight Knight Moirax Moirax

Unit Type Unit Type • Arm Armige igerr

use before the darkest  hours of the Horus Heresy  as it was considered to be an unseemly tool with which to build a pristine Imperium. However, as a blunt and dirty weapon the Moirax was capable of  mounting the most lethal weaponry available to its class of Scout Knights and was undeniably effective in wars which required the utter eradication of an enemy and the salting of 

 Wargear   Wargear  • Siege claw with in-built irad-cleanser • Volkite veuglaire • Ionic deflector deflector • Rad furna furnace ce

Speciall Rules Specia • Fleet Fleet (2) • Greus Greuso o Protoc Protocol ol • Moira Moiraxx T Talo alon n • Move Through Through Cover Cover • Night Visio Vision n

the earth of their worlds. Talons of Knight Moirax are most frequently sent to battle among those Knight  Households indentured to the Mechanicum, and those few Questor Masters who made use of them ensured that only their  weakest noble lines and latter sons were expended in the radioactive prison of a Moirax cockpit. The rad furnace ticking at  the heart of the machine and the resultant reactor  leaks and critical anbaric malfunctions often led to the tainting of both a Moirax’s machine  spirit and its pilot. pilot. Those unfortunate pilots ordered to mount such a frame were considered lesser and expendable by their lords, and though every other  courtesy was extended to them, they would be excluded from both their   place at Questor Questor Court and their right to extend the reach of their bloodline.

A 3

Ld 8

Sv Sv 3+ 3+

Options • The Knight Moirax Moirax Talon may include: - Up to 3 additional Knight Moirax ...........................................+200 ...........................................+200 points per model • Any Knight Moirax may exchange exchange its volkite veuglaire and/or its sie siege ge claw with in-built irad-cleanser for any of the following weapons: - Siege claw with in-built irad-cleanser................................................. irad-cleanser......................................................................F .....................Free ree - Volkite veuglaire......................... veuglaire ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ..............................Free ....Free - Lightning lock.......................................................................................... lock............................................................................................+5 ..+5 points each - Conversion beam cannon .......................... .................................................... ............................................+10 ..................+10 points each - Graviton pulsar ................................................. .......................................................................... .......................................+10 ..............+10 points each



OF   W A  AR  R 


 pon the t he field fi eld of o f war, the th e Omnissiah’ Omni ssiah’ss will is made ma de manifes man ifestt by god-eng go d-engine ine and  an d  Ordinatus. We worthy devotees are but cogs in the machine, mere digits in the equation. Their war spirits rage with a ferocity unparalleled by the mortal will or  wielded by corruptible flesh.”  Gezrid Gez rid An Anosk oskri rios, os, Sec Secuta utari riii Axi Axiarc arch h of Leg Legio io Cr Cruci ucius us


Mechanicum Knight Magaera

MECHANICUM   K NIGHT  NIGHT   M AGAERA   ........ .............. .......400 .400 POINTS LOR LORDS DS of WAR  WAR  Knight Magaera  Amongst the rarest  rarest  examples of Knight Armour  currently produced in any  numbers by the forge-fanes of the Mechanicum, the  Magaera is a marvel of  lost technology. Within its armoured frame are housed relic devices understood by only the most learned tech-savant tech-savantss in the Mechanicum,  from dedicated repair  repair  autosimulacra to the nighimpregnable ionic flare  shield. However, However, the strain strain  placed on the Armour’s Armour’s atomantic reactors leads to dangerous levels of  radiation seeping past the containment shields and in the event of heavy damage,  potentially catastrophic catastrophic internal explosions.  Magaera type type Knights are are most often used as shock assault units, breaching the most heavily defended enemy positions, while  shrugging off heavy  weapons fire and selfrepairing even devastating weapon strikes in a few  minutes. To aid in this role, it is armed with a complex lightning cannon, using  focussed electro-magnetic electro-magnetic beams to vaporise infantry  and blast apart armour.

M WS WS BS 10 4 4

S 8

 Armour Front Side Rear 13 12 12

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Knight Knight Magaera Magaera

Unit Type Unit Type • Vehi Vehicle cle (Knigh (Knight) t)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Arm Mounted Mounted Reaper chainsword • Arm Mounted lightning cannon • Hull (Front) (Front) Mounted Mounted phased phased plasma-fusil • Flare shiel shield d • Ion shield shield

Special Rules Special • It Wi Will ll Not Die (6 (6+) +) • Night Visio Vision n • Overt Overtaxed axed React Reactor or

I 2

A 3

HP 7

Options • The Knight Magaera may exchange its Arm Arm Mounted Reaper chainsword ffor or an: - Arm Mounted siege claw with in-built irad-cleanser.................................+25 points


Mechanicum Knight Styrix

MECHANICUM   K NIGHT  NIGHT   S TYRIX  ..........  ............... .........4 ....410 10 POINTS

Knight Styrix

M WS WS BS 10 4 4

S 8

 Armour Front Side Rear 13 12 12

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Knight Knight Styrix Styrix

Unit Type Unit Type • Vehicle Vehicle (Knigh (Knight) t)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Arm Mounted Mounted Reaper chainsword • Arm Mounted volkite chieorovile • Hull (Front) (Front) Mounted graviton gun • Flare shiel shield d • Ion shield shield

Special Rules Special • It Will Will Not Die (6 (6+) +) • Night Vision Vision • Overtaxed Overtaxed Reactor Reactor

I 2

A 3

HP 7

Options • The Knight Styrix may exchange its Arm Mounted Reaper chainsword chainsword for an: - Arm Mounted siege claw with in-built irad-cleanser.................................+25 points

LORDS of WAR  LORDS WAR  The Styrix mark Knight  armour is the equal of the  Magaera in technological technological  sophistication, but  but  has been meticulously  designed to facilitate the efficient eradication of  infantry formations and  supporting vehicles. vehicles. Blasts  from the Styrix’s Styrix’s integral integral  graviton gun pin hapless targets in place while  scything volkite beams beams and flesh-boiling rad cleanser discharges reap a heavy toll of lives. The anima of these Armours,  steeped in slaughter slaughter and death in its most visceral  sense, often develop develop distinctly malevolent  machine spirits, and have  garnered something something of a dark reputation in many  of the more conservative Households, who view  the wanton slaughter  of impotent infantry as beneath a true Knight.  Among MechanicumMechanicumoathed Households, the Styrix is held in higher  esteem, especially among those scions who have undergone extensive augmentation in honour  of their enigmatic patrons and share their antipathy   for the weakness of flesh. The pitiless thrall-Knights of House Col’Khak are renowned for fielding entire formations of these machines in support of  Legio Atarus, sweeping clear enemy infantry from the Titans’ feet in furious blasts of energy beams and cleansing radiation.


Mechanicum Knight Atrapos

MECHANICUM   K NIGHT  NIGHT   A  TRAPOS  ........  ............. ........5 ...500 00 POINTS LORD LORDS S of WAR  WAR  Knight Atrapos One of the rarest and most potent Knights, created solely under the direct auspices of the lords magos of the Mechanicum, the Atrapos is a unique variant of the Cerastus. The Atrapos was created, it is said, during the early Great Crusade to carry particularly rare and powerful weaponry  and with a single goal in mind – the destruction of heretek engines and  xenos war machines machines whose very existence was considered a blasphemy to the Omnissiah. Use of the Atropos was normally confined to the authority of the Synod of   Magos of a given Forge Forge World, a power unleashed both against the enemies of the Omnissiah and held as an ultimate sanction against any wayward magos or forge-fane that  had committed heresy  against the edicts of the  Machine Cult. Cult. It is rare, rare, but not unknown, for a Knight Atrapos to be gifted into the charge of a Knight  House outside the direct  influence of a Forge World, marking payment of some  great service or blood-debt  blood-debt  between the two. In the legends of the Knight  Houses, the machine spirits of the Knight Atrapos are said to possess an all-destroying all-destroy ing hunger; for  the scion who bonds with them, madness is said to be a constant risk.

M WS WS BS 14 4 4

S 9

 Armour Front Side Rear 13 12 12

I 4

A 4

HP 8

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Knight Knight Atrapos Atrapos

Unitt Type Uni Type • Vehi Vehicle cle (Knigh (Knight) t)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Arm Mounted Atrapos phasecutter • Arm Mounted singularity cannon • Flare shiel shield d • Ion shield shield

Special Rules Special • Catastrophic Destruction • Flank Speed • It Wi Will ll Not Die (6 (6+) +) • Macro-extinction Targeting Protocols • Night Visio Vision n


Mechanicum Acastus Knight Asterius

MECHANICUM   A CASTUS CASTUS K NIGHT  .........................................625 POINTS NIGHT   A STERIUS STERIUS   .........................................625

Knight Asterius

M WS WS BS 12 4 4

S 110 0

 Armour Front Side Rear 14 13 12

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Knight Knight Asterius Asterius

Unit Type Unit Type • Vehicle Vehicle (Knigh (Knight) t)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Two Arm Mounted twin-linked twin-linked heavy conversion beam cannon • Hull (Front) (Front) Mounted Mounted Karacnos Karacnos mortar battery • Two Hull (Front) (Front) Mounted Mounted volkite culverin • Ion shield shield

Special Rules Special • Catastrophic Explosion • It Will Will Not Die (6 (6+) +) • Night Vision Vision


A 3

HP 9

Of the gigantic Acastus  pattern Knights, Knights, some of the largest such war  machines still in existence, the Asterius is among the most rare. Like its more common cousin, the Porphyrion, it boasts an armoured hide near  impervious to weapons  fire, striding striding across the battlefield like an angry   giant beset by by insects, and also wields a pair of twin ancient conversion beam cannons. These weapons are irreplaceable relics of  a lost technology, each capable of sundering the walls of mighty fortresses and laying low powerful  foes in a single blast.


Ordinatus Ulator

ORDINATUS   ULATOR   ..................................1,075 POINTS LORD LORDS S of WAR  WAR  Ordinatus Ulator The fabled macro engines of the Centurio Ordinatus are rare and truly arcane technological wonders of staggering power.  An esoteric weapon weapon  system capable capable of  immense destruction, the  Mechanicum Ordinatus Ordinatus Ulator ranks among the smaller classes of  Ordinatus, but nevertheless  stands as a colossus colossus of  war and is one of the most   potent war machines machines at  the Imperium’s disposal. The Ordinatus Ulator’s  primary weapon system system is the Ulator class sonic destructor, a terrifying weapon whose origins lie in the shadows of the Age of Strife; these devices, though inferior copies of  the unique armament of  the great Primus Ordinatus  Mars, still operate on an order of magnitude far  beyond anything mounted even on the largest superheavy tank found in the Imperium’s common arsenal. Using a plasma reactor akin to those  found on Battle Titans to  power a directional directional sonic transduction generator  of terrible power, it emits a varying waveform of  destructive sound energy  able to shatter the most  resilient materials. The annihilatingg wave-pulse annihilatin traverses the battlefield, wreaking havoc on all before it, the particular  effect of its design meaning that the larger the target, the more damaging the wave’s impact.

M 10

BS 4

 Armour Front Side 14 13

Rear 13

HP 14

Transport Capacity -

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Ordinatus Ordinatus Ulator Ulator

Unit Type Unit Type • Vehicle (Super-heavy)

 Wargear   Wargear  • One Hull Hull (Front) (Front) Mounted sonic destructor • One Hull Hull (Rear) (Rear) Mounted volkite culverin • Two Sponson Sponson Mounted Mounted volkite culverins • Ordinatus dispersion shield

Special Rules Special • It Wi Will ll Not Die (6 (6+) +) • Reactor Meltdown (Major) • Reinforced Structure


Ordinatus Aktaeus

ORDINATUS   A KTAEUS KTAEUS   ...................................800 ...................................800 POINTS

Ordinatus Aktaeus

M -

BS 4

 Armour Front Side 14 13

Rear 13

HP 14

Transport Capacity 42

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Ordinatus Ordinatus Aktaeus Aktaeus

Unitt Type Uni Type • Vehicle (Super-heavy, Transport)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Centreline Mounted Terrebrax Terrebrax rocket battery • Aktaeus class class seism seismic ic exca excavator vator macro-drill

Special Rules Special • It Will Will Not Die (6 (6+) +) • Reactor Meltdown (Major) • Reinforced Structure • Subterranea Subterranean n As Assault sault • Terrestrial Terrestrial Disregard

 Access Points • The Ordinatus Aktaeus has two Access Poi Points, nts, one on either side of the hull (in any orientation).

LORDS of WAR  LORDS WAR  Though they were not entirely unique war machines like the Ordinatus Primaris, the Ordinatus Minoris macro engines were still rarer yet  than even the Battle Titans of the Legio Titanicus, and only a handful of  Forge Worlds had the resources, or indeed the doctrinal blessing and religious authority, to  produce or maintain  such embodiments of the the Omnissiah’s divine wrath. Such was the sacredness of  these machines above all others, that an entire subcult of the Mechanicum was devoted to their  worship and propitiation, and even the savants whose lives were devoted to this task seldom fully  understood them.  Amongst the Ordinatus Ordinatus  Minoris, the Aktaeus Aktaeus is perhaps the most  recognisable, a super-hea super-heavy  vy  transport designed to carve a path through the stony  heart of a world to deliver  its cargo of warriors to the centre of the battlefield. Known to the armies of the Emperor as the ‘Imperial  Mole’, this vehicle vehicle is a siege engine adapted from the  principles of terrascaping terrascaping and earthscaping capable of rendering even the most   formidable fortifications fortifications  pointless by burrowing burrowing beneath them.


 Appendice  Appen dicess T 

he following section of this book covers all of the new n ew rules required to make use of the Mechanicum Army List. This includes appendices for any new persona pe rsona schismata, Divisio Tactica, Unit Types, Cybertheurgy, Cybertheurgy, Orders of High Techno-arcana, special rules, weapons and Wargear. Some rules and Army List Profiles may reference special rules or Unit Types from the Horus the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook – these special rules and Unit Types are not repeated here and can be found in that publication.



his section includes several additional characters for use in Mechanicum armies with the Traitor Allegiance. In the years before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy, these characters stood at the edge of what was considered acceptable among the magi of the Mechanicum, researchers of forbidden lore and the architects of atrocity and destruction. It would not be until after Horus raised the banner of rebellion and plunged both the Imperium and the Mechanicum into chaos that the true nature of these magi would be known.

The Profiles provided here depict these characters at the very dawn of the Horus Heresy, before they openly proclaimed their betrayal of the ideals held at the core of the Mechanicum’s creed and loosed a tide of dark  technology upon the galaxy. Further publications may provide alternative Profiles Profiles to represent those events. events.


 Archmagos Draykavac

 A RCHMAGOS RCHMAGOS   DRAYKAVAC   .................... ........................... .........240 ..240 POINTS  Warlord of Cyclothrathe, Sovereign-Prelate of House Atrax, Bringer Brin ger of Perfec Perfectio tion n

HQ Though he would become one of the most reviled of  the Dark Mechanicum, Draykavac was an all but unknown figure before the civil war of  the Warmaster’s betrayal  sundered the Imperium. Imperium. This bestially masked and black-robed magos  served as the chief military  emissary of the Forge World of Cyclothrathe and the foremost field commander of its Taghmata, answerable only to the sinister and hidden tribunal which ruled his lightningwracked world. As part of  Draykavac’s command, he also held the rank of   sovereign-prelate  sovereign-pr elate of the Knight House of Atrax, which was fully oathbound to Cyclothrat Cyclothrathe he which, while nominally it   still had its own seneschals seneschals and master, was in reality  little more than a puppet  House to the utterly callous and inhuman archmagos. With the outbreak of war  within the Coronid Deeps, Draykavac was at the  forefront of the campaign campaign of invasion and conquest  Cyclothrathe Cyclothrat he carried out o ut in the name of the Traitors,  swiftly amassing amassing a tally of  atrocities and massacres to his name that set him apart as one of the most  hated of his kind.

Draykavac Draykavac on Abeyant

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Draykavac Draykavac  Wargear   Wargear  • Paragon Paragon blade • Graviton Graviton gun • Mechanicum Protectiva • Cortex Cortex ccontrol ontroller ler • Djinn-sk Djinn-skein ein • Machinator Machinator array

M 6 6

WS 5 5

BS 5 5

S 5 5

T 6 7

W 4 6

I 4 4

A 2 2

Ld 10 10

Sv Sv 2+ 2+

Unitt Type Uni Type • Draykavac: Infantry (Character, Cybertheurgist, Unique) • Draykavac on Abeyant: Infantry (Character, Monstrous, Antigrav, Cybertheurgist, Unique) Special Rules (Draykav Special (Draykavac) ac) • Battle Battlesmit smith h (3 (3+) +) • Feud Feudal al Hierar Hierarchy chy • Firin Firingg Prot Protocols ocols (2) • High Te Techno-arcan chno-arcana: a: Stataraga Stataraga • Incursus Cybertheurgist • Independent Character • Liqui Liquifract fractor or • Preferred Enemy (Infantry) • Relen Relentless tless • Stu Stubbo bborn rn • Trai Traitor tor • Warlor Warlord: d: Cruel Taskmaster Speciall Rul Specia Rules es (Drayk (Draykava avacc on Abeyan Abeyant) t) • Battle Battlesmit smith h (3 (3+) +) • Feud Feudal al Hierar Hierarchy chy • High Te Techno-arcan chno-arcana: a: Stataraga Stataraga • Incursus Cybertheurgist • Independent Character • Liqui Liquifract fractor or • Preferred Enemy (Infantry) • Pride of Place Stubborn • Trai Traitor tor • Warlor Warlord: d: Cruel Taskmaster

Options • Archmagos Draykavac Draykavac may be mounted on an Abeyant† .............................+25 points † If this option is chosen, use the ‘Draykavac on Abeyant’ profile.


 Warlord: Cruel Taskmaster   Warlord: Taskmaster  If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Archmagos Draykavac automatically has Cruel Taskmaster as his Warlord Trait and may not select any other.

Incursus Incurs us Cybertheurg Cybertheurgist ist  Archmagos Draykavac has the Artificia Artificia Machina and Ephemera Incursus Cybertheurgic Arcana, and has all Rites and weapons that are part of those Arcana.

Cruel Taskmaster Taskmaster – If any friendly unit with at least one model within 12" of a Warlord with this Trait fails a Morale check or Pinning test, the controlling player may choose to remove a single model from that unit as a casualty, without any Armour Saves or Damage Mitigation rolls being made, and instead have the unit automatically pass the Morale check or Pinning test without re-rolling any dice.

High Techno-arcana: Techno-arcana: Stataraga  Archmagos Draykavac may be chosen chosen as an HQ choice in a Traitor Allegiance Mechanicum Detachment, and may also be taken as a Troops choice in an army using the Divisio Tactica: Questoris Household. As part of a Questoris Knights Detachment, Archmagos Draykavac allows Castellax Battle-automata Maniples and Vorax Battle-automata Maniples to be chosen as non-Compulsory Troops choices for any Detachment Detachment in which he is included.

In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction in the Shooting phase as long as the Warlord has not been removed as a casualty.

Liquifractor  The Archmagos of Cyclothrathe employed a weapon that could reduce nearly any target to a liquid slurry  with a hideous mix of corrosive enzymes and radioactive waste materials.  Archmagos Draykavac may may exchange all his attacks in an Assault phase for a single special Liquifractor attack. This attack Hits automatically and may be used against a single model in base contact with Draykavac at Initiative step 1. To resolve the attack, Draykavac’s Draykavac’s player rolls 2D6. If the target has a Toughness Toughness Characteristic, they suffer a number of Wounds equal to Draykava Draykavac’s c’s roll minus their Toughness Characteristic with an AP value of 2. If the target has an Armour Value, reduce the rolled value by half of the Armour Value struck; the result is the number of o f Penetrating Hits the Vehicle suffers. For example, if Archmagos Draykavac’s Draykavac’s player rolls a result of 9 against a Karacnos Assault Tank with a Front Armour Value of 14 (halved to 7), two Penetrating Hits are inflicted (9-7=2).

Djinn-skein Draykavac was no mere tactician supplying his soldiers with orders, but the governing will of Taghmata Cyclothrathe. Cyclothrath e. The automata and combat servitors at his command acted as his eyes on the battlefield, and so too did the machine spirits of his enemies. Through hordes of slaved data-djinn and malicious cogitation engrams, Draykavac possessed an awareness of the ebb and flow of  any battlefield that bordered on the preternatural.  Archmagos Draykavac increases increases the Ballistic Skill of  any unit he joins by +1. In addition, while Archmagos Draykavac is present present on the battlefield and not Embarked in a Building or on a unit with the Transport Unit Sub-type and not locked in combat, the controlling player may re-roll any Scatter rolls made (whether as part of a weapon attack or the deployment of a model or unit), as long as Archmagos Draykavac has line of sight to the unit targeted by the attack or the point chosen as the target of the deployment.


 Archmagos Anacharis Scoria

 A RCHMAGOS RCHMAGOS   A NACHARIS NACHARIS   SCORIA   ........ ............ ........ .....365 .365 POINTS  The Xanophane Tyrant, The Fallen Master, Lord of the Nine Cohorts,  The Apostate Magister 

HQ  Anacharis Scoria The history of Anacharis Scoria has been lost, but  there exists fragmentary  evidence that places him as a magos dominus in the  service of Xana some thirty   years before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy. It  is believed he was gifted the rank of the Vodian  Magister – the chief  enforcer of cult doctrine on his secretive world, but   some time after that that he was cast down until the time of the Loyalist covert  operation known as the  Xana Incursion. Incursion. In the the aftermath of that disaster,  Xana’s  Xana ’s ruling Synod Synod was destroyed in a bloody  coup from which Scoria emerged far more powerful than before. There is even tantalising evidence that Scoria had been kept captive in the depths of the prison-forge of Xana-Tisiphone, Xana-Tisiphone,his his dark genius put to use despite being caged by  the very archmagos he once served. Furthermore, that his release was an unintended consequence of the Imperial raid and that it was he, unleashed  from bondage, who took command and repelled the Loyalist invaders. If this is true, it is a dark irony indeed as it would be under the mastery of  Scoria that Xana would become the first of the  so-called Hell Forges that  would blight the centuries to come.

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Anachari Anachariss Scoria Scoria  Wargear   Wargear  • The Vodia Vodian n Sce Sceptre ptre • Two archaeo archaeotech tech pistols pistols • Photon thruster thruster • Machina Machina Protec Protectiva tiva • Cortex Cortex ccontrol ontroller ler • Cyber-familiar Cyber-familiar • Machinator Machinator array

M 9

WS 5

BS 5

S 5

T 7

W 7

I 5

A 4

Ld 10

Sv Sv 2+

Unit Type Unit Type • Infantry (Monstrous (Monstrous,, Hea Heavy, vy, U Unique, nique, Cybertheurgist) Speciall Rules Specia • Adama Adamantium ntium Will ((5+) 5+) • Battle Battlesmit smith h (3 (3+) +) • Etern Eternal al W Warri arrior or • Fea Fearr (2) • Feud Feudal al Hierar Hierarchy chy • Firin Firingg Prot Protocols ocols (3) • Independent Character • It W Will ill No Nott Di Diee (5+) • Move Through Through Cover Cover • Patris Cybernetica • Pride of Place • Rites of th thee Bea Beast st • Trai Traitor tor • Warlor Warlord: d: Forbidden Protocols

 Warlord: Forbidden Protocols  Warlord: If Anacharis Scoria is taken in an army, he must be the th e army’s Warlord Warlord.. Scoria automatically has the Forbidden Protocols Warlord Trait and may not select any other Warlord Trait. Forbidden Forbidde n Protocols Protocols – Any friendly units made up entirely of models with the  Automata Unit Type that have at least one model model within 6" of this Warlor Warlord d may make Reactions, ignoring the usual restriction in the Automata Unit Type. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional Reaction in the Movement phase as long as Anacharis Scoria has not been removed as a casualty.


 The Vodian Sceptre  A unique archaeotech archaeotech weapon, thi thiss singular device also serves as the seal seal of office of the Magisterium Magisterium of the Vodian Vodian Consistory, the chief enforcer of the ruling magos of the Forge World of Xana II. Made from materials found to be all but  indestructible, indestructib le, the staff may be used to parry blows from the most powerful of weapons as well as strike with appallingly  destructive power thanks to unknown technologies concealed within it which seemingly create entropic fields that cause matter to break apart in seconds as if tens of millennia had passed.

 Vodian Sceptre Sceptre

Range –

S +2

AP 2

Type Melee, Two-handed, Arm Armourbane ourbane (Melee), Exoshock (4+), Murderous Strike (5+)

Ri Rite tess of th thee Beas Beastt  Anacharis Scoria’s Scoria’s mastery mastery of Cybertheurgy Cybertheurgy went well bbeyond eyond what was permissible permissible to the doctrine doctrine of the Martian Martian Omnissian Cult, or indeed the pronouncements of the Imperium, and enabled him through unknown means to imbue a  preternatural  preternatu ral animalism into into the Cybernetica Cybernetica under him in combat, driving tthem hem into a maddened frenzy frenzy like tortured tortured beasts when he willed it so.  Anacharis Scoria has the Artificia Machina, Artificia Cybernetica, and Ephemera Incursus Incursus Cybertheurgic Arcana, Arcana, and has all Rites and weapons that are part of those Arcana.


DIVISIO DIVIS IO TACT TACTICA ICA:: THE TIT TITAN AN LEGIONS DIVISIO TACTICA  This section presents the Divisio Tactica, alternative deployments of troops aligned with the Mechanicum faction. Each Divisio Tactica presents presents a new Force Organisation chart and may also include new units or other effects and restrictions representing one of the more exotic formations fielded as part of the Mechanic Mechanicum’s um’s vast legions. Each Divisio Tactica forms a separate army or Detachment as specified in its own specific specific rules, but all count count as having the Mechanicum Faction chart. This section presents the most common of the Divisio Tactica, but other publications may present additional Divisio Tactica.

DIVISIO   T  ACTI  ACTICA  CA :  T HE HE   T ITAN ITAN   L EGIONS EGIONS  A military formation developed in parallel with the Skitarii Legions of Mars in the lost and ancient days long before the Imperium was founded, the Secutarii were created as the honour guard and protectors of the Titan Legions. While the power of Titans is absolute upon the battlefield, their sheer scale and prominence leads to certain vulnerabilities and needs the Secutarii are designed to meet. The foremost of these is close protection and defence, not against war machines and the serried legions of an enemy —the Titans themselves are more than capable of eradicating such foes— but from covert assault, infiltration and ambuscade. For, beset suddenly and at close range by swarms of well-armed infantry, even a Titan can fall, as a mighty beast might be felled by venomous insects. Just as the apocalyptic conflict of the Horus Heresy sundered the might of the Space Marine Legions, so it did the Legio Titanicus, splitting the Legios’ allegiance between Traitor and Loyalist in fratricidal bloodshed, and with them the th e Secutarii fought and died on both sides of the war, faultlessly loyal to the god-engines alongside which they had long served. The first way to include units from the Divisio Divisio Tactic Tactica: a: The Titan Legions in an army is to select a single Lords  on pages 69-72 to fill a of War unit from the unit entries entries on 69-72 to fill Lords of War Optional Detachment in a Crusade Force Organisation chart.

The second way to include units from the Divisio Tactica: The Titan Legions in an army is to use the Titan Maniple Detachment. The Titan Maniple Detachment may be included as an Optional Detachment in any army that uses the Crusade Force Organisation chart (this does not replace any other Optional Detachments in that Force Organisation chart).  A Titan Maniple Detachment may only only include units from the profiles listed on listed on pages 66-72 66-72.. These units may not be selected as part of any other Force Organisation chart or Detachment besides a Lords of War Detachment in a Crusade Force Organisation chart or Titan Maniple Detachment.

 Titan Maniple Detachment (Optional) • Compulsory: 1 Lords Lords of War War or 1 Troops Troops • Optional: +2 HQ , +6 Troops, Troops, +3 Lords of W War ar


Secutarii Axiarch

SECUTARII   A  XIARCH   ............. ................... ............ ............ ............ ........60 ..60 POINTS HQ Tactical command of  Tactical larger Secutarii forces is commonly delegated to a  field officerknown officer known as an axiarch. They are selected by an arcane process that  concerns considerably  more than merely  rewarding meritorious  service as it might be in in a more commonplace military formation.  As well as having having displayed  perfect dedication and application of the Secutarii’s arts of war, they must also have served in a battlefield operation where a fallen Titan has been successfully recovered or protected from the very  teeth of the enemy; the most holy act a Secutarii can perform. Also, the  potential candidate candidate must  be examined for both doctrinal purity in the Omnissiah’s faith and biological adaptability for  additional augmentation by cybernetic means, and even then the Legio’s logiseers must establish if  the auspices are favourable. Only if all of these criteria are met are they remade to a Machine Cult-ordained  pattern. Rebuilt Rebuilt so that  very little of the living being remains, becoming an inhumanly stalwart, nigh indestructible soldier  likened to the god-engines they are charged to protect, in both fabricated body  and machine spiritridden psyche.

Secutarii Axiarch

M 7

WS 4

BS 5

S 4

T 4

W 3

I 4

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Secutarii Secutarii Axiar Axiarch ch

Unit Type Unit Type • Infantry (Character)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Arc mau maull • Radium Radium pistol pistol • Titanshard Titanshard armour armour • Kyropatr Kyropatris is field generator generator • Frag grenades grenades

Speciall Rules Specia • Binaric Stratagems • Feel No Pain Pain (6+) (6+) • Independent Character • Preci Precision sion Shots Shots (6+) (6+) • Stu Stubbo bborn rn

A 3

Ld 9

Sv Sv 3+

Options • The Secutarii Axiarch may exchange their radium pistol for one of the following weapons: - Volkite serpenta..................................................................... serpenta............................................................................................... ......................................Free ............Free - Archaeotech pistol ................................................................................. .............................................................................................+5 ............+5 points - Arc pistol..................................... pistol ........................................................................... ......................................................................... ...................................+5 +5 points - Photon gauntlet............................................................................. gauntlet ................................................................................................+1 ...................+155 points • The Secutarii Axiarch may exchange their arc maul for one of the following weapons: - Corposant stave........................................ stave ................................................................................ ..........................................................+5 ..................+5 points - Power weapon.................................................................................................. weapon.....................................................................................................+5 ...+5 p points oints - Power fist ............................................................ .......................................................................................... ...............................................+1 .................+10 0 points • The Secutarii Axiarch may exchange both their radium pistol and arc maul for an: - Arc lance and mag-inverter shield.................................................................+15 points • The Secutarii Axiarch may be equipped with any of the following: - Augury scanner............................................................................................... scanner...................................................................................................+5 ....+5 points - Rad grenades................................................................................... grenades.....................................................................................................+1 ..................+10 0 points • The Secutarii Axiarch may upgrade a single weapon to have the following following special rule: - Master-crafted ............................................................................. ....................................................................................................+ .......................+55 points


Secutarii Hoplite Phalanx

SECUTARII   HOPLITE   PHALANX   ............ ................... .........130 ..130 POINTS Secutarii Hoplite Hoplite Alpha

M 7 7

WS 3 3

BS 4 4

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 2

I 3 3

A 1 2

Ld 7 8

Unit Compositio Composition n • 9 Secutarii Secutarii Hoplites Hoplites • 1 Hoplite Hoplite Alpha

Unit Type Unit Type • Secutarii Hoplite: Infantry • Hoplite Alpha: Infantry (Character)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Arc lance • Corpus Corpus Skitarii Skitarii • Mag-invert Mag-inverter er shield shield • Kyropatr Kyropatris is field generator generator

Special Rules Special • Feel No Pain Pain (6+) (6+)

Sv Sv 4 4+ + 4+

Dedicated Dedica ted Transport Transport  A Secutarii Hoplite Phalanx numbering no more than twenty twenty models may take a Triaros Armoured Conveyor as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • The Secutarii Hoplite Phalanx may include: - Up to 10 additional Secutarii Hoplites ......................................+12 points per model • The Hoplite Alpha may take one of the following additional weapons options: - Radium pistol....................................... pistol ............................................................................. ...............................................................+ .........................+55 points - Volkite serpenta......................................................................... serpenta..................................................................................................+ .........................+55 points - Arc pistol......................................... pistol....................................................................... ............................................................. .....................................+10 ......+10 points • The Hoplite Alpha may exchange their arc lance for an: - Arc maul........................... maul..................................................... .................................................... ................................................... .........................................Fre ................Freee - Power weapon.............................................. weapon........................................................................ .................................................... ......................................Free ............Free • The Hoplite Alpha may be equipped with any of the following: - Augury scanner............................................................................................... scanner...................................................................................................+5 ....+5 points - Rad grenades................................................................................... grenades.....................................................................................................+1 ..................+10 0 points

 TROOPS The principal battlefield  formation of the Secutarii Secutarii is the Hoplites phalanx, a defensive force which is augmented and equipped  specifically to resist  infantry assault and defy  the odds on the most  violent and hazardous of  battlefields. Their strength comes from both their  resolute discipline in battle and from the crackling energy barriers generated by their interlocking Kyropatris field generators. The power of these  surgically implanted implanted  generators is is channelled and amplified by their  unique shields, which allow them to withstand  phenomenal amounts amounts of enemy firepower  and endure. In counter-assault, they  are deadly, their arc lances used to bathe the battlefield before them in murderous torrents of  artificial lightning or blast   foes into burning burning ruin at  close quarters, while their  inhumanly clinical training and cogitator-as cogitator-assisted sisted battlefield protocols allow  them to operate both in dispersed skirmishing lines as escort for the  god-engines or advance in densely packed ranks to obliterate resistance.


Secutarii Peltast Phalanx

SECUTARII   PELTAST   PHALANX   .... ......... .......... ......... ......... .....120 120 POINTS  TROOPS If the Secutarii Hoplite  phalanxes are are the anvil on which the lesser enemies of the Titan Legions who would try to swarm the  god-engines are are broken, their Peltast brethren are a hammer that strikes those who would try to lurk in the shadows or utilise speed to effect ambush. Using  powerful and adaptable adaptable weapons unseen elsewhere in the arsenals of the Imperium, their principal tactics centre around concentrated concentrate d firepower  which they use to saturate target areas to neutralise any threat that may be concealed in cover, and to root out enemies too small or too dispersed for the war machines of the Titan Legions to easily match. They are also employed to reach, encircle and defend their master’s fallen  god-engines and and rescue their valuable crew; tasks in which they consider the coin of their lives well spent  in achieving. Such are the Secutarii Peltasts’ expertise in commando operations, defence in extremis and battlefield reclamation that their services are also called on by the magi of  the Taghmata, via ties of fealty and patronage to their governing Titan Legion.

Secutarii Peltast Peltast Alpha

M 7 7

WS 3 3

BS 4 4

S 3 3

T 3 3

W 1 2

I 3 3

A 1 2

Ld 7 8

Unit Compositio Composition n • 9 Secutarii Secutarii Peltasts Peltasts • 1 Peltast Peltast Alpha

Unit Type Unit Type • Secutarii Peltast: Infantry • Peltast Alpha: Infantry (Character)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Galvanic Galvanic caster caster with flechet flechette te and ignis ammunition • Corpus Corpus Skitar Skitarii ii • Kyropatr Kyropatris is field generator generator

Special Rules Special • Blind Barrag Barragee • Feel No Pain Pain (6+) (6+)

Sv Sv 4+ 4+ 4+

Dedicated Transport Dedicated Transport  A Secutarii Peltast Phalanx numbering no more than twenty twenty models may take a Triaros Armoured Conveyor as a Dedicated Transport. As a Dedicated Transport this does not use up an additional Force Organisation slot, but its points cost must still be paid for as part of the army. Options • The Secutarii Peltast Phalanx may include: - Up to 10 additional Secutarii Peltasts ....................................... ........................................+10 .+10 points per model • The entire squad may be upgraded upgraded to additionally additionally have: - Hammershot ammunition for their galvanic casters................+5 points per model (If this option is taken, all galvanic casters in the unit must be so upgraded). upgraded). • Any model in the squad may exchange their galvanic caster for a: - Radium carbine .................................................... .............................................................................. ................................................... .............................Free ....Free - Arc rifle............ rifle...................................... .................................................... ................................................... ......................................+10 .............+10 points each • The Peltast Alpha may may take one of the following additional weapons options: - Radium pistol....................................... pistol ............................................................................. ...............................................................+ .........................+55 points - Volkite serpenta......................................................................... serpenta..................................................................................................+ .........................+55 points - Arc pistol......................................... pistol....................................................................... ............................................................. .....................................+10 ......+10 points • The Peltast Alpha may may exchange their galvanic galvanic caster fo forr an: - Arc maul........................... maul..................................................... .................................................... ................................................... .........................................Fre ................Freee - Power weapon.............................................. weapon........................................................................ .................................................... ......................................Free ............Free • The Peltast Alpha may may be equipped with any of the following: following: - Augury scanner............................................................................................... scanner...................................................................................................+5 ....+5 points - Rad grenades................................................................................... grenades.....................................................................................................+1 ..................+10 0 points - Refractor field ............................................................ .......................................................................................... .......................................+10 .........+10 points


 Warhound Scout Titan

 W ARHO  ARHOUND UND   SCOUT   T ITAN ITAN   ...........................750 ...........................750 POINTS

 Warhound Titan

M WS WS BS 15 5 5

S 10

 Armour Front Side Rear 14 13 12

I 4

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Warhoun Warhound d Titan Titan

Unit Type Unit Type • Vehicle (Fast, Titan)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Two Arm Mounted Mounted  Vulcan mega-bolters

Special Rules Special • God-engine God-engine • Night Vision Vision • Reactor Meltdown (Magna) • Void Void Sh Shields ields (2)

A 3

HP 12

Options • A Warhound Scout Titan may may exchange either of its Arm Mounted Mounted Vulcan megabolters for any of the following: - Arm Mounted inferno gun ....................... .................................................. ..................................................... ......................................Free ............Free - Arm Mounted plasma blastgun .................................................. ............................................................................ ..............................Free ....Free - Arm Mounted twin-linked turbo laser destructor.................................................Free destructor.................................................Free

LOR LORDS DS of WAR  WAR  Warhounds are the  smallest class class of ‘true’  Titan, although small in this case is purely in relation to its colossal brethren the Battle Titans. Classified as ‘Scouts’ in reference to their common operational roles within the Divisio Militaris of  the Titan Legions, they  are commonly used to range ahead of larger  Titan battle groups or  detached in support of  lesser ground forces, where the sheer scale and  power of their weapons weapons is enough to turn the tide of  most battles in their allies’   favour. If matched against  their larger counterparts, however, they cannot hope to directly contest them in terms of durability  or raw firepower, so instead Warhounds must  rely on their speed and manoeuvrability manoeuvrabi lity to survive, and use pack tactics to bring down the Titans of a main battle line.


Reaver Battle Titan

R EAVER  EAVER   B ATTLE   T ITAN ITAN   .............. .............................. .................1,500 .1,500 POINTS LOR LORDS DS of WAR  WAR  Reaver Titan The Reaver is a Battle Titan and a mainstay of  the great Titan Legions. It is smaller and lighter  than the massive Warlord class, but is still a vast  machine, protected by  thick adamantium armour   plates and carrying devastating firepower.  A truly ancient ancient design, design, each Titan Legion maintains an active number of Reavers of various patterns and, in particular, the Mars  pattern Reaver Reaver is said to be the oldest of all Titans forged on the Red Planet, its origins long  predating even the Great  Crusade. Each god-engine is regarded as a holy-ofholies by the Mechanicum; a reflection of the divine Omnissiah’s wrath that  has brought destruction to their enemies and shielded their brethren from harm  for countless centuries centuries back into the long night  of the Age of Strife. Only  another war machine of   similar power or entire tank battalions working together have any hope of defeating a Reaver  Battle Titan in the field, as against the Reaver’s void  shields and devastating devastating weaponry, conventional  ground troops and and defences  stand little chance. chance.

M WS WS BS 12 8 5

S 10 10

 Armour Front Side Rear 14 14 13

I 2

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Reaver Reaver Titan

Unitt Type Uni Type • Vehi Vehicle cle (Titan (Titan))

 Wargear   Wargear  • Two Arm Mounted gatling blasters • Carapace Mounted Apocalypse missile launcher

Special Rules Special • God-e God-engine ngine • Night Visio Vision n • Reactor Meltdown (Major) • Voi Void d Shi Shields elds (4)

A 3

HP 18

Options • A Reaver Titan may exchange either either of its Arm Mounted weapons for for any of  the following: - Arm Mounted laser blaster .................................................. ............................................................................ ......................................Free ............Free - Arm Mounted melta cannon ................................................... ............................................................................. ..................................Free ........Free - Arm Mounted Titan power fist....................................................... fist................................................................................. ..........................Free Free - Arm Mounted volcano cannon ................................................... ............................................................................. ..............................Free ....Free


 Warbringer Nemesis Nemesis Titan

 W ARBRIN  ARBRINGER  GER    NEMESIS   T ITAN ITAN   .......... .............. ........2 ....2,000 ,000 POINTS

 Warbringer Nemesis Titan




10 10



 Armour Front Side Rear 15









Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Warbringer Warbringer Nemesis Nemesis Titan

Unit Type Unit Type • Vehicle Vehicle (Titan (Titan))

 Wargear   Wargear  • Two Arm Mounted gatling blasters • Carapace Mounted Nemesis quake cannon • Two Carapace Mounted Mounted defensor defensor autocannon batteries • Two Hull Hull (Front) Mounted d defensor efensor bolt cannon • One Hull (Rear) Mounted Mounted defe defensor nsor bolt cannon

Special Rules Special • God-engine God-engine • Heavy Heavy Structu Structure re • Night Vision Vision • Reactor Meltdown (Major) • Void Shields (6)

Options • A Warbringer Nemesis Nemesis Titan may exchange its its Carapace Mounted Nemesis Nemesis quake cannon for a: - Nemesis volcano cannon .................................................... .............................................................................. .......................................Free .............Free • A Warbringer Nemesis Nemesis Titan may exchange either either of its Arm Mounted weapons for one of the following: - Arm Mounted laser blaster .................................................. ............................................................................ ......................................Free ............Free - Arm Mounted volcano cannon ................................................... ............................................................................. ..............................Free ....Free - Arm Mounted melta cannon ................................................... ............................................................................. ..................................Free ........Free

LORDS of WAR  LORDS WAR  The Warbringer Nemesis Titan is designed to destroy enemy Titanclass targets at range, acting as a dedicated fire  support platform in in the maniples it is assigned to and, sitting in between the more common Reaver and Warlord classes, its mass and firepower often see it  assigned to the front lines of the battlefield alongside the various classes of Battle Titan. A sub-variation of the Warbringer class of Titan, the Nemesis’  reinforced frontal plating allows it to weather most  return fire with casual ease, and its defence batteries render it well-protected against aerial attacks, though its relatively light  rear armour can leave it  vulnerable to flanking attacks by ground armour. The Nemesis has a reputation for restless machine spirits and for  driving its princeps and moderati to near-paranoid heights of awareness awareness.. Ghost sensor artefacts and other aberrant phenomena are commonplace, but   so too are the incidents incidents where such Titans have locked targets long before their crews could react. The tech-adepts that serve these machines praise the intricate mysteries that brought them into creation and consider  it a distinct honour to be assigned to such a wondrous example of the Omnissiah’s miracles.


 Warlord Battle Titan Titan

 W ARLO  ARLORD RD   B ATTLE   T ITAN ITAN   ...... ............ ............ ............ ........3,00 ..3,000 0 POINTS LOR LORDS DS of WAR  WAR   Warlord Titan Titan  A true leviathan leviathan of the battlefield, the Warlord class Titan is the mainstay  of the Collegia Titanica. There are a number of sub patterns of the Warlor Warlord, d,  such as the Lucius Lucius and the Anvillus, but it is the  Mars that is considered the most ancient and superior. This is not without reason,  for each Mars Warlord Warlord is a gargantuan killing machine, proof against  the petty assaults of   small arms and all all but  impervious even to most   forms of attack aircraft  aircraft  and heavy weapon, save the most technologically   potent or massive. massive. Furthermore, the Warlord is a fully sealable and  protected environment, environment, as able to fight upon an airless moon as a verdant  v erdant   plain so long as the geology  under its feet will sustain it. But it is the destructive  power of the Warlord Warlord that is its avatar, for their   firepower rivals smaller  void warships in potency  and a single Warlord is capable of levelling a city  or laying waste to an entire army. Such is their might that it  is whispered by some that  it is they, not the Legiones  Astartes, that that have truly  won the Imperium’s domain in the fires of battle.

M WS WS BS 12 9 5

S 10

 Armour Front Side Rear 15 15 14

I 4

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Warlord Warlord Titan

Unit Type Unit Type • Vehi Vehicle cle (Titan (Titan))

 Wargear   Wargear  • Two Arm Mounted Mounted Mori Mori quake cannon • Two Carapace Mounted Mounted Apocalypse missile launchers • Two Hull Hull (Front) Mounted d defensor efensor bolt cannon • Two Hull (Rear) (Rear) Mounted Mounted defensor lascannon

Special Rules Special • God-e God-engine ngine • Reactor Meltdown (Maxima) • Reinforced Structure • Toweri Towering ng Monstrosity • Void Shields (6)

A 4

HP 30

Options • One or both of the Arm Mounted Mori quake quake cannon may be exchanged ffor or one of  the following: - Arm Mounted Arioch power claw and Vulcan mega-bolter ................................Free - Arm Mounted Belicosa volcano cannon ................................................................. .................................................................Free Free - Arm Mounted macro-gatling blaster ..................................................... .......................................................................Fre ..................Freee - Arm Mounted Sunfury plasma annihilator ........................ ................................................... ....................................Free .........Free • Both of the Carapace Mounted Mounted Apocalypse missile launchers may be exchanged exchanged for the following weapons: - Two Carapace Mounted laser blasters............................................................. blasters.....................................................................Free ........Free


DIVISI DIV ISIO O TA TACT CTIC ICA: A: QUE QUESTO STORIS RIS HOU HOUSEH SEHOLD OLD DIVISIO   T  ACTI  ACTICA  CA : QUESTORIS   HOUSEHOLD Those Knight Households that maintained some measure of autonomy, whether through strength of arms or steadfast loyalty, could retain the right to sanction independent military operations or to join jo in the ranks of the Ordo Questoris—the Household  forces independently independently seconded int intoo the service of the Expeditionary fleets and the Great Great Crusade Crusade armies. Such Such Houses were driven to seek glory among the far-flun far-flungg stars of the galaxy far from the Taghmata of their patron Forge World, or even engaged in their own conquests; as loyal to the ideals of Unity and the Emperor as ever they were to their Mechanicum patrons patrons.. The riches and reputation brought from such independent martial endeavours served, in some cases, to aid them in gaining  greater auton autonomy omy from their Mechanicum Mechanicum patrons, patrons, which is why many a archmagi rchmagi were loathe to grant such rights rights as part of  the Sidon Protocols. The first way to include units from the Divisio Divisio Tactic Tactica: a: Questoris Household in an army is to select a single Lords of War unit from the unit entries on pages on pages 78-87 to fill fill a Lords of War Optional Detachment in a Crusade Force Organisation chart.

If a Household Detachment is chosen as the army’s Primary Detachment, an Allied Detachment may be included as an Optional Detachment. See page 281 of  the Horus the  Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Darkness rulebook  rulebook for more information about Allied Detachments.

The second way to include units from the Divisio Tactica: Questoris Households in an army is to use the Household Detachment.

 A Household Detachment may may only include units from the profiles profiles listed on listed on pages 76-87 and these units may not be selected as part of any other Force Organisation chart or Detachment besides a Lords of War or Households Detachment.

The Household Detachment may either be used as a Primary Detachment in an army using the Questoris Household chart, or as Force an Optional DetachmentForce in anOrganisation army using the Crusade Organisation chart. When used as the army’s Primary Detachment, the 25% limit on Lords of War choices does not count for units taken as part of the Primary Detachment of that army (but any Lords of War choices selected as part of any other Detachment must adhere to the 25% limit rule).


Questoris Household Force Organisation Chart


Household Detachment Household Detachment (Primary (Prim ary or Opt Option ional) al)

Household Detachm Household Detachment ent (Primary (Pri mary or Opt Option ional) al) Compu Compulsory: lsory: 2 Troops Troos,ps+X Lords •• Optional: +8 Troop Troops, Lords of W War* ar* *For every two Troops choices included as  part of this Detachment, Detachment, a single Optional Lords of War choice may be taken.

 Allied Detachment (Optional)  Allied Detachment (Optional) • Compulsory: 1 HQ, 1 Troops • Optional: +3 Troops, +2 Elites, +1 Fast  Attack, +1 Heavy Support


 Armiger Warglaive Warglaive Talon

 A RMIGER  RMIGER    W ARGLA  ARGLAIVE IVE   T  ALO  ALON N .........  ............... ............. ........200 .200 POINTS  TROOPS  TROO PS

 Armiger Warglaive Warglaive

M 8

WS 4

BS 4

S 7

T 7

W 6

I 4

A 3

The Armiger Knight is a lighter, more agile cousin

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Armiger Armiger Warglaive

Unit Type Unit Type • Armiger (Skirmish, Line)

to theoften Questoris that foughtKnight  alongside its larger confederates during the Great Crusade,  picking off threats threats which came from enemies beneath the notice of  the larger Knights, such as swarming throngs of  infantrymen attempting to breach the protective barriers of their ion  shields to clamp explosives explosives directly upon their  armoured frames. Armiger 

 Wargear   Wargear  • Reaper chainblade chainblade • Heavy Heavy stubber stubber • Thermal Thermal lance • Ionic deflector deflector

Special Rules Special • Armig Armiger er Talo Talon n • Fleet Fleet (2) • Move Through Through Cover Cover

Warglaives are armed with menacing thermal lances and fearsome Reaper chainblades, well  suited to the belligerent  belligerent  and aggressive nature of  their pilots.

Ld 7

Sv Sv 3+

Options • The Armiger Warglaive Warglaive Talon may include: - Up to 3 additional Armiger Warglaives............................................ Warglaives.............................................+200 .+200 points each • Any Armiger Warglaive Warglaive in the unit may exchange its heavy heavy stubber for: - Meltagun.........................................................................................  Meltagun.........................................................................................+15 +15 points per model


 Armiger Helverin Talon Talon

 A RMIGER  RMIGER    HELVERIN   T  ALO  ALON N  ............ .................. ............ .......200 .200 POINTS  Armiger Helverin

M 8

WS 4

BS 4

S 7

T 7

W 6

I 4

A 3

Ld 7

Sv Sv 3+


Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Armiger Armiger Helv Helverin erin

Unit Type Unit Type • Armiger (Skirmish, Line)

The Armiger Helverin is a fast-moving weapons

 Wargear   Wargear  • Two Phaeton Phaeton auto autocannon cannon • Heavy Heavy stubber stubber • Ionic deflector deflector

Special Rules Special • Armiger Armiger Talo Talon n • Fleet Fleet (2) • Move Through Through Cover Cover

 platform bearin bearing g a pair  of Phaeton autocannon designed to lay down blistering hails of heavy   fire while running rings around the enemy’s forces. The men and women tasked with such protective duties are not noble scions, but warriors from outside of the noble Houses, such as lesser retainers and peon warriors who have shown  great valour in the service of a Questoris House and

Options • The Armiger Helverin Helverin Talon Talon may include: - Up to 3 additional Armiger Helverins.............................. Helverins...............................................+200 .................+200 points each • Any Armiger Helverin Helverin in the unit may may exchange its heavy stubber for: - Meltagun.........................................................................................  Meltagun.........................................................................................+15 +15 points per model

can one day secure entryhope intoto the Household of a scion marshal, should they survive long enough.


Knight Questoris

K NIGHT  NIGHT   QUESTORIS   ........................ ................................. ............380 ...380 POINTS LO LORD RDS S of WAR  WAR  Knight Questoris The Knight Questoris was the most common  suit of Knight Armour  extant in the Imperium at the outbreak of the Horus Heresy. Such was its popularity amongst  the noble scions of the Questoris Households that  it was reconfigured in a myriad ways with weapon options and hull augments, and given names such as Paladin, Errant, Warden, Gallant and Crusader  in the fashion of their  traditions, lineage and  fighting styles. styles.

M WS WS BS 10 4 4

S 8

 Armour Front Side Rear 13 12 12

Unit Compositio Composition n

Unitt Type Uni Type

• 1 Knight Knight Questoris Questoris

• Vehi Vehicle cle (Knigh (Knight) t)

I 4

A 3

HP 7

 Wargear   Wargear  • Arm Mounted Mounted Reaper chainsword • Arm Mounted Mounted rapidrapid-fire fire battle battle cannon with in-built heavy stubber • Hull (Front) (Front) Mounted heavy stubber • Ion shield shield Options • Any Knight Questoris may exchange exchange its Arm Mounted Reaper chainsword chainsword for one of the following Arm Mounted weapons: - Thunderstrike gauntlet ..................................................................................... .....................................................................................+5 +5 points - Avenger gatling cannon with in-built heavy flamer...................................+15 points • Any Knight Questoris Questoris may exchange exchange its Arm Mounted Mounted rapidrapid-fire fire battle cannon with in-buil in-built t heavy stubber for one of the following Arm Mounted weapons: ........Free - Reaper chainsword.......................................... chainsword................ .................................................... .................................................... ..................................Free - Thermal cannon......................... cannon ................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ..............................Free ....Free - Avenger gatling cannon with in-built heavy flamer.....................................+5 points - Las-impulsor ......................................................... ........................................................................................ ............................................+10 .............+10 points • The Knight Questoris may exchange its Hull Hull (Front) Mounted Mounted heavy stubber with: - Hull (Front) Mounted multi-laser .................................................. ............................................................................ ..........................Free Free - Hull (Front) Mounted meltagun....................................................... meltagun ......................................................................+5 ...............+5 points • The Knight Questoris may take one of the following weapons: - Carapace Mounted twin-linked Icarus autocannon..................................+20 points - Carapace Mounted Ironstorm missile pod............................................... pod ..................................................+25 ...+25 points - Carapace Mounted Stormspear rocket pod ............................................ .................................................+25 .....+25 points


Knight Lancer

K NIGHT  NIGHT   L  ANCER   ..........................................400 ..........................................400 POINTS LOR LORDS DS of WAR  WAR  Knight Lancer The Lancer is the most  widely known variant  of the Cerastus Knight   Armour, a highly  highly   sophisticated chassis chassis whose speed and agility   far exceed the clumsier  clumsier  Errant and Paladin types. The Cerastus type Knights appear to have been designed solely for war, not as protectors but as bloody-handed conquerors and tools of destruction, a legacy of the violence that  marked the beginning of  the Age of Strife. The Lancer is held in high esteem by the more impetuous of a House’s  scions, its potent potent ion  gauntlet and and shock lance  perfectly suited suited to battling the foe face to face, where only a perfectly timed thrust of the lance stands between a scion and death. In particular those scions who follow the Uhlan traditions favour the speed and ferocity of the Lancer, and when rival Houses meet in Knight  combat, these warriors race ahead of the Household to clash in single combat with the enemy’s champions.

M WS WS BS 14 4 4

S 9

 Armour Front Side Rear 13 12 12

Unit Composition Composition

Unitt Type Uni Type

• 1 Knight Knight Lancer Lancer

• Vehicle (Knight)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Arm Mounted shock lance • Ion gauntlet shield

Special Rules Special • Flank Speed

I 4

A 4

HP 7


Knight Castigator

K NIGHT  NIGHT   C ASTIGATO  ASTIGATOR  R    ....................... ................................ ............380 ...380 POINTS

Knight Castigator

M WS WS BS 14 4 4

S 9

 Armour Front Side Rear 13 12 12

Unit Compositio Composition n

Unitt Type Uni Type

• 1 Knight Knight Castig Castigator ator

• Vehicle Vehicle (Knigh (Knight) t)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Arm Mounted Mounted Tempest Tempest warblade • Arm Mounted Mounted twin-linked twin-linked Castigator Castigator bolt cannon • Ion shield shield

Special Rules Special • Flank Speed

I 4

A 4

HP 7

LORD RDS S of WAR  WAR  LO  Armed with the fearsome fearsome Castigator pattern bolt  cannon, the Cerastus Knight of the same name is favoured by  those Households faced with hordes of lesser foes that might otherwise overwhelm even a mighty Knight through their sheer numbers. Capable of obliteratin obliteratingg infantry formations in a thunderous rain of mass reactive explosions and whirling power blades, or  carving apart light vehicles with ease, thecombatant. Castigator is a formidable Notably amongst their  ilk, the Castigator are also renowned for the stoic nature of the machine  spirits within, whose whose ardour is difficult difficult to rouse, but almost impossible to ignore. Castigator mark Armours are most often claimed by a Household’s more venerable scions, those warriors mettle who can of be proven relied on to hold the line, conserve their limited stock of  ammunition and support  their more vainglorious kin, often forming the core of any Household Household’s ’s  Arbalester order. Some  younger scions are are also drawn to the Castigator,  glorying in the Armour’s Armour’s deafening firepower and elegant warblade strikes, though such scions rarely  deign to units. act as mere  support


Knight Acheron

K NIGHT  NIGHT   A CHERON CHERON   ............ .................. ............ ........... ........... ...........4 .....415 15 POINTS LOR LORDS DS of WAR  WAR  Knight Acheron The Cerastus Knight   Acheron is a fearsome fearsome sight  on the battlefield, a reaper  of lives carefully designed not only to destroy, but  also to inspire terror  both in appearance and the manner in which it  undertakes its grim task. The presence of an Acheron mark Armour in the battle lines of a Household warns the foe to expect no mercy,  for such weapons are only  deployed for missions of  extermination,, to topple extermination the works of the enemy  and scour clean his lands with flame. Scions rarely choose to ride into battle in Acheron  Armour voluntarily, voluntarily, accepting the task instead as an arduous duty to be undertaken for the good of  the House, for the anima of these Armours are often awash in the inherited memories of massacres and slaughters uncounted. Those few scions who  prefer suchwarriors grim mounts grim are either of iron will, capable of suppressin suppressingg the sinister whispers of the  Armour’s machine machine spirits, or tortured souls who relish the Armour’s malicious impulses and the carnage it wreaks on the field of battle.

M WS WS BS 14 4 4

S 9

 Armour Front Side Rear 13 12 12

Unit Compositio Composition n

Unitt Type Uni Type

• 1 Knight Knight Acheron Acheron

• Vehi Vehicle cle (Knigh (Knight) t)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Arm Mounte Mounted d Reape Reaperr chainfist chainfist with in-built twin-linked heavy bolter • Arm Mounte Mounted d Ach Acheron eron flamestorm flame storm cannon cannon • Ion shield shield

Special Rules Special • Flank Speed

I 4

A 4

HP 7


 Acastus Knight Porphyrion

0-1 A CASTUS CASTUS   K NIGHT  NIGHT   PORPHYRION   ... ....... ....... .....6 ..625 25 POINTS

Knight Porphyrion

M WS WS BS 12 4 4

S 10

 Armour Front Side Rear 14 13 12

Unit Compositio Composition n

Unitt Type Uni Type

• 1 Knight Knight Porphyr Porphyrion ion

• Vehicle Vehicle (Knigh (Knight) t)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Two Hull Hull (Front) Mounted tw twininlinked magna lascannon • Two Hull (Front) (Front) Mounted autocannon • Hull (Front) (Front) Mounted Mounted Ironstorm Ironstorm missile pod • Ion shield shield

Special Rules Special • Catastrophic Explosion • It Will Will Not Die (6 (6+) +)

I 3

A 3

HP 9

Options • The Knight Porphyrion may exchange either or both of its Hu Hull ll (Front) Mounted autocannon to one of the following: - Hull (Front) Mounted irad-cleanser.......................................... irad-cleanser.................................................................... ...............................Free .....Free - Hull (Front) Mounted lascannon..........................................................+10 lascannon..........................................................+10 points each • The Knight Porphyrion may exchange exchange its Hull (Front) Mounted Ironstorm missile pod for a: - Hull (Front) Mounted Whirlwind launcher with Hyperios warheads only ........................................................+10 ........................................................+10 points

LORDS of WAR  LORDS WAR  One of the most heavily  armed and armoured of all Knight chassis in  service, few Households Households were able to muster   Acastus Armours, Armours, even at  the height of the Great  Crusade. They were therefore seen as symbols of favour by the lords of  the Omnissiah’s cult and even the greatest Knight  Households, such as Raven or Vymer, could not claim more than a handful. To the Mechanicum, they   serve as both battlefield battlefield  supremacy weapon weapon and icon of the Machine God’s divinity. Of the Acastus  Armours, the Knight  Knight  Porphyrion variant in  particular serves serves often as the supreme enforcer of  the rule and dominion of a Household over its scions, many carrying the heraldic  symbol of the Shrouded Shrouded Urn; a dread charge given only to a Knight who has destroyed one of its brothers in sanctioned trial by combat over some great  issue of honour. For some its bulk and the selection of a purely  ranged armament — no matter its magnitude — is a drawback as it prevents it from indulging in the  glories of close combat. combat. Others stress that the  size and power of the Porphyrion, which rivals that of a Scout class Titan,  pushes limitsmind limits of what  a singlethe human can

a single human mind can interface with.


Questoris Knight Styrix

QUESTORIS   K NIGHT  NIGHT   S TYRIX   ................. ........................380 .......380 POINTS LO LORD RDS S of WAR  WAR  Knight Styrix  A Knight pattern pattern of ill  fame whose name is is linked to the massacres of the  Age of Strife and and the Great  Crusade that followed it, the Styrix stands as a  stain of dishonour upon the reputation of any   scion that bonds with with it. Housing machine  spirits which some say  say  became too accustomed to slaughter and death, it  is only a matter of time before the anima of the Styrix overcomes the will of  even the noblest scion and reduces them to a state of  belligerent madness. Deadly beams from its volkite chieorovile reduce large numbers of infantry  to ash while its graviton  gun pins its victims victims in  place for the rad cleanser  cleanser  to boil the flesh clean off their bones. In close combat, its immensely   powerful hekaton siege siege claw smashes vehicles and enemy engines asunder. This grim efficiency efficiency in the wholesale extermination of ground troops is considered beneath the honour of a true Knight  by some but many  Questoris Households hold no such reservations. During the dark days of  the Horus Heresy, Knight  Households on both sides of the civil war loosed entire formations of Styrix  pattern Knights Knights upon their foes with no moral restraint,, for the merciless restraint

M WS WS BS BS 10 4 4

S 8

 Armour Front Side Rear 13 12 12

Unit Composition Composition

Unitt Type Uni Type

• 1 Knight Knight Styrix Styrix

• Vehi Vehicle cle (Knigh (Knight) t)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Arm Mounted Mounted Reaper Reaper chainsword chainsword • Arm Mounted volkite chieorovile • Hull (Front) (Front) Mounted graviton gun • Ion shield shield

Special Rules Special • Night Visio Vision n • Overt Overtaxed axed React Reactor or

I 2

A 3

HP 7

Options • The Knight Styrix may exchange its Arm Arm Mounted Reaper chainsword for for an: - Arm Mounted siege claw with in-built irad-cleanser.................................+25 points

annihilation of their enemy  was all that mattered.


Questoris Knight Magaera

QUESTORIS   K NIGHT  NIGHT   M AGAERA   .................. .....................385 ...385 POINTS

Knight Magaera

M WS WS BS 10 4 4

S 8

 Armour Front Side Rear 13 12 12

Unit Compositio Composition n

Unitt Type Uni Type

• 1 Knight Knight Magaera Magaera

• Vehicle Vehicle (Knigh (Knight) t)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Arm Mounted Mounted Reaper chainsword • Arm Mounted lightning cannon • Hull (Front) (Front) Mounted Mounted phased phased plasma-fusil • Ion shield shield

Special Rules Special • Night Vision Vision • Overtaxed Overtaxed Reactor Reactor

I 2

A 3

HP 7

Options • The Knight Magaera may exchange its Arm Arm Mounted Reaper chainsword ffor or an: - Arm Mounted siege claw with in-built irad-cleanser.................................+25 points

LORDS DS of WAR  WAR  LOR The Knight Magaera is a technological marvel rarely   seen outside the the vassal Houses of the Mechanicum who jealously guard the  secrets of its creation  from all outsiders. outsiders. Some Questoris Households are known to be in possession of just a few of these  precious suits of armour, earned through a great   service rendered to a Forge Forge World or acquired in days long lost to history. Armed with a lightning cannon that blasts apart heavy  infantry and vehicles alike and a siege claw of  terrifying power that can breach even the strongest  enemy fortifications, the Knight Magaera is often  placed at the forefront  forefront  of Household assaults. Only the worthiest scions are granted the honour  of piloting these precious relic suits of armour, their  right earned in battle or  honour duels. Such honour  does not come without   peril as the pilot of a Knight Magaera is ever in danger, even ensconced within its armoured shell. Excessive levels of radiation  seeping from the Knight Knight’s ’s reactor core poison their  bodies while the risk of  catastrophic internal explosions in the event of  heavy damage mean that  the day a scion is selected to bond with a Knight   Magaera is cause for equal celebration and lament.


Questoris Knight Atrapos

0-1 QUESTORIS   K NIGHT  NIGHT   A  TRAPO  TRAPOS S   ........... ..............5 ...500 00 POINTS LOR LORDS DS of WAR  WAR  Knight Atrapos  A Cerastus Cerastus pattern of  ancient provenance and  staggering potency, potency, it  is a rare honour for a Household to count a Knight Atrapos among its ranks. Be it a relic recovered from the vaults of a vanquished foe or a  gift of exceptional exceptional favour  by a Forge World whose masters owed a blood-debt, the Atrapos is treated with  singular reverence reverence by the  scions of the Household Household and its power is only  employed in the direst  of circumstances. The knowledge of its inner  workings remains beyond even the wisest Sacristans, and many functions, such as the self-repai self-repairr protocols  seen on Knights Knights that  belong to the Mechanicum, are absent from suits of   Atrapos armour armour fielded by Questoris Households. The Knight Atrapos takes to the field upon the direct command of the Grand Master, where its array of exotic weapons bring fearsome ruin upon enemy war machines. During the cataclysmic wars of the Horus Heresy, it is not uncommon for  Questoris Atrapos suits to be employed against  enemy Knights or as executioners for wayward  scions who have strayed strayed  from the allegiance allegiance of their  House, the cold hunger   for destruction within within the machine spirit of the Knight Atrapos sated only 

M WS WS BS 14 4 4

S 9

 Armour Front Side Rear 13 12 12

I 4

A 4

HP 8

Unit Composition Composition

Unitt Type Uni Type

• 1 Kni Knight ght Atrapos Atrapos

• Vehicle (Knight)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Arm Mo Mounted unted Atrapos Atrapos phasecutter • Arm Mo Mounted unted singularity singularity cannon • Ion shield

Special Rules Special • Catastrophic Destruction • Flank Speed • Macro-extinction Targeting Protocols • Night Visio Vision n

with the ruination of such  great adversaries. adversaries.


Questoris Acastus Knight Asterius

0-1 QUESTORIS   A CASTUS CASTUS K NIGHT  .........................................625 POINTS NIGHT   A STERIUS STERIUS   .........................................625

Knight Asterius

M WS WS BS 12 4 4

S 110 0

 Armour Front Side Rear 14 13 12

Unit Compositio Composition n • 1 Knight Knight Asterius Asterius

Unit Type Unit Type • Vehicle Vehicle (Knigh (Knight) t)

 Wargear   Wargear  • Two Arm Mounted twin-linked twin-linked heavy conversion beam cannon • Hull (Front) (Front) Mounted Mounted Karacnos Karacnos mortar battery • Two Hull (Front) (Front) Mounted Mounted volkite culverin • Ion shield shield

Special Rules Special • Catastrophic Explosion • It Will Will Not Die (6 (6+) +) • Night Vision Vision


A 3

HP 9

The Knight Asterius is amongst the most massive and formidable engines of  destruction available to Knight Houses. A variant of  the rare Acastus class, the  Asterius  Aster ius is even more more scarce scarce than the Porphyrions of the  same patter pattern n and even even the  greatest  great est Knigh Knightt Households Households cannot claim ownership of more than a handful of   Armours.  Armour s. These These towering towering behemoths are armed with heavy conversion beam cannons able to reduce the mightiest mightiest edifices to ash and even threaten the colossal coloss al engine enginess of the Titan Legions. The secondary  weapon systems of the Knight Asterius are deadly  in their own right, the massive carapace mounted Karacnos mortar battery  capable of annihilating entire phalanxes of troop  formations  format ions or satu saturatin ratingg ramparts with high-impact  explosives while the two torso mounted volkite culverins demolish targets of priority. The use of   Asterius armour  Asterius armour is frowne frowned d upon by the young and impetuous scions of the Households as it lacks the means to engage in the  glory of perso personal nal combat, combat, but the older Knight pilots take heed of its immense  potency  poten cy for annihi annihilatio lation. n. Only the strongest of  mind amongst their ranks dare try to control the all-consum all-c onsuming ing fire ragin ragingg within the Knight Asterius’  machine spirit and most are

 soon after after consum consumed ed by it. it.




ach noble, referred to heraldically as a ‘scion’, within a Knight Household is a warrior with their own Chronicle of  Battle and the traditions and glories of their forebears to uphold. A Household’s bloodline ranges from the scions aspirant, freshly raised up to command their Armour in battle and wreathed in dreams of would-be glory, through the scions martial, the experienced fighters who make up their Household’s Household’s line of battle, to the upper up per echelons of the House who hold the traditional ranks of the Household’s command and who have already writ their own legends in battle. In times of open war, when a Knight Household takes to the field en masse, each will have their own roles to play, roles founded as much in ancient tradition as in the individual record and reputation of the Knight Armour and the warrior piloting it. Unleashed, such a tide of iron and fire is a force few powers in the galaxy can withstand.

 Any Lords of War choice selected as part of a Questoris Ho Household usehold Detachment may select one upgrad upgradee from those listed below, but note that some upgrades are limited to certain units or may only be selected a limited number of times as noted in their description.

SENESCHAL    (0-1)............................+80 POINTS

 A RBALESTER  RBALESTER    ....................................+55 POINTS

The martial traditions and aristocratic rule of the Knight  Households demanded a rigid hierarchy and at the apex of  this order was the seneschal. For a Knight to have attained a rank heavy with such symbolic authority and might, they must have proven themselves both in combat and tactical command, besides the more insidious battlefield of dynastic struggle. The role of seneschal involved both

 An Arbalester Arbalester excelled at at dealing death and and destruction at a distance, utilising their Knight’s firepower to its fullest and most devastating effect. While some of their more impetuous or glory-hungry brethren scorned their tactics as unworthy, these skilled gunners took on a vital role in the Household’s Household’s battle line, identifying and destroying enemy heavy weapons emplacements to screen their comrades’ advance and help

 practical generalship generalship and an understanding understanding of the myriad  strengths and and natures of the Imperiu Imperium’s m’s vast forces forces,, as well as the countless dangers of the cold stars and the foes that  awaited there.

 shield their fellows fellows from aerial attack. attack.

Only a single unit in a Questoris Household Detachment may be upgraded to have the Seneschal rank, and an  Acastus Knight Porphyrion or Acastus Acastus Knight Asterius may not be given this upgrade.  A model with this upgrade gains the Character Unit Unit Sub-type and increases its Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Characteristics by +1. In addition, if the Questoris Household Detachment is the Primary Detachment of  the army, then a model with this upgrade must be chosen as the army’s Warlord. Warlord. If selected as the army’s Warlord, a model with this upgrade automatically gains the following  Warlord Trait: Trait: friendly model model with the Master of the Househ Master Household old:: Any friendly  Vehicle  Vehi cle Unit Unit Type and the Knight U Unit nit Sub-typ Sub-typee within 8" of a War Warlor lord d with this Warlor Warlord d Trait Trait may make make Reacti Reactions ons as per the standa standard rd rules, rules, ignori ignoring ng the usual restriction restriction for Knights and Titans. Titans. In addition, addition, an army whose Warlord Warlord has this Trait Trait may make make an add additi itional onal Reacti Reaction on during during their oppone opp onent’ nt’ss Shoot Shooting ing phase phase as long as the War Warlor lord d has not been removed removed as a casu casualty. alty.

 A model with this upgrade increases its its Ballistic Skill Characteristic by +1 and gains the Character Character Unit Sub-type and Arbalester special rule.

 Arbalester: When a model with this special rule is required to make a Scatter roll, roll an additional Scatter dice and the model’s controlling player chooses which is used to determine the results of the Scatter roll.

 A SPIRANT  SPIRANT  .........................................-30 POINTS The Knight Households were not simply a military force but  a hereditary bloodline of war, a bloodline whose sons and daughters were tempered in the fires of battle from a young age. Such an apprenticeship was a dangerous one, but vital to the maintenance of a Household’s strength across the  generations.  generation s. Only the most desperate desperate of battles battles would force a Household to endanger all of its aspirants at once however, and so, competition was fierce among the fighting-age youth  seeking to join their their kin on the field field of battle.  A model with this upgrade must reduce reduce its Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Characteristics by -1 and its Movement Characteristics by -2.


 A UCTELLER  UCTELLER    .....................................+55 POINTS

PRECEPTOR   ....................................+45 POINTS

Though on many Knight Worlds affairs of honour were  settled through highly highly ritualised duels, duels, when pressed, massed massed battle was inevitable. In such warfare the Aucteller was oath sworn to strike down the foe’s greatest warriors warriors at the cost  of their own life. During the Great Crusade such tactics were  suppressed, but but as the wars of the Horus Heresy Heresy unfolded, the

Sometimes a scion would display a particular facility for  technology and serve time observing and learning from their  Household’s Househol d’s sacristans. These scions were able to impart  not only the lore of arms to the Household’s aspirants, aspirants, but  also to teach a deeper understanding of the Knight Armour  and the division of machine and man, earning themselves

need for such sacrifices was born again.

the honoured title of preceptor within the Household. The  preceptor’s lore could also be put  preceptor’s put to use on the battlefield, battlefield, allowing them to use advanced augury and auspex equipment which served the role of tactical coordination and communications for their Household in battle.

 A model with this upgrade increases its Weapon Weapon Skill Characteristic by +1 and gains the Character Unit Unit Sub-type and the Aucteller special rule.

 Aucteller: When engaged in a Challenge against an enemy model with the Knight, Titan or Monstrous Unit Subtype, the Primarch Unit Type or a model with a Wounds Characteristic of 8 or higher, a model with this special rule gains +1 Weapon Skill and +1 Attack. This bonus to Weapon Skill is in addition to the +1 Weapon Skill increase from the Aucteller upgrade detailed above.

 A model with this upgrade increases its its Ballistic Skill Characteristic by +1 and gains the Character Character Unit Sub-type and Preceptor special rule. Warglaives or Armiger Preceptor: Any units of Armiger Warglaives Helverins that have at least one model within 6" of  a friendly model with this special rule increase the Leadership of all models in the unit to 9.

DOLOROUS   ..................... .......................................+35 ..................+35 POINTS The title ‘Dolorous’ was bestowed upon the most famed beast   slayers among the the Knights of the Household. It also implied one to whom life beyond the confines of their Knight Armou Armour  r  was a pale and hollow thing. Such Knights often sought  deployment in the forefront of battle and would charge into every fray. Those who survived learned to temper their fury  but not the restless desire for continuous battle, and many  would go on to become Freeblades. Freeblades.  A model with this upgrade increases its Weapon Weapon Skill Characteristic by +1, and gains the Character Unit Unit Subtype and the Dolorous special rule.

Dolorous: A model with this special rule may attempt to make Sweeping Advances (as an exception to the normal

U Uhlan ............................................+30 The tradition was one followed by the most hotblooded and impetuous Knights. In war, they sought to destroy their foes in a fury of close-range fire and swift  assault. Caution was anathema to them and valour was  found only in the close close press of battle. battle. The scions Uhlan Uhlan were used by the wiser Household commanders as advance scouts and reavers, either to form the front skirmish line of the Household in the open field or as flanking forces to encircle a  foe and run down an enemy once it had bbroken. roken. HLAN


 A model with this upgrade increases its its Movement Characteristic by +4 and gains the Character Unit Unit Subtype and the Scout and Outflank special rules. An Acastus Acastus Knight Porphyrion may not be given this upgrade.

rules for models with the Knight Unit Sub-type).

IMPLACABLE   ....................................+65 POINTS  An epithet applied applied to a Household Kn Knight ight who had shown a particular aptitude for siege warfare, an ‘Implacable’ was an invaluable warrior in the maelstrom of cityscape warfare. In such situations a Knight, despite its power, could become  swarmed by enemy infantry. Not so so the Implacable Implacable,, whose caution on the battlefield seemed not to diminish their fervour   for crushing infantry like vermin.  A model with this upgrade increases its Hull Hull Points by +1, gains the Character Unit Sub-type and the Implacable special rule.

K NIGHT N IGHTS S AND AND THE CHARACTER    UNIT   SUB- TYPE Unless otherwise specified, specified, a model with the Knig Knight ht Unit Sub-type and the Character Unit Sub-type may not issue or accept Challenges – except when the enemy unit includes at least one model with the Knight, Titan or Monstrous Monstrous Uni Unitt Sub-type or the Primarch Unit Type, and in those tho se circumstances the Challenge must be accepted by a model with the Knight, Titan or Monstrous Monstrous Uni Unitt Sub-type or the Primarch Unit Type. While Engaged in a Challenge, a model with the Knight and Character Unit Unit Sub-types may not leave combat or the Challenge and may not

Implacable: No attack targeting a model with this special rule may inflict more than a single Hull Point of damage, damage, including those attacks with the Exoshock (X) special rule.

make any Stomp attacks.



his Army List includes a number of new Unit Types and Unit Sub-types to represent the vast panoply of the Mechanicum at the height of their ambition. These Unit Types and Unit Sub-types are presented here for easy reference and operate under the rules established for Unit Types and Unit Sub-types in the the Horus  Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook:

RMIGER    UNIT   T  YPE  A  Like the Dreadnoughts of the Legiones Astartes these war 

 YBERNETICA    UNIT   SUB- TYPE C Powerful hulking war machines equipped with the finest 

machines are huge behemoths of steel and ceramite, all but  invulnerable to lesser weapons. However, unlike the war  machines of the Space Marines these indomitable engines of  war are piloted by the aspirants of the Knight Households and lack the decades of experience and mental discipline of  the Dreadnought’s occupant. Thankfully, the sheer firepower  most Armiger type war engines can deliver more than makes up for their shortcomings.

weapons and bulky armour, these units are given the sole  purpose of bringing bringing ruin upon a foe.

 As with other Unit Types, the Armiger Armiger Type includes a number of Unit Sub-types which may be referenced in other Age of Darkness books. The following rules apply to all Armiger models and any Armiger Unit Sub-types:

The following rules apply to all models with the Cybernetica Unit Sub-type: • Models with the C Cybernetica ybernetica Unit Sub-type are subject to the Programmed Behaviour provision. During both the controlling player’s Shooting phase and the Charge sub-phase, an Automata unit must attempt a Shooting  Attack and/or Charge if there is an enemy enemy unit within range, and must target the closest enemy unit possible that is within its line of sight and is a valid target for a Shooting Attack or Charge. If two or more targets are

• Successful Wounds Wounds scored by attacks with the Poisoned Poisoned (X) or Fleshbane special rules must be re-rolled against models of the Armiger Unit Type. • All Armiger models have the the Stubborn special rule. • A model with the Armiger Un Unit it Type may fire all weapons they are equipped with in each Shooting  Attack they make, including including as part of a Reaction. • A model of the Armiger Type Type may fire Heavy and Ordnance weapons and counts as Stationary even if  it moved in the preceding Movement phase, and may declare Charges as normal regardless of any Shooting  Attacks made in the same turn. • No model that is not also of the Armiger Armiger Unit Type may  join a unit that includes an Armiger model.

equally close then the controlling player chooses which will be the target of a Shooting Attack or Charge. • A model with the C Cybernetica ybernetica Unit Sub-type may fire all weapons they are equipped with in each Shooting  Attack they make, including including as part of a Reaction where eligible (this rule on its own does not allow units to make Reactions if they would otherwise be prevented from doing so). • Models with the C Cybernetica ybernetica Unit Sub-type may fire Heavy and Ordnance weapons and count as Stationary even if they moved in the preceding Movement phase, and may declare Charges as normal regardless of any Shooting Attacks made in the same turn. • Models with the Cybernetic Cyberneticaa Unit Sub-type ignore any penalties to their Initiative Characteristic when Charging into or through Difficult Terrai Terrain n or Dangerous Terrain.




Such units are programmed for little by way of independent  initiative, but only to protect their master at the expense of  their own existence.

The finest warriors, be they honed flesh and blood or  masterwork automaton, are capable of feats of arms and endurance unthinkable to standard humans.

The following rules apply to all models with the Guardian Unit Sub-type:

The following rules apply to all models with the Paragon Unit Sub-type:

• Units including including models with with the Guardi Guardian an Unit Sub-type may Embark freely upon models with the Transport Unit Sub-type and within Buildings and Fortifications as if they had the Infantry Type, even if  their Unit Type would normally restrict this. • Units including including models with with the Guardi Guardian an Unit Sub-type may be joined by friendly models with the Character Unit Sub-type or Independent Character special rule, and when they are joined in this manner may make Reactions, even if their Unit Type would normally restrict this. • If a unit contains any models with the Guardian Unit Sub-type as well as one or more models with the Character Unit Sub-type, any Wounds which would be allocated to the Character (even those caused by the

• Models with the Paragon Unit Sub-type are not affected by special rules that negatively modify their Characteristics (other than Wounds or Hull Points). • A model with the Paragon Un Unit it Sub-type may fire all weapons they are equipped with in each Shooting  Attack they make, including including as part of a Reaction. • Models wi with th the Paragon Paragon Unit Sub-type may fire Heavy and Ordnance weapons and count as Stationary even if  they moved in the preceding Movement phase, and may declare Charges as normal regardless of any Shooting  Attacks made in the same turn. • A unit that contains a model with the Paragon Paragon Unit Sub-type may never be joined by any other models, regardless of any other special rule.

Precision Strikes (X) or Sniper special rules) may instead be allocated to a model with the Guardian Unit Subtype first. • Unless they are joined by a friendly Character, all models with the Guardian Unit Sub-type suffer the following provisions: - Reduce their Movement Characteristic by -2 and may not Run. - Reduce their Initiative Characteristic to 1.

UNIQUE   UNIT   SUB- TYPE  Among the warriors warriors of the Horus Heresy Heresy are many many singular  heroes, those whose names are known throughout the galaxy. Likewise, there are those individual war machines whose legacy of destruction has spread their names across uncounted battlefields.. Such heroes, prototypes and icons are rare and battlefields though their power can tip any battle in their favour, they can only be in one place at a time. The following rules apply to all models with the Unique Unit Sub-type: • An army may not include more than a single instance of a unit with this Unit Sub-type. For example, if Unit A  and Unit B both have the Unique Unit Sub-type, then a single army could include one of Unit A and one of Unit B, but no more than one of either unit. • A model or unit composed eentirely ntirely of models models with the Unique Unit Sub-type may not select any options other than those included on its Army List Profile Profile (this includes options provided by other sources, such as Orders of High Techno-arcana).


CYBERTHEURGY  On the battlefields of the Horus Heresy, the Mechanicum is fear feared ed not only for the power of the war engines it produces, but also for the terrifying control they wield over all forms of technology, a control so absolute that to some it seems as strange and potent as the warp-magic of the psyker. By means of the arts known as Cybertheurgy, the magi of the Mechanicum can unleash terrible data-djinn to corrupt systems, overload power cells and even turn the enemy’s own weapons against them. In games of Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness, certain models may make use of Cybertheurgy to attack the enemy and confound their plans. Cybertheurgic Attacks will use the existing rules for attacking the enemy, being resolved as either Shooting or Melee Attacks, and occur during the Shooting and Assault phases as do other o ther attacks. Cybertheurgic Rites, any effect of Cybertheurgy that is not represented as a weapon and resolved as an attack, are also resolved during one o of  f  the existing Phases, but often have their own unique rules, each of which is explained as part of that power. In all cases, to use a Cybertheurgic Attack, weapon or Rite, a model must possess the Cybertheurgist Unit Sub-type.

C YBERTHEURGIST  Much like Character, Cybertheurgist is a Unit Sub-type that can be applied to a model of any other Unit Type. This is used to indicate models that are capable of using Cybertheurgic Rites and weapons. On its own this Unit Sub-type grants no abilities or rules, but many other rules, weapons and abilities will target or require a model with this Unit Sub-type in order to be used. Often a rule will reference or target a ‘Cybertheurgist’ – this means any model with the Cybertheurgist Unit Sub-type. Models that are or can become Cybertheurgists are also often given the option to acquire other abilities or attacks that require that Unit Sub-type. If such options exist, they will be noted on that unit’s profile or Army List entry. The following example shows the most common unit that also has the Cybertheurgist Unit Sub-type: • Mechanicum Archmagos Archmagos Prime: Infantry (Character, (Character, Cybertheurgist)

This means any rules or weapons that have additional effects when targeting or activated by a Cybertheurgist Cybertheurgist would apply those effects effects to a model with this this Unit Sub-type. Throughout the rules for Cybertheurgy there are references to ‘Cybertheurgy checks’ – a Cybertheurgy check is a kind of Leadership test and is taken in exactly the same manner as any other Leadership test – however, special rules that allow a model to modify or automatically pass Leadership tests have no no effect on Cybertheurgy checks. It is also worth noting that while Cybertheurgy and the rules for its use are very similar to those used for Psychic Powers and the Psyker Unit Sub-type, these two sets of  o f  rules do not interact with each other. Effects Effects that modify Psychic Powers or attacks attacks have no effect on Cybertheurgic Rites or attacks, and effects effects that target Psykers have no effect on Cybertheurgists unless the effect effect also specifically targets them.




The most common form of Cybertheurgic power encountered on the battlefield battlefield are those that act in a manner akin to more conventional weapons. Whether the esoteric manipulation of energy or the release of datadjinn, these attacks are presented and function in exactly the same manner as any other weapon. They use exactly

Models with the Cybertheurgist Unit Sub-type gain a number of special rules and abilities to represent their technical mysteries. These collections of abilities are known as Arcana, and represent one of a myriad of  possible focuses for a Cybertheurgist. Each Arcana will be composed of a set of special rules, Cybertheurgic Weapons

the same rules, Characteristics and resolution methods as any other attack made and can be both ranged and melee.

and Cybertheurgic Rites themed to represent specific talents of a certain focus of technical esoterica, and those  Arcana available to a given Cybertheurgist Cybertheurgist will be listed on their Army List entry. Some models may be able to choose from several different different Arcana, however, they only gain abilities from one that is selected or set as part of  their basic abilities. When a model or unit is granted an  Arcana or asked to select select one, they gain all the powers, attacks and other rules included as part of that Arcana. Some models may be able to take more than one Arcana, if so, they gain all abilities from all Arcana selected. A set of Cybertheurgic Arcana is presented as follows, but other publications may present additional Arcana.

 A Cybertheurgist that gains a Cybertheurgic Cybertheurgic attack has it in the same manner as any other model has Wargear that is part of its profile. A model that has the Cybertheurgist Unit Sub-type may make Shooting Attacks using any ranged Cybertheurgic weapon available to it (or more than one, or in combination with ranged non-Cybertheurgic weapons if that model has a rule that allows more than one weapon to be used during a Shooting Attack) or during the Assault phase a Cybertheurgist may attack  using a Cybertheurgic weapon with the Melee type. In close combat, a Cybertheurgic weapon with the th e Melee type does count for deciding if a model has more than one weapon, but obeys all al l the usual restrictions. However, However, a Cybertheurgic weapon can never be destroyed or otherwise removed from a model unless a rule specifically targets a Cybertheurgic weapon. In most cases, the Cybertheurgic Arcana available to a Cybertheurgist will provide one or more Cybertheurgic  Weapons as part of their portfolio portfolio of abilities (see pages 94-96 94-96). ).

Cybertheurg Cyber theurgic ic Feedback  Feedback  Common to all forms of Cybertheurgic Ritual is the possibility of the temperamental spirits of the machine rebelling and sending feedback cascading through the consciousness of the cybertheurgist. This is represented by the Cybertheurgic Feedback special rule. Most Cybertheurgic Rites and attacks dictate under what conditions a Cybertheurgist Cybertheurgist must suffer Cybertheurgic Feedback, but in most cases this will be as the result of a failed Leadership test while using a Cybertheurgic Rite or attack.

C YBERTHEURGIC   R ITES ITES The next type of Cybertheurgic ability falls under the more common heading of Cybertheurgic Rites. These abilities can achieve many diverse ends, from simple destruction to the subtle subversion of the enemy, and

 Whenever a Cybertheurgist or other model/unit suffers suffers Cybertheurgic Feedback, apply the rule below:

are represented in a form more akin to special rules in order to represent the many effects effects a trained magos of the Mechanicum can produce. Not all Cybertheurgists have access to the same suite of Rites, and those available to any given model will be detailed in that model’s model’s profile or  Army List. The key difference difference between a Cybertheurgic Rite and a Cybertheurgic weapon is that a Rite is not resolved as a standard attack and has its own rules for resolving any effects it may cause, much like other special rules.

Cybertheurgic Feedback, it receives a single Wound against which only Invulnerable Saves may be taken (no Damage Mitigation rolls may be made to negate these  Wounds).. This Wound must be allocated to a model with  Wounds) the Cybertheurgist Unit Sub-type if possible, otherwise it may be allocated to any model in the unit that has suffered Cybertheurgic Feedbac Feedback, k, in the same manner as those received during a Shooting Attack. In addition, the Cybertheurgist and any unit it is currently part of  are immediately Pinned. If the Cybertheurgist is a model with the Vehicle or Automata Unit Type then it suffers D3 Hull Points of damage or Wounds against which only Invulnerable Saves may be taken instead, but the unit is not Pinned.

In most cases the Cyberthe Cybertheurgic urgic Arcana available to a Cybertheurgist will provide one or more Cybertheurgic Rites as part of their portfolio portfolio of abilities abilities (see pages 94-96 94-96). ).

Cybertheurgicc Feedback: When a model or unit suffers Cybertheurgi




 A Cybertheurgist with this Arcana Arcana gains all the listed Rites, Weapon and other special rules.

 A Cybertheurgist with this Arcana Arcana gains all the listed Rites, Weapon and other special rules.

 Animatus Integro (Cybertheurgic Rite)

Cybernetic Cybe rneticaa Exortus Exortus (Cyberth (Cybertheurgic eurgic Rite) Rite)

 Manipulatingg the machine spirit  Manipulatin spirit of any complex machin machine, e,

The master magi of the Cybernetica cohorts are well versed

the cybertheurgist is capable of remote activation of repair   sub-routines and of repurposing repurposing auxiliary systems to to perform repairs other lesser artificers might have deemed impossible. Such is the formidable skill of these machine-wrights that   such ministrations ministrations are carried ou outt from afar, without laying hand nor tool upon the shattered hull of the stricken machine.

in the intricacies of their steel charges; they know the incantations to coax the greatest potential from them. In incantations battle it is by their efforts that the unfeeling legions of the  Mechanicum can can overcome the fickle and unpredicta unpredictable ble armies of flesh and blood soldiers.

Instead of making a Shooting Attack, a Cybertheurgist with this Cybertheurgic Rite may may apply the effects of any version of the Battlesmith (X) special rule they have to a single model with the Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type that is within 12" of the Cybertheurgist. The effect is rolled for as normally required required by the Battlesmith (X) special rule, but does not require the Cybertheurgist to be in base contact or Embarked upon the model. If  successful, the controlling player may choose to make a Cybertheurgy check for the Cybertheurgist model, if  successful then the effect of the Battlesmith (X) special rule is applied twice without further rolls (i.e., an additional Wound is restored, or an additional Weapon Destroyed result removed from the target, etc.). If the Cybertheurgy check is failed then the Cybertheurgist suffers Cybertheurgic Feedback.

 Animatus Excindor (Cybertheurgic Weapon)  Just as Cybermancy Cybermancy can over-charge over-charge a machine’s machine’s ssystems ystems to  power its re-invigoration, re-invigoration, so can can it overload those systems systems and crush the heart of even the most powerful war machines.

Ra Rang ngee St Strr AP Ty Type pe  Animatu  Anim atuss Excind Excindor or




Assault D6, Haywire, Data-djinn, Cybertheurgic Focus

making any To Hit rolls Cybertheurgic Cybertheu rgic Focus: Focus: Before making with this weapon, the Cybertheurgist must make a Cybertheurgy check. If the Check is passed then the Cybertheurgist may attack as normal using the profile shown for this weapon. If the Check is failed then the Cybertheurgist suffers Cybertheurgic Feedback, and if the model is not removed as a casualty then it may attack as normal but may not use this weapon.

Instead of making a Shooting Attack, a Cybertheurgist with this Cybertheurgic Rite may select a single friendly unit with a model within 12" which contains at least one model with the Automata Unit Type and apply one of the following effects effects to all models with the Automata Unit Type in the unit: • When making a Charge roll for the unit in the same turn as this Rite is used, roll an additional dice and discard the lowest rolled dice before determining the results of the Charge roll. • The unit (not each individual model) ignores the first  Wound inflicted upon it in each Shooting Attack that targets it until the beginning of the controlling player’s next player turn. Simply discard that Wound without allocating it to a model. • The unit adds +1 to iits ts BS for the remainder of the Shooting phase in which this power is used. • Until the start of the controlling playe player’s r’s next turn as the Active player, the unit may ignore the restriction against making Reactions imposed by the Automata Unit Type. The Cybertheurgist’s controlling player may choose to make a Cybertheurgy check before using this power, if the Check is successful then two different different options may be applied to the target unit instead of one. If the Check is failed then no options may be chosen and the Cybertheurgist suffers suffers Cybertheurgic Feedbac Feedback. k.


Mordeo Morde o Cogita (Cyberthe (Cybertheurgic urgic Weapon) Weapon)  Many have thought the automata of the Mechanicum Mechanicum amon amongg the toughest warriors to tread the battlefields of the Age of  Darkness, but by means of coded incantations the adepts of  the Arcana Cybernetica can purge the engrams of these metal beasts, bringing them to a sudden stop with but a thought.

Mordeo C Co ogita

Ra Rang ngee St Strr AP Ty Type pe 12" 10 1 Assault 11,, Data-djinn, Instant Death, Cybertheurgic Focus

Cybertheurgic Cybertheu rgic Focus: Focus: Before making making any To Hit rolls with this weapon, the Cybertheurgist must make a Cybertheurgy check. If the Check is passed then the Cybertheurgist may attack as normal using the profile shown for this weapon. If the Check is failed then the Cybertheurgist suffers Cybertheurgic Feedback, and if the model is not removed as a casualty then it may attack as normal but may not use this weapon.


Instead of making a Shooting Attack, a Cybertheurgist with this Cybertheurgic Rite may select a single enemy unit with a model within 12" that is entirely composed of models with the Vehicle or Automata Unit Type. The Cybertheurgist’s Cybertheurg ist’s controlling player may immediately make a Shooting Attack as if they controlled the chosen unit – this Shooting Attack may target any unit that is considered an enemy unit by b y the Cybertheurgist’s controlling player and is made as Snap Shots. The Cybertheurgist may choose to make a Cybertheurgy check  before making this Shooting Attack, if successful the Shooting Attack is made using the Cybertheurgist’s BS and is not made as Snap Shots. If the Check is failed then the Cybertheurgist suffers Cybertheurgic Feedback Feedback and no Shooting Attack is made. An enemy unit used to make a Shooting Attack with this Rite may attack normally in its controlling player’s turn and gains the Hatred (Cybertheurgists) (Cybertheurgis ts) special rule for the rest of the battle.

Ephemera Ephe mera Exocluo Exocluo (Cybertheu (Cybertheurgic rgic Weapon) Weapon) There are few warriors on the battlefields of the Age of  Darkness that do not rely on some form of technological aid to function, from targeting scanners to vox communicators.  A magos skilled in the ephemera exocluo exocluo can disrupt, destroy  destroy  and subvert these devices and leave their users helpless.

 A Cybertheurgist with this Arcana Arcana gains all the listed Rites, Weapons and other special rules. Ephemera Exocluo

Ephemera Ephem era Perfidiae Perfidiae (Cyberthe (Cybertheurgic urgic Rite) Rite) The sheer ubiquity of the Machine Cult’s works in every fighting  force on on bot both h side sidess of th thee civil civil war give give th thee more insidi insidious ous tech-magi an incredible amount of power over their enemies. With little more than a thought and a muttered binaric chant, a canny technomancer can alter their opponent’s target priority  and friendly fire protocols, deceiving them into into bearing down on their allies.

Rang Rangee St Strr AP Ty Type pe 24" 3 - Assault 6, Data-djinn, Blind,  Vox Silence, Cybertheurgic Focus

Cybertheurgic Focus: Before making any To Hit rolls Cybertheurgic with this weapon, the Cybertheurgist must make a Cybertheurgy check. If the Check is passed then the Cybertheurgist may attack as normal using the profile shown for this weapon. If the Check is failed then the Cybertheurgist suffers suffers Cybertheurgic Feedback, and if the model is not removed as a casualty then it may attack as normal but may not use this weapon.




 A Cybertheurgist with this Arcana Arcana gains all the listed Rites, Weapons and other special rules.

 A Cybertheurgist with this Arcana Arcana gains all the listed Rites, Weapons and other special rules.

Ephemera Ephem era Instigare Instigare (Cyberthe (Cybertheurgic urgic Rite) Rite)

Portaa Fractis Port Fractis (Cyberthe (Cybertheurgic urgic Rite) Rite)

Flesh bound to the will of iron is the trade of the

There is no gate or portal that can be held against the magi

Lacyraemarta, Lacyraemart a, thralls for the armies and forges of the  Mechanicum. In battle they use use their cybertheurgic cybertheurgic talents talents to  goad their minions into into battle regardless regardless of the danger danger or the brutal injuries they suffer in the process.

of the Ordo Reductor. No bar nor lock will halt their passage and no enemy will find refuge from their onslaught. The datadjinn and subtle knowledge at their disposal will turn any key  and expel any that cower in the false security of fortifications.

Instead of making a Shooting Attack, a Cybertheurgist with this Cybertheurgic Rite may select a single friendly unit within 12" that is entirely composed of models with the Infantry Unit Type and is of the Mechanicum Faction. The chosen unit may immediately move a number of inches up to twice its unmodified unmodified Initiative Characteristic directly towards the nearest enemy unit. If the chosen unit has mixed Initiative Characteristics, use the highest unmodified Characteristic. The Cybertheurgist’s Cybertheurgis t’s controlling player may choose to make a

Instead of making a Shooting Attack, a Cybertheurgist with this Cybertheurgic Rite may select a single Building, Fortification or enemy unit with the Transport U Unit nit Sub-type that has an enemy unit Embarked within and is within 12" of the Cybertheurgist and must then make a Cybertheurgy check. If the Check is successful then the enemy unit Embarked on the chosen target must immediately make an emergency Disembarkation and once Disembarked must make a Pinning test. If the Cybertheurgy check is failed then the Cybertheurgist

Cybertheurgy check for the Cybertheurgist. If the Check  is successful, then the chosen unit gains the Hammer of Wrath (1) and Furious Charge (1) special rules until the end of the subsequent Assault phase. If the Check  is failed, the chosen unit and the Cybertheurgist suffer Cybertheurgic Feedback.

suffers Cybertheurgic Feedback. This Cybertheurgic Rite may not target an enemy model with the Flyer, Super-heavy, Knight or Titan Unit Sub-type.

Manos Ruinus Ruinus (Cyberthe (Cybertheurgic urgic Weapon) Weapon) Ephemera Ephem era Excrusis Excrusis (Cyberthe (Cybertheurgic urgic Weapon) Weapon) The adepts of the Lacyraemarta Lacyraemarta are experts on the application and manipulation of pain to motivate and damage flesh. In combat they often employ short range bursts of exotic radiation and energy discharges to weaken and disrupt  the enemy.

Ra Rang ngee St Strr AP Ty Type pe Ephemera Excrusis




Me Melee, Fleshbane, Rad-phage, Concussive (3), Cybertheurgic Focus

Cybertheurgic Cybertheu rgic Focus: Focus: Before making making any To Hit rolls with this weapon, the Cybertheurgist must make a Cybertheurgy check. If the Check is passed then the Cybertheurgist may attack as normal using the profile shown for this weapon. If the Check is failed then the Cybertheurgist suffers Cybertheurgic Feedback, and if the model is not removed as a casualty then it may attack as normal but may not use this weapon.

 A mere gesture gesture from the adepts of the the Ordo Reductor sunders sunders armour and reduces fortifications to ruin, they know exactly  where to strike any defence to shatter it utterly.

Manos Ruinus

Rang Rangee St Strr AP Ty Type pe 10 1 Melee, Data-djinn,  Armourbane, Exoshock (3+), Unwieldy, Cumbersome, Cybertheurgic Focus

Cybertheurgic Focus: Before making any To Hit rolls Cybertheurgic with this weapon, the Cybertheurgist must make a Cybertheurgy check. If the Check is passed then the Cybertheurgist may attack as normal using the profile shown for this weapon. If the Check is failed then the Cybertheurgist suffers suffers Cybertheurgic Feedback, and if the model is not removed as a casualty then it may attack as normal but may not use this weapon.


 THE ORD ORDERS ERS OF HIG HIGH H TEC TECHNO HNO-AR -ARCAN CANA  A  The Taghmata Omnissiah’s Omnissiah’s intricate web of feudal obligation was further complicated by the secretive and specialised nature of the Mechanicum’s cultish mysteries. Each archmagos possessed not only immense political power, but also  jealously guarded techno-arcane secrets. secrets. As a result, when called into service by their trans trans-Martian -Martian overlord, each archmagos could bring to bear a force as unique in their style of warmaking as the archmagos themselves.  All Archmagos Primes and Archmagos Primes on Abeyant have The Orders of High Tec Techno-arcan hno-arcanaa special rule – this requires them to select a single High Techno-arcana upgrade during army selection. However, no Archmagos Prime or Archmagos Prime on Abeyant may take more than one such upgrade, and some upgrades may not be available to all types of Archmagos Prime. If certain upgrades are available to only certain Archmagos Primes, it will be noted in their description along with any other benefits or restrictions. Note that no High Order of Techno-arc Techno-arcana ana may be chosen more than once in a single army, regardless of the number of Detachments. Each High Techno-arcana upgrade grants the model a number of additional special rules or items of additional Wargear. They may also modify the model’s Unit Type, Unit Sub-type or Characteristics. In all cases, the High Techno-arcana type’s description description will indicate all changes, benefits and restrictions. In addition, the rules for each individual High Techno-arca Techno-arcana na will present a number of effects which will grant a Detachment that contains a model with that High Techno-arcana new options or special rules. Unless otherwise stated as part of the High Techno-arcana’s Techno-arcana’s rules, all effects must be applied to models and units that are selected as part of the Detachment that contains a model with that High Techno-arcana. In addition, unlike Warlord Traits, Traits, effects granted to units within a Detachment by the High Techno-arcana persist, should the model that possesses the Orders of High Techno-arcana Techno-arc ana rule be removed from play.

 A RCHIMANDRITE RCHIMANDRITE  At the pinnacle pinnacle of each Forge W World’s orld’s intricate web of power  and fealty sits the archimandrite class; they who have risen above all to supreme power. In their hands are entrusted the  secrets of the lost lost Dark Age of Technology, Technology, its treasures and and its  secret sins. At At their will does the vast power of a Forge Forge World World march to war; whether it be under the banner of the Emperor  or the Warmaster, they are rulers in their own right.

• Bonds Bonds of Vassa Vassalag lage: e: A model w with ith this special rule must be the army army’s ’s Warlord. Warlord. In additi addition, on, a Mechanicum Mechanicum army that includes includes a model with with this this special special rule may include include a Mechanicum Mechanicum Allied Allied Detachment. Detachment. An Archmagos Archmagos Prime or Archmagos Archmagos Pr Prime ime on Abeyant Abeyant included included in in this Allied Allied Detachment cannot select select the Archimandrite Order of  High Techno-arcana Techno-arcana..

• Magi Magister ster Theur Theurgica: gica: A model with this special rule may select an additional Cybertheurgic Arcana from those available to it. • Mast Master er Tech Technom nomanc ancer: er: Models with the Battlesmith (X) special rule in a Detachment that includes a model with this special rule may add the following following effect to the list of options they may apply to units with the Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type targeted by the Battlesmith (X) rule: - Until the end of the Shooting phase, the target unit may make Shooting Attacks using the Ballistic Skill of  the model that successfully used the Battlesmith (X) rule. - Until the end of the Shooting phase, the target gains the Power of the Machine Spirit special rule. This effect may only be applied to units with the Vehicle Vehicle Unit Type.




 Most often found found leading the Cohorts Cohorts Cyberne Cybernetica, tica, these magi are masters at manipulating the automata found throughout  the armies of the Mechanicum.

 Masters of the the thralls and servitors servitors that work the forges forges and march to war in the name of the Mechanicum, the Lacyraemarta Lacyraemar ta can marshal vast hosts to the battlefield at  need and have few qualms at expending the lives of their   servitors to grasp victory.

• Cohorts Cohorts Cybernet Cybernetica: ica: All Castellax Battle-automata Maniples in a Detachment that includes a model with this special rule gain the Line Unit Sub-type. • Network Networked ed Sensorium Sensorium Protocols: Protocols: When making Shooting Attacks, models with the Automata Unit Type in a Detachment that includes a model with this special rule reduce the benefits of any Cover Save the target unit has by -2 (a 4+ becoming a 6+, a 5+ being ignored entirely, and so on) if the model making the Shooting  Attack is within 12" of two or more friendly models with cortex controllers. • Preservation Preservation Protocols: Protocols: A model with this special rule gains the Patris Cybernetica special rule. In addition, when joined to a unit with the Automata Unit Type, any Wounds which would be allocated to the Character (even those caused by the Precision Strikes (X) or Sniper special rules) may instead be allocated to a model with the Automata Unit Type first.

• Incor Incorrupt ruptible ible Flesh Flesh:: Any Hits allocated to a model with this special rule, or any model with the Infantry Unit Type in a unit they join, with the Rending (X), Poisoned (X) or Fleshbane special rules only affect that model on a D6 roll of a 6 instead of their usual effect. • Opu Opuss Viscer Viscera: a: If a model with the Battlesmith (X) special rule in a Detachment that includes a model with this special rule is in base contact with at least one model in a unit comprised of only models with the Infantry Unit Type during the Shooting phase, they can attempt to enhance that unit instead of making a Shooting Attack. Roll a D6. If the result is equal to or more than the value listed in brackets as part of  the Battlesmith (X) rule, then one of the following effects may be applied to the unit this model is in base contact with: - Restore a lost Wound. This will not return a model that has been previously removed from the battle. - The unit may immediately move a number of inches equal to twice the Initiative Characteristic of the majority of models in the unit. This movement is not Running, and therefore, if the unit did not Run in the Movement phase, it may still make Shooting Attacks and declare a Charge as normal for the remainder of  the turn. • The Sangui Sanguine ne Hoo Hook: k: A model with this special rule gains the Ephemera Lacyraemarta Cybertheurgic  Arcana, but may not select any other Cybertheurgic Cybertheurgic  Arcana from those available with the Cybertheurgist Cybertheurgist special rule.




Often the most numerous of the classes of magos who govern the Forge Worlds, the macrotek are venerated fane and  forge masters, the the tech-wrights of the great macro-furnaces macro-furnaces that power the endless cycle of production, and at whose ministrationss the vast engines of industry and war thunder. ministration

The sinister Malagra are the magos-warlords of the Prefecture Magisterium, Magisterium, charged with enforcing the doctrine of the Omnissiah and the execution of the heretek and the transgressor.

• Ictus Ictus In Insid sidiae iae:: Any models with the Character Unit  Tech-Priest iest Auxilia units in a • High High Engin Enginsee seer: r: Tech-Pr Detachment that includes a model with this special rule may be taken as Troops choices. However, any TechPriest Auxilia that are taken in this way must choose the Enginseer Techno-arc Techno-arcana. ana. • Moderati Moderati Muni Munitori toria: a: During the battle’s set-up, but before Objective markers have been placed or deployment has been determined, the player that controls a model with this special rule may choose to alter the terrain set-up on the battlefield. The player that controls a model with this special rule may choose to move up to three pieces of terrain each up to 6", so long as their final position is not within 2" of another piece of terrain. If two or more players control models with this special rule, they roll off. They then take turns

Sub-type in a Detachment that includes a model with this special rule may upgrade a machinator array or servo-arm they are equipped with to include an in-built prehensile data-spike for +10 points.  Tech-Priest est Auxilia units in a • Inte Interfect rfector or Auxilia: Auxilia: Tech-Pri Detachment that includes a model with this special rule may choose the Interfector Techno-arcana Techno-arcana instead of  Enginseer, Lachrimallus, or Reductor options. -  Interfector: Tec  Tech-Pri h-Priests ests and Magos Auxilia in the unit are each equippe equipped d with a prehens prehensile ile data-spike data-spike.. In addition, additi on, mod models els in the unit gain gain the Scout special special rule. rule. • Sac Sacred red Mi Missi ssion: on: A single Arcuitor Magisterium unit in a Detachment that includes a model with this special rule may be taken as an HQ choice. A unit taken in this way loses the Hunter Killer special rule and instead gains the

choosing and moving terrain, starting with the winner of the roll-off, until each player has moved three pieces of terrain, or chosen to pass. A piece of terrain can only be moved once by this rule. • Rector Aedificii: Aedificii: Models with the Battlesmith (X) special rule in a Detachment that includes a model with this special rule may repair Buildings in addition to units with the Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type. In addition, they add the following following effects to the list of options they may apply to models targeted by the Battlesmith (X) rule: - Until the start of the controlling player’s next turn, any Hits allocated to the chosen model, with the Breaching (X), Exoshock (X) or Rending (X) special rules only affect that model on a D6 roll of a 6 instead

Scout and Court of Executioners special rules. Note that this unit is still a 0-1 choice, so if it is taken as an HQ, another Arcuitor Magisterium unit cannot be taken as an Elites choice and vice versa. -  Court of Execu Execution tioners: ers: A unit with this special rule may include up to two additional Arcuitor Magisterium for 110 points each. When deployed onto the battlefield (either at the start of the battle or when arriving from Reserves), all models with this special rule in a unit must be deployed within unit coherency, but afterwards operate independently and are not treated as a unit. • Scindex-malagrus: A model with this special rule gains the Preferred Enemy (Characters), Precision Strikes (5+) and the Monster Hunter special rules. In addition,

of their usual effect.

a model with this special rule increases their Weapon Skill Characteristic to 5 and Attacks Characteristic to 3.




The Myrmidax are the lords of the Myrmidon sub-cult,  savants of firepower firepower and master master weaponsmiths. weaponsmiths. Few magi are are more feared by their own kind, or as lethal.

Though often considered a minor and esoteric order, the magi of the Ordo Reductor are a fearsome force on the battlefield, where their skill in the employment of heavy artillery has turned the tide of many a battle.

• Av Avata atarr of Destru Destructi ction: on: A single Thanatar Siegeautomata Maniple unit consisting of a single model may be taken as a non-Compulsory HQ choice in a Detachment that includes a model with this special rule. This model must be replaced with a ThanatarCalix and may not take the Paragon of Metal upgrade.  While wholly within 6" of a Thanatar-Calix taken as an HQ choice in this way, friendly Myrmidon Secutor Hosts and Myrmidon Destructor Hosts gain the Line Unit Sub-type and add +1 to the Wounds score used to determine if they win a combat in the Assault phase. • The Myrm Myrmido idon n Host: Host: Myrmidon Secutor Hosts in a Detachment that includes a model with this special rule may be taken as Troops choices and Myrmidon Destructor Hosts may be taken as Elites choices. • Ve Vesse ssell of Destruc Destructio tion: n: A model with this special rule gains the Hatred (Everything) and Bulky (3) special rules. In addition, a model with this special rule increases their Wound Characteristic to 5.

• Demol Demolisher isher:: Models with the Battlesmith (X) special rule in a Detachment that includes a model with this special rule may target Buildings with the Battlesmith (X) special rule, in addition to models with the Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type. However, they may neither choose any option in the Battlesmith (X) special rule that restores lost Wounds or Hull Points, nor options that repair Weapon Destroyed or Immobilised results. Instead they may only choose from the following effects: - Cause a target Building or model with the Vehicle Uni Unitt Type to lose a single Hull Point. - Inflict an automatic Wound with with no Saves of any kind to a model with the Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type. - Inflict an automatic Weapon Destroyed Destroyed result on a Building or model with the Vehicle Unit Type. The target does not lose a Hull Point as a result of  this effect. - Inflict an automatic Immobilised result on a model with the Vehicle Unit Type. The target does not lose a Hull Point as a result of this effect. • Harbinge Harbingerr of Devas Devastati tation: on: During the battle’s setup, but before Objective markers have been placed or deployment has been determined, the player that controls a model with this special rule may nominate up to three areas of terrain, Buildings, or Fortifications. If the chosen item is an area of terrain that provides a Cover Save, then that Cover Save is removed and the area counts as both Difficult Terrain Terrain and Dangerous Terrain.. If the item chosen is a Building or Fortification Terrain then all rolls on the Building Damage table made for that Building or Fortification gain a mod modifier ifier of +1. If  two or more players control models with this special rule, they roll off. They then take turns nominating terrain, starting with the winner of the roll-off, roll-off, until each player has nominated three pieces of terrain, or chosen to pass. A piece of terrain can only be nominated once by this rule. • Sec Secret retss of Annih Annihila ilatio tion: n: A model with this special rule gains the Artificia Reductor Cybertheurgic Arcana, Arcana, but may not select any other Cybertheurgic Arcana from those available with the Cybertheurgist special rule.



his Army List includes a number of new special rules to represent the vast panoply of the Mechanicum at the height of their mysterious power and arcane might. These special rules are presented here for easy reference and operate under the rules established for special rules in the Horus the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Darkness rulebook.  rulebook.

 A RDEX RDEX-DEFENSOR  The god-engines of the Legio Titanicus are studded with intricate systems of automated defensive d efensive weaponry.  A model with the Knight or Titan Unit Sub-types that has weapons with this special rule may make the Overwatch Reaction when it is triggered by models that do not have the Knight, Titan, Super-heavy, or Lumbering Flyer Unit Sub-types, or that have fewer than 8 Wounds. When making Shooting Attacks as part of the Overwatch Reaction, the Reacting model may only make Shooting  Attacks with weapons with this special rule.



The Scout Knights of the Taghmata and Questoris Households often roamed the battlefield independently independently as the vanguard of their orders. While each war machine strode the battlefield distant from their companions, they shared fierce bonds of fealty and brotherhood.  When deployed deployed onto onto the battlef battlefield ield (eithe (eitherr at the start of  the battle battle or when when arrivi arriving ng ffrom rom Reserv Reserves) es) all mod models els in the unit must must be placed within within uni unitt cohe coherency rency,, but afterwards afterwards operate oper ate ind indepen ependen dently tly and are not treate treated d as a sin single gle unit. unit.

BINARIC   S TRATAGEMS  As well as the axiarch axiarch’s ’s own wealth of strategic strategic experience, experience, the datacores which have been surgically implanted in replacement for parts of their cerebellum contain dedicated  stores of tactical tactical doctrines and historical historical information on the myriad foes their Titan Legion has faced in the past. Such

• Pai Pain n Suppre Suppressi ssion on Overri Override: de: Af Affe fect cted ed mo model delss gain gain the Fee Feell No Pain Pain (5+) (5+) spe speci cial al rule. rule. • Explo Explorato ratorr Synaesthe Synaesthesis: sis: Models in affected affected units gain the Move Through Cover special rule. • Decons Deconstruct tructive ive Confluenc Confluencee: Models in affected affected units gain the Wrecker special rule. • Exti Extincti nction on Interloc Interlock: k: Models in the affected units gain the Preferred Enemy (Infantry) special rule.

BLIND   B ARRAGE In addition to their standard panoply of shells and munitions, Secutarii Peltasts Peltasts carry a limited supply of blind canister shot. These explode into dense storms of thick particulate multi spectrum electromagnetic electromagnetic radiation radiation that occlude both both sight  and augury scans. These storms of flickering fog can confuse the most able targeting system and utterly blind the enemy to their intended target. So long as a unit with this special rule contains at least five models with galvanic casters, once per battle during the controlling player’s Shooting phase, the unit may make a Blind Barrage instead of making a Shooting Attack. Select a friendly unit with a model within 18" and within line of sight of the unit making the Blind Barrage. That friendly unit gains the Shrouded (4+) special rule until the beginning of the controlling player’s next player turn. Models with the Vehicle Unit Type, the Knight Unit Sub-type, the Titan Unit Sub-type, or the Monstrous Unit Sub-type may not be the target of a Blind Barrage.


 programs can be accessed and stratagems stratagems enacted enacted based upon them before battle by being uploaded directly to the forebrains of the Secutarii under their command.

Some weapons are capable of breaching armour with a terrifying ease, whether by specially designed munitions, careful targeting or sheer brute power.

 At the start of the battle, once both armies have set up all their models, including any units with the Infiltrator special rule, a player that controls any models with this special rule may select one of the effects effects listed below as part of this special rule. All units with the Kyropatris field generator item of Wargear Wargear in the Detachment that includes the model with this special rule gain the chosen effect for the duration of the battle. Note that that only a single bonus may be given to the units, regardless of how many models with this special rule are present in the Detachment. If an army includes multiple Detachments

 When rollin  When rollingg To ToWo Wound und fora for a mod model el that that has the Breach Breaching ing (X (X)) spec specia iall rule rule,, or is at atta tack ckin ingg wit with h a weap weapon on that that has the Brea Breach chin ingg (X (X)) sp spec ecia iall rule rule,, fo forr ea each ch ToWound ToWound roll roll equal equal to or hig higher her tha than n the val value ue lis listed ted in bra bracke ckets ts,, the contro controlli lling ng player player must mu st reso resolv lvee th thes esee woun wounds ds at AP 2 inst instea ead d of thewe the weap apon on’s ’s no norm rmal al AP valu value. e. This This rule rule ha hass no ef effe fect cton on mo mode dels ls that that do no nott have have Woun Wounds ds,, su such ch as mode models ls with with th thee Ve Vehi hicl clee Un Unit it Type Type.. For example, a model with the Breaching (5+) special rule that  rolls To Wound and rolls a result of ‘5’ or higher, the Wound inflicted gains an AP of ‘2’ regardless of the AP value listed on

that include any models with this special rule, the controlling player must select an effect effect for each such Detachment and may select the same or different different effects for each Detachment:

the weapon’s profile. Note that a weapon that has both the Breaching (X) and the Gets Hot special rules always uses the base AP of the weapon when rolls of ‘1’ To Hit inflict Wou Wounds nds on the attacking model.



Some weapons strike with such force that they cause terrible wounds that can lay low even the most   formidable combatant. combatant.

The massive gauntlet-claws wielded by certain Knights of  the Mechanicum and Questoris Houses tear through the chassis plating of even the most heavily armoured Titan with ease. Woe betide any mere mortal that is caught in their  indomitable grip.


 When a model is allocated a Wound inflicted by a weapon with this special rule, it does not suffer suffer only one Wound but instead suffers a number of Wounds equal to the number in brackets associated associated with the specific variant of this special rule, with all of the Wounds Wounds inflicted using the same AP and special rules as that of o f the initial Wound. Roll to save against each Wound inflicted separately, but note that Wounds caused in excess of a given model’s remaining Wounds do not spill over to other models and are lost. This special rule has no effect on models that do not have a Toughnes Toughnesss value.

C ATASTROPHIC   DESTRUCTION The lost technologies that drive the Knight Atrapos rely on esoteric energies barriered behind overlapping containment   fields that can can cause hideous damage damage to anything anything nearby  when breached.  When destroyed, a model with this special rule resolv resolves es Catastrophic Damage at AP 1.

C ATASTROPHIC   E XPLOSION The chassis and weaponry of the massive Acastus class Knights are powered by volatile engines.  When destroyed, a model with this special rule resolves resolves Catastrophic Damage at AP 2.

D ATA -DJINN Cybertheurgists use all manner of feral code-constructs Cybertheurgists and sophisticated lex-simulacra collectively known as data-djinn to corrupt and sabotage the machine spirits of  enemy constructs.  When allocated to a model that does not have the  Automata, Vehicle Vehicle or Dreadnought Unit Types or is not a Building or Fortification, any Hits from a weapon with this special rule automatically fail to Wound without any dice being rolled and regardless of the weapon’s Strength or the target’s Toughness.

 Any model which suffers suffers an unsaved Wound or Hull Hull Point loss from a weapon with this special rule instead suffers D6 unsaved Wounds or Hull Points of damage. In addition, if the target of this attack is a model with the Knight, Titan, Super-heavy Vehicle, or Building or Fortification Unit Type, or the Monstrous Unit Sub-type, increase the number of Wounds suffered suffered or Hull Points lost to 2D6.

DETONATION  A carefully placed placed explosive charge can can easily doom even the the most heavily armoured vehicle, but but are difficult to attach accurately in the heat of combat.  A weapon with this special rule may only be used to attack  attack  models of the Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata Unit Types, any model with a Movement Characteristic of 0 or ‘-’, or Buildings or Fortifications. Fortifications. Furthermore, a model that is chosen to attack with a weapon with this special rule during the Assault phase may only make a single attack in the Fight sub-phase, regardless of its Attacks Characteristic and any bonus attacks from Charging or other special rules.

DISRUPTION   (X) The coruscating bolts of lightning hurled from arc weapons overload and burn out the circuitry and neuro-matrices of   simple and complex machines machines alike. To Hit rolls of the value X indicated made by a weapon weapon with this rule cause an automatic Glancing Hit against models with the Vehicle Unit Type instead of rolling for  Armour Penetration, and an automatic automatic Wound against against models with the Dreadnought or Automata Unit Types, instead of rolling To Wound.




The sinister blank-faced helms of the Thallaxii conceal an array of inhuman sensory apparatus through which they  experience the battlefield as a raging storm of electromagneti electromagneticc turmoil, blood-heat and seismic percussion. However, for the organic brain to handle this hurricane of data, it must be  surgically mutilated, mutilated, removing the mere mere human senses senses such as  sight and hearing. hearing.

The devotees of the Omnissiah view the colossal war engines of the Legio Titanicus as avatars of their machine god. In the  shadow of their towering towering might, the warriors and mystics of  the Mechanicum fight with absolute confidence in their deity. Indeed, these blessed constructs remain inviolate to energies that would scour the machine-minds of lesser automata.

 When making Shooting Attacks, djinn-sight djinn-sight reduces the benefits of any Cover Save the target unit has by -2 (a 4+ becoming a 6+, a 5+ being ignored entirely, and so on).  Additionally, Infiltrators Infiltrators may not be set up within 24" of  units with this special rule, regardless of line of sight.

FEUDAL   HIERARCHY  The archmagi of the Mechanicum jealously guarded their  rights of rulership over their feudal subjects. While alliances and cooperation in service to a common overlord were  frequent occurrences, occurrences, no archmagos archmagos would tolerate sharing sharing  power with their peers. peers.  A single Detachment may not include both an Archmagos Archmagos Prime and an Archmagos Prime on Abeyant.

FLANK   SPEED The Cerastus Knight armour is renowned for its agility and  speed, capable of pushing pushing beyond the limitations limitations of its heavier  heavier  and more cumbersome brethren.

 A model with this special rule ignores all Psychic Powers and Cybertheurgic Rites and Attacks made by Psychic and Cybertheurgic Weapons. In addition, a model with this special rule ignores the effects effects of the Haywire and Disruption (X) special rules. In all cases, weapons which benefit from these special rules must attempt attempt to damage a model with this special rule normally using the attack’s Strength value. In addition, all friendly Mechanicum units with at least one model within 24" of a model with this special rule gain the Fearless special rule.

GRAV   W AVE Through means lost to all but the deepest mysteries of the  Mechanicum, some more potent graviton graviton weapons are capable of emitting a reactive field of gravitational invers inversion, ion, throwing nearby enemy formations into disarray.  Any successful Charge that targets a unit containing containing a model with a weapon with this special rule is always counted as a Disordered Charge.

GRAVITON   SINGULARITY   A model with this special rule may increase its Movement Distance by 4" in any Movement phase, but if it does so it may not make any Shooting Attacks in the subsequent Shooting phase. Note this model may still Charge in the  Assault phase. In addition, when declaring declaring a Charge after making a Shooting Attack, a model with this special rule may Charge a unit that it did not target in that turn’s Shooting phase, provided that the target of the Charge meets all other criteria of a valid Charge target.

G ALVANIC   T RACTION RACTION   DRIVE The lumbering tread drives of the Mechanicum’s heavier  tanks and carriers are motivated by arcane electro-chem engines designed to overcome even the most treacherous battlefield environments. environments.  A model with this special rule must re-roll failed Dangerous Terrain tests.

Some graviton weapons can bend the most terrible power in the galaxy to its breaking point, collapsing gravity in upon itself and creating super-dense singularities that consume light, matter, and time itself. Before firing a weapon with this special rule, roll a D6. On a 1, the firing unit suffers a single Wound Wound against which which no Saves or Damage Mitigation rolls may be made. A model with the Vehicle Unit Type instead suffers suffers 1 Hull Point against which no Saves or Damage Mitigation rolls may be made. On a 2-5, the weapon fires normally. On a result of  a 6, the attack is carried out with the Vortex special rule.




The Mechanicum Knight Moirax is deployed primarily to be kept at the heel of valuable automata and constructs as their   guardian, running running ahead to ident identify ify and neutra neutralise lise threats. Its  programmed behaviours behaviours restrict it ffrom rom straying too fa farr from its ward, remaining within range to respond to aggressors.

The physical construction of this engine of war is all but  impenetrable impenetrab le to conventional weapons.

 A uni unitt that includ includes es one or more more models models wit with h this this specia speciall rule may may make make us usee of the Greu Greuso so Prot Protoc ocol ol Adva Advanc nced ed Re Reac acti tion on..

 A DVANCED DVANCED   R EACTION EACTION: GREUSO   PROTOCOL   Advanced Reactions are available available to specific players as noted in their description. Unlike Core Reactions, they are activated in unique and specific circumstances, as noted in their descriptions, and can often have game changing effects. effects. Advanced Reactions use up points of a Reactive player’s Reaction Allotment as normal and obey all other restrictions placed upon Reactions, unless it is specifically noted otherwise in their description.

Greuso Protocol Greuso Protocol – This Advanced Reaction may be made whenever an enemy unit declares a Charge targeting a friendly unit with the Automata Unit Type or Knight Unit Sub-type which is within 12" of  another friendly unit that includes at least one model with the Greuso Protocol special rule and is not itself  locked in combat. The unit with the Greuso Protocol special rule may make a Shooting Attack, targeting the unit that triggered this Reaction and following following all the usual rules for Shooting Attacks. A unit that makes a Shooting Attack as part of a Greuso Protocol Reaction may not make any attacks indirectly (without line of sight) including weapons with the Barrage special rule or other weapons or special rules that otherwise ignore line of sight, and Vehicles may only fire Defensive Weapons. Template weapons used as part of  a Greuso Protocol Reaction use the Wall of Death rule instead of firing normally. normally. The unit targeted by the Greuso Protocol Reaction may not take Cover Saves against Wounds Wounds inflicted as part of that Reaction.

H AZARDOUS   MUNITIONS  Among the arcane arcane weapons of the Taghmata, Taghmata, some utilise  such volatile ammunition ammunition that they can prove as dangerou dangerouss to their wielder as the enemy.

 A model with this special rule has an Invulnerable Save of  6+ against Shooting Attacks.


Whether pledged to the Emperor himself as the rightful leader  of Mankind or to the dream of the Imperium that he intended to create, some warriors swore to fight and die for the Loyalist  cause and no other.  A model with this special rule may only be included in an army that has the Loyalist Allegiance.

M ACRO-EXTINCTION   T  ARGETING   PROTOCOLS The Knight Atrapos is possessed with a predatory machine  spirit that drives it to single-mindedly single-mindedly stalk and eradicate eradicate the largest and most dangerous prey on the battlefield.  When making Shooting Attacks against targets targets with the Super-heavy Vehicle, Vehicle, Knight or Titan Unit Types or the Monstrous Sub-type, a model with this special rule counts all of its ranged weapons as twin-linked.

MOLECULAR    DISSONANCE Some ammunition is saturated with volatile charged particles that disrupt its target on a molecular level.  Any To Hit roll of a 6 made by a weapon with this special rule Wounds automatically. This special rule has no effect on models with the Primarch or Vehicle Unit Types.

ORDINATUS   T RANSPORT  RANSPORT    B AY  Some of the largest transport vehicles are specially designed to carry both infantry and machines of war into battle, allowing  for versatile battle battle groups to be be deployed to the battlefield battlefield at once. These rare engines of war are often restricted to the most elite elements of an army, and used to tackle the most   perilous of missions. missions.  A mode modell with this special special rule may carry mode models ls with jet pack packss an and d jump jump pack packs, s, as well well as mode models ls of th thee Dr Drea eadn dnou ough ght, t, Cavalry Cava lry and Automata Automata Unit Type Types. s. Each Dreadno Dreadnought ught model uses 10 points points of Transp Transport ort Capac Capacity ity,, whil whilee each Automata Automata and Cav Cavalr alryy mo model del uses uses up a number number of Trans Transpor portt Cap Capaci acity ty points poin ts equal equal to twice twice its sta startin rtingg Wou Wounds nds Charact Characteris eristic. tic.

O VERTAXED   R EACTOR  EACTOR  If a model with this special rule suffers suffers an Explodes result

The ancient technologies at play within the carapace of this

on the Vehicle Damage table as a result of a Melee or Shooting Attack, the Explodes result causes nearby units to suffer a Str 8, AP 4 Hit for each model within D D6+6" 6+6" instead of the usual damage and area of effect.

mechanical relic pushes its reactor far beyond what it can  safely handle. handle.



 When destroyed, a model with this special rule resolves resolves Catastrophic Damage at AP 3.




While each battle-automata of the Legio Cybernetica is in itself a creation of a near lost age of human power; a miracle of technological artifice and the product of arcane secrets without number, there remains among them war machines whose powers and capabilities are far beyond their peers. Whether somehow blessed by the Omnissiah, the product of a  single magos’ magos’ unmatched geniu geniuss or the darker influence influence of the  forbidden, a Paragon Paragon of Meta Metall is a nearnear-unstoppable unstoppable engine of  war, albeit one perhaps not to be trusted, even by its master.

The pride of some warriors is so great that they refuse to be carted around the battlefield within the confines of a transport vehicle. Preferring Preferring instead to be visible to their   subjects and their their enemies alike. alike.

Only one model in an army may be upgraded up graded to have the Paragon of Metal special rule. Models upgraded with the Paragon of Metal special rule must have the Automata (Cybernetica) Unit Type before the upgrade is applied. This rule confers the Paragon Sub-type, which replaces the Cybernetica Unit Sub-type, and confers the It Will Not Die (4+), Precision Strikes (4+), Precision Shots (4+) and Rampage (2) special rules. A model upgraded with the Paragon of Metal special rule also increases both their starting Wounds Characteristic and their Weapon Skill Characteristic by +1.

R  AM   (X)

In addition, a model with the Paragon of Metal special rule may not be targeted or affected affected by any Cybertheurgic Power or any Weapon with the Data-djinn special rule, either friendly or enemy.

P ATRI  ATRIS S   C YBERNETICA   Many of the most senior senior magi among the the Mechanicum ar aree capable of interpreting the binaric chatter of base automata, commanding them as lesser mortals command their warriors of flesh and blood with a simple word or gesture. Such magi are often found in the company of these iron killers, directing their programmed imperatives and sheltering behind their  armoured bulk.  An Independent Character with this special rule may may  join a unit composed of models with the Automata Unit Unit Type or Monstrous Unit Sub-type. However they cannot  join a unit which contains models of any other Unit Unit Type if the model with this rule also has the Automata or Dreadnought Unit Type, or the Monstrous Unit Sub-type.

PRISONED This short range weapon requires a sizable charge of energy  and is easily dodged if the target has not been restrained restrained prior  to the attack.  A weapon with this special rule may only target models with the Infantry Unit Type, and a model attacking with

 A model with this special rule may not embark upon any model with the Transport Unit Sub-type, regardless of its Unit Type or any special rules the model with the Transport Sub-type may have.

Reinforced to withstand massive impacts from its forward  facing, some vehicles vehicles are built to to hammer into enemies enemies using their sheer build and motive power.  When a model with a weapon with this special rule performs a Ram Attack, it makes a number of  additional attacks equal to the value of X. These attacks automatically hit the target of the Ram Attack and are resolved using the profile of the weapon with this special rule equal to the value of (X).

R EACH EACH   (X) Some weapons rely not on the speed of their wielder, but on their sheer length or cunning design to inflict harm upon the  foe before they can can react.  A model m making aking attacks attacks aass part of an Assault Assault using a weapon with th this is spec special ial rule rule,, adds the value of (X) that is inc includ luded ed as as part part of this special special rule to its Initia Initiativ tivee Charac Cha racter terist istic. ic. If a mod model el has more more than one one weapon weapon with with this special special rule rule then that model on only ly increases increases the value of  its its In Init itia iati tive ve by the value value of the sp spec ecia iall rule on the weapo weapon n whose who se profile profile is used used by tha thatt model to att attack ack during during the Fig Fight ht sub-ph sub-phase. ase. A weapon weapon that that is not used used to att attack ack do does es not modify modify the model’s model’s Ini Initiativ tiativee Charact Characterist eristic ic – models thatt may att tha attack ack with with more more than than one weapon, weapon, or mod models els claiming claim ing the bonus for having a second weapon, may only add the value value of the hig highest hest varian variantt of this specia speciall rul rulee and do not ad add d th thee valu values es to toge geth ther er.. For example, a model attacking as part of an Assault with a weapon that has the Reach (1) special rule increases its Initiative by +1.

R EACTOR  EACTOR    O VERLOAD This weapon requires dangerous amounts of energy to fire at full power. Doing so puts the vehicle at risk of pushing its reactor past the breaking point.

a weapon with this special rule makes only a single attack  (regardless of any other factors).

 A weapon with this special rule may double the number of shots it makes, but if if it does so the firing model suffers D3 Wounds or Hull Points of damage with no Saves or Damage Mitigation rolls of any kind allowed.




The colossal engines of the Ordo Reductor and the Titan Legions are driven by devastatingly powerful thermonuclear  reactors. Should these engines be breached, the resulting explosion is apocalyptic for any caught in its blast.

These war These warrior riorss have underg undergone one massive massive crania craniall surgery surgery to destroy  destroy  the emot emotion ional al and ins instin tinctu ctual al response response centres centres of the brain. brain.

 When a model with this special rule is destroyed, the damage caused by its Catastrophic Damage is altered depending on the value of (X) in the th e version of this special rule as follows:


 A unit with this special rule may not make make any Reactions or Sweeping Advance moves.


This weapon causes massive tremors to rip through the earth beneath the feet of its targets, driving those who survive to their knees and slowing the enemy’s advance.

Magna  When destroyed, a model with this special rule resolves resolves Hits caused by Catastrophic Damage as Destroyer attacks.

Major   When destroy destroyed, ed, a model model with this spec special ial rule resolve resolvess Hits caused caus ed by Cat Catast astroph rophic ic Dama Damage ge as Destroy Destroyer er attacks attacks at AP2.

Units which suffer one or more Wounds or Hull Points lost from an attack from a weapon with this special rule halve their Movement Characteristic and may not Run or make Reactions until the end of the attacker’s next Shooting phase.

SONIC   W AVE Maxima  When destroyed, a model with this special rule resolves resolves Hits caused by Catastrophic Damage as Destroyer attacks at AP2, and doubles the range of the Catastrophic Damage effect.

The varying waveform of destructive sound energy produced by this weapon is able to shatter the most resilient materials. materials. The annihilating wave-pulse traverses the battlefield, wreaking havoc in its path, the particular effect of its design meaning that the larger the target struck, the more damaging the wave’s impact.

R EINFORCED EINFORCED   S TRUCTURE The construction of this god-like engine of war is rivalled only  by the resilience of void ships themselves.  A model with this special rule has an Invulnerable Save of  5+ against Shooting Attacks.

 When making a Shooting Attack with this weapon, place the Large Blast (5") marker so that its edge touches the Front hull of the firing model. Instead of scattering this Blast marker, move the template in a direct line away from the firing model, travelling in any direction direction within the weapon’s weapon’s 45° forward firing arc until its maximum range is reached or the template leaves the battlefield. battlefield. All models the template passes over suffer suffer a single automatic Hit. Flyers are also Hit if the template passes over their base. Should a model with the Knight, Titan, Super-heavy  Vehicle, Building or Fortification Unit Type be Hit by this attack, increase the Strength of the attack to 10.

SURVEILLANCE   PROTOCOLS The enhanced behavioural programming of some cybernetica constructs allow them to ignore the more predatory aspects of  their machine spirits to better focus their efforts on tasks for  which they are better suited.  A model with this special rule and the Cybernetica Cybernetica Unit Sub-type may ignore the Programmed Behaviour provision described as part of that Sub-type during the Charge sub-phase.


SUBTERRANEAN   A SSAULT  SSAULT   A subterranean subterranean assault is a full scale attack attack conducted by  units that have approached the target site by means of sub surface transport, transport, emerging emerging from below into the tteeth eeth of  the enemy force, shattering its formation and sowing chaos amongst its ranks. Such attacks are most often initiated in order to counter enemy macro-fortifications macro-fortifications or to navigate otherwise impassable terrain, but some commanders favour  them for the sheer surprise they engender. Before the start of the first turn, when placing units into Reserve, a player must assign all units with the Subterranean Assault special rule and any Infantry units Embarked upon them to perform a Subterranean  Assault. All models in a unit assigned to a Subterranean Subterranean  Assault must have the Subterranean Assault special special rule, or be Embarked on a model with the Transport Sub-type that has the Subterranean Assault special rule itself.  When rolling for Reserves, roll a single dice dice for all of the units assigned to the Subterranean Assault rather than rolling separately for each unit. If the roll is successful then all of the Subterranean Assault units must enter play in that turn and follow this procedure:

Perfor Per formin ming g a Subter Subterran ranean ean Assaul Assaultt Once a Reserves roll for the units assigned to the Subterranean Assault has succeeded and the units are to be brought into play, the controlling player selects a single unit to deploy first. That player must place a single model with the Subterranean Assault special rule that is either a Dedicated Transport or a unit of its own (this model may have a unit Embarked within) anywhere on the battlefield that is at least 1" from any enemy model, battlefield edge or piece of Impassable Terrain Terrain and then scatter that model (see the Scatter rules on page 152 of the Horus the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Darkness rulebook).  rulebook). If the model’s final final position is within 1" of an enemy model, any battlefield edge or a piece of Impassable Terrain,, the controlling player’s opponent may move Terrain that model to any position within 18" that is more than 1" from any enemy model, battlefield edge or piece of  Impassable Terrain Terrain..

If there is no suitable position within 18" then the model may be repositioned anywhere on the battlefie battlefield ld that is more than 1" from any enemy model, battlefield battlefield edge or piece of Impassable Terrain. Once this first unit has been deployed, roll a dice. On the roll of a ‘1’ the Subterranean Assault is Disordered, and the opposing player may deploy each remaining unit in the Subterranean Assault anywhere within 12" of  the first unit without scattering, though no model may be within 1" of an enemy model or within Impassable Terrain.. If the roll is a ‘2’ or higher, the controlling Terrain player deploys each other unit anywhere within 12" of the first, though no model may be within 1" of an enemy model or within Impassable Terrain. Any models Embarked on a model with the Transport Sub-type must remain Embarked and may not Disembark as part of a Subterranean Assault (but may Disembark normally during the following Movement phase). Once all units are deployed, any enemy units with one or more models within 6" of any unit deployed as part of the Subterranean Assault Assault suffer D6+3 Str 6, AP 4 Hits (Wounds caused by these Hits do not cause Morale checks or Pinning tests). Once all Hits are resolved, any enemy units that are neither Pinned or Falling Back and are within line of sight may choose to make the Interceptor Reaction (see page 309 of the the Horus  Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook) Darkness rulebook) targeting any one of  the units deployed as part of the Subterranean Assault. Note that no Reaction other than Interceptor may be made against the deployment of a unit as part of of a Subterranean Assault. Once all units from the Subterranean Assault have been deployed and any Interceptor Reactions have been resolved, the turn proceeds as normal. Units that have been deployed as part of a Subterranean Assault may Move, Run or Shoot as normal. However, only units deployed aboard a model with the Transport Sub-type with the Assault Vehicle special rule may declare and resolve a Charge and Assault as normal. Other units deployed as part of a Subterranean Assault may not declare or resolve a Charge on the same turn as they are deployed.




The elegant Tempest warblade of the Knight Castigator uses relic technology from a bygone age to infuse its strikes with  searing energy, energy, leaving glowing glowing trails of embe embers rs and ash behind its sweeping arcs.

These cybernetica monstrosities monstrosities are possessed of such will that  they can only be formed into loose squadrons for a short time before succumbing to their independent nature.

Instead of making a Melee Attack, a model with a weapon with this special rule may make a special attack at Initiative step 2. This automatically inflicts a single Hit against each model (friendly or enemy) in contact with the attacking model’s base, base, using the profile of the weapon with this special rule.

 T ERRESTRIAL  ERRESTRIAL    DISREGARD Burrowing up from the depths, the Ordinatus Aktaeus  shatters the surrounding surrounding landscape, landscape, devastatin devastatingg all in its vicinity. Instead of using the normal rules for Subterranean  Assault, when a model with this special rule enters enters play via Subterranean Assault, place an Apocalyptic Blast marker (10") anywhere on the battlefield battlefield that is at least 1" 1" from any enemy model, battlefield edge or piece of Impassable Terrain and then scatter that marker (see the Scatter rules on page 152 of the Horus the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness  rulebook). Darkness rulebook). If the marker’s marker’s final position is within 1" of an enemy model, any battlefield edge or a piece of Impassable Terrain,, then the controlling player’s opponent may Terrain move that model to any position within 18" that is more than 1" from any enemy model, battlefield edge or piece of Impassable Terrain. If there is no suitable position within 18", then the model may be repositioned by the controlling player’s opponent anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 1" from any enemy model, battlefield edge or piece of Impassable Terrain. Terrain. Once the final position of the marker marker has been determined, the controlling player may place the model with this special rule on the battlefield so long as the centre of the marker is underneath part of the model’s hull, and the model remains more than 1" away from any enemy model. After the model has been placed, each Fortification within 6" of it immediately suffers D6 Str 10,  AP 2 Hits, and nearby units suffer one S10, AP 2 Hit for each model within 6" of the model. Any unit that th at suffers one or more Hits from this effect effect must take an immediate immediate Pinning test. The area under the Apocalyptic Blast marker (10") is treated as Difficult Terrain Terrain and Dangerous Terrain for the

 When deployed onto the battlefield (either at the start of the battle or when arriving from Reserves) all models in the unit must be placed within unit coherency, but afterwards operate independently and are not treated as a single unit.

 T OWERING OWERING   MONSTROSITY   Among the god-engines god-engines of the Titan Titan Legions, some are of such colossal size, incalculable power and superior design that they  are all but impossible to harm from ground level. Their vital  systems are elevated far above above the heads and hulls of those upon the battlefield below it, atop legs that are plated with metres-thick metres-th ick armour to prevent it from being assaulted by  infantry or laid low by explosive charges. No melee attack made by models with the Knight Unit Sub-type or the Super-heavy Unit Sub-type may successfully hit a model with this special rule on better than a 5+. No melee attack made by models with the  Automata, Cavalry, Dreadnoughts, Dreadnoughts, and Infantry Unit Types may successfully hit a model with this special rule on better than a 6+.  When making Shooting Attacks with Carapace Mounted Mounted weapons, a model with this special rule may not choose a unit as a target if all models in that unit are within 24" of  the attacking model. Lastly, a model with this special rule makes a number of  Stomp attacks equal to 6 plus the model’s unmodified  Attacks Characteristic. RAITOR   T RAITOR 

In the name of the Warmaster Horus, a vast host took up arms against those they had once called brothers – some driven by a lust for power and others by a misguided desire for   justice. Regardless Regardless of the cause cause they held dear, dear, there could be no turning back for these warriors, only victory or damnation.  A model with this special rule may only be included in an army that has the Traitor Allegiance.

remainder of the battle.




Some vehicles are equipped with almost impenetrable shields of energy, relics from ancient times known as void shields.

Shorting out the vox comms of enemy targets, this weapon isolates its victims from their allies and the direction of  their commanders.

 A model with this special rule has a number of void shields, as listed on its profile. Shooting Attacks which Hit a model with this special rule instead target this model’s void shields while at least l east one remains active. Void shields have an Armour Value of 12. A successful Glancing Hit, Penetrating Hit or any successful Hit from a Destroyer weapon which targets a void shield causes it to collapse, reducing the number ‘X’ by -1. When the number of void shields is reduced to 0, this special rule has no further effect and subsequent Shooting Attacks target the model instead. Void shields shields have no effect on close combat attacks, and may not be affected affected by close combat attacks.

 V ORTEX ORTEX Whether tearing a hole in the veil between realspace and the Warp or collapsing gravity into a superdense singularity, this weapon creates a lasting calamity which threatens the very   stability of reality reality around it. Once an attack with this special rule has been fully resolved, any Blast markers placed as part of that attack  are not removed from play and instead are left in place for the remainder of the battle. Such a Blast marker is then referred to as the Vortex marker. The area under a Vortex marker is treated as Area Terrain for the remainder of the battle, and applies the following effects effects to all models that enter its boundaries: No line of sight may be drawn through, into, or out of the area covered by the Vortex marker marker (as such, models within such an area of terrain cannot draw line of sight to any other model, nor can other models draw a line of sight to them).  Any models that enter the boundary of this area of terrain, or begin the Movement phase of the model’s Controlling player within its boundaries, immediately immediately suffer one Str 10, AP 1 Hit and the Instant Death and Armourbane (Melee) special rules. If the model has the Vehicle Unit Type and suffers a Penetrating Hit due to this effect effect then it adds a modifier of +3 to that roll on the Vehicle Damage table. This area of terrain does not confer a Cover Save and no model within its boundary may use a Cover Save granted by any other rule or effect.

 Any models with the Infantry or Cavalry Unit Types Types in a unit that suffers one or more Hits from a weapon with this special rule must reduce their Leadership by -2 until the start of their controlling player’s next turn. This modifier is not cumulative, and any given unit can only be affected by a single instance of the Vo Voxx Silence special rule at a time. Nor is it cumulative with other special rules that negatively modify Leadership. Always use the highest single modifier among those applicable. In addition, units affected by this special rule do not gain the benefits of nuncio vox, command vox or other similar Wargear items until the start of their controlling player’s next turn. Units that include one or more models with the Stubborn special rule ignore this effect.

 WRECKER  Some attacks cause severe damage to their targets, frying circuitry and ravaging infrastructure as they strike. Few  engines of war or armoured bastions can survive the onslaught of such attacks. Penetrating Hits caused by attacks made with weapons or models with this special rule add +1 to the result of any rolls on the Vehicle or Building Damage tables.


 ARMOURY  ARMO URY O OF FT THE HE M MECH ECHAN ANICU ICUM M The Mechanicum makes use of a number of weapons and items of Wargear that were unique to the configurations of  the Taghmata. This section presents the rules for these weapons and artefacts of the Horus Heresy.

 WEAPON   S TRENGTHS   A BOVE BOVE   10 On certain extremely powerful weapons, the Strength value of the weapon can be higher than 10. These weapons roll for armour penetration against models with the Vehicle Unit Type and Buildings as normal – adding their full Strength value to the roll of a D6. When rolling to Wound a model with a Toughness value, the weapon is treated as though it had a Strength value of 10 on the To Wound table. However, However, when determining if such a weapon inflicts Instant Death use its full Strength value.

R  ANGED   WEAPONS  A RCHAEOTECH RCHAEOTECH   PISTOL  Despite the renaissance of human power in the galaxy that the Great Crusade has created, there remains much of Mankind’s ancient might and arts that are lost to myth and legend, save for a few relics that have survived the stifling darkness of Old Night. One of the more common types of these relics found are sidearms of surpassing firepower an and d elegance. Be they bespoke  slug throwers utilising utilising micro-atomic micro-atomic munitions or ssearing earing kill-rays kill-rays that draw power power from a planet’s planet’s ambient ambient magnetosphere, magnetosphere,  such priceless artefacts artefacts of war find their way way into the hands of the the magi of the Mechanicum. Mechanicum. The archaeotech pistol, like several classes of weaponry available to the magi of the Mechanicum, is intended to represent a wide variety of weapons and to give players a profile that can be used for converted or unusual handguns whose power exceeds that of more common weaponry.

 Weapon  Archaeotech pistol

Range 12"

Str 6

AP 4

Type Pistol 1, Rending (3+), Master-crafted





These weapons are powered by potent capacitors of ancient design, the schema for which are thought to reside on Mars alone, though uncorroborated reports suggest that the Forge World of Mezoa lays claim to such as well. When these energy repositories are discharged, they produce an ear-drum splitting crack of sound and a bolt of pure, blue-white lightning which can overload both a mechanical data-core and a biological cortex with equal ease. Akin to these weapons, the arc lance is a powerful spear  which can project bolts of coruscating energies over a short range, its power supply augmented by the inversion generat generators ors mounted in the mag-inverter shield it is usually paired with. Lightning guns are aptly-named weapons, taking the form of baroquely designed carbines connected to reactor cores of various  sizes. They fire fire ionising las-beams, las-beams, down which a powerful phas phased ed discharge of electromagnetic electromagnetic force is is unleashed. These These weapons are equally effective at slaughtering the living and overloading machine targets.  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Arc’ ‘Arc’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

 Weapon  Arc pistol  Arc rifle  Arc blaster  Arc lance (Ranged) Lightning gun - (Arc) - (Strike) Lightning lock Lightning cannon

Range 12" 30" 24" 12"

Str 6 6 6 6

AP 5 5 5 5

18" 18" 3 6" 3 6"

4 7 7 7

5 3 3

Type Pistol, Disruption (6+) Rapid Fire, Disruption (6+) Heavy 4, Shred, Disruption (4+) Assault 1, Disruption (6+) He Heavy 3, Shred Heavy 1, Rending (4+), Shred Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Rending (4+), Shred, Exoshock (4+) Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Rending (4+), Shred, Exoshock (4+)

 A RTILLERY  RTILLERY    C ANNON Often operating on the same principles as bolt or auto weaponry, these weapons are considered of a separate kind simply due to the excessive calibre and often prodigious size of the weapons themselves – used as they were to lay bare the fortresses of those that stood against the Emperor. Intended to engage targets at extreme ranges and to subdue enemies whose armour or innate toughness made them proof against lesser weapons, these cannons rely on either huge explosive payloads or advanced armour piercing technologies technologies to achieve a dest destructive ructive capacity that that few other weapons weapons can match.

 Weapon Rapid-fire ba b attle cannon Mori quake cannon

Range 48" 24"-360"

Str 8 10/8 /8//6

AP 4 3

Ne Nem mesis esis qu quak akee canno annon n

24 24""-48 480" 0"

10/8 /8/6 /6


Type Ordnance 2, Large Blast (5") Destroyer 1, Apocalyptic Mega-blast, Barrage, Seismic Shock, Concussive (1) Des Destroy troyer er 1, Apoc Apocal alyp ypti ticc Megaega-bl blaast st,, Barrage, Seismic Shock, Concussive (1)


 A UTO UTO   WEAPONS  An ancient form form of firearm that that propels a solid slug slug by means of chemica chemicall explosion, both an ancient cient ‘bullets’ ‘bullets’ of lead or other base base metals and more modern armour-pier armour-piercing cing sabot rounds. Among the warriors of the Mechanicum there are few examples of the older autoguns that once formed the main armament of the Emperor’s armies, but a number of larger autocannon remain in use due to the reliability of such simple tools of war. Such weapons are most often used in an anti-armour capacity, capacity, delivering volleys of large armour piercing shells to defeat that which is proof against the mass reactive fire of the more advanced bolter  weaponry. This category of weapons also plays host to more advanced weapons, such as the first generations generations of assault cannon and magnetic charge accelerator cannon.  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Auto’ ‘Auto’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

 Weapon Heavy stubber Rotor cannon Light autocannon  Autocannon Icarus autocannon Defe Defens nsor or auto autoca cann nnon on batt batter eryy Phaeton autocannon - AP rounds - Ignis rounds  Avenger gatling cannon cannon Gatling blaster Macro-gatling blaster

Range 3 6" 30" 3 6" 48" 48" 72" 72"

Str 4 3 6 7 7 7

AP 6 4 4 4 4

64 " 64 " 36" 60" 72"

7 7 6 8 10

3 3 4 3 3

Type H Heeavy 3 Assault 4, Pinning, Shell Shock (1) Assault 2 Heavy 2, Rending (6+) Heavy 2, Rending (6+), Skyfire Heav Heavyy 4, Rend Rendin ingg (6+) (6+),, Tw Twin in-l -lin inke ked, d, Sund Sunder er,, Skyf Skyfir iree Heavy 2, Sunder, Rending (6+) Heavy 2, Ignores Cover, Rending (6+) Heavy 12, Rending (6+) Destroyer 2, Apocalyptic Blast (9"), Pinning, Shell Shock (1) Destroyer 3, Massive Blast (7"), Pinning, She hell ll Shock (1)

BOLT   WEAPONS  A branch of weaponry now commonplace commonplace among the ranks ranks of the Mechanicum, Mechanicum, bolt weapon weaponss are based on a robust Terran Terran design, refined from the weapons used during the Emperor’ Emperor’ss battles to conquer Old Earth. These brutally efficient weapons fire a self-propelled mass reactive munition, more akin to a miniature rocket than a simple bullet and easily capable of eviscerating eviscerating most foes against which the warriors of the Imperium find themselves matched.  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Bolt’ weapons for for those rules that affect such weapons.

 Weapon Bolt pistol Bolter Heavy bolter Maxima bolter Kraken bolter Mauler bolt cannon Defensor bolt cannon Castigator bolt cannon  Vulcan mega-bolter

Range 12" 24" 3 6" 12" 30" 24" 24" 3 6" 60"

Str 4 4 5 4 4 6 6 6 6

AP 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 4 3

Type Pistol 1 Rapid Fire Heavy 4 Assault 3 R Raapid Fire Heavy 4, Pinning Heavy 6, Ardex-defensor Heavy 18, Pinning, Shell Shock (1), Twin-linked Heavy 15, Pinning, Shell Shock (1)


CONVERSION   BEAM   WEAPONS These esoteric energy weapons fire a beam that induces a subatomic implosion in their target, with the beam itself gathering  power over distance up to a terminal point point of beam instability. instability. Conversion Conversion beamers beamers are both difficult difficult to construct and highly  highly  complex to use, needing skilled calibration to operate as well as dedicated reactor core systems to power. As a result, they are  primarily used for siege siege warfare or starship starship breaching breaching assaults bbyy specialised ope operators rators such as Techmarine Techmariness and Mechanicum Mechanicum Destructors. More rarely, rarely, larger conversion beamer weapons are mounted on a vehicle chassis with advanced control mechanisms and an abundance of reactor power.  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Conversion ‘Conversion Beam’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons. An attack  made with a conversion beamer has a number of different different profiles, the use of which depends upon how far the chosen target is from the attacking model up to the weapon’s maximum range. When attacking with one of these weapons measure the distance to the target, place the weapon’s Blast template and scatter as normal for a blast weapon. Once the final location of the template has been determined, measure to the centre of the Blast marker and consult the weapon’s weapon’s chart to determine the effect.

 Weapon Conversion beamer





Up to 18" Mor oree than than 18 18""-42 42"" More Mo re than than 42 42""-72 72""

6 8 10

4 1

Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Blind Hea eavvy 1, Bl Blas astt (3") (3"),, Bl Bliind He Heav avyy 1, Bl Blas astt (3 (3") "),, Bl Blin ind d

Up to 18" Mor oree than than 18 18""-42 42"" More Mo re than than 42" 2"-7 -72" 2"

7 9 12

4 1

Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Blind Hea eavvy 1, Bl Blas astt (3") (3"),, Bl Bliind Hea eavvy 1, Bl Blas astt (3") (3"),, Bl Bliind

Up to 18" More Mo re than than 18 18""-42" 42" More Mo re than than 42 42""-72 72""

7 9 12

4 1

Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Blind He Heav avyy 1, La Larg rgee Bl Blas astt (5") (5"),, Bl Blin ind d He Heav avyy 1, La Larg rgee Bl Blas astt (5") (5"),, Bl Blin ind d

Conversion beam cannon

Heavy conversion beam cannon



These are powerful industrial tools that make use of a phase field to assist short, continuous releases of high energy packets.  More portable and and easily manipulated manipulated than common la lascutters, scutters, phas phasee cutting tools ar aree preferred in industrial industrial processes processes to cut  the composite ceramite and rolled plasteel sheets in which constructs are commonly clad. They are sometimes used by branches of the Imperial Army in siege warfare, though to the magi of the Mechanicum they are little more than readily available tools able to be easily mounted to experimental automata, and can be quickly refitted with alterations to their priming and phase  field mechanisms mechanisms to serve the needs of a given task-servitor. task-servitor.

 Weapon Las-impulsor (Ranged)  Atrapos phasecutter (Ranged)

Range 12" 12"

Str 10 10

AP 2 2

Type Heavy 2, Sunder, Instant Death Ordnance 1


FLAME   WEAPONS  Among the most ancient ancient of weapons employed employed within the ra ranks nks of the Mechanicum, Mechanicum, flame has always always been potent potent against  creatures that lurk in darkness. Many Forge Worlds considered the cleansing power of flame a key part of their arsenal, and indeed the ability of these weapons to rout the enemy from fortified positions has proven pivotal in any number of battles.  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Flame’ ‘Flame’ or ‘Flamer’ weapons for those rules that affect affect such weapons.

 Weapon Flamer Heavy flamer  Acheron flamestorm cannon Inferno gun

Range Template Template Hellstorm Hellstorm

Str 4 5 7 7

AP 5 4 4 3

Type Assault 1 Assault 1 Ordnance 1, Shred Destroyer 1, Torrent (24")

G ALVANIC   WEAPONS Electro-galvanic weaponry uses a combination of magnetic and galvanic forces to project solid shot or explosive ballistics at low  Electro-galvanic velocities but with the precision accuracy of a marksman. More advanced forms of such weapons, such as the galvanic caster, are laser-guided, multi-functional multi-functional launchers akin in some ways to advanced combination weapons. These weapons are able to  fire rapid bursts bursts of razo razor-edged r-edged metallic metallic flechettes, or with with their secondary discharger discharger attack conc concealed ealed targets with with their retinaretinaburning ignis charges.

 Weapon Galvanic caster - Flechette - Ignis - Hammershot




24" 18" 30"

3 2 4

6 5 3

Type Rapid Fire, Shred Assault 2, Blind, Ignores Cover Assault 1, Molecular Dissonance

GRAVITON   WEAPONS Little understood even by the Tech-Priests of Mars, the term ‘graviton gun’ refers to a group of gravity projector devices whose  sophistication is such that the few tthat hat now remain are are relics of a lost a age. ge. Such weapons prove extremely useful useful when fightin fightingg on a starship or in a null gravity environment. environment. The power of the graviton gun’s highest settings is suffici sufficient ent to rupture organs and crack bones even inside armour, but its primary use is to impede the enemy and damage machinery without the risk of   secondary explosions.  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Graviton’ ‘Graviton’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

 Weapon Graviton gun

Range 18"

Str *

AP 4

18" 24"

* *

3 4

Gr Grav avit iton on hamm hammer er (R (Ran ange ged) d)




Gra ravvit iton on ram ram (Ran (Range ged d)




3 6"



Graviton imploder Graviton pulsar

Singularity cannon

Type Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Concussive (1), Graviton Pulse*, Haywire Heavy 2, Graviton Pulse*, Concussive (1), Haywire Heavy 2, Blast (3"), Concussive (1), Graviton Pulse*, Haywire Heav Heavyy 1, Co Conc ncus ussi sive ve (1), (1), Gr Grav avit iton on Pu Puls lse* e*,, Grav Wave, Haywire Heav eavy 1, Con Concus cussive sive (1), (1), Gr Grav avit iton on Pu Puls lse* e*,, Grav Wave, Haywire Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Haywire, Concussive (1), Graviton Singularity




In the Imperium the term las is applied to a wide variety of weapons, from crude particle weapons like the ubiquitous laspistol, to more complex and deadly weapons like the neutron laser beam cannon. The defining features that link these disparate weapons are their nature as energy weapons, rather than projectile weapons, and their reliance on rechargeable power packs or   portable generators generators instead instead of conventional magazines. magazines. This ability ability to draw an and d project vast quantities quantities of power has made such weapons ideal anti-tank armament among the ranks of the Mechanicum. Photon and pulsar weapons are deadly but unstable, and their secrets are jealously guarded by the adepts who hold them, leading some to believe the technology is xenos in origin or else originates in forbidden caches of the Dark Age of Technology. When fired, photonic weapons unleash howling, needle-thin beams of utter blackness able to pierce the densest matter, or else explode in scintillating pulses of blinding light, slicing armoured men and machinery apart like razors, leaving waves of darkness burned upon an observer’s retina in their wake. The exotic power sources of these unearthly weapons are extremely unstable, and catastrophic failure can lead to its firer being consumed by raging flames until only dust remains. While they have intransigent  and unpredictable machine spirits, spirits, once primed for war the efficacy of such weapons against heavy infantry, in particular power  armour, was noted by several Primarchs with concern co ncern in the last years before the outbreak of the Horus Heresy.  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Las’ ‘Las’ weapons for those rules that aff affect ect such weapons.

 Weapon Laspistol Las-lock Multi-laser Photon gauntlet Photon thruster Darkfire ccaannon Lascannon Defensor lascannon Pulsar-fusil Magna lascannon Sollex heavy-las Turbo laser destructor Laser blaster  Volcano cannon cannon Belicosa volcano cannon Nemes emesis is vol olca cano no can anno non n

Range Str 12" 3 18" 4 3 6" 6 12" 5 24" 6 3 6" 7 48" 9 48" 9 3 6" 9 72" 10 48" 10 9 6" 10 9 6" 10 120" 14 120" 14 36 36""-1 -180 80"" 14

AP 6 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 1 1

Type Pistol 1 Assault 2 Heavy 3 Assault 2, Blind, Gets Hot Assault 2, Blind, Lance, Gets Hot Heavy 2, Blind, Lance, Gets Hot H Heeavy 1, Sunder Heavy 1, Ardex-defensor, Sunder, Twin-linked O Orrdnance 4, Pinning Ordnance 2, Large Blast (5") Heavy 3, Armourbane (Ranged), Shock Pulse Destroyer 1, Large Blast (5") Destroyer 1, Large Blast (5") Destroyer 1, Large Blast (5"), Ignores Cover Destroyer 1, Apocalyptic Blast (9"), Sunder Dest Destro roye yerr 1, Apoc Apocal alyp ypti ticc Bl Blas astt (9" (9"), Su Sund nder er

MELTA   WEAPONS Capable of focusing microwave beams to such a fierce heat that even the sturdiest of armour runs like water, melta weapons are among the most fearsome anti-ta anti-tank nk weapons available to the warriors of the Emperor. The origins of this technology are unknown, for it was in common use among the armies of Terra, Mars and Jupiter long before the Emperor unified Sol.  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Melta’ ‘Melta’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

 Weapon Meltagun Multi-melta Thermal lance Thermal cannon Melta cannon

Range 12" 24" 3 6" 3 6" 60"

Str 8 8 8 8 10

AP 1 1 2 1 1

Type Assault 1, Armourbane (Melta) Heavy 1, Armourbane (Melta), Twin-linked Heavy 2, Armourbane (Melta), Twin-linked Heavy 1, Large Blast (5"), Armourbane (Melta) Heavy 1, Massive Blast (7"), Armourbane (Melta)


MISSILE   WEAPONS From advanced guided missiles to crude explosive rockets, the Mechanicum makes use of a variety of rocket propelled munitions.  Most common is the humble humble missile launcher, launcher, a portable portable weapon use used d to supplement the firepower of the the Taghmata’s Taghmata’s cohorts, cohorts, but a number of vehicle mounted launchers serve as both artillery and anti-aircraft weapons weapons.. Though such weapons are crude by  comparison to many of the wonders of the magi of Mars, they still serve as vital tools for the prosecution of the Great Crusade.  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Missile’ ‘Missile’ weapons for those rrules ules that affect such weapons.

 Weapon Missile launcher - Frag - Krak - Flak - Ignis Havoc launcher Hunter-killer missile  Whirlwind launcher - Hyperios warhead Ironstorm missile pod Stormspear rocket pod Kara Karacn cnos os mor orta tarr ba batt tter eryy  Apocalypse missile launcher Terrebrax rocket battery





48" 48" 48" 48" 48" 48"

4 8 7 5 5 8

6 3 3 6 5 3

Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Pinning Heavy 1 He Heavy 1, Skyfire Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Ignores Cover Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Twin-linked Heavy 1, One Shot

48" 48" 48" 60 60""

8 5 8 6

3 4 3 4

24"- 360" 48"

7 7

3 5

Heavy 4, Skyfire, Tw Twin-linked Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5") Heavy 3 Heav eavy 1, Mas assi sive ve Bl Blas astt (7 (7") "),, Barr Barrag age, e, Fle lesh shba bane ne,, Ra Rad d-pha -phagge, Ignores Cover, Pinning, Shell Shock (3), Crawling Fire Destroyer 2, Apocalyptic Barrage Heavy 12

PLASMA   WEAPONS Unleashingg projectiles of super-heated plasma capable of melting armour and flesh with equal ease, plasma weapons are Unleashin understood only by the secretive Tech-Priests of Mars. Kept contained by temperamental magnetically sealed flasks, the plasma that feeds these weapons is as dangerous to the wielder as to the foe and deadly leaks or even explosions are far from unknown. Yet, such is the destructive power of these weapons that even the risk of such detonations does not outweigh their value.  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Plasma’ ‘Plasma’ weapons for those rules that affect affect such weapons.

 Weapon Plasma pistol Plasma gun Plasma cannon Phased plasma-fusil Plasma mortar

Range 12" 24" 3 6" 24" 3 6"

Str 7 7 7 6 8

AP 4 4 4 3 4

Plasma blastgun




Su Sunf nfur uryy pl plas asma ma an anni nihi hila lato torr

72 72""



Type Pistol 1, Breaching (4+), Gets Hot Rapid Fire, Breaching (4+), Gets Hot Heavy 1, Blast (3"), Breaching (4+), Gets Hot Heavy 3, Breaching (4+), Gets Hot Ordnance 1, Large Blast (5"), Breaching (4+), Ignores Cover, Reactor React or Overload Overload Ordnance 1, Massive Blast (7"), Breaching (4+), Reactor Overload Dest Destro roye yerr 2, Apoc Apocal alyp ypttic Ba Barr rrag age, e, Ign gnor ores es Cover, ver, Reactor Overload





‘Irad’ or ‘rad’ projectors are potent anti-personnel weapons and relics of the Dark Age of Technology used exclusively by the militant forces of the Mechanicum. They commonly comprise a bulky generator unit terminating in a dish-like projector that  unleashes a powerful blast of deadly cross-spectrum cross-spectrum radiation. Victims caught in the blast of such a weapon suffer an appalling death as they are boiled alive from within – their tissues blaste blasted d apart on a cellular level. Thick barriers of solid matter between the beam and the target provide some protection from this effect, though victims who survive the initial blast will often die later  of extreme radioactive contamination. The ammunition of radium weapons leeches devastating levels radiation target, causing catastrophic cellular damage to living tissue and ensuring that even minor injuries can of prove fatal. into the  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Rad’ weapons weapons for those rules that affect affect such weapons.

 Weapon Lucifex Irad-cleanser Irradiation engine Radium pistol Radium carbine

Range 8" Template Template 12" 18"

Str 2 2 4 3 3

AP 5 5 3 5

Type Pistol 1, Fleshbane, Rad-phage Assault 1, Fleshbane, Rad-phage Heavy 1, Fleshbane, Rad-phage, Torrent (12 (12") Pistol 1, Brutal (2) Assault 3, Brutal (2)

 V OLKITE OLKITE   WEAPONS ‘Volkite’ was an arcane Martian term for a variety of powerful ray weapons whose origins date back to the Age of Strife. ‘Volkite’ Possessed of considerable killing power surpassing most armaments of their size, volkites were difficult to manufacture, even  for the most able of the the Mechanicum’s Mechanicum’s forges, forges, and the demands of the Great Crusade Crusade swiftly overwhelmed supply of them.  A commonplace technology technology among the armouries of the Mechanicu Mechanicum, m, these weapons were were found in wide use use among the Taghmata of Mars as a standard infantry weapon, having not suffered from the fall from favour that saw them removed from the arsenals of other Imperial forces.  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Volkite’ ‘Volkite’ weapons fo forr those rules that affect such weapons.

 Weapon  Volkite serpenta serpenta  Volkite charger charger  Volkite caliver caliver  Volkite culverin culverin  Volkite incinerator incinerator (Ranged)  Volkite veuglaire veuglaire  Volkite chieorovile chieorovile



Range 10" 15" 30" 45" 10" 30" 45"

Str 5 5 6 6 5 6 8

AP 5 5 5 5 5 4 4

Type Pistol 2, Deflagrate Assault 2, Deflagrate Heavy 3, Deflagrate Heavy 5, Deflagrate Assault 2, Deflagrate Heavy 5, Deflagrate Heavy 5, Deflagrate


The Mechanicum also employs a number of other weapons that do not fall into any easy category. These are listed here.

 Weapon Sonic destructor

Shock lance (Ranged)

Range 72"

Str 6

AP 2




Type Destroyer 1, Large Blast (5"), Sonic Wave, Pinning,  Armourbane (Ranged), Murderous Strike Strike (5+), Ignores Cover Heavy 6, Concussive (2)


CLOSE   COMBAT   WEAPONS  A RC RC   WEAPONS These weapons are powered by potent capacitors of ancient design, the schema for which are thought to reside on Mars alone, though uncorroborated reports suggest that the Forge World of Mezoa lays claim to such as well. When these energy repositories are discharged, they produce an ear-drum splitting crack of sound and a bolt of pure, blue-white lightning which can overload both of a mechanical a ful biological with equal ease. Akinthrough to these its weapons, the corposant  staff office whichdata-core officewhich channels and powerful power currentscortex of electromagnetic electromagnetic energy energy copper-studded copper-studde d crest. stave is an intricate  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Arc’ ‘Arc’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

 Weapon  Arc lance (Melee) Corposant stave  Arc maul  Arc scourge

Range -

Str +1 +1 +2 +2

AP 5 4 5 3

Type Melee, Disruption (5+) Melee, Two-handed, Haywire Melee, Disruption (5+) Melee, Rampage (D3), Disruption (5+)

B ASIC   COMBAT    WEAPONS  As stated in the Horus the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness Darkness rulebook,  rulebook, all models are considered to have some form of basic close combat weapon – be it a knife, entrenchment tool or simply bared fists and stubborn determination. Regardless of the nature of this weapon, all basic close combat weapons share the same profile, repeated here for ease of reference:

 Weapon Basic close combat weapon

Range Str User

AP -

Type Melee

CHAIN   WEAPONS These savage weapons have their origins within the blood-red depths of the Terran wars of Unity. They feature heavy grips and a  series of razor-edged razor-edged blades mounted mounted along the edge of the weapon and set set into cacophonous moti motion on by the powerful motor motorss at  its heart. Able to shred flesh and armour with equal ease in the hands of a skilled wielder (and all but unusable otherwise), there were those, even before the Heresy, who wondered at the development of such a weapon, seemingly designed as much for the displays of fountaining gore it created as its effectiveness in battle.  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Chain’ ‘Chain’ weapons for those rules that affect affect such weapons.

 Weapon Chainsword Chainfist Chain bayonet Scyllax combat array - Standard - Dismember Reaper chainblade Reaper chainsword Reaper chainfist

Range Str User x2 +1 -

Us User +3 9 10 10

AP 2 5 2 2 2 2

Type Melee, Shred Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Unwieldy Melee, Two-handed, Shred Me Melee, Shred Melee, Cumbersome, Unwieldy Melee, Shred Melee, Shred Melee, Armourbane (Melee)




These are powerful industrial tools that make use of a phase field to assist short, continuous releases of high energy packets.  More portable and and easily manipulated manipulated than common la lascutters, scutters, phas phasee cutting tools ar aree preferred in industrial industrial processes processes to cut  the composite ceramite and rolled plasteel sheets in which constructs are commonly clad. They are sometimes used by branches of the Imperial Army in siege warfare, though to the magi of the Mechanicum they are little more than readily available tools able to be easily mounted to experimental automata, and can be quickly refitted with alterations to their priming and phase  field mechanisms mechanisms to serve the needs of a given task-servitor. task-servitor.

 Weapon Las-impulsor (Melee)  Atrapos phasecutter (Melee)

Range -

Str 10

AP 1




Type Melee, Unwieldy, Cumbersome, Armourbane (Melee), Instant Death Melee, Cumbersome, Armourbane, Armourbane, Instant Death

GRAVITON   WEAPONS Little understood even by the Tech-Priests of Mars, the term ‘graviton weapon’ refers to a group of gravity projector devices whose sophistication is such that the few that now remain are relics of a lost age. Such weapons prove extremely useful when  fighting on a starship or in a null null gravity environment. environment. The power power of the graviton gun’s gun’s highest settings settings is sufficient sufficient to rupture organs and crack bones even inside armour, but its primary use is to impede the enemy and damage machinery without the risks of secondary explosions.  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Graviton’ ‘Graviton’ weapons for those rules that affect such weapons.

 Weapon Graviton hammer (Melee) Graviton ram (Melee)

Range -

Str 10 10

AP 2 1

Type Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Concussive (2) Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Concussive (2)

P ARAGON   BLADES Weapons forged of consummate artistry or irreplaceable relics of the ancient might of the Dark Age of Technology, Paragon blades are few in number and may take many forms. The most common Paragon blades blades are two-handed power weapons of  extraordinary balance and durability. Even more rarely, unique chain weapons wrought from the teeth of terrifying xenos-beasts xenos-beasts and night-black sickle swords found on remote death worlds on the edges of the Halo Stars have been known to hold similar   phenomenal killing killing power. Reg Regardless ardless of their form, Paragon blades are valu valued ed beyond price by the Imperi Imperium’s um’s warriors. warriors.

 Weapon Paragon blade

Range -

Str +1

AP 2

Type Melee, Murderous Strike (6+), Specialist Weapon


POWER   WEAPONS These mele These meleee we weap apon onss ar aree shea sheath thed ed in dis disru rupt ptio ion n fie fieldsthat ldsthat al allow low them them to cle cleave ave ar armou mourr as thoug though h it we were re pape paperr and and an anni nihi hila late te fle flesh sh or  bonee wit bon with h ease ease.. Th They ey ar aree bo both th dif diffi ficul cultt to mast master er,, for a si sing ngle le mismis-st strok rokee can can le lead ad to ca cata tast stro roph phee in a clo close se pack packed ed mele melee, e, and and expen expensi sive ve to manu manufa fact ctur uree and and main mainta tain in,, and and so are are mos mostl tlyy found found onl onlyy in the the ha hand ndss of th thee fine finest st wa warr rrio iors rs..  All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Power’ ‘Power’ weapons for those rules that affect affect such weapons. A model that is eligible to select a Power weapon may take any of the weapons included in this entry.

 Weapon Power sword Power axe Power maul Power lance

Range Str User +1 +2 +2 +1

AP 3 2 3 3

Type Melee, Rending (6+) Melee, Unwieldy Melee Melee, Reach (1)

 Although technically operated on the same principle, the following following weapons are far rarer and more difficult difficult to master than the more common power weapons. They count as ‘Power’ weapons, but may not be selected by a model eligible to claim a generic power weapon.

 Weapon Power blade array Lightning claw* Moywrm P erid fiostn axe Thunderstrike gauntlet Tempest warblade Titan power fist  Arioch power claw

Range Str User Us User er --

+ x22 12 10 14 15

AP 4 3 22 2 2 1 1

Type Melee, Breaching (5+) Me Mele lee, e, Sh Shre red, d, Rend Rendin ingg (6+) (6+),, Spec Specia iali list st We Weap apon on M Sunnwdieerl,dT , Ueanpwoin eldy Meelleeee,, U y,wSop-ehcaianldisetdW Melee, Sunder Melee, Deflagrate, Te Tempest Melee, Sunder, Destructor Melee, Shred, Destructor, Destructor, Instant Death,  Armourbane (Melee)

*When a model is equipped with two lightning claws, that model gains +2 Attacks instead instead of the usual +1 Attack for using an additional weapon in combat.


SERVO   WEAPONS Complex arrays of industrial claws and manipulators, as well as more exotic and disturbing tools, these weapons are often  spliced or directly connected connected to the wielder wielder and double as mechanical mechanical aids. These These tools supplemen supplementt a warrior’s already potent  ability in combat.  A model equipped with a servo-arm or prehensile dataspike dataspike may make an additional additional single attack per turn as well as any theyturn. would normally beare eligible make,the while a model equipped a machinator array makes two additional attacks per These attacks madetousing weapon profiles shownwith below.  Additionally, a machinator array array incorporates a flamer and a meltagun. A model with the Battlesmith (X) special ru rule le may add +2 to their Repair roll result if they also have a machinator array.

 Weapon Machinator array Prehensile dataspike Servo-arm

Range -

Str +1 5 8

AP 2 4 2

Type Melee, Unwieldy, Shred, Armourbane (Melee) Melee, Breaching (4+), Murderous Strike (6+), Reach (2) Melee, Unwieldy

SHOCK   CHARGERS Used to augment the combat power of a Legio Cybernetica Cybernetica Battle-automata or Questoris Knight, these weapons amplify the  force of a weapon’s weapon’s blows with a powerful magneto-hydraulic magneto-hydraulic act action ion that releases releases electrostatic electrostatic discharges which which detonate like thunderclaps when striking their target. Advanced variants of such weapons are even able to project short ranged blasts of  electromagneticc plasma. electromagneti

 Weapon Shock charger Shock lance (Melee) Shock ram

Range Str User 10 10

AP 3 2 4

Type Melee Melee, Reach (1), Exoshock (5+) Melee, Concussive (3), Ram (D6)

SIEGE   DESTROYERS This is a general term given to a specialised form of massive close combat weapon intended for Questoris Knight Knightss and  Mechanicum Battle-automat Battle-automata. a. Wreckers are designed to enable enable these heavy heavy assault units units to smash through fortifications fortifications and easily crush armoured barricades and defences in siege warfare. warfare. The most common form of this weapon is a hydraulic ram or  massive disruption-field disruption-field augmented hammer, hammer, although specialised forms of heavy claw or drill systems are also used.

 Weapon Siege wrecker Siege claw



Range -

Str 10

AP 2





Type Melee, Brutal (2), Sunder, Wrecker, Specialist Weapon Melee, Brutal (2), Sunder, Wrecker


The Mechanicum also employs a number of other weapons that do not fall into any easy category. These are listed here.

 Weapon Melta bomb  Volkite incinerator incinerator (Melee)

Range -

Str 8

AP 1




Type Melee, Detonation, Unwieldy, Armourbane (Melee), Instant Death Melee, Instant Death, Prisoned





The Ordinatus Aktaeus is effectively a siege platform which carries a seismic excavator macro-drill. The workings of such

While energy shields and more esoteric devices are common among the savants and soldiers of the Taghmata Omnissiah, Omnissiah, most also rely on more mundane means of protection.

a are complexAs beyond ken of even most tech-adepts ofdevice the Mechanicum. such, the deploying the seismic excavator  is a lengthy process which will only be undertaken in the heat  of battle and rarest of circumstances circumstances..

Rangingthat fromaugment simple ballistic to intricate mechanical  systems or replace replaplating ce the wearer’s weare r’s biological form, to the uninitiated, the armour of the Mechanicum can appear  as unique and varied as those who wear it.

The Aktaeus Aktaeus class class seis seismic mic exc excava avator tor macro-d macro-drill rill gran grants ts the Ordinat Ordi natus us Aktaeus Aktaeus the Ord Ordinat inatus us Transp Transport ort Bay special special rule. rule.

 The Corpus Skitarii

In additi addition, on, onc oncee per batt battle, le, at the end of the con contro trollin llingg player’s Movement phase, the Ordinatus Aktaeus may employ its its seismic seismic excavator excavator macro-dri macro-drill ll to cause a Seismic Shockwave. Shockw ave. When this occurs, the Ordina Ordinatus tus Aktaeus canno cannott move move for for the rest rest of the the ba batt ttle le and and coun counts ts as a vehicle that that has suffered suffered an irrepa irreparable rable Immobilis Immobilised ed result on the Vehic Vehicle le Da Damag magee table table (altho (although ugh n no o Hul Hulll Point Point loss loss is suf suffer fered) Units Unich ts the maySei not choose choo se towave Emb Embark ark ory Dis Disemb embark a tur turn ned). in .whi which Seismi smic c Shockwav Shock e ability abilit is used, used ,ark butin ma mayy do so as norma normall in subse subsequ quen entt tu turn rns. s.  At the beginning of each of the controlling player’s player’s Shooting phases for the rest of the battle after the Ordinatus Aktaeus has employed its seismic excavator macro-drill to cause a Seismic Shockwave, pick a point within 6" of the front of the hull of the Ordinatus Aktaeus (for the purposes of determining this point you should use the Front arc of the unit). All units, friendly or enemy (excluding the Ordinatus Aktaeus itself), within a number of inches equal to the current Game Turn number multiplied by 6 of this point suffer D6 Str 7, AP 4 Hits with the Pinning special rule. Models with the Vehicle Type arethe hit Vehicle o n theirUnit on weakest Should aUnit model with TypeArmour suffer aFacing. Penetrating Hit from this attack, it immediately immediately suffers from Crew Shaken in addition to any other effect.

The Corpus Skitarii, or armoured body of the Skitarii and Secutarii warriors, embodies the virtue of the Mechanicum in all of its glory. Each Skitarius warrior voluntarily undergoes extensive physical modification as a veneration of the ideals of the Machine Cult, cutting away their flesh and bone to replace it with advanced bionic prostheses. It is both the  privilege and responsibility responsibility of their their Order to replace replace even brain matter and neural connections that they might align all of their internal anbaric architecture in dedication to the holy servitude and submission to the Omnissiah. Very duties little inofthe way of o f true organic matter often remains within the Skitarii of this Order, with their skin, organs and other tissues voluntarily replaced with metals, bioplastics and other augmetics to better serve their martial function as militant fanatics of the Machine God. The extent of the bionics, cybernetics and augmetics integral to their machined and ritually maintained forms grants the Skitarii resistance to many battlefield dangers. The Corpus Skitarii confers a 4+ Armour Save. In addition, a model with Corpus Skitarii may re-roll Feel No Pain Damage Mitigation rolls which are the result of  attacks made by weapons with the Poisoned (X) or Rad-phage special rules.

Lorica Lor ica Thallax  Thallax   A divergent form of power power armour technology developed by the Ordo Reductor of the Mechanicum. Permanently  Permanently   surgically bonded bonded to the body of the wearer, wearer, it uses uses linked mechanical armatures to replace the primary limbs and a compact reactor core to generate power for the Thallax’s weaponry. The armour is fused directly to the spinal column and nervous system of the Thallax and marks them both as warriors of the Mechanicum and serves as a symbol of  their servitude. The Lorica Thallax confers a 4+ Armour Save. In addition,

a unit that includes any models with Lorica Thallax may not make Sweeping Advances.


 Titanshard Armour 


Each and every Secutarii axiarch is sheathed in Titanshard armour, Secutarii warplate reforged with fragments of one of the Legio’s Titans fallen in glorious battle, and whose revered remains were successfully preserved for the Legio by the blood and faith of the Secutarii who now bears the

This control and signalling device uses data-djinn to command Battle-automata fitted with Cybernetica cortex  systems, allowing allowing the wielder to witness witness the battlefield battlefield through the automata’s own senses as well as monitor their   status and exact exact precise control control over their actions. actions. Only the

armour. As a masterwork of power the Titan Tech-Priests’ art, it  offers a defence equal to the armour of the Legiones  Astartes and, and, furthermore, something something of the god-engine god-engine’s ’s near-indestructibility near-indes tructibility and bellicose machine spirit still haunts the armour, making the axiarch truly inhuman.

most highly experienced specifically of  the Mechanicum and theand Forge Lords of augmented the Legionesadepts Astartes can hope to fathom the use of these fractious devices and  successfully interpret the storm storm of data streaming streaming from their  un-living minions.

Titanshard Armour confers a 3+ Armour Save and a 5+ Invulnerable Save. In addition, a model with Titanshard  Armour may re-roll Feel No No Pain Damage Mitigation rolls rolls which are the result of attacks made by weapons with the Poisoned (X) or Rad-phage special rules.

 Any unit that includes one or more models with with the Cybernetica Unit Sub-type may ignore the Programmed Behaviour provision described as part of that Sub-type while within 12" of a friendly model with a cortex controller.



This energy scanning device has the effect of alerting the user  to the concealed presence or imminent arrival of enemy troops

Utilised by Techmarines Techmarines and the Adepts of the Mechanicum, cyber-familiar cyber-fa miliar is a term that encompasses a variety of semi-

in the vicinity.

autonomous such and as servo-skulls, mek-spiders other smaller devices drone units lesser haemonculites tiedand into the direct neural control of their operator. These miniondrones are an extension of their master’ master’ss will and provide them with a host of additional senses and capabilities.

 A unit that includes at least one model with an augury scanner gains all of the following benefits: • Enemy models cannot be deployed using the Infiltrate special rule within 18" of a model with an augury scanner. • A unit that includes at least one model with an augury scanner ignores the 24" limit to line of sight when making Shooting Attacks while the Night Fighting rules are in effect. • When any enemy enemy unit is deployed to tthe he battlefield from Reserves, a unit that includes at least one model with an augury scanner may make the Interceptor  Advanced Reactionpage (see the Horus the  Horus Heresy: Age of  a point Darkness rulebook, Darkness  rulebook, 309) without expending of the Reactive player’s Reaction Allotment. This does not allow the unit to make more than one Reaction per Phase, but does allow the controlling player to exceed the normal three Reactions limit in a given Phase.

 A model with a cyber-familiar cyber-familiar adds +1 to its Invulnerable Save (to a maximum of 3+) or an Invulnerable Save of  6+ if they do not already possess one. In addition, they allow them to re-roll failed Characteristic tests other than Leadership tests, Psychic checks or failed Dangerous Terrain tests

DOZER   BLADE Ranging from simple slabs of steel crudely attached to a vehicle’s vehicle ’sborne hull, by to the the Legiones artfully fitted and dozer specially-designed specially-desi gned blades Astartes, blades for the clearance of mines and other obstacles are a common feature of many armoured vehicles.  A model with a dozer blade may re-roll re-roll all failed Dangerous Terrain Terrain tests made for it.




The forces of the Taghmata, Questoris Houses and Titan Legions make use of a wide array of energy shields.

 Atomantic Deflector  Powered by the vast glut of energy from its atomantic heart, the more advanced Mechanicum war engines were veiled in a protective shroud of energy that could deflect or disperse las bolts and kinetic munitions. Yet, Yet, such was the power channelled through this little-understood device that in death the war  machines erupted in fiery ruin, a danger to both fr friend iend and foe.  A model with an atomantic deflector gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save and any model with an atomantic deflector and a Wounds Wounds Character Characteristic istic that suffers suffers an unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special rule is not immediately removed as a casualty, but instead loses D3 Wounds instead of one for each unsaved Wound Wound with the Instant Death special rule inflicted on it. In addition, when a model with an atomantic deflector deflector loses its last Wound or Hull Point, but before it is removed as a casualty or replaced with a Wreck, all models both friendly and D6" sufferan suffer an automatic Hit at Strenemy 8, AP within -.

Flaree Shield Flar Shield  Another of the Mechani Mechanicum’s cum’s special specialised ised systems that  that  only their high adepts truly understand, a flare shield is a directional electromagnetic electromagnetic flux field generator rumoured by   some to be a product of Dark Dark Age technology fr from om a source best left forgotten.  A model with a flare shield reduces the strength of  Shooting Attacks made against its Front Armour by -1, or -2 if that Shooting Attack has the Blast special rule or uses a template to determine its Range. A flare shield has no effect on Shooting Attacks inflicted inflicted with weapons of the Destroyer type.

Ion Gauntl Gauntlet et Shield Shield The shield generator mounted in the Lancer's gauntlet  assembly is more concentrated than the ion shield mounted on other Questoris Knights, but lacks its tactical flexibility flexibility..

 A model with an ion shield gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save Save against Shooting Attacks which target its Front Armour  Value, and a 5+ Invulnerable Save against Shooting Attacks Attacks which target its Side Armour Value.

Ionic Deflector  Deflector   A lesser example example of ion shield technology, technology, tied to a smaller  smaller  directional generator generator that can protect only a narrow arc of  the war engine upon which it is mounted. Fortunately, the Knights that most often mount such devices are more capable of positioning the device to best protect themselves, and using the lower energy drain of the deflector to better power their  devastating arsenals of weapons.  A model with an ionic deflector gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save, and any model with an ionic deflector deflector and a Wounds Characteristic gains the Eternal Warrior special rule. In addition, when a model with an ionic deflector loses its last Wound or Hull Point, before is removed as a casualty or replaced with abut Wreck, allitmodels both friendly and enemy within D6+3" suffer an automatic Hit at Str 8, AP -.

Kyropatri Kyro patriss Field Generator  Generator  The Kyropatris generator projects a weak deflector screen capable of lessening the impact of kinetic strikes and directed energy beams. It is engineered so that multiple field generators can overlap, creating a more powerful defensive effect. So long as a unit contains at least five models with a Kyropatris field field generator, all models in the unit may re-roll failed Armour Saves of 1. In addition, if the unit contains at least 10 models with Kyropatris field generators all Shooting madeof against the (to unit suffer athen modifier of -1 toAttacks the Str Strength ength the attack a minimum of Strength 1).

Ordinatus Ordin atus Dispersion Dispersion Shield Shield

 A model with an ion gauntlet shield gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save against Shooting Attacks which target its Front or Side Armour Values, and a 5+ Invulnerable Save against all Melee Attacks.

 An arcane and and obscure hybrid hybrid of both void shield and flare flare  shield technologies, technologies, the powerful dispersion dispersion shields moun mounted ted on Ordinatus class vehicles are designed to make them all but  impervious to counter-battery fire. However, However, such is the strain the field creates on its generators that its protection degrades over time as its elements begin to burn out.

Ion Shield Shield

For the duration of the first Game Turn, all Shooting

These sophisticated energy screens rely on ion fields to deflect  the path of solid projectiles. The main limitation of these

 Attacks made against a model with with an Ordinatus dispersion shield that target the model’s Front or Side

devices their immense energy requirement, sustainabl sustainablee by  only theislargest war engines.

 Armour any indirect Shooting Areduced ttacks (such as those values, with theorBarrage special rule) areAttacks by -2 Strength, and any Explodes results on the Vehicle Damage table are ignored.

Refrac Ref ractor tor Fields Fields & Mechan Mechanicu icum m Protec Protectiv tivaa

Krak Grenades Grenades

This term covers a variety of energy field and defensive  shield projectors devised devised by Mechanicu Mechanicum m magi to protect  themselves both on the battlefield and from assassination assassination by  their rivals. They encompass the wearer in an energy field or   force barrier which serves serves to refract or deflect deflect impacts and and

This class of grenade encompasses a variety of o f shaped charges,  plasma detonators detonators and crude bombs, all intended to disa disable ble armoured vehicles.

energy discharges, although the need for the wearer to move and fight, as well as their power consumption prevents them  from being anywhere anywhere near inviolable inviolable to attack. Devices Devices of  this nature are relatively rare and are the province of senior   figures, where where they are often often incorporated into into armour or  amulets and gifted as a mark of favour and rank.

krak grenades that is Engaged or otherwise in base contact during the Assault phase with a Building or Fortification, or a model with the Vehicle, Dreadnought or Automata Unit Type, inflict inflict one automatic Str 6, AP 3 Hit on the target in Initiative Step 1 instead of attacking normally.  Any model in a unit that is chosen to inflict Hits using krak grenades may not otherwise attack or make use of  any other special rule or item of Wargear Wargear that inflicts Hits or Wounds on a model in the same Assault phase (but may participate in Sweeping Advances as normal).


 A model with a refractor field gains a 5+ Invulnerable Save, and a model with a Mechanicum Protectiva gains a 4+ Invulnerable Save.

The controlling player may choose to have a model with

Invulnerable Saves granted by a refractor field field or Mechanicum Protectiva do not stack with other Invulnerable Saves, but can benefit from rules (like ccyberyberfamiliar) that specifically increase existing Saves. If a

Rad Grenad Grenades es

model has another Invulnerable Save then the controlling player must choose which one to use.

 forbade the use of such weapons, save save by the elite of his own legions.


During a turn in which a unit with at least one model with rad grenades successfully Charges, or is themselves successfully Charged, all models in the enemy unit(s) suffer a -1 penalty to their Toughness Characteristic, to a minimum of Toughness 1, until the end of the Fight subphase that follows the successful Charge. Note: This does affect Instant Death thresholds.

Small hand-held explosives have been a feature of warfare  for millennia, with with a near-in near-infinite finite variety in use by both human and xenos armies. Even within the Imperium there are innumerable patterns and designs, all intended to perform  similar tasks. The Divisio Militaris Militaris orders such devices devices into broad categories to ease the burden of supply and distribution. Representing a huge variety of handheld explosive devices used for an equally vast number of battlefield battlefield roles, grenades are represented in battle as Wargear items with a specific effect rather than as weapons. Using grenades does notcovered count asbya the Shooting Attack and theirNote effects effects entirely rules presented here. thatare grenade launchers do not use these rules and are Shooting  Weapons governed by the standard standard Shooting rules.

These weapons are relics of the darkest years of Old Terra’s isolation, designed to poison both the enemy and the land upon which they were detonated. The Emperor himself 

M AG-INVERTER    SHIELD The mag-inverter shield carried by the Secutarii is a highly   sophisticated relic relic technology incor incorporating porating a powerful inversion generatoria at its core. This generator is sufficient  both toofenhance the resilience shield farblows beyond the limits its material strength, of so the it may resist which would otherwise slay its bearer instantly, instantly, and further provide the copious power needed by the arc lance carried by the Hoplite as their principal weapon.

Frag Grenades Grenades This class of grenade contains only a small explosive charge, and is intended primarily to disorientate and distract the foe while closing on a fixed position.  A unit that includes at least one model with frag grenades grenades makes attacks at its normal Initiative Step during an  Assault after it has successfully Charged Charged through Difficult

Mag-inverter shields confer confer a 5+ Invulnerable Save. A  model with a mag-inverter shield cannot claim bonus attacks for having more than one melee weapon, or make attacks during the Assault phase using a weapon with the Two-handed special rule. Invulnerable Saves granted by a mag-inverter shield do

Terrain or Dangerous Dangerous Terrain, but still suffers suffers any penalties to Charge rolls imposed by Difficult Terrain

not stack with other Invulnerable Saves, but can benefit from rules (such as cyber-familiar) that specifically

or Dangerous Terrain when resolving Difficult Terrai Terrain n or Dangerous Terrain. Terraina. Charge through

increase existing If a controlling model has another Invulnerable SaveSaves. then the player must choose one to use.



LIGHTNING   LOCK  ‘Perfios’ ‘Perfi os’ pattern lightning lock

M AXIMA   BOLTER  ‘Clavus’ pattern maxima bolter 

IRRADIATION   ENGINE ‘Xhuron’ pattern irradiation engine

GRAVITON   R  AM ‘Omega-Shevar’ ‘Omega-Sheva r’ pattern graviton ram ram

PHASED   PLASMA -FUSIL ‘Ryza’ pattern phased plasma-fusil

PLASMA   MORTAR  ‘Hellex’ pattern plasma mortar 

IRAD-CLEANSER  ‘Xhuron’ pattern irad-cleanser 


 ASCANNON ON HEAVY   L ASCANN ‘Sollex’ pattern heavy lascannon

D ARKFIRE   C ANNON ‘Umbaranax’ pattern darkfire cannon

 VOLKITE   VEUGLAIRE ‘Ovarak’ pattern volkite veuglaire

CONVERSION   BEAM   C ANNON ‘Triplex Galatia’ pattern conversion beam cannon

M AULER   BOLT C ANNON ‘Toldov’ pattern bolt cannon

LIGHTNING   GUN ‘Simsek’ pattern lightning gun




The Mechanicum uses a wide variety of propulsion systems to traverse the battlefield, from antianti-grav grav repulsors to combustion fuel rocket thrusters. thrusters.

Incuna Inc unabu bulan lan Jet Pack  Pack 

Stratos Stra tos Thrusters Thrusters

Capable of granting the hulking thallax a manoeuvrability  manoeuvrability 

Larger and more powerful than other iterations of the humble

that belies their bulk, these jet pack systems have gone through hundreds of years of refinement at the hands of   generations of magi and been tested tested in hundreds upon upon hundreds of engagements. They have proven both a reliable and deadly addition to the armouries of the Mechanicum,  superior to the simple simple jump packs in use by other  Imperial armies.

 jump pack, the Stratos Stratos thruster system is capable capable of more  sustained flight, flight, allowing those those units equipped equipped with it to cover  large distances swiftly and unhindered by adverse terrain.

 A unit composed entirely of models with Incunabulan Incunabulan  jet packs may choose to increase its Move Characteristic Characteristic by +6" and ignore terrain while Moving during the Movement phase. A unit that ends or begins its movement in Dangerous Terrain will still need to take Dangerous Terrain Terrain tests as normal, even when employing Incunabulan jet packs and treats Difficult Terrai Terrain n as Dangerous Terrain. Terrain. In addition to the bonus to Move during the Movement phase, a unit composed entirely of models with Incunabulan jet packs may make an additional Move of 6" during the Shooting phase. This Move must be taken after the unit has completed any Shooting Attacks, is not limited by the weapons fired by that unit during the Shooting phase and ignores terrain in the same manner as moves made using a Incunabulan jet pack in the Movement phase.  Any model with an Incunabulan jet pack also gains the Bulky (2) and Deep Strike special rules, or if it already has the Bulky (2) special rule it gains the Bulky (3) special rule instead. Models with an Incunabulan jet pack may Embark on models with the Transport Unit Sub-type, contrary to the normal Transport rules, but still must take into account their size due to the Bulky (X) special rule. During any Reaction that allows a unit to Move, a unit composed entirely of models with Incunabulan jet packs increases the distance of that Move by 6 and allows it to ignore terrain in the same manner as other Incunabulan  jet pack moves.

 A unit composed entirely of models with with Stratos thrusters may set its Move Characteristic to a value of 16" for the duration of the controlling player’s turn. This allows the unit to move up to 16", regardless of the Movement Characteristic shown on its profile and gain any other benefits of a Movement Characteristic of 16" (including the bonus to Charge distance). In addition, Stratos thrusters allow units to hover above the battlefield and thus ignore the effects effects of DifficultTerrain and Dangerous Terrain at all times.

Ut Utan an Jump Jum p Booste Boopurpose ster  r  to the more common jump packs Though of similar in use by various branches of the Imperial military, the Utan  jump booster makes makes use of toxic propellant propellant to provide a boost  to its lift capabilities. Such fuel would normally be deadly to any user, but the Utan is designed to be used in conjunction with automata like the Arlatax, which suffer not at all from the foul clouds that are emitted from the unit.  A unit composed entirely of models with with Utan jump boosters may set its Move Characteristic to a value of 12 for the duration of the controlling player’s turn. This allows the unit to move up to 12", regardless of  the Movement Characteristic shown on its profile and gain any other benefits of a Movement Characteristic of 12 (including the bonus to Charge distance, see the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook, Darkness rulebook, page 181). In addition, the unit ignores terrain while Moving and Charging. A unit that ends or begins its movement or a Charge in Dangerous Terrain will still need to take Dangerous Terrain Terrain tests as normal, even when employing Utan jump boosters, and treats all Difficult Terrain as Dangerous Terrain.  A unit composed entirely of models with with Utan jump boosters may not Run. During Reactions made in any Phase, a unit composed entirely of models with Utan  jump boosters may not activate them to gain any bonus

to their Movement Characteristic. Any model with an Utan jump booster also gains the Deep Strike special rule.  Additionally, models models with an Utan jump booster may Embark on models with the Transport Unit Sub-type, contrary to the normal Transport rules, but still must take into account their Unit Type and their size due to the Bulky (X) special rule.




 A nuncio-vox is a beacon and communications communications array tthat  hat  allows constant co-ordination with other elements of an army  – be they in a neighbouring region or in orbit high overhead. This allows precision reinforcements to be deployed nearby  and strikes to be targeted with deadly accuracy.

 Mounted illum-beacons illum-beacons or simple simple electric torches, torches, many  vehicles mount some kind of portable light to aid in target  identification and destruction in darkness and poor weather.

 While at least one model with a nuncio-vox is present on the battlefield and not Embarked in a Vehicle Vehicle or Building, the controlling player may re-roll any Scatter rolls made (whether as part of a weapon attack or the deployment of  a model or unit), as long as the model with the nuncio-vox has line of sight to the unit targeted by the attack or the point chosen as the target of the deployment. In addition, a unit that includes at least one model with a nuncio-vox ignores the -1 penalty to Leadership imposed by the Night Fighting rules.

R  AD  F URNACE These horrific devices were originally an offshoot of early  research into atomantic generators, but have since been turned to vile weapons of war. They serve to generate and emit a constant deluge of exotic radiation, an insidious onslaught that bypasses armour and other defences to cripple the foe. Only those magi with properly shielded organics or   full automata can bear such devices for any length of time time without collapsing from the corrupting touch of the radiation they emit.  Any melee Hits Hits allocated allocated to models locked locked in combat with one or more units that include a model with a rad furnace require one lower result result To Wound than they would normally, normally, to a minimum of 2+. This effect is not cumulative with itself if more than one model in a combat has a rad furnace. Models with rad furnaces are immune to the effects of rad grenades, the Rad-phage Rad-phage special rule and the rad furnaces of models they are locked in combat with. In addition, Hits from weapons with the Rad-phage special rule that are allocated to a model with a rad furnace only successfully successf ully wound on a To Wound roll of a 6+.

 A model with searchlights ignores the 24" limit to line of  sight imposed by the Night Fighting rules when making Shooting Attacks, however enemy units also ignore that same restriction when making Shooting Attacks that target a model with searchlights. In addition, any unit that has been the target of a Shooting Attack made by a unit with searchlights (regardless of whether any Hits Hits were inflicted or not) may be freely targeted for Shooting Attacks by any other unit in the same Shooting phase, ignoring the 24" restriction to line of sight imposed by the Night Fighting rules. Searchlights do not count as weapons and may not be targeted by the Weapon Destroyed result on the Vehicle Damage table.

SMOKE   L  AUNCHERS  Many armoured armoured fighting vehicles vehicles bear simple simple grenade systems systems rigged to distribute smoke upon being triggered, granting the vehicle a brief and passing cover that can prove crucial in the worst of situations. Such devices are of most use in  slow moving campaigns, campaigns, as a vehicle at maximum speed will quickly disperse or outrun its own shield. The control controlling ling play player er may choose choose to trigger trigger smo smoke ke launc launcher herss once once a model model with with them them has comp comple leted ted its move mo veme ment nt in the Mo Move veme ment nt phase phase,, and may may only only choose choose to tr trig igge gerr th them em if th thee mode modell ha hass move moved d no fa fast ster er th than an Co Comb mbat at Spe Speed ed that that turn. turn. Once Once trig trigge gered red,, the mod model el with with sm smoke oke launche launchers rs coun counts ts as being being more more than 25% obscured obscured,, reg regard ardless less of terrain, terrain, un until til the sta start rt of the control controllin lingg player’s player’s ne next xt tu turn rn an and d gain gainss a 6+ Cove Coverr Save Save.. A mode modell whos whosee smok smokee launcher laun cherss have been trigge triggered red may not make make any Shooting Shooting  Attack  Att acks, s, excep exceptt as part of a Reactio Reaction, n, in the same turn. Smok Smokee launc launcher herss may may only only be use used d once once per battle battle,, and once once trig trigge gere red d may may not be fur furthe therr use used d – in addi additi tion, on, they they do no nott coun countt as a weap weapon on an and d ma mayy no nott be ta targ rget eted ed by We Weap apon on Destroy Des troyed ed res results ults on the Veh Vehic icle le Damage Damage tabl table. e.



he Taghmata of Forge World Satarael adorned their fighting forces in metallic ccrimson rimson and dark  grey. These colours were applied as hardened lacquer to the armoured plating of automata and vehicles, and incorporated into the vestments of the Tech-Priests Tech-Priests and

C AMPAIG  AMPAIGN N   HONOUR  Denoting the IX th Maniple of the IV th Cohort’s  previous service with the Luna Wolves

magi. In addition to maniple designations, master glyphs and campaign honours, Satarael Battle-automata B attle-automata often had unique circuitry glyphs worked into their heraldry which designated the specific forge-fane in which which they were constructed.

M ASTER   M ARK  Personal sigil of  Inar Satarael

T AGHM  AGHMATA  ATA   S ATARA  ATARAEL EL   C ASTELLAX   CLASS   B ATTLE- AUTOM  AUTOMATA  ATA  Ereu-Vostris-3445-Jun Terminus Termin us Assault Force Paramar V



he use of colour in the heraldry of various forces within a Forge World’s Taghmata Taghmata was as varied and labyrinthine as the organisation of those arcane webs of feudal allegiance. The archimandrites of some Forge Worlds demanded a standardised uniformity of colour usage on the heraldry of their vassal forces, while others allowed each vassal lord to display their own heraldry and colours on their war machines.

M ASTER   M ARK  Cybertheurgic rune denoting servitude to the magi of Taghmata Kiarii

T AGHM  AGHMATA  ATA   K IARII IARII   DOMITAR   CLASS B ATTLE- AUTO  AUTOMATA  MATA  th 227 Expeditionary Fleet Mechanicum Battle Group

M ANIPLE   BINDING Circuitry glyphs binding the Domitar’s machine  spirit to its Maniple Maniple

 WEAPON   GLYPHS Circuitry glyphs in exhortation of the Domitar’s weapon spirits

MECHANICUM   THALLAX Kalika Covenant, Taghmata Sarum Bio-reclamation Cohort, Scouring of Tredecimmia

T AGHM  AGHMATA  ATA   USOLKAN   THALLAX  Vang-145Hex-Sar•Ge  Vang-145 Hex-Sar•Ges, s, Myrmidex Mendicant, Taghma,, Thracian Highlands, Calth Taghma




he distinction between vehicle and automata amongst the Mechanicum was one more of semantics than concrete difference; difference; many of the same principles and arcane technologies were at work within both categories of war engine. At which point an on-board cyber-

In addition, many vehicles and battle-automata put to use by a Forge World’s World’s Taghmata were known to bear the crests of the specific cults that were responsible for their creation, their active operation, and those to whom their service was sworn. Given the labyrinthine and

augmented operator becomes meaningfully different different from a bio-mechanical servitor cogitation unit was largely a mystery to anyone outside the Martian priesthood.

ever-shifting web of feudal obligation present within the Taghmata,, it was not uncommon for each engine of war Taghmata to have been adorned with dozens of sigils and crests throughout its active service.

Indeed, this was made no less confusing by many Forge  Worlds’ practise of marking their vehicles and automata in patterns indistinguishable from one another to any observer not inducted into the mysteries of the Omnissian cult. Techno-arcane glyphs, runic circuitry and long chains of symbolic code were used to identify the war machines on the battlefield, bind and exhort their machine spirits, and ward against malicious data-djinn and cybertheurgic attacks.

In particular, the massive engines of destruction, the Ordinatus, were often the masterworks of entire forges, utilising the expertise and jealously guarded knowledge of dozens of cults, orders and sects within a single fane. Even the smaller Ordinatus Minoris were titanic creations that would bear the mastermarks of dozens of magi and archmagi alike.


 VULTARAX   UNIT   N AGRI  9937  Vultarax Stratos-automata Stratos-automata Maniple Delta-xel Nagri Prosperine Wastes Sweep Formations




 Ashurax Captured by Loyalist forces on Xana II



he emerald green heraldry of House Vyronii does honour to the light of the green gas giant around which their home world of Damaetus III/II orbited. The grim melancholy of the Household had been reflected in the dull, unadorned ceramite of their Knight Armour

for centuries. Yet, upon their departure during the Great Crusade, in life-debt to the I st Legion, the scions of the Household bade their Sacristans to daub their Armours in vibrant green, in homage of their now-distant home.



HOUSE   VYRONII   CERASTUS   K NIGHT NIGHT   L ANCER   Apsinthos Hive Ilium, Fall of Manachea


The Knights of House Vyronii displayed their personal heraldry alongside the House crest upon the pauldrons of their  Knight Armour. These devices prominently featured heraldic elements that described personal victories, defeats and notable events from their history of making war in their House’s name. In the case of a Knight that had brought shame to the Household, marks of censure would also be emblazoned upon the pauldrons.

PERSONAL   HERALDRY    FEATURE Raguly bend sinister 


 psinthos is depicted bearing the personal heraldry of Elsbet Vorr  psinthos over the emerald and white of the Vyronii. The most prominent feature of this heraldry is the jagged red diagonal band (referred to as a ‘raguly ‘raguly bend sinister ’ by the Adepts Pursuivant of the OfficioMilitaris Officio Militaris College of Arms), signifying a hardship of a particularly challenging nature overcome by the bearer. In the case of Elsbet Vorr, this relates to an attack by one of the abominable autochthonic xenos of Damaetus III/II, during which Vorr was subjected to wave after wave of psionic domination before throwing off the being’s god-lik god-likee will and slaying the vile creature upon Apsinthos upon Apsinthos’’ lance.





uch of the heraldic panoply of the re-formed House of Malinax was taken from the predatory p redatory megafauna that was prevalent on the Forge World on which they were homed. The distinctive colouration of their primary armour was in fact ritually created from the dense,

also forms the core icon of Xana’s Taghm Taghmata ata forces. The tripled-tailed scorpion, however, pre-dates the pact with Xana and owes its origin to the ancient sigil of the Malin-Qatlu, rendered now ‘Transfigured ‘ Transfigured by the Omnissiah’ Omnissiah’ as the House’s Xanite Sacristans have it, to a purer,

silicate-rich bone plates harvested from Xana’s gigantic armoured Regathok Ursids, the augmented skull of which

more blessed form.



FORGE-FANE FANE OF S ETNA   MECHANICUM   K NIGHT NIGHT   STYRIX   – ‘X AULHQU  AULHQUII’ The Defence of the Barbican Gate, Incursion of Xana



ike their armour, the honour banners of House Malinax were simple simple affairs after the reestablishment of their Household. Disregarding the complex conventions of the Officio Officio Militaris College of Arms, the Sacristans of House Malinax decorate the Household’s banners with only the bare minimum of  heraldic adornment needed for identification, identification, rarely more than the House name and crest and the runic marker of Forge Xana. Indeed, in the latter years of the Horus Heresy, many Malinax Knights were seen bearing no honour banners at all. Lords and scions of rival and allied Households alike viewed this as a great dishonour, considering it paramount to an act of self-mutilation.



However, the warriors of House Malinax themselves remained utterly silent on the issue; a fact that only made the reality seem more sinister.


TITAN   LEGION   HERALDRY  ach Titan Legion has a legacy that stretches centuries, if not millennia, into the history of Mankind. This span of existence comes with a pride that few other organisations within the dominion of the Emperor can match. For this reason, each Titan displays its storied


In many ways, these adornments mirror the iconography that can be seen on other war machines of the Age of  Darkness, yet whereas the markings of the Legiones  Astartes and the Solar Auxilia Auxilia include visible visible identifiers of squad and battlefield battlefield role, the heraldry of the Titan

history painted in intricate detail upon its armoured carapace and embroidered onto massive war banners that hang from its chassis.

Legions eschews most tactical considerations, preferri preferring ng instead to proudly proclaim their achievements and legacy.

PERSONAL   HERALDRY   Moderatii crest  crest 

HONOUR   B ANNER   Ascribing notable notable kills

CLASS   SYMBOL Warlord Titan  W AR  B  B ANNER  Recording of  battle history 








n keeping with the arcane and esoteric mysteries of  the Mechanicum, the icons, symbols and glyphs of the Martian priesthood possessed as much or more spiritual significance than utilitarian. Indeed, few univ universal ersal icons and imagery existed across the vast number of Forge

 Worlds, each having their own distinct patterns and

practice. The most significant exception to this variety was the Opus Machina, the cog and skull symbol of the Mechanicum itself. This symbol can be seen adorning every sort of mechanical construct, automata, and warrior regardless of which Forge World produced it.

Despite the wide variation in symbology, symbology, one oft-witnessed element is the integration of techna-lingua characters into the icons of the Mechanicum. These characters and hieroglyphs, recorded and archived with reverence by the lexmechanics of the Mechanicum, represent but a fraction of the countless written characters generated throughout the long existence of humanity humanity..





uring the Great Crusade and throughout the strife of the Horus Heresy, many of the Legiones Astartes supplemented their fighting forces with battle-automata and cybernetically cybernetically enhanced warriors from the Mechanicum. These auxiliary forces were most often formed into contingent contingent detachments that took the field alongside their Legion allies. However, as the Horus Heresy ground ever onward, and Legion losses became more severe, it became ever more common for these Mechanicum Mechanicum allies to be embedded within the fighting ranks of the Legions, and in the most rare circumstances,

fully inducted into the Legions themselves. In such instances the inducted forces would be adorned with heraldry that marked them as an ironclad member of that brotherhood.



L AMBDA   THREE   SIX Designation Code OPU PUS S  M AC  ACHI HINA  NA   Mechanicum Icon Icon IRON   W ARRI  ARRIORS ORS   LEGION   C ASTELLAX CLASS   B ATTLE- AUTO  AUTOMATA  MATA  Cybernetica Detachment Legion Reserve, Urgall Depression Cordon, Isstvan V Dropsite Massacre

STEEL   WOLVES Thallax Cohort Ordo Reductor & Sons of Horus Legion

GRAVIS   LOGOS-NUL Thallax Cohort Ordo Reductor & Word Bearers Legion

SICRONUS-SEPTUS Thallax Cohort Ordo Reductor & Iron Hands




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