The History and Philosophy of Astronomy Lecture 23: Steady State vs Big Bang. Presentation

April 10, 2019 | Author: ertipole2 | Category: Big Bang, Cosmic Microwave Background, Universe, Chemical Elements, Atoms
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Volker Bromm. University of Texas at Austin. Steady State vs Big Bang Universe. Origin of the Big Bang Theory. Alexander...


Astronomy 350L (Fall 2006)

The History and Philosophy of Astronomy (Lecture (Lect ure 23: 23: Steady Steady Stat State e vs Big Bang) Bang)

Instructor: Volker Bromm TA: Jarrett Johnson The University of Texas at Austin

Stead St eady y State State vs Big Ban Bang g Uni Univer verse se Perm Pe rman anen ence ce vs ch chan ange ge!! Parmenides

• ch chan ange ge is is illu illusi sion on!! • ti time me has has no no begi beginni nning ng • “Wh “What at is, is, cann cannot ot not not be! be!””


• eve everyth rything ing is in perpe perpetual tual flux flux!! • bas basic ic el eleme ement nt:: fir fire e • “Panta Rhei!”

Origin of the Big Bang Theory • 19 1922 22:: an expan expandin ding g univer universe se (solving Einstein’s equations of General Relativity without cosmological cosmological constant)

Alexander Friedmann (1888-1925)

Origin of the Big Bang Model • 19 1927 27:: Le Lema mait itre re ind indepe epende ndent ntly ly (re (re-) -) dis disco cover vers s the the expanding-universe solutions of GR

Abbe Abb e Geo Georges rges Lema Lemaitr itre e (1894-1966)

Lemait Lem aitre re mee meets ts Eins Einstei tein n (Pasadena, 1933)

Origin of the Big Bang Model • Lem Lemaitr aitre: e: Imagi Imagine ne that that you you run expa expansi nsion on of universe backwards in time!


Cosmic time

• in dis distant tant pas past: t: uni univer verse se was much denser and hotter!

Origin of the Big Bang Model • 19 1931 31:: Le Lema mait itre re’s ’s “P “Pri rime meva vall At Atom om”: ”:

• Pri Primev meval al atom: atom: super-hea super-heavy, vy, radio radioact active ive!! • Radi Radioact oactive ive decay decay somehow somehow trigg triggers ers expansi expansion! on! Lemaitre: “Father of the Big Bang”

Origin of the Big Bang Model • Geo eorg rge e Gam amow ow 1904 190 4 (Odess (Odessa) a) – 196 1968 8 (Bould (Boulder) er) • distinguished career in nuclear physics (“tunnel effect”) • 1948: theory of Big Bang nucleosynthesis (with R. Alpher)

• fa famo mous us po popu pula lari rize zerr of sc scie ienc nce e (“Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland”)

The Riddle of the Chemical Elements Abund Ab undanc ance e vs at atomi omic c numbe numberr

• Hydrogen and helium by far the most abundant cosmic elements • Why: 1 He atom per 10 H atoms? • Why are all the other elements so very rare?

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

“Hot Big Bang”


• Bi Big g ide idea a (Al (Alph pher er an and d Gam Gamow ow 19 1948 48): ): Sy Synt nthe hesi size ze all elements during earliest, hot and dense, phase • Raw materi material al = “Ylem”: “Ylem”: primord primordial ial soup soup of proton protons, s, neutrons, electrons, and photons

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

• Gr Grea eatt suc succe cess ss:: Big Big Ba Bang ng nuc nucleo leosy synyh nyhes esis is ca can n successfully explain Helium abundance (1 He atom per 10 H atoms) • pub publis lished hed (April (April 1, 1948) 1948) as Alpher Alpher,, Bethe, Bethe, & Gamow Gamow (the “alphabetical paper”: alpha, beta, gamma…)

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis Robert Herman

Ralph Alpher

Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

• Big problem: theory doesn’t work for heavier heavier element elements: s: - He He+n +neu eutr tron on,, He He+p +pro roto ton n un unst stab able le!! - He + He ( Be) unstable!

Modern View of Nucleosynthesis 1. Hydrogen, helium: Big Bang 2. All oth ther er el elem emen ents ts:: In Inte teri rio or of of sta stars rs

• Bri Bridgi dging ng the the “Hel “Helium ium-ca -carbon rbon gap” gap”:: Triple-alpha process (Edwin Salpeter, 1952)

Modern View of Nucleosynthesis

• Succe Successful ssful theory of creating creating the elements elements in stars: stars: - Burb Burbidg idge, e, Burbi Burbidge, dge, Fowl Fowler, er, & Hoyle Hoyle (B2FH 1957)

Predicting Cosmic Background Radiation


• Bi Big g ide idea a (Alp (Alphe herr an and d Herm Herman an 19 1948 48): ): Ou Outt of of primordial fireball in early universe an intense sea of photons that is still around us today

Predicting Cosmic Background Radiation • Exp Expans ansion ion of Unive Universe rse stretc stretches hes light light toward towards s longer wavelength (i.e., redder and less energetic)

• Cos Cosmi mic c ba back ckgro ground und to today day:: red redsh shif ifte ted d in into to microwave region of electromagnetic spectrum!

Predicting Cosmic Background Radiation • Pre Predic diction tion (1948): (1948): Cosmic Cosmic microwa microwave ve backgro background und at a (radiation) temperature of ~ 5 Kelvin


• Why was CMB not dis discov covered ered then then??? ??? (

CMB was eventually discovered in 1965 by serendipity)

- fail failure ure to explain explain creati creation on of elements elements beyond beyond Helium Helium!! - brea breakdown kdown of comm communica unication tion between between theoris theorists ts and experimentalists experime ntalists (radio astronome astronomers) rs) - gene general ral disregard disregard for anythin anything g related related to “Early Unive Universe” rse”

Vatican endorses the Big Bang • Pop ope e Piu ius s XI XIII (1939 – 58) - Eugenio Pacelli • 1951: official endorsement

- sp spee eech ch `T `The he Pro Proof ofs s for for the Existence of God in the Light of Modern Natural Science’ • Big Bang =

moment of Creation

Soviet Union bans the Big Bang • Ma Marx rxis ismm-Le Leni nini nism sm • philo los sop oph hy: dialectical materialism • materi ria alis ism m no creation of matter out of nothing (matter, and therefore the universe, must have existed forever!) • Soviet scientists scientists endorsing Big Bang were sent to `Gulag’!

Cosmic Age Problem

• rec recess ession ion speed speed = (Hubble) (Hubble) cons constant tant x dist distanc ance e • v = H0 x d • (H0=500 km s-1 Mpc-1) - Hu Hubb bble le’s ’s ori origi gina nall value 500


• Age of of the univ universe erse (in (in Big Big Bang model model)) shorter shorter than estimated age of the Earth (~ 4 billion years)!!!

History of H0 1200

Compilation by John Huchra


   )    c 800    p    M    /    s    / 600    m    k    (

Baade Baade ident identifi ifies es Pop. Pop. I and II Cepheids


“Brightest “Brightest stars” identified identified as H II regions

   H 400 200

Jan Oort 0 1920



195 0

1 960


1 970



200 0

The Steady State Alternative (1948)

Fred Hoyle (1915-2001)

Hermann Bondi (1919-2005) Thomas Gold (1920-2004)

• work worked ed out at at Cambridg Cambridge e Univers University, ity, Engl England and

Hoyle coins the term “Big Bang” • 19 1950 50:: BBC BBC radio radio in inte terv rview iew • de derog rogat ativ ive e term term for for riv rival al theory to his own steady-state • be befo fore re th that at,, “B “Biig Ba Bang ng”” wa was s called “dynamic evolving model”

Fred Hoyle

• Bo Both th Ho Hoyl yle e and and Gam Gamow ow fo foug ught ht a PR PR bat battl tle! e!

Steady State Alternative Evolving universe (“Big Bang”) • den densit sity y chang changes es with with tim time e • pas pastt diffe differen rentt from from presen presentt • be begi ginni nning ng of ti time me (“Big Bang”) Steady state universe • den densit sity y consta constant nt over over time time • uni univer verse se ne never ver cha change nges s • no beg begin inni ning ng of of tim time e

Steady State Alternative • How does dens density ity cha change nge over over time time? ?

Steady state universe Evolving universe (“Big Bang”)

Steady State Alternative • How can densi density ty be con consta stant nt despi despite te cosmic expansion?

• con contin tinuous uous crea creation tion of of matter matter (“C-fi (“C-field eld”) ”) • Nee Need: d: 1 atom atom per per liter liter per per billio billion n years years

Steady State Alternative • Ho How w and when when is is matt matter er cre creat ated? ed? Evolving universe (“Big Bang”)

Steady state universe

time time

• al alll of of mat matte terr at at beginning of time

• sm smal alll amou amount nts s of of mat matte terr all the time

• For both models: matter is created out of nothing!

Steady State Alternative • ste steady ady-sta -state te equilib equilibrium rium:: Patterns Patterns remain, remain, but matter mat ter flows flows con constan stantly tly `th `throug rough’ h’ them

• A: st stea eady dy st stat ate: e: pattern (here: volume) doesn’t change • B: st stat atic ic ca case se:: nothing changes (e.g., Einstein’s Universe)

Einstein’s Eternal (and static) Universe • 191 1917: 7: Einstei Einstein n construc constructs ts model model of the univers universe e that is eternal and static • ba bala lanc nce e be betw twee een n attractive gravity and repulsive cosmological constant (“anti-gravity”)

• fin finite ite but but without without boundary boundary (spat (spatiall ially y closed) closed)

Steady State Alternative • st stea eady dy-st -stat ate e theory theory obey obeys s perfect cosmological principle 

• cos cosmol mologic ogical al princi principle ple : unive universe rse looks looks everywhere  the same (on average) isotropy and homogeneity • perfec perfectt cosmologic cosmological al princip principle le (PCP): (PCP): univers universe e looks looks everywhere and everywhen the same (homogeneity in space and time)

• aesthe aesthetic tic appeal of PCP PCP because because of higher higher symmet symmetry ry

Stea St eady dy St State ate vs Bi Big g Ban Bang g • Dec Decisi ision on has to come come from from observa observatio tions! ns! 1. Ra Rad dio Ga Gallaxi xies es and Qu Quasa sars rs

Martin Ryle (1918-84)

Cambridge (England) radiotelescope

Stea St eady dy St State ate vs Bi Big g Ban Bang g • Dec Decisi ision on has to come come from from observa observatio tions! ns! 1. Ra Radi dio o Gal Galax axie ies s (RG (RGs) s) an and d Qu Quas asar ars s

Density of RGs vs time Radio emission


Ryle Ry le’s ’s ob obse serva rvati tion on


• radio galaxies (discovered in 1950s)



Stea St eady dy St State ate vs Bi Big g Ban Bang g • Dec Decisi ision on has to come come from from observa observatio tions! ns! 1. Ra Radi dio o Gal Galax axie ies s (RG (RGs) s) an and d Qu Quas asar ars s

• RGs and qu quas asa ars were mo morre numerous in the past! • Ry Ryle le’s ’s ob obse serv rvat atio ions ns co cont ntra radi dict ct steady-state model, but are in accordance with Big Bang

Martin Ryle (1918-84)

• Ry Rylle wi wins ns 19 1974 74 No Nobe bell Pr Priize in Physics

Stea St eady dy St State ate vs Bi Big g Ban Bang g • Dec Decisi ision on has to come come from from observa observatio tions! ns! 2. Discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background 1965: Bell Labs Holmdel (NJ) horn antenna

• Se Seren rendi dipi pito tous us disco discove very ry:: There is unaccounted `nois `no ise’ e’ in mi micro crowa wave ve band band!! • Wh What at is it? t??? ?? Robert Wilson

Arno Ar no Pe Penz nzia ias s

Stea St eady dy St State ate vs Bi Big g Ban Bang g • Dec Decisi ision on has to come come from from observa observatio tions! ns! 2. Discovery of Cosmic Microwave Background

• Gamow’s old Big Bang fireball prediction!

• a per perfe fect ct th ther erma mall (`blackbody’) spectrum!

Stead Ste ady y Stat State e vs vs Big Ban Bang g

• In 19 1940s 40s an and d 50s, 50s, tw two o riv rival al mod models els of co cosm smol ology ogy:: - “B “Big ig Ban Bang” g” (G (Gam amow ow,, Alph Alpher er,, and Her Herma man) n):: - univ universe erse starte started d out in exceeding exceedingly ly dense and and hot state state - Hyd Hydrogen rogen and and Helium Helium are created created in first first few minute minutes s - univ universe erse is stro strongly ngly evol evolving ving - Stea Steady dy State State (Hoyl (Hoyle, e, Bondi, Bondi, and and Gold): Gold): - un unive iverse rse had no begi beginni nning ng - cont continuou inuous s creat creation ion of matt matter er

• Dec Decisi ision on by observ observati ations ons in favo favorr of Big Bang Bang - Red Redshi shift ft dis distri tribut bution ion of radi radio o galaxie galaxies s and quasa quasars rs (Ryle) (Ryle) - discove discovery ry of cosmic microwave background (Penzias/Wilso (Penzias/Wilson) n)

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