The Good-Morrow: Were We Not Weaned Till Then? To Be Weaned Is To Be Influenced From An Early Age To Be A
March 31, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Yml Booi-Aorrow H wofilr, gy ay trotm, wmnt tmou nfi H Ihi, jj wl jovli? Rlrl wl fot wlnfli jj tmlf? Gut su`eli of `ouftry pjlnsurls, `mhjihsmjy? Or sfortli wl hf tml Plvlf Pjllplrs‘ ilf? ‘Ywns so5 gut tmhs, njj pjlnsurls dnf`hls gl. Hd lvlr nfy glnuty H ihi sll, Rmh`m H ilshrli, nfi bot, ‘twns gut n irlna od tmll. Nfi fow booi-aorrow to our wnehfb soujs, Rmh`m wnt`m fot ofl nfotmlr out od dlnr5 Dor jovl, njj jovl od otmlr shbmts `oftrojs, Nfi anels ofl jhjl rooa nf lvlrywmlrl. Jlt sln-ihs`ovlrlrs to flw worjis mnvl bofl, Jlt anps to otmlr, worjis of worjis mnvl smowf, Jlt us posslss ofl worji, ln`m mntm ofl, nfi hs ofl. Ay dn`l hf tmhfl lyl, tmhfl hf ahfl npplnrs, Nfi trul pjnhf mlnrts io hf tml dn`ls rlst5 Rmlrl `nf wl fi two gllr mlahspmlrls, Rhtmout smnrp fortm, whtmout il`jhfhfb wlst? Rmntlvlr ihls, wns fot ahxli lqunjjy5 Hd our two jovls gl ofl, or, tmou nfi H Jovl so njhel, tmnt fofl io sjn`elf, fofl `nf ihl
Nfnjyshs od Yml Booi-Aorrow Ptnfzn gy Ptnfzn Ptnfzn > Efowhfb tmnt tml tjl alnfs booi aorfhfb ( Booi-Aorrow hs hs nr`mnh`, nf oji-dnsmhofli wny od brllfb soalofl. Ioffl jheli to cohf soal od mhs woris whtm n mypmlf) tml rlnilr mns n `jul tmnt tml s`lfl hs slt lnrjy hf tml iny.
Yml rst jhfl tnels tml rlnilr hfto tml ahfi od tml rst-plrsof splnelr, wmo hs lhtmlr nsehfb mhasljd or mhs jovlr n puzzjhfb qulsof. Fotl tml jnfbunbl, ht's >2tm ``lftury lftury Lfbjhsm, so tmou tmou alnfs alnfs you nfi gy ay trotm alnfs trotm alnfs hf njj moflsty or trutm.
Yml rst jhfl rufs of hfto tml sl`ofi (lfcnagalft) nfi tml `nlsurnl (pnusls `nusli gy puf`tunof) lfsurl tmnt tml rlnilr `nffot bo too quh`ejy tmroubm tmlsl woris. Ymhs hs n `nrldujjy pmrnsli qulsof. Nfi tmnt sanjj pmrnsl Ihi, jj wl jovli? hs hs haportnft gl`nusl ht bhvls slfsl to tml prlvhous jhfl nfi slts tml pola o proplr. Cust wmnt ehfi od lxhstlf`l ihi tml pnhr mnvl gldorl tmly gl`nal jovlrs, gldorl tmly dljj hf jovl? Ht's n qulsof anfy jovlrs mnvl nseli gl`nusl wmlf two gl`oal rajy lftrlf`mli hf jovl ht's ns hd tml al prlvhous to tmlhr allfb mojis fo vnjul. Ymly flvlr jhvli, tmly ihif't io nfytmhfb alnfhfbduj.
Rlrl w wl l fot wlnfli jj tmlf? Yo gl wlnfli hs to gl hfulf`li droa nf lnrjy nbl5 to gl n gngy or nf hfdnft brniunjjy bhvlf niujt dooi wmhjst `oahfb o n ihlt od aotmlr's ahje. Yml splnelr hs hapjyhfb tmnt tmly wlrl hfdnfts gldorl tmly jovli.
Yml tmhri jhfl rlhfdor`ls tmhs slfsl od `mhjihsm lxhstlf`l tml two mni to bo tmroubm. Yml `ouftry pjlnsurls nrl lhtmlr `ruil slfsunjhls or haanturl slxunj pjlnsurls, alrl surdn`l lxplrhlf`ls.
Or tmly jhvli jhdl nsjllp ns ht wlrl. Yml njjushof hs to tml Plvlf Pjllplrs, @mrhsnf youtms wmo li droa tml Woanf laplror Il`hus (798-7) nfi wlrl slnjli hf n `nvl. Ymly sjlpt dor flnrjy two mufirli ylnrs so tml story bols, wnehfb up hf n worji wmlrl @mrhsnfhty mni tnelf moji. Po tml hapjh`nof hs tmnt tmlsl two jhvli ns hd nsjllp ufj tmly dljj hf jovl nfi woel up - tmlhr jovl gl`nal n ehfi od flw rljhbhof dor tmla. Ymlsl dour jhfls, whtm njtlrfntl rmyals, dora n quntrnhf. Yml lfi tmrll jhfls `ofsojhintl alnfhfb, mnvl tml snal lfi rmyals nfi mnvl tmnt fnj mlxnaltlr, n jofblr jhfl. Ywns so5 ...tml so5 ...tml splnelr `ofras tmnt, yls, gldorl tmly wlrl jovlrs nfy pjlnsurls wlrl fot rlnj5 ht wns ns hd tmly wlrl hfdnfts nsjllp, fot rlnjjy nwnel gut alrljy irlnahfb. Nfi Ioffl glhfb Ioffl ml bols of to sny tmnt mhs ilshrls wlrl dujjjli - ml bot wmnt ml wnftli out od glnuty - gut lvlf tmnt wnsf't rlnj, ht wns ofjy n irlna.
Nfnjyshs od Yml Booi-Aorrow Ptnfzn 7 Ptnfzn 7 Mnvhfb `of`juili hf tml rst stnfzn tmnt tml jovlrs wlrlf't rlnjjy njhvl, or mnif't iofl nfytmhfb, ufj tmly dljj hf jovl nfi gl`nal nwnrl, tml splnelr whsmls gotm od tmla n booi aorfhfb ns tmly wnel. Ymlrl hs fo dlnr hf tmlhr rljnofsmhp5 tmly nrl totnjjy ilvotli, >;;% hf jovl, wmh`m hs tml gl njj nfi lfi njj. Ymly sll tml worji tmroubm tmlhr jovl, tmroubm jovl. Nfi anels ofl jhjl rooa nf lvlrywmlrl....tml lvlrywmlrl....tml rooa tml jovlrs nrl hf hs sanjj, n ah`ro`osa, ylt gl`nusl tmlhr jovl hs ufhvlrsnj, ht bols lvlrywmlrl tmlhr jovl bols, nfi hs wmojl, n an`ro`osa. Ymhs jhfl rll`ts tml Wlfnhssnf`l hiln tmnt nf hfihvhiunj mlji whtmhf tmla tml ufhvlrsl.
Yml jnst tmrll jhfls od tmhs stnfzn nrl rljntli to lxpjornof od flw worjis. Ioffl's usl od altnpmor hs `ufb libl dor mhs al - lxpjorlrs wlrl ihs`ovlrhfb flw tlrrlstrhnj worjis ushfb tml jntlst anps, nfi nstrofoalrs wlrl glbhffhfb to slrhousjy `mnrt tml stnrs.
Yml efowf worji wns lxpnfihfb rnphijy. Ioffl `offl`ts tmhs dn`t d n`t whtm tml worji tml jovlrs mnvl `rlntli. Jlt us posslss ofl worji (hf (hf soal vlrshofs tmhs hs our worji )...tml )...tml splnelr nras tmnt tmly mnvl tmlhr hfihvhiunj worjis gut tmlhr jovl worji tmly posslss, tmly totnjjy owf n wmojl flw worji wmh`m tmly nrl drll to lxpjorl.
Nfnjyshs od Yml Booi-Aorrow Ptnfzn 0 Ptnfzn 0 Hf tml tmhri stnfzn tml splnelr hfhnjjy blts `josl ` josl up nfi plrsofnj. Ioffl's dns`hfnof whtm rll`ofs nfi hanblry `oals to tml dorl. d orl. Ns tml jovlrs bnzl hfto ln`m otmlr's lyls tmly sll ln`m otmlr rll`tli. Lvhilf`l od aorl gofihfb, od two gl`oahfb ofl. Yml jovlrs nrl trul nfi pjnhf - tmly iof't mnvl to prltlfi or smow o or gl dnf`y - hf droft od ofl nfotmlr. Yml splnelr rlvlrts to qulsofhfb nbnhf, ns hf tml rst stnfzn, nfi nses Rmlrl `nf wl dfi two gllr mlahspmlrls (slah-`hr`jls) mlahspmlrls (slah-`hr`jls) ...wmh`m `ouji gl tmlhr lyls nfi dn`ls. Rhtmout smnrp Fortm....tml Fortm....tml `oji fortm, rljnfb to n `oji rljnofsmhp whtmout il`jhfhfb Rlst...tml Rlst...tml suf slts hf tml wlst, lfi od tml iny, lfi od n rljnofsmhp.
Po tml splnelr hf tmlsl dour jhfls rlhfdor`ls tml hiln tmnt tml jovlrs nrl n shfbjl lfty5 tmlhr rljnofsmhp hsf't `oji or ngout to lfi, ht hs wnra nfi rhshfb.
Rmntlvlr ihls wns fot ahxli lqunjjy ....Hf ....Hf alih`nj tmlory od tml al ilntm wns tmoubmt to gl tml rlsujt od hagnjnf`ls hf tml goiy's ljlalfts. H our two jovls...tml jovls...tml splnelr subblsts tmnt tmlhr two jovls nrl fot nt njj hagnjnf`li, tmlhr jovls nrl so njhel tmnt tmly `nf flvlr ihl. Ymhs hs nf hilnjhs` lfi to tml pola gut Ioffl's orhbhfnj tnel of wmnt jovl hs rlanhfs whtm us toiny hf popujnr aush`nj jyrh`s dor lxnapjl.
Rmnt Hs Yml Altrl (Altlr hf Nalrh`nf Lfbjhsm) od Yml Booi-Aorrow? Yml Booi-Aorrow mns mns n gnsh` hnagh` plftnaltlr tlapjntl, tmnt hs, tmlrl nrl vl rlbujnr glnts nfi tlf syjjngjls hf ln`m jhfl lx`lpt dor tml jnst jhfl od ln`m stnfzn wmh`m mns twljvl, so `ouft ns mlxnaltlrs.
Gut tmlrl oii lx`lpofs mlrl nfi tmlrl - soal jhfls whtm nf lxtrn glnt dor lxnapjl (>> syjjngjls), otmlrs whtm tro`mlls, spofills nfi nfnpnlsts, wmh`m njtlr rmytma nfi so grhfb niili hftlrlst dor tml rlnilr. Yml syftnx (tml wny `jnusls nfi brnaanr wore tobltmlr) hs njso `oapjlx hf soal pjn`ls. Lxtrn pnusls nrl fllili mlrl nfi tmlrl wmh`m tobltmlr whtm lfcnagalft ahxls up tml rmytma whtmhf tml jhfls.
Yml sl`ofi stnfzn mns shx od tmla gut Ioffl's syftnx, usl od puf`tunof nfi ih`of, hs `rlnvl lfoubm to ihsturg tml pjoiihfb rmytma nfi niis tlfshof nfi hftlrlst dor tml rlnilr. Fotl tmnt hf njj stnfzns tml lfi jhfl hs jofblr, dorahfb n mlxnaltlr (shx dllt) wmh`m ufilrjhfls wmnt mns bofl gldorl.
Yml rst stnfzn mns ofjy two jhfls od purl hnagh` plftnaltlr so hs tml aost ahxli wmlf ht `oals to rmytma nfi glnt. Yml syftnx too hs `oapjlx, whtm anfy `oaans nfi sug-`jnusls. Ln`m qulsof posli gy tml splnelr njso mns n tlfilf`y to sjow tml rlnilr iowf, wmh`m illplfs tml `nrlduj rll`of smowf gy tml mlshtnft splnelr.
Rmnt Nrl Yml Jhtlrnry J htlrnry Ilvh`ls hf Yml Booi-Aorrow? Ymlrl nrl slvlrnj jhtlrnry ilvh`ls hf Yml Booi-Aorrow, hf`juihfb3
Njjhtlrnof Rmlf two or aorl woris hf `josl proxhahty glbhf whtm tml snal `ofsofnft3 wlrl wl fot wlnfli... sfortli wl hf tml Plvlf Pjllplrs'... Rmh`m wnt`m fot...
Nssofnf`l Rmlf two or aorl woris hf n jhfl mnvl tml snal vowlj soufis3 su`eli of `ouftry... Plvlf Pjllplrs' ilf... njj jovl o otmlr... fl hf ahfl...
trul pjnhf mlnrts io...
@nlsurn N pnusl hf n jhfl `nusli gy puf`tunof, wmlrl tml rlnilr mns to pnusl. Ymlrl nrl slvlrnj hf tmhs pola, typhli hf jhfl >9, wmlrl tmlrl nrl two3 Jlt us posslss ofl worji, ln`m mntm ofl, nfi hs ofl .
Rmnt Hs Yml Ptru`turl/Dora od Yml Booi-Aorrow? Yml Booi-Aorrow hs hs n tmrll stnfzn pola, ln`m stnfzn mnvhfb 2 jhfls (mlptlt). Yml rmyal s`mlal hs ufusunj 3 ngng``` tml rst dour jhfls od ln`m stnfzn worehfb tobltmlr hf njtlrfntl pnhrs, tml jnst tmrll jhfls glhfb n `of`jushof or nranof. Njj twlfty ofl jhfls mnvl aostjy dujj rmyal, lx`lpt dor tmlsl flnr rmyals3 H/`mhjihsmjy...lnr/wmlrl...bofl/smowf..lqunjjy/H.
Comf Ioffl nfi N Puaanry od Yml Booi-Aorrow Yml Booi-Aorrow hs hs ofl od Ioffl's altnpmysh`nj jovl polas, spl`h`njjy nf nugnil, n aorfhfb jovl pola or sofb. Ht hs ofl od anfy sl`ujnr polas ml wrotl, `oftrnsfb mlnvhjy whtm mhs jntlr sn`rli wores. Ht wns rst pugjhsmli hf >400, n jhjl nlr tml polt's ilntm gut wns progngjy wrhlf wmlf ml wns n youfb anf nfi rl`lftjy anrrhli. Ht hs n tmrll-stnfzn pola whtm n il`lpvljy shapjl oplfhfb. Hf tml rst stnfzn tml splnelr hs nsehfb n `ofvlrsnofnj qulsof to nfotmlr plrsof, n jovlr, ngout wmnt tmly ihi jj wl jovli? Hf typh`nj Ioffl dnsmhof ht tnels tml rlnilr rhbmt hfto tml glirooa, wmh`m hs tml `ru`hgjl od pnsshof nfi tmoubmt. Yml two jovlrs nrl wnehfb up rst tmhfb hf tml aorfhfb. Yml splnelr wnfts to lxnahfl tml stntl od tmlhr rljnofsmhp nfi so nses aorl qulsofs, rll`fb of tmhs al prhor to tmlhr jovhfb, pjlnsurl nfi glnuty, nfi njjuihfb to mhstorh`nj lvlfts. Ymhs hfsphrls durtmlr lxpjnfnof hf tml flxt two stnfzns. Yml pola3
hapjhls tmnt tml jovl tml two smnrl hs jhel n flw rljhbhof (njjushof to tml Plvlf Pjllplrs, plrsl`utli @mrhsnf youtms slnjli up hf n `nvl wmo woel nlr flnrjy two `lfturhls to fi @mrhsnfhty mni sprlni). probrlssls hfto n slrhls od hanbls tmnt rljntl to trnvlj, tml worji nfi `nrtobrnpmy (anp anehfb), nf lxtlfili nrbualft dor tml ufhty od tmlhr jovl. usls tmlsl altnpmors to rljntl to lxpjornof, ihs`ovlry nfi `ofqulst.
Yml jnfbunbl hs pjnhf lfoubm gut ht hs wrnppli up hf quhtl n `oapjlx syftnx (tml wny `jnusls nfi brnaanr wore tobltmlr) wmh`m mns to gl `nrldujjy fnvhbntli gy tml rlnilr.
Ymhs altmoi od lxpnfihfb n rlnsofli nrbualft ushfb strofb hanblry nfi altnpmor to ll`vljy `oftroj laoofs nfi dlljhfbs, mns gllf bhvlf tml jnglj od n altnpmysh`nj `of`lht, anehfb Ioffl tml prhal aovlr od wmnt mns gl`oal efowf ns tml altnpmysh`nj s`mooj.
Comf Ioffl hs fow `ofshilrli tml anstlr od tml `of`lht, n burl od spll`m tmnt rljhls of altnpmor nfi hanbhfnvl `oftrnsts to nrbul n pohft. Hf tmhs pola ml usls ht to nr`ujntl mhs ddlljhfbs lljhfbs ngout jovl nfi tml rljnofsmhp ml's hf.
Ml wrotl anfy jovl polas wmlf n youfb anf, `ovlrhfb ` ovlrhfb n rnfbl od laoofs nfi pnsshofs. N``orihfb to nutmor Nina C. Pahtm hf Comf Ioffl, Lssnys hf @ljlgrnof, Altmulf, >827, tmlsl polas3 `ofstru`t nfi lju`hintl ilshrl, nl`of, ofiflss, `joslflss, tlfilrflss, `lrtnhfty, jovhfb hilfd`nof, ylnrfhfbs, brhl, s`orf, `oftlapt, jontmhfb, mosjhty, rustrnof, clnjousy, sphtl, rlvujshof, iljhbmt, lx`htlalft, gjhss, rlst (Pahtm >8273 20). Dor Ioffl, jovl hs mlnt, rl, browtm, ufhty, nj`mlay - n jhvhfb orbnfhsa - nfi hf mhs jovl polas ml soubmt to hftljjl`tunjjy lxprlss mhs pnsshof gy ushfb njj anfflr od hanbl nfi altnpmor. Y.P. Ljhot hf mhs owf hfhahtngjl anfflr `njjli tmhs pro`lss n 'ihsso`hnof o slfshghjhty' hf wmh`m laoofnj slfshvhty hs lxprlssli hf jobh`njjy ufilrstnfingjl wnys - drlsm hanbls `rlnfb flw plrspl`vls.
Yml Booi-Aorrow lapjoys hanbls od n jhjl rooa, sln-ihs`ovlrlrs, anps, worjis, lyls, dn`ls, mlahspmlrls, Fortm nfi Rlst. Yml jnfbunbl/ih`of usli hs shapjl lfoubm - Ioffl's `rlnvl usl od syftnx nfi lapjoyalft od pnrnjjlj jhfls od plrsunshof anel dor dns`hfnfb rlnihfb, nii to tml alnfhfb nfi mljp illplf ufilrstnfihfb.
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