The Global Yogi Short Guide to Yoga

March 3, 2019 | Author: Kate | Category: Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, Asana, Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Kundalini
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WHO THIS GUIDE IS FOR This guide is for anyone interested in yoga, who may have done a few classes and are hungry to le...


THE GLOBAL YOGI Short Guide to Yoga

The Global Yogi Short Yogi Short Guide to Yoga by Michelle Taffe

WHO THIS GUIDE IS FOR This guide is for anyone interested in yoga, who may have done a few classes and are hungry to learn more and deeen their understanding of yoga, or who have already !een attending yoga classes for some time !ut don"t yet have a good overview of yoga hilosohy# WHAT IS IN THIS GUIDE This guide will give you a de$inition of yoga, a !asic overview of yoga hilosohy and the origins of yoga, a short descrition of the different styles of yoga common today and some advice on $inding a yoga style, a yoga teacher and develoing a regular yoga ractice# WHAT ISN’T IN THIS GUIDE This guide doesn"t e%lain how to do yoga ostures &asanas & asanas', ', or descri!e how to meditate &dhyana &dhyana', ', or ractise yogic !reath control techni(ues & pranayama & pranayama'# '# I will leave this to your yoga teacher#

) By *ichelle Taffe, The Glo!al Yogi, Yogi , +))

THE GLOBAL YOGI Short Guide to Yoga WHAT IS YOGA? Yoga is an ancient hilosohy of living that evolved some - years ago in India, and was su!se(uently documented !y a yogi &a yoga ractitioner' named .atan/ali in his 01utras", written in 1ans2rit !etween - and + B3# 1utra translates to 0thread" in English# Each sutra or 0thread" is a 2ernel of yogic 2nowledge, and all of the threads ma2e u the hilosohy of yoga# Yoga is not a art of, or lin2ed with any religion, though given its origins in ancient India, yoga hilosohy has many similarities with the Hindu and Buddhist hilosohies and !elief systems# WHAT DOES ‘YOGA’ MEAN? Yoga is a 1ans2rit word that means union, literally 4 to  yoke# It is derived from the root yuj  meaning to /oin, to unite, or to attach# It refers to the union of !ody, mind and soul#  ARE THE OSTURES OR ASANAS  YOGA? Yoga ostures, or Asanas form one !ranch of the eight lim!s of yoga# The others lim!s are The Yamas 4 The 5ive *oral 6estraints )# Ahimsa 4 7onviolence +# 1atya 4 Truthfulness 8# Asteya 4 7onstealing 9# Brahmacarya 4 *oderation -# Aarigraha 4 7onhoarding The Niyamas 4 The 5ive O!servances )# 1auca 4 urity +# 1antosa 4 contentment  8# Taas 4 :eal, austerity 9# 1vadyaya 4 self;study -# Isvara;ranidhana 4 devotion to a higher ower Pranayama 4 *indful Breathing Pratyahara 4 Turning Inward Dharana 4 3oncentration Dhyana 4 *editation  Samadhi 4
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