The Gambiteer-Scotch Gambit

August 28, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The Gambitee Gambiteer's r's Guild- A chess openings The Scotch Gambit The Scotch Gambit begins with 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Bc4 (or perhaps 2.d4 exd4 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.Bc4, 4.Bc4, or 2.d4 exd4 3.Bc4 Nc6 4.Nf3). 4.Nf3).

The Scotch Gambit Gambit is another off-shoot off-shoot of the Scotch Game. Instead of recapturing the pawn on d4 immediately, or offering a gambit immediately with 4.c, !hite de"elops the f#-bishop to c4, eyeing f$, and %eeps &lac% &lac% guessing as to whether whether c'-c or fd4 fd4 will follow. follow. If  &lac% plays inaccurately then !hite can often get into fa"ourable lines of the G*ring Gambit (4.c) following a subse+uent c'-c. owe"er, the Scotch Gambit is primarily a means of getting into the owe"er, standard Italian Game, while denying &lac% the opportunity to get into


"arious lines that in"ol"e maintaining the pawn on e (e.g. the ungarian efence, #.e4 e '.f c/ .&c4 &e$ 4.d4 d/, and the line .&c4 &c 4.c 0e$). 0e$). This is because because 4...f/ 4...f/ transposes transposes to the 4.d4 line of the Two 1nights efence (#.e4 e '.f c/ .&c4 f/ 4.d4 ed4) and 4...&c .c f/ transposes to the old main line of the Giuoco 2iano (#.e4 e '.f c/ .&c4 &c 4.c f/ .d4 ed4). The Scotch Gambit was used in the famous 3ondon "s dinburgh game and was sometimes used by 2aul 5orphy. Minor responses from Blac generally Blac generally allow !hite a free choice between recapturing on d4, or playing c'-c with the aim of getting into fa"ourable lines of the G*ring Gambit. owe"er, note that after 4...g/, !hite should play .c because I don6t thin% !hite gets any ad"antage after .d4, while after 4...&e$ and 4...d/, .d4 leads into ungarian efence lines, while the gambit approaches with .c are playable but less li%ely to gi"e a theoretical ad"antage. If 4...Bc5 4...Bc5 then  then both sides should accept the transposition into the Giuoco 2iano by continuing with .c f/, and then !hite chooses c hooses between /.e, /.7-7, and /.cd4 &b48 $.bd', $.&d' and $.c. If 4...f/ then I don6t recommend .g, but !hite can obtain interesting and e+ual play with either 5.e5 5.e5 or  or 5.!"! 5.!"!.. 9fter .e, play traditionally traditional ly continues ...d /.&b e4 $.d4, but ...e4 and ...g4 are also playable and ...g4, in particular, is pro"ing hard to crac%. 9fter .7-7, !hite !hite gets good good chances in the the 5a 3ange 9tta 9ttac% c% following ...&c /.e, so &lac% should play ...e4, whereupon play typically continues with the :"isual: tactical se+uence /.;e# d $.&d 0d
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