The Future Status of English as the Global Language is Assured

December 13, 2016 | Author: glamoc1987 | Category: N/A
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The Future Status of English as the Global Language is Assured...


Argumentative Essay

Brdar, Nemanja EJ 47/09 Group A

The future status of English as the global language is assured

Wherever we go and turn around we are exposed to English language. No matter how hard you try not to use Englsih words in your mother tongue, inevitably you will. English language is spreading rapidly and its influence is getting bigger day after day. Although some people firmly maintain the fact that English language is not a global language and will never be the language of the future, there are numerous arguments that English language has become dominantly used on a global scale.

Opponents of the statement that English will not become global language claim that English languge is rather difficult to learn due to frequent change of English words and constant creation of others. However, this statement is rather ludicrous. English language is not difficult language to learn what so ever. Firstly, new words are being created in every language on a regular basis, but that does not mean you have to know them all. Furthermore, the alterations in a language are highly present in a vocabulary, not in a grammar. What is more, these changes serve the purpose.They are making language easier and allow us to learn it promptly and adequately.

Opponents also mantain the fact that Mandarin language has larger number of  speakers, therefore English language can not be assured as a global language. However, I beg to differ. It is true that Mandarin has larger number of speakers, but let’s talk about the influence

that Mandarin makes on the world. Personally, I have not seen any film in Mandarin, never 1

Argumentative Essay

Brdar, Nemanja EJ 47/09 Group A

seen any cartoon in Mandarin, let along seen a book or an article in Mandarin on the Internet. On the other hand, English language is highly present in every aspect of our life. English is the first language we start speaking when we go to a foreign country. I have never heard anyone asking for directions in Mandarin language, have you?

The final argument advanced by opponets is that Englsih i s not most translated language 1

in the world (‘’ Global by Design ‘’ ). However that does not change the fact that English is still widely used . English language is highly present in the written form through newspapers, books, what is more, it has invaded the media and the Internet. At this moment English is the language of the Internet, television and the entire world.

It is more than obvious that arguments against English as a global language are not valid. On contrary, since the birth of Internet English language has become the main tool in communication. Due to massive globalization of the world the English has been employed in every sphere of our lives. Finally, it is the mother tongue of numerous nations in the world, second language of millions of people and number of speakers is getting bigger and bigger, consequently making the English language globally accepted whether you like it or not.


"The Hottest Translated Languages, According to SDL." Global by Design. Web. 16 May 2012. .


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