The Force Awakens - Visual Dictionary

April 1, 2017 | Author: Gabriel | Category: N/A
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C a rg o m a n d ib le s

Q u a r t e r s la ff P h o to re c e p to r

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F - l 1D b la s te r r if le

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Bcotse/isírÂv c ra n /a í p a lp

V e n o rrd o o d teeib o f g r a a t s tr c o g r h

D c x S e to u s fo r e lim b


C o p y rig h te d M aterial



Safyaged ifauaie/

4 . S-, ± í ii

f ia m e N o:ed ond upjinded w th im ním d leprogiom nirg. Thisexomple 5 equippal « irh a mogneíioripped b o fc p h n a

S u / fa c e ió f M c n

FRIENDS IN FLICHT Pas Dameron grew up heaiíng tales of heroic pilott and their trgstv asttocnechs, and as such has olways fostered a deep respect for his droid componons. D^meron keeps BB-8's systems up lo date and the droid’s mechoneal companents vweil maintained. BB 8 returns lhe favor by moking sure rtio settlngs on any shp assignod lo Poe are eonfigured to his prefe^ences

> BB-8 converses in 27th geraratioo J io ils p M k code, a tompressíd variont of t i * most common asltomeds longuage. > BB-8's tio d ir q mc’ the First OrcJer, rhe Resislonce sc rapes logeíher whol resources ir can lo prepore fer the oncoming wor General Orgor»a seods Fbe ro the pooriy setiled Inrxjôs d lhe golaxys Western Reoches, where he seeks oot Lor San Tekka. This old ally of leia a r /j her broíher hclds informatíofl lhot can sove the Resistance As Poe gets reedy to òepart Tuanul villoge in Kelvin Rovine a i Jokku, he witnesses the o p p rc o à o f First Ordet iwoders and « npuktw iy lu s h tt into o tfo n .

M a c to s c o p e o d jv ttn w ii

Controls f l i g h l jo c k e t w if/i

S eaM b ta ^e ' lasing chom bot

S to c k w H h g a s

non-regulatton ta ib r in g

ítem ovob/* goíver\ Io kee p th e ir w e ig h t d o w n , m ost s to rm tro o p e r h e lm e ts lack a dvo nced im o g in g g eo r, requ iring sto rm tro o p e rs to use se parote qu ad n o cu la rs in th e field. > S to rm tro o p e rs o re denied o n y fo rm of id entification beyo n d th e ir seriol nu m b e rs.


C o m p o site b e ta p la s t h e lm e t w ith in te g ra l p o la ris e d lenses

F iltra tio n system w ith e x te rn a i ta n k ho o k -u p

W e b g e a r ho ld s e xtra a m m u n itio n


B a rre i c o o lin g sh ro u d

L ig h tw e ig h t c o m p o s ite

W o rld s within First O rde r territory are ruled with cruel outhority, ond stormlroopers ' ore lhe first line of punishment for onyone w h o needs lo be reminded o f thís. To suppress unruly civilions, stormlroopers ore Irained in riot conlrol toclics and assigned specialised non-lethal equipment to botler lheir opponenls into submission.


b e ta p la s t


b a llis tic rio t s h ie ld


n a im is D n z n io * R I*

T i ~

iF v

C o lla p s ib le A d h e s io n g r ip

c o n d u c to r c o n ta c t vanes

S p o tlig h t

m a g n a to m ic a lly p a irs w ith tro o p e r g love s



TROOP TRANSPORTER T h e A tm o sp h e ric A s sa u lt Lander (A A L ) ferries up to 2 0 s fo rm íro o p e rs (2 sq u a d s ) fro m an o rb ital carrier to a L a n d in g g e a r

D is e m b a rk a tio n

Lethal fo rc e u se d

c o m b a t site q u ick ly a n d precisely, a vo id in g

i f rio t s i tu a tio ns

a n ti-ship fire lo ng e n o u g h to d e p lo y its forces.

e s c a la te

ra m p

ADVANCED ARSENAL To ovoid lhe Ireoty restrictions that prevented m ajor galactic corporations from selling arms to the First Order, BlasTech Industries and Merr-Sonn Munitions cynically spun off a subsidiary called Sonn-Blas Corporation, w hich operates within First O rder space. This company manufacturers the . m ajority of First O rder w eaponry, building on clossic \ templates thot date bock to the O o n e W ors. M od e rn stormtrooper w e o p o n ry boasts precision manufacture, rugged designs and efficient energy cells for greater battlefield accuracy, ammunition yields and operational lifespan.

H e a t d is p e rs in g

In te g ra te d s ig h t a n d

b a rre i h e a d

m o u n tin g b ra c k e t

A d ju s ta b le J 1 9 e le c tro sco p e

Im p ro v e d jo in t de sig n

M a g n a to m ic a d h e s io n

a llo w s g re a te r fle x ib ility

R e m o va b le stock

g r ip w ith in te g ra te d

th a n Im p e ria l-e ra a rm o u r

asse m b ly

p o w e r fe e d in d ic a to r


FLAMETROOPERS SPECIAUZED STORMTROOPERS ol lhe First O,de,, flomelroopers carry WeOFf " s lhal con 'ranslomony boltefietí intoo blozing inferno. When slmlegically deployed, Ibmelroopers con deprive lhe enemy of sole cover ty loicfiing il, while also supplying cover lor Iriendly forces in lhe fomi ot wolls ot fire lhol stormlrooper ormor con wilhstond. In partoJafly d-y ond tlammable environmenls, ftomelrooper deployment moy leod lo o quick ond decisive victory. os lhe (ires storled by lheir weoponry grow to ropidly enguli any resislonce.

KYLO REN STRIDING ONTO RAVAGED BATTIEFIELDS wilh bold purpose, his singed robes whirling oboul his leon (rame, is lhe myslerious Kylo Ren. His body rodiates withsuppressed anger, o (iery lemper kepl in check and honed Io a deadly poinl. Though Renoflen arrives alter his slormlroopers have secured victory, he hos no lear of ballle. His abilily Io uselhe Force granls him mony impressivecombal skills, bul Kylo Ren is nojedi, nor is he o Silh. He islhe archelype of a new generalion of dark side userslhol have emerged Io fill lhe void lefl by lhe Silh'sdemise.

K Y LO R E N S HELM ET ilsoIRen. Kyb Ren's imposingdemeanor.


D A TA FILE > Though Kylo's w eapon evokes an ancient feel, its com ponents are m odern. Its crude oppearonce suggests constaiction by an inexperienced band.


H A V IN G STUDIED JEDI SKILLS as well as arcane dark side lore, Kylo Ren is lhe embodimenl of conflict, drawing upon contradictory teachings and deriving power from discord. Ren has taken pains fo bury his pasl, though he uses the unpleasant emotions that stir within him when reflectíng upon his youth to fuel his anger and dark powers. Through his veins courses the bloodline of the mosl pow erfuljedi and Silh, and Ren sees it as his birlhright to rule the weaker beings in the galaxy. As his power rises, it eclipses his past life leaving the young man further isolated. Kylo Ren aspires to build immunity to the light side - to succeed where Darth Vader and his sentimentality once failed. Kylo Ren is the m ost gifted apprentice of Suprem e Leader Snoke, a mysterious figure steeped in dark side know ledge w ho com m ands íhe f irst Order from a distance.

LIGHTSABER COMBAT The lightsaber skills of Kylo Ren are, ironically, responsible for that elegan! weapon and its combat forms remaining unknown to the galaxy at large. Kylo Ren betrayed the other Jedi students studying with Master Luke Skywalker, and ^ is responsible for their destruction. He has well eorned the nickname "Jedi Killer", whispered in the MT First Order ranks, as it was * his deodly lightsaber skills that prevented the return of the Jedi Order. ;


Padded arm our

> The stressed ctystal borely contains the pow er of the w eapon, necessitoting lateral plasm a vents that becom e the crossguard quillons. Battered com bat helmet Unstable plasma blade m atrix

Crudely assembled hilt that mirrors ancient design

Kylo uses taunts and psychological attacks Vent iris opens just after prim ary blade ignition Accusing fin g e r reinforces unquestioned authority


______ ^ * Á


Crossguard vent shroud Harmonic energiser conductive plate

Power c e ll focusing shunt

Crystal cradle


Hand gestures help visualise Force techniques

. Power cell brace

Power field . conductors

KYLOS LIGHTSABER Kylo Ren's unusuol lightsaber is an ancient design, doting back thousands of years to the Great Scourge of Malachor. The crossguard blades, or quillons, are tributaries of the primary central blade, ali spawning from a cracked kyber crystal that is the couse of their ragged, unstoble oppearonce. An array of focusing crystal octivators split lhe plasma stream into perpendicular blade energy channels, creating lhe quillons. The emitter shrouds on the crossguard protect the bearer's hand from lhe smaller blades.

Central diatium p ow er core

Exposed power ro d terminais .

' - Reserve

THE DARKSIDE The dork side flows through Kylo Ren, moking him on olmosl unsloppoble force on the field of bottle. His reflexes ond telekinetic defences ore immense - he is oble lo stop on incoming blosler bolt in midoir ond hold it in ploce for severol seconds before releosing it. He is olso o moster of telepothic intrusion, using the obility to coerce or torment his prisoners into reveoling secret informotion.


C ooling vanes

lh e crossguard blades em erge soon after the m ain blade snaps into existente, helping to balance the pow er of Kylo Ren's lightsaber.



Brushed chromiu crown wilh comlink

CHARGED W ITH C O M M A N D IN G th e s to rm tro o p e r fo rc e s o f lh e First O rd e r P hasm a 's tru e ra n k is h ig h e r th a n th e sim plistic la b e i "c a p ta in " w o u ld suggest. A llh o u g h h e r p o s ifio n c o u ld e a s ily a ffo rd h e r a w e ll-a p p o in te d w a r ro o m far fro m lh e b a ttle fie ld , P hasm a insisls o n s e e in g c o m b a l o p e ra tio n s firsthand, a n d shu n s a n y c o m fo r la b le tra p p in g s o f e le v a te d rank. S h e w e a rs d is tin c liv e c h ro m e d a rm o r lh a l b ro a d c a s fs h e r au tho rity , b u l a ls o m a kes c le a r lh a ! she is a w o m a n o f a c tio n w h o fig hts a lo n g s id e th o s e u n d e r h e r c o m m a n d . Phnsma disagrees with General Hux over what it lakes to make a soldier. lhe methodical Hux has developed aufomated Iraining regimes lhal simulote batllc siluotions. Phasma believes suth pragrams don't test the true heart of a soldier: courage and tenocity.

STORMTROOPER COMMANDER D espile th e intensely p a triofic First O rd e r records o f the Empire's m ilitary effectiveness, Phasma p rivote ly c o n c e d e s th e shorfcom ings o f its o rigina l storm troopers. S he believes it w a s the intsrference o f p olitics—a n d shortsighted, am bitious Im perial o fficials — that le d to soldiers o f uneven skill a n d effectiveness. Phasm a loo ks to g u ard a g ain st such m ed dlin g. S he s ees it a s her d u ty to ensure that o n ly

M od ified precisioncrafted crush gaunllels

the best soldiers w e a r th e a rm or o f lhe First O rd e r, a n d lha l


Mid-lorso mounted

lheir num bers aren't w a s te d o n trivial assignments. Phosma's armor is coaled in salvaged chromium from a Nahoo yacht once owned by Emperor Palpatine. Its polished linish helps reflect hormful radiotion, but it serves piimartly os o symbol oí post çowei.

Ren ond General Hux. > Phosma tokes it upon herself Io memorize the serial numbeis of oll stoimtioopers under her direct command.

PHASMA IN COMBAT Phasm a h a s le d from th e fro nt a s th e First O rd e r e x p a n d s in lo the w ild e rn e s s o f th e U n k n o w n R egions. O b s e s s e d w ith ph ysical p e rfe ctio n , she s p e n d s e v e ry w a k in g h a u r h o n in g h e r c o m b a t ab ilitie s . S h e is a q u a liiie d e x p e rt o n a li First O r d e r sm a ll arm s, a n d has a ls o trc in e d in v e h icu la r a n d starfighter c om ba t. She pa ys little h e e d to o u td a te d n o tion s o f in e q u a lity b e tw e e n ge nd ers, a n id e a c o m m o n o n un de v e lo p e d w o rld s . To h e r thinking, a fe m a le s to rm tro o p e r is n o th in g n e w a t a li. The a n o n y m iiy p ro v id e d b y lh e ir a rm o r c o n c e a le d th e fa c t that b o th m en a n d w o m e n s erved th e G a la c tic E m p ire a s storm troopers. Macroscope sighl gives ight-power m ognificalion a n d low-light capabilily .

\__ Exlensible slabling g rip fo r long range sniping


Recurved Irig g e r1 guard for Iwo-handed grip A perfectionist, Phasma routinely patrols the oreas under her command as o means of keeping her senses keen ond her soldiers in line. Even in such an expansive operation os Starkiller Base, Phasma mokes most of these inspection rounds on foot, walking dozens ofkilometers inatypical day.


Armorweave I cape w ilh First O rder colors

LIFE ON JAKKU Is lough—il isa daily slrugglelor survivol on lhe haish planei. Nineleen-yearold Rey hos carved oul her exislenceon Ihis bleat fronlisr world. Eoch day she has marked her victory over lhe searing sunlighi, scorching sands, and cullhroot scavengers wilh a scralch along lhe wall of her makeshifl home. Thousands of scratches aie a leslomenl Io her lenacily and survivor's inslincl. Despite a life lhal should have buill a barrier againsl any sympalhyor weakness, Re/ slill possesses a generous hearl and a willingness Io help lhose in need.

LIV IN G A LO N E R©yIsa gilledmechonic, seeminglyItoving □ninnolesensool howmachinerylils logether ond lunclions. Ha^inggrownup inlheshadowsol loslgenerotionwoi lechnology, sheiscomfoiloblearound vehiclesondweopons. SheKosabo becoraeo skllledpilol, despilesl-owing nodesrreever Ioleoveher desolale world, HefonlyesccpesIromlhebrutal condirionso!Jotkuarevividllighlsof imoginolion, wlveresheenvisionslush.

REY: SURVIVOR'S SPIRIT REY'S R E C O G N IT IO N o f the im portance o f the Resistances survival in the face of the rising First O rder threat gives her the strength to leave Jakku. She joins Finn on his inherited mission to deliver BB-8 to a Resistance stronghold. Though she still harbours ideas of returning to Jakku, Rey is catapulted into an adventure that makes it clear her fate lies along a path far from that dead-end desert w orld. H er skills as a warrior, pilot and m echanic are fully tested, and Rey com es to discover she has rem arkable abilities she never suspected.

Rey has learned self-defence os a m atter of necessify W ith hei bottered butdurable staff, she has perfected thrusting swinging and striking techniques to keep away unruly thugs


Reys skills as a scavenger have earned the / respect o f m any junk traders, particularly Unkar Plutt, w h o orders his thugs not to steal her w ares os she is much more valuable as a continued source of salvage. W h e n Rey oversleps this fragile respect b y reneging on a Irade w ith Plutt, the temperamental junk boss orders that she be taughl a violent lesson. This is far from the only betrayal she has suffered. The harsh conditions on Jakku have taught Rey that g o o d fortune often invites trouble, o n d bullies only fear strength.

F irm b a c k a r m g r ip to p o w e r a s u d d e n s w in g

H e a t exchanger p ia te

Q u a d r ije t fu s ia l th ru s t in ta k e

S a lv a g e d q u a r te r s ta ff


Berthed in Bay 3 ot Niimo Outpost, this Quadjumper belongs to a group of independent junk haulers ond arms dealers. First Order TIE fighters blost it to cindeis when Rey and Finn briefly consider using the ship as an escape craft.

B lo g g in - le a th e r a n d w o o l s tr a p

B la d e f a s h io n e d fro m d r o id a r m o tta c h m e n t


L o w e r d e fe n s iv e p o s itio n


A g ile fo o tw o r k p r a c tis e d o n s h iftin g s a n d s

Having m ade an enem y of the First Order by her alliance with Finn, Rey is forced to flee Jokku. She and Finn hurriedly board a dilapidated Corellian freighter, and Rey proves her remarkable piloting abilities.


Meeting M oz Kanato hos a ptofound effecton Rey. She comes to understand that she is on essential part of a much lorget golactic topestry that is unfutling before her eyes, ond that the power of the Foice is teal.

Since the disoppearance o f Luke Skywalker o nd the shottering o f his fle d g lin g je d i following, the cosmic Force hos loin dormont, seemingly quieted to those o b le to sense its presence. The adventures o f Rey and Finn on Jakku coincide w ith o turbulence in the cosmic Force, a sudden ripple indicating the owakening of newfound obility. W ith th e je d i ond their records vanished, fe w - other thon Kylo Ren o nd his myslerious moster - ore a b le to oppreciate this occurrence.

S im p le h a irs ty le d e s ig n e d fo r d e s e r t s u r v iv a l

S a lv a g e d ga u ze w ro p



F la s h -s u p p re s s in g / s la b ilis in g m u z z le

A gift from Han Solo, Rey's LPA NN-14 blaster pistol H o n d le w r a p p in g m a d e fro m

s c ro p s

o f u n ifo rm

h°S 0 COmPOCt 9riP t0 beSf fit her hondS' ',s enlarged power core and reinforced frame m eans it is sturdy ond packs a respectable punch.

B la d e le n g th a d ju s t


Anokin Skywalker constructed this weapon at the stort of the Clone Wors, and it was later passed to his son, Luke. Luke lost it in battle on Cloud City, butsom eone salvaged it from the city's industriol depths.

Activatior> m o tn x

> Though Rey has heard fragments of legends of the Jedi, she is surprised to learn thot they were ever real.

Rey's fighting skill with her staff translates well into other short-ranged melee weapons, induding those she has never wielded before. Q UA RTER STAFF

IsWpheiÍíiítad fora JcUu'ibgm óyn«. *r/uwiowopolunoolb-huBrd «toCctaontuoptpotf01gnoinMi ttciicnconyk« ondhonxliud.

K»huj!Sup,,SimDemo,IIfmojwuoilwlopáledwn lumflirç * N iim a's fuel supplies are ve ry basic, th ough som e scavengers have had success in finding m ilitary-grade supplies, such os pressure kegs of rydo nium .

trjT' R E FU R B IS H E D 8 L A S T E C H D H -1 7

> N e w arrivals are encouraged to lock up their starships or post guards.

T h e re o re ve ry fe w perm anent structures on Jakk u. The m arketplace, even though a fixture of N iim a O utpost, consists m ostly of caigo containers and tem p o ia ry aw nings. There is little in the w o y of accom m odations, and m ost travellers o pt to sleep aboard their starships.


UNKAR PLUTT A HARSH DESERT PLANET is lhe lasl place one would expect Io find on alienof oqualíc oiigins, bul Unkor Plull goes where profil, nol nalure, diclales. Removed Iromhis sallwolei surroundings, Unkars Crolule body sags unselllingly on his liame, giving himtheoppeorance ol a melled bbbfish. This only adds Io his unoppeoling demeanor as lhe junk boss of Jakku, who runso successlul businesssleoling, scavenging, and selling scrap. He doles oul slimrolions ol lood in exchange for voluable salvage, ond calls upon goons and henchmen Io ensure he gels lhe besl deals.


GENERAL HUX A YOUNG, RUTHLESS OFFICER in lhe First Ordei, General Hux lias completeconfidence in his Iroops, Iraining melhods, and weaponry. He has grown up celebraling hisImperial herilage—his (alher was a highly placed official in lhe Imperial Academy ol old—and Hux leels il isa matler ol desfiny lhal he be givena chance Io sil on lhe ihrone lhal tuleslhe galaxy. Hux's experiences in worlare are enlirely theoreliccl. Few would queslion lhe lhoroughness or complexity o! his simulalions, bul Kylo Ren in particular has lillle respect for Hux as a warrior.


FINALIZER CREW THE GALACTIC CONCORDANCE oreíenled lhe Fiisl Order from accessing lhe scoilered Academies lhol hod filed oul lhe ranksof lhe Impeiid Novy. Insleod, lhe surviving Imperiais crealed new Academies (ci fiomlhe prying eyes d the New Republic, silualing lhemaboaid Slai Destioyers built ir hidden shipyoids on lhe (ar side ol lhe golaxy. The young (leel oíficers produced by lheseshipboard schools oflen sperid lheir enlire lives aboard Slar Deslroyers, and many Ihinkol lhesegianl warships as lheir homes.

FIRST O R D E R FLEET D-ouch too smol !o rival lhe novy ol lhe Goloclic Empire ol ils lieighl, «o lime ol peace has no.’ been easy lor Han. who never expecled an eorly Of Ironquil leliiemenl. As lhe pendulumof fale once more swings lhegalaxy inlo war, he once again finds himself in lhecenler of lhechaos. ,H" ”


CHEWBACCA FAITHFUL FIRST MATE and copibl Cli&vbccca has loyally slood by hiscaplain's side Ihrough lhe Iwisling forlunesof a galaxy in lutmoil. Devoled Io Sob no moller whal shiplhe Coiellian pilol happens to be flying, Chewie servesas a mechanical maslermind, keeping shipsoperalional afler Sob's horebrained maneuvers push lhemIo lheir limit. As a bng-lived Wookiee, lhe decades lhal Chewie has spenl al Sob's sideore scanl paymenl of lhelifedebl lhal Chewie feels he ouvesSob. The Iwo conlinueIo be inseparoblefriends.

BO W C A ST ER ■ECIiewie's kmd-ciolledbowcaslei i TOVookiee íongedweopon. Colloquiollykn


issuitcblyiield-d.eKed, ilrequteo cio*» her skilledlouchIolhe injuiedWookiee.

RATHTARS THE LATEST SCHEME in H a n S o lo s b id for in d e pe nd ent forlune ranks a m o n g his m ost reckless a n d dangerous. H e has c o nve rle d a la rg e freighler into a m o b ile anim al pen, a n d has slocke d it w ith ravenous ralhtars, lhe slimy beasts responsible for lh e in fam ous Trillia M a ssa cre . S o lo s client, the p o m p o us a n d c o n c e ile d King Prana, is p a y in g to p cre d it fo r lh e beasts, a n d S olo has b o rro w e d a g a in sl lh at fe e to m a ke this s hipping run possible. D espile his re p e a le d prom ises o f success, d e live red w ith ly p ic a l charm , S o lo s precarious house o f cards is a b o u t to fa li ap art.

H O W LIN G HORRORS Though ralhtars a p p e a r ph ysio lo gically primitive, w ilh o n ly rudim enlary senses a n d a lack o ( true skeleton, lhey s ho w a n affinity for pa ck hunting. Their howls ranges b e y on d lho se a u dib le b y hum anoids, but c an be heard a n d underslood b y fe llow ralhtars. In a w a y nol y e l known, i il seems lhe crealures g e l smarler lhe m ore ralhtars a re presenl.

Within lhe fim a u ft hold, Han Solo reveols the unsettling news Io Rey ond Finn lhat he is houling o cargo of live mthtars. The two fugilives from Jakku realize lhat their troubles have escolaled, os they have traded First Order pursuers for o possible encounlei wilh vicious, carnivotous beosts.


> Study ol rolhtors is extremei/ rore due to the dongers involved. It is believed that ralhtars shore some common anccstry with sarloccs, blixii, ond the vixus of Umbarc. Ralhtars reproduce by fission, which means lheii numbers can rapidly mulliply unless their populotions are carefully controlled.


GUAVIAN DEATH GANG TO BANKROLL HIS HAUL br King Prana, Han Sob foolishly borrows credils Iromlhe Guovian Deolh Gang, o criminal organizoton (ormerly based outolthe Core Worlds. With lhe Guavion bosses lired of hisexcuses and delays, soldiers of lheorganizolion shadow Sob's freighter Irom hisdeporlure poinl on Nanloon. They seekIo collect on Sobs overdue loan, and also make clear lhal a criminal i organizolion with lhe words "Deolh Gong' in ils name c , is rvol lo be token likely. The security soldiers of lhe luovion Deolh Gong weor high-impacl ormoc lhal okes themslandoul among olher deodly criminols.


B A LA -TIK Guavion frontmon Bafa-Tik is (amlior wilh Selos illm toogue, ond wonl occepi onolhei cotolog of excuses from lhe Gxellion. Ahhough il would undoubiedly be eosy lo gun Solo down in cold blood ond ihus live up lo lhe Deolh Gong name, Bola-Tik knows Solo lo be a voluable souree ol polia ble infomorion. In lhe pasl. Bolo-Tik has shokai moneymolung leads a* of Sob, ihough his polience wíh lhe piol giam «aorthin.

PERCU5SIVECANNON Bolo-IikondII» mlollheGhoyIouscorrylhelolesl inblortmvfcetlechaology. sudiosirassh*petcussive ronronsitotbeporikutarl,udomblosici l«ls


> folMnglhecollopseoflhe aladic(mphe ondlheIronsfMoflhecapitalollofCoruscom, lheCoteWorldcriminalundemorldgndoraont

GENERAL ORGANA IT IS NO SMALL IRONY lhal lliewoman who embodied lhe ideais of peace and [reedom lor one generalion wos bianded a mililanl learmonger by lhe nexl. Many lhoughl leia Oigona was umeasonably suspiciousol lhe peace process lhal delanged lhe Gabclic Empire, She aigued lhal lhe New Republic was nol doing enough Io securelhe salely of ilscilizens. and shewos eslianged Iromlhe Senale lor her lelusd lo lei lhe ghosls of lhe losl war slay dead. leias woids of wcrning regaiding lhe First Order's mobilizolion br war prove Iragically prophelic.


RESISTANCE COMMANDERS THE UPPER LEVEIS o( lhe Resislonceconsl I prin 11 ol lhe Goloclic Civil Wor who hove remoined loyol Io Piincess Leio Oigona. Many o( lhe New Republic polilicions who rebuill lhe Senale lhoughl lhe besl way Io pieseive peoce was lo disbond lhe galoclicscale mililaiy forces that had become lhe noim since lhe Clone Wors. This lell many skilled velerans wilhoul cornmands. When Leio begon oiganizing a Resistance lo sland wolch againsl lhe mililarized liseof lhe Fiisl Oíder, lhese old lebels weie ready for lhe lighl.

A D M IR A L S T A T U R A Slotuiovrasonlya K»nogo< wtion •moi ogainjl lheEmpireondod. bui he liodalioodylacedcombol InIrying lo liboialohislio M a z hos o n ly felt co m forto ble o p e n ly ackn ow ledging

o su rly a tíitu d e th a t is th e sub ject o f g o o d -n a tu re d

her Force abilities since th e d eo th o f th e Em p ero r.

ribbing by th ose w h o ea t his co ok ing in th e d in in g ha ll. W ith e rs trin g

fin g e rb o a rd

lo p b o a rd

a n d nut



B ra c e le t o f the Sutro


SEVE N -S TR IN G H ALLIKSET Four-thousan d-year-

B o d h a r-b o n e

o ld h y p e rs p a c e s e xta n t

ZE D BEO D Y (O G G IN S H y p o llio p e h o rn cluster

to n e bars

A n c ie n t



In h e r c e ntu ries o f tra v e i, M a z has co llected co u ntless trin k e ts a n d treasuies, n o t to sell b u t to pro tect. S h e ha s seen th e tid e o f d a rk o n d lig h t e b b o n d flo w across th e g a la x y , o n d believes th o t M A Z 'S CU RIO BOX

a relic fio m th e past m a y so m e d a y m a k e a diffe ience in th e fu tu ie . M a z keeps the b o x u n lo c k e d

Socks kn itte d b y M a z h e rs e lf

A poet and painter, M a z delights in ali forms j of art as it provides a w a y for an o ld pirate I to discover new wonders. She offers board ' to trovelling musicians in exchange for their performances, and aspiring and occasionally desperate bonds brave lhe cutthroat-filled castle. Some are thrill-seekers; others are looking to line their coffers in ventures that have little to d o w ith music.

ÍJ 73

MAZ'S CASTLE MAZ KANATA EXTENDS a warm hospitalily to lhose willing Io abide by lhe urvwrillen rules o( her coslle keep. Though inevilably tempers tlareand theoccasional scullle erupls (fomso many spacers, grifters, and piralss mingling in a small aiea, maltersol polilics and warlare musl be lefl oulside. Emissaries ol galaclic governmenls ore nol given any speciol trealmenl, and business Irumpsali mollersol diplomocyand prolocol. This relaxed formalily has allracted a motley assorlmenl ol oullanders fromoll acioss lhegalaxy.

G R U M M G A R A N D BA Z IN E A biggameK.nler ondgun-for-hire, Grummgor is illegollypoachedinlhewildsol diMontworkfc, or of

V S v n - fh /e ld in g

st"sdgc haf

bow caster 4 8 ,4 9 Brosm on Keo 66 $covQngat's o p ro n

G T A W -7 4 " G e e t a w " 36 G v a v ia n Deatb G o ng 5 2 -5 3 .5 4 G w e llis Bagnoro 77

c C -3 P O 5 6 .6 3 ,6 4 .6 5 (a p ta in Ithano 23,75 Captain Phasm a 2 1 ,2 8 -2 9 ( b e r f l M a o t a 72 (b e w b a c c a 4 6 .4 7 .4 8 -4 9 ,5 3 .6 9 Ckief P e tly O f f k t r U na m o 43 ( I o d o V/or$ 1 4 .1 6 .1 7 .1 9 ,3 3 ,4 0 .5 8 .5 9 (o lo n e l Daloo 69 (o n s ta b le Z f v io 36 ( o r e W o rld s 8,52 (o r o n a Squadron 9,62 (o r v s c a n l 9 .3 4 .6 6 (r a t in v s 77 C rokind Shand 55 "C ru s lie r" R o odo w n 37

D d a rk s id e 24.2 6,2 7 D a rtb V o d e r 24,26 Dasha P ro w e n ti 15 D w t o r Kalonía 48,59 D 'Q a r 9 ,5 6 ,5 7 ,5 8 .6 1 .6 2 .6 3 , 65 droids 3 6 ,4 3 ,6 3 ,6 4 ,6 9

E electrobinocvlars i2 Ello A s t y 61 Em pire, Galactic 8,12, 14, 15 ,1 6,3 4,3 5, 8, 5 9 , 6 2 , 6 5 , 67,68.74

c o n in a n d conter 6 2 - 6 3 , 6 4 com m oBders 5 8 - 5 9 g ro u n d c r e w 6 2 - 6 3 in la n try 57 pilots 6 0 - 6 1


M M a jo r Brance 58 M a jo r Em ott 59 M a z K a n a t a 9 . 3 3 . 4 7 , 72 - 7 3 . 7 4 . 75, 77 M a z K an ota's Castle 73, 7 4 - 7 7 medicai cquipm ent 4 8 . 5 9

Rey 2 2 , 2 3 , 3 0 - 3 3 , 3 5 , 3 8 , 3 9 , 4 7 , 5 0 , 6 9 , 7 2 , 7 3 , 7 6 rifles 12, 15,37, 5 5 , 7 0 , 74, 75 riot control baton 17

M esoa M a rlin e t 75


O ld Republic 9 , 1 6 O iiter Rim 8 , 5 4 , 76

solvage tools 3 1 , 3 5 Sarco Plank 37 Senate, G a lo ctk 8 , 9 . 5 8 , 6 6 - 6 7 shvttle 25 Sith 15,24, 2 6 , 7 4 Snap V/exIey 60 sno w tro o p e rs 7 0 - 7 1 Sonsigo 76 Special Forces 45 speeders 3 1 , 3 4 , 63, 69 s i i o w speeder 69, 71 Star D estroyer 25, 3 1 . 3 5 , 3 9 . 4 2 , 43 Starkiller Base 29, 6 8 - 6 9 Starkiller operation 4 0 , 4 9 Starkiller w e a p o n 41, 5 8 . 6 8 . 7 0 Starship G ra v e y a rd 3 4 - 3 5 steelpeckers 35


s t o r m t r o o p e r s 1 5 , 1 6 - 1 7 . 18. 1 9 , 2 4 . 2 8 , 2 9 , 4 0 , 4 3 . 68. 71

M ille n n io m Falcon 2 2 , 4 6 . 4 7 . 4 8 . 7 0

M u n d u ri .7é

N N ahani Gillen 66 N a r Konji 54. 55 N e w Republic 8 . 9 . 1 2 . 1 4 . 1 6 , 3 4 . 3 5 . 4 0 . 4 1 , 4 6 . 48. 56. 57,58.60, 66,67.48,69

N e w Republic Defense Fleef 13 N ien N u a b Í.1 n ig b tw a tch e r w o rm 35 N iim a O u ip o s t 3 0 . 3 1 , 3 2 , 3 4 , 3 6 - 3 7 , 3 8 , 3 9 N iim a the H u tt 36 O

Polpatine, Em peror 3 , 1 4 , 1 5 , 2 8 , 73 Pamich N e rro 63 percussive connon 52 P etty O fficer Thanissoa 43 pistols 1 5 , 3 3 . 3 7 , 4 6 Poe D om eron 10, I I . 1 2 - 1 3 , 1 4 , 2 1 , 2 2 , 2 3 , 2 4 , 6 1 Prashee 77 Praster O m m le n 76 P r i S w e e v o n ! 76 P Z -4 C O " P e a z y " 43

Q Q u a d jo m p e r 32 quadnoculars 13,16. ?0 q varte rstaff 3?, 33 Q u ig g o ld 75

R R 2 -D 2 6 4 , 6 5 rathtars 5 0 - 5 1 R ava ger 35, 45

V V o b e r Dand 62 Volzairç Li-Th ru ll 55

w W este rn Reaches ?, 1 2,34. 76 V/ollivan 75

X X -w in g 1 3 , 6 0 . 6 1 . 6 2

Z Z y g li Bruss 67

Strono " ( o o k i e 4* Tuggs 73 Super Star D estroyer 3 5 , 4 5 Suprem e Leader Snoke 24, 2 5 . 2 6 . 4 0 , 6 8

T Takodana 9, 2 3 . 4 7 , S 6 . 77 T o s « leecb 54, 55 Techiiician M an d e ta t 68 Teedo 34 Tk a d lé Berenko 67 Tkanlis D epallo 66 TIE fighte r 21, 32. 4 1 , 4 4 , 4 5 , 6 8 Special Forces 45 TIE Pilot Corps 44 traRsports (First O rd e r) 17 tra ss p o rts (resistance) 57 Tuanul V illa g e 1 5 , 2 5

u U nk ar Plutt 3 2 . 3 8 - 3 9 . 4 7 U n k n o w n Regious 8 , 2 5 , 2 9 . 3 4 , 3 5 . 4 0 , 6 8 , 6 9 , 70

C opyright© d M ateriat 79

c o £ W

- f i9 h t e d

M aterial

Penguin Random House

g ir w a t in g r e p v is o f a n c h o r s

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