The Faery Tale Adventure Book I Dos 0538 Manual

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 The Faery Tale Adventure © 198 1986 M Micro icro Illusio Ill usions ns

A Commodore Amiga Game Game

English version

 1


Faery Tale The map

Passwords to enter the game Scorn Murderous DEED Summon The SIGHT  Wing Forth In FLIGHT  Hold Fast To Your CREED From Illusion Illusio n Be FRE FREED ED

Defy Ye That BLIG BLIGHT  HT  In Black Bl ack Dark Darker er Than N NIGHT  IGHT  Need Nee d You Will M More ore Tha Than nM MIGHT  IGHT  To Quest For The LIGHT  Make Haste But Take HEED 2


Colour code Impenetrable forest

Large penetrable forest



 T  Towns, owns, build buildings ings,, etc tc..

Plain of Grie Grief  f 

Burning waste

S wamps



Mountains, impenetrable rocky land

Characters met F  The man man on on the the pe peninsu ninsula la says: says: “O “Only nly the light light of thesun can destroy theWich’s Evil.”

man nort northe heas astt of Tam Tambry bry says: says: A  The man “Like “Li ke the the eye itse itself lf a crystal orb can help to find things concealed.”

woman in the the priso prison n say says: s: G  The woman “P “Please lease,, Sir, Si r, rescue rescue me from this horrible horr ible prison, priso n, pleaded the princess.”

B  The begga beggarr west west of Tam Tambry bry says: says: “Lovely “Lo vely jewels glint in the night – give to us the gift of Sight!” Si ght!”

begga ggarr at the the entr entry y of the the Vermillon ermillon M anor anor H  The be says: “Kind “Kind deeds could gain thee thee a friend from the sea.” sea.”

sp ectre in the graveyard south so uth of Ta Tambry mbry C •The spectre only appears appears at midnight midnig ht and says: “The spectre spoke: HE has usurped my place as Lord of Undead. Bring me bones of the ancient King and I’ll help h elp you destroy him.” • When returning returni ng to this man with the bone bon e found in i n the tomb, he says: says: “J ulian gave him the ancient ancient bones. Good! That spirit now rests quietly in my halls. Take this crystal shard.”

I  The be begga ggarr c close lose to the the oasis oasis says: says: “Where is the hidden city? How can you find it when you cannot even see it!” man sout southe heas astt of the the tave tavern rn says: says:  J  The man “Kind “Kind deeds could gain thee thee a friend from the sea.” sea.” man in the the middle of the the swa swamps mps says: says: K  The man  “  “Seek Seek the place that is darker darker than night nigh t – There you shall find your goal in sight!”

D The man man nort northe heas astt of Marhe Marheim im says: says: “T “The he witch lives in the dim forest of Grimwood, Grimw ood, where the very trees are are warped to her wil w ill. l. Her gaze is death.”

man close close to the the st stone one circle circle says: says: L  The man “T “The he dragon’s cave is east of here, said the ranger.”

man in the the she shed d sout south h of Marheim Marheim say says: s: E  The man “The maiden you seek lies imprisoned in an unreachable unreac hable castle castle surrounded surro unded by unclimbable mountains.”

man at at the the edge edge of wa wate terr s say ays: s: M  The man “T “The he dragon’s cave cave is south south of here, said the ranger.” ranger.”

Magic items Stone



J ewel 3


S kull



Maps of buildings

1 Small Small Ke Keep

2 Vermillon rmillon Manor Manor

3 The village village of T Tam ambry bry



4 The city city of M arheim rheim


 The be begga ggarr in M ar arhe heim im sa says ys:: “You must seek two women, one good, one evil.”


• The man in the house in the middle o off M arheim (the priest) sa says: ys: “When you wish to travel quickly, seek the power of the Stones” • When the parchment of the king iis s bro brought ught to hi him, m, he says: “Ah, you have a writ from the king. Here is one of the golden statues of Azal-CarIthil. Find all five and you’ll find the vanishing city.” • If ano another ther bro brother ther comes back later to ask, he says: “I “I’m ’m afraid, I cannot help yo you u young man, I already gave the gold s stat tatue ue to the other young man.”


 The ma man n in the hous house e sout south h of M arhe rheim im sa says ys:: “Tame the golden beast a and nd no mountain may deny you! But w what hat rope could ho hold ld such a creature?”

5 Crys Crysttal Palace Palace

Q The sor sorce cere ress ss in

tthe he mid middle dle of the pa palac lace e sa says ys:: “J ulian, said the So Sorce rceress. ress. W Welcome elcome.. Her Here e is one of the five golden figurines you will nee need.” d.” – “Thank you, s said aid J ulian”

• Ask 1 time    +Go Gold lden en statue • Ask 2 times    +5 lck (1 lliife) • Ask 14 times    +65 lck (13 lilifes fes)) 5


6 Hidde Hidden n Cit City y of Aza Azal

7 The Grimwood Grimwood Cave Cavern rn

8 The Large Large Chambe Chamberr ca cave vern rn in Grimwood Grimwoo d



9 The Dragon’ Dragon’s s Ca Cave vern rn

10 Tunnel giving access access to tthe he cast castle le of Grimwoo Grimwood d



11 Hemsath’ Hemsath’s s Tomb

R The ma man n

in the the mid middle dle of the lab labyr yrint inth h sa says ys:: “Tame the the gol golden den beast and no mo mountain untain may deny you! But w what hat rope could hold hol d such a crea creature?” ture?” 8


Game walkthrough

Unknown author

Part 1

east of Tambry by the side of the road. These usually contain magic items, but their contents are completely random. Save S ave tthe he game just before opening a chest. If you don't like l ike what you you find inside, restore the game,open the chest again, and this time you will wil l receive a different different treasure. You can keep doing this until you get something you like. You might try to get a jade skull, which can save your life li fe when you're losing a battle. 3) If you're hungry and your money is critically low, l ow, go to the stone circle east of Tambry near the coast.. There you will find 50 gold coins and some coast other treasures.

STARTING OUT STARTING OU T  You sta start rt tthe he game game one morning morning in Tam Tambry bry.. Y Your our characte chara cterr is J ulian, who has h as the the highest bravery bravery score of three brothers. brothers. A As s long as you stay within the village walls, you will w ill not be atta attacke cked. d. Your first fir st ta task sk is to thoroughly thoroughl y explore the village to look for magical items that will help you on your quests. Go to each of the buildings and look for hidden objects, particularly near fireplaces. You should find: 1) a glass vial, which whi ch contains a heali healing ng potio potion n that will restore lost vitality points; 2) a Bird Totem, which is i s a navigational device d evice that that gives you a «bird's-eye» view of your surroundings (useful (useful when you're lost in Holm – a common occurrence); 3) a jade skull, which will wil l destroy any any and all all eneenemies attacking you; 4) a quiver of arrows; 5) a gold key. Keep in mind that all magic items

MA GIC ITEMS MAGIC ITEMS Some of the magic items were explained above. Here are are othe others rs you will w ill find: 1) Green J ewels: These provide light for traveling traveling at night. 2) Crystal Orbs: These will reveal secret doors in some of the dungeons. dungeons. They're particularly particularly help-

and keys can be used only once, so be careful and use them wisely. Once you have collected these things and have saved your game, you are ready to begin. Soon after you step out of the village, you will be attacked. Monsters usually come in groups of four or less, and your bravery bravery score will go up one point for every kill you make. Vitality will also increase as bravery goes up, although althou gh at a slower rate. Your maximum vitality is usually about one third of your bravery score. If you are lucky enough to defeat a group of monsters, save the game immediately.  Then  The n sear search ch each each of of the the bodies bodies ((using using the the «ta «tak ke» command).  You will often often find wea weapons pons,ma ,magic gic items, items, and and gold coins this way w ay.. Be prepared prepared to die di e a lot in your yo ur initial encounters. encounters. There's no simple si mple way to develop a strong character; you'll just need to keep saving and restoring restoring until you've won nough battles battles to to accumulate about about hundred hund red bravery points. poi nts. By that time your character should shoul d be able to survive survive many, many, if not most encounters, provided his vitality vi tality doesn't run out. When you have a few hundred more bravery points, your character will be invulnerable to all but the bowmen.

ful in i n Hemsath's Hemsath's tomb. 3) Gold Ring: This stops time for a while, and it's useful when you're under attack. You can't slay an opponent while whil e time is stopped, but you can take his weapon and magic items. 4) Blue Stones: There is a network of large stone circles scattered throughout Holm. When you use a blue stone while standing in a stone circle, you are transported to one of the other stone circles. Which one you go to depends on which w hich direction you are facing when you use the blue stone. For example, example, if you go to the stone circle circle near Tambry Tambry and face west while whi le using usin g the blue stone, you will be tra transported nsported to the Isle of SorS orcery. If you face east, you will be transported to the southern southern edge of Holm. You can follow fol low this “transportation matrix” (courtesy of Ted Haskell). Hask ell). The circle you will wi ll be transported transported to is a result of the direction you last moved just before using a blue stone. Remember that if you were w ere staggerin staggering g when you entered a circle, you might not have moved in the direction you thought. I numbered the circles as follows: 1) West of dragon's cave. 2) Isle of Sorcery S orcery.. 3) North of Lake of Dreams. 4) West of Grimwood. 5) East of Grimwood. 6) South of Pixel Grove. 7) East of Tambry.

SU RVIVAL SURVIV AL TIPS 1) Once you have a sword, your chances chances of surviving a battle improve significantly. You can buy one at the inn in i n Tambry, Tambry, but you s start tart the game wi with th very very little gold; gold ; you'll need n eed that that to to buy food. food .  The be best st way to ge gett a sword is tto o tak take e it from a dead monster mo nster.. 2) The  There re are are tr trea easure sure ches chests ts scat scatte tere red d throug throughout hout Holm, and you will find one just a little south-

8 9)) South South of of Tambry. Burning Waste. 10) Near mountains with Temple. 11) Extreme south near ocean.



When standing in the circle whose number is in in the left column, you will be transported to the circle whose number is under the column heading in which you last moved before using the blue stone.  N S E W NE NW SE SW   1   7 11 8 4 3 6 10 9   2   6 10 3 9 7 1 8 11   3 10 5 9 1 11 8 4 2  4  2 3 6 10 1 5 7 8  5  6  7  8  9 10 11

 1  3 8 11  5  9  4

8 9 4 2 7 1 6

7 10 11 4 1 5 2

11 5 2 6 8 7 3

6 8 10 9 2 4 5

2 7 3 10 4 11 9

3 11 9 5 6 2 1

10 4 5 1 3 6 7

Circle 7 is highlighted because it is the closest to Tambry Tambry and may be thought thou ght of as home h ome base. 5) Keys: These aren't magic, but they do disappear di sappear after one use; you will wi ll need n eed many of them. Keys may be colored green, gray, blue, red, gold, gol d, and white. Use trial and error error to find out ou t which color key opens which door. But white keys are rare and can can onl only y be found on the bodies of wraiths. A FEW WORDS WORDS ABOUT ABOU T MONS TERS Skeletons are the easiest enemies to kill, and they will often have green jewels or glass vials. The hooded hood ed wraiths are deadly when you first fi rst start out, but after you've accumulated enough bravery points, they can do you little harm. Wraiths will often disappear when you kill them, but there is a way to get g et their treasure before they vanish. Watc Watch h carefully care fully while w hile you're you' re battling battling a wraith. When you see its body start start to crumble, stop fighting and imi mmediately use the «take» command. If you time your actions correctly, cor rectly, you'll you' ll get the wraith's treasure just before it vanishes. Ogres are usually armed with maces maces or swords sw ords and won't pose much of a threat to a strong character. However, bowmen are always deadly no matter how many experience points you have. Kill them quickly.

Part 2  THE GRAVEY GRAVEYARD ARD AND MARHE MA RHEIM IM  The followin following g will de desc scrib ribe e of all the import importa ant pla placces you will wil l need to visit. You don't don' t nee need d to use my sequence exactly, but there is a rough order you must follow follo w to complete your quests successfully. successfully. Before leaving on a long journey, make sure that you are well fed and your vitality points are high. Food is i s very scarce scarce in Holm, and you will w ill be starvstarving for much of the time. Hunger won't diminish your ability to fight, but it will slowly drain your vitality. Once you start exploring, exploring, visit the various inns and

keeps around Tambry. Y keeps You' ou'll ll find find treasures and gol gold d in these places. There is a graveyard southeast of   Ta  Tambry mbry on the the roa road d lea leading to Marh Marhe eim. The grave grave-yard is a good place to gain bravery points because you will wi ll be at attac tacke ked d often there – usually by w wraiths raiths and skeletons. There is a crypt in the corner of the graveyard, and you can enter it if you have a gray key. Hang around in the crypt until midnight, and you will wi ll mee meett the Spect Spectre re who will w ill give you a quest: He wants you to find the bones of the ancient king and bring them to him. Nextyou might want to go to M Marheim, arheim, the capital capital city of Holm. The king's palace is here, and you can enter if you have a white key and a few gold ones. The king is upset because his daughter has been bee n kidnapped. One of your quests will be to find her,, but you won't her w on't be able to accomplish this until much later later in the ga game. me. Searc Search h all the buildings in the city, city, and and you'll you'l l find fi nd treasure treasure.. You will wi ll also meet the priest. If you ask him to, he will restore your vitality points to maximum (about one third third of o f your bravery brave ry points) poin ts).. There's no ta tavern vern in M arheim, but there the re are apples apples in some of the buildings. buil dings. You can carry these with you and eat them as you travel, but they they will wi ll run out qui quick ckly. ly. As far as I know, there is no other portable food in the game. game.  TURTLE POINT AND SORCER SORCERY Y ISLAND By this time you should have considerable bravery points and be ready for a long journey. Head north towards Turtle point. There you will wi ll see three small, round roun d obj object ects s which whi ch are the sea turtle's turtle's eggs.  You will be atta attack cked ed by some some re red d serpe serpent nts, s, which you should be able to to easily kill. The sea turtle turtle wil willl then appear. If you have enough kindness points (2 (25 5 or 30 should shou ld do d o it), you can talk tto o her. She wi will ll thank you for saving her eggs from the serpents, and she will let l et you you ride on her back. back. She will wi ll also give you a seashell that you can use to summon her anytime you're near coastal waters. Once you're riding the turtle, sail west to Sorcery Island. Vi sit Visit the crystal where thein. sorceress lives. You will need twopalace blue keys to get Talk to her when you find her, and she will give you one of the five golden statues you must find to complete the game. Keep talking to her, and your luck score will go up five points at a time. If you use your save function conscientiously, you won't won' t need need much luck for most of the game, game, but it wil willl come in handy when you reach the endgame. Now, if you want a short cut home, go to the stone circle in the northern part of the island. is land. Face northeast, and and use a blue stone. You will be transported to the Tambry stone circle.  THE DRAGON'S DRAGON'S CAVE  Yourr next  You next quest quest will be a little little more complic complicat ated ed..  The dragon's dragon's cav cave e is locat located ed in tthe he northe northern rn part part of the snow mountains, east of the stone circle.  The easie easiest st way to ge gett ther there e is to go to the the Tam ambry bry



stone circle, and use a blue stone while facing west. w est.  This will tak take you ba back ck to Sorce Sorcery ry Island. Island. Now, fa face ce northwest, use another blue stone, and you will arrive at the stone circle near the snow mountains. mo untains. From here, go south until you hit water. Then go directly east, and you will come to a mountain range. You should sho uld arrive ri right ght at the cave cave entrance entrance or very near to it. When you enter the cave, you will go through a twisting tunnel until you reach a forked intersection. Take the branch on the right. (If you go left, you will find a maze of caves and tunnels that are interesting but contain no important treasure.) Soon, you will see the dragon.  The best best way to ge gett around around he herr is to st stop op time time using a gold ring, and sneak by. After you pass her, you will come to a dungeon. It's only one level, but it's large. Make a rough map and explore thoroughly. There are magic wands in two separate locations, but you'll only o nly need one. Once you find the wand you can explore explor e for fun, fun , but there are are no important impo rtant items to be found. Return to the dragon, dragon , and use a gold ring to go past. When you reach the stone stone ring, use a blue stone while whi le facing north to return to Tambry. Tambry.

Part 3  THE DREAM KNI  THE KNIGHT GHT ANDTH THE E WI WITC TCH H OFGRI GRIMWOOD MWOOD  You will now emba embark rk on a serie series s of que quest sts s that that will culminate culmin ate in the rescue of the king's daughter daughter.. First you need to find the «Temple of the People who have Gone Before». This is located in the mountains south of Marheim. It's not too hard to find. Go to the stone ston e circle near Tambry, Tambry, and use a blue stone while whil e facing northe nor theast. ast.  You will b be e tr tran anspor sporte ted d to a pla place ce wes westt of a moun moun-tain range. Before you go anywhere, use a bird totem, and you will see the temple to your northeast. east. It is almost compl complet etely ely surrounded by mountains, but you can reach the temple from the south. Once you arrive, you will face the Dream Knight, who will w ill challenge y you ou to a duel. By this time time you should have enough bravery points to defeat him with your sword. Then you can enter the temple and find the sunstone. Go back to the stone circle, and use a blu blue e stone while whil e facing west to return return to  Tam  Tambry bry.. Now you are ready ready to enter enter Grimwood Gri mwood to find the witch's castle. Grimwood is a dense forest with a complex maze maze of paths. Finding your yo ur way through

 THE TOMBS OF HEMS HEMSATH ATH Now No w you are ready for an even more complex task. Make sure you have a large number of gold keys and crystal orbs. You should also have a number of red keys. Set out early in the morning for the tombs. Mak M ake e sure you're well fed before you leave. U pon entering the tombs, take the first right. righ t. Go to the end of the corridor, and turn right again. You willl now go south through an extremely wil extremely long corridor. You will eventually come to a corridor leading east. This will take you to a stone maze with rooms connect conn ected ed by golden doors. doo rs. There's no easy way to tell you how to negotiate the maze. Of  course, the golden doors unlock un lock with the gold keys. Occasionally, Occasionall y, you will wi ll see two rooms that are are close

the forest maze is difficult. At the Tambry circle, use a blue stone while facing south, and you will be transported transported to the circle west of Grimwood. Gri mwood. The entrance to the forest is to your east. Shortly Sho rtly afte afterr you enter tthe he forest, you will hit a large quicksand trap. You can walk around the edges, but if you enter the sand, you will sink and be taken to an underground cavern. The exit back to the forest is to the south. Once you get around the quicksand, keep keep heading north. Here and there you willl find wil f ind cave entrances; entrances; one of them will wil l take you to a long, windi w inding ng east/ east/west west path in the most northern part of the forest. Follow this path east, then south, and it will eventually lead you to the castle. When you enter the castle and approach the witch, she will shine a deat death h ray on you that drains your together butahave nodoor connecting Use aUse crystal orb, and secret may bedoor. revealed. a vitality and pushes you away from her. Use the watch what happens. The witch llososred key to unlock secret doors. Explore the maze sunstone and watch thoroughly, and you will find a gold statue and a es control of the death ray and becomes vulneraattack.. You can now kill her with your sword bone (which represents the bones of the ancient ble to attack and take the magic lasso. king that the Spectre wanted you to find).  There re is one other otherimpor importa tant nt obje object ct to find in tthe he  There  The re is a bug in the the Amiga versio version n tha hatt might might help help  The forest. for est. From the fo forest rest entrance, take the paths that you if you're short on gold keys. Save the game run to the southeast, and you will come to the forbefore entering the stone maze. Unlock a few doors, then immediately restore to your original est keep. When you arrive at the keep, use a bird totem. m. J ust west of you at the end of a cul-de-sac cul-de-sac,, position. The doors will all be unlocked, and you tote wi ll see a few red markings. markings. This is the ogre's willl get back all wil all the keys keys you used. I don't don 't know if  i f  you will this will work for the Commodore version. Addi- den, and there is a golden statue there. Unfortunately,, to reach the den you will wi ll have to take take a long tional Amiga Note: There are still a couple of dif- nately that winds north n orth of the keep. keep. My M y advice would ferent versions of the Amiga game disks on deal- path that l ater in the game, ers' shelves, and you'll need the current current version to be to forget about this statue until later function properly with w ith expansion memory. when you've tamed the golden swan. Then you After leaving the tombs, go see the Spectre in the can fly right to the den, take the statue, and fly graveyard crypt at midnight. Give him the bone, home– saving a lot of time. and he will give you the crystal crystal shard.



SWAN ISLAND  THE CI CIT TADEL ADEL OF DOOM AND THE ASTRAL WORLD WORLD After you've found the lasso, lasso, you should visit Swan Sw an  You now have have all all the ob objec jects ts y you ou need, need, and and you Island. To get there, go to the Tambry stone circle, circl e, are ready to find the necromancer. His citadel is and use a blue stone while whil e facing southea southeast. st. This located in the Black Mountains just south of the will take you to the stone circle near the burning lava pits. You can't land the swan near the citadel waste. J ust go west towards the coast, use the sea sea-- beca because use the ground is too hot. You'll have tto o park shell to summon the turtle, and then sail sout to a considerable considerabl e distance away away and walk. When you the island, where you wil willl find the golden swan. If  arrive at the citadel, you'll see a lake of fire blockyou have the lasso, she will wi ll let you ride on her back. back. ing the entrance. You can walk right over it if you  To  To c cont ontrol rol your your flight, flight, u use se the the same same keys eys ttha hatt you have the rose. Inside the citadel there is a forceused for walking. If you find you're flying too fast in a certain direction, just push the key for the opposite direction, and you will slow down. To dismount, stop your fli f light, ght, and use the same key key that waves your sword. M astering astering flight fli ght is a little l ittle tricky tricky, but it is a lot of fun and will make the game go much faster.

field barrier, but the crystal shard neutralizes this. Once you've passed these these two obstacles, you will wi ll find the portal to the astral astral world, wo rld, which w hich is the endgame.  The ast astra rall world is a series series of colored colored wa walk lkway ways s suspended in i n space. The green walkways are safe. When you're walking w alking on the orange squares, your speed doubles. The T he blue sections are very slippery slip pery,,  THE FORBID FORBIDDE DEN N KEEP and it is easy to fall over the e edge. dge. J ust go slow Now tha thatt you've found the swan, you are ready to to and you'll have no problems. If you do fall off, your rescue the princess. She is imprisoned i mprisoned in the For- chara characte cterr dies and will wi ll be restored restored minus two luck bidden Keep, which is located in the mountains points. This is why it can be important to have a south of M arheim. This keep keep is complet compl etely ely walled high luck score before playing the endgame. off by mountains and can be reached only by air. Explore the astral astral world worl d for a while, whi le, and you'll eve evennIt's marked on your map and is a little li ttle southeast of  tually come to a large black area where no stars the Dream Dream Knight's Knight's temple. When you arrive, landy- shine. J ust st step ep into the black blackness, ness, and and you'll you'l l find our swan on the roof, and enter the keep. There tha thatt all your you r direct di rectional ional keys keys now work in reverse. reverse. you will find the princess. For example, the key that normally moves your As you approach her, the screen will fade to black charact character er south, now moves him north. In the cent(darn!), (da rn!), and then then you will w ill find yourself you rself back in the er of the black area is an orange plane where the necromancer ncer is waiting for you. U Use se your wand to king's castle with the princess standing a discreet necroma distance away from you. Talk to the king, and he slay him, and he will release the magic talisman.  Take e it, sit ba back ck,, and and enjoy enjoy the the ending. ending. will give you a writ and 100 gold coins. Take the  Tak writ to the priest of M arheim (locate (located d in the buildA ND LOOSE ENDS ing just j ust south of the beggar). If you talk to the priest RED HERRINGS AND  There re are are seve severa rall p plac laces es in Holm Holm that that are are int inter eres esttor give him the writ, he will give you a gold statue. statue.  The  You should should have four four of thes these e statu statues es now, now, and ing to visit but aren't vital parts of the game. Lak ke of Dr Drea eams. ms. The There re is a ra raft ft on the the sout southhyou are very close to finishin fini shing g your quest. q uest. Take Take the 1) The La ern edge of the lake, but that's all there is to swan back to Tambry. find. 2) The Pixel Pixel Gro Grove ve:: This is a my myst ster eriou ious s st stone one st struc ruc--

Part 4

 THE FI  THE FIFT FTH H STA STATUE AND THE THE HID HIDDEN CITY ITY OF AZAL AZAL  The fift fifth h st stat atue ue is prob probab ably ly the the ha harde rdest st one to find. As far as I can tell, the game gives you no clues about its location. It's in the Seahold, which is a castle on the southeastern tip of Holm. Enter the castle, and you'll find the statue right there. Once you have h ave all the statues, take take your swan sw an and fly to the city of Aza A zal, l, whi which ch is iin n the burning wast w aste. e.  This city is normally normally invisible and and appe appears ars only when you have all five golden statues. Search the city thoroughl thoroughly y, and you will wil l fi find nd a red rose.

ture Red that seems to have no function. 3) The Re d Knigh Knight: t: The st story ory introdu int roducin cing g th the e ga game me mentions that the Red Knight is missing. Don't look for him because you won't find him anywhere in this game. His home, Vermilion Manor, contains treasure but nothing vital to the game. 4) The Bog: Well, Well, this this isn't really really a re red d herring herring.. It does contain a couple of hints which, if you weren't using this walkt w alkthru, hru, would woul d be importa impor tant nt for completing the game. 5) The Watc Watcht htowe ower: r: If If you d don't on't wan wantt tto o trav travel el tto o  Turt  Turtle le Point, you you can ta tak ke the the long journe journey y to the Watchtower where you will find a seashell for summoning summoni ng the turtle. turtle.

© J ean-Philippe Coppex, G Geneva, eneva, 17 17.02 .02.20 .2004 04


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