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The Encyclical Letter of
St. Marc of Ephesus To All Orthodox Christians on the Mainland and in the Islands.
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The Encyclical Letter of
St. Marc of Ephesus To All Orthodox Christians on the Mainland and in the Islands.
The Encyclical Letter of Marc of Ephesus
JULY 1440
To All Orthodox Christians on the Mainland and in the Islands.
Mark, Mark, Bishop Bishop of the Metropo Metropolis lis of Ephesus Ephesus—R —Rejo ejoice ice in Christ Christ!!
To those who have ensnared us in an evil captivit—desirin to lead us awa into the Ba"lon of #atin rites and domas—could not, of course, completel accomplish this, seein immediatel that there was little chance of it$ %n fact, that it was simpl impossi"le$ But havin stopped somewhere in the middle—"oth the and those who followed after them—the neither remained an loner what the were, nor "ecame anthin else$ For havin &uit 'erusalem, a firm and unwaverin faith—and et "ein in no condition and not wishin to "ecome and to "e called Ba"lonians—the thus called themselves, as if " riht, ()reco*#atins,+ and amon the people are called (#atiniers$+
-nd so these split people, like the mthical centaurs, confess toether with the #atins that the .ol /pirit proceeds from the /on, and has the /on as Cause of .is e0istence, and et toether with us confess that .e proceeds from the Father$ -nd the sa toether with them that the addition to the Creed 1of the Filio&ue2 was done canonicall and with "lessin, and et toether with us do not permit it to "e uttered 1Besides, who would turn awa from what was canonical and "lessed32$ -nd the sa toether with them that unleavened unleavened "read is the Bod of Christ, Christ, and et toether with us do not dare to accept it$ %s this not sufficient sufficient to reveal their spirit, spirit, and how that it was not in a &uest for the Truth—which Truth—which,, havin in their hands, the 3
"etraed—that the came toether with the #atins, "ut rather from a desire to enrich themselves and to conclude not a true, "ut false, union3
But one should e0amine in what manner the have united with them4 for everthin that is united to somethin different is naturall united " means of some middle point "etween them$ -nd thus the imained to unite with them " means of some judment concernin the .ol /pirit, toether with e0pre e0press ssin in the the opin opinio ion n that that .e has has e0is e0iste tenc ncee also also from from the the /on$ /on$ But But everthin else "etween them is diverent, and there is amon them neither an middle point nor anthin in common$ 'ust as "efore, two diverent Creeds are uttered$ uttered$ #ikewise, there are cele"rated cele"rated two #ituries, #ituries, diverent diverent and discordant one with the other—one with leavened "read, the other with unleavened "read$ 5iverent also are "aptisms—one performed with triple immersion, the other with (pourin+ over the head from a"ove4 one with anoi anoint ntin in chris chrism, m, the the othe otherr comp comple lete tel l with withou out$ t$ -nd -nd all all rite ritess are are in everthin diverent and discordant one with the other, alon with the fasts, church usaes, and other, similar thins$
6hat kind of unit is this, when there is no apparent and clear sin of it3 -nd in what manner have the united with them, desirin also to preserve their own—for in this the were unanimous—and at the same time not followin the traditions of the Fathers3
But what is their own (wise+ opinion3 (7ever,+ the sa, (has the )reek Church said that the .ol /pirit proceeds from the Father alone$ /he has said said simp simpl l that that .e proc procee eeds ds from from the the Fath Father er,, thus thus not not e0clu e0cludi din n the the participation of the /on in the procession of the .ol /pirit$ Therefore— the sa—"oth "efore and now we e0hi"it unit$+
a"surdit! -las, what "lindness! "lindness! %f the )reek Church—havi Church—havin n -las, what a"surdit! received it from Christ .imself and the .ol -postles and Fathers—has said that the /pirit proceeds from the Father, "ut has never said—for she has received this from no one—that the .ol /pirit proceeds from the /on, then what else does this sinif than that she affirms that the .ol /pirit proceeds from the Father alone3 For if .e is not from the /on evidentl, .e is from the Father alone$
5o ou know what is said concernin the (eneration3+8 +Beotten of the Father Father "efore all aes$+ 6ould anone add here (of the Father alone3+ alone3+ 9et it is precisel thus, and in no other wa, that we understand it, and—if need "e—will e0press it$ For we have "een tauht that the /on is "eotten of none else, "ut onl of the Father$ Therefore, too, 'ohn of 5amascus sas— on "ehalf of the whole Church and all Christians—+6e do not sa that the .ol /pirit is from the /on$+ -nd if we do not sa that the /pirit is also from the /on, then it is apparent that we thus sa that the /pirit is onl from the Father4 therefore, a little "efore this he sas8 (6e do not call the /on :Cause,;+ and in the ne0t chapter, (The sole Cause is the Father$+
6hat more3 (7ever, ever,++ the the sa, sa, —and that in connection with the theolo of the .ol /pirit, "lasphem aainst 6hom is the reatest of all perils—then it is clear that the are heretics, and we have cut them off as heretics$
6h do we anoint with chrism those of them who come to us3 %s it not clear that it is "ecause the are heretics3 For the seventh canon of the /econd Ecumenical Council states8 -s for those heretics who "etake themselves to ?rthodo0, and to the lot of thos thosee "ein "ein save saved, d, we acce accept pt them them in acco accorda rdanc ncee with with the the su"j su"joi oine ned d se&u se&uen ence ce and and cust custom om88 -ria -rians ns,, and and Mace Macedo doni nians ans,, and and /a"" /a""at atia ians ns,, and 7ovati 7ovatians ans,, those those callin callin thems themselv elves es Cathar Catharii 1(@uri 1(@uritan tans+2 s+2 and -riste -risteri ri 1(Best 1(Best+2, +2, and the Auarto Auartodec decim imans, ans, otherw otherwise ise known known as Tetradi Tetradites tes,, and -pollinarians we accept when the offer li"elli 1recantations in writin2, and anathematie ever heres that does not hold the same "eliefs as the Catholic and -postolic Church of )od, and are sealed first with hol chrism on their forehead and their ees, and nose, and mouth, and ears, and in sealin them we sa8
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