The Embedded Commands Script Workbook

March 17, 2018 | Author: samuk1000 | Category: Hypnosis, Physical Exercise, Happiness & Self-Help, Mind, Creativity
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The Make-Your-Own Miracle Happen Script-Book © 2011 By Samuel Alexander Beatson

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Short Intro On Relaxing and Active Reading This report is not designed just to be read like an article, book or report. In order to get the most from it, there are certain simple steps to employ whilst reading it. This is because technology is employed to help guide you towards changing your life for the better, just by reading the words that follow in a special way. Please read and follow the following 3 simple instructions when reading… 1) What I’d like you to do, and please…do this now…firstly, is, before you continue, to… take a nice, deep and relaxing breath… hold the breath for a moment and then…letting it go…slowly whilst you… say to yourself… “relax, relax…RE….LAX…I am allowing myself just to simply get comfortable and totally relax because that feels good…to relax… slow down… and unwind…breathing deeply…engaging myself fully with the following material and allowing myself to receive the maximum benefit…now…” 2) Good, now, as you continue to read, I’d like you to read out loud, either verbally by saying the words that you are reading out loud, or by creating a pleasant and soothing mental voice which vocalises the words that follow loudly in your mind so you can “hear them” with your auditory perception. 3) The third and final instruction is that for each phrase which appears as …bold… I’d like you just to simply pause for a second before reading the words that appear …bold…like this… and put a little extra emphasis and slowness when you read…these kinds of phrases, highlighted in this way…this is all you need to do to get maximum benefit from the report.


Welcome to the this unique magical Script Workbook, a book that will be the key that unlocks the doors and throws them wide open, helping you to let go completely, and reveal once and for all the bright-shining, beauteous light which can be conceived by you now as a metaphor for your ultimate destiny in life – a future and an eternity that you always dreamed of…a future of love, passion, power, success and achievements which you can continue to be proud of… What if you could be…living right now in…a very real and…eternal paradise on earth? Noticing life in heaven begins NOW! When you were a child, much of the time, you probably took it for granted that life was fun, easy and exciting, for example, when playing with friends outdoors, or achieving closure on a big project at school which you all enjoyed participating in. Life was an exciting adventure much of the time and there were unlimited possibilities ahead, friends to enjoy time with and an abundance of laughter and fun at all the right times… For a moment…just suppose…you could always…remember…how to get to…perceive life that way again? Or if you believe your life was not ok as a child…just create a good feeling now… How you frame your reality, that is, what you perceive to be happening around you, what that means to you and what you’re capable of having, being and doing in life, and, importantly, in your inner world, in your mental life, is something you can develop and change in order to get what you want. This is true because what you create in your inner world, in your thoughts, mental images and inner movies and sounds affects your behaviour and the results you get in life. What if you could take your dreams and transmute them into a wonderfully open, vibrant, loving and abundant reality? What if you could…send out love…to the whole universe, and every being in it - by elegantly placing simple and tailor-made set of instructions directly in to the part of your mind that is intimately connected with the seat of your soul. Wouldn’t this be rather like discovering the genie of your own Aladdin’s lamp? It can become your experience now that the remarkably intuitive and vastly powerful gift of imagination and the heavenly harp of creativity which you as a… being… on this planet innately possess already, are the very invisible tools which you can take full advantage of, for…free…to create the life you desire and deserve now.

What do you want? Is your body not as you would ideally like it to be? How about your mind, your thinking, your mental state? What about your love life and your relationships? Do you feel perfectly loved and satisfied in your relationship, growing in harmony with your true soul mate? Do you have other goals around relationships? And do you seek more money? To acquire wealth beyond reason? An infinite and smooth flow of riches divine and excellent? And the luxury and ecstasy of enjoying some of the best of what life on this planet we call earth has to offer? There are many delights and joys to experience fully in this world which you cannot even imagine at this present time. There is a wealth and abundance of opportunities for you which cannot be all experienced in one lifetime. But you can…do your best… to make your life the richest, happiest and most fulfilling life you possibly And no matter where you are, you can start on your journey to the ultimate, most fulfilling and inspiring destiny… This workbook will give you the tools to allow you to fulfil all the above goals and many more by taking you by the hand in… learning, really learning… more about the concept of… embedded commands… – a linguistic structure from the quasi-science that is known as neurolinguistic programming – and showing you how to work embedded commands on yourself so that you can effectively …learn to be in rapport with yourself…and much, much more. This is a specific topic within the hypnosis tools of NLP and because by focusing in on a specific topic, we can concentrate on getting the most juice out of that one topic, this particular book therefore deals almost exclusively with how to effectively use embedded commands to …begin getting what you want… fast, effortlessly and… in ways that allow you to change the way you feel now… for the better. Could you take a moment, now, and be willing to remember how good that feels, to experience …being in rapport with yourself…right now? Just imagine that you are in rapport with yourself, you accept yourself, like …being relaxed… around a best friend. Notice how great it feels to …be in rapport with yourself…

What is it like to be in rapport with yourself? It feels good, doesn’t it? And you can take anything you want to experience and anything you want to create in your life and build a structured linguistic pathway direct to your unconscious mind and to the source of all achievement. The secret here is that you are yourself. There is no “self” to be in rapport with. You are that same self…so just enjoying being in rapport with yourself. Creating a false sense of separation from your authentic self does not serve you, it is time to start liking yourself and being in rapport with yourself at deeper and more profound levels. This will help you in all your relationships because you’ll be feeling so comfortable with yourself. The more you relax and allow yourself to be in rapport with yourself, the more you will have a wonderful experience of your authentic self and how much joy that brings you, to know who you are, someone with purpose, direction and unique and amazing abilities and talents…now… This experience will act as a hypnotic script that lets you go deeply and effortlessly into a very pleasant and enjoytable altered state perhaps making you feel really relaxed and so motivated, assisting you to easily gain command of your brain and really have whatever it is you truly want effortlessly. This precise method of…trance now… requires only as much will-power as simply that which it takes to read the script either out loud or to yourself in the way described… You might find yourself reading this to yourself mentally…reading the words “out loud” but only in your mind, not so that others can hear, but with a soothing, calm & comforting internal voice that you are becoming more and more aware of the more you use this technique for lightening-fast, lasting change and rapid achievement in all areas of your life. Have you found a growing sense of excitement as you consider how you’re going to use the processes of this workbook in your life? A lot of what we will be referring to comes from books written by Master NLP practioners and trainers to whom the author is abundantly grateful to in the writing of this workbook. Such books contain some magical techniques and outstanding personal skills for change that you are unlikely to have been taught under the system of government education & as such are listed in the references at the end.

If your awareness is particularly well-tuned you may have developed the acuity to have gleaned some of the wisdom from such books your own life’s experiences, for which you can openly acknowledge yourself for doing. One piece of advice…don’t put this workbook down and forget about it unless… you’re absolutely committed to achieving all of your goals and dreams in life… right now…. starting today… EMBEDDED COMMANDS are what this workbook are all about using. Also referred to as HIDDEN DIRECTIVES these are what we will be using to form the skeleton of each script you will be creating to change literally any aspect or perspective about absolutely anything about your life in an instant. At one time, you had to pay a large sum of money to learn this concept. You also had to be either a psychiatrist or other medically qualified doctor. They are that powerful because we will be bypassing the conscious mind and making suggestions directly to the unconscious. They will not be calling attention to themselves. You will create them by marking out these commands by slightly raising or lowering the tone of voice and by slowing down in pace just slightly when reading or saying them. To indicate a pause in a script we can use “…” to indicate a lowered or raised tone and slowing down – in other words an embedded command - we will utilise a …bold face font like this… Here’s an example for you to help you to understand:

“It is an absolutely achievable goal for you to…master the use of the embedded commands scripts in your life…and with a little time, thought and…practice…gain…a profound and expanded sense of…increasing freedom, joy and happiness…in your life the more you use them.”

The first secret of embedded commands in language patterns is that, if someone were reading the above sentence in quotes …your unconscious… mind would hear, “Master the use of embedded commands scripts in your life. Practise. Gain increasing freedom, Joy and Happiness”

You are going to use a top secret linguistic pattern, modeled from military recruitment experts in fact to get to and activate the powers of your unconscious mind every single time. Are you beginning yet to see how powerful this application can be in your life? Good. So let’s get started with some scripts for you to change your life from the inside out! You’re right to be excited and perhaps beginning to tell yourself of all the exciting and wonderful things you are going to rapidly achieve…that’s great! You should be feeling excited. I am feeling very excited just to be sharing this info with you…but first…here are some ground rules for you to go by. We will then move on to how to create your scripts in general. Then we will go into some advanced persuasion techniques to tip you over the edge into actually following through in what it is you are going to be achieving with your scripts as the catalyst for lasting change and fast results. Firstly, you need to formulate a clearly defined goal of that which it is that is desired by you. So what is it that you want out of life? Is it something you want more of? Has something been missing? Do you want more money? Better health? Something small? Something big? A more exciting love life? Inner peace? To follow Jesus? To serve greatness in humanity? To do something great for your community? Expanded business contacts? A particular vacation? Pursue a course of stimulating study? Whatever it is that you are going to make your first goal, make it clear, specific and positive. This means you are defining your outcome as it IS, not as it IS NOT. For example if your goal is to lose weight, you would certainly not put: My goal is to lose weight and not be fat anymore. Your positive goal would be: My goal is that I am X number of pounds and have a healthy vibrance that radiates out of me and around me and magnetises everyone I see or meet. *(or a similar positive goal you are comfortable with). Let’s take this goal as our first example which we can use as a script as well. Why not? Everyone wants to be in great shape, agreed? That’s if it could be effortless, correct? : ) Next up we’re going to formulate a series of about 3-10 commands that we want to give to our subconscious mind in our script so that we “carry out the orders” on 100% obedient autopilot.

Here are a few examples – if you are diving in and creating your own script straight off, you are welcome of course to pick some from below, or just make up your own. Feel wonderful about my body Take control of eating habits Imagine and visualize being slim and feeling great Become aware of opportunities to increase health Choose to enjoy eating nourishing, cleansing foods Have increased confidence Handle life with elegant rapport Join weight-watching group Brilliant, perfect, that should do beautifully. Next, it is time for you to learn the formula that will having you looking better and seeing great results externally, feeling amazing and changing all the things you say to yourself on natural autopilot. We are going to space our “instructions” to our brain using a little-known technique whereby we will intersperse the “commands” within paragraphs that make statements or that are known to induce a hypnotic state. If that sounds like “gobbledygook” or “Double-Dutch” here is what I mean. The first sentence in your script will be a normal statement of fact, preferably based on knowledge you already know to be true of you have read in research. This will be followed by two sentences again without commands. Then we hit the brain with a command so it goes deep right when least expected. We’ll fire off two more rounds of standard sentences followed by commands, then one and then a command and finally a bunch of commands as follows. This example will show you what it means to build a script using embedded commands and the formula. This will make our goals real and achievable: 3:1 2:1 1:1 0:1+ I’m going to add some commentary about the “skeleton” of the script – the language tools which add to its effectiveness in this case. You may know of these already, you may not, of course you can take them and use them in your own scripts by all means. The ratios 3:1; 2:1; 1:1 and 0:1+ relate to sentences. 3:1 means that you will have 3 ordinary sentences, followed by a sentence containing 1 embedded command. 2:1 means you will have two “ordinary sentences” followed by 1 embedded command. 1:1 means one sentence without a deliberate embedded command followed by an embedded command sentence. 0:1+ means you can straight away include one or a series of

embedded commands. In other words, you are going to stagger the use of the commands, but gradually build up, so that you reduce the chances of encountering resistance in the process.

DESIGNING A SCRIPT FOR IDEAL BODY WEIGHT AND SHAPE Everyone deep down desires to enjoy health and happiness. (Here I am stating a fact, something that the mind can accept. I am also using a literary tool known as ____________ just to add to the readability of this important first sentence. Everyone deep down desires to enjoy health and happiness. Some people seem to be better than others at the achievement and maintenance of this goal. Again, some alliteration here and the second statement of another ‘fact’ based on the authors experience. Everyone deep down desires to enjoy health and happiness. Some people seem to be better than others at the achievement and maintenance of this goal. Most of us do not need to be reminded that some benefits of a healthy body include more energy, increased ability to relax, higher levels of creativity and healthy resistance. This is statement number three. I have put in some benefits to remind myself of some of the things I can look forwards to after I’ve used this script, or that the listener can look forwards to if I am using it as part of a therapeutic treatment. ================================================= Everyone deep down desires to enjoy health and happiness. Some people seem to be better than others at the achievement and maintenance of this goal. Most of us do not need to be reminded that some benefits of a healthy body include more energy, increased ability to relax, higher levels of creativity and healthy resistance. Have you found that the more you…feel wonderful about your body…it becomes so much easier and more natural for you to effortlessly start taking regular exercise? ========================================= We have now successfully embedded our first desired command – in bold. The first thing to notice in this sentence is it is in the form of a question. This is not necessary at all, merely I called upon a particular line of questions which are known to be persuasive and therefore believe it will add extra punch to the script. You can learn about some of these questions in the bonus sections of the workbook. Secondly, as well as the embedded command desired, there is also a second embedded command in the sentence “effortlessly start taking regular exercise” – I have not emphasized this as it is outside of

the given formula, but it is in there nonetheless. Lastly there is another tool which slyly tends to open up the unconscious mind to suggestion which is the use of the “more you this the more you that” clause. Whatever you use in this clause, the mind tends to accept it. Here is an example: Have you ever noticed how the more you welcome your feelings, the more authentic you feel? Note how this question is not exactly stating a fact at all but it presupposes that what is being stated is a fact and your mind accepts what is being said ‘as if by magic’ The question “Have you ever noticed…?” is also in the bonus section. In other words there is more to what we have written than meets the eye. It is not necessary absolutely to add all this finesse. The important thing is to create your script and include your commands in the ratio 3:1, 2:1, 1:1, 0:1+ at first. You can refer to the bibliography or take some NLP training course to further your knowledge and skills on the linguistic elegance side of things. Here is what we have so far. Feel free to read it aloud to yourself. Be sure to pause before the embedded command and to say it in a slightly lower tone and with a slower pace. Pause also after. This emphasis furthere subtly highlights the command for the unconscious mind to pick up. ======================================================= Everyone deep down desires to enjoy health and happiness. Some people seem to be better than others at the achievement and maintenance of this goal. Most of us do not need to be reminded that some benefits of a healthy body include more energy, increased ability to relax, higher levels of creativity and healthy resistance. Have you found that the more you…feel wonderful about your body…it becomes so much easier and more natural for you to effortlessly start taking regular exercise? ============================================== Ok, reading that to myself gives me a feeling that the question seems out of context slightly to the preceding sentences so I will change that now. ======================================================== Everyone deep down desires to enjoy health and happiness. Some people seem to be better than others at the achievement and maintenance of this goal. Most of us do not need to be reminded that some benefits of a healthy body include more energy, increased ability to relax, higher levels of creativity and healthy resistance. It tends to be the case that the more you…relax...and…feel wonderful about your body…the more natural it becomes for you to effortlessly start taking regular exercise.

=============================================== I am more comfortable with that now. I also added in a basic and powerful command: RELAX! This is what the doctor may have said to you at a very early age, so it tends to trigger relaxation just by saying it to yourself. It is an obvious command used by overt hypnotists the world over of course as well. Having just read that above paragraph using the changes in tone and pace on the commands and the pauses, I feel 100% congruent with the command and more relaxed. I also feel more attractive about my body and personality right now and have started THINKING about exercise such as my badminton game on Saturday, a possible run in the park and feeling good about those ideas or at least in different rather than guilty or feeling like I want to avoid these activities at pain of death. In other words, the script is working and we’ve only completed the first command! Notice any changes in yourself when you read this portion of the script to yourself. Any shift in awareness should be noted and tracked. To continue… The next ratio is 2:1 so we need 2 sentences to get us into gear and then 1 command. So let’s continue where we left off: ===================================================== Everyone deep down desires to enjoy health and happiness. Some people seem to be better than others at the achievement and maintenance of this goal. Most of us do not need to be reminded that some benefits of a healthy body include more energy, increased ability to relax, higher levels of creativity and healthy resistance. It tends to be the case that the more you…relax...and…feel wonderful about your body…the more natural it becomes for you to effortlessly start taking regular exercise. The great thing about regular exercise is that it is proven to be beneficial in terms of things like heart health, mental efficiency, the pleasure of endorphin hormones being released into the bloodstream to name a few more benefits. Another aspect of health that the East and West claim a tremendous wealth of knowledge about is that of what we allow to pass in and be processed by our bodies via digestion. This is where…taking control of your eating and drinking habits…comes into play. ================================================ …And that is the second part complete. Now I’m reading this and thinking, well I’ve talked a lot about the feelings side and in NLP there is a lot of talk about the importance of using the major modalities of perception – particularly VISUAL, AUDITORY and KINAESTHETIC and about how we can and do use language to convey these modes of thinking. I have a lot of “kinesthetic” words so far such as “feel”, “pass in”, “taking control”, “pleasure” so I’m going to be aware of that and use a few more words from the other modalities to add balance to the script. If you are not sure what I’m on about here,

any good book on NLP will explain away the concept which I’m applying here in basic form. So, now for the third section. Helpfully, my third desired command is fairly visual, although the trance word “imagine” does encompass all recognized modalities – (sight, sound, smell, taste, feelings). =========================================================== It has been demonstrated throughout the ages that the mind can be creative in its endeavours and stated that “all growth is from within”. In all his books, Paul Mckenna who is a certified hypnotist, NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer alludes to and encourages the idea that one should…relax…allow yourself to go into a trance and…imagine and visualize being slim and feeling great…as a major first step to achieving that very goal faster and in ways you previously thought were not possible. ================================================= In this third section I have done two sentences off the top of my head and then included again a “relax” and “allow yourself to go into trance” – to create a kind of self-hypnosis on the spot and followed that up sharply with our embedded commence. There is a hidded command again at the end of the sentence (achieving that very goal) and this is very acceptable. In fact, some practitioners of NLP in the sales field do condone the use of embedded commands multiply throughout presentations. The “more the merrier” soto-speak. Its important though to see in place the basic structure. This is because there are resistances to commands that humans tend to have. Have you ever wondered why you feel resistant sometimes when your boss or even you yourself tell yourself to do something? That is what I mean by these resistances. They come from childhood where our parents tried to control us by telling us what to do and we disobeyed and built up resistance patterns to being told what to do. ============================================================ Everyone deep down desires to enjoy health and happiness. Some people seem to be better than others at the achievement and maintenance of this goal. Most of us do not need to be reminded that some benefits of a healthy body include more energy, increased ability to relax, higher levels of creativity and healthy resistance. It tends to be the case that the more you…relax...and…feel wonderful about your body…the more natural it becomes for you to effortlessly start taking regular exercise. The great thing about regular exercise is that it is proven to be beneficial in terms of things like heart health, mental efficiency, the pleasure of endorphin hormones being released into the bloodstream to name a few more benefits. Another aspect of health that the East and West claim a tremendous wealth of knowledge about is that of what we allow to pass in and be processed by our bodies via digestion. This is where…taking control of your eating and drinking habits…comes into play.

It has been demonstrated throughout the ages that the mind can be creative in it’s endeavours and stated that “all growth is from within”. In all his books, Paul Mckenna who is a certified hypnotist, NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer alludes to and encourages the idea that one should…relax…allow yourself to go into a trance and…imagine and visualize being slim and feeling great…as a major first step to achieving that very goal faster and in ways you may previously had thought were not possible.

================================================ Here’s another 1:1 ratio.

As we do this consistently we activate the part of our brain called the RAS or reticular activating system which is part of our awareness centre. In fact what this means in practice is that you will..become aware of opportunities to increase health...through a literal change in what you’re deciding to perceive via the brain’s various data filters. ================================================== And lastly, 0:1 – this is where we can let rip a bit more with regards to our remaining commands: Choose to enjoy eating nourishing, cleansing foods Have increased confidence Handle life with elegant rapport Join weight-watching group ============================================================ So, you have some keys now, an action plan and you know that by…going deeper into trance…and when you’ve…gone into trance...choosing to enjoy eating nourishing, cleansing foods…your body will adjust and start to heal itself and you will end up…having increased confidence…Ask yourself this question and take the time right here to ponder the answer: When would now be a good time to…handle life with elegant rapport? Perhaps you could also join a weight-watching or slimming group for support and to get around like-minded people who you can identify with in the desired achievement of your goals. ================================================= And there we have a completed embedded commands hypnotic script containing all the commands we wanted to get into our brains and the only thing to do now is to read it

through whenever we want to get back on track and let our own subconscious minds do the rest of the work! =============================================================== Everyone deep down desires to enjoy health and happiness. Some people seem to be better than others at the achievement and maintenance of this goal. Most of us do not need to be reminded that some benefits of a healthy body include more energy, increased ability to relax, higher levels of creativity and healthy resistance. It tends to be the case that the more you…relax...and…feel wonderful about your body…the more natural it becomes for you to effortlessly start taking regular exercise. The great thing about regular exercise is that it is proven to be beneficial in terms of things like heart health, mental efficiency, the pleasure of endorphin hormones being released into the bloodstream to name a few more benefits. Another aspect of health that the East and West claim a tremendous wealth of knowledge about is that of what we allow to pass in and be processed by our bodies via digestion. This is where…taking control of your eating and drinking habits…comes into play. It has been demonstrated throughout the ages that the mind can be creative in it’s endeavours and stated that “all growth is from within”. In all his books, Paul Mckenna who is a certified hypnotist, NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer alludes to and encourages the idea that one should…relax…allow yourself to go into a trance and…imagine and visualize being slim and feeling great…as a major first step to achieving that very goal faster and in ways you may previously had thought were not possible. As we do this consistently we activate the part of our brain called the RAS or reticular activating system which is part of our awareness centre. In fact what this means in practice is that you will…become aware of opportunities to increase health...through a literal change in what you’re deciding to perceive via the brain’s various data filters. So, you have some keys now, an action plan and you know that by…going deeper into trance…and when you’ve…gone into trance...choosing to enjoy eating nourishing, cleansing foods…your body will adjust and start to heal itself and you will end up…having increased confidence…Ask yourself this question and take the time right here to ponder the answer: When would now be a good time to…handle life with elegant rapport? Perhaps you could also join a weight-watching or slimming group for support and to get around like-minded people who you can identify with in the desired achievement of your goals.

Do you see how powerful this system can be? You can create a script for literally anything or any area of your life you want to improve and all it takes is about 20 minutes of enjoyable time as you set up a script to program yourself for total success. What follows is a bonus - I have included some of my own scripts in case you don’t have time or particularly enjoyed the above. Please turn overleaf for your bonus.

BONUS: 3 ready made scripts for you to use or take ideas from (please see the next page). EMBEDDED COMMANDS AUTHENTIC SELF…





Some people have a magnetic personality. They are attractive and you naturally want to say “yes” to them, to be around them more. The more you listen to them, the more they make you feel more interesting and bring out the best of your personality. When you…get in touch with and express your authentic self…miracles become commonplace and easy to achieve. Total joy and happiness are a manifestation of your authentic self. So are divine love and real peace… Getting in touch with and expressing your authentic self… is easy when you just relax and let go completely. You may experience uncontrollable laughter – …laugh your head off …– as you realize within that all you have been …seeking.. all this time is …your authentic self… and it is right here, available to you now and always has been. Right now, you can… get in touch with and express your authentic self… …Get in touch with and express your authentic self right now… and throughout your day. The more you …get in touch with and express your authentic self… the more you enjoy the people, opportunities and results that show up in your life and take you towards your highest destiny. Perhaps you could decide to …create a vision right now of your ideal future… and how that with your new ability to get in touch with and express your authentic self whenever you please, you can …definitely achieve that goal… big and extravagant. EMBEDDED COMMANDS SCRIPT FOR RELAXATION Relaxation can bring health, vitality and clear insight to the whole human being. Relaxing can be a result of a determined decision to put the whole body into a state of relaxation. When you allow yourself to…go into a trance…and…relax… your whole person …now…notice how the results you really want become easier and easier to achieve. By letting go and …relaxing… into what is now – by…being totally present… – your acceptance increases and the manifestation of your hearts desires become effortless. Watch and feel your dreams beginning to come true. You will effortlessly start taking the necessary actions that …bring about… your highest good and best achievement. Prepare for …remarkable positive benefits… and results in all areas of your life as you continue to …relax… and …learn how to… relax more deeply… throughout your day… making your whole life easier and more enjoyable.

EMBEDDED COMMANDS SCRIPT FOR CONFIDENCE Confidence means to be very clear about your objectives and having conviction in your ability to achieve them, easily and joyously for the highest good of all involved. Confidence includes a high self-esteem and self-worth. With high confidence levels can come rapid, excellent, positive results in all areas of your life. By …being more confident right now… you and see what results you can create and receive in a very short time. You will be excited and highly pleased with yourself. By… allowing a dramatic shift for the betterment of your confidence… you know that you can achieve anything and everything you could possibly desire. Your confidence becomes like a magnet attracting the people, circumstances and things necessary especially when you …combine confidence with a clear vision and passion for attainment... This in turn will activate the spiritual energy of which every person knows brings about his or her highest good. When you …get really confident… and choose to live out the path to the destiny you truly deserve, you will …make measurable progress in your life, fast…

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