The Eight Trigrams

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慈缘风水 Ci Yuan Feng Shui

The Eight Trigrams

The Eight Trigrams

Copyright © 2011 All rights reserved worldwide. First Edition May 2011 All intellectual property rights contained or in relation to this book belongs to Ci Yuan Feng Shui. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, used subsumed, or exploited in fact, field of thought or general ideas, by any other authors or persons, or be stored in or exploited in fact, field of thought or general ideas, by any other authors or persons, or be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, including but not limited to digital copying and printing in any form whatsoever worldwide, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author.

The author can be reached at: Ci Yuan Feng Shui & Astrology No. 50, Chin Swee Road. #09-04, Thong Chai Building. Singapore 169874. Tel: +65 97469549 Fax: +65 65659891 Email: [email protected] Webpage:

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The Eight Trigrams

There are two forms of trigrams sequences, namely: 1.

The Early Heaven Trigram ( 先天八卦 ) arrangement, and


The Later Heaven Trigram ( 后天八卦 ) arrangement.

According to ancient Chinese mythology, The Early Heaven Trigram was invented by the emperor Fu Xi ( 伏羲 ). Thereafter, it was re-arranged by King Wen ( 文王 ), which is called The Later Heaven Trigram.

Emperor Fu Xi ( 伏羲 ) - The Early Heaven Trigram ( 先天八卦 ) 3

King Wen ( 文王 ) - The Later Heaven Trigram ( 后天八卦 )


Formation of The Eight Trigrams

无极生太极,太极生两仪;两仪生四象,四象生八卦。 This philosophy of formation were described by Fuxi saying that: The Limitless produces the Absolute, the Taiji produces two forms; the two forms produce four phenomena, the four phenomena act on the eight trigrams. Another philosophical description of the source is the following, attributed to King Wen of the Zhou Dynasty: " When the world began, there was heaven and earth. Heaven mated with the earth and gave birth to everything in the world. Heaven is Qian-gua and the Earth is Kun-gua. The remaining six gua are their sons and daughters ". 5

Song to memorize The Eight Trigram

QIAN 3 lines

KUN 6 lines

DUI upper lack

XUN lower break

LI center empty

KAN center full

ZHEN like cup

KEN overturn bowl

In order to memorise The Eight Trigram easily, researchers have came out this song. This song is actually short phrases to describe how each trigram is being drawn individually. For instance, Qian is drawn with 3 horizontal lines, hence it is called ' QIAN 3 lines ( 乾三连 ) '; KUN is drawn with 6 short horizontal lines, hence it is called ' KUN 6 lines ( 坤六段 ) ', etc. By memorising these short phrases, we will be able to write out The Eight Trigrams easily.



The solid line represents yang, the creative principle. The open line represents yin, the receptive principle. These principles are also represented in a common circular symbol, known as Taiji, but more commonly known in the west as the yin-yang diagram, expressing the idea of complementarily of changes: when Yang is at top, Yin is increasing, and the reverse.



Tai Ji 7

The Early Heaven Trigram

The Early Heaven Trigram arrangement by Fu Xi is also known as Fu Xi Trigram ( 伏羲八卦 ) or The Primordial Bagua ( 原始八卦 ). It represents symbolically the meanings of opposites relating to Heaven and Earth.

The Heaven is in the higher part and the Earth is in the lower part. Li and Kan on the left and right hand side form a pair. Zhen and Xun form another pair, while being one opposite the other, in balance and harmony. The adjustment of the trigrams is symmetrical by forming exact contrary pairs. They symbolize the opposite forces of Yin and Yang and represent an ideal state, when everything is in balance. This arrangement based ONLY on the equilibrium between Heaven and the Universe. It did not take into the consideration the on the changes of the environmental conditions and the elements became hostile. It also shows that during that time, the equilibrium of The Early Heaven was disturbed and troubles brewed. It is marked by the absence of motion and progress. In Feng Shui, The Early Heaven Trigrams is used for burial sites. 8

The Early Heaven Trigram can be memorized using our palm

The Early Heaven Trigram can memorize from our palm easily as shown in the figure. Each trigram is allocated to their position. By memorizing these positions on our palm, we will know the arrangement of The Early Heaven Trigram.


The Later Heaven Trigram

The Later Heaven Trigram arrangement was changed and amended by the legendary King Wen who re-arranged the trigrams to incorporate the eight directions in the Ba Gua. It is also known also King Wen Trigram ( 文王卦 ) or Dynamic Bagua ( 动态八卦 ). This is because The Later Heaven arrangement is closely related to the Luo-shu nine stars. This trigram depicts an evolving and ever-changing universe. It describes the world where time and matter interact and exert their influence upon the living. It also describes the cycle of movement that allows progress. In Feng Shui, The Later Heaven Trigrams is used for the residences. The Later Heaven Trigram describes the patterns of the environmental changes. Kan is placed downwards and Li at the top, Zhen in the East and Dui in the West. Contrary to The Early Heaven Trigram, this one is a dynamic trigram where energies and the aspects of each trigram flow towards the following. It is the sequence used by the Luo Pan compass which is used in Feng Shui to analyze the movement of the Qi that affects us.


The Later Heaven Trigram can be memorized using our palm

The Later Heaven Trigram can memorize from our palm easily as shown in the figure. Each trigram is allocated to their position. By memorizing these positions on our palm, we will know the arrangement of The Later Heaven Trigram.


Trigram of the eight aspirations

In The Eight Trigrams, each trigram corresponds to an aspect of life which, in its turn, corresponds to one of the cardinal directions. Applying feng shui using the trigram of the eight aspirations made it possible to simplify feng shui and to bring it within the reach of everyone. The Trigram is the basic tool for Feng Shui analysis. When a Feng Shui analysis is performed, the practitioner refers to these basic concepts to analyze the situation within each area of the building. From this representation, the basis of the mathematical calculations are found. In other words, it is a tool for calculation the attributes of a building, not a general overlay to be used on a floor plan. Additionally, the trigrams hold the keys to understanding the who or what is effected by the Feng Shui of a building. Even beyond that, certain personalities can be found in the trigrams relating to both people and their buildings.


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