The Egregore of the Order by Raymond Bernard

April 3, 2017 | Author: Sauron387 | Category: N/A
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THE "EGREGORE" OF THE ORDER translated transcription of a talk by RAYMOND BERNARD

It seems to me useful to draw to your attention certain basic principles relative to Rosicrucian work, in such a way that all of you, whatever maybe your degree of understanding, may thoroughly understand the fundamental value of your affiliation with the Order and the efforts you have made on the path of personal evolution and mystical realization. It is evident that this will concern solely the Rosicrucian brotherhood and the bonds which unite its members. Now, the explanation in this message will be limited to the Rosicrucian Order AMORC, which alone interests us here and, as you will see, there is much of individual and collective importance here. These few details are the only ones which can be covered in a general talk, but meditation on these different points will lead you to many and fruitful conclusions, until more advanced teaching will deal with them again at greater length and in detail. Today we will examine the question of the "egregore" from a general point of view. The best definition that we have found for this term is this: - "An assembly of terrestrial and suora-terrestrial entities forming a graduated whole, moved bv an idea-force". What interests us in our respective responsibilities obviously, the "egregore" of the Rose + Cross, manifest in perceptible world through the Rosicrucian Order AMORC.

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The terrestrial entities are the active and regular members of the Order, whether or not they have specific responsibility. By 'active' and 'regular' is meant not merely a dues-paying member in the Order on earth, but one who studies the teachings and puts them into practice in his daily life. The supra-terrestrial entities make up the high conclave of the invisible Masters and, in particular, those especially charged with the care of the Rosicrucian wav manifested bv our Order. The Hierarchy is formed of this invisible high conclave and of all the officers of the Order, each in his own well-defined place with a specific function, providing that such place and such function . have been arranged in the name of the invisible high hierarchy,_and according to the rules established for the visible organization, and that they are^whollv in conformity with the temporal principles which govern them.

The_ idea-_force _is the_Rosicrucian mysticism guarded bv the Rosicrucian Order AMORC. which explains to you why it_is_ imperative fori each officer of the Order to maintain his activities (in thoughts, words. writings, and in every wav) within the unique framework of our Order, within its traditions, its Constitution, and its statutes each time he acts as an officer of AMORC. As a private individual, each person has full liberty of all areas, but whenever an officer exercises his function with groups or members .of the Order,. and each time that the Order acts in some wav, or he must give advice or make a decision. he__is_bound__by_the__idea-force _of_ AMORC Rosicrucianism.__a_nd must conform to it. If he did not do so, he would be acting against the "egregore11 (there would be 'interference' in the '^qreaore11. as there can be 'interference' on a radio) and naturally this would react, in one way or another, according to what is involved. To draw these varied ideas together into a typical Rosicrucian explanation, it can be said that the weareaore" formed by all the earthly entities (forming AMORC) and the supra-terrestrial entities (the invisible conclave) is a psychic and spiritual mass, or body, of considerable power. You can consider the "^qre'gore" as a crystallization, a special condensation of the pure cosmic essence for a definite goal - the collective and individual advance of that part Ql .humanjfcy whigh js following gur_w
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