The introduction of the grinding aid (GA) has been started more than 50 year ago, to facilitate clinker grinding in c...
Grin Gr indi ding ng Aid Aid Ef Effe fect ctiv iven enes esss in Cement Ball Mill Web: www. w Email:
[email protected] ,
[email protected] LinkedIn: LinkedIn: Ali Bulawali Bulawali Date: Sep -2016
The introduction of the grinding aid ai d (G (GA A) ha has s be been en st star arte ted d mo more re than 50 year ago, to facili littate clin cl inke kerr gr grin indi ding ng in ce ceme ment nt mi mills lls improve mill output despite of the abov ab ove e fe feat atur ures es,, th the e we wear ar of mi mill ll interior parts well be increase.
irst it is important to know the types of cement mills used in cement plant to grind the clinker clinker (main Substance in ce ceme ment nt pr prod oduc ucti tion on) ) to prod roduce uce ordinary Portland cement (opc) , mainly there are four types of mills: Horizontal Ball Ball Mill Mill in Clos Closed ed Circu Circuit, it, Vertic ertical al Roll Roller er Mill Mill and and othe otherr less less usin using g like like Horo Mill, Vertical Ball Mill.
Mostly, Grinding Aid is being used in Ball Mill because there are many sizes
of grin grindi ding ng ball ballss (Grind (Grinding ing Med Media) ia) ranging from 2 cm to 90 cm or 100 or 100 cm diam diamet eter er,, in addi additi tion on to large large surf surfac acee area for different sizes of grinding Balls the the grin grinde ded d subs substa tanc ncee aggl agglom omer erat ated ed abov abovee the the Ball Ballss have have many many diff differ eren entt reason among them: electrostatic electrostatic charge, charge, high cement temperature, temperature, aged clinker, clinker, rough surface balls and the moist in the mill. Grinding ing Aid well contri tribute in decreasing decreasing the agglomerated agglomerated substance substance (coating) above above the balls, increasing the grin rinding ding effi effici cien ency cy of the the mill mill and and impr improv ovee the the flow flow char charac acte teri rist stic icss of ceme cement nt with with prev preven enti ting ng Pack Pack-s -set et in cement storages. [13]
Befo Before re Usin Using g GA
`Grindin `Grinding g Aid Effectiv Effectivenes enesss in Cement Cement Ball Mill
Afte Afterr Usin Using g GA
By: Ali Bulawa Bulawali li
Grindin Gri nding g Aid Aidss (GA (GA)) Grindi Grinding ng Aids Aids are are no norm rmal ally ly li liqu quid id products, traditionally formulated as water-based solutions of organic comp co mpou ound ndss wi with th hi high gh ch char arge ge de dens nsity ity.. [14] Grinding Grinding Aids have in sold form also. Grinding Grindi ng Aid types
There are many materials that can be used as grinding grinding aid, such as amines based: TIPA ( T riIoPropanolAmine ) ) , TEA ( TriEthanolAmine ) , MEA ( MonoEthanolAmine ) , Glycol based: DEG ( DiEthyleneGlycol ) , PG ( PropyleneGlycol ) , Other: ( Glycerin ) , Each type of that above listed grinding aids has its advantages and disadvantages. Now, Now, grinding aid manufacturers make a composite from known and unknown grinding aids with additives to improve the effectiveness. [5], [9] Some Some cement cement manufa manufactur cturee using using fatty fatty acids based material like sunflower oil, oleic, oleic, stearic stearic,, myristi myristicc and lauric lauric acids acids because it is renewable chemicals obtain obtained ed mostly mostly from from natura naturall source sources. s. [11] Grinding Aid uses and quantities Grinding quantities It use use to incr increa ease se the the desi design gned ed mill mill feed feedin ing g with with a redu reduct ctio ion n in spec specif ific ic power consumption (K (KW h/t) for produced cement. In addition to that, its improv improvee cement cement Compre Compressiv ssivee streng strength th and color. [12]
Grin Grindi ding ng Aid Aid mete metered red in quan quantit tities ies from 0.006 0.006 % to 0.3 % % of the clinker clinker weight and mostly using quantities from 0.1 % to 0.3 0.3 % % depen dependin ding g on many many different reasons such as mill feed rate, Compre Compressiv ssivee strengt strength h and setting setting time time results after using Grinding Grinding Aids. The optimum addition rate should be deter determi mine ned d in ceme cement nt mill mill tests tests to get get appropriated economical results. [5], [6] It is easy to adding Grinding Aids to the the mill mill syst system em from from abov abovee the the belt belt conveyor that feeds the mill with clinker after metering the suitable quantities of the grinding aid or using special system spray spray the Grindi Grinding ng Aid inside inside the mill mill from the mill first chamber. Grinding Grind ing Aid Cost
Each Each grind grinding ing aid making making compan companies ies have his own price and the price of the grin grindi ding ng aid very very impo import rtan antt as it can can affect production cost for one ton of the cement cement.. Unfort Unfortuna unately tely,, Grindi Grinding ng Aids Aids prices are continuously increasing while energy prices decreasing in recent years. [10] E ff e c t of Grinding Aids in Compressive strength and setting time
Grinding Aid will increase Comp Compre ress ssiv ivee stre streng ngth th of the the ceme cement nt diffe iffere ren ntly tly acco accord rdin ing g to the the time time a laboratory test is performed and gene general rally ly arou around nd 5% incr increas easee but but the the actual mechanism of grinding aids in the cement is not clear and may be due to fine grinding of the clinker resulting in high high Blain Blainee of ceme cement nt,, also also ther theree are are studi studies es supp suppos osed ed that that some some Grin Grindi ding ng Aids have a chemical effects on clinker phases like (C3A, like (C3A, C4AF) and C4AF) and somehow
`Grindin `Grinding g Aid Effectiv Effectivenes enesss in Cement Cement Ball Mill
By: Ali Bulawa Bulawali li
the Grinding Aids can contribute to the increase in Compressive strength of the Cement. Some Some type typess of grin grindi ding ng aid aid redu reduce ce early early Compre Compressiv ssivee strengt strengths hs within within 28 days' which is about normal. [2], [7], [6], [11] Almo Almost st all all Grin Grindi ding ng Aids Aids type typess can can accelerate the hydration of the aluminate phases, for that reason a fine tuning is needed to adjust the gypsum additive in mills to control setting time, especially when when produc producing ing High High Blaine Blaine Cement Cement.. [4], [3] Mill feed feeding ing inc increa reasin sing g togethe togetherr wit with h acceleration wear for Balls, diap di aph hra ragm gm an and d th thee li lin nin ing gs (mill interior parts)
It is well well-k -kno nown wn fact fact when usin using g grin grindi ding ng aid aid in ceme cement nt ball ball mill millss the the feeding increase above the designed mill feed feedin ing g cap capacit acity y of the the mill mill which hich means it can have 100 t/h t/h cement cement ball and using grinding aid feeding increase around 10 around 10 % to 110 to 110 t/h [8]. [8]. When using grinding aids, agglom agglomerat erated ed coating coating can be remove removed d from the balls and the liners lead to fast wear in mill interior parts with increasing in the specific power consumption (KW (KW h/ h/t) t) after after longti longtime me using of the grinding aid. In the table (1) table (1) below below shows comparison between worn out state to normal state of the balls and liner plates: [7] Table (1)
Boiling point of the Grinding Aid and cement mill temperature:
The heat is going to be increased when producing cement inside the mill, the reas reason on is obvio bviou usly sly becau ecause se of the the impact of balls with lining and clinker insi insid de the the mill mill and and this this incr increa ease se in temperature evaporate some low boiling point Grinding Aids and reduces the effectivenes effectivenesss of Grinding Grinding Aid in general. general. Table (2) Table (2) below below shows different types of the the Grin rindin ding Aids Aids alon along g with with thei their r boiling point. Table (2)
Usi sin ng less cli lin nker Grinding Grind ing Aids (GA) (GA)
witth wi
Cli lin nker
Prod Produc ucin ing g a comp compos osite ite ceme cement nt from from clink inker and pozzo zzolan with added grinding aid can lead to 15.8 % and 10.5 % clink inker reductio ction ns with ith energy savings of 4.5 % and 2.3 %, respectively and without any effects in compressive stre stren ngth gth when when add adding ing appr appro opria priate te quantity quantity from grinding Aids. [11] Conclusion
Usin Using g Grin Grindi ding ng Aid Aid in Hori Horizo zont ntal al Ceme Cement nt Ball Ball mill mill lead lead to incr increa easin sing g in the mill designed feeding and reduction in spec specif ific ic power ower con consump sumpti tio on for for produced cement. Compressive strength
`Grindin `Grinding g Aid Effectiv Effectivenes enesss in Cement Cement Ball Mill
By: Ali Bulawa Bulawali li
of the the ceme cement nt slig slight htly ly incr increa ease sess and and sometimes decreases depend on type of the Grinding Grinding Aid being used. used. Removing Removing the agglomeratio agglomeration n above the balls and lining accelerate the wear in grindi grinding ng Media Media and mill interio interiorr parts parts due to the direct impact between them and and lead leadin ing g to incr increa easi sing ng the the powe power r consumption and requires an emergency main mainte tena nanc ncee for for both both ball ballss and and mill mill interior parts to keep mill efficiency as high as possible.
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`Grindin `Grinding g Aid Effectiv Effectivenes enesss in Cement Cement Ball Mill
By: Ali Bulawa Bulawali li