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The Easiest Way To Bang A Hot Chick  August 1, 2008 by CH

Copyright © 2015. Chateau Heartiste. All rights reserved. Comments are a lunchroom

If you are a beta who lacks the game, attributes, or status to bed 8s and above there is hope f or you. By choosing your targets wisely, you can experience the exquisite and unparalleled pleasure of pleasure of having sex with a hot girl — the kind of  girl n girl  normally ormally reserved for the apex alphas at the top of the human food chain. The

food fight and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Chateau Heartiste proprietors or contributors.

trick is in knowing how to identify the most responsive targets. I’ve devised a search search and and seduce target target designation designation system system for finding the hottest girls most likely to give it up to a sub-alpha such as yourself. yourself. Each of the factors listed below corresponds to better odds that the hot girl who has that problem will

Visit the Goodbye, America photojournal website. website.

date and bang you. As the “negative” traits accumulate, accumulate, the odds of hot girl sex increase exponentially rather than linearly linearly..


Over 25


Odds increase by: 10% for each additional year, -20% age 30,

Alpha Assessment Submissions

+30% ages 31 and up

Beta Of The Year

Obviously, the window to take advantage of the Age-Leg Opening association is

Contest Submissions

small, perhaps only 5 years, because because past a certain age her legs will no longer

Dating Market Value Test

open to the vagina of an 8, but a 6 or less. And if you’re going to settle for 6

For Men

vaginas, you may as well limit your efforts to young 6s. 6s. In the rare cases where a

Dating Market Value Test

woman manages to stay hot into her 30s, expect the Age-Leg Opening association

For Women

to temporarily reverse around the age of 30. This is because all single women

Diversity + Proximity = War:

experience a delusional reevaluation of their marketability when they hit the

The Reference List

milestone of 30. They play hard to get one l ast time in hopes they can recapture

Shit Cuckservatives Say

the glory of their youth. Of course, this phase ends quickly as she rediscovers

The Sixteen Commandments

reality and spinsterhood looms. After this brief but frantic period when she has

Of Poon

gone through the five stages of cougar grief  –  – denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance* acceptance* — she’ll adjust her Leg Opening Quotient incrementally until she stops being invisible to men. * Future post. Single Mom Odds increase by: 50% for the first kid (85% if a Downs Syndrome kid), 20% for each additional kid

A hot chick’s kid will give you the second biggest bang for your buck (see below for the biggest hot pussy discount). Since it is ingrained in men to avoid investing

T U RT @Cernovich @Cernovich:: blog/bey…  7 hours ago blog/bey… RT @TheDonaldNews @TheDonaldNews:: HE WAS THE ULTIMATE TRUMP HATER. Krauthammer admits  “I was wrong about Trump, Trump,

their precious resources into the raising of another man’s spawn, especially especially if that

Dems fear him,” joins Trump

other man was some badboy who stretched out her vagina and left a stargate for

Train https://… https://…  7 hours ago

you to have frictionless sex, a woman who is raising a kid on her own due to poor udgment, getting dumped, dumped, or divorce (75% chance it was initiated by her) will be

RT @dissidentusa @dissidentusa:: The

the most congenial date you will ever experience. There will be zero shit testing

negging of the shrew.

and she will have nothing but smiles for you. Her hand will be on your thigh


within five minutes of meeting, and she will pay for your drink out of courtesy for…

the time taken from your busy schedule to meet her. A single mom who has the

7 hours ago

night free because her kids are at grandma’s is good to go before the first drinks arrive. They often have condoms in their purses, glove compartments, compartments, medicine cabinets, nightstands, nightstands, and in a secret compartment behind that portrait of greataunt Gertrude. You should definitely wear your own bulletproof condom with a single mom because you know you are dealing with a fertile woman and one who will be tempted to entrap you old school style. Flush the used condom immediately after you are done. They are that desperate. Note: Avoid tripping over toys and landing on your erection.

RT @FamesBlond @FamesBlond:: Best articulation of Cuckservative I have ever read, by @ChateauEmissary ChateauEmissary (of  (of course it would be by him)… 7 hours ago RT @Mangan150 @Mangan150:: @chatrwing @chatrwing '



Physical Deformity Odds increase by: 20 – 150%, depending on severity of 


disfigurement… 7 hours ago

This is by far the most advantageous flaw a hot chick can possess. A perfect 10 with a physical deformity, even something trivial like a missing pinky toe, will devalue her own beauty. The worse the deformity, the lower her self-esteem will drop and the higher her character will rise. A 10 with a missing boob will think and act like a 7. Missing an entire leg? She’ll be a de facto 4. Hermaphro Hermaphrodite? dite? Her secret shame will put her on the l evel of a morbidly obese smelly hausfrau. Naturally,, you’ll want to focus on those disfigured women whose abnormalities Naturally

RT @JamesGaius @JamesGaius:: @ChateauEmissary ChateauEmissary Anyone  Anyone really think that today's USA could send a group of men to the moon AND back safely if  they tried? 8 hours ago

don’t detract from their pretty faces or sexy bodies. The girl with the missing arm from this post qualifies. post qualifies. A girl with a moustache or steatopygia steatopygia would  would not.

R C

Note: Personality deformities have NO EFFECT on a hot chick’s self-appraisal. In

Captain Obvious on

fact, a seriously flawed personality may actually boost her ego, as she will continue to get attention from men no matter how poorly she behaves, and will

Another Battlefront

assume it means, using chick logic, that her shitty attitude is what keeps them

Captain Obvious on

coming back for more.

Another Battlefront

Former Fatty Odds increase by: 10 – 70%, depending on length and heft of fat phase

Opens In T…

Opens In T… wolfie65 on Another Battlefront Opens In T… wolfie65 on Another

Yet another goldmine for the beta who wants to taste the forbidden fruit of 

Battlefront Opens In T…

exceptional pussy. A former fatty, by dint of her painful past dealing with the cold

Captain Obvious on

stares of indifference and sneers of cruelty cruelty,, will be grounded and grateful for male

Another Battlefront

attention. A former fatty’s mindset is still that of the fat girl she left behind – the

Opens In T…

mind changes slower than the body. The time to strike is when her memories are

Captain Obvious on

strong and her reconstructed body body is tight. The fatter a former fatty was, the

Another Battlefront

more appreciative she will be of your romantic interest. A 300 pound whale who

Opens In T…

slims down to a svelte 120 pounds will attack you sexually with the zeal of 

Captain Obvious on

a released inmate let loose in a brothel after 20 years in the hole. Caution: The longer a former fatty is skinny, the more her soul will twist into the

Another Battlefront Opens In T…

corrupted spectre of a self-absorbed egomaniac princess. princess. You’ll want to catch her

olivermaerk on olivermaerk  on Another

before her horrible memories fade (think “Silence of the Heifers”), she swaps loyal

Battlefront Opens In T…

down to earth friends for superficial hottie friends, and hundreds of betas throw

WJ on WJ  on Another

themselves at her feet.

Battlefront Opens In T…

Recent Divorcee Odds increase by: 20% if she filed for divorce, 40% if her ex filed for divorce

A recent divorcee wants to feel attractive again. She probably hasn’t had sex with her husband in years and relishes the prospect of intimacy with fresh cock. A

Ponce du Lion on The Sexual Market Is The Prime…

T P

divorcee is different than a rebound. Most hot girls on the rebound will keep their

Another Battlefront Opens In

standards.. A hot divorcee will lower them; she has been insulated and out of the standards

The Diversity Wars

dating scene so long that your fawning beta attention will be attractive to her.

How To Get A Girl To Send

Double plus leg-spreading points points if her husband left her in the middle of the night

Nudes Of Herself 

for a stripper half her age. She will crave your sexual desire. Expect Expect to feel l ike

The Sexual Market Is The

the woman on any date with her.

Prime Market The Sixteen Commandments


Of Poon

Odds increase by: 60% if she is from a patriarchal culture

The Five Female Body Types

(Russia), 30% if she is from a feminized culture (Sweden), 80% if 

(And One Is The Very Best)

she is from a dirt poor patriarchal culture and she’s trying to get a

It's Easy To Identify A Slut

green card

Slut Eye

The theory of hybrid vigor and the “expert “ expert from afar” afar” psychological phenomenon

Penis Size Around The World

makes hot foreign pussy very attainable for the average American American beta male. Even interstate travel can increase the odds of a beta scoring pussy normally out

The Average Female Face Of 

of his reach, thanks to the automatic deference that girls give to strange men

Different Countries

from faraway lands. (Hotel bar + traveling salesman = fling.) You will do very well

Why White Knights Are Bad

with an East European green card whore who has little sexual experience with

For Women

foreign men. The fact that East European women are women are significantly more beautiful than American women is just icing on the cake. With the right motivation and travel itinerary you could conceivably pull your first 10. Note: Due to the hypergamous trajectory of trajectory of feminized Western cultures where the hot women are accustomed to sharing the top 20% of men and the leftover betas are sniveling papoose-wearing papoose-wearing spineless  spineless turds, your exotic foreign aura won’t be as effective at landing that bombshell Swede without supplemental alpha traits. Conclusion

Beta, desperate, and settling is no way to go through life, son. You don’t need to

C Select Category

C People of Walmart PostSecret Stuff White People Like The Daily Sarge


fantasize what sex with a really hot girl feels like, anymore. By zeroing in on girls

Things My Boyfriend Says

with any combination of the above characteristics, characteristics, you can greatly improve your


odds of banging quality pussy. There aren’t many guarantees in life, but if you find a hot 29 year old, single Russian mom with four Downs Syndrome kids, a superfluous clitoris and a missing engagement ring finger, who used to weight 450 pounds, and whose husband divorced her yesterday before her citizenship was approved, sit back and relax, betaboy. Your job is done.

G 60 Years of Challenge Alpha Game Cajun Krauser PUA

Happy hunting!

Rational Male Roosh V Tenmagnet The G Manifesto

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Why Do Some Men Bang Below Their Level?


Men Can't Be Friends With (Attractive) Women: The Science

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Posted in Beta Beta,, Biomechanics is God, God, Closing the Deal, Deal, Hitting The Wall, Wall, Hungry Hungry

hbd chick Human Biological Diversity

Hippos,, The Pleasure Principle | Hippos Principle | 160 Comments

Information Processing Lion of the Blogosphere

160 Responses

Mangans Miscellany


on August 1, 2008 at 12:59 pm


I am not entirely convinced whether Scandinavians are actually an easier

Page For Men

target. Most Scandinavians have some to a lot of contempt for the US.


As for the traveling sales man: good thing I will be travelling Europe extensively in the coming months then.

Rogue Health and Fitness Steve Sailer The Anti-Gnostic

BTW, the lure of the greencard for Eastern Europeans has significantly diminished

The Kakistocracy

after many of their countries entered the EU. Now they’re passpor passportt is acceptable

The Red Pill Review

all over Europe anyway.

The Spearhead

Unqualified Reservations Vox Popoli West Hunter


on August 1, 2008 at 1:15 pm

the lure of the greencard for Eastern Europeans has significantly  diminished after many of their countries entered the EU. Now they’re  passport is acceptable all over Europe anyway.

100% correct. The devaluing of the dollar relative to the Euro and local currencies

Whiskey's Place

T H  M H Alias Clio Dusk in Autumn

makes it a bad deal to work in the US.

Elysium Revisited

East-Centrall European countires (Czech, Poland, Hungary) are in fact enjoying an East-Centra

Feminine Beauty

economic boom and many of their citizens are returning home from places like the

Gucci Little Piggy


Hawaiian Libertarian

Back to the topic at hand: Eastern European women’s beauty beauty is in big part a function of their slimness, accent, the kind of charm that is cultivated in patriatrchial cultures, conservative conservative attitudes, and stylishness. I don’t think they are any better (or worse) looking than your average American girls were in the 1950s and early 60s.

lol… nice

In Mala Fide Jack Goes Forth Overcoming Bias The Fourth Checkraise The Rawness

Kick a Bitch

Hyperbole and a Half 


on August 1, 2008 at 1:21 pm



on August 1, 2008 at 1:23 pm

The odd might be easier with a shaved chick … but who would want i t?

Sebastian Flyte

on August 1, 2008 at 1:33 pm

Important addendum addendum to the discussion on foreign girls: Girls out of their element are biologically programmed to seek males as quickly as possible to sustain them and their potential children in the new environment. The type of males they seek are ones already in ‘the system’, ie. natives, because they have the jobs, the language, and most importantly – the contacts – to look after them. This is true after wars, invasions etc, where women quickly adjust to and willingly mate with the occupiers. This is the evolutionary rationale behind stockholm syndrome. The same dynamics play out when girls move to another country.


on August 1, 2008 at 1:36 pm

Tourist To urist chicks are easy to impress. They’re in a foreign country that they know little about, especially not all the shadier stuff that doesn’t show up in tourism advertisement, and you’ve grown up there so it appears to them like you know everything. Works the same between any two groups, really.


on August 1, 2008 at 1:39 pm

Hermaphrodite? Her secret shame will put her on the level of a morbidly  obese smelly hausfrau.

Why not just save yourself all the drama and do a man?


on August 1, 2008 at 1:41 pm

>I don’t think they are any better (or worse) looking than your average American girls were in the 1950s and early 60s. Even discounting the many fat girls, the remaining American girls still aren’t nearly as good looking on average as in Europe. I’m not sure why. After a month in the US, I came back and was taken aback by the number of good looking women here compared to the US. And I certainly do not live in a classic society.


on August 1, 2008 at 1:43 pm

 “classic” was was meant to be traditional traditional


on August 1, 2008 at 1:49 pm

Sun damage? Much of the US exists on African latitudes. There are no pale people at those latitudes in the old world. I live at the southernmos southernmostt edge of this country and the equivalent latitudes would put me in Greenland or Alaska.



on August 1, 2008 at 2:00 pm

The one flaw with the former fat chick is the risk of excessive stretch marks, something you won’t always know until t he clothes start to come off. Of course, if she’s wearing little tank tops you might get to see if she has stretch marks on her upper arms. At that point, I’d make my excuses and leave.


on August 1, 2008 at 2:06 pm

Sun does not generally change facial features. I’m thinking it’s genetics, probably.

Steve Lurkel

on August 1, 2008 at 2:17 pm

good stuff…thanks, Roissy.


on August 1, 2008 at 2:46 pm

Why are (white) US women uglier than their European counterparts? counterparts? I think the main reason is that a lot of then had English ancestors. English women are the ugliest of the continent, known for ther bad skin, horse faces and tendency to become obese.


on August 1, 2008 at 2:52 pm

While I still maintain my hard line of “if you cannot take it, leave”, leave”, I must admit the former fatty stuff stung and was pretty painful. Admittedly,, because some of it is true. But this really stuck out to me: Admittedly  A former fatty’s mindset is still that of the fat girl she left behind – the mind  changes slower than the body.

This seems a fairly human experience. Can any of us escape the mindset of who we once were? Nerds? Outcasts? Band geeks? Even former jocks and prom queens are fucked up in their own special way, unable to let go of those glory days. So, we react. We do the best we can. We compensate and maybe sometimes we make bad decisions to validate ourselves. Some of us lash out and say mean things about real people behind the anonymity of blogs and “personas”. We all are way more alike than anyone wants to admit.


on August 1, 2008 at 3:21 pm

Beta, desperate, and settling is no way to go through life, son. You don’t  need to fantasize what sex with a really hot girl feels like, anymore. By 

 zeroing in on girls with any combination of the above characteristics, you can greatly improve your odds of banging quality pussy.

….and for only three easy installments of $99.99 you too can achieve these fantastic results. Order by 5PM EST and you will get a free super shammy to replace that crusty towel you you usually beat into.

Benedict Smith

on August 1, 2008 at 3:25 pm

the single mom – if she’s actually secured a babysitter, she’s been holed up with the rugrats for long enough that she is going to cram as much  “not a mom” ie: fucking as she can can into a night of respite respite from being a single mom….


the former fatty – i find these broads overestimate overestimate their new attractiveness 80% of the time….the othe 20% are ready fuck/make up for lost time and get as much decent to above average looking dick as is humanly possible.

El Guapo

on August 1, 2008 at 3:38 pm

@8 As a man who was all over Europe, the disparity is between women here and there boils down to a simple variable. Femininity and it’s twin sister — sexiness. Women in Europe know and understand that first and foremost they are sex objects, value the fact they are sex objects, maintain they’re status as sex object, and interact with men generally as female sex objects. Social mores are different, so they feel safe in their exposition that their overt sensuality is not interpreted as a universal come-on. Thus the universally better grooming, fashion sense, weight maintenance and tallness. A pregnant woman in Europe doesn’t keep doing the career samba like an American woman and I remain convinced that this simple difference means women in Europe are bearing healthier and taller children.

Patrick Bateman

on August 1, 2008 at 3:41 pm

@14 Gannon Don’t neglect the men. English men are about the fugliest in the western world. Anglo culture may be superior, but damn those people are ugly. Conversely, Iberians are beautiful but the culture sucks as far as making progress is concerned.

sara the astute

on August 1, 2008 at 3:46 pm

In the good old days–before culture, perfumes, deodorant, civilization– you could just smell the fear and desperation. Like a wolf separating the weak from the herd. Harkens back to a simpler more innocent time. Talk about happy hunting! Now we need statistical analysis and demographic research to achieve the same thing. What of the exceptions? According According to this, a man would have an 80% chance of  banging me, and it’s more likely 10%.


on August 1, 2008 at 3:58 pm

With regard to former fatties – all the ones I’ve encountered had ridiculously high self esteem and wouldn’t bang without insane effort. Somehow I think the residual stretch marks would have repulsed me anyway. I’ll stick with the foreign girls, who are the best bet all around! Hot, friendly, intelligent, and bangable. What more could I want?! Eastern Europeans are absolutely hot, but I’ve had great luck with French women too!


on August 1, 2008 at 4:24 pm

The best looking women in my opinion are from Austria and the North of  Italy,, even beating Argentine girls. Tirolese females are amazing, and Italy even beat the sexy devushkas. Also, Also, they age better and don’t become babushkas as fast.



on August 1, 2008 at 4:26 pm

Ah yeah, strechmarks definitively away ex fatties and single mothers.


on August 1, 2008 at 4:26 pm

insert “give” 


on August 1, 2008 at 4:29 pm

the lemon song: I must admit the former fatty stuff stung and was pretty painful.

you’ve won your battle, so you’re able to step back from the pain, remember it, and use it as a source of strength. We compensate and maybe sometimes we make bad decisions to validate ourselves.

beware strangers bearing smiles, lem. they are the ones who have something to hide. Some of us lash out and say mean things about real people behind the anonymity  of blogs and “personas”.

i say it to their faces. keepin’ it real, yo. We all are way more alike than anyone wants to admit.

there’s no one like me. but you knew that already. sara the boring and repetitive:  According to this, a man would have an 80% chance of banging me, and it’s more likely 10%.

if the odds of a beta banging you were 1 in 1,000 before your problems beset you, then a 10% chance of banging you now is a big relaxation of your standards. hope this heals.

sara the wounded

on August 1, 2008 at 4:42 pm

25 roissy if the odds of a beta banging you were 1 in 1,000 before your problems beset you, then a 10% chance of banging you now is a big relaxation of your  standards. hope this heals.

You’ve cut me to the quick. I may never  heal!  heal!


on August 1, 2008 at 4:44 pm

Former fatties are future fatties.

David Alexander

on August 1, 2008 at 4:45 pm

Single Mom

My secret plan for marrying a white girl was essentially based on dating white single moms. The other alternative was to move to Canada and look for women up there. Mind you, banging a discounted hot woman is simply a sign of reinforced betahood which leads one to wonder if it’s worth the mental gymnastics to




The fact that East European women are significantly more beautiful than American women is just icing on the cake.

From the limited samples that I’ve seen of Western and Eastern European women from one trip to Europe in 2000, school, tourists in NYC, immigrants immigrants,, and imported European media, I’d rather stick with women from the States. Mind you, as I’ve pointed out, I’m biased as a New York Metro resident, and as a porn addict. the kind of charm that is cultivated in patriatrchial cultures

There is nothing more frustrating that a girl who expects me to make decisions… I think the main reason is that a lot of then had English ancestors.

Gannon, IIRC, most white Americans have very little English ancestry, ancestry, and most Americans are of German, Irish, Italian, or Scottish ancestry.

sara the boring and repetitive

on August 1, 2008 at 4:53 pm

Just for you, roissy!


on August 1, 2008 at 5:09 pm

You make spinsterhood sound like a death sentance. Honestly, its pretty awesome. I can fuck who I want when I want and don’t have to answer to anyone.


on August 1, 2008 at 5:09 pm

They beat me to it but I was going to say, a 300 pounder doesn’t generally get to 120 without extensive surgery. Especially Especially nowadays with stomach stapling and such. Which imo is the best reason to lose weight the slow and steady exercise way. More to the point, no matter how I look I hope to remain an honorary fatty in spirit, and I hope that no matter how I look my personality will always be my best feature. (I’m a sap!)


on August 1, 2008 at 5:43 pm

I find that single, divorced mothers can be quite explicit in their desire to establish a very simple, no drama sexual relationship: they have complicated and regimented regimented lives that don’t allow them to go out very much and they may or may not be interested in any real relationship, as it’s just another mouth/person mouth/person to feed/manage in their lives. Often they just want to go nuts for a night.

Word of caution, they will be less than tolerant of poor performance. You You better be able to fuck their brains out or you won’t get a second call back. There is a reason for the saying “I waxed for that?”  On the other hand, if you do it right, given how busy they are, they may be openminded to a regular dinner/fuck arrangement that doesn’t require alot of  other attention.


on August 1, 2008 at 5:49 pm

David A, can you believe how HIDEOUS all those Brit tourists wandering around the Apple are. Ringling Bros. should send up a scout!


, 42DD chest. Her mother was a ballerina and she was future dancer in training from age 3 until she grew to a 38D at the age of 12! If all Tyrolean girls are like her, that’s the mother load.


on August 1, 2008 at 5:55 pm

Assuming Roissy is correct, Betas may have an abundancy of “former fatties” to choose from soon: http://www.nytim 1/science/01muscle.html?ref=spor le.html?ref=sports ts


on August 1, 2008 at 5:58 pm

Alpine girls are the best. Really, Southgermany, Austria, Switzerland, Northitaly is where the best looking non slavic girls live. Spain, France and Scandinavia are good, but overrated.  “from age 3 until she she grew to a 38D at at the age of 12!”  Maybe I should change my position on AOC to 12 years. Just kidding. Some girls are ready for sex at 12, but a lot of them aren’t. However, However, at 14 99% of girls are ready for sex, so t hat should be the international standard. Also, Also, 14 is politically viable, even in the US as the Polinesians in Hawaii prove. 12 however should be the AOC among TEENS below 21.


on August 1, 2008 at 5:59 pm

 “Gannon, IIRC, IIRC, most white Americans Americans have very very little English ancestry, ancestry, and most Americans are of German, Irish, Italian, or Scottish ancestry.”  I don’t know. But most WASP women definitively look very Britsih.

David Alexander

on August 1, 2008 at 6:21 pm

I don’t know. But most WASP women definitively look very Britsih.

WASP = White Anglo-Saxon Protestant… Yes, the super old money upper class tends to be of English ancestry with a hint of  French and Dutch ancestry. The Southerners that you met during your stay in the US were not WASPs, but Scotch-Irish, a group that has formed the backbone of  the US military, and yet somehow gives the US it’s strong individualist, libertarian streak. As an example, Wellesley Queen generally referred to herself as a WASP, but for all intents and purposes, she was a part of the Scots-Irish Scots-Irish/Scottish /Scottish ancestral groups that inhabited the frontier. David A, can you believe how HIDEOUS all those Brit tourists wandering around  the Apple are.

I haven’t noticed any hideous looking English tourists here in the States, but I’ve found plenty of so-so looking females from France and Germany.

Patrick Bateman

on August 1, 2008 at 6:30 pm

…most white Americans have very little English ancestry, and most   Americans are of German, Irish, Italian, or Scottish ancestry.

Census figures are probably inaccurate because people tend to emphasize the more “exotic” ethnicities in their backgroun background. d. Many of those people telling you they’re Irish, German, etc. have significant English ancestry. Anyway, the Scots and Irish go along with the ugly English too. The British isles produce some ugly people, at least the thin skinned pale ones.  Alpine girls are the best. Really, Southgermany, Austria, Switzerland, Northitaly is where the best looking non slavic girls live. Spain, France and Scandinavia are good, but overrated.


I’ve never been one for that Alpine look. I prefer Mediterranean women, women, with my ideal wife being a pale Spaniard (or mostly Spanish mestizo) and my ideal mistress a dark Iranian. Scandinavians beat other Northern Europeans hands down.


on August 1, 2008 at 6:30 pm

15 Lemmonex – Can any of us escape the mindset of who we once were? Yes you can – the fastest possible way to escape your past mindset is to travel on a Canadian bus and sit next to the wrong guy


on August 1, 2008 at 6:52 pm

35 Gannon hey you’re at it again with adults and kids going at it 14? – you are a broken record with your pedolust – I assure you that you’d get your head cut off without the Canadian bus ride if you touched a young daughter in my neighborhood. *Of course there is NO reply you can make to have any affect on the beating you would get prior to the head getting cut off – ha ha ha It would be better if you weren’t evil – I mean really – how hard is it to wait for 18? lazy lazy ped ped


on August 1, 2008 at 6:53 pm

I can, and do, sit next to plenty wrong guys right where I am. Still little old me…


on August 1, 2008 at 7:40 pm

@Triumph: I recommend you not to move outside the US. In most countries, AOC is 15. In Europe, in a lot cuntries it is 14 and the EU is pushing for a European wide 14. Even in the US it is 16 in a lot of places. It is not unusual for teen girls to date and marry guys in their t wenties. A girl aged 14 is sexualy and can therefore posseses sexual freedom. A young girl has the right to sleep with however she wants. Therefore, feminists really should want to lower AOC because it is about sexual freedom of sexualy mature females. However, what feminsim is really about is the rising of the price for female pussy. Feminists like Hugo Schwyzer want to raise AOC to 25 or at least until 21 and only males 3 years older should be alllowed women aged 14-25. By the way, I can assure you that a Pedophile would look with disgust at the ripe breasts, the round fleshy arse, the glorious natural pelt, the near adult face and the fertile smell of a 14 year old. Ah, and you would never be able to beat me anyway…


on August 1, 2008 at 7:50 pm

I don’t see the AOE 18 as primarily a Feminist issue. It probably is more of a Family Values thing, protecting parents from seeing their hormonal cat young daughters being courted by older guys. Whatever the AOC, it should be the same as age of majority, allowing a father who disapproves of his daughter’s adult boyfriend to kick her out of his house. My ideal world: the AOC is whatever it is, but fathers of girls under 21 have the legal sanction to beat up (with help if necessary) any unacceptable unacceptable suitor or boyfriend of their daughters. Even if the boyfriend is a minor minor..



on August 1, 2008 at 7:57 pm

@PA: High AOC are primarily a feminist issue. AOC was much lower until recently.  “but fathers of girls girls under 21 have the legal sanction to beat up”  ?????? Age of majority nowadays is 18, not 21. And no, AOC has always been linked to criminal juvenile responsibilty and not age of civil majority. majority. Civil law protects young women anyway through alimony: If a 15 year old girl gets pregnant, the father has to pay child support no matter what.


on August 1, 2008 at 8:05 pm

42 Gannon – ahahahaha I will travel all over the world! I said YOU had best not travel into MY neighborhood looking for or touching 14 year old GIRLS or you will be pummelled – even by the girl’s mothers – not just the dads, brothers, sisters, and neighbors. After all of that – we would cut off your head – for me to poop on!


on August 1, 2008 at 8:12 pm

Don’t worry Triumph, I’m a law abiding citizen. No one is above the law, not you and not even Gannon. But feminist laws in the US will change sooner or later, specially when the big crash comes. But if everybody believes that 14 is fine and only the US believes that 18 is fi ne, who is right?


on August 1, 2008 at 8:28 pm

Honestly,, I’m surprised there was no mention that teenage girls are easy Honestly lays for age 20+ guys as well, because most older men look more alpha compared to teenage boys. American men are some of the most fiercely protective of their daughters; triumph sounds like a really good man. Some men like my father, on the other hand, tend to throw their wives and daughters away. I would be very surprised, if I have a daughter, that my husband would let a 20+ year old man have his way with her when she’s 14 or 15. Sure, it is hypocritical, because he met me when I was 15, but it is just what a protective family man does. Age of consent is not 14 everywhere else in the world. It is 14 most notably in large parts of Europe, South America and China. It is also not 18 everywhere in the U.S.



on August 1, 2008 at 8:49 pm

Great post Hope: the issue is that women bond very deeply when they are aged 14-22. At that age they will form deep bonds with tgheir future husbands. Women Women aged over 25 aren’t really suited well to bond with their men. It’s too late. 14-15 is the standard age of consent in most of the Western world. If Triumph Triumph would really li ke to go after the pedohiles, he would have to do so in the arab world where girls get married as early as 8, including consumation of the marriage. Most Western phsychologists phsychologists believe that 14 is fine because at that age girls have reached cognitive, intelectual and emotional maturity. By the way Hope, obviously fathers should check out the intentions of their daughter’s gentleman gentleman callers. And a teen boyfriend would be much more dangerous because because he couldn’t marry my daughter if he leaves her pregnant. It’s not the age, but the intention. By the way, your happy marriage marriage is proof to me that teen girls should date and marry men around 5 to 12 years older.


on August 1, 2008 at 8:53 pm

Be careful with the map though: 1: In Germany, absolute age of consent is 16, not 14. You can be charged if the authority believes that there was abuse of inmotional inmatiruty; same in Argentina 2: in the case of a relationship of authority, authority, it’s almost always 18, even if general AOC is lower 3: AOC for closet homsexuals like Triumph is also higher, usualy at 18 or even outlawed (homosexuality was outlawed in most Latinamerica until recently, the nineties).


on August 1, 2008 at 10:18 pm

Lemmony: “While I still maintain my hard line of “if you cannot take it, leave”,, I must admit the former fatty stuff stung and was pretty painful. leave” Admittedly,, because some of it is true. But this really stuck out to me: Admittedly A former fatty’s mindset is still that of the fat girl she left behind – the mind changes slower than the body.”  It’s easy to go for the validation, but if you know yourself and you know where you’re likely to fall, you can compensate for it and it becomes, if not a strength, then at least a manageable weakness. I tend to miss details…so I review my work 10 times before it leaves my hands. Remember that you’re not a fatty, but you have brought with you the good things about that fatty’s character. You’re a beautiful woman with empathy and the determination to lose the weight the hard way. Beauty + Grit + Kindness = Greatness. Knowing you have that grit, that ability to do the hard and lonely t hings gives you an edge that most people don’t have (I lost 91 lbs starting at 277 lbs myself, diet and exercise, so I know whereof I speak…though weight is not much of an issue for guys, so I probably have less emotional wreckage related to that).


on August 1, 2008 at 10:43 pm

15: Can any of us escape the mindset of who we once were?  Nobody’s taking into account another common reaction for a woman who has lost a significant amount of weight: being completely put off by the sudden attention of men who wouldn’t have given them the time of day x number of  pounds ago, and the subsequent suspicion of their characters (esp. if they were acquainted in the “Before” phase.) It’s not the huge fulfillment some people assume it is, and the person inside is essentially the same person they were before. There’s an “if you didn’t look then, boy, then don’t go lookin’ now”  component to it — not in an “I’m too good for you” kind of way, but in a “You’re essentially shallow, aren’t you?” kind of way.


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sexual freedom of sexualy mature females.

But not the sexual freedom of intellectually or emotionally mature ones, which is why rational parents will never go along with what you’re espousing. And neither will you, once you have a daughter. Also, you probably don’t mean it this way, but the third-person self-reference comes across as really pretentious.


on August 1, 2008 at 11:13 pm

You need a hug Lemonnex


on August 1, 2008 at 11:30 pm

Yea anon you may be right on that. Now that I have loot woman from my past come out of the woodwork it is a put off. Scarface First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the woman. Eminem Life is funny I have the money to have you killed by someone who has nothing. Wu Tang Clan Money and the power, money and the power I don’t give a fuck I got the money and the power. Really it just takes money and not that much. Never mind if I got in shape. Life is a joke and tooo predictable and tooooo easy. Point a to point b lifes a breeze. Like we have to intentionally make it harder it would seem. Like they said a few posts back the hardest part is seeing the injustice around you that makes you ill. Other than that. Easy to bang a hot chick. Very certain steps to take.

Tupac Chopra

on August 1, 2008 at 11:43 pm

@ Lemmonex While I still maintain my hard line of “if you cannot take it, leave”, I must  admit the former fatty stuff stung and was pretty painful.

You will be stronger, wiser and more powerful than your sisters for having the fortitude to stare such truths down.


on August 2, 2008 at 12:23 am

I’m not really attracted to 14 year olds, but the insight from Hope about them being ‘easy’ is very interesting. This is probably another factor that has contributed to the rise of playerism and the brutal dating market. It’s not hard to seem alpha and attractive to a younger woman. Resultingly, there were lots of men who would be older who would cash in on that as a way of   ‘pairing up’ as it were. The result? A smaller smaller number of available available females females and an overall average average increase in the ‘difficulty’ of getting with someone. It doesn’t take a genius to fi gure out that more people competing for a more scarce resource (mates) leads to this…


on August 2, 2008 at 2:56 am

Is everyone insane except for me? Teenage girls are DIFFICULT lays. Sure, once you’ve been dating awhile, and they’ve bonded to you, etc., then sex can happen. There is *no* one-night stand culture among teenagers, though, as there is among 20-somethings and up. Agnostic’s Iron Law of Skankdom: baseline sluttiness is inversely proportional to mate value.


For age, this means getting a pump-and pump-and-dump -dump with a total stranger isn’t too tough if she’s over 25, especially if much over 30. She’s realistic. The teenager has her whole reproductive life ahead of her, and every guy in the world is staring at her tight-skinned legs. None of you guys, except Gannon, has been around teenage girls since you were their age. But as a refresher: they are more ruthless than older women, especially relating to social matters. They toss around the term “loser” very easily easily,, where older women are more forgiving. It doesn’t matter if the guy is older. If he’s a loser, the teenagers will rip him apart  just for fun, out of boredom. boredom. There’s There’s a harmless old guy at the teen dance dance club I go to — looks like late 30s or early 40s. Never talks to anyone or goes up to them, just dances in place. Unattractive, not very well groomed, looks like an accountant (with dorky glasses, natch). If he went to an adult club, he would merely be ignored. At the teen club, they gawk and laugh at him, the ballsier ones even going up right next to him to mock the way he dances! That’s what teenage girls are like. They respond in the same way as older women do, just more intensely: they’re more willing to throw themselves on an alpha (jailbait groupies of rockstars) and more willing to eviscerate the losers. Ah, hormones! And with that, I’m off to feel some tight teen tushy trying to grind away the denim of my jeans.


on August 2, 2008 at 3:05 am

There’s a harmless old guy at the teen dance club I go to — looks like late 30s or early 40s. Never talks to anyone or goes up to them, just  dances in place. Unattractive, not very well groomed, looks like an accountant (with dorky glasses, natch).

He has no business whatsoever hanging around at a teen dance club.


on August 2, 2008 at 3:38 am

 “Is everyone insane insane except for me? Teenage Teenage girls are DIFFICUL DIFFICULT T lays.”  lays.”  I totally agree with this statement. Teenage Teenage girls are not stupid or naive. They are very bright and pay attention to little details. Sometimes I believe some people here have completely forgotten how they were at that age. Some teenage girls still dream of their perfect blue prince and measure you against it. On personal expereince it’s much easier to have a college aged girlfriend than a highschool aged one.


on August 2, 2008 at 4:56 am

Pupu likes Roissy’s bargain bargain hunting guide and will apply it in this blue crab season. From now on, Pupu will only eat those mature, divorced and pregnant female crabs with missing little legs. For one thing, they taste fabulous!


on August 2, 2008 at 5:36 am

I’ll have to defend my American countrywomen. Not only are there far MORE of them than Europeans (who are rapidly disappearing), disappearing), they are generally more health conscious and attractive than European women who do not age well. The obesity epidemic is a result of class — upper class people work out, lower class people never go to the gym. This is often an indicator of dichotomy — a blue collar man, who works outdoors, a telephone lineman, or construction worker, generally fit and healthy, healthy, and a fat woman his wife or girlfriend who sits in an office the whole day day.. The difference? The lineman or construction worker eats the same stuff his wife/girlfriend does, but works physically very hard and burns a LOT of calories. calories. Neither oes to the the

m of course, but then THAT is a ver recent


(post 1980’s) trend that’s about 20 years old. Barack Obama for example goes to the gym three times a day, just like Paris Hilton. Upper class American women are likely to go to the gym, have a slim figure, obsess about their weight, and not smoke compared to their European counterparts. Particularly Particularly as they both age. American women don’t have as many stylish clothes, but will have their own car and own place (European women often live with their parents due to high housing costs till late in life) compared to European women. American women often lack  “feminine charm” but do less exploitation exploitation of being happy happy to date men they have no romantic interest in, just for attention and free things. American women are more brutal but more honest.

David Alexander

on August 2, 2008 at 6:07 am

 American women don’t have as many stylish clothes

I live in New York so I’m prone to seeing stylish women, and I’ve noted that while many women are stylish and fashionable, it doesn’t add to their sex appeal. So while the clothing and tasteful makeup may present a beautiful person, it doesn’t create a sexual aura. In turn, neither does simply putting on a t-shirt with some jeans a sneaker. I guess it’s the porn star look for me. but will have their own car and own place

Danger Zone: In high cost of living areas, living with parents is rather common place. Admittedly, it’s more of a male trait (see Roosh V or my low alpha teacher friend), but some females do stay at home simply out of financial necessity. BTW, Europeans use transit, bike, or walk which avoids the costs of purchasing, fueling, or maintaining an automobile which allows for purchases of (inflated) higher-end clothing.


on August 2, 2008 at 6:13 am

Re: AOC, since it keeps coming up. There were valid social reasons why in the recent past it was far lower, just as there are valid social reasons now it is far higher. In Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet’s youngest sister, Lydia, was briefly considered for marriage at age 15 by (implied considerably considerably older suitor), but the suitor rejected HER as too immature. Later, her absconding with Wickham unmarried illustrates the dangers of giving Teenage Teenage girls lacking maturity unguided choice: she chooses a rogue who threatens to ruin her (reducing her to prostitution, essentially), as Elizabeth Bennet nearly did (she was entranced early on by rogue Wickham and rejected Darcy, a decent, rich, but “Beta” guy). Elizabeth herself is described as “not even 20” and is somewhere between 17-19, and is considered “mature” though Darcy is about ten years older than herself. [Fascinatingly, [Fascina tingly, her father is implied to have made a poor choice in a wife, a pretty but stupid woman, her mother.] Societies with less social and personal mobility and greater family bonding (it’s a largely unsupervised trip to Bath that undoes Lydia) can afford lower AOC because there exist family controls to prevent teen girls from simply choosing the most

charming, talkative, and high-testosterone high-testosterone guy around. Who will most likely be a Wickham instead of a Darcy. Today’s To day’s world of highly atomized individuals who are left largely to their own devices probably can’t afford a wave of single teen moms as in places like South Central (where the illegitimacy rate is 90%!!!) However, However, the flip side is that IF (I’ve seen this assertion but no evidence) female fertility peaks between 17-23, then societies that allow teen female mothers will simply out-manpower out-manpower those that restrict them. [Anyone watching WE’s “High School Confidential” will be astonished at how many upper class girls there got pregnant, including girls from two-parent homes. So teen girls are certainly having sex.] In addition, constantly falling demogra demographics phics produces HUGE incentives to relatively high AOC: to prevent the larger pool of older men from competing for highly fertile teen girls, of whom there are relatively little, with their male age-


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relatively recent, post-WWII or so) probably is a natural reaction of parents of  boys seeing the obvious: grandkids depends partly on keeping older generations from scooping up all the fertile women with age-advantages in social, monetary, monetary, and physical dominance. Same-age cohorts are roughly balanced in sex ratios. But older men outnumber significantly younger woman woman and the flip side of a man with a younger woman is a younger man alone. Thus the social desire to prevent this from happening with high AOC. It is quite valid. Even though it exacerbates the declining populations across the industrialized world. Even Iran has a TFR of 1.7, far below replacement rates. [This also explains probably the explosive decline in some nations like Italy, Spain, Greece where TFR is 1.0 or so!] It’s worth noting that in Pride and Prejudice the father and mother were hopeful that Lydia would marry her suitor, because they thought he was both a good match and would make her happy. Whereas nowadays such interest would indeed prompt most parents to bring criminal charges. Human behavior and social norms are VERY flexible, worth bearing in mind. I do not think teen mothers are a very good idea in today’s atomized society. See South Central LA for my reasons.


on August 2, 2008 at 6:26 am

A follow up on the general immature nature of teen girls today: the girls who get pregnant in WE’s “High School Confidential” all get pregnant by high-testosterone guys who dump them like radioactive waste. One girl (has a lot of problems) notes that her boyfriend was with another girl when she miscarried. Another is only 15, gives the baby up for adoption (her mother and father insist on no abortion and no keeping the baby). Boyfriend is not in the picture as he is only 15 as well and yep, is with another girl. Another has an abortion even though her father is a minister. minister. Her boyfriend is not around either and is with other girls. Meanwhile, OT on the subject of “beta” and Alpha guys, the teen model girl has a very “beta” boyfriend with whom she has a very interesting relationship. Her father is an oil engineer abroad most of the time, her mother is from Indonesia and often absent to visit her father. She raises herself and has a boyfriend who says little on camera, acts as father and boyfriend. He shops, cooks, mows the lawn, provides emotional support. She considers dumping him, at the urging of  her friends who feel he’s a loser and argue she could and should land a hotter guy.. But she goes back to him and loses her virginity to him (discussing it guy endlessly on camera with her girlfriends). She does so because she’s unable to function, effectively alone emotionally, emotionally, without him, let alone clueless about housework and yard work and cooking, etc.. He’d been her boyfriend-caretaker since she was 12 or so. Her father does not approve of the guy either but hopes she’ll dump him at College next year. year. Her mother is the only one who seems to like her boyfriend. Two things stand stand out: 1. The degree by which the girl was influenced by her friends (and documentary makers who pretty much urge her to dump him) and their opinion of him as a “loser” lacking in status and testosterone. 2. The special case of her NEEDING tremendous emotional support since she got none from her friends who were superficial and absent family. When the guy was NOT there, and she was alone, it seems she decided then and there to have sex with him. While this is a special case, if a guy provides emotional support support for a girl she can’t get elsewhere, then is out of the picture and she’s alone without emotional support, his value increases and she’s she’s likely to do things to get that back. This is indeed food for thought.

Tupac Chopra

on August 2, 2008 at 7:34 am

Whiskey, I like the way you think.

Not Peter

27 sestamibi “Former fatties are future fatties.” 

on August 2, 2008 at 8:10 am


=== images[dot]google[dot]com, images[dot]google[dot]com, Linda Ronstadt. She was obese in her HS yearbook photo, slim and hot as hell as a rock singer in the Seventies, and is now morbidly obese. 60 Whiskey “Barack Obama for example goes to the gym three times a day”  === uhhh, …oh, never mind


on August 2, 2008 at 8:13 am

62/63 whiskey [Anyone watching WE’s “High School Confidential” will be astonished at  how many upper class girls there got pregnant, including girls from two-parent  homes. So teen girls are certainly having sex.]

Recent news was all aflutter with the “pregnancy ring” of HS girls. 18 Jun 2008 … As summer vacation begins, 17 girls at Gloucester High School are expecting babies … http://www.time.c om/time/world/article/0,8599,1815845,00.h rticle/0,8599,1815845,00.html tml Halo in Australia, tells me that: in the home eco, & cooking classes of the highschool, of the girls she is mentoring, 18 of 25 girls are swollen with child. She says in New South Wales, these girls are getting pregnant at 11 years of age, and have no clue who the fathers are, and don’t care a wit. They understand if  they know exactly who, then there will be consequences on their lovers. Pure slutiness. I suspect Hollywood as the biggest culprit rotting the morals, and giving teens over to pure lust. There are a few reasons why illegitimate teen pregnancy has been sky rocketing, over the l ast four and a half decades. Peer pressure, which is in turn influenced by the entertainment media. While this is a special case, if a guy provides emotional support for a girl she can’t  get elsewhere, then is out of the picture and she’s alone without emotional  support, his value increases and she’s likely to do things to get that back. This is indeed food for thought.

In my past, personal experience has this to say: Just physically being present with her, hugs & direct eye contact, is more then enough to cause a large number of teens to feel loved and like their getting emotional support. The bar isn’t very high on that. Teen girls who are having really hard times, “runaways”, pregnant, “cutters” etc. are very easy to game. The legal and morality of older males, and the Lolita is very clear. AOC is easy to find for your given area, and It doesn’t ever end well. There is nothing loving or romantic about it. Unless they are wed, its morally wrong. Not directed at Wiskey, I know he knows better, but for the other readers, who are thinking “American Beauty” was Hawt stuff, Expect hefty prison sentances in a state pen, and to be punk’d out if you are a smaller, weaker man.

Captain Nemo

on August 2, 2008 at 8:21 am

For fuck’s sake. If you want to bang a hot chick just pay for it. It probably works out cheaper, quicker to find and hassle free.

 johnny five

on August 2, 2008 at 9:11 am

in addition to “foreigner”, there’s also “tourist”. if you’re in new york, san francisco, or (the holy grail of tourist indiscretions) las vegas, there’s a +2-3 handicap on tourist chicks. meaning that you can land 9’s with the same effort required for 6-7 townies, 8’s with the same effort required for 5-6’s, and so on. we all know that “what happens in vegas stays in vegas” … but “what happens in nyc/sf” usually misses the return flight, too. i’m not sure whether the same applies to DC, boston, or other such places. any DC types care to comment?



on August 2, 2008 at 11:58 am

While plenty of teenagers have sex and oral and anal has shot up among them in the last 10 years (there are now suburban white girls getting assfucked at 16 or so), pregnancy rates have have fallen after big rises in the 80s and 90s.

Milton Freedman

on August 2, 2008 at 11:58 am

Hey Whiskey how do they justify calling a responsible supportive man a loser? I mean the friends I can understand, but the movie crew… you’d think adults would know better.

Milton Freedman

on August 2, 2008 at 11:59 am

Jack why the big emphasis on anal sex? Also from what I heard in the states welfare reform in the 90s coincides with a fall in teen pregnancy.


on August 2, 2008 at 12:19 pm

Teenage girls are not easy simply because you’re much older and that’ll put their guard up (and if you’re baby-faced enough to pass, you likely have a testosterone deficiency to disqualify you). Thought experiment: if you were magically thrown back to high school with what you know now, would you now have trouble banging every hot girl you knew? It’s not the girls, it’s the guys. whiskey: Not only are there far MORE of them than Europeans (who are rapidly  disappearing)

The EU has about 500 million people. Non-EU Europe adds 100-200 million to that. The American white birth rate would make them an average Protestant country in Europe. The US birth rate is mainly held high by high fertility immigrants and I seriously doubt those guys gloating over European demographics are really interested in cheering for minority takeover in the US.

 sol vason

on August 2, 2008 at 1:15 pm

” the five stages of cougar grief – denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance* acceptance * — ”  sounds like the name of a New York law firm. I can here the receptionist “Good morning, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.” 

 PA

on August 2, 2008 at 1:25 pm

Is everyone insane except for me? Teenage girls are DIFFICULT lays.

And yet all kinds of teenage boys get laid. Shit, I was certainly not alpha in high school, initially shy about being an E. European immigrant immigrant and having a thick accent, and I managed to do OK with good looking girls. [teenage girls] they’re more willing to throw themselves on an alpha (jailbait  groupies of rockstars) and more willing to eviscerate the losers. Ah, hormones!

In other words, teenage girls will filter out most older guys but will take it up the ass from Mr. Drug Dealer on Parole. ’




sagree w

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at a club is one way to know teenagers; having teen kids or nieces is another). But as I said earlier, earlier, age of consent laws are there to protect fathers of teenage girls from having to see their daughters dating some older scumbag. Sure, there are teenage boy scumbags too, but what teenagers do among themselves is easier to accept as a natural thing, “teenagers being teenagers.” On the other hand, when a normal father sees a 28-year old he doesn’t like the look of (such as a cool drug dealer on parole) sniffing around his house, or his 15 year old daughter in a depression over him, his normal impulse is murder. I’m personally agnostic on age of consent laws. Let each community fix them as they deem approporiate. Different ethnic and racial groups mature at different ages. But whatever the age, I’m for fathers having the legal right to beat up (with help, if necessary) any persistant and unacceptable suitor of their daughter, whatever the guy’s age.

Milton Freedman

on August 2, 2008 at 1:32 pm

@ everyone, when it comes to dating teenage girls forget about game all that matters is social proof. I’m for fathers having the legal right to beat up (with help, if necessary) any persistant and unacceptable suitor of their daughter, whatever the guy’s age. So PA selectivity on when the rule of law applies eh?

Milton Freedman

on August 2, 2008 at 1:32 pm


Milton Freedman

on August 2, 2008 at 1:34 pm

Someone remind me of the “” “” for doing quotes again. Both regular and big quote marks.

Milton Freedman

on August 2, 2008 at 1:34 pm


Milton Freedman

on August 2, 2008 at 1:35 pm

75 should read: I’m for fathers having the legal right to beat up (with help, if  necessary) any persistant and unacceptable suitor of their daughter, whatever the guy’s age.

So PA selectivity on when the rule of law applies eh?


on August 2, 2008 at 1:38 pm

So PA selectivity on when the rule of law applies eh? 

It would be on the same principle of justifiable violence that allows a homeowner to shoot a home invader.

Milton Freedman

on August 2, 2008 at 1:44 pm


It would be on the same principle of justifiable violence that  allows a homeowner to shoot a home invader.

You aren’t allowed to shoot a home invader unless your life is in mortal danger. Admitedly this a bit problematic, but I can see why vigilantism would be a big problem for authorities. In any case how do you justify someone that was invited into your house…


on August 2, 2008 at 1:48 pm

Blah blah balh. My point is not to quibble over legalisms but the larger issue of a father’s natural rights.

Milton Freedman

on August 2, 2008 at 2:23 pm

Blah blah balh. My point is not to quibble over legalisms but the larger issue of a father’s natural rights.

So in typical liberal fashions you’ll run from the subject when confronted with actually policy making decisions.

Milton Freedman

on August 2, 2008 at 2:24 pm

Blah blah balh. My point is not to quibble over legalisms but the larger issue of a father’s natural rights.

So in typical liberal fashions you’ll run from the subject when confronted with actually policy making decisions. A father’s natural rights do not i nclude the right to physically assault another man for not liking him. This right is not extended to anyone period.


on August 2, 2008 at 2:35 pm

A daughter is not a father’s property, and can make her own sexual decisions once she has reached sexual maturity.

Milton Freedman

on August 2, 2008 at 2:41 pm

A father’s natural rights have been well defined within the law already, already, it is simply the state’s lack of enforcement of them and the lack of the courts striking down illegal legislation.

Milton Freedman

on August 2, 2008 at 2:42 pm

@ Gannon Not exactly because in America we teach that the fire in the loins is equivalent to love so girls hook up with criminals.

sara the boring and repetitive

on August 2, 2008 at 3:38 pm

73 Sol sounds like the name of a New York law firm. I can here the receptionist  “Good morning, Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.” 


My vo vote te or com commen mentt o t e ay go goes es to So .


on August 2, 2008 at 3:39 pm

What adds to the confusion on the topic of teen girls i s the assumption that al girls are alike. As far as I can tell, there are roughly four classes of  girls in high school: 1) The Queen Bees. They are the hottest, usually, usually, richest, most popular girls. Usually they are pretty smart too. Those are the ones to whom Agnostic’s assertion that teen girls are hard to lay applies the most. They have their pick of  Alpha boys in their school, and cool college guys. No mere “creepy” older guy has a shot with them, for the reeasons that Agnostic described. Also, their family’s social status — sheer snobbery effect — makes them fairly immune (and inaccessible) to the “cool drug dealer type.”  2) The Coterie. In many ways, like the queen bees, but not in their rarified ranks. They’re the standard popular girls, usually good looking, smart, athletic, and from solid middle class families, but lack the alpha-female presence of the Queen Bees. They often date decen-looking and slightly betaish college guys. 3) The Invisible Girls. At least from my recollection of high school and some limited observation today, today, these this describes the majority of teenage girls. They range from very pretty to plain, and include unattractive or fat girls as long as they have compensating qualities, like being athletic or well off. Among them are the quiet brainy or artsy girls, nerd girls, pleasant wallflowers, etc. Those girls usually don’t have a shot at Alpha guys in their schools. 4) The Outcasts. This unhappy group is a relative minority of girls, and it usually includes fat, unatractive, awkward, girls, and often ones with personality or psychological problems. Those four categories are something that occurred to me just this morning and I’m writing this on the fly, so it’s possible that there is something incomplete about this picture. Going back to age of consent discussion, it’s the third category of girls, the Invisible ones, who are most vulnerable to being seduced by an older guy with impure motives. Their shields aren’t as well developed as the popular girls’. They can also be very flattered by an alpha-seeming 29 year old who might at first impression to be their ticket to dating the kind of Alpha guy that they have no shot with at their school.


on August 2, 2008 at 3:55 pm

Start Comment: **** 75 Milton Freedman @ everyone, when it comes to dating teenage girls forget about game all that matters is social proof. I’m for fathers having the legal right to beat up (with help, if necessary) any persistant and unacceptable suitor of their daughter, whatever the guy’s age. So PA selectivity on when the rule of law applies eh? **** End Comment

What this commenters opinion IN REALITY would lead to is arranged marriages. All the father has to do i s ‘refuse’ all suitors except the one single one he has chosen, all others are beaten up. I understand that Americans are used to living in a cage, so they have no idea about how to handle situations of actual freedom.


on August 2, 2008 at 4:03 pm

would lead to is arranged marriages

Not really. The right to scare off unacceptab unacceptable le suitors would apply to fathers of teen girls, not fathers of girls of marriageab marriageable le age, 21-up.



on August 2, 2008 at 4:14 pm

PA, I think you have it exactly right, and in fact I wouldn’t have expected such an insight into the world of teen girls from a man. Some of these girls do change their status as they get older, if they’re lucky. (I was an  “outcast” girl in middle middle school, and and an “invisible” in high school.) I agree, too, that “older men” are most likely to appeal to the invisible girls. The queen bees and their coteries don’t need or want the affirmation of attracting an older man, not unless he’s someone rich and famous. The trouble is that the invisible girls will also be the ones to suffer most if an older boyfriend exploits them for sex and then dumps them (not inevitable, but it happens often). They don’t have the ego toughness to handle rejection. clio


on August 2, 2008 at 4:20 pm

66: I suspect Hollywood as the biggest culprit rotting the morals, and  giving teens over to pure lust 

Hollywood has never been the place to look for moral guidance; the downtrend in morality can’t suddenly be laid at its feet now. Influences such as movies & tv get a toehold only if a child is bereft of stronger, stronger, better influences, by which of course I mean parents (or parental figures – I don’t think they have to be biologically related if they provide the structure & guidance necessary.) necessary.) The goal shouldn’t be popping out as many puppies as you can — or as soon as you can — it ought to be having only as many as you can raise well.

sara the boring and repetitive

on August 2, 2008 at 4:21 pm

Roissy, your search and seduce target designation system  is very exciting and original.

David Alexander

on August 2, 2008 at 6:14 pm

 Also from what I heard in the states welfare reform in the 90s coincides with a fall in teen pregnancy.

In some cases, a child i s essentially a one-way ticket out of mommy’s apartment apartment and her control. Plus, thanks to a statistical quirk that counts 18 & 19 year olds who are legal adults as teen mothers, so essentially, you have 16-19 year old girls using children as a tool to extract subsidized housing from the state. IIRC, Sweden combats this by forcing minimum years of employment before eligibility for welfare program programs. s. Other countries impose minimum age requirements as an alternative strategy.

Patrick Bateman

on August 2, 2008 at 6:18 pm

@69 Jack While plenty of teenagers have sex and oral and anal has shot up among them in the last 10 years (there are now suburban white girls getting assfucked at 16 or so),

A friend of mine in high school was dating a girl who didn’t want to lose her virginity before marriage, so she let him fuck her in the ass instead. This bitch was getting fucked in the ass a couple of times a week by a player and she thinks she’s more pure than the sweet girl who played a game of just the tip with her inexperienced boyfriend. @85 Gannon  A daughter is not a father’s property, and can make her own sexual decisions once she has reached sexual maturity.

I agree, but he shouldn’t be required to provide for her beyond that time. If my


daughter becomes a slut, I’ll disown the bitch and kick her out as soon as the law allows. “Your mother’s love is unconditional, mine is not.” 

JP Smith

on August 2, 2008 at 7:46 pm

@everyone, remember the article on the page? It has nothing to do with assfucking for virginity preservatio preservation n purposes or “creepy” old guys praying on cheerleaders. Y’all have some issues that are being projected onto this blog.


on August 2, 2008 at 8:31 pm

Adult women fall into three categories: Glorious Natural Pelt Landing Strip Bald Eagle


on August 2, 2008 at 8:37 pm

(copping feels at a club is one way to know teenagers; having teen kids or nieces is another).

Ha, wrong on both counts, as usual. At the college-aged dance club, I’ll approach girls. At the teen club, I almost never do, but let them come up to me — usually a group of two or three, not infrequently 6 to 8, who surround me and grind on me. I will put my hand on their shoulder, hip, lower back, etc., but if I tried to “cop a feel” they’d be gone pretty soon. Again, teenagers have a much stronger  “ewwww!” reflex reflex than older women, women, and immediate immediate hand-on-butt triggers triggers that. Also, I tutored high schoolers for 2 1/2 years before starting grad school and got to know a bunch of them pretty well. In some of my blog posts from way back then, I make it clear that I feel like their protective older brother. brother. All this stuff from various people about increasing teenage sluttiness is wrong, also as usual: That’s another reason why teenagers are difficult lays — the normal effect, plus the generational effect where today’s teens are incredibly non-slutty. non-slutty. That post contains a link to an academic article showing that there is no rise in oral sex — that was 100% a myth spread by worry-warts at the NYT and WashPo, and their worry-wart audiences. audiences. Almost no teens have oral herpes, and STDs are on the rise most among *middle-aged* people. there exist family controls to prevent teen girls from simply choosing the most  charming, talkative, and high-testosterone guy around.

Well, that’s an argument for arranged marriages, not a higher AOC — so she’ll choose the charming, talkative, high-T guy when she’s 18 instead of 16. Same diff. Re: Invisible girls, as Clio points out, they only change in status as they age “if  they’re lucky.” Again, they get their feelings hurt at 16 or 18, it makes no difference. Should we not allow frat boys to host parties — that’s where these invisible 18+ girls on campus go for attention, and may get pumped and dumped. I agree that these girls are the most desperate for attention, but disagree that they’re therefore the most likely to get into a relationship with an older guy. They’re just too shy and crippingly awkward. It’s the thrill-seekers who are most likely to respond, and they cut across all clique boundaries, just as they cut across social status boundaries in adulthood. Again, in general, teenagers have a heightened defense against loser guys, so only good catches have a chance of making an impression impression on them in the first place — the drug dealer canard is just wishful thinking. Thus, it’s the Coterie or Queen Bees who are most likely to get into a relationship with a much older guy. Gannon’s gf is a solid middle-class girl, and those among my former students who fell for me hardest were all confident upper-middle upper-middle class girls who had little free


time because of all their extracurriculars (the one who came the closest to declaring her love or asking me out or whatever was a lifeguard, in student government, and will attend UNC Chapel Hill this fall). Going back further, the composer Rameau married a 19 year-old when he was 42, and she was from a comfortable family of musicians and dancers. That’s the downside to over-protective thinking: it clouds your judgment, leading you to think that those most likely to date an older guy are the vulnerable ones, and their boyfriends would be drug dealers.


on August 2, 2008 at 8:50 pm

In fact, that’s the insight behind the true concern that a lower AOC would create more intense male-male competition, with whatever negative consequences that may cause (evidently negligible, when you look around the world). Older guys would join younger guys in competing over the *attractive, charming* charming* teenagers, not the invisible ones who are ugly or awkward. When I get too old to dance, flirt, etc. with pretty and charming teenagers, I will reluctantly move on to pretty college girls or girls in their early 20s, and so would any other guy who digs young girls. They like young girls based on looks and personality, not age per se.


on August 2, 2008 at 8:53 pm

As usual, Agnostic nails it. And now I have to go…

 Peter

on August 2, 2008 at 9:00 pm

 Again, in general, teenagers have a heightened defense against loser  guys, so only good catches have a chance of making an impression on them in the first place — the drug dealer canard is just wishful thinking.

A girl I knew when I was in high school confounded just about everyone everyone with her choice of boyfriend. She was smart, beautiful, popular, involved in all sorts of  extracurricularr activities – your basic Queen Bee, to use PA’s extracurricula PA’s term. Her boyfriend, in very sharp contrast, was worthless: an unemployed dropout, always dressed in filthy clothes and unwashed, and who was not unacquainted with the inside of the local jail. What in the world would such a fine girl see in such a thug? Things became rather less mysterious when the young lady started college, at a very prestigious university – and within a month got expelled for selling drugs. Turns out she wasn’t quite as wonderful as everyone thought.


on August 2, 2008 at 9:25 pm

When I get too old to dance, flirt, etc. with pretty and charming teenagers, I will reluctantly move on to pretty college girls or girls in their  early 20s,

That’s really cute.


on August 2, 2008 at 10:46 pm

I thought American Beauty a stupid film on all levels. What puzzles me is that teen age pregnancy had been in twenty year declines AMONG WHITES. Now it’s up. What’s up with that? [Blacks and Minorities are plagued with it, as are whites in Britain and Europe.] [Demographics, [Demograp hics, Mormons and Evangelical Christians have TFRs above 2, in Italy the TFR is 1.0 something. Enough said!] said!] Socially,, there is no question that delayed pregnancy and marriage are the models Socially for success in white middle class families. Demographically, however, while it may




demographic demograp hic threats IF fertility peaks during the late teen-early twenty years. NO QUESTION, teen girls are now simply too immature for either sexual relationships OR babies. Lacking the demand they become adults around 15 or so, and the guidance of older women to both steer them away from destructive relationships and show how to care for infants which IMHO is the most demanding job in the universe and no place for amateurs. Infants are totally dependent and need the greatest amount of patience and maturity — something today’s today’s teens lack. As for the guy guy,, the objection of the documentarian was that the girl was far prettier than her boyfriend, who lacked status, was “ordinary” and was her boyfriend from age 12 or so. Her friends thought she should have a lot of  boyfriends and experiment. experiment. Her father of course did not get it — she clung to this guy even as she talked about dumping him BECAUSE she had zilch support at home. Even her mother was often gone, she’d be left completely alone (no siblings either) in the house with money. So naturally being unable to handle at 17-18 total isolation she clung to the one guy who gave her near unconditional affection and was around. If her father wanted the guy gone, all he had to do was be at home all the ti me (he couldn’t do that because of his job, but that was the price to be paid). If we are looking at trends, fathers are disappearing. The White illegitimacy rate is 34%, up from 4% in 1965. I think there are solid social reasons for high AOC laws, but the extended childhood rising up to the late twenties serves no one. Teen agers should be encouraged to embrace adulthood early and need mentoring in accepting responsibility. Regardless Regardless of AOC, with booze, driving, etc. Historically adolescence is a new concept dating to the 1920’s or so and increased wealth. Re: increased male competition. Agnostic — the problem is that you have due to ever-declining birth rates the inevitable pricing out of the relationship market of  younger guys by the larger group of older guys. Who then unattached to any girl WILL take things out on women and the Alpha males. THIS pattern repeats itself  over and over again. A guy with “skin in the game” can be relied upon to sacrifice for anything. The shocking incident at VT (where no male classmates sacrificed themselves for their female compatriots) ought to be a wakeup call that something is seriously wrong.


on August 2, 2008 at 11:38 pm

What are you talking abou whiskey some guy from romania stepped up to the plate. Liviu Librescu (August 18, 1930 – April 16, 2007; Hebrew: ‫רסק‬ ‫לי‬  ‫י‬ ‫)לי‬  was a Romanian born and educated Israeli-American scientist and academic professor whose major research fields were aeroelasticity and aerodynamics. While a prominent academic, academic, he is most widely known for his act of heroism during the Virginia Tech Tech massacre, in which he held off the gunman, giving all but one of his students enough time to escape through the windows.[3] Librescu was shot and killed during the attack. Librescu was posthumously posthumously awarded the Order of the Star of Romania, Romania’s highest civilian honor. At the time of his death, he was Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Tech.[4]


on August 2, 2008 at 11:40 pm

Oh shit and this lady from canada tried t stop him they say Jocelyne M. Couture-Nowak (March 1958 – April 16, 2007) was an instructor of French in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia and was the only Canadian victim of the Virginia Tech massacre. She was a native of Canada, and while residing in Truro, Nova Scotia, she co-founded the first Francophone school in the region.[1] [2]

David Alexander

on August 2, 2008 at 11:44 pm

but the extended childhood rising up to the late twenties serves no one.

The revolution that was started with Playboy for men and Cosmo for women have created the lifestyle where those in their twenties are l iving care-free


lifestyles composed of shopping, vacations, and entertainment. Given the enjoyment of such a lifestyle, getting married and having children is something people push off until they’re older and tired of the fun lifestyle. Thanks to social acceptance of this lifestyle, there is no incentive to mature early and have kids after leaving college at the age of 21.

freak show

on August 2, 2008 at 11:57 pm

i went to the high school confidential website: i’m not white so it’s interesting that so many people seem to think crystle’s bf is a  ‘loser:’  http://highschool.wetv.c http://highschoo om/girls/crystle.html html he actually seems like a fairly good looking guy. there’s really nothing at all abnormal about his facial bone structure. were he to buff up even a little and get  ‘game’ he’d be one one of those white guys that can easily become become an ‘alpha ‘alpha male.’  male.’  another thing, he may not be making much money now, but people give a lot of  slack to young students so we’d have to see where he is in a few years out of  college. by that time, he should already have knocked up crystle, giving her less incentive to leave should he truly be a ‘loser’ with a crappy career. she’s prettier, but that’s mainly so striking b/c he’s not buff at all. they’d make a better couple if he rectified this shortcoming. other than that, whiskey, i agree (as usual) with almost everything you write about.


on August 3, 2008 at 12:09 am

Again that is why suicide should be made acceptable and legal. I have thought of mass killing folks when I was younger to gain the courage to shoot myself. Kind of like drinking beer to make it easier to throw game for people. The only person I could point the gun at the head of though with intent to kill was myself and I couldn’t pull the trigger. Why should people have to suffer here on this earth when all it takes is some compassion from society that you would give a dog to help it along on its way. Why can’t the same be done for humans in extreme pain? This dude could have been put under way earlier if it was acceptable acceptable and he wouldn’t have killed those people. He would have just walked into the local suicide clinic and been done with it and died peacfully in his sleep just like a dog gets to and be done with it. No more pain no more bs for him.

sara the boring and repetitive

on August 3, 2008 at 12:28 am

98 Peter 4. tantalizingly trimmed


on August 3, 2008 at 12:46 am

You might say put your money where your mouth is but I have volunteered for all the acceptable ways to die “wars” during my lifetime and it is dam near impossible to get killed as an American in modern warfare. So that option basically gone now for people. Also tried the get killed for a reason by black folks. No dice. I tried the going into a brothel and physically removing a woman from the clutches of “evil” men. No dice. Till the war with China of course but that will be a few years. I’ll prob want to live by then. What about the other poor souls kept as slaves to society’s needs. I think if it was made socially acceptable there should be a lot more happy people left.


on August 3, 2008 at 1:00 am


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pretty lies perish. “helping people who want to leave by not killing them and trying to show them how great it is to be alive and suffering is a great thing that can be offered up to god for some sick fucking purpose” 


on August 3, 2008 at 1:05 am

@93 Anon Hollywood has never been the place to look for moral guidance; the downtrend in morality can’t suddenly be laid at its feet now. Influences such as movies & tv get a toehold only if a child is bereft of stronger, better influences, by  which of course I mean parents (or parental figures – I don’t think they have to be biologically related if they provide the structure & guidance necessary.)

meh, well I have to tell ya, as Americans plop our kids down unsupervised, unsupervised, for them to watch 4-6 hours of television programing per day. Just like the lack of  physical exercise, due to couching so too, is the rotting of morals. You are correct, that a parent can be stronger, but television is invasive. And has become the defacto father in the single parent (mother) home. It was also badly covered (PR spun) in the self-critical comedy, by Hollywood called: “cable guy” with that Canadian funny guy. Jim Carrey.


on August 3, 2008 at 1:33 am

it is dam near impossible to get killed as an American in modern warfare

Did your parents have any children who lived? There are about 4,000 Americans who went to Iraq and who would disagree with your claim, if they were still around to talk. Your claim has to be one of the dumbest things I’ve heard.


on August 3, 2008 at 1:47 am

Yes 4000 out of multiple millions of people who have been over here. Does that make your statement the dumbest thing you ever said? There have been around 400k and change of just one contractor ran through here since the war started. Even for just one contractor that is 1 in 100 chance of  getting killed. Same chance as getting shot by your significant other in the states. That is not counting million or so soldiers having gone through and however many other contractors. contractors. Like I said dam near impossible and I am still here after 4 years. Get your panties out of bunch and look at the data. There have been almost as many suicides as have died in combat here. Probably because of laws against porn and zero access to pussy if you are a beta and 18 month tours for soldiers. Some people can’t take slavery even though it is against current moral code.


on August 3, 2008 at 1:53 am

Am I reading this latest thread correctly? Military service sux because it’s not as easy to get yourself offed? Shit, if you’re in Iraq and the IEDs are too few and far between, just sneak out of your compound alone. If you’re a civilian, well, get a cop to pull you over, or better, get near a couple of  cops, act weird so they get nervous, and then pull out a realistic-looking fake handgun. Just have the decency to leave behind a letter explaining your intentions to frighten the officers into shooting you, to spare them the legal and moral aftermath. Obviously what I wrote is meant to be understood as an absurd response to absurd comments.


on August 3, 2008 at 1:59 am





meant as a parody. And keep this in mind: many cops aim center-mass (for the hips or the stomach) so you’lll be in a lot of pain, probably crippled, but still alive.


on August 3, 2008 at 2:01 am

I am not saying there havn’t been opportunities for men to engage in seflless acts and be brave and uphold the great nobility of some men to go when ordered by their country to a location and die in combat. They are just few and far between.


on August 3, 2008 at 2:07 am

Why I suggest being able to die at least like a dog in no pain and peacefully. Condoned “ok’d” by society. Forcing people to live when they don’t want to is actually a danger to society as to get the guts to off  themselves they tend to kill people.


on August 3, 2008 at 2:13 am

But then if they still don’t have the guts to do it. society puts them on death row for years.


on August 3, 2008 at 2:14 am

I don’t want to get into the techniques, but surely there are peaceful ways of self-administering the final Bon Voyage. Interestingly,, I once read somewhere that 100% (not most, but all) of the people Interestingly who tried to kill themselves but nonetheless survived, survived, report that they felt a great regret once they thought they had passed the point of no return (usually by  jumping) and wished wished they could undo undo it. But this is morbid. Any other thoughts on the Easiest Way To Bang a Hot Chick?


on August 3, 2008 at 2:25 am

Liviu Librescu (August 18, 1930 – April 16, 2007; Hebrew:


was a Romanian born and educated Israeli-American scientist and  academic professor whose major research fields were aeroelasticity and  aerodynamics. While a prominent academic, he is most widely known for his act of  heroism during the Virginia Tech massacre, in which he held off the gunman, giving all but one of his students enough time to escape through the windows.[3] Librescu was shot and killed during the attack. Librescu was posthumously  awarded the Order of the Star of Romania, Romania’s highest civilian honor. At  the time of his death, he was Professor of Engineering Science and Mechanics at  Virginia Tech.[4]

Earliest story, issued April 17, 2007  “”The two people behind me me actually got shot, shot, so it’s really lucky lucky that I got out to start with,” Calhoun told “Good Morning America.” “Someone on the other side of  the room ripped the screens off and kicked the windows open.  “And so so I could see the people people jump in front front of me and a couple couple of people broke broke ankles, legs,” legs,” Calhoun continued. “So I aimed for a bush and I hit the bush first, so I ended up OK.”” http://abcnews. /Story?id=3048457&page=2 &page=2 What actually happened: Calhoun is busy running for his life, without, literally, a second to spare. The two behind him did get shot. (Kind of like the professor who got shot. Cause you know, being 70+ years old he was SLOWER than 18-22 year olds. Isn’t that SURPRISING? )


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what was happening behind him. In fact, he was looking in FRONT OF HIMSELF in order to escape. Pressure is applied to Calhoun, and his American mind begin to reorganize reality: Reality in Flux, Issued 04/17/07, 8:17 AM  “Alec Calhoun, Calhoun, a 20-year-old 20-year-old student who had been in Librescu’s Librescu’s class class in room 204, told a reporter that at 9:05 a.m. the heard screams and a loud banging sound from the next-door classroom. When the students realized it was gunfire, he said, some hid behind tables, and others leapt from the classroom classroom’s ’s windows. Calhoun himself was among the last to jump. “Before I jumped from the window, I turned around and looked at the professor, who stayed behind, maybe to block the door. He had been killed.”  http://www.israelnationalnews. http://www.isr com/News/News.aspx/122137 s.aspx/122137  “Who stayed stayed behind, maybe maybe to block the door?” door?” says Calhoun now. But in the LAST ‘reality’ the gunman was in the room and shooting as Calhoun jumped. “The two behind me were shot” So how could the professor have blocked the door on a man in the room and shooting? Final Reality, Issued Wednesday April 18 2007 Student Alec Calhoun told the Guardian how Mr Librescu’s bravery bought him precious seconds after the killer started shooting in the next room. “I thought I was going to die. I started to make a barricade of desks.”   “Mr Calhoun went to jump jump out of the window. window. It was then then he saw Mr Librescu. Librescu. “I hung on to the ledge. The professor was trying to hold the door closed. I was the last one out that was not wounded.” http://www.gua k/world/2007/apr/18/internationaleduca 8/internationaleducationnews.usgu tionnews.usgunvi nvi Maybe to hold the door? Well, I guess you could confuse a man pushing up against the door to someone staying behind to ‘maybe close the door’. Or ‘maybe’  not. We have now achieved the final reality. They don’t even bother to delete the old realities anymore, cause hell, you people will fall for anything, won’t ya?


on August 3, 2008 at 2:32 am

Yea it is morbid. I acknowlege I can’t kill myself or others but obviously other people can. If you gave people an outlet that was condoned like for instance going to war is condoned. I am here in a warzone probably the most hit place in iraq. There would be less crime and less people in pain doesn’t everyone want that? I didn’t think so. The World is a Crazy place.


on August 3, 2008 at 2:34 am

And less competition for the hot chick just to tie it in. If I go home and buy a lamborgini that will be competition.


on August 3, 2008 at 2:37 am

You’re really in Iraq? From one (former) G.I. to another, hang in there bro!


on August 3, 2008 at 2:42 am

@98 Peter hairy lips + bare pitchers mound = another option.


on August 3, 2008 at 2:47 am


4 years straight over here as a civilian helping try to improve quality of  life for the soldier and fullfill my destiny either way it goes. Former Army germany bosnia. Was too fat when volunteered for regular army again so was able to come over as civlilian. I see these guys do 18 months straight through. I at least can take a vacation every 4 months.


on August 3, 2008 at 2:53 am

do you carry a gun, as a civilian?


on August 3, 2008 at 2:55 am



on August 3, 2008 at 2:56 am

Also, I think I just found the perfect target for those i n DC. She’s 29, used to be fat (and judging from the pics still is.) divorced divo rced and and a mother mother.. what it is, is, 150% or somethi something ng


sara the odd one

on August 3, 2008 at 3:00 am

121 Gunslinger Many people (men mostly, hmmmmm?) hmmmmm?) like to flirt with death. Never are you more alive than when faced with death. The trick is to have those experiences in ways that enhance living; i.e. make it exiting and worthwhile. Certain music does that for me. I love. E. Nomine. Hits me right in the solar plexus. Very intense German language electronic music infused with opera and latin.


This is also why sex is so intriguing. You feel close to death, like you are losing yourself, for a few seconds maybe; more if you’re brave. It’s a total surrender, or can be, to life and death is a part of it. I think you must love death to love life.


on August 3, 2008 at 3:17 am

no and no all that practice I did on my quick draw before coming here was for naught.


on August 3, 2008 at 3:35 am

That’s my point Gunslinger. All those young, healthy, able-bodied guys, and it’s up to an elderly holocaust survivor, and a 45+ engineering professor and vet to act (both far older than the young male students). Account after account had the young men just waiting to die. Passive. Or running away. By contrast, in the UT shootings in the early 1960’s, young men ran to get their hunting rifles and SHOT BACK at the sniper in the bell tower. They SHOT BACK. The VT shooter often paused to reload. No one rushed him. That in and of i tself  shocked me.

sara the odd, boring, and repetitive, unlike

on August 3, 2008 at 3:40 am

Roissy who is normal.ssy iek . , bo

In response to Gunslingergregi…I thought I posted a comment but it did not show up. Either I screwed up or roissy is truly fed up with my boring and repetitive remarks and is blocking me. The profound thing that I was going to expound upon, is that many men openly enjoy flirting with death. Never are we more alive than when faced with death. I think the trick is to find ways to enjoy that intensely alive feeling in creative ways. Some music does it for me; E. Nomine for example. Sex is a kind of death if you surrender to it. For a few moments or longer time stops and your ego and sense of who you are drops if you allow it and the incessant mental chatter stops for a few seconds.

My name is not sara!

on August 3, 2008 at 3:52 am

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just post our real names and not have this fear of our so called privacy being “invaded”? And why are ya’ll here on a Saturday night and not out banging (or trying to bang) hot chicks? I mean, roissy goes to all this effort to clue you guys in and this is how you thank him.

While you’re here would someone please tell me if they know of a way to stop obsessing over a former lover? I know, you’ll say just go out and get laid by someone else. Right? No can do. Why? Because I am not a slut. There is too much crap that goes on with being a loose woman. I wish.


Raphael, you are such a dog.

on August 3, 2008 at 5:11 am


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Join my harem not sara and if my wife accepts you your in. You can help work the farm


on August 3, 2008 at 8:43 am

Absolutely great advice here. It’s surprising more people aren’t aware of  this…


on August 3, 2008 at 9:57 am

Sara/not Sara, Your musical musical choice (1st link) highly reminiscent of a Carl Orff  composistion called Carmina Burana, specifically the movement “O Fortuna”  remixed with some Ramstein by Armin Van Burren or DJ Tiesto. Since you enjoyed that. Perhaps you will l ike this reinterpretation of John Williams  “Phantom Menace” Menace” movement movement called “The Tide Turns / The Death of of Darth Maul”  done with complex beat/time signatures in the drum and base style. And some humorous eye-candy / subtitling to keep your attention while listening.

Something tells me you would enjoy classic old Enigma with its gregorian chants layed over sultry synths, a dance beat and erotic moaning.

Patrick Bateman

on August 3, 2008 at 10:48 am

While you’re here would someone please tell me if they know of a way to stop obsessing over a former lover? 

Lift some weights or do some HIIT cardio.

My name is not sara!

on August 3, 2008 at 3:51 pm

139 So. Am. Male Love the O’Fortuna. That’s exactly what I”m talking about; right in the solar plexus. Love that intense feeling. Must share this with my daughter as she loves Final Fantasy. She’s the one who turned me on to E. Nomine. We both feel a lot of  affinity to German electronica music as it ’s our illustrious heritage. Germans live large, sometimes literally. literally. My grandmother was a very large woman who lived into her 80’s, never had any health issues, and was a phenomenal cook. Will check out the John Williams. I also really enjoy good drum and bass. Do you know DJ Marky? This is a beautiful song:


This is turning into an iLike conversatio conversation. n.

My name is not sara!

on August 3, 2008 at 4:00 pm

Moments of Lust. Heaven here on earth.

DJ Marky and XRS, LK; The Asian version for those who prefer Asian girls:

Milton Freedman

on August 3, 2008 at 6:09 pm

Sara if you like that half rock techno’ed out shit why don’t you listen to Eminem Eight Mile Island and Lincoln Park. Oh and there are a bunch of  anime tracks that you’d love since alot of anime tries to come off as epic. Actually you might like the Batman Beyond intro:


Milton Freedman

on August 3, 2008 at 6:10 pm

Carmina Buruna must be listened to in its pure Amadeus form.


on August 3, 2008 at 8:19 pm

PA — not as cute as your worry-wartistry, old man.


on August 3, 2008 at 9:21 pm

I’m not old. I’m ten years older than you. Not a worry-wart either. I thought you quant types were adept at avoiding the personalization fallacy. Believe me, some of the disclosures you make are cute in their transparency.


on August 3, 2008 at 10:03 pm

Age is a state of mind (I’ve been a teenager all my life) — so, like I said.

Randall Parker

on August 3, 2008 at 10:37 pm

I think far more people post with pseudonyms than need to.


on August 3, 2008 at 11:06 pm

 “Age is a state of mind (I’ve (I’ve been a teenager all my life) — so, like I said.”  That sounds like the typical statement of a 30-40 year old spinster. spinster.


on August 4, 2008 at 4:25 am

What did you expect the Va Tech kids to do – die for total strangers? I’d be getting the fuck out of there if I could, and calling 911. A man will only die for his close relative or maybe long-term girlfriend.  “Crystle” is kind of plain, plain, and in my opinion opinion less attractive attractive than her boyfriend. boyfriend. They may have considered him a loser in other areas besides looks.

Sara/not Sara

137 Gunslingergreg Gunslingergregii

on August 4, 2008 at 4:54 pm


 Join my harem not sara and if my wife accepts you your in. You can help work the farm.

Thank you. That is a very nice offer and I can imagine you would provide excellent protection to your wives. Did you say you are married now, or anticipating? I lived on a 10 acre and 20 acre farm in the midwest with my first husband and swore it was the only way to live. We were only 15 minutes from a big town, so it was sweet also having easy access to the city vibe. Good luck forming your harem. Sounds a bit like communal living where anything goes.

Peregrine John

on August 4, 2008 at 10:19 pm

not sara: I love me the Carmina Burana, too. Fan-freaking-tastic stuff, especially the build from Blanziflor et Helena right into the O Fortuna reprise. Makes me soar. Lady of Lemons: To say that someone has a “fat girl personality” is no insult, or I’ve never heard it used as such. To retain it after shifting to a more svelte body is a very fine thing indeed. It beats the holy snot out of the un-fun, self-impressed, I Deserve Everything mentality found all too often amongst the (physically) beautiful, and gives an enormous advantage.


on September 12, 2008 at 7:50 pm

Great post. You stated your theory well and succintly. I am a 27 year old male and the only 10 I ever banged was when I was 19-20 and she was 17-18. Of course, this happened because because as we know, this was before: a) she was of legal age to drink, b) she didn’t quite understand how beautiful she was, and c) she was somewhat sheltered growing up so this made her even more oblivious to the reality that I was really getting l ucky and she could’ve done much better! But, I don’t feel bad at all, we had a good time and best sex I’ve ever had to be quite frank. I have several theories for the current sad state of affairs with regards to mating for the beta male. You nail most of them on the head but I would probably suggest an alternative theory premised on the same principles. ONE: The unequal bargaining position You mention how easern europena broads being more likely to mate with men for the several factors you mentioned. I agree and further agree that such women more closely resemble 1940s and 50s US broads and prior. What has happened? As you stated women are, a) $ independent and b) more fatties. There is a further problem however, the favorism in the law with regards to hiring, firing and holding accountable women. You see women want to be treated like princesses and told their starlets and have the best career ever and are smarter and prettier then any girl ever, and they demand men to lift them on pedestals and worship them at all costs. In earlier American times women demanded attention and chasing as well BUT they were NEVER given the same deference as men, now they are. So, hence the unequal bargaining position for beta males. We have to put up with princesses, not even 8s, 9s or 10s but sorry ass 5s and above who feel their 10s due to MTV and people, while allowing them to walk all over us whilst catering to their desire. They are never held accountab accountable. le. No man, EVER, for any reason should ever allow ANY woman of ANY caliber destroy his integrity and honor he has for himself. This is the complete opposite of what all of nature intended for ANY male at ANY level. An alpha male may whip a betas ass at many levels BUT a female, regardless of  attractivity level should never whip ANY man in any form whatsoever. Not even for sex. That is where I part ways with men who are willing to be treated like cattle by US women who have an inflated sense of princessness about about them. TWO: The Reckoning is Awesome! You mention that banging a hot broad is easier teh older she gets and even more if she is a recent divorcee. VERY TRUE. As a beta male I am surprised how many men let 30 year old broads slip through their fingers. I suspect the BIGGEST problem is “the kids” as you said, nobody wants to raise another competitor’s offspring. If I didn’t have fun making it, I aain’t raising it. That being said, broads




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hags, as you say so well. This almost automatically happens to every single woman on the planet. It has to happen, and it is a joy to see for beta males in the US. The old princess attitude is replaced with a look of despair. True, some 30 y/old broads are hot, know it, and have married extreme wealth, but I just discount them, they are invalid to me. I suppose the satisfaction I get out of  watching 30 year old broads look despairing stems from a thought that at one point in that 30s life she thought she was the greatest thing since sliced bread and acted out her movie star make believe life by shitting on men at all times to feel better about herself. This is a joyous experience for a beta and really, he can take her or leave her. Finally, one last pleasure pleasure a beta can get from watching a hot chick get old is when she marries alpha dog and he bangs all that moves and she whines and whines, prob is now, regardless of how hard liberals have tried, she has kids and those don’t go away. So while your backpacking in Montana and catching trout and making good money at your job as a beta remember that bitchy 10s become old, have kids and alpha hubby bangs hot chicks, leaves 10 and she is stuck with three kids and life over. But hey, at least she has suburban house.

Your Gay Doom « Roissy in DC

on April 20, 2009 at 11:16 am

[…] this in the coming decades as the culture shifts to de facto polygamy. Bitter divorcees, cougars, single moms, urban slut machines, aging yentas, used up playettes, trend whores and Samantha cliches all […]

Massive Loser

on June 20, 2009 at 3:46 am

I farted… that increases the chances by 200% I bang hot chicks all the time, the trick is not to ask them, just do it anyway…


on September 4, 2009 at 8:06 pm

I disagree with with the first two rules here. From what I’ve seen, attractive single moms and attractive women in their 30s have usually not changed their behaviors much (in what they go for in a guy)….if at all. They still go just as much for the same alpha characteristics characteristics that have, of course, been mentioned countless times in these blogs.


on December 22, 2009 at 5:10 pm

To massive loser: Rape is illegal


on March 28, 2010 at 5:45 pm

PA and Nunuups are gay homos. NYC women are mostly ugly. The hottest women where you can get 10s as long as you are successful and not a slob is in Eastern Europe or Latin-America. Fact Fact is the so called “alphas”  here usually fail over there. 99 percent of “alpha” men are homos and pedos especially if they were in a frat. This is factually proven. And the EU has only increased some prices in certain things, but many nations in Blog at

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