The Dudes' Carnival Treat Caps - : A Caps-Only Short Pattern Edition
September 30, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Download The Dudes' Carnival Treat Caps - : A Caps-Only Short Pattern Edition...
Xmg Huhgs’
Edrjivdo Xrgdt Edps -
D edps-ajoy smart pdttgrj ghitiaj.
Xmis is dj ari`ijdo hgsi`j by NlisssBgroij © Doo ri` mts rgsgrvgh. rgsgrvgh. lisssbgroij.gtsy.eal ♧ ijstd`rdl.eal/lisssbgroij/ ♧ pijtgrgst.eal/lisssbgroij/
Xmg oittog
u gs oivg dlaj` us, but ajoy d emioh dt mgdrt edj truoy sgg tmgl. Xmgy drg
bdoh djh smy, sa tmgy eavgr tmgir mgdhs djh mdoc ac tmgir cdegs witm wmdtgvgr tmgy cijh ij tmgir surraujhij`s. Xmgsg gjhgdrij` gjhgdrij` dli`uruli/eraemg dli`uruli/eraemgtt haoos drg cdegogss oittog oittog cdjtdsy ergdturgs. ergdturgs. Xmgy drg ghuedtiajdo haoos car ogdrjij` djh car pody-tmgrd pody-tmgrdpy, py, ds wgoo ds ujiqug eaoogetibog hgeardtivg ci`urijgs. Xmg
u gs’ lijildoist cgdturgs, ijspirgh by tmg Pdoharc
dppradem, drg hgsi`jgh ta stiluodtg tmg ild`ijdtiaj, djh tmgir paefgt sizg is suitdbog car tmasg oittog mdjhs ta ldfg tmg pgrcget ealpdjiajs.
Cijg (ogvgo 2) 4>>% lgregrizgh eattaj ydrj Eaoars; wmitg | acc-wmitg | rgh | `rggj Oi`mt - Lghiul warstgh (ogvgo 5-8) 4>>% deryoie ydrj; pijf Eraemgt maafs (hgpgjhs aj yaur tgjsiaj); 2.7ll - 5ll | 5ll - 5.7ll Ydrj jgghog | Ugwij` | Ugwij` jgghog
• • •
Ueissars ^ipg eogdjgr Uldoo bgdhs ij eaoars ac yaur emaieg. Uoiefgr pgt brusm
Jatgs; Parf ij d spirdo < eajtijuaus raujhs (vs. kaijgh raujhs), ujogss atmgrwisg ijhiedtgh. Parf ij raws wmgj ijhiedtgh. Bg`ij tmg pigegs witm d ld`ie rij` (< ld`ie eireog / dhkustdbog rij`). Wsg d stitem ldrfgr // serdp ac ydrj ta ldrf tmg odst stitem ij tmg raujh. Wsg tmg tmg Ijvisibog Hgergdsg ta lijilizg tmg dppgdrdjeg ac maogs djh bulps. Doo hilgjsiajs hilgjsiajs djh stitem stitem eaujt eaujtss dssulg tm tmg g usg a acc ydrjs ac tm tmg g sdlg ttmiefjgss miefjgss, ta `gt d pgrcget cit bgtwggj tmg Huhgs’ mgdhs djh tmgir edps.
• •
Xmg edps smauoh sit sju`oy aj tmg Huhgs’ mgdhs. Ic yau cijh tmdt yaur stitemgs drg taa oaasg/taa ti`mt, eajsihgr emdj`ij` yaur maaf sizg deearhij`oy.
Cijismgh hilgjsiajs (Huhg + Edp) vdry deearhij` ta tmg lgdsurglgjts ac tmg edps djh drg
spgeicigh ijhivihudooy car gdem hgsi`j. Ufioo ogvgo; Ijtgrlghidtg. Db br gvi dti dtiaj ajs s (WU Xgrl s); Upgeido Upg eido sti temgs; ghe eoustgr < gxtgjhgh haubog eraemgt eoustgr ( (gxpodijgh ij hgtdio ij tmg pdttgrj)
ss < soip stitem
R < raujh / Rs < raujhs
sf < sfip
lr < ld`ie rij`
rgp < rgpgdt
em < emdij stitem
CA < cdstgj acc
se < sij`og eraemgt
CO/COA < crajt oaap/crajt oaap ajoy
mhe mh e < mdoc haubog eraemgt
BO/BOA < bdef oaap/bdef oaap ajoy
he < haubog eraemgt
V \ < julbgr ac stitemgs
Ije < ijergdsg (2se ij tmg sdlg stitem)
( ) x Q < < rgpgdt pdttgrj ij pdrgjtmgsgs ds ldjy
Hge < hgergdsg (2se ta`gtmgr)
tilgs ds ijhiedtgh
st < stitem / st s < stitemgs
*..* < rgpgdt pdttgrj bgtwggj dstgrisfs
ss2ta` < 2ss ta`gmtgr
Cijismgh hilgjsiajs (dpprax.); Mgi`mt (gxeouhij` tmg edjg); =el (5“). Pihtm; 7el (2“). (2“). Dp po g Pitm rgh ydrj djh d 2.7ll 2.7ll e raemgt maaf -
Ldfg d lr
R44-40 (0 Rs); Ue draujh V8=\
R4; 3se ij lr V3\
R4=; (Hge, 3se) x 3 V82\
R2; Ue draujh V3\
R49; (Hge,7se) x 2, 8he sdlg st, sf4, 9se, 5mhe
R5; (Ije, se) x 5 V9\
sdlg st, sf4, ss, 8he sdlg st, sf4, (hge, 8se) x 2, ss ij 4st se.
R8; 2se, (Ije, 2se) x 2, ije V42\ R7; (Ije, se) x 3 V4=\
CA djh djh w gd gdvg vg ij tmg gjhs.
R3; (2se, ije) x 3 V28\ R0; (Ije, 5se) x 3 V5>\ R=; 5se, (Ije, 8se) x 7, ije, se V53\ R9; (Ije, 7se) x 3 V82\ R4>; 5se, (Ije, 3se) x 7, ije, 5se V8=\
Wsg tmg tip ac tmg maaf djh tmg tdio tdio tm dt carlgh tmg ld`ie ld`ie ri j` ta pus m/puoo tmg tip ac t mg edp ijs ihg, ta ergdtg tmg sujfgj pdrt ac tm g dppog. dppog.
Ogdc Xmg ogdc ogdc is w arfgh aj batm si hgs ac tmg caujhdtiaj emdijs d djh sa tmg stite mgs lirrar gdem atmgr ta `gt d syllgtriedo smdpg. Pitm `r ggj ggj ydrj djh d 2.7ll 2.7ll erae mgt maaf - -
Em 4> (< tmg caujhdtiaj emdijs) d. Ij 2 jh em cral maaf - Us, se, mhe, 5he, mhe, se, (ss, em 4, ss sdlg st) b, turj djh warf aj t mg atmgr sihg ac tmg caujhdtiaj emdijs e - se, mhe, 5he, mhe, se, ss. d
CA djh djh ogdvg d tdio c ar o dtgr sgwij` .
Edjg Edjg Utdrt Utd rt wi tm rgh ydrj djh d 2.7ll 2.7ll eraemgt maaf -
Ldfg d lr R4; 3se ij lr V3\ R2; Ue draujh V3\ ijstruetiajs) Ogdvg tmg odst se ac R2 ujwa rfgh ta l dfg d Eaoar Emdj`g (sgg jgxt pd`g car ijstruetiajs) ta wmit g R5-8 (2 Rs); Ue draujh V3\ Ldfg d eao ar e mdj`g. Rgpgdt Rgpg dt Rs5-8 4> lar g tilgs, dotgrjdti j` bgtw ggj ggj tm g eaoar s. CA djh djh ogdvg d tdio c ar o dtgr sgwij`. Jatg - Pmgj ldfij` tmg Eaoar Emdj`g, Emdj`g, haj’t eut tmg ujwarfgh ydrj - ^ut it dsihg djh usg it d`dij wmgj yau mdvg ta switem bdef ta it.
Bgjh d pipg eogdjgr eogdjgr aj ajg gjh djh ijsgrt it ijta t mg edjg edjg.. Eut it deearhij` ta tmg ogj`tm ac t mg edjg djh djh bgjh t mg atmgr gjh. Umdpg it djyw dy yau o ifg.
Ugw tmg ogdc djh tmg edjg ijta tmg sujfgj pdrt ac tmg dppog. Mihg tmg ydrjs ijsihg tmg warf djh wgdvg wgdvg ij t mg gjhs. gjhs. Uprijfog salg edjhy by crggoy crggoy sgwij` sldoo bgdhs ij eaoars ac y aur emaie g.
Maw ta ldfg d Eaoar Emdj`g Utdrt Utd rt tmg cijdo se wit m ajg eaoar by ijs grtij` tmg maaf ijta t mg odst odst stite m, ydrj ydrj avgr d djh puoo up d oaap b.
Dttdem Dt tdem tm tmg g atmgr ea eaoa oarr ta tmg tm g maaf e djh puoo tmrau`m tmg twa oaaps aj tmg maaf ta ealpogtg tmg se stitem h.
Cijismgh hilgjsiajs (dpprax.); Mgi`mt; 4>el (8“). Pihtm; 7el (2“). Edp Pitm pijf deryoie ydrj djh d 5ll-5. 5ll-5.7ll 7ll eraemgt maaf (sgg jatg bgoaw) bgoaw) -
Ldfg d lr
R0; 2se, (Ije, 2se) x 7, ije V28\
R4; 3se ij lr V3\
R=; (Ije, 5se) x 3 V5>\
R2; (Ije, se) x 5 V9\
R9; Ij COA ac R= - (Us2ta`, ss) x 4> V2>\
R5; 2se, (Ije, 2se) x 2, ije V42\
R4>; Ij BOA ac R9 - (5 ije, se) x 7 V57\
R8; (Ije, 5se) x 5 V47\
R44-40 (0 Rs); Ue draujh V57\
R7; Ij COA ac R8 - (Us2ta`, 5ss) x 5 V42\
R4=; (Hge, 7se) x 7 V5>\, ss ij 4 st se.
R3; Ij BOA ac R7 - (Ije, se) x 3 V4=\
CA djh djh w gd gdvg vg ij tmg gjh.
Jatg - Wsij` ydrj ac hiccgrgjt typgs djh cral hiccgrgjt wgi`mt edtg`arigs, ldy rgsuot ij d edp
tmdt is taa bi` ta pgrcgetoy cit tmg Huhg’s mgdh. Ldfg surg yaur tgjsiaj is mi`m ar usg d sldoogr maaf sizg. Dctgr R9 0
Wsij` d soiefgr pgt brusm, brusm tmg edp cirloy ij hic cgrgjt hirgetiajs ta puoo aut tmg cibgrs djh ldfg it cu zzy.
Cijismgh hilgjsiajs (dpprax.); Mgi`mt; 9el (5.7“). Pihtm; 7el (2“).
Bax Xmg bax is wa rfgh ij raws ds d codt codt stri p h . Utdrt w itm w mitg ydrj djh d 2.7ll Utdrt 2.7ll eraemgt m aaf, ar d sldoogr maaf si zg (ic (ic j gegssdry) gegssdry) ta `gt tmg bax ta cit sju`oy -
Em 3 d.
Raw 4; Ij 2jh em cral maaf - 7se derass V7\ Dt tde tdem m r gh ta t a ttmg mg maa m aaf f b - puoo up d oaap, em 4, turj e. Raw 2; Ij 4st se BOA - 7se derass, em 4, turj V7\ Raw 5; Ij 4st se BOA - 7se derass V7\ Dt tde tdem m w mi mitg tg t a ttmg mg maa m aaf f - puoo up d oaap, em 4, turj. b
Parf ij bdef oaaps 9
Rgpgdt raws 2-5 4= larg tilgs, dotgrjdtij` bgtwggj tmg eaoars, sa yau mdvg 4> stripgs ac gd gdem em eaoar. Dt tde tdem m w mi mitg tg ta t a ttmg mg ma af, af , pu puoooo up d oaap oa ap,, em 4 djh t ur j Raw 25; Ij 4st se BOA - 7se derass V7\ Xmis pdttgrj ldfgs d 5H rih`gs Jatg - Yau smauoh gjh up witm d strip ldhg up ac 2> stripgs tmdt smauoh cit draujh tmg Huhg’s mgdh. Ic yau cijh it taa sldoo/bi`, dhkust tmg julbgr ac rgpgtitiajs ta dhh/subtrdet stripgs.
h ^uoo tmg maaf aut ac tmg oaap, ijsgrt it ij tmg 4st oaap a c tmg bg`ijjij` emdijs djh hrdw tmg warfi j` ydrj bdef aj tmg maaf g. Ijsgrt Ijsgrt tmg maaf tmrau`m t mg twa earrgspajhij` oa aps ac tmg twa gh`gs djh djh ss derass t a eajjget V7 sts\, ss ijta t mg tap oaap ac tmg rih`g c .
Dt tm g tap ta p ooaa aap p ac a c t mg ri h`g h` g - *8mhe Umgoo < (8mhe ij tmg sdlg oaap) `, ijsgrt tmg maaf ijta tmg jgxt tap oaap djh puoo up d oaap witm tmg rgh (sgg jatg bgoaw) * rgp draujh, dotgrjdtij` bgtwggj bgtwgg j tmg eao ars m V2> smgoos\ Xmg tap oaaps
Xmg Xm g ijj ijjgr gr oa oaa a s
Ilpartdjt Jatg - Pmgj dotgrjdtij` bgtwggj tmg eaoars, ogdvg tmg ujwarfgh ydrj dsihg, ha jat warf avgr it ds yau `a (!) djh usg it d`dij wmgj yau mdvg ta switem bdef
ta it. Xmis wioo ergdtg ijjgr oaaps car warfij` ijta tmgl odtgr m . Dc tgr ldfij Dctgr ldf ij ` ttmg mg odst o dst sm smgoo goo wi tm rgh, rgh , dttdem dtt dem tm g wmit wm it g ydrj ydr j ttdio dio ta tm g maa f, puo p uo o u p d oaa o aap p djh em 4 ta er gdtg gdtg tmg odst ij jgr oaa p. CA djh wgdvg ij tmg gjhs. 4>
^apearj Xmg papearj fgrjgos drg ldhg up ac 5 Gxtgjhgh Haubog Eraemgt Eoustgr (< 5ghe eoustgr) eoustgr) (sgg ijstruetiajs aj tmg jgxt pd`g ) djh warfgh ij d spirdo cral t mg battal-up. Dt tde tdem m acc a cc -wmit -wm it g ta t mg ods t i jjgr jj gr o aap aa p ttmdt mdt w ds ergdt e rgdtgh gh Jatg tmdt yau’oo bg warfij` ij tmg appasitg hirgetiaj witm
tmg ijjgr sihg d ac t mg edp cdeij` cdeij` y au. Xmg 5H papearj edp. p. pdttgrj wioo dppgdr dppgdr aj tmg autgr sihg b ac tm g ed R4; 2se ij gdem ijjgr oaap draujh V8>\ , ss ijta tmg 4 st se. R2; *(Ij BOA - ss, em 2, 5ghe eoustgr, em 2, se e sdlg st), sf4, se, sf4* 9 tilgs, (ij BOA - ss, em 2, 5ghe eoustgr, em 2, se sdlg st), sf4, se V4> papearj fgrjgos, 2>se\ Cral mgrg, warf ijta gdem se, ds ijstrue tgh R5; Ij BOA - (ss, em 2, 5ghe eoustgr, em 2, se sdlg st)* rgp draujh V2> papearj fgrjgos, 2>se\ R8; *(Ij BOA - ss, em 2, 5ghe eoustgr, em 2, se sdlg st), se* rgp draujh V4> papearj fgrjgos, 2>se\ R7; *Uf4, (ij BOA - ss, em 2, 5ghe eoustgr, em 2, se sdlg st)* rgp draujh V4> papearj fgrjgos, 4>se\ R3; *Uf4, (ij BOA - ss, em 2, 5ghe eoustgr, em 2, se sdlg st)* rgp draujh V7 papearj fgrjgos, 7se\ 7se\ R0; *(Ij BOA - ss, em 2, 5ghe eoustgr, em 2, se sdlg st), se* rgp 2 tilgs, ( ij BOA - ss, em 2, 5ghe eoustgr, em 2, se sdlg st) V5 papearj fgrjgos, fgrjgos, 7se\ CA djh wgdvg ij tmg gjhs. Xmg ijjgr sihg ac tmg edp
b Pmgj ldfij` tmg se stitemgs lgjtiajgh ij brdefgts, ldfg surg tmdt tmg warfij` ydrj is ij crajt ac tmg eoustgr ta ldfg tmg papearj fgrjgo pap up.
Xmg autgr sihg ac tmg edp Dctgr R5
e 44
5 Gxtgjhgh Eraemgt mgt Eoust gr Maw ta ldfg tmg tmg 5 Gxtgjhgh Haubo g Erae *Ydrj *Ydrj avgr, ijsgrt tmg maaf ijta tmg stit em, ydrj avgr djh puoo up d oaap d, ydrj avgr djh Ydrj avgr djh djh puoo tmrau`m t wa oaap s e.* puoo tmrau`m ajg oaap ajoy b. Ydrj d
Rgpgdt bgtw ggj *Q* (d - e ) twa la rg tilgs, sa tmdt yau mdvg tmrgg jat-quitg-ealpogtg g ghe he h stite mgs warfgh ijta tmg sdlg stitem, djh d tatdo ac caur oaaps aj tmg maaf . Ydrj avgr djh puoo tmrau`m doo c aur oaaps dt ajeg g. (Xmg purpog tmrgdh ij tmg pieturg is d Ydrj stitem ldrfgr.) ldrfgr.) h
Mapg yau gjkay dhhij` tmgsg Edrjivdo Xrgdt Edps ta yaur Huhgs’ eaoogetiaj! Xmdjf yau car suppartij` lg. I ha ly bgst ta pravihg gxegoogjt warf. Ic yau mdvg djy qugstiajs ar eajegrjs dbaut tmis pdttgrj, pogdsg ha jat mgsitdtg ta eajtdet lg dt; lisssbgroijN`ldio.eal . Yau’rg wgoealg ta smdrg yaur ergdtiajs ldhg cral tmis pdttgrj aj saeido lghid podtcarls, erghitij` NlisssBgroij NlisssBgroij ds tmg hgsi`jgr.
Mdppy eraemgtij`, Hdjd♧
Eapyri`mt ijca; Xmis ijca; Xmis pdttgrj is ly ari`ijdo hgsi`j. I hgvatg d oat ac tilg djh gccart ta hgsi`jij`, pmata`rdpmij` djh writij` ly pdttgrjs. Xmis is ly ijtgoogetudo prapgrty - ^ogdsg ha jat eodil tmis pdttgrj ds yaur awj. Xmis pdttgrj is car pgrsajdo usg ajoy - ^ogdsg ha jat sgoo, puboism, histributg, ar dotgr it. Yau ldy sgoo prahuets ldhg cral tmis pdttgrj ij sldoo qudjtitigs, but pgrlissiaj is jat `rdjtgh car ldss prahuetiaj ar cdetary ldjucdeturij` ac djy fijh. Xmdjf yau car bgij` rgspgetcuo!
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