The Dominance Factor

November 7, 2016 | Author: Clare Cooney | Category: N/A
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Dominance Factor – Dr. Carla Hannaford Synopsis Explores an area that has long intrigued scientists and educators: the linkages between the side of the body we favor for seeing, hearing, touching, and moving and the way we think, learn, play, and relate to others. Your Dominance Profile is actually a key factor in shaping the way you think and act. Carla Hannaford shows why, and reveals how knowing your Profile will help you, and your children, to l earn in the way that suits you best, and perform at your highest level. The Dominance Factor clearly explains methods for discovering your Profile that are so simple, non-invasive and easy to learn that even a child can do them. This is a book that parents, teachers, and all of us who need to understand what makes ourselves and others tick, will use and enjoy.

Like learning styles, and theories of multiple intelligences, knowing your child’s dominant eye, ear, brain, hand, and foot can improve his/her learning. These patterns of lateral dominance greatly influence the way that information is internally processed by the individual and consequently the kinds of learning activities one prefers. If we know a student’s dominance profile we can accommodate educational practices, identify communication challenges when stress, and create strategies for success. The goal of dominance profiles is to see unique strengths and difficulties more objectively, more flexibly, and with deeper understanding. Dominance Profiles become doorways to new and constructive insights into individuals rather than labels which confine and limit their view of themselves and their potential.

Logic -

Processes from pieces to whole parts of language syntax semantics letters printing controls feelings planned sequential thinking time conscious



spelling numbers techniques analysis logic looks for differences language oriented structured future oriented structure oriented

Gestalt Process from whole to pieces Emotion Meaning estimation, flow intuition

language comprehension rhythm, dialect movement

looks for similarities


application free with feelings, prefers

drawing manipulation, spontaneous

fluid, QCGU | ©Madeline Hagon 2014


[QCM2841 (STRINGS) – THE DOMINANCE FACTOR] simultaneous thinking now oriented

less time sense

people oriented

UNDER STRESS Logic Tries harder, lots of effort, without results, without comprehension, without joy, without understanding, may appear mechanical, tense, insensitive


(usually on the left side)

parts and processes of


deals with detail, the

language and linear analysis.


Loses the ability to reason well, acts without thinking, feels overwhelmed, has trouble expressing, cannot remember details, may appear emotional or spaced-out deals with whole-processing or global images,



(usually on the right side)

rhythm, emotion and intuition

The CORPUS CALLOSUM between the hemispheres acts as a superhighway allowing quick access to both linear detail in the logic hemisphere and the overall image in the gestalt hemisphere. When there is good communication between the two halves, the result is integrated thought. The more that both hemispheres are activated by use, the more connections form across the corpus callosum. The more connections, the faster the processing between both hemispheres and the more intelligently we are able to function.

It is necessary to use both hemispheres of the brain to be maximally proficient at anything.

QCGU | ©Madeline Hagon 2014



QCGU | ©Madeline Hagon 2014


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