The Definitive Guide To Free Fonts

December 20, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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The Definitive Guide to Free Fonts  www.typew  www

Last updated on October 14, 2019


Table of Contents

Disclaimer Disclaim er 2 Introduction 3

The Closest Closest Free Free Alternative Alternative to Every Font on Typewolf Typewolf 4

The 10 10 Best Serif + Sans-Serif Font Font Combinations Combinations on Google Fonts 37 The 40 Best Free Free Fonts Fonts That Aren’t on Google Google Fonts Fonts 48

The 10 Best Free “Hipster” “Hipster ” Fonts 89




This guide is for informational purposes only. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information within. The font licensing information may not be accurate or may have changed since the time of publication. Always check with the type designer/ designer/type type foundry before using any free font. Copyright

No part of this publication shall be reproduced, transmitted, or sold in whole or in part in any a ny form, without the prior written consent of the author author.. All trademarks and registered trademarks appearing in this guide are the property of their respective owners owners.. Copyright © 2019 Jeremiah Shoaf Design LLC. All rights reserved.




Fonts! It goes a long Thanks for purchasing The Definitive Guide to Free Fonts long way to helping support my side project Typewolf . I spent a ton of time creating this guide, so I hope that you find it valuable.

Free fonts have come a long way in recent years. Professional designers have long looked down on free fonts as amateurish. But thanks to the web and open-source movements, that all has been changing. I article for  for Smashing Magazine that explores this topic—I urge you to check it out. wrote an article An Exclusive Section of Typewolf Featuring Only Free Fonts

I created a special section of Typewolf available exclusively to purchasers of this guide. Please don’t share the link with anyone! It features only sites using free fonts and serves as a great source of design inspiration showing what can be done with free fonts. Check it out here. here. A Special Note About Free Fonts

In general, most free fonts make a poor alternative to commercial fonts. Always purchase commercial fonts whenever your project has the budget for it. Type designers need the support of the design community in order to continue producing quality typefaces. Only relying on free fonts will devalue the profession of typeface design and hurt us all as designers.



The Closest Closest Free Alternativ Alternativee to Every Ev ery Font on on Typew Typewolf  olf  →

A2 Typewriter  Cutive Mono Aachen → Roboto Slab Aaux → Roboto Abadi → Equip (light weight (light weight is is f ree) ree) or Cabin Abolition → Quantic  Quantico o Abril → Latin Modern Modern Roman Roman or Lora Abril Fatface Fatface → Abril Abril Fatface Academica Academi ca → EB Garam Garamond ond Acrom → Campton  Campton or  or Rig h hteous teous Acta Displa y → Playfair  Playfair Di  Display splay Acta Headline Headline → Pla yf air air Disp Display lay Acta Poster Poster → Playf   Playf air air Display Acumin → Nimbus  Nimbus Sans L or L or Arimo  Arimo Adelle → Aleo or Roboto S Roboto Slab lab Adelle Sans Sans → Source Sans Sans Pro  Pro Adieu Adi eu → Pro  Prompt mpt Adobe Text → Libre Basker Baskerville ville AG Book → Nimbus  Nimbus Sans L o orr Arimo Arimo Ag eentur  ntur → Yatra One Agipo → Roboto Akkurat kkurat → IBM Plex Sans Akkurat Mono → IBM  IBM Ple Plexx Mono



Aktiv Grotesk → Nimbus Sans L or Arimo Akzidenz Grotesk → Questa Sans (regular weight is free) or Work Sans Albertina → Crimson  Crimson T  Text ext Albertus → Infin  Infinii or Asul Asul Albertus Nova Nova → Infini or A or Asul sul Alegreya → A  Alegreya legreya Alegreya Sans Alegreya  Sans → Alegreya  Alegreya S  Sans ans Alix FB Alix  FB → Cutive Mono Alright Sans → Cle  Clear ar Sans or Source Source Sans Pro Alternate Gothic → Leagu  Leaguee Gothic or Oswald Alverataa → Marcellus Alverat Amasiss → Roboto Slab Amasi Slab Amatic SC → A  Ama matic tic SC Ambroise Ambroi se → Prat  Prataa Americana  → TeX Gyre Americana Gyre B Bonum onum or Quattrocen Quattrocento to Amerigo → Infi  Infini ni or Asul Ames Roman → Salo  Salome me or Playfai Playfairr Display Anarchy Grotesque → Questa Sans (regular (regular weight weight is free) or Work Sans Andale Mono → Incons  Inconsola olata ta Andes Andes → Andes or Poir Poiret et One Anisette Ani sette Petite → J  Josefin osefin Sans Ano → TeX Gyre Adventor Adventor or  or Poppins  Poppins Anonymous Pro → Anonym  Anonymou ouss Pro Antenna → Kanit Antique Olive Olive → Lack or Cab Cabin in Anton  → Anton Anton Antwerp → Crimson Te Text xt



Apercu → HK Grotesk or DM Sans Apercu Mono → Ahamono or IBM Plex Mono Apex Serif → Rob  Robot oto o Slab Apple Chancery → Quintes  Quintessen sential tial Arbutus Slab Slab → Arbutus Slab Archer → D  Domine omine Archive Archi ve → Libre Baskervill Baskervillee Archivo Narrow Narrow → A  Arc rchivo hivo Narr Narrow ow Arial → Nimbu  Nimbuss Sans L o orr Arimo Armitage Armita ge → Work Sans Arnhem → Ne  Neut uton on Arquitecta  → Josefin San Arquitecta Sanss ARS Maquette Maquette → Arim  Arimo o Arvo → Arvo Ascender Sans Sans Mono → Roboto Mono Mono Ashbury → Ashbury (light weight is free) is  free) o  orr Libre Libre Baskerville ATC Harris → Fira Mono ATC Ripley → Rouge Scri Script pt Atlas Grotesk → Coop  Cooper er Hewitt o Hewitt orr Arimo Atlas Typewriter Typewriter → Incon  Inconso solata lata Austin → Pla yfa  yfair ir Display Avenir → Agané or Nunito S Nunito Sans ans Averia Averia Serif Libre Libre → Av  Aveeria Serif ria Serif Libre Averta → Poppins  Poppins AW Conqueror Conqueror Didot → Pra  Prata ta Azo Sans → Raleway Balto → So  Source urce Sans Pro



Basetica → Basetica or Arimo Baskerville → Libre Baskerville Basic Sans → Work  Work S  Sans ans Basier → Ro  Roboto boto Basis Grotesq ue ue → Work Sans Sans Basis Grotesque Grotesque Mon Mono o → Roboto Mono Baton → Work Sans Battersea Slab Slab → Roboto Slab Slab BC Falster Grotesk Grotesk → FreeU  FreeUni niversal versal or Arimo Arimo Beatrice Beat rice → Work Sans Sans Beatrice Display Display → Archiv  Archivo o Black Beausite Beau site → Tenor Sans Sans Bebas Neue → Bebas  Bebas Neue or or Oswald Oswald Begum → Pra  Prata ta Beirut → Ba  Bagnard gnard or  or Inknut  Inknut Ant Antiqua iqua Bell → Lo  Lora ra Belwe Mono → Cut  Cutive ive Mono  Mono Benton Modern → Old Stand Standard ard TT Benton Sans Sans → Libre Frankli Franklin n Berlingske Serif → Playfair  Playfair D  Display isplay Bernini Sans Bernini  Sans → Eau Sans or O or Open pen Sans Bianco Sans Sans → Work Sans Sans Bianco Serif → Quattroc Quattrocento ento Big Caslon → Libre  Libre Caslon Display or Lusitana Lusitana BioRhyme BioRhy me → BioRhyme Bitter → Bitter  Bitter Blanco → Merriweath  Merriweather er



Blender → Chakra Petch Block Berthold → Shadow or Rubik Bluu → BluuNe  BluuNext xt or PT Serif  Serif  Bodoni → Libre  Libre Bodoni or Prata Prata Bodoni Bodo ni Egyptian → Arvo  Arvo Bodoni Poster Poster → A  Abril bril Fatface Boita  → Prat Boita  Prataa Bonobo Bono bo → Co  Cous ustard tard Bookman → T  TeX eX Gyre Bon Bonum um or Vollkorn Vollkorn Bookmania → TeX  TeX Gyre  Gyre Bonu Bonum or Vollko Vollkorn rn Bosca → Infi  Infini ni or Asul Bourrasq ue ue → Work Sans Sans Boutique → Tenor  Tenor Sa  Sans ns Brandon Grotesque → W  Woodford oodford Bourn Bournee or Lato Lato Brandon Printed Printed → Bernier or Lato Brauer Neue → Ru  Rubi bik k Brevia → V  Varela arela Round Round Brezel Grotesk Grotesk → Work San Sanss Brighton → Cor  Corbe ben n Brix Sans → True  Truen no or Roboto Brotherss → Royals Brother  Royals o  orr Chakra Petch Brown → Campt  Campton on or Popp Poppins ins Brunel → Playfair  Playfair Disp  Display lay Bryant → Han  Hanken ken Round or Nu Nunito nito Buenos Aires → C  Campton ampton or Poppins Poppins Bureau Grotesque Grotesque → Work Sans Burgess → Free  FreeSerif Serif or or Quattroc  Quattrocent ento o



Butler → Butler Bw Gradual → Space Mono Cabin → Cabin Calendas Plus → Calen  Calendas das Plus or EB G EB  Garamond aramond Calibre → Cooper Hewitt or Roboto Roboto Calibri → Carlito or or Lato Lato Calluna → Calluna (reg ular ular weight is free) o free) orr Crimson Tex Textt Calluna Sans → Calluna Sans (reg ular ular weight is free free)) or Alegreya Alegreya Sans Calvert → Sanchez Campton → Campt  Campton on or Popp Poppins ins Canela → Reforma (1918 (1918 variation) or or Marcellus Marcellus Cantarell → C  Cantarell antarell Caponi → Old Standa Standard rd TT Cardo → Cardo  Cardo Carlton → Quattrocen Quattrocento to Caslon → Libre Caslon Caslon or Lusi Lusitana tana Caslon Graphique → G  Grandee randee or  or Playfair  Playfair Display Caxton → Stoke Centimaa M Centim Mono ono → PT  PT Mono Ce Centaur ntaur → C  Card ardo o Centra No2 → Poppi  Poppins ns Ce Cent ntral ral Avenue → Oswald Centur y Old Old Style  Style → Crimson Text Century Schoolbook → T  TeX eX Gyre Gyre Schola Schola o orr Domi Domine ne Century Schoolbook Schoolbook Mo Mono → Cutive Mono Mono Cerebri Sans → Poppins Chalet → DM  DM Sans  Sans



Champion Gothic → League Gothic or Archivo Narrow Chap → Facultad or Yatra One Ch Chap aparral arral → Merr  Merriweather iweather Chapeau → Quicksa  Quicksand nd Cheltenham → Verona Serial (regular (regular weig  weig ht ht is free) or Della Della Respira Chesterfield → Mo  Mops ps Antiqua or Antiqua or Della  Della Respi Respira ra Chiswick Serif → Playfair Displa Displa y Chivo → Ch  Chiv ivo o Chobani Sans Sans → Karla Chobani Serif → Verona Serial Serial (regu (regular lar weight is free) free) or  or Domine Domine Chronicle Display → Playfair Display Display Chronicle Chronic le Text → Lora Cimarron Cima rron → PT Sans Sans Cindie Mono Mono → Sou  Sourc rcee Code Pro Circe → Wo  Work rk Sans Sans Circular → Manrope or DM DM Sans Clarendon → Mu  Munson nson or Dom Domine Clearface Gothic Gothic → Galdeano Cochin → Cardo Colfax → C  Co ooper Hewitt or Roboto or Roboto Columbia Sans Sans → Arya Columbia Titling → Wood Poster Poster Eigh Eightt or Domine Domine Comic Com ic Sans → Dekk  Dekko o Co Compacta mpacta → Press  Pressuru uru or Teko Co Conc ncept ept → Source Serif Serif Pro Consolas → Inconsolata Inconsolata Contax Sans → Contax Sans (reg ular ular and itali italicc are free) or Tenor Tenor Sans



Cooper → Shrikhand Cooper Hewitt → Cooper Hewitt or Roboto Coranto 2 → Neuton  Neuton Cormor Cor moran antt → Cormorant Cortado Corta do Script → Ka Kaushan ushan Script Cotoris Coto ris → Tenor Sans Sans Courier → Courier Prime or C or Cutive utive Mono Courier Prime → Courie  Courierr Prime or Cu Cutive tive Mono Mono Courier Sans → NotCourierS  NotCourierSans ans or R or Roboto oboto Mono Cousine → Cousine Crimson Crim son Text Text → Crimson Text Cubano → Rubik Cutive → Cutive Cutive Mono Mono → Cutive  Cutive M  Mono ono Dala Floda → Butler Sten Stencil cil or Stardos Stencil Stencil Dala Moa → Allerta Stenci Stencill Dala Prisma → Monoton Monoton Damien → PT  PT Serif  Danzza → Glacia  Glaciall Indiff erence erence or Poppins Darby Sans  Sans → Arya David → A  Arimo rimo Dear Sarah → Meddon  Meddon De Decima cima → Tit Titillium illium Web Decima Mono → S  Share hare Tech Tech Mono  Mono DejaVu DejaV uS Serif erif → D  DejaV ejaVu u Serif or Mer erriweather riweather Dia → Sporting Grotesque Grotesque or Work Work Sans Didot → Prata



DIN → OSP DIN or Roboto DIN Mono → Source Code Pro DIN Round Round → Mis  Miso o or Ru Rubik bik Dinamit  → Questr Dinamit  Questrial ial Displace Disp lace → Nova Cut Cut Distillery → Bett  Bett y  y or Milto Miltonia nian n Tattoo Domaine Display → Salome or Ju or Judson dson Domaine Domai ne Sans Sans  → Arya Do Domaine maine Text  Text → Quattrocento Dominee → Domine Domin Droid Sans → D  Droid roid San Sanss Droid Sans Mono → Droid  Droid Sa Sans ns Mono  Mono Droid Serif → Droid Serif  Druk → Archivo Narro Narrow w Drury Lane  Lane → Ovo Eames Century Modern → TeX Gy Gyre re Schola or Domine Domine Eames Century Modern Stencil Stencil → Butle  Butlerr or or Stardos Stencil Stencil Eczar → Eczar Editor → PT Serif  Edmondsans → Work San Sanss Edwardian → TeX G yre Bonum or Qu Quattrocento attrocento Eff rraa → Clear Sans Sans or Cantarell Cantarell Egyptienne Egy ptienne → Domin  Dominee Ehrhardt Ehrh ardt → Fa  Fanw nwood ood Text Text Eksell Display → Bagnard  Bagnard or or Tinos Eldorado → C  Crimson rimson Tex Textt Electra → Teh  Tehuti uti or Fanwoo Fanwood d Text Text



Elementa → Cutive Mono Elena → Merriweather Elephant → BenchNi  BenchNine ne Elmhurst Elmhu rst → Alegrey  Alegreyaa Engravers  → Engr Engravers  Engr y  y or Diplomata SC Engravers Gothic → Qu Questrial estrial Equip → Equip (light (light weight is f rree) ee) or Cabin Equitan S Equitan  Sans ans → Work Sans Erato → Erato (light weig h htt is free) or Crimso Crimson n Text Eskapade → Grenz  Grenzee or No Nova Cut Euclid Flex → Big  Big John  John / Sli Slim m Joe or Poppin Poppinss Europa Eur opa → Montserrat Montserrat Eurostile → Michro  Michrom ma Exchange → Domine Executive → Roboto F Grotesk → Arimo F37 Bella → Abril Fatf ace ace F37 Jan → League Spartan Spartan or Poppins Fabrik Fabr ik → HK Grot Grotesk esk or Karla Facit Fac it → Fira San Sanss Fakt → Co Cooper oper Hewitt or Roboto Falafel Grotesque → Questa Sans (regular Sans (regular weig h ht is t is free) or Work Sans Farnham Farnham  → Sourc  Sourcee Serif Pro FatFrank → Shadow or Rubik Favorit → Liberation  Liberation S San anss or DM DM Sans Sans Favorit Fav orit Mono → Roboto Mono Mono Faunus → Vollkorn



Fedra Mono → Oxygen Mono Fedra Serif → Merriweather Feijoa → Quando Ferry → Rubik Mono On Onee FF Atma Serif  → Libre Baskerville Baskerville FF Bau → Work Sans FF Clan → Titillium  Titillium Web FF Dagny → S  Source ource San Sanss Pro FF Franziska Franziska → Source Serif  Serif   Pro Pro FF Good Headline Headline → Source Sans Sans Pro FF Kievit → Eau Sans or Cab Cabin in FF Kievit Slab Slab → En  Enriq  riq ueta ueta FF Mark → Geo  Geomanist manist or or Poppins Poppins FF Meta Meta → Fira Sans Sans FF Meta Serif Serif → PT Serif  FF Mister K → Reenie Bea Beanie nie FF Olsen Olsen → Mer  Merriw riweather eather FF Oxide → Summit or Teko Teko FF Scala Scala → And  Andad adaa FF Scala Scala Sans → Alegreya Sans Sans FF Super Grotesk Grotesk → Lovelo or Poppins FF Tisa → Merriwe  Merriweat ather her FF Tisa Sans Sans

→ Cabi  Cabin n

FF Unit Slab → Robot  Roboto o Slab Slab Filosofia  → Old Standard Filosofia Standard TT  TT Filson → Pop  Poppi pins ns Financier Display → Playfair Playfair Display Display



Financier Text → Merriweather Fira Sans → Fira Sans Fjalla One One → Fjalla One One Fjord One One → Fjord On Onee Flama  → Roboto Flama Flandria → Born  Born or  or Libre Baske Baskerville rville Flyer → Lea  League gue Spartan or Po Poppins ppins Folio → Nim  Nimbus bus Sans L or Arimo Forma Forma → Mul  Mulii Formula Condensed Condensed → Pressuru  Pressuru or  or Oswald  Oswald Foro → Foro (extralig  (extralig h ht weight t weight is f ree) ree) or Roboto Roboto Slab Fort → Ka  Karla rla Fortescue → Quattr  Quattroc ocento ento Forza → Exo 2 Founders Grotesk Grotesk → Work Sans Sans Founders Grotesk Mono Mono → Inco  Inconsolat nsolataa Fournier → Source Serif Serif Pro Fraktur → Unifraktu  UnifrakturMa rMagu guntia ntia Frauen → Roc  Roche hester ster (script) (script) / Kavivanar (roman) Franklin Frankl in Gothic → Libre Fran Franklin klin Freeland → Againts or Rock Rock Salt Salt Freight Big Big → Play  Playfair fair Display Freight Display Display → Playfair Display Freig h htt Neo → Te Tenor nor San Sanss Freight Sans → Open San Sanss Freight Text → Source Serif Serif Pro Friz Quadrata → Infini or A or Asul sul



FS Emeric → Alegreya Sans Fugue → Karla Fugue Mono Mono → Roboto Mono Funkis → Poppi  Poppins ns Futura → Jos  Jostt or Pop Poppins pins Gabriela Stencil → Bu  Butler tler Stencil Stencil or St or Stardos ardos Stencil Galano Classic → Work Sans Sans Galano Grotesque → Glacial Ind Indiiff erence erence or  or Poppins Galaxie Copernicus Copernicus → S  Source ource Serif Serif Pro Galaxie Polaris → Coope  Cooperr Hewit Hewittt or Roboto Roboto Galliard Galliar d → Card  Cardo o Garage Gothic Gothic → Rubi  Rubik k Garamond Gara mond → EB Gara Garamond Gascogne Gasc ogne → Corben Genath → Crimson  Crimson T  Text ext Gentona → Gentona (extrabold and extrabold extrabold it itali alicc are free) free) or Cantarell Geogrotesque → Norwester  Norwester or  or Armata  Armata Georgia → Neuton Gerbera → Lac  Lack k or Cabin Cabin Gesta → Fira San Sanss Gibson → Eau Sans or Nunito S Nunito Sans ans Gill Gill Facia → Lekea or Q or Quattrocento uattrocento Gill Sans Sans → Cabin Gin → Royals or Ch Chakra akra Petch Ginto → Lack  Lack or Ca Cabin bin Giorgio Sans → League  League Gothic  Gothic o  orr Oswald Glosa Displa y → Playfair Display Display



Glypha → Roboto Slab Google Sans → Manrope or Montserrat Gordita → M  Montserrat ontserrat Gotham → Metropolis or Metropolis or Montser  Montserra ratt Gotham Rounded Rounded → Varela Rou Round nd Gothic 13 → League  League Goth Gothic ic or Archivo Nar Narrow row Gothic 720 720 → Arim  Arimo o Gothic 821 → S  Shadow hadow or Rubik Rubik Gothic Goth ic A1 → Gothic A1 Goudy Old Style  Style → Sorts Mill G Mill Goudy oudy Grad Gra d → Dom  Domin inee Graebenbach → Questa Sans (regular (regular w  weight eight is f ree) ree) or Work Work Sans Granite Grani te → Arvo Granvillee → Arya Granvill Graphik → Cooper Hewitt Hewitt or DM Sans Sans Graphite → K  Kavivanar avivanar Grifinito → Oran  Oranienbau ienbaum m Grifo  → Bagnard or Tinos Grifo Grumpy → Salome or Ram Ramaraja GT America America → Work San Sanss GT America Mono Mono → Robot  Roboto o Mono GT Cinetype Cinetype → Ro  Robo boto to GT Eesti → Montserrat  Montserrat GT Flexa  Flexa → Space Grotesk Grotesk or Space Mono Mono GT Flexa Mono → Space Mon Mono GT Haptik → W Droge Droge or  or Montserrat Montserrat GT Pressura Pressura → Rub  Rubik ik



GT Pressura Mono → Inconsolata GT Sectra → Eczar GT Super → Play  Playfa fair ir Display GT Walsheim Walsheim → Glac  Glacial ial Indi  Indiff erence erence or Poppins Poppins GT Zirkon → W  Work ork Sans Guardian Gua rdian → Source  Source Se  Serif rif Pro Gza → Bagnard or Inknu Inknutt Antiqua Halis Grotesque → Open Sans Halis Rounded  Rounded → Woodf o ord rd Bourne or Lato Lato Halyard → Lib  Libre re Franklin Handsomee → Satisfy Handsom Harbour → Inknut Antiqua Antiqua Harmonia Sans Sans → Nexa or Pop P oppins pins Harriet → Playfair  Playfair Display Hawthorn → Bagnard  Bagnard or  or Ramara  Ramara ja  ja Heimat Sans Sans → R  Rob oboto oto Heimat Stencil Stencil → Allerta Stencil Stencil Heldane Display Display → Co  Corm rmorant orant Heldane Text Text → Cardo Hellenic Wide → Citizen Slab or Stin Stintt Ultra Expanded Expanded Helvetica Helveti ca → Nimbus Sans Sans L  L or Arimo Helvetica Monospaced Monospaced → Roboto  Roboto M  Mono ono Helvetica Neue  Neue → Nim  Nimbus bus Sans L Sans L or Arimo Helvetica Now → Nimbus Sans Sans L  L or Arimo Hera Big Big → Prata Hercules → TeX Gyre Schol Sch olaa or Playfair Display Heroic Condensed → Ost  Ostrich rich Sans or Roboto Condensed Condensed



Highway Gothic → Overpass Hind → Hind Hoboken High High → Chakra Pe Petch tch Hoefler Text → EB Gara Garamond mond Hoefler Titling → EB Gara Garamond mond Hope Sans → Ch  Chivo ivo Hurme Geometric Sans → Ral  Raleway eway IBM Plex Mono Mono → IBM Plex Plex Mono IBM Plex Plex Sans → IBM  IBM Plex Sans Ideal Sans Sans → Lato IM Fell French Canon → IM Fell Frenc French h Canon Canon Impact → Pressuru  Pressuru or Osw Oswald ald Inconsolata Inconso lata → Inconsol  Inconsolat ataa Industry → Arm  Armat ataa Industry Inc Inc → Norwest  Norwester er or Teko Infini → Infi  Infini ni or Asul Inknut Antiqua Antiqua → Inknut Ant Antiqua iqua Input Mono Mono → Rob  Robot oto o Mono Integral CF → Chivo Interstate → Overpass Intro → Museo Sans (500 (500 weight is free) free) or  or Montserrat Montserrat Introspect Introsp ect → Della Respir Respiraa Iosevka Ios evka → Iosevka Italian Old Style → Go  Goudy udy Booklette Bookletterr 1911 ITC American Typewriter Typewriter → Latin Modern Modern Mono  Mono or Cutive Cutive ITC Avant Avant Garde Gothi Gothicc → TeX Gyre Adv Adventor entor or Poppins Poppins ITC Benguiat Benguiat → Della Respir Respiraa



ITC Clearface → Verona Serial (regular weight is free) or Domine ITC Conduit → Dosis ITC Garamond Garamond → E  EB B Garamond ITC Grouch → S  Salome alome or Ramaraja ITC Johnston → Rail  Railway way or Ca Cabin bin ITC Lubalin Graph Graph → Arv  Arvo o ITC Pioneer → Bungee  Bungee Shad Shadee ITC Ronda → Didact Gothic Gothic ITC Serif Gothic → Rig h hteous teous ITC Souvenir → Corb  Corben en  ITC Stepp → TeX Gyre Gyre Bonum or Qu Quattrocento attrocento ITC Tiff any any → Salome  Salome or  or Rama Ramaraja raja ITC Usher Usherwood wood → St  Stoke oke Ivar → D  DM M Serif Di Display splay  JAF Domus Titling Domus Titling → Varela Rou Round nd  JeanLuc → Jea  JeanLuc nLuc o  orr Oswald  Jenna Sue → Jenna Sue or or Shadows Into Lig h htt Tw Two o  J  Jigsaw igsaw → Lat  Lato o  J  Josefin osefin Slab  Slab → Josefin Slab  Jubilat → Domine  Jude → Almendra  Just Lovely Lovely → Qwigl  Qwigley ey Kamerik Kamer ik → Poppin  Poppinss Karlaa → Karla Karl Karnak → Arvo Kepler  → Playfair Display Kepler Display Kicker → Os  Ostrich trich Sans or Ra jd Ra jdhani hani



Knockout → League Gothic or Archivo Narrow Kostic Serif → Libre Baskerville Kuenstler Script → Pinyon  Pinyon S  Script cript Kulturista → R  Roboto oboto Slab Slab L10 → Geoman  Geomanist ist or  or Raleway La Fabriq ue ue → Work Sans Lab Grotesque → Montserra Montserratt Lab Grotesque Mono → Office Code ce Code P  Pro ro or Source Code Code Pro Labil Lab il Grotesk → Arimo Lacrima → Cutive  Cutive Mon  Mono o Lamplig hter hter Scrip Scriptt → Satisfy Laplace Mono → Cutive Mono Mono Lapture  → Almend Lapture  Almendra ra Larish Alte → Young Serif Serif or Vollkorn Larish Neue Neue → Young Seri Seriff or Vollkorn Vollkorn Lars → DM Sa Sans ns Lars Mono → Roboto Mo Mono Larsseit Larss eit → DM Sans Lasiver → Coo  Cooper per Hewitt or Roboto Roboto Lato → Lato Lausanne → Nimb  Nimbus us Sans L or Ari Arimo mo Lava → Merri  Merriwe weather ather Le Jeune Jeune → Prata Le Monde Journal Journal → PT Ser Serif  if  League Gothic → Leag ue ue Got Gothic hic or Arch Archivo ivo Narrow  Narrow Leighton Leighto n → Cabin Leitura Leit ura → PT Serif 



Leitura Display → Playfair Display Leitura News → PT Serif  Lemur Lem ur → Didact Goth Gothic ic Letter Let ter Gothic → Source Code Pro Lettera ettera → Robo  Roboto to Mono Lexia → Crete Round Round Libre Baskerville Baskerville → Libre Bas Baskerville kerville Libre Franklin Franklin → Lib  Libre re Franklin Franklin Life Life → C  Car ardo do Linotype Linoty pe Brew Brewery ery → Asu  Asull Livory → Corben Lodgecode → Spinnak  Spinnaker er Lora → Lora Louize Loui ze → Bell  Bellefair efair Louize Display Display → Bellefair Lovelo → Lovelo or or Josefin Josefin Sans Lucida Grande → Luxi Sans Sans or No Noto to Sans Sans Lusitana → Lusitana Lutz Headline → Robo  Roboto to Lust → Salome or Playfair Display Lydia → Facultad or Yatr or Yatraa One Lydian → Facultad  Facultad or Yatra Yatra One Lyon Display Display → DM Serif Dis Display play Lyon Text → D  DM M Serif Serif Text Mabry → Questa Sans (regular (regular weight weight iiss free) or Work Work Sans MAD Serif → Comp  Computer uter Modern Serif Serif or Domine Madina Script → Againts o Againts orr Qwigley



Maison → Inter UI or Roboto Maison Mono → Inconsolata Maison Neue Neue → Inter UI UI or or Roboto Maiola Maio la → Ale  Alegreya greya Majesti Banner → Salom  Salomee or Pla yf air air Display Display Mallory Mall ory → Lack or Cabin Manuka → League Gothic Gothic or  or Oswald Manus → A  Againts gaints or Rock S Rock Salt alt Maple → Cotham Sans or Wor Work k Sans Marche → Michroma  Michroma Maria → Nim  Nimbu buss Sans L or Arim Arimo o Marian → Nova Cut Marr Sans → Wo  Work rk Sans Sans Martha → Inconsolat  Inconsolataa Mate → Ma  Mate te Medula One → Medul  Medulaa One Meliorr → Lora Melio Memphis → Sanche  Sanchezz Menlo → DejaVu  DejaVu Mon  Mono oo orr Source Code Pro Pro Mercury → Cardo Merkury Mer kury → Quicksand  Quicksand Merriweather Merriweath er → Mer  Merriweath riweather er Messina Sans  Sans → Nimb  Nimbus us Sans  Sans L or Arimo Arimo Messina Sans Mono Mono → Ro  Robo boto to Mon Mono o Metier → Pop  Poppi pins ns Metric → Equip (light weight weight is free) free) or Cabin Cabin Microbrew  → Runaway or Oswald Microbrew



Miller → Playfair Display Mikro → Chakra Petch Minion → Cardo Ministe Mini sterr → Crimso  Crimson n Text Minotaur Min otaur → Com  Comp puter Modern Serif Modern Serif or Domine Minotaur Sans → W  Work ork Sans Sans Miso → Miso or Rubik Mistral → Nothing  Nothing You Co You Could uld Do Moderat → D  DM M Sans Modern 216 → Latin Modern Modern Roman or Playf  Playf air air Display Display Monaco → Share Tech Mono Mono Monospace Monospa ce 821 → Ro  Robo boto to Mono Monosten Mo nosten → Cousine Monotype Mon otype Grotesque → Wo Work rk Sans Montserratt → Montser Montserra  Montserra ratt Monument Grotesk Grotesk → Nimbus Sans L or or Arimo Morion → Bagnard or Inknut Antiqua Antiqua MPI Sardis → Facultad or Yatra Yatra One  One Mr Eaves Modern Modern → J  Jos osefin efin Sans Mr Eaves Eaves Sans → Cabin Mramor → Junge Mrs Eaves  Eaves → Libr  Libree B Baskerville askerville MTT Milano → Arca Majora Majora or or Josefin Josefin Sans  Sans Muli Mu li → Muli Museo Sans → Mu  Museo seo Sans (50 ( 500 0 weight is free) or Montse Mon tserrat rrat Museo Slab → Museo Slab (500 (500 weight is weight is free)  free) or Roboto Roboto Slab MVB Solano Gothic → League  League Go Gothi thicc or Teko Teko



MVB Solitaire → Open Sans Myriad → Agané or Open Sans Nantes Nantes → Playfair Display Display Nashville → Prata Prata National Natio nal → Work Sans National 2 → Work Sans Sans NB Akademie Akademie → Arim  Arimo o NB International International → Ari  Arim mo NB International International Mono → Rob  Robot oto o Mono Neographik Neogra phik → A  Anton nton Neue Droschke → Mar  Market ket Deco o Deco orr Poiret One Neue Haas Grotesk Grotesk → Nimb  Nimbus us Sans L or Arim Arimo o Neue Haas Unica → Nimbus Sans Sans L L or  or Arimo Neue Swift → A  Amethys methysta ta Neusa → Teko  Teko Neuton → Neuton Neutraface → Josefi  Josefin n Sans Neutral Neut ral → Nimbus Sans L o L orr Arimo Neuzeit → Mon  Montse tserrat rrat Nevis → Nevis or Montserrat Montserrat New Caledonia Caledonia → Playfair Display Display New Rocker Rocker → New Rocker News Cycle → News Cycle Newzald  → Neuton Newzald Nexa → Montre  Montreal al or Monts Montserrat errat Nexa Rust → Bernie  Bernierr or Montser Montserrat rat Nimbus Roman → Nimbus  Nimbus Roman Roman or Tinos



Nimbus Sans → Nimbus Sans L or Arimo Nitti → NotCourierSans or Cousine Nitti Grotesk Grotesk → Wo  Work rk Sans  Sans Niveau Niv eau Grote Grotesk sk  → Raleway Nobel → Lovel  Lovelo o or Josefin S Josefin Sans ans Nocturno → Pesaro (lig ht ht weig h ht is t is free) or Ovo Noe Display Display → Bagnard or PT PT Serif  Noe Text → PT Serif  Serif  Northwell → Againts  Againts or  or Qwi Qwigley gley Notable → Notable  Notable NotCourierSans → No  NotCouri tCourier erSans Sans or Cousine Noto Not o Sans → Noto Sans Novecento Sans  Sans → Novec  Novecen ento to Sans (wide styles are free) or Montserrat Montse rrat Nowie Vremena → Overp  Overpas asss Nudista → Roboto Nuckle Nuck le → Arimo NY Irvin Irvin → Verona Serial Serial (regular  (regular weight is free) or Limelight Obsidian → Salom  Salomee or Playfair Playfair Display OCR B → Source Co Code de Pro Office Code Pro → Office Code Code Pro or Source Source Code Code Pro Ogg → Jung e Ohm → M  Monoton onoton Old Standard Standard TT → Old Sta Standard ndard TT Omnes → V  Varela arela Round Round Open Sans Sans → Open Open Sans Operator → Victor Mono or Ubuntu Ubuntu Mono Opposit → S  Savate avate or Prompt Prompt



Optima → URW Classico or Belleza Orelo → Tenor Sans Orpheus → Cinzel  Cinzel Ostia Antica → W  Work ork San Sanss Oswald → Osw  Oswal ald d Outag e → Norwe  Norwest ster er or Rajdhani Overpass Mono → Over  Overpa pass ss Mono P22 Underground  Underground → Railway or or Cabin  Cabin Pacific Northwest Letters → Su  Sunday nday o  orr Loved by the the King  Pakenham → Pakenham (regular (regular weig ht ht is is free) or Rubik Rubik Palatino → Crimson  Crimson Te Text xt Panama → Cutive Mono Mono Pano → Prompt  Prompt Patron  → Roboto Patron Pegasus → Amethysta Amethysta Peggs → Latin Modern Modern Mono or Mono or Cutive  Cutive Peignot → Federo  Federo Peristyle → Tenor San Sanss Perpetuaa → Lustr Perpetu  Lustria ia Pica 10 Pitch Pitch → Cutiv  Cutivee Mono Piek → Slabo 27px 27px Pirata Pira ta One → Pirata One One Pitch Pitc h → Cutive Mono Pitch Sans → Cou  Courier rier Prim Prime Sans or Cous Cousine ine Plaid → Arch  Archivo ivo Black Black Plain → Roboto Plak → R  Rubik ubik



Plan Grotesque → Chivo Plan Grotesque Stencil → Allerta Stencil Plantin → Crimson Text Text Platform → Geomanist or Poppi Poppins ns Playfairr Display → Pla yf air Playfai air Display Pluto Sans Sans → Montserr  Montserrat at PMN Caecilia Caecilia → En Enriqueta riqueta Ponaa → Lora Pon Po Poppins ppins → Pop  Poppins Populaire → Amatic SC SC Portrait → Bagnard or or EB Garam Garamond ond Post Grotesk → Work Sans Sans Poynter Serif → Cri  Crimson mson Te  Text xt Poynings  → Stardos Stencil Poynings Stencil Pragmatica  → Nimbus Sa Pragmatica Sans ns L or Arimo Pragmatica Slab Slab → Rob  Robot oto o Slab Prata Pra ta → Prata Prensa Pren sa → Mate Prenton → C  Cabin abin Presicav → Questria  Questriall Programm → FreeU  FreeUniversal niversal or Arimo Programme → Mo  Montser ntserra ratt Prophet → Fac  Facultad ultad or Yatra O Yatra One ne Proto Grotesk  Grotesk → IBM Plex Plex S Sans ans Proxima Nova → Metropolis or Montserrat Proxima Nova Nova Soft → V  Varela arela Round Proza Libre → Proza  Proza L  Libre ibre



PT Sans → PT Sans PT Serif → PT Serif  Publico → Playf air air Displ Display ay Px Grotesk Grotesk → Dark  Darker er Grotesque Quadraat → Cri  Crim mson Text Quarto → Cardo  Cardo Questa → Questa (regular weight is fr is free) ee) or Old Standard Standard TT Questa Sans → Questa Sans (regular (regular weight is free) free) or  or Work Sans Work Sans Questrial Ques trial → Questrial  Questrial Quick → De  Devonshire vonshire Quicksand Quicksa nd → Quicksand Radikal → Ikaros or Poppin Poppinss Raisonne → W Droge Droge or Poppins Rajdhanii → Raj Rajdhan  Rajdh dhani ani Raleway → Raleway Rando → DM Serif Displa Displa y Ratio → Alegrey  Alegreyaa S Sans ans Reader Read er → Ka  Karla rla Realtime Rounded Rounded → Cou  Cousi sine ne Recoleta → Corb  Corben en Recta → Cooper Hewitt Hewitt or Ro Roboto boto Refrig erator erator Deluxe → Aldrich Re Regu gular lar → D  Darker arker Grotesque Relative → Rubik Relative Faux → Aha  Ahamono mono or IBM IBM Plex  Plex Mono Relative Mono → A  Ahamono hamono or or IBM IBM Plex Mono Remi → PT Mono Mono



Replica → Rubik Replica Mono → NotCourierSans or Roboto Mono Revisal → Open Open Sans Riccione → Free  FreeSerif Serif or Tin Tinos os Rift → Norwester or Te Teko ko Ringside → Work Sans Roboto → R  Roboto oboto Roboto Condensed Condensed → Roboto Conde Condensed nsed Roboto Mono → Robo  Roboto to Mono  Mono Roboto Slab → Ro  Roboto boto Sla Slab b Roc Grotesk  Grotesk → Work Sans Sans Rockwell Roc kwell → Sa  Sanc nchez hez Romain → Pla yfair Display Romana → Grand  Grandee ee or Ram Ramaraja Roobert → Darker Gro Grotesque tesque Rooney Roon ey → Fjo  Fjord rd One Rooney Sans → A  Asa sap p Roslindale → Gran  Grandee dee or Ram Ramaraja Rothenburg Rothenbu rg → Nova Cut Cut Rubik Rubi k → Rubik Sabon → Crimson Text Text Sackers Sack ers Gothic → Quest  Questria riall Sailec → D  DM M Sans Sainte Colombe Colombe → Lus  Lustri triaa San Francisco → Int  Inter er UI or Roboto Roboto Sanchez Sanch ez → San  Sanch chez ez SangBleu Empire → Libre Caslon Caslon Displa Displa y or Crimson Crimson Text



SangBleu King → Junge SangBleu Sans → Arya Saol Display → A  Antic ntic Didon Didonee Saol Text → Antic  Antic Di  Didone done Satyr → Vollkor  Vollkorn n Savate  → Savate Savate Schear Grotesk → League Gothic Gothic or Oswald Oswald Schneidler → Buenard  Buenard Schynder → Pla yfa  yfair ir Display Scotch Modern → Old Standar Standard d TT Scout → Ro  Roboto boto Scto Grotesk → Nimbus  Nimbus Sans Sans L  L or Arimo Selador → Fac  Facultad ultad or Yatra Yatra One One Self Modern Modern → Gil  Gilda da Display Selfie → Nickainl  Nickainley ey Script or Sacrament Sacramento o Sentinel → Munson or Dom Domine ine Separat  → Reglo Separat  Reglo o  orr Rubik Seravek Sera vek → Source  Source Sa  Sans ns Pro Serrano → Lato Shadows Into Light → Shadow  Shadowss Into Into Light Sharp Grotesk → Kon  Konstant stant Grotes Grotesk k or Work Sans Sharp Sans → Leagu  Leaguee Spartan or or Poppins Poppins Shift → Cuti  Cutive ve Sign Painter → Rochester Rochester Signalist → Kaus  Kaushan han Scr Script ipt Simple → Sh  Share are Tech Mono Mono Simplon Simpl on → Roboto



Simplon Mono → Roboto Mono Sina Nova → Sina Nova (regular weight is free) or Merriweather Siri → Source Sa Sans ns Pro Skolar → So  Source urce Serif Pro Pro SM Maxeville Maxeville → Arim  Arimo o Sneak Sneak → Arimo Sofia → Sofi  Sofiaa (light weight weight is free) or Poppins Söhne → Ro  Robo boto to Soleil → Ilisarniq  or  or Mo Montserrat ntserrat SoLow → V  VT3 T323 23 Sorts Mill Goudy → Sorts Mill Mill Goudy Source Code Pro → Source Cod Codee Pro Source Sans Pro Pro → Source Sans Sans Pro  Pro Source Serif Pro Pro → Source Ser Serif if Pro Space Grotesk Grotesk → Space Grot Grotesk esk or Space M Mon ono o Space Mono → Space Mon Mono o Sparkle Script → Sacram  Sacramen ento to Spectral Spectral → Spectral Spinnaker Spin naker → Spinnak  Spinnaker er Sporting Grotesque → Sporting  Grotesqu  Grotesquee or Work Work Sans Stag → Aleo  Aleo o  orr Bitter Standard CT → Cooper  Cooper Hewit  Hewittt or or Arimo Stanley → Happ y Times Times at the IKOB or Tinos Stardos Stencil → St  Stardos ardos Stencil Stencil Steinbeck → Work Sans Strangelovee → Am Strangelov  Amat atic ic SC Stratos → Manr  Manrope ope or  or DM  DM Sans



Stratum 2 → Armata Studio Pro → FreeUniversal or Arimo Styrene → C  Campton ampton or Po Poppins ppins Suisse International International → FreeUniversa  FreeUniversall or or Arimo Suisse Suis se International Mono Mono → Roboto Mono Suissee Neue  Suiss Neue → Tinos Suisse Works → FreeSer FreeSerif if or Tinos Sunday Sunday Clarendon → C  Chu hunk nk or Ultra Superior Title → Salom  Salomee or Playfai Playfairr Displa y Superstudio → Quick  Quicksa sand nd Supria Sans → Cotham Sans Sans or Work Work Sans Sans Surt Surt → Nimbus San Sanss L or Arimo Surveyor → Be  Bent ntham ham Suti → Cou  Courg  rg ette ette Sweet Sans  Sans → Questria  Questriall Swiss 721 → Nimbus Sans L Sans L or Arimo Syne → Syne  Syne or  or Poppins Poppins Tablet Gothic → Tab  Tablet let Got Gothic hic or Archivo Narrow Narrow Tacite → J  Jun unge ge Tangier → Great Vibes Termina → Pro  Prompt Terminal Grotesque Grotesque → Terminal Grotesq  Grotesq ue ue or VT3 VT323 23 Text → UnifrakturC  UnifrakturCoo ook k Texta → Trueno or Nunito Sans Sans Thirsty Script Rough Rough → Intro Rust Script or Gra Grand nd Hotel Th Thee Stroke Sans → Kav  Kaviva ivanar nar Theinhardtt → Sour Theinhard  Source ce Sans  Sans Pro



Throhand → Cormorant Garamond Tiempos Fine → DM Serif Display Tiempos Headline Headline → DM Serif  Display  Display Tiempos Text → DM Serif Serif Text Tilda → Nicka  Nickainley inley Script or Pinyon Pinyon Scr  Script ipt Tilde → Metropol  Metropolis is or Mo Montserrat Times New Roman Roman → FreeSerif or or Tinos Titling Gothic → Lea  League gue Gothic Gothic or or Archivo Nar Narrow row Today Sans Today  Sans → Alegre ya  ya Sans  Sans Torque → Quantico Trade Gothic → Ar  Arch chivo ivo Narrow Tramuntana Tramun tana → PT Ser Serif  if  Transport → Overpass Traulhaa → Junge Traulh Trend → Sa  Sanchez nchez Trim Poster → J  Jockey ockey One One Trio Grotesk Grotesk → Rubik Trivia Serif → Playfair Display Display True North → Monthoers  Monthoers or Sacramento Sacramento Trump Soft → Oswa  Oswald ld TT Commons → Manrope or or DM DM Sans Tungsten → Nor  Norw wester or Teko Tungsten Rounded Tungsten  Rounded → Miso or or Rubik Tusarr → C Tusa  Can antata tata One Twentieth Twentie th Centu Century ry → Jost or Poppins Poppins Typ14511 → Quicksan Typ145  Quicksand d Typonine Stencil Typonine  Stencil → Stardos Stencil Stencil



U8 → Montserrat Uber Move → Raleway Unica77 → Nimbus Sans Sans L or A or Arimo rimo Univers → FreeU  FreeUniversal niversal or Arimo Arimo Untitled Sans Sans → Nimb  Nimbus us Sans L or Arimo Untitled Serif → So  Source urce Seri Seriff Pro URW Antiqua Antiqua → Do Domine mine URW Classico → UR  URW W Classic Classico o or Belleza URW Grotesk → Paneuro  Paneuropa pa Neue  Neue or Poppins Poppins Utopia → PT Serif  Valuee Sans  Valu Sans → Glacial Indiff erence erence or Poppins Value Serif → You  Young ng Serif or Caud Caudex ex Valterr → Itali Valte  Italian anaa Vanitas → Tenor  Tenor San Sanss Varela Round Round → Varela Rou Round nd Vaud → W  Work ork Sans Sans Veneer → Bernie  Bernierr or Oswa Oswald ld Venetian Ven etian 301 → C  Cardo ardo Venus → Questa Sans Sans (regular (regular weight weight is free) or Work Work Sans Sans Verdana → PT Sans Verlag Verl ag → Lovelo or Jo or Josefin sefin Sans Ve Verona rona → Della Res Respira pira Vesterbro → Sa  Salome lome or Ramaraj Ramarajaa Vinter Vin ter → Italiana Visby CF → Glacial Indiff erence rence or Poppins Vista Sans Vista  Sans → Fira Fira Sans Visuelt → Arimo Arimo



Vitesse → Roboto Slab Vollkorn → Vollkorn Voyager → Paneuropa Neue or Poppins VUCA → Moderne Sans or Muli Vwk Mono → Overpass Mono Walfork → Poppins Warnock → Amethysta Weiss → Stoke Whitney → Source Sans Pro Wigrum → Campt  Campton on or Popp Poppins ins Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch Gotisch → U  Unif  nif rrakturMa akturMaguntia guntia Williams Caslon Text → Libre  Libre Cas Caslo lon n or Lusitana Lusitana Windsor Wind sor → Della Re Respira spira Woodkit → Holtwoo  Holtwood d One SC Work Sans → Work Sans Sans Wremena → Wremen  Wremenaa or or Tinos Young Serif → Yo  Young ung Serif  or Caudex  or Caudex Zenon → Alegrey  Alegreyaa Ziggurat → Chunk or Ultra Zimmer Zim mer → R  Rob oboto oto



The 10 Best Serif + Sans-Serif  Font Combinations on Google Fonts With over 800 font families available on Google Fonts, it can be a chal challenge lenge finding serifs and sans-seri sans-serifs fs that complement each other. A font used for setting body copy copy,, whether a serif or sans-serif, must meet certain criteria: it must include regular, italic, bold and bold italic styles and it must render well on screen at smaller sizes, meaning it should have low to moderate stroke contrast, large counters, open apertures and an adequate x-height. Each body copy font in the following list meets this criteria and includes a companion font that harmonizes nicely with it.



1) Playfair Display + Fira Sans Sans is a humanist design, drawing its shapes from Erik Spiekermann’s Fira Sans is Spiekermann’s famous FF Meta. On first glance it might not be an obvious choice to pair with Playfair Display Display,, which clearly has more of a Modern/geometric Modern/ geometric influence. However However,, on closer examination you can see that the basic shapes of both typefaces are quite similar with short descenders, slightly condensed letterforms and a large x-height.



 2) Domine + Open Sans Sans is an extremely popular font on the web but, surprisingly Open Sans is surprisingly,, I don’t think I’ve ever encountered it paired with Domine Domine.. The two typefaces harmonize beautifully together. Notice the marked similarities of the “g” glyphs—other than the ear and slightly higher stroke contrast of Domine, the shapes are nearly identical. Both typefaces share similar large x-heights x-heights and as well as spacious counters.



3) Alegreya Sans + Alegreya  Alegreya Alegreya and  and its sans-serif counterpart, Alegreya Sans Sans,, are among the most seldom used Google Fonts but that should really change as they are among the highest quality free fonts available. Both the serif and sans-serif version are built from the same calligraphic, humanist skeleton and share many of the same design details, such as the detached arm and leg on the “k”.



4) Montserrat + Arvo Arvo Arvo is  is a geometric slab serif that includes italics and renders surprisingly well at smaller sizes—this sizes—this makes it a perfectly viable option for setting body copy. copy. Both Arvo and the sans-serif Montserrat Montserrat are  are derived from geometric shapes (notice how the “o “o”” glyphs are nearly perfect circles) and both have a stoutness to them that gives them a similar strong and sturdy appearance.



5) Source Serif Pro + Source Sans Pro Pro unfortunately does not contain italics (they are currently in the works) so that rules it Source Serif Pro unfortunately out for setting body copy, however, it still makes an excellent serif for headlines. Source Sans Pro Pro is  is an ideal sans-serif for setting body copy with its large x-height and open apertures. Both the serif and sansserif designs feature the same slightly condensed proportions that naturally harmonize.



6) Neuton + Lato I would classify Lato Lato as  as a “neo-humanist” design—its open apertures and subtly rounded corners give it a contemporary feel. Neuton, Neuton, although displaying ample evidence of the humanist pen, features many contemporary characteristics as well, such as a large x-height. Both typefaces feature similar large apertures—notice apertures —notice the extremely large opening in both of the “c” characters below.



7) Merriweather Sans + Merriweather Merriweather Merriweather Merriweather is  is one of my favorite serifs for setting body copy as it’ it ’s one of the few serifs available on Google Fonts that fall into the “contemporary” serif category. Contemporary serifs have large x-heights, low stroke contrast and open apertures which make them ideal for reading on screen. Merriweather Sans shares Sans  shares these details and features the same slightly condensed letterforms as Merriweather Merriweather..



8) Rosario + Crimson Text Old Style serifs such as Crimson Text Text are  are sometimes classified as “humanist” serifs, as their shapes are derived from handwritten forms. They tend to harmonize well with humanist sans-serifs as both show Rosario,, with its subtly flared terminals and flowing italics, influence from a pen held in the hand. Rosario harmonizes well with the similar humanist characteristics of Crimson Text.



9) Varela Round + Lora  Round and Lora Varela Round and Lora both  both have a warmth and friendliness to them that makes them an excellent pair pair.. The warmth of Varela Round comes from its soft, rounded corners and a similar feeling is derived from Lora with its open apertures and curvy curvy,, flowing italics. The ball terminals of L Lora ora (see the “a” and “g”) harmonize nicely with the rounded terminals of Var Varela ela Round.



10) Roboto Slab + Roboto Slab is another font that doesn’t seem to be used very much, which is a shame because it’ Roboto Slab is it ’s one of the best slabs on Google Fonts. Roboto Slab and Roboto Roboto both  both share similar geometric skeletons skeletons—you —you can see in the image below that the lowercase “g” characters are nearly identical between the slab serif and sans-serif versions, making them excellent companions.



The 40 Best Free Fonts That Aren’t on Google Google F Fonts onts Google Fonts off ers ers a huge collection of free, open-source open-source fonts, howe however, ver, there are many excellent free fonts that aren’t available on Google’s service. The following pages contain the 40 best, in my opinion. For free fonts that are on Google Fonts, check out this list of the 40 best Google Fonts on Fonts on Typewolf.



1) Young Serif  Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP. ZIP.



 2) Metropolis Available in nine weights with matching italics. Free for personal and a nd commercial use. Download ZIP. ZIP.



3) Salome Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use (although you have to pay with a share on social media). Download here. here.



4) Syne ZIP.. Available in five styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP



5) Wremena  here.. Available in three weights. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here



6) Glacial Indiff erence erence Available in three styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP. ZIP.



7) Reforma  here.. Available in 18 styles. Free for personal and commercial use (with attribution). Download here



8) Butler Available in seven weights with both normal and stencil variations. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here. here.



9) Infini ZIP.. Available in three styles. Free for personal and commercial use (with attribution). Download ZIP



10) Bluu Next Available in two styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP. ZIP.



11) Cooper Hewitt ZIP.. Available in seven weights with matching italics. Free for personal p ersonal and commercial use. Download ZIP



12) Anderson Grotesk  here.. Available in nine styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here



13) Facultad Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here. here.



14) Born Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here. here.



15) Inter UI ZIP.. Available in six weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP



16) Bagnard Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP. ZIP.



17) Space Grotesk  Available in five weights. Free for personal and ccommercial ommercial use. Download ZIP ZIP..



18) Summit Available in five weights with 10 layering styles for each weight. Free for personal and commercial c ommercial use. here.. Download here



19) Wonder Unit Sans Available in eight weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP. ZIP.



 20) Sometype Mono Available in three weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP ZIP..



 21) Sporting Grotesque Available in two weights. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP ZIP..



 22) Manrope Available in seven weights. Free for personal and ccommercial ommercial use. Download ZIP ZIP..



 23) Cotham Sans Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP. ZIP.



 24) HK Grotesk  Available in five weights with matching italics. Free for personal p ersonal and commercial use. Download ZIP ZIP..



 25) League Spartan Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP. ZIP.



 26) Lunchtype Available in 12 styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP ZIP..



 27) Inria Sans Available in three weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP ZIP..



 28) League Gothic Gothic Available in four styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP ZIP..



 29) Lack  Available in four styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP ZIP..



30) Grenze Available in nine weights with matching italics. Free for personal and a nd commercial use. Download ZIP. ZIP.



31) Gidole Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP. ZIP.



32) Ilisarniq Available in five weights with matching italics. Free for personal p ersonal and commercial use. Download here here..



33) Fivo Sans Available in seven weights with matching italics. Free for personal p ersonal and commercial use. Download ZIP ZIP..



34) Minipax Available in four weights. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP ZIP..



35) Eau Sans Available in three weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here here..



36) Courier Prime Available in two weights with matching italics. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP ZIP..



37) Clear Sans Available in eight styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP ZIP..



38) Built Titling  Available in five weights with matching italics. Free for personal p ersonal and commercial use. Download here here..



39) Morganite Available in nine weights with matching italics. Free for personal and a nd commercial use. Download here. here.



40) Faune Available in six styles. Free for personal and commercial use (with attribution). Download ZIP ZIP..



The 10 Best Free “Hipster” Fonts How did the hipster burn his tongue? He drank his coff ee ee before it was was cool. This is a trendy style of design that everyone knows and finding fonts that work in this context can be tough. The following are my 10 favorites.



1) Sunday  Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here. here.



 2) Bernier Available in three styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here. here.



3) Betty  Available in two styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here. here.



4) Royals Available in four styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here here..



5) Norwester Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download ZIP. ZIP.



6) Bushcraft Available in three styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here. here.



7) Veneer Extras Available in two styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here. here.



8) Silverfake Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here. here.



9) Kino 40 Available in a single style. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here. here.



10) Cymbria  Available in six styles. Free for personal and commercial use. Download here here..


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