The Deeper Meaning of Everything

May 12, 2017 | Author: mcdozer | Category: N/A
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Descripción: Is there a meaning to everything, or are we just here by coincidence? Although this study only begin...


The Deeper Meaning of Everything A Never-Ending Study

M. T. Vessel

Only in the natural may we see the supernatural, and vice versa. A bird could not exist without God, and through its existence proclaims God's. Not even a sparrow, we are told, can fall to the ground without causing God concern; all the material universe is, as it were, a message in code from God, which mystics, artists and scientists strive to crack, sometimes with a measure of success, but to which Christ provides the key. (Malcolm Muggerdge, “Jesus Rediscovered”)

Contents: 01 Introduction: The Discovery of Meaning 02 The Big Lie 03 Lighten Up 04 The Big Family 05 Mom 06 Dad 07 Yum 08 Take a Breath 09 Good Day Sunshine 10 Bro, Sis 11 Brother Ass 12 Come Back to Your Senses 13 Starry, Starry Night 14 Information Everywhere 15 Communication is the Name of the Game 16 Mary Had a Little Lamb 17 Ask 18 Listen 19 The Heart of the Matter 20 What's in a Name 21 Mistakes: The Meaning of Life 22 Puters R Us 23 What’s Up? 24 Showbiz Vs. One-on-one 25 Look 26 The Spice o' Life 27 Breaking Laws 28 The Other Side 29 When Things Don't Work Out 30 Dreams & Visions 31 Money and Other Currencies 32 Off to School 33 Relationships 34 Opposites Attract 35 Off to Work 36 Role Reversal 37 The Art of War 38 Calamities 39 The End of the Road 40 Coming Home

The Beginning (Not an Introduction): The Discovery of Meaning “I did not know I had a soul. Then the God in a wise heart drew me out of nothingness with cords of human love and the life belt of language, and lo, I found myself.” (--Helen Keller) If you're anywhere near as impatient as I am, you might be prone to skip this chapter if I call it "Introduction," so, let's just call it The Beginning. First of all, I'll have to state the following: I am no more of a writer than Don Quixote was a knight, but I think that everyone ought to be handing down some of the things he’s learned in life to whoever is interested, even though this kind of legacy has become somewhat extinct in an age when TV, the Internet and glossy magazines already tell our kids everything they’re “supposed to know.” Maybe I'm just one of those dreamers, dreaming an impossible dream, although I'd like to term it differently: I'm a believer. I have been a believer since I was 13 years old, but I didn't really believe what I wanted to believe, that which my spiritual teacher told me, namely, that I was able to personally hear the voice of God - until 27 years later. I had experienced and felt God's Spirit on occasions, felt that exuberant joy and the "peace that passeth understanding" the Bible talks about and had an above-average knowledge of the Bible, having memorized many Scriptures. I had, perhaps, above-average faith, and yet that faith never extended to the point where I was able to believe that God would reach out to Me, care about and address me personally, until I was 40 years old. Until then, I had merely been "going through the motions" of believing, as I'm sure is the case with millions of other believers. We "believe" in God, our mind acknowledges that He is there - somewhere "out there," perhaps even in us to some extent, but we don't allow ourselves to experience His total and absolute realness, the fullness of His Presence. We're not aware of the fact that, as one of my favorite "heroes of the pen," Richard Rohr put it, "if God is real at all, then He's as real now as in any other moment," He's as close as He will ever be. It's just that we are not aware of it - of Him. He continually proves to us with every miraculous breath we take (for granted), and every golden ray of sunlight, enabling us to continue living for another moment, and another, and another, that He loves us, approves of us, and despite our obliviousness of His Presence, provides for us everything we need, causes His sun to shine and His rain to fall "on the evil and on the good," on believer and unbeliever alike, and only few of us ever stop to acknowledge this great love, pause for a moment in all our feverish activity, and thank Him for it. The worst part about all of this is that the meaning of life, of everything, eludes us every moment and every day, and we run through life like deaf and blind children, clueless as to what life may possibly be all about until the moment we seek our Creator and ask Him in simple, childlike faith, to reveal that purpose to us, and boy, are we ever surprised then to find out just how willing He has been all along to reveal, and reveal, and reveal ever more. I'm a follower of a Man Who, during His lifetime was labeled a heretic, and like many other "heretics," died the death of one. He prophesied that those who followed Him would enjoy the same sort of reputation, and thus, I am also a follower of the teachings of a man who was and probably still is being labeled (and libeled) as one of the most dangerous heretics of the 20th century by the establishment: David Brandt Berg (1919-1994), in his earliest teachings, which he published in epistles called MO-Letters (for during that time, in the early 70s, he called himself Moses David), related some of the fundamental lessons of life from very simple little things, such as the way grains of dust can scintillate in a few rays of sunlight ("Diamonds of Dust"), or that God never does things in a hurry ("Squeeze, Don't Jerk!"), or that God is like the sunlight, spiritually, and that just as without the light of the sun no growth and life and nourishment on earth is possible, so spiritual life is impossible without God's truth and love ("Sex Works"), and yes, shame over his head and all those of his lustful followers, including myself, he even taught that God had invented sex in order to illustrate what He wants our relationship with Him to be like. You can see why he and his movement are still treated as heretics to this day. Being suddenly (or gradually) made aware of the fact that everything in life makes sense and has a purpose, contrary to what Evolution teaches us, namely that everything is meaningless, since everything just came into being by accident - no Planner, no plan - can transform a life in ways comparable to what happened in Helen Keller's life, who - though she was deaf and blind - came to perceive many things that most of us who can both

hear and see with our physical sense, never grasp in a lifetime. No wonder Jesus called Himself the light of the world. Without the light, there is nothing to be seen. He also called Himself the Truth. Recognizing the truth in life, in a world that seems to be governed by people and principles apparently utterly alienated from such a concept as truth, is radical and revolutionary. - And not very popular. For many people it's just too simple. They live by the rule, "Why make it easy, if you can make it complicated?" The fact that Jesus used parables a lot in His teachings should already teach us something. David Berg taught that all of Jesus' parables had to be actual events (being the Son of an omniscient Father, and being the "I Am" of old should make this quite possible), otherwise whenever He said, "it came to pass..." or "it happened," it would not have been true. If Jesus' prarables are based on actual events, and He used those events and incidents and actual experiences of people to teach all of us, then we should stay on the lookout for the educational value in the events and incidents of our own lives every day. When something happens, we should turn to God and ask Him, "what are You trying to teach me through this?" We've got to shed the mindset that we're too small, too unimportant for God that He would even bother about us. He does care, and nothing is too small for Him. In fact, there are oodles of things He would like to teach us everyday, if we would only have the faith to believe that, and consequently open our spiritual senses to perceive those lessons in life. God is not "out there." He's right here, and He's been there all the time, endlessly giving us signs of His Presence, of His tender love and care, which we stubbornly keep ignoring and keep explaining away - or they're being "explained away" for us. But once we open our eyes to see those signs, all of a sudden everything begins to make sense. Even a life that may have been in total chaos thus far, suddenly obtains meaning... and I know what I'm talking about. It's hard to know what to believe these days. We claim to know so much, we see so much, we hear so much, but it all doesn't seem to make sense, even in our oh-so sophisticated world with all our technological advances. There are some who seem to be on our side, and yet some of the things they do don't "compute," they don't make sense. If those claiming to give purpose and meaning to our lives, fail to really do so, if they confuse us only more by what they teach us as facts, then everything becomes meaningless, & we can't cope with life anymore. We seek to drown out the meaninglessness of it all somehow, be it through alcohol, drugs, or some other addiction to one of the perfectly "normal" insanities available to us today. But there is, in fact, (of this I'm becoming more and more convinced every day) a meaning to everything. All the numerous things we constantly take for granted as meaningless coincidences, every acquaintance, every event, every little and however apparently trivial encounter and experience bears a meaning and a message for us from our Creator, if we care to see it. I was inspired to write this book by a heavenly message I received two days after viewing the old, black and white, 1962 movie "The Miracle Worker" about the remarkable difference the discovery of meaning made in young deaf and blind Helen Keller's life, when her teacher, Ann Sullivan, finally managed to break through to her and convey to her the concept and fact that everything has a name: "water", "ground", "stairs", "teacher"... Everything and everyone has a name, a word for it, the meaning of which refers to the thing or person it names, and the mere discovery of that simple fact changed Helen Keller's life from a meaningless, animal-like existence to a life-long adventure of learning, of facing and mastering challenges, and caused her to eventually become a greater visionary than many of her seeing and hearing contemporaries. Although she wasn't ever able to hear or see physically (as far as I know), she became able to see the meaning of all things, the handwriting of God in everything, and I (among others) have been charged with the task of making others - anyone of the countless millions of spiritually blind and deaf who might stumble across these rantings and ravings of mine - aware of the existence of meaning, the meaning of everything, or the fact that everything means something. There are so many people living meaningless lives, simply oblivious to the fact that there is a meaning and a higher purpose to their lives, and I want to do at least whatever little I can in order to make a difference and somehow reverse that process, and even if only in a single life, it will have been worth it. By no means is this book any attempt to explain every aspect of the meaning of life, but rather a mere attempt to help anyone who hasn't yet done so, discover that there is in fact a meaning to life, and to give a few hints and shoves in the directions where to find it. The details everybody has to find out for themselves through the

principal tool and grand frame of it all, which is their personal communication with God, the art of hearing and seeing Him in everything. I'm just showing you how to open up your eyes and ears. Of course, I'm not going to fully cover every aspect of "the meaning of everything," since the world couldn't hold all the books that would have to be written in order to do that. But I'm just going to lightly touch on some of the basic aspects of God's handwriting in our lives, in hopes that the one or the other reader may hit his forehead and gasp, "Of course! It's so simple. Why didn't I see that before?" In fact, shocked by the dull and plump way my words come across when I go over them, endlessly lacking the perfection I'd desire, failing pitifully to convey what I originally may have intended, I must view this project more like an ongoing study and a prolonged investigation into the purpose of life, which might possibly go on for quite a few years... perhaps forever. All I can do is invite anyone interested to join me in my studies and share what I discover as I go. Maybe the one or the other may even have something helpful to contribute... One of the reasons why I thought that perhaps some folks might appreciate this book or study, is that nobody ever told me where to spot God in the simple truths of life, and certainly nobody in the churches did. One of the saddest facts that in my view seem to make these simple truths a necessary reminder to a lot of us, is that they simply don't seem to be part of the repertory of those who ought to proclaim them, and I doubt if most of those who ought to be, are aware of them. The problem was addressed by Jesus 2000 years ago, when He said about the religious leaders of His day, that they were blind guides of the blind. Some of the truths of God observable in creation are simply not being perceived as such by the clergy, and sometimes even portrayed as the opposite. Take, for instance, the physical union between a woman and a man, considered by most honest people to be one of the most beautiful gifts this life has to offer, and yet often - and for centuries - decried as "sin" or "sinful" by Western religious leaders, while on the other hand condoning atrocities clearly defying God's commandments of love, like war, or racism, and even "ethnic cleansing" as "Christian" and "the proper way" throughout history. Religious leaders are the first to decry the world's saviors as menaces of society, and the first to accuse them to the Pilates of all ages, while they will tell their sheep to follow whichever villain happens to be in power, just because the Bible says in one place that we are to obey the powers that be. But there's no mention of the repeated fact that we are to obey God rather than men! If the good things and people are called bad, and vice versa, then who is going to tell people the truth? If the religious leaders aren't doing the job, then God is going to raise Himself other voices, and usually, He doesn't take His pick from among the rich and famous establishment. His favorite pick throughout the ages have been nobodies who didn't have anything to lose, so they were free enough to spread His message and change the world. Doubtlessly, there are those who won't have a need of this book whatsoever, because they're already familiar with the concepts of God, and already fluent at reading His language, His "code" all around us. Maybe I can just add a little assurance to their hearts that they are not alone, but that God is communicating with millions everywhere. In fact, with anyone willing to listen. I'm also convinced that the issues covered in this book have in large part been common knowledge to Godfearing people for thousands of years, but that knowledge has become somewhat of a lost art, buried under the debris of our modern, technology-oriented culture, where we don't learn as much from nature anymore, simply because there isn't that much of it around in our man-made environment. And we don't make an effort to see God in all things anymore because we are being taught that He doesn't exist. Common sense isn't all that common anymore, nowadays, and there are a lot of confused people out there who haven't even yet begun to grasp even the basics of what life is all about. The advantage of keeping this book as a free e-book first of all frees me from any potential feelings of guilt for having made you pay for a book you might consider rubbish, from any hassles with editors who might not agree with me, enabling me to publish it right now, even if it may not be perfectly done yet, and to keep adding new ideas and inspirations to it. Furthermore, you might find the embedded links not only helpful, but also enriching, adding an extra dimension that a normal book couldn't, since they will take you to websites, songs, blogs and prophecy excerpts relevant to the subject you happen to be reading on that would have not been not made so easily available in a regular printed book. They should somehow make it more alive and give it a new multi-media slant that is unique to online publications. You'll be taken immediately to the source of any quoted shred of wisdom, thus giving credit where it is due. (Heavenly input on “The Discovery of Meaning”)

The Big Lie “My darkness has been filled with the light of intelligence, and behold, the outer day-lit world was stumbling and groping in social blindness.” (-- Helen Keller) The problem with spiritually blind people is that they usually think they can see. One factor that shows, however, how blatantly many people actually do refuse to see the facts and reality is their vehement defiance of the observation mankind has made from the beginning. Science is supposed to be based on observations, and yet probably the bulk of Western scientists are currently denying the existence of one of the very basic observations ever made, replacing it with a fairy tale: the observation that never in the history of mankind has there been any process or force known to bring forth information from matter without an intelligent author. Our children are daily taught that all the encoded information in every living cell (plus the devices to decode the information that are already present) was supposed to have come about by itself, contrary to the lack of any experience or observation ever made that would confirm it. Evolutionists claim that random chance, given billions of years would have managed to come up with any amount of information, but that is pure assumption at best, because we haven’t observed ay tiny shred of information come to pass without an author yet. Even the vocal champion of atheists, “Richard Dawkins” remains silent when confronted with the challenge to prove one example of information springing up from lifeless matter, and concludes that the probably only possible alternative to an all-powerful Creator is that aliens planted their “seeds” on our planet, which caused life as we know it to come forth. However, if serious scientists dare to insinuate that indeed an intelligent Designer must have been involved in the process of life coming forth, they lose their jobs, as Ben Stein brought out in his documentary, “Expelled! No Intelligence allowed!” One of the fundamental problems with telling physically seeing and hearing people that they fail to see the spiritual meaning of things is that they usually don't even realize that something is wrong, or that anything should not be the way it's supposed to be. After all, as long as they successfully manage to feed, clothe and transport the outer shell of their beings, their bodies, from A to B, then what could possibly be lacking? As long as the universal religion of Coincidence and Accidentalism (the belief that everything originates from a series of innumerable random events in Space gazillions of years ago) works for them and successfully enables them to put food in their mouths and shoes on their feet, a remote control and a can of beer in their hands, what on earth could anyone have the audacity to say should still be missing in their lives? Nobody wants to be told that they are spiritually deaf and blind. Nobody, except those who want the truth, that is. And those are the only ones who stand the chance of healing. Jesus made it very clear that He did not come to save the just and righteous (or those who thought they were), since they obviously didn't need His Salvation, just like "the healthy don't need the doctor, but the sick do," and thus He came "to call sinners to repentance." Repentance is a word that originates in the Greek word "metanoia," which means a change of mind, a "turnaround," a "U-turn," a radical change of one's way of thinking and perception. He illustrated this change as something as drastic as being "born again," and that's precisely what happens when someone allows God to touch them and reveal to them the meaning of everything. It puts the spark back into life that was there when we were young children; the curiosity about everything, the hunger for life, until it was stilled (or should I say "killed"?) by the cold, factual, rational explanations of everything, the Big Lie of Meaninglessness: "Nothing whatsoever has a meaning, because we're all just results of a series of "accidents" in Space called the Big Bang, resulting in another series of (innumerable) "coincidences" on earth called Evolution." We are nothing more than an evolved bunch of creeping mass from primordial soup, some original slime pit from which we came, and spiritually, some of us have never left that place. The truth is exactly what we - in the majority of cases - don't want. We don't want to hear it. It's too "esoteric" for the Christians, and too "Christian" for the rest of the biased world. It's too "open" for the fundamentalists and too "narrow-minded" for the liberals or the disciples of "anything goes" philosophies. It simply doesn’t fit into our pre-fabbed & self-construed box of our personal views on everything. The truth is, usually, just like God (see Jn. 14:6), the totally Other.

That's why it's so easy for the Devil to sell us his lies: that we evolved out of nothing by pure coincidence; that neither he, nor God exist, or "everybody has their own truth" - everything is relative & there are no absolutes. No more "pearl of great price" to search for, just fabricate your own, cheap, counterfeit pearls, a dime a dozen. It's true that circumstances influence and shape us, but they did not create us. There is such a thing as microevolution, our adaptability and ability to "blend in" or "bend with the wind," resulting in a polar bear's warmer fur and his skills to catch fish or seals, because that's what he needs where he lives. But it's ridiculous to say "coincidence did it all." God wants us to learn from our circumstances & from the things that happen to us, from the adversities we face, or He watches how we even handle affluence, ease and plenty. About the dumbest thing we could possibly do is shrug it all off, ignoring any possibility of purpose to it all & say, "Nah, it doesn't mean anything, 'cause we're all just monkeys of coincidence anyway." If that's what we believe, then it becomes true for us: nothing has a meaning, life doesn't make sense, and we have basically become that descendant of a monkey we believe to be. When I look around me in this nation whose people were once famous for their intellect, that's what I see: a bunch of Neanderthalers whose IQ has dwindled according to the percentage of alcohol in the beverages they're addicted to in order to make them forget where they're coming from; 21-year-olds half as smart as they were at the age of 10, because they were brainwashed by their teachers and televisions to believe that all they amount to is a slightly more sophisticated ape-man on the road to nowhere. The beginning of recognizing the meaning of everything is admittance to the fact that we have been lied to. Massively. On a scale far beyond our imagination. According to the motto, "If you are going to tell people a lie, make it such a big lie, that they would never assume that anyone would have the audacity to tell such a big lie, if it weren't the truth." That has been the Devil's motto since the very beginning (adopted by many of his spiritual heirs). Yes, ladies and gentlemen, there is, in fact a Devil. If there is a God Who has an all-powerful Son Whom He sent to earth, and if we are to believe any of the records of this event (although the other side is working hard on undermining those records, pushing them into the category of myths and fairy-tales), then there is also a Devil. He has been there right from the beginning, according to the Book of Genesis. He was still around thousands of years later, as we find out in the Book of Job, causing the poor fellow a lot of (seemingly meaningless) discomfort, trouble and pain, and he was certainly around in Jesus' day, where we find him tempting the Son of God personally with "all the riches of the world," because, as he says, they were given into his hands. The Bible goes on to call him "the god of this world," who appears as "an angel of light," Jesus calls him, "the father of lies," and in the Book of Revelation we find him finally taking control over the entire planet in human form for the last 3½ years of man's pitiful history before the true King of Earth finally returns and puts an end to all this apparent meaninglessness to establish His everlasting Kingdom - on Earth. If you hear people talking about "the New World Order," then you can be pretty sure that that's what they're talking about: Satan's kingdom on earth to come, the final years of this System, the era of the results of man's choice to believe him, rather than God. The Devil's temptations have always sounded more appealing to most people than the truth of God, and most of us have fallen for them. The result is what you see on the news every evening, and, no, it's not going to get any better by itself, as much as you may wish for it, close your eyes and hope all the trouble will just go away. First there has to be a significant change happening in the hearts of men, a willingness to see, to learn, to understand, to hear what God, not the Devil, has to say. It's hard to see the sense of all of it. It's very much like the movie "Signs" with Mel Gibson. I'll be talking a lot about movies, because movies – though, of course, only a small percentage of what’s out there - can also be part of the signs, the coded messages through which God speaks to us. Yes, God uses people to communicate with people. Sometimes they're prophets, sometimes they're priests, but more often than not, nowadays He's had to resort to film makers, book authors, songwriters and the likes. If everything has a meaning, then that's because God can and will use anything. He will convey His message to you through a mud worm, if that's what He chooses to communicate to you. Of course, you still have to be willing and ready - and perhaps humble enough - to see what He's trying to show you. In the movie "Signs" one sits through an apparently meaningless series of events for a good hour and a half. I was shaking my head nearly all the way through, thinking this was certainly the silliest movie I had ever spent money on watching, when all of a sudden, in the last 10 or 15 minutes, everything - every seemingly little event of the previous occurrences - falls into place, makes perfect sense and turns out to have been important preparation for that one decisive moment where all the information you received until then, (which you were

unable to process because it didn't make sense to you), is precisely what you need to defeat the Enemy in your life and give you victory. That's how many people's lives are. Another, much more slow-moving film which illustrates how an apparently meaningless life can all of a sudden start making perfect sense, even if just in the last few weeks (or hours, minutes or seconds) of it, is "Life as a House." You can make peace with God and everyone else even in the last moments of your life, it is never too late to come to the right conclusions, and it is never too late for love. It is never too late to say "yes" to God, "I want to see You, I want to hear what You have to say." Although it's probably preferable to pay attention to Him a little earlier than that... (Heavenly input on “The Big Lie”)

Lighten Up Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? I was like that ship ... without compass or sounding line, and no way of knowing how near the harbor was. "Light! Give me light!" was the wordless cry of my soul, and the light of love shone on me in that very hour. (-- Helen Keller) If the Lie can be compared to the darkness, then the truth, most certainly stands for light. From the moment we're born and come into "the light of the world," the truth is evident, that the light is there, all around us, not by coincidence, but by God's infinite care and provision for us, although despicably taken for granted by most of us, with the exception of those who know or have known blindness. Only having been in darkness should help us to appreciate the light as we should. According to the Bible, light was the first thing God created, right after the heaven and the earth. Apparently there had to be the space first, plus the object and main objective of purpose for the light: the earth. We are the target of the light of God's truth. We are the ones He wants to shine upon and enlighten. Apparently, the light itself is invisible. It only becomes visible by the reflection of the innumerable particles it comes in contact with. By itself, the light is useless. God needs us. Too bad most of us don't care. Certainly, a whole book could be written on the marvel of light itself, and there probably have been. Let's not forget what it stands for. Jesus called Himself the Light of the World, "the True Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world" (John 1:9). Apparently, there will come a time when even the blindest of the blind, those who simply don't want to see, will come to the Light. But there is a phenomenon every human being perceives even before we ever see the light of the world, and even before the light was created, the heaven and the earth were awed by the sound of the powerful words that brought it into being: "Let there be light." Even if we can't see yet, and even if we dwell in darkness, there is still a chance that we can hear. Maybe if we refuse to see or acknowledge the Light, at least we will acknowledge the whispers of God's voice tugging on our heart strings, assuring us that He is there, He's in control, He's the Maker. Just as certain as we know and perceive that we are, because we can feel the touch of our Creator and His loving care for us from the womb, His caring, protective, original environment created for us, and we later learn to discern and differentiate the different smells and tastes of life, like the manifold influences we are to encounter in our lives, bitter or sweet, pleasant or sour. (See also the section on the attempt of a spiritual interpretation of our five senses in the chapter “Brother Ass”). The "knowledge" and perception of our existence and everything around us is determined by the manifold bits of information we process via the receptor of our being, announcing that adventurous trip called life. (Heavenly input on “Light”)

The Big Family “When indeed shall we learn that we are all related one to the other, that we are all members of one body?” (H.K.) If you start to think about it, it’s not much of a wonder so many of us can’t help but think sometimes that perhaps God is just a little bit nuts, or at least wonder whether there might not have been a “nicer” way to do it: The first couple of years of our lives we’re not only desperately helpless and utterly dependent on our parents for the intake of nutrition that is expedient for our survival, but much of that time is spent by them disposing of and cleaning us of our own waste. That’s an embarrassing fact about basic human reality that has been steadily going on for thousands of years (and way before “Pampers” and disposable diapers, that is). If Evolution is a fact, so far it hasn’t cooked up anything to help us out of that misery… Perhaps this is the greatest single metaphor in nature that describes God’s love for us: We are totally useless, helpless, noisy and dirty creatures for those first years of our lives, and yet our parents eke out love for us sufficient to help us make it out of that period alive and well… God is shouting out His message of love and of the meaning of all things to us permanently, clearly visible in His handiwork, His creation. To deny the signs of His existence is like the scene in the film "Bruce Almighty" where Bruce cruises around in his car asking God to give him “a sign, just any old sign,” while all around him there are signs and signals flashing of "Warning!," "Stop!" "Danger Ahead," but he never even sees them. Life is all about seeing the signs God is flashing at us constantly and all over the place. Most of His signs and the major chunk of His message to us is a message of His love and care for us. People are always blaming Him for their own atrocities, they blame all the wars they fight on Him, as if He was the one slinging the guns. Or they blame Him for natural disasters or accidents... Yet they never stop to give Him the credit for any of the good things He permanently does for us. We're going to get into the catastrophes later, but since they're a bit harder to understand, let's start with the simple stuff, that every child can understand. After all, Jesus said that unless we would become like children, we would not see the Kingdom of God. The only way to receive, to perceive, to grasp God's Kingdom, is through the simple, believing and receiving eyes of a child. No matter how mature, how grown-up we have become or think we are, most of us are actually a lot like children. Children can't help but be primarily concerned about themselves. It seems to be part of the nature and process of discovering the world and life going on around them, that they see themselves as the center of everything, so they are primarily concerned with their own well-being. As babies, they let everybody know when they're hungry or in pain, and as they get older, they will equally insistently let us know what they want or if they're bored or will continuously try to suck information out of us that concerns them, like "how long is it still going to take" until you have arrived at a certain destination when you travel somewhere, etc. (Most) grown-ups have learned to simply take things. We know that we'll get there when we get there. We have also learned in some ways to be considerate of those around us and their needs, because we've experienced that the repercussions can be unpleasant when we're not. Children are usually constantly in "consumer mode." They're interested in what you've got for them, what you can give them, and if you've got nothing to give, you're not interesting. Upon closer inspection of ourselves, we only differ from children in that aspect on the surface. Underneath that thin veneer of etiquette, we are often just as selfish, or as self-oriented as they are, and true maturity has only taken place when we have learned to truly give unselfishly, which we will cover in the chapter about relationships, because for starters, and for (spiritual) infants, that subject is terribly boring. The concept of family is one that God tries to drive home to us throughout His creation: of two make three. It always takes a male and a female to create offspring, and thus, family. When it comes to the Family of God, or what the Catholic Church has referred to as the Holy Trinity, some people have problems trying to picture how that’s supposed to work. “How can there be three separate Entities, and yet be One?” Water is one example: It consists of the same, basic stuff, namely the water molecule, known as H2o (2 atoms of helium, and 1 of oxygen), but it is know in three different forms: liquid, solid (ice) and as a gas (vapor).

In our physical world, things seem to be separated by limits, borders, conditions and circumstances, although, when one takes a closer look, everything consists of molecules with a lot more empty space between the atoms than the space that matter actually occupies. Once we begin to understand that things basically aren’t all that different from each others as they seem (since they all consist of the same basic building blocks of the universe), we can also begin to imagine a World in which things are truly connected. We communicate with physically audible or visible (written) words, but we’re beginning to catch glimpses of different concepts of communication, for which physical means won’t be necessary anymore, such as telepathy. In order to facilitate things, let’s just say that God, along with presumably the entire rest of the population of the Spirit World, is capable of telepathy, enabling us to communicate with Him not only via audible words, but also unspoken prayers. Of the same token we can safely assume that words are not needed for any members of the heavenly “Royal” Family of Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to communicate with each other. Imagining the concept of wordless communication is perhaps one step closer to understanding what it means to be separate entities, and yet “one.”

(Heavenly input on “God’s Family”)

Mom “Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow.” (-H.K.) So, let's start right here, at the very basics and the simple foundations of our lives. Imagine you just arrived on planet earth as a baby. What is usually the first pleasant thing we perceive when we enter this world as human beings (after the traumatic experience of birth, not to mention that slap on our butts)? What is the beginning of God's message of love to us, when we are born into this world? The first source of love and comfort for probably the vast majority of all humans in the beginning stages of their lives is doubtlessly their mother. Things may change drastically later on in life and many events may unfold that may put huge gaps between those primary love experiences with one's mother, but that is the beginning for most of us. We find nourishment, shelter and warmth as newborn babies at our mother's breast. When I was a young boy of maybe 5, I often had the sensation of a vacuum in my mouth, and I was wondering what on earth that could mean. I was certain that by the time I had figured that mystery out, I was going to have discovered the essentials of life. Years later I actually stumbled across the solving of this mystery in a publication by David Brandt Berg, the spiritual teacher and founder of what I would call the radical Christian movement "The Family Intl." (also previously known as "The Children of God") entitled "Faith." The pamphlet had on its cover the picture of a baby sucking on his mother's breast, and the author went on to tell us that this is what faith is like: faith is like the vacuum a baby creates in its mouth when it draws milk from his mother's breast. When we draw "milk" - meaning wisdom, and the living words of God, the direction we need for life from our "heavenly Mother," we are being filled with His Holy Spirit and receive divine direction, guidance and inspiration. Unfortunately, way too many Christian stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the fact that when God created the first two people in His image, He created them male and female. They insist that Heaven is run by three Bachelors commandeering the angels around: God, the Father, God the Son, and God, the "Uncle" Holy Spirit. This is precisely what I refer to as "blindness" of those who claim to see. All throughout His creation, God, as the basis for all life, has ordained male and female to result in fruit by their union, and yet our religious leaders want to continue telling us that God is running His Family by 3 guys only? Thankfully, there are those who are open enough and attuned enough to the Holy Spirit to be able to perceive the senselessness in denying the message God has written all over creation since the beginning of time. Just like every (healthy or complete) human family consists of a mother and a father, and their union results in a child, so it can also only be with our Heavenly Family, if, after all, we are made in Their image. We doubtlessly have God the Father, and we have God the Son, but who's to say that the third Figure of the Holy Trinity is supposed to be masculine as well? Wouldn't we consider it slightly strange - to say the least - if a child were raised by two bachelors?

Couldn't the reason why the Holy Spirit is always named last when the Holy Trinity is being named, ("in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost"), stem from the Jewish custom which had the son rank above his mother or elder sisters? In the 8th chapter of the book of Proverbs we find the description of the Spirit of Wisdom, and totally contrary to Jewish custom, we find that Spirit described with female attributes. I'm not going to get into this any further, since it's everyone's free choice whether they want to believe in a male Trinity or recognize that with every human family since Adam and Eve, God has given us an example of what He and His motherly Holy Spirit are like. Many people resent God because of His supposedly "bossy" and "macho" nature: the tough Dude Who runs everything. How much easier it would be for many to accept Him, look up to Him, if they weren't denied the possibility that God is not only our heavenly Father, but thankfully, our heavenly Mother, as well. That's why there is such wonderful comfort in God's promise we find in the Psalms: "When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will lift me up." Not as an incomplete substitute family consisting of a single, male parent, nor as a superlative version of "Three Men And A Baby," but as a full-fledged Family, consisting of Mother, Father, older Brother, and all. So, the first lesson in this discovery of the meaning of everything is this: Isn't it wonderful to know that we have a heavenly Mother, as well? In their need for that spiritual mother figure, people have had to come up with make-shift solutions, and since they weren't allowed to see the Holy Spirit as a mother figure (for whatever reason - perhaps it was safer to have men in control of spiritual matters), they idolized Jesus' mother Mary instead, and virtually made a goddess out of her: a supposed sinless woman who never had sex in her life (as if sex and sin were one and the same), remaining a virgin for the rest of her life (poor Joseph!) although the Bible clearly states that Jesus had brothers! (Heavenly input on The Holy Spirit)

Dad “It's wonderful to climb the liquid mountains of the sky. Behind me and before me is God and I have no fears.” – H.K. When it comes to the father figure, most of us seem to have a lot more problems. Until about a century ago, children would work side by side with their parents in the fields, or at whatever the family's trade was, and young people still knew who their parents were, both, their mother and father, and they also knew who they were. They were a necessary part in keeping their family going, keeping it alive, they knew their worth, and consequently they didn't have many of the current identity problems young people have to face in today's "enlightened" society. A father-son relationship may not have always been problem-free, but at least there was such a thing as a relationship. One thing I have learned through my interactions and communications with the Lord is that He faces a lot of the same problems in His role of our heavenly Father, which we face as human fathers with our children. One problem both, our heavenly Father and earthly fathers have in common is, for instance, that children often have totally distorted views and pictures of their fathers in their minds. Often we associate our fathers with images of discipline and harshness, and often there is some fear attached with all that. Likewise we often think of God as the big, stern Ogre in the sky who shakes His head and frowns at us: "No, don't do this and don't do that, and above all: thou shalt not have fun of whatsoever kind!" - When that is the farthest thing from the truth! God loves us and wants for us to enjoy life. He loves to enjoy our company, our communications with Him, and is eagerly willing to respond to both in ways beyond imagination. The problem is that both God and earthly fathers have the same handicap: the same forces that are trying to sow disunity between humans are also feverishly at work trying to destroy and prevent any loving relationships between humans and their heavenly Father. In other words: fathers, both earthly and heavenly are being lied about. Of course, in the case of earthly fathers this doesn't apply if the father happens to be on "the other side." The Devil won't go about slandering anyone who is working for his side. But suffice it to say that a lot of the friction that exists between children and their parents and between humans in general, is artificially and purposely generated by unseen forces at work.

Unfortunately, the gift of "seeing" does not only reveal pretty things. This apparent "blaming the Devil for everything" view is not going to go over well with disciples of Nietzsche and the likes, since fear of the Devil has caused them to come up with some very clever-sounding efforts to explain him away and claim he doesn't exist. But just as you can see God's handwriting in everything, if you're not blind, so one will unfortunately also recognize His enemy's in this world, and saying "there is no such thing," no matter how many times, will still not turn it into a fact. There are, of course, other reasons why there are frictions between fathers and their children, often based on actual failure on behalf of the parent, but we'll cover this topic later on in "the other side," our dealings with what we call bad or evil, including our mistakes. The cool thing about God, our heavenly Father, is that He doesn't make mistakes. In this case, it's usually we ourselves who make the mistake in assuming we're smarter than Him. More on the parallels between our father/child relations and our relationship with Him in a later chapter, when we’ll be ready for the role reversal and will have matured enough to become parents of our own… (Heavenly input on God the Father)

Yum “What we have once enjoyed we can never lose.” - H.K. After "Mom & Dad," the ones responsible for our coming into this world, probably the next striking thing that positively impresses us most is food. We already mentioned the original nourishment a baby receives from his mother, and while every day most of us tend to take what we eat for granted, food is a wonderful token of God's love for us, and symbolizes and describes the meaning of something that will probably go on forever, even after our present bodies will have been long gone. In his epistles, the apostle Peter describes the Word of God as milk for babies, which we should desire, so that by taking it in, we would grow. Likewise, Jesus referred to Himself as the Bread of Life and stunned His disciples by saying that they would have no part in Him unless they would eat His body and drink His blood. That wasn't a very reasonable thing to say to people of a culture in which cannibalism of any kind was a no-no, and drinking blood was against their law. Again, only a few chosen ones were able to see the actually quite obvious, yet hidden, deeper meaning in Jesus' words; and when those who had not understood had left Him and He asked His disciples, "Do you also want to go away?," again it was Peter who answered, "Lord, where should we go? You have words of eternal life." He apparently got the point that what Jesus was saying was already part of that nourishment he would describe decades later in the epistle quoted above. It was spiritual nourishment, alright, just like many things Jesus said had to be applied in the spiritual. It was useless to apply it in the carnal. Jesus kept emphasizing that the spirit was much more important than the flesh (John 6:63). You can feed your body your whole life long, but if you have starved your soul in the process, than you've missed something. Once you have set your priorities straight, though, and have put spiritual things in the place where they belong, namely, according to God's Word (since He is a Spirit - John 4:24, see also Matthew 6:33) first, then God is even willing to give us anything our bodies need, without having to slave away for it, just as He continually feeds and clothes all His creatures under the sky. Would He not do the same for us? So, the preoccupation with food describes a recurring dilemma: we often take the manifestations of God's love and make a god out of them. Be it food, toys, TV, cars, sex... anything. We have a talent for making a god out of anything we want or like; stubbornly refusing to give thanks to the One Who provided each of them for us in the first place. We get totally enrolled in caring for our bodies, the mere shells of our true selves, and our life becomes an ongoing episode of keeping that shell operating, often oblivious to the fact that there is a part of us which, like our bodies, also needs nourishment, and likewise oblivious to the fact that our Creator has just as abundantly supplied food for our souls as He did for our bodies.

The evolution of the average Western diet and our eating habits is a silent but blatant testimony to the kind of progress mankind is making generally, and just because we indulge in ever greater quantities and varieties of delicacies doesn’t necessarily signify uphill progress. The concept that less is sometimes more is alien to most of us, and we automatically think that just because life or opportunity hands us all those goodies, we have to take them and stuff ourselves with them, instead of being wise enough to say, “No, thanks,” every once in a while. What an accurate metaphor of our spiritual appetite! While we have achieved to create every conceivable flavor and aroma artificially to trick our taste buds into assuming we must already be in paradise, the consequences of the counterfeit paradise we’re enjoying, and the bitter reality is seen in Western health statistics. As everything else in the physical world, our obesity and pampered eating habits are also illustrations of our spiritual shape. We think we have to indulge in everything yummy life hands us, and likewise we avail ourselves of every itching doctrine that tickles our ears, any philosophy that makes us feel good, anything that caters to our spiritual appetites and cravings for a sweet and easy-to-consume diet, and we’d rather have an abundant meal wrapped in plastic, à la McDonalds, than the natural foods life would hand us, along with some of the bitter herbs that come along with it and would sometimes be much better for us. We avoid and shun the bitter, less savory lessons from the Book of Life, try to ignore them best we can, and focus on the lighter diet of the comedian side of life, when a well-balanced diet of all flavors life has to offer would be best for us. We prefer it sweet ’n’ easy. The result is the probably spiritually sickest generation of all times, that at the same time fools itself into believing that it’s also the most advanced, most progressed and most “developed” of all. Perhaps we sometimes have a tendency to “over-develop” things, if our development means that we have to take all the healthy, howbeit slightly less addictive ingredients out of our diets, both spiritual and physical. Although I have collected the lessons I have personally been able to glean not from the Book of Life, but from the Bible elsewhere, let me just mention here the story of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, four Israelite friend of royal blood who were carried away captive to the court of Babylon in the 6 th century before Christ, as told in the first chapter of the Book of Daniel: They refused to eat of the food and certainly abundant and exotic varieties they were offered, which came from the king’s table, but insisted instead to live only on bread and water and told their superior that if they would not look healthier than all the rest of the captives at the court (who ate the king’s food), they would also eat of it after a week, but they did, and were this allowed to introduce their own kosher cuisine to Babylon and determine their own diet. People shun the tough and comparatively “boring” bread and water diet of God’s Word as straight from the Bible, because they have all these nice and easy interpretations made up for them by preachers, philosophers and writers, but sometimes the key to get back to an all-round healthy life-style would be a back-to-the-basics diet, both spiritual and physical. Maybe this conglomeration of relatively simple and straight-forward thoughts and lessons will manage to whet your appetite for it. One factor we should mention here is that just as with many other things we sometimes only begin to appreciate when they are taken away from us, the unprecedented abundant supply of food we've been enjoying during the past 4 decades probably cannot continue forever. A fact many people are oblivious to is that despite our present abundance, there is still a larger amount of people starving each day than during any other period in history. Is this God's fault? Is He stuffing the ones and depriving the others? Or is it perhaps our own greed, the selfishness and lack of love on which our System is built, that makes food so scarce for some and too abundant for others, to the point of waste? Before Ann Sullivan came into Helen Keller's life, her way of supplying nourishment for her body (according to the movie) was by going around her family's dinner table, groping around and grabbing from each plate whatever she could find and stuffing it in her mouth. The Discovery of the meaning of things led her to not only acquire manners, but later also to give spiritual food and nourishment to others. One of our purposes in life is not only to feed ourselves and care for ourselves, not even only for our own family members, but for any needy member of our big human family. After all, we all have the same greatgreat-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather.

(No, it was not an ape-man, his name was Adam. Probably the most perfect man who ever lived, since he was the spitting image of God.) That leads us to our next discovery: our brothers and sisters. (Heavenly input on Soul Food)

Take a Breath “I believe that life is given us so that we may grow in love, and I believe that God is in me as the sun is in the color and fragrance of a flower.” – H.K. But before we get into this, I need to get back to something touched on in the introduction, which in "order of appearance" of God's largely unrecognized blessings in our lives even precedes food, or contact with our Father: oxygen. One way in which God most vividly illustrates His invisible Being, His omnipresence, and our utmost dependence on Him, is air. Whole books could be written on this subject alone, as I'm sure there are, not to mention the songs written on the subject, scientific articles, etc. One of the greatest farces of the dogma of Evolution is that its defenders would have us believe that the organ which makes breathing possible should have "evolved" out of something more primitive. The problem with this assumption is that just like many of our other organs and body functions, (like our liver, our eyes, our blood circuit, etc.) our lungs would have never been in functional in any state prior to their complete form, and would have thus been rejected by "nature" as useless. One may be able to live on half a lung, but never on a half-developed lung, at least not in an environment in which life is based on oxygen intake. The other "miracle" related to air that agnostic scientists would have us believe in, is that the perfect constitution of oxygen should have also come into being by pure coincidence. What a great god Coincidence must be. He performed more miracles than they would ever give the God of the Bible credit for! If you consider what oxygen can do for you, it's quite a miraculous little brew, that we so devastatingly take for granted and apparently seek to eliminate at all costs with the pollution we let loose on the air or on our lungs in our attempts to make more money, get us faster from A to B or give us a temporary kick by inhaling the smoke of some burned substance. We're really some strange creatures. (Heavenly Input On Air:)

Good Day Sunshine “Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” – H. K. Although not always perceived as such in early infancy, equally necessary for our survival, and similarly taken for granted by some, is another "thing" God created and placed in plain view of all of us for at least a large part of our 24 hour days, depending on the season and place we live in, is the sun. Some love it, some can't stand it, but one thing is certain, without it, none of us would be here. How truly these same features can also be attributed to God. Some love Him, some can't stand Him, yet without Him, none of us would be here, whether we believe it or not. He's the Source of love and warmth that makes everything grow, thus He's the Source of all nourishment, of all life. So, along with water, which in the Scriptures is likened to the Word of God, and the air, which we need to inhale like His Spirit in order to keep us alive, the sun - the big ball of fire that provides us with warmth and light, is what keeps us - the earth - alive and producing fruit? - Some producing only little fruit, some a lot. And when someone produces a lot of fruit, then you get brothers and sisters. According to St. Francis of Assissi, the sun, the air and all things created were related to each other, "brothers and sisters," since all things come from the same Father : "Brother Sun, Sister Moon, Brother Wind, Sister Air, etc." Those who go through life with their eyes open can see the concept of the universal Family in all living things.

As with every facet of God's creation, one mistake that humanity has made in respect to the sun is that we haven't been able to resist the temptation to worship creation rather than the Creator. Thus it has been the case that from the cradle of civilization and Egypt's Pharaohs down to supposedly serious scientists of the 21st century, there have always been folks who have mistakenly worshiped the sun, rather than its Creator. I've heard scientists seriously proclaim that, should there ever be any such thing as a god, it would have to be the sun, since thanks to it there is life on this planet at all. While that is true, there are other factors without which life on earth wouldn't be possible, and the sun alone wouldn't do. It's that refusal to recognize anything beyond the scope of the physical, and beyond the scope of that which eludes the scope of our personal experience (or willingness to experience it) that I'm trying to address especially in this book. Unfortunately, there aren't only positive aspects of the sun, as thousands of skin cancer victims have had to experience, as well as countless inhabitants of once fertile areas that have been dried up and turned into deserts sometimes within decades of their life-times. As with so many other good things in creation, the sun is only to be enjoyed with moderation and within certain limits. Otherwise it can turn out to be a ferocious adversary. I think it's no coincidence that Lucifer, the great imitator and counterfeiter of God has chosen the sun as his own symbol, as those who know about the true nature of masonry and other secret societies can tell from the symbolism on such societies' flags, banners and emblems. The sun is just a perfect example of a perfectly great creation of God that can turn into something evil when used for purposes less than benign, or outside of the limitations of God's will and His rules He laid down for us. Anything good can be turned into bad, if not enjoyed within moderation or when worshiped and idolized, consumed in excess or out of obsession, be it food, sex, money, money, work, sports, or even sunshine. Currently, in spiritual terms, most of the world is observing the phenomenon of sunlight, but without ever recognizing the source of those rays. They realize that sunshine is what brings life and fruit and happiness, but only a relative minority is willing to recognize the Source of that light. It's as if they're trying to chase and catch rays of sunshine in buckets and fill their lives with it somehow, instead of turning to the infinite Source of sunshine itself, namely God, our spiritual Sun. The Hollywood version of love that most of us have been drilled into accepting as "that thing called love" is unfortunately only a rather poor counterfeit of the Real Thing: it's like trying to catch bucketfuls of sunshine instead of turning toward the God Whom the Bible calls Love (1John 4:8). Like the sun, God's version of love is ever giving, ever caring and bringing forth life and growth, while our comparatively pitiful human version is geared so much to our own personal desires and happiness. The only way to really attain happiness is by allowing the Great Teacher to show us to love the way God does, which is the role that Jesus plays. He came to teach us how to live unselfishly and pour out His life for others in order to make them happy. Now, not many people associate being hung on a cross as the grand finale of such a glorious life with happiness, but that's only because they are being deceived by the appearance of things. It was no accident that Jesus was crucified, nor a terrible thing to happen because something went wrong, and like some even have the audacity to say, the proof that Jesus failed. Nothing could be further from the truth. Through His death, announced and prophesied in the stars since the beginning of history, Jesus reversed the curse of death that lay upon mankind as result of our disobedience (I'm saying "ours" because none of us would have done better than Adam and Eve), and became the ultimate Victor over all things through His sacrifice, a glory that is yet in an altogether higher category than happiness. But if it's happiness you want, stop chasing that sunshine by the bucketsful and just turn towards the Son, the Teacher, Who alone can show us how to really love unselfishly. Whatever else you may pursue in life: fame, fortune, or success in worldly terms, will only turn out to have been a rather poor substitute of this greatest of all Causes which any human being can choose as their own. That's the path we're all called to walk, but alas, few have chosen it. (Heavenly Input on Sunshine:)

Bro, Sis “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -- H. K. Our brothers and sisters and other relatives illustrate another fact about God. Contrary to what some people seem to think, He's not a one-Man show, nor a three-Men show plus a bunch of angels. Heaven is not a solitary place run by three bearded Gentlemen sitting on thrones, commandeering hoards of sexless angels dressed in white. Be honest: Who would want to go to a place like that? The truth about Heaven is that the place is buzzin'! And not only with angels and their Royal Family governing them, but actually - and this may come as a shock to some - also countless human spirits. Now for a three or four year old, there's no doubt about it that Granny or Grampa, or Great-Granddad or Great-Grandma are in Heaven. It's only when we become sophisticated and educated adults that we seem to forget the simplicity of the way we saw things during our childhoods, and limit access to Heaven strictly to sexless beings with wings and bearded Gentlemen. Not my idea of Heaven. And, thankfully, not God's, either. In fact, if there's one thing God likes to illustrate through the fact that many hands make light work, it's that He is very much in favor of teamwork. So much so, that He will use and recruit anyone He can get ahold of. How do you think it happens when a human who has been filled with the Holy Spirit speaks in "tongues," a foreign language he never learned, and possibly may not even understand himself, as described in the Book of Acts (2:1-18) in the Bible? Many Christians are probably going to be seriously disturbed by the concept I'm going to try to convey to you now, because there are some passages in the Old Testament which strictly forbid communication with those who call on the spirits of the deceased. But we're not talking about that kind of communication here. I believe that God did forbid that sort of thing because it's not always safe to do that, unless He's totally in charge and in control of what's going on. And this is the case, when His Holy Spirit is being poured out. David Berg taught that when a person receives the Holy Ghost, they receive a spirit helper: a holy spirit, the spirit of a deceased saint, who will help you improve your connection with God. And if the connection with that helper is really strong, he (or she) can also take control of your tongue and speak through you in their own language, although you may have never learned it, and that's how we explain the phenomenon of speaking in tongues. Now for most church people, this will be totally unacceptable. But we're not trying to reach those here who already "see." What this means is, that there is a much larger, heavenly Family than most people have been previously able to envision. Heaven is by far not a lonely place, but there are millions, no billions of folks there, who are most certainly not floating around on clouds, playing harps! They're busily interacting with us, helping God in the construction of His Big Picture of Everything. St. Paul (we assume) gives us a glimpse of this host of heavenly helpers all around us when he lists some of the Old Testament saints in the 11th chapter of his epistle to the Hebrews and then refers to them in the beginning of the 12th as a "cloud of witnesses." We are not alone. There are lots of brothers and sisters eager to help us, and we can hear them, too, giving us clues, allowing us to avail ourselves of the lessons they have learned throughout their life-times, and of the talents and skills they acquired and were blessed with. Heaven is the best example of teamwork we could ever imagine. When we look up into the sky on a starry night, we get a glimpse of this: just as the universe is filled with billions of stars, so is the invisible dimension (and perhaps there's even more than one) filled with shining, heavenly "bodies," the "stars" of God's show, who have by no means retired, but still fill their exact places in God's big Puzzle, doing that which they have always loved to do: helping others (their younger brothers and sisters) to come closer to God, and helping us to consequently do the same, too. We comfort others with the comfort wherewith we are comforted by God, the Bible tells us, and that is the great theme and purpose of the Comforter, God's wonderful, loving, motherly Holy Spirit: the shedding of Her comfort on us, often using our older brothers and sisters, both in heaven and on earth, so that we can pass it on.

The main purpose of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost was to enable us, the disciples of Christ, to be "witnesses" unto Him unto the ends of the earth, to testify of Him, to tell others about Him. "Love wasn't put in your heart to stay; love isn't love till you give it away." (Heavenly Input on Family:)

Brother Ass If I regarded my life from the point of view of the pessimist, I should be undone. I should seek in vain for the light that does not visit my eyes and the music that does not ring in my ears. I should beg night and day and never be satisfied. I should sit apart in awful solitude, a prey to fear and despair. But since I consider it a duty to myself and to others to be happy, I escape a misery worse than any physical deprivation. -– H. K. St. Francis apparently recognized the concept of "The Big Family" and how everything is related (since it all comes from the same Father), like no other, which is why he called all creations of God his brothers and sisters, including his own body. Probably being the crowning master piece of God's earthly creation, "Brother Ass" as Francis fraternally dubbed his flesh & blood, might deserve a little closer inspection. After all, being made in God's image, although we know that God is a Spirit (John 4:24), leads us to assume that the Almighty must be equipped at least with very similar features as our own, even if not exactly the same. We do know for certain that Jesus walked this earth exactly shaped as we are, and as far as I'm concerned, if He was okay with it, then who am I to complain? Of course, some of us walk around in seemingly fancier models than others, and sometimes we feel as if we received the raw end of the deal when we compare our bodies to the flawless beauties flashing at us on MTV or billboards. Some folks feel terribly cheated because of the bodies they received, and in today's world where everything is geared by your looks and outward appearance, it's easy to feel inferior when we're not exactly as pretty as the latest super models or pop stars. It takes maturity of a certain degree, not to be influenced by that game, and if nothing else, the less beautiful among us can rejoice that we were privileged with the ability of spending our time thinking about other things than our looks, at least occasionally. While some people's entire lives seem to be revolving around their looks, let us find comfort in the knowledge that God doesn't care about looks (1Samuel 16:7), and if the meaning of life consists in learning to see the way God does, then we can trustfully assume that in the lasting World to come, folks won't judge us by our looks anymore, either. In the Bible, Paul talks about "the body of Christ," of which Jesus Himself is the head, and we, His church, or "body of believers," are His limbs, His hands, His feet... it even talk about "the uncomely parts" on which we "bestow greater honor" (1Cor.12:23), signifying that we may not all have the same purpose or function, but we each have our own particular place of usefulness, and none can do without the other (see 1Cor.12:12-30). Paying closer attention to our bodies and all its intricate functions can only make us marvel once again at the skill of our Creator, and can only cause one to agree wholeheartedly with ancient King David who exclaimed "the fool hath said in his heart, 'there is no God'" (Ps.14:1) It's quite foolish, in fact, to believe that any part of our body's life-systems could have "evolved" out of any type of more primitive state, because they would have been useless in any more primitive state, and thus have been rejected by "natural selection." There was never such a thing as a half-finished kidney or liver, no premature state of our blood-circuit (except as a fetus, but even then it was already fully designed within our DNA), our eyes, our lungs, etc., nor would any of those organs with their functions have been able to survive without the other. Just like everywhere else in life and in the universe, every part of our bodies also has its purpose, even the supposedly "useless" ones & "leftovers of evolution" which some doctors might foolishly persuade you to get rid of, such as your tonsils or appendix. "Everything belongs" certainly applies to our bodies. Some parts may strike us as more or less useful or "comely" than others, yet we wouldn't really want to part with any of them, and when it does happen that we must, it's a painful process for which we don't envy anyone.

Of course, if we figure we're just a product of coincidence or "mother nature," who may not have known what she was doing in the first place, it's easy to want to tamper with the way we were made and get a new nose, silicone implants, or whatever the plastic surgeons' supermarkets have to offer. In my opinion, it's just another symptom of our ingratitude to God and our ceaseless notion that we "know better" than Him. When we get sick, we notice that something's wrong with our body, some function is impaired, and I'm personally convinced (and I know I'm not the only one) that each and every disease in existence is the result of a spiritual cause, whether it be disobedience to God's physical health rules, or some other sin in our lives granting the Enemy of our souls (soul = body and spirit, see Genesis 2:7) permission to make us reap the repercussions thereof. There are modern doctors and practitioners of alternative healing methods who have healed patients from brain tumors and certain types of cancer by exposing the spiritual cause for the disease and instruction their patients of how to counter the disease by adopting the appropriate spiritual attitude and behavior, along with an appropriate diet and life-style, of course. The fact that Jesus' ministry was in part a quite impressive healing ministry is no coincidence, either. He is the One Who initiated the reversal of the curse brought into the world by Adam's disobedience. Jesus' obedience that led Him to the death on the cross is the ultimate healing for every human being that ever lived. The Bible teaches that "by His stripes we are healed" (Isa.53:5), in other words, His suffering was for the purpose of our healing, and by His death, He healed us from death itself. When things are wrong with our bodies, we get sick or suffer an accident that slows us down or forces us to stop our usually feverish activity; we can probably take it as a sign and communication from our Maker. Maybe it's His personal way of telling us, "Slow down," or He's trying to show us something we couldn't see at the rate we were going. Maybe it's the result of a wrong attitude we've taken on, or the chastisement for some sin of ours (Heb.12:6). One thing we can learn from our physical build about the nature of the God in Whose image we were created is that He is very active. Something is constantly going on with Him: The heart is pumping necessary supplies of all kinds of stuff to the rest of the body, the lungs are getting in the oxygen, energy is constantly racing from the brain to every little part and limb... you'd go crazy, if you were conscious of every little body function every moment of your life: the hands grab and work and do or fidget, and one meter lower, whoa, that's were action is really happening in order to move us forward... If He's anything like us, it's not very likely that He spends all of eternity just sitting on His throne... Not if He's anything like the way we were in our natural state, before we were all groomed to become passive couch potatoes... Judging by the looks of some of us, He can't be ugly, and by the looks of others, He must definitely have a sense of humor. Plus, He must have an incredible knack for variety... He's so much into variety, that when two people look exactly the same, it's something very special. The Bible calls our bodies the temple of the Holy Spirit. I imagine such a temple to be the kind of place where we're supposed to learn all about God. And probably the most far out set of instruments He has equipped us with in order to perceive Him via His creation is our senses... (Heavenly Input on Body & Health:)

Come Back to Your Senses “I can see, and that is why I can be happy, in what you call the dark, but which to me is golden. I can see a God-made world, not a manmade world.” – H. K. Since one of the purposes of this book is to convince the reader that nothing happens or simply is by coincidence - that there's a purpose for and behind everything, we should have a look at our five physical senses & ponder on the deeper spiritual significance God may have meant to convey to us through those invaluable gifts. I'm no doctor, so I wouldn't know for sure which of our senses we use first, while we're still in our mother's womb: our sense of touch or our sense of hearing. But since the organ with which we experience touch (our skin) is so much larger than our ears, let us assume that we learn how to feel, even before we know how to hear. If we want to find spiritual counterparts to our natural senses, we could perhaps assign discernment to our sense of smell, perception to sight, enjoyment to taste, reception to our hearing, and contact to our sense of touch (see section further on in this chapter). So our very first physical experience in the womb is one of establishing contact through our skin, although I personally tend to speculate that babies are still somewhat more equipped with a sixth sense than we are as adults, and thus a baby's entire perception is probably based much more on emotions and possibly what we call "extra-sensory perception" than merely on the impulses received by our physical senses. But we're just dealing with our body here, in this chapter. Next, as far as I can guess, might be hearing - which the Bible calls the source of our faith (Romans 10:17), providing we are hearing and receiving the right kind of input by which we can grow spiritually. Experiments have shown that babies - even unborn babies - exposed to soothing and inspiring classical music, for instance, actually turn out more intelligent, which may be one explanation for the apparent drastic drop in our youth's IQs in recent decades. By replacing what we have called music for centuries by somewhat more primitive sounds, we have reduced the quality of the input and intellectual stimulation to which we expose our children, and the results are seen in such phenomena as the Pisa study, which shocked Europeans about their current level of knowledge and education. Are you people sure we're "evolving?" Next I would assume that we acquire taste, which certainly is, similarly to our sense of smell, an instrument of discernment and distinguishing between the pleasant and that which is less so, good or bad. Especially in our infant years, taste is used more massively to explore the world around us, as we find out rather quickly what things are enjoyable, and which aren't. Oddly enough, as we grow older, we seem to develop tastes for things we never would have consumed as infants. Maybe we had more sense back then? Since our sense of taste is probably our greatest source of enjoyment - although some would differ on that one - but speaking in a general terms, and also for those who might not be able to derive as regular joys from their other senses, let's just stick to this special attribute for taste right now: God certainly wants us to enjoy and taste life! "Taste and see that the Lord is good" (Ps.34:8). Probably before we even learn to see clearly, our sense of smell sets in, reminding us sometimes of the imperfection of this world by the absence of perfect scents we are confronted with, although we also become de-sensitized rather quickly in that area of our perception. We seem to put up with a lot more as we grow older, unfortunately also in spiritual terms, as we develop greater tolerance to evil, instead of discerning what's good and sticking to those impulses. I'm afraid too many of us go by what's available, instead of keeping their senses in search mode for something better, and so we quickly settle for less than the best. On the other hand, the negative experiences, tastes and smells in life are definitely there for a purpose. The very lack of perfection we encounter makes us crave, miss and seek the Perfect - God - at least those of us who refuse to settle for less. Finally, our most delicate and intricate of the physical five senses, sight, by which we perceive both, the beauty of God's creation and the ugliness that has become of it since the curse has entered our realm. We must behold the result of our sin and then decide what we're going to about it: ignore what we see and act as if nothing happened, or learn from it, absorb it, analyze it and try to find a way to improve things, a way to get back to the Garden, the way we feel way deep down inside things are supposed to be. The real art consists in not allowing our eyes to betray us, for beauty does not always equal good, and true beauty is often found beneath a surface we might tend to find less attractive.

Our most intricate sense to develop also seems to bear the art requiring the greatest skill: learning to truly see, not just thinking that we see, that's what life seems to be all about. I'm sure that there are hundreds, if not thousands of lessons to learn in relation to the "meaning of everything" just from detailed study of our bodies itself, and I would encourage anyone whose interests are inclined in that direction to do so. Anyone wishing to become a doctor or involved in the healing ministry of any kind, should not close their eyes by viewing our bodies as results of random mutation from ape men into a slightly more sophisticated variety of the same, but open their eyes to the countless wonders that are there to behold in the way we are made. Our bodies are not the result of coincidence, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of messages from our Creator tucked away in there, which we can yet explore, if we allow ourselves to only see. If everything in the physical realm is only an example of a spiritual reality, then our senses must have a deeper spiritual significance, too. Although we know from the Bible that God is a Spirit, we also know that He has made us in His image. In other words, our appearance somewhat resembles His. Thus we can picture God as having eyes, a mouth, ears, hands, and He probably has a nose, too. If He equipped us with some of His features, we can assume that, although spirits may not have flesh and blood versions of our senses, yet there must be some sort of spiritual version of them. How do you see, hear, feel, taste and smell in the spirit? (Sight:) True sight is about looking through and seeing beyond that which immediately at hand. It's virtually seeing the invisible. True sight represents what David "Dad" Brandt Berg told his children and Family to do from the very start: "You've got to see God!" One has to keep their focus on the Lord and look past the circumstances at the greater purpose behind them, at the goal beyond them. True sight is seeing the spiritual within and beyond the physical, which is what this book is all about. As Hebrews 11 puts it: it's about not settling for the things of this world and calling this place our home, but looking for a City Whose Builder and Maker is God. We've got to keep our vision on the glorious end of the road where everything will make sense and it will have been worth it all. (Sound:) Hearing in the Spirit means to hear the physically inaudible. When the prophet Elijah in the Old Testament was in the wilderness, he did not find God in an earthquake, nor in a strong wind, nor in a fire, but in a still, small voice. Hearing with your spiritual senses means to learn to hear that still small voice. Listen to the whispers! (Smell:) I’ve always compared the gift of discernment, one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to St. Paul, to our physical sense of smell. You’ve got to be able to tell right from wrong, true from false, and for that, you need to use discernment, your spiritual sense of smell. When something “smells fishy,” then it’s usually your “sixth sense” (probably our term for the spiritual version of our senses), warning you that something isn’t right. (Taste:) “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” The Bible is full of implications of how we can taste God or His Word, which King David said in the Psalms was sweeter than honey, and some prophets found out that it was bitter to the belly. As I tried to bring up in my thoughts about our physical senses above, taste represents enjoyment almost more than any other sense. To taste the Lord means to enjoy Him. For those who live life without Him, life can turn out quite bitter sometimes… (Touch:) I’ve had only few experiences that gave me a glimpse of “spiritual touch.” One of them was on a very strong LSD trip during my hippie days as a teenager. I could feel muscles, glands and fibers in my body that I never even knew existed, or with a much greater consciousness. I always assumed that this was a glimpse of how we’re going to “feel” or “touch” in our resurrected bodies in heaven. I’ve also been told, “You touch me inside. You touch my spirit.” Women are apparently a little more susceptible to being “touched” in the spirit. In any case, I can only promise you, it’s better, much better than the physical counterpart…

(Heavenly Input on Senses:)

Starry, Starry Night “No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars...” – H. K. The stars, the celestial "bodies," apart from resembling the host of heavenly helpers in the spiritual Realm of all different kinds, strengths and levels of importance, also bear another message from God: In Psalm 19 we read: "The heavens (the skies) declare the glory of God, and the firmament sheweth His handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line is gone out throughout all the earth..." What speech, language, knowledge or voice is he talking about? Again, we are touching on a subject many Christians are afraid of, because the Devil also happens to use astrology. I think one of the greatest tricks of the Devil is that he makes God's people afraid of anything that he uses for his purpose. But just because the Devil uses them, doesn't mean that the Devil created them or that we can't use them. A lot of folks will be very surprised when they'll find out what and whom God uses in order to bring about His purpose. In fact, He is using the Devil himself in order to teach mankind and the entire universe a lesson we won't forget. I recently bought a book written by a Christian named William D. Banks entitled "The Heavens Declare..." and it is only one book of various similar ones, which describes how the names of the stars and the constellations in the zodiac have told the peoples of all nations, even in the earliest cultures, the story of the Gospel, from "Virgo," representing the virgin Mary bringing "Him that was to come" into the world, all the way through Leo, the "Lion of the tribe of Judah," Christ, when He returns to take over the world that is rightfully His. If, contrary to the way we have been taught in recent times, the stars and planets are not just the result of some "accident in space" trillions of years ago, called the "Big Bang" (talking about gullible here...), but each and everyone of them is also result of Someone's design and purpose, presumably exceeding that of just being a little white dot in the nightly sky serving the purpose of decoration, then, perhaps, could it be that the stars have indeed a lot more to tell us than we presently assume or give them credit for? Of course, scientifically inclined minds will tell us that the universe in its vastness is just another proof that creation, as described in the Bible, couldn't have possibly happened, at least not merely 6000 years ago, since some of the stars are millions of light years away, so, how could we see their light, if earth - and the universe as we are told in Genesis, are that young? But that "knowledge," or point of view is - as usual - only based on our perception from our position (planet earth) and the assumption that things have always been the same as they are right now - for instance, that light has always traveled at the same speed. But what if time as we know it is not really a constant, but - as some who have wracked their minds on the matter have suggested - changes with, say, growing distance from earth. Or what if light has not always traveled at the same speed since its creation, but has drastically diminished its speed, since God spoke the magic phrase that brought it into being (Gen.1:3)? What if our assumptions are not really all there is to know yet? What if there's more, much more that we still need to learn, making our "knowledge" look like a teaspoon full of water, compared to the ocean? What if we're not really as smart as we think we are? What if we were just children, merely beginning to get a clue about the true nature of the universe? And what if big, naughty Uncle Lucifer has told us a bunch of lies to lead us into the opposite direction of where we might find true knowledge? What if the vast and endless evening sky we stare at, isn't just a meaningless blackness with a bunch of white dots randomly strewn throughout by Lord Coincidence during his Big Bang, but actually contains more information than all the computers in the world could offer, but we haven't even yet begun to decipher any of it, because we have been fooled into believing that there isn't any? What if Someone's trying to tell us something by all this? There is another aspect about the stars that I felt I should address, and that is the factor that the large number of

them, and the vastness of the universe that we have gotten a glimpse of since the Hubble telescope, tend to make us feel very insignificant. We've had celebrated geniuses like Carl Sagan drive the point of our cosmic insignificance into us for decades, destroying any notion of being "special" or privileged as citizens of our rather tiny little planet earth. It turns out, though, that earth - tiny as it may be - isn't quite as ordinary or common as Sagan thought it was. Other scientists have since come up with new equations and calculations of just how likely it would be to find other planets like ours, that meet just the same miraculous odds to bring about intelligent life as earth does, and the figures are truly astronomical. One can get a glimpse of these findings in the excellent one hour documentary, "The Privileged Planet," or in the book by the same name, along with tomes like "Rare Earth" or "The Book of the Cosmos." While the universe is vast indeed, it seems as if our Creator has a knack for tiny things, and He literally shows off His unfathomable skill in the precision He puts into the tiniest detail. So, while we all may be awed by the sheer size of the vast universe that surrounds us, God may secretly be getting kicks out of the fact that the tiny spaces are where it's all really happening, as has become evident in the complexity of the smallest entity of life, each of which has turned out to be as complex as a whole galaxy in itself: one single living cell. While our chins drop with awe and marvel of the great macro cosmos out there, God is equally capable of performing the same stunts on the micro cosmic level, and while scientists have been calling out to potential co-habitants of the universe and scanning space for signs of their existence, it has turned out that the greatest conglomeration in the known universe thus far was found in each tiny cell, not way out there. What on earth is God trying to tell us through that? Maybe we don't have to look all that far to find out more about our origins and how we got here... Maybe the answer is already right down here at home. Perhaps the little old lady praying in her small chamber is closer to the Source and foundation of the universe than all the astronomers with their giant telescopes... Maybe God is just as much down here, if not more so, with us, than He is "out there..." I love the idea of exploring distant galaxies, but for right now it seems we've got a lot of homework to do, and before we're going to impress any possibly existing alien life "out there," we might have to get ground communications on the basest level working better than what we presently come up with. Perhaps the message our potential alien neighbors might have for us would be, "You've got to get it together, folks! Why don't you take care of what you’ve got and appreciate what you've already been given, instead of taking it all for granted?" We act and treat our home planet we were put in charge of as if there were a dozen other ones just like ours to move to once this one gets too crowded or burned out. The Bible tells a different story, though. In fact, this tiny little "spec of dust" is going to turn out to be the head quarters of the Maker of the Universe Himself, according to its two final chapters, and He doesn't seem to think too fondly of those who are trying their best to wreck this place as quickly as possible. Certainly John the beloved disciple could not have had much of a clue what he was writing about when he wrote nearly 2000 years ago, "The nations were angry, and Thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that Thou shouldest give reward unto Thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear Thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth" (Revelation 11:18). Perhaps those “destroyers” and devourers of creation are fulfillments of another metaphor God has placed in the physical heavens, and as it seems, even at the center of our galaxy, as if to show how life and the world itself seem to be revolving all around them: Certain brands of people are like black holes. They make resources disappear the way a black hole soaks up matter never to be seen again, and if we look at the economy of certain leading nations of the world, we have a perfect example of black holes right down here on earth. And pouring more money into such holes is equally as effective as pouring matter into a black hole or pouring fuel onto a fire. Some folks seem to be born for the sole purpose of consumption. And, of course, in this aspect they resemble the perfect spiritual example of a black hole, the Devil, whom the Bible calls "the Devourer" in some places (see Malachi 3:11, 1Peter 5:8).

One of the hardest bits to swallow about Creationism and the biblical account of creation is the unbelievably atrocious statement that God is supposed to have created the stars, including the sun, and yes, all the other hundreds of billions of galaxies in our universe not before the earth, but 3 days later; to be precise, on Day Four. Not only that, but He even had the audacity to create all plant life on the preceding day, meaning that the biblical days of creation could not have been "eons" or periods of millions of years, since it's unlikely that the plants God had just created would have survived much longer than a day without the sun. Not that He couldn't have done it - keep them alive somehow without it - but well, it's just very unlikely. Besides, it says, "the evening and the morning were the first day," etc., indicating that He was talking about your average 24 hour period, just without "sunrise and sunset" which was a bonus slapped in on Day Four. All the evidence seems to scream at ear-bursting volume against that statement. One looks at our galaxy and our planet’s tiny, obviously insignificant position in it and will laugh their head off at the author of those dreadful lines in Genesis: "Dude, you didn't have a clue!" Unfortunately for the majority of the potential readers of this attempt at a book, I have chosen to believe the utterly unbelievable. Call it stubbornness, call it blind, religious bigotry, call it blatant defiance of all reason, I'm guilty as charged. I mean, it is equally unreasonable to believe that Moses parted the Red Sea, Jesus walked on water and raised the dead, etc. But this one just about takes the cake, and anyone having the audacity to make the Genesis account of Creation their personal worldview is perhaps justifiably considered totally bonkers in the light of all that science claims to know today. But remember, I am no more a writer, nor a theologian, much less a scientist, than Don Quixote was a knight, and so I continue to see things that you may not see: the windmill giants, the noble lady in the whore, and yes, even that elusive, invisible hand of God upholding and sustaining the earth during its first 3 solitary days of existence. I have no other explanation for God's audacity than this: Perhaps He was just doing to earth what He has been doing to me and probably every other child of God by faith at one point (but usually more than one) in their lives, or another: He just chooses to let us hang in there for a while sometimes to prove to us that He is enough. We may have gotten used to all those other things around us that sustain us, and we sort of grow dependent on them and start to take them and Him for granted, and then He might just withdraw those blessings for a while to remind us that “He’s got the whole world in His hands….” And just as Jonah had to suffer in the darkness of the belly of the whale for 3 days, and Jesus had to go down to the depths of Hades to preach to the spirits in prison, we all have to go through our times of darkness, and it seems Ol' Mother Earth was no exception. Some day, I'm sure, we'll all know beyond a shadow of a doubt either how totally ludicrous it was for me and the relatively few other "crazy" creationists to believe that, or just how God did it in spite of all the appearances. I admit that my story - or rather, the Bible's - seems to be a lot harder to believe than yours. But then you'll never ever glimpse the graceful sparkle in the eye of my beloved at the sound of my voice calling her "Dulcinea," where all you see is the common whore... (Heavenly Input on Stars:)

Information Everywhere “People do not like to think. If one thinks, one must reach conclusions. Conclusions are not always pleasant.” Knowledge is happiness, because to have knowledge -- broad, deep knowledge – is to know true ends from false.” – H. K. Professor Werner Gitt is a creation scientist in Germany who has been teaching on the impossibility of the process of Evolution - everything evolving out of nothing - for years, and although he is one of those who would definitely have problems with accepting some of the things I speak of in this book, he is doing a great job at teaching the world about where we really come from. One of his strongest points in explaining why Macro-evolution, as it is being taught de facto to our kids in school every day, couldn't have possibly happened, is that we observe the following in nature and in the world all around us: Each shred of information, every drawing on the wall of a cave, every phrase ever written, every phone call, telegram, radio or TV broadcast, every bit of information ever passed on from one subject to another, has always, without exception, had an author. No piece of information ever came about by itself, it has always had an author, the one who initiated it, wrote it, made the phone call or spoke the words. When Charles Darwin first came up with his theory, there was a lot he didn't know yet, that we do know today. He figured a cell was just a bit of protein, and with the right chemicals tossed in, under the right circumstances, it might have just come into being by itself out of the primordial soup. But after all we have learned about the cell in the 20th century, we can only add one comment to this assumption: "No way, sir!" It turns out that living cells are actually equipped with something we call a "genetic code," and it's actually called a code because we are dealing here with encoded information which has to be decoded by its receptor. In other words, we not only have the phenomenon of information in each living cell, (and remember, we have never ever in nature been able to observe any bit of information which did not have an author from whom that information originated), but on top of it, that information is encoded, and "coincidentally", the device to decode it, is also there already. Professor Gitt can give you a whole lot more information and statistics about how many towers of books, reaching all the way to the moon and back would have to be written in order to contain the genetic information stored in a cell cluster the size of the head of a pin, but you'll probably get the point if I tell you, there's a whole lotta information out there! Much more than Charley Darwin ever had the faintest clue about. In fact, the information is not only "out there," it's - just as it happens to be God's nature - in here, right inside our own bodies, and in every creeping thing and every blade of grass all around us, it's everywhere. (Heavenly Input on Information:)

Communication is the Name of the Game “Once I knew only darkness and stillness... my life was without past or future... but a little word from the fingers of another fell into my hand that clutched at emptiness, and my heart leaped to the rapture of living.” – H. K. Communication is actually already happening big time way before we every utter our first "Mama." If we don't see and hear what's going on, then we live in a pretty dull and meaningless world where matter just happened to come into being and somehow produced more or less intelligent beings over such a vast amount of time that you don't care anymore what all happened in it. That's the fairy tale we've been raised on. But if you open your eyes and ears, you see and hear God communicating with us all the time. All over His creation He's practically shouting it out, "I've got something to tell you." But we monotonously pursue our humdrum, ignoring His shouts, His continual broadcasts, and turn on the tube instead. Fortunately, every now and then, He will even avail Himself of that apparatus to communicate with us, but if we're spiritually dull and deaf, we won't hear it anyway. Communication is a pretty powerful thing, and I will tell you why. We are told that the world came out of nothing. But God tells us that it took just a little bit more than that. It took words. In fact, according to the Bible, words are the building blocks of the universe. Not just any old words or anyone's words, but "the worlds were framed by the Word of God" (Hebrews 11:3). He just said it, and it was done. Some pretty deep magic, huh? "Let there be light." - And there was light. It's no wonder most people are too scared to believe in such a powerful God. "What if He gets upset with me? He'll just utter a word and I'll be..." Good for us, that God is Love, as the disciple who ought to know told us (1John 4:8). In other words, you've got nothing to worry about. He'll be better to you, than you'll be to yourself! So, if God is so wonderful, why is the world in such a mess? The problem is that there's a war going on. To be precise, or at least in large parts, it's a war of communication. God says one thing and then his adversary tells us another. Guess who we believe most of the time? And that's where the problem lies. "This is the condemnation, that men loved darkness, rather than light" (John 3:19). We swallow the lies much more easily than the truth. But just because we tend to prefer darkness - or the lie, - doesn't mean we can't change that, or that it always has to be that way. We can learn to love the light - the truth - instead. Once you've swallowed so many lies and fell on your face accordingly so many times, you'll learn eventually, and give that oh so blinding light and that ever piercing truth a chance. One factor that drives home the point of just how important communication and the exchange of information seems to be for God Himself, is that we find Jesus, His Son, described as "The Word of God." "In the beginning was the Word (Logos), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.... All things were made by Him... In Him was life and ... the light of men. And The Word was made flesh and lived among us..." (see John 1:1-14). Jesus is also called the Mediator between God and men and He said of Himself that He was the Way, the Truth and the Life without which no one could come to the Father. Fortunately, that does not mean, that you have to join a church, in order to ever get to know God, seeing that all too many people in the churches don't even know Him themselves. In fact, you're much more likely to run into Him right in the thick of life somewhere, to discover Him out in nature, where His handwriting is much more clearly recognizable than in any old chilly and fancy building. The Bible says, "The Most High (God) does not live in temples made with hands. For He has said, 'Heaven is My throne and the earth is My footstool: what kind of a house do you want to build for Me?'" (Acts 7:48, 49). God is interested in building Himself a "House" made of living stones. When Jesus says, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these other things (food and clothing) will be added (given) unto you," what is He

talking about? Some church? Some castle in the sky? He said, "The kingdom of God is within you." In other words, the kingdom of God is us, it consists of people. And seeking first His Kingdom means winning others over to His cause, the Cause of Truth. It means countering all the evil and false input of His Enemy that people are being fed, with His good input, information that is true. We're meant to be communicators for Him, just as Jesus came to communicate to us Who and how God really is. He didn't come as some Big Boss lording it out over all, but as a Servant to all, healing them, feeding them, and especially constantly feeding them information about God. He didn't fight any battles for His crown and rightful place as King of kings, but He humbly allowed His enemies to even kill Him. Now some folks have said that this showed that He must have failed. But that's the sort of conclusion that carnal reasoning can lead you to, showing that indeed, "the flesh profiteth nothing." The night before He died, Jesus prayed, "for this hour have I come into the world." In other words, the healings, the miracles, His parables and raising folks from the dead was all good, but the real purpose of His coming was His death.

(Heavenly Input on Communication:)

Mary Had a Little Lamb “The million little things that drop into your hands The small opportunities each day brings He leaves us free to use or abuse And goes unchanging along His silent way.” – H. K. What on earth was He trying to communicate through that? Well, basically the same thing He had been trying to communicate for quite a while. It was a lamb that was the accepted gift of Abel, the righteous brother, which God accepted, not the fruits of Cain’s hard labor, signifying that the Lamb of God would be slain and sacrificed for all of us. It was the blood of the lamb which the Israelites in Egypt were told to smear on their door posts in order for the angel of death to "pass over" them and not kill their first born. It is the blood of the Lamb that will also save us from death. If an all-powerful God takes on human form and chooses to play the humble role of an outcast, allowing His enemies to kill Him, that is a very powerful message that ought to give all of us some food for thought. When Peter pulled out his sword during His arrest, Jesus said, "Don't you know that My Father could send legions of angels?" This was supposed to happen. And the reason for it was love: "No greater love has any man that this that a man lay down his life for his friends." It was the ultimate sacrifice of love. The really great part about it is, that once having accepted this greatest of all sacrifices, His Love in us can also enable us to do the same for others. If we let Him. We can choose to become instruments and vessels and communicators of His love to others, or go the normal way, the "me first" way, the way of the apparent winner in this life... It is said that Martin Luther had his revelation that was going to change the course of history on the toilet, where the true meaning of Paul’s words in Ephesians 2:8, 9 struck him, and the full impact their truth were to have on all mankind, if thus realized: “For by grace are ye saved through faith, and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man should boast.” Luther was going to be God’s mouthpiece to drive home the same truth to Christendom that Paul had tried to convey to the Early Christians centuries earlier. We can’t save ourselves by our works, it’s an act of God. Only grace does it – the large part that is God’s, availing itself of the tiny “little strength” (see Rev.3:8) that we have, namely our faith, which is the part that we do. We stretch out the hand that received God’s gift. We accept. We flip the switch that turns on God’s light in the dark room of our lives. Most Christians are only being taught one verse concerning Salvation, which is the one that says “work out your own salvation in fear and trembling,” (Phil.2:12) which sounds like the exact opposite of what all the other verses on Salvation say, namely that Salvation is a gift, and ours forever, never to be taken away, no dependent on any of our works, our own righteousness, not even our faithful return to church next Sunday. Too bad they never read on to the next verse, which again says, “For it is God Who worketh in you both to will and do of His good pleasure.” In other words, it’s God Who does it all through us and in us in the first place, we just need to let Him, and that’s where faith comes in, along with a good dose of yieldedness, instead of any proud notion that we could ever do it on our own. Salvation is by faith. That means, we don’t see the complete result immediately, and in my experience, we’re probably never going to see it during this lifetime, or before Jesus returns, when the Promise will be fulfilled “We shall be like Him” (perfect) – 1John 3:2. Until then we have to work with that gift of salvation in fear and trembling in order for it to be of any use to us in this life, because the Devil will do all he can to stop us from using our gift for the benefit of God’s Kingdom, meaning the benefit of others. But this never means that God will take our eternal Salvation away from us, no matter how many preachers will – to their own damnation – continue to say so in order to assure their flocks return to the pews. (Heavenly Input on Jesus & Salvation:)

Ask “It is for us to pray not for tasks equal to our powers, but for powers equal to our tasks, to go forward with a great desire forever beating at the door of our hearts as we travel toward our distant goal.” – H. K. Another aspect about communication is that there's no better way to get what you want than by asking for it. Again, this is something the Devil has tried to reverse by establishing his system of, "If you want something, work for it." Jesus' plan was simpler than that: "Ask, and it shall be given you." And the best One to ask for anything, as a matter of fact, is God. It also helps to let your fellow humans know if you have a need that they can fill, and God will often use them to answer your requests, but generally, prayer is a means of communication, an instrument, a weapon, that has been highly underestimated by the large majority of people. And this is not just something that's believed by "ignorant" Christians, but also serious scientists. Nobel Prize winner in physiology, Dr. Alexis Carrel believed, "Prayer is the most powerful form of energy that one can generate." What would cause a man of science to make such a statement, unless there were some fundamental reasons to base it on? The deeper meaning of everything, along with the answers and solutions to all our problems and questions are hidden in plain view right in front of our noses. It just won’t occur to the majority of us to ask the One Who loves us more than we could ever fathom, and knows us better than we could ever know ourselves, to reveal them to us. We think it’s got to be more complicated than that. We usually don’t have the childlike faith that permits us to accept the simplicity of the solution, that just asking daddy for help would get us a lot farther than our own efforts to try to figure it all out. We’ve previously compared the concept of faith to a vacuum, the kind that a baby creates in his mouth in order to receive his nourishment. If you have problems with that concept, there are different ways to describe it: hunger is one, as we’ve intended to cover in the chapter on Soul Food. In terms of conversation and communication, what would probably resemble a vacuum most is a question. I’m only beginning to become aware of the fact just how much people rely on questions in their communication. Some people simply wait until you ask, before they will relay any information on you, and if you don’t ask, they figure you’re not interested. Communication manuals instruct us to “ask questions.” People obviously love to be asked questions, and so does God. Another principle we all can relate to that would describe the vacuum of faith we need in order to seek and thus receive answers from our Creator is problems. Problems occur in order for us to seek their solutions, and more often than not, God would love to be involved in that problems, and help us find the solutions. That’s what prayer is for. Most people probably easily give up and are disappointed when they pray and "nothing happens." But there are various factors why it may seem so. Some people actually pray without ever expecting God to answer them, and so, "according to their faith," nothing happens. But more often than that, God may answer in different ways than we expect. We have to respect the fact that God, very much like a father with a child, knows better what His child needs than the child does. We may think that the thing we want is what we've just got to have, and that of course it would be the best for us, but God may see things differently. Not because He's so cruel that He simply won't grant us our desire, but because He sees what we can't see. Can we really tell what would have been the better way for us? By this I don't mean to say, though, that God doesn't answer prayer. I have often enjoyed His fulfillment of His promise "Delight thyself in the Lord, and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart." However, sometimes, it has happened, as it says elsewhere in the Psalms, that "He gave them their request and sent leanness to their souls." Prayer is a very sophisticated means of communication and in order for it to work properly, like any other modern equipment or device of tele-communication, it has to be installed and adjusted properly, tuned to the proper wavelength in order to avoid static, and we've got to be "plugged in" to the power source. We should not forget to mention, though, that when you have been given something, be it from another person or from God in answer to your prayers, it is always nice to say "thank you."

Some people forget about this little detail and simply don't show appreciation for what they've been given, and then wonder why they're not receiving more. Part of the art in life consists in showing our gratitude for the things we receive. Just as there are laws of physics in our material realm, there are laws of the spirit, that govern the spiritual, which are just as certain, if not more so than the physical. And one of those laws is that you have to show gratitude in order to be receiving more from God, otherwise, the magic will eventually stop working. That's why experienced prayer warriors and children of God first "prime the pump" with praises to God before they start praying and bringing their petitions before Him. Just as people like to see and hear your gratefulness and appreciation for what they've done for you, so does God. We're made in His image, and are probably like Him in more ways than we realize. The Bible even says that anything received from God with the giving of thanks is purified and made clean, meaning, if you truly thank God for it from the heart, you have sanctified it, and no matter what anyone else may say about it, it has become pure. "To the pure all things are pure." Now, the real art of living consists not only in praising and thanking God for the obviously good things, but even for the seemingly bad things, our problems, troubles, sicknesses and sufferings, and even the calamities that befall us. "Prison to Praise" by Merlin Carothers is a powerful book on the secret weapon of praise, which we would like to recommend. There's also a story David Brandt Berg used to tell about a pious, but poor lady who one day, when she ran out of bread, prayed for bread on her balcony. The man living above her was an atheist and overheard her prayer, and to tease her, he dropped a loaf of bread on the lady's balcony below him. When she started praising and thanking God for the miracle, he sneered, "Ha, it wasn't God at all, it was me, ha-ha..." But the lady kept praising God all the more and said, "Thank You, Lord, for this bread, even if you allowed the Devil to bring it!" You can even use and thank God for things which the Lord may use the Devil to bring into your life! Many Christians are too afraid to use anything the Devil uses. They're afraid of astrology because the Devil uses it, they're afraid of sex because the Devil uses it, and they're afraid of anything the Devil might use. In reality, it is God using the Devil in order to bring about His grand Plan, not the other way around. (Heavenly Input on Prayer:)

Listen “Hearing is the soul of knowledge and information of a high order. To be cut off from hearing is to be isolated indeed.” – H. K. This brings us to another point concerning spiritual communication with our Creator, and that is, that most people limit prayer only to what they have to say, and never wait to hear an answer or what God might have to say. And God is a good Listener, probably the best you'll ever find. But His dilemma is that few are ever willing to listen to Him in return. Sometimes a problem you face could be solved in no better way than allowing God to explain to you what's happening from His point of view. Maybe He'll show you the cause of the problem, or factors involved you haven't been able to see yet, or He'll show you that your problem isn't a problem at all, but just one of those trials and tests we all have to undergo sometimes to make our faith and our character stronger. Or He will simply give you the solution and tell you what to do. I'm not kidding. I know what I'm talking about. God is much more willing to communicate with you than you are probably aware of. And I mean, not only through the means we've already talked about, the way He conveys His love to you through His creation and His blessings, etc., but through actual words. Jesus is not called the Word of God for nothing, you know. Some Christians have determined that the last time God ever spoke to a human being was when the apostle John finished writing the last phrase of the book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible. Nothing could be further from the truth. God is alive and kicking, and man, is He ever able and willing to talk! He loves to communicate with us. I mean, if God is Love, what kind of love would it be, without communication? In fact, in a later section of this book we're going to investigate what God meant to tell us by marriage and sexual relationships. He compares His church to His "Bride." Now, if we're His bride, what kind of a marriage would this be without communication? Or only having the bride talk incessantly, never waiting for the Groom to answer a single word. Some might argue, "But He's already laid down everything He's got to say in His Word." It's true that if you know the Bible well, it can probably help you to find an answer to most questions you'll have in life, and that it's a very good foundation to base your communications with God on. You probably won't hear much from God if you haven't spent serious time on finding out what He has to say in His written Word, first. But it is also foolish to just limit Him to that. One of the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in St. Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians, chapter 12, is the gift of prophecy. The early apostles availed themselves of this gift in order to find out what God wanted them to do. Now, some Christians believe that those gifts of the Spirit were only for "back then." But my personal experiences during the past 27 years, along with countless experiences of hundreds of my brothers and sisters in the Family International, as well as from other congregations, testify that nothing could be further from the truth. Our publications consist in large parts of communications from Jesus which our members have received, modern and up-to-date instructions from our Maker for life in the 21st century, and many books could be filled with all that He's had to say. In fact, I could fill up a few tomes with just the generally applicable gist of what I have received from Him personally during the past few years. But we're not trying to show off how "special" we are, at least no more special than you. We want to encourage others to stretch out their arms of faith and receive from God what He is more than willing to give. The Bible promises over and over again that He is more willing to communicate with us than we are to listen. He says, "Call unto Me, and I will show you great and mighty things which thou knowest not" (Jeremiah 33:3 - "God's phone number"). He's not kidding. He's not teasing you, offering you something He's not going to give you anyway! He really means it. If there's any purpose in life at all, what greater purpose could there be to find out what God wants to tell you? Providing you're interested in the purpose of life at all, and are willing to listen.

One more thought on God's communications with us is that He communicates with oodles of people daily without them ever being aware of it. Whenever you read an inspiring book, watch an inspiring film or listen to an inspired song, you can always bet that it was precisely that: inspired. Inspired by whom? Well, "by their fruits ye shall know them." If the fruit is good, you can be sure that it was inspired by the right Source. If "all things are of God" to begin with, as the Bible tells us, then we might as well believe it and start seeing Him in all things. It all depends on what you're looking for. As Pollyanna taught us, "If you look for the bad in people, you're going to find it." But you can also look for the good. In people. In all things. The Devil is there, sure. But God is greater. He's all around it, even engulfing the puny little matrix of the Devil. He's in control. He made the whole thing. All you've gotta do is have a little faith in Him. (Heavenly Input on Hearing from God:)

The Heart of the Matter “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.” – H. K. Of course, communication isn't solely a cold transfer of rational facts and information, although, unfortunately, that's mainly what it seems to have developed into. But originally, communication has always been emotional, "from the heart, to the heart," as a proverb goes. The baby communicates his discomfort by his cries and his well-being by his giggles. Likewise, we communicate our anger by our shouts, our pleasure by a soft tone in our voice (or other related sounds), and, if we are musically gifted, we let the world know how we feel by either our happy, sad or angry songs we sing, or we "say 'I love you' in a song." Painters portray the state of their minds in colors, and writers in their written words... All these things, God does, too, as we witness the manifold sounds and hues of nature, or we hear or read His words to us which He gave through His mouthpieces, the prophets, a pastor or even some bum on the street... Mostly, they are messages of love toward us, but sometimes He has to show His displeasure in order to let us know that we're on the wrong path. Like us, God gets angry, too, or has a sense of humor. Or we express our emotions in dance, as in "body language." Unfortunately, although our means of communication have become more sophisticated than ever, during the past century, the quality of what we have to say seems to have diminished. We have perfected our means of communication, but lost the heart of it. We rehearse and produce outwardly flawless "messages," which, unfortunately seem to not be saying much of anything. That's because we have put too much emphasis on the outside, our outward appearance. We would do wisely to be copycats of God, Who "sees not like man sees, for man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart (1Samuel 16:7). Finally, on the subject of communication, this is only the beginning. As Paul already told us nearly 2000 years ago in his famous 13th chapter of his epistle to the Corinthians, "prophecies shall cease, the speaking in tongues shall cease, and even our knowledge will vanish away..." We're heading for something even better than that. There will come a time when we won't need our mouths anymore in order to communicate, nor any pen or sophisticated technologies. The spirit will do. All you'll have to do is think it and send the thought to the one you love... Telepathy will be the favored means of communication of the future. (Heavenly input on “Matters of the Heart:”)

What's in a Name “There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his.” – H. K. One last related thought on the theme of communications is names. Just as every thing has a name, and just as it was Adam's first assignment to give names to all the different kinds of animals in the Garden of Eden, so every person has a name. God tells us in the Bible, "I have called thee by thy name, thou art Mine." The theme of names is found all over creation and even modern technology, and is very much related to the subject of codes we touched on earlier. A person is being addressed by their name. We call their name and they know we are talking to them. We dial their number on the telephone and their phone rings. We type a URL into our browser and the website opens, etc. There is a Name "above all names," the Bible says, and whoever "shall call on the name of the Lord, shall be saved," also is there "no salvation in any other name." That name is Jesus. Strangely enough, that name used to be a very common name around the time of Jesus. It is the Hebrew name Yashua, which we find in the old testament as Joshua, and means Savior. When we call on Jesus, we call on our Savior, "Him that was to come," as the stars tell us. Centuries before His birth, Jesus was announced as a baby that would be born of a virgin, in Bethlehem, and that His name would be "Immanuel," which means "God with us." Jesus was and is the living proof that God is with us, He's not against us, He's not out there, He's right here, with us. That the angel told Joseph to name the baby Jesus shows that God didn't want to make it too obvious Who that baby was going to be. If they had called Him Immanuel, and if everybody would have know that He had been born in Bethlehem, a lot more people would have followed Him for the wrong reasons. Instead, God chose a common name, that of their forefather Joshua, the hero who led the children of Israel into the Promised Land after their odyssey through the wilderness. Sounds just like what Jesus does for us. The Bible, in fact is full of stories which we would benefit greatly to take heed to, because those things happened for us to learn from them, but that is another subject, stories. The story God writes is the story of life, the greatest story ever told, and it's one we can continue to learn from, probably forever. The Picture He paints is the Big Picture, which will leave us breathless and in awe of Him, also forever. The Song He writes is the Song of Songs, a song in the key and rhythm of life and nobody can beat Him at it. In Revelation 3:12 Jesus tells us that He will write His "new name" upon those who overcome, implying that He once had an old name. The apostle John, who also wrote the Book of Revelation, gives us a clue as to what that old name was, in the 8th chapter of his gospel, where Jesus says, "Before Abraham was, I am." This is not a typo or grammatical error, but He said it on purpose to reveal that He was the "great I Am" of the Old Testament, Jehovah, Yahweh, Jah, or however you like to pronounce it, the God Who spoke to Moses out of the burning bush telling him to tell the captive Israelites in Egypt that "I am" or "I am that I am" had sent him to them. Before Jesus came to earth, He was the "I am," as if to say, I am Here and you are there, I am God, and you are humans. But when He came to earth, He became "God with us," one of us, no longer apart from us, separate, but truly with us. That's why it says that even “the Son learned obedience through the things which He suffered." God the Son learned a few things while He was down here on earth that would change everything for us. Nothing was the same anymore. No longer would the God of Abraham be the God of a chosen people in the flesh, but anyone could choose to become a child of God's Family by accepting the sacrifice of the Lamb.

There is yet a greater mystery about names that we haven't yet discovered. Jesus promises His faithful in the book of Revelation, "to him that overcometh will I give a white stone, and in that stone a new name written which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it." What does that mean? When I was young, I read a book about an Arabian horse which would respond to a certain name or code word whispered in his ear by giving the utmost of his strength. Only the horse's owner new that word, that name, and he would only use it in situations of extreme emergency, of life and death... I don't know what that name in the white stone will do for those who will receive it, but it will probably release something wonderful... We'll find out someday, I assume. (Heavenly Input on Names:)

Mistakes: (An Essential Part of) The Meaning of Life “Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow.” – H. K. Have you ever known someone who seemed to be sheer incapable of even the remote possibility that by the slightest chance in the universe they might possibly - eventually - perhaps prone to -- gulp! -- making a mistake? That the sheer insinuation would spark an explosion comparable to that of the volcano island of Krakatoa? Our mistakes are the one thing we don't want to talk about, not even think about. They strike us as just about the ugliest and most undesirable topic of all times. And yet I've come to learn that this common view is totally unjustified, since making mistakes is not only one of the most normal and common things for people to do, and an occupation or activity not worthy of such a bleak image at all, but in fact, one of the principal purposes in life. Without mistakes there'd be no learning. Without learning, there's no sense in life. Thus: you make mistakes, you learn, and thus you fulfill life's purpose and succeed. Mission accomplished. You muff it, you win. Without mistakes and errors, there's no need to repent, nothing to admit to, nothing for which to humble yourself and admit you were wrong and need help, no need to change. I was going to ask someone who strikes me as a person who seems to think of themselves as not making many, if any mistakes at all (although they would probably never even admit to themselves that they have this attitude), “Can you tell me about one single mistake you ever made?” But I felt it wasn’t right to just ask them this question without having answered it myself, first, and since I was aware that I made plenty of mistakes throughout my life, I found it more difficult to answer than I thought. Thankfully, I’ve kept a journal for the past 5 years, which represents one of the ways I personally communicate with God. I ask or present Him with a problem, and Jesus usually answers. This may strike you as weird, but it’s actually a very successful method of communicating with God that I learned from my faith community, and is based on the Scriptural truth of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit referred to in 1Corinthians 12, the gift of prophecy in particular. Anyway, I ran a search for the word “mistake” in my journal, and from the literally hundreds of results, the following will be the gist of a listing of mistakes I’ve made, to give you a real life example and idea what I’m talking about, since I believe that the act of openly admitting to and talking about mistakes (in order to be able to learn from them) is a quite foreign concept, our modern society would have to learn from scratch, should anybody actually get interested (in learning anything from them...)

Probably one reason we hate to see our mistakes and sins, much less talk about them and bring them out into the open, is because it exposes many ugly features of ourselves, that we’d rather keep secret. I suppose one of the major incentives for men to commit mistakes is their lust, their sex drive, and there have been definite mistakes I’ve made in the past, that have been influenced by that factor of male life. People simply try to get what they want, and sometimes they’ll walk over dead bodies in order to reach their goal. Some of the mistakes I’ve made were caused by giving heed to the opinions of others. They didn’t like one particular person and preferred another, and because I looked up to them, I believed them until they turned out to be dead wrong, and their opinion turned out to be nothing more than that: just another opinion. It’s one of the mistakes most frequently made: we look to others for inspiration and in expectation to pull us up, to get us to a higher position that the one we’re currently at, and we rely on them, only to reap disappointment, because we have failed to look up to the only One it really pays to look up to, and who will never disappoint us (see Hebrews 12:2). A lot of mistakes we make are due to selfishness: we pursue something we want, and don’t care how we’ll get it, or if we hurt others in the process. Further mistakes are made because we allowed ourselves to be deceived by others, or even by a whole machinery of propaganda, and we swallow their propaganda, believe their promises or portrayal of life and pursue the dream which, according to them, is not an impossible one. When we pursue such dreams, we make the probably most common of all mistakes, which is so much ingrained in us as the proper thing to do that we won’t even possibly recognize it as any kind of mistake: we use our own carnal efforts to get there. Now, for a non-believer, agnostic or atheist, or a member of a religion in which good works will pay for your entrance to Heaven or Nirvana, using your own strength is the most natural thing to do. For a Christian, however, or at least one who knows his Christ, that isn’t really an option, or at least not the right one, since Jesus said, “Without Me, you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Nothing good, that is. If we try it without Him, what will inevitably result, is a mistake. So, when Christians pursue worldly dreams in their own energy and strength, what will usually result, is a long line of mistakes that will eventually culminate in the awakening to the fact that we’ve been going the wrong way, and I’m definitely speaking from my own experience here, having pursued the dream of a successful career, only to find out that what Jesus said was true all along: If He was not from this world, and we are truly His followers, then no more can we be truly at home in this world, much less become some kind of celebrated “hero” or “star” in it. So, a lot of our mistakes have to do with the wrong kind of perception, and learning from our mistakes eventually results in the ability to discern between our ideas of success and God’s. Some mistakes are being made simply because we don’t know any better. I’m thinking about the countless mistakes I made in the training and raising of my children, which resulted in disappointment and disillusion. If you’re following the dream of worldly success, and are trying to combat the constant disappointments you’re experiencing in that effort as a sincere Christian with the consumption of alcohol or other means to numb the pain, you’re pre-programmed to making mistakes. The amount of mistakes we make – or I can say I made – in relation to our children is probably more immense than can be told. Sometimes we make the mistake of wanting to be “pals” with them, instead of their parent, and we let them get away with anything, just so they’ll like us or we’ll have our peace. Sometimes our laziness and unwillingness to pursue our less pleasant responsibility as parents, namely that of applying discipline when needed will lead to a point where we will simply can’t take it any longer and explode in a fit, which will only further convince us of what lousy parents we are and that our children would probably be better off without us. I’m sure that this type of reasoning has resulted in a lot of divorces and separations, because I know it has definitely contributed to mine. I’m also convinced that most of our mistakes are deliberately being caused, and we’re manipulated and “tempted” into making them by spiritual forces at work “behind the scenes.” For people who don’t believe in God or a Spirit World, this will be downright ridiculous, but for a genuine Christian, there is no doubt that there is a Devil, and his job is to get us to doubt God and His goodness and love for us. Thus, life – for a Christian – becomes some kind of a battle field with an invisible, but nonetheless very real enemy who tries to manipulate

and out-maneuver us, and getting to recognize and expose his devices and deceptions is half the victory, and in many ways, that’s what this chapter is supposed to be all about. I’m not saying you can blame it all on the Devil. It’s our own fault if we fall for his temptations. But kidding ourselves into believing that all we’re up against in this world is the sin and evil in our own hearts is going to bear the price of a hard awakening for some, I’m afraid. One milestone in helping us to overcome the mental hurdle that facing and confronting our mistakes presents to us, is the realization that mistakes aren’t anything to be ashamed of. The Bible says that we all have sinned (Romans 3:23), and thus, nobody’s perfect. And once you realize how it’s actually your mistakes that make you learn things from life, and that make you better for it, more humble, more loving and more understanding of others, you begin to realize that our mistakes are actually an essential part of the meaning and purpose of life. Dealing with our sins and mistakes should come as naturally to us as brushing out teeth or taking a shower. Yet some of us seem to have the same problems with spiritual baths or showers as we used to have with real showers when we were 3 years old. Why? Mostly because we are afraid. The aspect of being confronted with our own darkness is scary. We’re all born optimists when it comes to preferring to see the positive side of ourselves. What many people don’t realize is that fear, along with some of the other evils mentioned, that are the driving force behind our mistakes, is also a sin, and an obstacle that needs to be overcome. And the best cure for fear is faith. Once you know and have learned that God is truly in control, loves you unconditionally and will turn anything that happens to you into good (see Romans 8:28), you’ll begin to realize that there is actually nothing to be afraid of. Some of the mistakes I made in life were caused by fear. I was – and still am – part of an international missionary movement which used to suffer severe persecution in some countries throughout the 1990s, with children being taken away from their parents after traumatic police raids, and I was determined to not to allow that to happen to me and my kids. I refused to let anyone separate me from my children, and yet, as a result of taking my fate – and theirs – into my own hands and pursuing a “normal” life with my children attending public schools, I only harvested separation from them the “usual,” slow and perhaps less shocking way. I doubt, though, that the gap would have been as deep, as it presently is, if I had trusted God for the outcome, instead of trying to save myself. Another very common mistake I’ve made in my life was using what others did as an excuse to do it myself. If others weren’t as serious about their life as Christians, I figured, well, then I wouldn’t have to be, either. We call it compromising our standard, or lowering our standard to theirs. The same thing also happens the other way around, in the form of envy, competition, or negative comparing: we see what others have and think we also need to have it, whether we can afford it or not. Both ways, if you learn the lesson from these painful experiences, it will serve as a reminder to keep your spiritual eyes on God, and not on others. This is probably a concept not many Christians can relate to, because they go much more by what they see brother so and so do in church, than by the meager portions of God’s Word they are being fed by their preacher. Besides, one remembers much better what they see than what they hear. That is why we’ve got to learn to see God in our lives. But the first place to look is to “see” what God’s Word has to say to you, personally, opening up your Bible for yourself (preferably to the New Testament if you’re new at this, particularly the 4 Gospels), and find out what Jesus’ views on things were. The Bible promises He’s the Same yesterday, today and forever, so you can assume that His opinion on general issues hasn’t changed in the past 2000 years, and once you’re familiar with His views and Words – and not just your preacher’s interpretations of them – you begin to recognize His mind in relation to situations around you. In the Beginning was the Word. Read it, and you’ll begin to hear it! Hear it, and you’ll begin to see Him! One very common mistake I’ve also been guilty of is the assumption that we already did everything it takes: We already made all the right choices, we took all the necessary steps, we did what we thought was required of us, but we’re still not happy, and so we figure, well, it must be God’s mistake then. When all the while we don’t realize that we haven’t even yet begun to do what it takes. Perhaps we heeded His call to follow Him, and

said, “Alright, Lord, I’ll follow You,” and then thought whatever we did since was automatically the right path. We stopped sinning right there and then, and we quit making mistakes. Again, often we go by the example of others around us, and seeing that they’re also not doing much better, we figure, “Well, that’s the way it’s supposed to be, because everyone else does it the same.” But following Him isn’t just some going through the motions, imitating what everybody else in our congregation is doing, but it includes sitting at His feet, like Mary, listening to Him and learning of Him. Leaving everything behind to follow God is not a once-and-for-all decision you make, guaranteeing that whatever you’ll do from then on will automatically be right. Unless you continue leaving everything behind every day, namely all the ballast you inevitably accumulate throughout a life-time, even as a missionary, be it in physical belongings and those of your growing family, or simply the wrong attitudes you acquire when you think you can do God’s job without God’s power, you’ll be making big mistakes, just like everyone else does, and sometimes even bigger ones, because of your position as someone who is expected to know better. Probably one of the most efficient ways of getting people to handle their mistakes is by becoming an example of a person who doesn’t mind talking about their own mistakes and all the benefits and lessons that resulted from them. Maybe the more I will talk about my mistakes, and the fact that it actually wasn’t so bad at all that they happened, will ignite an interest in people to look for mistakes in their own lives that they might be able to learn and benefit from, too… Maybe. Another mistake commonly made that I’ve had to admit to, is that we sometimes try to please a certain kind of people, reach a certain kind of audience, which is the brand of people we most look up to or wish most to impress, but they’re not necessarily the kind of people God wants us to reach with the message He has sent us to give. A classic example of this from the Bible is when Paul decided to return to Jerusalem. After years of successfully ministering to the Gentiles as Jesus had commanded His disciples to do (see Mark 16:15) and establishing a church consisting of former “pagans,” instead of only Jews, that finally caught the attention of the rest of the Early Church and led them to follow in Paul’s footsteps, Paul decided – against warnings by the Holy Ghost – to return to Jerusalem, back to the people he had once come from, who appealed most to his his intellect. The result is history. Paul was captured and beheaded a few years later. The good thing that came out of his captivity were his epistles, showing that God uses even our mistakes to bring about a greater good. The temptation many Christians have to face, is that of wanting to “reach” fellow Christians and “preach” to them that have heard the message oodles of times over and over again, instead of fulfilling the Lord’s commission to go into all the world and preach His good news to every creature, not just our own kind… One mistake we frequently make is to judge others more vehemently for their mistakes than we would judge ourselves for the same mistake. It’s easier to forgive ourselves, or forget or overlook altogether whatever wrong we have done, than it is to overlook that same blunder in others. That’s probably why Jesus put the phrase, “And forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us” right there into the only prayer He ever taught us to pray, right before the line, “And give us this day our daily bread.” Forgiving others ought to be just as important to us, and have the same priority on our schedule as breakfast, lunch and dinner. Probably if we’d remember our own faults and mistakes more, along with all the wonderful lessons we learned out of them, it would also be a lot easier for us to forgive others on a constant daily basis. Another most commonly made mistake along the line of judging others is that we judge from our own position without putting ourselves in their shoes. According to our personal experiences and the circumstances we’ve come to know, the other party is supposed to behave in such and such a manner, and if they don’t, well, that’s their fault. They’re to blame. But it usually takes digging a little deeper in order to find out what circumstances – totally different from the ones we experienced – may have caused them to act the way they did or do, and we can be thankful that God isn’t guilty of our same mistake of making snap judgments based on surface observations, but He will always judge every situation taking the full spectrum of everyone’s circumstances and background into full account.

We also make the mistake of overestimating ourselves and simultaneously underestimating our Enemy. If most people were aware of the extent to which the Devil tries to interfere with their lives, they’d probably be a lot more guard against him, instead of being so easily fooled by him and won over to his side. The greatest mistake anyone can ever make that I can think of is to kid oneself into believing that they’ve got everything figured out. “He that thinketh he standeth, let him take heed lest he fall.” With all the lessons we learn – or are supposed to learn – from our numerous mistakes, one of the reasons why we often keep repeating the same mistakes or making similar ones is that we don’t remember the previous lessons. We’re too occupied looking forward to the next pleasure that’s to be had, or the next temporal goal we have set before us, or even just trying to survive in the treadmill. We think we’re the big accomplishers and we’re here to do something. The concept that we’re supposed to learn something in this school of life strikes us as rather strange and something alien, so we don’t give retaining the lessons gleaned from our failures the importance that would ensure the progress necessary to avoid falling into the same trap again next time. Another failure that leads us to miss important lessons in life is the belief in coincidence. While probably the majority of the Western population ascribes the existence of the entire universe to coincidence, for a child of God it is definitely a mistake to ascribe anything to coincidence, because things don’t just happen by themselves. There is a cause for everything, and the assumption that things can just result by random chance, without a definite cause will turn out to be the greatest hoax mankind ever fell for, I’m sure. So, if something happens to us, we ought to ask ourselves why. We should investigate what caused it, and if we can’t figure it out by ourselves, then we should ask the One Who knows everything. You say you don’t have time for that? Well, that’s the single biggest mistake you’ll ever make. One of the greatest temptations for sincere Christians is to pay more attention to the gift than to the Giver. We get so busy with the fruit of our work and the blessings we’re given, that we sometimes fail to pay the attention that is due to the One Who gave the blessing and caused us to bear fruit in the first place. Another blunder we frequently commit is that of going by yesterday’s instructions and failing to get new ones for today. As long as a certain modus operandi works for us, we figure what was good yesterday should do for today, but that isn’t always necessarily so, or it may work for others, but won’t for you, or vice versa. What’s important is to stay “in tune” with the Lord and check back with Him frequently whether we’re still on the right track, and never take anything for granted. If His greatest commandment is to love Him and others, that commandment also includes communication, right? Where would any relationship be without communication? So, in other words, one rule to go by in order to making grave mistakes is, “Thou shalt communicate!” We can’t just go by what was said yesterday, because today may bring an entirely different cup of tea, requiring different standards and measures, so, it pays to find out what’s up to date & thus, communicate. Parents sometimes make the mistake of giving their kids something that they like or want too quickly, but it often spoils them & the amount of appreciation & gratitude they could have developed otherwise. And sometimes we even tend to do the same with adults. We try so hard to please and be friends with everybody that it might come to a point where we regret having made it that easy on them. Sometimes it pays to wait and evaluate the situation first, and then see if it’s really the right time to spoil them or let them have the goodies. Another grave mistake believers make - and I’ve been particularly guilty of that one in my past, is to place our bet on this present life in various aspects. One of those is the aspiration and endeavor to find the kind of Hollywood type of romance that so many of us would like to believe to be really feasible in this life, only to wind up disappointed by the actual human qualities of our earthly partners. If we allow ourselves to put on the kind of “reality” that’s being sold to us by the mass media, then we’re in for one terrible disappointment. I wouldn’t be surprised if the major factor responsible for current divorce statistics has a name we all love: Hollywood. It’s not that perfect love doesn’t exist. But we usually look for it in the wrong places, namely in imperfect people, like us. The perfect relationship is only achieved by becoming skilled at the art of loving, and that

entails the ability to forgive and handle countless flaws in others, and I doubt whether such a relationship is even possible for the average mortal without the supernatural help and assistance from God. Since we receive His assistance in all kinds of aspects, which we take for granted (for instance, try to artificially create the amount of oxygen necessary for one breath, and you’ll know what I mean), I wouldn’t be surprised if many of us will find out at the end of their journey, just how much help they received from above without ever even noticing it. Once we learn that we have a spiritual enemy who is very interested in us muffing it somehow, we begin to get to see some of the schemes he uses in order to accomplish that, and we also begin to discern between true success, and our own initial erroneous concept of such. One of our biggest mistake upon succeeding is to think that we have arrived, and we reached our goal and got as far as we wanted to go, because that is the moment we’ll spiritually die and fall asleep, and unless we wake up, sink into oblivion, never to be heard of again, as far as ears that matter goes, anyway. The only proper way to handle success is the way Kipling described, to treat those imposters, success and failure just the same, “then you’ll be a man, my son.” Being what the world would consider a “loser” has its advantages. For one thing, you learn to avoid repeating the probably most common mistake made by mankind of trying to save or fix ourselves without help from above. The “Do-It-Yourself” mode has been ingrained into those of us of the “winner” or “accomplisher” category to the extent that whenever they’re in deep trouble, they will bitterly try to save themselves out of their trouble or fix the situation by whichever human means possible (unfortunately also often resorting to cheating in the process), that it never occurs to most to avail themselves of the greatest source of strength in existence, namely the Father’s help. “Prayer” is a word that doesn’t come natural to those “naturals” and they’d rather rely on the strength of their own arm. Some can continue that game until the bitter end, and the day they face the last enemy whom they could never lick in their own strength, others – not cut out for such heroism – surrender quicker to the idea that maybe they’d be better off if they’d ask for help. Thankfully, I found myself belonging to the second category, and life has been much less of a struggle ever since. Another big blunder success-junkies (which nearly all of us are, initially) make is that of underestimating the little things, including the little people. In our quest for BIG and ever BIGGER things, we become virtually blind to the small hidden corners where life’s true beauty really lies, and losers become winners and vice versa, big time, as they miss out on the sweetest mysteries of life and the thrills hidden in the little things you only get to enjoy by taking the time for them and refusing to become too distracted by the BIG, and seemingly allimportant things. This can also include underestimating the significance of “little mistakes” we made, which God may not consider so “little,” and some of the adverse circumstances we encounter in life may well be due to some “little sin” we’re letting ourselves get away with, that God is trying to deal with in our lives. If He’s numbered the very hairs on your head and He knows about every sparrow that falls (which is remarkable, since I haven’t ever seen one fall during my 45 years on this planet), and if you consider that there’s more information stored in every single living cell than in the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, then you can rest assured that nothing is too unimportant for God. We’re all different, and subject to different kinds of weaknesses we have to overcome. One of the weaknesses I’m personally prone to is the need to avoid confrontation. In order to have my peace and avoid unpleasant confrontations with people around me, I go to any length, and have even used dishonesty as a tool to provide for myself the peace I longed for. The problem is, such “solutions” are only temporal, and will only result in bigger problems later. Maybe you can relate to this: somebody asks you what’s on your mind, or if something’s troubling you, and you answer, “No, everything’s fine.” Even if maybe it isn’t exactly so. Well, that’s a mistake. “Everything’s fine” will just keep seething under the surface and it won’t become any “finer” by itself, without getting it out in the open and communicating about it, but will only result in one fine mess to deal with when the pressure becomes too much and you finally explode… Honesty’s the best policy for avoiding that sort of mistake.

Closing our eyes to the problem and hoping the monster will go away usually won’t do. The monster will only go away if you will challenge it, confront it & openly have it out & expose it. Another big mistake strong believers are prone to is assuming that their views are identical with God’s, that His opinions equal our own, and we thus become the very oracles of God. We open our mouth, and what comes out is, “Thus saith the Lord.” Unfortunately for us, and fortunately for our victims, God requires a lot more humility from His vessels and messengers than that, and He might allow all sorts of public humiliations to happen to us to wake us up from our delusion and get us off that lofty pedestal. (Of course, I’m only speaking purely hypothetically, and any similarities to actual persons and events, especially myself, would be purely coincidental… ha! – Just kidding.) We need to remember to distinguish that while we may be divinely inspired at times, that this doesn’t mean “divinely inspired equals us, period.” Divine inspiration has never been a permanent state in any human being I’ve observed walking this earth, so the best we can do is to remember that and just do our best to be or stay inspired for as long as possible by His grace. But once the “magic” is gone, to have to humble ability to recognize that fact and leave the podium to the next candidate for God’s anointing. The natural trust we lack when it comes to God, we often replace with all the more trust in a force at least equally as mysterious and invisible, as we – that is, the more passively inclined brand of humans to which I belong – leave a whole lot of things up to “destiny,” “fate,“ or pure chance. Having been brainwashed into believing that the entire universe came about by that process leaves its marks even decades after conversion from such folly, and we sort of automatically and subconsciously figure if chance did such a great job on the universe, our lives will probably be safely in its hands, too. Big mistake. Just as the evolutionary theory defies the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics, you can also bet your hat that leaving things like your life and matters revolving around it up to pure chance won’t just automatically improve anything. Things left to themselves will unfailingly deteriorate, not improve, and that’s precisely what will happen to your life if you decide to just let it passively float by without you interfering much, and sort of assume the role of a spectator, rather than that of an active participant. One mistake I personally made, which I don’t know if anyone else had the audacity to, was to let myself be tempted to believe that God was maybe a little superficial. Again, I went by what I saw, and judging spiritual things by the standards of physical things and people around me, and I began to worry if God was maybe like the superficial mob around me. Thankfully He provided me with sufficient evidence that my assumption was rather atrocious. It’s not God’s fault that people are turning out the way they are, and it’s certainly no reference to His own nature by any means. If anything at all, I’ve since come to realize that God is the totally Other, just about the extreme opposite of our own sinful, selfish, narrow-minded and superficial ways. Although we’re created in His image, I’m afraid that since the Fall of Man we have veered a long ways from that similarity, a process that can only be reversed by truly getting to know Him and absorbing and assimilating His true nature, which is as easy to accomplish as the asking for it. In fact, God is already standing at our door, waiting for us to open up and become acquainted with Him, and all we have to do is let Him in (see Revelations 3:20). The list of blunders and mistakes I’ve committed in my life wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the temptation to pat myself on the back for things I’ve accomplished, instead of giving honor to Whom it is due. In that aspect, we’re very much like little children, infinitely proud of ourselves when we accomplish the tiniest little effort, and so is the Father. But if we get too cocky about it, and develop an attitude of “We can make it without Him,” then before long we’ll fall flat on our faces, and one way to avoid those falls is to give Him the credit from scratch. Like this we won’t run into the danger of thinking it’s us, or adoring ourselves and how great we are, and thus won’t warrant for something to happen to set us back on our heels. Finally, one of the most common mistakes humans make is to assume that God makes mistakes or that He must have made a mistake in allowing this or that to happen, or in the way he made us or this or that or the other person. First of all, He’s not entirely responsible for the way we turn out, as each of us are only the sum total of our choices, give and take a few attributes handed us at the onset of this game called life, and some of the spicy circumstances added by others.

While it may remain arguable whether it’s a mistake to trust God for the final outcome of things until we get there and see the Big Picture when it’s done, it is definitely my personal recommendation that it pays to trust Him, even if you can’t possibly figure out where He’s heading. And there are oodles of more mistakes we make every day: We underestimate God’s importance, we doubt the veracity of His Word, we think it’s okay to kill people in other countries just because our preacher may say it’s okay. (Heavenly Input on “Mistakes”:)

Puters R Us “Unless we can help the world where we are, we could not help it if we were somewhere else.” – H. K. Computers are a great way of explaining the process of communication that's happening between us and the Powers that be "behind the curtain," God or the Devil. In school we were taught that every computer program is based on a system of 1s and 0s. It's like those questions we can only answer with either a "yes" or a "no." And that's precisely what's happening with us and God. We either say "yes" to Him, or "no." If we say "no" to Him, we say "yes" to the other side, and if we give the wrong answers repeatedly, our system is eventually bound to malfunction and crash. There's a lot of malware out there, a lot of "malicious code," which the Bible describes as weed seeds that an enemy has come to sow into the Master's harvest. Often you won't know which is wheat and which is weed until they're both fully grown. And that's precisely what's happening in the world around us. You wonder, "Why does God allow all this crap to happen?" Well, He's still waiting to see if perhaps that thing looking like weed might turn out to be wheat after all. And if not, it will serve as a good lesson for anyone who was ever tempted by weed seeds when He'll chop the darn thing down. It will happen, you know? It's just a matter of time. Which is another subject we may get around to later? Of course, computers are only one of numerous inventions that God has allowed man to make in order to illustrate spiritual truths, if we’re interested in seeing them. Most people will probably consider it ridiculous to want to give God the credit for everything, especially man’s “own” inventions, but I’d consider it ridiculous not to. Take our modern means of transportation, for example: God is even willing to bargain for a lot of pollution in exchange for driving home some vital lessons to us. Even though I personally am convinced that there won’t be any such pollution-makers around in His Kingdom on earth anymore, He obviously allows them for the time being for multiple purposes. They aid His people in getting their job for Him done, just as much as they’re also being used for evil. He makes His sun to shine of the evil and good. Modern means of transportation illustrate a spiritual truth that we can get to places by different means, and we can make progress in “getting there.” We can either walk through life, or we can accelerate our journey by riding a bike instead, or hey, how about a motor-bike? Or take some folks with you can take a car, or a bus, or – hey, if you really want to go places fast, you can take a plane. The problem with some folks is that they stick to their usual means of getting through life, their old opinions, attitudes and world views, and they refuse to exchange them for updates, for more efficient, more effective and more modern ones. It’s true that some of those modern versions of getting about aren’t always the safest. But then again, time is short, and the Bible cautions us to redeem it, to make the most of it, so, if I have the choice between riding my bike or rowing a boat to Honolulu, and taking a plane, I think I’ll take the faster and more comfortable option. You can derive lessons out of practically everything if you keep your spiritual eyes and ears open: blenders, telephones, radios, even televisions… light bulbs, mirrors, concrete, perhaps even Styrofoam… (I’m just wildly writing down anything to comes to my mind right now). I guess you get the point.

The concept of computers and computer programs can help illustrate certain things about God that previously were practically unfathomable. For example, according to the Bible, there have been major changes in creation since its beginning. We are told that before the flood both man and animals were herbivorous, in other words, vegetarians - an unthinkable statement for any evolutionist, who pictures earth's history as a savage dog-eat-dog tale of the survival of the fittest where only the most skilled of killers managed to stay alive. Then we're told in the Bible that some of those changes are going to be reversed again in God's future Kingdom on earth, where "there shall be no more curse," and the original settings will be restored, so to speak. If we imagine all of creation as some sort of virtual reality computer program, like the "Matrix," only in this case construed by a truly benevolent "Architect," then we can picture how those - for us - unthinkable changes that are supposed to have taken place in the genetic coding of both man and animals, merely required a few "changes in the Matrix," done by the Architect or Great Programmer, and how it should be a relatively easy thing for an all-powerful and all-knowing Being to once again restore the original setting of His Operating System. Since we have allowed the virus of sin to enter our System of creation, it has been wreaking havoc, and is bent on causing our Machine to crash. The problem is that a lot of folks either don't realize what's happening, or actually like what the virus is doing to them, so the Master Programmer - due to the integrated feature of free choice He built into our system - has to wait until the System truly crashes until He will intervene and "reformat," otherwise, you can imagine, there would be no end to the whining of those who think the virus rules. While for some it is obvious that something is wrong, and they send constant communications to the Administrator to run the Anti-Virus program already and "deliver us from evil," the effect of the virus has caused the efficiency and information storage capacity of others to malfunction to the extent that they won't really believe that they need any help until it's too late. Some of us are going to have to "sweat it out" for the sake of our weaker or slower brethren, so to speak. By either choosing our loyalty for the Architect or the usurper virus in yes/no, I/0 manner, we determine whether we're going to remain as components of the future system, or whether we're going to have to be sent to the shop for a major clean-up and overhaul. I believe in the Architect's perfection of skill to the extent that He won't have lost any data in the end, but only gained something out of the process. Others are slightly more pessimistic and want to see him burn up the faulty components forever and ever. I guess we'll just have to stand back at some point and watch Him do, and in the meantime leave the rest up to our imagination or limited ability to fathom the capacity of a God Who describes Himself as Love, to forgive. I’ve even come to compare Heaven to the Internet recently, or rather, the Spirit World, since both good and bad things are available from it. But if you need something, a certain tool or some input or information to make your day easier, you type in your search, and usually, often to your surprise, you’ll find it. This reminds Me of when Jesus said, “If ye, being evil know how to give good things to your children, how much more will the Heavenly Father give good things to those who’ll ask Him!” If we can even find things and blessing a-plenty on the Internet (along with plenty of things that aren’t good for us, of course, so it pays to discern, just as one must discern the voices of spirits), put there by benevolent people who simply like to share, then we can also assume that this is also just a mere shadow of God’s awesome generosity and the general spirit of Heaven. I don’t think there will be any stingy folks in Heaven. They may have been on earth, but once you get There, it’s over. Shareware and freeware will be the only sort of “wares” available, and every citizen of New Jerusalem finally lives by Jesus’ advice that so many of His earthly followers so regrettably ignore all for the sake of a few bucks: “Freely ye have received, also freely give.”

I’ve also recently spun some thoughts on a possible connection between the 1s and 0s system computer are based on and the sub-molecular make-up of the universe according to String-theory, which one can find on my blog… (Heavenly Input on the ‘Computers R Us’ Metaphor:)

What’s Up? “Knowledge is love and light and vision.” – H. K. The fact that Jesus used parables a lot in His teachings should already teach us something. David Berg taught that all of Jesus' parables had to be actual events (being the Son of an omniscient Father, and being the "I Am" of old should make this quite possible), otherwise whenever He said, "it came to pass..." or "it happened," it would not have been true. If Jesus' parables are based on actual events, and He used those events and incidents and actual experiences of people to teach all of us, then we should stay on the lookout for the educational value in the events and incidents that occur in own lives every day. When something happens, we should turn to God and ask Him, "What are You trying to teach me through this?" We've got to shed the mindset that we're too small, too unimportant for God that He would even bother about us. He does care, and nothing is too small for Him. In fact, there are oodles of things He would like to teach us everyday, if we would only have the faith to believe that, and consequently open our spiritual senses to perceive those lessons in life. What happens, matters. But we often don’t realize it because we’ve been conditioned to accredit everything to coincidence. Our problem is that we think we're so smart and know anything, when we haven't really got a clue. Our sin is our presumption to claim that we can actually see, when we are totally blind to what's right in front of our noses. Our sin is our unbelievable pride. We discover the miracles of life with our electronic microscopes and say, "Nah, that's nuthin'. Anybody could have made that, in fact, it probably made itself." We close ourselves off to true information that's all around us; messages from our Creator that constantly shout, "Look around: I'm right here!" But we willingly choose to ignore Him. We choose to be blind. And as He said Himself, "None are so blind as those who refuse to see." The complexity of the structure and modus operandi of a single cell and its integrated communication system that makes all life possible are the greatest known single source of information and intelligence in the known universe, but we just assume, "Aw, that's just a little blob of chemicals that came to life once when struck by a lightning." I personally never saw anything drastically improve from non-life to life by being struck by a lightning, but I guess scientists who are paid for upholding a wobbly theory like Evolution are forced to live in a different reality. It's our arrogance that blinds us. It’s our indifference toward our Maker that deprives us of the privilege to live life to the full, the way it ought to have been lived. But we don't even know how to live, because we constantly choose the path that seems right in our own eyes but turns out to be the ways of death. We congratulate ourselves for our "progress" and technical advances, when most of what those "advances" result in is more death, more suffering for others, ever greater pollution and the impending destruction of our planet, because with the same indifference and contempt we treat out Maker we naturally also treat our

fellowman and our environment. The art of war is still what we're best at, and what our governments spend most of our money on. Wow, yeah, seems like we really have learned something. Knowing what we were going to be up to, the Bible promised 2000 years ago that "He will destroy those that destroy the earth," when we were far from being capable of doing so. Those smart-alecs who are so dead sure they're smarter than everybody else, including God are taking us all along for a ride on their highway to hell, and most of us don't even notice it, and what's worse, most of us don't seem to mind. As long as we've got our fancy gimmicks to distract us, we won't say a word, no, won't even so much as raise an eyebrow. After all, our TVs, our Gameboys, our I-pods, our Big Macs and our BMWs are proof enough to us that the System is working. Who the hell cares about 10.000 some people in other countries starving each day, or a bunch of Arabs killed by our guns? They're all terrorists anyway, right? Or as one American Abu Graib “war hero” put it on a video posted on the internet (that has since been removed) in which he boasted to his friends of a mass rape of a 15 year old Iraqi girl by his squad, resulting in the girl’s subsequent suicide, "Anything that wears a turban is guilty." Yes, people, we're really enlightened. It only looks to me like most of us are going to get a big shock when God turns on the light for real, and we get a look at the way He sees things, namely the way they really are, and not the pitiful concoction of our imagination we currently call reality... The problem is, we don’t want to take on the responsibility when things go wrong, nor do we want to give the credit to Another when things go well. We ignore the signs God flashes at us through the things that befall us each day and turn calloused or bitter against Him, or turn to foolishness, laugh it all off and get drunk or stoned; the easy way out. No dealing with consequences. No confronting anything. No asking, “Why?” because we are scared of the answer. Seems like we’re all a bunch of cowards. But if we sit up and behave like adult women and men and are not too chicken to confront the ugly truth that may lie behind things that occur to us (and believe me, nothing happens by coincidence!), then we can learn a lot, and start avoiding our mistakes, instead of falling into the spiraling abyss of getting ourselves into one constantly growing mess that finally winds up in hell. There is such a thing as hell, and a lot of people are living it on this earth right now. The question is, what can we do to bring a little more heaven to others? What can we do in order to make Heaven happen, instead of hell? What can we make something happen that will communicate to others that there is a God and He loves them? We have to understand that God allows a lot of things to happen for various purposes. We often wonder why "bad" things happen to "good" people, while the ruthless and reckless in this world seem to thrive, and we become critical of what we perceive to be God's sense of righteousness, thinking that surely this time He must have made a mistake that we would have avoided in His stead. What we forget is that "the god of this world," the one who gives riches and power to whoever he pleases, "for they are given into his hands," is the Devil, and we forget the path of suffering the Son of God Himself had chosen for Himself, beckoning His true followers to also take up their cross. So, we're really in good company when we suffer, and we become "partakers of His sufferings," and more like Him in this world. The choice is whether we want to reign now and suffer a lot later, or suffer a little now and reign with Him forever... Most of the time we don't see what His plan is for us, or where He's leading us. All we have to do is trust and follow. If things that are happening don't make sense to us, that's quite normal, and it's alright. We just have to keep trusting and following. Someday it will all make perfect sense. Oh, and when I say, “we,” I’m definitely including myself. I often find myself afflicted with the same blindness to His views and REAL-ity, so I’m not just pointing a finger at everybody else. Like Jonah I frequently find myself inside the darkness of the belly of the whale due to my own stubbornness and insistence on running the opposite direction God tells me. But like Jonah I also have found out time and again that it’s true, that “Salvation is of the Lord.” When we call on Him when we don’t know what’s happening, or our own way of seeing things has driven us against a stone wall and we need Someone to pick up and mend the pieces, He always comes through.

People don’t believe me when I say “God talks to me.” They just figure talking isn’t included in God’s repertoire. That He’s incapable of communicating. That’s the arrogance I’m talking about. How can we be so presumptuous to say that the divine Author of the entire, unfathomable sum of information that lies embedded in His creation, the One Who has brought forth the universe by means of mere utterance of His Words, should be incapable of communicating? “Why should He bother with someone like you?” Because He loves me. Just as He loves you, and He would really like to surprise you pleasantly by filling you in on some essential details concerning life, if you’d just be willing to open your ears to His voice, your eyes to His views, and your heart to His loving vibes and give Him a chance… (Heavenly Input on Asking God What Happened…)

Showbiz Vs. One-on-one “Believe, when you are most unhappy, that there is something for you to do in the world. So long as you can sweeten another's pain, life is not in vain.” – H. K. Coming to think of it, the gist of the meaning of life lies pretty much in communication; all depending, of course, on what it is you communicate. God has poured out His Holy Spirit with all its diversified gifts upon believers, primarily as means of enhanced communication with Him in order to enable us to act as mediators between Him and our fellowman. Once we know that, it is also a matter of which method we choose. Most contemporary servants of God choose what I call the "show business" method: the preacher stands in front of his crowd, delivers a speech, the listeners pay their dues and return for another hour of "service" the following Sunday. Wherever people got the idea of this supposedly being an appropriate way of living out "Christianity" or rendering "service" to God never ceases to puzzle me, that's why I would rather call this form of "Christianity" churchianity, since it falls under the category of what someone said, "there's nothing wrong with Christianity, it's just that so few ever tried it." If you look at the Bible, this is not the way Jesus worked, for example. The "sermon" on the mount, the only recorded "sermon" of Jesus, was not really a "sermon" at all, if you carefully read the very first verse of that supposed sermon: "And seeing the multitudes, Jesus went up into a mountain: and when He was set, His disciples came unto Him" (Matthew 5:1). Traditionally, this scene is pictured with Jesus sitting on a grassy slope and delivering His speech to thousands of people. But it doesn't talk about a grassy slope here, but a mountain. Nor does it say that the multitude followed Him up that mountain, but only His disciples did. In other words, we don't have a "sermon" here, not the "show business" type of preaching on which the principle of Churchianity is based, but we have a radical instruction drill of the greatest Revolutionary of all times, given to His closest associates, those who were going to use the words delivered to them on that day to turn the world right side up and convert the beliefs of this obscure and persecuted little "sect" into one of the world's leading religions. - Although it's doubtful that the result thus far was what they had in mind. The biblical purpose of "preaching" was never to entertain a crowd of regularly returning church members, who were already believers, but all the fiery speeches given by such people as Peter or Paul in the Book of Acts were delivered to unbelievers in order to make converts of them (and it worked!). That's the kind of preaching Jesus meant for His disciples to do. Preaching was most certainly not meant to be geared to an ever returning sleepy crowd who never act on what they've been told anyhow, having become "hearers of the Word only, deceiving themselves" (James 1:22). The kind of "sermons" we find in the Bible were either meant for the purpose of conversion, directed at people who thus far were unbelievers, in an attempt to convert them and make believers out of them, or they were

words of instruction to new converts, on how to make more converts, and what to tell other unbelievers, in order to make Christians out of them. Most modern Christians find this method of communication way too stressy. Why should they risk their reputation, their image of coolness, by trying to talk to someone about Christ who doesn't even believe in Him yet, and who might not even want to be bothered with any religious stuff? Why, they might even get upset! There are weird people among those unbelievers, you know? In some countries it's even against the law to do that sort of stuff, and Jesus certainly wouldn't want us to do anything unlawful, would He? Read the Bible! And how His true disciples were thrown in prison, beaten and told time and again to stop preaching in Jesus' name. But all the apostles did was praise God that they had been found worthy to suffer for Christ's sake and figured that it was much more important to obey God than man. True communication, conveying the words that count to others, the words that bring life, in fact, eternal life to others, requires courage and conviction. Most people are too driven by fear and pride in order to truly communicate what matters. You see, nobody expects you to stand in front of a big crowd and yell your head off. But whenever your path crosses that of another, if anything has a meaning at all, then everything has a meaning, including that encounter, and you are faced with a challenge, a golden opportunity right there, to communicate, to deliver words that truly mean something to that person, in order to change their life for the better. You either do it, or you don't. Jesus said, "He that gathers not with Me, scatters abroad." There is no in-between. You don't need to make the other person feel awkward about not being a Christian. Being a witness for Christ requires a certain amount of tact and skill, just as any type of communication. - It requires love. If Christ doesn't just happen to be the Dude everybody worships in your religion, but He really touched and changed your life for the better, then you should be able to allow Him to touch others and change their lives for the better through you, too. It works. And making a convert of someone doesn't necessarily mean to make them a member of your church, either. Jesus never meant for crowds to gather together on a certain hour on Sundays to listen to one man talk in a big fancy building. He is always looking for people who are willing to listen to Him, and will pass on to others what He told them! Communication is the name of the game. Of course, the one-on-one approach is in many aspects not as easy as being the big head honcho on a platform preaching down to a defenseless crowd of sheep who would never dare question anything you've got to say in the first place. It becomes a lot more difficult out there on the mission field of life, when you're trying to get an unbeliever to see that he needs God. Often it's hard for us to see the need, because they don't want to see their need for God at first. They come across as so self-sufficient and happy-as-they-are, we wonder, why should I bother or burden them with my faith? Unless you know that your faith is really the most valuable thing you've got and the best thing that ever happened to you, it may not really be worth sharing it in the first place. But once you've got that figured out, you'll find there is nothing more thrilling in this world than telling others about Jesus and saving their souls. So now we're about 3 years old and have learned the basics of communication. Let's have a look at what we can learn from nature, shall we? (Heavenly Input on Witnessing:)

Look (A Chapter on Nature) “Of all the senses, sight must be the most delightful.” – H. K. No wonder that modern people are so far away from God. They're so far away from His creation. In creation, as Paul said, His invisible nature is so clearly seen, it's almost impossible to deny His existence, one would have to be a fool to actually believe and say in his heart, "there is no God." But in today's big cities, where even the ground you walk on is man-made, every wall you stare at is man-made, and the only reminders of God's existence (if you still believe in Him, that is) are the polluted air you breathe and the smog-dimmed sky you look up to (if you get a chance - it's dangerous in the city, you know), it's easy to fall for the lie that man has become his own god. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the serpent's promise in the Garden has finally come true: "ye shall be as gods." You see those little gods strutting across stages, being worshipped by tens of thousands in more dedicated adoration than you'll ever find in any Christian church, you'll see them running across lawns chasing after balls, spurred on by the roars of the masses that worship them, having paid large amounts of money to watch them chase that ball from a distance. You see them on TV, cussing, smoking and spreading their gospels of what is cool, politically correct and en vogue, and slinging guns in countries infinitely less developed than their own, where it's so easy to play god by ending the lives of another "pagan" by the mere bending of their index around the trigger of their machine gun, and another, and another... Yes, playing god is the name of the game here in Lucy-Land, Papa Lucifer's great, all-man-made amusement park, where you can really be naughty and let it all hang out. Who needs God around here, anyhow? No wonder they're trying to kill off nature as fast as they possibly can. They want to silence any remainders of the voice of God. They want to darken the sun, the constant reminder of our dependence on something much greater than us, and the moon, the reflector of that light, reminding us of the existence of that sun, even in the darkness of the night. They want to poison the life-giving rain that falls like the life-giving words of God, bringing life where there was none. So far, they haven't been able to stop the rain, nor the sun or the moon from shining, and so we can continue to learn from them: The rain falls on the high and low places, but it runs steadily down into the low places, just as God's spirit is usually rejected by the high and mighty - the proud - and runs into the dry, parched, lowly hearts, who will eagerly accept His Word. The Bible compares some people to "clouds without water, carried about by the wind." If you've ever seen the Disney documentary "Animals Are Beautiful People," you'll remember the scene of the pelican baby in the searing heat of the Kalahari Desert. When clouds pull up and promise to send rain, there seems to be hope for the young pelican, but the promise turns out to have been empty, and so the baby dies. Some people bear the promise of life-giving water to the thirsty souls around them, but they don't deliver. They just dissolve into thin air, amounting to nothing more than a little temporary shadow, turning into not much more than just another bunch of hot air... *** The seed that has fallen into the ground and apparently died, because its shell cracked open and is split apart, brings forth a new life, a tender white little worm-like sprout that slowly wiggles its way up through the darkness of the ground, up toward the sky where it instinctively knows - and that without having a brain - that up there life-giving light and warmth awaits it. Jesus compared our lives to that grain and said that our old shell needs to die in order to spring forth into a new life that will bring forth much fruit (John 12:24). Of course, that tender sprout also has natural enemies, which will try to devour it before it ever reaches the ground or is grown tall enough to bring fruit, resembling the fact that life isn't always a piece of cake, but a fight against evil. You can't always take success for granted. *** Caterpillars and their metamorphosis into butterflies have always been a source of inspiration and marvel at God's ability to drive home certain points without words. Our lives here on earth are certainly comparable to that of a caterpillar, crawling around on the ground and consuming all the necessary input that will eventually

enable us to transform into a much more beautiful and glorious creature, able to soar into the sky, after a process that seems a bit like death. *** The mountains and valleys are certainly significant of the vast differences in the proportions and unequal distributions of the world's wealth. But the Bible promises that the high places will be made low. Ever wonder why some mountains have got to be so breath-taking high, while the valleys and abysses in life are so low? Just as we wonder why some people are so high and mighty, so filthy rich, while many are so bottomlessly poor. One of the qualities of this life seems to be uneven distribution. Some have way too much while many have way too little. Some blame God for it. After all, He made those mountains and valleys, didn't He? Some ascribe the creation of our high mountain ranges to the cataclysmic aftermaths of the worldwide flood in Noah's days. But whichever way they came into being, those of us who are troubled by the lack of equality in proportions that surrounds us everywhere may be comforted by God's promises that the mountains shall be made low and all the high places will be brought down, just as the high and mighty throughout history always eventually have fallen. In God's Kingdom we can be assured of fairly equal distribution and plenty and sufficient for all, at last, though unlikely ever too much of anything. If we distribute our wealth evenly, then there probably won't be anybody left with too much. But who would want too much of anything, anyway? Who in their right mind, that is? *** The seas are like the roaring masses, driven with the wind and tossed, while others among us become like lifegiving rivers of water, nourishing the landscape around them (see John 7:38). *** Take a look at a cactus, & you'll know what some folks are like. *** Magnets are a good illustration of how certain people and "wavelengths" attract each other, whereas if wrong poles face each other, there is rejection. *** One natural phenomenon, the spiritual manifestation of which I've witnessed repeatedly in my life, is that of mockingbirds. The Devil delights in laying his "eggs" in God's nests & watch the hoodlum & slaughter that unfurls as a result. *** Some things have dual or multiple meanings (just as some parables in the Bible leave room for various interpretations and applications), or illustrate a number of different truths - good or bad. One just needs to discern which interpretation applies to their own situation. *** The moon: some people you cannot reach directly. The sun is too bright for them. So God has to reflect His light at them via the moon... His church (= ecclesia: the called-out ones).

*** Day and night and the seasons... The Bible promises that the seasons of the year, winter, spring, summer and fall, will remain forever. "There is a time for everything," the Book of Ecclesiastes tells us, and since ancient times, we have known that is was "a time to reap" or a "time to sow," by the seasons, just as we have known that it was time to rest when night falls and time to work as the sun rises. That's how we know for certain that

God made the world in seven days, not seven "eons" as some claim: "and the evening and the morning was the first day..." Although death will be no more in God's Kingdom to come, it seems that there will always be seasons of greater activity in intervals with seasons of rest, of quiet and re-filling. It seems as if God is not at all in favor of ruts, of people constantly doing the same, day in, day out, with hardly any changes, as many of today's working world are condemned to do. "Because they have no changes, therefore they fear not God," we are told. If everything always stays the same, then we get so sure of our routine, we lose our respect for od and our need of Him. It says of the Antichrist that he will seek to change the times and seasons, perhaps in an effort to make life even more monotonous for his slaves and captives... Jesus said, "I must work the works of Him that sent Me while it is day, for the night cometh when no man can work." Apparently the darkest night of history will be the epitome of all the darkness of our physical nights symbolizes. But it's good to know that it comes right before the world's brightest and eternal dawn. Maybe the cycle of day and night and of the seasons will continue forever as a reminder for us that there is a time to be quiet, when we must let God speak, when we cannot see except for His light, just as there is a time of fruitfulness, of activity, followed by times of rest and re-filling. Our seasons are not only relevant on a "Quattro Staggioni" pizza. On the pizza of life one really starts to notice that there's something more significant about that cycle of life when summer ends and we enter the mature phase of fall, when we reap the harvest and the fruits we've sown in our earlier years. While we wallow in the spring, we still tend to think that we're invincible and immortal, but by fall, the approach of winter becomes undeniable. While we usually don't care much about the older and mature trees while we're in our youth, a lot of our young fruits, unripe and bitter, can ruin our stomachs or turn out to be downright poisonous lies or illusions. Only the fall will show what sort of fruits we've sown and whether they're any good. *** I would have liked to add an extra chapter on this topic called “Look Deeper,” about the marvels and details at the microscopical level of creation, but I’ve decided to limit this to 40 chapters for now. It turns out that our search for intelligent life has brought us down to the microscopic level of each living cell, rather than the vastness of outer space. It’s paying attention to the details that allows us to discover some of the nicest secrets about the universe. One of the greatest proofs of the existence of our Creator has been the discovery of how carefully He goes into every little detail about His creation. Things that looked so simple on the surface turned out to be so intricate, way too complicated to have simply "created themselves" or "come about" by themselves... There's too much information in everything to have come about without an Author. Seeing the love for Detail of the Grand Master of the universe Himself should teach us a lesson or two about not despising the little things, for it is on them that the axis of the wheels of the mighty universe hinges. If for God Himself nothing seems to be too unimportant, we should be careful about the things we tend to be careless about and deem unimportant or irrelevant. When the disciples wanted to shoo away the children who had come to see Jesus, He said, "No. Unless you become like a child, you won't see the Kingdom of God." God seems to love little things and little people. Size doesn't seem to be His "thing." In fact, He seems to rather have a handful of Davids than a bunch of Goliaths any day. It seems to be the size of the character that counts with Him, not any outward trademarks, and much less big, inflated egos. We can also learn this lesson from nature: the big fat birds are much more hunted for prey than the little sparrows... While some people are dedicated and passionate geniuses who devote much time and attention to the intricate details in their work, fabricating little miniature marvels, like expert watchmakers and similar artists who show great appreciation for detail and precision, I'm afraid the large bulk of us are usually satisfied with a mere glance at the surface, and draw our conclusions prematurely, and will even base our whole lives, plans or entire sciences on our superficial perception. The paradigm of macroevolution is a classic example for this: the bones of a wing or fin look similar to the bones of a hand, so we conclude that one must have evolved from the other, while a closer look paints a rather different picture, showing that things are not nearly as easy as we wish to imagine the way it happened simply in order to satisfy our simplistic thirst for knowledge: "Gimme something I

can comprehend, true or false, and I'll be satisfied. More than that I don't want to know. Don't disturb me with facts if they're getting too complicated!" But things are not always the way they seem. In fact, they very often may appear quite differently from what they really turn out to be. Our premature conclusions often turn out to have been nothing but premature and erroneous. It's because we don't take the time to look deeper into the details. Every molecule is proof of the fact that God is a passionate Lover of detail. It is only we, busy and frantic little humans, wh think we don't have time to deal with the complicated and intricate details because we've got to catch our bus or plane in order to get ahead in our superficial little world. Our passion for mere appearance is of great advantage for the Enemy of our soul, for he greatly uses it, knowing that it's much easier to fool anyone who merely looks at the surface than those who investigate what's below. If everybody repeats it, we swallow it, and once we've seen it on TV, it becomes a fact for us. Our TV screen has become the standard of our reality - all the reality we need... at least initially. Sooner or later, thankfully, experience wakes us up to the fact that actual life and those things we see on TV don't coincide, and they're not identical after all, but we usually recognize at the same time that we've been chasing phantoms for the first half of our lives. Maybe that is why James wrote, "anyone who hears God's Word and does it not is like someone who sees his own face in the mirror and walks away, forgetting about the way he was made." If all we are, or all we think we are is our own reflection in the mirror, and if that flat piece of glass becomes the standard by which we measure ourselves and determine who we are, as compared to all those other faces we saw on the other flat screen of glass - our TV - then we forget who we really are. When we think that all we are is our flesh, then we forget that we are a spirit. In one of the greatest movies ever made about the life of St. Francis of Assisi: "Brother Sun and Sister Moon" by Franco Zeffirelli, in one touching scene, the accused Francis kneels before the bishop of Assisi and says, "Man is a spirit. He has a soul. And that is what I want to find again: my soul." When all we think we are is that reflection of ourselves in the mirror, then that's what we have to find again: our souls. Many young people around us have lost their souls, because all they are in their own minds is that reflection of themselves in the mirror, which they try to style and shape as much as possible in the image of the "Grand Standard" of the way folks are supposed to look: the TV. Or the billboards and magazine covers, or all those faces on the street who shape themselves after the standard. Only if we manage to shut up all those voices screaming at us, telling us what we are supposed to look and be like, only when we manage to ignore them, can we hear that inner voice telling us who we really are. Otherwise, the beautiful suffer because they are only loved for their outward appearance, and the not-beautiful suffer because they think they won't ever be loved. All because we listen to standards of superficiality instead of looking below the surface and seeing who we really are. It takes looking a little deeper in order to find the real person. *** We could go on and on about the marvels of creation and its hidden messages: about the "hidden messages in water" and the way water molecules respond to spiritual vibrations and change their shape accordingly... About the "secret life of plants" and how they respond to the way we treat them or talk to them... Everything matters, and nothing is lost. God is everywhere. That is the message we can read everywhere, all through His entire creation. May He open our eyes to see it. C.S.Lewis wrote in "Mere Christianity:" "Everything God has made has some likeness to Himself. Space is like Him in its hugeness: not that the greatness of space is the same kind of greatness as God's, but it is a sort of symbol of it, or a translation of it into non-spiritual terms. Matter is like God in having energy: though, again, of course, physical energy is a different kind of thing from the power of God. The vegetable world is like Him because it is alive, and He is the "living God." But life, in this biological sense, is not the same as the life there is in God: it is only a kind of symbol or shadow of it. When we come on to the animals, we find other kinds of resemblance. The intense activity and fertility of the insects, for example, is a first dim resemblance to the unceasing activity and the creativeness of God.

In the higher mammals we get the beginnings of instinctive affection. That is not the same thing as the love that exists in God: but it is like it—rather in the way that a picture drawn on a flat piece of paper can nevertheless be "like" a landscape. When we come to man, we get the most complete resemblance to God which we know of..." *** God may have made man lord over His creation and given us a position over the animal world, but that does not mean that He has equipped us in every way superior to them. In fact, many animals are equipped with much keener senses, better hearing, sight, smell, etc., than we are, and that ought to teach us something. We have a tendency to only look up to those who are superior to us and above us. Yet God sometimes wants us to rely on weaker or lower creatures than ourselves. For millennia people used to rely on horses, donkeys and mules to get them safely from A to B, and on their dogs as the only available guard system. Mankind and all of creation are supposed to be one big family in which everyone plays their important part, not only the big head honcho, but we’re often dependent on somebody weaker, or we would consider “below” us. *** As far as we're concerned, God has a certain quality that puts Him in a position of disadvantage according to our way of thinking: He's invisible. In order to teach us that invisible does not necessarily equal useless, God has put a few other invisible items, forces and entities around which we avail ourselves of frequently, if not constantly, such as air, gravity or electricity. Even light in its original state is invisible, as we have covered. Lately man has discovered the usage of invisible forces such as micro waves and radio waves, which goes to show that just because something is invisible, it does not mean it's not there. In fact, with a little bit of skill, formerly invisible things can become quite visible and audible, as anyone has experienced who has ever turned on a TV. This leads to the conclusion that if we happen to be or have the right receptors, we might even be able to see God. Perhaps it's all a matter of moving on the right frequency and wavelength. Perhaps it's all a matter of time until we will have learned, just as we have learned to make invisible airwaves visible, to see God, just as Jesus promised to those of a pure heart...

(Heavenly Input on Nature and Creation:)

The Spice o' Life “To keep our faces toward change, and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate, is strength undefeatable.” -- H. K. The animal and plant world show that God is truly a great Fan and advocate of variety, and therein provides for us a sheer endless source of learning. There's something in there for everyone. The extremely large variety in traits & qualities among the human species (of which the variety in the animal world seems to be the most appropriate symbol) requires of us a certain level of tolerance toward what's different than we are. The challenge is to love them, even if they're different and you initially don't like them. Not only is there amazing variety among the various species, but if you've ever had any pets, you can tell how each one of them has their own "character" or "personality." No animal behaves or is exactly the same as another.

The problem is that we often draw the wrong conclusions and read the wrong information into the mighty message of creation. Instead of gathering from what we see that we have "come" or descended" from the animals, I personally am convinced that animals perfectly depict the way certain people are (as Jesus already hinted in the gospels, by naming Herod a fox, His Pharisaic enemies snakes, etc.), or in some cases issue a warning of what we might become and turn into, if we don't watch out! The Gospels are full of allegories likening us to "sheep," "goats," "wolves" or other animal counterparts. Even the stars confirm this, and I've often got a kick out of observing God's sense of humor in allowing people to actually display little tokens of the qualities of their Chinese star signs... Walt Disney must have recognized this resemblance between men and animals, and by giving his animals the gift of speech (- or giving us the ability to understand them, whichever way you want to see it -) he has helped an entire generation to identify somewhat with the animal world. Some people are like ferocious beasts, greedily devouring others. We even find some dinosaurs among them. Some peaceful, some dreadful, like the T.Rex. Others are like little mice, grabbing whatever they can, but hiding away at the first sign of impending danger. Yet others like ants, faithfully trotting to work and back everyday in their ant hive-like cities... If you've ever seen the great documentary "Animals Are Beautiful People," you'll get the gist. Apart from the Chinese star signs, there's another typography for the human characters, which uses animals to describe the different types there are, called the Enneagram, if you'd like to know more about people's nature and our similarities to the animal world. The Germans have a saying: "Man is a beast of habit." We tend to get into ruts. The comfortable way is the known way, and rare is the man who voluntarily chooses the uncomfortable way in our age of cold beer and remote control. The Bibles says, "Because they have no changes, they fear not God." Everything's the same; nothing ever changes, so why should we need anything from outside our little circle of habit and routine? We allow a minimum amount of change and variety, the players in the match on TV wear different colors today and make slightly different moves than in last week's game, but we press the same buttons to avoid the commercials. Who needs God in a well-protected, well-scheduled life like that? Needless to say, God isn't exactly fond of our comfortable little ruts and thus often brings about unwelcome changes in our lives, which we initially resent and complain about, but eventually always come to see as the best thing that ever could have happened to us, regardless of how great a disaster we originally deemed that change to be. The Bible tells us that God is a Constant, similar to the sun, the position of which does not change, (at least not in relation to earth, or perceivably, for us) while our own positions in relation to it - as the planets revolving around it - constantly change. We don't perceive our change, since we don't realize that we're not only spinning around our own axis every 24 hours, but even rotate around the sun once every 356 days, but we perceive the sun as "coming up" and "going down." In relation to us, God spells constant change, bringing about day and night, winter and summer, and as far as we're concerned, God must deem change evidently good for us, whether we intially tend to agree with Him or not. As far as our lives are concerned, God spells constant revolution, and the only way to stay alive is to flow with His constant river of change, and not resist it, which is hard, because the influences of our immediate, earthly and temporal surroundings are trying to get us to solidify, stagnate, freeze and counter the process of God's revolution in our lives. It's up to us once again to recognize and determine who is our true Friend and foe in this equation: that old familar habit, or the uninviting, unfamiliar and strange change we may initially resist. Only once we realize that change comes from the hands of our best and truest Friend, and that howbeit familiar rut and stagnation is truly the enemy of our soul and happiness, we finally become open to whatever revolutionary change God wants to bring into our life today, and life finally becomes the exciting and fulfilling adventure it was meant to be all along. (Heavenly Input on Variety & Change:)

Breaking Laws “Doubts and mistrust are the mere panic of timid imagination, which the steadfast heart will conquer, and the large mind transcend.” -- H. K. There are so many secrets yet to be discovered about nature. There seems to be a whole lot more that we don't know about nature and all its qualities, than what we do, even regarding basic building blocks of what we call science. Take for instance the law of gravity, a corner stone of what we call science today. Isn't it amazing that scientists largely leave the fact unnoticed that Newton's theory of the law of gravity violates one of the fundamental laws of physics? The Law of Conservation Of Energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but merely changes from one form into another. Energy from a given power source is converted into another form of energy elsewhere. But since gravity is a creation of energy from nothing, rather than a conversion of energy from one form (a power source) to another, since there is no known power source at all behind gravity, this states a clear violation of the Law of Conservation Of Energy. Yet the violation of this law of physics by the theory of the law of gravity is being ignored in the same way that some people are constantly able to get away with breaking certain laws, while others are being punished for the slightest hints of violations, or the way certain nations ignore UN resolutions while others are being punished on mere suspicion of producing "weapons of mass destruction." We clearly live in a world of mysteries, where there is evidently more that we don't know than what we think we know or believe to know. No wonder the Bible predicts "knowledge will cease." Apparently we'll have to get rid of a whole bunch of stuff we think we know. I don't know which is greater: the amount of things we still have to learn or the amount of those we have yet to unlearn. The closer we look at creation, the larger and more significant becomes the empty space between the particles and planets, as if to show that the answer lies in the emptiness. Perhaps all the amount of knowledge and science in the world will not amount to the faith the size of one grain of mustard seed in the fact that God is in control. After all, it was faith, according to Jesus, that's going to enable us to move mountains, not knowledge. We can look at nature either with our natural understanding, and understand not really much of anything, or we can look at it as the portrayal of our Creator and Designer, His effort to show and teach us something. The difference lies in what we see when we see. How do we see? Is everything just matter sprung up from coincidence, or is there a purpose behind it all? Every breath we take is a miracle. Every baby born is one. Every exact proportion of physical and chemical relations in creation is a continuous miracle that keeps the world spinning. Every moment our planet isn't being hit by one of the thousands of meteorites that constantly swirl about and miss us by inches, is a miracle. If God weren't in control, we certainly would have reason to be afraid. The precise clockwork of the universe could have no more come into being by coincidence or by itself than any other clockwork could have. Every bit of information has an author. Every clockwork has a designer. Why can't we learn that simple fact from what's going on around us?

It's true, certain things don't make sense. They're not as perfect as we would have made them if we were God. But rather than labeling God as imperfect or non-existent altogether, couldn't it be that through the flaws in creation He's indicating that some things simply aren't right on our end? What’s the connection between death and our sins? Is it true that there was no evil in the world at one time? Is it even fathomable? No death? Peace between man & animals, and peace between all animals? If it were so, then we bear more responsibility than we think when we embrace the paradigm that we’re all just here by coincidence. No wonder the vast majority prefers to believe the “We’re monkeys” version. One of the most fundamental truths, not only in Christianity, but also in Buddhism, is the law of cause and effect: "Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." So, be mindful of the seeds you're sowing. Jesus warns us that that we're going to have to give an account for every idle word spoken. Yikes... Some people doubt that there was ever a worldwide flood as depicted in the Bible. They found mere hints of the possible previous existence of water on Mars and they speculate that there once must have been a flood on Mars. Four fifth of the earth are under water, but a flood here? No way. Some people don't want to see. It is interesting to note, though, that before the flood, God gave man and animals only "every green herb" for food (Genesis 1:29). In other words, in the beginning, both man and animals were herbivorous, they were plant eaters. The Bible also predicts a time when "The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox," in other words, the animals will stop killing and eating each other again, and even mankind will stop killing each other. Is this a fairy-tale, or the way things truly were meant to be? And if there is a way that things are meant to be, what do we learn from it? Which way are we behaving? What group of people do we belong to? The "meek" and the "peacemakers," the children of God, which shall inherit the earth, or the warmongers, that "kill with the sword and shall be killed with the sword" (Rev.13:10), for whatever "noble" reasons? The physical rules and laws that govern our physical world must – if my perception of the Big Picture of life is correct – therefore stand as symbols or physical manifestations of the spiritual rules and laws of God, since the physical world allegedly proceeded from the Spirit World, if God is a Spirit and the worlds were created by His Words. Breaking the spiritual laws of God is what has been termed “sin,” a very unpopular and almost taboo way of saying “we screwed up.” Originally derived from a Greek word that stands for “missing the mark,” when we break God’s laws and rules we basically miss the mark of what life is all about. Jesus made it clear that basically, all the laws and rules of God can be wrapped up in the phrase “Thou shalt love!” In other words, if we miss the mark of love and fail to make love and learning to love our goal, we sin. It’s actually so easy that many people are repulsed by it. After all, “Why make it easy, if you can make it complicated” seems to have been the rule by which they like to play their game. As in all things, it’s a matter of choice which game we want to participate in: the complicated head game of sin and missing the mark, or the simple, yet never boring game of love. Up for a round of the “love game?” It’s really not that hard. Basically, it just takes letting go of some of the twisted and distorted rules we presently live by that make life as it is so unnecessarily hard. (Heavenly Input on the Laws of Physics & the Spirit:)

The Other Side “The struggle which evil necessitates is one of the greatest blessings. It makes us strong, patient, helpful men and women. It lets us into the soul of things and teaches us that although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcomings of it.” – H. K.

As we grow up and observe the world around us and learn to respond to what we encounter, there is the ever recurring phenomenon of opposition. That which we consider evil, our enemies, our adversaries, or even just adverse circumstances, that which opposes us - the other side. We envy those who don't seem to have to struggle against anything, those who have it all, whose parents can afford to buy them anything they want, and nobody stands in their way or dares to oppose them, just because their daddy is rich and powerful. Why does it have to be that way? Worst of all, why is it often so that we find the greatest opposition, the greatest friction, the greatest trials, at home, among our own? Why did Cain have to kill Abel? Why does God allow evil in this world? If we don't believe in a Creator, then the explanation is easy: we're all just animals in the process of evolution, the "survival of the fittest." The stronger survives, and that's it. That's why C.S.Lewis was so right in saying that atheism was actually the easier solution. It's a cop out. Accepting God means we have to deal with some serious questions in life - if we're serious about it, that is, and don't just swim along in some current of monkey see, monkey do, "I do it because you do it." It is the darkness that makes us appreciate the light, sickness that makes us appreciate health; the absence & lack, which make us yearn for the Great Filler of all things. The vacuum, the absence, is what creates the need, the suction, the necessary force for Go(o)d to come & fill that blank, empty space & convert that black hole into something good. One of the great dangers in life is to make the mistake to assume that only that of one's own kind is good: my own way, my own views, my own people or kind, my own country. In order to bring about true progress in life's journey there must be no standing still, no stagnation. Things have to keep moving, and in flow. Things must change. At first we assume that that strange new intruding factor must be bad, hostile, or malign, because we don't know it, & like the little boy said about spinach: "I don't like it 'cause I never had any." But being open for what's different makes room for a much healthier life-style. In fact, that's what getting to know God really means: acquaintance with the totally Other (Isa.55:8,9). God's ways, thoughts & views are simply not ours, & as long as we insist that ours are better than His, and we, in our minds, assume that role superior to Him ("I know better. If I were God, I'd do things differently"), we fall for the "ye shall be as gods" temptation of the Devil. Only trust reverses that process. We must decide, who is most trustworthy? Who is our real friend, our real foe? Am I really more trustworthy than God? Who is our True Friend, and are we, perhaps, our own worst enemy? Some folks believe that if they would just manage to convey the right amount of the right kind of knowledge to people and get them to change a few negative attitudes, then evil would disappear by itself. Because, they figure, evil is just another word for ignorance, & the Devil doesn't exist. That's what I'd call wishful thinking. Unfortunately, we have greater problems than not having read their books or attended their workshop. One of the greatest tricks the Devil ever pulled on mankind was to convince them that he doesn't exist, & thus, most of his attacks are cleverly camouflaged under a cover of "righteousness" & "justice"... "Liberty & justice for all!" We tend to think that our own motives are always pure and just... but are they? If the Bible truly is God's Word, then the Devil is not only real, but he is also the "god of this world," and "all that will live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution" (2Tim.3:12), because "what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination with God." In other words, the Devil will leave you in peace, if he's already got you in his bag, if you swallowed his lies & are playing his game. So, if you've got problems, cheer up! You must be doing something right, & you must be fighting for the right side. Maybe those adversities & difficulties you're facing are signs that you're on the right side; that you're a child of God, Who "chastens (corrects) every son - or daughter - whom He receives" (Heb.12:6). Why do our parents become upset with us at times? Could it be that we are actually doing something wrong? Unfortunately, many kids nowadays never find out, because their parents simply don't believe in discipline. A child without discipline becomes a master at the art of playing god, a little ego-maniac, terrorizing everyone

around them, and finding it very hard to cope with finding out that not everybody dances according to their tune (the way their well-meaning but erroneous parents did), later on in life. We are all like disobedient children, and it's good when we are capable of recognizing that and admitting to it. Then we can also accept the discipline and correction God uses to teach us to do better, in the form of those adverse circumstances or some opposing force or individual in our life that seems to be giving us hard times. (Heavenly Input on Opposition & Adversity)

When Things Don't Work Out “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” “A happy life consists not in the absence, but in the mastery of hardships.” – H. K. "Sometimes the magic works, and sometimes it doesn't," the wise old Cheyenne chief said to "Little Big Man," when he thought it was "a good day to die," but the rain had spoiled his ceremonious transition into the eternal hunting grounds. Equally, sometimes in our lives things work out, sometimes they don't. I'm the type of guy who tends to be pleasantly surprised that some things in my life have turned out to be working out at all. Others are a little less used to disappointments. When it comes down to it, what else is the meaning of life but finding God's will for us (& doing it)? There are various ways of finding out what is God's will for us, apart from what He has laid down in His written Word, in general instructions. We already talked about how God likes to communicate with people individually & personally through the gift of prophecy, tongues and interpretations, & there is yet another phenomenon by which He chooses to communicate & reveal things to us, which we'll touch on later in dreams and visions. But the one I'd like to talk about right now is open and closed doors - circumstances. As millions of us have learned from the epic "The Sound of Music," "When God closes a door, He always opens a window somewhere." So, when something does not work out in our life, it's up to us to find out what God wants us to do: try harder and persevere, or try something else instead. We can gather from the Bible that the gifts and talents He gives a person are well planned & thought over. We're supposed to "abide in our callings." Often, though, the grass is greener on the other side, & people are artists at wanting what they don't and cannot have. This sometimes (quite often, in fact) results in our own will not coinciding & thus, colliding with God's, and that's when we start having a problem. The New Testament tells us that the purpose of "being born again" is to become a new creature. Unfortunately, our "old man," our carnal ego, along with its pride, selfishness, willfulness and negativity, keeps trying to pop up again. And again. And again. I suppose, that's Satan's attempt of copying God's feat of resurrection. Only, he constantly resurrects the wrong thing: our old, decaying, rotting & sinful selves. Yielding our own will to God is the only way we achieve to become what we're supposed to be. As John the Baptist put it so wonderfully simply: "He must increase, but I must decrease." Some people, however, simply don't want to see, they don't want to hear; they don't want to know. They quite simply don't want, that's all. They don't want as God wants, so they live in rebellion against Him, each their own little god. It's not that they don't want anything at all. Sure, they want things: money, pleasure, or one kick after another from alcohol or drugs... or one cigarette after another. But quite obviously not God's will. One of the hardest things to take from God is His closed doors, the unfavorable circumstances that are exactly what we don’t want, and even the most pious among us can get into an argument with the Almighty over some event that He allowed to happen in our lives that we certainly would have known better than to allow it… The question is, who knows better?

Perhaps one of the great mysteries of the cataclysmic event that changed everything for us in an instant, of Adam and Eve chewing from that fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is that with all the evil we’ve come to know since (and the good was obviously already around and ready to be known beforehand), we still don’t seem to have gotten any smarter along those lines of what is good and what is evil… We’re supposed to have evolved into more intelligent beings, but we all still have the same ape-like reactions toward God when He allows “evil” to befall us. We get upset at Him and tell Him how He ought to run things: Be bad to all the bad people, and be good to us, the good people. Let the bad people get sick or starve, and fill our pockets with goods and blessings ever after, because, after all, we’re the good ones… But are we really that smart as to determine what is good and bad. Especially for us? We think death is the worst thing that can possibly happen to us. But is it? Or financial bankruptcy. Is it? The "Principle of Mediocrity" has affected our everyday thinking and perception of the world. Since we have found out that our planet is only one of hundreds of billions in one galaxy of yet more hundreds of billions, we have come to see ourselves as one human among billions, just as insignificant as our planet, that spec of dust in the vast depths of the cosmos. As if to seemingly underline that statement of our insignificance, "nature" has cooked up some obvious flaws in what some still have the audacity to call "creation," such as handicapped and severely malformed humans and other beings who are often in that state since birth. "Where is your supposedly all-powerful and oh-so wise and just God in that?" the average skeptic asks. Certainly we - the cream of the crop of evolution, the masters of the 21st century - deem ourselves a lot more clever than any supposedly omnipotent and omniscient Head Honcho who screwed up so severely in His creation. Personally, I have stopped viewing handicapped people as necessarily inferior to myself ever since I came upon a handicapped young person with an expression of heavenly peace and bliss on his face I have never known while I had been fuming and fretting myself through the traffic on a German highway in order to get to my destination. If for nothing else, handicapped people are a perfect illustration of the spiritual state of all too many of us supposedly so enlightened spiritual children of God. They have often turned out to be more than a blessing and a life-changer (for the better) for those who have had to take care of them, and perhaps have led the one or the other of us to the point where we stopped arguing with God about our personal definitions of "good and evil." Perhaps He has known better all along, and our greatest sin was to doubt Him and insisting on coming up with our own definitions... Probably one of the greatest surprises we’re all going to get upon our arrival in the Better World will be to find out just how God used all those seemingly bad things we thought we certainly could have done without for our good, and how things never would have been the same without them. It’s difficult to trust some invisible, supposedly all-powerful Dude with our lives and our fates, when He seems to have the tendency to do a lot of things contrary to the way we would. It requires trust. But that’s precisely the essence. Our faith and trust is what’s in the purification process here, and by taking the bad events in our lives with the same grin and trust that we would take a jackpot in the lottery, we show God that we think He’s alright and He’s not going to mess things up for us, like Kipling said, “If you can meet success and failure and treat both imposters the same, then you’ll be a man, my son.” That’s precisely what God’s telling us. Providing we are His sons and daughters and set out on the path of faith. A faith that will eventually teach us to overcome. Overcome our circumstances, obstacles and whatever we originally, once upon a time, back before we learned to start seeing things His way, would have called “bad.”

(Heavenly Input on Overcoming & Rising Above:)

Dreams and Visions “It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.” – H. K. In dreams and visions God communicates with us on the visual scale (visions), and in the language of tangible experience (dreams) that is so similar to reality that we sometimes cannot tell whether we dreamt something or actually experienced it. I'm not going to say that each of our dreams is inspired or orchestrated in every little detail by God Himself (although on the other hand I'm not going to deny that possibility completely, either), but my guess is that our dreams are a result of all the influences we encounter affecting our spirit, our so-called subconscious. We know darn little as yet about dreams, probably due to the dilemma that science largely refuses to acknowledge spiritual influences on our lives, and, according to the evolutionary paradigm, more or less ascribes everything to coincidence. Thus our dreams become random byproducts of our subconscious and no more. For the ancients on the other hand, dreams were an important part of their daily lives, even as they still are for so-called primitive peoples, such as the Australian Aborigines. But the average Westerner is simply way too busy with the things he deems more important, namely the question of his survival: how do I preserve and groom my outer shell as effectively as possible? The inner life is often neglected in this pattern. I think I can say without exaggeration that God has communicated with me now and then through my dreams. Sometimes those special and significant dreams (which by far were the exception from my regular dreams) were warning me of certain weaknesses in my character. I was being shown that I had to beware of pride and fear. Other times I've had extraordinary dreams about possible events of the future, or the World to come, and yet other times they have been downright adventures, almost like action movies I experienced in my sleep. I have fallen in love in my dreams and sometimes woke up in convulsive tears, deeply moved by what I had just experienced. Paul McCartney said that the song "Yesterday" came to him in a dream, and a handful of my songs have also originated in dreams. I am beyond the point where any however astute scientist can tell me that dreams are solely based on whatever our subconscious happens to be processing. I am convinced that dreams are at least in part result of spiritual influences from both directions. There are dreams resulting from demonic influences on our lives (nightmares), and, thankfully, there are heavenly dreams also. Although the latter make the ringing of the alarm clock an even more dreadful event than usual, so, it's not really bad if we don't have those too often. There is the phenomenon of lucid dreams in which one is aware of the fact that he is dreaming, and people have wondered and written (and made movies) about the possibility of being able to enter someone else's dreams. If we are being made in the image of God, one might wonder, does God also dream? And if so, what would His dreams look like? If He is all-powerful, then it should certainly be an easy thing for Him to communicate with others in His dreams... In any case, getting on God's dreamscape sounds like an adventurous challenge. Perhaps one of those things to explore in Eternity... As far as visions go, these are obviously rarer than dreams, although some people receive them regularly. I've only experienced them few times, and in most cases they were nothing spectacular. When you're already used to one medium by which God communicates with you, then you usually like to stick to what you're used to, although God, on the other hand, often refuses to become a "habit" for us and challenges us to learn new things. With visions, as in the case of many others of God's gifts, one thus has to be open for the new, ready to see new things, willing to receive and experience new things. When we become aware of the fact that this is one of God's principal goals in our lives, to teach us how to see, then we can also imagine that He would like to open our spiritual eyes and show us visions.

Many people have extra sensory perceptions and refuse to share their experiences with others because the world is so framed by disbelief that "such a thing" simply doesn't fit in and is not being considered "normal." And none of us want to risk being labeled "abnormal," do we? There is, of course the other aspect of “dreams and visions,” the one not referring to actual dreams you dream in your sleep and supernatural, biblical vision, but the concept of, “What are your dreams, your visions, your goals in life?” The Book of Proverbs says, “Without a vision the people perish.” If we don’t know where we’re headed, we’re quite likely to get lost. I’m not particularly great at planning and scheduling things ahead of time. I’m dreadfully disorganized. Maybe you can tell, just from reading this book. But as chaotic as I am, I would still recommend for anyone to get some kind of a vision for their life, a goal they want to attain, which isn’t always entirely easy, if we know that from a biblical point of view, (and from observing the signs of the times) that this world is heading downward. That’s why it’s important to have our priorities straight, and to know what we want to accomplish; not so much for ourselves, but for the Lord. To “accomplish something for the Lord” means to help others, to impart some of the love and light He sheds on our lives to them, and to share what we’ve got. I personally like to wrap up the vision for my life as a part of God’s Bigger Picture in these words: “World Conquest through Love.” Maybe you have different goals in life: Maybe you want to be a star, play in a movie or record a CD and make yourself heard. Well, just make sure that whatever you’ve got to say is going to be worth the time of those listening to you or watching you, when you get there. Recently I’ve been reminded by the Lord that what matters isn’t so much what I’ve got to say, but what He’s got to say, and that’s what I have decided to make my plan & vision for my life: to share His words with people. Which is precisely why I’m going to let Him wrap up whatever else there might be to say on this subject. (Heavenly Input on Dreams & Visions)

Money and Other Currencies “Some people are foolish enough to imagine that wealth and power and fame satisfy our hearts; but they never do, unless they are used to create and distribute happiness in the world.” – H. K. Money is undoubtedly one of the most important things in most people's lives, if not the most important to some, and it seems to be the essence of modern living around which all things revolve. And yet money is really nothing more than paper, the value of which is determined by certain people, along with the faith the rest of the world is putting into it. If people would lose their faith in, let's say, the US Dollar and let go of their dollars and transfer their assets to another currency (some say that this was really the "crime" Sadam Hussein of Iraq was about to commit, warranting the punishment of its invasion by the US troops and resulting in the subsequent destruction of not only that government, but the entire country), then the dollar would lose its value, "plummet," and perhaps even "crash" completely, probably tearing down with it a large part of the rest of Western economy. In my 4 decades on this planet I have seen paper currencies come and go, their values dropping in relation of 1:10.000 in a matter of months, prices rising and falling, only to rise again. Money is a very fragile thing to put one's faith in. Jesus, in the Book of Revelation, counsels us, "to buy gold of Me gold tried in the fire," that we may be rich. Unfortunately, some people apparently take that literally, and take this as an indication that Jesus wants them to collect worldly riches in this life. Poor fellows. What He is really saying, is that we should change the stocks and assets of our lives into a lasting, crisis-proof currency that won't go up in flames when it comes in touch with fire. Paper money won't stand the fiery tests of time, only gold will.

But Jesus wasn't talking about physical gold any more than He was indicating that we should actually dress in white in the next part of the verse. The gold He was talking about is the kind of faith that will stand the testings and fiery trials in life. In fact, that's what life is all about: to test the true value of the things we put our faith & trust in, and build our lives and actions on. Can you take them with you when you die? Are they going to survive a coming crisis? As the stock market crashes of the world throughout history have shown, faith in paper can easily wind you up with nothing at all. The only words written anywhere that are really worth what they say are God's promises. One can really trust and put their faith in them. The only problem is, they don't go very much hand in hand with the currencies of the world, and you will eventually wind up either serving one or the other. One large problem about our poor perception of things in our immature state is that we mistake many blessings for curses and vice versa. We see the hard times, the challenges, adversity and opposition we face in life as something evil or undesirable, while at the same time being totally enticed and enthralled, virtually hypnotized by the things we consider good, the ever tempting lure before us: fame and fortune. We place out trust in things, and the more of them we acquire, the more of them we want, putting before us that unreachable goal of that god-like state of being so filthy rich that we can afford to buy anything we want. Now that, we think, is happiness. And so we slave toward that elusive goal, blindly stepping on others across our way in order to get there, steadily going up, ever upward, climbing the ladder of success. There are people who keep up this version of "life" until the day they die, as if they were able to take any of their acquisitions with them into the next life. But most of us remain exhausted and disillusioned somewhere along the side of the road. Some grow bitter and distrustful toward any higher power, since their former "gods" and idols have turned out to have feet of clay, while others figure, "well, if this way didn't work, perhaps there is another?" If they realize that one happiness formula didn't work, they refuse to give up and to toss out the baby with the bath water, they refuse to believe that their must be some higher purpose to their existence. If their current values have popped like balloons and haven't passed the test of inflation, if the fiery purgings of life have only yielded ashes from the paper money they once put their trust and faith in, then which is the gold that will stand those tests of time, and where do we find it? And some find it in spiritual values, often in faith. The next trap and temptation is to make an equally hollow scheme out of this chapter, to create a hollow "religion," instead of really finding God. The greatest temptation in religion and spirituality is to create our own gods from our own imaginations and expectations of such a "Supreme Being," instead of truly searching and refusing to settle for anything less than finding the Real Thing. And as Jesus promised, "Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled," so they that truly seek, also shall find, they will not be disappointed. And that's when evil, or that which we previously called evil, receives a new face. We find that "all things work together for good to them that love God," even, and perhaps even especially those so-called "evil" things. We find such stunning paradoxes as "precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints," as we find that the greatest victory ever won in history was achieved by the greatest of all Warriors laying down His own life for others. The disappointments that left us disillusioned in our younger years, when our values and priorities were still focused on the wrong goals have turned into the realization that God might very well be having something greater in mind than we may have been able to fathom; that disappointment very often may spell His appointment! So, according to the Director of the “Bank of the Universe,” the hottest and most reliable currencies that will outlast futile paper money happiness are faith founded on the standard of the gold of His Own Words, which are, after all, the fundamental building blocks of everything: the information that was there in the beginning (John 1:1), that was supposed to have come about by itself, contrary to all we’ve every observed and experienced… The female figure in God’s Family I talk about in the 5th chapter, referred to in the book of Proverbs as “Wisdom” (Greek: Sophia), has a few more thoughts to add on the issue of lasting values: Receive My instruction, and not silver, And knowledge rather than choice gold; For Wisdom is better than rubies, And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with Her.

Riches and honor are with Me, Enduring riches and righteousness. My fruit is better than gold, yes, than fine gold, And My revenue than choice silver. I lead in the way of righteousness, in the midst of the paths of judgment: That I may cause those who love Me to inherit wealth, That I may fill their treasuries. (Proverbs 8:10, 11, 18-21) Who in their right mind would want to continue slaving away for filthy shreds of paper, when there are real and lasting treasures to be gained from this life?

(Heavenly input on money vs. faith)

Off to School “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” “The best educated human being is the one who understands most about the life in which he is placed.” – H. K. One of the greatest "evils" we encounter in our lives as young persons, so ready and eager and full of zest and curiosity to learn about life, is school. Originally designed to convey knowledge to children, something they would be very interested in, the modern, western school system has accomplished the exact opposite of that, perhaps not in all cases, but still in way too many in order not to be a dreadful farce. While a teacher would potentially have something great and desirable to offer to his pupil, namely knowledge, they are not allowed to do that. Instead, they are forced to press a bunch of confusing and useless information into their students' heads, much of which is even false information, which totally kills any of that original desire for learning that originally spurs a child on, just as successfully as an antidote prevents sickness. The sickness that schools prevent is the dreaded disease of true learning. Stupid people are a lot easier to control than intelligent people, and that's what the school system is all about: not conveying true knowledge, but exerting control. You're only allowed to know what you're supposed to know: you're supposed to believe that you're a totally unimportant accidental speck of dust living on another accidental speck of dust in an accidental universe, together with a whole bunch of other accidental specks, of which only the strongest and smartest will survive. "Smart" in the sense that you play the game by their rules, you don't veer from the straight and narrow; don't dare to think any truly independent thoughts which might vary from the "official doctrine." Your only chance of survival is to toe the line and play the game, because the belief that there should by "Anyone out there" actually caring for you, a Creator of sorts, that's a fairy-tale we're going to cure you of very quickly in our little "knowledge factory." Or at least we'll make you feel so small and unimportant by the time we're finished with you, you'll be so full of doubt that anyone could ever love you, much less any great Creator of the universe, you'll do exactly what we tell you to, nicely and quietly that is. For everything God ever made, the Devil has come up with his own lousy counterfeit, and school is his lousy counterfeit of what life - the true and free life God originally intended for us to live - is really supposed to be all about. I'm not saying that all teachers or even all schools are evil, but that the school system at large is, and its ineffectiveness and the ever-growing stupidity of the western masses are proof enough. But even though there are vast and fundamental differences between God's school of life and the Devil school system that basically destroys the fun out of life, there is still no doubt that life is very much a school we're all having to attend. Just because the Devil has made school look like something bad and undesirable (as he has done with a lot of things God originally came up with) doesn't mean that learning is actually something bad.

Part of the purpose of this book, I wish, would be to rekindle the flame of curiosity and a desire to learn in folks, because there really is a lot of useful stuff to learn from life, regardless of all your teachers have possibly done to kill your curiosity to find out! It's all a matter of picking the right Teacher! Instead of allowing the dude standing in the front of your class room to destroy your faith by statements he has had to memorize and has been brainwashed by himself, and becoming all bitter over it, you can have the greatest of all Teachers tutor you personally. Hard to believe? Well, that's what I'm doing, and I can only recommend it. Granted, folks around you may think you're totally insane, but who cares? You'll know you're happy, contrary to them, and you'll be receiving His assurance that everything is actually perfectly alright with you, that it's actually their views that need some mending, and, even though it may not sometimes look like it, you are not alone, and there are actually more folks on your side (although you may not always see them) than on theirs. Contrary to popular belief, the majority isn't always right (see Matthew 7:13,14). You may look like a loner and perhaps like a loser now, but that's usually only a small price to pay for becoming a true winner and overcomer. The fact that I'm blasting the western school system of the 21 st century to bits does not mean that I want to knock secular education altogether. After all, we do learn certain basics, even in the worst of schools. I'm just saying that schools could be a whole lot more efficient than they currently are, especially if their curriculums were more based on facts and things we actually observe in nature, and not just on paradigms concocted by people who fanatically want to infuse their blatant unbelief in a higher Power to defenseless children in order to make them more controllable. After all, it's easier to manipulate a human who has been drilled into believing that he's the insignificant result of some coincidental blast in space than one who believes his immortal soul to be carefully designed by a Creator Who has a higher purpose for his life than just being one more battery for the machines who rule the Matrix. Education could and should really be teaching us something. Certainly God is what our youngsters might call a "pretty scientific Dude," I mean, having come up with fancy stuff like DNA and the universe. He apparently seems to have done His math. So, it stands to reason that He'd like for us to figure out how He done it, instead of trying to wrack our brains on such nonsense as "how things have done themselves." If you would really like to learn some awe-inspiring facts about the scientific marvels, wonders and intricacies of creation, I would recommend some of the writings of Professor Dr. Werner Gitt on the subject. Apparently there are even some numbers that are miracles in themselves and seem to prove the impossibility of everything just being product of coincidence, not even mathematics! Perhaps especially mathematics. You'll find out that it's true what we read in the Psalms, that one would have to be a fool to really believe that there is no God (Ps.53:1). An education without God, the Master Teacher, couldn't be much of an education, in my opinion. So, why don't you get smart and really start learning something? The beginning of true learning and education would be to acknowledge just how little we really know, instead of pretending we're so smart and cramming made up "facts" into our children's heads, and I'm not just talking about Evolution. I'm talking about the fact that the supposed "laws" of physics, which are the basis of our current "explanation for everything," such as even the law of gravity, totally defy and violate the laws of nature, physics' own rules. Modern secular education is like a serial killer constantly preaching "thou shalt not kill," because it's constantly breaking its own laws. If you really want to know how little we know, for instance, about physics, I recommend the highly challenging book "The Final Theory" by Mark McCutcheon. He may not necessarily have found the ultimate truth yet, either, but at least he's honestly exposing the fact how little we truly know about such things as gravity and magnetism, and he may be a whole lot closer to the truth than all those thousands of physics teachers and professors who dictate guesswork as knowledge, hindering the growth of our learning, instead of furthering and encouraging it. If we only knew how little we know. Or, as a German scientist said: "Science, the great error of our times." As it happens so many times in our personal and spiritual lives, it seems that our preferred method of learning and finding out where it's at, is first of all finding out where it's not. Furthermore, we constantly appear to tend to taking more credit for ourselves than is due. Instead of having been created, we have "evolved" by ourselves. Instead of acknowledging God as our Creator, we claim to have created Him through our history. We claim to have "invented" and "discovered" and made a lot of progress,

when it is much more likely that we have merely been shown things. We were given the inspiration that led us to our achievements, whether literary or scientific, or in whichever way. By constantly claiming the credit for our findings for ourselves, we continue the game of "ye shall be as gods" that the Devil was selling us from the beginning. What happens, though, is that we severely distort the meaning of everything by looking at it from the wrong perspective - from the top, instead of from the bottom. We make ourselves the kings of the universe, instead of its humble tenants. The signs are everywhere for us to discover: numbers, letters, even microscopic codes in our genes, and we have learned to decipher them, but instead of interpreting them correctly, we claim their authorship and tamper with them, playing god, creating our own equations, writings and genetic alterations that quite simply lack the divine quality. In short, we don't cut the cake. We're doing a lousy job at playing God, because we stopped learning way too early and have exalted ourselves as teachers - blind guides of the blind. Life is a constant give and take: we give and we receive, we learn and then pass on what we have learned. When that process stops, when we stop receiving new input, new knowledge and stop learning because we think we already know, and start feeding others only from the stagnant pool of what we have accumulated without allowing those pools to be refilled constantly with fresh water, then we reap the sort of problems as a result that we see in our children and in the educational systems of today. By excluding the Great Teacher, we're only fooling ourselves into believing that we are actually learning anything ourselves, or know anything ourselves. By assuming the position of the Teacher ourselves, instead of humbly viewing ourselves as learners and attentive students and pupils of life, we have made of ourselves "fools professing to be wise." Our "knowledge" is largely based on assumptions and false information, and on this foundation we build our equations that we sell as "knowledge" to our victims, who will never ever question or hunger for true answers again (unless they're exceptionally curious). We find a rock, and because of the assumptions of one who claims that the layer or strata of the earth's crust it came from is so-and-so many millions of years old, and because of certain methods which are supposed to tell us that something is so-and-so many millions of years old, we make our equations and sell them as "facts" to the masses, without ever letting them know from what shaky grounds we have derived our conclusions. The main thing is that we look smart and as if we know something. The truth doesn't really matter. No wonder that so many kids feel cheated and walk through life suspiciously. They can smell that something's wrong here and that they've been fooled. They've been stripped of the confidence based on who they really are and in return don't trust their masters either, who would reduce them to monkeys. So, one of the keys to true learning is the ability to discern valid information from non-valid, or flawed, if not altogether false information, and the willingness to let go of any false information we may have been fed in the past. Similarly to the concept of faith, the best thing to make real knowledge happen is a vacuum or void, an empty space to fill, for in the school of life we find out that “He has filled the hungry with good things, but the rich He has sent away empty” (Luke 1:53). It is also important to realize that there is another form of knowing than the type we do with our heads. A person can be reading and studying the Bible all their life, and still never get to hear God’s voice, while another person may be able to hear Him and see His signs anywhere: in some of the movies they watch or in the secular books they read, or in creation – or perhaps in their conversations with strangers or children... It’s all a matter of the heart, determining whether we’re really going to learn something in the school of life - a matter of a hunger for the Real Thing, for nothing short of the kind of input only our Creator can provide; no cunningly disguised counterfeit or fake in a religious camouflage will do the trick for those who yearn for the real and true knowledge. They won’t be fooled. – At least not in the long run. They may be hauled off to Pleasure Island along with all the others once or twice, only to find out that they have been turned into jack-asses and then return to their search for the Father, learning in the process to love with a love that cannot be surpassed – the kind that is willing to lay down one’s life for another. And that, my dear fellow-students, is what school is all about. The only school ever worthy of attendance, that is.

A major factor in education is progress. Students are expected to make progress, and it seems as if this is a scheme that is also hidden in creation, and perhaps the thing that Darwin and his followers have mistaken for evolution. It seems to be in God's nature that He does not like stagnation. He wants us to make progress in our learning in the school of life, and, of course, this school is all about the essence that everything revolves around, as far as God is concerned, and which we will cover in the next chapter: relationships. Not dead religion or dead, formal relationships with our fellowmen, but living, progressing, and ever improving and advancing relationship. The kind of progress God wants us to make is improvement concerning our relationship with Him, our fellowman and all of Creation. Just as we've had to learn how to walk and talk, get dressed and perceive and understand properly what's happening in the world around us, so we have to learn to co-operate and interact and communicate with the machinery of His Big Picture and find our proper and destined place in the clockwork of everything. The far-out thing about God's Big Picture clockwork is, though, that our position in that frame won't just be a boring, stagnant humdrum, but an ever-progressing, ever evolving and advancing process in itself, constantly and perpetually drawing us closer toward Him and each other. That may sound a little bit too good to be true for the average skeptic, but I'm only here to challenge you with the notion that there are yet some shockingly pleasant surprises in store for all of us.

(Heavenly Input on The School of Life)

Relationships “It is wonderful how much time good people spend fighting the devil. If they would only expend the same amount of energy loving their fellow men, the devil would die in his own tracks of ennui.” – H. K. While we have touched on some of the abundance of lessons which nature - or rather, God, through nature wants to teach us, when it comes to our next topic, it's as if we open up the door to yet another endless universe of lessons, and a whole new school in itself. While most of our contemporaries contend that man is merely yet another variety of mammals, simply a little more thoroughly developed than some of its furry counterparts, the question strikes me whether they are really fully able to perceive and truly learn anything from life at all, since it seems so obvious that God has created our kind - mankind - in a way that makes it not only stand very much apart from the animals, but He also managed to create us in such a way that we present the greatest source of any thinkable form of challenge and "input" for each other, apart from Himself. In fact, the challenge we encounter in having to cope with our own species’ quirks can be so great that it scares some people altogether, and instead of dealing with their fellow humans, they avoid this rather complex subject in the school of life and prefer to devote their time and efforts to either the animal world, or wholly materialistic affairs, with only the necessary minimum amount of contact with others of their own (human) kind. If there is one field we should really be advancing in, if we were really interested in fulfilling our purpose in this life, and yet we are learning practically nothing about in our schools and institutions of learning, then it’s human relationships. Sure, we can study psychology, if we want to approach our fellow human beings on the grounds that Nietzsche and Freud did, that we are simply another bunch of – perhaps the cruelest kind of all – animals. But certainly we’ll miss God’s purpose for us in the school of life by light years if we fail to realize that that very purpose lies in keeping the one great Commandment, to love Him and others, and loving Him and others is very much related, if not just about one and the same thing… Since I started this project, a wonderful book has come out, which stresses the fact that God, in creating us has been trying to make the point of how important relationship is to Him, probably in a better way than any other book I’ve read before, and if you haven't read it yet, I'd highly recommend "The Shack" by William P. Young. Perhaps God put a little bit of His own quality into us, when He made us - male and female - in His Own image, of being an endless Source of exploration, mystery, learning and eternal discovery. We can live our

whole lives with a certain person and never really get to fully know them; perhaps because we also - just like our divine "Original" we are copies of - constantly change, although at the same time remaining the same person. We can learn a lot about God from ourselves and each other. We can laugh, cry and get angry, and so can He. Sometimes when somebody bursts out in a fit of rage we perceive them as a different person than the one we've known, but when the dust settles we realize they're still basically the same, after all, and even so it is with God. He says of Himself, "I am the Lord, I change not," and the Scripture tells us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. It would be a mistake, though, to assume that we already know all there is to know about Him, and all sides of Him. Sometimes God can come across as a very different God than we had in mind all along, but not so much because He seems to have changed, but rather because we hadn't come to know that side of Him previously. And I assume there will be an endless amount of facets to God to explore for all eternity. Amazingly, though on a slightly smaller scale, perhaps, that same attribute seems to apply to humans as well. At least I would reason - by personal experience - that we tend to underestimate both, our fellowmen, as well as God's ingenuity in creating us, if we put each other in boxes with labels on that pretend to know and have figured out all there is to find out about any one single person. I would challenge anyone to give God a chance, and that person they think they know so well might yet turn out to surprise them. As we grow older and make friends, acquaintances & build relationships, we constantly test others and are being tested by them on the grounds of our mutual trustworthiness. Trust is an important & basic factor of any relationship. Some folks' trust cannot so easily be shaken. Others are suspicious by nature. God has given us parents, brothers and sisters, friends, lovers and spouses as perfect samples of His relationship with us, and as real-life training for our relationship with Him. Without faith and trust in others, no relationship can function in the long run. Even so, without faith it is impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11:6). He calls us His bride. Traditionally, at least in older cultures, the wife was subordinate to her husband, and we, His bride, are definitely supposed to serve Him. On the other hand, He's a very loving Husband, Who likes to give us the desires of our hearts. In fact, He loves us so much that He gladly died for us. If there's one thing I was able to glean from Mel Gibson's "Passion," it was that Jesus went up each step of that hill, bearing His cross and facing His death for us, voluntarily, purposely, and as if this was truly His ultimate purpose. And it was. Shortly before His crucifixion He said, "for this reason I came to this hour." One other place where we observe such camaraderie and utter loyalty is in epics about famous battles in history. Since I've never been on a physical battle field as a soldier, I wouldn't know how much of this stuff is real and how much of it is made up by Hollywood, but I like to believe that this kind of loyalty and devotion exists among people who are serious about following God. I like to see Jesus as the ultimate Warrior, the ultimate Friend, the ultimate Lover and Husband. That's a very touchy subject with Christians who are duped by Satan's "sex is sin" spiel. But for those who truly know Him, it is no secret that the act of love between a woman and a man is probably one of the most accurate and fitting descriptions of the type of relationship God desires to have with His bride; ardent, passionate, alive... Nothing cold, dry or sterile about it. For those who truly love God, the assumption that sex is a sin is one gigantic farce, for to them, it is one of the greatest proofs of His existence. Unless we were really simply damn lucky that "Coincidence" cooked up such a neat way for us to ensure our procreation. Of course, there's more to a marriage than sex, and faithfulness is a very great and important issue with God. The Bible says, "Moreover it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful." And when the Lord in the parable of the talents returned, he praised those who had made profit from what they were given, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant." He didn't say, "successful" servant, or any other attribute, but "faithful." While I'm no great advocate of jealousy between humans, and consider it much more of a curse than a virtue, I have come to learn that in God's case, He has every perfect right to be jealous. Loving anyone or anything else more than Him just isn't good for us, period. One important point on the subject of "What does God want to teach us through relationships" is the aspect of helping others, particularly those weaker, poorer and needier than us. Jesus goes as far as saying that we only

love Him as much as we love the least of His brethren. In other words, that kind of sacrificial love toward the poor, the sick, the needy, the destitute and imprisoned, is in His eyes equal to loving Him, which is the greatest commandment (Matth.22:36-40). In other words, love is only real and genuine, and our giving only really counts when we give unselfishly to those from whom we will never be able to expect anything in return. Not because it's our job and we get paid for it (although anyone who will have chosen a profession along the lines of helping others truly because he wants to help others will certainly be rewarded for doing so), but simply to fill the need... I believe that Heaven is full of helpers, and that the entire heavenly social structure is based on the principle of helping others. Nobody "Up There" just lives to himself or for himself. There simply is no such thing. Just as there really isn't any such thing down here. You may think you are, but you will always affect others, either with your positive or negative sample, and often both... We're all supposed to be our weaker brothers' keepers. How sad when we neglect that role and abuse our brethren instead, and use them as stepping stones in order to ensure our own survival or ascent on the ladder of success... All of this means that there are probably a lot of people out in the world, although they may not even believe in Christ, perhaps because of bad experiences with the church, or an atheistic upbringing, as well as countless members of other religions in social services, who may actually be closer to God than many a gun-slinging Christian, who considers his "service" to God sitting on a cushioned church bench for an hour a week and listen to a preacher. That brings us to another point in relationships and marriages: when they break apart. Divorce. Although God says in His Word that He is still married to those who desert Him, this does not mean that He can't take on another wife who is still faithful to Him, loves and serves Him and bears fruit for Him. Throughout history, God has always had "new brides," when the old church turned her back on Him and forsook Him for other gods. When you look at today's established churches, it is probably easier to assume that Mammon, the god of wealth, is their God, although in name they may be worshipping Jesus, a man who didn't even have a place where to lay His head. In the Book of Revelation we even find the religious Systems of the world depicted as "Babylon the Whore," who is riding on the back of the beast of the kingdoms of this world, which receives its power from the Dragon, Satan, who in turn seeks to wipe out the true church. There is already another book or study in the making about things we can learn from the characters we find in the Bible, so let it suffice for now to say here that the relationship between the true believers and those who only pretend to serve God is as old as the jealousy that Cain had for Abel. Problems in relationships are as manifold as there are possibilities of constellations between human beings... Some folks get along, some don't. Maybe you don't get along with A, but B does, and so you manage to overcome your problems with A with B's help... When problems occur, the best things is to go to the Boss and ask for help. After all, He made you, He made the other person, and if He knows the number of the amount of hairs on your head, and about every sparrow falling from the sky, he should certainly be willing and able to help you out with that problem in your relationship. It's not that He's going to work it all out for you, if there's something He wants you to do, but at least He can show you what's wrong, where maybe you've been making a mistake or haven't seen things the way they really are, or, what's wrong with the other person and how you can help them. When it all comes down to it, life is all about people, a subject you hardly learn anything about in school. If we're supposed to love others and even to manifest our love for God through the way we treat others, how can we not care about what makes others tic? How can we be so indifferent, so careless, how can we not try to understand each other? Oh, yes, right, because "me first" is the big slogan in the world, and it will always be the main obstacle in any kind of relationship. When we will have learned to put "me" behind God and our fellowman, then we'll be ready for God wants and has wanted all along: relationship all over the place. Love, communication, interaction, understanding, sharing, giving, receiving... all that's involved in a relationship between Him and us and others... Every star has its individual light, but it also has its effect and impact on the other stars, especially in its own solar or stellar system and constellation. "Everything belongs", as Richard Rohr would put it, and so do you. That's the Big Picture.

What really defines the art of living for a believer is when he has not only learned to take everything that happens to him as from the hand of God (in the light of Romans 8:28), but also everybody who crosses our path. If there is no such thing as coincidence, then there must be a specific, God-ordained reason why that person is in your life right now, possibly making it more difficult. See the difficulty about it as a challenge from God Himself personally for you, in order to grow, to stretch your muscle and expand your horizon. What does He want to show, teach and convey to you through this situation with that person you may be having a hard time with? I believe that this is what life really is all about: to see God in everything and everybody we meet, and to look for the hidden meaning and purpose in every incident, every acquaintance - everything. Of course, this requires some re-training and re-conditioning from our original "everything's an accident" mindset ingrained in us from the school of evolution. But if God's in control at all, then He's in control of every little thing, even those seemingly insignificant encounters with people everyday. Of course, if we're a believer and they're not, then it is our God-given duty to convey to them the Good News, lest their blood be required from our hands (see Ezekiel 3:17-19). Jesus refers to Himself repeatedly as "the Bridegroom" in His parables, and to His ecclesia, His called out ones, as the "Bride." He is the universal Bridegroom, the missing Piece, that which we, His Bride, have been yearning for all our lives, even if we may not be aware of the fact that it's Him we're searching. The Devil has been busy at tainting Christ's image in our minds, so that we would expect the answer to all our yearning and longings least of all where we will actually find it. Jesus promised that when He will return, He would call His chosen ones to Him, and the Book of Revelation tells us about a magnificent Wedding Party in Heaven. It's as if Christ's first coming was His betrothal, and His Second Coming will be for the actual wedding. The Book of Revelation also tells us of another cataclysmic event that will happen during that time: "Time shall be no more" (Rev.10:6). The German creation scientist Werner Gitt explains that right now we live under the dominion of Chronos, which he call's "man's time," but then we shall live under Cairos, God's time. God has also revealed to the Family International, that another mysterious event will unfold, probably during that same pivotal moment in history of Christ's Return: the merging of the dimensions. In other words, the physical and the presently unseen, spiritual dimension will unite, and I can only picture this event as the ultimate manifestation of the very act of love, when God, the Spirit and "Father of Spirits" (Heb.12:9) will finally embrace His physical creation and make it one with His eternal Realm. The Wedding, the Union will be complete, resulting in fruits of peace and joy that will continue forever. It is not just nice words when the Bible says "God is Love." He really is Love, and the Lover of all lovers. When it comes to the art of loving, He really is the supreme Master at it, and He knows exactly what He's doing. In Richard Rohr’s, "Everything Belongs," the Franciscan writes, "How we relate sexually is a good teacher and indicator of how we relate to God (and how we relate to God is probably a good teacher and indicator of how we will relate to everything else). Religions and relationships are one. Religion (re-ligio) is the task of putting our divided realities back together: human and divine, male and female, heaven and earth, sin and salvation, mistake and glory." If he is right, then not only is the sexual act a physical manifestation and portrayal of what God wants His relationship with us, His bride, to be like, but our sexual attitudes and behavior then also become indicators of how we relate to God and everything else (interesting that God should reveal such things to a celibate, isn't it?). Some of us are addicted to sex, others are very clumsy at it, some don't like it at all, most like it too much, and many have developed unhealthy attitudes toward sex through former deprivation and guilt complexes stemming from the dogma that sex is sin, while yet others are getting such an overload of it that they lose the beauty in it altogether. I reckon we cannot really be good lovers unless we allow the Lover of all lovers to teach us how. If we love God, then we're also capable of loving each other as we should. One of the dilemmas in relationships is that we are often so guided by our own impulses that we don't really listen to the other one. We hear what we want to hear. We interpret what they're saying according to our own standards and mental dictionaries, but often don't perceive who or what they really are. That's why people can live together for decades and still come to the conclusion that they don't really know their partner, or feel that their partner doesn't really know them.

Getting to really know another person requires winding down from the mode of snap judgment and interpretation to "full soul perception:" Not merely paying attention to the information contained in the words they're saying, nor even the gestures and actions that accompany their words, but viewing their entire beings through God's eyes, they eyes of love. That's a supernatural process, but not one that we are denied. One of the gifts of the Spirit which the Father would most gladly give to any of His children who would ask Him for it, is the gift of discernment - a very needed and neglected gift in this day and age. One of the classic examples of the dire need for this gift is George W. Bush who managed to deceive millions of (mostly American) Christians into believing that he was one of them and on their side, when nothing could be further from the truth. George W. Bush will probably go down in history as the man who laid the cornerstone for the abolition of Christianity. Slowly - but much too late, as usual - some are finally waking up to the fact that they've been fooled, although the number of Christians among those is still shockingly low. This shows that believers lack the gift of discernment. People cannot even discern their own spirits these days, nor are they honest and curious enough to find out about their own hidden agendas and ulterior motives and secret sins that often drive them on, much less do they discern the true qualities of their fellowmen. Well, it's no wonder, since what we're being taught in school is not about what makes our fellowman tic, but what makes the stock market tic. We learn about numbers, and our goal in life is to manipulate numbers, particularly the ones revolving our bank accounts, and the knowledge about people that interests us is only that which is in any way useful to that goal. Thus we neglect the knowledge of the soul. We don't care about their souls and have consequently become soulless. May God help us to find our souls again, the first step to finding anyone else's and really finding out what they're all about, and consequently, what life itself is all about... Something is fundamentally wrong with our current, Western version of the age-old “mating game,” in which we basically just try to get our partner cater to our own selfish desires instead of recognizing Who really is the Man in the house. If we would grant God the position in our lives that is His due, then certainly family life as we know it would be a lot more harmonious and better functioning, and the divorce rates wouldn’t be what they are, nor would our teenage kids run through this world so disillusioned and clueless. We as “enlightened” members of our Western, so-called Christian society may look down on other cultures, such as Islam, for their what we consider backward ideas and ways of running family life, but generally, their families aren’t nearly in the same devastating state that a lot of ours are in. No wonder our Western society seems to have vowed to eradicate Muslims from the face of the earth by specializing in bombing weddings in Afghanistan. If there’s one thing miserable people hate, it’s happy people with well-functioning families. Jesus must have had a reason for comparing the days preceding His Second Coming to the days before Noah’s flood by giving reference to the “mating game:” “For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be (Mt.24:38, 39)”. Apparently Eve wasn’t the last to ever get her husband into trouble, and while it is certainly true that there’s a dark side to the machismo of men taking advantage of their position over women in society, I’m afraid we’re all about to find out that by twisting the way God originally ordained family to work, we’re going to reap a lot more trouble than this world has seen already. Unfortunately, part of the task of deciphering the deeper meaning of everything includes recognizing when something’s wrong, and the basic structure of modern day relationships in my opinion is definitely one area that cries loudest for improvement, nay, for salvation from our current erratic ways, and for our Savior to take us back to the Garden and the way things were before we fell for the serpent’s ideas of “improvement.” In the previous chapter we have briefly touched on the subject of “progress” in the school of life, and hinted that what that progress is all about, as far as our Maker is concerned, is relationship with Him and others. One factor that is largely underestimated, and yet vitally essential in making any kind of forward movement in our relationships is the totally out of fashion virtue once known as humility.

The sad thing is that many people’s focus is basically all on themselves, and their concern is primarily with their own welfare, even in their interactions with others: “What can you or they do for me?” is their question that determines their attitude in life, and one that’s bound to cause them to sadly fail and miss the point. True progress is achieved through concern for others and developing an attitude that causes you to look around for things you can do that may be of service to them, instead of constantly being on the lookout for someone to cater to your personal well-being. It’s the attitude of a servant, as opposed to that of a tyrant, and the choice between either of those two is basically what determines our outcome in the final analysis of our life as either a winner or a loser. The tyrants may presently look like the winners, but they’ll certainly be the losers in the long run, whereas the servants are going to be the winners in God’s book. The tyrants are those who are too proud to be His or anyone’s servants, and they rebel against that destiny, and want to be served and catered to themselves. They don’t want to dance on “another sucker’s parade” as someone put it, which just about wraps up the Devil’s attitude of the original pride that brought sin and all of evil into the world. So, one can tell that this seemingly innocent little choice between accepting to be a humble servant or not can make a big difference in the final outcome. The only true progress and advancement is achieved via selfless serving. The regress and backwards movement the world is currently undergoing is all due to millions of little tyrant being let loose on each other, powered by the input that Satan has unleashed upon them on an unprecedented massive scale, soon to culminate in the revelation of the biggest tyrant ever… (Heavenly Input on “Relationships”)

Opposites Attract “Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content.” – H. K. Probably one of the greatest causes for many of the problems of mankind, such as our wars and our inhumane treatment of not only each other, but pretty much all of creation, is what the Greeks called “Xenophobia,” our fear of the strange, of whatever is different than we are. And let’s come to face it: the one thing we’re most scared of, because “it” is really the most different from us by nature, is God. Basically, what Jesus had to say when He came to earth was, “There is really nothing to be scared of!” and to love our enemies, instead of seeking to annihilate them. Evidently, we didn’t get the point. If loving our enemies is God’s way, then it seems to be the complete opposite of our way of doing things, as the annual, so-called “Defense” budget of the supposedly most “Christian” nation in the world easily demonstrates (3.8 trillion US dollars in 2010 – to help visualize that figure: To spend $1 trillion, one would

have had to start spending $1 million daily soon after Rome was founded and continue for 2,738 years until today). If “the way of the world” doesn’t seem to be where it’s at, when measured by God’s standards, then what we all desperately need is alternative input. Part of the purpose and meaning on life is simply the effort to stay on the fine-tuned frequency of God's Spirit without becoming affected and influenced by the Enemy's output, which is much more prevalent in the world today. - To buck the tide of the mainstream drift, to not believe as everyone else believes, just because it is popular or the "in" thing, the politically correct version of "truth" or one's world view. One big difference between the World to come (- although it is already here, we just don’t see it yet -), the eternal World, the Kingdom of God, and our present world is that you won't find anything fake or phony in

God's World. While this world has a plastic version of just about everything, and imitations and cheap copies of the real thing everywhere, because that's what the god of this world is great at: faking things and imitating God's Real Thing and authentic version, you won't find any of that stuff in Heaven. For instance, there won't be any need for photographs in Heaven, because you'll be able to just think about a person or a place and you'll be able to see them right before your eyes, the real thing; not just a flat, 2dimensional, lifeless replica or image of them. One thing that makes the people of God stand out from the rest of the world is that they hunger and thirst after righteousness - the real thing. - Not just the Devil's fake and phony version of it, of which there is great abundance everywhere around us, which you will know if you have ever come to taste of the "justice" of the System's courts of law. Some things in this world don't represent realities of the Spirit World, but the opposite of them. This especially applies to the world's concept of justice. The entire judicial world in our System has become just another business, as a 5 minute talk with any lawyer will teach all of us, and revolves around just the same old lie around which nearly everything else in this world does: money. It's true that criminals are justifiable punished for their crimes in many cases, but the truth is, that the greatest criminals are running around freely, don't pay taxes, and get away with the most atrocious crimes of mass murder and genocide and are yet being hailed as (inter-)national heroes. And it's quite likely that serious criminals are punished less severely than those who dared to buck the tide. It's not really a secret that justice is not exactly prevalent in our System's courts. If love governs the Realm of God, in our world it's fear. We obey, not out of love, but out of fear. Unfortunately, many people drag that fear into their religion, and the result is a counterfeit Christianity that has turned many sincere seekers into the opposite direction. I'm personally convinced that what is called Christianity today has sent more millions of souls to hell than any other culprit. I ought to know, because it was church attendance that turned me into an atheist at the age of 10. Fortunately, there are also sincere Christians among the churches, but I'm coming to the point where I believe that "Christians" are no more the people of God than the Jews are. Just professing to be a follower of Christ doesn't automatically make you one. Your actions will prove it. Jesus said this Himself when He said that there would be many who would do all sorts of things in His name, but that He would have to tell them upon His return that He never knew them. Of course, Christians always assume that He was talking about someone else, not them. If you're looking for the Real Thing in this world, you'd do wisely to look not for the nice and shiny appearances, for "that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination with God." But look among the despised, the persecuted, those everybody would be ashamed of being acquainted with. If you're hooked on today's showbiz type of Christianity where "popularity is it," where you determine your success by the amount of "friends" you have on "," then it's quite likely you're looking in the wrong direction. Of course, there are those for whom the confrontation with the other, the different, the opposite, is too cumbersome, too tedious, and they prefer to find satisfaction exclusively in acquaintances and relationships with their own kind... It's within the human nature of many of us to seek the path of the least resistance. But if we want to learn something - a lesson that lasts beyond the kick of the immediate gratification - from this school of life, we do well to adhere to the example the Creator Himself gave, since He did not just resolve to mingle with His own, spiritual and powerful kind, but deemed it appropriate to become one of us and become frail flesh and blood just like us. According to some of the metaphors Jesus gave, such as the one of the good Samaritan, or the account of the King's return, the greatest saints will be those who dared to love a stranger, not exclusively those of one's own kind, and He even said that if we only love those who love us, what reward is in this? To be perfect, He concludes, as the Father, is to go out of our way, leave our comfort zone, and embrace the stranger...

(Heavenly Input on “Opposites & the Totally Other:)

Off to Work “We can do anything we want to if we stick to it long enough.” – H. K. We identify ourselves by what we do for a living, much more than by our beliefs and ideologies. Someone may still call himself a Christian while serving the gods of war or wealth for five days a week, but is he? Jesus could have stuck to carpentry, but instead left the family trade behind for the trade of His spiritual Family, the trade His real Father had ordained for Him, and those who decided to follow Him did so likewise. So, it should behoove all of us to think twice and consider well what we are going to invest the majority of our time, energies and resources in, since it is our works that we will be judged and measured by in the final analysis... In order to ensure our survival and -nowadays - to acquire the one thing we deem most essential, those numbered little pieces of paper that determine our status, our wealth and even our very "worth," most of us need to do something we call work. Of course, there are some privileged folks who don't really need to do that because they already have more than enough little papers, but even such people will usually find some sort of activity to busy themselves with, since no matter how many of those papers one has got, there hardly ever seems to be a moment when it's simply enough. Even the Bible says that our faith is dead without works, the laborer is worthy of his hire and "he that shall not work, shall not eat," but it also makes a large distinction between the two masters, one of which we must choose to serve, and there only seem to be those two, and we cannot serve both, according to Jesus. Unfortunately, it's obvious that even many "servants of God" are only in it for the money, and are in reality serving Mammon, the god of wealth, and not "the living God Who gives us richly all things to enjoy." If we're honest, we must admit that there is no more powerful religion today than materialism. After all, we don't mind slaving away for money 5 or 6 days a week, but then still often begrudgingly put on that fancy suit on Sunday mornings to render that one hour of "service" to God by listening to the preacher. When it comes to money, God doesn't stand a chance in the lives of most of us. Its grip is just too powerful. Unwittingly, so many of us have become like Cain, instead of tenders of God's sheep. We like to trust in our own arm to save us, to sustain us, not realizing that it is an accursed life according to the Bible, when we don't give God the chance to prove to us that He, the Giver of all things, is also our Sustainer. Earning our own living enables us to be autonomous, self-dependent, and we don't have to give the credit to God for every little bite of food we eat, nor for the beds we sleep in. When it comes to our work, it shows just how real our religion or faith really is, and what we put most of our faith in, and also, how shockingly few there are among us who really do serve God. My guess would be that it's less than one percent of the population, and maybe that's even a high estimate. The problem is that even for sincere believers it is one of the greatest temptations to make a god out of their work. That doesn't mean that God cannot use you at all, even if you're working for Mammon. He may still be using your work to further His cause, but let's not be kidding ourselves and deny that when it comes down to it, we're still working primarily for Mammon. The only folks who can truly say that they are working for God full-time are those who give their lives as missionaries or in some other service for others, who simply don't care about money. Even some full-time preachers of the Gospel have become very "professional" at their preaching, and make the rest of the world wonder, "What kind of go$pel are you preaching?" If you preach the Gospel, it is also very important that you live the Gospel, and Jesus didn't go around collecting millions of dollars for a fancy new church building. In fact, He didn't have a place to lay His head, and His early followers reminded the Jews that "the Most High lives not in temples made with hands." Still, God is pretty cool and gives us a lot of leeway when it comes to the choice of our activities, but He gets pretty hot under the collar about lukewarmness, when people hypocritically pretend to be in the business for Him, while all they really care about is how much they're raking in. What you do is much more important than what you claim to believe in, since you really only believe in something as much as you practice it, and going to church once a week doesn't really consist of a lot of practice or acting out your faith, does it? If we're honest, our work is what keeps most of us from the essential things in life. In our efforts to make sure that our families have more than they need in material aspects, we sacrifice our time with them, send our kids

off to school to be converted into mental ape-men, so they can follow in our footsteps some day and spend their lives earning money, eat, sleep, die. No wonder that some of our kids are going crazy. It just doesn't compute. Even if you want to do something helpful for others, you'll find that there's yet a whole army of state employees making it nearly impossible for you. They're getting paid for stopping you from helping others (as some have found out during the New Orleans disaster and in innumerable similar situations). So, we've come a long way from the times when we were standing in the fields with our plows, surrounded by our children, and we really knew we were doing what God had ordained. One has to carefully choose their profession these days in order to be making sure they're not actually doing more harm than good. That's because the System is evil, since the head honchos who run it are working for the other side. About the best thing you can do is drop out and work for God instead. Jesus made it clear when He recruited the fisherman Peter to follow Him: He had just helped him miraculously to the biggest catch of his life, when He tells him, "Follow Me, and I will make you a fisher of men." He wasn't saying that it was bad to spend life as a fisher, but He was saying that there's something better. And I daresay that it would very definitely have been the wrong choice and the bad thing for Peter, to say, "No, thanks, Dude; think I'm gonna stay here and sell them fish You just helped me to catch. But good luck, anyway..." What would you do, if Jesus came along to offer you a better job than the one you have? Maybe He's offering you one right now. Whatever it is you're doing, there probably is something better you could do with your talents and the gifts you were given. The results in cash might not always be the ultimate confirmation that you've made the right choice when you decided to serve Him, but you'll notice the difference in other values that you won't find on the dog-eat-dog job-market out there: the happiness you'll experience in the changed lives you helped to bring about in your service to others, their grateful smiles... Spiritual rewards, which, quite unlike paper money, will last forever and won't go up in the fiery trials of this life's inflations and crashes. But even if for some reason you can't assume a profession in God's service, you can still work for Him, or at least with Him, if you integrate and include Him in what you do, give Him the credit for supplying your needs and don't lock Him out of your life but let Him show you opportunities to use whatever it is you're doing for His purpose and to further His cause whenever you can. Most of all, you can work for Him through your loving interaction with others, both at your working place and in your private life. Everybody can work on changing the world for the better a little bit each day. Even if the Devil himself is your employer, you can let God be the Boss of your heart, and He will eventually show you either a way out, or the purpose of putting you where you are. There is a reason and a purpose for everything. You only need to allow Him to help you find it out. (Heavenly Input on Serving God)

Role Reversal “Life is an exciting business, and most exciting when it is lived for others.” – H. K. In the deeper meaning of everything, that message hidden in plain view that God wants to convey to us, there is no chapter as painful, equally effective, and yet more ignored and sometimes plainly missed, as the lessons He tries to teach us – often mainly about ourselves – through our children. In my experience, the Great Teacher can sneak up on us from behind sometimes and reveal otherwise painful truths about us through the back door, namely by bringing a certain less than favorable quality of our off-spring to our attention, which then often makes us realize, "Hey, but wait a minute! I'm actually doing the same thing!" - At least it's happened to me, I don't know about you... I don't think anything in life is as effective a teacher, both about the mysteries of life and God, as well as about ourselves, as having children of our own. Somebody once rightly said that one can scarcely consider that they are a fully mature adult unless they either have had children of their own or have at least learned to take responsibility for others' lives in some way. Again, you can learn so much from having kids that books and books could be written about it. Some people have experienced amazement over the amount of love they found themselves capable of giving, with the event of a child arriving in their lives. A friend once told me when I was in my early twenties, when my wife was pregnant with our first child, "It's going to change your life!" At first that awaited change wasn't really all that obvious, but boy, did the lessons God was teaching me through what was to become of my children, and the path each of them chose, hit home later! Some parents can go through the motions of raising children just as they go through any other routine, any other job: they just do it, that's all. Rake in the money, put the food on the table, let loose the typical wise proverbs they already picked up from their parents as children, and that's it. I'm afraid I was like that for most of my years as a young parent. Only once I learned to open my eyes and communicate with God, hear from Him what the lessons were for me in all of this, did I become aware of the fact that there's more, much more to parenting than meets the eye. If we truly see, we become aware that God is allowing us to experience some of the very same things He experiences when we become parents. The disappointment and sadness when our children choose not to obey us but prefer to go different paths than ours... their insistence that they can do it better on their own, that they don't need our help, and that they'll be happier apart from us, and independent. The rebellion they nearly inevitably develop against us in their teens... The distance that comes between us when they choose to believe things about us that are simply not true, doubts about our love for them, their totally different view of things, often distorted, alienated from us, mentally re-shaped and reframed by the world around them with all its influences. Perhaps you’re parent of a teen who is seemingly not interested in you and the things that make your world go round at all, but only into his or her own thing, and the appalling way they react to you or treat you or your spouse at times, making you wonder, “Why me? – Why did You have to give me such a child, Lord?” And if you listen closely, you might just hear Him answer, “Welcome to the Club! Welcome to how I sometimes feel about the way you treat Me!” Even in their early years, there is so much you can learn from them. Have you ever sat on the floor opposite from a child and rolled him a ball? In most cases, initially the child will refuse to return the ball to you, but will cling to it and wander off, wondering why this isn't all that much fun anymore, after a while. We are a lot like that in our relation with God. He rolls us a ball, and then we walk off with it, wondering where all the fun in life is supposed to be. Well, the fun is in giving the ball back to Him, rolling it back to Him. Any situation He gives us, instead of handling it ourselves, we will be much better off by giving it back to God. We commit it into His hands in prayer, and He will always return the matter to us in an improved state, ready to repeat the procedure again and again, until we've learned the game. Then we can go on to more sophisticated games with rules and scores, and we continue to learn more about teamwork as we go, about trusting the team leader or Captain, looking at the Coach for His clues, and considering our partners in the game, always keeping a watchful eye on our opponents...

Unfortunately, one of the lessons modern day disciples of Christ are bound to learn from bringing offspring into this world is the confirmation of Jesus’ words that “Whatsoever is born of the flesh is flesh; and whatsoever is born of the spirit is spirit” (John 3:6). We cannot force happiness or God’s Spirit upon our children, and no matter how hard we try to raise and train them in the way we would want them to go, ultimately the choice is up to them, and the ability to withstand the manifold temptations the Devil has cooked up in this day and age to lure our youngsters from the path of Christ requires a measure of God’s grace that few have been given in my experience. What remains is often not much more than another lesson in which our heavenly Father is saying, “Welcome to the club!” or “Walk a mile in My shoes!” The Bible says that the “natural man” is at enmity with God, most likely because our flesh likes to think of itself as god: all-powerful and all-knowing, and especially before we’ve experienced the physical limitations we encounter in our later years that wake us up to our true, rather weak state. Before having had children on my own, I harbored self-righteous thoughts about my parents and their childraising methods, certain that I would never commit the sort of mistakes they made. Once I faced the reality of my own children, I realized I had been indulging in wishful thinking at best. I probably made mistakes far worse than they did. Our children, once they have grown to become adolescents or young adults, rarely choose the path that we, their parents, would like; at least not initially. Obviously we often do the same thing with God. We choose paths that He knows aren't always what He would consider the best for us, but then the marvelous thing about it is that He always rigs things up so that we wind up back on His path, having learned a few valuable lessons on our detours. In the end, He always stands there with a wink in His eye and you realize that what has come to pass had to come to pass. Things wouldn't have been the same any other way. Another parallel between God’s relationship with us, His earthly children and our own child/parent relationships is that children are much more prone to be influenced and swayed by what their peers tell them, than anything their parents could say, just as we seem to pay more attention to the words of man than God’s. It’s almost as if the quality of being invisible puts God in a category we deem less worthy of our attention, just as adolescents nowadays often discriminate the older generation simply because they don’t belong to their own age group. Sometimes we get so excited about a certain project that we tend to ignore God and leave Him out of the equation, and thus, unfortunately tend to miss the opportunity to make the best out of its potential, or even make a mess of it altogether. When we can calmly evaluate success and failure and, as Kipling advised, "treat both impostors the same," then we'll remember to "roll the ball back" to God, knowing that if anything worthwhile is going to be accomplished, it's going to have to be through His wisdom and power anyway. Do you have a teenage son or daughter that sometimes doesn’t show you the respect you’d like from them? Maybe God is trying to show you through this that you aren’t showing Him the respect He’d like from you, either. The word re-spect means to look again. How much do we really continue looking up to God for His guidance, His approval of our actions and attitudes throughout the day, beyond our set and usual time of prayer and devotion to Him? It may surprise you, but lessons like these can be gleaned from walking through life with open eyes and deciphering God’s message to us from the experiences we make with people around us, especially our children. As a father of grown up and adolescent children, it’s dawning on me that one of the mysteries in this life lies in God allowing us a taste of the hurt He feels from our rejection of His ways by experiencing the same from our own children. Blessed is the man (women usually have an easier time with this) who can love his children as unconditionally as He loves us, and not just when they put on perfect behavior or choose the paths we prefer for them… One of the greatest mistakes modern parents in Western society structures are making in my humble opinion, is that they think they know better than God and reject His recipe for successful child raising. Both from our own experience as well as from His Word, we know that God is a strong advocate of discipline, and He warns us strongly against spoiling our child and “sparing the rod.”

But just as we do in so many other aspects of life, we also think that we’re smarter than God and know better than He does when it comes to childcare, because that’s what most of us parents nowadays do, with very few exceptions: spoil our kids rotten. We think we have to protect our children from any possible difficulty and potential hurt, totally rejecting God’s own example as a parent (after all, that’s not what He does with us or them, is it?), and in some situations I’ve even seen parents usurping the very place of God in their children’s lives, as their protector (if necessary from God Himself), provider and pretty much the source of every thinkable blessing (some of which have turned out to be curses in disguise), absolutely convinced beyond a doubt that our way indeed is a better one than the oldfashioned, way-too-strict (in our opinion), conservative and out-dated method of child-raising that God Himself applies. The result of our “knowing better” than God is the same as it is in every other area of life: chaos. Because we have rejected the original plan and advice of God, following instead the advice of our own peers (Satan has long ceased to appear as a serpent. He only resorted to that one in Eden because there were no other humans around that he could use) and reaping on every side the results of having sown their evil seeds in the garden of our lives. It is no longer the man who has the say in most households, but since the major target group of the corporations which manipulate our governments is our kids (since they determine the bulk of what we’re going to spend our money on, and, after all, they’re going to be the next generation of servants in that oh-so-wonderful New World Order), an ancient prophecy has been fulfilled before our eyes on an unprecedented scale in history: “As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths” (Isaiah 3:12). Yesterday we had a conversation with an old friend of ours who was having some struggles with her young teenage daughter, and she said, “I’ve been trying for some time now to come up with a list of positive qualities of teenagers, but hard as I may try, I just can’t think of any.” Naturally, many people would sternly disagree with our friend, and none other group more vehemently than the teenagers themselves (since the one quality they all presently seem to have in common is the thought that only teenagers are actual human beings), but perhaps every parent has at one point or another at least come close to that feeling of frustration where they couldn’t possibly figure out what this “teen business” is supposed to be all about. Honestly, I wasn’t able to comfort our friend with a long list of teenage virtues, either, although there definitely are some, such as their idealism and zest to try out new things, etc., or at least such used to be some of the more pleasant qualities of teenagers I remember from decades past. What I was able to tell her, though, is that one good thing about teens is that they’re probably the best illustration for the way God must feel about us many times. Mankind, it seems, has passed from its stage of infancy to the “age” of adolescence, and age in which rebellion against our heavenly Father seems to be the one factor that unites most of us. We refuse categorically to adhere to His seemingly outdated, perhaps somewhat conservative ways, absolutely convinced that our ideas are a whole lot better than His, and if we’d get a chance, we’d show Him how things ought to be done properly. The difference is that we, unlike God, do make mistakes, and perhaps sometimes our teens may actually be right about their notion that they might have handled certain situations better than us, although the advantage of the older generation’s experience will usually work in favor of making that case rather the exception than the rule. God’s problem is – pretty much the same as our problem, as far as teens are concerned – is that He is different than we are. For one thing, we can’t even see Him, and most of us can’t really hear Him, either, and what we hear about Him, often from somewhat unreliable sources, does not provide Him with better cards, either, as far as most of us are concerned… Contrary to that, our teens usually feel as if they see and hear too much of us already, and they’d rather get a little space and distance between us and them… room to breathe. God does the same with us. In fact, He gives us so much “room to breathe” that some tend to get upset with Him, thinking that He’s simply not interested or doesn’t care, which is also the impression some of our teens get of us sometimes… God basically provides us with all we need for living without demanding much or any credit in return. But very much like our teens, we try to prove that we’re independent and can make it on our own, without any of His help, and He lets us, just as we usually finally give in and let our grown up children go to fend for themselves and start their own families.

Eventually the point comes, though, where most of us realize that we do need the help of not only others like us, but perhaps Someone greater than us, Who will hold our hand and accompany us through those dark regions of our lives where even our best friends at times simply can’t be found. That’s when we begin to gather that precious experience that makes the difference between mature adults and independent, stubborn teenagers. The realization of the fact that when we thought we knew better, we really didn’t, is the first step toward reconciliation with our parents, both earthly and heavenly. (Heavenly Input on Children and Parenting:)

The Art of War “As the eagle was killed by the arrow winged with his own feather, so the hand of the world is wounded by its own skill.” – H. K. Life has often been compared to a game, a play, and in many ways, it is. We actually do score points down here. It's called the Love Game. Every little deed of love we do scores points for us down here and will determine the size of the prize that awaits us both here and now and there and then. Sometimes the whole thing gets a bit more serious, though, and it would be more appropriate to change the description of the Big Picture from being a game to something more drastic: war. Whose side are you fighting on in this war of the spirit, on this battlefield of life? It's one of the great paradoxes of our times, that while on one hand the majority of the "enlightened" Western world seems to agree that war is about the most nonsensical, outrageously insane atrocity this world has ever had to experience, on the other, those same nations simultaneously continue to perpetrate that very curse on their weaker brethren in the most sophisticated means ever, and those same supposedly oh-so pacifistic masses stand by silently while their governments haul away their sons and brethren to slaughter the poor and defenseless. Why, we can even watch them on TV doing it. In my opinion, this mind-boggling phenomenon of war must certainly be another physical manifestation of a spiritual truth, namely that there is a war going on behind the curtain that separates the visible from the invisible realm. I believe it's no coincidence that the God of the Bible is called "the Lord of Hosts," the leader of the Armies of Heaven, and it's not just a nice allegory, but there is an actual war going on between the forces of Truth, of Heaven, of Love, of all that stands for Good, and the powers of Evil: the side fighting for the Lie, either consciously, or as duped, unwitting slaves. Obviously, the Devil wouldn't get most of his slaves to sign up for him voluntarily, so he dupes and tricks them into his service. In fact, he has pretty much got it rigged up to where most people serve him unknowingly simply in order to stay alive. They don't believe in a God Who would "supply all their needs" (Philippians 4:19), and care for them just as He has always done for His less significant creatures, like the birds of the air and the lilies in the fields (Matthew 6). All they've ever known is the circle of life they've been born into: Go to school, go to work, pay your dues and render your services to your government... and then you die. This may all look pretty innocent on the surface, not really indicate you're fighting on the "wrong side," and I'm sure there are many good citizens and pillars of society who contribute what they can in order to help others, but as far as the spiritual is concerned, Jesus said, "He that gathers not with Me, scatters abroad." In other words, you're either helping Him promote the Truth, or you're helping His enemy with the distribution of his lies. Being oblivious to the existence of any such thing as truth or a worthy spiritual cause to fight for is usually not exactly conducive to choosing the right side. Usually, it helps to know what you're fighting for. And chances are that, if you're not fighting at all, you might be collaborating with the Enemy, just as millions of "innocent" Germans aided the Nazis in their silent obedience and consent to their methods.

Similarly, there are many Christians supporting their supposedly "Christian" government, while the rest of the world is getting sicker by the hour of such "Christianity." They may think they're fighting on the right side because they call themselves Christians, but by silently supporting a government that is using lies and pretenses as an excuse to wipe out large percentages of the population of some poorer country, (and repeating the same feat time and time again without ever raising anyone’s suspicion), they're actively helping in spreading the very propaganda Satan wants to flood the world with in order to bring about his government: that Christians are fanatical and dangerous warmongers, and the world would be much better off without that bunch of religious fanatics. By silently standing by and passively supporting a supposedly "Christian" government and their physical wars against the poor, you have actively participated in furthering the Devil's cause in his war of disinformation he started in the Garden of Eden. You're actually fighting for the Lie, instead of the Truth, even though you may go to church every Sunday, or even every day of the week and give your tithe to your church. You may think you're buying your way into Heaven, while you may actually wind up finding yourself quite ashamed to get Up There, realizing you've been fighting for the wrong cause all along. It may turn out that God would have actually expected more of you than to swim with the current in some blind loyalty to your government, that you should have known Him and His will a bit better than to be fooled so easily by a devil disguised as a "Christian," getting you to support or silently tolerate his gun-slinging policies of murdering the poor. He may have expected you to look a little further for "the least of His brethren," not just within the borders of your own country, and at the evil your own, falsely called "Christian" nation has wrought where they had no business (except some fishy oil business, that is). There were a lot of "Christians" in Germany during the Third Reich, but there were only few Christian enough to be willing to risk their freedom and their lives to stand up for true Christian convictions, against the hypocrisy and the Lie perpetrated by their government. It's true that in one place the Bible calls us to be loyal and obedient to the powers that be. But it reminds us that we must obey God rather than men in more than one place. It teaches us that the original Christians were willing to risk their liberty for that truth, even to risk their lives. Now, that's what I would call heroes of war. It's easy to run over a poor third world country and kill a bunch of women and children. - Nothing heroic about that, if you ask me. But to risk and sacrifice your own comfort by showing you don't support the treacherous, heinous ways of your fake government, may they claim to share your religion of not, that's what I'd call heroic. In his book "The Final Quest," Rick Joyner describes a vision in which the armies of Satan are riding on the backs of Christians against God's true army. Are you one of those? On whose side are you really fighting? Getting back down to the basics of warfare, we already find a description of a simple "armor" of God that every soldier of God should be equipped with in Paul's epistle to the Ephesians: the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith (against the wicked darts of the enemy's lies), the footwear of the Gospel of peace (not war), and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. The Old Testament is, of course, full of wars which God's (former) people had to fight in order to conquer and defend the land He had promised them. When Jesus came, however, all that changed, drastically. From then on, warriors of God were warriors of the Spirit, just as His children from then on would not be flesh and blood descendants of the Jewish race anymore, but born of God through the reception of the Word of God as manifested in Jesus, by accepting His sacrifice for us (see John 1:13). Some of those who most vehemently fight for the Enemy's cause in this world are those who have thus far failed to recognize that truth, those who still fight carnal wars in order to maintain their carnal status as "God's people." It's no wonder that so few people could imagine that being a Christian could have anything to do with justice or fighting for the right cause. But you have to keep in mind that the Devil will always attack and conquer those first who pose the largest threat to him. He's a very mean enemy who doesn't abide by any rules. He may have duped the majority of Christians, but it's still him you've got to fight, not them. Of course, by rejecting Christians for their hypocritical actions, most people also reject what Christians are supposed to believe, and that is where they're making the mistake of tossing out the baby with the bath water. By dismissing the spiritual truths which Christianity, granted, has done a poor job at teaching the world, they allow the enemy of their souls to rob them of the armor and only weapon that could save them from his

onslaughts: Salvation, the Gospel, the only righteousness man ever possessed, namely that obtained through the grace of God, faith, and the Word of God. The only alternative is the same we've had ever since the beginning: lies, lies and more lies. (Heavenly Input on “Spiritual Warfare”)

Calamities “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.” – H. K. We already covered some thoughts on what life is trying to teach us through the many instances in our every day lives when things go wrong. There is, however an entirely different degree to which things can go wrong, namely when they go – what we would consider – terribly wrong: Calamities and disasters. Severe losses and tragedies, and to learn how to deal with them and not miss the lesson they’re trying to teach us merits a chapter on its own. When calamity strikes, people are usually quick to point their finger at God, "How could He have allowed this? How could a righteous, just and loving God ever allow such a thing?" – Etc. - Regardless of whether they even believe in Him or not. Many come to the conclusion that there can be no God because of the apparent injustice they see in the calamities happening that sometimes take the lives of many innocent people. What are we supposed to learn from this, God? Only when we have learned to really trust and experience God's love can we have the faith that God is fully in control of everything, perfectly knows what He's doing and that, as bad as it may seem or look to us, whatever He allows is still the best possible option for those who love Him. It also takes knowledge of His Word, along with respect for His decisions and recognition of His supremacy. We can't be self-righteous and believe we are better than God. "If I were God, I wouldn't have allowed this. I would have handled things differently. Maybe so - and probably made a helluva mess of things in the process, "Bruce Almighty" style. In fact, I believe that one of the major purposes of this life at our relative distance from God, seemingly apart from Him, and subject to Him only by our free choice, is to experience what we make out of life, out of our surroundings, and - depending on the scope of our influence - what we make of the world. When we said "yes" to the "apple," the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, we were given the chance to play God. We could henceforth be our own gods, if we chose to - which many people evidently do. And so, what are we, the "masters of the universe" making out of what we're given? What are we making of this opportunity to create our own fate? Some are rather optimistic and blue-eyed about our glorious scientific achievements and all the "progress" we've made since the caves, others are more skeptical. After all, prospects don't look all too rosy. Every hour about a thousand people starve on this planet. Can we really blame God for this, when the rich, so-called Christian nations are spending trillions on weapons, highly sophisticated instruments and equipment designed for the sole purpose of killing others? Is that all that human progress and "enlightenment" amounts to? Spend fortunes on expensive war toys and adding to the misery of the poor instead of relieving it? So, who's really to blame? It may be true that God is obviously responsible for some of the disasters that befall us. He evidently brought about a worldwide flood once, to wipe out nearly all of mankind, except for 8 people. He destroyed the ancient cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. Did He know what He was doing? Did they really deserve it? Is He really the bad Guy, and we're His innocent victims? Some folks seem to believe this and talk and act like it. We're made in His image, and evidently God can get angry, too. The problem is, do we respect His Fatherhood? Do we revere Him and respect Him as our heavenly Father, or do we just self-righteously shake our heads when He gets angry? "Oh, He's at it again!" It's always easier to blame others, especially God. But real maturity comes by learning to take on responsibility for our own actions. The principle of cause and reaction: "causeless the curse shall not come," and "whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." It's inevitable. "Ye have sown the wind and shall reap the whirlwind." Who's really the Good Guy and who are the bad guys? And are we really that bad? - The question is, are we really as good as we think we are? How does God see it? How interested are we in finding out? I believe that people are responsible for a large part - the major part - of the dilemmas, catastrophes and calamities this world is facing. Even if most of us seem to behave "innocently," just go to work, fulfill their duties and wouldn't harm a fly, the problem is, are you listening? Are you paying any attention to the One Who put you here? Are you interested at all in what He might want from you, might want to tell you, show you, teach you about why you're here in the first place? Or are you just going through the motions? Get up, eat

breakfast, go to work, eat lunch, back to work, go home, eat dinner, go to sleep until the day you die? Maybe go to church on Sunday so you can claim you've rendered "service" to God... Does one hour a week of listening to a preacher (who hopefully believes in God) teach you all there is to know about God's particular will for your life? Let's be honest: most of us couldn't care less about God, as long as we receive our pay, have got our food on the table, the remote control, a can of beer or a steering wheel in our hands. We're in control. Feels nice, doesn't it? So, where are you leading your life? Where is it heading under your control? Where is your family heading? Are you accomplishing something good for the benefit of all, or just selfishly caring for yourself and your own? Another factor in the equation of “Why calamities?” is the one I have tried to bring out in the previous chapter on spiritual warfare. A lot of people leave the Devil out of the equation, and the fact that according to God’s Word, he is the temporary god of this world, and in that case largely responsible for the slaughter of the innocents that’s going on. We may still blame God for allowing him to do so (which might just be precisely the Devil’s goal), but then it was also our own choices that gave him the power and authority over our realm, and we can’t blame that on Adam and Eve, either, because we all have done it, countless times. In my humble opinion, sin is largely to blame for the calamities that befall this world, and it’s often the very sins of pride and self-righteousness that prevent us from seeing our part of the responsibility. It’s so easy, so cheap to blame it all on God. Honesty would be to start looking around for our share of the responsibility of what’s happening. Are we doing anything to change things for the better? Certainly blaming it all on God doesn’t. - Nor does blaming it all on the Devil. Maybe we haven’t done obviously wrong, but perhaps our sin was that we didn’t do anything. And trust me, there’s always something we could do, even if it’s that which some people consider the least we can do, but God may consider the most we could possibly do for someone else: pray. Anybody can at least pray and ask God to do something about a situation that may be completely beyond their personal scope of physical influence. We are responsible. Yes, we have been given a certain amount of control. What are we doing with it? What are you doing in order to alleviate the suffering of others? How much are you investing in the love of "the least of these My brethren," and how much do you have left? How many more could you have saved, as Schindler asked himself at the end of the War, staring at his Nazi gold pin and limousine, wondering how many more Jews he might have been able to save if he had been willing to sacrifice a little more of his luxury? Are we really that innocent? Or does God know, after all, what He's doing in allowing these calamities to befall us? Maybe He knows better what we really deserve than we do. Maybe He's the just One after all, and we are the ones that err. Could be, couldn't it? Maybe we could see a whole new scope and range of things about our significance in this world, if we were a little more critical of ourselves, less critical of God, and more interested in why He allows certain things. Could we possibly have anything to do with it? Could it be that He might want us to change things? We're all going to find out sooner or later. Latest when we come to the end of our road. If this life is all there is, as the materialists claim, the things which God does and allows to happen in this world don’t make much sense at all, and, as Paul said of himself and all believers, in that case, “we are of all men the most miserable.” There is only a deeper meaning of everything if that which seems to be the end to so many of us, is in reality only the beginning.

The End of the Road “Death is no more than passing from one room into another.” – H. K. We have lived our life, we have learned, we have experienced, we have chosen, we have tasted and felt, heard and seen, we have received and given, taken blows and fought on either side, and yet we all, inevitably arrive at this seemingly same end of the road called death. What was it all for? What was the purpose? Was there a purpose at all? If the materialists are right, then there probably wasn't, for "When I'm dead, then I'm gone" - finito. Nada. The End. Nothingness. But if the Book which the Author of life itself has given those who were able to decipher His code all throughout life and creation is right, then death is anything else but the end. It's merely the end of elementary school, and you've made the grade and are passing on to high school, truly higher learning. Even if this life didn't make any sense to you at all, you'll most likely be given a chance to find out what its meaning and purpose was supposed to have been. Maybe you'll figure it all out in one second, perhaps that precise moment of your "passing away," and it will be like the missing piece that will add perfect sense to what previously only seemed a blur. In fact, I'm fairly convinced that you won't even have much figuring out to do at all, but like pretty much everything in life, just as life itself, the understanding of the meaning of things will be given to you. Life may have been a perfect disaster for you, as far as you could tell, as insignificant and apparently meaningless as a tiny little seed someone dropped in the dirt. But all of a sudden, that seed, tired of all the pressure from the darkness and adversities all around it, soaked in the rain and weakened from age in its substance breaks open, dies and... new life springs forth. That seemingly lifeless cocoon of a has-been of a worm breaks open and reveals a colorful new existence to the world, one which, soaring up in the sky suddenly sees things from a totally new perspective, from above, and boy, do things look different from Up Here... You radiate with such exuberant joy that your beauty is revealed to all the by-standers, all those flowers, the green grass, the blue sky and heavenly music you hear, up Here in the light, having emerged from the darkness of the ground in your hard shell. It all makes sense now. Even if you had a notion of this in your previous, earthly existence, you had no clue that it was going to be this glorious. And the best thing of all is, you know that this is going to last forever. There is no fear whatsoever, because you know that any slightest trace of worry that you may ever lose any of this life of full abundance you're enjoying right now would be totally ridiculous. For Here, the Maker is in full control. He was down there, too, but for some reason, He allowed things to be seemingly outside of His control, just so that you would be able to appreciate this - eternal - moment. Not coincidentally, God’s attitude toward our physical death happens to differ drastically from ours, (as it does in so many other aspects), and it is made plain – though apparently not obvious enough for some – throughout the Bible, starting at its very beginning. Perhaps the fact that Adam and Eve did not die physically on the day they ate from the forbidden fruit, contrary to what they would have expected from what God had told them, ought to show us something about the difference between what God considers death, and that which we commonly call death. God had said, "On the day you will eat of the fruit of that tree, you will certainly die" (Gen.2:17). Satan denied that and said, "You will not really die" (3:4). So, who was right? God or the Devil? If we consider death to be the moment we leave our physical bodies, then it stands to reason that the Devil was right, and God was either mistaken, lying, or that He must have changed His mind. But what if that which we call death isn't death at all – as far as God is concerned? What if that which we call death is simply part of Satan's lie? What if the thing we should really be scared of is not the end of our physical existence, but becoming separated from God, which is what Adam and Eve allowed to happen to them by choosing to take the Devil's word over God's? The Bible tells us that one of Jesus' main purposes in coming to earth for us was to free us from the fear of death (Hebrews 2:15). He taught that He is the Resurrection and the life, and that whoever believes in Him would not die but live forever. Yet just about all the thousands of saints we know have passed through the experience we commonly call death.

But what if that which we call death is really nothing to be scared of at all? Just like Jesus said, "Fear not them which kill the body, but Him Who can destroy both body and spirit in Hell," (Mt.10:28), which is obviously referring to God, since it's unlikely that Jesus would teach us to be afraid of the Devil. So, what if God wasn't lying when He told Adam and Eve that they would die on the day they would eat of that tree? What if real death, that which God calls death, is the spiritual death that ensues as a result of our separation from Him, our disobedience and insistence on going our own way, and that which we call death is really nothing to be scared of at all, especially if we seek and trust Him? What if it's really true what Jesus said, that "It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh is good for nothing"? What if Adam and Eve had been truly alive before they sinned, and the life they lived afterwards was what God would refer to as death? Meaning that the life we inherited from them since then falls under the same category, and Jesus (the "last Adam," as Paul calls Him, Who was to reverse the curse Adam brought) is our only way out of this death we call life? This may sound like a weird doctrine to some, but if you consider what the Scriptures have to say about the subject of life and death, it makes sense. Paul considered his own life death, and said that since he had known Christ it was no longer He that lived, but Christ through him, and that death was his advantage... (see Gal.2:20, Rom.7:24, Phil.1:21, 23) He also asks, "Death, where is your sting? Grave, where is your victory?" Perhaps death - our physical death and parting from this life - is nothing but a great big bluff the Devil uses in order to keep us scared for the rest of our wee little lives, practically scared to death, and enslaved to him, willing to do anything in order to postpone that fateful but inevitable event at the end of the road of each one of us? Perhaps Adam and Eve did die on the day they sinned, as God had warned them, and the real life is just waiting for us around the corner... Contrary to what many think, this cycle of living and dying - according to the Bible - isn't going to go on continuously forever. We're not going to continue "evolving" or developing into some kind of technological super race. Even the makers of Star Trek have shown that they seem to have come to the conclusion that mankind is basically intelligent enough, it's just that we so rarely ever make the right decisions. So, according to the information we find about God's Plan in the Bible, things won't continue forever in this cycle of life and death, but eventually - quite soon, presumably, according to the signs of the times - it's going to come to an end. The kingdoms and empires of man will be replaced by the everlasting Kingdom of God, and the current system of time, in which each man's "days are numbered," is going to come to an abrupt halt at a certain and precise moment in history, and "shall be no more" (see Revelation 10:6,7; 11:15, Daniel 2:44). In a dream God have the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, He describes the World's empires as the statue of a man with a golden head, arms and breast of silver, loins of bronze, iron legs and feet of clay and iron. The statue eventually is being hit in its toes by a rock hurled from Heaven which finally grows into a mountain that fills up the whole world, the everlasting Kingdom of God, while the microscopic remainders of the previous world empires are blown away like chaff with the wind (see Daniel chapter 2 - world history in a nutshell). This revelation was given to man around 600 B.C, prophesying and foretelling the aspiring world empires of Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome, as well as the odd mixture of democracies and dictatorships we live in today. Coincidentally (?), the final three and a half years of the history of the world as we know it will be heralded by a statue of himself which the Antichrist will erect in Jerusalem and demand that the world worship, only to be hit by the Rock Jesus Christ at the appointed time, when the point of all this pointlessness will be finally driven home, and we can all close our books and finally go Home (See Mt.24:15, 21; Rev.13:14, 15). Don't worry, there will still be lots to do then, and everything you will have learned here and now will come in handy there and then. You won't have to worry about earning money anymore in order to pay your bills, nor will anybody send you off toting a gun anymore to fight and kill folks in a faraway land who never did you any harm. In fact, things are going to be quite the same as they were in the very beginning, when there was even peace between mankind and the animals, and even between the animals themselves. As hard as it may be to imagine

for us, but the "lion will lay down with the lamb," and no more greedy politicians will exploit anyone. Truly the end of the world as we know it, and the beginning of a whole new ball game. Eventually, after one final rising up of evil to show its ugly face for one last time, God will create a new earth with a new and clean atmosphere," and there will be no more sea (Rev.21:1), and God will even bring down His heavenly City and Capital, New Jerusalem (roughly the size of Australia and equally high) down to earth to live among us and make the earth His Head Quarters from which we'll explore, populate and cultivate the rest of the universe according to the principles of growth and fruitfulness He laid down from the beginning. There'll be lots to learn and unlearn for many, well, for all of us, I suppose. It all may sound a bit weird and far-out to you now, but you'll get used to it, most likely sooner than later. It'll be quite different in many aspects, from the way things are now, and yet in so many ways, quite similar...Anything that represents true love in your life right now will remain until then, and don't worry, everything will make sense then. The hidden meanings of things will be quite open before you then, and as you perhaps are finding out, you can begin to explore them right now. (Heavenly Input on “Death”)

Coming Home “One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.” – H. K. There's a beautiful scene in the movie "Antwone Fisher," which describes death for a believer, or coming Home to Heaven better than anything else I've ever seen, and is all the more touching when you realize that the film is based on a true story. Antwone Fisher is one of those beautiful people still walking on this earth who never had a true home on this earth during his early years, having been raised in orphanages & foster homes accompanied by traumatic childhood experiences. His Navy Psychiatrist (one of Denzel Washington's best roles ever) encourages him to go and find his real family in order to get at the root of his problems with aggression & feelings of worthlessness. And so, when he finally does find the family of his deceased father, there comes the most beautiful scene in the whole movie, where he enters his aunt's house and meets all the relatives he never even knew he had, everybody eagerly welcoming him, introducing themselves briefly to him with excitement, until finally his aunt gives the signal to open a double door to the dining room, where the old members of Antwone's family sit awaiting him at a richly decked table, very similar to a dream he’d had as a child at the start of the movie. An old lady (presumably Antwone's grandmother), obviously too weak to even speak, knocks on the table in an effort to demand attention and beckons Antwone to come to her with outstretched hands. Gazing into his eyes, hands in his, and recognizing her long lost son in this newly found grandson, she finally utters one heartfelt "Welcome," and in this moment you feel like, if you'll ever make it to Heaven, this will be the only word you'll want to hear. So many of us are wandering through life like Antwone Fisher, like Orphans, oblivious to the large family that awaits us when we'll finally come Home from this life's search and journey. We sometimes feel abandoned, too, worthless, often not even due to any wrong we've done, but simply because we figure that there is nobody who loves us enough to have stuck it out with us. And yet, I am convinced that every person has a huge family awaiting them in eager anticipation, like Antwone Fisher, consisting of ancestors we may never even have heard about. We may not know them, but they know us alright. Some folks may not be all too keen on being confronted by high and mighty angels when they get to Heaven, perhaps confronting them with all the wrong they possible might have done. But everybody, I'm sure, can be looking forward to coming Home to their true family, the ones of whom you'll know, "that's where I belong. These are my people," and I bet that's one event making Heaven a worthwhile Place to look forward to and hope we'll eventually wind up there. Maybe it will take some of us a longer detour to get there than others, but I have a notion that sooner or later we all will. We all will (John 1:9).

Conclusion If my attempt at "an explanation for everything" that this study poses or may represent comes across as rather simplistic to some, I want to state here that by no means do I wish to implicate that life is simple. When Darwin first came up with his theory, he figured that a single cell was a simple conglomeration of chemicals and proteins, which, with a little bit of energy might have easily come to life as a first living organism. It turns out that the single cell is anything but simple. In the 90s they used to say that a single cell is as complex as New York City. A decade later they have changed their tune yet again and say that a cell can be compared to a galaxy in complexity. To even have come up with the amino acids that make up the constitution of the proteins a cell consists of would have required an innumerable amount of jackpots for Lady Luck to produce, and things get really complicated when it gets to explaining the encoded information, along with its existing decoding devices present in each cell. You see, information has thus far always had to have an author in order to be produced. Information doesn't just come about by itself. That’s simply one irrefutable quality about information. It always needs an author. Looking through either microscope or telescope reveals that life cannot be easily explained. The more we find out, the more questions come up. The more we know, the more we find out we don't know. Our universe has turned out to be infinitely larger than scientists dared to assume at the beginning of the last century. Everything seems almost too vast and too complex for a single "entity" like God to have created it all. So we'd rather ascribe it all to coincidence. It all depends on your choice to either see the handwriting of an all-powerful Being on the walls of creation everywhere, even if it's sometimes hard to decipher, or you prefer to come up with your own explanation, or leave coincidence in charge and don't wrack your mind with these matters at all. All I was trying to do is give you a push in what I consider to be the right direction, namely that life and nature is making too much sense in order to be product of coincidence, or even of benevolent aliens who left their "seeds" on our planet eons ago, which seems to be all the conclusion that atheistic "master minds" like Richard Dawkins have to offer to the world (and give more youths an incentive to commit suicide). What I meant to say was, life may be complicated, but there’s help available in trying to figure it out. All I'm saying is, "Have a look!" Perhaps you're actually going to see something, and it's going to make sense. And if you're going to keep looking, pretty soon you might begin to see some meaningful pattern for your life in this seemingly meaningless world, until finally you come up with enough evidence to conclude, "There is a God, and He loves me!"

For those who will inevitably hate this book: Most people would agree that the proverb “There are none so blind as those that will not see” is a valid truth, even if one may not be able to literally find it in the Bible. It certainly seems to have been true during Jesus’ day. What was it people then didn't want to see? Well, during His time as a human walking on earth, and having to go to the bathroom like everybody else, what most of His contemporaries didn't want to see was that He could possibly be the Messiah, because they had expected somebody more pompous than a carpenter's son from Nazareth (“Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?") to fill those shoes: some kind of superman who was going to show the Romans all that a Messiah can do... They didn’t want to see that God would have the audacity to send them along a Messiah who would preach love and humility, instead of a new Samson or Elijah who would destroy their enemies. But translated into our time - now that it's officially established - at least among Christians, which amount to a substantial number of people, after all - that He's the Son of God, (and even a lot of non-Christians admit that He must have been some sort of a cool dude...), what is it that those who do not want to see don't see? What is it that folks today in the 21st century would rather not see? - Or hear, for that matter? In my opinion, what they don't want to see is the same thing the religious authorities didn't want to see in Jesus’ day, namely the fact that when it comes down to really seeing things the way God sees them, they didn't really see much at all. People today, especially the learned and educated have one thing in common with the learned and educated from 20 centuries ago: They still think they're incredibly smart. After all, we've come to know a lot more things than even the Scribes and Pharisees did... Even smarter than that; oh my! What I'm telling people in this attempt at a book is that I believe that a lot - if not most of us - walk through this world pretty much deaf and blind to the things we're truly supposed to see. Simple things that simple-minded folks throughout the ages have seen and known for millennia, but a lot of us don't anymore, because we've gotten so out of touch with nature... Well, guess what. That isn't exactly a very popular theory. How much do the enlightened Western people of the 21st century, the peak of civilization, like to be told that basically, when it comes down to it, they're spiritually deaf and blind? Just about as much as the Scribes and Pharisees enjoyed hearing the same thing from Jesus. Why would anyone not want to see the light? Because they think they already see it. But apparently, there must be some phony and false kind of light, otherwise Jesus wouldn't have said, "See to it, that the light within you is not darkness" (Lk.11:35). So, the hardest truth to hear for the enlightened minds of the 21st century, just as it must have been for those of the first, must be that the light by which they think they see isn't the real thing... In other words, "What you think you see isn't the true reality at all..." -- Ouch! Well, but somebody's gotta tell'em. Even at the risk of repeating himself.

And what do you do when you realize you've been heading up the wrong track, or somebody gave you weed seeds to sow in your garden? You're going to have to start all over again from scratch. (Not a lot of people are ready or willing to do that.) Isn't that what Jesus taught when He said, "Repent (= “metanoia” = “change your mindset”), for the Kingdom of Heaven is near" (Mt.3:2)? Or when He taught that no one could be His disciple unless he would renounce all that he had, (including the stuff he had stored up in his head)? In order to get filled up with the right stuff, you've got to empty out the old, wrong stuff first, and that's probably what most people cling to even more fervently than their possessions. Richard Rohr talks about the Zen principle of the "beginner's mind," and it’s probably the same principle Jesus referred to when He said, "unless you become like children, you cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven" and "You must be born again..." That's why "He has filled the hungry with good things, but the rich (and full) He has sent away empty..." (Lk.1:53) It seems that blessed indeed are the poor in spirit who don't have all these dogmas to cling to, and so tightly that they could never let go of them in case the Son of man should pass them by and stretch out His hand and said, "Come, follow Me! Forget what you know, and I will make you a fisher of men..." Okay, granted, not everything we know these days is crap. The problem is, though, that a lot of what is being taught or sold as spirituality, religion or Christianity doesn't get anywhere within a hundred miles of making sense to a lot of people who still do use their brains, and so they reject the whole package deal of Christianity including the idea of its God altogether, and one can hardly blame'em. But that will only lead them to see half the truth of all there is to know and see as well. They may have all the facts straight about the physical realm and its laws, but according to Jesus - and I simply happen to be insanely convinced of His authority on these matters - the physical, alone on its own - is totally useless, since the stuff that brings it to life in the first place is the spirit (John 6:63). So, it's like the blind and the lame living their lives in misery: the blind, who have got their physical act together and can at least still walk, but don't have a clue where they're going, and the lame who have an idea of the light and know it's there, but wouldn't have the faintest clue where to begin to put that light to use and into action, the "doing God thing..." If they would get together, though, and the blind would carry the lame on his shoulder, the lame could be the blind man's eyes, and the blind the lame man's feet... Flesh and spirit working together. The ideal solution, of course, would be that both would be healed from their condition. But in order to achieve that, they would have to admit to it first. So, we're back at square one. All I'm basically saying is that all those people who try to tell me over and over and over again how smart they think they are somehow fail to convince me. Perhaps the Bible has ruined me, since it taught me at an early age that there's more hope for a downright fool than for anyone who thinks they're smart. That’s probably one reason why some of those extremely smart people wouldn't mind collecting all those Bibles and make a bonfire out of them you could see from New York to Chicago... The problem is, they wouldn't really manage to shut God up that way, even if - sadly enough - the churches have proclaimed God mute, and officially restricted Him to communicating with the world exclusively via that Book. He refuses to let either party - the atheist nor the Christian camp, tell Him to shut up. He’s still got plenty to tell and show to those who are interested and don’t insist on the input they received via the established channels of media and education being the only valid mind frame there is.

So, if this book has made you angry, consider the remote possibility that what I have stated above is true. So I have insinuated that you may not be as smart as you think you are, and that basically, you’ve been conditioned to accept a pre-programmed mindset as “truth,” which doesn’t have any more in common with the liberating truth Jesus talked about than the phony light He mentioned with the Real Thing… I know you’re just as convinced of your personal truth as I am of my points of view stated here. I also know that you think that yours is validated by the vast amount of people believing the same you do. But whether the majority is right, or – as Jesus implied, on their “Highway to Hell” will only be seen clearly at the end of the road. Contrary to most of my fellow believers, I don’t think everyone who doesn’t believe as I do will fry in Hell forever. All I’m saying is, there is a meaning to life beyond all materialistic purposes, and it’s relatively easy to find, if you’re interested.

Part II This section of the book may be a little confusing to some. There is only so much relevance that my personal opinion bears on any of the topics I wrote about in my rough sketch and attempt to convey in childlike features a shadow of the Big Picture of the deeper meaning of everything. I will even go as far as to say that whatever I’ve had to write on any of the 40 topics that would roughly describe my perception of that Picture was merely an introduction to all there is to say on these topics, and especially what God would like to tell us personally about them, if we have the faith, the interest and the time to listen. What would Jesus have to say? – The Teacher and Founder of the School of Life Himself? “You mean to tell me that what I’m going to read here next is actually going to be God or Jesus speaking?” Odd, isn’t it? But wouldn’t it be even odder to assume that the God Who brought this world into being by the Words of His lips, should have shut up for 2000 years, since the closing chapter of the Bible? For you, the thought of God talking today may be a little odd, but for thousands of others like me, it’s natural to not only assume, but also to actually have experienced on a daily basis that God should have a mouth and a voice like any of us who were created in His image, and that, just as we do, He should also use them. Once you get to know Him a little better, you’ll find out that God is totally into communication. God is love, and He loves nothing better than to convey that love to us in any possible way. You may not see an awful lot of that love manifested in today’s world, but that’s basically because people are rejecting and refusing to receive His love. The coming section of this book is merely to give you taste of what you can experience yourself if you do open your life to His love, and choose to avail yourself of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. If you have not yet made the experience of being “born again” as a child of God by accepting and receiving Jesus as your Savior from a bondage that is tougher than any other chain or prison wall, namely that of our own sins, then you can very easily do so. In fact, Jesus repeatedly said in the Bible that it would be so simple to do that any child can do it. Children receive things by asking for them, and when they ask, they are usually confident that they will be heard and their quest will be answered. That’s all the faith you need when you ask Jesus, “Please, come into my life and fill me with Your Spirit of love. I accept your sacrifice for Me on the cross and want to become Yours.” Just imagine Jesus hanging on that cross for you, and resolve in your heart that you’ll accept this gift. That’ll be the beautiful beginning of a new life, full of wonders to discover, and the true, deeper meaning of everything.

Heavenly Input on... (All messages are from Jesus unless otherwise indicated) ...The Discovery of Meaning Everything is a picture of a hidden reality. I’m teaching you the mysteries of the universe. My whole creation is a continuous message! So many apparently meaningless details & incidents start making sense once you start turning to Me. It’s like turning a light on in a dark room. It’s like learning to read: all of a sudden those symbols start making sense. So, if you want to grasp the meaning of every day & every moment of life, simply start learning to read My signs. A lot of things you may not understand may be My handwriting on the wall, & if you seek Me & ask Me, I can reveal their meaning to you. Tell people about the meaning of life! That life actually has a meaning, a sense of purpose. There is such a thing as purpose! There is such a thing as meaning! And what better and greater meaning and purpose could there be for you than conveying that knowledge to people? There is a place they're going. There is a destination to their journey, and thus, there is such a thing as destiny. Only that a large part of that destiny is in their own hands! It's up to everyone's own efforts to find that truth, that destiny, that purpose. They cannot just passively wait for everything to fall into place by itself! It takes an effort, a willingness to learn, a readiness for learning, a desire for knowledge, a desire for truth. It's sometimes a hard and tough job, just like Ann Sullivan's job with Helen Keller, to teach someone the existence of something they're totally oblivious to: the existence of purpose. But once you manage, it's like breaking through from darkness into light, and it will have been worth it! She had the faith that it could be done! She had the desperation and determination that it had to be done. Otherwise her own life would have remained meaningless. Even so, without your conveying the meaning sense of purpose to others, your own life is void of meaning, and the vicious, empty cycle of emptiness and purposelessness will continue. You must live in the conscience of your duty to break that spell! It's the Great Lie indeed: "There is no meaning! There is no purpose!" That's the myth and evil tale you need to expose and destroy! Show them that there is a meaning! Show them all you have been taught! Show them where to find God, where to see Him; help them decipher His handwriting, help them to discover His signs! Show them that despite all the apparent meaninglessness, there IS a meaning, much greater than they could fathom. But it's not beyond their reach! In fact, God is more than willing to reach out to them and show them and teach and tutor them, to talk to them, just as He has been talking to you! Show them that there is a way that they can listen, even though they're deaf. That there's a way they can learn how to see, even though they are blind! There is a way to know that which they know not of, that which they don't even believe exists, they cannot believe because they have been poisoned with the gas of unbelief. But you can revive them, resuscitate them, awaken them and bring them back to life! All you need to do is give them the truth: there is a meaning to everything. The type of people that stories are being told about, movies are being made about & books are being written about, are not the mere survivors, those who fight for nothing else but their survival, like all the rest of them, but the types who take time to live, to learn the lessons of life, who go through life with both eyes & ears open & find out what it's all about: those who find Me, and let Me teach them the gist and essence of life. Every day of your life is like a picture, which in itself is a piece of the puzzle of the big picture of your life, which again is a piece of My Big Picture of everything. Often people don't remember the important things in their lives because they didn't esteem them enough. They were too busy with temporal affairs, such as making money, and their lives with all the lessons involved, just pass them by. But I want you to take the time to remember. Everything is orchestrated by Me, everything visible is only a physical result of some spiritual truth, and thus there is a plan behind it. I'm urging you to see the invisible cause of the visible more, to open up your spiritual eyes, the eyes of faith. If you see the physical a result of the Spiritual, then it simply takes on a lot more meaning. You know I meant something by allowing this or that to happen, or even creating this or that situation. You'll know that nothing is without guidance, nothing is by chance; it's all going somewhere, and thus you develop much greater faith and trust with which to walk through every day of your life, and which you can then impart to others, too. Every day should be a vast scope and canvas of opportunities for you, of things to learn, and things to pass on. It shouldn't ever just be a struggle for survival. I’m teaching you personally through the school of life and your experiences, all that you have to go through, your trials and lessons… these are all ways in which I communicate and interact with you. They complete another piece in the puzzle of the deeper meaning of everything. Everything on Earth is only a shadow of a heavenly reality... an image of something greater to come. (Go to Chapter 2)

...The Big Lie Someone who reminds people of their Creator will hardly ever receive a warm welcome among those who have rejected the very thought of their Creator, who have embraced the Big lie that life & the World with all that’s in it came into being by itself, just so they can keep doing their own thing without their conscience pricking them too hard... Things break. They deteriorate. They don't get better or improve by themselves, as the evolutionists claim. The only way you can grow in this life and truly gain is by acquiring spiritual riches that won't be corrupted. The only way to grow is in the spirit. Because your natural man decreases, it's actually dying. So you have to sow to the immortal, the spirit, if you want to play for keeps. If someone believes in Evolution - as much insight & truth they might have in other aspects - it shows that they have not grasped yet to which extent the Devil is lying to the world, and how much the world is ruled by his lies. Evolution doesn't work. The only thing that will ever create something better out of something not-so-good is love. Love is the very force & source of miracles which could have made any such process of evolution work, and yet, at the same time obliterates the very need for such a complicated and unnecessary process. You won't find many evolutionists saying they believe in love as the thriving power or force behind evolution, because if they would believe in a God of Love, then they would very unlikely believe in evolution. Evolution is, after all, nothing more than the excuse for not having to believe in God, and a theory still based on "the survival of the fittest," which is, basically, the opposite of My philosophy of "the meek shall inherit the earth." In order to really learn, you must forget all you know, or rather, forget all you think you know. No wonder people came up with the theory of evolution. It's just that they got it wrong: this is not where you came from, but this is where you're going without Me. Instead of a bright, enlightened and charming mind, you turn into something that rather reminds others of an animal. Don’t feel too bad about being unaware of My miracle-working processes all around you at times, as you can tell, you’re not the only one. At least you’re aware of them most of the time, while most people never even acknowledge My presence nor existence at all, blatantly denying the possibility of My existence in spite of the plain evidence all over My creation. Pretty tough, huh? – Talking ‘bout not being accepted or included by those you call your own: Imagine you’re the Father & Creator of the whole bunch, & your children & your creation just simply refuse to even acknowledge your very existence! – ‘No, I’ve got no father! – I simply came into being by an unplanned, random process called evolution...’ If you think you have reasons to be frustrated sometimes, all I can say is ‘Welcome to the club!’ So what if your life is a mess! Look at Me! Every life is a mess without Me! In fact, this whole physical universe is constantly deteriorating without Me under the curse, and unless the Father and I would turn that process around someday soon, no flesh should be saved. Herein lies the deception of the Enemy: the pretense of progress, that things are seemingly developing into a better state, that which he has concocted to be the lie of Evolution, when in reality the World is literally decaying and rotting away under his reign & influence, because he sucks the very life out of it. He is the reversal of life and of all that is good, that’s why creation is dying, groaning to be delivered, and I WILL deliver. The majority of the Creationist movement is being way too tame, too polite, too politically correct to shake people up! They're too timid to openly declare war against the Matrix! They don't see the spiritual background, the profoundness of the lie and atrocity as clearly as you do, that lies behind the educational System and the System's entire brainwash about evolution and other matters. They may have their beliefs straight on these things, but they're not militant enough in their attack on these issues. They're not bold enough, not brave enough, and in this, they're not following in My footsteps. You don't wake anybody up with a whisper. I said, what I whisper in your ears, that shout from the roof tops. You're dealing in truth (if anybody asks you what your business is), and the problem is that the demand for it is kind of rare, which is why you have to ignite and spark people's interest in it. Which is what's so interesting about the theme of the "Matrix." It's the approach of, "what if all that you have thus far perceived as reality should turn out to be a lie?" Because that's what it basically amounts to. "Would you be ready to experience the adventure of the truth?" The lie is easy, the lie is comfortable. It may even satisfy somewhat, like a drug, but it will never really and totally and truly make you happy. Like a drug, you may become addicted to it and dependent on it, and the thought of ever having to live without it scares you nearly half out of your wits. But you can offer these junkies freedom. Wouldn't you definitely consider such freedom from such an addiction a positive gift? Yes, it requires a miracle. First of all, they have to be willing to forsake this drug they've been so comfortable with, perhaps for all their lives. And then they have to see it through, to go without it, to start a whole new life of independence on that former crutch they were so used to. My sheep know deep inside that there is something else than the drug, the lie, and they're waiting for it, waiting for their liberation, waiting for the truth, waiting for the light to pierce their darkness, their false imitation of light, their "reality," which they can quite clearly sense that it couldn't possibly be all there is. The others are fine with it. They can keep pretending and playing the game until the day they die. The lie is like second nature to them, in fact, it's more than that; to them it is the truth, and some will even vehemently defend it. Never allow them to pull you down to their level, never allow them to think that for you it's acceptable the way they live in the lie, not condescending in any way, but expecting them to make progress in overcoming their addiction, piece by piece dismantling the lie they've been living thus far. You've got to state it in no uncertain terms. When somebody tells a lie, then say it, expose it: "That's a lie!" Don't let'em get away with it. Sure, you'll make enemies that way, but also lots of friends that count.

Those who lie to themselves & prefer to live in the lie will always oppose you, all you’ve got to offer is the truth. ”Men loved darkness rather than light...” Light is always the strange new ingredient, along with the truth... The lie was so cozy & comfortable... so easy to live with... Living in the darkness is just drifting along effortlessly, but living in the light is a constant struggle & fight! It’s dangerous, because you’re exposed to your enemies, & they come to pick at you & see whether they can uproot you. The wind and the weather will test you severely, and the sun will sear your with scorching heat... But all this will only make you thirst for Me more desperately, will make you cling to Me for dear life, in utter reliance on Me, & that’s when I can use you. The Enemy rules the realm in which you live right now, and I want you to be aware of his devices, so that you can fight him better & won't fall for his deceit. I'm exposing his lie with My truth. Just as I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, so he's the wrong way, the Lie and Death, and the more I expose him to you, the more power you will have to expose him to others as well, and show them what's keeping them captive. All I have to offer you is the truth! But the truth is all you need in a world of lies, in order to cut through & rise above. The truth and the knowledge of the truth will help you rise above and free you from all the confines, simply because you're realizing that they're living a lie. You've got to expose the lie and the wrongs before the truth can really set you free. There are too many people out there who defend nothing but their own little truth. That's the result of Adam & Eve believing Satan's lie at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, "Ye shall be as gods." The problem is that when you have millions or even billions of little "gods" running around & everyone of them having their own "truth," it's pretty hard for those who are not as conceited to find out what to believe in and what really is the truth. (Go to Chapter 3)

...Light Let Me be your light, and I will light your path. You’re overwhelmed by the sheer thought of how I’m doing this simultaneously to many of My children & brides? Well, one simple illustration of this is the sun: It doesn’t just give its light to one flower or blade of grass at a time, but to many, countless others simultaneously. That’s how My love works, too. (Spirit Helper - presumably a colored lady:) I think you better wake up, ‘cause God is comin’! Like that fire in the movie, ‘Out Of Africa’! It’s gonna burn the old & light the landscape for all to behold the mighty things the Lord God Almighty will do! So, stand back & see Him burn! Watch Him shine! ‘This little light o’ mine...’ not so little, that light! You’re gonna see! Like many spotlights & a comet’s tail! Be ready for the Lord, bro’! Be ready & let Him shine through you! No more hiding your light under a bushel, boy! No more pretending you’s one o’ dem! No more sheep in wolves’ clothing – time! Time to rise, rise & shine! You know what that means? Rise above the crowd & shine for Jesus, boy, ‘cause He’s the Light of the World, & they can’t see Him, ‘xcept through you! So, will you be His candle, His torch, His beacon, His spot light? It’s vital that you stay in tune with My Words, for only the entrance of My Word giveth light. Heaven is the opposite of the selfish System man’s society is based on – the Devil’s System, really. One of the purposes of this Earthly life is to get people so sick of that system that seeing My wonderful heavenly System will immediately strike them as the solution, the answer to all their questions, the light after a long dark night. ...Like coming to see the light after having lived a life in blindness. You, My children, have the ability to see that light & carry that light in your hearts already, that’s what makes you so special. It’s just that the Enemy tries with all his might to get you to hide that light under bushels of pride & fear of sticking out & not being accepted... bushels of ‘coolness’, bushels of pretending you’re really not that different... Well, if you knew how beautiful that difference is, not only in My eyes, but also in the eyes of those out there who seek Me, even if they would never admit it, you wouldn’t be ashamed of it anymore. Those among you who I’m really able to use best are those who don’t hide it but flaunt it. They let it shine. They gladly share My love with a smile with anyone they pass by. They don’t care if anyone thinks they’re nuts. They know the principle of happiness. They just go out there & shine & shine & give & give, and their radiance grows, as they grow closer to Me, until, as My Word says, they shall shine as the stars & the brightness of the firmament forever. Look up to the real stars, the ones who are going to be stars in My Kingdom, & already are in My eyes: The cheerful givers, the little saints, the nobodies who make My kingdom possible, who give My existence - the existence of it all - a meaning... the diamonds of dust, without whom My light would be invisible, & without which this World would be in total, absolute darkness. Love, light and life, they are one, and they are to be desired. Bask in My sunshine, seek for the sunshine of My love everyday & bathe your face in its light... Just lay your hand in Mine, & I will be better & more unto you than a light on your path and a known way. A plant will only grow so well as it’s being watered and exposed to My sunlight! My supernatural, unconditional love’s the same difference as when the sunshine bursts through, or turning on the light in a dark room. You can have the sunshine on in your life anytime you call on Me and listen to My Words.

My Word will restore light where there was a gray hazy mist of lies, it will be a bright beacon on your path, and a clashing sword in battle. There lies much greater wisdom, knowledge , light & salvation in My Words, even in the most insignificant of My Words, than in all the so-called wisdom of man & their philosophies combined. Let the light in, and the darkness will flee of itself. Completely yield to Me, My light, My love, My warmth. I will have to become your only light, your bread, your water, and everything you need to live, for the Devil is going to try to cut all other means of supply. I have not given you the spirit of fear, nor of uncertainty, nor of darkness, nor of confusion, but the Spirit of power, of love, of light & of a sound mind. After every storm the sun will shine again: this is the way it has always been. For though much terror has been brought into the world & worse shall come: is not My power greater than all that? Isn’t My love greater than their hatred? I don’t want you to be overwhelmed by the evil you see in the world, leaving you stunned & unable to give life & light to others, I want you to be overwhelmed by My joy, My love & My goodness & light and to shine it forth & overflow onto them, like a fountain of life, love & light, throwing forth sparkles of the same everywhere you go. Impart that same light I have given you to those with whom you come in touch. Change the world by opening the eyes of the spiritually blind & proclaim that there’s yet another world to find, My Kingdom. If there wouldn’t be any opposition, there would be no challenge. You’ve got to have some kind of contrast against which you can see the light. It works like this in many other aspects of My creation. Unfortunately, the large majority of people prefer darkness to the light, for their deeds are evil. The greater the darkness, the brighter the light, and the closer we get to the End, the brighter you will shine. Woe unto a man if the light that be in them is darkness, and if the words they speak will be found to be lies to deceive many. My Words are a mirror to your soul & an exposing light of the wickedness & deceitfulness of the heart of man. You are like interferences piercing Satan’s cloak of lies around the world, his veneer of deception, you are My rays of hope. Rays of light piercing through his layer of clouds enveloping this globe. In order to shine forth with the needed intensity to pierce his gray layer of deceit, you must focus on Me & receive your power to shine from Me. I won’t expect you to do or accomplish anything for Me in your own strength. The greatest thing you should always seek, even though it’s not always easy, is the truth. Inhale it, absorb it, and reflect it, and then you will be a piercing ray of light that will cut through the Devil’s gray dome of clouds, and the darker it gets, the brighter you’ll be, and I’ll know exactly where to find you, when I’ll come to gather you unto Me. Love is the only light, the only truth, the only thing that gives a life purpose. When it comes to this world, I’ve always been strange & weird, and you know why. It’s not because I am weird, but because they’re so far away from the way things are supposed to be. They’re so far away from My standard of love, so deep into their darkness, the light scares them half to death. That’s why you scare them: you radiate that light that’s penetrating & invading their darkness, & it makes them feel uncomfortable, exposed, naked. They don’t want to be. They want to cover up, cloak themselves, ‘Quickly, give me back my cloak of pride, my cover-up, my reputation... let me hide my true self here behind this name, behind this pretense, behind all my fancy things, which make up the constitution of the personage I’m supposed to be in this society...’ When all they really amount to in this System is a number. Independence is alright, as long as you don’t dream of independence from Me. It’s as if the Earth would declare its independence from the sun & drift off into space. It’s like a fish’s independence from water, or any plant’s independence from the light – or yours from the air... you can’t do without it. I’ve written it all over My handiwork: ‘you need Me, you can’t do without Me any more than a fish can do without water, a plant can do without light, no more than you can live without air: without Me, you can do nothing!’ You have already been hurt by the cruelty of the darkness & know that there is no other satisfaction for you than My heavenly light! So, come, My love, & open your eyes to visions of heavenly light! Catch some rays of heavenly sunshine, flooding your soul with glory divine! Greater light is here than the sun’s, greater & more eternal radiance. A light that doesn’t hurt the eyes & won’t scorch the Earth, nor cause disease. My light is only pure & good! So, My children, seek Me, for My pure & true light! Bathe in My light! Even if you see nothing else at first, with the eyes of your spirit: just a glimpse of My true, eternal, lifegiving, heavenly light will strengthen you & lift you up & encourage you enough to keep going with renewed vigor & strength! Consider My heavenly light that source of energy you need in order for your spiritual flower to really come to full bloom & blossom into its full beauty! The more you absorb Me, the more you will reflect My light. You have never lived as intensely & as thoroughly & as fully as when you've been out there on the battle field, fighting for the souls of man, beckoning them to enter My Kingdom & shooting My bullets of light & life into the Devil's territory & land of the dead.

The less there is of you, the more the light shines through. You must decrease so that I can increase in you. Are you willing to become a little bit less of yourself & a whole lot more of Me? Your personal problems are tiny, unimportant & insignificant in comparison to the monumental task of flooding the Devil’s territory of darkness in My light! Oh, the hurt & pain a soul can inflict upon itself when it locks Me, the Light of the World, out of its world. There are many, countless in number, who live in that same world – one where My light never shines, but only the fake, artificial light of the usurper. You will be the beacons of My light to the world in the greatest darkness this World has ever known. Love is like light, which is reflected in the gazillions of tiny little particles of which everything consists, without which the light itself would remain invisible. Even so, love, without all the countless tiny little manifestations of it, isn’t really there. I have called you to open up your eyes and behold the land of the living. I have called you unto light & out of their darkness. Just like a flower will wither away if you hide it & keep it away from the light, so love will wither if you try to keep it to yourselves. It’s a law of the spirit I’ve established. (Go to Chapter 4)

…God’s Family When you give your love away, it comes back to you again...’ & that’s just the beginning of the way I have ordained this Family to start changing the world: not by being the same little selfish couples as they can see all over the System: hold hands a little here, smooch a little there, and ‘Oh I’m so happy he or she belongs to me...’ Imagine if parents on Earth wouldn’t have any cares & worries about having to come up with the provisions for their families, and on top of it would not be subject to sin & the devil’s temptation: Their children would be their greatest joy, and the major theme around which the large part of their activities would revolve. That’s the way I, your Heavenly Father, and My Queen, the Holy Spirit, care for you, watch you, rejoice in you, our children. You have been given the awareness of your greater, heavenly Family around you. For ‘The Family’ is not only that relatively small Earthly group of crazy believers, that organization that many shake their heads about or even consider a spot on the surface of their society, but The Family is a much larger entity, a cooperative, inter-dimensional, multigenerational body or machinery consisting of countless members behind the curtain which separates your realm & ours. That’s why I have called My Family an army, although your numbers are small, and most of you would be too young or too weak to fight in any Earthly combat. But you are just the tip of the iceberg. Most people consider everything that is their own to be of superior value than that which is someone else’s: whether it be their own opinion, their own point of view, their own country or family or way of doing things... their own religion. That’s the difference between true faith & all false religions. True faith is the opposite of all that is ‘your own’, for it comes not from ‘your own’ world, nor ‘your own’ mind, nor from any place or realm that is ‘your own’. For the Kingdom of God does not belong to any man, but any man can choose to belong to the Kingdom of God. I am He that breaks up couples, selfish little couples & families, to make of the broken pieces one greater Family. This has been My vision for this Family from the beginning. And those who don’t want to share often find themselves losing that which they did not want to share. Look what beauty! Look what beautiful souls, what beautiful people I have brought forth out of this Family of battles, trials, weaknesses & sufferings! Listen to the beautiful voices I brought forth from the lowest of the low. In becoming one with Me, you will become one with all the other partakers of My love in the universe. ‘Come together over Me!’ That’s the scheme! And the result will be one big, happy, joyful, universal Family, My Kingdom of Love! It ever grows & expands, almost like an explosion. Just like a baby & any living creature comes into being by the union of one tiny cell with another & endlessly parting & multiplying until the baby is born & then grows into another grown human being, able to bring forth his own fruit, to continue the cycle forever on, so it is with all My creation & the spiritual realm. Learn to be friends who don’t hurt each other, but who respect each other & esteem the other higher than yourself. Friends who are truly willing to lay down their pride & lives for each other. I have called all of you, My brides & friends & brethren & Family & of other folds who can bear this, to be mates of each other. Learn to have a loyalty for each other which won’t have to be demanded and assured or confirmed over & over again, but a loyalty & a love which is simply there, unmistakably, undeniably & undoubtedly. That is how My Family & My children throughout time have been able to operate and survive against all odds: It wasn’t that they had any outstanding means, finances or wealth to back them up, it was a look into their eyes that told people, “you can trust them!” That is what you must learn to put your personal trust in, more than any other physical security you would want to render, or guarantee you would want to give to anyone: It’s My Spirit that counts! The Spirit of Love.

Put My Family, My Kingdom first, before your personal, carnal sense of belonging, & see how much I will bless you with greater love, both, on the giving and the receiving end, for “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Your spiritual Family comes first, before your flesh family. It’s a little bit of an acid test, as to whether your loyalties are really stronger to your spiritual ties than the physical... My Family is not a perfect, but a peculiar people, lest any flesh should boast. It's time that My Family shows that they're truly My followers by showing the World that example of a group of people who really love each other, wash each other's feet & are willing to lay down their lives & their pride for each other. The difference between the System & the Family is Me. In the System there is darkness with no light. In the Family, there is still a lot of darkness & dirt & sin which is inborn human nature or contamination from the World or brought about by the Enemy's attacks & intrusions, but there is hope, because I am there to cleanse anyone from their sin for the asking, there is forgiveness, there is love in spite of the sin. That's what grace is, the grace whereby ye are saved, not of yourselves, not of works, lest any man should boast. The Family is a spiritual entity, a spiritual army, and a lot depends on how loyal you are being to that army, meaning that whoever happens to be fighting on your side, alongside you in that army at the moment is your brother or sister in arms, and they deserve your loyalty, and if one of your carnal children tries to sow division between you and your spiritual brethren and comrades, you need to stand up for your convictions, which should consist at least in part of an undaunting loyalty towards your brethren, in spite of any & all weaknesses or flaws. I have made My stance on carnal families, whether it be father, mother, son, daughter, husband or wife, quite clear in My Word, and have clearly stated that those who obey Me and do the Father's will, they are My brethren, My Family. And the question is, how much do you believe that? How much do you practice that? If any man loves his flesh and blood family more than Me and My spiritual Family, he is not worthy of Me, nor of My Family. I have come into the World to set mankind free from the burden of their sins, but I have given My Family to the World in order to set them free from the slavery of the System. The only alternative. But the Devil tries to deny you the right to be free. He says, "No, this can't be done! You're breaking the rules! You're mine! You have to fulfill your duties towards my rules, my system..." My Family is a Family of the Spirit, and it's open to anyone who will, anyone who would like to join it, but in order to join it, you'll have to leave the flesh & the allures of the World at the door. Once you have decided you want to be part of our big heavenly Family, there are some pretty exclusive rules, and all that hog-wash from man's carnal mind, influenced by Satan, will have to go. It's My Family, and if you want Me to change something about it, the best One to talk to is Me, and I'll show you what you can do or how you can go about it in order to eventually see some changes made. The real thing, My friend, is right here: right on the scrubbing floors level of the nitty-gritty work of getting a tiny little family unit of "Me, thee, thou and none other" to function properly, before you can think of gathering masses of followers around you! Once you've got that core working properly and the way it should, you'll see that the other things will also fall into place in their own time. A marriage is a good thing, but marriage to Me and the greater Family is more important. In My eyes, you're all one big family! You all have the same great-great-great-great-great....grandfather, Adam, and after that, Noah, so, you're all one big family, so to speak. Now it's your choice whether you want to accept your place in that Family and do what you can to help your brothers & sisters or not. Or whether you prefer to play the Devil's game & do it his way: "I take care of myself, and if that means I have to take something away from my 'brother,' I will not hesitate to do it!" Then you can join his family, but it's not going to be anywhere near as fun, and the rewards aren't going to be near as good as they are going to be for those who choose to be on My side & do it the loving way, the helping way, the considerate way. The Family is full of contradictions, riddles and wonders. You can't figure the Family out, label it, put it into any drawer & say, "the Family is like this or that, period." The Family is as multi-faceted and complex as each & every member in it. (Spirit helper:) The Family is a funny thing. It looks kind of strange. Some people are scared of it. Some folks think it's pretty, some think it's ugly. But one thing has to be said about it as one of its attributes: it lives. It's because God lives in it. You never know exactly what He or it might be up to next, it's full of surprises. That's why you can't pin it down, label it or put it in a drawer or categorize it. It constantly changes. Don't discard it prematurely. It might all of a sudden start glowing and burn its way clear through your mental trash can. The Family's a funny thing. Funny things do happen. Especially if it's God's thing, you can't stop it from happening. You mess with it and you might find out you just stuck your finger right in the middle of God's eye. Just like someone becomes a member of My Family through My blood, so a familiar spirit has a link to their victim or charge through blood ties of relation, which is why they're called "familiar" spirits. You can make the difference between what the Family is and what the Family could be, right now! So much depends on you!

The Family is like a garden, similar to the garden of Eden, and not without the presence of the snake, either, and the only way that garden is going to prosper is by maintaining it, applying elbow grease to it, tending it and keeping away from that snake! Keep Me as the Center of your marriage & family. I'm the glue that holds you together. There will always - in this world - be frictions within families, for various reasons: People are not aware to which extent the Enemy tries to destroy their unity and fights them; they're not aware of their own weaknesses, responsibilities and share of the blame for the friction; etc. The Family is a living thing, and as in all living organisms, there are good things that work toward the furtherance and enhancement and procreation of life, and there are negative things, which also have their time and purpose, such as bacteria & other parasites, which are present a-plenty in any body, and just show that there is a war to be fought. Bacteria are not your actual enemy, but help to keep and make your body strong for the actual fight. You are My wife, My bride, My children, My Family, and if I don't care for you, then I'm worse than an infidel. Loyalty to My Family, My clan, My heavenly country & nation is definitely priority over any "Egyptian" philosophies, views or even "open-mindedness." Stay radical, stay tuned to Me, stay dropped out, an Israelite at heart, and have no room in your heart open for the ways and enticements of Egypt. The church system is still based on the sermon principle, while I’m building My Family on the principle of becoming a living sample of the truth, just as I was a living sample, and all My true saints were samples of My love and truth, more than just sermons. There are enough teachers, preachers and talkers delivering sermons, but way too few guides who truly show the way by walking therein themselves first... You've got to show how much you're ready to fight for it, how much you really believe in the Family, in spite of some "relative" oddities, some traits in your spiritual relatives and Family that you tend to be ashamed of. I like to work in teamwork, and I don't just run a one-Man show up Here. I like to include everybody I can and allow them to participate in the work on the Big Picture. Let's bust that "group think" & blow all those little "groups" and cliques to hell, in order to finally make one large Family out of all of them! While it's true that since Cain and Abel, not all in My Family were of My Family, this should not surprise you or make you worry, "where should we turn to then?" I'm still in control, and you have to trust that this is My doing, My allowing and My planning. You see what happens to kids when everything is perfect for them: they become spoiled! The only thing that keeps folks desperate, dependent on Me and praying as they ought, is when things are going less than perfect for them, when there are adverse circumstances, and particularly those which are brought about from among their own ranks. Otherwise, the group becomes the substitute for everything: for Me, for everything they would look up to, live for and follow. The group becomes IT, instead of Me, the group becomes god. Man worship is still much more farspread than many people realize, and one of the most common forms of modern idolatry, with many of its perpetrators/victims not even realizing it. And I'm not for it, but will do what I can to expose those idols for their feet of clay. It is My will that the Family isn't perfect, just as it has been My will that My church never was, and My people never were. The church was never meant to be the all-in-all. The All-in-all is Me, and the church is merely a place where you can find Me, a group of people through whom others can find Me, and sometimes by means of the very fact that My own people are so far from perfect. There's no other way but to look to Me. There's nowhere else to find the Perfect but in Me, and I'm using the imperfect to have those who seek the perfect point to Me. The message is: if you think you're going to find the answer and all you're seeking just in any group of failing, sinful and imperfect flesh and blood people like you, then you're wrong! You will always find some flaws anywhere, with anyone, in this world. If you want the flawless, turn to Me! If there's anything I want My Family to be, it's different. I want there to be an alternative to that which already exists, especially that so-called normal arm-of-the-flesh-dependent System. (Go to Chapter 5)

…The Holy Spirit My Spirit is pure and clean & gives away freely of Her pure & genuine love, without any interest in gain for Herself, but only so that others may find life. Even so, I want you to take on My Spirit, and not think about any gain, any advantage for yourselves, but seek only to give unselfishly, that your love may be found pure in My sight, and I can truly reward you! What’s important, is that you each make the connection with My Holy Spirit & let Her empower you to do what you can’t, let her take you over. That’s the Comforter for you: She comforts you over the fact that you can’t do it & helps you do it instead! Like a Mother will say to a frustrated child, ‘Come here, let Me help you!’ And She does the work for you. Like a mother taking her child’s hand when he’s trying to write or draw something beyond his ability, She guides your hand & does it for you. You hold the pencil, but She guides your hand.

You've got to believe in My love, you've simply got to know that I love you! The original sin of man was to doubt that, and the greatest sin, the sin against the Holy Spirit, is to reject that love by not believing that God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son, once they've been given the chance to receive Him. (Gem, female spirit helper:) When (Jesus) was talking about the Comforter, He wasn't only talking about the Queen Mother, although she is very much involved in all this communication. Communication is specially a woman's thing... He wasn't just exclusively referring to Her as the Comforter, but actually to the process, the power itself that would set all this in motion; the event of Pentecost & all that goes with it and has been going on ever since... You become a vessel, a pure, virgin bride of Mine, by letting My Holy Ghost take you over and possess you: "The Holy Ghost will come over you and overshadow you," as Gabriel announced to Mary, and then you shall receive Me, the perfect Son of God, into your flesh, and your flesh will be no longer imperfect flesh, but that which is mundane and earthly will be made divine! It was Me, My flesh in Mary, in her flesh, that made her divine, and that's why millions of Catholics practically worship her today. But the trick is to just let My Holy Ghost overshadow you, control you and possess you, and then I'll be able to come in unto you & bring forth the fruit in you that I - and you - desire! Let Me do with you, as I will, as Mary gave My Father leave to do. The fire which went before the Israelites in the desert by night was no ordinary fire, as you can imagine... the same fire that didn't consume the bush Moses saw, My fire - the same of which consisted the tongues of fire that descended on the day of Pentecost. The "holy fire," which burns away your desires & anything that is Not of Me, but of you. It burns away the spiritual dross, the sin, it purifies & makes white... That's why the early Christians & apostles who had been filled with the Spirit were so holy, so unearthly, almost supernatural in their purity & conviction. It was almost as if the fire of My Holy Spirit had "burned" their old selves away. The Comforter is there to comfort you through this time of suffering through this world, and She'll enable you to call & beckon yet others of My lost brides to come unto Me. And through My Holy Spirit, I am with you, right within you, reminding you of the fact that this world is never going to be your home, never the place where you belong, filling you with joyous anticipation of the glorious Kingdom to come, where all things will be perfect, where we will be truly united, and all My brides shall be as one. No more disunity, nor more separation, but perfect one-ness, total unity, total love. Just open the faucet! All you've got to do is turn it, open it & let it pour, according to your desire, according to your thirst. That's how abundant My flow is, how ever-present My power, My comfort, My Holy Spirit with Her (nine) gifts of prophecy, miracles, healing, wisdom, knowledge, tongues, discernment, interpretation and faith! Plus the tenth, the most excellent of all, which sums them all up, just as I sum up all the good qualities of the different types of human personality: love. (See 1Cor.12, 13). You have to make a constant positive decision of saying "yes, I want You" to My Holy Spirit. My Holy Spirit can be easily shooed away, when She feels like she has been replaced by some spirit of feverishly trying to accomplish something, instead of fully leaning on Me. You know how it is when you don't feel needed. You don't want to just barge in on people who give you the impression they're doing perfectly fine without you, doing things in a way or a spirit quite distinct from yours, and act as if the last thing in the world they would need right now is someone coming in and telling them they ought to be doing it differently. Well, the Holy Spirit is relatively shy and reluctant to "barge in," too, in such situations, and when you're already fully in your "groove," and your usual modus operandi, then there's nothing much anybody can do, not even My Spirit, to try to interfere. The Holy Spirit is like a dove than gently descends where She is beckoned and invited and asked to come. She won't land where She's not welcome, nor will she share a crowded heart that's filled with any other idol and false god and fallacy this world has to offer. Before Abraham was, I am. In fact, before everything and everybody was, except for My Father and My heavenly Mother, I am. So, I'm a little bit older than everybody else except the Father and His Spirit Queen... They've simply been around forever, and will continue to be. In fact, everything that is made is part of them, a manifestation or expression of them. It's something you can't really grasp or fathom with your mind, but simply something you're going to have to accept. (Go to Chapter 6)

…God the Father I like to stay behind the scenes... and: look at the Father! He’s the best sample of all of someone taking the back seat... There is a time for everything under the sun: a time for embracing, and a time to refrain from embracing... You would like to abide in those times of embracing, those times of tenderness, of love & joy & fellowship forever. But don’t forget, you’re in a war, and the situation is getting darker & more & more tense by the hour. So, that’s why we’ve got to be tough sometimes, even as a father. Yes, then the world looks at us & points their fingers at us, how cruel, how cold, how harsh & unloving we can be. All the while it’s not really us who are cruel, but the world itself. First they tempt you to be lenient on your child, tell you to let them go their own way, let them be independent, and then, when they get into trouble, they’re trying to make you feel guilty. It’s similar to the way the world blames all their troubles on Me, whether they believe in Me or not, I’m always to blame, just in case I exist, and oh, all good things come from their own hands...

It’s the same vicious cycle all over again of self-righteousness & people wanting to be their own gods. Most people never even acknowledge My presence nor existence at all, blatantly denying the possibility of My existence in spite of the plain evidence all over My creation. Pretty tough, huh? – Talking ‘bout not being accepted or included by those you call your own: Imagine you’re the Father & Creator of the whole bunch, & your children & your creation just simply refuse to even acknowledge your very existence! – ‘No, I’ve got no father! – I simply came into being by an unplanned, random process called evolution...’ If you think you have reasons to be frustrated sometimes, all I can say is ‘Welcome to the club!’ Is it really so selfish & cruel of Me to want everybody to love Me first? I’m just telling you what’s good for you. Just like every plant grows towards the sun & flourishes & prospers by obeying that law of nature, so will you if you will obey My law of love. But if you turn away from Me, your spiritual Sun, you won’t prosper & grow, but wither & die, that’s how simple it is. Only the rebellious, the jealous, the envious the proud, those who’d like to be the big head-honcho themselves, like Lucifer & anyone else who’ll ever listen to him, they have a hard time yielding & cow-towing to an even greater One than themselves. They don’t want to soak up the sun, they want to be the sun themselves, but in so doing, they become a black hole sun, radiating blackness & darkness, poisoning the world. They’re polluting the world with their rubbish. And what do you do with rubbish? Clean it up! Get rid of it! You recycle what can be salvaged & still be used & get rid of the rest. Now, what’s so unloving about that? That’s what any loving father, keeper or creator of anything would do: Keep & protect his children, offspring, flock or creation from harm & varmint that might threaten to destroy or cause them to get sick, & so, you get rid of the threatening menace. Some people nowadays might not call that love, but I consider it My loving responsibility. Nowadays people confuse leniency for love, letting them get away with anything... But that’s not love. I require obedience, because nothing but obedience to Me will ensure your happiness & safety. And I will do My best to protect My lambs from the influences of those who try to lure them away from the straight & narrow path of strict obedience, which is the road to happiness & a safe haven. Especially when your child is young, you protect it even more zealously from danger. The older he gets, the more you allow to happen to him, to let him learn to reap the consequences of his own actions. That’s why right now you see less cataclysmic intervention from My hand. I will have to allow the world to follow that rebellious punk to his & almost their bitter end, in order to learn a lesson that will keep them behaving for a thousand years. If you have a better plan, hey, we can talk about it! I’m all ears, but first you’ll have to convince Me... Even I said to the rich young ruler, ‘Why callest thou Me good?’ Compared to the perfection of the Father and His realm everything on Earth looks so pitiful, so shameful, so endlessly lacking & falling short of His glory, that even I, in My fleshly body felt like anything but good. So, cheer up, if you don’t feel good. Even I didn’t feel good, and you know that those who do feel good and righteous about themselves usually are the ones who are far from it. ‘He knoweth our frame, He remembereth that we are but dust’ (Ps.103:4). I want to give everybody a chance to repent, to turn around & change their minds, their hearts & their ways, because I love them. Yes, I love them. That’s what John 3:16 is all about. I love them, and the Father loves them, that’s why I came. That’s why He sent Me and that’s why I’m sending you, because I love them. Once you come Here, you will know the victory has been won, although some of the actual fighting is still to take place. It’s hard to comprehend while your still on the temporal plain, but it’s still the truth. It’s like those people asking, “Who made God?” It’s hard for a temporal being to grasp the consistence of eternal beings. Although I was created, for I am the beginning of the creation of God, the Father is and was and will always be eternal. There is no beginning nor end to Him. Unless something is really bad & dangerous for you, I will usually let you have your way, even if I know it’s not really good or the best for you. I often even let you have your heart’s desire even though you don’t deserve it, which is the way you feel about your son, too. I want him to know I’m not an ogre in the sky who won’t grant him any fun... even if his idea of fun greatly varies from Mine or yours... So, it’s okay, My son, My bride, you can let him have his request, & get a taste of how it feels when you feel like you should grant your child his request even if you know it’s not really good for him, & it hurts to see them go down the wrong way, make mistakes & waste precious opportunities... Welcome to the club of the brokenhearted fathers... How far are you willing to go to help, so that you can prove that I am really real & that My love is real? Are you willing to leave the 99 who are safely in the fold now, in order to save that one lost sheep? Are you willing to lay down your life for that sheep? Forgetting all heady input, what does your heart say? Are you trying to be just sober & realistic here? The unconditional love of your Father has saved you from your depth of despair & confusion... are you willing to show that same, unconditional, fatherly love now, too? Are you willing to go to any length to save & bring them back onto the right path? Will you be a true father? Do you still believe that love is forever? As long as there’s a glimpse of hope, you should act on it & seize that opportunity! I, Jesus, and God the Father, love you personally, and care for you personally, enough to counsel you on the problems you're facing. (Spirit Helper:) "We have not an High priest which cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities, but was in all things tempted like as we are." He can relate to the feelings of your infirmities. He's been there. He has also been through it, not getting a hold of the Father's voice sometimes & feeling like "Father, Father, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"

I am the Prince of Peace, because My Father is the God of Peace and of Love, the opposite of all that the god of this World stands for, the god of war & hate. A choice for Me & My ways is a choice for peace. Love is the meaning of life on every level. Even on the highest level, I the Son of God & Creator of all things, as well as the Father Himself, We live to love and to be loved. My omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience are still dependent on the Father. Although He has given Me all power in heaven and in hell, I still need Him, you know? It's not like He is retiring, because I'm taking over the business. In a way, He's still running it all; He's just letting Me do most of the business, that's all. But there comes a point when even I have to sit back a little and reflect, and receive some powerful input from Him and some of the other heavenly counselors on these matters you present to Me. It has always been that way, and it always will be. Heaven will never be a One-Man show with one big & all-powerful head honcho running everything. (God:) My stance on what is family and what isn't, is a little tough to take for those who are carnal minded & put their money on this World. Look what I asked of Abraham... That wasn't a very "family-oriented" thing to do. Look what I did to My own Son... Jesus: I had to forsake Him and let Him go and suffer a cruel death at the hand of unbelievers. People could say, "What a Father You are, God! Tsk tsk..." But you see, My Family is a Family of the Spirit, and it's open to anyone who will, anyone who would like to join it, but in order to join it, you'll have to leave the flesh & the allures of the World at the door. Once you have decided you want to be part of our big heavenly Family, there are some pretty exclusive rules, and all that hog-wash from man's carnal mind, influenced by Satan, will have to go. In that aspect, I'm separating the wheat from the chaff, the boys from the girls, those who have got what it takes to believe My radical doctrines & drink My strong wine, and those who will have to be left at the door when the Bridegroom enters in with only those who were wise enough to fill their lamps with the oil of My Spirit. They didn't persist in running on their own carnal wisdom, but they asked Me to fill their empty vessel with My input, to replace their vanity with that which really counts, counsel, views & thoughts from Me, and the more you do this, the less important the world and its views will become to you, for the more I will matter in your life. I am the Source of warmth & light in your life, the Source of supply of all that you need. I take My responsibilities towards My children, those who have chosen to become My spiritual children by accepting My Son, Jesus, very seriously. Especially if they have decided to trust Me for their lives. Those who have decided not to trust Me for their lives, but make others responsible for them, are not walking in the path of faith, they don't have the same standard, and the rules by which they judge are man-made, not Mine. They are not the standards of faith, but the standard of doubt, of man caring for himself, of the arm of the flesh saving itself. But without faith it is impossible to please Me, and it's better to acquire My view on things than many personal opinions. It's better to know nothing at all except that I'll take care of you than many of the so-called "facts" & pieces of knowledge that make up the wisdom of man, which is just as much foolishness to Me, if not more so, than it has been 2000 years ago. You see as a child sees, not as the Father, who sees what's truly good for you. You've got to convey the faith, that I, their heavenly Father & Great Doctor, their Maker & Mender, know best what's really good for them, and even though that which you present to them as My medicine may not appeal to them at first, if they only try it, they will like it, or at least it's going to help them. There's just so much more to the Father's love than you can fathom with your finite minds. All I can do to help you is give you a little glimpse of what's beyond the scope of your minds, & encourage you to take it by faith & trust Me that there is more, a larger part of the picture you may not yet understand. You don't have to be a pauper in the spirit if your Father is the richest "Man" in the universe. Often, children have a completely wrong concept of their father, quite similar to people's false perception of Me, their heavenly Father. To rectify and perhaps correct their view of things a bit, the first step is to get them to communicate, just like I need you to communicate with Me, in order to get anything accomplished in our relationship. Ask Me how to approach them in order to get them to confide to you what's on their hearts about you, why they seem to dislike you, or why they talk badly about you to others, or whatever the case may be. If they give you trials because they prefer to spend their time with their friends to the extent that they hardly come to see you anymore at all, welcome to the way that I feel in relation to many of My children! Often it's because someone else fed them negative information about you, similar to the way the Devil tells lies about Me. Other times it plain & simple selfishness & they just know that having to face you would only convict them & make them feel bad about themselves. There is more truth to the verse that I created you in My own image than meets the eye. In a way, you're all little carbon copies or photo copies of Me, just like children often are the "spitting image" of one of their parents... Sometimes your children feel resentful toward you because they think you neglect them & don't care about them, similar to the way many people think that I couldn't care less about them or I wouldn't bother with someone as "unimportant," which is really only one of the standard lies the Devil spreads about Me. Others think downright badly of you at times, similar to those times when you're "at war" with Me for allowing all those "atrocities" to happen to you, when really, more often than not, it's your own attitude & distance from Me that can be responsible for such times of testing. Ultimately, fathers are ideal scapegoats. You can blame a lot of things on them that are going wrong, because they didn't do this or that for you, etc., or they broke this or that promise. That's why one of the most effective educational milestones in life is having kids on your own, because it will ultimately show you that you're not the perfect mom or dad either, and for once you're able to put yourself in your parents' or even My shoes! Kids make you deal with your own weaknesses, failures, wrong attitudes, selfishness & everything that's ugly about yourself that you hadn't even realized until then. Most of all, having children reveals that you're not any better than your

own parents at all, when you thought you were light-years ahead of them. And, well, that whole process then also moves Me a bit closer to you, because all of a sudden you can begin to see why I'm doing things the way I am, or why I allow this or that to happen... Things start making sense all of a sudden. So, cheer up! Those trials about being a parent, though the most painful of all they may be, are worth it, every bit! In fact, as unimportant, trivial or mundane as dealing with children may seem to some people, raising kids, and all the lessons that go along with it, is pretty much the epitome of the meaning of life. While some parents think they're missing out on life because of their kids, missing out on all the fun that singles or childless couples seem to be having, if you pay attention to what I'm trying to teach you in life, you'll actually notice that it's those others, who are missing out on a lot of things, unless they have a position of responsibility over others in some different type of leadership position. Parents are leaders. Leaders are always envied, resisted, rebelled against, rejected, opposed & fought against by some people some of the time, but that's exactly the kind of adversities that make a character strong. So, if you thought your kids were robbing some of the value of your life, if they're making you feel worthless, like you're no good and you blew it, think again: they're actually the very factor that will accelerate your maturation, and increase your usefulness to others as a counselor, comforter, or person to trust & rely on, more than hardly any other factor could. Each of your children is a universe of lessons & experiences to explore. If you ask Me to open your eyes to the possibilities that are there, I will show them to you. Kids are like you and you are like Me... There are endless numbers of things you can learn out of this, if you're just attentive. They're your most dedicated students & also your best teachers, so, watch out! Pay attention! Don't miss those valuable lessons they're here to teach you! When you have gone as far as you could, then it's time for the next part, which is Mine. Just like I could have never made it without the Father, so I will never let you carry your cross or your burden alone. It's foolish, total nonsense, to think that you must do it on your own! The Father Himself is Love... In fact, all of the heavenly Realm of the Spirit World pretty much embodies and resembles love, so, there's a whole lotta love around & to be had. If you need more of it, just ask for it! You were unsure of yourself practically throughout your whole life, because the God-ordained father-son relationship in your life was damaged! Because of your own broken relationship with your father, and the image you had of him, there was always some of that father image you dragged along into your personal relationship with your heavenly Father, most of which stemmed from mistrust. Because of what your father image had always been you had a hard time relating to the fact that your heavenly Father really loved you. Only in recent years have you come to fully accept that I love you unconditionally. You had experienced My love in your early years, but then things started going wrong, and you thought I couldn't possibly love you because of your sins. The Enemy had a grip on you through your sins. It wasn't that your sins actually caused Me to love you less, but they caused you to believe that I loved you less. That's why dealing with your sins and mistakes is important, too, you cannot just ignore them. So, now you've come to face your sins, learned from your past mistakes, have allowed Me to expose your own selfish hidden motives, and have allowed My Words to cleanse you from them with their white-hot truth, and you have come to accept My unconditional love and eternal forgiveness, you have rectified your wrong father concepts, and I'm showing you the truths about how all these things have been going on in your life without your ever being aware of them. "So what about the next time I'm going to stumble," you wonder now, "when all this You're teaching me right now will be far away from my mind again, and I will again focus on the negative?" Well, I didn't say I was going to make you perfect right away, I didn't say you had attained or it was "done." But I have said that though you would stumble, I would not let you fall. Why? Because you listen to My Word & try your best to obey Me; you delight in Me, commit your ways unto Me, you wait on Me, trust Me, make an effort to cease from anger, etc. (see Ps.37). Just trust Me that each stumble will be another fall upward, closer to Me, closer to My arms, and that I will always be there to catch you. And no matter how hard you fall, or how badly you err or sin, I will always, always forgive you! Eventually, if you really believe this, the Devil will have to see that it's senseless, that he can't deceive you anymore into thinking that you have "fallen from grace" or are "too bad for Me." The important thing is that you learn this lesson not only for yourself, but realize the importance of this issue for many, many people, by remembering the pain this has meant for yourself. I wanted to make sure that you really get the point of this so you would be able to pass on to others this message of reconciliation with the Father! Let them know that God is good, a loving Father, a just Father, Who seeks to be loved, not feared. Revered & respected, He seeks & wants to be obeyed, yes, but there is nothing to be afraid of with Him, because He only means well with you, and He truly does so. He doesn't make mistakes! No matter how haywire things have run in your life, and you think, how could a God of love possibly have allowed this, if you just stretch out your hand of faith to Him in spite of all your doubts, you will see the reason and the truth behind all that happened. More often than not, it's the Enemy who has plotted & schemed to bring about circumstances to convince people that God doesn't love them. But he's a liar. That's why an important part of your ministry must also be to expose the lies of the Enemy! You must never, never, never give in and let him convince you to doubt God! For as long as you refuse to believe his doubts, and you just keep believing, even with your last bit of strength, you will see that things will continue to keep going, continue to keep working out for the best & turn out good for you somehow. Just encourage people to take that step of faith to give God a chance! Tell them to stop believing the Devil's doubts for once, and to make an opening in their lives for the light and love of God, and to see what will happen in that margin of time, to open their eyes for what will happen if they choose to believe! It was My Father's love for Me that saw Me through. And even so it will be My love for you that will see you through & help you to focus on the few who will make it worth it all! The Father knows exactly what He's doing, & even if some deem Him cruel, He is the ultimate Love. He can only be understood - in fraction - by faith, and few even make an effort, but what's most important is that you remember He knows what He's doing.

There is a purpose in everything, just trust Me for it, and if you can't trust Me, if I'm not big enough for you, or you think I can't possibly be all that smart, that all-knowing, that wise, then at least you can trust the Father, for I can assure you, He's great and wise enough! They may reject you and dislike you, but you determine to love them anyway. That's the way I loved; that's the way the Father loves. That's the initiating kind of love, the creating kind of love, the love that makes something out of nothing, that brings everything where there was nothing. The seed which falls into the ground and there - by dying - brings life. (Go to Chapter 7)

…Soul Food I won’t give any of you a stone if you ask Me for a fish. You are asking Me for valid soul food & counsel when you come before Me, so, I won’t send you a hoax. I speak to everyone in a different way, and sometimes what is your wavelength, isn’t exactly somebody else’s, it’s the same as with people’s different tastes for music, movies, literature, food, etc. You need Me as a plant needs the sun & the rain. You need Me as much as your body needs oxygen, food & water. Come, ye that are hungry & thirsty, & partake of the food that will not leave you hungry again, but which satisfies your soul. They feed their bodies but starve their souls, but I will both, feed your soul & nourish & strengthen those who will come unto Me to beseech Me for their needs. Save their spirits from starvation. They need My food! Don’t withhold it. Give your empty heart to Me, & I will fill it! I don’t like you to fill your mind and heart with any old thing that comes along, any old book or movie, because I can only fill an empty space & vacuum that’s waiting for Me to fill it. But if you fill it up with something else already... It’s like: you can’t eat any more healthy food once you’re stuffed with junk food. When you’re full, you’re full. You just need to wait then until you’ve digested whatever it was you ate or read or watched & make space for something new, which hopefully will be a wiser choice. For those who love God, things will ALWAYS turn out to make perfect sense one day, and you manifest your love to God by receiving the Seeds of Love, the Word of God, into your hearts. They’re more important than food, more important than money, more important than anything anyone could ever tell you you should do. Please don’t neglect My time with you. You wouldn’t want to go too often without any spiritual food, or you’ll dwindle down to a skinny runt in the spirit, and we’re at training here, where a lot of spiritual effort & strength is required… When Daniel & his friends were brought to Nebuchadnezzar's court, they refused to eat the king's food. They only wanted bread & water. Sometimes it's better to just stick to bread & water than all the stuff the System has to offer. Just because the System has to offer it, doesn't mean that you should take it! You don't have to take every temptation the Devil hands you, do you? Remember, the fruit of the forbidden tree was the wrong kind of knowledge. Some things you wouldn't want to know. Why get to know evil, when there's so much good to know? There are so many things to learn about & from My Word... The Devil is trying to come up with more & more perfect counterfeits & substitutes & distractions all the time: more & more perfect entertainment, shows, computer games, movies, System music & sounds, all available by remote control, so you don't even have to move or do anything to get instant satisfaction; more & more perfect tasting food with artificial flavors, made to even "top" My natural flavors I have put in foods naturally, more & more perfect drugs & narcotics... He's trying to literally spoil people stupid so they won't ever want to get off of their fannies to do anything else but indulge in his "perfections". Just because it's there and it's possible, doesn't mean you have to use it or do it or that it's of Me. Just because there's junk food available for you in the store doesn't mean that I want you to buy it. I want to be the Light that you turn on in your life when it's dark, the heat you can avail yourself of when it's cold, your food when you're hungry, your drink when you thirst. I am the Bread of life! Unless you eat Me, you're going to faint! How do I give power to the faint & strength to those that have no might? The same way you gain physical strength by eating food & taking in physical nourishment! You've got to eat Me, just the way you eat your food, if you want Me to do you any good. If you get hungry you eat, right? So, if you feel like you're running low on spiritual energy & "lovability," just stop & take a break & take a bite of Me! Come, "taste & see that the Lord is good." Feed My sheep the lasting food, the Bread of life, & lead them to My good pastures, beside My still waters. Only in total humility does one find the grace to give out that which is pure, the pure, unadulterated light and water and food from Heaven, the spiritual nourishment that will truly set them free and will truly strengthen the sheep. The true sheep won't care whether the food is wrapped up in an appealing appearance. It doesn't have to be "cool," it just has to be nourishing.

If you neglect My Word, you neglect the most important weapon I have given you to fight this war, you're neglecting your daily food, you're neglecting Me! I don't mind you being curious and hungry for more, as long as you don't waste the food I've already given you, as long as you share it with those who are needy, those who don't have any true spiritual food at all! My true sheep will only truly be satisfied with My good grass, but goats will go for the stuff the Devil feeds them. My sheep aren't satisfied by anything but love, whereas goats will settle for the temporary satisfaction that material things, success, money, pride & accomplishments bring, pleasure, etc. The cheaper option is usually the Devil's substitute for the real thing. In order to obtain the real thing you must pursue it with determination and not allow yourself to be distracted with the cheaper substitute. The real thing requires its price. It's not the quick & easy "fast food" solution! It's so quick & easy to just prepare a quick fix snack, compared to the laborious process of preparing a full-fledged meal, but in the long run, your body will be able to tell and show the difference. So, stay away from the quick fixes. Focus on the real thing, the real, long-term goal, and the spiritual! Don't starve your soul. Don't deprive your spirit of the greatest kicks it was created to enjoy by feeding it the cheap quick fix substitutes of the Enemy, his alternatives to the real thing! Some vitamins, minerals or nutrients are good for certain organs, while others are good for others, and thus it's also with the spiritual food I give. Your particular body condition warrants a particular & individual diet. That crummy looking root or vegetable your forefathers ate may have well been a much greater source of vitamins, minerals, & thus health and nutrients, than all that "too-good-to-be-true" almost plastic-like food they sell nowadays. The soul food and spiritual heavenly bread that I give straight from Me makes you grow into strong, healthy trees in My garden. There is a time and a season for everything under the sun: a time to spoon-feed a baby, and a time when they've grown enough to be getting the food for themselves. The more time you spend in the ministry of the Word, the more it will grow on you, become part of your being, and it will eventually just radiate and shine through you, literally leak out of you wherever you are and whatever you do. It will literally be "meat that ye know not of." It will become food for your soul, the bread of life, and as you eat Me and drink Me in, you will have part in Me more and more. You'll see how I will "grow on you," and you will become like Me more and more. It takes more than inspiration and a bunch of good ideas to really find out what it is My sheep need. You may have a lot of ideas about what to feed them, and how to feed them, and how to make the food more attractive for them, but everybody's got their own taste, and one man's meat may be another man's poison. Everybody's different "Come, taste & see that I am good!" "I am the bread of life. Whoever will eat of this bread will never be hungry again!" In order for your spirit to grow, you've got to take the consumption of Me & My Word as seriously as you take the nourishment of your bodies! One meal a day just isn't enough to sustain you throughout the day, is it? Sometimes, when it's a really good meal, you last on it for the whole day, but that's more the exception than the rule. So, if you have to eat physically 3 times a day, why not come to Me for spiritual nourishment 3 times daily, also? Are you really going to allow your children to make pig food their spiritual diet, when they could have feasted from the richness of the King's table? The amount you receive is determined by your spiritual hunger, which is diminished by the amount of other input you feed your mind with... The less you snack on those other "goodies," the more you will hunger for My pure milk and proper meat. Again you find that less is sometimes more. (Go to Chapter 8)

… Air It’s only your position that changes. I am the Lord, I change not. Yesterday, today, forver... the same. I am constant. Constantly and permanently there for you, just like the air all around you, just like the universe all around you. As long as the universe is there, you can be assured that I’m still there, too! The way sinful human nature is programmed is that you always attempt to provide for yourself without help from above or rather, without acknowledgement of all the help you're receiving from Me in the first place, all the help and supply you're taking for granted: the air you breathe, the sunshine that makes growth and life possible, etc. And then you look around for what else you can take for granted without having to thank Me: take another human being that pleases you and all they have to offer you, and wind up taking them for granted as well, until you get tired of them and start looking around for another one...

Unless you become dependent on Me for the very air you breathe and every breath you take, every bite of food you eat and everything you do and need, life is a farce, and you will only become distracted in the deceitful rut of survival and meaninglessness. Unless you become dependent on Me for the very air you breathe and every breath you take, every bite of food you eat and everything you do and need, life is a farce, and you will only become distracted in the deceitful rut of survival and meaninglessness. This battle field of life can become pretty hostile territory when you allow the Enemy to disturb the equilibrium of things just a little bit and allow him to take a little bit of the proportions, one tiny measurement of one of the essential ingredients out of your life, that enable you to breathe properly. After all, that's what those poisonous gases in warfare are supposed to do: to disable the enemy and stop him from breathing. Another allegory of life with spiritual background. If I'm the air that you breathe, don't let the Enemy rob you of it! Don't let him kill you with his poisonous gases, don't let him choke you, suffocate you, don't let him steal your oxygen. Defend your right to breathe! I don’t want to scare you of the future, but if you would see the severity of the impending doom, you would act completely differently! You would dig out the Word and start reading & memorizing as if your life would depend on it as much as breathing. I will have to become your oxygen, if you want to survive the days to come! I will have to become your only light, your bread, your water, and everything you need to live, for the Devil is going to try to cut all other means of supply. Sooner or later, every human being will have to come face to face with the fact you have accepted long ago, but for them will be a bitter truth, that without Me you can do nothing. Let’s face it: without Me you can’t even breathe. They think they can, because, after all, they’ve got lungs & oxygen. But Who made the lungs & the oxygen? And Who created the process that made an endless supply of oxygen possible? Man? They’re trying their damnedest to destroy & stop that process with their pollution & murdering of the forests. Just because they refuse to give the credit to Me doesn’t change a thing about the fact that I’m still responsible for it. Air is a good description of My nature: It is invisible, yet vital & all around you. Sometimes it is warm & still & sometimes whips your faith in strong winds, or wreaks judgment over the Earth in fierce storms. Mostly taken for granted, you never miss it as much as when it’s not there, just like people are most desperate for Me when I remove the things that keep them alive, when they’re nearing their death... That’s when they realize in terror that they can’t survive another minute without that certain something they’ve been taking for granted all their lives, like a drowning man. Well, better late than never, but how much more advanced are those who already acknowledge My presence & the importance of including Me, and your dependence on Me. Independence is alright, as long as you don’t dream of independence from Me. It’s as if the Earth would declare its independence from the sun & drift off into space. It’s like a fish’s independence from water, or a plant’s independence from light – or yours from the air... you can’t do without it. I’ve written it all over My handiwork: ‘You need Me, you can’t do without Me any more than a fish can do without water, a plant can do without light, no more than you can live without air: Without Me, you can do nothing!’ I’m tossing you into the water & you’ll only be able to breathe by My miracle-working grace & power. It’s pretty hard to trust in yourself when you need a miracle to even breathe. The good thing about learning to breathe under water is that you’ll be prepared & won’t drown when the flood comes, and the flood is going to come. You’ll already have learned to depend on Me for every miraculous breath you take, nothing taken for granted, surviving on My supernatural power every moment, every second. I want you to indulge more in the spiritual riches & wealth I’m pouring out on you, emphasize more on them, acknowledge their greater importance, become more dependent on them & make greater use of them! They are your supply of oxygen while you’re learning to breathe under water! I am your oxygen! And neglecting Me in such a situation is a very dangerous thing to do! I’m your oxygen! Breathe Me in, & you’ll keep wide awake & full of energy! Let Me be your oxygen, your energy, your Everything! Anything you need... you’ve got it! Don't stop giving, don't stop loving, for loving never stops! It's like breathing, or a heartbeat: the moment you stop, it dies. Love has to continue, it is alive, and in order to keep it alive, you have to keep loving, keep using it, keep moving. I am the Oxygen that will keep this flame alive, and as long as you're aware of how much you depend on Me, it is going to keep burning. When nothing on earth will go or flow anymore, no more gas, no more oil, no more water, no more electricity, then My power will still be running through you! And one fine day, that'll be all that will be needed: My power! In a way, all is My power - or a physical manifestation of it, anyway: every breath you take is already a manifestation of power! Only then it will be obvious & clear to everyone where it all came from in the first place! Everything is a miracle: every breath you take is a wonder of My creation, a gift of My love, grace & benevolence to you. Every meal you eat is a token of My love & supply to you, and if you just learn to see everything as a miracle in the first place (instead of taking it all for granted), then you'll also have more faith for other miracles, or for Me to continue doing the same miracles, even when the "normal" flow of supply should stop. Use some love-power & fill your life with its fragrance, with its shine and magic! Make it come to the point where you breathe prayer. Breathing is a lot like prayer. You breathe in My life-giving oxygen, you spiritually inhale My Spirit, My love, My force, and you exhale it again, as you breathe out positiveness, your positive influence on the world.

If you think of prayer as something similar to breathing, a process in which you constantly inhale and exhale My Spirit, as the life-giving power that will sustain your spirit, just as oxygen keeps you alive in the physical, then you'll get the gist of what I mean. Every breath you take brings new life to your body, keeps it from dying. Why not do the same thing to your spirit? Why allow it to "die" or even feel worn out and tired and without any strength, when you can be constantly renewed with heavenly fresh air and constant new whiffs of My Spirit? Let Me save you again! Let Me refill you again! Let Me save you again and again from the death of this life, and be reborn and renewed over and over again into the power of eternal life! There's so much more you haven't even begun yet to experience, to taste, to see and feel and hear and see, and to breathe! BREATHE! Breathe in Me with every breath you take! Breathe Me in! As you breathe Me in, I will breathe upon you the breath of life, the breath that first caused Adam to awaken, and brought forth life from non-living matter; and so it will raise you from death to life - from a life, once so death-like, to a life truly lived in My love, My exuberant joy, My victory, My Spirit. (Go to Chapter 9)

…Sunshine The sun doesn’t just give its light to one flower or blade of grass at a time, but to many, countless others simultaneously. That’s how My love works, too. So, don’t wonder or doubt, ‘How could this be? How could God be spending all this time with Me when He’s got so many others to take care of?’ I’m not bound by time or space. If you would only bask in My sunshine, seek for the sunshine of My love everyday & bathe your face in its light... Let Me be the sunshine of your life, for only I can give you happiness, true contentment & true beauty of the inward parts. Worship Me! – The sun of righteousness with healing in My wings, your sun & shield, giving grace & glory, not withholding any good thing from them that walk uprightly (Mal.4:2, Ps.84:11). Open up your hearts like a flower would open up her petals to the sun & let Me shine deep into your hearts & let the bees of My Spirit, My angelic helpers come and pollinate you so that you may bring forth fruit unto Me! Open up! Let the sunshine in! You can have the sunshine on in your life anytime you call on Me and listen to My Words. ‘Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground & die, it abideth alone... ’ On its own, the grain of wheat doesn’t do much good. And down there in the darkness it doesn’t see, feel or perceive much but its immediate surroundings: the earth & the worms, an occasional mole or bug. But if it absorbs the heat of My sunshine & the waters of My rain & lets its shell become soft, something inside starts growing, which finally wants to burst through the shell of your former confines. And that’s the moment when your old man dies to make room for something new, something greater than your former self. Melt the cold ice of pride with the sunshine of My Love! Independence from Me is as if the Earth would declare its independence from the sun & drift off into space. Open your eyes to visions of heavenly light! Catch some rays of heavenly sunshine, flooding your soul with glory divine! Greater light is here than the sun’s, greater & more eternal radiance. A light that doesn’t hurt the eyes & won’t scorch the Earth, nor cause disease. My light is only pure & good! So, My children, seek Me, for My pure & true light! Bathe in My light! Even if you see nothing else at first, with the eyes of your spirit: just a glimpse of My true, eternal, lifegiving, heavenly light will strengthen you & lift you up & encourage you enough to keep going with renewed vigor & strength! Consider My heavenly light the source of energy you need in order for your spiritual flower to really come to full bloom! Just like every plant grows towards the sun & flourishes & prospers by obeying that law of nature, so will you if you will obey My law of love. But if you turn away from Me, your spiritual Sun, you won’t prosper & grow, but wither & die. Never neglect Me, the Sunshine, the Source of love & warmth in your life! Indulge in Me, your spiritual Sun, & get a nice spiritual sun tan, which is going to make you look better in the spirit. The more you bask in My spiritual sunshine, the better you're going to look when you come here before Me with all the others. So, bask in My sunshine! That's My good advice for you for today! Bask in Me & My love! Turn your faces toward Me! I'm gonna make you glow with a radiant glow that's going to far surpass any beauty in the physical. Once you call out to Me, & ask Me to save you, I come through for you & will be the sunshine after a rainy day for you, and more. I will flood you with miracles, solutions & answers that will make you wonder how you could ever have doubted Me. I'm your Sun, and you've got to keep facing toward Me and keep spinning around Me, you cannot allow another to take on the role of the sun for you. As long as I'm your sun, you will be able to spin & dance around Me, hand in hand with the other planets, moons & stars, too, in loving unity. When you allow Me to be the Sunshine of your life, I will not let you down. Seek Me, your spiritual Sunshine first thing every morning, and let Me light up your life!

The grey and gloomy skies remind you perfectly that this world is not your home, and that your happiness and fulfillment is found elsewhere, in the unseen Realm, where I am your Sunshine - your Eternal Sunshine that never fades. Keep your focus on that internal and eternal sunshine within you: My Sunshine, that will keep you warm, bright and cheery even through the darkest times. You will have an inner source of strength that people are going to feed off and draw life from, draw hope from, and a reason to go on, even when all hope seems lost. I want to be your Sunshine when there’s no sunshine. I want to be the factor to brighten up your day, the Source that will give you warmth when you feel cold in this world, the One to make you feel loved when you feel lost and forsaken. I want to be the Sunshine of your life; your ray of light and hope, the one thing to look forward to in the middle of all the bleakness that surrounds you. So, don’t let the clouds obstruct your view of Me. The sun has been worshiped for millennia, from ancient Egypt until today, and thus the sun has always been somewhat of a “rival” for Me, so I have to allow people to reap the consequences of their false and abominable worship of one of My creations instead of Me, and what you’re witnessing right now is only the beginning of sorrows, as you know from the book of Revelation. Things are going to get worse, and I need for My children to have a mature attitude and wisdom concerning the sun. I’ve got to be the Constant in your life, more constant than the sun, and definitely more constant than the weather! My Presence is a constant, it doesn’t change. There’s never a time I’m not there for you. It’s as sure as the presence of the sun. You may not be able to see it, but you can know for certain it’s there, because otherwise life on earth would pretty much cease immediately. You may not see it because the skies are grey, but it’s there. Likewise you may not always see or hear or feel Me, either, but you can be just as sure that I am there, ready to give My spiritual warmth and light and life to you. Making it not too obvious that it’s there at times is what I do in order to strengthen and train your faith, and loosen your grip and dependence on circumstances. I want you to know I’m there even when it’s not so obvious, just as sure as you know the sun is still around even on cloudy days. I want and need you to register that fact. You can depend on Me. Even on cloudy days the earth does benefit from the sun’s warmth and light. So, you can thank Me for, and enjoy My Presence, even during those times when it seems less present or obvious. (Go to Chapter 10)

…Brothers & Sisters Imagine if parents on Earth wouldn’t have any cares & worries about having to come up with the provisions for their families, and on top of it would not be subject to sin & the devil’s temptation: Their children would be their greatest joy, and the major theme around which the large part of their activities would revolve. That’s the way I, your Heavenly Father, and My Queen, the Holy Spirit, care for you, watch you, rejoice in you, our children. Imagine older brothers & sisters on Earth would not be driven by their own selfish desires, interests & motivations of usually only wanting to impress their peers or older ones than themselves (not the ‘real old ones’, you know, it always has to be just the right age group to be considered ‘worthwhile’ impressing): They would find their greatest joy in helping, tutoring, watching, and playing with their younger brothers and sisters, or those of their friends. Well, that’s how your many helpers on this side care for you, take their interest & joy in you, their younger brothers & sisters on Earth. They don’t spend their time on selfish pleasures, nor look down on anyone they don’t deem ‘cool’ or worthy, they are driven by My great Love, the driving force of our celestial realm to want to do anything they can to be a blessing and a help to anyone, great or small, lowly or great. All that is required is that you ask, and they will answer & intervene & help you with anything you might need help with. Life could be so much easier for Earth’s little boys & girls, if, instead of running around in a blind frenzy to get what they want, or even what the Devil told them they should run for, they would acknowledge their heavenly brothers, sisters & parents, who are ever watching, ever caring, ever loving, ever willing to lighten their young charges’ load, to ease their path, to make their lives more enjoyable. The Family is a cooperative, inter-dimensional, multi-generational body or machinery consisting of countless members behind the curtain which separates your realm & ours. Come & join hands with your older brothers & sisters who love you more than anyone on Earth could ever love you. We’ll fill you in on important details as to what the Enemy’s next moves are going to be, how you should prepare, what pitfalls to guard against. Call us, your heavenly parents & older brothers, your GREATER FAMILY for help, the way a little boy would call for his dad or older brother when some evil bully is threatening him, or worse, trying to deceive him, kidnap him or deal him some poison candy! Those who mess with us don’t know what they’re getting into. Forget about the Mafia! You mess with us, you in BIG trouble! It may not always be immediately evident, & the wheels of My judgment grind slow, but exceeding fine, and they all wind up sorry, sooner or later! So, let this boost your confidence a little bit, next time you feel prone to be a little envious of this clique or that crowd, or when you’re tempted to feel inferior, because you’re not a citizen of that strong country, or you’re not like one of those rich kids or wealthy folks in their cool cars... Remember that you, yes, tiny little you, are part of the most powerful gang in the universe, the one who’s getting ready to rule & run the joint for good, & you’re in touch with the ‘Boss’, the Man on the top!

I am He that breaks up selfish little couples & families, to make of the broken pieces one greater Family. My soul longs to meld with yours, I long to become one with you. And in becoming one with Me, you will become one with all the other partakers of My love in the universe. ‘Come together over Me!’ That’s the scheme! And the result will be one big, happy, joyful, universal Family, My Kingdom of Love! If you’re genuine, if you’re real, if your heart is covered and embalmed in My elixir of love, they’ll know they can trust you. That is how My Family & My children throughout time have been able to operate and survive against all odds: It wasn’t that they had any outstanding means, finances or wealth to back them up, it was a look into their eyes that told people, “You can trust them!” That is what you must learn to put your personal trust in, more than any other physical security you would want to render, or guarantee you would want to give to anyone: It’s My Spirit that counts! The Spirit of Love. Look at your Family in the Spirit! Seek contact with those who really have something to offer you! Put My Family, My Kingdom first, before your personal, carnal sense of belonging, & see how much I will bless you with greater love. This is and always has been the main purpose of the Family: to be My chosen mouthpiece to the World. What if My mouthpiece has gone mute? What if the salt loses its flavor? What if the light of the candle goes out? My stance on what is family and what isn't, is a little tough to take for those who are carnal minded & put their money on this World. Look what I asked of Abraham... That wasn't a very "family-oriented" thing to do. Look what I did to My own Son... Jesus: I had to forsake Him and let Him go and suffer a cruel death at the hand of the wicked & unbelievers. People could say, "What a Father You are, God! Tsk tsk..." But you see, My Family is a Family of the Spirit, and it's open to anyone who will, anyone who would like to join it, but in order to join it, you'll have to leave the flesh & the allures of the World at the door. Once you have decided you want to be part of our big heavenly Family, there are some pretty exclusive rules, and all that hog-wash from man's carnal mind, influenced by Satan, will have to go. I like to work in teamwork, and I don't just run a one-Man show up Here. I like to include everybody I can and allow them to participate in the work on the Big Picture. Ask yourself what I'm trying to show you through this. By having to deal with the matter of God Himself choosing to work in teamwork, you must ask yourself, "am I following in His footsteps in this aspect?" The great plan is that everything, and everybody will lovingly interact, teamwork & co-operate in one heavenly, ecstatic & climactic symphony... Everybody has an important part & role to play... everybody matters, everybody makes a difference, everybody can contribute, and we all need each other. I have chosen to work in unity & teamwork with My millions & billions of spirit helpers in order to set an example of what I want you to do. What's important is that you neglect neither side. It's supposed to become a teamwork of spirit and flesh. I want you to first of all learn to co-operate and work in unison with Me and My spirit helpers, and then, once you are being spirit-led, I want you to apply the same method and gear with your human co-workers, as well, all the while keeping in mind that just as I and your angels and helpers often need patience with you, so you need patience with those you work and live with in the physical... I especially delight in teamwork between the dimensions. You tell us what you need from us, and we tell you what we would like from you. That's how successful business works, even in the World. Talking 'bout 'free trade'. It can't get any freer than this. You can be partakers of My sufferings & help Me carry My cross by helping your brothers & sisters to make it, by praying for them, supporting them, & doing whatever I show you & put within you to help them, lift them up & encourage them. (Go to Chapter 11)

… Body & Health Part of your job of tending the garden of your body I put you in charge of is finding the right methods & remedies to your specific problems with My help & applying them. Not everybody can be a hand or a foot. Some members of the body have more stationary functions, more passive functions: they receive the poisonous elements of the body & purify them, like the liver, or they receive the blood that has passed through the body & pass it on, supplying it with fresh oxygen, like the heart & the lungs. Some are for mere decoration, like the hair... Others are there to discern among My people, like the nose. Your bones & body are aching, your stomach feels nauseated, you feel tired, but you can't sleep anymore... Time to get ahold of Me! Time to start learning to rely on Me for strength & as the only true Source of energy, & to give you a boost to help you to make it. At the core of each member, there's got to be Me, or the whole body won't be able to function together. Just like every living cell has a core, and that core has got to be well intact and healthy, otherwise it won't be able to multiply successfully and grow into a bigger organism. I am the Life that ensures a healthy cell core. As long as that very center of each cell receives the necessary nourishment and protection it needs from Me, it won't have any problems.

But if you want a healthy soul, a healthy body and spirit, then you're going to have to stick to a healthy diet, one in which the rule applies that "less is sometimes more." When an old house deteriorates, it will need some work on it. It won't get better by itself. Likewise, your body needs some "maintenance," & some things & minor repairs done to it, the same way your car does. The tires wear off and you need new ones. Your teeth wear off, and you need to get them fixed... You can't say, "Oh, I'll trust the Lord to fix those tires." You can trust Me that I'll supply new ones. Likewise you'll have to trust Me now that I'll provide the right dentist, who's going to do the right thing. Taking care of your body is hard work, the same as taking care of a house or a garden... You have to keep it clean, and all the utilities running well. You can't just stuff it with whatever you like, endlessly. Sometimes you have to make a clean sweep, air it out & give it a break from consuming, consuming, consuming. What's happening when you're having health troubles is that they are like warning signs that things can't keep going the way they have. A break or a change is required. And, as you know, changes are good for you, including physical changes like changing your diet, or simply fasting for some time. Fasting is good for you; for your spirit and your body, and since you won't do it voluntarily when you're healthy, I'm having to allow these periods when you get so sick you can't eat anymore, or you'll just cause further trouble. Wash out your body! It's a good time to do that after the holidays during which you kind of stuffed yourself! It's so quick & easy to just prepare a quick fix snack, compared to the laborious process of preparing a full-fledged meal, but in the long run, your body will be able to tell and show the difference. Only once you realize that you really don't live forever, that your once young & energetic body isn't all-powerful after all, that there are certain things you just can't accomplish & cope with, no matter how hard you try, only then do most folks appreciate My rejuvenating qualities: when they're getting older; just like most folks only appreciate the doctor when they're sick... Your particular body condition warrants a particular & individual diet. You're often not exercising your spiritual nor your physical muscles, but allowing both, your body and spirit to deteriorate. You're allowing death, weakness, deterioration and decay to slowly creep up on you and take the upper hand, instead of actively fighting for life. You need to take a more pro-life stand! In all living organisms, there are good things that work toward the furtherance and enhancement and procreation of life, and there are negative things, which also have their time and purpose, such as bacteria & other parasites, which are present a-plenty in any body, and just show that there is a war to be fought. Those bacteria are not your actual enemy, but help to keep and make your body strong for the actual fight. To enjoy yourself means precisely what it says: you can enjoy just being yourself, you can enjoy the body I've given you, the spirit I've given you, the life I've given you, it's nothing to be ashamed of or to constantly deny or to beat down. You must discern the voices that say which way to go, and you have to play it by ear and really listen to your heart, listen where I lead you, to the counsel you really personally need. It's like listening to your body to "tell" you what sort of food you should eat. Sometimes you just eat whatever is there or available, at other times you have to think, "what could we eat now?" At other times, you just eat for eating sake, and then again there are times when you figure it might be best not to eat anything at all... Not everything you do is obviously or directly an investment into Eternity: every meal you eat or shower you take, is not exactly an investment in Eternity, but it helps to keep your body going, which houses your spirit, and thus keeps you learning, growing and progressing. You're going to have to invest something into the here and now, in order to successfully bear fruit that remains for Eternity. Sometimes the investment is hidden or indirect. It doesn't make so much sense at first glance, but if you think about it... I cared not only about people's spiritual, but also their physical well-being, and I still do. Your body happens to be the vessel that I’m using to make any effectiveness of yours on My behalf happen right now on this earth, and in other words, without your body functioning well, nothing’s going to happen… What good does all the knowledge or wisdom do, if you can’t package it and present it to people in a feasible, attractive manner? What good all that talent, if it’s hidden and stuck inside a body that refuses to get out there and let it shine? Or to at least make an effort to stay in a shape and condition to allow you to do so when the situation calls for it? Keep yourself fit and your body in shape enough so that you’ll be able to get out My message and win souls and disciples. It’s just as important to keep your body in shape as it is to keep your spirit in shape, because your spirit alone won’t do Me much good wandering about this planet. (next chapter:)

…Senses All your senses can be enhanced in the spirit. There is such a thing as spiritual "smell," just as much as there is heavenly or spiritual "touch," "sound," taste and sight. It's the union of all things that gives a well-rounded and whole picture. Yes, My picture cannot only be "seen," but it can be felt, heard, tasted and even smelled as well! There is more to discover with all your senses! "Taste & see that the Lord is good" (Ps.34:8). You will no longer grope around blindly & will no longer be led astray if you let Me be your Guide, Your eyes, your senses, your Everything. What you could see, hear or feel and be experiencing with your spiritual senses is simply a matter of exercising them! Lend Me your ears, and I will fill them with the music that created the stars. If you ever want to learn to see with the eyes of the spirit, you're going to have to believe that the Spirit World is just as real, and even more so than the physical, because the physical is temporal, but the Spirit realm is eternal, indestructible, incorruptible. Elijah found out in the wilderness that My voice wasn't in the storm, nor the earthquake, nor the fire (1Kings 19:11,12), but in hearing My still, small, spiritual voice, one that is not perceived physically, not with your physical senses, but Spirit. Just to be able to hear and see and feel, to taste, and to smell, these are gifts that many take so much for granted. Yet if you learn how to use your senses well, you can learn how to perceive through them My love for you. Sometimes it may not seem like much, what you see out there, or what you hear. No big revelations... But if you hear and see properly, taste and feel all there is to perceive, you can find Me there... some new truth I can reveal to you, even through the simple little things of life. Only those who see with the eyes of My Spirit, only those who are in tune with Me, can see the opportunities all around, the adventures, the colorful, endless possibilities. Ask Me to open your eyes & expand your vision that you may be able to see those things which right now you can’t see. Call on the keys of vision & understanding, and I will broaden your perception. Just because you can’t see certain things doesn’t mean they’re not there. Just because you can’t see Me doesn’t mean I’m not there. Just because you can’t see Uranus, Pluto or Jupiter – at least not in broad daylight, doesn’t mean they’re not there. Just because you can’t see My millions of angels & spirit helpers doesn’t mean... and so on. There’s more to life than what meets the eye. If you look at people with the eyes of the spirit, you will see their true nature. I can reveal things to you about people you may come in touch with – or not – that they won’t even know about themselves! Open pathways are before you everywhere; if you will just open your spiritual eyes you will see them. In the flesh you only see the limitations, the confines, the ‘hole’ in which you see yourself. Seek Me, therefore, to lift you out of your hole & onto the pathways of your choice. If you want to see the things of My Spirit, you’ve first got to open your eyes to them, to the depth that lies beyond the apparent, the physical! What great & mighty things I would show you, which thou knowest not! Open your eyes! We’ve managed to get you to pass the first lesson of opening your spiritual ears. The 2 nd step will be to get you to open your spiritual eyes & see what I want you to see, the things I’m going to show you, that I’m willing & eager to show you, if you will just open your eyes! Some of you, whose eyes have not yet been opened yet in the spirit, are still oblivious to what's going on all around you in the spirit, and all you see is the shiny wagons, armor & weapons of the Enemy. "Surely, surrender is our only hope," you think. But just like Elisha prayed for his servant for Me to open his eyes so that he could see that more were with them that day, than with the enemy, so you, whose spiritual ears and eyes are already more attuned to My heavenly realm, must pray for those who can't see yet. Don't let them be deceived & fooled or actually join the losing party just because they can't see the full truth! Pray for them, help them to see what you see! Help them to hear what you hear & feel what you feel: the grand excitement, the moving & stirring of the Spirit. My Words didn't make sense to those who were blind & deaf to the spirit... Therefore, be not like them, but let your eyes & ears be opened & be ye healed of your blindness & deafness to the things of the spirit! With the eyes of the spirit you'll see things beneath the surface that reveal the true beauty of the spirit, even in someone that doesn't appeal to your physical sense of beauty at all.

Open your eyes! There's so much more to see! Everywhere! In My creation, even in a simple story! The world is full of wonders! Blessed are they who see them! The type of people that stories are being told about, movies are being made about & books are being written about, are not the mere survivors, those who fight for nothing else but their survival, like all the rest of them, but the types who take time to live, to learn the lessons of life, who go through life with both eyes & ears open & find out what it's all about: those who find Me, and let Me teach them the gist and essence of life. I'm urging you to see the invisible cause of the visible more, to open up your spiritual eyes, the eyes of faith. If you see the physical as an aimed & purposeful result of the Spiritual, then it simply takes on a lot more meaning. You know I meant something by allowing this or that to happen, or even creating this or that situation. You'll know that nothing is without guidance, nothing is by chance; it's all going somewhere, and thus you develop much greater faith and trust with which to walk through every day of your life, and which you can then impart to others, too. Every day should be a vast scope and canvas of opportunities for you, of things to learn, and things to pass on. Everything mirrors My message, My essence and what I'm trying to convey to you and all of mankind: You've just got to open your eyes and ears to perceive it. Watch out for the great & mighty things of the Spirit I wish to show you! Come, taste & see. There is more; yet so much more to be heard, felt experienced and seen. The real & natural taste of life isn't always sweet, but heartier. Even so it is with your spiritual intake: for a healthy diet, you won't only listen for sweet words of love, but also the stuff that's naturally a little bit harder for you to chew on, but essential for your spiritual health. There's so much more you haven't even begun yet to experience, to taste, to see and feel and hear and see. How much magic & power there can be in one kiss, one touch, and just how much a touch can mean, what a disaster a lack of touch can be for humans, how important it is to touch and be touched! If you just manage to be real everyday, to walk humbly on the ground of My reality, staying faithful in the little, mundane things of life & keeping the heavenly vision while doing so, focusing on Me & My reality without being deceived by any of the Devil's soap operas, then in My eyes that's already a lot, & you won't even have to tell people all that much about you. They will sense it. They will feel it. The very air about you will be different. There will be "strange" vibes accompanying you wherever you go, of a world that smells & tastes so weird to them: the smell & taste of the real world. Try to taste, smell, hear and see and feel a little more each day the way I do, more intensely... Learn to live more intensely. To your physical senses, I’m very unattractive, because there is nothing there that they can perceive, and your flesh is rigged up in such a way that it will desire the things that will ensure its survival and fill its cravings. Yet that’s where your faith needs to come in to tell the rest of you that even though it may not seem like it, I am an exceptional Source of supply. Your natural senses are still trying to look elsewhere for the satisfaction of your desires and needs, but I want you to realize from your experiences, that there is an even more trustworthy Source of all the things you need, and that is Me. Learn how to hear and listen with your spiritual senses, and think deeper than just with the mind. Know deeper than just with the head. Spiritual short-sightedness comes from the abuse of your spiritual eyes, focusing and glaring too much at the Devil's shiny distractions... That's just the development of the world... people growing less & less capable to see any farther than the end of their noses. You have to open your spiritual eyes and ears. There is yet more to hear and see, there is yet a much larger scope to discover in the spirit. (next chapter:)

…Stars & Space There are different types of human personalities, like there are different types of angels and of spirit beings, just like there are different types of animals or astral bodies: there are stars, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, etc., and they all fulfill their own different purposes to maintain the perfect balance of the universe. The only thing that's stable, that's going to outlast the moon and the stars and their influences in stability, and any other factors involved in creating or affecting your moods, is My Word. It's the solid rock on which your faith can stand firmly, even when your feelings seem to sway. As long as I'm your sun, you will be able to spin & dance around Me hand in hand with the other planets, moons & stars, too, in loving unity and united love.

But many stare into the darkness of space, waiting for their bright & shining star to appear, all the while neglecting & failing to make Me the true Source of all they're looking for. Many are just trying to use Me to get them what they want, but they don't truly turn to Me to find the fulfillment of all their desires in Me. I’m the Giver and Provider of all things, as has been written in the stars since the beginning of creation. Lead them on to a greater Home, everlasting Home, and their real Home. Bring them Home, into My sheepfold! That's part of the message that's there in the stars, since the world began... the sign of Cancer, the sheepfold. You see how everything goes together, makes sense and belongs? See the constellations: none of those stars and planets in the universe is in their distinct position by coincidence, but they all influence each other with their light and gravity, their mass, etc. in perfectly ordained and synchronized proportions. Don't you think that what I have done with lifeless rock and matter I'm also able to do with living souls? (next chapter:)

…Information The Holy Spirit, the Comforter, is bringing back all these things to your remembrance, using the information that has been stored there somewhere before, to bring home new lessons I want to teach you each day. Don’t just let the things you learn inform you, but form you, shape you into something greater. You must learn to see with the eyes of the spirit, not merely acknowledge data & accumulate information. Don’t just accept facts with your brain, but come to know with the tacit knowing of faith, so you learn to apply the information adequately, and the right bits at the right time. That’s when believing becomes seeing and faith becomes knowing. I have yet greater things in store for you. Not to elevate you or entertain you, but as an important tool & instrument of yielding vital information that will ensure your survival and that of many others, and consequently, the salvation of many others. Stay focused on your goal, just like a student would be focused on his diploma or final exam, his graduation, throughout years of studying, listening, absorbing information and material in school. Sometimes knowledge is the greatest stumbling block to divine revelation, because it interferes with what I would like to reveal to you and pipes up with its own input! When you come before Me, you must lay aside your own opinions, your own background information as much as possible, and any preconceived ideas & bias, otherwise a message can very easily become tainted by what you "know." There are oodles of books written about what kind of care certain plants or animals need, but only recently have relatively few people begun to care enough to provide helpful information about what their fellow humans need. The (result of) loss of information in micro-evolution: fruits and vegetables are not as nutritious anymore as they used to be. They may look better through all that genetic "enhancement" & manipulation; they may in some cases even taste better, but they actually aren't any better as far as nutritive value and health factors are concerned. This coincides with people, how they actually seem to look better on the surface, almost as if to prove evolution right, but they aren't any better when it comes to true and lasting values... They've actually lost a lot of quality & "information." Although the best is yet to come in the world to come, as far as this age is concerned, the best human pair, as well as the best fruits and vegetables, as well as animals, already existed long ago, & everything that has derived from the originals has deteriorated somewhat in the copying process. While some things seem to have gotten better on the surface, technology has improved, progressed & developed, & so have commodities, enabling people to live at much greater ease than ever before, which again enables them to put much greater emphasis on superficial things like their looks than ever before, which may give a certain appearance of genuine improvement; when it comes to a good, deep look beneath the surface, there is actually no genuine improvement of life there. As people are finding out: with all the devices they're inventing to save time, yet they always seem to be running out of time & seem to have less time than ever. Paradox, isn't it? That's why it pays to see things the way I see. That crummy looking root or vegetable your forefathers ate may have well been a much greater source of vitamins, minerals, & thus health and nutrients, than all that "too-good-to-be-true" almost plastic-like food they sell nowadays. And their hard and rough life-style may have rendered them greater genuine happiness than all of today's technology & gimmicks can give you. It's not as if I'm telling you the exact same thing over and over. Each time I add a little bit of a new angle to it, a tiny little speck of a new truth and a new revelation in it, so that - although the fundament may be quite old - the whole thing grows, slowly, like a gigantic puzzle, bit by bit (information by information), revealing My Big Picture, in which you're actually participants. You can fill your head until it explodes, but what matters is what you do with every little bit of information, how deeply you allow it to sink in, so that it can be seen in your actions. Otherwise you wind up with a case of spiritual bulimia where you stuff and stuff yourself, but fail to digest it all properly, and so it will never do anybody any good...

(Spirit Helper:) Welcome to the Great Link! The pool of unlimited inspiration and exchange of vital information - the place where all holy spirits connect and become as one. It's not really "a place" as much as a gigantic phenomenon, a wavelength, an ethereal area and broadcasting range without limitations that expands throughout not only the entire physical universe, but also all other dimensions: the Great Link is the Spirit World. Here you are truly at Home. In the physical world you have causes for fear and anxiety, and you worry about the diminishing state of your substance. Here, there is no fear, because nothing diminishes, nothing can ever be lost - everything constantly grows, and there is only eternal gain, no loss, whatsoever. The genetic information for any complete life-form is already there in its simplest state. Although the outward appearance may change over time, the essence, the gist, the information in its genes, does not change. I begin My work with the tiniest unit. I work on the little things, and their precision, the small entities on which the whole show is based, the single units, single cells, to make sure that when they part, spread and grow, they don’t spread any corrupted information, which can result in deformation, and other less than desirable results. In order to prevent storms from wreaking the most possible damage, you need unity and communication, and the doors must be open for and exchange of information to take place. The worst thing to have is an “I already know it all” attitude. That is no way to prevent trouble, but the way to cause trouble… (next chapter:)

…Communication Stay in close touch with Me, pumping down My power, My life & light & instructions, moving & growing in the spirit by maintaining a live & pulsating, intimate relationship & line of communication with Me. All I want is to love you & be loved by you, to communicate with you & have you communicate with Me. The light of open & honest communication shoos away the Devil's darkness & his opportunity to sow any discord or start any rumors. Communication won't ever stop or slowly trickle down to a halt or fade out, but it will go ever on, ever increasing, ever improving, ever resulting in greater fruit, greater wisdom, greater light & greater love, in spite of anything the Enemy might try to do to make it not look that way! He’s trying to stifle & smother communication that's spiritually edifying in any way he can. Although the physical means of communication have improved & multiplied tremendously, you can tell how the quality of communication has been deteriorating. His communication is all very one-sided, like someone who only likes to talk about himself, and thus he's also getting people onto his same, selfish wavelength of only wanting to talk about themselves & all boring each other to death, when they could find so much life, so much fun & excitement by focusing outward. If you don’t take time to communicate with your King, how can you be a successful ambassador? Learn to communicate & deal with the issues, instead of letting them rot away, hidden away in the darkness. If you don't confront them and deal with whatever there needs to be dealt with, if you just wrap everything up in silence & never talk about it, never address it, you'll suffer for it! You'll reap the consequences of not having communicated openly & honestly. Learn to communicate with My help. I'm the Center, the Hub, and you're coming together over Me. I'm the central exchange point of well-working communication between you, and without Me, you can't do anything, not even communicate! But if you focus on Me and keep your faces turned toward Me, I will be the One Who unites you, Who will interpret what the other one is really saying. Sometimes you find solutions & reach helpful conclusions by just talking and communicating about things. Communication is really a magical thing. It triggers a lot of answers, opens doors & possibilities you weren't aware of before. When you can freely communicate without fears, when there is harmony, mutual respect, and My Spirit can flow from each of you to the other, as it does from Me to each of you, then the world will also see and get the message, for they will see My love at work in you (Jn.13:35). If instead of just talking & blurting out whatever pops into your mind you pray about it or make sure that what you're saying is going to be inspiring & comes from Me, you'll probably be talking less, but you'll be saying more! It will move your communication to a higher level, to where you're going to be much more in tune with each other. Communication is more than just talking. In Heaven, there's a lot of communication done without actual spoken words, and you could try a little bit of that already now, in this realm. Let My Spirit permeate your communications Bathe your decisions, your communications and your actions in good counsel with Me and with each other. Communication with Me is not just happening in words, it also happens with pictures and the accompanying emotions. I can grasp & assimilate all you’re going through - especially when you give & communicate it to Me - I sympathize with

you & send you My appropriate answer. The more you communicate to Me, the more I can help you. The more you're allowing Me to take part in your problems, the more solutions I can offer. The more you ask, the more I can help. You've got to let My heart speak to your heart, in order for your heart to be able to speak to theirs. If you can communicate in love and just share without inhibitions or fears, you will progress, you will advance and get further toward the goal. Withholding, withdrawing, holding back and refusal and seclusion will lead to stagnation. Openness brings you further. In My Father's house, with its many mansions, there is lots of communication happening; spiritual communication, verbal communications, all kinds of communication. Folks aren't bound to earthly confines & limitations. There's no more need for "firewalls"... It's all sort of "open source." Everyone's an open source of information and communication. Just consider yourself part of our heavenly communications network, because you are. Your little daily interactions and conversations with little people are just as important to the general outcome of your day as the seemingly more important exchange of communication with "big," important people. Women’s need to talk is like men's need for sex. So, just focus on that there's a need here, for more talking, more communication... It's all about interaction with others, about communicating from the heart. There may come a time when your connection with folks will come to a halt, but there will never be a time when your communication with Me will be cut off. That's the lifeline that will survive any crisis, and thus it's your No.1 lifeline, the most important of all. Who ever said that communication isn't something you have to invest some time and effort into, learning its skills? Who said that it was going to come out perfect from scratch? What matters is the gist of what's to be communicated: there is a pupose to life, and most people are oblivious to it, and it's a large part of your job to let folks know about it. Communication with the other, the different, that's what it's all about: the re-unification of all things... the restoration of the peace and unison that was there between My creatures in the beginning, and that's the way it shall be again, so you might as well get ready for it, and not be so stuck on your own kind only. Folks are prone to stick to their own kind, unless I allow them not to be satisfied with what they find among their own kind. For some it is My will to go out and communicate and interact with the other kind; to act as intermediaries, communicators, mediators, peacemakers, ambassadors, spokesmen, what have you... Most of My children aren't interested in communicating with Me, and at times that's the reason why I'm not about to say much to them, either. A factor that influences your level and abilities of communication is that sometimes you're quite simply on different wavelengths. One thing you can do about that is to make an effort to tune in to the other's wavelength. But what if you feel that you're on a "higher" wavelength than they are, you wonder? Well, if you truly are convinced that you are on a happier and more inspired wavelength than they are, then you can try to pull them up to yours. That's what inspiring others is all about. But that requires some work, since people naturally won't just snap out of their own familiar wavelength and tune into yours, especially if they have no clue what your wavelength is all about. In order to get them interested, you have to "broadcast" and "advertise" a little, and let them know what your "station" is all about. You have to "play some of your music" in order for them to find out whether they like it or not. It pays to put more emphasis on teamwork, on unity, on communication, doing things together, counseling, planning things together, etc. Times are changing and requiring different, more mature attitudes, which require more mature openness in communication. This procedure of learning to communicate with Me is going to be vital for you and expedient for your survival in the near future. I am the Broadcasting Station that makes all good and true communication possible in the first place, and without using Me as the Central Exchange, the Main Pivot and Axis on which all your other communication hinges and turns, it isn’t really much more than a bunch of hot air. Communication with Me isn’t always established right from scratch. Sometimes it takes a while until you get there. What matters is, that eventually you do manage to communicate with Me. It pays to strive to get to know Me during your earthly life. Getting to know Me is what it’s all about, and what better initial way is there, of getting to know someone, than exchange of words and communication? Words are always good for starters, just like John said, “In the Beginning was the Word.” Self-satisfaction is a real stopper and blocker when it comes to abundant communication with Me.

I’m also teaching you personally through the school of life and your experiences, all that you have to go through, your trials and lessons… these are all ways in which I communicate and interact with you. (next chapter:)

…Jesus & Salvation He that liveth by the sword shall also die by the sword. They’ll find out one day that they have been puppets in the hand of the god of this World, the god of war, of hate, of pride, and of all that is an abomination to Me. I am Love! He is hate! I am humility! He is pride! I am Forgiveness! He is self-righteousness! I am Wisdom! He is the epitome of foolishness, of one relying on his own understanding & falling to their doom. I am Glory! He is shame! I am the true light. His light is only darkness! I am the Bread of Life! He feeds on the flesh, souls & spirits of countless millions! I am the Giver of all things, he is the thief who only comes to steal, rob & suck the life out anything you let him! I am the Lamb, slain from the foundation of the World for the sins of man, he is the ravenous wolf who seeks to attack, annoy or destroy. Greater faith than (Abraham), to be willing and ready to sacrifice your own most beloved son to obey Me, has very rarely been found. You can do miracles, move mountains, heal the sick & raise the dead, and it still won’t amount to that kind of faith. It looks most irrational to the whole world. How could they know, that the God of the universe was going to sacrifice His only Son, and He was asking Abraham, ‘would you be willing to go that far?’ And He was showing the world a little glimpse & example of what He was going to do, just like He had from the beginning: The requiring a lamb of sacrifice from Cain & Abel. And again, one chose My irrational way, and one chose the logical, reasonable way of, ‘Why should I kill a lamb?’ Remember, during that time people did not yet eat meat, & furthermore, they were able to communicate with the animals... But the Father wanted to show them an example of His sacrifice that He was going to make in sending Me to die for all. To most unbelievers it looks like I didn't go to the cross voluntarily, but that I was simply another victim of Roman injustice and cruelty. But believers understand that it was more than that. It was an act of love. In fact, the greatest act of love ever known to man, and a path I had chosen to walk voluntarily, long, long before. "The lamb which was slain before the foundations of the world." It was My destiny to become an eternal, living symbol and sample of humility, God's Lamb slain, in humble surrender & yielding. Tell them about My great mystery, why I suffered that cruel death, the key part of My mission, that I did it for them, and if they can just believe and accept that, they won’t have to worry anymore about what will come, about their mistakes, or whether they will make all the right decisions or do all the right things in this life. Tell them of My unconditional love. The New Testament, a new agreement and contract I have made with Man, means: unconditional love. All you’ve got to do is accept and receive it. Stretch out your hand, and let Me lay there the greatest gift in the universe, and you will be forever Mine to care for, to love, to shield and zealously protect from any harm, to provide for, to satisfy, to make happy and to fill with joy, to fill your very heart’s desires. My name means "Savior." My cry and My call to mankind is to "Come, let Me save you!" I want to save you wholly & entire, I want to cleanse and heal all of you, your mind, your body, your heart, your spirit... your soul. Salvation and redemption is all about delivering you from evil. Firstly, and foremost, the evil of your own hearts, and lastly, once you have overcome and have been redeemed from your own sins, I deliver you out of the evil of this world! That's why the first and primary requirement to receiving My Salvation is realizing that you're a sinner, and that you need My Salvation from your sins. When I came and died for mankind, everything changed. The New Testament was the new way. The new way is the meek way, the humble way. (Jonah:) "Salvation is of the Lord" means, only the Lord can save you! He's your only way out! There's no use looking for relief elsewhere, hoping you'll find something better. They all screamed, "crucify Him!" They wanted Me to die in order to prove that My way had been wrong, and theirs was right! And for 3 days and nights it seemed as though they had been right. It seemed as if the Devil had won, but when I rose, that's when the true story really began, as My power was multiplied manifold in My disciples. Sometimes you've got to overcome death first, in order to really break through to life. Well, that's what I did for all of you! I have overcome death for you, I plucked out its sting, so that you could all partake of My life - My unending life, life eternal, life forevermore, life ever-increasing. The moment of My death was virtually the crux and crucial point on which all history hinges, the great Crossroads of history. I had become a Partaker in mankind, I had walked your same road; I had come down to the bottom, to the same ground as you, and even descended into hell after that.

I took the burden of the law off your shoulders. I have paid the price, and I have taken that weight off your shoulders. It's a matter of faith, though. How much do you really believe in My Salvation power? Of how much guilt do you believe My sacrifice was capable of cleansing you? Some folks prefer to still take some of the load on their own shoulders. They insist on carrying part of the burden themselves. (next chapter:)

…Prayer Picture yourself as an archer. You skillfully hold the bow, focusing on the target, sharpening the better of your eyes, aim exactly as you pull the arrow, stretching the string to the point where you feel that this is what will give the arrow the momentum needed to hit the bull’s eye with the right impact. That's what good prayer is like. Your soul is the bow, the arrow is your prayer, & My heart is the bull’s eye. I am the True Goal, & if you hit Me, it’ll always have the desired effect. You only need to shoot short distance, as I’m always close. Just wrap your burden, your question or desire around the arrow & let it fly to Me. Pray for those around you, for your prayers can do & will do mighty things, which, in turn will strengthen your faith, and their faith, and result in more people praying, more prayers, more miracles, etc. Shoot the arrow of your prayers into the future which is as bright & golden as My promises. The best thing you can do is pray! You could accomplish so much more if you would use the weapon of prayer more. Come to Me! Ask Me what you will! Wanna change the world? Pray! Wanna do things that count & make a difference? Pray! I can show you great & mighty things thou knowest not of, IF you will call unto Me (Jer.33:3)! Ask Me to perform any wonders & miracles for you that are needed to obtain the victory! I’ll remove any obstacles in your path & help you defeat your enemies. Through prayer you have the power which created the universe at your disposal to do anything for you, so don’t let laziness keep you from making use of it! Make prayer, your most important task in life a habit! Use that power! You can really change things if you pray! ‘The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!’ Change the world through prayer! Change your life & the lives of those around you! By praying you can relieve the suffering, and by neglecting to pray, you sin. For to him that knoweth to do good & doeth it not, it is a sin. I have to withhold My blessings, because you do not pray. How blessed are those who pour out their hearts to Me in prayer every day. Who not only pray for themselves, but dedicate their time, their most precious commodity to pour out their hearts in intercessory prayer for the benefit & concern of others. That is a love I will richly reward. That is a faith which will be most highly honored in My Kingdom: That of knowing that in praying for another, you’re doing the greatest work, the greatest service, for you don’t only give of your own time & heart to them, but you rely on Me to do the work you cannot do. There is nothing wiser on Earth you can do. Stir yourself up into action of prayer! And pull down My blessings upon your fellowman & thereby BE a blessing unto your fellowman! You want to be free & set others free also? Pray! The power I have given you to release in prayer on the behalf of others can do more to change the course of history you see unfolding before your eyes right now than you think! Make history! – PRAY! Change the course of coming events! “Our Father, which art in Heaven, Thy will be done! Thy Kingdom come on Earth as it is in Heaven! Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever, Amen!” This prayer is based on the founding principle of the rules of the Spirit! You’re simply praying for that same law to apply in your temporary, physical realm, which is ever permeating the calmness, tranquility, timelessness, and eternal assurance of Heaven. You trust in Him for your daily bread & cease to struggle & toil for it. You concentrate on the truly essential, the learning of the spiritual lesson you were sent here to emphasize on: the forgiveness of others’ wrongs against you, and the recognition & refusing to yield to the temptation of evil, recognizing that the power & Kingdom are truly God’s & not the usurper’s. ‘Pray without ceasing.’ Keep your channel open at all times. Be ready for anything! Especially when you have a needy situation. Be always prepared for the option that I might bring about some unexpected means of supply for you, even at a time or from a direction you might not expect it. Look for someone to help, too cheer up, to encourage, to pray for, to witness to. You’re not bound by time, tide nor space, you can just close your eyes anywhere you are & ask Me to guide your thoughts to someone who might need your prayers. Prayers, just like love, are not bound by time or tide or earthly spheres. As the wind bloweth where it listeth & thou knowest not from whence it cometh, nor wither it goeth, so is everything that is born of My Spirit. You cannot lock it up or confine it. So, whenever you feel like you’re trapped by the hopelessness & discouragement of this world, break out into My Spirit & know that I can use you wherever you are to love someone else.

(Spirit Helper:) Prayer – the great unrecognized action of faith – only & purely conceivable as effective by the eyes of faith – useless in the eyes of the unbeliever; one of the great mysteries of God. For who, in their carnal minds, would have ever begun to assume that in all the great & glorious efforts & works of man, which will all come to naught in the end – the most lasting & effective deed & effort should be the one which commits the task into the hands of the Lord, in obedience to His command, ‘Stand back & see Me fight!’? ‘Stand back & see Me work! – For hath not My hand made all this?’ He Who hath begun all this, should He not also complete it? – The Beginning & the End. It is man’s temptation to assume that he needs to finish what God has started. In reality, God is only choosing those who choose to let Him work through them, to help Him establish His true Kingdom. How finite are the works of man. In all their doings, in all their toil & striving, they accomplish not a fraction of what a believer can achieve on his knees, committing the matter which needs to be done to the Maker. God wants to work. He begs, ‘Command ye Me!’ He wants us to tell Him what He should do, like a Genie in a bottle, Who would be without a job without our prayers. So, let’s let Him work through us! Pray! Commit what you would have done, to Him, & He will do it. Command the Lord what He should do for you, instead of trying to get there by your own strength & efforts, & you’ll see how much further you will go on the wings of the spirit than your own two feet could ever carry you. Why walk when you can fly? A day in My courts is better than a thousand others. An hour spent in the halls of My courts, in prayer & praise & worshipping, seeking & trusting Me will accomplish a thousand times more than any hour spent trying to solve the problem in the flesh. In other words, prayer is a thousand times more effective than anything else you can do, because by praying, you’re leaving the matter in the hands of Him Who is really able to do something about it. Why don’t you just say, ‘Let’s pray!’? So much pain & suffering could be eased if you’d simply pray more. Point others, who are having a problem, to the Answer Man, and what’s easier than offering to pray together? Take the problem to Me! Pray for Me to help you to be more efficient in your work & to really help you to accomplish something that lasts, fruit that remains & to become 'a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. Even prayer is work – spiritual work, and I reward you for your effort of obedience to petition Me, by granting your requests. 'Ask and you shall receive.' Become a holy man by immersing yourself in prayer & communion with Me. That way you can always be sure you'll be doing the right thing, if you follow Me step by step & let Me guide you by the hand. Pray without ceasing. It's like keeping your 2-way radio on all the time. Ready & on stand-by to receive new last minute instructions and to let Me know whenever you need help. Just keep your battery recharged & stay tuned to My wavelength. You just might have to turn the knob a little every now & then to make sure we're still connected, and you might have to recharge your battery, then you won't have to worry about losing the connection. You can stay online with Me 24/7 without wasting money or energy. If you can't do anything else, you can always pray. When you think of Me, it’s like the contact is made from your side. I’m always there, but as long as you ignore Me, you don’t profit as much from My presence, naturally, as you do when you tune in to Me. And, of course, I can’t use you as much as I would like to if you’re literally in a state oblivious to Me & you fail to acknowledge Me. In all thy ways, acknowledge Me, & I will direct your paths. You can determine the positive or negative outcome of a situation by deciding whether you’re going to pray or not. Don’t let the Enemy & the power of habit cheat you out of this opportunity to make a golden opportunity out of each one. Every moment is a golden opportunity to do something wonderful, if you include Me in it. So few stir themselves up to call upon Me, to intercede for others. So few weep & feel & pain with those who are lost. Don’t let the misery of the World just pass you by untouched, but implore Me to change things! If you reach out to Me, I will reach out to you! Pray without ceasing, and commit all your cares to Me. I can take better care of them than you ever could, just give Me a chance! There are many who need your prayers. Come, and implore Me for them. I need you to pray for them. One of the first steps to getting something done for Me is to pray for them to happen. It’s like you’re charging My angels to go before you & clear the way of any obstacles. You want to get something done for Me? Then start off by praying them through! Your own physical energy will never be enough. The power of prayer is the secret. If you would take the time, I could show you things about each person you meet, and you should. You must pray more about things... Nothing comes from nothing. The same principle applies to your prayer life. Ye have not because ye ask not. I’m bound to certain rules & can only give you what you actually ask Me for. You believe in prayer as much as you pray! If you shall seek Me with all your heart, I will let you find Me. Whatever troubles you, give it to Me, & don’t let it distract you from the job at hand! Prayer is the pump that sucks down My sap from the heavenlies. It creates a vacuum for Me to fill. Come to Me & find Me waiting with open arms & eager to answer you, eager to supply your needs! I have needed & longed for you to stir yourselves up. I need your concern & your desperation!

When there’s a need, it creates a vacuum. It’s like the darkness that cries for the light, the cold that longs for My warmth, the question that waits for My answer, the problem which yearns for My solution. I’m pleased when you earnestly cry out for My help! Too many times you let incidents pass you by indifferently without getting stirred up to seek Me about them, to counsel with Me or beseech Me about them. It’s that passive, fatalistic attitude, which makes people go around in circles without ever getting anywhere, ever learning but never coming to knowledge, as one that beateth the air. You don’t commit things unto Me or into My care, you don’t always commend a situation into My hands, nor ”command Me concerning the work of My hands”; you don’t tell Me what you expect Me to do about a certain thing. It’s always better to have prayed for a situation & to commit it into My hand, than not. The results will always be better! If you leave anything to itself, it won’t just automatically improve by itself. Everything needs care, and the best care you can give things, people & situations, is to pray for them. Pray & cover everything there is to pray for, until you know, ”it is done” & you have done all you could! Praying is not only an essential part of love a parent should have for their child, but it’s actually the most important & effective thing you can and must do! You’ll see how vast the difference is that prayer has made in your life. The greater the desperation, the greater the vacuum, the power with which you draw strength, energy, input & counsel from Me! The greater the need, the more I can fill, for I can only fill the hungry with goods, but will have to send the rich, the full, the self-satisfied away empty. Stir yourselves up & implore Me, seek Me & beg Me to fill the need. Where there is no need, there is no space to fill... When you can’t do anything but pray, let Me remind you that praying is not the least you can do for someone, but the most. There’s not as much in it for you as when you comfort them with your natural presence, but – believe Me: prayer is MUCH more effective! You’ll SEE it one day! Anything that makes you pray more than you usually would, is a blessing. If you’re too tired to do anything else, there’s still so much you can accomplish through prayer! The moment you integrate Me & include Me in the equation, the solution will be underway. As soon as you cast the burden on Me, it will leave your tiny shoulders & it will be on Mine, which are quite a lot more capable, and the matter is resolved; I don’t want you to worry about it anymore. You can keep it in prayer, but don’t worry! Convert every worry into a prayer. If worry is a sickness or a poison, then prayer is the cure. Worry is the question mark, prayer brings the answer. Worry is the black hole of the need that’s there to fill & prayer is the switch that turns on the heavenly machinery that sets the filling process in motion. Worry is the darkness, prayer turns on the light. So, pray, instead of worrying. There will always be those who go the way of Cain, the way of the flesh... These are the enemies I asked you to pray for in My Word, those personal enemies who just resist the voice of truth coming from their brethren whom they despise. Pray for them, that My Spirit might manage to come through to them. You never know which Saul, no matter how hard he has been kicking against the prick, might turn into a Paul, because of My miraculous intervention in answer to prayer. Oone of the greatest actions you can take is action through prayer. You’ll get so much more accomplished than you could ever do yourself, even with an army of people serving you. There is no spiritual life without prayer. Prayer is the A & O of it. If you want to live in the spirit, if you want to bring forth fruit in the spirit, and accomplish anything in the spirit, it's going to have to begin with prayer. Praying for others is one of the first steps of love. Through prayer, you become a practicer of what you believe in, it's one of the first ways of putting your belief into action! You put My power & magic into effect through your prayers! Draw them in through your prayers. All the words in the World won't do the trick, it's gotta be My Spirit working in their heart, and the only influence you have on this process is through your prayers. Just because prayer sounds so familiar, simple & childlike, it's not very appealing to the intellect. It doesn't come across as anything glorious, mysterious or special you can do, since it's basically something every child can do. But how many really use that power? It is your means to practice the greatest magic in existence, your usage of My power, and you should think twice about whether you should allow the Enemy to cheat you out of that weapon, just by making it look as something simple & childlike and completely different in your eyes than it really is! Just like praise, prayer is one of those weapons that sound so simple, so contrary to all that appeals to the human intellect & ambition to accomplish something on your own, that it's pretty easy for the Devil to trick you into neglecting them, which is lucky for him, because he knows that if you start using those weapons as you should, his days are numbered. Make room for it to happen - through prayer. You're not only creating a vacuum inside of your own heart & spirit for Me to fill, but you actually create a space for Me to fill with My miraculous answer within your realm of operation, your world, your environment, your surroundings & circumstances, your situation. Make room for miracles through prayer! Make it happen - through prayer! Use My magic! - Pray! Get rid of obstacles, both, in the physical and the spiritual - through prayer! When you start becoming aware of all that prayer is capable of and what you're capable of through prayer, it just about becomes ridiculous that you don't use that greatest of all powers available to man to a greater extent than you do doesn't it? Of course, it takes time and requires patience and faith to pray! It doesn't minister to your carnal sense and

desire for accomplishment. When you pray, you're using a remote control for My hands to do something. You will realize that this way - using My hands, instead of your own - you can get so much more accomplished, it's like multiplying your own strength innumerable times over. With your own two hands you can maybe move a few bricks at a time, but using My power, you can move a whole wall or as I have said in My Word - a whole mountain, with the same or even less physical effort. I appreciate your wanting to do things for Me. But there are so many spiritual forces at work behind the scenes, that you simply must forsake any attempt to do this with your own natural means. You must operate in the spirit. That means you must give Me commands and put Me in charge of the things you want Me to do! "Command ye Me!" - Especially concerning the work of My hands, and My sons & daughters. When you can't do something yourself, then you've got to ask Me to do it! You've got to learn to let Me work! Take it easy! Stand back and watch Me fight! Enjoy life a little bit! Learn how to let Me do it, instead of thinking you've got to do it all yourself! You can't do it yourself! I've got to do it for you! Stop trying to carry that heavy load yourself! Let Me help you! Let Me carry your burden! Let Me carry your load! I have purposely limited Myself to give to you only what you ask for - usually, that is - and often "ye have not because ye ask not," which is pretty sad, because I'm so much more willing to give than you are to receive. The only requirement is that you ask. That's not asking too much is it? "Deliver us from evil" is part of the prayer I taught you to pray, because it's very relevant to each of you. Each one of you is prone to become a target of evil, that's just one of the facts of life, and that's why you've got to pray & stay in close communication with Me to help you overcome that evil, to withstand it, to resist it, & that I might deliver you from it. Stay desperate with Me to deliver you from evil, just as I have taught you to pray. It actually works, & is a system I have established in order for you to learn to fight & care for each other, to remain in unity. I didn't say, "deliver them", or "so-and-so," but I said "us", because everyone is subject to it, and you're all going to have to be forgiven for trespasses as you will have to forgive others theirs, and all have to pray not to be led into temptation. The times to just ignore things & just let it pass are over! I want you to take action, action through prayer & do something about it in order to enable Me to do something about it! When someone in your midst is being attacked, it's a test of love, whether their battle also becomes your battle, or you just indifferently continue whatever you just happen to be into! You've been through similar battles & have come out alive, & you can see things from the top of the mountain in some ways, & to you they don't look nearly as bad. But what does that help them unless you come down & descend from your high horse, & help them up & pray for them? Don't continue business as usual. Call on Me for help! I'm your 24h emergency call hotline, always available & at your service, always ready to send out a rescue squad to help you! One of the reasons I'm letting you get into these difficult, twisted & complicated, seemingly impossible situations, is to have you realize that there's nothing in the World you can do about it... except to pray! I and the Father, and all My heavenly realm of counselors are at your disposal, waiting for your instructions, your communications, having you tell us what you would like us to do about all these situations, to commit them into Our hand. If you commit the situation into Our hands, there is so much more we can do about it than you ever could. There's nothing you can do, and no talking in the World is ever going to help as much as prayer. When you have the choice which weapon you're going to apply, prayer is the wiser choice. We have the means to do things and set processes into motion that you can't. We can do what you can't. No matter what We might tell you to do, the circumstances could change and cancel the effect of our counsel, but if you commend the situation directly into Our omnipotent hands, We'll do something about it against which Satan and circumstances are powerless. We will open the right doors, instead of just pointing you toward them. We will make things so obvious that there won't be anymore doubt as to whether this is the right way you should walk. If you could only see the need for more desperate & fervent prayer in your life! Satan would be powerless against you, and he would just be forced to stand by in awe as you would clearly rise above any of his ludicrous attempts to try to do anything to stop, hinder or delay you! The Devil has put all his money and wit onto the tactic of having you do anything else put pray, to distract you from using this weapon, to keep you in a state where you're content enough in order to keep you from praying desperately & really getting ahold of My power on your behalf! I'm right here, and we're only waiting for your instructions to start working on your behalf! Tell us what to do! Tell us what you want done, and if it's in line with the Father's will, you know you have the petition you asked of Him! This is the confidence you should have in Him! (1.Jn.5:14,15) The amazingly & astonishingly simple answer to your complex conglomeration of question marks & blanks in your mind is: just pray! It'll do more for you than you can ever think or say or know or come up with & do yourself... Stir yourself up & search Me with your whole heart! For he that calls unto Me wholeheartedly will also receive a wholehearted reply! It's that half-heartedness that comes from people being so self-satisfied, & complacent with the way things are, that stands in the way of them ever getting stirred up enough to really get something done for Me. In order to really do the humanly impossible, one has to get desperate for the cause. It's that desperation that makes things happen; the realization of the urgency of the matters at hand. You’ve got to show by your attitude that you're real, not just another fake & phony with half-hearted or selfish motives. That's why you've got to pray desperately each day, with genuine concern for others - that's why I want you to start showing more concern for others. Where there's a need, there's a vacuum to fill. You just have to assign that vacuum to the right address, namely Me, and not take it onto your own shoulders & try to carry the burden yourself!

Sometimes you have to be made aware of the need first, and you have to go through experiences & dry spells that will help you appreciate the blessings more. I'm limited by your prayers, so, you actually get what you pray for, and if you stop praying, I can't keep pouring. That's another reason why it says, "Pray without ceasing." I keep supplying as long as you keep praying. So much is in your hands. So much power! Your destiny lies in your own hands, & you can determine so many things through prayer. I can do anything & there's nothing I won't do for you if you ask in faith! I might just change your way of looking at things & help you to see through My eyes, but whichever way, you'll notice the difference. You don't like the way things are? Pray for Me to change'em! Take Me with you! Don't let our communication go under in all the stress & the distractions! The more pleasure people derive from this world, the more successful they are at managing to lead satisfactory lives, the less they see the need for Me and intimate contact with Me, but if you pray for them, I can create that same vacuum & longing in their souls for Me that I have placed in you, because you have asked Me for it. If you pray that they won't be truly satisfied by none of the Devil's materialistic counterfeits & by anything but the real thing, I can protect them from that deception, just as I have protected you, and I can consecrate & reserve them unto Me. You've got to claim them for Me! If you lack, ask Me. Prayer could solve all your problems & prevent many of them from happening in the first place! If you walk in prayer, My Spirit will show you how to properly handle people and situations. If you have a problem, make sure that you've done your part to commit it into My hands, so that you know it'll be taken care of and that I'm working on the solution. The more vehemently you pray, the more vehemently My hedge of angels will protect you! Electricity is an illustration of the spiritual Power of God's Love. How do you avail yourself of that power, the great energy of God? Through prayer! I am able and I am willing to solve your problems! I'm more willing to solve them than you are willing to believe it or to accept My solutions or to even ask Me for them! The more you communicate with Me, the more I can help you. The more you're allowing Me to take part in your problems, the more solutions I can offer. The more you ask, the more I can help. The more you pray, the more I can make a way. Prayer is like a sweet, spiritual perfume that changes the atmosphere of a room. A room in which one has prayed has a clean and bright spirit, it's as if someone has been in there with a sweet, heavenly perfume, and has left a trace of that scent there. Prayer is the gist of all that makes the difference! Wisdom is asking Me. Wisdom is availing yourself of My power instead of trying to do it on your own. The big mistake the majority is making is not coming to Me when something's wrong, they try to figure it out & fix it themselves. Prayer changes things. When you feel like you're not prepared for something that's coming at you, pray. When you feel like you can't cope, and what life is handing you is too much for you, then pray. Prayer is the magic that makes Me help you carry your load. If there's been any improvement, any progress, it's because of your combined prayers. You must continue to pray. When you pray, you show you care. you've got to invest more of your faith in prayer, pour more of your life out in prayer. You believe in prayer as much as you pray. Prepare yourself through prayer! Prayer is the magic I want you to practice! The magic witches practice is only an imitation of the power you release through prayer. Chase away the doubts & attacks of the Enemy through prayer, the way you get rid of flies with a fly swatter or insect spray! Spray some prayer magic in their direction & soon you'll hear their annoying buzzing no more! Prayer is pure energy, pure light, pure magic that never runs empty, the very force that not only created the universe, but also holds it together. The forces of gravity, speed and light, etc., are all parts of one great force, namely Mine, and you can avail yourself through it through prayer! Wouldn't it be foolish not to do so? You can also prevent problems from ever even happening by applying yourself of that force in a preventative way. Breathing is a lot like prayer. You breathe in My life-giving oxygen, you spiritually inhale My Spirit, My love, My force, and you exhale it again, as you breathe out your influence of positiveness on the world. You shed light into the darkness through your prayers. Show them the magic of prayer! Share the magic! Pour it on them! Let them experience it, feel it, enjoy it! Let them notice the difference! Make a difference through prayer, My magic! You can perform miracles if you learn to truly avail yourself of My power through prayer! I give it to you freely. I want you to use it! If you accomplish nothing but to pray for those who need your prayers, then you're already accomplishing a lot more than some multi-billion dollar mogul who's raking in the millions by the minute! His millions are going to be absolutely worthless to him the minute he dies, whereas you will have saved your riches where they will truly count, for eternity!

Making praise & prayer a habit is a key to success in life. The power of prayer is the main power I'd like you to avail yourself of. Otherwise, it's like running merely on the power of your own rechargeable 9 Volt battery, when you could avail yourself of My full and constant 230 Volt. Nothing's too unimportant for Me. The question is, how important are they to you? Important enough to stir yourself up about them to call Me up about them? I'm trying with all My might to convince you that prayer is more than just a last resort when all else has failed! Prayer isn't the last thing you should do, but the first, and if things aren't what they should be, then chances are that the main culprit is the fact that you haven't prayed! More often than not, it is true, the guilt and the blame lies with you, although the atrocity you committed may have been none other but that you didn't pray! Quit trying to do things better than I can. Just let Me do it for you! Make it your duty to pray over things. If there's one thing you should be truly prayerful about, it's your words. Pray before you say - or write. If you pray more in the things you do, you'll find that it's never going to be time wasted. In fact, "time spent in prayer, is time saved." So, if you want to save time, instead of wasting it, keep praying. The best thing you can do is pray. You want to change your life? Pray! Whatever you want and have the vision and the faith for: pray! If you want folks to get the point and the heart of the matter, the best thing you can do is pray for it! You can change the world through your prayers! In fact, it will be the first sign and proof that you got the point yourself. In prayer, you can spread your soul out like a healing balm, and thus have it benefit many, simultaneously. If you don't pray, the balm stays in the jar. But as soon as you pour out your soul to Me in prayer for those whose lives concern you, and those I put on your heart to pray for, because their lives concern Me, it goes to work and soothes, heals, performs miracles, and you become like a magician puppeteer, influencing many lives from behind the scenes: you're becoming My hands, pouring out the balm of My healing elixir over them. So much good can be done and accomplished through prayer. There's virtually nothing better you can do! Prayer is the way through which you can become a partaker of My all-powerful nature and create little miracles everywhere, of new life, new hope, bring light and love where there was none. You can accomplish a lot for someone by caring enough to pray for them and commit their care into My hands! I hand you some situations for you to hand them back to Me, the way a father rolls a ball toward his child, expecting him to roll it back. After you've rolled it back to Me by committing the problem to prayer, and I've done what I can to improve the situation, I'll roll it back to you, and have you do what you can. Whenever you get the chance, pray! It will make all the difference in the world. It will show that you're relying on Me to get it done, you're not just trying to pull it through in the flesh. You're giving Me a chance to work that way. You're saying "yes" to Heaven when you stop to pray and give Me a chance to work through you. You're making choices that allow the forces of Heaven to become active in your life. In order to keep problems from happening, you have to take certain measures in order to prevent them, and one of the basic measures you can take to avoid problems is to pray. You can ask Me to prevent them from happening. If you don't pray, I can't do anything except watch you go through it and hope that next time you'll be smarter! (next Chapter:)

…Hearing from God I should always be your first & foremost focus point of communication! Without Me you could make a mess of things. Only I’m way out there & know what’s ahead, where the dangers lie & I can show you ‘things thou knowest not’ (Jer.33:3). Try to imagine how I feel about so few being willing to listen to Me. This is a pain I feel everyday when I look down upon the children of men & suffer from their neglect. Don’t do anything without Me! Don’t move until you hear My voice or get My sign, ‘This is the way, walk ye in it!’ Ask Me about the things that are going on in your life. There is so much to learn from all you’re going through. If you really want to serve Me, then start by sitting down at My feet & listening to Me daily. Hear! Hearken for the sound of My voice, My whispers, the Words from My lips throughout the day! And always check in with Me before you start doing something new. When you can’t look anywhere but up, lying flat on your backs, I can get through to you the best & reveal My will to you. Every individual situation is different & has its individual solution. Seek Me for the specific answer.

Be a sample of a God-follower! You don’t have to know anything except how to call on Me & receive My answers. If you do this faithfully, they’ll see that it works, & they’ll follow your sample! I can answer every question if you’ll but ask. Your primary responsibility is to make sure you get a hold of Me & My perfect will for you & find My perfect path for you. Everything depends on learning to get My counsel & direction! I answer you with the same intensity with which you seek Me! Few people on this Earth come to Me for counsel when they’re having a problem. Lots of people pray, but few wait for the answer. As soon as you come to Me, I will give the answers that will make the mountains just melt away. The worst thing in the world you can do when you don’t know what to do is to keep going... It’s a time of great transition & upheaval, & there will be even greater upheaval in the future, so, it behooves you to pray as if everything depended on prayer, which it does, and to hear from Me & seek My face as if everything depended on getting a hold of My instructions & revelations, which it does. Whenever something happens, you should seek the purpose & lesson I have in this for you. There are many lessons involved in the things I'm allowing to happen around you, if you ask Me & care enough to find out! Nobody's interested in their Creator, nor in finding out what He's got to say, they're all too enwrapped & busy with creation, trying to keep it functioning. They need to get back to their Maker & refer to the Manual or call the service hotline, but it won't even occur to them. It's not an exclusive thing to have Me as a chatting partner, Advisor, Helper and Counselor, it's something available to anyone who would only dare to give Me a chance. Keep looking for signs along the way. I'm trying to teach you to read My signs. They are all over the place, and often people don't register them. If they would stop to notice them and ask Me, "Lord, what does this mean?" I could show them so much more & teach them so much more, and their path would become clearer. I will speak to you anytime, regardless of the way you feel. There are times when My children don't have a clue. But I can give you a clue. I'm the Clue-Giver! Haven't got a clue? Ask Me what to do! As long as you're listening, there's hope, because My Word will not return unto Me void. Let Me teach you what you have to know in order to walk your specific and individual path that is destined for you. If you pick up input that is not what I know is best for you, it can serve as a distraction. Listen to Me, your Coach, in order to avoid any mean knock-outs by the Enemy. You can always come to Me for another shower of My golden Words to you, another snack of manna, My heavenly bread, My water of life, which is better than wine. In order not to stumble, you have to keep your spiritual ears open! And have your antenna tuned in My direction! Turn on & tune in to the music of My Spirit! It's always available! Why feed on crumbs, when I could serve you a whole delicious meal? There are many reasons why it pays to get your directions & instructions, counsel & guidance from Me. "Come now & let us reason together..." I like to communicate with you! There is hardly anything more important to Me than achieving that My children learn to walk the right path, in the right direction, based on the right instructions from Me; that they become liberated from the confusion that's a result of the Devil's lies they've often grown up with; that they can see instead of wandering around groping through the darkness. There's scarcely anything more important for Me than ensuring that each of you find the center of My perfect will for you, that you take time to learn to hit the mark instead of missing it, and I'm a very patient teacher. My capacity to teach is only limited by your attention span, your capacity to learn, to receive, to listen, to tune in, to let go of your own ideas long enough I've got so much to share, so much to give, and yet there are so few really willing to listen and to receive it. My Spirit is like a broadcasting station that's broadcasting all the time, with the same constant intensity as ever, and the only thing that changes is the intensity of your own receptivity. If you want to be like Me, you're going to have to be with Me. If you want to learn from Me, you have to spend time at My feet, listening to Me. Even if you have found the truth, you should always stay hungry for more, and that's what prophecy is all about: you get more everyday, fresh from the heavens, like Manna. When there's no vacuum, then there's nothing I can fill. You need to create a vacuum first. If you don't acknowledge Me in all your ways, then how can I direct your paths? (Prov.3:5,6)

Counsel & guidance from Me would be available to anybody who would avail themselves of My gifts. That’s why I've got so much to say: there IS so much to say that mankind is totally unaware of. Not because I wouldn't have been willing to tell them, but mostly because there were so few willing to listen. I've nearly always got something to say, the question is only whether you're willing or able to hear it! As long as you've got a listening ear and a proper functioning receiver, I'll have something to say. I can always set your view straight & show you which things to focus on, and what tricks the Enemy is up to, just getting you through life, clearly seeing the truth and the path ahead, in today's dark and confusing world. Let Me fill and satisfy your spiritual hunger every morning, before you get into anything else. You'll have My Spirit, My plan and My viewpoint of things, and you'll be much better equipped for whatever the day may bring! If it costs you some effort to find Me and to be able to hear My voice and receive My personal words, then you will appreciate them more and won't run the risk of taking them for granted. There is always only a very small minority of those who really get the point, who really let Me talk to them. The majority will always follow their own impulses. My still small voice can best be heard in the silence. Let Me teach you! My signal is relatively weak and quiet, compared to all the blaring noisy signals the Enemy is sending out into the world, and it does require a certain skill to stay tuned to My signal. Most of My children aren't interested in communicating with Me, and at times that's the reason why I'm not about to say much to them, either. Nothing’s going to cheer you up or light up your view on things as much and as effectively as My voice, My Word, and My glimpses of Heaven that I show you. I have created life as a series of riddles the answers to which you won’t find so easily without Me. Try and solve them without Me, and you’ll have problems. Ask Me to help you, and you’ll fare well. (Prophet Daniel:) God speaks just about all the time, and everywhere, and you need to learn to interpret His messages all around you. It’s all about deciphering God’s handwriting on the walls and screens all around you. His world is like a multi-dimensional screen on which He constantly writes His messages, and youmust interpret them tell people what it means and decode the messages for them… If people wanted communion with Me, they could have it. You get what you ask for and have the faith for. The world is in such a mess because they lack the truth and love that a healthy connection with Me would give them. I’m teaching you personally through the school of life and your experiences, all that you have to go through, your trials and lessons… these are all ways in which I communicate and interact with you. They complete another piece in the puzzle of the deeper meaning of everything. The gift of prophecy is for those who need to know My will for them in a more specific way than I have already laid down in My Word. Once your “boat is in motion,” and you are moving in My direction, you will find situations in which you will need more specific and personal advice and counsel and direction from Me, and I will not hesitate to give it to you. Those who are faithful students of My written Word will also eventually hear My living Word, as I have promised, but first you’ve got to do your part and what you can do make sure that My Words dwell in you (see John 14:23). Before you can receive My Words, you have to create a space for Me to fill, and you have to prove with your actions that you want to go My way, because prophecy is for those who want to go My way, follow Me and do things to further My Kingdom. You have to become familiar with My voice through reading My written Word, and eventually you’ll also hear My voice speaking to you personally. I speak through many means. I speak to you through the things you read, through My personal words to you, but also through My written Word, and I speak to you through what’s going on around you, the signs of the times, and even through the words of the proclaimers and interpreters of such events. (Spirit Helper:) The heavenly words from Jesus make the difference that’s needed to bring back that heavenly spark into your life that you’re missing. His input and His gifts are different from all the things that befall you in your earthly life. They simply don’t have that imperfect and thus disappointing quality about them that earthly things do. The words the Lord has for you are the factor that are going to give you the victory. They’ll be the difference between victory and defeat, between positiveness and negativity. Enemy may try to diminish their value in your mind and tell you, “What good is it all, anyway?” But just stop to pause and think why he would do that. Certainly not in order to help you! He’s just sick and tired of being defeated and exposed by them day after day, month after month, year after year! There’s not much progress he can make in your life, as long as you keep receiving and heeding the Lord’s counsel, and he sees he’s fighting a losing battle in your life. So, the best

thing he can do is to persuade you that the very factor that’s strengthening you is one you actually don’t need, that it’s useless. Just because not many other people seem to be interested in what the Lord has to say, doesn’t mean that hearing from Him is not the one possible best thing you could ever do! Just because you’re seemingly the only one doing the right thing doesn’t make it wrong! (next chapter:)

…Heart Matters Listen to your heart! It’s so much greater to live by the heart & following what the heart tells you to do than do just hearken to the narrow confines of the mind. The mind sees the boundaries & impossibilities & why it can’t be done & shouldn’t even be tried. The heart just feels the urge to do it anyway & trust Me for the outcome. It’s the heart that counts. You won’t be judged or rewarded by how smart you were in this life, but by the love you show. It’s the heart that matters most! You've just got to have a heart for people, be concerned about them, be moved with compassion upon them as I was and still am. Take time to absorb Me fully, and to become a part of Me - to let Me become a part of you, a conscious part of you that's always there, one that you cannot lose. Staying in My presence is more a matter of the heart than of the mind. Even though with your mind you can make the decision to love somebody, it's still another step until you can truly say you love somebody, and that's just something that comes from the heart, not the mind. Love is a matter of the heart, "the heart of the matter..." If you really want to dig down deep, you not only have to discover mind-boggling truths, but let those truths sink deeply into your heart where they will change your life & take the desired effect. Drops of heavenly rain, heavenly love, cause your heart to blossom into life and warmth. The spiritual winter of your heart is over. The hardships you've been experiencing, the heat I've been putting on, are causing the hard shell to soften & crack open & finally the new you is coming to life, the person I wanted you to be. Not the cold, reserved, critical & calculating old you, but the loving, warm, affectionate, embracing you, that does not hold back from Me nor from others! A giving you, a smiling you, bubbling over with My humble joy and love, dropping warmth and love and affection and encouragement into the hearts of those you pass by. Changes of the heart are miracles that only I can bring about, you can't do it yourself, so quit trying & let Me do it! You must allow My Words to really sink into your hearts. That's from where the fruit of learning comes. Wisdom is so much more a matter of the heart than the mind. You've got to let Me plant My seeds into your heart, & you must absorb them with all your heart, not just acknowledge them with your mind. You've simply got to take the time for those seeds to really sink in. Relate from the heart and gut side of things, the love side, not the judgmental, analytical side of the mind. From the side of mercy, as you would want mercy if you were in their shoes. You just can't legislate sincere goodness of the heart. Those who get the core and gist of My message, that love, nothing else, is the secret, they are the ones who have their hearts open to Me. It's the heart that matters, not some kind of dogma or theory, doctrine or any other head stuffing. The key and the gist of My teachings and of My life, and of all I want to convey to mankind is love, and that's a matter of the heart, not of the head. Let your faith, your religion, what you live and preach, be a matter of the heart, not a head issue! "The heart speaks to the heart." You've got to learn that language of the heart, the communication from heart to heart, that's what's going to touch lives, change people, and consequently, change the world. Words won't do you any good if you just keep them up there in your head. You need to reach out & apply them on a heartto-heart level, saying "I understand. I've been there, too. But He pulled Me out, & I know He can do it for you!" You've got to let My heart speak to your heart, in order for your heart to be able to speak to theirs. Everything is a matter of the heart. It's gotta be the heart. Hope is a matter of the heart. Faith has got to be a matter of the heart in order to become really real and spur you on to works and deeds which prove that your faith is alive; and love certainly also is a matter of the heart, not just a "concept" you can grasp. The position of your heart has to be right. It's not that I'm opposed to people using their brains, but I'm trying to get you to operate more by the heart, & not so much by the head. It's the heart that attracts people. The regular, average people are almost always rather inclined to be

suspicious & mistrusting of intellectually inclined people, who convey an air of intellectual superiority, usually because they often breathe criticalness of those who are less so inclined. And I usually side with them. The Devil is the smart aleck who tries to pretend he's so much smarter than everybody else, & he ridicules them & makes them feel inferior. But blessings come from elsewhere, not only smartness. I bless the honest, humble, hard working people, & they're often more blessed than those incredibly intellectual thinkers, which usually tends to make the thinkers only more bitter & cynical & critical, but what it actually should do is cause them to think for real: that it's not only this supposed intellectual superiority that makes things happen, but the heart is an engine that can generate wealth more efficiently and reliably than mere intellect. The brain alone doesn't do it. It's the heart that moves one to action, which then actually makes the difference. The mind alone doesn't really have creative power. It's the heart that moves the rest of your body along to really get something going. You need inspiration, not just mere brain-power & intellect. If it all just remains in the realm of thought, it can so often be and remain nothing but hot air. You can think things up & down until it hurts & you can talk about them for ages, but usually the simple people will have simply done it long before you ever got around to stop talking about it. I am a very deeply integrated and inseparable part of you, the heart and center from which you've got to live. I want to be connected to your heart. My Kingdom must be based on more than mere intelligence or thought. It's got to be more than brainpower, but love power that moves you into action... emotion! Put your heart into it! If you try to figure it all out in your head & analyze it to pieces, it's going to look ugly. From a rational point of view, this life doesn't make a lot of sense; too much imperfection. It's not smooth enough for the mind. It's too rough, too many rough edges. That's why you're only really going to get through life successfully if you put your heart into it. The heart is what matters, the motivation; you've got to have the right incentives. You can only change another heart through something that comes from your heart in the first place: words from the heart, prayers from the heart… Whatever love has been there in your heart in the first place, must go out and reach another’s heart. There are other challenges in life than finding out what the great universal truth of everything is. Sometimes it’s the little truths, the little right attitudes and the proper position of the heart that make life on a local and practical level a lot more livable. While with some acquaintances and friendships the mind can be helpful, it is the heart, not the mind that will draw them to you. It is the Spirit that will thrill their hearts and minds and refresh and quench their weary and thirsty souls, not so much the input that comes of the mind. (next chapter:)

…Names Sometimes big secrets of the universe lie in such seemingly insignificant things as the name of a flower: Forget Me not! Don’t forget Me! Don’t forget to give Me the glory! In your remembering Me every step of the way lies the course, the quality & the effectiveness of your voyage through life. I really AM, I really DO exist. I told Moses that’s My name because it is the answer to the most essential question: 'God, are you REALLY there?’ I AM!!! I’m not often quite easily perceived & recognized, nor accepted as the God of Love that I am. But I AM. Keep on overcoming by praising Me, trusting Me and loving Me in spite of anything, and I will give you that white stone, and in it a name written that no one else will know but you - and Me! A name that will be your special code of direct linkup & instant utter communication & oneness with Me, your personal access code to My heart. I cannot grant access & entrance to the Holy of holies & inner core of My heart only to those who will approve themselves in this life as true overcomers. The ship's going down, & yet the band plays on & the captain & his crew are saying, "Don't panic, everything's under control...." when really everything's out of control, because they're trying to grab the control more & more away from Me, practically want to eradicate Me from people's minds, lives & consciences & give it over to the one they will receive, who will come in his own name, unlike Me, Who came in His Father's name & they did not receive. My name means "Savior." My cry and My call to mankind is to "Come, let Me save you!" I want to save you wholly & entire, I want to cleanse and heal all of you, your mind, your body, your heart, your spirit... your soul. Act in the power and in the name of the Author, the Founder, the Ruler over all, in His undisputable Authority over everything else, any circumstances and forces that would dare to stand in the way of My will.

The Devil is like some ferocious dog that barks and growls and acts up as if he were the boss, but just one word spoken in My name and authority will shut him up and remind him of who's the Boss around here. Look beyond, at the ultimate purpose of all, not the immediate thing. Just as in magic the name of the thing controls it or makes it "happen," even so ignoring the thing, and instead focusing on the Maker, the Author of everything, will enable you to perform the greatest magic of all: My magic of faith, the magic of "nothing is impossible." (next chapter:)

…Mistakes As long as you learn from your mistakes, nothing is lost. Even your mistakes made are then one of ‘all things’ which work together for good for them that love Me. As long as you come to Me, and I can teach you about the things you did wrong or could do better, there’s no need for remorse, which never helped much, anyway. But you can turn right around, determine to keep an eye on that weakness, ask Me to help you be on guard & ‘deliver you from evil’, strengthen the feeble knees & the hands that hang down, & go to work on building new, healthier habits. And that’s what you call ‘progress’ & learning. Mistakes are an essential part of the meaning of life. It’s just the inborn sinful human nature not to want to obey me at first. The Devil comes up with his contra immediately & pipes up, ....’Sssssso, did God reaaally ssssay ssso...?’ And you know what’ll happen next. You’ll make a mistake. Call it a sin – you miss the mark. I have to punish you, you learn the lesson, and that’s the cycle of things at the present state of creation under the curse. It will not always be so. This is only practice with weights, so that soon you’ll be able to fly. It took that road of humbling, the road of making mistakes, the road of failure, to come to the realization of My unconditional love for you. You cannot turn back time, and everyone has made mistakes, but you’re not meant to make the same mistakes over & over. Some mistakes you don’t even realize until much later, some only when you get here. Do your best to learn from your mistakes & not to repeat them. You have learned precious lessons out of these deep dark experiences that can benefit them all. These things have happened to you as an ensample to them, that they might learn from your mistakes and marvel at My breakings, at My mercy, at My chastisements & wisdom. This is a lesson for Eternity; the lesson of the breakings from this world. A wiser man will learn from the mistakes of others, providing those others will share their mistakes as lessons. Wanna quit making mistakes? Remember Me! Wanna stop blowing it? Remember Me! Wanna make continuous uphill progress without the 2-steps forward, one-step-back grind? Simply remember Me & give Me the glory by acknowledging Me, thanking & praising Me & asking Me to keep you from falling, even when you think you’re safe. When it all comes down to it, you’re still just a child, and children do embarrassing things, sometimes. But it’s better to make blunders of the mind than be so afraid of making mistakes that you never dare to do anything. you have need of patience. Patience with others, even patience with yourself. Patience with your & their mistakes & faults... If you ask Me to show you your weak areas & how you can improve them, you'll fare so much better. And you'll have much to share from the revelation & overcoming of your own mistakes, flaws, faults & shortcomings. Don’t repeat the mistake of letting others drag you down a road you’re not meant to go or you won’t want to go, neither look at others for excuses to let down your standard. It’s a mistake to judge God by the people who supposedly represent Him, & their interpretation of what He supposedly said. Making mistakes is part of the school of life, but the desired goal & progress is to learn to be making less of them as you go. If you don’t want to keep making the same mistakes over & over & over again, some things are going to have to change. Some things you’re simply going to have to get serious about & desperate. In a way, your love for Me is a result of your mistakes & screw-ups, cause, let’s face it: If you had been more successful, do you honestly think you would have been that eager & desperate to find Me?

Nobody’s expecting you to do a completely perfect job without any mistakes. Everyone will see the wrongs they have committed, sooner or later. Not everyone is eager or ready to see how they are failing in this life-time. Sometimes I have to let them go ahead & do something, even if it entails mistakes & wrongs, just in order for something to get done... If you're only focusing on the flesh & the blunders & mistakes My people make, you're doomed to disappointment & failure. If the people around you have become a disappointment & you're blaming Me for it, the reason I'm allowing this is so that you will put your faith in Me, not in them, put your eyes on Me, not them. Only I can help you make it through the night! You're supposed to be My follower, not theirs. Or if you want to be their follower, follow them in the spirit & look at them with the eyes of the spirit, not the eyes of the flesh! Look at them as those who are fragile just like you, who make mistakes just like you, who doubt & waver just like you, but they just won't give up, even if they're tempted to. Look at them as those who've got nothing in this World & nowhere to turn but to Me. As long as you keep toying with other options, of course you will be double-minded. You've got to learn to love folks even with their mistakes, just like they love you with yours. "Love the sinner & hate the sin" doesn't really mean, like you apply it: "Sure, I'll love the sinner. As soon as he gets rid of the sin!" Imagine if that were My attitude! No, loving the sinner means loving them in spite of their sin & patiently helping them to overcome their sin & having the faith that will eventually manage to do so by My grace! Overcoming mistakes, faults & weaknesses & sins is one of the major objectives in life. Your weaknesses & sins are an important part of this school of life. If I would have sent you all perfect to this Earth, what would there be to learn? What would there be to save? What purpose would there have been for Me to come & live & die for? It's easy to find fault! It's easy to see the mistakes in others & where they screwed up & how difficult they're making your life, and "if you look for the bad in people, you're going to find it!" But I say, look at the good! Count your blessings! Life could be much worse than this! But don't even focus on how much worse things are going to get or could be, but focus on how good you've had it, and most of all, on how good it's still going to be! An unforgiving & self-righteous attitude in itself becomes worse than the mistake that was committed by the other party. Everyone makes mistakes, including you, and forgiveness and being forgiven are simply integral parts of the school of life. So, don't view mistakes you or others make as some kind of permanent, irreparable damage, but remember that even those serve My purpose & work together for good in the long run. Paying attention to the details will help you not to overlook important factors, it will teach you patience & the importance of little things. It will help you to not so easily misjudge or misunderstand things, not to make snap judgments. If you realize how much hinges & depends on little things, you will learn to hold your peace on a matter until you're certain you've got all the details straight & you're not missing out on any of the factors in the equation, and you'll see, you'll be a lot less prone to making mistakes in your life. You haven't really learned all there is to learn out of these lessons yet, and some of the mistakes you made you're not even aware of. If whatever your brother does causes you to stumble or give up, that brother may be held responsible for his mistakes, but you will be held responsible for your own decision to focus on his faults instead of Me, and whatever your looking at the waves will result in. If you want victory, you've got to keep looking at Me. Everything else will only spell defeat... It's good to come out straight-forward when you see a mistake: "Oh, I don't think that was right. I don't agree." This is much better than keeping it in & letting it all out later in a barrage of bitter questions, remarks, statements & accusations. It's time to quit repeating the same mistakes over & over again, of just doing what comes naturally, the obvious, without even bothering to ask Me about it & consult with Me. You've got to keep pouring and pouring out that healing balm of love and forgiveness, letting them know that no matter how many mistakes they'll make, many waters cannot quench this fire of My love for them. Judging people by their past mistakes, mentally putting people in a box consisting of the walls of the confines of your own mind which you create for them out of your negative memories & experiences with them is not appropriate anymore in this day & age when I'm changing lives radically & sometimes rapidly. The carnal mind is quick to put both Me, and the way it thinks I should operate, and others into a box, and that's not a very smart thing to do in My business. Sometimes knowledge is the greatest stumbling block to divine revelation, because it interferes with what I would like to reveal to you. If you think the time has arrived when there's nothing for you to learn anymore, no more mistakes to improve or correct, then you're just about to make the biggest mistake of all! Just because some things have gone wrong in the past & mistakes were made and you failed at an earlier attempt, that doesn't mean it will always go that way. Don't be so discouraged by the times you stumbled & failed! It's okay! Just get up & try again!

I'm allowing you to have so many mistakes, faults & sins so that you realize just how much you need My Salvation! Nobody's perfect, and thus, no matter how anointed they may be, they don't deserve to be worshipped without any reservations, completely ignoring or hushing up their mistakes! In fact, you only help them by pointing out their mistakes to them, and you prevent worse mistakes from happening. I allow people to learn from their mistakes in the Spirit Realm by having them accompany their descendants as spirit helpers, to see what the late ricochets & repercussions of their actions are over time. It's always tough to find out where it ain't at, that's the hard & painful way of finding direction, but it's also very effective. At least it helps you to never want to make the same mistake! You ask yourself, "What could I have done or avoided doing in order to not wind up here? What did I do wrong? What was the mistake I made?" And I can show you. But if you're not open to learn from your mistakes, you won't make the necessary progress. Everybody makes mistakes. The question is, how much do you learn from them? Instead of being ashamed of them & try not to think about them, you should do the opposite: you should think about them & view them as opportunities to learn precious lessons from them, for some of the most precious lessons you learn are those which you learn from your own mistakes. Of course, that takes humility. It's tough on one's pride to take the blame & face the consequences of their own actions, and to deal with what it is you have done wrong in order to bring certain conditions about. It's always easier to blame the other party for it. But that's not the way you learn. Do you trust Me, that I love you so much that everything that happens to you is the best possible option? If you've been praying and committing your day into My hands, how am I going to disappoint you by doing anything less than the best? I will even allow the Enemy to only attack & test you in those ways that I know will bring forth the best possible results, & even the mistakes you will make will be those that will teach you the most effective and important lessons, so that truly ALL things will work out for not only good, but for the best for you! If you must compare yourself to those who have made even graver mistakes, then try to learn from them, not to make the same mistakes, and never use them as an excuse that just because you're doing better than they, you're doing alright. If you truly want to give your best to Me that you can, then you cannot settle for "doing alright." So many mistakes are made because people don't remember. Why do people not remember? Because they don't really make an effort, they don't really care. They're too busy occupying their minds with the next pleasure, the next entertainment, the next amusement, the next "escape route" that leads them "away from thinking." Although I do try to teach you lessons or deal with you for your wrongs, it does not influence My amount of love for you if you make mistakes or fail. It's human to make mistakes! They keep you humble. The proud & haughty who do nothing but criticize have their reward in feeling so high & mighty & superior in this life, that they can look down on everybody else. I will use anything to save a soul, including the Devil himself, if need be. It's the results that count. I'd rather use a lesser evil, like a mistake, a human error & unintentional untruth in order to achieve a greater good, instead of being so selfrighteously stuck on all the details, painstakingly making sure that I've got every little fact & figure straight that I don't accomplish or achieve anything! If you have failed, use your failures & mistakes to their full extent to do & accomplish what they were ordained for, namely to learn from them. Make the most out of them by praising Me for them! I make the best out of down-slope experiences, those lessons learnt from mistakes. Love means to be willing to help someone out of a mess they've gotten themselves into, even if it was caused by their own mistake. Love doesn't say, "It's your own fault!" Love quietly acknowledges, "We all make mistakes" & reaches out a hand to help the other up in whatever way you can. Dealing with your sins and mistakes is important; you cannot just ignore them. Some who have refused to deal with them aren't around anymore, they didn't make it. It takes that honest confrontation with them. I don't view your "mistakes" as anything nearly as bad as you tend to see them yourselves! Many "mistakes" you made in your life were necessary pathways to a whole new dimension, a world of insight and wisdom that you never even would have found the door to, otherwise. And even if you had found the door, you would not have chosen to walk through it voluntarily because it would have looked so uninviting. Whatever you do, you've got to make sure you're doing it for My glory by bathing it in prayer. If you don't, then it easily happens that you slip into the mode of operating in the flesh, and you'll reap the repercussions of that: You make mistakes. Yes, there are mistakes, there is sin to deal with. But without Me, you won't be able to deal with these things properly and in the right spirit, and will only tend to make matters worse, to commit an even greater sin. If you know that I believe in you in spite of all your flaws, and you know that I believe in them also, in spite of theirs, then you can believe in Me for them, and thus believe in them, too.

If it's just you, without Me, if there's no connection with Me, then you might not really be trustworthy, simply because the Enemy can short-circuit you and cause you to make some serious mistakes & thus become less reliable. But as long as someone is making sincere efforts to come close to Me, not for any glorious elevation of self's sake, but really only for the love of Me, the love of truth, and the love of love itself, it's okay, you can trust such a person, including yourself. That's why I can forgive you for all your mistakes and sins: I can see you're going to make it in spite of them. Men of force are men of faults, and anyone who will be used by Me to a greater extent than others will be subject to greater attacks of the Enemy, greater temptations, and they're probably more prone to making mistakes. You're subject to flaws & mistakes just like everybody else & you should thus stay open for suggestions & improvement. Some mistakes you make can haunt you for a long time, & follow you around for quite a while. One mistake to make would be to think that you have arrived where you should be, because you're merely getting started. Sometimes, when things are looking okay, the Devil sends his demons of compromise & settling for less than the best, that are specially in charge of Christians, and make you think you're already at your destination, when you barely even got going. Satan makes you think you're a "prisoner," a captive of the mistakes & flaws of others, that you're going to have to deal with & be subjected to them for the rest of your life. But I'm saying, "not really!" Because by simply making the choice that you're not going to let it affect you or bother or aggravate you, but instead choosing to look at and praise Me for their positive qualities, you deny those negative qualities to have power over you whatsoever, and it's almost as if they wouldn't exist! Everybody makes mistakes, and without them, there'd be hardly anything to learn from in this life! By showing you which is the wrong way, by letting you experience it first hand, I'm also showing you the right way, which way you need to go to overcome, to rise above, to succeed: you just need to turn around, and instead of following all those other misleading voices, you just come to Me and follow Mine! The big mistake the majority is making is that they're not coming to Me when something's going wrong, they try to figure it out & fix it themselves. That's one of the biggest mistakes successful people make: they strive so hard for the "big" things, and constantly "bigger" things, greater things, that they nearly totally neglect the little things that already surround them, that I've already given them, and that would bring them much greater happiness (if they would just care to pay attention to them) than all their chasing after ever greater things. "Seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not" (Jer. 45:5). I'm using your sins, your faults, your weakness, your mistakes, to bring about the best in you. As I use all things to work out together for good for you, I also use these dark abysses of your souls in order to bring about some good in you and each other. In some ways, I use you to discipline each other. You're learning how to behave correctly in order to avoid certain reactions in the other. Only I see the whole "elephant." The biggest mistake you can possibly make is assuming that your view and Mine are always identical. That's the epitome of self-righteousness. That was your mistake: You sort of let things run and have their "natural" course, and the natural course of things didn't turn out to bring any improvement at all, but rather decay and a deterioration of the situation, of the condition of things or even your children. You can't just let the Enemy have the world & passively stand by as he wrecks it. You've got to do something about it! You've got to counteract, you've got to oppose him. I use your mistakes, and even those errors in your own doctrines of the past... You learn by trial & error. I have given no one a perfect blue print of the truth, but leave it up to everyone to discover it with My help throughout their lives. If you wouldn't make any mistakes, there wouldn't be half as much for Me to talk to you about. Your sins, shortcomings & failures draw you closer to Me. You want to learn how to do better, and that's basically what healing, learning, growing and salvation is all about: that void, that need to grow, that emptiness. You have a need for Me when you're not perfect, when you realize you failed, when you need help to see, when you realize you really don't know much of anything. Will you make the same mistake so many others have made and become harsh and unforgiving? Forgiveness is a much greater issue than most people realize. With some saints, like Mother Teresa, it's easy to say, "Now here's a good person," because of their sacrificial life-style, and the evident good she did in helping the poor. But when it comes to helping the spiritually poor and feeding the spiritually starving, things become a lot more difficult. And because it's more difficult, it's also easier to make mistakes. For one thing, the Enemy fights your feeding the spiritually starving a lot more violently than your giving to the physically poor. He's much more concerned about the intellects and minds of people. That's, after all, the realm he is trying to usurp and grasp away from Me. Moses died in the wilderness, unable to enter the promised land, as a result of his own mistake. The lesson gained out of this is more important and valuable than the temporary, fleeting pleasure he might have experienced, had I granted him to enter the promised land. The real Promised Land is not in this world. Your real and final and ultimate satisfaction, fulfillment, peace or goal, whatever you may be trying to achieve, won’t be found in this world or life.

The most effective way to teach you where it’s at, was to let you find out where it’s not at. You find this out by your mistakes, but as the proverb goes, an even wiser man learns not only from his own mistakes, but from those of others, too. There was a time for Moses to be ready for the Exodus, but there was also a time when he wasn't ready yet. There's a time of definite, visible anointing, and there's a time of preparation, of finding out where it's not at, how not to do it, which mistakes not to make. It's not the glorious road that leads to the Kingdom, but the low and humble road, often paved with many seemingly mundane and very humbling acts: many dishes to wash, many problems to solve and learn from, even many mistakes to make, many diapers to change, both physically and spiritually. I know the human heart, and that it doesn't seek My interests in the natural. You don't have to put on any false pretenses with Me. I know you inside out, and I totally know where you're at. I know what to do in order to get you to turn around and learn from your mistakes. You don't have to be bogged down with all of earth's little problems. If you keep looking unto Me as you should, they will practically dissolve, because you will have My supernatural wisdom that will help you to say and do the right things. You won't be making so many mistakes anymore that are going to cause your loved ones to stumble. You will walk in love more, as you absorb My love by looking unto Me. The mistakes are part of the training. You find out which way it am by finding out which way it ain't. Not the recommended route, but still the most common one. Without mistakes and errors, there's no need to repent, nothing to admit to, nothing for which to humble yourself and admit you were wrong and need help, no need to change. That's why those who suppose they do everything right are the ones who are most distant from Me. They simply don't need Me as much as folks who screw up a lot. The best thing you can learn out of your mistakes is: don't try to do it on your own, but always avail yourself of My help! If you call on Me and rely on Me, you won't fail. It's never wrong to be putting your bucket under the one Source that won't disappoint you. But not doing that is precisely the mistake so many immature people make. They don't come to Me, they look elsewhere. Your mistakes are part of the great purpose of everything. Most people don't have a clue about the extent to which they screwed up until they get Here - totally oblivious to the mistakes they made and the impact they had on others and the consequences they brought about. You can't blame the Devil for everything. Some things are simply the result of man's sinful nature, the results which he has brought about by his own choices - which may have been initiated by the Devil's temptations, that's true - but they were still, nonetheless, his own choices. And the circumstances outside the Garden of Eden teach you the consequences, and thus you learn from your mistakes. How do you learn? By making mistakes and realizing you made them, right? So, the most dangerous threat to genuinely learning is to be left in the illusion that you're right, there's nothing to change about your views & attitudes... Your mistakes are an important part of the meaning and purpose of your lives, since they are what you learn the most from. It is out of the "deep, dark experiences that we learn some of our most precious lessons from the Lord," and when those experiences are missing, then life looks a little dull in comparison to those of others sometimes. The more responsibility you carry, the more weight your mistakes have. There's nothing that teaches you how to do it like the experience you gain from learning how not to do it. Only your mistakes make you change your previous modes and habits. The way to enlightenment always leads via the path of recognizing and learning from one's own mistakes. The only unpardonable mistake a believer can commit is to doubt his own Salvation and still stay stuck in his own "badness," when I have saved him from that already. Of course, it would be a mistake to assume that one is guiltless without having accepted My sacrifice and without having experienced Salvation, but isn't it an equally grave mistake to do the opposite and assume that Salvation doesn't make any difference, and that you still have to pay for your sins yourself? The flaws, mistakes and imperfections in your co-fighters have been little more than a big test of your faith, to see whether you would still keep going for Me, still keep holding on faithfully, in spite of them all. An outstanding shepherd questions his own actions sometimes, he's not too proud or self-confident to do that. He doesn't take for granted that just because of his position he might never be making a mistake. He stays aware of making potential mistakes. My hope is that this present age will be a sufficient reminder and warning for everyone not to want to repeat the same mistakes. You can only glean so much from watching others and learning from their experience. What will stick with you forever is your own experiences, your own pains and hurts and scarring results and consequences of your own poor choices and mistakes...

It's one thing learning from your mistakes. It's another getting so stuck on them that you never get any further, never move out to touch another's life. It takes more than being a follower in blind obedience, sometimes, to become a good leader yourself. The trick is to remain loyal and obedient, even when you realize that your leaders aren’t infallible and do make mistakes, just like everybody else does. Leaders need to be forgiven and unconditionally loved and accepted for who and what they are, like everybody else. And this attitude is healthier than one refusing to see the possibility that your leaders might make any mistakes. It would certainly be a mistake to assume that you know better than Me. It’s better to have tried and failed, to have loved and lost, to have done something and made mistakes, than to just blindly and self-righteously think you have arrived, without any need to do or change anything… Life is constructed in such a way that it’s bound to happen that you slip and fall and make mistakes, so that precious lessons can be learned from them. But it’s pretty important that you do learn the lessons, and not just keep falling into the same trap and repeating the same old mistakes over and over again. People are bound to make mistakes, and mistakes have happened, and they keep happening, and you’ve got to grant others the same right to make mistakes that I grant you. Nobody ever does only good. Everybody makes mistakes, and nobody’s perfect; nobody has ever lived a perfect life of which they can say, “I never made any mistakes.” It’s erroneous to have that kind of an attitude. And, well, some folks just have the kind of attitude – which is their besetting sin and handicap to carry around through life – that they simply can’t see their own faults as easily as they see the faults of others. A life that has failed learning from its own mistakes isn’t much of a life at all, since your mistakes are one of the greatest purposes in life per se. Mistakes are something everyone can relate to, and if you teach others from mistakes you made, that shows them just how human you are, and how much just like them, and that you’re not some super special case, endowed with extraordinary gifts from on high, but that you’ve learned by trial and error, basically the same way they have. Mistakes are actually quite precious in the service of teaching you some of your most valuable lessons. No matter what you do, what mistakes you’re going to make or how badly you might ever slip, you’re always going to be loved by Me unconditionally. There comes a time when everyone will have to reflect about their sins and mistakes. Taking responsibility for your own mistakes is often the very ingredient that makes all the difference in the world. Refusal or inability to see one’s own mistakes & failings stifles spiritual growth like nothing else, and encourages straying from the path, instead of sticking to My straight & narrow. In fact, what makes My straight & narrow pathway the most uninviting to most people is the fact that it’s strewn with the recognition and repercussions of one’s own failures left and right, and uphill progress is only made by dealing with them properly. That means, you recognize them, admit them and try to change them, but you don’t allow them to put you under condemnation. Once you’ve given them to Me and they’re confessed and forgiven, they don’t have any more power over you. It gives you new zest for each day of life, knowing fully that no matter how badly you’ve blown it in your life, or what sort of mistakes you’ve made, you’re totally forgiven as long as you did learn something out of it by facing the problem and your guilt and responsibility in the matter, which usually is already enough guarantee on it’s own that you’re less likely to repeat the same mistake. I am the One Who doesn’t and won’t make mistakes, so it pays to make Me the one true foundation of your lives and to put your entire trust in, instead of any man or woman, or group of people. That’s what I’d call learning and progress, when you get to the point of learning from mistakes where you stop making them and can prevent them from happening through the things you have learned. Once you’ve learned to deal with your mistakes and have learned how to handle that responsibility, treating it as something as natural as going to the toilet, then you’ll also have an easier time coping with the rest of the things going on in this world that are less than satisfactory. You’ll see and recognize it all more as one big challenge to improve things with My help wherever you can, to “change the world,” in that sense, or, if nothing else, at least learn a good deal from it that is going to help make the world a better place in the long run. Changing the world starts with recognizing the void and the need, the places that lack and where errors have been committed, and then taking the initiative to do what it takes to replenish and refill them again, even if may look like a senseless waste of time to others, because you may not be reaping immediate benefits from your work or sacrifice. Adam & Eve's mistakes served to draw them closer to Me than they ever could have come otherwise. Sometimes you just have to deal with your mistakes to their full extent, and learn all there is to learn from them. It’s not like there is no forgiveness, no reconciliation, but it’s also important that you bear the full consequences of your actions and become aware of them.

You cannot just skip school and play hooky in the school of life. That’s what the Devil is tempting everyone to do with his numerous distractions: “No, don’t think about your mistakes, don’t waste your time wracking your head about them! It just depresses you! Fill your life with pleasure instead!” There are a lot of mistakes made that people could learn from, a lot of lessons to be learned out of life, and out of history, but that’s not what they’re interested in or concerned about, They’re not concerned about avoiding to make the same mistakes over and over again, the thought would never even cross their mind. That’s the one reason why people never learn anything from history; not their own, and much less anyone else’s: they’re not interested. There is a lot of wisdom to be gained from the mistakes you will make… Refusal to deal with one’s own blame is probably the most widespread and most common spiritual disease… The pride to refuse to reckon with one’s own mistakes, sins and faults… The Pharisee syndrome… You don’t have to keep repeating the same mistakes, nor the mistakes of your forefathers. You can interrupt that vicious cycle, reverse fate, stop that treadmill of always falling for the apparent, or even the inclinations of your own mind. (next chapter:)

…Computers & Us My Spirit, the Comforter, Whom I will send unto you, will bring all things to your remembrance. If you walk in the Spirit, you WILL remember things: She will remind you! She’s like a super-duper-mega-smooth computer program that can enhance your rusty little system anytime with all the knowledge you need, brings up any stored data from the past, or even brand new information that hasn’t been there so far, in revelations, dreams & prophetic visions. All you gotta do is download Her & install Her on your system! Every little move & action of yours depends on a choice, whether you will react to the impulse with a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’, a 1 or a 0.... 1s and 0s,... that’s all a computer program is based on. Make your right choices today. Say YES to Me! Every time! As soon there’s some space for Me to fill it, I will. Tune in to My wavelength, log on to My server & press the download button, & as soon as My computer detects any blank storage space on your hard drive, I will fill it with the desired & needed input! If you want to grasp the meaning of every day & every moment of life, start learning to read My signs. A lot of things you may not understand may be My handwriting on the wall, & if you seek Me & ask Me, I can reveal their meaning to you. To you, My brides of the End, it is given to read & understand the signs of the times. If you look beyond that which is at hand & seek Me in it, & the deeper meaning, it’ll be like reading the Matrix. It’s like learning to read computer programming language. I'm trying to help you to score points in the love game, so, I'm showing you what unselfish things you could do. Keep your eyes open for more opportunities like that. They're scattered & strewn all over, hidden blessings, sometimes well disguised, like bonus points in a computer game. Before, you've had a slow connection, and now you've got a fast broad-band connection. Take advantage of your spiritual flat-rate, and stay online permanently! Don't go off-line anymore! Stay online & attuned to Me permanently, "walking by faith and not by sight!" I want to be with you and talk to you always. Like this I'll be able to guide you much better & lead you by the hand, and you'll be doing & saying those things which I want you to do & say. Problems are more often than not being caused not by your circumstances, but your own attitudes, your "system settings." Your attitude affects the way you are going to function, just as the settings of your computer will affect its usability & effectiveness. If your monitor settings are too dark, then you won't see clearly. Or if your system is overloaded with too much clutter, that won't do you much good, either; it's going to slow you down. Set up a spiritual firewall against evil intruders! Don’t let them plant their spyware cookies on your system so they can spy out when you’re most vulnerable! Don’t grant them any access & make sure your firewall doesn’t allow any leakage! Run your spyware checker program regularly against any evil little intruders & keep your system clean of anything that might cause trouble! Only turn to safe sites for good, healthy, clean & uplifting input & don’t take any risks! Better safe than sorry! A spiritual firewall shields you from hostile intrusion & attempts of the Enemy to hack into your system! Keep it up & running & activated all the time! "You are a new creature, yes, but boy, how that old man likes to pop up again." It's the old man, your carnal man, which is at enmity with God, whom you must deny access to your system, the place from which you govern your life, like an old operating system that doesn't want to give up its realm easily, although it has already been replaced by a new and better one. Of course, the Enemy actively tries to install the old system again, your old ways of doing things, your old habits, or the

old ways of the flesh sometimes in a new disguise. Sometimes you have problems downloading a file, and you've just got to try again. It all depends on how badly you want it. If you really want it, you won't give up so easily. So, how badly do you want today's latest update? You absorb the vibes of those around you, & if you pass them on to Me & commit them into My hands & ask Me to work in their lives, you can change them & change your environment, your surrounding – your world! I can give you the answers & solutions – the words & attitudes & actions those people need, individually tailored to their data, which you first transmitted to Me. You transmit the data, & I send you the answer, the update, the plug-in or fix-up, whatever they need. If you’re too tired to do anything else, there’s still sooo much you can accomplish through prayer! Life isn't only theory! It's important you grasp the theory, but the practical part is what will get you somewhere. You've been receiving it, now it's time to start giving it. Absorb & study it & let it become part of your being. You're one step further now. We've moved from receiving mode to application mode. You've received all the initial software, now you need to get going & get your machine operating. You'll still receive more information and occasional updates, but basically, your Operating System is installed now, and you can just work away! The Devil is so scared of you, fighting you like crazy because he knows he's going to lose victims out of his clutches of hell, and they're going to have heaven happening in their lives. That ingredient of heaven is like a poisonous, deadly virus to his kingdom, his system, his Matrix! It totally busts it! It's like what the Spring does to the snow! It breaks the cold spell of winter & just makes it all melt away, and everything becomes possible again: where there was only cold and grey, all of a sudden, life springs up again everywhere! You can be like that to those people! You can be like the sun of spring to them! There was a time when your own strength was sufficient, but that time is running out now, it’s going to be over soon. Soon you’ll only be able to operate in My strength. But see it not as a loss, for what you gain is so much more and so far beyond that which you need to let go and forsake. See it like an upgrade, a promotion, a powerful innovation that revolutionizes everything. Plugged in to Me, you are strong, because then we are together, and it’s not you functioning on your own anymore, as a separate little entity, but you’re plugged in to My circuit, a part of My gigantic, universal network, the network of My “single spoken sentence,” (“uni-verse”) where I utter a phrase and it is done, My creation magic. You can find Me right at the very center of your being, in your heart, the place you invited Me to come into when you received Me and asked Me to save you from your sin, your old man, and I did. I came in and have been living there ever since. That's why you can live from your center from then on, and you don't have to roam about the fringes anymore, the outer and superficial things. You have Me in you! I am your new Center! I am the new Operating System or Program that's there now at the core of your "machine," the complex creation of what is you. I'm not off in space somewhere, far away and hard to reach, but right there at the very core and center of your being, inseparable from you. That's why nothing, no high or low could ever separate you from the love of God, because it's right within you, very deep, right where I've planted it. Right where you allowed My key, My seed, to merge with your inner lock, and it has long taken root there since then, has been activated and has started to bear it's fruit and change your system. (next chapter:)

…Asking God What Happened "What happened?" It's a question to which most people only receive an answer once they get Here. "Where did I fail? Where did I get off the track? What did I do wrong?" A life starts out quite promising, but then, somewhere along the track they lose the vision, the faith or the zest and they slide down the hill. "What happened?" Well, as you know from the story of Job, it's usually your Enemy who's responsible for, or involved with a lot of what happened. Like the evil old man, Mr. Potter, in "It's A Wonderful Life," who unbeknownst to the hero of the story found his money & kept it, and thus caused many problems & trials... that's the way the Devil works, too. He sees an opportunity to work his evil plan, to exploit others in order to spread out his power & convert innocent villages, homes and entire countries into one big "Pottersville." But with My children, those who communicate with Me and are serving Me, I don't want them to be ignorant of his devices. We're trying to expose the Devil's hidden workings in your life. Hidden to you, that is. And you must ask Me every step of the way, as soon as something's fishy: "What happened? Lord, what has actually happened here? I can't see it, I don't understand it, I don't have a clue! But You do, so, please, show me!" There is a lesson in everything! Expose the Devil's workings! Ask Me to show & reveal to you what he's doing! There are a lot of things going on in your life that you're not aware of, mistakes that you're making you're not aware of, forces affecting your life, etc. So it pays to tune in to the Spirit World to find out what they are, because I and your spirit helpers, are aware of them and can reveal them to you, if you're only interested enough & care enough to find out & listen. You must study & investigate at times in order to really find out what happened, what's been going on here, "who dunnit?" "Why are we stuck in a rut & don't seem to be making progress?" And that's exactly what We're here for: to let you know. You don't have to grope around blindly in the dark, clueless to the machinations of the Devil & what he's been up to in

your life in order to sabotage My plans for you. You can find out. That's what prophecy is for. You don't have to be ignorant of the Devil's devices, plans & schemes, in fact you shouldn't and must not! My heavenly forces are in a way like policemen or officers of law enforcement, and it is their job to catch and expose the culprit. A crime has been committed - or rather, countless crimes - and it is their and your duty to find out who was responsible for this. Who were the perpetrators? Who instigated it, and who were the helpers? Who was involved? You won't be able to solve the whole mystery of My workings in this life, but I'm giving you a glimpse. There's a lot to learn, there's a lot to find out, and only those who don't see it, those who don't have a clue to the vastness of all that is there to explore & to find out about, actually get bored with all the potential excitement around them that they're not even aware of. There's so much more going on behind the scenes that concerns you than you could ever even possibly find out in life. Even better than finding out what happened or why things happened, is preventing them from happening in the first place, through prayer. I can show you a whole lot of things that can make this whole thing called life a lot easier for you! I can show you ‘things thou knowest not’ – great & mighty or humble & small. But the things I show you will make all the difference in the universe. You've got to be savvy to My plan, you've got to be in on it, and get a clue of what I'm up to. And that's basically what you're doing in prophecy: you're getting a clue. Before you were clueless, but now you're getting a clue of what I'm going to do, and what I want you to. And everything all of a sudden obtains rhyme and reason. I don't leave you clueless. You may be clueless up until the point you ask Me about it, but once you do, everything can change. In that "New York Minute" when you come to ask Me anything, everything can change! The moment you realize that you don’t have a clue what to do & call on Me, then I’ll have a chance – the only chance there is – to right the wrongs. For only I can see what the Devil is trying to accomplish, only I can see where the real danger lies. There are times when My children don't have a clue. But I can give you a clue. I'm the Clue-Giver! Haven't got a clue? Ask Me what to do! (next chapter:)

…Witnessing (Passing It On) Build lasting works onto the true foundation of faith in Me. Build, in faithful labors of love, an everlasting house of souls unto Me, reap a harvest of gold, pure & everlasting. When I return, will you cry, ‘If I only had given up this thing and that or the other for the Lord, how many more I could have saved!’? I’m able to use best those who gladly share My love in a smile with anyone they pass by. They don’t care if anyone thinks they’re nuts. They know the principle of happiness. They just go out there & shine & shine & give & give, and their radiance grows, as they grow closer to Me, until, as My Word says, they shall shine as the stars & the brightness of the firmament forever. Those are the REAL stars. The cheerful givers, the little saints, the diamonds of dust, without whom My light would be invisible, & without which this World would be in total, absolute darkness. Be one of My seekers - not for answers or fulfillments, for you have found the answers - a seeker for My lost sheep to give My answers to, and in this highest of all callings, find the greatest fulfillment of all. Would you lay down your life for Me and for the sheep? Look for somebody to love! If you look for someone to love, you’ll always find something wonderful to do! If you can live according to this task & convey it to others, so much good could be done. Go out unto the highways & hedges & look for someone to love! For God so loved the World that He gave His only begotten Son to look for someone to love! Go ye into all the world & look for someone to love! Look for someone to help, to cheer up, to encourage, to pray for, to witness to. Dare to be different! Dare to be unconventional! Dare to challenge the established rules of etiquette. ‘No, you shouldn’t talk to that girl, because her boyfriend might get upset!’ YES, you should talk to that girl, no matter what anyone thinks or says, because you might be her one & only chance in a lifetime to find Me! Overcome your fears! Don’t let them stifle your inspiration, choke & reduce your usefulness to Me to a trickle compared to the raging river it could be. Let the torrents & cloudbursts of My Word convert your trickle in the wilderness into a mighty, raging river, whereby many shall find life, strength & hope. Break forth! Break the dams & confines that bind you, that would have you trapped & would stop you from where I want you to gush forth & bring life! Gush forth & flood them! Stop trickling about hesitantly & gush forth! Sow the seeds of eternal life. Save their spirits from starvation. Go where My Spirit leads you, to the lowly in heart.

My message is the magic that will change lives & bring life to others who were as good as dead. You can give a meaning to their lives. I was a missionary, & if you want to be a true follower of Me, then that's what you, too, will be. You've got the choice: whether you boldly stand up for Me & proclaim, announce & testify Me before men, or prefer not to rock the boat, to just hide your light & pull it out occasionally. Are you a do-or-die revolutionary for Me, a shiner, or a light-hider? Don't hide your light, let it shine. Follow & obey that heavenly commission with heavenly rewards of greater joy & fulfillment than anything you've ever known, and an eternal crown to shine like the stars. Make Me happy by trying to make others happy, telling them about Me! You wanna shine like the stars – forever? Be wise & share My light with them that sit in darkness, & turn as many to righteousness as will receive Me, & you will! You will already shine in this life & people will see it, not to mention the way in which you will shine when you come to My kingdom! Let it shine! Your mouth is your most important instrument of conveying to others what you believe in, what you think and what you are, by your words you will be justified or condemned, and whosoever controls your tongue, he is the one who is in charge of the helm that steers your boat. Do from your belly flow rivers of living water (Jn.7:38)? Is it not you that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you (Mt.10:20)? Are you just carelessly going to enjoy what you’ve got or are you going to get concerned about those who haven’t got? There are countless sheep who are hungry, even starving for My love and truth. I’m going to open up your eyes and will enable you to see that which lies underneath: the loneliness; the longing for assurance of a glimpse of that which you have seen and felt and experienced; a ray or glimpse of hope. You’ve got to be My transmitter of hope for them. Tell them about My great mystery, why I suffered that cruel death, the key part of My mission, that I did it for them, and if they can just believe and accept that, they won’t have to worry anymore about what will come, about their mistakes, or whether they will make all the right decisions or do all the right things in this life. Tell them of My unconditional love. I want you to share Me with the love-starved, hungry & searching out there. Nothing else will satisfy Me more than your freely sharing Me with others & ever giving more of Me! Ever giving more of Me to others is the secret to happiness & the meaning of life! Continue to give others ever more of Me, & you’ll continue to be completely & totally satisfied. Follow Me & I will make you fishers of men & I will give you such a catch that there will not be room enough to hold it. Can you believe it? Winning souls is the most inspiring thing you can do, and the best preparation for Heaven, where you’re going to meet all of those souls again & they will be your grateful friends. Don’t insist on having your heaven on Earth first, without bringing heaven to the lost. That’s like chasing happiness when you ought to be giving it to others. Make others happy. I would like for you to give encouragement & show kindness to the little people I send across your path on a personal level. Personal witnessing is so much more effective than mass witnessing. If I have been humbling Myself & have gone out among the people to preach a message I knew most of them would reject in the end, and that would lead Me to death on the cross, I am expecting the same of My followers. And when there's so much to do & so few willing to do it, I just have to ask whoever is willing and available, and I recruit whoever I can get a hold of. The more time you spend with Me, the more the urge will grow in you to share that love with others, and the more My love in you will compel & constrain you to give that love to those who seek Me. Not very many people get converted by becoming interested enough all by themselves to find out & investigate. They need incentives. They need someone to spark the flame of interest. You don't just stand by in complacent indifference when you see a ship go down and most of its passengers drowning, do you? You can't just stand by, shake your head & say, "Tsk, tsk, I knew all along that this was going to happen." You've got to DO something about it! You've got to save their souls. Nobody is as concerned about getting their souls saved as when they're realizing their ship is sinking. And a lot of people are beginning to realize there's something wrong, more than they're being told, and people will be more & more willing to listen. Live each day as if it were your last. Like this you won't miss any golden opportunity to get in a witness. You've got nothing to lose, so don't be afraid or ashamed to talk about Me! You can only gain by it, & so will they, even if they initially might resist it! Your light & your fire may seem rather insignificant right now, but it'll really light up the landscape when the darkness comes. Prepare for it, and help others to prepare for it! The best possible way to prepare for it is by establishing a living relationship with Me. Encourage others to do that! Show them that it's possible to talk to Me, hear from Me, to be loved by Me and to receive whatever they might need straight from Me. I want to be your warmth when you're cold, your food when you're hungry... everything you ever need. And the more I will be to you, the more you let Me satisfy you, the more enthusiastically you will also share Me with others! You will want to advertise Me, because you'll have found out that I'm able to satisfy & quench anyone's thirst & still any hunger & fill any need.

Be open to the possibility of Me changing anybody, no matter how hopeless it may look to you! It's presumptuous of you to not even give them a chance because you think you've got them all figured out. I'm trying to get you to focus outwardly, on the truly lonely people in this world, who don't know Me at all, who have not yet found Me, who don't have the faith you've got, to help support them through life. Have compassion and look for them, try to reach them, to find them. If you feel alone, you've still got Me to comfort you & to share everything with; to get the answers to all your questions from. But so many people in the world are much lonelier than you and don't know that My comfort is available for them, they're just waiting for someone like you to come along and tell them. I want to prove, show and manifest My life-changing power to you first, so that you're going to be all the more "sold" on My "product," and that your faith will be fresh, fiery and alive, and testifying of your very own experience when you tell others about how I could change their lives or how they could apply My power to their lives in order to make them better. The world isn't being won, nor changed, much less saved by just passively sitting there until they're gonna get the point! They're never gonna get the point unless somebody tells them! Some points they're never going to get in this life, because you were meant to drive that point home to them! sometimes you have to discern what message exactly it is that someone needs, and in order to do that, you have to spend time with them, talking to them, hearing them out, finding out what they're receptive for and what not. For 1 karat of diamond, you have to shift 1 ton of sand! It takes a while of digging and searching until you find a diamond in all that sand, someone worthwhile who is hungry for the truth and will receive it. But you have to do that digging, shifting & searching, otherwise you'll never find out! You have to hear them out, check them out, talk to them & have a thorough look at them & not be too quick to discard them! Some that you would have discarded as sand turned out to be diamonds which had to be found by others, which shows that you didn't look very thoroughly! Sometimes you didn't even have the faith that there were going to be any diamonds in that pile of sand in the first place. But I promise you: there are diamonds out there, and if you seek them, you will find them! What else is more worthy of the investment of your love & time & all, than eternal human souls? Is there any greater cause to dedicate your life to? That was the cause to which I dedicated Mine, so, if you want to follow in My footsteps, you'll be wise & do the same! If I thought they were worth it, so can you. As far as witnessing is concerned, you must not try to work up the grace for it in the flesh! You must learn to enjoy the product yourself, if you want to be any good at advertising it. Just relax and enjoy My Spirit, and sooner or later it's going to flow out of you! Yes, it does take an effort, it does take a sacrifice, it's true, it's like dying to yourself & to your pride, but it also brings a new joy and fulfillment. Ask Me to fill you with My Spirit until you just bubble over with My Words and long to give people My message to the point where talking about Me won't seem like some strenuous effort anymore, but will turn into your greatest joy & satisfaction. There were many in My days, and in those which followed, who sought to make great names for themselves. But the only ones who truly went down in immortal fame were those humble little faithful apostles of Mine, who did nothing but their best to take the totally unorthodox message of a poor carpenter's son who had been killed and risen from the dead, to the rest of the world. I guide all My children around the World into the true light, all through their lives, even when they don't get around to hear the message from one of My servants. I have many ways to speak to them & to prepare them, to teach them in My ways. The important thing is that you don't miss the golden opportunities to bring them in when you come across them, that you show them the simple door & entrance path to heaven, so that they don't have to keep walking and searching any longer than necessary. You've got the light and the power, the love, and it was given for the purpose that you pass it on to them, it's nothing you can hide, tuck away or selfishly keep to yourself. I'm always right here, waiting for you with open arms, and you're never alone, don't ever forget that, and don't forget to tell others. That's the most important point I'd like you to get across, along with the fact that there's hope for anyone. If you decide to wholeheartedly listen, you will also find a way to bring Me into the conversation. Personal witnessing has always been more effective than the mass witnessing and preaching of the churches. I operate one-on-one, and you must really adopt that style, too. How exciting and thrilling to be able to really move people in the spirit, to touch their hearts and move them from a place of darkness into the light, to touch others with that light of love, and shed a glimpse of that light on them, and share some of it's brightness, splendor and warmth! The meaning and purpose of your life is to convey that concept of meaning and purpose to others. And by failing to fulfill that purpose, you only achieve the opposite, namely a contribution to disbelief, that there is no purpose. "He that gathereth not with Me, scattereth abroad." Activate that purpose in your life and start doing what you're destined and ordained to do. Tell people about the meaning of life! That life actually has a meaning, a sense of purpose. There is such a thing as purpose! There is such a thing as meaning! And what better and greater meaning and purpose could there be for you than conveying that knowledge to people? It's sometimes a hard and tough job, just like Ann Sullivan's job with Helen Keller, to teach someone the existence of something they're totally oblivious to: the existence of purpose. But once you manage, it's like breaking through from darkness into light, and it will have been worth it! Show them that there is a meaning! Show them where to find God, where to see Him; help them decipher His handwriting,

help them to discover His signs! Show them that despite all the apparent meaninglessness, there IS a meaning, much greater than they could fathom. But it's not beyond their reach! In fact, God is more than willing to reach out to them and show them and teach and tutor them, to talk to them. Show them that there is a way that they can listen, even though they're deaf. That there's a way they can learn how to see, even though they are blind! There is a way to know that which they know not of, that which they don't even believe exists, they cannot believe because they have been poisoned with the gas of unbelief. But you can revive them, resucitate them, awaken them and bring them back to life! All you need to do is give them the truth: there is a meaning to everything. A conversation, just like all of life, is give and take, speak and listen. The goal is not always necessarily to impart as much information as possible to another, but to have as large of a mutual exchange of information as possible... By giving them space & time to empty their minds & hearts, you create the room and vacuum for more new input you might be able to share with them. Be a receptacle for the contents of their hearts, and once they have poured out, they will also let you pour in some. Giving out and passing it on means putting it to use and into practice, and it makes it all come alive much more than if you just try to store it all away in theory. People won't just snap out of their own familiar wavelength and tune into yours if they have no clue what your wavelength is all about. In order to get them interested, you have to "broadcast" and "advertise" a little, and let them know what your "station" is all about. You have to "play some of your music" in order for them to find out whether they like it or not. In order to pour out to others, you've got to have a vision for them, and the faith for them, that they will take what you're going to give them. If you want others to consider your wavelenth worth tuning in to, then you've got to play happy tunes, and deliver a sound quality that attracts them, and not play doleful dirges and draggy ho-humm songs. In order to truly inspire others, you've got to broadcast inspiring and uplifting music. You've got to gear your music to your audience, not just play for your own edification. You've got to tune into them first and find out what they need. It’s not all about what's inside and how you feel! What's more important is what goes out and how you affect the world. Not what goes into the body makes a man unclean, but what comes out of his mouth (Mt.15:11)! The good news is that there is a solution to all the oodles of problems in the world today! My message to every single human being is: “Come to Me!” There is nothing more effective than personal witnessing in order to promote My Cause and really drive the point home to people to the extent where they actually get saved. It takes that personal interaction. All else is compared to cyber sex vs. the real thing. It may be somewhat satisfactory, but you’ll never get pregnant from it and bring forth the fruit of a new life. In order to have spiritual babies, there’s nothing like really getting down to the nitty-gritty of spiritually making love to them with My Words, personally, wooing and winning them and impregnating them with My seed. There’s just nothing like the real thing! Witnessing is part of what makes true discipleship. It may be exhausting and tough work to personally witness, but it’s still the number one most effective way to bear spiritual babies and get real lasting fruit! Introducing them to Me, the Great Teacher, does the same for them that Ann Sullivan did for Helen Keller: She brought meaning, yes, the very concept of meaning into her life, and that’s what I do for many others, too. But usually I don’t get much of a chance, because so few of My people want to introduce Me to those who don’t know Me yet. Introduce others to the Great Teacher Who will bring meaning and light and love into their lives. Isn’t that a worthy endeavor? Help people to find Me, so that they can find out with My help who they really are, what they’re here for, and give their life a meaning. In order to find their purpose – perhaps that which many people refer to as “finding themselves” – they’ve got to first find Me, their Maker, and I will reveal to them what is their purpose and who they are and precisely what they are here for.

…Nature & Creation It isn’t a bad thing to want to know how I created the World and yet, when it comes down to it, it all remains a matter of faith and what you or they are willing to put faith in: whether it be Me, My Word and the supernatural, or the finite reasoning of man. You’ve got to have some kind of contrast against which you can see the light. It works like this in many other aspects of My creation. With all their knowledge about the intricacy of My creation, of how complex everything is, they still refuse to accept Me,

just because that would be ‘too simple’... I am the Great ANYHOW! My specialty is to do things in spite of the unfavorable circumstances & against all odds. The very existence of life is a proof of that. I am He Who creates something out of nothing; in fact, everything. There is always an upgrade & an improvement on each of My creations in the physical! Everything down there, on Earth, is only a shadow of a heavenly reality... an image of something greater to come. The drawing power, the suction, the empty space you create in you for Me to fill is the way to happiness & fulfillment. I can answer every question if you’ll but ask, solve every problem you put Me in charge of, fill any need & empty space you open for Me! All nature is full of examples of this principle: Every creature seeks her mate to unite with, so together they can bear fruit. Everything is a sample of how My love, My heart seeks you & yearns for union with you. Most people never even acknowledge My presence nor existence at all, blatantly denying the possibility of My existence in spite of the plain evidence all over My creation. Imagine your children just simply refusing to acknowledge your very existence! – ‘No, I’ve got no father! – I simply came into being by an unplanned, random process called evolution...’ If you think you have reasons to be frustrated sometimes, all I can say is ‘Welcome to the club!’ Every day is an intricate new creation of Mine, full of many planned & coordinated processes, innumerable activities behind the scenes... When there’s a need, it creates a vacuum. It’s like the darkness that cries for the light, the cold that longs for My warmth, the question that waits for My answer, the problem which yearns for My solution. You think the Spirit realm has little to offer to the physical? The physical realm is only a product of the Spiritual. Everything you see, feel, touch, is a creation of the Spirit. ”God is a Spirit”, and just because ”spirit” to you means ”invisible”, you mentally restrict & minimize Our potential to near ”impotent”, instead of what it really is: omnipotent! Nobody's interested in their Creator, nor in finding out what He's got to say, they're all too enwrapped & busy with creation, trying to keep it functioning. They need to get back to their Maker & refer to the Manual or call the service hotline, but it won't even occur to them. Take a hint from Me, the Creator of all things, and Master of precision: you'll get more done, and you'll do it a lot better, by not ignoring the little details! Details are important! Tiny little herbs & spices can completely change the entire flavor of a big meal. Tiny little strokes & touches make the big picture come to life. Tiny little thoughts gear the actions of people, big & small, and tiny little words can make the difference between life & death... Tiny little atoms & molecules, the building blocks of the entire, gigantic universe... Tiny little sperms & egg cells uniting into a new human being, consisting of innumerable more little cells. To Me, every little detail matters. Every little hair on your head, every little sparrow, every little word you say. Even all of eternity consists of tiny little moments, as does the ocean, of tiny little drops... One of these days you'll just see how much I am into details: every man & woman being faithful in doing just the tiny little thing they can do. Worship of creation isn't going to bring the same satisfaction and fulfillment as the worship of the Creator. The tale that there aren't any absolutes is just one of those poisonous lies of the Devil. Just because he put his own curse-resulting filter of "less-than-perfect" over My creation, in order to hide the perfect from man's view, doesn't mean there is no perfect! Since man didn't want to whole-heartedly embrace the perfect, but rather chose the option of doing his own thing & be his own "perfect enough," I allowed life to be imperfect, with Me and the perfection of the Spirit World being invisible; in other words, with man groping around through life blind to all that's perfect. They're starting to see the mathematical impossibilities of all the perfection in creation to have occurred by itself. But it still doesn't cause many of them to stop & pause long enough to find out what I've got to say. As long as there are other things they're more interested in. How about you? How interested are you? The light and power of love are not exactly the same form of energy as electricity, but it's very much like it. Electricity is its physical counter part, and an illustration of the even greater, spiritual Power of God's Love. Things break. They deteriorate. They don't get better or improve by themselves, as the evolutionists claim. The only way to grow is in the spirit, because your natural man decreases. You have to sow to the immortal, the spirit. Nothing in this world lasts forever. In fact, time is running out. Your natural stature is diminishing, deteriorating. The only way you can actually gain something that will last is by giving away what I've given you. All of creation is connected and intertwined, the separations are only temporal. The term "blindness" really describes the human refusal to see just how much I am engaged in caring for My creation. Seek My mind, and My ways of seeing things: the beauty in the imperfect, in the humble and childlike, and escape the thinking of the carnal mind, which will only criticize, belittle and complain about all the innumerable little imperfections you see in My creation! Many people see the Devil in sex, just because he happens to use it. The question is, who created sex? Me or the Devil? I did. You can see Me in everything if you look hard enough. It's a greater weakness to see the Devil in everything than trying to portray Me and My story even if there are elements in your portrayal that the Devil uses, too! The Scribes & the Pharisees even saw the Devil in Me! They accused Me of being a devil, and so the modern Scribes & Pharisees of the churches accuse those with greater freedom than what they have, of the same.

Open your eyes! There's so much more to see! Everywhere! In My creation, even in a simple story! The world is full of wonders! Blessed are they who see them! How miserable are those who see the Devil in everything! My story is everywhere! There are those who decry astrology & astronomy, when My Word clearly says that "the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork... there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard..." (Ps.19:1,3). You were thinking of the loss of information in micro-evolution, and remembered that you read in a news article that fruits and vegetables are not as nutritious anymore as they used to be. They may look better through all that genetic "enhancement" & manipulation, they may in some cases even taste better, but they actually aren't any better as far as nutritive value and health factors are concerned. And you were wondering how this coincides with people, how they actually seem to look better on the surface, almost as if to prove evolution right, but that they aren't any better when it comes to true and lasting values. They've actually lost a lot of quality & "information" when it comes to that. Although the best is yet to come in the world to come, as far as this momentary age is concerned, everything that has derived from the originals has deteriorated somewhat in the copying process. While some things seem to have gotten better on the surface, technology has improved, progressed & developed, & so have commodities, enabling people to live at much greater ease than ever before, which again enables them to put much greater emphasis on superficial things like their looks than ever before, which may give a certain appearance of genuine improvement; when it comes to a good, deep look beneath the surface, there is actually no genuine improvement of life there. As people are finding out: with all the devices they're inventing to save time, yet they always seem to be running out of time & seem to have less time than ever. That's why it pays to see things the way I see. That crummy looking root or vegetable your forefathers ate may have well been a much greater source of vitamins, minerals, & thus health and nutrients, than all that "too-good-to-be-true" almost plastic-like food they sell nowadays. And their hard and rough life-style may have rendered them greater genuine happiness than all of today's technology & gimmicks can give you. A lot of people may think that they are better than their forefathers, that they may have "evolved" & progressed, but an objective, un-biased look and comparison might tell a different story, in which many of those who have lived before would shake their heads at the arrogance of today's population, to actually fall for such a gross deception to think that they have improved, when, according to lasting standards & values, it is rather plain that man has deteriorated. In all living organisms, there are good things that work toward the furtherance and enhancement and procreation of life, and there are negative things, which also have their time and purpose, such as bacteria & other parasites, which are present a-plenty in any body, and just show that there is a war to be fought. Those bacteria are not your actual enemy, but help to keep and make your body strong for the actual fight. The entrance of My Word giveth light, it creates the difference between that darkness of an empty & meaningless life and one that sees purpose and fulfillment in everything. Everything is orchestrated by Me, everything visible is only a physical result of some spiritual truth, and thus there is a plan behind it. I'm urging you to see the invisible cause of the visible more, to open up your spiritual eyes, the eyes of faith. If you see the physical as a result of the Spiritual, then it simply takes on a lot more meaning. You'll know that nothing is without guidance, nothing is by chance; it's all going somewhere, and thus you develop much greater faith and trust with which to walk through every day of your life, and which you can then impart to others, too. Every day should be a vast scope and canvas of opportunities for you, of things to learn, and things to pass on. It shouldn't ever just be a struggle for survival. The forces of gravity, speed and light, etc., are all parts of one great force, namely Mine, and you can avail yourself of it through prayer! There's a lot more detail to everything. It takes time to get an accurate picture of everything. I don't paint in black & white. My palette of colors is as infinite as My creation. There will never be a lack of surprises, of new discoveries, of new, unexpected twists and turns in events. You will never be able to say, "Now I know everything there is to know..." There will always be whole new worlds and dimensions to discover, new angles from which to see things, new additions to make your scope wider, which will burst your former limits. The Devil is so scared of you, fighting you like crazy because he knows he's going to lose victims out of his clutches of hell, and they're going to have heaven happening in their lives. That ingredient of heaven is like a poisonous, deadly virus to his kingdom, his system, his Matrix! It totally busts it! It's like what the Spring does to the snow! It breaks the cold spell of winter & just makes it all melt away, and everything becomes possible again: where there was only cold and grey, all of a sudden, life springs up again everywhere! You can be like that to those people! You can be like the sun of Spring to them! ‘Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground & die, it abideth alone... ’ On its own, the grain of wheat doesn’t do much good. And down there in the darkness it doesn’t see, feel or perceive much but its immediate surroundings: the earth & the worms, an occasional mole or bug. But if it absorbs the heat of My sunshine & the waters of My rain & lets its shell become soft, something inside starts growing, which finally wants to burst through the shell of your former confines. And that’s the moment when your old man dies to make room for something new, something greater than your former self. And as you grow steadily heavenward, finally you see the light & eventually find yourself side by side with many, countless other stalks of grain. Your roots intertwined with theirs, you sway & dance in the wind in unison, you’re not an individual entity anymore, alone – no, that lone self & former you has died – you’re one with the harvest now, ready to ‘bring forth much fruit’. Sometimes the solution consists in separating two factors so that we can get a closer look at them individually. Progress & growth comes by parting cells. In order to bring forth growth, the cell needs to divide & multiply. "Except a grain of wheat fall into the ground & die, it abideth alone. But if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit." So it is also with cells. The disintegration of things, the spreading of things, the partition of things, especially of living things, is one of the great secrets of life & of the universe. First 2 cells get together: the sperm & the egg. They unite as one & form a new entity.

Then that has to part many times & develop into a new baby. For the baby to grow, you're going to have to do some splitting. Otherwise the baby will die. No new life that could have been. No joy brought to all those it would have touched. Just the sadness that death & stagnation brings. The smaller unit has to die in order to give way to a greater new unit... That's the secret & principle on which all living things are founded. Cell partition. Bringing forth new fruit is not a process that can be achieved in a rush. You don’t just pop a seed in the ground and ‘plop’ an new tree or plant stands there, but first the seed has to remain in the soil, be moistened & warmed, until its shell grows soft & breaks open. Then a tender shoot pokes out its tiny white tip at first, then it grows, and after a while you see the first tiny leaf on the surface. I specify in quality fruit. Quantity’s alright, but quality is better. All these things from My hands: milk & honey. And yet, so many, so often take it for granted. They don’t see the myriads of miraculous processes needed in order to get these things to you: the precision in the exact right distance of the sun from the Earth in order for plants to grow... water... people never realize what a miracle water is. They just take it for granted & waste it, waste it, waste it... But soon, all this flow of blessings will come to an abrupt halt, & everything willfully wasted now will be willfully wanted then. Consider My heavenly light that source of energy you need in order for your spiritual flower to really come to full bloom & blossom into its full beauty! So far, you have felt its warmth & it has pulled you up above the ground from the depth of the cold, dark Earth; you have soaked in My water & rain, but now you must open up your petals fully & look fully into My wonderful face! Have you watered your little plants? Have you cared for your garden? Have you been faithfully sowing My seeds into their hearts? No ocean or mighty river without the tiny little drops of water, or the even tinier water molecules, and likewise, ”no greater love than this” without all the tiny little, but consistent & constant manifestations thereof. No babies without tiny little, invisible-to-the-naked-eye sperms & eggs, no body without tiny little cells... It’s the tiny little faithful actions & deeds of love that make Love the greatest thing in the universe. I created the animals to illustrate human behavior in many ways, but to base your knowledge about humans on the assumption that human behavior stems from the animals, is not exactly conducive to genuine wisdom, nor real solid knowledge about the human psyche. Unfortunately, by denying the true origin of the human spirit, man is often somewhat reduced to that animal state in which they believe they are in the first place, for "as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." If he believes he is an animal, an animal he shall be. And the more people there are walking about, thinking they are animals, the more it seems to confirm that delusion. The "herd instinct," "Monkey see, monkey do." Although My signs are everywhere, and My handwriting is seen all over creation, it is only few who are able to see it. Only few are able to make out My path, because the majority choose to look out for other things. People primarily focus on the things they are interested in, and My still small voice of truth that promotes the path of humility is inaudible to the majority. Man was the master over creation and over the animal world, and when he turned from Me, he was leading his entire kingdom away from Me. The result was enmity. That's what the Enemy does, he sows enmity wherever he can: enmity between people, even hostility between brothers and sisters, enmity between animals, and enmity between man and animals. If you follow the Enemy and his way, you'll reap enmity. The reversal of that process is My way of friendship, of love, of peace, the original way, it's "back to the Garden." Back to the place where all is in harmony with each other, with its Creator. They way of union, of unity. The machinery of life is very delicate and intricate, and you wouldn't want to mess with certain factors, or you'll disturb and unravel the equilibrium of life. The secret of the beauty of creation lies in the exact proportions. Some folks think I just slapped things like air, water and earth together, nothing much to it; but each of them are very carefully concocted combinations of ingredients following strict measurements and an exact balance, otherwise the result wouldn't have been the same. The sun is a very good illustration of what each of you can be: either a source of life, or a scourge. It all depends on the right balance, and whether you agree to make sure to always abide by My rules and parameters: the exact distance and timing I have laid down for earth's rotations both around its own axis and around the sun, etc. You are My stars. You're the stars of My show, and you become, bringers of life in this world, sources of words of wisdom and the pivots on which hinges the equilibrium of all, without which there would be a false balance which would cause everything to collapse. Once you've become a sun, you don't revolve around them anymore, your path isn't dictated by their rules anymore, or whatever circumstances they dictate on you, but you become the pivot around which things revolve, you determine the rules and the course of events. Pressure is one of the physical forces in the universe that get things moving, and without pressure, there's stagnation. There are 2 sides to nearly everything. There is a good and a bad side to even all apparently bad things, as well as to seemingly purely good things. That's one of the side effects of the curse, that everything has a shadow side to it, a dark side. Even sunshine: you get too much of it, and it can ruin the crops, or your health, and cause whole lakes to evaporate... Chalk it up to the great party pooper of all times to see to it that even the most perfect aspects of My creation have some drawback to it, a result of the curse.

Even water, as necessary it is to make all life possible, can also drown you and bring death. Too much air can pop the balloon or - in the form of a storm - tear down your house. It's one of the mysteries of creation: the dual nature of things. No wonder some folks cooked up the Yin and Yang philosophy, because that dual nature and coexistence of good and evil seems to be prevalent and permeate all of creation. What they don't see is that it is a result of the curse which man's choice to believe Satan, rather than obeying Me, has brought into the world, and that this may be the nature of things presently, and temporarily, but it is not the order of things according to My eternal laws. The darker side of things is programmed for elimination, as impossible as that may sound to the carnal mind. We have to strengthen and fortify the cell from its core, before you can consider cell partition, multiplication and growth. You've got to establish and make sure you've got a healthy cell and unit first, before you're thinking of making that organism grow. There is such a thing as "natural selection," only that nature itself doesn't do the selecting, I do. Of course, I've got oodles of helpers to join Me in that endeavor, which aren't recognized by scientists, because they can't see'em, and so, because they can't see what's going on, they accredit it all to "nature." They don't recognize that nature has a Source. They don't realize that there's more to nature than meets the eye, because of the invisible, driving and creative force behind nature. Those scientists have been looking for signs of intelligence in outer space, when the vastest source of intelligence was to be discovered right at home, on the level of the tiniest living unit known to man. There's a time for everything under the sun, and the time for exploring the universe hasn't really arrived yet before you've explored your own little universe at home. There is a certain order required at every basic level of the universe, and at the basis of every smallest unit, in order for things to work. If you just allow them to decay and deteriorate, there won't be progress, but regress; you'll fall behind instead of making headway. You will have to take care of things in order for them to continue to develop in a positive, favorable and progressive way. If you neglect them, there'll be chaos, no order, and things will fall apart. Energy plus matter plus information makes life possible. You've got the matter, but then you've got to invest some energy in a well-planned, organized, intelligent way, otherwise there will be no new life, just a slow decay of the old. You've got to look at Me first! Without looking at Me first, there's no use looking anywhere else, because all you'll see will only drag you down. So, come & have a good, long look at Me! All those scientists looking at creation without Me on their minds stare out into space and figure that the earth must only be one random, coincidental little planet among the vastness and diversity of the sea of stars and planets. They look at "the evidence" on earth and figure it all must be millions of years old. What comes out is a worldview of vast, endless nothingness and meaninglessness: no plan, no Planner; no purpose, because there is no purpose Giver. If your focus is primarily on Me, you'll look at the dinosaurs and won't see "millions of years," and out into space and won't see the earth as a random speck of dust, but you'll see My hand in it all. Sure, you may be tempted to wonder, "Lord, what on earth did You make dinosaurs for?" But you'll reach the conclusion that like everything, I have also made them to illustrate certain things: some people are like huge, greedy monsters, devouring everything in their path. Some of those giants are peaceful and slothful, and yet can be dangerous, simply because of their weight and size. My whole creation is full of drastic differences in size, and just because some things are way bigger than you are, or some stars are way bigger than your planet, doesn't make you or earth less relevant. Let it teach you that size isn't everything! What makes you really precious is what you're made of. A huge piece of rock or mountain may be impressive, but still not be worth as much as a fraction of its weight and size in gold. It's all about finding the true treasures among the vast rocks in this life. People are always impressed by size, neglecting the beauty and importance of little things and thus coming to wrong and erroneous conclusions. More is sometimes less. A tiny diamond is more valuable than a ton of rocks. Are you smart enough to spot the true treasures in life among all the impressive, but often worthless big and huge things? The genetic information for any complete life-form is already there in its simplest state. Although the outward appearance may change over time, the essence, the gist, the information in its genes, does not change. The “genetic code” of God, so to speak, is permanently good and reliable, nothing can change about that, which is the essence of the message, “I, the Lord, change not.” You can count on Him, trust in Him. He’s not going to turn bad on you. With Him, it can only get better. My creation is all else but uniform; otherwise I would have restricted Myself to a lot less variety in species and kinds. The abundance in variety in My creation ought to give you a glimpse of the liberty I want to give You, My children, My crowning creation, to be whoever you want to be, and whatever I have put in your hearts to be, regardless of how far it may veer from the mainstream, as long as you stick to My general rules and codecs of the Law of love. Plugged in to Me, you are strong, because then we are together, and it’s not you functioning on your own anymore, as a separate little entity, but you’re plugged in to My circuit, a part of My gigantic, universal network, the network of My “single spoken sentence,” (“uni-verse”) where I utter a phrase and it is done, My creation magic. Everything that is alive breathes Me in and out, and I, in return, in- and exhale you, all of My creation. It’s a supernatural, and yet “natural” process in the spirit world, comparable to the process of photosynthesis in the natural world. To disrespect My creation is to disrespect Me. Some of the “laws of nature” that are in place today were not part of the original equation. But since death entered through disobedience, things naturally tend to decay. Things are getting worse, not better, and that process isn’t going to be reversed until I return to restore things to the way they were before…

The right choice to make is to accept Me, to integrate and include Me, and to acknowledge Me, to seek Me in My Creation. Things in this world deteriorate and fall apart… They don’t improve, as the evolutionists claim. That’s one of the qualities of this world, and Satan is trying to create an appearance of the opposite, by creating artificial enhancements on the surface, that create the illusion of improvement, while the real body underneath keeps deteriorating and slowly rotting away. I’m literally having to allow this world to die in order for it to become desperate enough to finally accept and welcome My return to reclaim My own. Things are a little more complicated, a whole lot less transparent and clear than man would have it, which also makes it a little harder for him to believe how a God in His right mind could have ever created such a seemingly chaotic world. Because how carefully designed and how intricately it is truly organized only appears upon second or third glance. The universe is made in such a way that it cannot all be figured out easily upon first glance, analyzed and wrapped up in a single formula, and then to be said of: “Here, this is it. All you’ve got to know. Nothing more to find out…” It takes a bit of a greater effort to figure it all out than even today’s advanced scientists have managed. They’re wracking their brains on that challenge to outsmart God, to show that they could either do without Him or outsmart Him, and that’s in a way precisely why it is a bit more complicated than some would have it. It’s a constant testimony to the fact that it’s not all that easy to outsmart God, and that a Genius has been at work here; a Master Mind indeed, and well, if you want to try to beat Him at His own game, good luck! The moon revolves around the earth, while the earth revolves around the sun, which is the source of its light and life, and also for the moon, and is immensely bigger than both, earth and moon. So am I to you. The moon is necessary to keep you stable, but it is I Who provide you with light and life and warmth. The sun definitely plays a bigger role in earth’s life and survival than the moon, even though the moon is also necessary and indispensable. It is the sun you derive your nutrition and energy from, and when it comes to Me, your spiritual Sun, I also regulate everything else, the forces that keep your spiritual universe in order, along with the physical forces control the universe. The more you establish the importance of your revolving around Me, your Sun, the more stable you will be as a factor for their lives to revolve around. It’s the order of the universe, symbolic of spiritual laws that govern the World that for you right now remains unseen. (Next Chapter)

…Change & Variety Habits and familiarity stand between that what you are & what you could be, between what you could accomplish and that which you actually wind up doing. Everyday is a completely new chapter. Be prepared for anything, for changes. I am a God of the New. Although I, the Lord, change not, I am always the ‘new’, the unknown element, which is why people shun Me, for they are used to their old, comfortable ruts. Because they have no changes, therefore they fear Me not. He that is open to Me is open to change. He that seeks Me seeks the new. As long as you’re pleased with yourself, it’s pretty hard for Me to get you to desperately want change. Stay alert in the Spirit, and open to unexpected moves & changes, never underestimating the little things. I’m re-making you. It’s a painful process, but it will be worth it. Empty your mind, the glass of your life, completely of all that has been filling it previously, let Me give it a real good rinse, or even create a whole new vessel of it altogether, if need be, and let Me fill it. If something doesn’t work, I don’t seem to be blessing it, and withdraw My support, it’s time for a change. As long as everything is all comfortable, I hardly get any of My children to move. I always have to turn up the heat before they will get stirred up enough to look for a change or a different direction. Are you willing to change & let Me make you a new creature, or are you hanging on to the old – the shadows of the past? Life is exciting if you flow with My river of change! Walk that road toward new horizons, open doors of change, toward surrender of your own ways. Those who are in their ruts of doing what they've always been doing the way they've always been doing them, will probably continue to do so, but those who are open & receptive to My winds of change can enjoy new breezes & exciting changes, both, in the spirit, and as a result of those changes in the spirit, also significant changes in the physical. Each day is like a new beginning from scratch. You can't take the inspiration, the feelings of victory and triumph from the day before with you into the new day. It's a little bit like daily forsaking all, or dying daily & being born again. It shows to which extent I like to make all things new. So, every new day is a new challenge, a new chapter of your life to be written, involving new lessons, new treasures to hunt and collect, and, of course, new battles to win. They're really continuations & sequels of all you've learned in the days before today, but yet there's a feeling & nuance of

newness & strangeness to it all. The victories of yesterday were won, but the outcome of today is still undetermined. It’s better to make changes than merely taking them. I make all things new. I am the One Who brings variety & change! You can either you passively wait until I bring change about, or take part in bringing change and renewal about by absorbing Me, including Me in everything and focusing on Me, expecting change & thus helping to make it happen. All newness & variety that is good & positive originates from Me, and I am the Newness, the Variety & the Change you seek! Following Me requires flexibility & openness to change. Following Me is a constant revolution. I am Revolution. Stay flexible and revolutionary! It's so important to keep revoluting, to keep changing in your life, & not fall into any ruts, routines & habits. You're supposed to come away changed from My Presence; you're supposed to take some of My Presence with you & show the World, let them see that you've been with Me, it's supposed to make a difference! You have the power to change your circumstances, and I need you to make use of that power! Ringing out the old, ushering in the new is one of life's cycles & main themes. Live a life of moving, vibrant change. Ever-flowing, turning, revolving, moving, never stopping, never stagnating, forever young, forever changing. You can only do that by living the life of the Spirit, by attuning your life to My Spirit, for what My Spirit signifies in this world, is change. Some of My changes are not fast, but slow & majestic. I take time. The most important changes take place in the heart, and changing your circumstances won't do the trick if there hasn't been an inward change happening. Changes are good for you. I never take one thing away from you without giving you something better. Keep your eyes & ears open for changes. Be flexible. Be movable. You can change your attitude, your way of seeing things, you can let Me change your heart, and much of your world will already be changed. As long as there's still room in your life for improvement, as long as your life isn't perfect yet, you should always be openly welcoming change and that wonderful opportunity to learn how to do things differently than in the past, to see things from a totally new angle, and just let each day be a new learning experience. We're supposed to change the world. You're not just supposed to moan about the state it's in, you're supposed to do something to change it! What have you done today to change the world, to improve it and to make it different from the miserable state you're so miserable about? Nothing has to stay the same. I've got the power to change and radically alter everything, any situation, mood or circumstance you may find yourself in, any state of powerlessness or frustration. The winds of change are blowing, but man's nature is thus that he often ignores them and resists them. He tries to keep things the way they are, tries to preserve and conserve them, and continue all things as they have been (2Peter 3:4). It's the essence of change vibrating in you that lets others know you're alive. If you want to change the world, the first step is to change yourself, or allow Me to change you or help you change. You should actively seek out the areas in which you need change in your personal life! Don't let the vicious cycle become a permanent cycle. One of the obstacles that prevent change is the inability to see the need for positive change, progress and improvement. I'm teaching you to discern personality types, not in order for you to put them in boxes, but to show you the variety & wonders of human nature, just as other people would study the variety of species in nature... Personal relationships & getting along with people is one of the major categories in the school of life, with a variety in possible scenarios just about as numerous as the amount of combinations of people... a never ending adventure. You just have to take people for what they are. They're each different. None of them are the same, like pebbles: the variety is incredible and endless. No 2 rocks are the same. You look at them and enjoy them, absorb them, their shape, the way they're made, and you just accept them the way they are, even if some of them seem to have some rough edges that can even hurt you, or some ugly side, maybe some slime or mud at the bottom that needs to be washed off. They're still just another pebble, like you are, and all together you form the river bed through which My mighty river of life-giving waters can flow; My conduits to bring life to the world. I'm an Advocate and Fan of variety, rather than monotonous similarity. I delight in the differences between you. The Devil is the champion of conformity and the opponent of variety, of the liberty and freedom to dare to be different.

He may pretend to champion the cause of "being different" when it comes to rebellion against God, but only in order to lure everybody into his trap of endlessly boring monotony and similarity. So, I’ve made you different… Is that such a burden to live with? Why not leave the variety I like to create up to Me, and trust Me that that’s okay? It may not be perfectly okay according to the Devil’s and the System’s standards, but it will be certainly okay according to the status quo of the eternal World to come! The name of the game there won’t be, “Try really hard just to act and look and be like everybody else,” but “Just be yourself, and enjoy the way God made you!” That’s the liberty and freedom I have ordained for My children and creatures to have, not the bondage of having to worry about how different and “apart from the norm” I made you! They’d better get used to some variety. There aren’t just going to be the average standard type models in My society, but a whole bunch more, and a greater variety than you’ve ever experienced before, so, you might as well start getting used to it now and stop putting other folks in boxes. My creation is all else but uniform; otherwise I would have restricted Myself to a lot less variety in species and kinds. The abundance in variety in My creation ought to give you a glimpse of the liberty I want to give You, My children, My crowning creation, to be whoever you want to be, and whatever I have put in your hearts to be. Dare to be different, and not only different, but unique! Because you are. There is nobody in the whole universe quite like you, so, trying to fit into the mold of others & yielding to the Devil's attempts to get you to blend in & just act like everybody else is denying your true calling & your real identity. You all have different tasks & purposes; you're not necessarily all to function the same way or do the same thing. A heart does different things than a lung, a liver does different things than a kidney, etc. It's okay to be different. If I'm telling you to be different, then it's okay. I might tell others, "stop trying to be so different," but you need something else. Don't be scared to be different. It's okay! I've made it so that sooner or later, everybody is going to be confronted with different people, the differences in people, and thus they're forced to at least be confronted with the different view of things, even if they may not accept it. It is so in order to show people that there is such a thing as a different view and perspective, and I'm already hinting through that, that they're all going to get a surprise in the end to find out how I have seen things all along: the totally different view God's view! I have a different plan for everybody. Something different works for everybody, and one of these days you'll realize how My hand was at work in a different way in everybody's life. Just as there are vehicles that run on gasoline and others run on Diesel or some kind of organic fuel, electricity, or what have you, so different people are motivated by different incentives. (Next Chapter)

…Laws (Physical and Spiritual) In My kingdom, the standard of love will be just as tough a law as the laws of man today. If you will break it, you will reap consequences. The laws of physics don’t apply to you anymore in the hour of faith, when I call you to step out on the water, when I challenge you to rise above. If you focus on the needs of others, you can’t feel lonely or sorry for yourself, nor feel unloved, because as you give, you receive, as you pour out, I pour in, it’s one of the laws of My Spirit; as certain as the laws of physics, and more so. The fruits of the spirit are love, joy, meekness, temperance, goodness, faith, mercy... Against such there is no law, and the rules & laws of this physical World, that hold you down or keep you thinking about yourself, will fade away & lose their meaning. When you're bound by My law & rules of love, you're actually free of the physical laws & boundaries of the physical World. Do you believe this? Then rise above & overcome, simply by giving Me a chance to prove it & letting Me implement My laws & rules of love & unselfishness in your life! If you cling to My laws & the things that I want & seek to obey Me in everything, you will see the fulfillment of this, & you will witness My miracle working power & the blessings of true freedom in your life! Let's defy the laws of physics together, by means of the superior laws of the spirit and confound all those thinkers & would-be scientists with a science and knowledge that will defy all theirs, and that is deeper & greater than anything they could ever come up with in their finite minds! My path is higher than that. So much higher... Learning to fly. That's what it's all about. Just a little while longer you will be confined to the boundaries of the physical World with it's laws. Just a little while longer you will be bound to the laws of gravity that tie you down to the ground. Soon we'll leave all that behind. "Come fly with Me!" Make Me and others happy first, and then happiness will find you! That's one of the principal laws of the universe. The Law, (along with) the laws of nature, are going to be left behind once you enter the realm of the supernatural, the Realm of the Spirit. The Spirit World is not subject to the laws and rules of the physical world, just as a parent is not bound to the same rules

he demands of a child, of “be home at five o’ clock,” and “go to sleep at nine,” etc., just because what may be perfectly alright for an adult, isn’t necessarily appropriate for a child. There will come a time when creation will have reached maturity and will be melded with the Eternal World and thus become subject to its same liberty when it comes to the rules and laws that right now restrain the physical. These are factors that worldly physicists and scientists are oblivious to, as the vast majority of them leave Me entirely out of the equation. If they leave out the Major Factor, how can they get an accurate or complete picture? All they look at is their immediate, physical part of the picture. If people insist on believing a lie, I will often give them a little “evidence” to support that lie, or rather, I’ll allow the Enemy to do so. In order to find the truth, a certain hunger for it has to be there. As long as they are looking for results that exclude Me from the equation, that’s all they’re ever going to find. Unbelievers say, “Coincidence rules.” Believers say, “There is no coincidence.” As a believer in Me and My Eternal Realm you believe that there is something greater than the physical world and its rules, that surpasses all physical laws. The more you establish the importance of your revolving around Me, your Sun, the more stable you will be as a factor for their lives to revolve around. It’s the order of the universe, symbolic of spiritual laws that govern the World that for you right now remains unseen. ‘Thy Kingdom come, on Earth, as it is in heaven’ means the marriage of the physical & the spiritual realm. The veil shall be rent! And soon everything that was hidden shall be revealed. Everything will be open! Now you see through a glass darkly. Then you shall see as I see. Without spiritual progress, there won’t be much progress in the physical realm. You think the Spirit Realm has little to offer to the physical? The physical realm is only a product of the Spiritual. Everything you see, feel, touch, is a creation of the Spirit. The time of the merging of the spiritual & physical realm is drawing nigh, and I want you to be prepared for it, by focusing more on the spiritual & less on the physical. If you see the physical as a result of the Spiritual, it takes on a lot more meaning. You can combine the physical with the spiritual, and thus convert every physical matter into an at least partly spiritual one. You’re working toward the recapture of the kingdom for the rightful Heir, and by "infecting" anything that's merely carnal, material and physical with a breeze of spiritual, it changes. Blessings flow from one party to another. Pressure gets you going. Pressure is one of the physical forces in the universe that get things moving, and without pressure, there's stagnation. The children of men have always needed help in learning how to avail themselves of the powers and sources of energy that lay hidden all around them. Let them know about the greatest Source of Energy in existence that they can tap into for the asking...The Source of all life and all Power, even much greater than the sun, greater than atomic power, greater than electricity or gravity or any power they know. The Great Power behind them all: the Factor that unites all the forces of nature or physics, the great spiritual Force Which created them all in the first place - the God Factor that's not to be despised. Once you've availed yourself of the God Factor in your equations, then everything else starts making beautiful sense. All the question marks slowly turn into exclamation marks of wonder and awe... The spiritual building blocks are those destined for eternity, while the physical will largely have to undergo major modifications and changes and adjustments, before they’re going to be ready to merge with the Spirit World. In creating a spiritual diamond, jewel or gem when someone is “becoming gold” in the spiritual aspects, every little lesson involved in that process is important. The degrees of pressure and “heat” have got to be just right, the amount of adversity you experience, before you can be taken out of the fire again to be cooled by My fresh pure waters. A lot of things happened in the spirit, when disobedience entered the physical creation, and it set in motion a chain reaction of various events that would slowly but surely change the face of My creation, and that process is still happening. Some of the “laws of nature” that are in place today were not part of the original equation. But since death entered through disobedience, things naturally tend to decay. Things are getting worse, not better, and that process isn’t going to be reversed until I return to restore things to the way they were before… In the present, fallen state of man and all things physical, it’s no wonder that man more often than not comes to the wrong conclusions, including some of My own believers, because the human mind is less inclined to believe the truth than to doubt and believe a lie in general, just as the human heart is rather inclined towards darkness than the light, as John put it (Jn.3:19). The only thing that can help you reverse that state and process right here and now is the intake of My input, which is the same power that brought the original positive chain reaction of Creation into being, and which will restore it in the end, too, when all will have learned their lesson, or the big basic chapter of this part of history will be concluded. “The Era of the Fall” will soon come to an end, to be replaced by a better one. Just as everything physical has come from the water, so everything spiritual has also originated in one spot, and the beginning and the end both wind up in the same place…

(next Chapter)

… Opposition & Adversity If there wouldn’t be any opposition, there would be no challenge. You’ve got to have some kind of contrast against which you can see the light. It works like this in many other aspects of creation. Adversity is what makes you strong. There’s a storm of opposition from the Enemy and even those, of whom you don’t know exactly whether they’re friend or foe - time will tell – but all those things will just serve to strengthen you. The price of true godliness is persecution, ridicule, rejection, opposition and adversity. I like to pride Myself in all the things My children accomplish in spite of opposition, suppression and all attempts to shut up and stomp out the truth. Conviction is all about knowing that you’re doing the right thing in the face of opposition and in spite of many voices who may think to know better than you. That is the school of character that has shaped just about every significant man and woman of God: That very lack of support, that being forced to walk alone just with Me and Me alone on their side, against the opposition, is precisely where their inner strength comes from that makes them rise above the status quo. Leaders are always envied, resisted, rebelled against, rejected, opposed & fought against by some people some of the time, but that's exactly the kind of adversities that make a character strong. You can't just let the Enemy have the world & passively stand by as he wrecks it. You've got to do something about it! You've got to counteract, you've got to oppose him. Otherwise, if you don't oppose him, it's almost as if you're siding with him. You've got to oppose the Enemy in order to really be on My side. There will always be those who oppose, resist and reject you and all you have to give, just as they rejected the prophets and Myself, and nearly each and every one of My true apostles throughout history. It's tough when those who oppose and slander you are from among your own, but that's the kind of treatment and treason I experienced, and if I did, haven't I promised that you would experience the same? Of course, it's sad when there's war between brethren, but as you can tell from history, it's what the Devil has been up to since the beginning. There will always be repetitions of the story of the fate of Abel and Cain, in different forms, as long as the Devil is around... It’s no great art or feat to love those who love you. The proof of the pudding, how much you’re really capable of love, comes especially when it’s down to loving those who don’t love you, but seem to oppose and reject you. Loving those requires a skill in the art of loving that not everyone is master of, and it requires the supernatural, superhuman type of love that only I can give and teach and equip you with. Training yourself in the art of loving in the face of hatred, rejection and lack of love will also sharpen your skills and abilities to deal with unloving behavior on behalf of your loved ones, and instead of going on the defensive right away and withdrawing and reacting negatively and allowing their lack of love to produce more lack of love in you for them, you can learn to counter that natural process and stop the chain reaction and vicious cycle, and allow love to continue and go on, in spite of the adverse circumstances. Adversity is making you more profound, it opens your eyes to where you can see through the Devil's lies. Isn't it worth it? I must allow adversity in order to keep that vacuum alive inside you, that urge to seek Me or else you know you're not going to make it through the day! It takes perseverance to change the world, not letting adversity discourage you & turn you away at the first show of resistance. Adversity is what makes you strong. You want to have power over unclean and evil spirits? It's these fighting experiences that give you the power you seek. For although it is I Who give you the power, I give it to you by way of applying the little power you already have and finding out that it's not quite enough, that you need to come back to Me for more; that you've got to keep on training, fighting, hanging on... How do you manage to bring love where there is hatred, to bring light where there is darkness, joy, where there is sadness? You cannot do this unless you even refuse to look at the hatred, the darkness, the sadness, or their causes, to begin with. You refuse to see the adverse circumstance as such, but only as an occasion to put My power to the test. You rejoice in the adversity, because it has brought you a new challenge to prove to the universe that I am greater than any circumstance!

Once you truly love, you eventually get to the point where you accept and welcome hardship and adversity, and embrace them as friends who will make you stronger on your path. In creating a spiritual diamond, jewel or gem when someone is “becoming gold” in spiritual aspects, every little lesson involved in that process is important. The degrees of pressure and “heat” have got to be just right, the amount of adversity you experience, before you can be taken out of the fire again to be cooled by My fresh pure waters. What else does it mean to be an overcomer, but to rise above adverse circumstances? The greater the adversity, the greater the victory! The extent to which you’re learning to trust Me calmly now in the face of adversity and loss will determine how well you’ll be faring then, when adversity and loss will reach unprecedented proportions. If you do things right the Devil will fight you, & he'll fight you the hardest in the beginning stages, so that he can convince you to quit before you can even get started... The Devil will fight you all the more, the closer you come to My perfect will for you, the more you threaten to really accomplish for My Kingdom. (next chapter)

…Overcoming & Rising Above Physical circumstances are irrelevant to Me! To rise above means to rise above anything that binds you, confines you to any boundaries, any limits, anything that says, ‘It can’t be done!’ To hell with the circumstances. Circumstances don’t count. Soon the circumstances will be the most disastrous they have ever been in all of history, and you will wish you had learned not to go by or look at the circumstances. Only look at & go by Me. I am your only hope, but if you begin to cherish that hope for its true potential you will start to realize more & more just what powers, what possibilities lie at your fingertips. Whatever the circumstances are, I want you to look past & beyond them, through them, at the hidden blessing, the greater victory which will come about through seeming defeat; at the lessons & wisdom gained by means of an apparent loss, at the greater purpose of God, at the greater good which will always come forth out of supposed evil for those who love Me, at the beauty which will come out of the ashes of the old. Only when you have learned to treat success & failure with the same desperation, yet clinging to Me in joyful trust in spite of anything that happens, only then will you be stable, unshakable, immovable by any event or obstacle & can say with the true overcomers: ‘None of these things move me’. Let Me carry you above all the waves the storms are whipping up. The sea beneath you is seething & foaming, a black, menacing brew. But you are safe in the palm of My hand, little bird! And you sing on, in spite of the storm. You experience My peace in the center & the eye of the storm. As those on your left & on your right fall prey to confusion, you can rest tranquilly & peacefully in My palm. After every storm the sun will shine again: this is the way it has always been. I will not forsake you utterly, however hard the wind & rain of My purifying chastisements may seem. For though much terror has been brought into the world & worse shall come: is not My power greater than all that? Isn’t My love greater than their hatred? I don’t want you to be overwhelmed by the evil you see in the world, leaving you stunned & unable to give life & light to others, I want you to be overwhelmed by My joy, My love & My goodness & light and to shine it forth & overflow onto them, like a fountain of life, love & light, everywhere you go. Glory in your sufferings, excel in your tough times... that’s rising above. To smile in situations where others would despair. To be calm when others would freak out. To feel safe & secure when there is nothing to hold on to, no rope, no net – only My invisible hand. Trust in the face of adversity. Don’t let circumstances drive you into a defensive position! Stay on the attack! Rise above the circumstances. You can rise above anything. New, unexpected situations are simply new challenges for you to rejoice at & to laugh in their faces, thanking Me for bringing them along to make you grow stronger. Give Me your mess, and I’m going to create a Masterpiece of My perfect harmony & order out of it! Whatever the Devil tries to present to you as reality or relevant is absolutely irrelevant, and doesn’t stand a chance as soon as you let Me move in with My reality, that what I consider relevant & important! The Devil goes: “Oh, but the money, and all the bills...” I say, “Seek ye first My Kingdom & the welfare of My sheep, seek My lost souls, and all these things will be added unto you, freely!” Make the choice to overcome! Make the choice to defy all your natural weaknesses & all that the Devil will scream into

your ears, & be a faithful servant of Mine! You have available now for yourselves the same power that I had, and that My disciples had, to do miracles & to overcome the Devil & all his temptations, fears, doubts, agonies & devices he tries to trick you with, and as the days will grow ever darker, that light of the truth of the keys will also ever shine brighter, for where sin doeth abound, there grace doeth much more abound. Find in Me true abundance when you're lacking, and the ability to rise above your circumstances. I don't want you to be swayed by them, nor have them dictate your moods or actions, I want you to learn to have Me dictate your circumstances by your trust & by your prayers. Overcomers - and that's what I have called & chosen you to become - see with the eyes of faith. They see the good even in the bad. They don't feel sorry for themselves, but they look outward at others & their needs & are driven by compassion for them. Overcomers focus first of all on Me, then on others & their needs, & not on their own. Choose to be an overcomer today. Choosing to be an overcomer means forgetting about yourself. I am capable of taking care of any amount of contrary circumstances and turn them to your good, and, as I have promised, "I will make a way where there is no way". I have also said that I have put before you an open door that no man can shut. The power to obtain the victory and overcome all obstacles is in your hands, but it depends on your application, and your determination to wield that power, that will actually DO it and give you the victory. You need to get up & grab it! We shall overcome. I have already overcome him, and that's why you will also overcome him through Me. I want you to be fully aware & conscious of the fact that I am able and willing to alter your conditions favorably for you at any time and in any situation. It's a good time for Me to do a miracle when you find yourself in an impossible situation. See the opportunity instead of the difficulty. Don't keep your eyes on the "impossibilities" of your circumstances, but on Me and the fact that they each come from My hand, only to draw you closer to Me and as a test to see whether you're going to fall for the lie that indeed there is such a thing as "impossible" or whether you're going to accept My challenge & turn the "impossible" situation over to Me to deal with & prove to you again that there is no such thing. All My truly greats of faith, although Satan had desired to have them, in the end turned out to be way more than he could handle, and they all defeated him. I'm so proud of My overcomers! Learn to love others in spite of their faults! Recognize that they are all victims of something greater, just like you, and that you're all there to help each other to overcome those weaknesses & things that hold you captive. I cannot give you the victory without you having done your part of fighting. The main point & lesson, when you're faced with a trial, a burden, any challenge, is: are you going to give it to Me, or what are you going to do? If you have 3 options: a) hand it to Me, b) freak out & despair, or c) to try to tackle it in your own strength, which option do you think is the right one? Next time you're faced with anything that might frighten or stress you, just remember the abc of success & overcoming. The right answer is always a): hand it to Me! The greater the problem, the greater the victory, and the more it's going to strengthen your faith in the end. You need those greater problems, in order to give you greater faith, in order to tackle even greater problems, greater obstacles & seeming impossibilities in the future. What makes you think that I'm limited in My power to save you? My power isn't limited, just your faith! My arm isn't too short, it's just your vision, your scope - your faith is short-sighted! You can always only see up to the point where the next obstacle appears. But from a bird's eye view, it isn't really there. It isn't really relevant. You just fly over it... so what? "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles." One of the surest ways to rise above your problems, circumstances & obstacles is praising Me for them, accepting them happening to you & finding Me there. You can choose to rise above anything; not only your own weaknesses, but also those of others, simply by not allowing them to affect you adversely. It's not the same as simply ignoring them; it's a supernatural act, because it requires a miracle of My love. Love's power is so prevalent, that anything about any person which might be disliked by another is simply "overshadowed" & made invisible, annihilated by it. Even if you don't feel victorious, you can still be a victor, more than a conqueror, even though you don't feel like a conqueror at all. I do things "King-of-kings"- style. If you don't see anything magnificent and glorious about this day, then it's due to your personal perception of it! It's only due to your lack of faith to see beyond and rise above physical circumstances. Because the more you see with the eyes of faith, the more you will see My glorious golden opportunities in even the blackest of nights & most gloomy situations! Look at the positive, not at the negative circumstances, but beyond them, at My power to alter them, and at My purpose in

them to teach, train & strengthen you, trusting Me that I know what I'm doing. If you keep your eyes on Me, on My promises and on My love for you, you will know that I give you - and have already given you - the potential to overcome all these obstacles, these weaknesses, both, your own and those of others that bug you. I have made you an overcomer. My love for you is so strong that this love in you can overcome all that. You don't have to allow these things to bog or tie you down. In fact, all the Enemy's attempts to do so are nothing but empty bluffs. My love in you is strong enough to overcome and rise above all that. You can just let all that antagonism, rejection and resentment bounce off like a rubber ball, or like a stone off a rubber wall, you're immune to it. You see what's happening, and you figure, "Hey, this is supposed to hurt me," and you're expecting the pain, but I'm asking you, where is the pain? It isn't there because My love for you is so strong, it just erases it. You're thinking you should be offended, that this thing might become a problem, but I'm telling you, what problem? What offense? There is nothing! You don't feel any offense, you just feel the temptation to be offended, but I'm causing you to rise above this, simply because of My great love for you. My love for you is stronger than all obstacles, stronger than any lack of love or all the hatred in the world or of the Enemy that would destroy you. That's why I'm telling you, this is not a problem, this is but a joke. Just focus on My love for you, and everything else will become irrelevant. Focus on what I'm trying to teach you. Focus on what I'm giving you. No matter how hard or tough or adverse the circumstances, you can rise above them. If nothing can cause you to give up, then this means you tested "negative" to any infection with the Devil’s virus of the loathsome Giving Up disease. But sometimes you've got to build a resistance to a certain disease or virus first. You've got to recognize what you're up against, what his weakening tactics are, and for this you need to have experienced the symptoms first, and have been confronted with the virus & the disease. If you see what's happening in the spirit, instead of the carnal view, then you're on your way to overcoming. The flesh will tell you, "Hey, this is not what I'd call success! It doesn't look very much like God is blessing you! Why are you having so many problems? You must be doing something wrong!" But you'll be mature enough to tell, "To hell with success or failure! To hell with the circumstances! All that counts is the battle, and that I'm on the right side, so, bring it on!" It's easier than you think for you to change your circumstances; all it often takes is your choice to want to have them changed! Yes, the Enemy is there, and he rules the world, but he doesn't rule your world! You are a citizen of My world, the bigger picture, the larger Matrix, that engulfs and surrounds everything, including the puny, artificial matrix of the Enemy. Mine is the Real Thing. And if you experience the real thing and are part of it, the results of the curse and all the disturbances of the Enemy will affect you much less. In fact, you can learn to let them have virtually no effect on you whatsoever, which is what the art of rising above is all about, and what I have been stressing in My words to you from the beginning: the ability to rise above your circumstances. You rule, they don't rule over you! I give you My power to overcome all things, even death! Live in that conscience, that assurance, in that vocation, that calling, that destiny! Play the role I have created you to perform! If the Son hath made you free, you shall be free indeed! Grant Me the permission to exercise My power in you to the full! See the opportunity, not just the obstacle. Choose to overcome: No longer will you be ruled by fears and anxieties or circumstances, but you will rule them. You can take the upper hand, take charge, take command. I ordain you to go and bring faith where there is doubt, hope where there is despair, love where there is hate, pardon where there is injury, light where there is darkness, joy where there is sadness! That means, you will be an overcomer, and eraser of all those negative manifestations, and you will fill that dark void of nothingness, wherever you see it, with My warmth. I want you to learn to rise above the circumstances, because they're going to get worse. The greatest victors are those who refuse to believe the circumstances that indicate or announce defeat! They keep fighting anyway, they keep believing anyway, that they're going to win. That's the kind of attitude that refuses to give in even to the most un-promising circumstances. True victors don't go by what "it seems like." They know that those appearances can be deceiving. They don't fall for "false evidence appearing real." Instead, they cling to My Word, that all things are possible to him that believeth. It seems impossible? Make it possible, by believing anyway. You can make it possible, you can make it happen through your faith, because all things are possible to him that believes. It may seem to you as if you're losing ground, but you refuse to believe in the loss, because the eyes of faith can see that beyond every apparent loss there is always something greater to gain from it and through it. It's never a true loss, but only an opportunity for something greater to be gained by it. They've learned that apparent losses are only opportunities for progress, because they've come to experience that "God never takes one thing away from you without giving you something better." The challenges are there for you to tackle and overcome, not for you to be overcome by them and fold up in dismay! "Victory is life," so, walk in the victory. Walk in the life of a victor, one who is born and destined to win, simply because he has chosen to fight on the right side of the ones who are willing to seemingly appear to be the losers... the losers that turn winners.

Remember My promises to "him that overcometh" in the Book of Revelation. It's all about overcoming and resisting those temptations of the Enemy, overcoming all seeming impossibilities, difficulties and potential excuses to quit, and rise above them all on the wings of faith in Me, refusing to doubt that what I have promised I am well able to keep. Welcome to the battle of faith of overcoming your fears and all the reasons in the world why you shouldn't be doing this. This is your "Don Quixote destiny," your chance to "reach the unreachable stars." To become a knight, even though you never were a knight! If you're met with resistance, you'll know what to do: just pull out your lance and attack those darn windmill giants! You've got the power to control or at least influence the circumstances, and I want you to avail yourself of that power more. There will come a time when circumstances will be too tough and too difficult to just "accept" them and take things the way they are, and it would be good for you to train and prepare now, so you'll be ready then to face things in the appropriate spirit and attitude of faith. My Spirit, helps you to rise above the confines and limitations of your ego, and lets you find out that you'll get much further in life if you let Me take over. I'm leaving the ball in your court, no whining about circumstances accepted. It's time for you to rise above them and look beyond them, to accept the power I have given you to change them or to act in spite of them! Once you've overcome death, what other obstacle could there possibly be? All the Devil's power is in death and the fear thereof, so, be of good cheer, I have overcome all that he can muster up! My love is a fire that all his flood of death cannot quench. I'm an unquenchable fire that will bring life, and life, and ever more life, even through all the death, destruction and havoc the Devil will wreak and unleash upon the earth. I have overcome him, and will cause you also to overcome! It’s important that you believe that I have given you the power to overcome your weaknesses, and don’t accept the mindset of the Enemy that you’re helpless against them. Just keep on loving in the face of a lack of love. You ignore the circumstance of the void, and just act as if it weren’t there and continue to fill the atmosphere with your positive vibrations from Me, and you will often bring about miraculous results that way. You can’t blame circumstances and allow them dominion over you, whether they’re tough or pleasant. It all still depends on your choices, and what you’re going to make out of those circumstances, and whether you’re going to regard them as the supreme factor, or Me, able to help you to master each one of them according to My will, and not as they will. You’ve got to use and apply the power in faith, and not with an attitude of “let’s see if this works!” “Faith knows God will do it, and He does!” It doesn’t mean that all your troubles, trials and challenges will suddenly, “poof,” vanish into thin air! But it does mean that you can avail yourself of an extra portion of My grace and strength to bear it all, face it all, combat the adversary and rise above him as you fight. You are My heralds of light, and you must learn to be overcomers of the darkness and not be intimidated nor affected by it. It may seem like a lot to ask when the darkness appears to be so overwhelming and nearly all-encompassing, but that’s where faith comes in, the little strength that you have, which is going to turn out greater than everything the Enemy can muster in the end. See the victory beyond the battle, the resurrection past the crucifixion, the new glorious life beyond the grave, the brilliant light just beyond that stretch of pitch black darkness. You shouldn’t be intimidated by obstacles. Where’s your faith in My ability to help you overcome them? I’m here to help you. You have to claim authority over your situation, your circumstances, and just take the upper hand, and not allow yourself to be overwhelmed. The circumstances will never be perfect, so you must learn to rise above them, take them where they are at, but not let them govern or determine your spiritual state. You must keep the upper hand and the authority. You can trust Me, and you can commit yourself wholly into My hands, even when you’re going through your defeat and the pain of crucifixion, or whatever equivalent in your life, your trials, your problems, your times of doubt and despair… If you will overcome those doubts and finally yield and trust and commit your life and your all into My hands, you also will experience a glorious and miraculous resurrection. That’s how you overcome. Not by constantly riding a high horse, but by getting up again after you fell by committing your life to Me. I’m trying to teach you to treat your circumstances impartially and treat “success” and “failure” the same; to stay in the same victorious spirit and attitude, come rain or come shine… to stay “on top,” spiritually and mentally, even when you’re on the ground. If you commit your spirit into My hands, I can help you to be cheerful and victorious in spite of any circumstances. I can help you to truly overcome. After all, what else does it mean to be an overcomer, but to rise above adverse circumstances? The greater the adversity, the greater the victory! (next chapter:)

…Dreams & Visions The Spirit will remind you! She’s like a super-duper-mega-smooth computer program that can enhance your rusty little system anytime with all the knowledge you need, brings up any stored data from the past, or even brand new information that hasn’t been there so far, in revelations, dreams & prophetic visions. All you gotta do is download Her & install Her on your system! There are many who believe in Me, but few who know that I’m present in every human being’s life every day, eager to interact with My children, to speak to anyone who will listen. For these are indeed the last days, in which, as I have promised, I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, that they may prophesy, dream dreams & see visions, if only they be willing to receive and believe! When I meant for you to shoot your arrow into the unseen distance, do you think I was talking about physical distance? I'm asking you to aim for My Realm! My Realm is the invisible horizon I want you to shoot for, and the only place where you're really going to find your dream and its fulfillment. (Spirit Helper:) Find your dream! Anything is possible! You can go and be and do whatever you want! You have the power to make it happen! If you really want to live your dream, you can do it! You've just got to commend that dream, that vision, that desire into the Lord's hands & pray for it to happen and for that dream to become reality! If you want a happy and fulfilled life, one in which your dreams come true to the most possible extent in this life, just make it revolve around Me, instead of trying to merely use Me as a means to your own ends. Someday soon you're going to fly! It's a promise I'm going to keep, as unbelievable as it may sound to unbelieving ears! That age-old dream... I'm going to fulfill it! I'm going to make it come to pass! It's going to be part of My great "Restoration Act Part 1," at the Rapture, which will herald the Millennium! The art is, when you aim and shoot for your goal on the distant horizon in your quest to "find your dream," not to forget that the place from which you get there is your present position. Your here and now is what's going to get you there, and it's an essential part of the plan and of the whole picture. The present is the only place from which to reach the future. And thus, what you make of your present (the gift of your being) determines your future. "Despise not the day of small things." Here and now, with all its little problems to deal with, is the foundation on which you're building that which is to be. The way to truly enjoy life is found by integrating Me in your activities, lives, plans, visions and dreams, to acknowledge Me in them, to enjoy it all as a gift of My hands. Haven't I always said, "according to your faith be it unto you?" And if you have the vision and burden for something, or a "dream," then by all means, grab it. Life is life for those who grab the opportunities, and not those who hesitate. Sometimes you've got to grab life's opportunities. I limit Myself to working through your faith. The connection & link between the physical and the spiritual - the manifestation of your hopes and dreams - lies in your faith. It's the vacuum that draws from the Spirit World that which you hope for. If you hope for something, then act & believe & have faith for it... walk toward the goal of the fulfillment of your dreams. You must not only hope, but also believe, in order not to be disappointed. Make Me the focus of your hopes and dreams, I'm the only One Who can fulfill them. I can't fulfill all your dreams and desires right here and now in this life, or you wouldn't be looking forward to what's there to come... You wouldn't be desiring My change and My revolution, My metanoia... Like this, you keep praying, "Thy Kingdom come!" You know that it hasn't arrived yet, contrary to the way some Christians seem to perceive things. That’s the neat thing abut heaven: everybody can have their dreams fulfilled there, and yet it will all blend together somehow. Shoot your arrow of your vision, your destiny, your prayers into the future which is as bright & golden as My promises. Ask Me to open your eyes & expand your vision that you may be able to see those things which right now you can’t see, and I will broaden your perception. There’s more to life than what meets the eye. A picture is worth a thousand words, & the gift of vision can be an even more efficient & quicker way for Me to

communicate certain things to you. Watch out for the great & mighty things of the Spirit I wish to show you! Come & see; taste & see. There is yet so much more to be heard, felt experienced and seen. I’m more willing to give than you are to receive. Tune up for the gift of vision! Get ready for Spirit-TV! Stop seeing things merely with the eyes of the flesh. If you look at people with the eyes of the spirit, you will see their true nature. Open your eyes to visions of heavenly light! You ‘ain’t seen nuthin’ yet!’ Open your eyes, & I will show you! I will give you visions of things that thou knowest not. There is no limit to what I can show you with the eyes of the Spirit. As the days grow ever darker, & you find ever less satisfaction in the finite beauties of the world, look for more, for greater things, beyond those seen with mortal eyes. Now that I’ve managed to stretch your vision toward further horizons I would like you to walk mindfully of this, your new vision, wherever you go & whoever you talk to & testify of My higher calling for you. Stay faithful to the vision & keep it fresh in your mind & on your heart everyday, knowing that there is a higher calling for you, a higher destiny that I have in store for you, & if I have promised it, know that I will bring it to pass! Prepare for it! Keep this vision & make it known. Keep your vision on that shining crown, that high calling of God! Keep your vision of the things I’ve ordained you to do! Tear loose from the little, insignificant distractions & mundane affairs of life! Trust Me for more. Enlarge your vision! Raise your goal, your standard & vision. Aim high! The future’s yours to claim! It’s yours! Grab it now! Keep the vision that you’re not of this World, that you’re pilgrims & strangers, & that you’re never really going to fit in if you want to be My disciples. Everybody wants to be accepted, nobody wants to feel or be treated like an outcast, but those who have decided to follow Me are never really going to be fully accepted by the System. Continue seeing Me in everything. Continue to grasp My vision, My way of seeing things. Continue looking to Me for guidance & direction, even correction, for better ways to do things than you have been doing them. The art is to keep the vision for the glorious things in the doing of the humble & mundane, little things of everyday life. If you manage to be real everyday, to walk humbly on the ground of My reality, staying faithful in the little, mundane things of life & keeping the heavenly vision while doing so, focusing on Me & My reality without being deceived by any of the Devil's soap operas, then in My eyes that's a lot and people will sense it. They will feel it. The very air about you will be different. There will be "strange" vibes accompanying you wherever you go, of a world that smells & tastes so weird to them: the smell & taste of the real world. The Enemy hates My predictions & visions of the future & tries to ensure that the opposite is going to happen. His attitude is, "Oh, yeah, did God say so? Well we're going to see about that!" And he tries all he can to foil My plans. All he can do is try to delay Me & My plans by throwing a few monkey wrenches into My machinery, frantically trying to postpone My future, because he knows the future will bring his doom. You have a goal? You have a vision? Ask Me to make it happen! If you shoot for the stars, you might at least reach the moon, & the higher your vision, the higher you'll also fly. Without a vision the people perish. Without someone showing them what they could be doing for Me and for others, how they could invest some of their lives, energies & resources into My eternal cause, their spiritual muscles wither, their focus grows more & more narrow all the time, & the opportunities of what they could have accomplished for Me, and thus for greater & everlasting rewards, literally perish & become lost, so, it's your responsibility to make sure to give them the vision. Give them priceless opportunities to invest in eternity and My eternal values, as opposed to living visionless, selfish & materialistic lives. When I give you a vision or plan for the future, the Devil will fight it, and it depends on all involved to ward off those attacks from the evil one, and if one link in the chain fails to see their part & the conditions they have to fulfill, the whole plan may come to naught. If any party allows the Enemy to foil the plan, the final victory is going to have to be brought about by some other means, or even by other players... Don't view circumstances as obstacles, but as stepping stones, & rise above... Aim your arrow way beyond the horizon, beyond the scope of what you see... That's the kind of vision I want you to have, to break out of the confines of the familiar, to get out of the "think local" gear. Think universal! I don't create "perfect" humans factory-style! I take My time to shape each one personally by My own hand. I take infinite care in every little detail. You wonder, "What’s He doing that for?" But that's where you've got to trust Me that I can see the finished result of what you're going to be, I have a vision and inspiration of what the finished symphony of your life is going to sound like. I like to take the time to make it perfect. I'm trying to get you to shoot for something more than the immediate cheap thrill. Zooming in on carnal things, you neglect your spiritual view and insight, your vision. And thus it easily happens that you see things not quite as they are. I'm broadening your spiritual horizon. You confine your scope, your perception & what you think you know about the world to your own experiences, those things which you have already seen & heard & felt or perceived in some way. But

there is so much more to discover, a whole new bandwidth to upgrade to, when it comes to vision and perception! This is only the beginning of a whole new world I'm about to reveal unto you! Why limit yourself to the same confines that all mortals do, when I'm giving you a chance to break out of them, by widening & opening up your horizon to a greater capacity to receive and perceive than you were ever able to before? Forever is the only reality that counts, as far as I and all My true visionaries of all times were ever concerned. Ask Me to open your eyes and to renew your vision! All the fancy images of distraction of the Enemy are disappearing, and now you're ready for My picture! Seek it with your whole heart. Just because things look far from perfect doesn't mean they'll always stay that way. Just tell'em, "Well, the picture is not yet finished." And tell'em to either wait & see, or to come to Me for a glimpse through My eyes, & I'll give them the vision of what it's going to become & what it's going to look like when it's done! The Devil will tempt you with compromise. "Oh, but you can use both, the flesh and the Spirit!" But the more you fall back into the gear of the fleshly methods of support, the less emphasis you will put on My vision for you, of truly putting My Kingdom and My sheep first in your life! Focus on the new way, the new thing I am doing in your life, and on the goal and vision of its purpose, namely not merely to gain support and ensure your physical survival, but to bring true, eternal life to many, many souls who hunger and thirst for Me! Without a vision the people perish. If you don't know where you're going, you'll often get nowhere... When I called out Abraham & he went out not knowing whither he went, he did have the vision of that country that I promised him. He had a vision, & he got the fulfillment of it. He didn't have a clue where it was going to be, but because he followed Me step by step by faith, I finally gave it to him. It's time to start looking and to start walking. Get the boat into motion so that the rudder can take effect. It takes giving what you've got, or even what you haven't got, and as you give, I will fill that void! Come to Me each morning in order to get the vision from Me and be reminded of who you are and how much I love you. Whether people are going to accept the medicine you offer them, no matter how convinced of its effectiveness you may be, still always remains another question. But you've got to sell & offer it anyway, because you believe in it, and you want to help them; you know it's good for them. That's being a "soul doctor" & a missionary or a salesman for Me! You've got to do the right thing, you've got to continue producing the good stuff, even if it seems like nobody wants it. The need is there, and sooner or later you're going to come upon your "clientele," your "crowd," your niche in the market, the people who will have been just waiting for what you've got to offer. This is what I call (having) a vision! When you do something good, don't immediately rest on your laurels, but let it be only the beginning. There's lots more to go on to from there. Don't stop already when you've hardly yet begun! Stretch your faith; stretch your vision: there's more, lots more! If you see Me perform a miracle for you, don't limit your faith to that one, but stretch your faith & your vision & believe that I'm going to do the next miracle, too! Come out of your finite & limited world & breathe a whiff of My heavenly, fresh air of "no impossibilities" and "no limits." Allow Me to expand your horizon and stretch your faith, your focus and your vision & point you further than your temporary horizon that you saw when you were still dealing with the little numbers & limitations of the world. The Devil's goal is to limit everyone. Subtly, he does so under a cloak & pretense of "liberating" them from the supposed narrow-mindedness of Christianity and conservative religionism. He pretends to be their liberator, when he's really the limiter. I'm the one who opens the lid & stretches the horizon beyond limits, but he always tries to put it back on & keep everyone boiling inside his kettle. Expansion is the name of the game, as far as I'm concerned: expansion of your horizon, your vision, your faith, your spiritual muscles & of the range & limits you have known & conquered thus far. There's always more. Never let your mind limit you to that which you have already known before, there's always more to find out, new things to discover, to explore, to learn. Pray for new visions, new ideas, new methods & new territories to explore, for new souls, new people, new friends, new contacts. Pray for new faith for new things, new goals... pray for newness & change, a new outlook, a new horizon. Stretch your faith, your horizon, your vision, your outlook, your spectrum, your methods & expand! Look into which directions you can go which you haven't tried yet! There are things for you to do here, and your job is to find them. Your job is to make the best out of the situation I've given you and put you in! If you keep the heavenly vision and act as if nothing else matters, then whatever happens down there just won't be able to get you into a fuss. People still think that survival and acquiring those things that make it possible are more important than life itself. If the mere purpose for your existence were the insurance of your existence, that would be pretty stupid, wouldn't it? And yet, that's the way most people live. The mind often only sees the obstacles; it sometimes even creates them, whereas to be a pioneer, you need more than mere intelligence. You need to be able to see beyond the confines of the mind. Intelligence (and I'm talking about the average amount that people boast of these days), is not enough, it's too limited to accomplish any truly great and outstanding feats. Only those who can see further than the confines of their minds can break out & dare to go where no one else dared to go, do what no one else dared to try. Their minds simply don't know that it can't be done.

If you put the right kind and amount of energy and vision into the little things, the right amount of elbow-grease, attention, interest & umph, then those very little things are going to get you far. If you project your long-term vision into your shortterm projects it can fuel them and get you a lot further than if you just go through your daily routines in a ho-hum kind of way. Keep your long-term vision in your short-term activities, goals & projects, and thus you'll be using those short-term projects as vehicles to get you to your distant destination. You can get more out of the here and now, there's more potential in the present than you've been making use of. You've got to not only look further, but you've also got to look deeper. There's more to see, both, in the far distance, and right before you, in the small, intricate little things of everyday life. There's more to discover in the distance and at home. There's more directions in which to look than one. Stop thinking you already know it all, so that you can be more open to My revelations. Don't be so sure you already see, but ask Me to expand your vision! Let Me renew you, your vision, your concepts, your outlook, your whole being. This day can be the first day of not only the rest of your life, but of a brand new life altogether, with brand new prospects, aspects and perspectives, a brand new outlook, brand new horizons, visions, goals, methods... all depending on how open you are for Me and My changes, My Grace! I bring new concepts, new perspectives, new pictures & illustrations to your mind to give you a renewed vision. Stretch your vision and expand your spiritual muscles... expand your horizon and look forward, look ahead! The real art of living lies in recognizing each challenge and task set before you as your special and individual, tailor-made destiny that only you can fulfill. Of course, that requires a good portion of faith and vision when that "glorious destiny" is a pile of dishes, a load of laundry or taking the garbage out. It's relatively easy to do some glorious job that's going to be noticed by a bunch of people. But those who can keep doing those little, menial jobs with that same vision are My greatest and truest heroes. Walk by faith, not by sight! If you always and only go by what you see, you won't walk the walk of faith very far. It's not about what you see, it's about what you can't see! Believe Me for the things that you can't see! Believe Me for them because I have promised them. According to what you see, I must be a liar, or I must have simply made a mistake, right? But wait and see! I'm not done yet. I'm not finished yet. And if you look at history, I've often used people that nobody would have expected the sort of feats from that they wound up doing in spite of all the probabilities that stood against those miracles ever happening. I know you even better than you know yourselves, and I know what you're capable of and who you really are, in spite of what you see now in yourself, and the failure that you see when you look at yourself. Only the true visionaries and prophets can see what I see. They don't see the failures and losers that those see who look with the eyes of the flesh only. But they believe Me for My promises. They refuse to doubt that what I have promised is true, and I will honor their faith. Believing is easy when all the evidence supports what you believe. "Blessed are they who, not seeing, yet believe" (Jn.20:29). If you keep your eye and your vision of that heavenly goal and reward, you become a partaker of these things already here and now. That heavenly joy won't just set in when your life on earth is through and you receive your crown of glory. If you focus on the heavenly reward, part of it will already be yours as you focus on it. That's what gave all My martyrs, faithful witnesses and true saints the power to not give in. It was more than a mindset or the ability to rationally figure that someday in Heaven they were going to get their reward for it. They could feel that reward already, even while they were suffering. "Keep your eyes upon the goal and the victory in your soul!" It's more than a mindset! It's more than a feeling! It's more than a conviction! It's "the victory that overcometh the world, even your faith!" It's that "little strength" that you have and put to use by drawing power from Heaven that is much greater than your own! It's putting that "little strength" to use, that you've got, and making it work, and pulling down with it the tremendous power of God. It's finally getting your eyes off yourself, and your petty little problems and situations, and focusing where it counts: You may indeed be very small and seemingly insignificant, but you've got one mighty God, and He can make all the difference in the universe for you You may not see the plan, but I've got a very clear picture of it, and I can let you partake of My knowledge, My wisdom, My vision, My goals and My plans for you, and not for you only, but for this whole planet and mankind per se. In order to pour out to others, you've got to have a vision for them, and the faith for them, that they will take what you're going to give them and bring forth fruit with it. That's what shepherds do: they feed their flocks and bellwethers in hopes that they're going to lead others to greener pastures as well. Failure to inspire others is often due to lack of vision and faith to even start broadcasting. You underestimate their capacities to receive and pass on what you're giving. You figure they're not interested and they're not going to listen anyway, so why even waste your breath, your time, your energy? Visionaries are those who never consider their time, breath and energy wasted. They're those who have faith in their audience, and enough faith in Me to believe that nothing happens by coincidence, and if I have put these people there, as much as they may be on a "different wavelength," then I knew what I was doing, had a sense and purpose in it, and it's merely up to you to find out what that purpose is by letting loose whatever you've got to pour into them and then see what happens. Vision keeps your eyes on the goal in the distance and thus keeps you from becoming distracted by the immediate little issues of here and now and instant satisfaction. You're willing to chew your way through another rough stretch in the faith and hope that the outcome will be well worth it and make more than up for it.

Put on your Don Quixote vision and see the beautiful beyond the ugly! You start receiving revelations and visions by making yourself receptive for such input and creating a vacuum and an interest for it. Allow Me to give you a steady and clear vision for each day to pass on and convey to others. How much of a “foreigner” in this world are you? How fixed is your vision on the eternal World beyond? Keep your eyes, your vision and your focus on the goal, and on what’s to come, on Eternity. It will take the sting out of anything you might have to go through in this life, any lack of happiness and physical comfort, any amount of suffering and trials. No matter what you do, and what is going to become of your life, the best is yet to come! Leave behind all those things that are bothering you, that may seem so important at the moment and seem to take your mind by storm, and come to Me and let Me revamp your concepts, your perception and your vision and focus for the day. Let Me wipe the slate clean and give you a new menu, free of all the things that would occupy your mind, and put on My mind instead. (next chapter:)

…Money Soon that which they say now rules the world – money – will be no more, and you will look and it’s gone. First to be replaced by Satan’s mark for his short time and then to be replaced forever and eternally by My new & everlasting System of true values. Prepare for it and adapt to it, learning to apply the true values of faith and unselfish love right now, and you will be rich. People will come to you & look up to you for possessing the most priceless possessions which no money on Earth can buy. Each of My Words is worth infinitely more than the most valuable bill or coin. My Word has brought forth the universe, which has brought forth everything humans manufacture and produce and sell for a certain price in the first place. They’re all just borrowing it from Me to begin with. Those who are rich in this world often walk away from Me sadly, unwilling to find true happiness in giving their all to Me and others to bring them Salvation & happiness. I’m preparing you for times when no one will be able to buy or sell unless he has the mark of the Beast. This game of commerce isn’t going to continue forever. Paper is not a very good foundation to base your life on, to hinge your hopes on & to build your actions around! It’ll be a very disappointing master. "A disciple is someone whose primary goal in life is to serve God and not mammon." Is your primary goal to serve Me, and not mammon? Every penny in the service of mammon is hard earned by bearing the heavy yoke of mammon, while every cent I bless you with in My service, that is being given to you in return for My Words and Family tools is a testimony to My great power of supply, My power to lift you up. Putting on My yoke is almost like putting on a pair of wings, in comparison to the heavy, steely yoke of the System and mammon, who will squeeze every drop of energy out of you in return for every penny you earn. That money just disappears again, as it develops eagle's wings itself & disappears into this hole or that, this bill or that need... it never stops; it's a vicious cycle & a deadly trap! Step out of that treadmill! And step out on the water of My will for you! Life is too precious to be only living it for money. There are greater riches in life to be gained than material wealth. If I would not require of you to have the faith first, I would make it too easy; there would be no challenge, no test, and the "game" would be boring! Everybody could become a "winner" too easily. So, I've made it thus that this "treasure hunt" of life wouldn't be all too easy. I'm not telling everybody: "Hey, everybody; the treasure’s over here! Come and grab your rewards!" That is, I often do tell them, but they won't believe! They won't believe, because they've already been conditioned by the Enemy, the great "party pooper" and his lies that "there is no treasure!" "There's only this dull life, and the only reward you'll ever get is the money you'll get in exchange for the work you do, and that's it!" "The only reward you'll ever get is that which you earn with your sweat!" Well, that's his variation of the game I called "Life - more abundant," and which he dubbed "Survival - if you manage!" You follow the twist of the world: "I'll do it because everybody does it," and spend your time & energy worrying about and doing all you can to get the Devil's little "Monopoly" paper money rewards for your sweat, while I'm waiting for you to start hunting My real treasure: the lost souls out there, buried in the harvest field of life. Lost souls are a greater and more valuable treasure to "hunt" and look for than money. I'm trying to get you to shoot for something more than the immediate cheap thrill. Money will buy you things, will pay your bills & give you instant satisfaction, even some kind of peace of mind, temporarily. But oh, the eternal rewards for each soul that you win for Me!

Do you have the faith and the kind of long-term vision it takes to win souls? This treasure hunt is a little tricky. The clues that guide you to My true treasure aren't always that easy to find. And the Enemy, the party-pooper has made the game more difficult by hanging nice & shiny distractions all over the place, little "plastic treasures" & imitations, to keep you from looking for the real ones. Money is his master piece of those counterfeit treasures. The love of money is the root of all evil because it distracts people from the true essence of life. All their lives long they're chasing paper, getting nowhere, when all along; if they would just look a little more carefully and if they would just stop for a moment and cease to be so distracted by the Devil's counterfeit treasures, they could find the real treasures that are there to find in this life. Not in elusive paper money, nor in the things that it buys, but in the very fellow human beings I have created to be by their side to be reached, to be touched, to be explored, to get to know, to give to and share with all that you've found & learned in life. No man can serve two masters. Blessed is he who has chosen the right Master. Who is your master? Who are you serving? Me? - Investing your time and energy into winning souls for My Kingdom? Or are you settling for the cheap thrills of the immediate gratification that paper money brings? Where is your focus? Where is your aim? What are you shooting for? Which treasure are you hunting? Making money is the System's idea of fruitfulness, not Mine. I will bless you with money if you're doing My job, but I want you to trust Me for your income. It's the difference between investing in the immediately visible result (money) vs. the longer term, slower results of sowing My seeds & feeding the sheep. Put your faith & trust in Me, not in the green paper pig god of the System! Your "less" in physical blessings brings so much "more" in spiritual blessings, the true blessings & the true excitement of life. We all know you need money, and everybody knows they need money, and that's what everybody else's life is revolving around, that's nothing new! But living by faith, & really putting faith in the first place is, in this day & age, something quite new & radical. All that hype about wealth being a sign of God's blessing isn't always true. Especially not when that wealth distracts you from Me & keeps you too busy to hear My voice of truth. Wealth isn't always a sign of My blessing, but often merely a sign of compromise with the System. It’s obviously easier & more comfortable to preach the Gospel with money in your pockets. The problem is, it's pretty hard to get the Gospel across to the desperate, from a stuffed, self-satisfied attitude, especially when much of the desperation in the world is being caused by that very self-satisfied, greedy & gluttonous attitude of the leading nations of the world... Supply and abundance cannot be the principal factor about your life-style. You were wondering about your role you're having to play right now. Well, I just want to encourage you that I and many great men of faith have been in the same boat. If you look at My life on earth, you should be encouraged: it wasn't anything to be envious of. Then there was St. Francis, & many of My apostles... They all were just humble slaves for My work's & Word's sake. None of them died of old age as rich millionaires in their fancy villa somewhere... I see you as the rich man, and them as the paupers. You are the one who is truly blessed. Those others are just inheriting the fake blessings of the Devil. They appear and fade into nothing as soon as the show is over. They turn out to have been nothing but a fake! They lose their value and shining appearances as soon as the curtain falls: "Game over," "The End," & "welcome to the Real World," the Spirit World! They're all going to find out that they have been fools, fooled by the greatest fool of all, the great imposter. So, act out & play your part with the dignity of one who knows that he's the heir of the heritage that lasts, the poverty that will turn into everlasting riches when this game, this show of life on earth is over! You've got to do the right thing, you've got to continue producing the good stuff, even if it seems like nobody wants it. The need is there, and sooner or later you're going to come upon your "clientele," your "crowd," your niche in the market, the people who will have been just waiting for what you've got to offer. It seems to be difficult for you to believe that I can supply all your needs, but it's definitely not difficult for Me to do so. It's an easy thing for Me, as easy as a breeze! As easy as supplying you with every breath of air you breathe. Oxygen is at least as difficult to produce as paper, or some numbers on your bank account. I understand that this game of "numbers" is hardcore reality for most people, but they are not the essential part; I am. I am the Provider, the Maker, the Essence behind this whole game called life, and you're severely underestimating Me if you doubt that I'm able to supply your needs. Borrowing money isn't the solution... Making debts is really not the way to make headway in your financial situation. Debts usually take longer to pay back than one thinks. Their entire system of values has just been blown up to look bigger, but is so fragile; one little pin will put an end to it very rapidly. I want your major concern each day not to be your bank account, but the state the world is in, and what you can do about it, what you can do to wake up more people & rally them to My cause. The Devil realized that it's much easier to corrupt people by a constant flow of wealth than by poverty. Poverty will make them desperate, will make them return to Me and pray, will make them appreciate whatever little thing they've got. But constant wealth will make them despise nearly everything and take it for granted. It makes you lose the power & will to fight the very fight of life.

Stay on the rock bottom of reality of what you truly can afford and what not; what your needs really are, realistically, and how much you're going to have to work up or pray down accordingly. The buck is going to stop with you - at zero, there's no more trespassing that line, living on borrowed money or time. You've got what you've got, and what you don't have, you're going to have to get. This is a much more positive life-style than life in the minus. Welcome to the reality, the freedom of living on what you've actually got, and not what the System lends you! The things you do for Me have everlasting rewards. Show Me that you esteem My rewards more valuable than the lucre of the world. Sin, time and money are connected somehow. If the love of money is the root of all evil, then it is certainly connected to sin, plus, if "time is money," as they say... they're living away their lives in the slavery of sin. As I told the people, "He that commits sin is the servant of sin" (John 8:34), and I'm the only One Who can liberate anyone from that bondage. They slave away for their meager wages, which, in the end, turn out to be nothing but death, that "way which seemed so right unto a man," but turned out to be the ways of death... You slave away for little colored papers all your life, and all you get for it in the end is the sting of death. But not so for those who receive Me. For I can turn anything and everything into an everlasting value. I'm the Great Alchemist Who can turn their worthless copper into eternal gold. Even death will be something precious in My sight, when someone has become one of My saints by receiving Me. And I can even turn money into something useful, something that creates & brings life (when) used for the good of My Kingdom. I want you to shift the "sense of security" that the possession of money gives you, to another "bank," another address, so to speak, namely to Me. I want to be your sense of security factor, and no longer can I tolerate money to be that factor in your life. As long as you still trust in money to give you a feeling of security, what good is that? Moreover, it's a false sense of security, as My Word also says (1Tim.6:17, Prov.23:5). My Word calls it "that which is not," in other words, it isn't really real, it's the perfect distraction the Enemy created & came up with to lure most of the world away from Me, and he has managed successfully, all throughout history. Money is the hole in the donut that everybody's staring at in their constant, insane quest for more and more goods & possessions of whatever kind, all the while ignoring Me, the donut, and all that I have already given you. Money is the Devil's perfect alternative and antidote to Me, his wonder drug and no. 1 addiction and distraction, his greatest and most effective weapon to turn people away from Me. That's why I said there are only those 2 possibilities: you either serve God or Mammon. Your focus is either on Me or on money, it can't be both. If you can't imagine a future without money, then I'm wondering whether money isn't the greater god in your life than I am. If you can't see how I could run a world without money, then it's as if Mammon, to you, is a more powerful god then I am, and the lasting value according to your mindset, and not My Word. - Duped into believing in the "omnipotence" of money. You cannot serve God and Mammon: one of the 2 voices will always gain the upper hand. They won't jibe. They're always fighting for lordship and the first position in your lives. The Enemy will try to get you entangled and under his yoke and in the bonds of his slavery. He will try all kinds of tricks & use all kinds of pressure to get you trapped in his "snare of the fowler." You are My free songbirds, and he's trying to catch you to lock you up in one of his cages! The love of money is the root of all evil (1.Tim.6:10), because for the love of money people will compromise the truth. For the love of money people will neglect other, more important tasks in life, such as their fellowship with Me, and their care for each other, all in order to gain more money. Once people covet it, they won’t act out of love, and thus, missing the mark of acting out of love, they sin. The love of money can become like an addiction; in fact, it’s probably the most wide-spread addiction on earth. People are willing to do almost anything for money. They virtually sell themselves as slaves to the System in order to get it, and they will hardly stop short of doing anything for it. The love of money is My greatest rival. Scarcely a man has been willing to do the same for Me that he has been willing to do for money. Money is the one thing the Enemy invented to direct people’s focus on in order to totally distract them from Me. Money has been his most successful tool. Money is the most worshiped item on earth, the most coveted, the most loved, even though it is only an illusion, for its value is based on faith in the existing System, instead of Me and My eternal Kingdom. Money is the wages of the flesh. Cursed be the man that maketh flesh his arm (Jer.17:5) and trusts in his own work and says, ‘Mine own arm has saved me.’ Money is the item that most provokes Me to jealousy, because even many of My children have fallen prey to the love of it. For the children of the world, everything revolves around money, yet from My children I expect that their lives revolve around Me, not Mammon. Greed, the worship of mammon, is the rage, the rush, the addiction of the masses... they're all junkies of things, no matter what pretty names and noble cloaks they want to give it on the outside. That greed and compulsion for consumption may be so accepted by the System that they're not even recognizing it as a weakness, but even make it look like a virtue (the virtue of capitalism, for by spending you keep up the flow of currency, you keep the machine rolling), but I'm giving you a glimpse of what it really looks like to Me. It's like a bunch of kids totally obsessed with their toys and never even giving a glimpse of acknowledgment to their Father. The "kind uncle" has shown them a way to get all their toys, and they all dance to his tune instead now. When he calls, they jump, and they'll even believe him when he tells them that their Father is their Enemy, and that those who stay true to the Father are traitors and must be wiped out. Flee youthful lusts, run away from the temptations and enticements of the flesh, and run in the other direction; pursue those things I want you to seek, and "follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart" (2Tim.2:22). Instead of running after money, you'll be running after faith; you'll be following My footprints of faith, and obtain everlasting riches. You can benefit from and avail yourself of the sheer endless pool of wisdom of all ages that is stored Here, according to

the effort you make to draw from it, like activating a pump... It's like a heavenly bank of spiritual wealth. The Father has put an account there in your name, and you can draw from it whatever you need, anytime you need it. You don't have to walk through the physical world as a spiritual pauper. Sometimes you feel as if you lost your bank card or forgot your PIN... it seems more difficult than usual to "pick up money from the bank," or maybe you got there too late, after closing time... But all these worries are unsubstantiated. You have permanent access without having to show any card or having to remember any number, because you have the Father's mark and seal in your forehead. You are one of the royal heirs with special privileges. Money can't buy rain. Money will buy food, but also only for so long, without rain. Certain things can't be replaced or substituted by money... They put all their trust in that paper, but every now and then, I need to allow certain things just to remind them that there are other things they need, which money won't buy them. Don't put your faith in numbers, but in Me! It's like the "abundance" of money on their bank accounts that some people think their life consists of. Their life and its value basically consist of a number: the amount of money they have on their bank account. Your true value is determined by the amount of My Spirit you allow to flush through your life. Attention is one of those things that money theoretically can't buy. The sad thing is, a lot of people are being respected more for their money than for their character or personal attributes. So, showing and paying attention to someone for just being themselves shows that you don't judge or go by the standards of the world. It would be easy to show them the necessary respect if they were a millionaire or would spout off really wise and educated, impressive things all day. But what are the attributes that really count, according to My book? Certainly money and brains are not on the top of My list! I want you to adopt an attitude about the money you’re earning that makes you see that you’ve really been given that money! You’ve been given the opportunity to earn that money by My hand. You never know just how much longer the whole “money game” is going to last. It might be over sooner than some people think, and “Show Me the Money” will acquire another meaning then. It will mean, “Show Me the goods! Show Me what you have learned and earned with all that’s been given you and invested in you.” Just like the man in the Bible who had given a varying amount of talents to his servants and upon his return was asking to see the returns and fruits of his investment. See, even money talk can be applied in spiritual ways. How have you been investing what I first invested in you? What dividends are you bringing and rendering for Me? What is the fruit, the gain of all that I have poured into you? Where is the result? Show Me the money! Am I getting My money’s worth out of you? That may sound capitalistic, and not at all like the Gospel of unconditional love you’re used to; more like a business transaction and partnership rather than a marriage, but it’s just to serve as a reminder that something has been given to you, and the world is expecting you to do something with it for their sake. I’m expecting you to do something with it for their sake. Not for anybody’s selfish gain, but for the benefit of lost souls, and in order to save lives! When the money will collapse, it will become evident what people will have invested their lives in, and whether it will still be worth anything or not. A humble attitude is the opposite of self-reliance. There’s the connection between money and pride: Reliance on money and your own abilities to get it provokes and invokes pride, as opposed to humility, the place where there’s lots of room for Me to bring improvement and My goodness. Pride is the filling up of that room with things you have created (at least in your mind) for yourself, instead of letting Me fill it… Pride is the sin that allows things like money to fill and usurp the place that was destined for Me. And when you trust in riches, instead of the living God Who giveth richly all things to enjoy, then you’re in trouble, as far as I’m concerned. Faith is a better and more trustworthy currency than cash. My Promises are certainly worth more than those pieces of paper that the majority of mankind pursue with all their might and energy. In the long run, money will cease to exist. And faith will be replaced by the actual, tangible rewards for believing the previously nearly unbelievable. It will always show to have been the wiser investment in the long run. Money will turn into ashes, while faith will turn into untold riches that money could never buy. Financial tight passes always put you in a position of greater respect for the Giver, the One responsible for paying your bills. It makes you look around for ways you might possibly improve, which you don’t see a need for as long as everything’s going alright. But when things are tight, you look around and wonder, “What could I be doing better?” “What might I be doing that is bringing this momentary situation upon me?” You’re not taking it for granted any longer that you must be doing okay, but you figure, “Wait a minute, why has the Lord stopped blessing me?” I cannot allow you to think that “Money equals blessing,” and “acquired money equals ‘mission accomplished.’” If as soon as money starts pouring in you stop making an effort to make more progress, and thus you stop all growth and bring the maturation and advancing process to a halt, then I have to conclude that pouring money in your lap isn’t a good idea. What was that verse about not putting your trust in uncertain riches? In this world, it may not buy you much, being one of God’s jewels. After all, their system of values is based on paper, and will soon be reduced to nothing but virtual digits in a computer system. Numbers… What do they know about true values? Whatever it takes for you to touch people’s hearts and really bring across My message to them is what I would consider

service for Me, not whatever brings in money. Put Me, My Cause and Kingdom first, and not the money! You cannot serve the purpose of both. If it’s the money you’re there for, then My purpose and message goes under! You’ve got to be there primarily for My sake, and not care or worry about the money. Just deliver My message wherever you go, and let the money and your supply be My problem. Remember Who’s your Boss! Don’t let them intimidate you with their bills of paper that is here today and gone tomorrow! Live for My eternal currency! If you’re going to be real and a representative of the Real Thing, then you’re going to have to be real in this aspect, too! Don’t let money, or whoever wields it run your life, but let Me run it. You’ll see the results will be infinitely more rewarding! The knowledge of evil is always geared toward personal advantage over someone else, and personal gain. The knowledge of good serves to do good to others. Isn’t love a worthier cause to live for than money? The wealthier people are, the more high-minded they also become and the more they think they are. They base their worth and significance on their wealth, when I have charged you not to put your trust in uncertain riches but in the living God Who gives you freely all things to enjoy. This is your freedom! Freedom from the slavery to money, freedom from fear and worry and pressure the System tries to put on you by telling you you’re not going to survive if you dare to buck the tide… Freedom to challenge that ridiculous claim in My name and power. I have challenged it before, and I will gladly challenge it again and again through you and whoever lets Me. Your strength and faith in the face of calamities will determine whether you’ve really got something to give, and whether what you have is going to be real gold faith that’s not going to go up in flames like their paper money and their paper money faith. People always figure that as long as they’re doing well financially, I must be pleased with them, and everything’s in order. Just about the worst imaginable “punishment” for them and the greatest shame is when their finances start to dwindle. They start feeling useless, or as if I had forsaken them and withdrawn My blessings, when it could also be that I’m preparing them for a future situation without any money at all, in which case the withdrawal is a token of My love for them. I want you to become dependent on Me, not on paper! I want you to know that I’m a greater force to be reckoned with than any amount of money in the world. Financial power – all good and nice, but nothing compared to My power! When it comes to a factor that people put their trust in, then money is definitely My rival no.1, and it happens subtly. How dependent folks become on money only becomes evident once I start withdrawing it or allow its flow to be reduced. If I see that it doesn’t have any effect on their faith and trust in Me and they remain cheerful and thankful, then I know money does not affect them, but if I see that their trust starts to crumble, then we have a problem, and we need to work on it. I’m trying to lead you away from thinking in lucrative terms only. I want you to see the real value in and of things. I want you to appreciate what you’ve got. To appreciate something means you know its worth. Where is that paper money going to be in a few years from now? Where is it going to be in the scope of eternity? That’s why the love of money is the root of all evil: it keeps you from the true values of life. It leads you down the wrong path. You think you’ve got to go down that way, when all the while I’m beckoning you to come and follow Me up this way! I’m trying to teach you that there are more important things than chasing after numbers. Don’t let your life be ruled and governed by numbers. If you do, you’re bound to wind up becoming nothing more than a number yourself.

…The School of Life No matter how much you think others may benefit from what you have to say, there is always more you can learn from them, if you’re just humble & patient enough to find out. It’s important you take the time to be more thorough & investigate. Don’t be superficial & rash. There are so many factors you are not aware of yet. Becoming aware of what’s happening, of what others are feeling & going through is the opposite of leading introverted lives. It takes time. It takes more than a swift glance into someone’s direction & thinking you’ve absorbed their situation in a glance & now you’re fully equipped to answer a matter. You have so much to learn. ‘When will they ever learn?’ Many are called, but few choose to learn from the lessons & experiences I bring into their lives. There is yet much more for you to learn, so, open your ears & your hearts, and be diligent. Be ready for many new exciting lessons, things to achieve, territories we’ll explore, souls & worlds we’ll conquer. Only those who see with the eyes of My Spirit, only those who are in tune with Me, can see the opportunities all around, the adventures, the colorful, endless possibilities. Ask Me about the things that are going on in your life. There is so much to learn from all you’re going through. Don’t just let the things you learn inform you, but form you, shape you into something greater. Learn to see with the eyes of the spirit, not merely acknowledge data & accumulate information. Don’t just accept facts with your brain, but come to know with the tacit knowing of faith, so you learn to apply the information adequately, and the right bits at the right time.

That’s when believing becomes seeing and faith becomes knowing. The problem isn’t really much more of a problem than what they would call a mathematical problem in school: It’s a test & an exercise, a lesson for you to learn, to make you smarter, wiser & a better shepherd, sample & fighter! So far, the problems & enemies you’ve had to battle, were your own, but the next grade of this school is to learn to overcome the enemies & problems others are battling with. You no longer just take care of yourself, your own little problems, but you’ve become responsible to help others with theirs as well. Don’t be like those kids who consider school to be a drag, but consider it a privilege. The very situation you’re in is specially tailored for you & your needs, your NWOs & the very things you need to learn to grow & make progress. All these things are happening for your sake & benefit, to make you stronger! You should be very thankful for them, as without them there would be no lesson, no wonderfully challenging situation you can learn so much from! If you flunk the test, they might flunk the test. A lot of their progress depends on your progress; their sample is largely dependent on yours. It doesn’t really matter where or who or what you are, but what matters is that you learn this lesson. The desired results of all I’m doing in your life is you – and each of you – becoming that person I want you to be: a person that is close to Me, that trusts Me, that relies on nothing but Me and that won’t be shaken because you stand on Me, the firm foundation, clings to Me, the Author & finisher, and is satisfied by Me, the great Filler of all things. Even if you can’t see any sense in what I’m allowing to happen, once you realize that ALL things come from My hand, it’ll help you to acknowledge Me more & ignore Me less. Certain things may be a signal from Me, a sign, ‘Hi there! Remember Me?’ Many apparently meaningless details & incidents start making sense once you start turning to Me. It’s like turning a light on in a dark room. It’s like learning to read: all of a sudden those symbols start making sense. If you want to grasp the meaning of every day & every moment of life, start learning to read My signs. A lot of things you may not understand may be My handwriting on the wall, & if you seek Me & ask Me, I can reveal their meaning to you. It’s like learning to read computer programming language. Come to Me for tutorship more often, & we’ll teach you lessons on reading the secret script of the matrix of your life. Making mistakes is part of the school of life, but the goal is to learn to make less of them. If you’re open, you can learn through anything & everything I’m allowing to happen & bringing across your path. Openness to My Spirit, My truth & My revolutionary new wind, is one of your greatest assets. You’re taking time to absorb My Words & My lessons daily, My revelations, and there isn’t in this world anything better you could do! Learn all that you can from others. Hold back with your own wisdom, and hold your peace and learn your piece! One day, the subtle tricks of the Enemy, which he used to deceive millions to get them to abdicate, for a mess of pottage, their highest calling of being their brothers’ keepers, of being teachers & shepherds of the flock, will be exposed & laid open for the whole universe. The mess of pottage of some personal dream or desire in the end often only turned out a decoy, a distraction of the Enemy, a compromise to settle for a quick, easy-to-see, easy-to-reach solution or satisfaction, as opposed to the long & winding, thorny road of faith & patience. For who would have thought that that child or that youngster could have turned into a brilliant mind, a shining light & beacon to many under your influence & tutorship? Who could have suspected that they were wide-open treasure chests, waiting to be filled with what you had to give them? I’m handing out a crown of great glory to those special few who had the vision, who were faithful, who led My little ones & guided them by the hand, who had an unselfish love to pour their own lives into those young & brittle vessels, often at the cost of giving up their own dreams & visions & goals they had for themselves. Because they had the faith that those young ones could grow & rise above their own limits, that they could far exceed whatever accomplishments their teachers might otherwise have achieved... Because they were unselfish enough to esteem another, younger one higher and more important than themselves, therefore I say, Hail to the faithful teachers! Glory and honor to them from everlasting to everlasting... to those who shared the know & shared the glow, who passed on the knowledge of My truth in faithfulness & a humble anointing. How greatly shall those be honored by countless millions... forever. Stay alert & keep your eyes open for those golden opportunities to touch someone’s life, to influence someone for the good, which might bring eternal changes, to sow the seeds of My wisdom into their hearts – to teach, being instant in season and out of season... I have bestowed upon each one of you the ability to see & comprehend different things, & you can only fully profit from the things I teach all of you individually by sharing them with each other. Who knows but what you might have to share could be the missing piece in the picture of the major lesson I’m trying to teach someone at this very moment in their lives! Or perhaps by what you’ve got to share, something else will be triggered, a reaction, or a related thread, which might help you or yet another person along... Sharing the know & being your brothers’ & sisters’ keepers is a wonderful thing. Keep an open mind when you come to Me in prayer, for what I could show you to convey to someone else. The lessons you learn from your interactions & experiences with key people serve to make you willing to change into what you’re supposed to become. It’s a rough & tough exam you’re learning for: the hour which is to come upon the whole world to tempt them that dwell on the Earth. You have really only just begun to learn, and the best attitude to have is to know that you know nothing.

How can you grow when you think you’ve already attained? I can only make nothings into something. I can only fill the empty & void places, the lowly hearts. You need to have a vacuum; an empty space for Me to fill. If there’s already too much of something, too much of you; too much satisfaction... how can I fill it? A passive, fatalistic attitude makes people go around in circles without ever getting anywhere, ever learning but never coming to knowledge, as one that beateth the air. Learning of Me, will accomplish a lot more than a thousand days running around in the wings. Come, sit with Me, & learn of Me, & I will teach & show you how to truly accomplish! My first foundation stone of higher heavenly education: love. "Fools laugh only in the sun", but a wiser man will have learned to find joy & laughter even in the rain. There is still so much for you to learn, & this fact alone should keep you young & fresh & excited at heart. School has just begun! Don't let the Devil fool you, like the fox & the cat in "Pinocchio" when they were telling him not to go to school... To gain greater understanding: talk less, listen more; move real easy, quietly, smoothly, softly & slowly. You want to acquire understanding? Here’s the first requirement: silence! Just keeping quiet, listening, not giving good advice, much less lecturing, you’ll be amazed at what you’ll learn. If you can’t keep quiet & listen long enough, they can’t help but think you’re not even interested enough in finding out about them & trying to understand. In order to understand, you must listen. And don’t always answer right away whatever comes to your mind. Let it sink in. Pray about what you’ve just heard. Learn from it. Take the time to deal with every point & every statement. Find out what it means. THAT’s the way to learn & gain greater understanding! Don’t only listen to the words of their mouths, but try to hear the unspoken words of their hearts! Learn the secret language of what they really mean to say. You can only learn this with the help of My Spirit, and only if you’re seriously interested, if you sincerely care & want to become a soul winner, if you love them & would like to see them in Heaven! What else is life all about but learning to care for someone else, learning to help those who are weaker? The lessons & things that you have learned by experiences in your life or by having tried & proven a certain truth, are living treasures others can benefit from. The battles you're experiencing will enhance your love, your personality, your character, your understanding & ability to deal & interact with your fellowman. Just like I learned a lot from My interactions with people during My time on Earth, became a lot more understanding of their plight, much more patient & merciful, so will all this serve to teach you greater love. Sometimes "bad" things aren't all that bad after all, especially not from My point of view, & when weighed against all the lessons learned & wisdom gained out of them, which drive people closer into My arms. I'm a very patient teacher, especially with those who want to learn, even if they sometimes tend to think they're smarter than the Teacher Himself. Some encounters, acquaintances & even relationships in life are tests & lessons & learning experiences. Those who will look to man will always fail sooner or later, because they will always discover flaws that will make them stumble, if they look to man. Only those who look to Me will make it. Only those who can see My hand in it all, even in spite of the failings of those who perhaps should know better, will make it. Watch Me a while & see what you can learn from Me! What do you see? What have I already done in your life? What can you learn out of it and what do you think I'm trying to tell you through this? View life as an expedition with many things to observe & study, with tons of details to glean & learn from. Every new day is a new challenge, a new chapter of your life to be written, involving new lessons, new treasures to hunt and collect, and, of course, new battles to win. They're really continuations & sequels of all you've learned in the days before today, but yet there's a feeling & nuance of newness & strangeness to it all. This is the inevitable road of humanity: that of having to learn from and with each other. If you're determined to learn from Me, I am determined to teach you. Make something better out of what you've got by learning from Me! You're learning, and that's one thing the Enemy can't stop. That's progress he cannot hinder, because even if you suffer many blows, you will grow stronger and wiser with each one, and ultimately, he's just going to hang himself by fighting you. If you think the time has arrived when there's nothing for you to learn anymore, no more mistakes to improve or correct, then you're just about to make the biggest mistake of all! You will become nothing but another blind guide of the blind. Sometimes you've just got to forget everything you've learned in order to find the truth for the moment! You've got to forget those circumstances which framed your condition that formed your view of things, in other words, just smash the

whole picture (icon=idol) of your perception of things & let Me make it over completely! My capacity to teach is only limited by your attention span, your capacity to learn, to receive, to listen, to tune in, to let go of your own ideas long enough. You're meant to reach out to those around you, your fellowman, loving your neighbor as yourself by helping them to find the same blessings & answers you have found in Me. I have simply opened up your eyes a little sooner & have allowed you to find and see the truth before them, in hopes that you would be faithful to pass it on to them, even though they might not seem as interested, but they need it desperately, just the same. I can use anything! Focus on what I'm trying to convey to you & teach you & impart to you through everything you experience! There is a lesson in everything! What is being associated with the word "teacher" nowadays, is a teacher without the Holy Spirit: a dead exchange of lifeless information, no life, no spunk, no enlightenment, because there's no light! A blind guide of the blind. They're the guardians of the ignorance the Devil wants to bathe his captives in. Whereas I want you, as a teacher of My wisdom & knowledge, to impart life-giving, liberating truths, not the impoverishing, blinding lies of the System, destined to hide true knowledge from the people! They bury the truth, you resuscitate it! You will have to undo a lot of the Devil's work they are doing in countless children's lives! It's impossible to really get the point & learn the lesson if you can't see Me in it. There's lots more to learn about love! Consider this school of life an apprenticeship where you don't only learn the theories, but also how to apply them in practical ways! It's time to apply your hands & put some feet to the things you've learned. Life isn't only theory! It's important you grasp the theory, but the practical part is what will get you somewhere. You've been receiving it, now it's time to start giving it. Absorb & study it & let it become part of your being. I'm teaching you many things through the various circumstances of your life, and like any teacher, I am pleased when My students show interest & take note of the lessons, instead of just letting them pass them by. I'm teaching you about the futility of so-called "security" in the world by people having lost everything over a few days of excessive rain, no insurance ever meeting a fraction of their need caused by the calamity. I'm teaching you about the worldly crooks who try to make money of others' need for love & companionship & exploit their loneliness & longing for love by the incident with that online flirt service. I'm teaching you that all things are possible to Me, contrary to the thinking of man, by the way I had your wisdom tooth come out properly, in spite of the lack of space and the pressure and pain it caused you. I'm teaching you many things about your fellow men through situations arising with folks you come across, teaching you to discern their personality types, not in order for you to put them in boxes, but to show you the variety & wonders of human nature, just as other people would study the variety of species in nature... I'm teaching you to be a parent with conviction, not to take the (apparently) easier way to let your kids get away with things you cannot approve of, of letting them have their will against your better knowledge... I'm teaching you to trust in Me for your providence, not in your own arm of the flesh, by putting you in a situation where you run risk of losing more by obtaining more. I'm also teaching you that there is no general blue-print of do's and don'ts, but that everybody has to find out what is good for their own, particular situation, contrary to the urge to give in to peer pressure, & do like the others do, just because they do it. Sometimes I also teach you that something you've been looking for feverishly has already been in your possession, but you just didn't see it yet. You're not supposed to find total perfection and sinlessness in an instant! Not until the school of life is over. So keep learning, keep tuning in, keep paying attention and trying to do your best, knowing that it's Me Who's going to have to do it through you, that you can't make it without Me... I just want you to learn to be your best by letting Me, to be the strongest you can be by using My strength, to learn the best & be the humblest & most loving by simply absorbing Me, learning of Me, breathing Me in & just letting Me do it in you. Life is a gift, and I want you to enjoy it. More than being a test, it's a gift for you to enjoy. Your idea & mental projection of this school of life was too much resembling the picture of a System school. But My school is really a lot more fun, a lot more loving, a lot more personal. Hanging out with Me, Your Teacher, is really something that's going to help your life to become easier & more beautiful. My school isn't supposed to make you worry or fret, "Oh my God; what if I'm going to fail this test... what if I'm going to fail the teacher? That's not Me, that's not how My school works. It's more like, "Hey, let Me show you something; let Me help you! I can show you a whole lot of things that can make this whole thing called life a lot easier for you!" The art of loving is a many-colored & multi-faceted world in itself, enough to keep you busy learning forever. Don't freak out or panic when something happens you think you can't handle. Rejoice over this new challenge. Be ready for anything at any time, to take it with a grin. The main point & lesson, when you're faced with a trial, a burden, any challenge, is: are you going to give it back to Me, or what are you going to do? If you have 3 options: a) hand it to Me, b) freak out & despair, or c) to try to tackle it in your own strength, which option do you think is the right one? Next time you're faced with anything that might frighten or stress you, just remember the abc of success & overcoming. The right answer is always a): hand it to Me! All those things are to teach you to hand it to Me, to involve Me, to "pray without ceasing." You must allow My Words to really sink into your hearts. That's from where the fruit of learning comes. Wisdom is so

much more a matter of the heart than the mind. You've got to let Me plant My seeds into your heart, & you must absorb them with all your heart, not just acknowledge them with your mind. You've simply got to take the time for those seeds to really sink in. Learning is something that just can't be done in a hurry. There is so much to learn, but it doesn't all fit into your mind. You've got to make room for it in your heart. Don't seek to absorb it with your head. Let it sink in deep inside of you! You learn as you teach. Sharing things with others makes them more real. If the spiritually rich & satisfied don't want to hear, then go & find new potential vessels & channels. After I found out where the learned & elders were at, the Scribes & Pharisees, I went out to seek a few unlearned men to educate them in the Father's ways from scratch. Find those who don't have an attitude of, "I'm not searching anymore; I've already got it!" Even if you have found the truth, you should always stay hungry for more. Be able to learn something valuable from practically anyone you meet, to believe in others, that I made them for a purpose, and that you can learn something from that person. The school of life can be a drag sometimes. But it teaches you some really important and essential stuff that you can't learn in Heaven. There are so many details & lessons you miss out on if you just rush through life in a "let me have it all," consumer-type of attitude. You want to enjoy all there is to enjoy, eat your cake & have it, too, but the most precious lessons & things gleaned from this life don't come from seeking to receive, but from learning to give. It's one thing to serve when you're forced to, but it's another thing to really learn to serve voluntarily from the heart, because you choose to. That is an important lesson to pass on to others, especially your children, because if they only learn to serve because they have to, then they will always seek a way out of servitude as soon as they can. You must instill in them a desire to serve, to give, to be of service to others voluntarily, out of love. It’s nearly impossible to do in the flesh, which is why you need the help of My Spirit. It helps to have a convicting sample of someone faithfully serving that convicts others & motivates them to think & feel, "I should be like that, too." Teaching somebody to serve out of love really requires love, and giving and living a loving sample yourself, first. I'm teaching you how to love, the most important and biggest lesson in life. I want you to learn love from Me. From the way I love you, you can learn how to love others. I lead you gently. I'm not telling you bluntly, "This is it you should do," or "that is it," but I teach you to look. "Look! Look ahead - what do you see? What is there before you today? When you look at the day ahead of you, what do you see? In what way does My plan for you seem to be manifested today?" Often it's not so much in what you do as in what you learn. Sometimes, instead of teaching you a new lesson, I have to make sure you solidify your gains, I make sure that you've really learned the lesson you've just been taught. Sometimes, in order to really learn, you must forget all you think you know. As long as you're eager to learn ever more from Me, chances are that you're really going to learn something. It's only when you think you already know it all that you stagnate, get stuck & lose it. Be open for the new, My radical and revolutionary new input, My surprises! I can only do so much teaching through words. Words are like the theory, but the most effective training is the practical training, that which you experience in daily life, and your fellowmen are your trainers & fellow-trainees, your coaches, and sometimes also your pupils and students who need to be coached by you. I like to be efficient and catch various birds in one shot, and so I have ordained for all of you to be both, each other's teachers and pupils. The problem is that most folks are much more willing to teach others and have them hear what they've got to say, than to listen and learn from others. It's hard when they don't want to hear - like children who don't want to listen and obey. It gives you a glimpse of what I'm having to deal with, and it makes you appreciate it all the more when you finally do find someone willing to listen. The essence of My whole teaching is to love others instead of living in a life-long quarrel or even at war with them... I have given no one a perfect blue print of the truth, but leave it up to everyone to discover it with My help throughout their lives. Learn how to see everything through My eyes, to perceive everything with My sense of awareness, perceiving Me in everything, and thus, along with it, My angle of perception. Learn to give thanks to the One Who giveth all things, and that all things in this life come from My hands, sometimes as blessings in disguise, as lessons to learn from, as mountains and goals to tackle; that life isn't just one joyride, but it's much more like a school, and certain blessings don't precede obedience. Learn to delight in Me, so that I can give you the desires of your heart. Learn that happiness can be yours right here and now, through Me. The best attitude to have and the best role for you to assume is not so much that of the teacher who knows it all, but of a humble co-learner. There are definitely a lot of things for you to learn, and it's not so much that you are the teacher here, but more like My principal student. There is nothing that will inspire others to learn the lessons from life, like the sample of someone doing so: a fellow student who shows his peers and younger brothers all the things he discovers on their way. Not in the way of some old know-it-all, but someone young at heart, and fresh, like them, only just discovering those

mysteries and secrets of life, happy and eager to share them with those on your path, as they unfold. Being a spiritual man means always staying a simple child at heart, an eternal pupil and learner. It's those who think they know something, who don't really know anything at all; those who think they already see are the ones who are blind. But as long as you go through life desperately wanting to learn and see and discover what life's all about, that's what I would consider spiritual. As long as there's still room in your life for improvement, as long as your life isn't perfect yet, you should always be openly welcoming change and that wonderful opportunity to learn how to do things differently than in the past, to see things from a totally new angle, and just let each day be a new learning experience, a new episode, almost like the beginning of a whole new life. Don't get stuck in any old mindsets, even if you "already have the truth." Good for you! But what is the truth that I want to teach you today? What is the lesson, the metanoia, the revelation for this day? The lesson is more important and valuable than the temporary, fleeting pleasure. My ambition for you lies in the eternal: what can we take along that’s for keeps, the value of which will last into eternity? The pleasurable moments are only good for memories that will be shadowed by any tiny moment in Eternity; merely a drop, compared to the ocean. But the lessons are something not only you, but untold others after you will benefit from for ages beyond this one. And the lessons usually come out of the less than pleasant experiences... Lessons come from battles, from confrontations, from sufferings and trials, often brought about by your own human weaknesses and frailties, the very things you often try so hard to avoid. That which you think is going to be to your disadvantage, that which you would call a demerit or a minus point, those are actually often the plus points for Me. Those seeming defeats make you dig down deep in the dirt, like a man digging a well, and they prime the pump that makes the heavenly water flow. - Heavenly water to refresh generations to come. There is so much to learn out of all the open books of life - of lives I’ve written, things which at this time many are not able to grasp, but they will unfold, and one day it will all be so clear, and learning won’t be a boring chore, as it may be for many today, but it’s going to be one endless thrill. See the opportunity, not just the obstacle. It’s life, and the hardships it brings, that write these kind of lessons in your hearts... When I was on earth, I didn’t spend My whole time just ministering, but actually 90% of the time I spent watching, observing, learning. your purpose is not only to teach, but also to learn, to observe, sometimes to just silently witness and do what you can to influence things for the better. When the final crunch comes, only I will be able to save the world, and although I’m including all of you, My brides, in this, it is I Whose purpose it was to destroy the works of the devil (1.Jn.3:8). So, sometimes you just have to ‘stand back & see Me fight’ and learn of Me, look unto Me, listen to Me, receive from Me, absorb Me. Only when you’ve absorbed Me rightly, can you also convey Me rightly. It’s not like you know everything there is to know in one day and then jump out on the streets and pass it on, but you need to become a vessel yourself, you live and you learn. I’m not putting you in charge of saving the whole world, I just want you to do whatever you can to help Me do it! And I’m very grateful for all the help I can get. Don’t get so preoccupied with teaching that you lose sight of all there is to learn. You can learn from Me, the Master Artist, by observation; by quietly watching and studying the method of the Master Teacher. Everything you’re learning must be put into practice in order to move you forward! There's always more to learn, even from people you would have not expected that they might have anything to offer you. It pays to go through life attentively, with both eyes and ears open, and not get too stuck in your dogmas. Allow some room for disasters, for head-shaking events, stupidities and atrocities to learn from. The true learners will always - in the end - learn the lessons that were there to learn out of all of this, and they will be there to teach the world what really happened... Just keep following My whispers, My still, small voice that you can hear in the wilderness, leading you - slowly, step by step, lesson by lesson - on Home. Don't ever think that you have it all figured out. You're never going to quit learning about love. The moment you think you've got it all figured out, a new door will open that will lead you into a whole new dimension you never even assumed existed. There are still so many things to show, so many aspects to share from My heavenly point of view, to learn to see the spiritual causes behind things. There's more progress to make in your learning to become like Me. I give to every person lessons and challenges in life that are according to their talent and personality type, and what I know they can handle. Since I know what you can handle, it's alright for you to go through this lesson. Where the process of learning from others sets in, voilá, you will have stumbled upon one of the major purposes and meanings of life. The meaning behind the differences that exist between people is part of the meaning of life: to behold the difference of the other and learn from it, absorb it, register it, test it, prove it, and if it turns out to be any good, perhaps assimilate it, or at least accept and tolerate it. The "beginner's mind..." - the prerequisite for all learning. The more you know, the more you know you don't know. If people only had a clue how little they know. If you can face each new day with the innocent ignorance of a child, a hunger

to learn, a desire to still that lack of knowledge, then you're able to learn a lot faster than those who think they already know everything and have to be re-educated first. There's so much you all have to un-learn! Forget what you think you know, and realize how little you really know, and how much there is yet to learn! How can you learn when you think you already know it all? If you realize you've all got so much to learn together and from each other and with each other, then it's not one person acting as the "master" over the others, but each one just humbly shares what they're learning as you go... Let Me teach you! As you continue learning from Me, absorbing the words from My mouth, you will at last truly learn. If you trust that what I teach you is good and you just take what I give you at a time, you will see that it will all make perfect sense eventually, and take you to a happiness and enlightenment you would not have deemed possible before. Like Adam, you walk through this savage garden, surrounded by all the animals, some of which are so much bigger and taller and stronger than you, equipped with greater survival skills, but you don't find your mate among them. But suddenly you wake up one day and find next to you one just like you to accompany you through this life's journey, to love and be loved by, to share with and learn with and from, as well as to teach, or simply to sit at My feet together and learn from Me. Everyday is a little bit like the first day, when understanding and clearly seeing and hearing first began... It's not as if everything you learned previously is all there, right away, but you have to re-activate that knowledge, that conscience, reestablish your tie of love and trust with Me... Life isn't going to get boring, because there is yet so much to learn, so much further to go... Although you have found the truth, your life isn't perfect yet, and it's not as if you'll never have to learn another thing from someone else. It's give and take. You teach and you learn, even from people who may seem to have much less to give than what you've got. If you're humble enough to be in a receiving and learning position in relation to anyone you come across, you'll find life in general a much greater success, when you come to the end of the road, than if you go through it constantly pushing your own thing on others. Everybody wants to be popular with the younger generation, but it's only those who don't care too much about popularity who are going to be able to teach them anything. The most dangerous threat to genuine learning is the illusion that you're right, and that there's nothing to change about your views & attitudes. You cannot look at the provocation, you must look at the lesson behind it. Will you fall for that provocation right in front of your nose, or will you be wise and look beyond, at the lesson and the purpose in it? If you see it as a lesson and a test, it's much easier not to fall for it. Sometimes the gist of the lesson lies in ignoring situations that would provoke you to become aggressive. Just look at Me, the Teacher beyond the immediate challenge of the situation. If you think there's nothing left for you to learn, then you won't have very much to teach others. Losses and gains are only numbers and statistics, and they may have their place of importance to some extent. But what's really valuable to Me is the lessons and the experiences they bear, like some deep imprint of life's wisdom on your soul, that gives your life the real beauty and value. Loss is gain if you look at it trough My eyes: it will be the gain of new opportunities, greater trust and confidence in Me, the lasting Factor in your life; greater dependence on Me, greater wisdom, greater treasures of experiences and lessons learned; the true values of life. What really matters is not your physical position, but your place at My feet, where you can learn from Me and from those prophets which were before you that which is essential to give and pass on to those who will be ready to receive you and your message and whatever you will have to give, especially when the troubles which are to come and must come will come. By taking the humble seat and refusing to put yourself above anyone, but respecting their way of dealing with things, you can sometimes learn a lot more, and wind up with a few surprises here and there. If you walk through life with the humble attitude that you can learn something from anyone, and anything they've got to say, from any child or person, you'll find you'll develop a lot more patience with your fellowmen. Focus (on) what you can do for others in order to help them to move along and make headway in the school of life or just make it through today's battles. Whatever lesson I try to teach you always brings home the point better when there's a real life experience attached with it. Show Me what you've learned and picked up from Me! Show Me who is the greatest among you and can be the servant of all! If there is a school of life, and I’m its Teacher, what the Devil came up with in order to distract people from the school and the meaning of life, was his counterfeit “school,” the compulsory public school system. He’s trying to make sure that people – and young people in particular – won’t get the chance to tune in to the real school of life, by keeping them busily stuffing their heads with the counterfeit knowledge concocted in his public school system. The school system simply won’t “click” with a lot of people, who, like you did, instinctively feel that it’s not doing them any good, not teaching them anything truly valuable. Tell them about the cool alternative! Tell them about the school of life! Tell them about Me, the Master Teacher, Who can really teach them stuff that’s worthwhile, 100% relevant to real life. If the school system is the Enemy’s counterpart to My real school of life, then you have to cope with the fact that every

hour your child is spending in school, she’s being soaked with something other than what I would teach her, if she were exclusively under My tutorship. Life is constructed in such a way that it’s bound to happen that you slip and fall and mistakes, so that precious lessons can be learned from it. But it’s pretty important that you do learn the lessons, and not just keep falling into the same trap and repeating the same old mistakes over and over again. I can show and teach you a lot of things, as soon as you know what it is you want and need to learn… or that there’s a need for you to learn at all! You can either drift through life passively, or you can have goals before you that you want to reach, things you want to learn and accomplish, fruits to take with you along your journey Home. Do you still have a vacuum and a hunger to acquire more of what I’ve got to share with you? Or are you satisfied, like those who figure there is so much they know already, there couldn’t possibly be anything they might be able to learn from anyone else? The best teachers are those who remain perpetual students. They stay open. They don’t close up. There’s a spirit of give and take, not just an outpouring from a stagnant reservoir that doesn’t allow any fresh water in! Once you’ve learned a new lesson from Me in theory, you’ve got to look around for opportunities to put it into action, how to apply it in real life… Take it from the dormant domain of your thoughts and your interior into the lucid and awake realm of your actions, the things you actually do. Learning to communicate with Me is going to be so extremely vital and expedient for your survival in the near future, that I can’t let up on you and let you enjoy a carefree life. The lesson has got to be learned, there’s no way around it! I need to use extreme measures to teach you this ultimate and supreme lesson. Only this way you’re going to be able to do well in all the other lessons as well. You can only learn how to love others properly if you first love Me by tuning into Me sufficiently for Me to show you how to love them! The ultimate lesson is to have Me in the first place in your life. When you stay tuned to My Spirit and you stay on My wavelength, life will inevitably reveal itself to you as an ongoing series of lessons and new confirmations and reminders of those lessons in order to make sure that you really learn them, too. I’m a Teacher Who dedicates extra time and special attention to each of My students, tuning in to their personal progress, and always making an effort to give them just what they need. Of course, you must stay tuned, keep paying attention to what I’m trying to tell, show and teach you. I present My students with a real life problem, and I challenge them to find a solution in teamwork with Me and their class mates, and you’ve come up with some wonderful stuff which might potentially help others in similar future situations. You can definitely tell you’re making progress when the lessons you’ve learned are improving your life-style, your sample, your witness and testimony, and your fruitfulness for Me. My school of life is certainly relevant to your daily life, and it isn’t just all theory or useless facts you won’t ever need in real life, which is one of the great laments about the current public school system. My curriculum is actually based on real life, and Real Life is one of My favorite subjects I like to teach on! I teach you the maths as you need it, and the arithmetic as you go, and the writing skills as you employ them. Learning isn’t just about acquiring knowledge. It’s living the experience you’re growing through, feeling it, absorbing it and letting it transform you. Sometimes it doesn’t feel like you’re gaining or winning anything new at all, but rather as if you’re losing something, and it’s true: you’ve got to get rid of some excess weight that will just hinder your growth and slow your progress down. Part of learning is to discern what things to hold on to and what things to let go, and before the end of the day I hope you’ll have found out that the amount of things to let go far exceeds the amount of those you should hang on to. One of the major factors in all that you’re learning is to trust in My doing, more than your own. I will always have to do the major part in order for anything to work, and if I’m not in it, then it usually won’t happen. There’s lots more to learn and more room for improvement. The worst thing to do is to assume the position of one who thinks he has arrived. That’s the moment you stop growing and making progress and thus start to backslide. As long as you’re learning, receiving new things from Me and feel as if there are lots of new things for you to find out and yet for you to accomplish, and you keep an “empty” attitude of one who has yet much more to learn than what he already knows, there’s hope. For some reason I must have brought this person into your life, and that means that you’re going to learn some essential lessons from your interaction with them. It’s a pretty lonely job, being Father to so many distracted children, off on Pleasure Island, having fun and letting the Devil turn them into jack-asses… That’s why it’s of utter importance to Me that there are at least some who are aware of the Enemy’s scheme and won’t allow themselves to fall for it, but make others aware of what’s going on, too… I want them to attend the school of life and pay attention to what I’m trying to teach them. But the Devil whisks them all off to Pleasure Island, keeping them busy, busy, busy with his amusements, away from thinking – or putting them through his fake imitation school, where they pretend to teach them things and fill their heads with enough clutter so that there won’t possibly be any space left for what’s essential. Follow Me, the Great Teacher, step by step, to find out what I’m trying to teach you out of every single circumstance and situation of your life, especially the unpleasant ones. Every day is a fresh learning experience. The knowledge I hand out to you comes in daily portions, and each day is like a learning unit or a “class.” That’s why journals are extremely helpful in retrieving the things you learn on a daily basis, and one day you will be able to recall and

summon a particular lesson from any particular day or experience you’ve had in life. If you teach others from mistakes you made, that shows them just how human you are, and how much just like them, and that you’re not some super special case, endowed with extraordinary gifts from on high, but that you’ve learned by trial and error, basically the same way they have. You’ve come to conclusions, and human conclusions are in some ways more helpful in teaching others than divine revelations. It’s the difference between one who teaches what he has learned from books and one who teaches what he has learned from experience. You’ve been there, and you can tell of the pitfalls to avoid, and of the things to watch out for. It doesn’t always seem as though there were an awful lot of people even interested in gleaning such deep lessons out of life, but you’ve got to trust that even if there’s only going to be one, it will have been worth it. Learning to take each other where you’re at is part of this school of life, and that also includes learning to take yourself where you’re at, assessing where you stand, coping with it, and doing your fellowmen the favor of loving and accepting them just like you’re inevitably going to have to do it with yourself, if you want to live a happy life. So, you’re having to deal with a set of unpleasant circumstances. What are they trying to teach you? You cannot play hooky in the school of life. There are a lot of mistakes made that people could learn from, a lot of lessons to be learned out of life, and out of history, but that’s not what they’re interested in or concerned about. They’re not concerned about avoiding the same mistakes over and over again. That’s why people never learn anything from history; not their own, and much less anyone else’s: they’re not interested. All they care about is what’s there to consume right here and now, to hell with any potential repercussions and consequences. I’m teaching you personally through the school of life and your experiences, all that you have to go through, your trials and lessons… these are all ways in which I communicate and interact with you. They complete another piece in the puzzle of the deeper meaning of everything. If you honestly and humbly admit that you still have lots to learn, you’ll get further than by the method of appointing yourself to the only position of the teacher, and everyone else as the students. See yourselves as “fellow-students,” each in a position of give and take, and with everyone involved able to both teach and learn something. The children of disobedience (See Eph.2:2) will be sad history, available for all future generations, as a painful lesson to learn from. Folks can tend to become impatient with Me and say, “When will You finally put an end to all this?” But it’s supposed to be a lesson for all of eternity, so we’ve got to make it have an impact, and not just some short little lesson that people are going to be prone to forget. Let’s say, We’re trying to make this Lesson unforgettable. I’m a lover of details. I’m the Great Teacher, and I love it when My pupils do their homework and thoroughly. Experience will be their best teacher, even as it has been yours. After all, isn’t that what life is all about, and what you really learn the gist of life’s lessons from? Not from lectures or from books, sermons or talks, but from experience. That is the language that really writes those lessons of life deep into your heart. I never run out of things to teach you. Compared to all that is yet to learn, you haven’t even begun, so I certainly wouldn’t want you to get the impression that this was it, that the show is over with nothing left to learn, or that you’ve learned all there is to know. There is something new to learn out of every situation. “The unexamined life is not worth living,” Socrates said, and in many ways he was right. It takes a deeper look at everything, including the degree to which you live up to your own responsibilities, in order to really get out of life all that it is supposed to teach you. Sooner or later each life will be examined and what will have been gained will be summarized, so it’s only reasonable and recommendable to begin that process during your life-time, and before the final exam. Only I can really teach you how to do it. Will you let Me? Will you finally pay enough attention to Me in order to show you how this really works? You’ve been trying to rattle around with all the levers and knobs of the machinery of love without really having a clue how it works, so, should I finally give you a hand and show you how it works properly? There’s something you learn in the silence, in that void and lack of all the usual noise and clamor that you don’t learn anywhere else, but it’s the only thing ever worth learning, ever worth keeping going at. Let Me teach you and show you how it goes. Let’s see what a difference it will make in your life to receive a few lessons from the Master Himself. As long as you think you can already do it, what need is there for you to learn anything – according to your perception? Well, now that you’re realizing that you’re not quite as good at this thing called love as you thought, let Me teach you a few things about it! The school of life is about finding out who will be the smart guys who won’t fall into the same old traps over and over again. Who are the ones who will wake up to the fact that this is not where it’s at and the way things are supposed to be, and will start looking for an alternative and a way out…

There’s always more to learn, so there’s always more and something new for Me to teach you, although eventually in your life the emphasis will shift from learning to teaching others. If you put on a student’s attitude, ready to learn something new from the situation you encounter, then you can be ready for new lessons, and thus an expansion of your previous scope, and thus the scope of your wisdom and experience will grow. It all depends whether you encounter the situation in a yielded, ready and open and child-like spirit, or with a wise-guy attitude, which makes you critical of anything new and different you encounter… The former will make you grow and progress, the latter will make you stagnate and shrink your horizon and scope into a sad little world in your head that simply won’t allow any growth or newness, constantly limited by whatever bounds you seek to impose on your little universe. In the first scenario, you truly let Me be God and show you just how vast the universe I created really is. In the second, you insist on being your own god, limiting your own, personal little universe to all the limitations and boundaries you allow, thus narrowing your horizon and your capacity to grow and expand to a fraction of the world that I could show you. That’s basically what is happening in most people’s minds nowadays, and why intolerance and discrimination are rampant. Everybody thinks they’re smart enough to judge who is okay and who isn’t, and if, according to their judgment, a certain group or kind of people is not okay, they will discriminate against them, persecute them, attack them or wipe them out altogether. They insist on playing god themselves, instead of allowing Me to be their God and broaden their scenario and teach them about the different kind. There’s so much to learn in life, and the greatest tragedy of the times is that folks aren’t really paying attention to what’s there to learn. Their heads are being stuffed with useless information by the Enemy, and accordingly, they’re totally missing the point and flunking the school of life. I usually like for My children to learn from their own experiences. I allow every type of experience just at the point in time when I think you’re ready for it and when there are actual chances that you’re going to pass the test and it’s not too obviously predictable that you’re going to flunk it. I’ve always let you experience what you needed to in order to learn the lessons you had to learn about this world and all it promises and where it’s really at. Experience is a better teacher than anything I could tell you in advance. You have to find out for yourself. Life is a school, which – if you’re an attentive pupil – will teach you that it certainly pays to trust and believe in Me, no matter how ridiculous the Devil may make that notion appear by all his artistically and artificially concocted appearances of fake realities and “truths” such as the theory of evolution. For those who want to know everything, tell them to cheer up: “Nothing is hidden that shall not be revealed.” That’s a Promise that all of you really curious folks can look forward to being fulfilled by Me. On a personal and individual level, it happens to some extent at the moment of a person’s death. They’re finding out a lot of things about their lives that they didn’t see during their life-times, and they’re being shown the gist of the hidden meaning of things in their own personal lives for starters. And the learning continues and goes on and on from there. What good would Judgment day be if there was nothing to be learned from all that has been done wrong throughout history, including the hidden sins and crimes and deceptions that went on behind the scenes that never came out?

…Relationships It’s not good to be working with people who can’t give you any spiritual support. It’s easy to spot the negative in others, and so difficult to see the good. Oh, it’s easy to see the good in others that are far away, like in those unreachable superstars the Devil is trying to get everyone to think they’re so great, well – maybe some of them are. But that person next door or in the next room? Instead of unrealistically glorifying people that are completely out of our reach, why not come to grips with the fact that their whole wonderful appearance might be just a fake, whereas those people you think you know so well may have a deeper side to them than you might ever know, if you don’t care to find out. Look beyond that which you can see! Look into the heart! There you will see real & lasting beauty! You may also see pain, you may see tears & hurt, but you will never, never wind up disappointed by some pretty false front there that turns out to be something completely different than what it pretended to be! Look deeper! Look into the hearts of people! Open your eyes to the depth that lies beyond the apparent! You don’t all have the same tastes, likes & dislikes, (-and you don’t have to). Are you going to be able to work with each other in spite of your differences? There are great lessons to be learned, about team spirit, about humility, about not seeking that which is your own, about preferring one another... There are different types of human personalities, like there are different types of angels and spirit beings, different types of animals or astral bodies: stars, planets, moons, comets, asteroids, etc. They all fulfill different purposes to maintain the balance of the universe. Indifference & familiarity are 2 major enemies of true & good friendship & companionship. Gratitude’s an attitude you can’t do without as friends! And show your appreciation by returning kind deeds of love.

You don’t have the patience for friends with handicaps? I was an Outcast, the Son of God, permanently marked as ”not one of them”, battling with the Devil all My life, appalled by the hypocrisy, hardness & evil of their hearts & destined to die a criminal’s death. My destiny was My handicap! Work on your qualities as a friend. Your companions need someone loving, patient & understanding, not aggravated! Here comes in the art of discerning between the sin & your friend, the sinner. Freely give yourselves to each other unselfishly, without expecting anything in return. I have made women different; the soft, warm, emotional counterpart to the hard, cool, rational way of the masculine character. There is more you can do in order to understand them, and I want you to! That’s your homework for this course in interhuman relationships you subscribed to in this college of life. It’s work, & the hardest part is overcoming your own lethargy & lack of interest. Life is all about venturing out into the unknown, exploring the other side, conquering the new. Otherwise there’s no progress, no challenge, no growing, no forward movement. Put yourself in their shoes to try to see & feel things the way they do. In order to be loved by them, you need to love them enough to be willing to try to understand them, to leave your masculine pedestal & descend to the depth of the female psyche. Don’t worry; don’t be afraid; I’m not going to let you get lost there... I’m holding your hand, & I’ll be your guide. I’m the Lover of all lovers, & I can teach you a lot about women that you don’t know, but you’ve got to show some interest & do the part you can do, so I in return can do what you can’t & fill in the blanks, or whisper in your ears what you don’t find in the textbooks. Many men simply don’t care enough to want to understand. Finding out what women want could improve life on planet Earth a whole lot. This “in love” type of love is a selfish form of love, it’s wanting another person, it’s not really giving. It falls more into the domain of Lust & its motto, ”I love me & I want you!” – That’s basically what most of the World is mistakenly seeing as love, but it’s not always real love, although I can use these kind of feelings sometimes to bring about My will in a person’s life. Many people in the World have an in-built, automatic defense mechanism against other people’s ”in love” feelings, & they often become cold, harsh & unloving towards those who are in love with them, resulting in unrequited love, one of the great & sad mysteries of life. The answer is rooted in the secret of true love: not looking & waiting for someone to love you & make you happy, but going out & finding someone else to love & make happy. Once you do this & apply & give love yourself, you also become more attractive to those you want to love you. Before the position of your heart is right, it acts like the wrong pole of a magnet: it pushes people away. This feeling of “I want you!” often has the opposite of the desired effect. But once your heart is truly turned toward Me & you allow Me to love others through you, they become attracted to you, too. Don’t only listen to the words of their mouths, but try to hear the unspoken words of their hearts! Learn the secret language of what they really mean to say. Many people only act in a superficial manner because they are afraid to show their true, inner self. Listen harder. And look deep into their hearts, deeply into their eyes & let Me reveal to you their thoughts, their desires, their fears, their dreams & heartaches. It is human nature only to want to spent time with those you look up to, those you admire & think are cool. But I have ordained it thus that in order to truly enrich oneself, they’ve got to give to those who are weaker: those who look lower or baser in your eyes, those you naturally don’t feel inclined to spend so much time with. Everybody wants to hang with the rich, the strong, the beautiful, that’s just human nature, so that they can benefit from those qualities of these privileged somehow. But the way to become truly rich, strong & beautiful yourself - in spirit - is not by spending time only with those who already have those qualities, but by stooping down to help & lift up those who are looking up to you. Look not only at what you can get from others, those you look up to, but look also at what you can give to others, to those who look up to you, & who need you. Focus on the children, the sheep, the needy. I want you to become like a river. Where does a river flow? It doesn’t flow to the high places, it flows to the low places. To those who have not, those who are parched & dry & thirsty & yearn & thirst for you & what you’ve got to give. So, your focus has just been a little bit too much on the high regions, which don’t really need what you’ve got to give that much. Give not to those you would like to receive from, but to those who are willing to receive from you. Look not only up at the high & mighty, but look down on the low & downtrodden & discover the excitement of being needed - not by those you want to need you, but those who need you already. In order to find people who look up to you, you must not seek those who are attractive to you, but those who are unattractive, humble, lowly, those who apparently have got nothing to give in return. You never know what unexpected rewards might come to you through unselfishly giving to & loving someone you might consider unlovely... Focus on the need of others & the needy, & I will richly repay. Do your utmost possible to treat people with an equal amount of respect, courtesy & love, paying attention to the younger as to the older, the handsome & the ugly, the weak as much as to the strong, to the poor & needy as much as to the rich & wealthy, & soon you’ll see that there isn’t even such a vast difference between them. Those who you expected a lot from might turn out to be a disappointment, whereas those of whom you would have expected nothing or little might pleasantly surprise you. I'm trying to get you to have positive faith in people, or at least in My power to change people, & not give up on them prematurely. Have faith in the people I've put by your side, faith that sees what no one else can see, "the good & possibilities that others cannot see." I will pray for you, that your faith for them will not fail, & your love for them will not fail. You don't want to spoil them, & you figure they should learn to manage to function & operate properly, regardless of circumstances. But people don't "function & operate" like machines, they actually need that little human ingredient called love to "function" properly!

Physical relationships, marriages, families, etc., have all proven to be more fragile & subject to time than ever before. The reason for this is that the lasting values that used to strengthen relationships before have been removed from them, and those are precisely the spiritual ingredients I want you to help people to re-discover. People don't even know anymore how to find the right partners because they are so conditioned by the System to look for superficial qualities in partners, & they're making physical things the most important requirements, instead of ensuring first of all that the spiritual foundation is there, which includes being the right kind of partner, not just finding the right one. I give everyone multiple chances, and I want you to learn likewise, to have patience with others & learn better how to handle their flaws. I use people to make people, to shape people, to influence people & change people. People are some of My favorite tools & instruments. There's nothing like people to affect or change or even make people. What they will become mostly depends on their own choices, & last not least, the influences they get from other people. People make people, in more ways than one. You've got to learn to love folks even with their mistakes. "Love the sinner & hate the sin" doesn't really mean, "Sure, I'll love the sinner. As soon as he gets rid of the sin!" Imagine if that was My attitude! No, loving the sinner means loving them in spite of their sin & patiently helping them to overcome their sin & having the faith that they will eventually manage to do so by My grace! When you look at people, what I want you to see is somebody I love. The way to not motivate somebody is to think of them as somebody who "doesn't look like they're going to make it" or whatever drawer you feel you've got to put them in! If you want people to stop putting you into drawers, you've got to stop that habit yourself first of all! Give people a chance! And give Me a chance to touch them, to work in them, to bring about a change. It's never too late for that change. Never ever give up on anyone prematurely. Never condemn them or judge them in your heart for not making progress fast enough! Never condemn them for their weaknesses! You're prone to avoid unpleasant subjects, trying to avoid unpleasant confrontations, when it's simply part of love to bring up those subjects at times, for the sake of greater honesty, openness & humility. It also shows that you have greater faith in each other, that you believe it's not going to make the other one stumble, if you bring this up now. It teaches you consideration, tact & responsibility in your conversation, because you will be prayerful about your choice of words, in order not to offend the one you'll be talking to. This is all practicing & acting out My Law of Love, whereas if you don't do these things, you'll simply stagnate & never make any uphill progress. No communication, no advancement, all for fear of touching the unpleasant subjects... It's all a matter of focus, like Pollyanna said: "If you look for the bad in people, you're going to find it." The trick is to look at the good & focus on the good, which, in essence, means to focus on Me in each of you, the hope of glory. It's having faith for each other, faith that looks not so much at what you or they are, but what by the grace of God someday you're all going to be. That's seeing the spiritual man or woman in each other, as opposed to seeing only the flesh, and that's where having a spiritual relationship starts. Sometimes familiarity can really kill it. You live with someone for years & you're so familiar with all their faults & you lose faith that they could actually be used by Me in some mighty or special way. You lose interest in whatever they're getting from Me, just because you know the vessel so well, you figure, "Well, what's in there couldn't be much better than what I already know of his outside." Wrong. You have incredible treasures in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be manifest as clearly being Mine & not your own. I'm teaching you to learn to love each other to the point where you're willing to lay down your life for the other, in spite of whatever flaws or imperfections each may have, by learning to see them through the eyes of the spirit and My eyes of love! This is the inevitable road of humanity: that of having to learn from and with each other. There are times of solitude when I just seclude you unto Me & hold you close to My breast & nourish you, just tuning in to you and your needs alone, but there are also those times when I require you to humble yourself & get down to the nitty-gritty of having to deal with other humans' weaknesses, the confrontation of their handling your weaknesses and differences of opinion. Climbing the mountain of this life consists in overcoming those differences & sometimes seemingly insurmountable obstacles of qualities you spot in each other you just don't feel you're able to reconcile with. But that's one of My favorite ways I like to prove My power, when you say, "I can't! I just can't cope or deal with that," I say, "You can! Just give Me a chance, & I'll prove it to you!" I want you to be more understanding of your brothers & sisters, to empathize more with them & walk a mile in their shoes. Have faith in them. Have faith in My power to change them and make them what they're meant to be! Every living soul is a sheer endless source of subjects to talk about, especially since it also gets in touch with endless amounts of yet other souls, and each of these encounters & constellations forms a different picture, endless opportunities, and so many things to find out. Concern for others is a key to your own liberation. I want your marriage to be a type of My marriage to you, and there is no way you could hide things from Me, so be honest. How much are you able to cope with others in spite of their faults? Blessed are those who see the good & possibilities others can't see & who can just accept & love people the way they

are... I'm happy you're becoming aware of the need to find out more about people - the most interesting "things" I ever made. I'm glad you're overcoming your fears of them because you're getting to know what lies behind their actions, and you're maturing into a state where you will be able to help people instead of considering yourself their victim. Often they're just victims of their own ignorance, of nobody telling them any better, victims of the lies they've been told & of a lack of the truth. And one has to be careful to give somebody the light who's been in darkness for so long, they often react adversely to it. Their adverse reactions have scared you in the past, but I'm teaching you to overcome those fears. It's a process of your own healing in order for you to be able to heal others. Praying for them is laying the ground work, & getting done those things you're powerless to do! I want your relationship and marriage to be one where you really don't have to hide anything from each other. Find out how much power 2 people can really develop when there are absolutely no secrets between them! Nothing to hide! Role reversal is part of My scheme to teach people to walk a mile in the other one's shoes. Everybody in the world can love the person they're emotionally attracted to, they have a crush on or are in love with. But learning how to love unselfishly, for My sake and for the glory of My kingdom is a whole different ball game! You're actually learning to become each other's servants for My sake, for My Kingdom's sake, for the sake of the souls you're winning together by becoming a frutiful team! And instead of being all enwrapped in your emotions for each other, too busy to care about Me and My affairs, you're each learning to put Me first in your lives, to let Me be the one to fill that greatest yearning for utter love, and I will honor this. Harmony can be obtained by keeping the code of conduct that prefers the others' welfare over their own & that will do everything in one's power to avoid causing the other's discomfort on your own behalf. If the others' welfare is actually more important to you than your own, you'll simply conduct yourself in a manner that will always try to make sure that you are making things alright for them. Your whole attitude is geared toward them instead of your own needs and desires. It means to lick selfishness & to put your whole self on the backburner for the sake of others. If you haven't been willing to lay down your life everyday in the little things & ways for others, if you constantly prefer your own welfare & consider your own well-being more important than theirs, then you won't be able to lay down your life for them in a real life & death situation either. It starts today, with the little things. It means to constantly look out for opportunities to make life a little easier & more pleasant for the others... to seek for ways to serve each other. It really makes life more enjoyable. So many have lost and forgotten that art, mostly due to familiarity. As soon as they notice an unpleasant quality in someone they often figure, "Oh, they're so far from perfect, why should I do them a favor?" Or, "They've got this & that weakness, certainly they're not worthy of me sacrificing anything of my own resources or efforts for them..." This doesn't happen consciously, but it's often the underlying attitude that's there. Whereas the kind of love I want you to have for one another is the kind that keeps loving unconditionally, that refuses to let the Enemy plant any negative thoughts about them in your mind & automatically casts a veil over any fault or flaw you might detect in them. You make that conscious decision: "No, I refuse to focus on that flaw in that person." And you can ask Me, "Lord, help me to see them as You do!" Even if the Devil insists on showing you the bad, "Look here, their flaws, they're obvious, look at them!" You just slam the door in his face & say, "Get lost, punk!" And you refuse to even look at it. You just make a constant decision to accept them the way they are, which will also give you the grace to lovingly point out any shortcomings to them without offending them. You can tell them almost anything you want to, and they'll always feel that your words are spoken in love, if your attitude behind it is, "Look, I love and accept you the way you are, but the Lord was laying it on my heart that perhaps you might actually be happier if you were more considerate of this or that fact..." If you really love a person, you can find ways to even point out their shortcomings to them without causing them hurt or offense. The trick is not to focus on the weakness but on the person and how wonderful they really are, or even if they're not & they've got a lot to work on, how wonderful they could become by My grace, if only shown enough unconditional love, and that you have faith in them in spite of anything. Your attitude must be, "Even if you're never going to get the victory over that weakness, I will love you just the same. But if you want, I can help you overcome your weakness & maybe we can overcome it with united efforts..." But you must never let another's weakness affect your love for them. You must keep it unconditional. That's superhuman love, but it's the kind of love available to you by My Spirit! So, when you see a need, when you see some flaw in someone that needs an infusion of My love & Spirit, don't make the mistake of shutting up your bowels of compassion & turning off your own light to them! Just turn it on & let it shine all the more brightly in spite of that flaw, in spite of that darkness until you've ignited them, too. Just keep shining on in spite of anything! That's your royal duty toward one another! My children owe it to each other to love each other. To love others, according to My standards, doesn't mean to do all you can to please them so that you can be sure they'll love you, but to do the things that I tell and show you they will need the most. The only hope you have is to stick close to Me and get your instructions from Me about what I want you to give to those around you, how I want you to manifest to them My love and My idea of love. You've got to learn to handle a two-people relationship before you can learn how to deal with more. Never underestimate the power of 2 or 3 gathered together in My name. If you can't even get a little 2-person relationship into sync and in tune, how can you expect to get in sync with the entire universe? Start off with (a bite of) something you can actually chew. If you can't lay down your life for this one, who's to guarantee that you'll ever be able to do so for anyone?

Put yourself in the other's shoes, as St. Francis prayed, to seek to understand, more than to be understood. When it comes down to it, the main gist of the problem with humanity - or the problems humans have amongst each other - lies with the fact that everybody is much too interested in their own opinion and point of view than to attentively listen to that of another. They're not really open enough to see the other side... For most people it simply takes an effort too great than they're willing to make, to really listen to and absorb the other, different perspective than their own, & that's quite sad. I'm trying to teach you greater understanding for others & their weaknesses, through the knowledge that nobody's perfect & everybody's vulnerable, & under the given circumstances it could have even happened to you. I'm hoping to enhance your compassion for others, your love and understanding. If they think you don't care, show them that you do care. Be sufficiently mature to not just do the "natural" thing, but the supernatural: to forgive & forget, and to understand. You've got to come down to people's level, if you want to reach them! Friendship, love & investing personal time into your relationships with people is proving to be more fruitful than ambition and zeal to accomplish great things for Me. I wasn't as much of an "accomplisher" type as I was a Friend to people, hearing them out, visiting them, caring for them, healing them, helping them. Being a helper is what it's all about. By showing that you don't consider your time too important to invest in them, you show that you really love & care about them, you don't just want to use them. In what better way can you live & manifest love than by being a help to them in their time of need? It should come natural to you! It doesn't always have to be a big disaster making headlines, that would require your help. Recognize when there is a needy situation that requires rolling up your sleeves & pitching in and show the world (or sometimes just a single lonely person) what it really means to be a Christian! You can learn much about being a friend to people, and a helper. How about just concentrating on being a helper & a friend to people, a kind person? "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, Ye have done it unto Me." In taking others in, you're taking Me in, and in trying to do your best so they'll feel comfortable, you’re bestowing that same hospitality on Me. It's easy to lose sight of that vision once you become familiar with someone & have come to know their weaknesses, & it gets harder & harder for you to associate them with Me in your mind. Just remember, "one of the least of these, My brethren!" It's easy to host the noble, the strong, the obviously good, the beautiful, whatever pleasant qualities people have. But it's always a real test of love to treat one of the least of My brethren, those with faults & mistakes, & shortcomings, as if it were I. I will bless the efforts each of you will make to show you're one big Family, not just selfish little families all fending for themselves. It's an effort to generate warmth, to shine your light, and to do your best to improve and enhance the situation you're finding, no matter how gloomy it may seem, according to the gifts & abilities you were given. Will you resign at the first show of attitudes you don't agree with, or will you make an effort to make a difference? Only those who have My supernatural love governing their lives can live like My Family. And I'm so proud of each one of you who dare to be different, who dare to step out beyond the confines of what's comfortable, your natural, selfish tendencies & preferences! That's what Family's all about, & I'm so thankful for each of you who are willing to show: "We are a Family! We don't care to live selfish little lives; we're not afraid to make sacrifices in order to show that we've got enough of the Lord's love to put up with another's idiosyncrasies & different ways of doing things, etc. We don't mind the different, because we're open and willing and humble enough to learn from each other and with each other!" To maintain a positive attitude & outlook toward people that tend to strike you negatively or give you battles & trials is a very important thing, because so much is determined by the way you see others: your ability to successfully live & work with them, which will affect your fruitfulness for Me, your unity, your general happiness & outlook on life, as well as theirs. You're having a tough time with people? Welcome to the club! The tough times are what it's all about! It's not the easy & smooth times that make you stronger! Turn on your forgiveness power & cast that veil over a multitude of sins! Just because you can only see the one side, the negative, doesn't mean that the positive isn't there. The real problem is that you get rubbed the wrong way so easily, that you're so easily irritated & appalled by others' behavior. That's a bigger problem in itself than their actual misbehavior! Personal relationships & getting along with people is one of the major categories in the school of life, with a variety in possible scenarios just about as numerous as the amount of combinations of people... a never ending adventure. Everybody has been affected by the curse, and the only thing you can really expect from folks on earth is imperfection, knowing that they will one day be perfect, but that probably won't happen during their life-time on earth. It's never your own personal affair, what concerns My kingdom! If My people are failing Me in some ways, even if you feel it's manifested in the way they're treating you personally, never take it personal, never deal with it on your own terms, but hand it to Me, and let Me deal with it! It's My affair. Make sure you're being a good sample, a good representative of Me, and stand back and get out of the limelight & let Me deal with it on My terms! It's no use, taking the rod of wrath into your own hands & to lash out words of anger, just commit it to Me! When you can each stand up for your individual needs & convictions, even your feelings of what you think is the right thing to do, without having to be afraid of what the others think, when you can freely communicate without fears, when there is harmony, mutual respect, and My Spirit can flow from each of you to the other, as it does from Me to each of you (- the shape of the cross: the vertical beam signifying My connection with you, and the horizontal standing for your interaction with each other-), then the world will also see and get the message of the cross, for they will see My love at

work in you (Jn.13:35). There were moments when I was tempted to not believe in My disciples. But the Father reassured Me that they were going to pull through somehow. You must make an effort to view people more positively, and you must allow yourself to be more vulnerable & risk getting hurt, & not automatically shield yourself from any possible future disappointment! You've got to respect their majesty of choice, knowing that I haven't ordained you all to take the same path! Everyone can be a part of the Family, each walking a different path. That's the way it's supposed to be. So, don't be disappointed when someone slips or falls. It's only natural. Stretch your vision, your faith, your level of tolerance a little more in your relations with others by making more room for your fellowman to fall, to sin and fail, just as you have, with the same right to grace and mercy that you have enjoyed, without judging them or losing faith in them. Keep the faith in people! If nothing else, expand your faith in Me, that I knew what I was doing when I created them, just as I knew what I did when I created you, including all your faults & failures! One of the greatest needs of human beings, including children, is to feel needed, to feel wanted, to feel as an important part of their families; not a burden, but a blessing. If even I couldn't do much in places where people's unbelief hindered Me, and if what saved the blind man was actually his faith in Me (Lk.18:42), his need for Me, his desire for Me; if even I needed to be believed in, to be needed and wanted in order to fully perform My best, then how much more do you all need that? I and you aren't all that different; if I needed to be believed in, then your fellow servants need it, too, and you owe it to them, to believe in them, to need them, to depend on them, just like you owe it to Me, for that is part of the great Commandment & the Law of love! While I don't want you to make a god out of someone else, it still is your duty to love others, and you can't really do that if you don't believe in them. Everything you do to Me, do it also to them! Everything you do to them, you're doing to Me! If you believe in them, if you show them that you need them, if you show them that you want them, that you trust them & trust that they won't let you down, then you're showing that to Me, also. I'm not talking about having unrealistic expectations of people, I'm just talking about having a little bit of faith in them. Listen more, hear more, learn more. Read between the lines; what is that which he's saying actually saying? What is that saying about him? Not with the intention to criticize, but in order to help people; you need to find out what their problem is, and then you can pray for their problem as I reveal it to you, and for a way you might help them to see it without offending or hurting them, to make them see the truth tactfully and lovingly. A real, true & deep relationship cannot come to pass without total & utter trust. Without total trust it won't work. Keep a positive outlook on people! Keep believing in them & show them you do! The next step after proving you really believe in Me is proving that you believe in what I'm doing in your fellowmen and believe in them, also. Who says someone has to be perfect in order to believe in them? You can even believe in the worst sinner out there. I believed in him enough to die for him, so you can believe in him, too, that eventually, I'm going to see him through to the point where he can see clearly, too, what it's all about. Some take advantage of this great mercy and forgiveness, but you've got to believe in them, anyway. You've got to believe that every iniquity is going to be purged, & someday it's all going to be okay. The Devil would love to get you to stop believing in each other. But if I believe in them, then you can believe in them, too; or if you can't, at least you can believe Me for them, that I will help them make it. And you can help Me help them make it by praying for them. Have a little faith in them. - Even if they fail or lag behind. Get excited with others, about whatever they happen to get excited about. People will start sharing your excitement once you show that you're making an effort to share theirs. Coolness is the refusal to show participation, to be willing to get excited with someone else. Love equals the ability to show you share their excitement, instead of quenching it with the usual indifference & "coolness." Sharing excitement is an important ingredient & way of showing love. Share the excitement! Share the joy! Don't just remain "cool" or indifferent, but get excited. Spread some fire! You just have to take people for what they are. They're each different. None of them are the same, like pebbles: the variety is incredible and endless. No 2 rocks are the same. You look at them and enjoy them, absorb them, their shape, the way they're made, and you just accept them the way they are, even if some of them seem to have some rough edges that can even hurt you, or some ugly side, maybe some slime or mud at the bottom that needs to be washed off. They're still just another pebble, like you are, and all together you form the river bed through which My mighty river of life-giving waters can flow; My conduits to bring life to the world. If you can't see the good qualities in others, then you're in pretty bad shape, because love sees the good in others, and if you can't, it means that your eyes of love are nearly blind; your ability to love is nearly nil, which means that you don't possess any of what I call real strength. You have the choice, to either let it bother you or not. That's Satan exposed right there, because he makes you think you're a "prisoner," a captive of those mistakes & flaws of others, that you're going to have to deal with & be subjected to for the rest of your life. But I'm saying, "Not really!" Because by simply making the choice that you're not going to let it affect you or bother or aggravate you, but instead choosing to look at and praise Me for their positive qualities, you deny those negative qualities to have power over you whatsoever, and it's almost as if they wouldn't exist!

You can refuse to get aggravated. You can choose to continue to be loving instead, choose to look at the good sides, choose not to be bothered! Choose not to be bothered by their flaws, their idiosyncrasies their quirks! Refuse to look at them! Or, if you see them, use that as something you pray for, and address personally with them, if I lead you to do so, but don't focus on it, and don't let it bother you! Don't let the faults stand between you and them! Choose not to allow them to! Choose not to be bothered by the way some people seem to act extra friendly only in order to get something out of you! Choose to ignore their tendencies to be more conservative than you in certain aspects, or to be different than you in whatever aspects! Choose to accept and love them the way they are and not to be annoyed by it! The Devil magnifies & super-imposes others' weaknesses in your mind, makes them look bigger than they sometimes really are, when all the while you can choose whether you'll allow them to affect you or not; which means, if you make that choice, you won't even look at them, certainly not focus on them & be so obsessed by that image that you hardly get along with that person or let it affect your interaction with them. You can choose to rise above not only your own weaknesses, but also those of others, simply by not allowing them to affect you adversely. It's not the same as simply ignoring them; it's a supernatural act, because it requires a miracle of My love. Love's power is so prevalent, that anything about any person which might be disliked by another is simply "overshadowed" & made invisible, annihilated by it. There will always - in this world - be frictions within families, for various reasons. But real love, loyalty and faithfulness doesn't just stick around as long as you need the ones you love, but even long after that, simply in gratitude for what you have received when you were in need, and so that you can return some of the love that you're in a position to give, even if it requires some sacrifice. It all depends on you and your maturity, whether you allow your real Enemy to convert your brethren into your enemies in your mind! If, instead of resisting and rejecting the pain and pressure, you receive and embrace and welcome it, then you'll really learn something, and will get to know things you will never know otherwise! That's where wisdom comes from. The alternative is only the typical & usual game of playing the rejected & misunderstood victim. With My help and counsel you can understand, and pray, "Help me to seek to understand, not to be understood." Then you won't care about whether you're misunderstood or not. You should also not be concerned about whether or to what extent you're being rejected by others, but how much do you reject and resent them? You say you have legitimate reasons for your feelings of rejection, but everybody thinks that. "If he weren't so-&-so, there wouldn't be a problem..." But maturity is not expecting others to be flawless & perfect, but accepting and loving them anyway. Welcome to the dimension of love unconditional! Once you meet them on the level of unconditional love and acceptance, find out what wonders that kind of love can do! You've got to not only listen to Me, but also to each other! Take the time to tune in to each other! Take the time to meditate on what the other one is going through, to pray for each other, and there'll be so much more understanding between you. A marriage is a type and symbol of My relationship with you: just as I constantly draw you closer to Me, teaching you lessons and urging you to make progress and grow, so you can and should also do the same within your marriage! "There is no standing still! - You're either going forward or backwards." You're either getting closer to each other or drifting further apart. Often couples simply drift apart because they've lost the vision - they can't see any areas in which they could still be making progress & grow together, when they haven't even yet begun to see! Sometimes the secret of love between two parties is in realizing just how much they need each other. I am the link between you. It's not going to work without Me. With Me, there's no way that this isn't gonna work, no matter how different you may be or think you may be! The Devil is creating mental blocks and phantoms between people, and all those differences. Let them fade away like the illusions that they are! Remove the false layers of the imaginations of the evil one and discover the real and true common ground, the bottom layer, the true foundation, which is Me! All differences, quarrels, flaws & imperfections are really just temporal. In your eternal state, all those differences aren't there at all. Walk a step toward eternity & accept each other. Absorb each other, assimilate each other and become one as you are already one in My eyes. It's going to help you become that which I know you already are. Maybe you simply haven't believed it yet... It's part of life to be confronted with your weaknesses through relationships in a more intense way than you ever could on your own. When it's time to confront, it's time to confront, and you can't just "let it be" in that case & let it drag on & become a monster or mountain. Confront it while it's still okay and sizeable and you can deal with it without having to cause any major pain! Confront it while it's little, and overcome your fears of confrontation! Only I see the whole "elephant." The biggest mistake you can possibly make is to assume that your view and Mine are always identical. So, why not ask Me to show you the other sides of the elephant before you're going to open your mouth? That's what putting yourself in others' shoes means: come & see the elephant from their angle. And one by one, if you come over to their side & touch & feel what they do, you're going to get a picture that coincides a lot more with Mine than your original view, which you were convinced was the only right one... Maybe what's wrong is not so much the other person's "wrongness" or lack of whatever, but just your own present angle & point of view of things. Maybe you're sitting in front of the wrong part of the elephant, an ugly part of him, and that's what determines your perception of reality right now. Move over to the other fellow's side & touch, feel and see as he does. Put yourself in their shoes. It's not only you singing, "Walk a mile in my shoes," but it's the others singing it, too. Just like you're inviting them to walk in your shoes, they're also inviting you to walk in theirs, and there's a lot of shoes to walk in, a lot of viewpoints to share & angles from which to see things... a whole lot of elephant to explore & discover. Changes in relationships, including separations, come more often from My hand than the Enemy. It's more often than not a blessing, which brings positive changes into the separating individuals' lives, freeing them from the chains of former

habits and ruts. If you're having serious long-standing problems in your relationship and serious doubts about it - doubts about the authenticity of the motivations that hold it together, then you should certainly be brave enough to seriously consider a separation and at least talk and pray about it. Friends are those who take time to be and make friends. Even if it means sacrificing some of the time you'd ideally invest in the things you consider most important. If I can even cause you to learn from the things that are behind, how much more would I like you to learn from the things and especially the people - on your left and right? I mean for you to include and embrace them all, the entire scope, circle and spectrum of what surrounds you, and by doing so, embracing Me even in the least of these, your brethren. Try to be understanding, even if you don't understand. All you need to understand is that I love them, and so should you. You can love them; it's okay to love them, and you should love them. Why wait for everyone to be perfect before you're going to love them? I made people in My own image, and one of My qualities is that I like to surprise you, and it's a quality I have passed on to My children: the ability to surprise you and come up with qualities about them you wouldn't have expected, the ability to touch your heart and become more valuable to you than you ever might have expected. The treasure chest at the end of the rainbow is quite often discovered right at home in the very heart of someone you might have taken for granted. That's the kind of surprises I like to make: You can travel the whole wide world in search of your treasure, and then you return tired and weary and find it right at home, where it was hidden right before your very eyes all along... It boils down to the discovery that loving your neighbor as thyself and loving Me with all your heart and might, those 2 great commandments, aren't really 2 separate things, but can virtually wind up being one and the same thing, which is why I said, "inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these, ye have done it unto Me." And one of My greatest ways of conveying My love to you is through another human being, so, it can easily be that you're going to find Me right there, in the heart of another person. Seeing Me in someone in spite of their flaws is a big lesson I'm trying to teach you. If you're not willing to put up with or confront their flaws, how are you ever going to die for them, if you can't even stand to live with them? Only if you sow into people’s lives can you reap from them the fruit of their friendship! While with some acquaintances and friendships the mind can be helpful, it is the heart, not the mind that will draw them to you. It is the Spirit that will thrill their hearts and minds and refresh and quench their weary and thirsty souls, not so much the input that comes of the mind. The art of seeing Me in others is the art of believing that in that imperfection, that momentary ugliness of the caterpillar or cocoon, there's a higher purpose and a greater beauty hidden than meets the eye, that shall be revealed with time. The lesson could be entitled "Wait & See!" Wait & see what I'm still going to do, what that ugly duckling is still destined to become! Wait to see the final outcome before you judge or make up your mind about someone and before you stick them in your mental drawers or label them. There's something fundamental you have in common with any of your brothers & sisters, no matter how different you are at the time being, and it should help you focus more on that common goal than any differences or difficulties in getting along. It should help give you an incentive to break the ice and show greater acceptance, greater understanding of them and what they're going through, knowing that I will change them in time, as I have changed you. You've got to find some common ground with them in order to help them, in order to save them. You can't expect people to be perfect, nor anywhere near perfect, nor should you hinge your love on them living up to your expectations. Stop charging a price that they could never pay! Stop demanding something they could never fulfill or live up to. You're humanly not strong enough to fulfill any such expectations yourself, so how can you make those demands on anybody else? Why not just accept everybody for who they are? If you decide to wholeheartedly listen, you will also find a way to bring Me into the conversation. But you're not always willing to forsake all and follow Me on the spot into the heart of that person. That's not how you're going to convince them that you love them with a love that is ready to lay down your life for them! That's no way they're ever going to believe it, no way to strengthen their faith in your love for them. But you should. Is your love strong and unconditional enough to show them that they're more important to you than whatever you were doing? As long as what you're doing is not immediately involved with the salvation of another human soul, it couldn't possibly be more important than hearing those closest to you out & really listening to what they've got to say. Listen to them with My ears, and you'll also have My words to give back to them as a reply. Folks around you are never going to be completely convinced that you truly love them, unless you learn to dedicate yourself to them wholeheartedly, to listen to them as if they were the only thing that mattered at that moment. That's the way I talked to My disciples, and they knew that what I had to say mattered. Seeking first the Kingdom: What is the Kingdom? What does it consist of? People! First of all, look after My people, and I'm going to look after you! Loving your neighbor as yourself requires some skill. It requires some effort. It takes something, and you've got to put something into it, it costs something. It costs something to find out what makes a person tic, and how to solve a problem. That's the challenge of love. Learn to focus on their very inner being, their inner core and soul. Learn to behold the flame, the candle of their inner sanctuary, that what really makes them burn and tic from the inside.

By far the more important to discover and explore is the "inner space" of your fellow human beings. You're going to have to focus, tune in and zoom in on them, really perceive them, absorb and feel them out, hear them out, pay attention to them. Can you blame people for being attention junkies when there's so little they get of that stuff? Everything else seems to be so much more deserving of attention: making money, shopping, car maintenance, success at work, etc. "And what about me?" the inner soul of so many cries. "Nobody's paying any attention to me. Am I really not worth anything?" Judging by the amount of attention some people are willing to pay to their spouses, their children and other loved ones, is it any wonder that so many think of themselves as absolutely worthless? So many are literally starving for the love that so few are willing to give to the needy. The demand is so great, and all the while the Devil keeps people busy and distracted with other, really much less relevant things and activities than to love others. Focus on people and their needs. Recognize them for what they are, pay attention to them! Give them your time! Give them your full attention, as if nothing else was more important, and - when it all comes down to it - nothing really is. Because you can only say in the end that you loved Me as much as you managed to love the least of these, your brethren. It is a widely spread phenomenon that people think they know another person, even one they're very close to, but in reality haven't really touched the soul of that person, haven't really perceived the true picture of who that person really is. It is one of the greatest tragedies of the times. So few people really touch each other's souls these days. Look again (= re-spect)! Look deeper! To deal with others teaches you about them and how to handle differences, and, in some extreme case, it teaches you to love, accept and embrace the totally other. It teaches you flexibility and the ability to consider totally different factors and angles than you might previously have been aware of. It opens your eyes to totally new views. The goal is greater understanding and wisdom. It's greater insight into the human heart, and simultaneously, into the heart of God, as you learn to see the full scope of different angles and possible viewpoints. You don't need to wonder, "Am I in the wrong film?" because you're never in the wrong film. Sometimes you've merely got to adjust to the script, the setting and the co-actors. People often demand from each other a degree of perfection that they lack themselves. It's a form of idolatry, because it's trying to make a god out of something that is no god, namely another human being. Instead of turning to Me as the Source of hope, strength, love and inspiration, they turn to an empty vessel like themselves, fragile and imperfect, projecting into them hopes that only I can fulfill. And thus they create another scapegoat. Someone they can blame for their emptiness, their disappointment, their unhappiness. In your efforts to learn to work together you cannot forget that it's you alone who is responsible for your own actions and choices, your own victory or defeat, because it is I that give the victory, not any other person. It may have been helpful if the other person would have been strong, wise and quick enough to do the right thing in order to ensure your keeping the victory, but ultimately, your personal victory does not depend on them, but only on whether your own heart is right with Me, whether you're truly and fully leaning on Me and trusting in Me, or not. Most folks don't even want to bother to find out how to get along with different people. They'd rather just get into their own little work, their jobs or their hobbies. But I've made it so that sooner or later, everybody is going to be confronted with different people, the differences in people, and thus they're forced to at least be confronted with the different view of things, even if they may not accept it. It is so in order to show people that there is such a thing as a different view and perspective, and I'm already hinting through that, that they're all going to get a surprise in the end to find out how I have seen things all along: the totally different view - God's view! In other words, part of the meaning behind the differences that exist between people and every kind of creature is also a part of the meaning of life: to simply behold the difference of the other and learn from it, absorb it, register it, test it, prove it, and if it turns out to be any good, perhaps assimilate it, or at least accept and tolerate it. All that spells growth. And in the long run, this is one of the major contributing factors to all of you - all of us - growing into One. Simply put, it's love. Sometimes your marriage seems to stagnate because there seems to be a halt in the process of reaching out to get to know each other more, as if you both already knew everything there is to know about each other... There is hardly anything sadder than that. Just as there will always be more about Me you can find out and discover and get to know, there will also be constantly new angles and new things you can discover about each other. It doesn't always have to be the same old thing. It takes an effort to dig it up, it takes forsaking some of the old rut, it takes daring to step onto new territory together, that you may not have been familiar with, previously. It takes trust, that the direction your partner is leading you, will be a good one, even though you may not be familiar with it. It takes trust in Me, that when I gave you each other, I didn't give you a serpent or a stone, but good bread to eat, that I knew what I was doing in creating you for each other and giving you to each other. There will always come a point where your own tolerance level will be stretched by someone even stranger than you, or stranger than the last "strangest" person you've had to cope with. It's the "embracing the leper" process in the life of St. Francis and of many true followers of Mine. Shutting anyone out who doesn't look according to one's own standard simply doesn't live up to what I said about loving the least of My brethren the way you would love Me. When you can accept and truly embrace the lowest of the low and let them know you're one of them or they're one of yours, that you consider that there is no difference between you, but they're equally loved by Me as you are, then you've become real. Every person is like a country to explore. You may love it or hate it; consider it foreign or your own, but there is always something to explore. The saddest thing to do is take it for granted. That's what a lot of people do: they never explore their own countries, they're just interested in far-away lands, and equally, they're not very interested in the people they're familiar with.

Oh, they may be very patriotic and act as if they don't love any other country as much as theirs, but - how much do they really know their country - or their loved one? How much time have they really invested in getting to know all there is to know and to find out about them? You learn even from people who may seem to have much less to give than what you've got. If you're humble enough to be in a receiving and learning position in relation to anyone you come across, you'll find life in general a much greater success, when you come to the end of the road, than if you go through it constantly pushing your own thing on others. It's the art of being open enough to see Me in everybody you come across, even as different from you as they may seem. The more they differ from you, the greater the challenge. Playing the "victim" is a weapon that many people use to get things their way, but you're not doing yourself or them or anybody else a favor by giving in to that. Eventually they're not going to get around taking the responsibility themselves for what's become of their life. Life is what you make it. Some folks just don't want to be helped, and the best thing you can do for them is let them go and allow Me to teach them the lessons they need through their experiences. The Enemy is having you focus so much on the flaws of others at times that you start to wonder if you're not better off without them, but I'm here to tell you right now that it isn't so. It may look that way at times, but it isn't really so. He knows that the only way he can ruin My work which I have begun in you is to use those differences between you, blow them up way out of proportion and make you feel uncomfortable with anybody else. But remember that "comfortable" isn't necessarily a quality that indicates My will or direction for you at all. In fact, if something or someone becomes uncomfortable for you, then chances are that I'm using them to stir you up from your comfortable rut, which is threatening to lull you to sleep or get you stuck in way you've done it "for all this time now." So, have a closer look at those uncomfortable someones you don't seem to be able to understand and who bring question marks into your life. Chances are, they're about to be a new revelation for you, introduce another step of progress for you in your life, one you may have been unable to see previously, but nonetheless vital. What I'll be mostly using in your life to really rub in life's lessons and drive home the point, is people. You cannot project hopes which can only be fulfilled by Me into a frail human being... You mustn't. Otherwise, disappointment will be your lot, and your cynicism and skepticism will grow and grow, and make you all the harder to get along with people. You must not look with eyes of expectation, but with eyes of readiness to give. You must not be a vacuum, when it comes to people, but a filler of their vacuums and needs. You must flip from receiving mode (which you're in when you're with Me) into giving mode when you're with people. You cannot expect from people what only I can give. Stop regarding other people as sources of inspiration who might minister to you and fill your needs. It's not going to happen, because I expect you to be receiving that inspiration straight from Me, and instead of expecting additional inspiration from them, you must pass on what inspiration you get from Me to them. It’s relatively easy to be attentive and polite with people that aren't constantly around you. The real acid test comes with the people you see every day. If you can still really pay attention to them, and show interest in them, no matter what they've got to say, then you're showing interest and paying attention. It's no coincidence that "paying" is the thing you must do in order to show or give someone your attention, show you care and pay them due respect. It's one of those things that money theoretically can't buy. The sad thing is, a lot of people are being respected more for their money than for their character or personal attributes. So, showing and paying attention to someone for just being themselves shows that you don't judge or go by the standards of the world. It would be easy to show them the necessary respect if they were a millionaire or would spout off really wise and educated, impressive things all day. But what are the attributes that really count, according to My book? Certainly money and brains are not on the top of My list! Your general weight as a practicing believer and disciple will be heavily influenced by the score you achieve with those you're most familiar with. They’re the people you spend most of your time with. That shouldn't mean that you owe them the least respect and attention, but the most. If I am showing you respect in spite of your problems, then you ought to be paying them respect in spite of theirs. You cannot just label people for their problems and stop listening to what they've got to say because of them! Make an effort to tune in to the other's wavelength. If you feel that you're on a "higher" wavelength than they are, you can try to pull them up to yours. That's what inspiring others is all about. But that requires some work, since people naturally won't just snap out of their own familiar wavelength and tune into yours, especially if they have no clue what your wavelength is all about. In order to get them interested, you have to "broadcast" and "advertise" a little, and let them know what your "station" is all about. You have to "play some of your music" in order for them to find out whether they like it or not. In order to pour out to others, you've got to have a vision for them, and the faith for them, that they will take what you're going to give them and bring forth fruit with it. So, if you want others to consider your wavelenth worth tuning in to, then you've got to play happy tunes, and deliver a sound quality that attracts them, and not play doleful dirges and draggy ho-humm songs. In order to truly inspire others, you've got to broadcast inspiring and uplifting music. You've got to gear your music to your audience, not just play for your own edification. You've got to tune into them first and find out what they need. Failure to inspire others is often due to lack of vision and faith to even start broadcasting. You underestimate their capacities to receive and pass on what you're giving. You figure they're not interested and they're not going to listen anyway, so why even waste your breath, your time, your energy? Visionaries are those who never consider their time, breath and energy wasted. They're those who have faith in their

audience, and enough faith in Me to believe that nothing happens by coincidence, and if I have put these people there, as much as they may be on a "different wavelength," then I knew what I was doing, had a sense and purpose in it, and it's merely up to you to find out what that purpose is by letting loose whatever you've got to pour into them and then see what happens. Have a little faith in what I'm doing. None of the stars and planets in the universe are in their distinct position by coincidence, but they influence each other in perfectly ordained and synchronized proportions. Don't you think that what I have done with lifeless rock and matter I'm also able to do with living souls? Your relationship, your marriage, and your little family are the touchstone of how real you are. Deception stops when it comes to truly intimate relationship: it's the perfect touchstone and proof of the pudding as to what kind of person you really are. Many people have totally different faces when they're out among the crowds, doing their jobs, or in front of their audiences, etc., but once they're at home, there are a few people there who know who they really are. If you can't manage to convince your wife and children that you're a nice guy, and if you can't manage to make them happy and make them laugh every once in a while, then it's probably because you're not a nice guy, period, and you might have to do some serious work on your character. You can come across like Gandhi to the outside world, but if at home you're letting little Hitler hang out, then something's wrong. You're only as real as you are being at home. Learn to be as real as can be at home, so you won't have to put on any act when you go out. Just be you - the same old you - wherever you are: the same one when you're at home as when you're before a crowd. Sometimes familiarity between people is the very factor that most hinders anyone from becoming a new creature. They would like to become one, but the other person won't let them because they continue to see the old man, the person they used to be, in them. You need to make room for others in your life. You have to clear out some of the clutter, some of the things your self is occupied with most of the time, so that there will be more space to absorb them. Without making room for them in your life, they will just become more alienated from you, because they will feel that they will have to establish their own little world, full of their own little things, because there was no more room in your world for them, or at least not sufficient... When the barns of your soul are so full of clutter that there's not enough room to house others in there anymore, then it's time to get rid of some of the clutter. It's like a full hand without capacity to receive more, but if you let go of what's in your hand, another hand can comfortably fit into it. Learn to value people just for being people, and not for whatever they may be able to do for you... One of the big lessons is the importance of little things, such as establishing a good, solid and loving relationship on the smallest level, first of all. The Enemy tries to distract you with "more important things" in order to get your focus off of this greatest mystery of all, so close to home. He's trying to get you to focus outwardly in a wrong way: some "out there" distant glorious future of usefulness, glory and honor, when My way of focusing outwardly is something a lot more down to earth: on a level of personal relationships. It’s all about communication, tuning in to each other, being considerate of each other, each other's needs, and being of a helpful attitude toward each other. Skepticism toward people stems from putting too much hope in them initially, and then when they let you down, you figure, "I should have known better," and your outlook on people has grown another shade dimmer and darker. What you need to do is see Me in others, and hope and pray that they'll see Me in you, too. Come to face it: being a Christian is all about Me. It's not about how good or bad your fellow Christians are, but it's about the Christ, the One Who came to clean up everything, no matter how big the mess is that everyone else made, including out of this mess called Christianity today. Never give up on anyone prematurely, and always remember how I refuse to give up on you, no matter how bad you blow it, alright? Remember the importance of forgiveness, the importance to keep on believing in your people, and not allow some little sin of theirs that you're just as guilty of, to cause you to decide that you're going to quit loving them or believing in them! Don't commit the sin of ceasing to pray for them (1Sam.112:23), of ceasing to have hope for them, and faith that I can salvage the situation, no matter how bad. Don't give up on them, when I never would give up on you that easily! How can you not hold on to others the way I have held on to you? Did I give up on you? You may have expected Me to, but I didn't. Did I refuse to forgive you or stop believing in you? Did I stop caring for you? You may have known that you would have deserved it, but I didn't. Even so, it is My will for you that you don't give up on them, either... Never. Even if the emotional level in a personal relationship isn’t always the same, the goal isn’t the feeling, but the goal is the life you can build from the working relationship and the trust that it engenders. That’s marriage. That’s being My bride. That’s more than just being a visitor on Sundays and giving Me an occasional call just to let Me know what you need. That’s receiving My seeds in you and allowing them to bring forth fruit in you from Me with time. That’s being family. I’ve been trying to get you into wanting and recognizing the real thing: not to have a relationship with Me for whatever’s in it for you, because that’s just not the way genuine happiness is found, not to do things you know please Me only for the benefits you might reap from it, but to really develop a love that’s real, and that is so much more than a feeling. It creates a whole new way of being in you, of doing things, of seeing things, and a new way of thinking and perception.

Every relationship has its trials, the big question is, how do you handle them? A zero change and zero progress attitude is an attitude that leads to stagnation and death. It suffocates a relationship. Some sort of progress and growth is supposed to be happening in a relationship or marriage; you’re not supposed to stay forever right in the same spot where you’ve always been. If someone seems to be unwilling to change and to move forward and advance toward the goal of a happy family and a fulfilled marriage, it can be very frustrating, and kill any incentive to invest more energy into it. If they see that you’re not willing to invest an effort into the relationship, they figure a one-sided effort would only be futile. That defense mechanism of expecting some kind of return for their labors of love is there for their protection. Otherwise folks would just endlessly abuse them, and have them pour and pour and pour into them without ever giving anything in return. But that’s not how it’s supposed to work. Even I expect certain things from My bride in return for pouring out My life to her: obedience, faithfulness, loyalty, faith and trust in Me… It’s a matter of focusing more on the other one, the partner, instead of only on one’s own needs, wants and desires. It’s a matter of grooming the quality of unselfishness. A part of love – a very important part, in fact, is granting people the right to be themselves, even if that means, “dreadfully different” from you. It may cost you something to relate to them, but that’s what it’s all about: investment. How much are you willing to invest in their freedom to be who they are in order to find true happiness? How much are you willing to invest in their happiness at the cost of your own preferences and the things and circumstances that would make you personally happier, temporarily? How much are you willing to sacrifice of your cake in order to feed them the essence of life? How much are you really willing to unselfishly help them, even if there’s nothing in it for you? That’s the kind of love with which I love you. I don’t just love you in order to get you to do things for Me or do things My way. Let them be who they are, and let them find out by allowing them to walk the road they choose. You cannot drop them like a hot potato because they didn’t choose your exact same road. That’s another aspect of the Law of Love: you grant people the right to make their own choices, just as God does. You won’t withdraw from them in resignation when they choose a different path, but you keep on loving them anyway; always ready to receive them back with arms wide open… In order to harvest good things from people, you’ve got to invest more time sowing to them; you’ve got to spend more time with people. In order to get along with them and cope with their weaknesses, learn how to rise above them, overcome or overlook them, you have to spend time at it. In order to learn how to deal with people, you’ve got to deal with people. You’re not on a search for perfect people, but for people who in Me will find their perfect answer. People are all like holes of different shapes and kinds, and what you’re looking for is the type of holes for which I am the perfect peg, the perfect Thing to fill it with. You’re inclined to pay so much more attention to that which is of your own kind, namely physical, and especially fellow human, tangible, physically audible and visible like you, that I wouldn’t stand a chance to ever be noticed or acknowledged by you, much less revered as the ultimate authority, had I made your fellow humans more perfectly suited to your needs and desires. The flaws are My personal built-in safety device to make sure you’d pay a little bit of attention to Me every now and then. At least that’s the proper reaction and the right thing to do. Of course, there are all these endless other options that people mostly resort to, like go to war, fight and quarrel over their differences. But there’s really only one right answer to the problem, one correct solution to the riddle and the equation, and that is to come to Me about it and ask Me what you should do. By this I am honored, and I will honor your faith in return by helping you out and showing you what to do and how to fix the situation; whether the fault really lies exclusively with the other person, or to what degree it lies with you, what kind of an attitude to take on accordingly, etc. You can only learn how to love others properly if you first love Me by tuning into Me sufficiently for Me to show you how to love them! It’s the differences that avoid your merely falling in love with your own images of yourselves in each other. If all you really love about the other person is just their similarities with you, then what else is it but narcism? And that’s what some people claim, love amounts to. Well, prove them wrong by loving the totally other, the person who is totally different from you and has totally different points of view, and opinions that differ strongly from yours. Without total honesty, a relationship cannot really survive in the long run. True love is totally open, nothing to hide. Sometimes it’s okay to be humbled a little by the fact that you do need others. It makes you look weak, helpless, and lost, and you cry out, “Help, don’t leave me here at the mercy of these people!” But sooner or later you are going to have to learn that people are actually quite wonderful beings, and that your correlation with them, your interactions with them, and yes, even your interdependence, are all part of My plan, especially for the future, when you will join us in My Kingdom, where everything is one body, not just individual little parts moving about by themselves. I’m trying to get the physical manifestation of My body on earth, My church, to work as closely to the way in which its spiritual counterpart is working already, as much of a miracle that presently may still seem to require… Your unity, your melding together into one body, is very important to Me. I needed to establish your interaction with Me and your dependence on Me, first. I am the Basis, and I come first. Now that that’s established, we can go to the next step and focus a little more on your correlation with others again, your cooperation with them, and the way you interact and get things together, because that is, after all, the goal. The goal wasn’t just for Me to establish a nice and neat little private relationship with you, but to have that relationship

cause you to become mature enough to finally be able to work together properly with others as well. Remember, “The second is like unto it,” they’re practically the same: “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Loving Me and learning to love Me may be the first step, and I need you to learn to have Me become your All-in-all, but only for the purpose of being able to pass on whatever it is you receive and learn of Me to others, and share it with them. Our relationship doesn’t end between you and Me, but as it continues to grow and progress, you’ll see that more and more participants are being included in it. Live the real thing, real relationship with Me and each other. Make the best and most intimate, real kind of relationship out of it, wherever you are. That includes having nothing to hide, and total openness and honesty. As soon as there are skeletons in the closet it’s very hard, if not virtually impossible, to have the kind of relationship you desire, because openness and honesty is such an essential part of it. It’s like the oxygen it breathes and on which it lives and thrives. Instead of prematurely dismissing what they have to say with a “Been there, seen that” attitude, why not listen and hear them out? Grant them the honor of your attention and show them that they’re trustworthy and worthy of your attention, your ear, your time, and of occupying some part of your existence with a part of theirs. That’s love, too, you know? Let them be themselves, say what they have to say, and grant them an ear, even if it may fall outside of the scope of your personal, immediate interest or curiosity. It may seem or sound meaningless to you, but your tolerance for what I’m doing in each other’s lives allows Me to do most of the work and work in My mysterious ways that will bring out the greater works that you, in your own efforts never could have accomplished. You can’t make love dependent on accomplishments, fulfilled obligations and expectations. People have got to know that they’re loved unconditionally in order to come up with the inspiration and love to do anything that counts and matters in the first place. For some reason I must have brought this person into your life, and that means that you’re going to learn some essential lessons from your interaction with them. Are you going to show love and understanding even when in the carnal you can’t seem to come up with much of either? You know you’re going to need Me to pass this test, and that’s part of the test itself, part of the challenge, because you’re just going to have to stay close to Me in order not to screw it up. A wife is supposed to be someone to accompany you for life – through the good times and the bad times. They’re not for discarding or swapping when you feel dissatisfied with them. It’s easy to take on a job you know you’re getting paid for, and which you can quit anytime if things don’t work out. But the prospect of being stuck in a relationship with no way out, and not much of an immediate reward or pay-off in sight doesn’t draw many “volunteers.” Learning to take each other where you’re at is part of this school of life, and that also includes learning to take yourself where you’re at, assessing where you stand, coping with it, and doing your fellowmen the favor of loving and accepting them just like you’re inevitably going to have to do it with yourself, if you want to live a happy life. Would you withhold from others the same majesty of choice that I’ve granted you and every other human being since the first living couple? It is painful to see them fall for the temptation and eating of the forbidden fruit. You know exactly how futile it is and what a waste of time, how damaging and detrimental, and the suffering they’re in for. It hurts to see them hurt themselves. But you’ve got to trust that their strayings and errings serve to draw them closer to Me and My bosom than they ever could come otherwise. If you haven't learned to love your enemies, even those of your own household, then you haven't learned much to pass on. It's better if you shut up then, and stop trying to school-master others, stop trying to teach others what you haven't learned yet yourself. It's a difficult and tricky situation to love those foes of your own household, especially when they're supposedly on your side, and it turns out they're not. But is that anything new? You're supposed to be getting the love from Me, and pass it on to them, not expect it from them, so that you'll be happy enough to serve and obey Me! "That's your problem" is one of the most selfish and disgusting things humans have ever started saying to one another, and it's the opposite of My philosophy! Their problem is your problem, and if you don't believe it, you're going to see it with your own eyes! That problem of theirs you're not doing anything about today is going to be your problem tomorrow, and boy, are you going to wish you had! You didn't think that neglecting a human being could bring such awfully negative repercussions with it, did you? Neglect is ugly, when it comes to its results. But you can start today to make a difference and unto the damage by stopping the neglect. Stop refusing to get involved, and get at least concerned and give them prayer support, if nothing else. Often the price for a “perfect” romantic relationship is their relationship with Me. Remember, the first part of the two great Commandments is to love Me, because only once a good, strong and healthy relationship with Me is established, can you also really and successfully love others the way you should and the way they ought to be loved. You want a relationship that’s more from the heart? I’ll be your best Teacher! Come to Me, and I’ll teach you how to love from the heart! It takes time to grow a working and fruitful relationship, and care and nourishment, just as it does with any other growing, living thing… You’ve got to nurture it, feed it, invest in it, give of your time and substance to it, except that “it,” in this case, is not a thing, but actual, living people and human beings with eternal souls and spirits, just like yours. That’s the meaning behind “love your neighbor as thyself:” realize that they are the same as you and deserve and need the same

kind of love and affection and attention and care as you would want for yourself. Show the sort of interest in them that you would like for them to show you! Do unto them as you would have them do unto you. People have needs that they want fulfilled, and that they expect other humans to cater to. The problem often is that because they fail to recognize and fully appreciate Me as the sole capable Candidate to live up to their expectations, they’re hauling in more and more disappointments from their fellow humans, who simply can’t. I have made it obvious that other human beings simply won’t be capable of fulfilling your every need and desire, your longings for happiness, etc.; but only few seem to grasp the point and continue to have unrealistic expectations from their fellows. What you can do is continue to point them toward Me by being a faithful witness of the fact that I can and do satisfy, as well as trying your best to be a living sample of that truth and fact, one by which they can tell and see that you’re speaking the truth. One sure way to do that is by putting your entire hopes and trust in Me. First of all, by doing so, you’ll reduce the risk of making others feel bad about their failure to satisfy you completely, and secondly, you won’t feel all too guilty yourself about your inability to do the same for them. After all, you weren’t made for that job, since it’s solely Mine. A lot of people in this world are making the mistake of trying to do the job that has been reserved for Me. They’re trying to be the all-in-all to the person they love and wind up frustrated over their impotence to fully live up to that. You can never completely satisfy each other or make each other totally happy. And changes of circumstances alone wouldn’t do it, either. You figure if he or she were different and would change this or that negative quality about them, then things would be fine, and you’d finally be happy. But the truth is, I’m allowing each of you to be only less than perfect for each other in order for you to get the point that only I can truly satisfy your deepest yearning and need. And you’ve got to let Me do My job and fulfill that need, if you want to live together harmoniously and in a fruitful relationship. Allow Me to love you and you’ll love Me in return, and will be able to love others the way you should as a result. My goal and intent is that eventually, people will learn from each other, from each other’s cultures, and that they will adapt and absorb from each other the best traits of each culture, and thus, eventually, create an ideal blend of “not-toomuch” of any quality or another, but a perfectly balanced human kind. Caring for others is more important than your own headway, and laying down your lives for the brethren is what will truly get you to the goal, not just making sure you’ll get ahead yourself. I’m trying to get you to acknowledge that you need each other in some aspects, and that you are dependent on each other. After all, that’s what community, communal life, living together, and any relationship is simply about. People need each other. Of course, I wouldn’t want you to depend on anybody more than on Me, but it won’t really work either to say, “I just depend on the Lord & don’t need anybody else.” It is through other people, after all, that I supply your needs, including that for company, even if you may have encountered many thorns on that rose lately. Better a rose with thorns than no rose at all, right? Even some of My most solitary heroes didn’t completely live on their own. Elijah did spend time with Me on his own in the wilderness, but then he also interacted with others, recruited Elisha as a disciple, etc; John the Baptist had his disciples, and even Enoch enjoyed company other than Mine at times, otherwise nobody would have noticed that he’d gone missing when he “walked with Me and wasn’t found,” right? Sometimes I give you special times of solitude, just like I also needed and enjoyed during My earthly life, but these also serve to make you appreciate more the company of your loved ones again once you’re back from the desert or mountain. It’s good and within My perfect will for you to recognize how much you need others, and learn to appreciate those I have put at your side. Life is all about learning to appreciate what I’m giving you; most of all the people I have given you to live with and to learn to cherish. You’ve got to make room for some acceptance and tolerance of other people’s wavelengths and preferences. The truth is, nobody is 100% “on track” all the time, otherwise they simply wouldn’t be human, and those who don’t check whether they’re really doing alright are in greater danger of straying than those who they constantly nudge to make sure they stay on the straight & narrow. Make it a rule to keep your life, your mind, your heart open for your loved ones, no matter what it is you do. Be there completely when you greet and welcome them. Don’t treat them like 2nd class citizens. You have to make a conscious effort to keep people above your projects you’re working on. People are what it’s all about. It’s a matter of dedicating your life more to people, more to love, more actually becoming involved in the art of loving. If you become primarily a lover of people, then you will learn to say the right kind of words, and to deliver your message in a loving way, and you won’t make anyone feel hurt or left out or locked out. They’ll know that you’re alright with them, and not mad at them or against them in some way. Unless your project will have that warm “people ingredient,” it won’t really touch people. It may be inspired and brilliant and everything, but unless it has that taste and warmth and smell that comes from rubbing your shoulders with people and getting close to them, most folks won’t be able to relate to it, simply because they may not be that spiritually minded. They need a more flesh and blood oriented Gospel. You cannot allow your unrealistic expectations to separate you from people. Familiarity is a strange thing. It is one of the main factors that destroy relationships, and yet at the same time tries to prolong unfruitful relationships for as long as possible, since you’ve felt so familiar with it all along, it would hurt to let it go. The hard part about separations that most folks in relationships dread, is making it official. Nobody wants to be the one who was being let down, or jilted, dropped and forsaken for another one. That hurts their pride. That’s why some couples just resolve to letting their broken relationship quietly peter out. They still live together, sleep in separate rooms, and people aren’t always quite sure whether they’re still a couple or not, but it’s not really that important. They’re still the

same two people, and they often have to stick together for reasons of convenience, or because of children involved, etc. - Another lesson and learning experience in life on how to get along as two human beings under adverse circumstances that force them to find some kind of a peaceable compromise. Love comes with pain sometimes, because there are still so many remainders of the desires of the self in there. It’s normal that there are personal interests involved in filling one’s personal needs. Nobody is that saintly that they get into a relationship only for the sake of the other one. And sometimes it becomes clear and evident after a while that what you need isn’t going to be met by this particular relationship anymore, and when both parties come to that conclusion, that’s when they’re usually ready to let go and ready for a change. It doesn’t have to become a big drama. Yes, there’s pain involved, everybody can tell. But what is actually causing the pain? Is it really love and a broken heart about the loss, or the pain that comes from breaking a long habit, parting from something or someone you’ve grown very used to, a little bit like fighting withdrawals from an addiction? Maybe it’s a little bit of both. But when there’s much mutual pain involved that two are inflicting on each other, then it’s usually a clear sign that the amount of selfish interests involved exceeds that of the amount of pure love in it. Maybe the great mistake many make from the beginning is viewing anything or anybody as “theirs” in the first place. As My Word says, “What have you that you have not received?” And if people would apply that to the people they’re living with as well, maybe they would treat them with a little more respect, too. It’s easy to spot the tyrant in others, but an entirely different challenge discovering him in yourself. How much love do you have to see with that “extra spiritual eye that sees the good in others and possibilities others can’t see,” instead of only their faults? Every person you meet is a world of lessons in itself, lessons you can only learn if you’re interested enough to find out and ask Me to teach them to you and reveal to you those things about them that you don’t know. Since people are your “job” for Me, so to speak, you like to project hopes into them, and your expectations of them are sometimes unrealistically high to begin with. Some people are too negative and don’t see the potential in others at all, that’s the other side of the coin. The ideal would be where with My help, you can swiftly assess where people are at, and find out from Me whether I want you to invest your time in them and whether you should put your hopes in them, or whether they’re just basically hot air. The environment is bound to have some sort of effect on the fruit. It’s harder to find good, healthy fruit in a spiritually sick and unhealthy country. Nearly everything about a relationship depends on the way you see your partner. If you view them with critical eyes and don’t really appreciate them, they feel it, and it is manifested as a lack of love, which is the fuel of any relationship. It just won’t make anymore uphill progress but inevitably grinds to a halt, and you might have to walk a few miles to the next station to get that love tank filled up again and keep on rolling another stretch. Just how true friends really are usually only shows in your hour of Gethsemane, and it’s best not to screw your hopes up too high, but learn to live with the reality of where most people are really at, and to develop a strength of character that will help you to stand when you will have to face life’s darkest trials on your own… The kind of friends that really count are those who have the same Best Friend that you have in Me, people who also center their lives around Me, and who have a living connection with Me, which I can use to keep you on their hearts and minds, just as I remind you to pray for them. In the long run, it pays off to make other people happy, to help them, and to be a friend to them, even if initially they might not seem to have anything to offer you. That’s what true friends are all about. “Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends.” That pretty much wraps it all up and reveals the sort of quality and sacrificial, unselfish attitude a true friend – according to My book – must have. Just hang on for a little longer, and keep walking that path of true success as defined by how much you give, not by how much you get (the opposite of the world’s idea of success), and you’ll see that the type of people will show up in your life who have learned to live their lives by the same criteria. Friendships and relationship require maintenance work. The only thing that really cultivates friendships is actual interaction with people. I wouldn’t want you to be part of those whose greatest regret is the realization that they failed to invest time, heart and prayer right where it would have required it the most, namely with those closest to them. I don’t want you to be like those countless souls who don’t even know their very wives or husbands, their children, and the very ones they’re supposed to be closest to. It may surprise some people, but I wasn’t exactly a born optimist when it came to people and all they were capable of in this life, either. I knew what was in their hearts, and from the viewpoints of some, it may have also sounded “pessimistic” that I kept foretelling them that they were going to crucify Me. So, I’m not going to tell you, “Relax, they’re all not as bad as you imagine them to be.” The only thing I can tell you is what I always tell you: Don’t look at them, look at Me! Optimism may not always pay off when it comes to people, but it will pay off when it comes to Me. It’s actually not just blind optimism then, but real faith and trust. Focus on Me, and I will give you the strength and wisdom and guidance to make it through any situation with people. “Don’t be afraid of their faces!” Don’t be afraid of what other people can possibly do to you, and the hurt they may possibly inflict on you, because I’m with you through all of it. The art is to learn to forgive and love them anyway, in spite of it all. The art is to learn to pray even on the very cross they nailed you to: “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.” You’re never going to be able to pray that on the cross if you don’t learn to pray that in the everyday situations of life. Most people aren’t aware of the dangers of relationship. Just like baby animals usually aren’t afraid of people to the extent that older, grown up animals are. Experience teaches both man and animals alike to be more careful. It’s good to be cautious and watchful. I never said, “Go ahead and jump right in with both feet, and enjoy whatever

situation you land in!” I admonished My disciples to watch and pray. There are certain situations and things in life you would naturally wish to avoid, and it takes some looking before you leap, and some wisdom, prayer and communication with Me in order to avoid winding up in a bigger mess than the one you were in previously. What the Big Picture mainly consists of is people, and in that aspect, there’s yet quite a bit more for you to discover. Even though the heart of man is the same all over the world when it comes to his need for Me, there are yet many differences between the ways people allow their hunger for Me to be quenched in different cultures. There’s nothing like the real live experience of getting to know people and cultures elsewhere to really give you a bigger view of the Big Picture. I want you to learn to accept others the way they are, and try to sympathize with them, and relate to them, even if their interests differ strongly from yours. I want you to accept and tolerate them the same way you would wish to be accepted by them. My influence in someone’s life can purify their motivations and cleanse a relationship or marriage from any impure and selfish elements. It gives the whole thing a noble cause, and that is really what it’s meant to be: a unification for the sake of the greatest Cause ever; the determination to walk My path together and follow Me and fight for our Cause, of changing the world with love, fighting and resisting evil, and bringing My light into it… The more important I become to you, the better able you will also be to treat your fellow humans, including your mate and family, the way you should. Being a nobody and just walking through life as an empty zero, as opposed to a big shot somebody, enables you to totally zoom into people, get onto their level, instead of judging them according to the degree to which they are different than you. Of course, if I would have wanted to make things easy for you, I could have filled your life with people that are just like you. But what sort of challenge would that be? What sort of growth and progress would it provoke? I’m not saying that relationship is always easy. Nor did I ever say that it’s the easy way I want you to go. But when your burden gets heavy and you’re weary and heavy laden, you can come to Me, and I will give you rest. Perhaps I did make relationships a little hard sometimes in order for people to seek Me more often than they would otherwise, if their lives were all perfect. Love doesn’t flare up in the face of someone you claim to love the minute something less than desirable occurs and give them the blame for it. It doesn’t treat people unfairly. It takes both the ups and downs, and doesn’t just remain loyal during the good times. You learn to take the ups and downs, the bad times along with the good times. Once you’ve got the basis of love straight with Me, then you will also start making progress in your relationship with others. (next chapter:)

…Opposites & the Totally Other Usually it's whatever you're not so comfy with, that I'm trying to stress & emphasize on in your life, always the "totally other," your NWOs, your challenge points... "Forget what you know." You must be open to a completely new experience. I'm the New, the totally Other, not the old, the things you're familiar with. You're forced to find out whether that difference in others you're finding difficult to cope with is something good, or not. In other words, you have to find out whether you should make an effort to adapt to it, or whether you should confront it, which presents an extra "bonus" challenge to you. In any case, it teaches you to deal with others, teaches you about them and how to handle differences, and, in some extreme case, it teaches you to love, accept and embrace the totally other. It teaches you flexibility and the ability to consider totally different factors and angles than you might previously have been aware of. It opens your eyes to totally new views. If you learn these things under the guidance of My Spirit you can truly learn and acquire wisdom that way. You've got to see Me in it, in order for it all to make perfect sense. It takes the "sting" out of what you're experiencing when you know it's for your good, like all things, and when you can see a purpose with a goal in it. The goal is greater understanding and wisdom. It's greater insight into the human heart, and simultaneously, into the heart of God, as you learn to see the full scope of different angles and possible viewpoints. People need to realize that love is something greater than what they often consider love. "Love loves the unlovely." It reaches out to those you would have no natural desire to reach out for. It seeks what is best for them, not what you may think is best for them. It seeks what is really the best for them. It is open to possibilities that are contrary to your own natural expectations or notions of what others might need, as drawn from your own conclusions based on your own needs. Love makes an effort to see the other - the totally other side! It expands its view way beyond one’s own limited personal view of things and is ready to deal with what's totally different, even opposite of what you've known all along. Love makes you grow. It doesn't just keep you in your comfy-cozy little world right where you are. It doesn't hesitate to get its hands dirty, to move beyond the familiar place of one's own

comfort, to go out to the highways and hedges, to a strange land in order to find there totally other perspectives of life in a needy heart or soul. It sees the need and does something about it. Love makes you grow beyond the limitations and confines of your former, your present world. It constantly expands and causes you to expand and stretch your horizon, to venture out into new realms of perception, yet always staying loyal to the True Center of all, which is Me, the Initiator of true growth. True love will never just let you stay in your own little world, stagnating in your old view. Love is like Me, because Love is what I am, and like every aspect of Me: Revolution, constant change, the totally other. It challenges you. It is your oldest desire and yet constantly new. Love is thrilling and mind-blowing: you cannot comprehend it, only receive a portion of it and pass it on. Love is My Spirit which is like the wind that bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof but canst not tell from whence it cometh or whither it goeth. You can never figure out love. You can only know it in your heart, it doesn't fit in your head. Love is the secret, the all-powerful force that rules and guides the universe, for Love is God. It's so much greater than anything that men could pin down and define with their finite minds, and it's definitely so much greater than some of man's limited perceptions of it. One has to watch out that they're not confusing love with some own selfish need for security or affection and something that will actually stop them from experiencing the fullness of My true love in their lives. Love will lead you to situations that are beyond your experiences, to places beyond your present limits. Absolute authenticity is one of My qualities. When it came to people, there wasn’t much there for Me to copy. The only thing worth copying in My eyes was the Father, and He certainly is different, the totally Other, when it comes to people. And so am I. And so do those become who hang with Me. They become different. They become weird. You don’t necessarily want to be different. You’d prefer to fit in and blend in and just hang with everybody and “chill.” Well, I have chosen a different destiny for you. It’s the differences that avoid your merely falling in love with your own images of yourselves in each other. If all you really love about the other person is just their similarities with you, then what else is it but narcism? And that’s what some people claim, love amounts to. Well, prove them wrong by loving the totally other, the person who is totally different from you and has totally different points of view, and opinions that differ strongly from yours. The Devil promotes same-kind relationships, so that nobody will reach out for the other, much less for the totally Other, which is Me. Whatever is “their own” is what has priority. That’s why it’s so hard to create unity between different Christian churches and denominations, because each of them primarily respects and is loyal to their own, which is somewhat “natural,” but then being a disciple of Mine is all about not following the mere “natural” way – since the natural man or mind is at enmity with God. My way is supernatural. So, a challenge to take on, on My behalf or as a Christian, would be to seek the group of people that is the least like your own, and try to reach out to them and find common ground with them… try to bring Me to them. Dealing with people is your job for Me, reaching out to people, and reaching them with My message, and in this case, what’s particularly challenging about it is the aspect of reaching different people, since most people simply happen to be quite different from you. That’s the great magic of My story: I, the totally Other and ultimate and epitome of being different than mankind, became just like you, in order for you to be able to become like Me. In order to teach people to not just love their own kind, you must give an example of loving those who are different from you to begin with, make an effort to relate to them, be a sample of someone who is accepting and understanding of those who are quite different in views and manners from yourself. I’m trying to teach you and bring about in you progress in the area of greater tolerance and acceptance of the totally other, one of the things which the world most needs. What they really hated about Me, and what they couldn’t pinpoint or figure out, what they were most jealous and envious of and bitter about, was My relationship with the Father. If the Father is the totally Other, He’s the Light that they’re all scared spitless of in their darkness, and He was the ingredient about Me, the one Factor that bothered them most, just like it’s your relationship with Me that people most resent about you. You’re weird enough as you are already, they figure, but that “Jesus-business” just about takes the cake, as far as they’re concerned. If they don’t have any room in their hearts and minds for Me, the totally Other, then they usually won’t have any tolerance for different kinds of people, either. This doesn’t mean that there may not be atheists who may show even more tolerance and acceptance of other kinds of people than even many supposed believers, but it just shows that My presence in people’s lives isn’t necessarily limited to labels such as “Christian” or any other religious or philosophical drawers and labels, but My Spirit flows freely into the lowest places and humble hearts and shuns the proud and haughty of whatever confession and religious affiliation. – The most perfect examples of which were the Scribes and Pharisees, who have many modern counterparts. Sometimes the opposite of what appears to the carnal mind, is actually the truth. True faith is the opposite of all that is ‘your own’, for it comes not from ‘your own’ world, nor ‘your own’ mind, nor from any place or realm that is ‘your own’. For the Kingdom of God does not belong to any man, but any man can choose to belong to the Kingdom of God. So, there are those who claim to be Mine, but they only want to use Me, instead of letting Me use them. There are those who want to make Me ‘their own’, but refuse to let Me truly call them My own, for they refuse to listen to Me and they refuse to obey Me. Those are the ones of whom I prophesied in My Word, ‘I have never known you’. (see Mt.7:22,23) For how can I know them, if they continuously lock Me out of their hearts & lives, when I want to come in & know them?

When you shall seek for Me with all your hearts, I will let you find Me. Though what you will find is often the opposite of what you were hoping for in the flesh: death of self, death to the flesh, death to pride & everything that exalts itself. In the World, everybody basically seeks their own glory, and to glorify themselves, to pride themselves in their accomplishments & pat themselves on the back, or proving their worth & showing off with the status they have achieved to reach by themselves, through their own hands or by means of fleshly heritage in the things they acquire, their material possessions, their wealth, their cars, houses & other status symbols. Whereas the status symbols of the Spirit World are the exact opposite: "The less there is of you, the more the light shines through" is the slogan in the spirit, and the less you exalt yourself & seek your own glory, and the more you seek to glorify God, and just fill the need by whatever humble and invisible action, that is what makes you shine with greater brilliance & glory. Change is really the opposite of the Devil's spirit of stagnation. Although he pretends to be the great pioneer of change & progress in the World & accuses Christians & believers of being old-fashioned, in the spirit his philosophy is really old and rotten, and the same kind of selfish & greedy philosophy he has been introducing since the beginning. The flesh tells you the opposite of what My Spirit tells you, and the acid test & the crunch of faith is, who are you going to believe more, Me or your own flesh? I'm the Opposite of all that the flesh tells you. Sometimes the way I see things is the exact opposite of the way you see them. What you call a blessing, I call a curse many times, and what you call a curse, I see as a blessing. "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8,9) You can't do it in the flesh. While the flesh is busy thinking up ways to save itself, it makes it very hard for you to create a deep connection with Me, because I am the opposite of all its attempts. I am its enemy. That's why the Bible says that the natural man is at enmity with God. The natural man doesn't want to trust Me but in himself. That's why he can't love Me. I'm opposing his attempts to save himself. Don't let any dust settle in your life! Don't accumulate, but keep going, keep moving, keep burning! You keep burning energy, you keep spending yourself... that's what it means to live. To stagnate is the opposite: corrosion, lack of movement, gaining weight, clinging to the old. The newness of constant change is what will keep you alive. To be a follower, a disciple of Mine, means going in the opposite direction of where the world is going and the flesh would lead you. Instead of letting them drag you along with their current, you go the opposite way. Faith disregards all the philosophies of man and their counsel on how to make headway, it discards all that the world advertises as wisdom and their secrets to "success" and chooses to go the opposite way, one that apparently leads nowhere, down to the most undesirable place of the defeat and death of that which the System is trying to build up: the ego, the self, one's own position and advantage... Faith is knowing it anyway: knowing that I mean well, that I know best, that I choose and only allow what’s good and best for you, even if your interpretation of your circumstances and your feelings may tell you something different or the downright opposite. Faith is the lone believer in that lonely voice out there that preaches the opposite of what the large majority preaches. It is the lone believer in the rare voice of truth, the one single proclaimer of what the large majority would never have the audacity or courage to embrace There may be a sea of voices telling you one thing, constantly repeating it, like some mantra they’re obsessed with, but faith knows anyway that the opposite is true. I like whatever is the opposite of conservative and stagnant. I like the alive and moving. The flesh always tends to become stuck in a rut sooner or later. It may think it’s immortal, but inevitably and unstoppably moves toward the proof of the opposite, and that it’s only the spirit that brings life. If you judge everything by the criteria of false and true, you’ll see that there is quite a gap between My ways and those the cohorts of the Enemy avail themselves of, which make the two parties quite distinguishable from each other. Their way is theirs and Mine is Mine, and never the twain shall meet. I will let them see where their path will have led them. And you’ll be glad then that you chose the opposite way. (next chapter)

…Serving God (Spirit Helper:) The higher you climb on the System’s ladder of success, the lower you sink, spiritually, when you’re called to be one of the Lord’s servants & messengers & apostles. When you’re called to be one of His missionaries, then there just isn’t much success in anything else you may accomplish, as far as the Lord is concerned. All the applause in the world is like ashes between your teeth, and a sad farce, for while they are clapping for you, you hear the cries of the lost you’re failing out there somewhere in this poor, lost & lonely world. The children of the Lord are fainting in the land, not knowing what to do. What will you do? Count the cost, My loves, lest you find out in the middle of the road that the price is higher than what you are willing and able to pay, and you might have to turn around again. Determine whether you’re really willing to pay the maximum price

of surrendering all Many people who said they were going to follow & serve Me went back ashamed, because the price turned out to be higher than what they had expected. Discipleship is more than just making a living for yourselves! It is living for others & bringing Me to them, salvation and all that you’ve found in Me. You’ve got all hell fighting you once you decide to serve Me, but it’s not like I’m leaving you helpless or defenseless. In order to prove your loyalty to the System you must undermine your loyalty to Me. Ye cannot serve God and Mammon... Sooner or later there won’t be any more in-between. “Who made you a ruler over us?” That’s the very voice of Satan! He got to the same point where he got fed up with My leadership & he was thinking, ”Who made You the Boss over us anyway? I wanna be my own boss!” And the majority of the people out there simply prefer themselves as their own boss, or if they don’t have the strength & courage to be their own boss, they’ll accept the Devil or any one of his System stooges; at least he’ll give them what they think I can’t: security and a fixed, safe position in this world, and its material blessings. They figure the things I am asking people to do are too crazy. They make no sense. It’s all too uncertain for them! No, they’d rather play it safe, serve the Devil & work hard for his meager wages than trust Me that if they obey Me, I will supply all their needs. Your task is going to be to find those who are fed up with being slaves of the Devil and want to use their energies for a better purpose. Refuse to accept the lower identity which the Devil & the System are trying to give you & that you render your services completely to Me. Be a fully functioning agent for My Cause. You’re My agents of love. My way & chosen path for you is the high road, not the low road. Without faith it is impossible to please Me... You’re either the servant of faith or the servant of fear. It’s either Me or the System, you cannot serve God and Mammon... Will you be a god, a king, the master of your own fate, not subject to the ridicule & scorn that servitude entails, but with your head held high in pride for a season, or will you choose the humble road of a servant, lower yourself in the eyes of men in order to bring them salvation, and consequently rule & reign with Me forever? The Devil is a liar and a thief, & so are his followers. They're trying to rob My servants & enslave them, bind them so they're not free to serve Me. The Devil wants to strip you of your rights & your freedoms to serve Me, but I want you to rise above all that. One of the most loving services you can render to people is to listen to them. Consider your loving interaction with each other of hearing one another out & having them share what's on their heart part of your loving service to Me, part of your labors of love, which will not be in vain, nor remain unrewarded. No servant is above his master. If I have been humbling Myself & have gone out among the people to preach a message I knew most of them would reject in the end, and that would lead Me to death on the cross, I am expecting the same of My followers. And when there's so much to do & so few willing to do it, I just have to ask whoever is willing and available, and I recruit whoever I can get a hold of. Let each man & woman choose whom they're going to serve. If it be Mammon, then let them serve him, but let them also be fully aware of the consequences, the price they'll have to pay: the price of slavery, the price of absence of true happiness which only comes by seeking spiritual fulfillment, (for man is a spirit & can only be fully satisfied by spirit), the price of the absence of My blessings & protection & of the peace that obedience to Me brings. I want people who choose My way voluntarily, and because they think it's the best. Everybody wants a life-boat when the ship is already sinking. But who wants to come away from the superficial partying while the ship is still cruising? Who wants to believe those who say that the ship is going down while everybody's still having so much fun? I want people to serve Me because they love Me & choose to serve Me above the other, more shiny options, not only out of the fear of My impending judgments. In some ways, the selfish way is the easier way. You have to carry the Devil's heavy yoke, but for that you don't need to share your life with others, you don't have to give & pour out your life to others, as service for Me requires, and thus for some it's simply easier to serve the Enemy. One will never appreciate the freedom I give until they have been the Devil's fool. Very few are content to serve Me without ever having seen or tried the other side. It's heartbreaking to see them make the wrong choice, but choice is what it's all about. It's always a matter of whether you believe you are your own, or whether you believe that since I not only created you, but have also bought and redeemed you with My blood, you're rightfully Mine. If you accept the fact that your life actually belongs to Me, you won't make such a big fuss about Me wanting to employ you for My purposes, you figure it's a whole lot better serving Me than the Devil. But evidently, the majority of people see it differently. And then there are those who don't even know yet that there is an alternative to the Devil's bondage & slavery at all, and those are the ones that I would like to employ you to reach and to free from their captivity, or at least to make them aware of the fact that there IS an alternative. My servants are messengers & ministers of freedom in this world of confines! You are the chain busters, the prison busters, the matrix busters, exposers and destroyers of that prison for their minds, which held you captive for a time as well, but from which I have set you free in order to set others free as well.

Know who you are, what you are and Who you are serving, and one of these days, they're going to see the truth, and they will glorify Me and the Father then, for you, and the mercy that you have brought to them, even if they didn't recognize it. Even if they don't receive Me or your full message, if they will even only give you a cup of water or any token of hospitality, they will glorify the Father one day for the good work you did in letting your light shine before them, and they will be so grateful they did not reject you, even if they couldn't handle your message yet. I give you freedom & liberty to serve Me the best you can, according to your faith & abilities & vision, and you can do all things through Me Who strengthens you. "A disciple is someone whose primary goal in life is to serve God and not mammon." Is your primary goal to serve Me, and not mammon? Every penny in the service of mammon is hard earned by bearing the heavy yoke of mammon, while every cent I bless you with in My service, that is being given to you in return for My Words and tools is a testimony to My great power of supply, My power to lift you up. My yoke is so easy, it can help you fly! Putting on My yoke is almost like putting on a pair of wings, in comparison to the heavy, steely yoke of the System and mammon, who will squeeze every drop of energy out of you in return for every penny you earn. That money just disappears again, as it develops eagle's wings itself & disappears into this hole or that, this bill or that need... it never stops; it's a vicious cycle & a deadly trap! Step out of that treadmill! And step out on the water of My will for you! I love you and want you to be happy serving Me. I'm not expecting you to go out & do things for Me that you hate, although some things might initially be simply tough & become better as you go. But people must be able to see that you love what you're doing, & that you're doing it because you feel you're called to do this beyond the shadow of a doubt, and there's no other thing on Earth you would rather do. Invest your time, energy & resources, your lives, into My Kingdom. Start living by the faith that in so doing I will miraculously supply your needs. Living for Me and serving Me very often entails sacrificing personal desires, as hard as it may be sometimes. You think that because you desire it, you're supposed to have it, but that's not necessarily so. Sometimes those desires are the very temptations of the Enemy, designed to lure you away from what I desire for you. Make My business your business, not promoting yourself and your own cause, but Me and My Cause. You'd be better off truly serving Me, promoting My cause, My message. If I have called you to be a servant or a slave, seek not to be loosed, but trust Me that I have chosen the best path & destiny to make you what you're supposed to become. I've always had special servants who stood out from all the rest, who were used specially by Me, even if they had to go on all alone at times, seemingly forsaken by Me and the World, but only they knew - because I told them and assured them that I had not forsaken them, but that I was with them... And later on, history showed that they were right, and the rest of the bunch followed in their footsteps. If people would only give Me their whole hearts & truly & wholly dedicate their lives to My service unconditionally, then they would find the desire of their heart, and I would give it to them, as I have promised. But as long as they're chasing it in their own might & do whatever they can to secure it for themselves by their own might, it eludes them, and the stronger they try to grasp it, the less tangible it becomes. Things are very, very tough, sitting on the fence between serving Me and the Devil. You'll either accept the deal he has to offer you that will give you his prosperity at the price of virtually your soul - the lack of ability to love - or you'll send him to hell and get on My bus & get busy serving Me. It activates My power in your life when you decide to obey Me and take up your cross, deny yourself and lay down your life for Me! No man can serve two masters. Blessed is he who has chosen the right Master. Who is your master? Who are you serving? Me? - Investing your time and energy into winning souls for My Kingdom? Or are you settling for the cheap thrills of the immediate gratification that paper money brings? Where is your focus? Where is your aim? What are you shooting for? Which treasure are you hunting? It's all about serving, not seeking to be served! Every person and situation is unique, and you need to find out with My help which one applies to you: is it time for you to join the children of Israel in the mud, making bricks for the Egyptians, or are you called to tend sheep in order to be prepared to free them from their slavery? Whose servant are you called to be? There's no sense even to try to begin serving Me, unless you believe that I in you will work the humanly impossible! Serving Me is a choice everyday: who are you going to cater to, your own desires or Mine? I've poured out & supplied you with the counsel you needed, the necessary assurance of all you need to know to get going. Now you just need to put it into action and actually do it. The doin' it is your part! I'm sayin' it, you're doin' it. That's the way it usually works when you're working for or serving somebody. So, I've done My part, now it's time to let Me see you do your part. It's time to get working. It's really true: you cannot serve God and Mammon, for either you'll be spending your time serving Me, or you won't.

Don’t look with eyes of expectation of what might be in it for you, but with eyes of expectation of "How can I help, how can I be of service, what can I give?" Don't live to be served, but walk in My footsteps & learn to serve others! "He that commits sin is the servant of sin" (John 8:34), and I'm the only One Who can liberate anyone from that bondage. They slave away for their meager wages, which, in the end, turn out to be nothing but death, that "way which seemed so right unto a man," but turned out to be the ways of death... You slave away for little colored papers all your life, and all you get for it in the end is the sting of death. But not so for those who receive Me. For I can turn anything and everything into an everlasting value. The whole idea of faith and serving Me is that you don't have to serve your circumstances and be subject to them, but to apply your faith in My power to make the most out of them, make something better out of them, to use that empty ground and fill it with My seeds, to till and plough it, so that from that which was once empty ground, unpromising and seemingly barren, you bring forth fruit unto Me. The ground of your circumstances waits to be tilled, worked and cultivated through your prayers and your obedience to Me, and thus altered, from an empty ground to a lush green field, that's the ultimate purpose of faith. Your life without Me was like a desert, but I came into your life and changed it into a pleasant land. Now, your job is to turn around and - in order to maintain the happiness I have given you in the first place - to change the barren lands of others' lives into lush green lands also. This happiness isn't something you can just keep for yourself, but it only remains alive if you share it with others. Only through this action of turning others' lives into something better, will your own "land" stay fruitful, fertile and lush and alive also. You have experienced how the Enemy can turn your land into a wilderness again, if you let him, and that explains a little bit what Paul referred to (Phil.2:12) when he said, "work out your own salvation in fear and trembling:" it referred to what you do with your own saved life while you're living it, and while you have a chance to cultivate it. What fruit are you going to cause your life to bear and bring forth? It wasn't referring to your eternal salvation, to your soul, which is Mine once & for all, but to what you're going to do with your saved life on earth. Are you going to allow that salvation to work so that it brings forth fruit? That's the only way your salvation will ever become visible and beneficial for anyone else. That is what "sowing to the spirit" refers to. Whereas all those activities that merely minister to the flesh won't serve to make your fields prosper, but will only leave them barren and desolate, and any fruit or life on it will wither and fade (see Gal.6:8). "When you decide to serve God, all hell breaks loose," "The Devil doesn't start shooting until you get over the top..." As long as you accomplish nothing, he'll leave you in peace. But if you're doing My will, he'll attack you, because you pose a threat to him. You're either advertising this world, or Me, the Alternative to this world, you can't do both. You can't advertise God and Mammon. You can't serve two masters. St. Francis said toward the end of his life, "We haven't done anything yet." You can always do more. There's always more you could accomplish, some more progress to be made, some ground to be won. You've just got to do something for those blessings. What you do is what makes the difference. Serving Me happens to be one thing you cannot manage to do successfully in your own interest! It's got to happen because your desire is to make someone else happy, starting with Me. You have to learn to seek My satisfaction, My happiness, and My joy, and that of others. May you discover the joy of what it means to really be able to say with your whole heart, "All I want to do is serve Him!" To serve Me means to serve Me in battle against evil, and it's a relentless battle to the death. There's nothing fake about it. No second chances of, "Oh, I don't think this is what I wanted, after all." There's either fight to the death or desertion. Egotism, pride, self-love and selfishness make one assume the role of a king in life, instead of that of a servant. It's the selfishness of the insane... They only think about themselves. Total insanity. That's why only a life revolving around Me, the True Center, can be a meaningful and fulfilled life. Anything else is like drifting around in space without a goal, without aim, just heading for eventual destruction. Your service to Me will only be really effective if it is sparked by love. You're tossed into the world as a selfish little human being, and your destiny and purpose is to become something else, no longer selfish, but selfless and caring for others. No longer living for yourself and for what you can possibly consume, but dedicating your life to the service of others. Not everybody is destined to become a Florence Nightingale or Mother Teresa. But you can nevertheless learn to become more mature, more mindful of those around you and their needs. Have you truly employed your life in service to Me, or were you just one of the countless slaves of Mammon, who every once in a while offered a little token, a small sacrifice to Me, as one would throw a bone to a dog under the table? That's why I have said, "I will have mercy, not sacrifices." I'm sick and tired of little sacrifices that mean nothing, I want love. Love is the only acceptable sacrifice. A lack of joy in your work and service for Me saddens Me. Instead of taking those hurdles, those challenges, those piles of work and tasks I put before you, joyfully and with enthusiasm, you drag your feet and ho-hum about it, and you moan

under the workload, wishing you had someone else's job. The real art of living lies in recognizing each challenge and task set before you as your special and individual, tailor-made destiny that only you can fulfill. Of course, that requires a good portion of faith and vision when that "glorious destiny" is a pile of dishes, a load of laundry or taking the garbage out. It's relatively easy to do some glorious job that's going to be noticed by a bunch of people. But those who can keep doing those little, menial jobs with that same vision are My greatest and truest heroes. Those "little" people are in reality My truly great people, and those "little" jobs they're doing are in reality the greatest service rendered to Me of all, because they require the greatest portion of faith, vision and perseverance, and that's why they will also receive the greatest rewards. "What thine hand findeth to do, do it with thy might!" (Ecc.9:10). It's a matter of ruling now and suffering later. If you play god now, then chances are you're going to miss out on some of the rewards later. Isn't it better to join your brethren down in the arena and playing field of service, instead of sitting in the grandstands and waiting to be served? Fear causes unbelievers to refuse to believe in My existence or the existence of the devil altogether. They know too much would be at stake, if they'd accept that we exist. They know that a decision would be expected of them, who they serve, and that if they'd serve Me, they'd have to oppose him. But by refusing to acknowledge neither of us, they get around having to deal with the whole issue. They refuse to see the spirit world altogether in order to avoid having to make the decision what position they're going to take in this war. The material life is the easy way out for them. When they die, it's all over, they think, and hope, and that's precisely where they'll have their biggest surprise coming. Listening is one of the greatest services you can render, both listening to Me and listening to others. The Enemy advertises the self as an entity worthy of attention that quasi amounts to worship, in order to satisfy it and make it "happy," and even availing yourself of Me, My Word and My truth - although only a fragment and watered-down version of it - in order to achieve that goal, which amounts to supermarket style religion: picking out certain pleasant truths, and leaving aside the more unpleasant ones, just serving yourself of the goodies My Word has to offer, and neglecting the convicting truths that would spur you on to change, sacrifice and action. People are much more attuned, in general, to their own desires, wants, inklings and cravings, than to My bidding, and even those who do want to serve Me, usually prefer to do so on their own terms, within a well respected church or environment. Not many are willing to pay the price for discipleship that is laid down in My Book: persecutions, sufferings, being a stranger in this world, slandered and lied about, and taking up your cross to die daily. Popularity is one of the first things that has to go on the offering plate if you're out to serve Me. It’s time for everyone near and far to get serious about serving Me, and to prove whether they really mean business with Me, because the time for compromise with the Enemy and his System is soon coming to a close, and you must prepare for that time. My yoke is easy and My burden is light. And if it’s not easy, and the burden is not light, then it is not My yoke, in other words, then you have not been serving Me. If you’re going to serve Me, you’re going to have to give Me priority over the gods of this world, their money, their power, their wealth, their positions, and all the benefits they give you. How well have you served My people? How well have you served others? Will you have been a good and faithful servant, faithfully handing out the bread of life and serving them the water of life? I want you to enjoy life and enjoy your service for Me and what you’re doing for Me: I want you to do what you enjoy! Merely going through a humdrum of performing duties you don’t particularly enjoy isn’t going to enhance your quality of life, thus your health, your happiness, and thus also not your sample and testimony for Me, which equals your efficiency for Me. So I might as well let you do what you enjoy! Of course, Satan is mad as hell about it, because he likes to enslave everyone, and he furiously hates people who refuse to be loyal and obedient slaves of the Matrix. I’d rather have you so happy and thankful that you can truly offer Me to your friends and acquaintances as “the best deal of your life-time,” by having personally experienced that I like to give you the desires of your heart and make you happy, than have you try to serve Me for any false and less than noble reason. They already live in a “tit for tat” world where they only get something in return for something they have to do or give first. I want to be the Exception and the break out of that treadmill. I really want to liberate them from all their fears, not just replace old ones with new ones. If what motivates you is fear of missing out on something in case you don’t obey Me, then you don’t have the right motivations it takes to win anybody to Me, and they’ll sense it, and I’d rather you go and enjoy yourself until you find out that there’s nothing to be afraid of. Sometimes I use your “false” motivations for My glory and greater good. There’s always time to mature later on, as you grow up and learn more about life. It’s better someone serves Me for the wrong reasons than not serving Me at all and getting into mischief instead. And yet again, I may use a period of mischief to get you out of the rut of trying to serve Me for the wrong reasons, and clean up your spiritual household a little bit and become more real in your motivations and the driving force that spurs you on through life. I work in everybody’s life in different ways, and what I’m trying to get you away from is that “drawer” type of thinking, that would dictate the same kind of procedure for everyone.

People who strive to serve Me with “good” intentions, but in their own energy, often fall short of the real goal. They fail to realize that you can’t legislate righteousness, much less love, and love is still the most important thing, not good works. I’ve got My very own and special way of doing things in store for you, your own modus operandi, your special “power,” that makes you fill the special place in My service that only you can. “Accursed is the man that maketh flesh his arm” (Jer.17:5). It’s part of the curse of the Devil’s promise, “Ye shall be as gods.” That god-hood definitely has its disadvantages, especially when you’re trying your best to serve the true God and that little pseudo-god ego keeps piping up, “Hey, but what about me?” There are those who are trying to play “the best of both worlds,” who preach that you can please both; you can serve God and Mammon. The question is, who are you going to believe? Me and My Word, or them? Will you allow them to influence and sway you with their way of thinking? Or will you remain steadfast and maintain your eyes on My goal and My path? You cannot please both, God and those who serve Mammon. If you serve God, you’ll be an outcast and a traitor to those who devote their lives to Mammon and the god of the flesh. When I see that somebody does all they can in order to serve Me and to please Me, then I also give them the gifts that they will need as tools and instruments to do their job for Me. Service to Me consists of doing what you can in order to bring My Words of life to those dying spiritually all around you, and those who dedicate their lives to that service are the ones who receive My gifts in order to help them do the job. An apprentice will have to work for a month before he will get his first paycheck, and he won’t be getting the fancy assignments before he will have completed the simple ones, and that’s how it also works with Me, if you want to be My apprentice. While there may be more than a few who believe in Me, there aren’t all that many who actually dedicate their time to serving Me and spreading My Word and furthering My Cause. Does My Cause seem so un-worthy to you? Introducing them to Me, the Great Teacher, does the same for them that Ann Sullivan did for Helen Keller: She brought meaning, yes, the very concept of meaning into her life, and that’s what I do for so many, countless others, too. But usually I don’t get much of a chance, because so few of My people want to introduce Me to those who don’t know Me yet. Keep in mind what you’re here for: you’re here to introduce others to the Great Teacher Who will bring meaning and light and love into their lives. Isn’t that a worthy endeavor? You cannot mistake service to Me as only action. In fact, 90% of it is interaction with Me, Your communion with Me, your devotion to Me, and I will do the rest through you. I will then inspire and empower you to do the physical part of executing whatever is My will for you to do. The Enemy will always require “Cesar’s pound of flesh” for anything he will “give” you, even if it’s merely an “opportunity” for you to work for him and be his slave in return for his meager wages… The Devil’s “generosity” is a different kind than Mine, and I need you to experience these things in order to appreciate Whom you’re serving, and thus put your whole heart into your service for Me. I want you to find out why it pays to trust Me and put your efforts on My side and invest your time and energy into My Cause, not theirs. Do you want to live to serve a pleasure and entertainment craving mob that’s practically impossible to satisfy, unless you put yourself on their wavelength? Your job is to give the world a wake-up message, and not to entertain them, or keep them satisfied in their stupor. Whatever it takes for you to touch people’s hearts and really bring across My message to them is what I would consider service for Me, not whatever brings in money by merely tickling people’s ears. You’ve got to put Me, My Cause and Kingdom first, and not the money! You cannot serve the purpose of both. If it’s the money you’re there for, then My purpose and message goes under! You’ve got to be there primarily for My sake, and not care or worry about the money. Just deliver My message wherever you go, and let the money and your supply be My problem. Your true purpose in life is to please and serve Me, primarily, and not live for and cater to either your own selfish cravings and lusts and desires, nor anyone else’s. The Father and I didn’t want to have robot-like creatures obeying and serving us all day just because We made them to. We want everybody to like Us and to love Us voluntarily, because they choose to and want to. True progress is achieved through concern for others and developing an attitude that causes you to look around for things you can do that may be of service to them, instead of constantly being on the lookout for someone to cater to your personal well-being. It’s the attitude of a servant, as opposed to that of a tyrant, and the choice between either of those two is basically what determines your outcome in the final analysis of your life as either a winner or a loser. The tyrants may presently look like the winners, but they’ll certainly be the losers in the long run, whereas the servants are going to be the winners in My book. The tyrants are those who are too proud to be My servants, and they rebel against that destiny, and want to be served and catered to themselves. They don’t want to dance on “another sucker’s parade” as someone put it, which just about wraps up the Devil’s attitude of the original pride that brought sin and all of evil into the world. The only true progress and advancement is achieved via selfless serving. The regress and backwards movement the

world is currently undergoing is all due to millions of little tyrants being let loose on each other, powered by the input that Satan has unleashed upon them on an unprecedented massive scale… soon to culminate in the revelation of the biggest tyrant ever… Being a servant of Mine is infinitely more rewarding than being a slave in the matrix, which may enable you to play a tyrant over a handful of other people for a brief time in the present, but will usually only result in misery later… Be the living proof that, yes; I’m going to take care of them if they’re going to leave their jobs in order to serve Me. They may not necessarily be able to enjoy the same sort of abundance they currently enjoy while slaving away for those comforts and luxuries and extras, but for this they can have the simple joy of knowing they’re serving God in the truest and purest form and way possible today in the 21st century, regardless of what all the voices may say that cause them to compare with others: “Why do they have so much more than you?” More of what? - Material things that bring leanness to the souls of millions and billions of folks around the world? There are different facets of service to Me: there are the tasks of building up the church and preaching the Gospel, and there are tasks of healing, of casting out of spirits, which include addressing the negative side of things. I use you as a spice of variety in My potpourri of the message that I want to give to the world. Different strokes for different folks… Some are called to burn their candle at both ends, others are destined to burn perhaps less brightly, but longer. Now it behooves every man to abide in their calling… (Next Chapter:)

…Children and Parenting If you could see as I see, you would know that those apparent & seeming burdens are one of the greatest blessings, treasures & privileges ever bestowed upon you. Children are a vessel of whatever you have the faith to fill them with. They are the incarnation of the verse, ‘According to your faith be it unto you.’ Have faith that they will become a blessing, that ‘Blessed is the man who has his quiver full of them’... Start appreciating those arrows for what they are. Not mere useless, ugly & dirty sticks that are causing you nothing but trouble, but arrows, which, when combined with the bow of My weaponry & the skill of the Archer’s hand, namely Mine, can go further than you ever have or will... It’s another trick of the Enemy, to have deluded folks into thinking that kids are a burden. Open your eyes & look beyond what you see in the flesh! Look at My unlimited potential of opportunities! Despise them not, but seek Me for all I can do in their lives! ‘Suffer little children to come unto Me!’ Let them come unto Me & don’t be of a cold, harsh, cruel, unbelieving heart “Children are an heritage of the Lord,” and by rejecting this heritage, selfish people are forfeiting their heritage & their part in Me. Only the selfish dislike children. Children are a more important factor than many realize. They’re the fruit of man, although some have come to accept the concept that the fruit more worthy of bearing is their little colored papers... The love of money is the root of all evil, and if you consider money a greater & better fruit to bear than children, then you’re on the Devil’s track, not Mine! Your children will still be your heritage from Me, even long after the last bill of paper money will have gone down the drain. Welcome them with arms wide open, love them as I have loved you, and that love will never return unto you void. Even IF the Enemy gets a hold of them temporarily & twists & warps their minds & turns them against you! Let it be a test of unconditional love, like I have loved you unconditionally, even when you turned from Me. Forgive them as I have forgiven you and continue to forgive! Your children ARE important to Me, and they should definitely be to you! You should do the best you can for them, and you MUST be faithful in that which is not really the least: your little ones. Have you watered your little plants? Have you cared for your garden? Have you been faithfully sowing My seeds into their hearts? Is your sample such that your children would want to assume your life-style? Who would have thought that that child or that youngster could have turned into a brilliant mind, a shining light & beacon to many under your influence & tutorship? Who could have suspected that they were wide-open treasure chests, waiting to be filled with what you had to give them? I’m handing out a crown of great glory to those who had the vision, who were faithful, who led My little ones & guided them by the hand, who had an unselfish love to pour their own lives into those young & brittle vessels, often at the cost of giving up their own dreams & visions & goals they had for themselves. Praying is not only an essential part of love a parent should have for their child, but it’s actually the most important & effective thing you can and must do! A baby brings many new “burdens” in the form of a greater work load. But in My eyes, that babe may be the purpose you’re here for, for what else is life all about but learning to care for someone else, learning to help those who are weaker? Soon it will turn out to have been the biggest blessing & richest source of rewards in your life you could have ever dreamed of. A baby is able to do nothing but trust that his mother will feed him & take care of him. A baby is a picture of perfect trust. You gotta be a baby to get a taste of that heavenly peace & trust & faith. Just trust like a baby!

You must look into the future. When Abraham was alive on Earth, not many folks knew about him, comparatively speaking. He had his encounter with the king of Egypt & with maybe a few hundred or thousand others, but none of them were aware of who he was going to be. What I made him, I brought about through a tiny little baby. Something anyone can do: make love & have a baby. But it was something special I did, just like the Father did the most special thing in all history by sending down a baby... Sometimes the whole impact that tiny little baby had, that seemingly insignificant life of faith, is only revealed years, decades, or even centuries later, as is so often the case with people who are considered saints in the World: they're hardly ever considered saints during their life-time. I give you everything so that you give it back to Me. If you receive everything from My hand & thank Me for it & are willing to give it back to Me every time (like the picture of a parent playing ball with a toddler: the toddler has to be willing to throw or roll the ball back to the parent, otherwise it won't work...), then you'll eventually find out that this game works, and it's actually fun, and that there's a sense to all this give & take, even though you (the toddler) may not see it at first... Children are a factor you can't just ignore. You can't just ignore the little things, the little people and the details, in favor of a potentially big thing. You seem to be so afraid that I'm incapable or too heartless to take good care of those I have given you. Can you keep them from death? Can you keep them from prison, and the paths of darkness they have chosen for themselves in their lives? No, not by caring for them every waking hour of your life could you keep their spirits from wandering into the depths of darkness, if that's what their choice is. But I can. IF you will commit them into My hands, which will often mean, first letting them go out of your own hand & trusting Me for them. My ways are unlike your ways, and they're mysterious ways, and you don't always comprehend them. But does that mean that they cannot be good? Does that mean you know better than Me? Does that mean I have failed, I was absent or asleep when this or that bad thing happened? What if all those supposedly bad things you see Me allowing to happen to them are in reality good things that draw them closer to Me, that would wake them up from the error of their ways, if you would not attempt time and time again to protect them from My chastisements? That baby may only be a small source of noise & trouble in your life today, eating up your resources, and making you wonder what else it could possibly be good for, besides giving you trouble, but a look into the future with the eyes of the vision that I can give you, of what that baby can become one day, if you'll only rear it with the right kind of attitude, will give you a completely different outlook. My dealings with you aren't all that different from your dealings with your children. That's another reason why having children is such a blessing & one of the major purposes in life: there is hardly a better example of My relationship with you, hardly any better parallel which explains to you better how I like to interact with you, how much I love you, how I wish for you to learn to obey Me, etc., than having children. Ask and it shall be given you. Those are the only conditions. You need to ask. You don't run after your child all day long & ask, "What is it you'd like now... Do you want this? Do you want that?" The best is not to spoil them too much, but let them ask if they want something. You can lead them in a certain direction, as to what the available options are, but they've got to do the asking themselves... usually. The Devil is always after the young, and their battles are often more intense than yours & it takes My kind of sensitivity to tune in to them, to be aware of what's going on with them; to communicate with them about it & to draw them out of themselves, as a doctor would with a patient, so that you know what specific Word medicine to give them. Once you hear them out, show genuine interest & an effort to tune in to them, & concern for them, they'll open up & will be ready for your solutions, providing you're applying them to your lives yourselves. They'll only accept tried & proven advice. Ask Me to help you tune in to them, help you connect your hearts to theirs, to reveal to you what their particular needs are, to shine a light into the dark area, that question mark in their hearts & minds that parents & grown-ups seldom have a clue about. Once they'll be able to tell that you are genuinely concerned about them, their hearts & souls, & willing to sacrifice your time for them & to change things for their sake, they will also become more willing to listen to you and accept your solutions wholeheartedly. Come to Me regularly regarding the particular needs of your children, before problems occur, & thus prevent them from happening. You can change everything today, the way you look at them, their way of seeing you, your whole lives & interaction together. Being open to change is a key factor; being willing to change your sample. Few people recognize the extent to which the Devil is invading their own homes, lives & families. The younger a person is, the more the flesh "rules" them, and they see things with their carnal minds, not like I do. They think that physical harm is the worst that can befall them or their child, when in My eyes, the spiritual dangers, which draw them away from Me, are something to be much more concerned and alarmed about than the dangers of physical harm, which I often use to draw a person closer to Me. Abraham was willing to trust Me, that I knew better what was the best concerning his son, that My hands were the place he was going to be best cared for, even if I asked something as absurd of him as to sacrifice him unto Me. Evidently Abraham had enough faith to believe that even if Isaac would die, it would be better for him than what could have happened if Abraham had disobeyed Me. Now, modern parents are very, very far away from that kind of faith. They think they have to do all that is in their power to protect their children from any physical harm, danger or abuse, and if necessary, even to protect them from Me. They don't believe that the best place in the universe to place their child is in My hands, they don't have the faith of Job who said, "though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him," and much less the faith of Abraham, who practically said, "though He

ask me to slay my only son, yet will I trust in Him." Today's parents' faith is so weak, they scarcely even know that I exist, much less would they consider that I have anything to do with the rearing of their child. They consider raising their child the duty I gave them, but in their eyes, that duty does not include Me, or trusting Me for their children. They want to take it all into their own hands, just like they try to take their own lives and its substance & insurance into their own hands. They place their trust in money, instead of Me. But consequently, they also make grave mistakes, since they don't consult or seek Me about any of these things. They often fail & fall flat on their faces & wind up confused, wondering what on earth they might have done wrong. Some do apply genuine & sincere love, which cannot fail. But often they forget or don't know that to a child, love spells t.i.m.e., & while they're working half their lives away in order to ensure their family's physical well-being, they neglect the spiritual. You would like to give your children a treat that they can remember as something not boring, but that's because you want to appeal to their mind gear of "what can I consume today, so that I can register this day as a success of some kind?" It's that manipulated mind gear of constantly having to receive, unlearning the ability to give or contribute something and registering that as a success instead. So, in order to really do them a favor, you should not adjust to their mind gear and bend to their wishes, but you should instead seek for opportunities for them to learn from you, which will be useful preparation for the future. If you bend to their scheme, you'll just spoil them & render them unable to cope with life later on. Your kids have to learn to appreciate the little things & that they must give in order to receive, otherwise they're going to be lost later on, unable to contribute anything valuable to others, only selfishly seeking their own pleasure & satisfaction. They've got to do their part in order to feel truly satisfied in the long run, finding pleasure in giving and contributing their share to the workload, which is much more lasting and important than the fleeting little pleasures of consumption. If your child is giving you trials because of stubbornness, disobedience or laziness, you should ask yourself whether there's a chance that I might want to work on those same areas in your life. If they are causing you trials because you feel rejected or unwanted by them, you must ask yourself why. Often, children have a completely wrong concept of their father, quite similar to people's false perception of Me, their heavenly Father. Ask Me to show you what you can do in such a situation to rectify and perhaps correct their view of things. If they give you trials because they prefer to spend their time with their friends to the extent that they hardly come to see you anymore at all, welcome to the way that I feel in relation to many of My children! Often it's because someone else fed them negative information about you, similar to the way the Devil tells lies about Me. Other times it plain & simple selfishness, & they just know that having to face you would only convict them & make them feel bad about themselves. There is more truth to the verse that I created you in My own image than meets the eye. In a way, you're all little carbon copies of Me, just like children often are the "spitting image" of one of their parents... Sometimes your children feel resentful toward you because they think you neglect them & don't care about them, similar to the way many people think that I couldn't care less about them or I wouldn't bother with someone as "unimportant," which is really one of the standard lies the Devil spreads about Me. Fathers are ideal scapegoats. You can blame a lot of things on them that are going wrong, because they didn't do this or that for you, etc., or they broke this or that promise. That's why one of the best & most effective educational milestones in life is having kids on your own, because it will ultimately show you that you're not the perfect mom or dad either, and for once you're able to put yourself in your parents' or even My shoes! When you come to face it, that's one of the main reasons why kids can often give you trials: it makes you deal with your own weaknesses, failures, wrong attitudes, selfishnesses & everything that's ugly about yourself that you hadn't even realized until then. Having children reveals that you're not any better than your own parents at all, when you thought you were light-years ahead of them. And that process also moves Me a bit closer to you, because all of a sudden you can begin to see why I'm doing things the way I am, or why I allow this or that to happen... Things start making sense all of a sudden. So, those trials about being a parent, though the most painful of all they may be, are worth it! As unimportant, trivial or mundane as dealing with children may seem to some people, raising kids, and all the lessons that go along with it, is pretty much the epitome of the meaning of life. While some parents think they're missing out on life because of their kids, missing out on all the fun that singles or childless couples seem to be having, if you pay attention to what I'm trying to teach you in life, you'll actually notice that it's those others, who are missing out on a lot. Parents are leaders. Leaders are always envied, resisted, rebelled against, rejected, opposed & fought against by some people some of the time, but that's exactly the kind of adversities that make a character strong. So, if you thought your kids were robbing some of the value of your life, if they're making you feel worthless, like you're no good and you blew it, think again: they're actually the very factor that will accelerate your maturation, and increase your usefulness to others as a counselor, comforter, or person to trust & rely on, more than any other factor. Kids are worth it. Each of your children is a universe of lessons & experiences to explore, if you're attentive. They're your most dedicated students & also your best teachers, so, watch out! Pay attention! Don't miss those valuable lessons they're here to teach you! Listen to the child in you! It says, "Papa's in control!" It doesn't doubt & criticize Papa the way children do when they get older & become adolescents. It's that childlike loyalty to "Papa" that makes children so precious in My sight, & the reason I'm so close to them. "Tit for tat" thinking is never any less justifiable than in the case of parents with their children. Your children are My jobs & tasks I have given you, primarily to love them, in spite of anything they might do, even though it may be difficult at times. Never withdraw your love from them because of anything they might do or fail to do, or you are going to be the one who's failing Me (and them). The same way I forgave you, I also expect you to forgive others, especially your children!

Let it teach you to appreciate that unconditional love of Mine, to not take it for granted, to help you see what a precious gift it is, having to learn to come up with that same kind of forgiveness yourself for your children. You cannot just give up on them when they're failing you. They need you to be there for them anyway, to know that you're not giving up on them, to know that you've got something stronger, a foundation, a rock to stand on that will cause your love for them not to fail. They test you sometimes to see whether your love for them is really real, or whether you'll give up on them & dump'em in your mental trash can once they start veering from the path of your expectations of them. This is My job, My lesson, My challenge for you. The harder they are to love, the greater the challenge. Sometimes your children fail you, because you've failed to love them first! Your responsibility is to love them. And if the task seems to become overwhelming, I can always supply you with more love from My endless reservoirs! Maybe you didn't invest enough! Maybe you kept investing too much in yourself, your own career, your ambitions, desires, etc. And as a result, they don't share your views, your interests, your love for the things you love, because they were what separated you from them, what distracted you from your responsibility and even your capabilities to love them as you should have... It's never too late for love! If you start concentrating & focusing on this goal the way you should, they will be eternally thankful for it. Your responsibility is to love them, no matter what; to uphold them in prayer, to not give up on them! No matter how much you fail or disobey Me, I never give up having hope for you, I never quit having faith in you, I never stop loving you, and that's what your attitude toward your children should also be. Look up to Me & learn of Me how to love unconditionally & how to never give up on your children! Back in the days when children were still helping their parents in the fields in order to ensure the entire family's survival, long before child abuse and child labor were ever an issue, it wouldn't have occurred to children that their parents might not need their help! Of course, they needed their help; there was no question and no doubt about it! It just shows how things have been turned upside down, & how different, how contrary people's mindsets have become to the natural way I ordained for things to be. Back then, juvenile suicides were virtually unheard of, because there was never a question in their minds whether they were being needed, wanted or whether there was a purpose for their lives. Nowadays they think they're "enlightened" and have "progressed" & "evolved" away from those primitive days in which children were an essential part of their family. Loving your children unconditionally and without partiality, regardless of whether one is more "successful" than the other, or more "promising" than the other, and regardless of traits you would consider positive or negative, qualities you may like or dislike or that may even rub you the wrong way, is an important issue in life. It's part of learning to love like I do, and as the Father loves. It would help you to be more patient with yourself and others if you would remember that when it comes down to it, you're all just children. You're all just learning, like kids in school. Some day you're going to put aside childish things and become mature, and you will see eye to eye. Those who leave My school prematurely are the ones who get tired of My teaching, My curriculum, they play hookies and want to be their own teachers and masters. When children become teens, the Devil really attacks them with a lot of doubts, because they want to discover their own view of things, and don't just want to see things through the glasses they were given by their parents. They want to make their own picture. While it's inevitable for you to grow up, and it's My will for you to become more mature, you should always keep your childlike faith in Me. The Devil will try to put a lot of thoughts into your head, which look "grown up", but in the end can be quite silly, and really only have the purpose to destroy faith and trust in Me. Many are doing silly things and are behaving in silly ways. In some ways it's really better and wiser to stay a child. Always remember the secret place where I want to meet you every day, where you can always remain a child. It's hard to bear the rebellion, the disobedience, the defiance... it makes you want to close up and withdraw your love, your affection, yourself altogether. But that's where you've got to be strong and endure the contradiction of sinners against you as I did... (Heb.12:3). Even from your children, as I have to endure from My children. To expect from kids that they'll choose the better way from scratch just isn't realistic. It doesn't make sense to be shaking your head at their failures, saying, "They ought to know better." You either narrow their choices in order to reduce the potential harm they can do to themselves, or you realistically expect (from 6000 years of experience from history) that they're going to make the wrong choices like everybody else. And while they make their experiences that teach them to do better next time, you still let them know that you love and accept them anyway, that you pray for them and that you'll be there for them, should they ever need you. It's hard to stand by and watch how they're screwing up, how they're making the wrong choices, seem to develop likings for the wrong kind of things, open themselves up to the wrong spirits. But, hey, I've had to do it with you, and I think it's only fair if you follow in My footsteps and get a little bit of that experience yourself. That's part of the meaning of life and of maturing: to experience how God feels. And then to learn how to love and forgive the way God does. It's alright to let them know that you think they're doing the wrong thing. But you cannot just drop them like a hot potato & forget all about them & write them off in your heart & mind permanently. Those experiences, those choices to go the wrong direction temporarily will bring them back to My arms eventually, just as your strayings did for you. You must let them go and give them the freedom to make their own choices and experiences, but you must never stop loving them. You must let go of them in your mind, of your ideas and expectations of what they should do and become in order not to disappoint you. But you must not let go of them in your heart when it comes to loving them and always accepting them and letting them know you're there for them... even if you feel rejected by them.

To love them even when they reject you, even when they have strayed from you and turned their backs on you, that is the art of loving unconditionally, like a true father, whose continuously conveyed message to his children is: "I will always love you." You can break the vicious cycle of rejection. Your attitude can be, "I will accept and receive you, even if you reject me. I will always love you anyway!" I know that My children do need Me, even if they may not be aware of it. The art is to arouse their interest. The art is not to withdraw in resignation when you see that they're not interested. The art is remembering, "You may not be interested right now, but one day you will, or at least you will wish you had been!" It wouldn't occur to anyone that changing a diaper would be a significant act in the light of Eternity or the coming Kingdom of God, but if you think again, you'll see that the selfless and humble act of caring for another helpless human being is very much something that prepares you for it. It's all about copying God and learning to be like Him, and changing diapers is something He very much does in a spiritual way all the time, when you've gotten yourself into a mess up to your neck, He always pulls you out of it again, cleans you up and gives you a fresh start, right? I hand you some situations for you to hand them back to Me, the way a father rolls a ball toward his child, expecting him to roll it back. That's the way the game works. After you've rolled it back to Me by committing the problem to prayer, and I've done what I can to improve the situation, I'll roll it back to you, and have you do a little bit of what you can. Isn't it wonderful, when there's a vacuum, a hunger, a curiosity, a desire to learn and know more coming across from your children? When there's receptivity, a space to fill instead of fullness, and the notion that they already know and have arrived? Isn't it great when they know their journey has hardly yet begun and they're open for your guidance and counsel, and they confide to you what's on their hearts, when they cease to be afraid of you and your opinion, of your judgment, and they just accept that you love them? Having to face one's own sins and weaknesses in their children is very effective and purging. Sometimes the greater part of love is the letting go. You've got to let them go down the path that leads them away from you, when you want them close to you, walking with you. This present age is all about God letting His children go and walk their own path, away from Him, in order to bring them ultimately closer to Him. Their choices will influence you. But the extent to which you are willing to let theirs influence yours will again influence their future decisions. If you choose to remain loyal to Me most of all, and refuse to compromise and refuse to settle for any cop-out the Devil may try to lure you into, then they will respect that in the end, and it will influence their final decision, as to what they will dedicate their lives to. If they see that you'll easily trade your spiritual birthright, heritage and convictions for any little whim of theirs, only in order to please them, without checking in with Me, just so that you will have the personal satisfaction you gain from having made your child happy, then they won't consider your convictions worth very much, nor a path that they'd consider following. Soft-hearted parents can sometimes really make a mess of things that they can wind up seriously regretting. You make up excuses in your head, and reasons for why you should allow this and that and the other, and "it's hard enough for them as it is without depriving them of this fun and that one..." As well-meant as leniency may be, the result and the end of that road can be fatal. It's one of the Devil's best counterfeits of love. In reality, it's only the parent's own desire to be loved, instead of having to deal with a confrontation. You settle for the immediate reward of your child's gratitude and affection, but will reap hell for it later... Sometimes, being a parent is just a real tough job, and it's a real tough fight, a downright battle. True and successful parenting is for warriors, because you must stand up and wield the weapon of truth valiantly and faithfully, stand true to your convictions at every turn and be willing to take blows for it. Otherwise, the Enemy himself will conquer you through your child by his disarming techniques. He will tempt you with the promise of your child's immediate love and affection, in order to let down your guard, give him yet another inch, and another, and he'll threaten you with horrific visions of the loss of your child's love if you dare to be as "foolish" to be tough and hold up a standard that is true to your inner convictions, the convictions based on the laws and rules laid down in My Word. It's easier to build a fence at the edge of the cliff now, than a hospital at the bottom of it later: a firm fence of My Word that lays down the rules and limitations in their hearts, so that they won't go astray from Me. Sure, it's work. And you keep hoping, "Oh, maybe everything is going to be alright, and they're not going to fall at all... Maybe we shouldn't worry so much..." But then, if you have any experience with kids at all, you know that if there's a danger, and if there's something they're prone to fall into in all their experimenting and trying out the world, they're more likely to fall into it than not. It’s your duty as parents not to close your eyes to the danger and hope for the best, but to do what you can in order to keep the dreaded fall from happening. You’re probably not going to be able to build that fence without any protest from them: "But I don't need any protection! You're not granting me any fun and freedom! You don't trust me!" etc. And so you're much more prone to taking the risk. "Oh, maybe we'll be lucky!" It's true that the fence won't be a 100% safeguard and guarantee that they won't fall down the edge after all, and you figure, "Well, then what? All that work will have been in vain!" Well the difference will be that you will know that you have done what you could, and you won't have to hold yourself to blame for what happened. You've got to do more than just hope everything is going to turn out good. Parenting is a tough job, and if you want the kind of results from this job that you would like, you've got to invest a bit more than just some good hopes and a few prayers.

The secret of families in the old days was necessity. The reason why they clung together through thick and thin, no matter to what degree individual interests may have differed, was that it was necessary for them, in order to survive. Kids in those days were not just asked timidly, "Oh, and would you mind helping us with the work out on the field today? That would be so nice!" - They had to, or else their whole family might not have survived the winter, and they might have starved. Necessity was the glue that kept them together, and that's precisely the stuff that's being eliminated from today's families and from society today. People don't need each other anymore. You cannot just let a child do whatever he or she wants, and whatever they're craving and feel like doing, no matter how "noble," how "democratic" and how politically correct it may appear in the eyes of today's society! You want to appear as "correct" in the eyes of your children in this aspect: "I never forced you to do anything you didn't want to." But the sad answer one day may well be, "Well, perhaps that's precisely what you should have!" "You should have stopped me from doing my own silly thing, and you should have been more pervasive in your efforts to get me to do God's will instead!" I gave young people all their energy not to be wasting it on selfish endeavors, but to invest it in helping others, those who they ought to show their gratitude to for having raised them, fed them and brought them through life successfully to this point. Kids copy the behavior and attitude they see in adults: if their parents only display genuine interest for things connected with their own little grown-up world, and the matters that they happen to be interested in, and show that they don't really have a genuine amount of interest in other things, such as "kids' matters," for instance, then it's only natural for children to adopt that same attitude of "you live in your world and I live in mine." Often, to their dismay, parents find themselves thus locked out of their children's lives when they reach adolescence, and they wonder "what happened?" It takes a lot more time, patience, attention and genuine interest in things that are different and the world of their children, in order to become good parents, than what most parents come up with. They behave a lot like adolescent kids themselves, when they are so much into their own world, the world of their own peers and things that interest them, unable to open their scope to things beyond that. Parents have to learn how to get onto the level of their kids. Most of the time they're trying to get them up to theirs, and teach them the things they know, but being a good parent goes both ways: you're not only teaching your child, but you're learning from him also. It takes time and trust to tune into such seemingly insignificant matters as a child's world. You can only learn and find out what your children need, by "stooping" to their level, so to speak, and finding out what occupies their world. It's natural that kids want to get away with the maximum amount of freedoms and liberties they possibly can. But it is your job as parents to set the limits and provide the security of borders that say, "Thus far and not further." By playing big "Mr. Cool and Liberal" you're taking away the security of the reins from them that pull them back, away from the danger zones. Those danger zones may look harmless to them, intriguing and enticing, but so does many a way that leads away from Me. You're there to offer a restraining hand and voice of wisdom that won't just allow them to slip into that dark and shimmering, false, black light of the Devil that has lured so many into darkness. You can help them make the right choice by making it extra hard on them to make the wrong choices. Spare them some of the pain by making it tougher on them to make the wrong choices. If you make it hard enough for them to make the wrong choices, then they will think twice about making one when they're older. Nowadays parents not only make it too easy for their children to make wrong choices, but they will often even encourage them to make them, because their own lives have been a path of wrong choices. Have the guts to be different. Am I granting you everything you might possibly want? No. I'm giving you all you need, but not all you want, including not all the liberties you want, because I know it wouldn't be good for you. I'm a wise parent. I know better what's good for you than you do. A wise parent knows better what's good for their child than he does, whether he might agree with them or not. That's not only your right, but also your duty as parents. The Devil‘s secret of success is his false, sugar-candy coated version of "love," love that knows no restraints, and permits anything, and lets them run right into their own ruin. Sometimes, love consists of the ability to say the word "no." Love isn't always saying "yes" whenever your child wants something. Love is saying "no" when they want something that's going to be bad, or even only "2nd best" for them compared to the eternal rewards they're foregoing by not choosing the very best. If your child has some qualities or habits that seem to be extremely difficult for you to handle, let life rub them in so that you can really learn whatever it is I am trying to teach you through them. Maybe that’s precisely why parents get annoyed by their children’s undesirable traits: they’re a reflection of their own, and their pride usually makes it pretty hard for them to deal with that. Maybe it’s just My way of saying, “See? That’s what you’re doing to Me!” Your children are not only your most attentive students, but also your best teachers. Through the fact that “God repented Himself of the evil He had thought toward His children” you read about in the Old Testament, you can see that even God – as perfect as He is – actually learns through His children. There is an actual relationship going on, and relationship always has an impact on both parties. It’s not easy being a parent and watching your child run off to your enemy’s camp. You’re shifting from the position of the prodigal son to that of the father… a whole different range of experiences. When you’re young, the role of father isn’t really that intriguing, that interesting for you, it’s the most boring role in the story. But as you grow older and the positions are reversed, and you move from the role of the prodigal son – or the older

brother, for that matter – to that of being a father yourself, you start seeing things with different eyes. What’s important is that you remember that you’ve been a prodigal son yourself, and that you can sympathize with the aspirations and dreams of your own prodigal sons and daughters and brothers and sisters, and don’t become selfrighteous toward them, but as forgiving and welcoming them back with open arms as I have been to you. A teenager is an ideal instrument to let an adult know just how clueless and helpless he really is, for all he may think he knows. Here’s a situation you just can’t deal with in your own wit, your own effort to put two and two together, it’s hopeless, and your only hope’s in Me. Especially in this day and age when the Enemy is letting loose a legion of toys and temptations to lure them away from Me. I am Father of not merely one or two or three prodigal sons and daughters, but of literal millions and millions. I care for you whether you’re good or bad, just like you keep feeding your child regardless of whether he’s good or bad… It’s just some thing parents do: care for their off-spring, regardless. But whether we’re pleased with our off-spring is another question. We may love them unconditionally, but we’re not always necessarily happy about what they do and the way they act and behave… Millions of fathers are so preoccupied with their careers and accomplishments, that they neglect spending time with the ones they claim they’re doing it all for. They invest their energies and time in “being good providers,” but neglect the very ones they are providing for … The price of being a “great accomplisher” is often that of a father whose children say, “He was never there for me.” The price of whatever you accomplished was your absence from their lives. View that child not as your child, but say, as a “loan” from Me: My child that I’ve given into your jurisdiction for some time to see what kind of a job you would do taking care of her and training her in My nurture and admonition. Maybe the great mistake many make from the beginning is viewing anything or anybody as “theirs” in the first place. As My Word says, “What have you that you have not received?” And if people would apply that to the people they’re living with as well, maybe they would treat them with a little more respect, too. Sometimes all young sensitive people need and want is to be loved and belong somewhere. If they don’t really feel that their home and family is where they belong, then of course they’ll look someplace else… among their peers and friends, to find that feeling of belonging and kinship. It’s part of obtaining a greater understanding of My mind, the mind of God, and learning to not only see things through My eyes, but also experiencing them with the Father’s heart. I don’t only want you to learn to see and think as I do, but also to feel and to love as I do, and the only way to achieve that is via the path of suffering and pain that you experience through these conflicts. To be forsaken by your own for the sake of the world is a very real experience for Me and the Father to deal with, and We would like to allow as many as possible to participate and partake in this pain to give them a greater understanding of Our point of view, and how we feel about it. It will also teach you how to love like We do: not just giving up on someone when you see that they are turning their backs on you, but to continue loving them unconditionally in spite of their choices and preferences for the world, even if it’s very painful. You may feel tempted to close your heart up to them and lock them out, but you know you just can’t do that. You simply have to bear the pain… And, like the father of the prodigal son, hope and pray that some day they will return to you, and receive them back with wide open arms, as I have always done with you. (next chapter:)

…Spiritual Warfare Angels have been ‘working overtime’ to get you where you are, innumerable battles had to be won, & the Enemy has fought long & hard & furious. You’ve finally gained enough experience to recognize his traps. Now that you’ve learned to fend for yourself, take the next step & learn to defend, protect & liberate others! Go forth in the power of My might! Win, fight, conquer! Going forth to conquer & to conquer! Be counted amongst My Gideon’s band of the Last Days! The simple act of drinking in & receiving & believing the Word is already an active part of fighting the Devil, as you will defeat doubts, thoughts of the Enemy, clearing out his cobwebs & keeping your mind & heart clean of any of his dirt. My Word will restore light where there was a gray hazy mist of lies, it will be a bright beacon on your path, a clashing sword in battle. It’s like the sword Excalibur, which wins every battle, as long as it’s wielded. As long as you lash out at the Enemy, you’re bound to win. The secret, hidden real force of this army lies beneath the surface, or rather, above the wavelength of that which is perceivable to mortals. Come & fight with us & we’ll introduce you to the newest, most sophisticated equipment, artillery & vehicles any military body in the whole universe has ever known. We’ll let you partake in our intelligence & fill you in on important details as to what the Enemy’s next moves are going to be, how you should prepare, what pitfalls to guard against. We’ll equip you with technology that makes the mere word ‘technology’ sound pre-historical! With every battle you gain strength & grow stronger in faith, in the wielding of your weapons, in your desperation &

closeness with Me, in ignoring the circumstances. (Spirit helper:) No matter who or what is opposing you, it’s no match for the Lord. Imagine you were a general of a great army, and your own children were constantly flirting with the Enemy! Wouldn’t this grieve you unbearably & almost drive you insane? Especially because you would know that the Enemy only seeks to destroy them, to inflict harm on them, and tear them down to defeat. It hurts when they don’t see it. All they see is that the Enemy’s soldiers have much funkier uniforms, and they would like to just have fun sometimes & forget about this old war. You’re the ‘enemies of state no. 1’, as far as the Devil is concerned, for he knows you will rip the kingdoms of this Earth from him in due time, for you are ushering in, announcing & proclaiming the coming of My Kingdom! In a way you are spies for the future government, infiltrators of the usurper’s government, which will soon rightfully be reclaimed & conquered by Me, with your help, but you can bet he’s not just gonna stand by & watch. I send you out like Don Quixote & Sancho Pansa, to battle the windmill giants who are turning the wheels of fortune in this world. Now you must show whether you have the guts to resist unto blood. So, be not entangled in the affairs of this life, for this is battle time! Be a spiritually violent & forceful warrior, tearing down the Devil’s strongholds in the hearts of the children of men. No more cowardly & weakly chickening out & backing up at the slightest show & display of reluctance & resistance, okay? Attack the goal & the foe before you head on! Race toward the mark of the prize! Move forward! Don’t retreat! No surrender! Not an inch! Okay? That’s the Spirit! How can My soldiers be fighting wholeheartedly when they don’t really hate their enemy? Sometimes you have to seek & search in the spirit for the cause of your problems, & then I can reveal the culprit, the perpetrator, the responsible root of evil to you, & it becomes your target, & then you fire away! You are continuously under attack by an invisible foe, but with My help & through My Spirit, you can locate them, pinpoint them, & through the weapons I’ve given you, liquidate them, annihilate them, & get rid of them! The power I have given you is always greater than that of the Enemy! Unfortunately, a battle is often lost because you fail to recognize & pin down your enemy! It’s expedient, absolutely necessary, that you win the victory over your spiritual enemy first, before you can seriously consider making any real spiritual progress. So, get the victory first thing before you do anything else: get a hold of Me & let Me annihilate the devil for you! Let Me practice My sharp-shooting skill a little bit, by helping you to focus on your target everyday, pull the trigger & shoot the balloons of the Devil’s bluffs & scare tactics for you. Half the victory is already won once you recognize & detect their presence or approach. Don’t let them cheat you out of the joy & happiness I could give you everyday by simply ignoring them or pretending they’re not there or hoping they’ll just go away. That’s one way how NOT to win the victory: hoping they’ll just go away. Unless you show them Who’s the Boss & that you’re no quitter, but an adversary to be reckoned with, they’ll always come back & torment you when you least need it. Fight, beloved, for this is what you were born & called to do: to be fighters for Me, warriors to make the Devil tremble. Liberators of your entrapped & captive brethren. - Guerrillas of the spirit who will beat the hell out of the wicked forces of the foe with the new weapons. You’ll have to fight your way through to victory. If I would just give you the reward without you having to fight for it, you would never appreciate it as much as once you will have bled & fought for dear life over it! Say, ‘Thank You, Jesus, for this new battle, for this new challenge, for this new & strange adversary or obstacle to tackle! It is a good day to die! Hallelujah!’ And roar a battle cry that’s going to send shivers down the Enemy’s back! Let him know you’re on your feet & a force to be reckoned with today, that he’d better clear your path, or he’s going to wish he had! That’s the spirit of a warrior! That’s the attitude of a victor! So many cower in fright or in a state of near-defeat, hoping the Enemy won’t come near them. You’ve got the priceless opportunity to be My knight in shining armor who stands in the gap & rescues them & gets them out of the Devil’s dark dungeon of defeat. - One to rally them together with a battle cry & to renew their hope & courage, their will to fight. You have never lived as intensely & as thoroughly & as fully as when you've been out there on the battle field, fighting for the souls of men, beckoning them to enter My Kingdom & shooting My bullets of light & life into the Devil's territory & land of the dead. Demons can't stand the sight of a victor, the shine of a Lord-sharer, the conviction of a cross-bearer, the umph of an overcomer, the mercy of a missionary, nor to get into the way of a warrior for Me! (Dan.12:3) The Devil may stand in front of you & sneer, ‘What do you think you’re going to accomplish with that tiny, ridiculous flashlight of yours, in my all-surrounding darkness?’ But he only dares to try to bluff you because he knows you can’t see what he sees. That torch you’re wielding is a searing hot weapon that makes his demons squeal & run, and he knows the only chance he has of stopping you is to bluff you into thinking it doesn’t really amount to much after all. So far, the problems & enemies you’ve had to battle, were your own, but the next grade of this school is to learn to overcome the enemies & problems others are battling with. Don’t give up on them, but have faith for them, pray for them, fight for them. Rejoice over the glorious opportunity of a new battle to win for Me! THAT’S the spirit of a warrior! That’s the kind of soldier I’m going to be able to be proud of.

You’ve got all hell fighting you once you decide to serve Me, but it’s not like I’m leaving you helpless or defenseless. You’ve got to have a fighter nature in order to make it. You’re fighting against powerful enemies! It requires sobriety and shunning any kind of foolishness & shallowness. Be free to be the real you, and that’s a serious fighter! we’re at serious business here, fighting a serious war for a serious cause with a lot at stake. Those fates of countless human lives you are wrestling for are nothing to be taken lightly. You’ve got to find your own personal ‘Mr. Smith’, who is belittling & ridiculing you constantly in your own mind, renders you ineffective in some ways. The demon who keeps asking you, ‘Why do you still keep fighting when you should know by now that it’s useless?’ You’ve got to pinpoint him, nail him down, knowing that I in you am far superior to him, and that I am going to give you the victory, & then look him in the eye, & say defiantly, ‘Because I chose to! Because this is what I’m born to do: I am destined to fight & lick you bastard, I’m destined to WIN!’ You have many enemies. And you’ve got to fight them one by one. They know they can’t stop you, so they seek to delay you by bluffing you, intimidating you or attacking you with fiery darts of doubts. You are the light, and they hate you! They seek to obstruct you, for they know they can’t put you out. So, they try to weaken you from within, trying to stop the flow of the fuel, so your light will grow dimmer, for less people to see than if you would really get on fire for Me and burn! They’re only the infantry. Next come the archers, then the spear fighters & finally the horsemen. Or in terms of modern warfare: next are the tanks, then the planes & finally the missiles. What the Punk isn’t realizing, is that with each battle, beloved, you’re growing stronger. And with every new upgrade & weapon he tries on you, you grow stronger & develop ever greater resistance against him. They will finally realize that they won’t have a chance against you from the spiritual realm anymore, and will see their last resort in attacking you in the physical during the Tribulation, and that’s right where I want them. He thinks you’re the mice & he’s the cat, when all along, you’re only the bait to trap him into the physical world, where we will be able to finally annihilate his whole system. He’s going to find out that in chasing you, he’s bitten off more than he can chew. I’m going to use you in your different capacities to win the war, each with different modi operandi, different views, attitudes, motives & tactics. According to personal choices & even mistakes, circumstances can change. What counts is that the war is being won, not who gets the greatest credit or glory. What’s important is that there is sufficient unity, loyalty, mutual respect and love for the cause that you win the war and make it happen. There comes a point where the person you’re trying to save determines to give you their co-operation and start fighting for themselves or they’re going to have to be left behind. You can’t risk the whole mission, the whole troupe all the time over one person who refuses to get the victory! You wouldn’t send a handicapped or sick person to the battle front in a war. If you’re going to be My frontline soldiers & Endtime warriors, you’re going to have to be cured first, or at least be rid of that piece of shrapnel, that bullet or tip of an arrow that’s still stuck in your wound. Then you’ll have to stop the bleeding, pray for a quick healing, get some rest & re-filling, a clear vision, & then you can join in the fray again. You’ve got to get rid of some of your excess weight & baggage, & some of your inappropriate habits & attitudes that don’t come in handy when fighting a war. I need reliable soldiers who will fulfill their duty, regardless of whether they feel like it or not... I’m allowing this fight to make you stronger, cleaner & more convinced of the truth you believe in than ever before! This is causing our connection to be strengthened incredibly, & one day you will look back at this challenge with rejoicing & triumph! Keep thanking & praising Me for this battle, as bleak as it may seem, for out of it you shall emerge more victorious & stronger, purer & more upright in heart than ever – glowing with the light of one who has been tried in the fire of God! The problem in battling demons is, you cannot focus on the victim, as they will often not even accept your help; you must focus on Me, on the power, to get rid of the enemy! It’s up to you then to pray & uphold the spiritual standard & not get sucked into the vortex of downhill movement they would often like to drag you into. You must not allow yourself to be pulled down to their level when they’re under demonic influence! You must stay strong & focused on Me! The spiritual attacks are intensifying, & you must strengthen & adapt your battle mode accordingly! I want you to learn spiritual warfare, and that just simply isn’t achieved by curling up & feeling condemned every time these demons are being confronted! It’s not your fault they’re attacking you! You are children of light, you’re active forces for Me in gross darkness, so, of course, you’re the Enemy’s targets! You’re his primary targets, because, weak as you are, you are My brightest lights, piercing & penetrating his thick darkness. So, all you can do is fight! You can run, but you cannot hide! So, sooner or later, you’re going to have to confront them, pull out your swords & fight! They’ve got no chance against your weapons. You’re an unbeatable foe! But they’re also quite aggressive in the first place, trying to intimidate you with fear or condemnation! But you must know they’re only bluffing! You must see through their intimidation strategy & call their bluff! The only chance they have is in intimidating you, hypnotizing you with their gruesome illusions, paralyzing & stunning you with fear or weakening you with condemnation or depression. But if you take up your shield of faith, which acts like a gas mask against his poisonous gases of deceit, standing on My promises that you are victorious as long as you fight, call on My help & start wielding those weapons, they don’t stand a chance... They’re going to be the ones running. They attack whoever is in the weaker state. Since you’re getting all soaked up in the veneer of My Word, they see they don’t stand much of a chance against you, but they know they can still attack you through other people, & have them poke around in your weak spots, your temper, impatience & anger. You must see that it’s not the person fighting you, but the Enemy through them, so look past the person & deal with & address the Enemy, the spirit that’s using them to attack

you! With a little bit of spiritual insight & fighting skill & knowledge of tactic & strategy, this whole fighting business takes on a whole different angle, doesn’t it? It’s fun to fight when you know you’re actually the stronger one. And you always are, because I in you am stronger than all the Enemy’s forces combined! I have overcome them all, I’m their living doom, & so are you, as long as you let Me think & live & move in you! All the Devil can do is try to distract you, bluff & deceive you – try to get your focus off Me for a moment. But he knows he doesn’t stand a chance for real as long as you refuse to take your focus & glance off Me. As long as you keep your connection strong with Me, he’s the loser – always! Fight for your unity together. The Devil can only get in through wedges & loopholes in your armor, like selfishness, pride, fear, suspicions, etc. I’m allowing this battle to show you how much the spiritual affects your lives, & how much more seriously you should take the task of preparing & arming yourselves with the Word. Sorry if you thought the war was over just because you won one minor, initial battle. The Enemy will always come back in greater force than before, when he has been defeated in an area. He doesn’t give up so easily. But as long as you choose to fight him back, you’re victorious. The only way he can win is if he can get you to quit & give up... Prayer & fasting clearly demonstrates that you believe that the battle & the cause are a spiritual one. You’re not intending to fight it in the flesh, but by being willing to weaken the flesh in order to grow stronger in spirit. You can only counter spirit with spirit. Spirits laugh at any attempts of the flesh to combat them. Only spirit can combat spirit. Don’t try to go about it with any form of natural reasoning, or they’ll laugh in your face. It’s a war, and you never know when the Enemy will send out a party to raid your haven & deal you a mortal blow, so, it pays to stay on guard! The Enemy knows who his most dangerous & potentially powerful opponents are, so, he’s not going to send out his troops to attack those who are spiritually asleep, but those who are a menace & a threat to his kingdom. Ignoring someone’s problem altogether is not love, and you can always at least pray for someone when they’re battling. Fight for one another! Sometimes you’ve got to fight for a brother or sister in order not to lose them, & not just indifferently let them go down the drain, thinking, ”Well, it’s their own fault”... Take this war seriously! Don’t look at those who have turned aside! I’m dealing with them in My own way! What is that to thee? The Enemy is on your heels! It’s a situation not to be taken lightly. He knows you’re a serious threat to him, and that his only chance is for you to let up your guard & stop taking this seriously. It's easy to fall into a state of truce with the Enemy. It all sounds so reasonable. "Why should we rock the boat? Why should we challenge & aggravate the Enemy unnecessarily? Why risk any further problems?" The problem is, if you don't go out to attack the Enemy on his territory, he will come & attack you on yours, and usually has an easy time invading your grounds, because he already knows you're not much of a fighter in the first place. After all, otherwise, you'd be out on his grounds, trying to snatch souls out of his clutches! The Enemy is fighting like mad to keep you busy with relationship problems & other affairs of the physical realm, so busy that there isn't much time to dedicate to the spiritual warfare anymore. You just barely manage to defend yourselves, & thus won't inflict any harm on the Devil's kingdom & he's happy & satisfied. "Mission accomplished!" The Enemy has lured & enticed so many, lulled them to sleep with his poisonous gas into a compromising state of peaceful coexistence with him, that they really don't present much of a challenge to the System. He knows he has practically won the war by peace! "He shall destroy many by peace..." (Dan.8:25) Now it's the time to shake off the weights that held you down, & really put the weapons to use I have given you! Time to sound the battle cry! No longer will we defend our ranks passively from the Enemy's attacks, hoping we will survive them the best we can, with the least amount of casualties & wounded possible, but we will go on the attack & make the Enemy tremble! I have been raising a new army, a new generation of fighters out of the old. The armies of heaven are on the move and marching. The time has come to attack! Some of you, whose eyes have not yet been opened in the spirit, are still oblivious to what's going on all around you in the spirit, and all you see is the shiny wagons, armor & weapons of the Enemy. "Surely, surrender is our only hope," you think. But just like Elisha prayed for his servant to open his eyes so that he could see that more were with them that day, than with the enemy, so you, whose spiritual ears and eyes are already more attuned to My heavenly realm, must pray for those who can't see yet. Sometimes it's easy to focus on the negative, especially during times of battle. I mean, what's so cheerful about a battle field? There's blood & guts all around you, pain & death, hellish noises of weapons & bullets flying around your ears, your wounded comrades... Not much positive to look at, except by the miracle of faith: ; to see the victory in the midst of battle, the reward and the glory of triumph in the midst of gross suffering & fighting all around you! The reason some of you are not gaining ground as you should is because you have not yet spent the necessary amount of time to learn to wield them properly in the Enemy's face, which is why he's attacking you so ferociously right now, because he knows it's going to be his last chance. Once you will have learned how to use them properly, he knows he's done for & he won't stand a chance against you! Thus, these attacks are also serving Me, because they drive home to you the importance of learning to battle properly. You know that this is not just a vacation but a war; that all that talk about battle is not just an allegory or a fairy tale, but hard core reality! See it like this, from this positive angle: without all these battles, you might still doubt whether all this is really the truth, but the battles just prove that what I am saying in My Word is true. Let the Enemy know that you're not going to be easy prey! Be prepared to battle. Be on guard constantly! There's a battle going on that will determine your future. Don't let the Enemy out of your eyes for an instant, always be aware that his next attack might be coming at any moment, and don't just fend off his attacks on you, but take the initiative & go on the attack! I'm so desperately in need of fighters, warriors, soldiers, people who are not drifting around in complacency, but are fully aware of the fight & who take it seriously & who take the time to study & learn how to fight, so that they might become

skilled in the techniques of war! There's nothing that pleases Me more than a positive declaration of your faith that you are determined to fight this war and not only are you going to fight it, but you're also going to win it. Even though you're often closer to defeat than victory, at least you're fighting, and you're gaining more & more experience in your fighting, you're not just silently tolerating the Enemy in some corner of your lives, but you're serious about having him exposed & expelled & cast out of your midst, overcome, defeated, finished, exterminated! All those who hate the Enemy are specially loved by Me, because they have made it clear they are standing on My side & are not going to give in to compromise. Nothing will drive My army closer to defeat than compromise with the Enemy. It's so cowardly, because you're actually giving in to a weaker Enemy, who knows he would have been defeated by you if you would have just kept fighting, but he lured you into a peaceful coexistence with him. Go forth in My name & nothing shall be able to withstand thee! Go forth! March! Attack! In the might & power of the Spirit which conquers all. You've got to advance, you cannot lay back & let the Enemy gain any more territory! Now is the time to hit him back, to strike back, to counterattack & force him to withdraw! If you've been freed from the Matrix, "unplugged", saved, your life is a constant war against the agents of the Devil, & often you don't feel like fighting at all, & you feel like, "Plug me back in! I don't want to fight! Give me some kind of lie or half-truth, so that I can live in peace again, so that I don't have to fight this ugly war anymore!" Never a statement in a film depicted so clearly what I want My prophets to do: just offer the truth. Those who seek it & want it & love it, will receive it, including all its ugliness. They'll just be happy to be freed from the lie, even if the life they'll be living for the truth will be one of hardship, of sacrifice & of foregoing many pleasures the easy, selfish life of the Matrix had to offer, and even if it means constant war. Fearlessly fight the Enemy as one who is truly willing to die for his cause, for that's the kind of foe that the Enemy cannot stop. He cannot intimidate one who refuses to cower or be frightened by his bluffs. Any attempts of his to stop you, you must see through them as bluffs. Learning to aim straight & even to discern & recognize your true enemy takes time & skill & experience, with all the tactics of deceit & camouflage he applies. It takes time to learn the skills of spiritual warfare. A true fighter will always miss the fight during a period of truce or peace with the enemy... No victory without a battle, no triumph without a trial... Look at the reward! Look at the desperation and the closeness to Me you gained through fighting! Aren't these battles precisely what's making you what you are destined to be? Real fighters keep their eyes on the reward and the glorious crown ahead, not on the temporary struggle, pain and fight! The victory is all that matters! That total closeness to Me I have promised to My overcomers! That secret access to My very heart. Let those who will settle for less, settle for less, but the true overcomers would rather die than give up. "Surrender? Hell no! We haven't even yet begun to fight!" Even the art of learning to love is part of the spiritual warfare, and your Enemy will always pose traps for you, in order to stop you from accomplishing the goal of loving others, and causing you to hurt them unwillingly instead... Be on guard. The Enemy will always look for an opportunity to attack & hinder, to divide & conquer and destroy your unity. Watch out for the Devil's traps! He knows where your weak spots are & when you're most vulnerable. Each one of you is prone to become a target of evil, that's just one of the facts of life, and that's why you've got to pray & stay in close communication with Me to help you overcome that evil, to withstand it, to resist it, & that I might deliver you from it. It's nothing to be ashamed of, nothing really weird or odd or terrible, it's daily life on the battlegrounds of this World. Evil is bound to attack you, oppress you & harass you, and you've just got to stay on guard & vigilant against it on all sides. The Enemy will always seek for the weakest link in your chain & target that. If one regains strength, he'll pick the other, next weakest link. The wrong thing to do when someone gets attacked is to self-righteously point their finger at them or to turn your back on them. The right thing to do is to show them unconditional love & keep praying for them, "Deliver us from evil". The best thing you can do when someone is being attacked is to stop everything and pray until they've got the victory! When someone in your midst is being attacked, it's a test for all of you! It's a test of love, whether their battle also becomes your battle, or you just indifferently continue whatever you just happen to be into! You've been through similar battles & have come out alive, & you can see things from the top of the mountain in some ways, & to you they don't look nearly as bad. But what does that help them unless you come down & descend from your high horse, & help them up & pray for them? Don't just stand by & watch as the Enemy takes over your brother or sister! Whoever happens to be fighting on your side, alongside you at the moment is your brother or sister in arms, and they deserve your loyalty, in spite of any weaknesses or flaws. Of course, they have flaws, faults & battles. They are fighting the Devil, the enemy of their souls. They are in a war of the worlds, a severe struggle, which brings a lot of upheavals into one's life, while those who have withdrawn from that spiritual battlefront to just live a selfish life have no right to point their finger at them in an accusing way. Yet they are usually the first to point their finger at them, because in having made a truce with the Enemy, they are also subject to his "comments" on issues. When you're battling, you're actually not further away from Me than during the more victorious times, but I'm actually closer to you then, although you may not really feel it. The times when you've recuperated from your last battle, when you feel stronger, and like walking on your own again, are the times when I can actually let go of your hand for a little while & see how you'll be faring. But it would certainly be wise of you not to stray too far from My hand again, knowing that the next battle might just be 'round the bend, and "he that thinketh he standeth, let him take heed, lest he fall," for the unexpected assaults of the

Enemy are always the toughest ones to take. So, be prepared, always! Be cautious! You're living in perilous times, both, spiritually and physically! Constantly be on guard against any attacks from the inside or the outside! Treat victory and battle - even seeming defeat - just the same, knowing that for you, just to be fighting spells victory. Persistence equals victory! You've just got to keep on! Also keep in mind the objective, and what you're fighting for: the defeat of self in favor of greater love, unselfishness & sacrifice for others. You're the Enemy's death, his downfall & nemesis. The deadly poison, that while it looked so attractive to him, and he joyfully was trying to gobble you up, you'll be that which kills him from the inside like Neo did with Mr. Smith. That's what you are to the Devil & his System. The fierce dragon will try to stop you with all within him from conquering the sleeping princess, and from awakening her with the kiss of My love & delivering her out of his clutches. But all the while you're becoming more & more skilled & stronger as well, and if you're determined to keep fighting him, no matter what, to always get up again & fight another round, then you'll win in the end & conquer & save the world through love & perseverance, love that never fails & never quits. You have a dangerous enemy, which is why life isn't something to be taken lightly. It's dangerous to underestimate your enemy or pretend he's not really there, to just avoid thinking about him or the threat he poses, or to wishfully think that he probably won't care too much about you, and if you leave him in peace, he'll leave you in peace, too. He hates you too much to leave you in peace, and he will either try to lull you to sleep with all his lures, hypnotisms and temptations, and cause you to let your guard down, or he will ferociously attack you with all he's got. His goal is the same in either tactic: your destruction. It's up to you which way you will allow him to combat you. - The slow & subtle poisoning by posing as your "friend", bringing into your life all the tempting things that will cause you to lower your guard & defense against him, or the open confrontation. There is no peace with the Devil. If there's one enemy it pays to rather fight openly and not seek a moment of truce with, it's Satan. Otherwise you'll regret it. Any moment of compromise, any moment you don't openly declare war on him and fight to the finish, will be a moment that will weaken you! You've got to be constantly on guard against him, beware of his presence as the enemy of your soul constantly, and never let down your guard, never think, "oh, well, he's not really that bad... if I just close my eyes, he'll go away & perhaps he'll ignore me if I ignore him!" You can ignore him safely by focusing on Me for your protection, that's alright. But never think that he's not there or that he's not out to destroy you. That's the mistake that some have made. They underestimated him. They figured, "oh, well, he's not really as evil or nearly as dangerous as he's always hyped up to be..." Or they figure that maybe the others were too weak, but they're strong enough to withstand his temptations. They won't give in to him. They're different... But little by little, one compromise will follow another, and he'll find your weak spot, and you can always count on him to be a real Judas & traitor & to stab you in the back when you least expect it, when you're weakest and let down your guard. So, there you have another bleak picture, but it's My picture of your reality, the way I see it, and the way it is! It's not a vacation you’re on, this trip through life, but it's warfare! When you're at war with an Enemy who rules pretty much the whole World, things aren't always easy, they aren't always rosy. Of course, the Enemy wants to make it tough on you, & he makes you want to regret your choice to become his and his System's enemy. He's asking, "Are you sure you want to join the side of those who have declared an all-out war against me?" He knows, if there would be a way to get by peacefully coexisting with the Devil & still pleasing Me at the same time, you probably would. But there isn't. And so, the only choice you've got is all-out war against the Enemy. And he'll fight you back, for sure. He sends his emissaries, just to remind you that the nice, comfortable days of truce are over. It's time to come to grips with the fact that you're an unwanted, unwelcome alien here, a pilgrim & stranger from the other side, the Enemy camp, as far as they're concerned who are sold out to the Devil. The World only embraces & pampers those who have swallowed the Devil's hook & are definitely in his camp. They're like the Nazi forces during WWII, indulging in all the luxuries & suppressing the "unwanted" elements, and just like in WWII, this is only the beginning of woes. At first they edge in on your privileges, hassle you & make things tougher for you, but sooner or later they'll find the perfect excuse to start a full-fledged persecution against you and your kind. A truly good warrior has to learn to train, control & discipline his own spirit. You've got to fight for the victory in the spirit! Fight that battle, facing down your enemy! Declare all-out war & rally to your side those who were destined to help you. You've simply got to fight, recognize the enemy, stare him in the eye & declare an all-out war & fight to the finish! Seek that victory, and seize it! Use the sword of the Word against your foes. Exposing them in the light of My Word is one of the best remedies & most powerful arms against them. Get on the attack with the white-hot sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, & cut the Devil to the heart! The Word is your most important weapon of attack, use it! The Devil fights tooth & nail to stop you from accomplishing My highest & ideal plan for you. When I give you a vision or plan for the future, the Devil will fight it, and it depends on everyone involved to ward off those attacks from the evil one, and if one link in the chain fails to see their part & the conditions they have to fulfill, the whole plan may come to naught. Each one's place among the winners & final victors is only determined by their own constant determination, conviction and decision to keep on for Me & Me alone, no matter what, and if whatever your brother does causes you to stumble or give up, that brother may be held responsible for his mistakes, but you will be held responsible for your own decision to focus on his faults instead of Me, and whatever your looking at the waves will result in. If you want victory, you've got to

keep looking at Me. Everything else will only spell defeat... It’s war time, time to attack, and the time for toying around is over! I need you to put your weapons & gifts to use, get them out there on the battle field, and use them to win souls & free the captives, do My job & reap the harvest. It's time to get serious about what I've given you all these things for, your experience, your talents, your gifts, knowledge, wisdom, faith, the weapons of prayer and My Word, and it's time to break free from any chains of the Enemy and explode into freedom, and be the revolutionaries you were ordained to be. "Forward, march!" is the motto of the day! Time to attack! Testing & training time is over. All further training will happen right on the field, where you will see and experience it much more intensified, much more real. The person under attack has to make a decision to do something positive about the state they're in. First of all, they need to realize that they're under the attack of the Enemy, and that they're responsible to do something to fight him, they can't pin that responsibility on anyone else. It's their battle, and they're responsible to get the victory. Sure, they can ask for help, but they can't use it as an excuse to get even more down to say, "Boohoo, nobody's helping me to get the victory..." They've got to make the choice & the decision that they don't want to remain in that state & so they say, "I refuse to stay in this condition," and accordingly go on the attack with positive action, whatever they may be capable of at the moment, be it getting into the Word, praising Me or asking for prayer. They need to make an effort, make the decision to take the first step in the right direction! I then release all the power necessary to help them. To fight or not to fight, this is the question! The answer is obvious: you have no other choice than to fight, the only other option is to say "Uncle" to the Devil & make everyone else's day around miserable, too. When you feel the Enemy attacking you in your mind, go on the offensive! Refuse to let him play his dirty games with you! Just sing a song of praise, or start praising Me, read the Word, ask Me to give you My own, personal counsel for you, and don't stop until you've got the victory! Sometimes the victory lies in recognizing that you've been given the victory already. The soldier can't just say "I don't want to fight!" It's your God-given duty to fight for the Kingdom, to fight for lost souls. It's time to go on the attack for souls! You can't lose! It's a winning battle, all you have to do is overcome your own fear, pride, laziness & lethargy! I need you to fight for Me! Trust that I will strengthen you and you will not regret it! Whenever you see that the Enemy has penetrated your camp and has entered in your midst, you cannot keep going business as usual. You must stop & pray! Don't allow the Devil any entrance! This is the real War we're fighting, the Holy War, the War of the worlds! The weapons are real, and the stakes are real, too! The pain and the losses are real if you don't fight right, if you don't win, if you don't train enough in order to become strong & able soldiers, and there's no running away! The unity & love you have for each other is one of the most effective weapons you have got in your arsenal. You become stronger with every minute of the battle! It's wise not to underestimate the Enemy, and to be aware that it's got to be Me fighting for and through you. You'd be surprised in how many little ways you can deal him blows, just by swinging the weapons of love in his face. The coward only attacks you when you're weak, and "weak" means, when you're self-confident (strong in yourself and relying on your own wisdom instead of Me), when you take the victory for granted and you don't stay on guard. What better way to teach you this than to let you suffer an attack whenever you let down your shield or your antenna, your connection with Me? I'm trying to teach you to love the fight, to really cherish the battle & barge right into it. There are more "clandestine" troupers than there are open fighters and attackers and front-line soldiers, and I need more of those who truly have nothing to lose and wholeheartedly give their lives for My cause. The greatest rewards wait for those who commit themselves to that ultimate struggle of good & evil, to confront & combat the very evil in their own hearts, the very sin in their lives, for in this, they're fighting the very enemy of God - the Devil on a day to day, face-to-face level. Even if these trials & battles you're having don't seem to be good for you, they actually are good for you, because they strengthen you. It's training. The spiritual forces you're fighting are real. It's hard to be fighting at 2 fronts, but that's another battle ground reality you're going to have to become trained in, having to fight outside enemies along with those who will cleave to you with flatteries. "Battles never cease." Not in this life, & not before I come. So, just take them, face them, with your chin held high. You've got to keep fighting if you want to keep winning. It's natural to want life to be as comfortable, easy & sweet as possible, but it's not really good for you, since that's weakening you. That's why there are more battles & less luxury, less ease, less comfort! I need to get My people ready for war, and we cannot fight the foe effectively and successfully as long as you're weakened by all his lulling & tempting devices, by all his addictions to the sweet things in life! There is no peace with the Enemy. You've got to be prepared for the Devil's first grenades as soon as you wake up. So, what better way is there to counterattack than sling a good few showers of praise in his face? Let it rain praise bullets!

I'm trying to train you for the War of the Worlds, not a holiday camp where you become weaker & weaker by the day, unable to resist & fight the Enemy! I'm trying to teach you to fight! The Devil's not going to fight you in an area where you feel comfortable fighting him. He wants to hit you where it hurts, in your sensitive and weak and vulnerable areas. Of course, he'll hope that you'll cop out & throw in the towel. But as long as you don't, as long as you keep fighting & keep hanging in there, you're gaining from it. You're being strengthened and trained, and you gain experience. The Devil's an Enemy that's to be taken very seriously, and ignoring him could be the biggest mistake you ever made! It may be unpleasant having to deal with the Enemy, but what else is a war but having to constantly face & confront & deal with your enemy? - Exposing his tactics, finding out which way he operates, what he's trying to achieve, etc. And you must find ways to lick him, beat him, destroy him! But instead of focusing on attacking and fighting him, he is trying to divert your attention & get you to focus on yourself, your weaknesses, your desires, your wants, your lacks. He doesn't want you to focus on using the weapon in your hand. Sometimes you've got to take a hard stand in order to do the right thing and fight the wrong! You've got to learn to be consistently tough, yet loving. We're fighting a tough & mean enemy. That means we've got to learn to be tough, too, sometimes. The more you are battling, the more important you are to Me, because if you weren't, then the Devil would just leave you in peace! But if you come out for Me & stick your head out of the trench, that's when he starts firing, and those are the times when you should cling to Me all the more desperately. You should get excited & say, "Hallelujah! The Devil is mad, so we must be accomplishing something or doing something right, which he hates!" Every time he attacks I'm expecting you to turn to Me for help so that we can lick the foe together! I'm with you, and at no time is this more true than when you're fighting the Enemy! There is no greater proof that you're on My side than when you're fighting My Enemy. I wait for you to come to Me, in order to help you to get the victory, so that you will know it's not you who wins them, but that only I can win them through you! Next time you're battling, remember that I'm only waiting for you to come to Me to give you the victory! That's what will show that you've really learned how to fight properly! I'm your greatest weapon, your shield and your exceeding great reward! I will be your Victory! I will show you precisely which weapons to use, which are going to be the most effective in dismantling the Enemy & destroying him and his plans, his lies in your life! My warriors are warriors of the Spirit! My battle is happening in the realm of the spirit! The only way victories over evil spirits are won are through humbly using the spiritual weapons of prayer, praise and claiming My promises; in other words, by hoping & trusting in Me to do the real fighting for you! You can summon My angels and My spiritual fighters to come to your aid by availing yourself of the spiritual weapons. You must let go of the flesh and embrace the Spirit if you want to win the battles before you. I use all kinds of methods in order to keep the battle alive. I can't allow My people to fall asleep or fall into a false sense of security, thinking there is nothing wrong and no one to fight. The World is in the hands of the Enemy, and as long as that is the case, there will never be true peace in this life for My true children. If the Enemy has you or any of My other chosen fighters cornered, I will stir up and awaken someone else temporarily, in order to use them and divert the Enemy's attention from you. If you make efforts to fight the devil harder, then of course, the Enemy isn't just going to take it lying down. You have to be prepared that he's going to shoot back! If you declare war on him, he's gonna fight you. It's not always fun or "inspiring" to be fighting a war. There's a lot of serious, unpleasant stuff involved, and to become more familiar with these things and that part of life, is simply part of the process of growing up & maturing. You notice a lot of not-so-glorious things that you didn't expect before... Gory details you didn't have a clue existed when you were young and idealistic and blue-eyed... Or even simply boring chores and a strenuous schedule. It's "welcome to the real battle of life!" There comes a time when you can't avoid the battles and confrontations anymore, and it's simply come to that: time to grow up! So, no matter how dark & gloomy the battle, there has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man, and it's all simply a matter & part of growing up, maturing & becoming a real man and fighter for Me. How different the spiritual way of fighting is from carnal ideas! Some of the most radical and powerful weapons are manifested in something that symbolizes the exact opposite of all that people would associate with warfare in the carnal. Love is the most powerful weapon to wield in our holy war against evil. If you leave a back door open for the Enemy through which he can enter, you have to count on the fact that it won't be necessarily you he's going to be attacking, but the victims are going to be the weaker ones. In order to protect the weaker members of your family, you need to keep all gates & doors & loopholes shut through which the Enemy might find entrance! He's always going to attack the weakest member first, and then, by having attacked them, he's going to strike a blow from within that's also going to weaken you, and thus he has a chance to get at you, too. Strive to strengthen your resources & reserves, instead of taking any risks. Do what soldiers do, prepare for battle, and not act as if life was a vacation. Get serious about getting strengthened & trained up for warfare! Invest time in proactive training & learning to really fight the Devil. Are you being "sober and vigilant," or are you leaving the doors of your defenses wide open, leaving yourself vulnerable, and your flock exposed to the peril of outside attacks? Warfare isn't always beautifully organized. The signal sounds and you rush out onto the battle field, and you don't always

look good in the mess that results out there. The only question that will remain is: have you done what you could? Will you have given it your all? I'm not going to send you out into battle before you're prepared for it, or send you into battles you're not equipped for. It's a permanent fight to strive to keep your mind stayed on Me, & that's what those weapons of our warfare are there for, to pull down those thoughts and mental picture that are trying to separate & distract you from the knowledge that God is right there with you. It's a conscious effort, a real fight, and a mental and spiritual war. I want My children to become more acquainted with and more skilled in the use of their spiritual weapons , because these relatively peaceful times will soon be over, and full-fledged warfare is going to break out. So far, most of you have not been taking your training seriously enough. Your main concerns have been your survival, your careers, your futures, your pastimes, and not truly giving your lives for My cause. The battle is rarely ever neatly organized. It's bloody hoodlum, where all that counts is: How easily are you going to be intimidated? How easy is it going to be for the Enemy to get you to turn tail & run? Or how hard are you going to make the fight for him? How determined are you to lick him, overcome him, destroy him? That's what counts! Don't look at the circumstances! Of course, they're chaos! That's what war amounts to, & that's what the Devil is trying to create all along! Victory is to be able to grab hold of My peace & My organized structure of everything in spite of the temporary chaos the Devil tries to create. He may show you that devastated landscape he left you in in the spirit, but you've got to see My heavenly landscape & beauty of what's going to be & what really is in the heavenly realm, beyond all that ugliness the Devil's trying to create! Don't be surprised that you actually have to do some substantial fighting. You think the Devil and his demons are just going to stand by while you're threatening to become one of those who are destined to become their demise, grasping countless others out of their clutches? How can you be so surprised about the struggle & the amount it costs you? It's something worth fighting for. You must detach yourself of all that heavy-weight armor & all the ado that doesn't come in handy in effectively fighting the System tyrant. You're guerillas. It's time to quit trying to look impressive, it's time to start wielding the weapons that are really going to make the difference, and show the world what you're capable of: the slaying of the giant. But it's going to have to be very obviously My hand and My means that will have saved you & will have given you the victory. As long as you stay small, out of sight, out of range, you can be like an independent little guerrilla fighter, like David, who was able to run around Goliath, while he could hardly move in his heavy armor. Seek not to be anything big in this world, seek not to compromise for their gain, seek no truce with the Devil! It's a monumental job, and you have a monumental foe to make it as difficult as possible for you to do that job, but that's where I come in, and your faith in My superiority, to prove to the world that nothing the Devil and all his followership can do is able to stop even one of My followers if I'm on his side & right behind him. The greatest weapon the Devil ever used against My people was the spirit of complacency. A truly revolutionary spirit will never be satisfied with this world, it will always rebel against it; but there are too few of them, and even they are often being persuaded to temporary truces with the Enemy & his System. They're becoming tired & weary of war. And that's usually when the Enemy will also drop his friendly mask & launch his all-out, open attack: "They're weak & tired now, & just about asleep! Now let's attack'em!" That's why I've cautioned you in My Word to watch & pray, to be sober & vigilant. The Enemy, as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour, and he's closing in right now. Cowardly as he is, he won't attack you while you're fully alert and on guard. Only when he can get you to settle for a compromise, some limbo of peaceful coexistence with him, and he can get you off guard, then he has a chance. It'll probably do you some good to be confronted with the wolves' teeth & foul breath for a while to remind you of why I'm at war with the System, & you can think about if you really want peace with them & be their slave, or whether you're ready to declare all-out war against them & make sure & fully known whose side you're on! How can I teach you to fight without a battle? The Enemy is right there, right in your own midst, and you have to learn to realize how he manipulates your pride, your selfishness, your desires of the flesh, your laziness, your addictions & your worldliness, in order to become alert enough to go on the attack against him, instead of continuing in a state of truce and peaceful coexistence with him. The prince of the power of the air and god of this world with all his host - physical and spiritual - is your enemy, and he'll try everything he can to stop you from succeeding in spreading My message. That's why you must pray vehemently against him, for he influences the weather, he influences his followers on earth to mean you harm, to turn the odds against you in any way he can, but if you stay close to Me and do what you can in order to defeat him, to get ahold of Me and My protection, you'll see that in spite of all his efforts, you will still win. Don't make the mistake of not recognizing your enemies, and underestimating them. The god of forces is on your heels as Pharaoh's armies were after Moses & the children of Israel before the Red sea. When you "wade in the water," remember that it will have been I Who has delivered you from their attempts to wipe you out. You can't just use a weapon at a certain time a day, when you choose to practice with it, but during the fight & when the battle is hot, that's when you need it the most and your skill with it comes in the most handy, and when it also will be

tested the most, for what it's worth. You usually don't really fight unless you're being attacked. You fend off the Enemy when you're being attacked, but that's not how you expand, how you gain territory, how you progress. In order to do that, you need more of an aggressive approach. The minute you just settle down to enjoy what you've got is the moment you start becoming an old bottle. I have to allow the Enemy to stir up some trouble for you, in order to get you fighting & shake you out of your happy little world syndrome & remind you that it's a war, and you can't take anything for granted. You can't afford to just drift through life without making any progress, because if you're not making any advances into the Devil's territory to snatch something away from him, then he will advance into yours & see what he can rip off from you. You need to stay on the attack and in advance mode. You've got to have a conquering attitude, not one of mere preservation of what you've got. There's more, lots more out there to win and gain and accomplish for Me. You can constantly look out for opportunities of how I can turn something along your path into a victory, an advance or advantage for My Kingdom. You've got to seize those opportunities, seize the day, and not just let it pass you by. In order to really seize the day, you've got to be the one who takes the offensive, instead of just being on the defense and only fighting back when you're being attacked! That's why witnessing is so healthy, spiritually: it's a way to lead offensive warfare, of strengthening your spiritual muscles & fighting skills. By not exercising your muscles, you're allowing weakness, deterioration and decay to slowly creep up on you and take the upper hand, instead of actively fighting for life. Take a pro-life stand! The Devil will fight you like mad, trying to stop you from anything good, much less the best, but that's what the fight is all about! Kick him back! Push him back! Force him to retreat! I consider positiveness, being a wholehearted & stouthearted, relentless fighter who will not give any room or place for evil to exist. "The Devil doesn't start shooting until you get over the top..." As long as you accomplish nothing, he'll leave you in peace. But if you're doing My will, he'll attack you, because you pose a threat to him. So, consider it a privilege, a sign and manifestation of the power that you have, if the Devil is attacking. Exposing your weak spots & chinks in your armor also helps our cause, because like this you'll know which limbs and areas you'll have to strengthen, where you've got to watch out & stay on guard. The battle shows that you're on the right side, that you're a winner. It shows that you're still alive, and that the Devil considers you an enemy he should try to stop and slow down. That means you're accomplishing something that counts. It means he hates you and you're not his friend. Isn't it good to know you're on the right side? You're on My side! Sometimes enmity and a clear division has to be brought about in order to bring My servants and brides to the point where they stop fraternizing with fractions of the Enemy, only in order to maintain some kind of peace. Remember that I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. (Mt.10:34-36) You constantly need to upgrade your artillery in order to stay up to par with the Enemy. This is one constant fight and battle everyone of My children must go through in their lives: the fight against the Enemy's fiery darts of doubt. That's why it's important that you never ever put down your shield of faith and don't neglect the sword of My Word, either. There are a lot of negative and not-so-nice factors about a war, and it won't help just closing your eyes and ignoring them! Wounds, as ugly as they may be, have to be attended to! Problems need to be dealt with. Evil has to be exposed. Whenever you see a need, take care of it! Attack! Life is a constant confrontation with the forces of evil, and it’s best to arm yourself for it, instead of seeking to shun it constantly. Some confrontations you simply can’t avoid. And if you avoid them, you run the chance of the other party your opponent - taking advantage of you and your passive attitude. The Enemy never fights you when you’re strong and on top of things, because he knows he has no chance then. He only fights you when you’re down and weak, he’s a real coward. My true chosen ones won't settle for compromise with the evil one! For them there is only all-out war with him, and only one goal in sight: the earth freed from his tyranny. I'm calling you to join the fiercest battle ever, not to some peaceful, easy, relaxing vacation camp. There is a place where folks really fight the Devil to the finish, and it's no holiday camp. It's not for the sensitive or those who are out for a jolly good time, unless your idea of a good time is making the Devil bleed. To serve Me means to serve Me in battle against evil, and it's a relentless battle to the death. There's nothing fake about it. No second chances of, "Oh, I don't think this is what I wanted, after all." There's either fight to the death or desertion. This battle field of life can become pretty hostile territory when you allow the Devil to disturb the equilibrium of things and to take the proportions of one of the essential ingredients out of your life, that enable you to breathe properly. After all, that's what poisonous gases in warfare are supposed to do: to disable the enemy and stop him from breathing. If I'm the air that you breathe, don't let the Enemy rob you of it! Don't let him kill you with his poisonous gases, don't let him choke you, suffocate you, don't let him steal your oxygen. Defend your right to breathe! No matter how pleasant things get, you've got to remind yourselves constantly that you're at war, and that you're warriors, a constant threat to the Enemy, and thus constantly at risk of any form of attack by him. He'll take advantage of any weak moment you'll offer him.

You have to put up some kind of a fight. You cannot just be indifferent, you've got to have appropriating faith and grab that blessing and claim it as yours. I don't want you to "fight" for material goods in a competitive way, the way folks in the System do. But I do want you to put up a fight for your blessings, for your crown, and all that comes with it. While I don't want you to fight for your positions in the world, I do want you to fight for your spiritual position. Don't let the Devil cheat you out of something that could be rightfully yours. If you're not going to fight, the Enemy WILL. The Devil won't start shooting until you stick your head out of the trench. You must count on adversities, on problems. The only way to avoid them altogether is to do nothing, and that is, of course, precisely what the Devil wants. You've got to develop some zest, some determination, some stick-to-it-iveness, gumption, perseverance, some do-or-die spirit. You can't always avoid all the ugly parts by just laying low and playing Mr. Nice-Guy. The battle is bloody and chaotic, and those involved don't exactly come across or strike anyone as "nice." The only place a battle doesn't look awful and gory is on a Hollywood movie screen. Reality's a tough fight. How can you overcome your enemy if you never face him down and fight? It's a war you're fighting, and you're fighting on My side, and it's no wonder you're getting flak from those of the world, for I am not of the world, and neither are you. What war has there ever been without a battle? This is no "cold war," nor merely a metaphor, but the real thing. And everything that's worth something costs something. Every victory costs a battle. All you need is to want that victory and fight for it! The spirit of prophecy is the factor that makes the Enemy mad at you and declares you as his true enemies (see Rev.12:17, 19:10). Sometimes you need to be reminded of who and what you're up against, and of what sort of filth we're having to deal with in our war against evil. Sometimes you become lethargic and you're simply not on the attack or on guard, and I have to allow things to happen in order to remind you that it's war time, that evil is real, and that we have to fight. The Enemy starts fighting you when you start making a difference. Your greatest victories will always come out of seeming defeats. The way I've fought all My battles throughout history has always been that same pattern: a seemingly pitiful, bedraggled little band against a much larger enemy, greatly outnumbering My troops, just to make really sure that the victory was going to go on My account, "lest Israel say, 'Mine own arm hath saved me.'" When the Enemy is around, you can't ignore him, but you have to aim your spiritual weapons at him and shoot, and not rest until he's down. There's no use in going on, ignoring him or pretending everything is alright. First you've got to do whatever it takes to get rid of his presence, his oppression and influence in your life. Sometimes you tend to forget that it's a fight, and you run into your day, just like any ordinary day, let your hair down & just relax, without wanting to deal much with the fight it entails. But the problem is that if you don't fight, chances are that you're rendering territory over to the Enemy... If he doesn't encounter much of a resistance he'll make himself as comfortable in your life as you let him get away with. There are more important things here at stake than the fun and diversion of a single soldier: the fate and future of My entire army depends on each one of you. You’re a lover of peace, but this is a time of war, and I'm asking you to fight for Me. Many who have fought and bled and died in wars didn't want to do so, but they did so out of duty for their country, their king, their cause, and now I need you also to display that loyalty for Me and My Cause, and show that you're willing to do that for Me, which by nature you're not so fond of... to fight. The Enemy won't leave you in peace, anyway. He won't stop and give in until he has you either conquered or defeated and out of the way, and thus far you have reluctantly fought back whenever he attacked you, but now is the time not just to defend what you've got, but to go on an all-out attack to snatch territory away from him that he is unrightfully usurping from Me. This is about your Kingdom, your Country, your future, your status as either victor or one more who's been conquered by this fraud. He thinks of himself as some kind of a great field Marshall and warlord, when in reality, all that he is, is a destroyer. And all he'll accomplish in the end is wreak considerable destruction and wreckage. Distraction is the name of his game, in order to ensure your destruction. That's why you've got to remain vigilant and on guard, and not only that, but now I'm asking you to come off of your defensive position and strike him a unanimous blow. Show him that you're not afraid of him! Show him that you've got his number, and that you've got him pinned down, and that you're really convinced that I Who am in you is so much greater than he could ever dream of being. Now that I've begun to show you who you are, show him who you are! You may be some kind of upstart, compared to his millennia of fighting experience, but that won't stop you from challenging him, from daring him, yea, from defeating him! It's true, you wish you had been more diligent in your preparation for this battle; that you had gotten more acquainted with your weapons and had taken this whole war more seriously... But you can still make it. With Me on your side you can't lose, whatever happens. I need you to defy him. I can't just let him take the floor and boast that there is none to challenge him, the way Goliath did before the children of Israel. You can knock him out, deal him a mortal blow. There is a time for everything: a time for peace, and a time for war, and this is a time for war. Now is the time to advance and no longer retreat, but to use whatever you've got on the battle field. I want you to become a skilled master fighter and expert at pulling down Satan's strongholds and delusions in people's minds!

Whenever the Devil fights, you can assume that you're on the right track. If you weren't posing a threat to him, he wouldn't care, right? The only chance of victory is to keep on fighting. What else can you do but fight? Even if you seem to be alone in this fight, this battle, or even this whole war, and sometimes it seems as though the very ones fighting on your side have turned against you. The Enemy can really create some confusion at times. He has always been the author of confusion, and he knows his only chance is to get your focus off of the light and blur your vision. As long as you can see clearly who is the enemy, and who's your friend, and you stand united against him, he knows he doesn't stand a chance. Only by bringing about this confusion where you can't tell who is friend or foe anymore, does he gain a chance. It requires some skill, some experience and some self-discipline, not to start firing away in the mist and the dark, lest you hit one of your own. It requires patience, faith & trust, to just sit and wait it out until you can distinguish clearly what moves the Enemy is up to, recognize him, and then pull the trigger. Try to use all the weapons at your disposal, learning to discern in which type of situation each weapon will be most useful and effective. You must learn to not only use, but also guard and protect your weapons as well, they require some maintenance. Just as you would have to try to protect a sword or gun from rust and corrosion, you must protect your spiritual weapons from the corrosion and harmful acids and chemical processes of the Enemy. Lack of usage is of course one of the worst things for a weapon. You've got to keep the triggers well-oiled, the blades sharpened, and the ammunition dry. Sometimes you need to realize how important and irreplacable a weapon is before you start appreciating it and caring for it as you should. Teaching people to defend only their own, individual "territory," their own personality, is good and needed, but the Devil isn't nearly as scared of this rather selfish approach as he is of one honest soul winner, who is not interested in fixing up and improving himself, but lays down his life in order for others to be saved. The art of spiritual self-defense on an individual level cannot be compared to the universal spiritual warfare. You may look miserable, lying there in the trenches, in the mud, dirty, stinking and uncomfortable, fighting life-and-death combat on the dark battle fields of this world, compared to the nice and shiny practice of spiritual self-defense of those sheltered people in their ivory towers, in their clean white (spiritual) judo suits. But when it comes down to handing out the medals to the ones who will have been instrumental in winning the global and universal war for Me, you can imagine, which type of warfare will have had the greater impact. Judo does not inflict any harm on your enemy, it just teaches how to keep the Enemy at bay, in order to enable one to live a life "free of conflict." Whereas you are being taught to prepare for the greatest conflict there ever was between My Cause and the Devil's, My side and the Devil's, My people and the Devil's. Not being aware of the greater spiritual warfare can become a dangerous illusion and deception: you think that just because you get a grip over your personal problems and the evil manifested in your own life, the world is going to be a better place from now on, and the Devil isn't really up to anything else, like taking over the world, preparing the world for his own world order, and the final implementation of his mark. All the attention is drawn toward overcoming personal problems - which is all good and has its place - but there is no focus whatsoever on the evil the Devil is perpetrating in the rest of the world. The attitude behind that is, "Let the rest of the world go to hell, as long as we can save ourselves." All those good works look nice, but what are all those good works compared to one immortal soul snatched away from the claws of the Devil? What are all those nice and spiritually groomed Christians trained in the art of self-defense going to do against the flood of evil that is sweeping the rest of the world? It's hard to become enthusiastic about a battle side by side with somebody who looks like they're going to collapse any minute, just because they didn't even deem it necessary to strengthen themselves. There were those who played their marching tunes enthusiastically into the battle, only to never return. They figured, of course they would win, of course they had what it took, but they didn't. Nobody ever heard of them again. It takes a little more than "rah-rah" to win a battle, and we'll see who's really got what it takes to make it through this alive. A little circumspection, wisdom, assessment of the situation, and intelligence, (as in intelligence during warfare), isn't wrong, and mere optimism is not what it takes to win a war. If you've done all you could to strengthen yourself and your party, then you have every reason to be optimistic, although you still shouldn't boast yourself of the morrow or shout "victory" before the battle is over. But if you haven't done what you could in order to strengthen your spirit for the battle, because you were busy with "a form of godliness, but without the power thereof," then woe is us. If you fight the Devil, you need to be prepared for the Enemy's attacks. It's something that's simply bound to happen if you're a Christian and fighting on My side, and that you ought to be prepared to deal with. You must reckon with it to happen, as unpleasant as it is. But the more you're prepared for this type of situation, the more skilled you will become in handling them. The victory is yours already. You cannot lose it. No matter what the Devil does, he cannot cheat you out of the victory. It's yours inevitably, no matter what he does. The Enemy is mad and scared when you're about to do something special and great for Me; he always fires away with all barrels when he realizes you're going to go on the offensive.

When you've got nothing left to lose, then you won't have any fears left holding you back from the battle field. You'll barge right in, come hell or high-water, defying any instincts that would try to make you wish to preserve your own life, your own reputation, image, or whatever may have seemed too precious to you before to give it up. You're asking Me, "As tired as I am of fighting, do I stand a chance of winning?" -- referring to this particular battle. You personally feel it's a hopeless effort. What do you want Me to tell you? "Yeah, you're right. Just fold in, it doesn't make any sense to keep fighting..."? That doesn't sound like the kind of advice I'd give you, does it? You want Me to give you a "realistic prognosis," but all I can say, is "It's up to you." I have put before you the ways of either life or death this day, for you to choose whether you'll take the high road or the low road. You want a prognosis? You tell Me! What is it you're going to choose to do? Give up? Quit? Or keep fighting? You know My ways. Quitting is not for Me, so don't ask Me, "Don't You think I should better quit?" You can't ask the Champion of the universe to just stop fighting and be so kind as to let the Enemy take over and win the battle for a change. I can feel for you, extend My sympathies for your plight, and everything, but I can't possibly encourage you to give up! It would be like cheating to just give you the victory without having done some fighting first. It’s like the proverb about teaching a man to fish, instead of feeding him: I’m teaching you the skills of obtaining the victory, strengthening you through that process, not just handing you the victory on a silver platter and allowing you to remain weak. Only fighting is what’s going to make you strong enough to obtain the victory – not entirely by yourself, but with My help, but nonetheless through the part that you can do. It’s war time! In war, things don’t continue to tranquilly run their course, but there is howling of sirens and running to and fro of people… the sky is dark, and there’s the noise of gun and shell fire. There’s pain when you’re being hit by something, and you may find yourself paralyzed and tied to the spot… This is it. This is no drill. It’s not a time anymore for entertainment and leisure. It’s a call to arms. The success and outcome of the battle will depend on each man, woman and child involved. In the movies you always see the hero make up his mind reluctantly and at the last minute, to finally do his part and pitch in, in order for good to win the battle. In reality, that’s an attitude very unlikely to ensure success. If you want to win a war, you’d better start training and learning how to fight as soon as possible, and prepare for what’s ahead of you, and not just rely on luck to give you the strength you’ll need. Luck is a very insecure factor to rely on in a war, because you’ll more often than not find yourself and the world around you running out of luck. It all depends on how much and how badly you truly want to make it, surviving there on the frontlines in this war… Remember, “The most uncomfortable place for a Christian is a comfortable place,” meaning that comfort isn’t what you ought to be seeking. Comfort is your enemy, and anything that makes you feel comfortable may be counterproductive in the aspect of getting you where I want you to be. You can’t fight a war comfortably! The spirit of the Enemy is striving against Me and resisting Me and My ways on every level, in every area and walk of life. You’ll meet people everywhere who are going to struggle against My movement in the spirit. The ones who are truly yielded to My Spirit are very, very rare. The Enemy sics his dogs on the carriers of My true anointing wherever he finds them and can stir them up, like a hornets’ nest, or like dogs barking and nipping at your heels. But they can never really do you any real harm. Primarily, they are just there to test and strengthen your faith and resolve. These are precisely the factors that make you strong. Just another example of the devil actually working for Me, whether he wants to or not. It sometimes happens in warfare, that you get wounded by members of your own party. But you can’t allow that to weaken you to a point of surrender. You’ve got to get over it and keep fighting. Warfare is really an art, and it’s not necessarily something you’re born into or everybody fits right into from scratch. It’s a skill that has to be acquired by hard training, and it’s not something you acquire by giving up after the first few failed attempts. The battle field doesn’t always exactly feel like “home” to everyone. So don’t be surprised if you feel strange, and out of place, wondering how you fit in and “What am I doing here?” War is ugly. Your superiors yell at you, may even take advantage of you, and not everybody remembers to remain a gentleman on the battlefield. It’s not place for hurt feelings. Sometimes you feel devastated. You realize how close you are nearly every moment of your life to the point of losing everything, when all you will have left of your substance will be your naked soul standing before Me. Not the figure of how much wealth you’ve acquired, how “big” you are in terms of numbers and figures, just you, your soul, who you really are. The Enemy isn’t just going to peacefully stand by and look on as I make a super weapon out of you, aimed and destined for his destruction. He’s going to come up with his best magic in order to stop you from becoming what you ought. He may have made more points in this round, but you’re still in the ring, and you’re not finished yet – and you’re learning a bit more with each fight, more about his tactics; and I’m counting on the ability of My Spirit in you to teach you something from all this, lessons that will prevent you from falling into the same traps next time… It’s time to put on your armor and forget about the playground, leave it behind, and trade it in for the battle field. The battle field is your place now, not the playground. There are greater thrills to be had on the battle field than you ever could find on any playground.

“Blessed are the peacemakers,” but it takes some fight and personal effort and sacrifice to make peace in this wicked, war-mongering world. It’s the spiritual forces behind people you’re actually having to deal with, more than the people themselves. By focusing your attention and power on the spiritual side of things, you’re addressing the real culprits and powers behind the scenes… The people they use are often only instruments in their hand, often ignorant of what they’re really doing. And you can only disarm them by focusing the power on the forces that energize them, the spirits that empower them, by challenging them and commanding them in My name and in the name of the power of the keys to shut up and be quiet. You can bind and tie their hands and paralyze them, stop them from continuing their work in that area they’re exerting their influence over. You’re going to have to learn to address the powers behind those people of which they are really often only victims. You don’t get up in the morning and wink at yourself in the mirror while you brush your teeth and have your coffee, and say, “Well, I’m feeling fine today, so I think I’m going to have me a wee little battle of sorts…” The battle breaks out upon you unexpectedly, and all hell may break loose, and you will just wish you’ll be ready for it, ready to let everything else go at a moment’s notice. Your fellow soldiers are hearing their call to battle, and the worst thing you could do is to get offended and fail to give them your support. They need to know is that they’ll have your unswerving support, and that you won’t be like a flag in the wind, deserting them at the first sign of trouble. Sometimes you rejoice too early. You think the victory is yours, you made it, and now you can drop your guard. But in battle, these appearances can be deceiving. Many times the Devil has an ambush prepared for you that you’re not expecting and aren’t ready for, unless you simply constantly stay on the alert. You’re on hostile territory, and you’re vastly outmanned and outnumbered in the physical, so the prospect of some temporary advantage does not allow you to coast on your laurels. You need to be prepared for such tricks of the Enemy. He knows what it takes to get you off your guard. He knows one of the best ways to get you is when he can make you think you’re safe and home free, and you’ve got it made, so you can let down your shield of desperation and staying on guard. In order to win spiritual battles, you’re going to have to stir yourself up, and not allow yourself to settle down in a comfortable rut, but steer away from seeking that kind of comfort. You want to be the kind of soldier that is going to stand a chance to win a battle, and isn’t just going to be shot down easily because of a lack of mobility. As long as there are still battles to fight, you can tell that you’re still on the right track, still on the right side, and still hitting him where it hurts. As long as things aren’t flowing too smoothly and you can’t just float along complacently, you know that you must be having some effect on him that causes him to go on the counter-attack. So, as long as there are battles, trials and troubles, you can assume that everything’s alright. Not every battle My children ever fight is won. Not if they’re not aware of the Enemy’s devices, if they’re foolish enough to ignore him or in their pride refuse to see him at work in their own lives… I haven’t called you on a permanent vacation or pleasure ride, but to war! War is tough! War is anything but pleasant, and it’s not My choice, either. After all, I’m the Prince of Peace, and that’s what I wish to bring on this earth. But as you can tell, not many of those in power share those same ideas, because there is greater profit for them to be made from war, than there is in peace. As long as these are the conditions, there can be no peace, nor Heaven on earth for anyone, as much as you would like to have your taste and share of it already now. But it would be a very selfish heaven, don’t you think, if you were to enjoy it while so many go to hell without having been told about My true picture of reality, My message of salvation and hope, and that there is indeed going to be a change in the not too distant future, of the kind that the peaceful peoples of the earth, and the meek are longing for. The light of My inspiration is a flame that you have to keep and guard. It’s something you must fight for, in order to keep it burning. In order not to get out of it, you must fight to cling to My wavelength. That means, you have to cherish and value your spiritual position and guard it, and determine that you won’t allow the Enemy to throw you off, come what may. You will certainly not allow him to use something insignificant to throw you off. You must consider, “Is this worth getting grumpy over? Is this worth getting upset about and trading my position in the victory for, and my position on the Lord’s wavelength?” And, of course, then the wholehearted answer must be, “No way, dude!” Just as the entrance of My Word giveth light, so the vibes and input of discontent and murmuring the Enemy tries to bring into your life are darkness, and you must make a whole-hearted effort to resist that darkness and cling to the light! Sometimes your attitude seems to be that darkness is just one other “mood” or “shade” in intervals with the light. You don’t view it as the opposite of light that it is, nor as the enemy that it is, but you take it in this sort of passive attitude, as if saying, “Well, I guess that’s just the way it is,” and you get all bitter and cynical and sarcastic over My having allowed that unpleasant scenario to happen, when it’s not really I Who allowed it, but you did! You allow it to happen by refusing to fight for the light, refusing to make an effort to stay in the light and on My wavelength. You don’t have to let the darkness in. You can make a choice to fight and refuse to let it in and focus on the light instead. I like to win victories that prove that numbers or physical strength or size don’t matter at all. I don’t need more than a handful to win the battle in the decisive moment. The only question is, as far as you’re concerned: will you be in that number, and will you be there when we fight that battle? The Enemy doesn’t hesitate in the least to snatch away your own children from you in front of your noses, to virtually rape them right before your eyes, and you know what kind of a ruthless and merciless battle and resolve will be

necessary in order to overcome him. All I really need is a handful of people who simply hate the Devil enough to refuse to compromise with him, and refuse to settle for a sickening truce with him, but are determined to wage an all-out war and battle to the death with him. There is no alternative. If you hate the Enemy enough, you will refuse to be sent home! You will insist on being there when I’ll bring an end to him, along with My few chosen ones. Let the rest of the cowards and half-hearts walk home, which is what they wanted to do all along, and go back to sleep. But you’re going to want to be in on that battle! That’s all that counts to Me: just a handful and a few determined, relentless ones, bent on fighting the Enemy to the death! The others will serve their purpose, too. But more often than not, they might actually serve to show you what you don’t want to be or become like: you don’t want to trust in the arm of the flesh, or in numbers, or in circumstances, and you don’t want to go by what you can see, or by the odds and the chance you stand to win against a physically superior enemy. You don’t want to be as superficial as that to think that the God you trust in would be dependent on such things to win His war. You’ll know that it is His war, not yours, and He’s going to win it His way, and all you can do is yield to His ways and rejoice in the privilege to be among those He has chosen to do it with. You’ve got a battle in front of you in which the Spirit of God Almighty will do the fighting for you, and you’ll just be instruments in His hands that He will use to make a racket that will scare the hell out of His opponents. The God of all flesh is just as alive and around as He used to be during the time of Gideon and all His other ancient prophets. The scoffers may not believe it, because He never showed up to cater to their whims. But that is because the God of all flesh is not interested in those who only seek to be catered to. He doesn’t need another bunch of pampered brats, because He has seen enough of that already, as I’m sure you have, too. Will you be as revolutionary to refuse to let your responsibility toward them outweigh your responsibility toward Me, My Cause, and this war? Will you be left behind to pamper those who want someone to cater to them or will you march on forward with the few of those who will heed My call and refuse to be sidetracked by any lame attempt of the evil one? Your most dangerous and deadly enemies are not the kind who keep you on your heels and on guard, but those forces which make you feel comfortable and at ease in this world, with nothing left to fight against, and pretty soon after that, not much left to fight for, either. So, seek that challenge, that battle, even if it may not initially strike you as something pleasant, but it’s what will keep you alive! It’s not a game. It’s real. Actual, lasting losses are a real risk in this war, and it pays to stay on guard. If you knew how much is at stake, you would be a lot more serious about the role you’re supposed to play. Life is a battle and a race, and you’ve got to be in the condition to make it. You’ve got the truth. You’ve got the Spirit. You’ve got My living Word and the weapons that are going to help you fight and win this war for Me. Numbers were never something I went by, since I am not restricted to save by many or few. Numbers are irrelevant to Me when it comes to being “outnumbered” by Enemy forces. A small minority with God can be more than sufficient a match against a physically superior enemy. Wait and see if I will not fulfill My Promises and lead you on to victory! You have to fight and put yourself and your energy on the side of the spirit… You either fight on the side of the spirit, or you allow the flesh to gain the upper hand, and if you do, it will take some effort to enable the spirit to regain its ground, comparable to a wrestler regaining the top position after being overwhelmed by his opponent… Of course, it becomes more difficult with other human spirits around influencing you, trying to sway the tide in favor of either side (and those fighting on the side of the spirit will always be in the minority), or being manipulated by Enemy forces to affect you unfavorably, even if that was none of their intention. A lot of what’s going on behind the curtain in the spirit world, including in the confrontations with other human spirits, is a battle for authority. Some will try to exert their authority over you or snatch it away from you, and the Enemy knows how he can manipulate you into giving it up. But in some situations you simply must not allow that. You may take the humble seat, but ultimately, you must always keep the authority I have given you in the spirit. Your spiritual rank is always valid, even when in the presence of a higher ranking officer, and you must not forfeit it, and certainly not in favor of the inklings of an inferior just trying to have their way. They will try out anything, if you let them, but you must maintain your position, otherwise you’ll soon have chaos on your hands, if you will just allow everybody to have their way… I want you to stay aware of the fact that we’re in a state of constant war. There is no peace neither for nor with the wicked, and thus there is no peace for My warriors in this wicked world and age. If you want peace, you’re going to have to find it in that Hiding Place, the secret place under My Wings, in the Shadow of the Almighty, where the world cannot come. The blows you receive in the battle are the best teachers that help you not to repeat the same mistakes, to know when to keep your head down and when to raise your shield. I cannot just have you use your weapons under easy circumstances, when most of the times you really need them will be uneasy circumstances, namely in the midst of a battle… That’s what weapons are for. You can’t give up, no matter how tough it gets. You’ve just got to keep fighting, no matter what the odds you’re up against.

It’s true that the Goliath and the “Machines” out there may look overwhelmingly superior. But that’s where faith becomes your principal and most essential weapon, the faith that disregards the odds and knows that I am able to overcome them all for you. You’re up against a large majority, and you’re not going to be able to stand against them all alone without help from the Lord of Hosts. You’re going to have to recruit My Army and My forces to rush to your side, otherwise it’s hopeless. That is never portrayed in those movies where some hero overcomes legions of evil on his own: It creates the unrealistic notion that you just might win against all odds by yourself, but that’s not quite correct. Give honor where it is due and avail yourself of the supernatural strength that alone can help you make it in the real fight. A lot of the warfare is fought in prayer. You can do whatever you can in the flesh and in the physical, but if you don’t see to it that it will get the necessary boost and umph from the Spirit World, your efforts might be rendered nearly futile, or at least not nearly as effective as otherwise they might have been. Commend yourself, your life, your works, everything into My hands. I’m right here, waiting for you to tell Me what to do, ready to receive you and carry you in the palm of My hands through whatever tempest or raging battle. Together we’re strong. Together we’re an unbeatable team. So let’s do it together, Amen? Together we’re a majority, even if in the physical you may look ridiculously outnumbered… You’ve got to cling to what you’ve got with all your might and not allow folks to steal it or take it from you. You’ve got to fight for it. It may not seem like the politically correct thing to do, to fight for your religious conviction, nor is it something you feel like doing, but even for your own sake you’ve got to do it, because they won’t rest until you’re defeated. It’s a fight to the finish; a fight unto death. They’re of course fueled by the adversary, but you’re fueled and empowered by Me, and I need you to prove to them Who is stronger in the long run, even though you’re so vastly outnumbered. Once again I need to show that one small man with Me on his side is more powerful than large armies and giants. Even the Israelite army was intimidated by Goliath – just as many from your ranks are awed by all the System’s rah-rah. But it still takes just one small man with the necessary faith to defeat the big mouth of the System. They may all feel like running, but if you’re going to stand your ground and refuse to be intimidated, you can win the decisive battle for the entire army. If I have done it before and I have worked that way before, why wouldn’t I do it again? More often than not, I have availed Myself of single men instead of armies. So be not dismayed or even astonished if you seem to be the only one on your particular battle field… It’s fairly normal, if you look at the history of My people. Just remember David and the Israelite army shivering before Goliath, if you ever feel tempted to be discouraged by the fact that not too many are standing by your side. Neither did they stand by David, but I with him was all the company he needed to defeat the System bigmouth. Don’t look behind you anymore and wonder, “Where on earth is everybody?” Don’t be discouraged in the least, nor surprised, if they won’t come or show up, either. This is your battle, and once you’ll have won it, they’re going to come storming after the rest of the Philistines, too. But for starters, they always need someone to remind them that one man with God on his side is a majority against all the Enemy can muster up! You can make all the difference in the world, just by determining to believe that I’m not limited by many or by few, and one person truly yielded to Me can be more useful to Me under the right circumstances than a whole army of folks who still haven’t grasped the difference between flesh and spirit. I’m still the God and champion of the poor, the small, the despised and downtrodden, who will nonetheless stare bravely into the face of a foe who vastly outnumbers them. Besides being a loving Father or “Papa,” I am also the Lord of Hosts, the Leader of the Armies of Heaven, and I would not be much of a warlord if I couldn’t “use” My soldiers and put them into strategic positions of potentially greatest usefulness for My purpose, Cause and campaign, and if I couldn’t drill and train them into states of willingness and unquestioning obedience, which is probably another term that kind of people might have a problem with… Certain things are just required if you’re planning on winning a war, instead of leaving the field to the Enemy. Even though life is a battle, it’s a lot easier to fight when you know for sure you’ve got Me on your side, and you don’t let the Enemy persuade you otherwise, to the point where you sometimes tend to think that you’ve got Me to fight against as well. While the battle is real and it is there, the way to win that battle is by availing yourself of Me, My Presence, love and protection. Once you’re inside the protective bubble of My love, the Enemy won’t stand a chance against you anymore, that’s why he’s trying so hard to keep you from getting there, into that secret place under My wings every morning. Once you’re Here, he’s the loser, and he won’t stand a chance. You can see the light, or tell the light is there by the contrast against the dark: you can tell what impact the light, or My influence on your life has by comparison with the times when it’s not there, and you allow the Enemy to interfere. You can tell the battle and all I’m telling you is real because of the very real attacks of the Enemy, and by the results of what happens when you neglect Me or to do the things I tell you… Don’t even worry about having to fight this war, because it’s not you having to do the fighting in your own strength, but as for My children of old, I will fight for you! “Stand back and see Me fight!” This is My battle, really! “Vengeance is Mine; I will repay, saith the Lord” (Rom.12:19). All you’ve got to know is that I’m on your side; in other words, the acquisition of faith is all you need, along with the wielding of the sword of the Spirit: both are obtained by My Word or represent a manifestation of My Word, so the Word is really the A and O. In the Beginning was the Word, and that’s what’s going to win the final and decisive battle, too. “How can we be ‘more than conquerors?’ - By being good losers!” You can show that you’re more than a conqueror, that you’re an overcomer, by being a good loser in the game and battle of life, and determining that you’re just going to keep on fighting, keep making an effort and keep giving it your best and your all, regardless of whether you happen to be caught in a losing streak of not. Why? Because you know from My Promises that you’re going to wind up as a winner anyway, come what may! You’re destined to win! No factor in your present situation is going to change anything about that. So you keep your eyes on the victory at the end of the road and you keep a victorious attitude, because you know –

you believe, which means you know by faith – that you’re destined to win. I hope you’re smart enough to put on your armor before you march out onto the battle field, and that is simply what each day of your life constitutes. There is no way around this battle and this fight, so the best you can do is be smart and put on your armor and grab your weapons, and not murmur and whine about the tough circumstances on the battle field, but fight with all you’ve got, wreaking slaughter upon your Enemy! Do you think I would send you out into this battle if I would not know that you have got what it takes for it? – If I would not know that I have equipped you sufficiently for it? Yes, they may vastly outnumber you, and the odds may seem overwhelming. But isn’t it so that I’m not limited to saving My own either by many or few? Haven’t you learned that numbers are irrelevant to Me, and that I can cause you to win any battle against any odds? That’s the factor you’ve got to keep your eyes on, the fact that no matter what the odds be against you, you are destined to win! It’s the seeming losers that I have chosen to win the whole world for Me! At least you know for Whom and for what you fight! Variety is the spice of life, even on the battle field. Different tactics will teach you different modes of defense, and maybe you can even learn a little something from your opponent about offensive warfare. When you’re in “battle mode” everything seems to be so tougher, harder, and less pleasant. And yet, battle mode is the more truthful mode, because it does a more accurate job of representing the real state of affairs between Me and the world. The moments of peace are nice, and I can relate to your enjoying them, but the actual state of affairs is war, and no amount of moments of truce can change anything about that. Some people are not aware of the battle and the evil that’s taking place on their own turf. They only see the foreign evil, and the picture of “evil is elsewhere.” What I need most desperately, is not a bunch of philosophic thinkers, no matter how inspired they are, but honest-to-God warriors and fighters! I need you for a more important task than supplying the world with some more nice philosophical thought. I need someone to be actually fighting on the real frontlines of My war, not just another bunch of wise guys standing from afar analyzing and dissecting the scenery and making smart comments on the situation. (Next Chapter:)

…Death You've got nothing to fear about death, just like I had nothing to fear, because I knew I was going to rise again. The death of the flesh - My flesh - brought the life of the Spirit. The smaller unit has to die in order to give way to a greater new unit... That's the secret & principle on which all living things are founded. Cell partition. Can a man be found more righteous than God? For sure there can be found plenty who think so. Who's to say or judge who has run the race & finished their testings in this life, and who's not? Are you the judge of these matters or am I? Some people have won their battles, stood their tests, & they only have one last test to pass, one final enemy to overcome: death, the final foe. Often people wonder, "What kind of a God lets these things happen?" But that is the carnal way of looking at things. People don't see what's supposed to be the point in getting older, becoming weaker with age, but it does make sense, if you look at it from My viewpoint. The whole lesson of life is that spirit is superior to flesh, even though it may not look like it initially. And another very fundamental lesson in life is for man to learn that My righteousness exceeds his own by far, even though it may also not always look like it, and even if I attach many hard tests, which will make people question whether I really am righteous or know what I'm doing. This is the ultimate test to find out whether they really believe that I know what I'm doing, and whether they can say, like Job, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him." This is the faith that overcometh the world. This is the faith that overcomes even the final enemy & laughs in his faith & says, "Death, where is your sting, grave, where is your victory? Even though He slay me, I know whom I have believed, and whosoever liveth and believeth in Him shall never die, for he that believeth in Him, though he were dead, yet shall he live." When I was crucified, I died the same death that millions of others had suffered and would continue to suffer after that. Millions of others, even innocent people had been and would yet be crucified. But what made it outstanding was Who I was, and why I chose to die in the same manner that millions of sinners died, and also, how I died. Even though on the surface it may seem as if you're just suffering the same fate as countless others, the difference is in who you are, and why, and how you do it! I cannot spare all of My children from suffering similar fates as unbelievers, but I want to show the world the difference in how they die. There were many who died in the Roman arenas during the time of the Roman empire, but only My children died singing, praising and trusting Me, not afraid to die. I'm showing the world through the death of My saints that I came to "deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage," (Heb.2:15) and that I can deliver them, too. Many have come to believe in Me through witnessing the way My people die. What looks like defeat to those who look with carnal eyes, is in reality a beautiful victory and eternal testimony. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." (Ps.116:15)

My death was actually My zenith, My absolute destiny; there was nothing higher to be achieved or accomplish than what I did through My death. So, stop viewing death as a defeat! It will just be the proof of the pudding, that you were willing to live and to die for what you've been preaching and teaching. That's what makes the difference: you're not to be another teacher of mere dead facts & figures, but teaching others the eternal way of life! And the cool thing about it is, death has no affect on it, whatsoever, but it's merely your promotion to a much better working place, under much better conditions. Any problems you might be having right now will all be a thing of the past then. Your besetting sins won't have any more power over your saved spirit! Isn't that something to look forward to? To focus on that goal will help you to realize how temporal it all is, the trials & battles you're going through... It takes the punch out of them, somewhat, if you know that soon it's going to be all over. And it also takes the sting out of death, because you know that death will hold such a glorious promotion for you and a liberation from any hold that sin might still have over your body... Not to mention all the physical ails & pains. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." It's the final orgasm, the climax of your life's symphony and relationship with Me, like a dance that culminates in ardent passion & the final peak... the moment when you'll know even as you are known. So, look ahead, look forward! There's something exciting to look forward to! That mark of the price is really worth it! Spirit is energy, the pure energy from which all that exists derived. Einstein believed in a life after death, and he wasn't disappointed. Although he had not known Me during his physical life, his belief, based on the things he was able to observe in nature with open eyes and an open mind, hungry to ever learn more, prepared him to make the right decision when he finally came to this side of the veil. The state of this world is rebellion against Me, against My newness. It wants to stagnate, it wants to rot. It is death. I am life, but this world is death. So, by staying alive & continuing to move & flow with My Spirit, by living the life of the Spirit, you actually bring life into this dying, and in some ways already dead world. It's in death that you find life eternal; in death and darkness that you find mercy and Salvation of God. In those deaths of "dying daily" you find Me, more so than in the good times, when you feel so close to Me. It's the bad & dark times that actually bring you closer to Me, so don't knock'em, don't curse them, but accept them, say, like Mary, "Let it be! Let it be done unto Your servant/handmaiden even as You have said!" That's the yielding, that's the submission I need. Just say, "Let it be!" The curious and superficial in My days said, "Let's go and hear the miracle preacher!" They were after some kind of kick, & they were in it for the loaves and fishes, or some diversion and entertainment of sorts. But they were living in the lie, that's why I, the Way, the Truth, and the Life, had nothing to offer to them. They were living in the way of death, the way of the flesh, the way of the lie, the way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof is destruction and death, but they were firmly convinced that their way was the right way, the way of life, and My way was the way of death, and when I was finally crucified, it seemed to confirm to them that they had been right. That's why they all screamed, "crucify Him!" They wanted Me to die in order to prove that My way had been wrong, and theirs was right! And for 3 days and nights it seemed as though they had been right. It seemed as if the Devil had won, but when I rose, that's when the true story really began, as My power was multiplied manifold in My disciples. Sometimes you've got to overcome death first, in order to really break through to life. Well, that's what I did for all of you! I have overcome death for you, I plucked out its sting, so that you could all partake of My life - My unending life, life eternal, life forevermore, life ever-increasing. They hail, praise and fancy that which is young, strong, where the flesh is still on the rise. "Cool" spells "young:" The flesh is still strong and appealing, good looking, and doesn't resemble any reminder of what is inevitably before them all: death. As soon as you start bearing the first marks of resemblance to that "taboo," you remind them of the unpleasant factor they'd prefer to ignore: evil and sin, which has brought death into the world. They slave away for their meager wages, which, in the end turn out to be nothing but death, that "way which seemed so right unto a man," but turned out to be the ways of death... You slave away for little colored papers all your life, and all you get for it in the end is the sting of death. But not so for those who receive Me. For I can turn anything and everything into an everlasting value. I'm the Great Alchemist Who can turn their worthless copper into eternal gold. Even death will be something precious in My sight, when someone has become one of My saints by receiving Me. And I can even turn money into something useful, something that creates & brings life, such as your tithes, which are used for the good of My Kingdom. It all depends on the spiritual direction you're going. Everything that's done for self and the Devil turns to death: the whole machinery of the System is geared to destruction and death. But if you give it all to Me, and live for Me, whatever you've got and invest in My Kingdom will turn to God's good and eternal gold. I did not save the world through some manifestation of strength and power, but through My death, the epitome of weakness, loss, the ultimate of what the world considers bad. As Francis said, "It is in dying that we rise to eternal life." So, accept and embrace your life fully, along with its death, accept it as just the way I created it, and as it ought to be. The difference between the way most people view death, and the way I view it: for them it's the most terrible thing that could happen to them, in My eyes it's precious, a celebration, your glorious homecoming, your relief. I give you My power to overcome all things, even death! I will breathe upon you the breath of life, the breath that first caused Adam to awaken, and brought forth life from nonliving matter; and so it will raise you from death to life - from a life, once so death-like, to a life truly lived in My love, My

exuberant joy, My victory, My Spirit. There's nothing that brings folks back to life like a brush with death. Death is just a means by which I bring life, life more abundant. Life isn't really life for a lot of people until they have died. The real life only begins after death releases you from that "cheap imitation" you call life right now. The refusal of some to believe in a life after death stems from their fear of the consequences. What would expect them there? Certainly they would have to face the consequences for their selfish actions in this life, and they fear they would be punished. So they prefer to push it away into the realm of the unbelievable, the unacceptable, the non-existent - in their minds. That's why it's so important that you portray an accurate picture of Me: that of a forgiving God. People need to know that the reason why they don't believe in a lot of things is because they don't want to believe in them, because they're subconsciously scared of the consequences. And your job is to let them know that there's nothing to be afraid of. I'm not nearly as bad as they think! The work behind the scenes is what really counts, the invisible hand of God working beneath the surface during the months of snow... You think, it's death, but it's that apparent death that brings forth the new life of the spring. In order to have a resurrection there had to be death first. Something had to die. One is not really totally and absolutely willing to give up all their selfish dreams, ambitions, desires and expectations from life completely until they've come to the point where they're willing to give up everything that is contained in this life altogether. In order to be able to lay it all on the altar, it has to become like dung for you; of no esteem... it must not matter to you anymore, nor have any degree of importance; so that you'll finally be willing to embrace whatever it is that I want from you and ask of you. Unless you realize that everything else is as nothing, it will always remain just a wee bit too important for you to let it go without hesitation in favor of My option, which otherwise will always appear less attractive and less important, less desirable to you. There must be nothing left for you to want to preserve in this life, nothing about this life you would seek to save, for only he who loseth his life shall truly save it. You can't keep it. You can't hang on to it. You've got to let it go (Luke 14:26). You cannot have the new unless you let go of the old, and you cannot let go of the old unless you deem it undesirable, nothing you want. All that the Devil can do with the stuff he shows man, is bring death. He's the bringer of death, I'm the Bringer of Life, and we'll see in the final round, which is stronger. Once you've overcome death, what other obstacle could there possibly be? All the Devil's power is in death and the fear thereof, so, be of good cheer, I have overcome all that he can muster up! I will bring life, and ever more life, even through all the death, destruction and havoc the Devil will wreak and unleash upon the earth. I have overcome him, and will cause you also to overcome! There is one impending change that is inevitably going to hit everyone, even if they won’t live to see the Endtime or My return, and that is death. I don’t want My children to enter My Kingdom unprepared. In spite of its phony youthful appearance, this world is really rotting and dying, and almost decaying. There’s nothing fresh about it. They have allowed sin to enter, and the wages of sin is death, a death that is now rapidly creeping all over the world. They may not notice it while the music keeps playing and the laughter drags on, and their fancy dances, but it’s all just a farce the Devil keeps going, under the motto “the show must go on,” only to hide what’s truly happening beneath the surface: they’re getting ready for the total enslavement of mankind. The Father has so much love that He even gave them Me, the One He loved above all, and allowed Me to cross the one barrier which men consider to be the final, ultimate barrier, death, only to prove that it is possible to overcome it, that death is not a final thing, as some believe and teach, but that love is stronger than death. The wages of the sin the Devil brought into the world with man’s help was death, but He was now going to overrule that with the gift of eternal life. You don’t see death anymore as something unpleasant one should try to avoid, but more as something positive. You’ve come to know that dead people aren’t “gone,” but safe, they’re safely “tucked away” with Me in My Domain, where I can take better care of them, instead of having them subjected to the influences of the evil one, even if they may be temporarily withdrawn from the sight of those in the material world. Since death entered through disobedience, things naturally tend to decay. Things are getting worse, not better, and that process isn’t going to be reversed until I return to restore things to the way they were before… Life on earth is finite, your bodies’ functionality is limited, and death is a reality, an integral part of life, an inevitable event people should prepare for and take into consideration. Most people’s attitude towards death is that they try to avoid thinking or talking about it, when it really isn’t much different from taking a journey for which preparations ought to be made. You’ll want to know that you’re going to be able to manage in the place of your destination, that you’re going to receive some kind of warm welcome, and you’re somewhat acquainted with the customs of that place, even if it may be a little strange and foreign to you, and you can hardly imagine what it’s going to be like. Usually, you’ll try to find out as much as you can about it. You’ll want to make sure you have a ticket to the right place, and you’re not going to get busted for riding without a ticket, and wind up in detention, or with a fine, instead of at the desired destination. There are no physical things you need to pack for this trip into the spirit world, but it’s more like you send ahead of yourself some of the stuff that is going to act as your “credentials” or “currency” “over There.” Your prayers and deeds of love, and the souls you win for Me, they’re going to go before and follow you there. Life isn’t really much more than a journey during which you may or may not be smart enough to glean items for your final destination in order to equip you with know-how and experience on certain issues that Eternity will be largely about.

It’s natural to want to express condolences and to want to be a comfort to people, just like the mourners in situations where people had died in the Gospels… Along came I and perplexed them by showing that their mourning wasn’t necessary, because I am able to turn death into life, and I’m still able to do that very same thing today for anybody, and I can turn mourning into rejoicing… It does require faith, and, of course, in a society where the power of the flesh is considered supreme and the all-in-all, it’s hard to be brought to that edge where the flesh is powerless, after all, and to trust in a God Who would “allow” such suffering and loss. It’s an individual choice of faith to take the high road or low road in such a situation, just as it is in nearly every other instance of faith. Death is a sign that there is a degree at which all human efforts fail and are in vain. It’s the one last thing that will somehow remind people of Me, and that they don’t have their fates in their own hands completely, after all. So, why not grant Me that opportunity to get through to people in such moments? Even though their lives seem more stable than yours on the surface, what they don’t realize is that everything within their lives is moving and drifting toward that point of death, and they’ve got their faith attached and anchored to subjects and objects within that moving frame, and once one of those factors fails or disappears, they fall, too. Whereas your faith is attached to the only stable and unmoving Factor – unmoving even in relation to death and Eternity. That’s why I said to the young man who said he wanted to serve Me but first wanted to bury his father: “Let the dead bury their dead!” I was giving this young man a chance to hinge his life on something more than all those moving and fleeting factors and instead invest it in the one stable Cause and value that would not perish. Everything else, by comparison is dead. If I am the Life, then anything other than Me that is not attached to Me or dedicated to Me, is equivalent with death. Death is the ultimate proof which shows what they have been investing their lives and their faith in: either in fleeting and perishable factors, or the Eternal and lasting. It is also the one crucial measuring device by which you can tell just how many are on the wide road to perdition, and how comparatively few are on the straight and narrow way to life.

(to be continued)

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