The Cure for All Mental Illness by Jack William Atkins

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THE CURE FOR ALL MENTAL ILLNESS This is a Worldwide Emergency Broadcast From the World's Greatest and Most Expensive Mentor

The Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins


Jack William Atkins

Step 1. Read this website and be cured. Step 2. Take 1 pill of TA-65. Step 3. If not cured within three weeks, establish your own similar website and find your own unique cure. Step 4. Promote your website locally and globally. Step 5. Join me in the Neothink Society. Step 6. Vote for the TVP. Step 7. Cure everyone around you. Step 8. Buy yourself more toys.

1 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Table of Contents Chapter 1:

Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3

Chapter 2:

Kings Addiction ................................................................................................................... 7

Chapter 3:

Presidents .......................................................................................................................... 42

Chapter 4:

World Cure ........................................................................................................................ 50

Chapter 5:

Mystical Addiction ............................................................................................................ 51

Chapter 6:

Pictures .............................................................................................................................. 65

Chapter 7:

Home .................................................................................................................................. 67

Chapter 8:

Updates .............................................................................................................................. 69

Chapter 9:

Recovery Addiction ........................................................................................................ 100

Chapter 10: Secret Addiction ............................................................................................................. 110 Chapter 11: Food Addiction ................................................................................................................ 127 Chapter 12: Party Addiction ............................................................................................................... 135 Chapter 13: Sarxkyn Addiction ........................................................................................................... 137 Chapter 14: Money Addiction ............................................................................................................ 154 Chapter 15: Sex Addiction................................................................................................................... 160 Chapter 16: Suicide Addiction ............................................................................................................ 166 Chapter 17: Work Addiction ............................................................................................................... 172

2 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 1:

Introduction Jack William Atkins

Cure the world of everything "FOR EVERYONE." "Cured Cured Cured." "The greatest discovery in the history of the world." "Infinitely sustainable." "A world without mental illness is possible by transference of personal, human, mental illness into cyberspace." "We, the patients, can now build our own cures." "The cure for looking bad." "The world's first successful subconscious download." "All diseases in a box." 3 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

"Do it yourself psychology." "Inspiration for all and opportunity for the world's writers, artists and musicians." "I feel so light; in mind, soul and body and my memories are free of discomfort." "A world changing breakthrough." "The great psychologists and psychiatrists of tomorrow will guide their patients in website production and design." "Phenomenal benefits to come." "We love you, Jack." "Thank-you, Jack." "Congratulations, Jack." "I love you, Jack."

4 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

The Mission: To cure mental illness, individually and collectively, throughout the whole world. In all nations, religions and cultures. To help all governments reduce spending on mental health. To improve lives. To bring order and magnificence to the human race.

Jack William Atkins Sarxkyn King of Family Kings Christ Neothinker Cybercured [email protected]

5 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.


CYBERSARX The world has been conquered by freedom. Zon = Non-mystical Christ The Law of Conservation of Christ Events

6 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 2:

Kings Addiction

Preamble: By using this website and attached eBook as a TEMPLATE, for recording your own story, you may cure your own mental illness very quickly. I strongly recommend you create your own website.

TRANSFER YOUR PERSONAL MENTAL ILLNESS INTO CYBERSPACE. Also, be sure to view the other pages by clicking on the buttons to the left. This just might be the most important website in the world! But not the fanciest. It is about prevention as well as cure.

Please continue: Hello and Welcome, I am very pleased to tell you, and to announce to the whole world, that I am now TOTALLY CURED;

7 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

FULLY RECOVERED and COMPLETELY RELEASED from all of the following:

Royal Schizoeffectivity Effects Of Torture Inability To Speak For 47 Years Bipolar Disorder Attachment Disorder - The Basis Of All Disorder Schizophrenia Chronic Depression Inability To Describe Feelings Nervous Breakdowns Gender Identity Dysphoria Psychotizing Ignorance Of NEOTHINK Psychiatric Codependency 8 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Inability To Recover From Broken Relationships Psychoticness - Psychosis Multiple Personality Disorder Sadness Bicameral Mentality Addiction To All Forms Of Mysticism Addiction To Pre 21st Century Philosophies Carelessness Loss Of Career Ridicule By Others Mystical Frustration Response Thirst Dysfunction Stem Cell Senescence Telaesthesia

9 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Orthostatic Hypotension Supreme German Sexual Children's Manipulation Supreme Negro Sexual Manipulation Supreme Jewish Sexual Manipulation Supreme Chinese Sexual Manipulation Schizophrenic Chakras Human Error Deceased Father Syndrome Neverending Runny Nose Body Frustration Attacks From The Mentally Ill Facial Rejection Alzheimerian Nightmares Neocheating

10 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Birth Defect Of The 6th Rib Bicameral Brain Drug-Induced, Sleeping Hypersexuality Deep Nightly Isolation Lost Vitality Addicted To Being A Champion Eidetic Imagery Painful And Lifelong Trachea Spasms Following Stupid People Overwhelming Forces Of Nature Inherited Frustrations Boredom Song Writing Addiction Christ Superpuzzle Incomprehension

11 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Gluten Intolerance Compulsive Song Writing Tall Person's Disorder Jesus Addiction Volleyball Addiction Mysical Schizoeffectivity Lifelong Bondage To Silence Performance Anxiety Television Induced Tinnitus Compulsive Obsessive Stalking Dance Suppression Racial Self-Denial Playing With Leggo Blocks Addiction Neurotic About Winning

12 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Body Image Dysmorphia Habitual Quietness Premature Challenges From Professors Premature Challenges From Bishops And Priests Neurotic About Exercise Religious Apparitions Worry And Anxiety Memetical Body Language Fear Of Self Abdication Pre-Diabetic Sweats Ignorance Of Neocheating Medication Side-Effects Schizophrenic Meridians Broken Circadian Rhythms

13 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Tremors Darkened Soul Failing Telomere Systems Unaddressed Soul Chronic Hatred Of Lutheran Paedophiles Chronic Hatred Of Anglican Paedophiles Chronic Hatred Of Catholic Paedophiles Ignorant Of The Royal Flourish Hyper Anger - Rage Attacked by the Anglican Church Compulsive Scribbling Eating Too Fast Attacks From The Lutheran Church Unidentified Side-Effects

14 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Bicycle Riding Addiction Ascetism Bureaucratic Bungling Totemism Addiction To Social Research Trans Ideation Voodooism Lost Stage Zero Meridic Imagination Stage One Meridic Imagination Stage Two Meridic Imagination Overexposure To Communism Government Incompetence Overexposure To Democracy Wonderousness

15 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Overexposure To Foreigners Dominance Addiction Music Mind Overly Sensitive To Other People's Pain Split Eyeball Meridian Music Addiction Controlling The World Addiction Long-Term Sports Injuries Natural Disaster Lament Fantasy Addiction Religious Miracles Outmoded Hereditary Ageing Super Codependency Wasting Money

16 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Ambivalence Contempt Crashing Stomach Neurotransmitters Codependency Multiculturalism Projection and Transferance Religiousised Schizophrenia Religious Competition Looking Good Addiction Punching My Father ( Sorry Dad ) Breaking my Father's False Teeth ( Sorry Dad ) Kicking My Father ( Sorry Dad ) Mental Unrest Spiritual Competition

17 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Spiritual Miracles Tool Addiction Junked Schizophrenia Inglorification Biological Mortality Syndrome Knowledge Addiction Irritable Bowel Syndrome Hatred Of The Psychiatric Con Homelessness Zero Motivation To Work Internal Competition Unfocused Energies Zero Motivation To Make Money Nakedness - No Possessions

18 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Bright Schizophrenia And Dark Schizophrenia Apocalyptic Thinking Father - Son Disorder Getting Out Of Bed Disorder Alcoholism Food Addiction And Obesity Incorrect Mental Images Psychosomatic Throat Spasms Morning Finger Sucking A Very Tired Soul Allergy To Grains One Time Minimal Sense To Suicidality Deathism Biological Phenomena

19 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Ambivalence The 200 Year Old Aborigines Complaint Mental Paralysis Dry Skin On Fingertips Lost In Thought Under-Earning Bingeing On Chocolate Consuming Anticivilisation Mysticism Wrong Coloured Clothing Panic Attacks Wrong Coloured Possessions And Environment Computer Frustration Cold Sweats Soul Hypergrowth

20 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Church Abuse Loss Of Human Sovereignty Photophobia Ignorance Mystical Frustration Gorging On Purines Amygdalic Pornography Loss Of Sexiness My Mind Struggling Against My Brain My Brain Struggling Against My Mind Loss Of Attractiveness Chronic Dehydration Dressing Poorly Sugar Addiction

21 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Wheat Product Addiction Headaches Poor Mystical Acumen Failure To Amend Wrongs Poor Accounting Practices Failure To Drink Water Regularly Eating Too Many Purines Night Shift Neurosis Unknowingly Stripping My Brain Oil Reclusiveness Mystical Incomes Damaged Intuition Damaged Instincts Sex Addiction

22 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Victimisation Unaware Of My Own Personal Civilisation Approving Of The Use Of Force Amygdalic Memories And Beliefs Denial Inability To Communicate Mysticism Orphans Disorder Psychiatric Abuse Anxiety About Physics Medication Side Effects Jealousy LSD Psychosis

23 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Shakes And Tremors Victim Of Crimes And Criminals Minor Criminality Under Major Criminality Enlarged Prostate Neglect Bullying Nazism Rebellion And Delinquency Stupidity Neuroses Food Bingeing Manic Episodes Mystical Schizophrenia Mystical Bipolar

24 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Early Amygdalic Pre-Sexuality Racial Prejudice Unemployment Fear Of Being Rich And Famous Procrastination Food Hangovers Disorganised Wardrobe Compulsive Spending And Overspending Clutter Television Addiction Mystical Biblicism Political Abuse Cultural Isolation Dereliction

25 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Attention Deficit Disorder Memories Of Pain Bad Memories Of Accidents Fear Of Being A Celebrity Hallucinations Nightmares Laziness Paranoia Religious Addiction Lack Of Personal Discipline Obsessive Compulsive Behaviours Expecting Doctors To Give Me A 25 Year Medical Certificate Loneliness And Isolation Sports Addiction 26 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Writing Addiction Gambling Addiction Drug Addiction Expecting Congratulations Many Physical Disorders Relentless Craving For Justice Hatred Lack Of Humour Anti-Social Attitudes Money Mismanagement Community Madness Mystical Bank Accounts Low Self Esteem Disconnection From My Roots

27 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Acrophobia Loss Of Soul Poverty Shirt Ironing Disorder Philosophical Bankrupcy Financial Codependency Bed Making Disorder Poor Sleeping Habits Spiritual Codependency Regalia Affordability Disorder Protection Codependency Royal Codependency Aggravated Biorythms Low Self Worth

28 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Land Theft Confusion Zero Dimensional Capitalism One Dimensional Capitalism Two Dimensional Capitalism DNA Malfunction Papal Jealousy Costochondritis Unsatisfying Relationships Immediate And Minor Memory Blanks Poor Eating Habits Sub-atomic and Cosmological Incompleteness Self - Poisoning Expecting To Become A Billionaire

29 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Etc. Etc. Plus four new human diseases which I have discovered: A. RPMD B. Prayer Schizophrenia C. Immortality Desire D. Inverted Sarxkyn (Total 250 disorders)

"Hooray!" * Laugh Out Loud * 30 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Here's My Story: I had a massive breakdown when I was 30. I ended up in a police lockup, a padded cell and eventually a psychiatric hospital with my hands and feet tied to a bed. They threw away the key, metaphorically speaking. The psychiatrists told me that I would never recover and that I would need medication for the rest of my life. How wrong they were! How utterly controlling they were! But, I was a very, very, very sick man I have to admit. A year earlier, my father died, I split up from my fiance and my publishing business was taken over by the government. Everything just collapsed around me. What could I do. I was powerless. I gave up. My life was over. I went crazy. I was shrouded in mystical psychosis. Since then I've been on a course of recovery, a journey, which has necessarily occupied my every waking moment. I was now in the government system. They put me on a disability pension. My heart was broken and I had

no soul, no future, no home, no insight, no ideology, no freedom, no clue. Gradually, I stabilised but I couldn't understand what was going on with me. I was still in rock hard denial and shock. I managed to go back to work for a couple of years as a credit manager but the craziness wouldn't ease. My psychiatrist at the time was using the wrong therapy. He was hopeless. I went down hill again and again and again. 31 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Soon, I found myself surrounded by people who were all crazy. We grouped together in various organisations and slowly I began the long hard road of recovery. I had to go to meetings non-stop for 25 years to stay ahead of my illness. I relapsed many times. Feelings were flooding into my life. Feelings that were way too powerful to handle. Feelings I couldn't understand. Nobody gave me the answers I needed. Eventually, I started to really enjoy and trust the company of others in the recovery groups and the process of recovery itself. I had a lot to learn. My compassion and understanding grew. Feelings became easier to comprehend but I was still too sick to resume life in mainstream society. I took on an addiction to my own recovery. There was no alternative, recover or die.

Then one day I began to write. I kept a meticulous, artistic diary or journal nearly every day for about 16 years. I never knew where it would end but today I can say that my diary has saved my life. Not only do I have a complete written and pictorial record of recovery but I'm able to share what I've learned with others, very quickly and easily. At last, in 2011, I'm totally cured, fully recovered! Hooray again. I'm now excited about my future and I have the tools to live each day as it comes. The result is my book entitled,

"The Cure For All Mental Illness" 32 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

It's a definite world first and I know that my book can help anyone who is suffering from any mental illness to fully recover. Yes, anywhere in the world. All over the world! Families, friends, professionals, carers; anybody interested in the anatomy and topology of the mind, will also get many helpful insights, great insights. My book is totally original and contains many drawings and diagrams. I wrote it in complete isolation after a friend gave me a computer. I believe it will cure many people, communities, even nations. I've thought deeply about humanity and the future of economics as well. Along the way, I had to create and design a new language, which I call Koorilatin. It actively nullifies all inappropriate words and phrases in every other language in the world. As a result of my work, Melbourne, Australia has become the world's first

Madness-Free City. No psychiatrist or psychologist or philosopher can give you this information. It's completely new and fully comprehensive, full of honest integrations. I have established this website to enable you to get my book and become enlightened. I am totally and absolutely confident of my product. 33 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

I also offer you a full money back guarantee if for any reason you are unsatisfied with the results. Nobody needs to suffer unnecessarily for years and years! Now, the appropriate help has arrived. I've gently but surely brought Science, Philosophy, Psychology, Psychiatry, History, Mysticism, Mythology, Religion, War and Music to their natural conclusions: zero. In fact, Mysticism is the only disease of the human mind! Or, more precisely, The Four Enemies of The Human Mind are Spiritism, Povertism, Animism and Mysticism - S.P.A.M. Collectively called Deathism. If you have Bipolar or Schizophrenia, you cannot afford to hold on to your mysticism. And logically, death is the ultimate mental illness.

Here's a little more of my background: I was born the First Baby King and Prophet of the ATKINS NATION on the 6th of April 1955 at Buckingham County in South Australia. My parents had to stop the train at Keith Station so that I could be born in a hospital. Buckingham County belonged to my father's family for thousands of years before it was stolen during the English invasion of Australia. The town of Buckingham is my capital. Most of our nation was massacred in the 1880's. My mother's family came from London. Today, my home town is Melbourne, Australia. I have an older sister and five younger brothers. My youngest brother was adopted out at birth and I found him four years ago. A fantastic reunion. 34 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

In the ATKINS NATION all the men are born kings and therefore our sovereign has the title of King Of Kings. That's me. In 1963, due to the ongoing subjection of the royal indigenous tribespeople, the Children's Court removed the five of us boys from our parents and placed us into a German Lutheran Orphanage here in Kew, Melbourne. The place was run by three German women and three visiting paedophiles named Ace, Paul and Horse Boy. The place was a very, very sick environment. The general rule was "Silence". I had no conversation with anyone for 4 years. We were all paedophiled and tortured. I got the worst. After being sexually molested by three men, I misbehaved. That led to horrific torture by the matron's sister; a huge, strange German woman called in to do the punishment. In that way I avoided sodomy by the paedophiles, but unfortunately I became insane from that day on. Life for me got really messy. Before that an unusual thing happened. I had an accident up a tree where a branch snapped and it stabbed me in the leg, splitting and breaking my left shin bone in two. Hanging up there I felt that I had accidentally crucified myself!

A Krucifiction! K for King.

35 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Following on from that I had 4 accidents resulting in holes in my hands and feet resembling a real crucifixion. The holes weren't right through, only skin deep. Anyway, we got back together again with our parents in 1967 and I went on to Melbourne University to study Nuclear Physics, Mathematics, Engineering and Chemistry. After two years I ended up having a breakdown and couldn't continue. At the same time I achieved the number one spike position with the Australian Volleyball Team. We toured China in 1975 and I became the first western man to reach Tie-Shan. Whilst there we had a plane crash and we were so happy to be alive that we sang all night at Chairman Mao's private resort. We toured Indonesia, India and New Zealand as well. In India I was mobbed by lots of children; beaten back by police with batons. During those years my coaches were English, Italian, Greek, Polish, Chinese, Korean, Turkish, German, Finnish, Czechoslovakian, Estonian, Latvian, Spanish, American and Australian. I was also enlisted into the Royal Military College, Melbourne University Regiment, but again I had a breakdown and couldn't continue. I then found a job with the Australian Government for a few years and later went into management positions at Hewlett-Packard, Greater Pacific Finance, Amatek, International Computers, Lectorium Rosicrucianum and Agfa-Gevaert Film where I had another breakdown. I became self employed and came up with the idea of creating the official magazine for the State of Victoria's 150th anniversary, titled "Victorians Celebrate". It's available in the public library. But, you guessed it, yes, I had another breakdown and I lost the business to another publisher and I became bankrupt.

36 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Later on, I coached the Ajax Jewish Women's Volleyball Team and they asked me to take 12 young ladies to Israel for their games but the trip was cancelled as I had another breakdown. The Germans and their Church ( working with the government ) had figuratively shot my family and I with a dirty canonball. It passed right through me and hit my father, killing him in 1984. I died a few months later, had a near death experience and came back to life. ( The paedophile culture is a superior choreography of child entrapment strategies. ) Seeing the Light, a biological phenomena, revealed to me the Universal Evaporation Of Mysticism as we know it today and the Invention of Inclusive Capitalism. More about that in my book. Today, 47 years after becoming a ward of the state, all my breakdowns are finished, of that I am certain. All of my mental illnesses have disappeared. I have rebuilt my foundation. (Please note that hundreds of thousands of children were physically and sexually abused by churches and governments in Australian orphanages last century.) I have estimated my loss of earnings due to illness at about $900,000.00 In 2005, I began writing movie scripts as part of my ongoing commitment to world mental health and world peace. I wrote "The Ascension of Jesus Christ" to help the Christians complete their story so they wouldn't have to keep abusing children. (Click on "Mystics" above for more.) However, my book will help anyone regardless of religion, politics, ideology, sex, nationality, body shape or culture. It may even cure paedophilia. 37 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Here are the topics covered in my new book,

"The Cure For All Mental Illness" Title Page - Dedication - Forward - Introduction - Family of Origin Parent's Siblings - Addresses - Schools - Sovereignty - Sport Employment - Significant Experiences - International Travel - Accidents, Illnesses, Plagues, Diseases - Modes Of Recovery - Titles - Closeness To Others - Screenplays - The Human Sovereign Soul - Sexual Events - Food Plan - Morning Routines - Ordered Or Disordered - Tips - Mysticism Forces Of Disease - Bipolar Mind Map - Church Report Card - Atkins Versus World Mysticism - Song, Chant, Grace, Prayer - The Kingdom Jackaroosalem, The Holy Land In Australia - True Reconciliation Initiation - Food Addiction - The Most High - Sarxkyn - King of Kings Complaint - Financial Request - The Case - Acronyms - A Constitution From My Parents - Sacred Texts - I Love You - Supremacy - This Is The Trillion Dollar Website - Positions Vacant - A Universal Birth And Life certificate - Hope - Lingering Difficulties - Songs - Understanding Revelations - The Four Valleys Of The Shadow Of Death - The Universal Prostitute - Lost Wages - Saved From Death - Synchronicity - The All Seeing Eye - Accidental Self Crucifixion - Accidental Self Stigmata On My Hands And Feet - Feelings And Beliefs - My Past - My Present - My Future - Meditation - The God Position - Justice - The Path To Justice Amygdala Events - Personalities - Memories - Release Of Suffering Perfection - The Throne In Your DNA - The Greatest Letter Box In The Whole World - Mine. and More -

38 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Word Chemistry - Brain Chemistry - The Mind Scientist Versus The Brain Scientist - A Brand New Industry - Keeping Your Feelings In The Normal Range - Shrinking The Multiheads - Always Knowing What To Say - The Opposite Of Mind - Mystical Bank Accounts - I don't Believe In Loneliness - Schizophrenic Imagination - Gorgeous Overseas Destination - Body And God - The King - World Peace - Hugs All Around - The World's First Mad-Free City - Doctor Frank R. Wallace - Reversing Polarity In The Optic Nerve - Work - Taking My Numbers - Doing My Categories - Love The Mummy Hand - Baby Talk - Tears - How To Keep A Journal - The World's Greatest Thinking System - Psychologist's Report - Police Report - Psychiatrist's Report - A 25 Year Medical Certificate - Two Apologies From The Prime Minister - The Age Of Genius - The Perfect Unpoisoned Brain - Born A God, A King And A Prophet - Bibliography - Index. Please note that each page of my book is separate from all the others. It's not like a story book which reads from page to page. Each page is a Mental Construct. This may be the most valuable tool you will ever have to straighten out your thought patterns so keep it in a safe place. Read it over and over until you fully absorb all of the integrations. My book will work for you, firstly by giving you the way to record your own story, and then also by you comparing your story to mine. Pretty much like anything in life which we learn from others. I will teach you everything you need to know, or point you in the right direction. Just like the internet will soon be able to do. This is the ultimate matrix to super sanity. The World's greatest thinking system. 39 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Please note that any government can stop mental illness simply by first aboloshing Birth Certificates and replacing them with Living Certificates which would include a Universal Individual Declaration. You can interact with me personally as much as you like but you will be FULLY CURED IN NO TIME AT ALL. Compared to me and my book, every professional, self-help book or website in the world is substandard and second rate. Sounds like a big claim, but it's true, absolutely true! I wrote my book from the inside out. Not from the outside looking in. Remember, my book is a brand new way of understanding the human mind, the human potential. It's a work of art. 25 years of hard work. The original manuscript is well over 3000 pages. Your ability to live life totally free of any madness whatsoever is what's important! I could have called my book

"The cure For Schizophrenia" or

"The Cure For Schizoaffective Disorder" or

"The Cure For Bipolar Disorder" or

"The Cure For Chronic Depression" or

"The Cure For Everything" 40 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

It's so powerful all disorders are completely blown away. You can even use my book to make money! Helping others, saving lives, preventing suicide. I want you to be well, totally sane and recovered from all mental illness as soon as possible.


Further information: The Secretary, 35/20 Elgin Street, Carlton 3053 Victoria, Australia. Email: [email protected] Telephone: +61 3 93477121

41 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 3:


My 6 Easy Steps To World Peace The Glorious Way: The Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins 1. Sarxkyn - My World Wide Web Cure Read this whole website. Create your own website if you suffer from mental illness. Be cured in a year or two. Talk to the Author if you need more help.

The Climax Of Mysticism By Jack William Atkins 2. Sarxkyn - My Movie Cure Read parts of my movie script. Write your own movie script. Get rich. Talk to the Author if you need more help.

42 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

The Universal Living Certificate By Jack William Atkins 3. Sarxkyn - My Certificate Cure Cease production of Birth Certificates (and other government produced certificates) and replace them with beautiful and updateable "LIVING CERTIFICATES" - for all peoples from birth to death (and even longer). - In all countries. Can include pictures of parents, siblings, parents siblings, cousins, spouse, children, etc. - Will also include A Universal Individual Declaration. A Personal Declaration. A Parental Statement. A Personal Constitution. A Statement Of Prime Law. - On double-sided A3 size, never-tear paper. Colourful background. Similar to Australian money. Get Rich. Talk to the Author if you need more help. 43 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

All Inclusive 3 Dimensional Capitalism By Jack William Atkins 4. Sarxkyn - My Business Cure All people to have a business registration from birth to death and longer. One that cannot go into debt or be bankrupted. Your "Life Business Name" is to be included on your Living Certificate. Your "Life Business Name" can be changed at any time. For example: ABCDE Development Corporation* The asterix indicates the name is an LBN. ( Life Corporation ) A Completely and globally unique name. A cashless society. One world currency. Separation of economy and states. Separation of economy and the individual. Everybody owns everything and nothing at the same time. Get Rich. Talk to the Author for further claricication. 44 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

A Free 24/7 1800 OBESITY Telephone Line By Jack William Atkins 5. Sarxkyn - My Obesity Cure Most of the population needs to hear a good food message every day, or several times each day, or many times a day. A matrix of pre-recorded questions which can be answered by callers on their telephone keypads, etc. Call before each mealtime and be talked out of overeating, etc. Have the service call you at meal times. etc. Get Rich. Talk to the Author if you are struggling with obesity.

Sarxkyn - The Presidents Salary Office By Jack William Atkins 6. Sarxkyn = My Political Cure The political leader of every nation is to be paid his/her salary from a world central office according to protocols. The website will be fully transparent and the physical office, called Sarxkyn, can be moved from place to place, also according to protocols. Obsoletes most of the United Nations duties. Prevents Presidents from playing "Kings" Prevents dictatorial presidents from ripping billions off the citizens. 45 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

This is the Cure For War And Terrorism. Completes and surpasses all religions. Brings peace and stability. Promotes prosperity. Purifies and matures humanity as it is meant to be. Completes the Mind Of Man. Completes the Soul of Woman. Get Rich. Talk to the Author for further leadership direction.

I will implement all of these original systems with my own hands and mind. They are coming very soon. Probability of success is 100%. The first country to implement these systems will never suffer economic depression. Consider the phrase: The separation of church and state.

46 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

This will evolve to: The separation of religions and states. The separation of economy and states. The separation of states and the individual. The separation of states and kingdoms. The separation of religions and economy. The separation of religions and the individual. The separation of religions and kingdoms. The separation of the individual and economy. The separation of kingdoms and economy. The separation of kingdoms and the individual. Here is the revelation of freedom: The separation of Jesus and Jack.

I have started my own church: King Jack and the Church of English Blood The Happiness Church

47 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

I also request all Melbourne Jews to return to Israel to prepare a holiday home for me.

The Way: From mysicism to atheism. From atheism to neo-tech. From neo-tech to sarxkyn. From sarxkyn to utopia.

Mental illness on earth is now technically cured forever. All you have to do is catch up.

48 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

How you can help. Go to the printers and get a thousand of these leaflets and put them in letterboxes around your home town or city and watch the world change in front of your eyes: The Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins I watched my local police station close down.

See also:

Stages: 1. Mental illness in the whole world 2. Neothink 3. Sarxkyn 4. Cybercure 5. My kingdom come

Directive to all leaders:

FOLLOW ME Eventually, Cyberspace will suck all of the mental illness out of the human race. Anyone who prevents that from happening will be criminal. 49 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 4:

World Cure

The Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins

My fees for complete cures are as follows: Email Cures

free with free lifetime support


from $99,999.00


from $137,999.00

Industry Workers

from $109,999.00


from $895,000.00


from $3,900,000.00

Small Countries

from $45,000,000.00

Large Countries

from $99,000,000.00

The Vatican

from $150,000,000.00

The United Nations

from $250,000,000.00

The Whole World

from $14,000,000,000.00

Melbourne, Australia

already fixed


approaching fixation

Atkins Nation is the First Complete, Free and Sane Nation. Please make initial email enquiries through: [email protected] My fees are in Australian Dollars and include tax. Expenses are additional. My terms are strictly Cash In Advance. 50 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 5:

Mystical Addiction

The Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins Copyright (c) 2005 - 2011 Jesus Christ 2

WARNING - This page will mystify you. Here is the first 25 minutes of one of my mystical movie scripts to complete all religions:



Overview: 1. Jesus meets God after his time on Earth and ascends into heaven. 2. Short scene of heaven. 3. The second coming of Christ in Australia. 4. The word from Christ, The Messiah, The King of Kings. 5. The King Of Kings goes to Israel. 6. The Coronation of the King Of Kings. 7. The creation of Sarxkyn. 8. Musical Ending with the new children. 51 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Act 1: Set on a hilltop, country side outside Jerusalem, green pastures, some forestry in the distance. Days after the crucifixion of Jesus. Act 2: A glimpse of Heaven. Act 3: 2000 years later in 1955. The birth of the Christ in Australia. Act 4: The King Of Kings writes his own, personal, 3rd Testament. Act 5: The King Of Kings goes to Israel. All the Kings follow. Act 6: The Coronation. Act 7: Creation of the Sarxkyn World. Act 8: Musical Ending. 52 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Props: 3 Love-thrones. 8 supernatural archangel wings Make-up Costumes

Equipment: Cameras. Cranes. Editing.

Crew: Mr Atkins directing.

Cast: Archangel Michael to be casted from the Family. Archangel Gabriel to be casted from the Family. Archangel Uriel to be casted from the Family. Archangel Andariel to be casted from the Family. Adam ageless to be casted from the Family. 53 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Eve, ageless, to be casted from the Family. God 50 yrs ageless to be casted from the Family. Zueu, God`s Wife, created in Heaven. To be casted from the Family. Zissy, God's Daughter, born in Heaven. To be casted from the Family. Man1 crucified with Jesus be casted from the Family. Man2 crucified with be casted from the Family. Jesus, 33 yrs - ageless, to be casted. Jack William Atkins, King Of Kings, as himself. A King has been casted.

Stunts: Various flying stunts involving wings. [like Gabriel in the movies: Constantine or Legion]

54 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

SCRIPT Act 1 Camera panning over beautiful green fields. Suddenly coming into shot from above is the Ist Archangel Michael. Slowly descends with wings flapping. He lands on the grass and waits for the other three Archangels. * Archangel Gabriel arrives and throws supernatural light [with diamond and sparks] onto the area nearby. 3 love-thrones side by side appear as it is in heaven ( facing towards the slope leading down to the village on the left of shot. ) Archangel Uriel arrives followed by Archangel Andriel. * All the archangels prepare to do some work. They all stand around in a square and stretch forward their wings to cover the area in the middle. Pure light glows from the area through their wings. They Lift their wings back and Adam and Eve appear naked. * Adam and Eve walk over to the chairs and sit in the middle love-throne. 55 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

* The same thing happens again and Mary Magdalene arrives. Sits on the far right of the Love-thrones. * The archangels return to the (`cover`) position and pure light shines again. They lift their wings back and in the center is God and his wife, Zueu. God and Zueu walk over to the chairs. They both sit on the Love-throne ( Zueu closest to camera. ) They all wait. * Soon down the hill ( to left of camera ) there are three men walking up to the scene. In the middle is Jesus and trailing behind him are the 2 men who were crucified with him. They arrive at the scene. * God walks forward to greet his son. Jesus holds out his hands with holes in them and also shows his holy feet and the scars on his body. 56 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

God heals them completely instantly. * Jesus is miraculously given new regal clothing. The other two men are both healed and given new clothes. * God walks back and resumes his seat. Jesus greets Mary Magdalene with a kiss and sits next to her. The two men move to the side. * The archangels leave one at a time and fly off. [The audience feels like going with them] * Two women walk up and join the two men as their wives. * The whole scene becomes misty. Suddenly, the whole scene is in heaven amongst clouds.

Act 2 A glimpse of Heaven. Everyone has a partner. No mentally ill people there. 57 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Act 3 The four archangels return together again to work for the second coming. The 6th of April, 1955. The King of Kings is born. He is the Christ, The Messiah. He comes with power to save the world from sin ( mental illness. )

Act 4 The King Of Kings writes the 3rd Testament. He updates all sciences. He makes this movie. He completes all religions. He stops all wars. He sheds light on the whole world. His new brand of spirituality astonishes all mankind.

58 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Act 5 The Jews invite the King Of Kings to Israel. All the Kings of the world walk forward to hear the word from (Jesus/Jack) Christ.

Act 6 The Pope travels to Australia to meet the Messiah. The Queen travels to Australia to meet the Messiah. Millions of people travel to Australia to meet the KIng of Kings. Musical Climax with the New Children.

"THE END" King Jack III ATKINS NATION * This is true Christianity for true Christians. This is true Christianity for true Jews. This is true Christianity for true Muslims. A new brand of spirituality.

59 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

And for the Atheists: To be fully human, I must reject mysticism in all it's forms, because mysticism is the only disease of the human mind, the feeble mind. I look forward to the culmination of Economics when all humans will be incorporated from conception. Called Three Dimensional Capitalism. Every individual will have a personal company by which to trade in goods and services. All personal companies will have a 150 year lifespan. Governments will further break down into corporations. Governments will be able to add trillions of currency to the global economy that would otherwise not be created. I can't wait for the arrival of the SARXKYN WORLD.

And for Scientists: "Death is the Ultimate Mental Illness" Is there a cure coming? Can we recreate our lost ones on our computers?

60 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Psychological effects of Torture 15 Apr, 2010

Dr Ruwan M jayatunge

Peace and Conflict

Torture is one of the most serious abuses of human rights. Generally torture is referred to as ‘any act by which severe pain or suffering,whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person”, for a purpose such as obtaining information or a confession, punishment, intimidation or coercion, ”or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind”. Torture was used as a governing tool since the dawn of human history. The Law of Hammurabi- the oldest set of laws dates back to around the 18th century B.C. constitutes the famous “eye for an eye” principle, which allowed inducing physical punishment. Torture was used as a method of coercion or as a tool to control groups seen as a threat. Torture is about reprogramming the victim to succumb to an alternative exegesis of the world, proffered by the abuser. It is an act of deep, indelible, traumatic indoctrination. (Psychology of Torture – Sam Vaknin). Torture can be physical or psychological or sometimes a combination of both. Torture methods are designed to prolong the victims’ pain and fear for as long as possible without leaving visible evidence. Torture has profound and long lasting physical and psychological effects. Torture is a form of collective suffering. It does not limit to the victim. The victims’ family members and friends are also affected. Based on new research psychological and physical torture have similar mental effects. Often torture victims suffer from Depression, Adjustment Disorder, PTSD , DESNOS (Disorders of Extreme Stress Not Otherwise Specified) , Somatoform Disorders and sometimes psychotic manifestations. Based on new research psychological and physical torture have similar mental effects. 61 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

The German Torture Made Me Australia's First Mega Prophet,The World's First 21st Century Prophet .

The Final Logical Analysis of Christian Biblical Revelations: Revelations of John can cause mental illness in some people. Therefore, Revelations are "sinful" - to use their terminology. But Jesus takes all "sins" upon himself. So: Jesus = 666 Jesus = The Beast with seven horns Jesus = The Star of David Jesus = The Harlot Jesus = The Prostitute of the Whole World Jesus = The Statue of gold, bronze, iron, clay Jesus = The Apocalypse Jesus = The Angels Jesus = The 7 churches Jesus = The 7 spirits Jesus = The 7 golden candlesticks Jesus = The 7 stars Jesus = The 2 edged sword Jesus = The Keys of hell and death

62 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Jesus = The tree of life Jesus = The synagogue of satan Jesus = The hidden manna Jesus = The white stone Jesus = The rod of iron Jesus = The morning star Jesus = The key of David Jesus = The trumpet Jesus = The lion, the calf and flying eagle Jesus = The book Jesus = The lamb with 7 horns Jesus = The 4 horsemen Jesus = The locusts Jesus = The plagues, the thunders, the bottomless pit Jesus = The pregnant woman Jesus = The great red dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns Jesus = The serpent Jesus = The nations Jesus = The second beast with 2 horns Jesus = Babylon Jesus = The man with the sickle

63 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Jesus = The vials Jesus = The great whore, the mother of harlots Jesus = The alpha and omega And ultimately, JESUS becomes the BIBLE itself. Jesus = The holy Jerusalem, the river of life Jesus = The prophecies

Sarxkyn Physics: Divide a neutron by one trillion and realise the Atkins Particle. Divide the Atkins Particle by one trillion and realise the Sarxkyn Particle. Multiply the size of the universe by one trillion and realise the Atkins universe. Multiply the size of the Atkins universe and realise the Sarxkyn universe.

Dreams are deletions of anti-reality mysticism. When you overcome all mysticism, your dreams become your future.

64 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 6:


The Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins Carl Jung searched for the geometry of the mind but never quite got there. 67 Diagrams and Pictures at this link: Click Here: "ORIGINAL VERSION WITH PICTURES" PDF 00001:

The Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins I am God. When I marry, I will become Messiah. When I have My Children, I will become King. When the Whole World adopts my principles, I will become Sarxkon. When the Australian government returns Buckingham County to me, World Peace will arrive.

65 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

My favourite song: Come to me, this is my body. Come to me, come to me, this is my body. Come to me, come to me, this is my body. Come to me, come to me, this is my body.

Come to me, come to me, this is my mother. Come to me, come to me, this is my father. Come to me, come to me, this is my sister. Come to me, come to me, this is my brothers. Come to me, come to me, this is my nieces. Come to me, come to me, this is my nephews. etc.


Copyright (c) 2012, Jack William Atkins All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c) 2012, Jesus Christ 2

66 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 7:


The Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins Copyright (c) 2011 Jack William Atkins All Rights Reserved Copyright (c) 2011 Jesus Christ 2

Claiming the absolute and divine right of the King of Kings.



68 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 8:


The Total Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins The Second Kingdom of christ.

MY SECOND COMING In 2012, Good Friday will appear on my birthday for the second time in my life. There will be a very long wait for my third coming. The world's first english-speaking christ. Miraculous Accidents and Accidental Miracles. The Complete And Forever Cure For All Mental Illness worldwide. Copyright (c) 2010 - 2012 Jack William Atkins All Rights Reserved.

JACK WILLIAM ATKINS SARXKYN KING OF KINGS CHRIST SAVIOUR MESSIAH Arrived on earth 6am 06 04 1955 69 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

The Cure For All Mental Illness in other languages: la curación para todo el iollness mental le traitement pour tout l'iollness mental die Heilung für alles Geistesiollness a cura para todo o iollness mental лечение для всего умственного iollness de behandeling voor al geestelijke iollness η θεραπεία για όλο το διανοητικό iollness 治疗所有精神iollness

spanish french german portuguese russian dutch greek chinese simple

모든 정신 iollness를 위한 치료 すべての精神iollnessのための治療 la cura per tutte le malattie mentali člen určitý dieta ačkoliv dusevní nemoc ten uleczenie mimo choroba psychiczna botemedlen för all mental sjukdom 'r feddyginiaetha achos pawb 'n feddyliol adwyth rememdium pro totus egretudo den læge nemlig al mental lidelse ang pagalingin dahil sa lahat may kaugnayan sa isip karamdaman belgili tanımlık iyileştirmek için tüm zihinsel hastalık zdravljenje navzlic notranji bolezen

korean japanese italian czech polish swedish welsh latin danish filipino turkish slovenian

70 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Your only placard should read:

NO MENTAL ILLNESS ON EARTH UPDATES Welcome home. THOU SHALT NOT CAUSE MENTAL ILLNESS IN YOURSELF OR ANOTHER PERSON. THIS WEBSITE IS COMPLETELY FAIRDINKUM. After completely studying and integrating this website, you can consider yourself spiritually equal to any politician, religious leader or psychologist in the world. I have my own BRAND of SPIRITUALITY which conquers all religions. My local police station in Carlton has closed down. AUSTRALIAN SCIENTIST DISCOVERS NUCLEAR CURE FOR ALL MENTAL ILLNESS. AUSTRALIAN MESSIAH BECOMES THE KING OF THE JEWS. Mental illness always begins in the body. Mental illness sometimes refers to mystics. The purpose of a mystic is to become a prophet. The purpose of a prophet is to become a christ. The purpose of a christ is to become a king. The purpose of a king is to become a dictator. 71 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

The purpose of a dictator is to become a global king dictator. As I raised myself from bed this morning I could feel my birth pains in my chest. I wondered what that was all about. Must have been a bit of a squeeze at birth. Now I know, I can move on....... Out of dust came earth. Out of earth came DNA. Out of DNA came human. Out of human came Sarxkyn. All organised by cybersarx. Where does the TRUTH come from? The T comes from the north. The R comes from the south. The U comes from the west. The T comes from the east. The h comes from the Ha Ha. My accidents: My accidental bicycle crash. My accidental car crash. My accidental bus crash. My accidental plane crash. My accidental crucifixion. My accidental stigmata. My accidental stabbing.

Australian Institute of Volleyball Champions 72 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

The bicameral brain has this much fear: ******************************************** The neothink brain has this much fear: **************************** The sarxkyn brain has this much fear: *************** Broken hearts always mend. Copy of letter - I would like to claim Buckingham County, South Australia, my birthplace, as my Native Title. Would you kindly send me an application to register Buckingham County as my native title. Please direct your replies to my home address, below. After the application has been approved I will run for Prime Minister of Australia. Mental Illness exists in the mind Mental Illness also exists in the body. Mental Illness exists in the family as well. ATKINS NATION world's first nation free of legal tyranny and illegal tyranny. The 26 year path I took Breakdown Psychiatry Bipolar Group 12 Step programs Rosicrucians Church Mosque 73 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Synagogue Self - Authoring Neothink Cybercured Completely cured. I love curing people. I love showing the way. NEOTHINK = Nearly Everybody Observes That Honesty Is Now King. Melbourne, Australia - the world's first integrated paradise. If you are bothered by spirits, demons or ghosts put white wings on them and send them all back to Israel where they came from. There they can do good. Kings walk upstairs and uphill and up escalators. Presidents walk down. Presidents can wear crowns after sarxkyn. People grow up to be fools with mysticism. They move to atheism and get rid of all their mysticisms. They discover Neo-Tech and Sarxkyn. They get a new life. The world reaches utopia. All diseases disappear. Everybody is perfectly happy, healthy and prosperous. One world cashless currency economy is developed. Governments shrink and are replaced by entrepreneurs. Old religions disappear and are replaced by one world, happiness, scientific, artistic, entrepreneurial communities. The devil that never existed is locked into cyberspace. 74 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Green energies spread worldwide. Hollywood makes new genre movies. Drug companies shrink dramatically. Crime becomes extinct. People live much longer. Computers evolve into talking robots. Obesity disappears. Neo-Tech and Sarxkyn are taught in schools. Jack William Atkins goes on holidays. The First Law Of Everything, FLOE leads to the First Law Of Wealth, FLOW. Gods love, care and support must be balanced by human love, care and support. Suicidality is complex and includes major illusion and delusion. Why kill yourself for a delusion? Suicide is now a form of abdication. My father is pleased with me. Revelation. My father was pleased with me. My brain is now completely downloaded onto the internet.


By Music and Film

We have completely outgrown evolution and are now living in the age of the SARXKYN SUPERPUZZLE. Beyond Aquarius. 75 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

The good RC: Reigning Class Rich Class Ruling Class Recovery Class Not so good RC: Roman Catholics Ratbag Class Religious Class I'm taking 600mg of Seroquel per night which keeps me in bed for about 12 hours which is very bad. I wake up lacking any energy or motivation to get out of bed. Detoxing needs to be done very slowly. ATKINS CUROLOGY TECHNOLOGIES Number of words on this website: 7000 See the movie TOMMY. Everybody is pleased with me. I've become aware of these two stages in recovery: 1. Non-verbal aggression including criminal behaviour. 2. Verbal aggression. Swearing at people. Instinctively and intuitively leading to 3. Negotiation and the art of negotiation which I have to learn. and 4. Love 76 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

I've been baptised three times in churches. 1. German Lutheran in 1963 led to my death in 1985. Result: Invalid Baptism. 2. Mormon American in 1995 led to my death in 1988. Result Invalid Baptism. 3. Church of England in 2005 led to my death in 2011. Result Invalid Baptism. Question: Do I need to be baptised SARXKYN? You've got no idea how fantastic my life is. From 1955 to 2011, the spiritual capital of the New World Order was at Buckingham, South Australia. From now on I am the spiritual capital of the World Order. I've invented a new type of eyewear, reading glasses.

Don't live in this world: Pain is coming. Pain is here. Pain is gone. Pain is coming. Pain is here. Pain is gone. Pain is coming. Pain is here. Pain is gone. etc. etc. I'll heal you. I'll cure you. I'll sponsor you. 77 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

I'll mentor you. I'll coach you. I'll lead you. I'll teach you. I'll show you. I'll guide you. I've got a block of land at Buckingham 5270, South Australia. I can't sell it as it's under Native Title. Not yet recognized by the High Court of Australia. Not yet recognized by The Pope. Won't be long. I hereby officially claim the old worldwide titles of MESSIAH, KING OF KINGS, PROPHET, CHRIST, etc, because no-one else is qualified to do so. Today, I'm still having problems with Food Addiction and Television Addiction. Maybe you can help. Paedophile churches usually do not have letter boxes out the front. With the power invested in me, I hereby authorize any man, woman or child on earth to make a citizens arrest of Pope Benedict XVI for crimes against humanity. I was sexually molested by a chinese woman while visiting China. 78 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

I was sexually molested by a Jew while in my sleep, in 1985. That act brought up all my bad and buried memories of my German molestations and Nazi torture from 19631965 - driving me insane. Reunion for kids from The Lutheran Childrens Home, 52 Sackville Street, Kew, 3101 - available through this website. Lutheran Orphanage, Kew. Lutheran Peace Memorial Childrens Home ATKINS PHYSICS - There are about one trillion ATKINS PARTICLES in every proton. Each ATKINS PARTICLE is made up of two-thirds gravity and one-third consciousness. There is no empty space within atoms - all matter is flooded with ATKINS PARTICLES. Everything is made up of ATKINS PARTICLES including Light, Gravity, Magnetism, Neutrons, Electrons, Matter, Electricity, Ideas, Imagination, Hallucinations, God, Electromagnetic Radiation, Energy, Planets, Feelings, All Living Things, Radioactivity, Universes, Sound, Spirit, Souls, Power, etc, etc etc. In living things the Consciosness part comes to the fore. In non-living things the Conciousness part remains static. 79 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

The ATKINS PARTICLE will eventually destroy all the world's mysticism. I have a model of the ATKINS PARTICLE made by my brother who is a carpenter. God gave me the vision of the ATKINS PARTICLE in a dream for which I am grateful. If your king, politician, mentor, counsellor, psychologist or psychiatrist is not a prophet, you may be wasting your time. University professors who have not read my book may be useless. I have a niece I have never met. The brain, approaching death, electroncally deletes all mind activity ( as it does every night during sleep. ) The surge of electricity is forced into the amygdala, the pineal gland and the optic nerve simultaneously. The eyes are once more forced to open. All the cells in the body are automatically switched to auto healing mode. The eyes see light and the body approaches and achieves total ecstacy or bliss. A mystic has a sense of being pulled or elevated into the Light. A prophet pulls the Light into himself using the fantastic powers of his own mind. So when you see the Light you should avoid being pulled up into it. Instead draw ALL OF THE LIGHT into your be resurrected. Also, therefore, all hallucinations can be attributed to RETITEB: Rapid Electrical Tremor In The Eye Balls.

80 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Australian prophetic author Jack William Atkins' new book “The Cure For All Mental Illness” reveals his secrets to recovery after decades of mental duress. Victoria, Australia, November, 2010: Australian Jack William Atkins chronicles his life struggles and resulting decades of mental illness in a newly published book, The Cure for All Mental Illness. After being torn from his family and subjected to child abuse in a German Lutheran orphanage, the author suffered numerous mental breakdowns and became a disabled ward of the state. After experiencing many forms of therapies and treatments with little if any successful results, Mr. Atkins began a quest to cure himself not only of his mental duress but of all the religious falsehoods to which he had been exposed. He states on his website,, "A year earlier, my father died, I split up from my fiancé and my publishing business was taken over by the government. Everything just collapsed around me. What could I do. I was powerless. I gave up. My life was over. I went crazy. I was shrouded in mystical psychosis." That was in 1984. He continues to explain, "I died a few months later, had a near death experience and came back to life. Seeing the Light, a biological phenomena, revealed to me the Universal Evaporation of Mysticism as we know it and the Invention of All Inclusive Three Dimensional Capitalism." Mr. Atkins began a long trek of study into human behaviour, eventually developing his principles of recovery as outlined in his book, “The Cure for All Mental Illness”. He states that since 1984,"I've been on a course of recovery, a journey, which has necessarily occupied my every waking moment." In a series of bizarre accidents, including an accidental crucifixion, stigmata “holes” in his hands and feet, and being stabbed through the left cheek, Mr. Atkins fulfilled the biblical prophecies of the return of the prophet. Taking on the similarities of a Messiah, Mr. Atkins has begun to free other tortured souls from mental illness. In 2005 he began writing movie scripts "as part of my ongoing commitment to world mental health and world peace”. He wrote the movie titled: “The Ascension of Jesus Christ” to help the Christians complete their story so they wouldn't have to keep abusing children. However; my book, he says, will help anyone regardless of religion, politics, ideology, sex, nationality, body shape or culture." The book, The Cure For All Mental Illness is designed to assist people whether they suffer from Chronic Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia, Gender Identity Dysphoria, Multiple Personality Disorder, Poor Self Esteem, Eating Disorders, or any other mental duress. He believes that many causes of mental imbalance are due to addictions to pre-21rst century religious beliefs and mysticisms. In relating his own journey to find sanity, Mr. Atkins claims a new title: “Sarxkyn” which means “above and beyond a king of kings, a messiah or a prophet” for all the world’s peoples and nations.

81 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

I apologise to all the women in my life. I have never used romantic words. From now on I will. I am a God of Gods I was born a God Today I am a God I will be a God forever I always work as a God I always live as a God I experience life as a God I romance as a God I play as a God I treat all people as royalty I am wealthy as a God I laugh as a God I am a teacher of Kings Kings always follow me Kings always give me money Kings are my bankers I am as fit and healthy as a God I always eat as a God I am as happy as a God I run the business of a God I am the author of God's world I earn money as a God I live everyday as a God My family are all Gods and Goddesses I am the leader of all Kings I am a famous God known to all people A trillion dollars is facing me A billion dollars is coming to me A million dollars is in my bank accounts I always perform miracles for kings I live a fantastic life as a celebrity God I am God

82 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

I am not making hard copies of this book at this time. If a restaurant doesn't sell pumpkin then it is not a real restaurant.

WAR MEMORIAL = WAR MAKES ME MORE ROYAL PEACE MEMORIAL = PEACE MAKES ME MORE ROYAL MY FACEBOOK PAGES: JACK WILLIAM ATKINS BILLIONAIRES ANONYMOUS God be nimble, God be quick, God jump over the candle stick. The Christians try to farm the Jews and Moslems. The Moslems try to farm the Christians and Jews. The Jews try to farm the Moslems and Christians. Royalty farms the lot poorly. I am the only true farmer. Jack I run all the churches and mosques and synagogues in Melbourne, Australia. The percentage of men engaged in military action is at it's lowest in about 7000 years.

I am the King to the right of everyone. I am the King to the left of everyone. I am the King in front of everyone. I am the King at the rear of everyone. I am the King above everyone. I am the King below everyone. I am the Messiah for all Pre-Adamic Tribes and Post-Adamic Tribes.

83 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

I'm going off medication, Seroquel, today to avoid possible diabetes and pancreatitis which can lead to death. Theoretically I cannot relapse into mystical moodswings. My emotions need to be restabilised and normalised. My biorythms also need to be returned to normality. ie. going to bed at a reasonable time. I've deleted all my pornography from my computer today. Detach with love. If anything happens to me, someone will need to keep this website alive. At least forever. In 1995, I was homeless. At that time I took the opportunity to throw away all my possessions. My car, all my clothes, my photographs, all my gold medals and trophies, everything. I was naked in the world and discovered what it feels like to be a PRE-ADAMIC ABORIGINE. That takes guts. I bought a pair of white underpants and started all over again. Today, I have everything I need. Well done. The stigmata wounds on my hands and feet were caused by four separate accidents over a few days in 1968 whilst burning rubbish. They were caused by flying, burning, molten plastic. They didn't touch any other parts of my body. What are the odds? If it's not good enough for me then it's not good enough for anyone else. By the time I was 11, I was completely tortured and paedophiled by the Lutheran, Nazi, Germans of Melbourne. The resulting insanity was buried when my father told me to never speak of them again. He never knew the facts and later killed himself with alcohol. The underlying insanity wrecked my whole life and I developed simple alcoholism.

84 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

The use of LSD opened the door to that insanity where alcohol could not enter. After my first mental hospitalisation, I met several African transexual prostitutes. Their spoken language and body language was the opposite to the nazis and somehow changed me forever. Somewhere in that process I invented a new language which combined the best of the nazis and the best of the transexuals. A new biological, world language which helped me rise above all insanities plagueing mankind. I now understand Hitler's personality quite well. The Black Swan Theory or "Theory of Black Swan Events" was developed by Nassim Taleb to explain: 1) the disproportionate role of high-impact, hard to predict, and rare events that are beyond the realm of normal expectations in history, science, finance and technology, 2) the non-computability of the probability of the consequential rare events using scientific methods (owing to their very nature of small probabilities) and 3) the psychological biases that make people individually and collectively blind to uncertainty and unaware of the massive role of the rare event in historical affairs. Unlike the earlier philosophical "black swan problem", the "Black Swan Theory" (capitalized) refers only to unexpected events of large magnitude and consequence and their dominant role in history. Such events, considered extreme outliers, collectively play vastly larger roles than regular occurrences. The OLD HOLY GRAIL is now of no consequence. THE NEW HOLY GRAIL belongs to me. Ten years ago I returned to the tree where I was accidentally crucified. I collected up some of my DNA molecules in the dirt and took it home. I placed it in a cup. On the side of the cup I painted a new COAT OF ARMS for the ATKINS NATION, my personal coat of arms. I later had that tattooed on my left arm. I had a new large cup made of silver with the inscription: ATKINS NATION. On the back are written the names of the first nine Kings.

85 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

A few days after my accidental crucifixion in 1965, I buried some treasure at the base of the tree. that treasure is still there. The opposite of PARANOIA is PARAJOINER PSYCHIATRY and RECOVERY are two separate things that have nothing to do with each other. I'm back in blue jeans after 3 years. I always wear the most expensive black shoes. I don't like ironing. THE MATHEMATICS OF SEXUAL ABUSE: 1. Childhood sexual molestation by paedophile, Paul Gosling - German. Lutheran Church. Penis to face. 2. Childhood sexual molestation by paedophile, Ace. Lutheran Church. Hands on penis. Sleeping in the same bed. 3. Childhood torture by Orris Mirtshin - German Nazi. Covers up and buries 1 + 2. 4. School Doctor checking for undescended testes, at the same time, confuses paedophile issues. Cover up by government school. 5. Adult sexual molestation by Julie Steiner - Jew of Israel Synagogue. Mouth on penis. 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 causes Bipolar, Schizophrenia and Multiple Personality Disorder, etc. 6. Re-enactment of abuses with psychiatrists unravels all of the above. 7. An unbelieveable amount of pain and suffering experienced over 48 years. 8. Restored to Virginity and free of insanity in 2011. HOORAY. 9. THE WRITTEN CURE IS COMPLETE - THE AGE OF MYSTERY AND RELIGION COMES TO AN END. 10. My purpose in life is revealed to me.

86 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Currently, doctors are refusing to give me a medical certificate for the past 25 years. It seems to be quite threatening for them. The best political system is one that prevents mental illness in all it's citizens. This is now possible. I only eat sugar products on Saturdays. PERFECT BODY LANGUAGE returns when mental illness leaves the body. I'm delivering leaflets to all letterboxes in Melbourne, Australia, to wipe out mental illness. That includes the CBD and four surrounding walls of North Melbourne, South Melbourne, West Melbourne, East Melbourne. The Docklands and Carlton are gates. Tomorrow I'll be paving the streets with gold. Regalia for the Messiah is slightly different to that of the Sate royal family, the Windsors.. To see the Messiah in full regalia is an amazing sight.

Interesting books: Big Tim, Little Tim Annabelle's Secret

Other medical issues: Gout - now cured. Haemmoroids - now cured. God has married his creation, Zeue and produced a daughter Zissy. The population of heaven is fast approaching the population of earth. Now God is truly happy.

87 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Transcendental Atheism THE FORCES OF ATKINS NATION THE FORCES OF SARXKYN THE FORCES OF ILLUMINATI THE FORCES OF NEOTHINK THE FORCES OF BIOLOGICAL IMMORTALITY All now come together under the 50,000-year-old family secret. And the first family to walk on Australia. Today's breakfast: The correct amount of oats, fruit and yoghurt. Measured, not weighed. I think I would like a pair of dumbells and an exercise bike. In 1965, I buried 5 wooden nails at the base of the tree where I was accidentally crucified. They were tied together with a piece of string. They are still buried there. God's first wife invented human mysticism. God's second wife changed human mysticism to suit herself. God's third wife changed human mysticism to suit herself. God's fourth wife changed human mysticism to suit herself. God's fifth wife changed human mysticism to suit herself. God's sixth wife changed human mysticism to suit herself. God's seventh wife floated human mysticism on the seas. God's eight wife buried human mysticism underground. God's ninth wife placed human mysticism on the moon. God's tenth wife wrote a book on the complete history and future of human mysticism. God's eleventh wife relaxed.

88 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Plato said you need a king, a god, a government, an army, a religion, the media and a police force, to keep you in line. Aristotle said "NO" - you're better than that. Augustine used Plato's ideas to drag the world into the Dark Ages when millions of women were murdered.

GENEALOGY Wotjobaluk, Wergaia, Kurnai, Gunnai, Adam, cain, abel, seth, azura, enos, noam, cainan, muhalaleel, dinak, jared, baraka, enoch, lamech, noah, emzara, Japheth, adataneses, magog, javan, dodanin, Hercules, thuscus, altheas, blascon, Jupiter, thamar, jesius, caribanthus, picus, faunus, amnus, Vulcan, jasius, Saturn, picus, faunus, latinus, aeneas, belait, foenius, dardanus, ericthonius, troy, assaracus, capys, themiste, anchises, creusa, lulus, silvius, brutus greenshields, leil, rud hud hudibras, bladud, lear, marganus, cunedagius, rivallo, gurgustius, sisillius, jago, kimarcus, gorboduc, ferrex, porrex, dunvallo, belinus, gerguit barbtruc, guithelin, sisillius, kinarius, danius, morvidus, gorbonianus, archgallo, elidarus, ingenius, peredurus, marganus, ennianus, idvallo, runo, gerennus, catellus, millus, porrex, cherin, fulgenius, edadus, andragius, urianus, eliud, cledaucus, clotenus, gurgintius, merianus, bledudo, cap, oenus, sisillius, beldgabred, archmail, eldol, redon, redechius, samuil, pennesil, pir, capoir, digueillis, heli, lud, cassivelaunu, tenvantius, Cymbeline, guiderius, arvragus, marius, coilus, lucius, asclepiodotus, coel, constantius, Constantine, octavius, trahern, maximianus, gracianus, Constantine, constans, vortigen, vortimer, aurelius, uther pendragon, Arthur, Atkins Mordred, Atkins Alfred, Edward, Edmond, Edward, Harold, William, henry, Richard, thomas, henry, Jonathon, Richard, William, james, jack, William, james, george, james, george, mark, William, Cornelius, levi, William, thomas, kinburn, jack, Alfred, george, george, Alfred, harry, joseph, thomas, james, William, jack, William, george, Robert, Frederick, john, thomas, jack, percy, Vincent, jack William, jack William, frank steven, colin james, gary, stewart, john, timothy, Daniel, Christopher, adam, benjamin

Some people say that crucifixion is an extreme form of acupuncture. I've been a baby. I've been a boy. I've been a man. I've been a king. I've been a god. I've been a sarxkyn. I've been a complete.

89 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Baby-Man, Boy-Man, Man-Man, King-Man, God-Man, Sarxkyn-Man, CompleteMan, Happy-Man, Empire-Man, Glorified-Man.

Jack’s Secret Food Plan 1 Unit Breakfast: 1 Unit of Water 1 Unit of Oats 1 Unit of Fruit 1 Unit of Yoghurt

1 Unit Lunch: 1 Unit of Water 1 Unit of Protein 1 Unit of Vegetables 1 Unit of Salad 1 Unit of Olive Oil

1 Unit Dinner: 1 Unit of Water 1 Unit of Protein 1 Unit of Vegetables 1 Unit of Salad 1 Unit of Olive Oil

Additional on Saturdays only: 1 Unit of Confectionery

Eating Out: 1 Unit Meal

PLANNER: royalty plan kingdom plan living plan daily plan food plan clothing plan health plan work plan world plan leadership plan

90 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.


91 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.


92 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

LIFE EXTENDER KEEPER OF DYNASTY GLOBAL MEDIA USER KING OF KINGS My duties today are: The complete administration of all nations. The complete administration of all religions. The complete administration of all royalty. "We'll build a world of our own" A good song. Forget about the father, the son and the holy ghost. Forget about id, ego and super ego. Forget about guilt, shame and sin. I can't believe how old fashioned the world is. Everybody on earth has three royal souls: The internal soul in the heart. Totally Royal. Lives in a palace. The surface soul on the forward, right head. Soft imagery. The administrators. Capable of universal administration. The elevated, external soul. The local scientist. The creator of knowledge. The wanderer of territory. All are sovereign and royal and dress like royalty. You can see them all because they are all made of ATKINS PARTICLES. I will teach you to see them all. Old fashioned mysticism, honed by human religions and spirituality, encroach on the right brain unnecessarily. This leads to deathism. Eventually you will realise that Bipolar and Schizophrenia are simply tools of the Consciousness to achieve immortal glorification which is your right. I am here to establish:

93 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

The complete administration of all the religions. The complete administration of all the nations. The complete administration of all the royals. I'm allergic to purines, sugar, potato, rice, wheat. EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques is very good. It is the spiritual practice of kings. I've met Prince Charles and Prince William but I couldn't speak then. Presidents walk downstairs. Kings walk upstairs. God loves me and is pleased with me and this website. My father loves me and is pleased with me and this website. My mother, sister, brothers, nieces, nephews, in-laws and cousins all love me and are pleased with me. I recommend FISH OIL SUPPLEMENTS Don't get too caught up in the mystical POLITICAL WOES, MEDIA WOES, ROYALTY WOES RELIGIOUS WOES or PROFESSORIAL WOES. Pain is simply a form of schizophrenia. God + Allah + Yahwey = GAY. God + Anti God = Zero Allah + Anti Allah = Zero Yahwey + Anti Yahwey = Zero I'm an eligible Batchelor.

94 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

If you want to help me make my film, come and see me. The Lutheran Peace Memorial Children's Home was officially opened on 22 October 1950. It was originally located at 760 Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills. The Home was established to care for the children of widows who migrated to Australia following the war, to enable the women to work. In 1954, the Home housed 38 children aged from 4 to 14 of 11 nationalities, mainly from Eastern European backgrounds. Registration of the Home as a charitable organisation from the Hospital and Charities Commission was granted in 1952 on condition that a number of improvements were made. A decision was made instead to sell the home and purchase a larger property. A suitable property was purchased at 52 Sackville Street, Kew and officially opened on 5 May 1955. This Home was an old two-storey mansion-type home, set in a well-kept garden with two downstairs dormitories for girls and two dormitories upstairs for boys. At the time of the opening three-quarters of the children were Lutheran; about half of these were children of immigrant parents. In June 1956 the Home was gazetted as an approved Children's Home by the Children's Welfare Act 1954. At that time, the Home had total bed accommodation for 42 children between the ages of 4 to 14 (in the mid 1960s, the age limit was raised to 15). As the number of migrant children decreased, the Home began taking in other children needing care, including children who had been made wards of the State. Following concerns from the Social Welfare Department, the Family Welfare Advisory Council assessed the Home in 1966. Changes were made on the basis of the Council's recommendations, including renovations to the Kew property, increasing staff/children ratios, increasing staff training and moving towards the family group home model of care. In 1968 the majority of children placed were state wards and 'private placements' of children. Holiday Hosts (Lutheran families) living in the city and country were approved to take the children to their homes over the school holiday period. The Lutheran Teenage Family Care Home at 755 Station Street Box Hill was officially opened on 28 March 1971 to continue the care of teenage children too old to remain at the Lutheran Home in Kew.

95 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

In 1973, the Church proposed the closure of the Home in Kew and the acquisition of new properties for 'cottage homes'. By 1976 four new cottage homes were opened in Dryden Street, Doncaster East, Heatherdale Road, Mitcham, Mountfield Road, Nunawading and Dobell Street, Blackburn South. Each cottage home cared for five or six children, and while they were specifically designed, they looked like any other modern suburban home. The children were placed in these homes so that brothers and sisters were kept together. In 1980 the Teenage Care Home at 755 Station Street, Box Hill was closed and converted to become an administrative and welfare centre for Lutheran Social Services. In the 1980s, it was decided to shift the Lutheran Church's resources to the area of Glenelg in south-west Victoria. This led to the creation of Glenelg Foster Care. Glenelg Foster Care amalgamated with other agencies in the district to form South Western Community Care Association Inc. in 1991. This became known as Community Connections (Victoria) in 1998.

Events 1950 The Lutheran Peace Memorial Home was established in Canterbury Road, Surrey Hills. Location: Surrey Hills 1955 - 1980? The Lutheran Peace Memorial Home was situated at 55 Sackville Street, Kew

My criminality was tresspass, thievery and willful damage. All have been appropriately resolved which included police lockup time. My apologies. There is one error of logic in my book. I used animism to describe the amygdala. The Biological Phenomena of Consciousness and It's Connection to Gravity. We can only be conscious of things which are in the realm of consciousness. Anything else is impossible. Where there is no Gravity there is no Consciousness. In the beginning time equalled space: Time at zero = Space at zero. Dark matter does not exist.

96 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

I've designed a jacket by which the public will be able to recognise me. A jacket designed by the messiah. Coloured black and gold. Coming soon. Spend some time each day in Quiet Gratitude = QG The grateful mind is constantly fixed on the Best. Thinking that the world is limited is fatal. I cannot exercise much power without gratitude. I want to be the first messiah to win an Academy Award Oscar and a Nobel Peace Prize. I've had an aboriginal near death experience, an english near death experience and a german near death experience. Do not rage at authority as they create our opportunities. The age = The Glorification of Sovereign Individual Consciousness. I like the Global Information Network, GIN All my original systems are extensions of ancient systems already invented. Sarxkyn: Better than a family getogether Better than a party Better than an event Better than a seminar Better than a meeting Better than a congregation Better than a singalong Better than a convention

97 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Better than an election Better than a riot Better than a corroboree In Moses' and Jesus' times, archangels were invisible to humans. As your diseases and disorders shrink, they must simultaneously be replaced with drive towards growth and prosperity. Growth and Prosperity comes from a DEEP SENSE OF GRATITUDE. I played volleyball for the state of Victoria for five years. We never lost a game. My shirt number was 14. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol - that our lives had become unmanageable. 1. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. 2. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him. 3. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. 4. Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs. 5. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. 6. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. 7. Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all. 8. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. 9. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it. 10. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out. 11. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

These are the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. Go to the movies once a week. When it's least expensive. Overcome Anti-Work feelings.

98 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Numbers are just numbers, they don't have feelings. I lost all my girlfriends to shorter men. The churches of Melbourne accuse me of being the FALSE MESSIAH. I've never had a conversation with another human being ( as at 19 May 2011 ) Having cured mental illness my only duty now is to produce children.

99 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 9:

Recovery Addiction

The Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins Copyright (c) 2011 Jack William Atkins All Rights Reserved Copyright (c) 2011 Jesus Christ 2

Jack William Atkins Cure the world for everything

Recovery I love it when a good superpuzzle comes together. Always socialise with a AAA rating. AAA = As An Adult

I am Recovered from Effects Of Torture Recovered from Inability To Speak For 47 Years Recovered from Bipolar Disorder Recovered from Schizophrenia Recovered from Chronic Depression Recovered from Nervous Breakdowns Recovered from Gender Identity Dysphoria 100 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Recovered from Psychiatric Codependency Recovered from Psychoticness - Psychosis Recovered from Multiple Personality Disorder Recovered from Addiction To All Forms Of Mysticism Recovered from Addiction To Pre 21st Century Philosophies Recovered from Carelessness Recovered from Thirst Dysfunction Recovered from Orthostatic Hypotension Recovered from Schizophrenic Chakras Recovered from Neurotic About Winning Recovered from Body Image Dysmorphia Recovered from Premature Challenges From Professors Recovered from Neurotic About Exercise Recovered from Religious Apparitions Recovered from Worry And Anxiety Recovered from Schizophrenic Meridians Recovered from Hyper Anger - Rage Recovered from Unidentified Side-Effects Recovered from Ascetism Recovered from Bureaucratic Bungling Recovered from Government Incompetence Recovered from Wonderousness Recovered from Split Eyeball Meridian 101 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Recovered from Music Addiction Recovered from Natural Disaster Lament Recovered from Fantasy Addiction recovered from Super Codependency Recovered from Wasting Money Recovered from Codependency Recovered from Projection and Transferance Recovered from Religiousised Schizophrenia Recovered from Punching My Father Recovered from Mental Unrest Recovered from Tool Addiction Recovered from Junked Schizophrenia Recovered from Hatred Of Psychiatrists Recovered from Homelessness Recovered from Nakedness - No Possessions Recovered from Apocalyptic Thinking Recovered from Father - Son Disorder Recovered from Getting Out Of Bed Disorder Recovered from Alcoholism Recovered from Food Addiction And Obesity Recovered from Medical Transexualism - Transperience Recovered from Incorrect Mental Images Still recovering from Psychosomatic Throat Spasms 102 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Recovered from A Very Tired Soul Recovered from Allergy To Grains Recovered from One Time Minimal Sense To Suicidality Recovered from Deathism Recovered from Biological Phenomena Recovered from Ambivalence Recovered from Mental Paralysis Recovered from Dry Skin On Fingertips Recovered from Lost In Thought Recovered from Under-Earning Recovered from Bingeing On Chocolate Recovered from Wrong Coloured Clothing Recovered from Panic Attacks Recovered from Wrong Coloured Possessions And Environment Recovered from Computer Frustration Recovered from Cold Sweats Recovered from Church Abuse Recovered from Loss Of Human Sovereignty Still recovering from Photophobia Recovered from Ignorance Recovered from Mystical Frustration Recovered from Amygdalic Pornography Recovered from Loss Of Sexiness 103 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Recovered from My Mind Struggling Against My Brain Recovered from My Brain Struggling Against My Mind Recovered from Loss Of Attractiveness Recovered from Chronic Dehydration Recovered from Dressing Poorly Recovered from Sugar Addiction Recovered from Wheat Product Addiction Recovered from Headaches Recovered from Poor Mystical Acumen Recovered from Reclusiveness Recovered from Mystical Incomes Recovered from Damaged Intuition Recovered from Damaged Instincts Recovered from Sex Addiction Recovered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Recovered from Victimisation Became Aware Of My Own Personal Civilisation Recovered from Approving Of The Use Of Force Recovered from Amygdalic Memories And Beliefs Recovered from Denial Recovered from Inability To Communicate Recovered from Mysticism Recovered from Psychiatric Abuse 104 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Recovered from Anxiety About Physics REcovered from Medication Side Effects Recovered from Jealousy Recovered from Shakes And Tremors No longer a Victim Of Crimes And Criminals Recovered from Common Criminality Stuck with an Enlarged Prostate Recovered from Neglect Recovered from Bullying Recovered from Rebellion, Delinquency And Criminality Recovered from Stupidity Recovered from Neuroses Recovered from Manic Episodes Recovered from Mystical Schizophrenia Recovered from Mystical Bipolar Recovered from Early Amygdalic Pre-Sexuality Recovered from Racial Prejudice Recovered from Unemployment Recovered from Fear Of Being Rich And Famous Recovered from Procrastination Recovered from Food Hangovers Recovered from Disorganised Wardrobe Recovered from Compulsive Spending And Overspending 105 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Recovered from Cluttering Recovered from Television Addiction Recovered from Mystical Biblicism Recovered from Political Abuse Recovered from Cultural Isolation Recovered from Dereliction Recovered from Attention Deficit Disorder Recovered from Memories Of Pain Recovered from Bad Memories Of Accidents Recovered from Fear Of Being A Celebrity Recovered from Hallucinations Recovered fromNightmares Recovered from Laziness Recovered from Paranoia Recovered from Religious Addiction Recovered from Lack Of Personal Discipline Recovered from Obsessive Compulsive Behaviours Expecting Doctors To Give Me A 25 Year Medical Certificate Recovered from Loneliness And Isolation Recovered from Sports Addiction Recovered from Writing Addiction Recovered from Gambling Addiction Recovered from Drug Addiction 106 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Recovered from Expecting Congratulations Recovered from Many Physical Disorders Recovered from Relentless Craving For Justice Recovered from Hatred Recovered from Lack Of Humour Recovered from Anti-Social Attitudes Recoverd from Money Mismanagement Recovered from Community Madness Recovered from Mystical Bank Accounts Recovered from Low Self Esteem Recovered from Disconnection From My Roots Still working on Acrophobia Recovered from Loss Of Soul Recovered from Poverty Shirt Ironing Disorder REcovered from Philosophical Bankrupcy Recovered from Financial Codependency Recovered from Bed Making Disorder Recovered from Poor Sleeping Habits Recovered from Spiritual Codependency Regalia Affordability Disorder Protection Codependency Royal Codependency 107 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Recovered from Aggravated Biorythms Recovered from Low Self Worth Land Theft Recovered from Confusion Zero Dimensional Capitalism One Dimensional Capitalism Two Dimensional Capitalism Recovered from DNA Malfunction Recovered from Papal Jealousy Costochondritis Recovered from Unsatisfying Relationships Immediate And Minor Memory Blanks Recovered from Poor Eating Habits Recovering from Self - Poisoning Please send all your imaginary friends back to Jerusalem where they came from. They will be happier at home where they belong. They will prepare a better life for you.

To wipe out mental illness worldwide, simply close down and lock all religious buildings for 90 days. I started a new 12 step program called English Blood Anonymous. Begun at Melbourne, Australia on the 7th July 2011 at 5.40pm. 108 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Copy of letter - I would like to claim Buckingham County, South Australia, my birthplace, as my Native Title. Would you kindly send me an application to register Buckingham County as my native title. Please direct your replies to my home address, below. After the application has been approved I will run for Prime Minister of Australia

109 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 10: Secret Addiction The Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

THE SCIENCE OF SECRETS The biggest secret of the 21st century: You can download mental illness into cyberspace and be rid of it forever. At the same time be rid of False, Ego-Authority Addiction. ( also known as Neocheating ) Become a self leader using Sarxkyn-Neothink DNA. This system is not yet tested on children ( psychiatric care and medications for children disturbs me very much but I'm willing to accept that until psychiatry catches up to me.) The ATKINS TECHNIQUE ATKINS = Affection Trust Kindness Intimacy Nurturing Support

110 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

SIN = Sarxkyn Illuminati Neothink SIN = Sarxkyn Immo Neothink Download your poverty and obesity into cyberspace. As you get rid of your mental illness, you need to replace it with a new way of thinking. That new way of thinking is gained by reading NEO-TECH literature which is available from Mark Hamilton and his NEOTHINK SOCIETY. ( Neothink is a registered trademark of Mark Hamilton. ) Some Neothink Concepts: Anticivilisation Civilisation of the Universe

The 10-second miracle Mindsnap Puzzle pieces Superpuzzle The 2300-year-old secret

Neocheating The white collar hoax The friday-night essence Business alliance 111 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

The Twelve Visions Party Neothink Clubhouses Curing ageing Curing death Biological Immortality The child of the past Playing as an adult World of numbers Self leader Life extension The Prime Law Mini Day Schedule Forces of Neothink Every adult can realise neverending, absolute, unlimited, uncorruptable, unbeatable, immortal, omnipotent and glorious power within and without. Let your face shine. You can be the healthiest person on the planet. Sing this song: Come to me, I am your God. Oh, come to me, come to me. I am your King. Oh, come to me, come to me. I am your Christ. Oh, come to me, come to me. I am your Prince. Oh, come to me, come to me. I am your Man. Oh, come to me, come to me. I am your Care. Oh, come to me, come to me. I am your Love. Oh, come to me, come to me, I am your Cure. Oh, come to Me............ 112 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

I always enjoy ROSICRUCIAN SOCIETIES and their art.

The Secrets Selling Society. The society that sells secret knowledge. A letter to a friend Dear Friend, Congratulations and member program!







You are now a member of the most exclusive, private, MEMBERS-ONLY organization of its kind in the world. The Atkins Nation Network is made up of like-minded, success-oriented individuals, whose mission is to help one another have, be or do anything they desire. Once you become a member, you will have access to information that is only available to the privileged elite; kings, captains of industry, politicians, billionaires, celebrities AND members of secret societies like the Windsor Family, The Neothink Society, The Twelve Visions Party, The Global Information Network, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, Illuminati, and Skull and Bones. You will also gain access to all the members-only events and billions of dollars worth of Sovereignty including successoriented wealth creation, natural health, emotional well-being and happiness. Annual membership is $300,000.00. Sincerely, The Jack Nation Network 113 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

The Secrets of Jack William Atkins              

My World Peace design. My Oscar to win. My Immortality to achieve. My Atkins Nation to reign. My Cure For All Mental Illness. My Neothink membership. My Twelve Points to reveal. My Sarxkyn My immortal income. My Utopia design. My Illuminati leadership. My self to be. My Nobel Peace Prize to win. My influence to have.

My work is secret My name is secret My kingdom is secret My titles are secret My gender is secret My family is secret My lands are secret My properties are secret My business is secret My corporations are secret My wealth is secret 114 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

My activities are secret My travels are secret My knowledge is secret My employees are secret My skills are secret My income is secret My secret is secret

There is only one law that governs the whole universe: "Don't annoy Jack" I control all Protection Against Evil Spirits in Australia. Ying Abo Yang.


Sarxkyn = The Cure For Your Mental Illness The Cure For My Mental Illness The Cure For All Mental Illness The Cure For Each Mental Illness The Cure For Every Mental Illness The Cure For His Mental Illness The Cure For Her Mental Illness The Cure For Their Mental Illness The Cure For Our Mental Illness The Cure For This Mental Illness The Cure For That Mental Illness Illuminatkins. The top 7 Illuminati all speak english Read and study everything you can on MEMES and MEMETICS. WOW = We Overcome Wickedness

Play as an immortal adult with the Atkins Immortality Toy. Please send $200.00 to the author with your name and address. 116 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

I don't suffer, my time suffers. I don't suffer, my television suffers. I don't suffer, my food suffers. I don't suffer, my sperm suffers. I don't suffer, my money suffers. The Sarxkyn Model connects society, sexuality, science, religion, psychology, sarxkyn, humanity and procreation and happiness. I am the King of the Anticivilisation. I am the King of the Civilisation of the Universe. I am the King of the Atkins Civilisation of the Universe.

The Atkins Model is for: the Spiritual Mind, the Thinking Mind and the Scientific Mind at the same time. In living things, Consciousness comes to the FORE. In non-living things, Consciousness remains STATIC. In deceased-from-living things, Consciousness is FORESTATIC.

117 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

GOD = Good Old-fashioned Democracy GOD = Generating Our Democracy GOD = Good Orderly Direction

Here is the DNA of the mortality and the immortality of all the children of the past and all the childen of the future.

Statistics About Mental Illness: 1. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1 in every 4 people, or 25% per cent of individuals, develops one or more mental disorders at some stage in life. Today, 450 million people globally suffer from mental disorders in both developed and developing countries. Of these, 154 million suffer from depression, 25 million from schizophrenia, 91 million from alcohol use disorder and 15 million drug use disorder.

118 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Economic Cost: Mental disorders cost billions of dollars. o Mental disorders have clear economic costs. While numbers cannot convey the distress accompanying mental disorders, the economic impact can be calculated. Sufferers and their families or caregivers often experience reduced productivity at home and in the workplace. Lost wages, combined with the possibility of catastrophic health care costs, can seriously affect patients and their families’ financial situation, creating or worsening poverty. o Wherever economic costs of mental disorders have been studied, the figures are staggering. The most comprehensive set of estimates comes from the Unites states. Mental disorders cost the United States more than $150 billion each year for treatment, for the costs of social service and disability payments made to patients, and for lost productivity and premature mortality. 

Sample Mental illness statistics in some countries:

Britain 13,000,000 Belgium 2,000,000 France 13,000,000 Ireland 877,000 Luxembourg 102,000 Monaco 7,000 Netherlands 3,600,000 Wales 644,000

119 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

To a Chinese person, God has Chinese blood. To an American person, God has American blood. To a Russian person, God has Russian blood etc etc. A letter to all the world's computer manufacturers: Please add the PEACE SIGN as an additional letter on all keyboards in all alphabets of every language on earth. Give PEACE to the people and let them communicate at last. Jack

The one world currency will be called the IMMO, short for IMMORTAL. The world's first immortal currency, after all the others are terminated. King Jack and the Church of English Blood. King Jack and the Cathedral of English Blood. King Jack and the Basilica of English Blood. In Jack's Kingdom, our God is Jack. In Jack's Kingdom, our Christ is Jack. In Jack's Kingdom, our Messiah is Jack. In Jack's Kingdom, our King of Kings is Jack. Wikipedia on Friendship: Friendship is a form of interpersonal relationship generally considered to be closer than association, although there is a range of degrees of intimacy in both friendships and associations. Friendship and association can be thought of as spanning across the same continuum. The study of friendship is included in the fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and zoology.

120 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Various academic theories of friendship have been proposed, among which are social exchange theory, equity theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles. Value that is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating the following on a consistent basis: The tendency to desire what is best for the other. Sympathy and empathy. Honesty, perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth, especially in terms of pointing out the perceived faults of one's counterpart. Mutual undersanding and compassion; ability to go to each other for emotional support. Enjoyment of each other's company. Trust in one another. Positive reciprocity - a relationship is based on equal give and take between the two parties. The ability to be oneself, express one's feelings and make mistakes without fear of judgement.

Wikipedia on Love: Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection. Love may also be described as actions towards others (or oneself) based on compassion, or as actions towards others based on affection. Love refers to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from pleasure ("I loved that meal") to interpersonal attraction ("I love my partner"). "Love" may refer specifically to the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love, to the sexual love of eros, to the emotional closeness of familial love, or the platonic love that defines friendship, to the profound oneness or devotion of religious love (problematic). This diversity of uses and meanings, combined with the complexity of the feelings involved, makes love

121 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

unusually difficult to consistently define, even compared to other emotional states. Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts. Love may be understood as a part of the survival instinct, a function keeping human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of the species What specifically did Dr Frank R. Wallace provide to mankind? The NeoTech/Zonpower discoveries opened up new vistas of knowledge, opportunities, and prosperity for humanity. Consider the power of Neo-Tech to free producers from neocheaters. Also consider Neo-Tech’s identification that consciousness is the unifying force of nature. And the identification of an anti-civilization now shackling producers is immensely helpful for liberating oneself. These and other identifications were unknown prior to the work of FRW and Neo-Tech. Perhaps the most profound Neo-Tech identification is a new way of thinking: Neothink, which is an inductive/deductive process for generating limitless sanity, knowledge and wealth. By David L. Hunter, Local Group

The rise of THE HAPPINESS RELIGION. The world's oldest, most powerful society. I'm the last one alive.

Society of Torah-Bible-Koran-Sarxkyn Authors I have been a God, a King, a Christ, a Mystic, a Prophet, a Warrior and a Champion but through it all I missed out on being a Husband, a Father and a Businessman. 122 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

History: Early man Mystical man Sarxkyn man - willing to work together, force free. Complete man

Here in Cyberspace Lies the Mortality of Jack William Atkins Conceived in 1954 to Live Forever Play in Sarxkyn Peace The Christ has a unique front mind. The Christ has a unique upper mind. The Christ has a unique right mind. The Christ has a unique left mind. The Christ has a unique soul. The Christ has unique testicles. No person on earth can know this without receiving the secret knowledge from the Christ - me. I will reveal all secrets to the human race in due course. Jack William Atkins, Christ of all trades. God be nimble, god be quick. God jumped over the candle stick. Little god horner sat in the corner...... God and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water......

123 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

The New Modified Testament from December 7th, 2011: Jesus Christ Matthew Mark Luke John Apostles Romans Corinthians Galatians Ephesians Philippians Colossians First Thessalonians Second Thessalonians First Timothy Second Timothy Titus Philemon Hebrews James First Peter Second Peter First John Second John Third John Jude Revelation Frank Jack

124 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

The three eyes: I split my left eye coating in two along the horizontal, frontal, equator from right to left. Pluck a rose. Push a hole through it and look through. See the moon. Draw two lines from the moon to the earth in a triangle, pyramid. Put a big eye in the middle of the pyramid. Force choices: Family force Tribal force Government force Inter-Government force No force Recovery force The old WAR code = Windsor Atkins Rothschild

Can world war three occur after SARXKYN is put into place? The answer is: "Technically no".

I hereby download my disease of mortality into cyberspace.

125 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

The DOMINIC Pathway: Download Of Mysticism Is Now In Cyberspace. Download Of Madness Is Now In Cyberspace. Download Of Mental lllness Is Now In Cyberspace. Download Of Mortality Is Now In Cyberspace.

I have 3 trillion dollars worth of secrets to be revealed to the world.

The Jack William Atkins Society of Tall Healthy Men and Women +61 3 93477121

126 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 11: Food Addiction The Cure For Food Addiction By Jack William Atkins Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All Rights Reserved

If you can download your mental illness into cyberspace and replace it with Sarxkyn Neothink, then it must be possible to download your obesity into cyberspace and replace it with Sarxkyn Neothinking,

Ultimately Psychiatry is Savage I'm hurt by alcohol, drugs, purines, gluten, fats, yeast, flour, caffeine and excessive amounts of food. I do my best one day at a time until all comes under beautiful, integrated control and discipline.



1 Unit of Water at bedside


1 Unit of Oats


1 Unit of Fruit


1 Unit of low fat Yoghurt


127 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.


Second Unit:


1 Unit of Water


1 Unit of Protein


1 Unit of Vegetables


1 Unit of Salad 1 Unit of XL Olive Oil 1 Unit of Iodised Salt


Third Unit:


1 Unit of Water


1 Unit of Protein


1 Unit of Vegetables


1 Unit of Salad


1 Unit of XL Olive Oil


1 Unit of Iodised Salt

Eating Out: 1 Unit Meal

Email me if you want more help or go to Food Addicts Anonymous meetings. That is where the fun begins. Say goodbye to obesity forever.

128 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

When you are ready, Reduce the half unit of donut to zero in three weeks. Reduce the lollies from 10 to 7 slowly. Reduce the Atkins Bar to zero in two weeks. Useless words to me: metabolism bingeing calories A binge experience is a 'Spike In Consumption' Drop the lollies completely in due course. Always eat your lettuce first. Eat from bowls, not plates. Change the Golden Gaytime icecream to one with nuts on it. The Golden Gaytime was a sentimental favourite as I used to buy them on my way home from school. SOUFFLE = Statement Of Unreserved Forgiveness Forever Loving Everybody. 25 June 2011 - Binged on a Golden Gaytime, 1 coffee, 2 Western Wagon Wheels, Large plate of chips, 5 potato cakes, bag of lollies, 2 blocks of chocolate, bag of potato chips. Still integrating methods of dining in and on the street. Solution = Phone another food addict and discuss issues affecting me at the moment. In the German orphanage, the porridge always had weevils in it and they failed to supply cups for drinking water during long days without any adult supervision. Ensure that you provide yourself with appropriate cups. With schizophrenic taste buds, every food thought is irrelevent. Changing from gaytime icecream to HEAVEN ICECREAM. July 2011 If O = Unit of water and I = Unit of food, then the daily plan is OI OI OI. Write out your food plan each night before bed. Share it with another human being in the morning.

129 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

If you have bipolar, don't eat sugar. If you have schizophrenia, dont eat starch. If you have alcoholism, don't drink alcohol. If you are fat, don't eat purines. If you have grey hair, become an atheist. Telephone the author to discuss your food addiction. In Australia 03 93477121 International +61 3 93477121 I inadvertantly ate a whole block of cheese and am suffering a gout attack. I, Jack William Atkins, hereby affirm that I will do everything in my power to live at least 121 years. Buy a pair of dumbells. Keep one beside your television chair for night time. Keep the other next to your bed and use it before getting out of bed. I'm a God but I eat like the devil. If I am a God, then I don't need to eat like the devil. Keep my mind in my brain. Keep my feelings in my body. I enjoy drinking Ginseng now and then. I recommend you make a study of TELOMERES and consider taking ASTRAGALUS supplements for long life. A Free 24/7 1800 OBESITY Telephone Line By Jack William Atkins 5. Sarxkyn - My Obesity Cure Most of the population needs to hear a good food message every day, or several times each day, or many times a day.

130 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

A matrix of pre-recorded questions which can be answered by callers on their telephone keypads, etc. Call before each mealtime and be talked out of overeating, etc. Have the service call you at meal times. etc. Get Rich. Talk to the Author if you are struggling with obesity.


THE WORLD IS NOT BROKEN I am an Immortality Addict

131 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Fighting obesity suggestion: Get a breakfast sponsor. Phone them prior to breakfast. Get a lunch sponsor. Phone them prior to lunch. Get a dinner sponsor. Phone them prior to dinner. Such people can be found in 12 step programs or simply organise sponsors independently. Always play as an adult. The giving up sugar stage. The giving up flour stage. The giving up gluten stage. The giving up purines stage. The giving up nicotine stage. The giving up sex stage. The giving up money stage. The giving up alcohol stage. The giving up caffeine stage. The giving up drugs stage. The giving up anti-psychotics stage. Daily exercise after breakfast. Don't overdo it. Animals don't sip their drinks.

132 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

A black market in Stem Cells has been going for a few years. Mind your own business. My health comes first. Not the government's version of my health. Not the media's version of my health. Not the churches version of my health. Not your version of my health. ATKINS = Atkins Telomeres Keep Increasing Not Shortening. Telomeres are the part of your DNA which determine the day you become deceased. As they become shorter, the less time you have. However it is best to keep them healthy whilst waiting for researchers to produce interventions which could increase life expectancy way beyond present limits. Knowledge of telomeres and their study will benefit all. Imagine a cake with a cherry on top. The plate is 12 step programs. The cake is Neothink and the cherry is Sarxkyn. Enjoy. I don't want hurt. I don't want pain. I don't want madness. I don't want injury. I don't want arthritis. I don't want obesity. I don't want gout.

133 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

I don't want diabetes. I don't want baldness. I don't want rashes. I don't want bowel cancer. I don't want glaucoma. etc. If I get time soon, I'll make a short comedy movie of me teaching a monkey how to lose weight. A man in a monkey suit, of course.

Telomeres on the ends of your DNA-containing chromosomes must be protected. For some people, this means taking Astragalus supplements. Telomeres become shortened over time and lead to death. Other interventions will become available in the future.

134 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 12: Party Addiction Curings Appearances Speeches Hearings By Jack William Atkins

Marry Chri2mas to those left in the human race

Sarxkyn Party dates: Saturday 23rd April 2011


Saturday 28th May 2011


Saturday 25th June 2011


Saturday 23rd July 2011


Saturday 20th August 2011


Monthly thereafter.

135 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

I heal people every day throughout Melbourne and via this website. Carlroy Palace is named after the suburbs of Carlton and Fitzroy.

"The Magnificent Seven" refers to the tallest members of the Atkins Nation. I cannot stop curing people. The world cure is now on automatic pilot.

THE DNA PARTY has a mandate to cure everything on this universe. Your host is Oscar Telomere.

All Seven Billion Humans are cordially invited to the WORLD SARXKYN SUMMIT

136 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 13: Sarxkyn Addiction The Sarxkyn Party = The world's first political party with a mandate to cure mental illness. Celebrate with the King of Kings. The Jack William Atkins inspired revolution to cure the whole world of mental illness. The Free Cure For All Mental Illness. Sarxkyn is the opposite of all mental illness. The Global Cure For All Mental Illness. Sarxkyn plus Neo-Tech minus mysticism = Utopia. SUN = Sarxkyn Utopia Neo-tech. The Neothink Sarxkyn World Join the Sarxkyn Society of Superhealth. Global Superhealth. The mechanics of Utopia are now available. Sarxkynology is the study of happiness. Sarxkyn is the bridge between the Neocheaters and the Mad on one side and the Neothinkers and Illuminati on the other side.

137 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

SARXKYN IMMO NEOTHINK the cure for ALL mental illness Avoid mental illness. The cure for all mental illness forever. Never get mental illness. Never develop mental illness. The world's first Sarxkyn Party occured on the 23rd April 2011. Copyright (c) 2011 Jack William Atkins Global Copyright. All Rights Reserved.

138 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Sarxkyn Corporation:         

Messiah department King of Kings department Christ department King of the Jews department King of Love department King of the Christians department King of the Moslems department King of the Atheists department King of everybody else department

SARXKYN EVOLUTION Atmosphere Animals

Aborigines Aristotle Atkins The Australian Government is blocking all my patents and trademarks. SARXKYN

Making all the people well, including the sick. Making all the people rich, including the poor. 139 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

As from 25th July 2011, there are two types of people on earth: 1. Sarxkyn 2. Victims of God. In the beginning was Sarxkyn. Sarxkyn became man in 1955. Sarxkyn became the whole human race in 2012. Royalty lost their grip. Religion lost their grip. Government lost their grip. The people lost their grip. Cyberspace lost it's grip. Sarxkyn has all the grip from now on.

SARXKYN Level 8 SARXKYN Level 9 SARXKYN Level 10

140 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Secrets About Recovery: 1. Don't have anything blue in your home for at least 4 years. The only exceptions are blue eyes and blue gemstones. After 4 years buy a pair of blue jeans. 2. Fall in love with the word SARXKYN and understand it's every meaning.. Sarx = Attraction Kyn = Family Sarxkyn = Family Of Attraction Sarxkyn = A world without mental illness. Sarxkyn = A family without mental illness. Sarxkyn = A human without mental illness. Sarxkyn = A cyberspace without mental illness. Sarxkyn = A galaxy without mental illness. Sarxkyn = Society of Happiness. Sarxkyn Immortal Nation. Sarxkyn Immortals. Immortal currency, the IMMO. Sarxkyn Global Control. Easy Global Control. Sarxkyn Easy Global Control. The United Sarxkyn Nations. Sarxkyn war against mysticism. Don't be a loser in this war. One step to Utopia.

141 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

3. Purchase a physical model of the ATKINS SUPER PARTICLE. Also called the ATKINS THINKING TOOL. The First Law Of Kinging is the protection of the ATKINS PARTICLE, plucked from the heart of God. A unit of consciousness = Consciousnesson. 4. Avoid creators of mysticism. See the scientific proof of the ATKINS PARTICLE first hand. 5. Drain your whole life of the mystical fluid. Learn how to work. 6. JACK = Jesus Christ scars Acupuncture lines Chakra circles Kabbala circles and lines All these are outmoded and obsoleted by Atkins Physics. 7. Learn this tongue twister: Sarxkyn Superpuzzle Simply Sells Soft Secret Superpowers 9. Sing this song: Sarxkyn fixes everything Sarxkyn fixes everything Sarxkyn fixes everything etc etc

142 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

9. Neurosarxkynism versus Royalschizoeffectivity Sometimes, Neurosarxkynism defeats Royalschizoeffectivity Sometimes, Royalschizoeffectivity defeats Neurosarxkynism Royalschizoeffectivity + Neurosarxkynism = Sarxkon :) 10. The Church of Human Beings under Christ Jack. 10. This website is specifically for the purpose of curing mental illness amongst the following communities: Afghan Albanian Algerian American Andorran Angolan Antiguans Argentinean Armenian Australian Austrian Azerbaijani Bahamian Bahraini Bangladeshi Barbadian Barbudans Batswana Belarusian 143 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Belgian Belizean Beninese Bhutanese Bolivian Bosnian Brazilian British Bruneian Bulgarian Burkinabe Burmese Burundian Cambodian Cameroonian Canadian Cape Verdean Central African Chadian Chilean Chinese Colombian Comoran Congolese Costa Rican Croatian Cuban Cypriot 144 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Czech Danish Djibouti Dominican Dutch East Timorese Ecuadorean Egyptian Emirian Equatorial Guinean Eritrean Estonian Ethiopian Fijian Filipino Finnish French Gabonese Gambian Georgian German Ghanaian Greek Grenadian Guatemalan Guinea-Bissauan Guinean Guyanese 145 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Haitian Herzegovinian Honduran Hungarian I-Kiribati Icelander Indian Indonesian Iranian Iraqi Irish Israeli Italian Ivorian Jamaican Japanese Jordanian Kazakhstani Kenyan Kittian and Nevisian Kuwaiti Kyrgyz Laotian Latvian Lebanese Liberian Libyan Liechtensteiner 146 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Lithuanian Luxembourger Macedonian Malagasy Malawian Malaysian Maldivan Malian Maltese Marshallese Mauritanian Mauritian Mexican Micronesian Moldovan Monacan Mongolian Moroccan Mosotho Motswana Mozambican Namibian Nauruan Nepalese New Zealander Nicaraguan Nigerian Nigerien 147 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

North Korean Northern Irish Norwegian Omani Pakistani Palauan Panamanian Papua New Guinean Paraguayan Peruvian Polish Portuguese Qatari Romanian Russian Rwandan Saint Lucian Salvadoran Samoan San Marinese Sao Tomean Saudi Scottish Senegalese Serbian Seychellois Sierra Leonean Singaporean 148 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Slovakian Slovenian Solomon Islander Somali South African South Korean Spanish Sri Lankan Sudanese Surinamer Swazi Swedish Swiss Syrian Taiwanese Tajik Tanzanian Thai Togolese Tongan Trinidadian or Tobagonian Tunisian Turkish Tuvaluan Ugandan Ukrainian Uruguayan Uzbekistani 149 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Venezuelan Vietnamese Welsh Yemenite Zambian Zimbabwean 12. Learn the SARXKYN EXERCISE. Hope comes through discovering your Friday-Night Essence. Some close folowers: Pope Benedict XVI Queen Elizabeth II

Rothschild Barack Obama Angela Merkel Vladimir Putin Hierarchy of Freedom and Sanity Value Creators Value Producers Sarxkyn Sarxkyn Party Utopians Twelve Visions Party Neothink Essentialists Mentally ill

150 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

12 Steppers Illuminati Royalty Neocheaters Anticivilisation Rosicrucians Dictators Initiatory Enforcers

The Sarxkyn Guarantee of Stability Human Immortality Planet Immortality Mind Immortality Political Immortality

Health Immortality Individual Biological Immortality Childhood Immortality Values Immortality Business Immortality

Income Immortality Sexual Immortality Family Immortality etc. 151 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Power/size ratio


152 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Jack William Atkins World's first complete aborigine. World's first complete jew. World's first complete christian. World's first complete moslem. World's first complete buddhist. World's first complete illuminati. World's first complete atheist. World's first incomplete Sarxkyn.

Conversion tool completes, not adds to revelations: saints amen lord sixth quickly quickly amen

153 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 14: Money Addiction The Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins Copyright (c) 2011 Jack William Atkins All Rights Reserved Copyright (c) 2011 Jesus Christ 2

Money Management - The First Law of Wealth Fluff your pillow before getting out of bed each morning. Take your numbers daily. Write down what you spend each day. Do your categories monthly. Keep a Stash. Always pay bills promptly. Have four bank accounts. Own at least one cash tin. Look at EVERYTHING from a scientific biological medical perspective. Study the works of JWA. Attend money making seminars. Read money making books. Dress like a business person as required. Cultivate a business personality. Have your own website. Own at least one formal suit. Get a passive income. Go gold detecting.

154 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Do lots of Googling. Keep an artistic journal. Attend Debtors Anonymous meetings. Graph your income monthly. Listen to Baroque music. Learn how to work. Have a wallet and purse. Rub them together now and then. Have fun.

Be careful when you enter the: Corporate Roulette Foreign Exchange Roulette Stock Market Roulette Carbon Trading Roulette Horse Racing Roulette Poker Roulette Raffle Roulette Dog Racing Roulette Sports Roulette Roulette Roulette Poker Machine Roulette Lottery Roulette Assets Roulette Comodities Roulette Relationship Roulette Current Inventory: Sarxkyn clothes Sarxkyn cash Sarxkyn beds, 2 Sarxkyn chest of drawers

155 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Sarxkyn account books Sarxkyn clothes rack Sarxkyn umberella Sarxkyn case Sarxkyn toys Sarxkyn pots and pans Sarxkyn bag Sarxkyn watch Sarxkyn bedside drawers Sarxkyn desk Sarxkyn office swivel chair Sarxkyn computer Sarxkyn laptop computer Sarxkyn bathmat Sarxkyn refrigerator Sarxkyn washing machine Sarxkyn dining table Sarxkyn heaters, 2 Sarxkyn filing cabinets, 2 Sarxkyn cash tins, 3 Sarxkyn clock radio Sarxkyn television Sarxkyn magnifying glasses Sarxkyn accessories Sarxkyn DVD player Sarxkyn intray Sarxkyn microwave oven Sarxkyn lounge suite Sarxkyn bank accounts Sarxkyn desk lamp Sarxkyn literature Sarxkyn didgeridoo Sarxkyn Crockery

156 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Sarxkyn cutlery Sarxkyn foods Sarxkyn mat Sarxkyn art Sarxkyn kitchen scales Sarxkyn DVDs and CDs Sarxkyn bathroom scales Sarxkyn fan Sarxkyn vacuum cleaner Sarxkyn mop Sarxkyn shower screen Sarxkyn clothes basket Sarxkyn kettle Sarxkyn lounge table Sarxkyn shaver Sarxkyn toothbrush Sarxkyn cleaning products Sarxkyn calculator Sarxkyn iron Sarxkyn dumbells Sarxkyn trophy cup Sarxkyn bedding Sarxkyn family tree Sarxkyn nick nacks

I receive $1458.60 per month disability pension from the Australian government because they don't know how to cure mental illness.

157 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

My public housing home is supplied by the Victorian Government at a monthly rental of $331.00. My current operating account holds $2.11. My current holiday account holds $260.29. My current prudent reserve account holds $260.24. I have a free holiday rail and or bus trip granted each year.

Things I need: wardrobe shirt handkerchiefs bathers blankets ironing board tie window squeegee Financially we do not live from Day to Day. We live from Flourish to Flourish. A Flourish ends when we have spent our last penny for that particular Flourish. All the money in the world is controlled from the laptop of Sarxkon.

Buy your parents a good up to date book on money.

My personal and final Family / Church Recinciliation: 158 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Monies owed to the Lutheran Church In Australia Peace Memorial Childrens Home for care: $2,000,000.00 Less recovery expenses: $1,999,999.00 Total owed to the Lutheran Church in Australia = $1.00 The cheque was sent by registered mail in July 2011. (I cannot account for the many who died as a result of the abuses.) The prosperity and profitability of Asian businesses in Australia come under my spiritual protection for a small fee. I take good care of my clothes. I take good care of my furniture. I take good care of my carpets. I take good care of my floors. I take good care of my toilet. I take good care of my bathroom. I take good care of my Melbourne, Australia. I take good care of my bedding. I take good care of my windows. I take good care of my computers. etc. I take good care of my friends Buy yourself more toys. Start with a dummy.


159 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 15: Sex Addiction The Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins I need to produce an heir to my throne. I cannot marry a christian as that would be incest. I would consider marrying a moslem for ten million dollars. I would consider marrying a jew for ten million dollars. I would consider marrying an atheist for thirty million dollars. Until now, church paedophile victims have never recoverd, always living in anger. Sarxkyn is the only cure for church paedophile victims. I rcommend the death penalty for all church paedophiles. I haven't kissed a woman on the lips in 25 years. I'm looking forward to my next relationship. I think I'm ready. However, I'm very aware of the potential for getting involved with the wrong woman. In relationships in the past, I found that I lost my SELF.

I need to be honest here: My Sex Addiction as a single man used to manifest in pornography. I looked at numerous photographs of women to gain resolution.

160 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

This was simply a reflection of my Multiple Personality Disorder. Prior to integration, the nine names of my personalities were: King Jack I King Jack II King Jack III King Jack IV King Jack V King Jack VI King Jack VII King Jack VIII King Jack IX King Jack IX is actually my inner child so he remains. The others are adults. Since integration my title and name has become King Jack X. Completed and fully integrated. Now, I can have sex after 25 years of social and sexual anorexia and isolation whilst creating this Cure For All Mental Illness. I need to be conscious of playing as an adult. No illegal drugs or alcohol were used in the making of this website. No hearts broken. No souls destroyed. No animals hurt.

I need to maintain: My 10 year old soul My 56 year old body My 21 year old genitals My 250,000 year old mind.

161 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Creative minds are attracted to my creative mind. Competetive minds are attracted to other minds, not mine. Having been raped by a Jew, I am entitled to be a Jew and a Nazi. I haven't been able to have a relationship for so long because I've been: Raped Sexually molested Paedophiled Tortured Stabbed Threatened with 3 guns Threatened with a knife to the throat Bashed Dispossessed Robbed Threatened with death Crucified Stigmataed Punished Burnt Lost Pricked Abandoned All in a day's work for a Messiah. It takes a while to get over a destroyed soul but it's not impossible. I do not support gay marriage, paedophile marriage, transexual marriage, lesbian marriage, homosexual marriage, HIV Aids marriage. All are dangerous to children as they are all interconnected criminal aspects of mental illness.

162 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Best intimacy = III III = Immortal Illuminati Intimacy III = Illuminati Immortal Intimacy Psychologists and psychiatrists in Australia know nothing about Aborigines. Physical and sexual abuse by my German, Lutheran, Church paedophiles and nazis results in a schizophrenic penis and a schizophrenic anus. Attention: Harlots of the New World Order. I not against prostitution, it's legal in Australia. However, some types of services can lead to mental illness. I recommend that customers never sit or lay down with a prostitute. Standing is ok. Never take your shoes off in a brothel. Never go to a brothel drunk. The soul is destroyed if proper precaution is not taken. No prostitutes realise the damage they can cause. The first and last harlot has been trained according to biblical Revelations prophecy. There should be a law governing NON-MENTAL PROSTITUTION and MENTAL PROSTITUTION.

163 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

NEGOTIATION by Christopher W. Moore, Ph.D.

DEFINITION OF NEGOTIATION Negotiation is one of the most common approaches used to make decisions and manage disputes. It is also the major building block for many other alternative dispute resolution procedures. Negotiation occurs between spouses, parents and children, managers and staff, employers and employees, professionals and clients, within and between organizations and between agencies and the public. Negotiation is a problemsolving process in which two or more people voluntarily discuss their differences and attempt to reach a joint decision on their common concerns. Negotiation requires participants to identify issues about which they differ, educate each other about their needs and interests, generate possible settlement options and bargain over the terms of the final agreement. Successful negotiations generally result in some kind of exchange or promise being made by the negotiators to each other. The exchange may be tangible (such as money, a commitment of time or a particular behavior) or intangible (such as an agreement to change an attitude or expectation, or make an apology). Negotiation is the principal way that people redefine an old relationship that is not working to their satisfaction or establish a new relationship where none existed before. Because negotiation is such a common problem-solving process, it is in everyone's interest to become familiar with negotiating dynamics and skills. Homosexuals, paedophiles and priests have identicle sexuality minds and are dangerous to future, community harmony. All paedophiles are poofters and all poofters are paedophiles. Sigmund Freud searched for the sexual mind but never quite got there because he was swamped by the anticivilisation.

164 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Don't have intercourse with externals. Homosexuality of all kinds can be prevented. Everybody needs a body map. All homosexuals and other transjesticatedroyalschizoeffectivity.





God be nimble, god be quick, god gave me a great big dick. I prove in my book that homosexuals and paedophiles are mentally indistinguishable and are extremely dangerous to children and society. Part of the work of the The Sarxkyn Society is to establish communities free of H and P mysticisms and animisms.

Mysticism is the only disease of the human mind. Schizophrenia is the only disease of the human penis. Bipolar is the only disease of the human vagina. Religion is the only disease of the human anus. Not knowing the above is the only disease of the human soul. This is the core of all wrong in society. Try this self-rescue mantra: I refuse to have a mysticism mind. I refuse to have a schizophrenic penis. I refuse to have a religious anus.

etc, etc.

165 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 16: Suicide Addiction The Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins

Never commit suicide. Never commit group suicide. Suicide is the end act of a mental illness called Schizoendia. A person suffering from schizoendia cannot locate a rock bottom from which to start recovery.. The Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins

Circumstances will change. loss remorse self-loathing hatred shame humiliation can't quite see the way ahead 166 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

WHO Statistics Suicide claims a life every 30 seconds. According to the World Health Organization almost 3,000 people commit suicide every day in the world. For every person that succeeds in taking their own life there are at least 20 more who try. The global suicide rate is up 60% over the last 50 years with an even more marked increase in the developed world. Suicide is among the top three causes of death among people between 15 and 34 years old, but most suicide victims are found among the elderly, those aged 60 and above. Suicide worldwide causes more deaths every year than homicide or war. Suicide is a huge but largely preventable public health problem, causing almost half of all violent deaths and resulting in almost one million fatalities every year. Estimates suggest fatalities could rise to 1.5 million by 2020. In 90% of suicides, mental illness is the attributing cause.

How to see your own halo: Wash your hair and slick it back. Keep it wet. Go to the footpath in the sun. Make a puddle of olive oil on the footpath. Allow the sun to bounce off your hair while your shadow is in the puddle. You will see a rainbow halo around your head's shadow. I dedicate this page to two friends, Meg and Bren. They both leaped under trains in 2011. Prior to me releasing this website. Because ................................................................................................................................................................... of Mysicism. German baptism = Disease and Death. Mormon baptism = Aggression and War English baptism = Royalty and Kingdom Jack baptism = health, happiness, prosperity and family.

167 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

You never have to harm yourself to gain power. ScienceDaily (Nov. 3, 2011) — Scientists have recently succeeded in rejuvenating cells from elderly donors (aged over 100). These old cells were reprogrammed in vitro to induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) and to rejuvenated and human embryonic stem cells (hESC): cells of all types can again be differentiated after this genuine "rejuvenation" therapy. The results represent significant progress for research into iPSC cells and a further step forwards for regenerative medicine. Inserm's AVENIR "Genomic plasticity and aging" team, directed by Jean-Marc Lemaitre, Inserm researcher at the Functional Genomics Institute (Inserm/CNRS/Université de Montpellier 1 and 2) performed the research. The results were published in Genes & Development on November 1, 2011. Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are undifferentiated multiple-function cells. They can divide and form all types of differentiated adult cells in the body (neurons, cardiac cells, skin cells, liver cells, etc.). Since 2007, a handful of research teams across the world have been capable of reprogramming human adult cells into induced pluripotent cells (iPSC), which have similar characteristics and potential to human embryonic stem cells (hESC). This kind of reprogramming makes it possible to reform all human cell types without the ethical restrictions related to using embryonic stem cells. Until now, research results demonstrated that senescence (the final stage of cellular aging) was an obstacle blocking the use of this technique for therapeutic applications in elderly patients. Today, Inserm researcher Jean-Marc Lemaitre and his team have overcome this obstacle. The researchers have successfully rejuvenated cells from elderly donors, some over 100 years old, thus demonstrating the reversibility of the cellular aging process. To achieve this, they used an adapted strategy that consisted of reprogramming cells using a specific "cocktail" of six genetic factors, while erasing signs of aging. The researchers proved that the iPSC cells thus obtained then had the capacity to reform all types of human cells. They have the physiological characteristics of "young" cells, both from the perspective of their proliferative capacity and their cellular metabolisms. A cocktail of six genetic factors... Researchers first multiplied skin cells (fibroblasts) from a 74 year-old donor to obtain the senescence characterized by the end of cellular proliferation. They then completed the in vitro

168 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

reprogramming of the cells. In this study, Jean-Marc Lemaitre and his team firstly confirmed that this was not possible using the batch of four genetic factors (OCT4, SOX2, C MYC and KLF4) traditionally used. They then added two additional factors (NANOG and LIN28) that made it possible to overcome this barrier. Using this new "cocktail" of six factors, the senescent cells, programmed into functional iPSC cells, re-acquired the characteristics of embryonic pluripotent stem cells. In particular, they recovered their capacity for self-renewal and their former differentiation potential, and do not preserve any traces of previous aging. To check the "rejuvenated" characteristics of these cells, the researchers tested the reverse process. The rejuvenated iPSC cells were again differentiated to adult cells and compared to the original old cells, as well as to those obtained using human embryonic pluripotetent stem cells (hESC). "Signs of aging were erased and the iPSCs obtained can produce functional cells, of any type, with an increased proliferation capacity and longevity," explains Jean-Marc Lemaitre who directs the Inserm AVENIR team. …tested on cells taken from donors over the age of 100 The results obtained led the research team to test the cocktail on even older cells taken from donors of 92, 94 and 96, and even up to 101 years old. "Our strategy worked on cells taken from donors in their 100s. The age of cells is definitely not a reprogramming barrier." He concluded. "This research paves the way for the therapeutic use of iPS, insofar as an ideal source of adult cells is provided, which are tolerated by the immune system and can repair organs or tissues in elderly patients." adds the researcher.

JACK WILLIAM ATKINS Twelve Longevity Enhancement Methods Demonstrated in Laboratory Mice ( up to 50% life extension ) ( from ) 1) Calorie Restriction, Intermittent Fasting, and Methionine Restriction 2) Growth Hormone Knockout, IGF-1 and Insulin Signalling Manipulation 3) Telomerase Plus p53 4) Inactivating the CLK-1 Gene 5) SkQ, a Mitochondrially Targeted Ingested Antioxidant

169 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

6) Genetic Manipulation to Target Catalase to the Mitochondria 7) Genetic deletion of pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) 8) Knockout of the adenylyl cyclase type 5 (AC5) gene 9) Metformin used as a calorie restriction mimetic drug 10) FIRKO, or fat-specific insulin receptor knock-out 11) Removal of visceral fat by surgery 12) Overexpression of PEPCK-C, or phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase

THE CURE FOR LOOKING BAD The Chinese first used ASTRAGALUS herb 3000 years ago to feel strong. A bit like GINSENG. Working on the immune system. ASTRAGALUS SUPPLEMENT is available at your local health supplement shop for about $25.00. I have used it. Then it was added to other supplements in TELOMERE GUARD which sells over the internet from the USAfor $90.00. I’m on it now. They discovered that Telomeres, which are the ends of DNA in chromosomes, get shorter as you age. Once they get to a particular length then you die. The telomeres need to be protected at all costs, rejuvenated and kept long. Science will come up with much better ways to do this in the future ( 2 years ). Then they took 5 tons of ASTRAGALUS and put it through the laboratory and discovered the actual secret ingredient is the Telomere activator which works as an enzyme to reduce telomere shortening. That’s called TA65 and is sold over the internet for $212.00 per bottle. I’ll have mine in a week or so. Experiments on mice have shown that it is possible to extend their lives by 80 percent. All of these types of advancements come under the heading of BIOLOGICAL IMMORTALITY which you may like to explore on the internet. Ray Kurzweil and Aubrey De Grey are the main

170 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

talkers about living well beyond traditional life-spans. The only way to get any free samples is to wrangle a deal somehow or to set up your own laboratory and make it yourself or become a sales affiliate. All other pills and potions are useless and can be disregarded completely. You must also see THE NEOTHINK SOCIETY and THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY on the internet to know where all this is coming from.The Chinese first used ASTRAGALUS herb 3000 years ago to feel strong. A bit like GINSENG. Working on the immune system. ASTRAGALUS SUPPLEMENT is available at your local health supplement shop for about $25.00. I have used it. Then it was added to other supplements in TELOMERE GUARD which sells over the internet from the USAfor $90.00. I’m on it now. They discovered that Telomeres, which are the ends of DNA in chromosomes, get shorter as you age. Once they get to a particular length then you die. The telomeres need to be protected at all costs, rejuvenated and kept long. Science will come up with much better ways to do this in the future ( 2 years ). Then they took 5 tons of ASTRAGALUS and put it through the laboratory and discovered the actual secret ingredient is the Telomere activator which works as an enzyme to reduce telomere shortening. That’s called TA65 and is sold over the internet for $212.00 per bottle. I’ll have mine in a week or so. Experiments on mice have shown that it is possible to extend their lives by 80 percent. All of these types of advancements come under the heading of BIOLOGICAL IMMORTALITY which you may like to explore on the internet. Ray Kurzweil and Aubrey De Grey are the main talkers about living well beyond traditional life-spans. The only way to get any free samples is to wrangle a deal somehow or to set up your own laboratory and make it yourself or become a sales affiliate. All other pills and potions are useless and can be disregarded completely. You must also see THE NEOTHINK SOCIETY and THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY on the internet to know where all this is coming from.

171 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Chapter 17: Work Addiction The Cure For All Mental Illness By Jack William Atkins Hierarchy of Minds Sarxkyn Illuminati Neothinkers Neocheaters Mentally Ill Work Work one flourish at a time.

CREATE SOMETHING Establish a mini-day schedule. Become a creator. Create and produce values for the world Keep your hobbies active. Save every Friday-night for doing something you have never done before. Be in bed by 9.30 pm. Singalong with the King of Kings I sing: I got, all day to play - with you monarchies. All day to play - with you presidents.

172 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

All day to play - with you human beings. Then I said: All day to work – with you monarchies. All day to work – with you presidents. All day to work - with you human beings. Then you sing: We got all day to play - with you King of Kings. All day to play - with you King of Kings. All day to play - with you King of Kings. etc etc Copy of letter - I would like to claim Buckingham County, South Australia, my birthplace, as my Native Title. Would you kindly send me an application to register Buckingham County as my native title. Please direct your replies to my home address, below. After the application has been approved I will run for Prime Minister of Australia.

By Jack William Atkins Professional King Professional God Professional Sarxkyn Professional Mentor

173 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Dark Matter and Gravity by Jack William Atkins Copyright 2011 - 2012

Inside a gravity unit is a unit of dark matter. A unit of dark matter comes in two parts; the rod and the disc. The rod and disc are centrally joined at a place called the cube. The rod is like a baby unit of gravity and the disc is the smallest unit of consciousness. If the disc is separated from the rod the whole universe will instantly disappear. See my physical model for clarity. My physical model of gravity and dark matter is used to cure mental illness. Karl Marx, Albert Einstein and Dr. Robert C Atkins were all pointing in this direction but it required me to unify their theories. If you said to me: "Jack, in 12 months time you'll be building a new temple at Jerusalem, Israel." I would say: "Mmm."






King of Kings






Holes in hands and feet



Fire on head






Claims to be God



Cures Mental Illness



174 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

King of the Jews



King of the Christians



King of the Moslems



Stabbed by a Roman



Death and Resurrection



Writings spread globally



Walked on water






World leader



Prince of Peace









The mysticisms and animisms of bicameral, follower-mind-mentality neocheaters of the anticivilisation are relentlessly being sucked down into the cyberspace-media whirlpool. The only way out and up is for those people to discover Neothink Sarxkyn and the ATKINS THINKING TOOL which replaces all two dimensional flags, signs and symbols. I made the original ATT in 1995 but couldn't control it's power so I had to throw it away. The new one can be bought for $500.00. The ATT cleans your life completely from top to bottom and makes you a whole lot richer.

175 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Cyberspace is the body. Websites are the cells. Words, pictures, audio and video are the DNA. Advertising profits are the Telomerase enzyme. Profits are the Telomeres of the DNA. Play as a professional adult. Always be a futurist.

My business plan to free humanity:                

$ Personal Diary $ Atkins Nation $ World Sarxkyn Summit $ Illuminati $ King of Kings Movie $ Skinny Monkey Movie $ Biological Immortality $ Self Education $ Melbourne Australia $ Physics $ Neothink Membership $ Presidents Salary Office $ Atkins Academy $ Self Leadership $ The Cure For All Mental Illness website $The Nations

176 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

Coming soon.

The Twelve Visions Party of Australia Coming soon.

The Twelve Visions Party-USA Coming soon.


Copyright © 2011 - 2012 King of Kings All Rights Reserved

177 Copyright (c) 2012 Jack William Atkins All rights reserved.

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