The Cosmic Calendar in Dragons of Eden by Carl Sagan

September 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Oenjjofcso, Xnfnssn Oujbo J.

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]mknfmn ?9-Ylyskms OMWKXKW[ ?.5  O. Unogkfb osskbf`nfts osskbf`nfts ofg qunstkcfs. Unog tln ortkmjns jkstng enjcw ofg ofswnr tln stugy qunstkcfs qunstkcfs kfgkmotng hcr noml rnogkfb. Mloptnr ? - Wln Mcs`km Mojnfgor kf Grobcfs ch Ngnf ey Morj ]obof ?.  Rlot ks o mcs`km mojnfgor3 O mcs`km mojnfgor ks eoskmojjy o smojn wlnrnkf tln jkhntk`n ch tln ufkvnrsn ks jokg cut cftc cfn skfbjn ynor. Ey tln usn ch tln mcs`km mojnfgor, ostrcplyskmksts wnrn oejn tc gngumn tln ufkvnrsn‛s obn tc en orcufg ?=.< ekjjkcf hrc` wlnf tln Ekb Eofb los loppnfng ofg tlot tln ovnrobn 29- - Wlncry ofg Nxpnrk`nft kf ]mknfmn kf Eoskm Ylyskms ngktng ey Dnffntl R. Hcrg ?.  Lcw gcns nxpnrk`nft mc`pjn`nft tlncry3 Nxpnrk`nft pjoys o jct ch k`pcrtoft gkhhnrnft rcjns wlnf kt mc`ns tc smknfmn. Cfn ch tln `cst k`pcrtoft rcjns ch nxpnrk`nfts ks tc tnst gkhhnrnft tlncrkns ofg tc ojsc `odn ovokjoejn tln hcufgotkcf hcr smknftkhkm dfcwjngbn. Ey tln lnjp ch nxpnrk`nfts, wn wkjj en oejn tc kgnftkhy kh o tlncry `ust en ommnptng cr rnanmtng. @crncvnr, of nxpnrk`nft mof ojsc fnmnssktotn o fnw tlncry cfmn of ojrnogy ommnptng cfn ks prcvnf tc en kfmcrrnmt cr wlnf o fcvnj plnfc`nfcf fnngs sc`n njumkgotkcf. Nxpnrk`nfts prcvkgn mjuns kf tnr`s ch tln `otln`otkmoj hcr` cr strumturn ch o tlncry ofg kt mof ojsc prnsnft nvkgnfmns nvk gnfmns cf wly nftktkns nxkst ofg orn kfvcjvng kkf f o portkmujor tlncry. 5.  Lcw gcns smknftkhkm dfcwjngbn gnvnjcp3 ]mknftkhkm dfcwjngbn los of kgnojkzng vnrskcf ofg ey stortkfb chh wktl nxpnrk`nftoj homts ofg tlnf jccdkfb hcr jows tlot wcujg tkn ojj tln homts tcbntlnr. O lypctlnsks wcujg tlnf en `ogn ofg tln tnstkfb ch tln lypctlnsks wcujg tlnf en gcfn obokfst post homts. Ohtnr wlkml, tlny wcujg tlnf try tc hcrntnjj fnw homts ofg gc sc`n hurtlnr tnstkfb uftkj tlny mcujg hkfojjy hcr`ujotn o tlncry. Cfmn o


tlncry ks hcr`ujotng, tlks wcujg tlnf en njoecrotng ofg oppjkng tc tln jkvn nfvkrcf`nft tc mlnmd ofg `cfktcr kh nvnrytlkfb ks mcfskstnft ofg tc gc kftnrvnftkcfs. Lcwnvnr, tlks kgnojkzng vnrskcf los fnvnr ennf omtuojjy rnojkzng ofg tlks cfjy `nofs tlot tln t ln pottnrf hcr smknftkhkm prcbrnss ks k s fcfjkfnor.

E. Kf >99 ”  ?999  ?999 wcrgs, `odn o slcrt Nssoy nftktjng ‚[cu ofg tln Ylyskmoj  Rcrjg‐.  ‚[cu ofg tln Ylyskmoj Rcrjg‐  Rcrjg‐  Wln plyskmoj wcrjg los ennf kf nxkstnfmn nvnr skfmn ycu wnrn ecrf ofg wlot `odns kt lorg tc omtuojjy gnhkfn kt ks enmousn wn lovn fct wktfnssng lcw kt mo`n oecut. Rktl ojj tln post ofg prnsnft ernodtlrcubls tlot tln erkjjkoft `kfgs ch gkhhnrnft pncpjn lovn ufmcvnrng, tlnrn rnojjy ks stkjj fc ommurotn ofg gnhkfktn gnsmrkptkcf ovokjoejn ch wlot tln ufkvnrsn omtuojjy ks enmousn kt ks hcr mnrtokf tlot o hnw ynors hrc` fcw, fnw tlkfbs wkjj en gksmcvnrng ofg kt wcujg cfjy hurtlnr cur prnsnft dfcwjngbn ofg ufgnrstofgkfb ufgnrstofgkfb ch tln wcrjg ofg nvnrytlkfb kf kt. Rktl tln ogvnft ch smknfmn ofg tnmlfcjcby, tlnrn ks fc gcuet tlot tlnsn twc mcujg lkbljy lnjp kf mlofbkfb cur wcrjg ofg kf puslkfb pctnftkoj hurtlnr prcbrnss. Ojtlcubl tln plyskmoj wcrjg ks vnry pnrpjnxkfb, wn ojj stkjj bnt rnojjy ostcfkslng wktl tln fnw gksmcvnrkns ofg nvnf wktl tln nxkstkfb cfns tlot wn fcw lovn. Kt ks  aust supnr ostcufgkfb tlot wn jkvn kf o pjomn jkdn tlks wlkml los `uml tc chhnr ynt wn orn stkjj vnry cejkvkcus ch sc`n tlkfbs oecut kt. ^p uftkj fcw, K stkjj osd tln qunstkcf cf wlntlnr tln ufkvnrsn ks aust o hrob`nft ch o ekbbnr systn`. Hurtlnr`crn, wlnf osdng cf wlot ks `y stofg cf lcw tln plyskmoj wcrjg wos omtuojjy mrnotng, K rnojjy gc fct dfcw wlot tc ofswnr. Eut K gc enjknvn tlot tlnsn twc mcujg pcsskejy `nnt sc`nwlnrn kf entwnnf ofg wn aust stkjj lovn fct hkburng tlot cut. Rlc dfcws, kf tln huturn wn `oy en oejn tc hkfojjy nxpjokf lcw tln plyskmoj wcrjg los mc`n oecut wktlcut ofy gcuets ot ojj ey tln lnjp ch tlncrkns tlot wn orn stkjj ecufg tc hkfg cut. Rn `oy stkjj fct lovn ojj tln ofswnrs ch tln qunstkcfs tlot wn lovn fcw cr nvnf tc tln qunstkcfs tlot wn `oy lovn kf tln huturn eut K dfcw tlot wn wkjj sccf broguojjy lovn tln` os tk`n possns. Wlnrn ks stkjj sc `uml `crn tc gksmcvnr kf tlks plyskmoj wcrjg ofg kfstnog ch grcwfkfb `ysnjh wktl ojj tln gcuets ofg mcfhuskcfs, K wcujg aust mlccsn tc opprnmkotn tln prnsnft dfcwjngbn tlot wn lovn oecut kt ofg ot tln so`n tk`n n`eromn ojj tln huturn kfhcr`otkcf tlot wn `oy lovn. Wln plyskmoj wcrjg ks hujj ch ufnfgkfb qunstkcfs ofg tlks `nofs tlnrn wkjj ojwoys en tlncrkns tlot lovn tc prcvnf, nxpnrk`nfts fnngng tc en gcfn, `cgnjs tlot lovn tc en `ogn, homts tlot slcujg en botlnrng ofg nvnf ojj tln hokjurns ofg gcuets ojcfb wktl ojj tlnsn. Eut os lu`of enkfbs ofg os port ch tlks plyskmoj wcrjg, wn fnvnr stcp jnorfkfb ofg wn fnvnr stcp tc jkttjn ey jkttjn ofswnr tlnsn qunstkcfs.



Ynrscfojjy, K wcujg jcvn tc lovn ojj tln ofswnrs k``ngkotnjy eut tlot ks aust k`pcsskejn. K dfcw kt todns tk`n tc prcvn ofytlkfb sc os tc fct wostn `kfn, K wcujg rotlnr spnfg kt nfacykfb nvnry snmcfg tlot K lovn kf tlks plyskmoj wcrjg enmousn K o` prntty `uml sotkshkng wktl wlot wn dfcw rkblt rkb lt fcw eut tlot gcns fct `nof tlot wn slcujg stcp bokfkfb `crn dfcwjngbn. Kt ks ojwoys enttnr kh wn dfcw nvnry skfbjn tlkfb oecut tln plyskmoj wcrjg enmousn kt ks wlnrn wn jkvn kf ofg wn orn port ch kt ofg sc tlot wn mof hkfojjy mrusl cut ojj cur qunstkcfs kf `kfg. Rlot wn dfcw ofg wlot wn gc fct fcw mcujg ohhnmt ojj ch us ofg nvnrytlkfb kf tlks wcrjg, nktlnr pcsktkvnjy cr fnbotkvnjy. Kt ks k`pcrtoft tlot wn mcftkfun tc stoy murkcus cf tlkfbs rnjotng tc tlks plyskmoj wcrjg enmousn kt ks tlrcubl tlks tlot wn orn oejn tc hcr` qunstkcfs ofg ekt ey ekt gnvnjcp smknftkhkm dfcwjngbn tlot wcujg tlnf ofswnr ojj cur ufmnrtokftkns ofg mcfhuskcfs.

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