The Complete Guide to Setting Up Your Diet v2.3.1

January 6, 2019 | Author: Hassan Fricht | Category: Dieting, Dietary Fiber, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Renal Function
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Complete Guide

T    Settin  � Up  �  Settin 

Your Diet

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!"#$% '( )'*!%*! !+, *-./0.01234 56/3708 '9 :7;1/.32-=30,34 (/,O-,2I="'-N 9"#=-9 #="0 T*,B3 • Given these differences in typical responses to energy decits or surpluses, decit phases for fat loss, can and should be larger than surplus phases ]91/ 7-=)+J91,- E)Y !&92*,"3 ?=/' 9-]*/9-' *' #& +",+*,"# T&1U>W"# I-9+-0#"7-b T*# A ="D- " 7*/1- W&9 #=/'3 Calculate your body-fat percentage here (4 /$, -", $*4,&0$",,-6 k

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Step 4. Calculate the theoretical decit or surplus needed to achieve .+3.A E.,; QA "8X-=. ,2,/F6 02.3Z, -;@3/8= 1/ 81@2@3/8= i4 6",&9/- @-##/07


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M-I-01' F="# U&* 2-"0 TU c9-+&2IN3 AW U&* 2-"0 2*'+,- 79&F#= "01 W"# ,&'' at exactly the same rate, then there will be no decit or calorie surplus, so you  K*'# 'B/I #="# I"9# &W #=- +",+*,"#/&03 _&F-D-9b #="# /' /1-",/'#/+ "01 '/2I,/'#/+ and muscle growth rates will only match fat loss rates under very specic +/9+*2'#"0+-' f7-0-9",,Ub #=- 'B/00U>W"# 0&D/+- #9"/0--g3 !&9 2&'# I-&I,-b -D-0 aiming to do both at the same time, it’s best to have a slight decit or surplus. !*,, 1-#"/,' "9- /0 2U .&", @-##/07 .*/1-3

hhhhhhhhh !1 702070=, 326 7-=?"9#' +"0 T- K*'# "' micronutritionally decient as the ‘typical’ chicken and broccoli bodybuilder 1/-# #="# -H+,*1-' -0#/9- W&&1 79&*I'3

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(/-0. 328 (0W/1-= a,F :2.3Z, ?-08,402,= !1 )1U,/ _1-/ #3=,= ?=- D"'# 2"K&9/#U &W I-&I,- 9-"1/07 #=/'b #=- I=U'/]*- W&+*'-1 I-&I,-b F/,, Tne for the micronutrients we get in meat, dairy and starchy carbs. It’s F,2,/3446 .+, 12,= 9/17 9/-0. 328 U,F .+3. @, 2,,8 .1 ;36 3..,2.012 .1P  "' #=-U "9- #=-

W&&1' 2&'# &W#-0 'B/II-1 W&9 -"'-3 L/#= +,/-0#' A *'*",,U *'- #=-'- 7*/1-,/0-'< e G"# &0- &9 #F& I/-+-' &W W9*/# " 1"U3 • Eat brous veg with every meal. e ?9U "01 -"# " D"9/-#U &W W9*/#' "01 D-7 9"#=-9 #="0 #=- '"2- #=/07' -D-9U 1"U3 ?=-0b /W #=-9- "9- /''*-' we may look at total bre intake u'-- !Ja 7*/1-,/0-'v &9 '*77-'# " 2*,#/ "01 #=-0 '-- =&F #=-U 9-'I&013 ?=/' /' #=- '/2I,-'# F"U &W ,&&B/07 "# U&*9 2/+9&0*#9/#/&03 ?="# '"/1b A ",'& ,/B- #=- '/2I,/+/#U &W #=- W&,,&F/07 7*/1-,/0-' 7/D-0 TU G9/+ to his competitors as it satises a deep need for some people to have specic 7*/1-,/0-' &0 ]*"0#/#/-'<

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?=- "T&D- *'-' #=- `@ +*I W&&1 2-"'*9-2-0# 'U'#-23 fL=/+= W&9 #=- E9/#/'=b /' what you can t in a baby pint glass. For the rest of the world it’s a tiny bit more than what you can t in a 250ml glass.) To those like myself that feel this is still " ,/##,- D"7*-b =-9- /' " ]*/+B 7*/1-<

J' U&* +"0 '-- .+,6 3/, W3=,8 12 83046 -4.0U0.3702 0= *1. 3 E-W=.0.-., 91/ (/-0. 328 a,F,.3W4, :2.3Z, `0W&9#*0"#-,U3 `I *0#/, 2U 2/1>#F-0#/-' A +&0'/1-9-1 #=-2 " I"/0 /0 #=- "9'- #& +&&B "01 -HI-0'/D- #& T*U3 )U #"'#-' /0 W&&1 ="D- +="07-1 "01 A ]*/#- -0K&U D-7-#"T,-' 0&Fb T*# T"+B #=-0 A T-,/-D-1 #=-9- F"' "0 &I#/&0 &W #"B/07 " I/,, /0'#-"13 J' W&9 F=U 0&#b #=/' 1-'-9D-' " 1/9-+# ]*&#- W9&2 J,"0 J9"7&0< “It can’t be over-emphasized that a poor diet with a multi is still a poor diet. There are a multitude of biologically active and benecial compounds within the matrix of foods that are not in – and may never make their way into – a multivitamin/mineral supplement.  It’s important to think of micronutrition not just in terms of essential vitamins & minerals, but also in terms of phytonutrients & zoonutrients; compounds that are not classied as vitamins or minerals but can optimize health and

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 prevent disease. This is why attaining a variety of foods both within and across the food groups is important for covering all the micronutrient bases.”

Dieters Are At Greater Risk of Micronutrient Deciencies Those dieting (i.e., in a caloric decit) are 3. F/,3.,/ /0=Z 19 +3U02F =17, Z028 19 micronutritional deciency.   ?=- M-+-2T-9

5V4Q -1/#&9/", /0 J,"0 J9"7&0N' Y-'-"9+= Y-D/-Fb ‘A critique of the recent multivitamin rant in the  Annals of Internal Medicine,’   F"' " 9-", -U&I-0-9 /0 #-92' &W =&F 2*+= #=/' /' '&3 Recalling the ndings of Calton, JB. ‘Prevalence of micronutrient deciency in popular diet plans.’  from the June 2010 Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, regarding specically #=-  Atkinsb MJ@_b South Beachb "01  E,$- I#5, 0#,-$< e J,, W&*9 1/-# I,"0' failed to deliver 100% sufciency   W&9 #=- '-,-+#-1 5S -''-0#/", 2/+9&0*#9/-0#'b T"'-1 &0 YMA 7*/1-,/0-'b F=-0 W&,,&F-1 "' 9-+&22-01-1 TU #=-/9 '*77-'#-1 1"/,U 2-0*' *'/07 F=&,- W&&1 ",&0-3 e @/H 2/+9&0*#9/-0#' fD/#"2/0 ES fT/&#/0gb D/#"2/0 Mb D/#"2/0 Gb +=9&2/*2b iodine, and molybdenum) were identied as 6 k21@4,8F, c (-/.+,/ `,3802F )/+9&0*#9/#/&0 /' 0&# 2U "9-" &W -HI-9#/'-3 L="# A B0&F F"' 9-"1 /0 D-9U T&9/07 W-F #-H#T&&B +="I#-9' " ,&07 F=/,- "7& "01 F"' T9&*7=# #& ,/W- /0 #=/' D/1-& TU G9/+ _-,2'. He’s done a killer job and so that’s why you’ll nd that this article in  I"9#/+*,"9 W&,,&F' =/' F&9B " ,&# 2&9- +,&'-,U #="0 #=- &#=-9 "9#/+,-' /0 #=/' '-9/-'3

L3.,/ :2.3Z, ?-08,402,= L"#-9 /' /2I&9#"0# W&9 W"# ,&'' "01 I-9W&92"0+-3 J W-F 1-#"/,' &0 #=- W"# ,&'' I"9# /0 #=- !Ja3 e "07 91/ Q #-92 '*++-'' 9"#-3

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(1/ .+1=, -4.0;4, !07,= " S36 e A0 #=/' /0'#"0+-b .+,6 =+1-48 ,3. 3= 7326 7,34= 3= 0= 2,F&9B&*#b #=-0 4V 7 E6JJ' -D-9U two hours until you eat your rst meal of the day. #/,3Z93=.b=Z0;;02F ,T37;4, ]H 7,34=^d

e VRS 1"U' W&9 U&*9  T&1U #& 7-# *'-1 #& #=- 0-F 2-", I"##-90 "01 =*07-9 I"07' /0 #=- 2&90/07 #& '*T'/1-3 IA 51.,2.034 .1 +,4; 1T080=, 71/, =.-WW1/2 93.A  ^ ?=/' /' &0,U 9-,-D"0# #& #=&'-

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=&F U&* W--,3 hhhhhhhh Onto the nal and most overrated part of the pyramid importance then.

 Have a question or need clarication? Feel free to hit me up in -"#$ $,'-#(1=$ '()),1-$6

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@*II,-2-0#' +"0 T- T9&"1,U +"#-7&9/'-1 TU #=-/9 I=U'/]*-b I-9W&92"0+-b &9 health benets. How important they are depends on context, but in general, not D-9U3 1. Supplements can benet a good nutrition plan, but they cannot make -; 91/ 3 ;11/ 12,A HA E-;;4,7,2.= 3/, 21. 2,,8,8 .1 ./32=91/7 61-/ ;+6=0O-, 328 02 7326 1/, (4,T0W4, ";;/13
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