The Christian Life Program (CLP) - Team Leaders Guide

May 28, 2018 | Author: Bella T. Tigulo | Category: Religion And Belief
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The Christian Life Program (CLP) The Team Leader’s Guide Table of Contents: 1. CFC CFC Counc Council il lett letter er to the team team leader  leader  2. General a. Team Team lead leader er's 's profi profile le b. Team Team lead leader er's 's role ole c.

Spirit Spiritual ual approa approach ch to leader leadershi ship p

d. Pastor Pastoral al appr approac oach h to leader leadershi ship p e. Impo Import rtan ance ce of of commu communi nicat catio ion n f.

Impo Import rtan antt ingr ingred edie ient nts s in in a CLP CLP

g. !ersig !ersight ht of the the team team lead leaders ers's 's "or# "or# $. Prio Priorr to to CLP CLP sess sessio ions ns.. a. Candi Candida date tes% s%pa part rtic icip ipant ants s b. Settin Setting g up up dis discus cussi sion on groups groups c.






. The The CLP CLP sess sessio ions ns.. a.



Punctuali alit(



d. Code of Condu onduct ct e. Cult Cultur ural al aspe aspect cts s f.

The The orie orient ntat atio ion n ses sessi sion on

g. *andl *andlin ing g tea team m mee meeti ting ngs s +. Chec Chec#l #lis istt for eac each h sess sessio ion. n. ,. )nne-es. a. Info Inform rmat atio ion n shee sheett b. Guid Guidel elin ines es for spea spea#e #ers rs c.

ini ini tal# tal# for !ocal !ocal pra( pra(er  er 

d. The The Lord Lord's 's /a( /a( Cel Celeb ebra rati tion on e. 0elcom 0elcome e lette letterr for for ne" ne" memb member ers s

The CFC Council Letter to the CFC Team Leader:

/ear brother in Christ The peace and o( of the Lord be "ith (ou3 Congratulations3 4ou ha!e ust recei!ed recei!ed an assignment assignment that "ill "ill pro!ide (ou (ou great  o( and satisfaction. 4ou are no" at the forefront of the spiritual battle being "aged for the hearts and minds minds of people. people. )nd (ou are on the "inning "inning side3 5-pect the glor( of God to unfold in the coming "ee#s. For (ou to function most effecti!el( please please do the the follo"ing6 1. Stud( Stud( this this Team Team Leader Leader's 's Guide Guide carefu carefull( ll( and and thorou thoroughl ghl(. (. It conta contains ins all all the instructions (ou need to handle the CLP. 2. 7e cons consta tant ntl( l( in touc touch h "ith ith (our (our Chap Chapte terr *ead *ead or "home home!er !er he "oul "ould d desig designat nate e to o!ersee o!ersee (our (our CLP. CLP. 4our 4our present present ser!ice ser!ice is direc directl( tl( under under the the authorit( of (our Chapter Chapter *ead. 8eep him informed informed of the CLP's progress progress and eagerl( see# his input. $. 5-ercise 5-ercise (our (our authorit( authorit( o!er the team team confiden confidentl(. tl(. /iscipli /iscipline ne and relia reliabili bilit( t( are musts for each member member of the team. nl( in this "a( can the( ser!e effecti!el( and gro" in their o"n commitment commitment to the Lord. . 9el( on on the po"er po"er of the *ol( *ol( Spirit. Spirit. This CLP CLP is God's God's "or# "or# and so *e *e "ill "ill pro!ide. pro!ide. Come before before the Lord often often in pra(er pra(er and get (our team team to do the same. Than# (ou for responding responding to the Lord's call. call. 4ou are ma#ing ma#ing a maor contribution contribution to mo!ing for"ard the mission of Couples for Christ. God bless (ou.

Faithfull( in Christ

The CFC Council

General Information: A. TA! LA"#$% P#&FIL The CLP team leader is a person "ho6 1.

Lo!es the Lord. *e has committed his life to :esus Christ and desires to ser!e *im "ith his "hole heart and strength.


Is a faithful member of SFC. *e is faithful to his co!e nant in SFC. *e has ta#en on the !ision of CFC SI;GL5S F9 C*9IST for Christian famil( life rene"al. *e is supporti!e of the o!erall leadership and good order in the bod(.

$. Is gro"ing in Christian maturit(. *e is not negligent of personal pra(er and reading of the 7ible. *e has put fairl( good order in his o"n famil( life. .

Is a tested leader of SFC. *e is at least a *ousehold *ead "ith the 2 Cor $6A,?. b? That :esus is "ith (ou "or#ing through (ou and spea#ing his "ords through (ou to change people to con!ert their hearts >t 2B62D )cts 16B?. Focus on his presence. Call upon him al"a(s.

c? That the "ords of the 7ible carr( e-traordinar( po"er >*eb 612?. *a!e this con!iction6 Christ can con!ert an( person and he uses the 0ord of God for this purpose. 2. E5)L F9 T*5 8I;G/ F C*9IST. a? The CLP team leader must ha!e a deep con!iction for his "or# in the CLP. *e must be con!inced of its supreme importance in ma#ing a difference in the li!es of peoA ple. 2 Cor +61. b? The e-tent of the team's desire spiritual hunger and eagerness to e!angelie "ill be the e-tent b( "hich God can unleash the po"er of the *ol( Spirit through them. 1 Thes 16+. c? The team should be composed of men and "omen of great lo!e sincerit( con!iction patience and affection. 1 Thes 261A12.

". PA%T&#AL APP#&AC T& LA"#%IP 1. =nderstand the participant's situation. a. Their coming from a secular en!ironment. 

4ou need to set the tone. 4ou need to get them into a different frame of mind. 4ou need to plant faith. Testimonies and genuine friendships do a lot. So can songs and short times of pra(er.

b. Their state of personal transition. hopeful despairing ambitious etc. 


The( ma( be dissatisfied restless an-ious

7e in touch "ith it. Spea# to it. Channel that energ( to Christ.

The e-istence of personal problems. The( ma( be lonel( ha!e fe" meaningful personal relationships be not sample per )nne- )?. a. The information sheet ma( be amended to suit a particular local situation. For e-ample in an area "here there is di!orce and there are man( second marriages the information sheet might contain a e.g. !er( rich "ith !er( poor?. =se (our udgment in the "isdom of the *ol( Spirit. c.

Group the participants together first then choose the leaderAcouple "ho (ou thin# can best relate to the particular group.

d. /epending on the actual turnout for the first tal# there ma( be a need to regroup. So also after the second tal#. From here on attendance should stabilie. +. Grouping people together ta#es time stud( pra(er and discernment. )ppl( (ourself adein case of po"er failure?

2. The snac#s should be a simple one. It should be "ithin the budget set b( the o!erall leadership. Possible e-ceptions could be for the th and 12th sessions.




ost of the actual teaching in the CLP is done in the tal#s.


Spea#ers are chosen b( consensus bet"een the team leader and the super!ising =nit *ead subect to appro!al b( the Chapter *ead. a. Spea#ers are ta#en from the ran#s of CFC members onl(. b. Tal#s are to be gi!en b( an indi!idual or b( a husbandA"ife team. 7oth men and "omen can gi!e tal#s. *o"e!er the follo"ing tal#s are reser!ed for men onl(6 rientation tal#  tal# 11 and tal# 12. Furthermore the maorit( of tal#s in the CLP must be gi!en b( men. c.

ore e-perienced spea#ers are normall( fielded for the first module.

d. The dedication tal# since it includes official acceptance of ne" members into the bod( should be handled b( an elder. $.

Ideall( all tal#s e-cept those to be gi!en b( e-perienced spea#ers should be pre!ie"ed and screened. This is done b( ha!ing the spea#er gi!e the tal# before a selected audience such as the Chapter *ead or the CLP team leader or the household group of the spea#er. This "ill be a time for constructi!e and brotherl( criticism "ith the goal of coming up "ith a tal# that is clear po"erful upbuilding and inspirational free of an(thing that might be ta#en negati!el( b( the participants.


SP5)859S =ST 75 F)IT*F=L T T*5 T)L8 =TLI;5S. a. The e-panded tal# outline is the tal# itself. The spea#er merel( needs to flesh it out. b. Spea#ers should a!oid the temptation of putting a lot of other material into the tal# no matter ho" interesting or seemingl( helpful. This might ust obscure the basic message of the tal# or o!erlap "ith the other tal#s.

+. ur guidelines for tal#s are gi!en in )nne- 7.

The CLP %essions: A.


1. In the CLP "e are doing God's "or# and good fruit can be achie!ed onl( under the guidance and po"er of the *ol( Spirit. 0e connect "ith the *ol( Spirit through pra(er. a. Thus "e ha!e to come before the Lord and put our "or# in *is hands often and throughout the program. Thus "e pra(6 

before "e go to the session

at the preAsession team meeting

at the start of the session immediatel( prior to the tal#

before and after the group discussion >b( the group leaders?

before the snac# >to bless the food?

at the close of the session immediatel( a fter the fello"ship

at the postAsession team meeting

b. The team leader leads in pra(er. )t times he ma( designate this to the assistant team leader. 2.

It is recommended that the chapter put together Jpra(er "arriorsJ for the duration of the CLP. 0hile the "hole chapter should be pra(ing for all its CLPs a specific group of men and "omen should be pra(ing specificall( for each session of a specific CLP especiall( during the actual h ours that the sessions are ongoing.


/uring the CLP itself "e utilie different forms of pra(er. Thus our communal pra(er at the start of each session is as follo"s6 a. /uring odule 1 AAThe team leader ma#es a short pra(er for all. ;o charismatic pra(er. 

;o clapping during singing. ;o raising of hands.

b. /uring odule 2 AA In!ol!ement b( the rest of the team and also the participants through short pra(ers of than#sgi!ing and petition >introduced b( the team leader at the start of odule 2?. 

Clapping during singing ma( be introduced. Still no raising of hands.

c? /uring odule $ AAIntroduction of !ocal pra(er. Full charismatic pra(er. .

;ormall( our pra(ers are ecumenicall( sensiti!e and thus are not o!ertl( JCatholicJ >sign of the crossD *ail ar(?. *o"e!er in parish settings JCatholicJ pra(ers are desirable.


The spea#er is al"a(s pra(ed o!er b( the team prior to the session. a. The pra(ing o!er is done b( a fe" members of the team not b( all since the rest need to be a!ailable to greet the participants as the( come in. b. The pra(er itself is done b( the team leader and is ust a short pra(er for protection and empo"erment. ) fe" minutes should be sufficient.



1. The team members must be at the CLP !enue at the time designated b( the team leader. a. The( must all be present for the preAsession team meeting. b. The( must be there ahead of the participants read( to "elcome and ta#e care of those in their discussion groups. c.


The( must arrange their schedule on the da( of the CLP such that the( are not pressed for time nor unnecessaril( hassled b( the da('s acti!ities. The( should in fact pro!ide enough time to come before the Lord indi!iduall( and thus prepare themsel!es spirituall( for the tas# at hand.

It is important to start the CLP sessions on time. a. )fter the orientation session ma#e clear to the participants at "hat time the succeeding sessions "ill start. Impress upon them the need to be punctual. b. /o not dela( the start of the session b( more than 1 minutes. c.

) good "a( to allo" more time for latecomers to arri!e is to practice songs. In this "a( (ou start on time  but dela( the tal# until more arri!e.




Since the CLP is an integrated course for rene"al all the sessions are important. Thus the CLP participants should be present for all the sessions.


*o"e!er "e do recognie that there could be !er( good reasons for absences. Thus "e ma#e pro!isions for absences. a. 0e allo" not more than one absence for the first module and not more than three absences for the "hole CLP. b. 7e(ond these absences the participant "ould normall( be as#ed to discontinue the CLP. c.

There can be e-ceptions to the abo!e but onl( in e-treme cases and onl( "ith the appro!al of the Chapter *ead. To grant an e-ception (ou should see that the single is !er( eager for the CLP%SFC and also that the reasons for the absences are !er( !alid.

$. In case of absences6 a. The discussion group leaders should call or !isit an( absent members of their group as soon as possible after the CLP session in order to find out "h( the( "ere absent. 

The intention is primaril( to sho" concern >The( ma( be sic# or "orse?. It is an opportunit( to encourage them to go on "ith the program >The( ma( be tempted not to continue?. This allo"s (ou to #no" if an( couple is no longer "illing to go on and thus act accordingl(.

b. )ll absences need to be made up for b( listening to the tal# tapes normall( before the ne-t session. 4ou should also arrange for some form of discussion to occur.


4ou should be strict in implementing the abo!e guidelines on absences. This is for the good of SFC as a "hole. There "ill al"a(s be another CLP for a single to oin should there be genuine interest.

". 1.

C&" &F C&*"CT

Team members are to dress appropriatel( and modestl(.

2. Team members should tr( to a!oid smo#ing at an( time during the CLP. Smo#ing for team members is absolutel( prohibited during pra(ers during the tal# if inside the session hall and during the discussion group meeting. $. In a multiAracial CLP team members should con!erse e!en ust among themsel!es onl( in the JofficialJ language>s? for that CLP. 0e can turnAoff participants b( con!ersing in languages or dialects alien to them. .

Team members must a!oid an( beha!ior >such as tal#ing among themsel!es? that "ould disrupt in an( "a( the session or the participants' concentration.


Team members should mingle as much as possible "ith the participants and not #eep to themsel!es.


;ame tags are to be "orn b( CFC members at all times.

. 1.


The CLP aside from being the entr(Apoint for membership in SFC is a microcosm of the life and "orld of SFC. 7eing in a CLP prepares one for entering more full( into the "a( of life in SFC. )s such the atmosphere in the CLP and the conduct of the team members are to conform to the culture of SFC in e!er( "a(.

2. The team leader ensures cultural conformit( in setting up the CLP and in guiding the team. 5-amples of cultural elements in the CLP are6 a. ) spirit of o( and friendliness. 


Simplicit(. 


9emind the team to smile often and be outgoing.

There is no need for e-tra!agant decorations for the !enue. Snac#s are simple e!en for those CLPs of chapters that can "ell afford to spend much more.

Loo# to the man( other elements of the CLP as "ell.

$. 7( the same to#en "e are to a!oid inecting elements that are not in accordance "ith our normal "a( of doing things. Some e-amples6 a. Singing songs not in our official songboo#. b. 9eusuall( for session ? thereb( unnecessaril( prolonging the entire session. There could be man( others. The team leader must not inect an( element that comes simpl( from his o"n preferences. *e needs to realie that the CLP introduces the participants to life in SFC and an( such element ma( gi!e them an inaccurate impression of the SFC culture.


T &#I*TATI&* %%%I&*

1. Chronolog( is as follo"s6 a. Teach participants some songs "hile "aiting to start formall(. b. The team leader introduces himself "elcomes the participants and in!ites e!er(one to stand. c.

) song is sung after "hich the team leader sa(s a short opening pra(er.

d. The participants are as#ed to be seated. The team leader ma( sa( a little bit more about SFC the team the facilities "hat to e-pect this e!ening etc. *o"e!er #eep it short. 

In a parish setting (ou ma( in!ite the parish priest to "elcome the CLP participants.

e. The spea#er is introduced and gi!es his tal#. f.

The spea#er or the team leader calls on the sharers for the e!ening.

g. The team leader or the spea#er presides o!er an open forum. h. Closing remar#s. i.

7less the food and ha!e the fello"ship.


Closing pra(ers b( the team leader.


Team meeting.

2. Guidelines for sharing. a. ;ormall( it should be a single "ho "ill share. b. The time should not e-ceed 2 minutes >appro-imatel( 1 minutes each?. c.

The sharing should focus on the CLP and%or SFC ho" these ha!e made a difference in the life of the person. Such sharing "ould normall( in!ol!e a JbeforeJ and JafterJ situation.

d. The sharing should not be a teaching. e. The sharing should normall( be screened b( the team leader and%or the singleKs =nit or Chapter *ead. ;ote6 The team leader ma#es sure that the abo!e guidelines are follo"ed. $. Guidelines for the open forum.

a. It is suggested that blan# sheets of paper be gi!en to the participants for them to "rite their one per couple?

SFC stic#er >one per couple?

7ible reading guide >one per person?

Guidelines for business dealings

0or# out the household groupings in consultation "ith the super!ising =nit *ead and%or the Chapter *ead.

L. %%%I&* *o. 12 1. Team meeting prior to session6 a. 9esol!e an(
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