The Cardiste 9

April 17, 2017 | Author: jamie Marsden | Category: N/A
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THE CARDISTE "Dedicated To The Art Of Cardistry". No, 9

Rusduck, PO Box 372, Philipsburg, Pa.



Finally comes to l i g h t j u s t what comprises' the material I have been peddling as so-called "Cardistry" in t h i s medium of expression,..LLOYD JONES expounds thusly in Hay GENII: ''Mathematics! Yh - t h a t stuff bores mel But what a b e t t e r magician you'd be ;'.f you only UNDERSTOOD what you are doing. Take for example CARDISTSj Russ Duck's magazine of I'jhieh issues 6 and 7 are to hand. What i s i t but a development of mathematical principles? Card stacks, card tricKsJ" poker d e a l s , arrangements - a l l pure mathematics, magically applied. And i f BULGY JONES like-JOHN CRIMMINS finds pleasure in learning how 4 cards can disclose a 5th, and men l i k e MAX KATZ, VJILBUR KATTNER, TOM RANSOM, RON EDWARDS, e t c , do l i k e wise, even you can do yo t o o s ; J " Move over, LUMPY - I t o o , am a mathematical moron,..I stand in awe of the "Figure Wizards" and never realized I was unconsciously doing the same thing in a d i f f e r e n t way,,,This reminds me - guess I ' l l have to think up a d i f f e r e n t tag for the JONES Boy - I suspect he's beginning to actually LIKE the "Bulgy":;: "SAD SAM" AARONSON in M-U-M; "the following question was asked of several well posted magicians, and the answer i s yet to be suppliedl The question? What card effects can be performed without'using the PASS, the PALM, the FORCE; without resorting t o MATHEMATICAL PRINCIPLES and mechanical decks? 11 . ..Well, SamYou w i l l find a p a r t i a l answer in Cardiste ,>t«The pass, palm and force are moves e s s e n t i a l in the "Take-A-Card" f i e l d - and RARELY found in Cardiste which espouses TIP-TOP C a r d i s t r y : : : : Many years ago in the L, R. BURT BARR said: "the majority of us who l i k e to think we are card manipulators and sleight fans, are reluctant to admit t h a t most of ;the#uncanny and seemingly impossible card mysteries are accomplished with a SET-UP or TRICKED DECKJ" On t h i s conclusive evidence I r e s t my c a s e T , . Cardiste w i l l continue t o feature the pre-eminence of pre-arr-^ ' angoment, (l)

libfcBERT HOOD, an ol 1 timer I smoked out (of "Transgressions" fame i n JINX) writes that DAI VERNON flew to Europe May 26th for a lecture tour, t ,HERB was instrumental i n making contact with DAI VERNCN for me o r i g i n a l l y . He i s one of the Maestro's Bosom Buddies...KERB sent the following EXCLUSIVE SCOOPSl::: 5KEKP I ;

HERB HOOD informs Cardiste t h a t while DAI VERNON i s in England he intends to write a CARD BOOK::: I t w i l l be of considerable size with many NEW s l e i g h t s , ideas o t c . I t should be THE Card Booki I t w i l l be f i l l e d with exclusive material of DAI'S and some REVOLUTIONARY HANDLING'. iJ! II:

He also intends to write a book on "THE MAGIC OF LEIPZIG". No one knows the r e a l secrets of Leipzig b e t t e r than DAI. I t w i l l contain the Leipzig Act and between 50 and 60 Close-Up Leipzig Effects III SKEWP I I I ; DAI w i l l write a manuscript on his. SECOND DEAL & BOTTOM DEAL. I t w i l l s e l l for a high price and i t w i l l certainly be worth i t j i l The above w i l l be w r i t t e n i n collaboration with LEWIS GANSON as was the recent DAI VERNON Book, ( I observe in the May Linking Ring that LEWIS GANSCN i s now e d i t o r of HARRY STANLEY'S "NEV." GEN" and this automatically places LEW on my preferred subscription l i s t for Cardiste. RUSS). My sincere thanks to HERB HOOD for t h i s info on the Maestro and I hope the cardistes of England and the Continent are fully cognizant that they have the fortunate opportunity to see and meet THE LIVING LEGEND OF LEGERDEMAIN - DAI VERNON I BY THE WAY:

An o r i g i n a l item by DAI i n Cardiste s h o r t l y I I I

MEMO: With t h i s i s s u e , Cardiste by request, i s going t o s t a r t a mental s e c t i o n , , , S e v e r a l subscribers have been in accord with RON EMVARD'S suggestion t h a t t h i s be done, and I have prevailed upon BOB ECKLUND (Hardell The Magician) t o undertake t h i s chore,,,He has graciously accepted and w i l l be i n complete charge of the editing of t h i s mental section since muntal'mystories are way over my head...Look for "ENIGMATIC .iKCLOSURE" in t h i s i s s u e . . . S - 0 - 0 get your mental masterpieces i n to BOB ECKLUND who deceives - Not by the Hand, but by the ).nd.,.I predict (and I'm NO Mentalist) success for t h i s dealt (2)

The favorable response received from Koldex DeLuxe (cardiste 7) both by reviewers and subscribers has been encouraging. Some cardistes however, prefer to get right into the effect without any preliminaries. This of course calls for a switch of decks at the requisite time to utilize the "cold deck". For this faction, I have revived an idea which I originally contributed exclusively for the now defunct "Magicopper" - the Magicop Magazine. I have refined the presentation, and made several innovations since the original appeared. In any case, EDDIE CLEVER is the only magicop on my subscription list - so the working will be new to most of you. You will observe that the same hands appear as those found in Koldex DeLuxe when you have reached the point where you are dealing the progressive series of five hands. Since this effect has finally reached the point of perfection for which I set my goal some years ago, I consider it to be the first and final words on progressive poker deals (just a personal opinion, ESSJAY) which I have dubbed: ALPHOMEGA RUSDUCK

Did you ever have the yen to be recognized as a top flight card expert? One who can really produce the goods when somebody asks to be shown a demonstration with cards? Do you realize that the average person is NOT in the least interested in how clever you are in discovering his chosen card? NO!11 The real expert in HIS book is the person who can control the ENTIRE DECK by dealing winning hands at will, in such card games with which he is familiar. Of these, 'perhaps the most popular is Poker, Here is a ready made solution to the problem. Just set up the deck in the manner shown here, and always have it available in your hip pocket, and you are ALWAYS in business, because if properly handled, the deck NEVER gets out of order, and you can deal NOTHING BUT extraordinary hands. This can b^ repeated indefinitely, and at will*


K.jiv i s the Set-Up,

Follow i t


5D -

7D -



6H -











carefully: 7S /


3H -

6C - ' 6S /



4H -







2D -

5H -








8H -
















KS , -





QS -

AS /





KH -



QH -

XH /



9D -

KD -

8D -


AD /





XG -


QC - 'AC /



KC -

XD -

-JC -

QD -








AH / (4s)

2H - Top - - 2S - Bot. Observe this set-up closely. Note t h a t i t i s composed of 10 poker hands across and 10 hands reading up or down. All 20 hands are s t r a i g h t s or b e t t e r : Consisting of 2 S t r a i g h t s ; 4 Flushes; 5 F u l l Houses; 5 Four of a Kind; 3 Straight Flushes and 1 Royal Flush. KOW what makes i t work? F i r s t notice that t h i s set-up uses 50 cards only - and i s divided into 2 groups of 25 each, I r e f e r to these groups as common and preferred ( l i k e s t o c k s ) , i t h the minor cards in the common group and the major ones j n the preferred one. u«"ch group of 25 i s a square of the five cards found i n each


hand of poker. Thus the well knovin mathematical principle of quadrating can be used. As found here, it is a refinement of the same principle as used in the age-old 25 card trick and also utilized in the Rusduck Run-Up for re-stacking poker hands, -which will be described later in this article* In short - what happens is that when each set of 5 dealt, shown, picked up and redealt, the result is of hands made possible thru the new arrangement of this entire procedure is repeated, the cards again their original order.

hands is a new set cards. If revert to

Arrange your stack in this manners Top card - 2H followed by hands 1 thru 10, and finally the 2S placed dn bottom. You are now ready for presentation. If you have mastered any passable false shuffles and cuts which will not change the order of the cards, you should be able to satisfy the most skeptical of your operational ability. Remove, show and discard the top and bottom cards, stating that you will, use neither for the sake of fairness. Deal out five hands, one card at a time, FACE DOWN, and lay remainder of deck on table. Turn over each hand and show. Pick up 1st hand dealt, and place..FACE-DOWN in your hand. Continue with hands 2, 3* 4, 5 in order. NOW pick up remainder of deck from table and place on top. ' Again deal five hands and repeat procedure as shown in above paragraph. This deal is made FOUR times and 20 different poker hands have shown - ALL Straights or better - with each hand topping the one preceding it, and the dealer's stopping them all. You will find that the cards have returned to the ORIGINAL ORDER, and if you return the two deuces to their respective places at top and bottom - your deck is complete and intact as at the beginning. So much for the effect. Now for some variations. Cards can be lifted off in sets of five to show your control of poker hands - from top or bottom as you desire. (Cards must be returned to their respective groups, however). Perhaps you wish a climax of dealing 10 hands instead of the


sots of 5. To do this, cut at the division of the common and preferred sets, and make one perfect riffle'shuffle, weaving the cards alternately. Deal into 10 hands - faco-up or facedown as you wish. The cards may be dealt face-up, face-down or stud poker fashion with the hole card down, and the remaining 4 face-up. In picking up the stud hand however, the hole-card must be r i g h t od, and placed in the same location* The various hands may be picked up in any order desired, but you must be careful that the order of the•cards in each hand i s not disarranged. The various hands may be dealt into any position desired - but experiment will show the correct procedure doing this by varying the pick-up procedure* .Vhen dealing the sets of five hands - you have the option of redealing thru the set just dealt, or making a cut and dealing the alternate set. Doubtless you will come up with many more variations and innovations to the v e r s i t i l i t y of this flexible set-up marvel. Fcr the sake of completeness, I am going to include here a description of the Rusduck Hun-Up for re-stacking Poker Hands, and also the Koldex Encore which appeared with the original manuscript, RUSDUCK RUN-UP Here i s a p r i n c i p l e as old as c a r d i s t r y , made possible by t h e mathematical permutations of t h e c a r d s , and t h e a r r a n g r;u_nts they automatically t a k e , i n making t h e various d e a l s . I t i s the a p p l i c a t i o n of t h i s w e l l known p r i n c i p l e which I b e l i e v e t o be unique. I t serves t o r e t u r n t h e deck t o i t s o r i g i n a l order a f t e r each d e a l . I t w i l l be found to have numerous uses and v a r i a t i o n s , best determined by i n d i v i d u a l experiment. Using your own pre-arranged deck, deal the requested number of poker hands of f i v e cards each, face-down on t h e t a b l e . Cards should be d e a l t i n t h e orthodox poker manner: one a t a time from l e f t to r i g h t , clockwise, s t a r t i n g a t t h e d e a l er's left, and with the dealer's hand l a s t ,


Pick up the f i r s t hand, show and place face-down upon the remaining cards you hold. Retain a l i t t l e finger break b e tween the cards you hold, and the replaced hand, Repeat with each of the dealt hands in the order d e a l t , placing each one face-down above the one j u s t returned to your hand. Mien a l l the cards have been gathered: Explain to your a u d i ence t h a t you know exactly where each card l i e s , and t h a t you propose to stack them to f a l l to your bidding. (This i s e x a c t l y what you do, but no one believes you, so the effect c a r r i e s i t s own m i s d i r e c t i o n ) . Begin to deal FIVE face-down p i l e s from l e f t t o r i g h t . Deal u n t i l a l l the cards above the break are d e a l t . Pick up p i l e one, place above the remaining cards you hold, and repeat 'with p i l e s 2, 3, k & 5 in order and a l l face-down. YOU WILL NOW FIND THE DECK RETURNED TO THE ORIGINAL ORDER, AND CAN CONTINUE THE EFFECT AT WILL. One point of caution: When dealing the cards above the break, a f t e r they have been gathered, ALWAYS DEAL FIVE PILES. Never ' vary t h i s p r a c t i c e , when doing poker demonstrations; This effect can be used for many variations other than poker demonstrations, aldo. For example: If you have dealt 6 p i l e s of A cards each, gather in the manner shown, and on the next deal, you should deal 4 p i l e s of 6 cards each. Gather as before and the o r i g i n a l order i s r e t a i n e d . Another example: Suppose you o r i g i n a l l y d e a l t 7 p i l e s of 3 cards each - gather as shown and now deal 3 p i l e s of 7 c a r d s . Gather, and note deck in i t ' s o r i g i n a l pre-arranged order. I t w i l l be seen that t h i s principle depends e n t i r e l y upon the component factors i n the two successive d e a l s . In a l l cases the cards are d e a l t face-down. You w i l l find, t h e order of the cards reversed i f d e a l t otherwise. I n d i v i d u a l experimentation i s suggested by taking any deck and s e t ting i t up in the e a s i e s t recognizable stack - the new deck order, from ace to king, with r o t a t i n g suits and a l t e r n a t i n g • c o l o r s . This w i l l give you a f u l l e r understanding of the p o s s i b i l i t i e s of the "Rusduck Run-Up" and open wide the port a l s for the miracles of pre-arrangement in c a r d i s t r y . « l t f H



You may be asked to repeat the KOLDEX (Alphomega) effect. Ordinarily such a request would be disastrous, due to the normal -limitations of pre-arrangement. However, in THIS routine you nre- ALWAYS prepared for repetition. The cards are already setup to be utilized, and your spectators unknowingly assist in completing the required set-up. This repeat effect is of sufficient variation to avoid disclosure of the KOLDEX system^ since the principle is .entirely different, and completely disguised. Furthermore, the effect may be continued for as long, and repeated as often as desired. Assume that the cards have been dealt into the face-up hands displayed in the final Koldex layout: 1. Have,,as many spectators as. desire, pick up one of the displayed hands. Direct them to choose and good hand they would like to receive in a poker game. Tell them to study their cards so that they will remember them, and then mix them up tc destroy any sequence or order of the cards, NOTE: Any number of hands from 2 to 10 may be chosen. The number of hands taken has no effect on the final outcome.

* 2. Instruct the 1st spectator TO YOUR LEFT to deal his cards one at a time, FACE-UP in a row upon the ta.ble:. The cards may be placed in any order desired. 3. Direct the next spectator to the left, to place his cards face-up on the tabled cards. He may lay his cards in any order he desires, but he MUST place ONE card on EACH of the p i l e s . CAUTION: This is.the only c r i t i c a l part of this build-up. You must make certain that each spectator in turn places ONE Card ONLY, face-up on EACH of the five p i l e s , A. Continue with each of the spectators in turn, proceeding from left to right (clockwise) as in paragraphs 2 & 3 above, u n t i l a l l have placed their cards upon the face-up p i l e s , S.

Instruct one of your spectators to assemble the piles i n (8)

to one large pile by gathering them in any order. 6. Have as many of the assistants as wish to do so, make complete cuts of the assembled 'pile. Continue until one of •the cards in the LAST H M D placed upon the original piles is the FACE CARD of the pile. If one of these cards does not show, YOU must make the final cut, and bring one of them to the>face of the pile. 7. RECAPITULATE: Stating that you have permitted each person a free selection of his choice of poker hands; allowed him to mix it up in any order; to place his cards in any of the piles he wished; assemble the piles in a haphazard manner; freely cut by all'desiring to do so; that YOU have NOT touched the cards until NOW. State that regardless of these restrictions, you now know the position of each chosen card, and propose to stack them so each will get his selected hand. 8. Collect all the remaining cards riot chosen by the spectators, and place them face-down in your hand. 9. Place the assembled pile of chosen hands" face-down on the pile of c"rds already held in your hand, 10. False shuffle and cut, retaining the order of the top stock of chosen cards. 11. Deal out the required number of hands, dealing the cards one at a time, face-down starting at your left. Deal five cards into each of the hands. Ask the first spectator to name the hand he chose. Turn over the first hand dealt and show. Repeat with each of the hands in order, NOTE: If you are unable to do the false shuffles or cuts, it is not necessary to use them, since the cards are in proper order to commence the deal once they have been assembled as .shown in paragraphs 5 & 6. Use of the full deck, combined with the display of false shuffles and cuts, adds immeasurably to the effect however, and will tremendously enhance your reputation as an expert in the art of "Dealing In Deception"1

I study ERDNASE - but t h i s i s n ' t blarney - I c a n ' t match VERNON, - MARLO or SCARNEl:::(This j i n g l e keeps running thru my mind). ••

, - ,


I have expounded at length on the ramifications of the comp l e t e routine for the Rusdux System of Progressive Poker Deals even to the point of redundancy, but t h i s i s because I expect t o l e t the matter r e s t at this p o i n t , I have given every development devised so far except the personal stack I use to wcrk i n t o the e f f e c t . I prefer to lead i n t o ALPHOMEGA thru a "Card Sense" item by calling the cards in a memorized order from a well shuffled deck r a t h e r than r i n g - i n a cold deck for use. In order to go on the record as claiming ovinership for the RUSDUX STACK I am outlining i t h e r e . I noticed an ad in the May L. R. for an e f f e c t of BRO. HAMMAN e n t i t l e d "FANTABULOUS" - Q t i t l e used by me i n Cardiste 5 (Feb. '58) to describe my refinement of the "stay Stack" system - YET - somebody w i l l say someday t h a t I swiped BRO, HAMMAN'S t i t l e i (Confidenti a l l y , I swiped i t from a 10 year old "Quiz Whiz" who doesn't deign to decipher the d r i v e l or choose the childish chatter contained in Cardiste. RUSS). so i t goes - Well h e r e ' s the set-up I use - I ' v e committed i t Mnemonically but but i t can be typed for reference: 2H 5D 7D 7H


7C 7S 6H 6D


3H 6C 63 4S


4D 4H 4C 9S


2C 2D 5H 5C


5S 3S 3D 8H







9D KD 8D JD -





Retaining the 2H a t top and 2S on bottom, make 2 perfect r i f f l e shuffles and your stack w i l l be in the correct order for working the s e t s of quadrating five hands. Remove the top and bottom cards and proceed as shown for ALPHOMEGA. This i s t r u l y a Fourth Dimensional Effect, in the uncanny way t h a t the various hands wind themselves in and out i n a weaving p a t t e r n of endless b e l t s throughout the progressive d e a l s , with the deck ALWAYS REMAINING IN WORKING ORDER as long as the two halves - (common & preferred) are treated as separate i d e n t i t i e s . I don't think anything quite l i k e t h i s has ever appeared which w i l l enable you to so e f f o r t l e s s l y and p r e c i s e l y l a b e l yourself as a DEFT DEMONSTRATOR OF DECEPTIVE DIGITAL DEXTERITY! J'.ok i n next issue of Cardiste for "OUTER SPACE" - the most L lvath-taking audience performed effect since PAUL CURRY'S Classic "OUT OF THIS WORLD". The effect i s a c t u a l l y uncannyI (10)


Well, I f i n a l l y had to give in to the w i l l of the subscribers and s t a r t i n g -with t h i s i s s u e , Cardi-ste w i l l maintain a Mental Section...Of course I should have realized when I started what JOHN BRAUN c a l l s "Rusduck's L i t t l e Journal 11 t h a t i f I hoped t o carry along on the" ideas of TED ANNEMANN, t h a t I must eventually 'get with 1 mental effects - since they were a c t u a l l y Ted's f o r t e . The only drawback i s t h a t I have become so enamored with stacked decks and gambling routines t h a t I never seriously attempted mental e f f e c t s . . . F o r example - while working on t h e card coding system for stud p o k e r . - my mentalist friends t o l d me t h a t ANY mathematical system was FAR outmoded by the simplicity of the various mental codes for speed and accuracy i n transmitting the necessary information - LIVE AND LEARN 1 RON EDWARDS s t a r t e d the whole thing when I printed his request for mental effects - and since t h a t time the demand for t h i s type of effect has increased considerably - SO.' HERE 'TIS; Cardiste's new Mental Section w i l l be e n t i t l e d : "ENIGMATIC ENCLOSURE" and w i l l be e d i t e d by BOB ECKLUND, known p r o f e s s i o n a l l y as RaRDELL THE MAGICIAN...In t h e f u t u r e - a l l m e n t a l i s t s are r e quested to send a l l copy for t h i s department for e d i t i n g t o : '

' .

HARDELL, THE MAGICIAN, ' 658 W. 8th S t r e e t Erie-Pennsylvania

The best way to s t a r t off t h i s series i s with a mental mystery by the Master Mentalist Himself, so take i t away, BOB: LIE DETECTOR IN PERSON HARDELL


After a b i t of p a t t e r about the game ART LINKLETTER uses on his show "People Are Funny11, the t e l e v i s i o n (11)

mo in which a couple tries to guess which one of throe ,rsons is telling the truth about his or her occupation. The mentalist remarks that this would be easy, were a contestant to use EXTRA SENSORY PERCEPTION. He offers to prove this point with a demonstration* "Of course", explains the mentalist, "On the spur of the moment like this, we -will have to make a change here and there - but the end result will be the same as the game played on the People Are Funny Show". "First, we will need a volunteer. You will do very well, I'm sure, i So that no one can accuse us of cheating, we will for the time being forget your real occupation. Instead, wo will go back to your youth. Think back - all of us in our youth had an idea as to what we would be when we grew up. Please be truthful in this test, for I'm going to try to read your innermost thoughts', from deep within your subconscious mind. Unless I have your cooperation, such a feat is impossible." "Here, take this card, and write down the occupation of your youthful dreams. To impress upon your conscious mind a more concrete thought - try to recall the reason why you in your youth, chose this occupation. Jot down the reason in as few words as possible." "Now, if you will pick out a friend to help us in this test, please. This gentleman here? Good. Now you, Sir, think back to YOUR youth, and I'm sure you too, had some idea about what you would be when you grew up. Right? Good. Take this card (handing him one of your business cards) and write down your youthful choice of an occupation. Suppose you jot down your reason for your choice, just as your friend did. Now, I'll let you pick out a friend of yours to help us«" "¥ou, Sir, please jot down on this card, just as the other two rontlemen did, the occupation that you in your youth, thought you'd be, when you grew up. Jot down also the reason you chose this occupation." Turning back to the first assistant: "Now you Sir, collect the cards from the other tvio gentlemen and mix them as much as you v-ish. Good - Now I'd like you to read from the cards, the i. ccupations, as well as the reasons for the choice and I'll (12)

try to read your innermost thoughts, to discover which was the occupation of your choice...And the mentalist proves he is - "A Lie Detector, In Personl" METHOD:

(Rusduck, THIS effect uses STACKED CARDS too - BOB) (Happy Days - RUSS). To prepare for this effect, all you do is take a batch of your business cards, and holding them in your hand with the BLANK side facing you, give the TOP card a \ turn on top of the stack. This will make the top card the only pne in the stack with the printing upside down in stack. Thj.s card goes to the FIRST spectator or assistant. As he reads from the cards, it is easy to determine which is HIS, for the printing will be UPSIDE DOWN, and you'll be surprised how far away you can spot the card reversed from the others. To keep anyone from seeing all the cards together at the finish, I ask the assistant to return the other *ards, so that the other helpers can keep them as souvenirs. Remember, the EFFECT is THE thing, 'and not the method that counts. This is particularly true in presenting mental effects. People expect you to do sleight of MIND, NOT sleight of hand, ADD-ED:

So THIS is MENTALISM? And is this all there is to it? Where have I been all these years. Now I know what BOB ECKLUND means when he says "I deceive, not by the hand, but by the mind". Bet EDDIE CLEVER will like this -,

THE TRIPLE SIN JOHN V. HOPE of F.A.M.E. This i s an effect i n which you commit the t r i p l e s i n of having 3 cards s e l e c t e d . But - only for the purpose of demons- s t r a t i n g the three common types of • para-physical phenomenaj TELEPATHY - PAR-OPTIC VISION - CLAIRVOYANCY. The description i s a long-winded a f f a i r - so I ' l l describe the e f f e c t as I . give the working.


l o u ' l l need two decks of cards, and for effective presentation, at least three spectators., .Glimpse the top and bottom cards of the deck you are using, and put i t on the table. Hand the other deck out for thorough shuffling. This serves as misdirection to keep their minds off the deck on the table and the fact that i t hasn't been shuffled by them. you have finished mixing the cards, take them back, and ask your subject cut the tabled deck into three packets* Have this done so you end up with the packets in this order: Bottom Stock - Middle Stock - Top Stock from left to right. Have the f i r s t subject pick up the bottom stock packet and place the bottom card• of this packet in his pocket i/.ithout looking at i t or letting you see i t . Explain this as a test of Par Optic Vision, and look thru your deck for the mate to the card you glimpsed on the bottom of the deck previously, which is the card the subject has placed in his pocket. Put i t face-down on the table. Have No. two pick up the middle-stock packet and fan i t with the faces toward himself, meanwhile concentrating on any card he sees. You can tje fairly accurate in judging the position of the card on which he is concentrating, by his gaze. Gently lower his arm to the table, explaining that the other cards are confusing the image you .receive. As you do this glflnce at the .card faces and determine approximately his card. (This should be a good trick - RUSS). Also leave the cards lying face-up on the table. Ask him to concentrate again. Nod sagely and hunt the mate of the card you judge to bo him to bo thinking of. (From the deck you are holding, of course) and drop i t face-down on the table. Tell him to take his thought of card from the fan on the tablet When he does this you'll know whether or not your judgment was correct. If you are RIGHT - the rest is velvet - i f not - you s t i l l have an OUT with which to redeem youself. Now proclaim that you will try the hardest t e s t as far as the audience is concerned - Clairvoyancy - or predicting the future, Search out the card originally glimpsed at the top of picket-divided deck, and put i t face-down on the table as your prediction* Wile doing this, also bring the card subject No. selected to the top of your deck, if you goofed on that t e s t .
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