The Cardiste 8
April 17, 2017 | Author: jamie Marsden | Category: N/A
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THE CARPISTE "Dedicated To The Art Of Cardistry" No, 8
Rusduck, PO Box 372, Philipsburg, Pa.
May 1958
DEALER'S CHOICE: Excellent reviews received on Issue 5, and special credit to JOHN CRIMMINS in Hugard's. I now feel fully vindicated in my analyzing MAX KATZ' StudPoker item as a "Top-Drawer" contribution•.,As a matter of fact I may have to go into an immediate re-run of this issue - because of the number of requests for copies specifying the one containing the Katz solution,..MAX has given Cardiste the biggest shot of interest surge in its short history. DAI VERNON has gently chided me for intimating that a Los Vegas Dealer would have the temerity to introduce such an obvious subterfuge as the Air Cushion/ivory Finish in a Black Jack game...DAI also informs me that RON EDWARDS is right relative to the possibilities of the "Ten Card Deal" but that they have ALREADY been discovered...The idea was explained to DAI in confidence by a gambler who made a fortune with it and the manner in which it was actually used is still a secret. The Telephone Hole-Card Divination is still creating interest. Sometime I will devote an issue to all the ingenious solutions which have been received...The fact still remains however that there are only 24 possible ways in which 4 cards can be arranged. The ingenuity arises in circumventing this restriction. Even I have some further ideas along this line. THOM HENRICKS, Editor and Publisher of the "Only Magic Newspaper in the World" with a circulation of over 2,500 - an astronomical figure far beyond my wildest dreams or powers of comprehension •* has graciously offered to help me publicise Cardiste in "THE MAGNET"..,Naturally I'm going to accept this offer and in return keep boosting THE MAGNET in my own feeble way.,,I am very proud that my efforts are receiving help::Jit It has been called to my attention that I have been remiss in failure to give credits for origination of principles and :•:•{:*.<
i..^"s used in Cardiste. ..Now here again - i t becomes necessary to make a statement of p o l i c y : : : I f u l l y agree that a l l originators of ideas should be given c r e d i t - and when I have knowledge of them I w i l l do so - and when any delinquiency i s called to my a t t e n t i o n - I w i l l attempt to r e c t i f y the ommission and make proper acknowledgment:;:HOWEVER - I DO NOT p r o fess to have an encyclopedic memory, nor do I have a boundless source of m a t e r i a l reference:::NEITHER do I see the necessity for chronological tracing of the family tree of an effect to i t s parent p r i n c i p l e : : : I profess to be a Cardiste not :;a,. genealogist: :: I like t h i s slogan for Cardiste: "Some things old: • few things newj sometimes borrowed - for your r e v i e w " : : : : : : : I suppose every e d i t o r gets this kind of c r i t i s i s m - and i t i s viell - the purpose i s served i n showing that the rog i s road because you can beat your brains with the proverbial "Blood, Sweat and Tears" and nobody writes ' t i l you p u l l a boo-bool I have taken the l i b e r t y to r e p r i n t two of my moves from BRUCE iiLLIOTT'S "Phoenix11 in t h i s i s s u e . ..These were devised while I was s t i l l an ardent "Take-A-£ard" A d d i c t . . . I believe t h a t these two moves are a l l that are necessary for the average discovery type1 of card t r i c k . . . T h e f i r s t to bring the card to. .the top without muss or fuss - and the second to place i t where i t i s necessary for the effect at hand - AND - before you s t a r t to scream of any s i m i l a r i t y to "t'he "BIDDLE MOVE" - remember that this'Rusduck item saw the l i g h t of day way back i n 1 9 4 6 : : : : : : BRICKBATS & BOQUETS: RON EDWARDS: "I was surprised and d e l i g h t . ed to receive Cardiste 7 r i g h t on the heels :•£ No. 6, which was r i g h t on the heels of No. 5. MAYBE IT'S A UONTHLY NOW?" I made the deadlines Ron, j u s t to keep that BATty Bunion Bruiser from Oakland off-balance...SWEET TALK: from GRKHAM REED in England: "I fully agree with your policy of pract i c a l magic rather than glossy pages. I ' v e had more workable n^.gic from two issues of CARDISTE than I have from a few dozen copies of other magazines",..Love that man...BOB JUCKLUND (Hardell, The Magician) - referring t o TED ANNEMANN: "Funny in l i f e , you HAVE to DIE to be REALLY APPRECIATED...I can remember when Ted was a l i v e , when guys would say, 'He's not so hot'. 1 : : : So much for p e r s o n a l i t i e s - 'We Ain't Mad Wit1 Nobody' and-ere uct interested in any other way than YOU the readers of Cardi s t o as individual p e r s o n a l i t i e s . . . I have been doing b e t t e r i t h my correspondence - and i n v i t e yours. Please WriteJtlJ (2)
This is the first time I have published a routine in Cardiste. It is only 'fitting that the honors should go to my first paid subscriber and consequently a life-time Cardiste, MILT KORT. Milt's routine refers to various sources which I am not at liberty to reprint - but in each case the source is mentioned and you can seek clarification from Mr» Kort - Just address: MILTON KORT, 18690 Hubbell Ave., Detroit 35, Michigan, U.S.A. GAMBLING EXPOSE MILTON* KORT
I have worked out a gambling expose that seems to be nice. I start out by giving a brief talk on what the modern card sharp is like, and the differences between the various types of gamblers. I then state that there are various things that go into the makeup of the card cheat. One of the best things he can have is a trained memory. To illustrate this I allow 4 cards to be selected by 4 different members of the audience. They look at these cards and remember them. I then count off 12 cards, look at them and hand, them to one of the spectators who selected a card. He mixes his cards along with the card he selected.. I count off 12 more cards and hand them to the 2nd person. This is continued until each of the 4 spectators is holding 13 cards, one of which is his selected card. To show my remarkable (?) memory, I proceed to call out the cards one at a time, and as each is named, the party holding the card hands it to me. When I have finished, .each of the 4 persons is holding the card he originally selected. I state that now I know the names, of the 4 cards, it is impossible for anyone to know who is. holding what card. A brief discourse on poker faces follows in which I explain that as I name the 4 cards, no one is to make, the slightest change in his expression. No matter how hard they try, I manage to name the card each person is holding. I do this by looking at the 1st person and naming all 4 cards. After I have named the 4 cards I tell him that his expression changed a little when I named a certain card. I then name the card he is .holding and take it from him, I then go to the 2nd person and name the other 3
^ r s. His expression t e l l s rnc the card he is holding. This i s continued with the remaining 2 persons and I end up with the carda a l l stacked for the Rusduck "Koldex Deal»(Cardiste 7-ED.) H l to say, I forced the 4 cards in the beginning. I then start naming all the various methods there are in cheating, such as: Dealing Seconds; bottoms; middles; false shufflesj false cuts; different types of stacking with shuffles. I tell them that I am going to use all of those things while dealing out some poker hands. I state that after the dealing, I will show some of the deceptions I used. I then proceed with the Koldex Deal, After I have finished the complete deal and shown what a card sharp can do with a dodk of cards, I explain that I will now show how some of the good hands were dealt, While gathering up the cards I get a Royal Flush on top of the deck, and then take out the remaining aces, 'Actually the J-10-Qr-K of any suit is on top, I do not let the audience know of this set-up, I then show the 4 aces, the 4th ace being the one that completes the royal flush, I then tell of the two different methods for stacking a deck while shuffling, I place the 4 aces on top of the deck and then take the top ace and place it on bottom, I now do the hrdnase 4 card stock from the EXPERT AT THE CARD TaBIE. While doing this stack I ACTUAILY TELL THEM what I am doing. It sounds like a lot of double-talk and makes them laugh. When I have finished the stacking (for 5 hands) I deal the 5 hands of poker and show that I have dealt myself the 4 aces, ihe nice thing about this shuffle is that when the 5 hands are licked up and placed on top of the deck, you are now set to deal a Royal Flush, Before doing this I mention that the other method of shuffling is the riffle shuffle, and that a hand can be stacked by using that method, I then false shuffle the deck and deal out another 5 hands. The audience will ^
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