The Cardiste 7

April 17, 2017 | Author: jamie Marsden | Category: N/A
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THE CARDISTE "Dedicated To The Art Of Cardistry" No, 7

Rusduck, PO Box 372, Philipsburg, Pa.

April 1958

DEALER'S CHOICE; I surprised myself with Cardiste 6...After resigning myself to appearing j u s t "Once in a while" - I actually (for the f i r s t time) made a d e a d l i n e , , . Here's hoping t h i s and succeeding issues w i l l do as w e l l . . . TED ANNEMANN used to talk about his "Jinx" being a 'one-man' job from s t a r t to finish...Well, Cardiste i s - and l i t e r a l l y . Once I have succeeded in getting an issue in the mail - I find i t necessary (to make a deadline) to edit the contributions sent in - select the material to be developed - then s i t down a t the trusty mill and grind out 16 pages of layout material, a l l subject to l a t e r change for l a s t minute corrections. Next, I cut 8 mimeo stencils - trying to proof-read as I go ^"with l i t t l e ' e f f e c t as shown by the excessive numbers of typos ..which appear in the finished product). Next comes mimeo work, concentrating on inking and registration..,Now, collating (sorting and gathering), then folding, and finally addressing, stamping, and stuffing envelopes.,,Do you wonder I heave a King Size sigh of r e l i e f when the l o t i s dumped at the P, 0.1 Consequently my correspondence suffers. And another thing No Magical Manuscript can exist without material and subscribe r s , Altho I have considerable Rusduck material on hand and constantly (dream-up1) new brain-waves - the readers-mant a variety of material..,For example - RON EDWARDS wants mental , effects and I w i l l print them if they come in...Unfortunately I'm short-suited in the mental and mathematical departments and must s o l i c i t this type of material if i t i s to appear in Cardiste...No worth-while material of merit w i l l be refused. And finally to subscriptions,,.Fortunately Cardiste i s not a means of existence for me. I t was conceived as a medium of exchange of ideas relative to c a r d i s t r y , , , I have never r e ceived a dime from card entertainment as mine is purely hobby, »»Yet, I expect Cardiste to pay i t s waya The cost i s very (1)

nominal because I do all the work from start to finish and place no monetary value on my time, since it is done in myspare-time hobbywise as I get the urge and inclination. I have no incentive to promote a large circulation - and am in competition with nobody. Not exclusive but independent! At the time of my last, mailing - I was surprised to find that approximately 2% was outside the USA, with the bulk of that percentage going to England and Canada.,,Surprising in that I didn't even consider this a potential market - or attempt to slant the material in that vein at the time Cardiste was. .con-._. ^ived...It was only after WALKER FLEMING informed me that it could be sent ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD for a 2£ stamp, I wakened, SO - to wrap'it up - Don't EVER expect ANYTHING but a homespun, personalized handling and presentation in the usual manner to which you have become accustomed in Cardiste - for if the time ever comes - due to lack of interest or support - when I am unwilling or unable to carry on - Cardiste will do the pro verbial Arabian Act of Folding Its Tent and Stealing Away into the Night - BUT ,- If you like Cardiste as it is - you can do your bit by passing along the form enclosed with each issue to some budding cardiste who might fan the spark,..It is the only form of advertising and promotion aside from the reviews which have been extremely favorable except for the honest observations (Are you there, Bulgy?) anent the tardiness of the sheet.

RE: STACKED DECKS: Did'ja know that you can't purchase any kind BUT a Stacked-Deck? All Factory-Made decks are pre-arranged in suit and sequence of values...This i s the ideal stack and GENII used to record such items - and I believe PCAM held a contest annually for such effects done from a factory sealed deck...If the cardiste could disguise this obvious stack from the spectator,, he would have the only weapon necessary for performing the acme of cardistry. Obviously, Si Stebbins is an outgrowth of the new-deck stack,,,, because i t is actually the new-deck order separated by the progressing suit-chains. The new-deck order i s disguised but observation will show the ascending values and_ repetition of v cles. I developed Si Stebbins into the "Rusdux System" -.\ Inking Ring, Jan. '55 wherein'the cards run in the usual a l t ;aating rotation of suits and colors - BUT the cards DO NOT (2)

progress in steps of 3 . There is NO repetition of cycles with each set of 13 cards. The cards DO progress, following a mathematical system, and the cards in each suit follow in a progressive numerical sequence. YET - the deck will stand much closer examination than Si Stebbins will permit, I havo stated before that I would not stack a deck simply to perform a "Take-A-Card" effect. There are far too many impromptu methods to accomplish this* However, there ARE certain miracles which CANNOT be performed without pre-arrangement - even with sleight mastery - and these are FAR BETTER effects than the discovery typo - because regardless of the infinite variety of discoveries - you havo done JUST THAT and THAT ONLY - simply the same effect in the eyes of the spectator - who if ho wanted to find a card - would merely search thru the face-up deck until he located i t - RIGHT? I agree that the presence of the stacked deck should remain secret. But if you are able to perform with the spectator's deck, which has been previously handled and mixed - don't you have the edge on the commonplace "Take-A-Card" addict? In my own routine I use stacked decks thruout. I open with a "card Sense" item wherein a shuffled deck i s distributed among the spectators and recalled a la Nikola, I then do Koldex DeLuxe. From the displayed face-up cards at climax I recite "Sermonette" which arranges the cards in proper sequence for "Build-Up Bridge". This leaves the cards in new deck order for my Solitaire Deals (Phoenix 298 "3'N'l") again leaving cards in new deck order from which I can go into the "Rusdux System" or "Fantabulous" as the fancy strikes-me - and this a l l evolving from the spectator's own shuffled deck. The point I'm trying to sell i s t h i s : Don't b e l i t t l e the NU-DECK ORDER for the acme in cardistryl Personally I can't understand why some look down on stacked decks - when they are content to use gimmicked and obviously phony items which could never stand inspection, or be used in ordinary card table^routine...This seems to indicate a lack of ingenuity or plain mental laziness - for my money - I ' l l keep using proarrangement and keep trying to devise means to accomplish this starting with anybody's well shuffled deck* Remember this: The use of ANYBODY'S CARDS, anywhere, any time, any place, under any conditions i s the MIRACLE FACTOR! (3)


"Hie man who can do ONE TRICK WELL i s , t o my mind, a b e t t e r Conjurer t h a n t h e man who meanders t h r o u g h half-a-dozen tricks and leaves his audience wondering what he i s supposed to have done I"- DAVID DEVANT This is of course my personal pride and joy. I t i s the result of a long period of evolution in progressive build-ups used in poker dealing. Previous efforts in the "Build-Up" series have appeared over the years in Phoenix, Genii, and Linking Ring. I have become identified with this type of effect. Continual changing, altering, developing and experimenting have gradually brought along the progressive poker deal to i t s present s t a t e approaching perfection. As I write, I have long since discontinued the award winning deal in July, 1955 Linking Ring, and recent developments have brought the effect into a much more advanced s t a t e of perfection. This you w i l l be enabled to judge for yourself. I t i s suggested that you compare i t with the Linking Ring item mentioned above, as well as the purloined version appearing in Tarbell 6. TIME MARCHES ON - TEMPIS FUGITl KOLDEX DELUXE i s a demonstration of Master Poker Dealing in which you duplicate the operation of Cdld Decking by dealing a series of Poker Hands in which the dealer always wins. In addi t i o n , the dealer's hand keeps getting progressively better., with each set of hands d e a l t . The deal i s entirely automatic and s t r i c t attention to directions -will enable you to demons t r a t e a sensational effect of pseudo-dexterity in deceptive dealing with anybody's deck, anytime and anywhere sards show. Required i s any ordinarycomplete deck of 52 playing cards pre-arranged from top to bottom, face-down, as follows: K3 - 2C - XS - 2D - JS - 5H - QS - 5C - "AS - 5S - 9H - 3S - KH 3D - JH - 8H - QH - 3C - XH - 8S - 5D - 9D - 7D - KD - 7H - 8D 7C - JD - 7S - AD - 6H - 9C - 6D - XC - 3H - 8C - 6C - QC - 6S AC - Ifi - KC - 4D - XD - 4H - JC - 4C - QD - 9S - AH - 2H - 2S Only the f i r s t 50 cards are actually used in the progressive deals - the l a s t 2 (deuces) are shown and discarded on 1st deal,


CAUTION: Be certain that the cards are in exact order at the beginning of the routine. Take care in dealing and in picking up the cards, to follow directions EXACTLY, so that the order of the cards does not become disarranged. REMEMBER: An incomplete 'deck, or careless handling in the deal or pickup -which misplaces the order of even JUST ONE card, will completely ruin the effect. Practice the routine repeatedly. Deal or have the cards dealt into 10 face-down piles, in the usual poker dealing routine, starting at dealer1s left and continuing clockwise, dealing one card at a time with dealer last. It is preferable to have spectator make this deal, BUT make certain that the cards do not become disarranged. Turn over and show an average distribution of the cards, with dealer however, being high with 3 aces. There are two cards remaining - the two deuces. Show and discard. Comment that it is necessary to deal better than average hands in order that the players will remain in the game. State that you propose to deal several sets of poker hands, none of which will show less than a straight, with each succeeding hand beating the one previously shown, and dealer topping them allways. Pick up the hands in the order dealt, 1 to 10, turning each face-down in your hand, and placing the next pile face-down upon it. False shuffle and cut, retaining the entire order of the deck, and proceed to deal ten more hands face-down in the same manner. ALL 10 HANDS show straights or better, with each hand topping all the ones preceding it, and the dealer's beating them all, I deal the hands on table in this manner:

2 1

(Dealer) 10



Hands are picked up one at a time and placed face-down in this order: 1, 2, 3, 9, 10. k, 5, 6, 7, 8. Hand 1 is on the bottom and hand 8 is on top. This arrangement places the cards in order for the succeeding deals of five hands which immed-iately follow. The five hands containing the face-cards are thus separated from the five containing number cards only, THIS IS VERY IMPORTANTI False shuffle & Cut retaining entire order.


deal out FIVE HANDS clockwise with dealer last. (NOTE: All hands are dealt FACE-DOl/N in KOLDEX DELUXE routine. Lay down remainder of deck and show dealt hands. All meet the required specifications of straights or better.


Pick up each hand in order, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and place facedown. Place remainder of deck on top. Again false shuffle and cut, retaining the complete order of deck. Again deal five face-down hands in same manner and show. Pick up as before, placing remaining cards on top. This deal is repeated for two more sets of five hands but I vary my layout in this case, So: The first set of five hands is dealt and left displayed on the table as below:

(Face-Up) 1 . 2 3 4 5 Now the 2nd set is dealt, and in showing, they are placed below the f i r s t set in this fashion: 6 7 8 9 10 1 usually conclude at this point, by picking up the cards as named in the "SERMONETTE" Lecture - but this need not be the conclusion if you so desire. Pick up piles 6, 7* 8 (the middle ones) in order and place face-down on your palm. Follow with piles 1, 2, 3, 4> 5, 9, 10 in order. (This leaves' pile 6 on bottom - 10 on top), Gne perfe'ct Faro shuffle will now return cards to their original order. Add the two discarded deuces to bottom. If you don't do the perfect riffle shuffle, the cards can be returned to their original order by picking up as shown and dealing them into FIVE FACE-DOW PILES, collecting them in the order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and AGAIN dealing into five face-down idles. The collected cards are now in ORIGINAL ORDER AGAIN I 1 perform this effect with anybody's previously well-shuffled 'leek, I ^original ly learned the set-up a la Nikola, but by constant repetition of the effect, the cards and their locations in the deck became so well associated numeraciy that each card has a designated location in the deck by number with the 1 ntal picture association Nikolawise that I now reserve the (6)

Nikola method for the impromptu challenge effect of memorizing anybody's well shuffled deck on the spot. However, you need not go to any of this trouble. My previous Koldex effect used this simple method of doing the routine with no memory work whatsoever: WITH ANYBODY'S CARDS: Type or print the KOLDEX order on the back of a business or calling card, and place in your wallet or bill-fold, so that you will always have it in your possession. Have the shuffled cards cut into several piles with each given to a spectator, which can be examined and further shuffled if desired. State that while many persons believe that gamblers always cheat when they play cards, the truth of the matter is that most of them prefer to rely more upon their memories, which in most cases are highly developed. They feel that as long as they know definitely just which cards have been played and which ones have not, they have a sufficient advantage over their less informed opponents. Most of us when playing cards do not concentrate upon the game, with the result that often we are in doubt as to which cards are still unplayed. As an example of how one's memory can be trained, this demonstration will show how thru constant practice and effort, card memory - commonly known as "Card Sense" can be developed. Direct each of the volunteers to give you a fleeting glimpse of the cards he holds. Take a quick glimpse at each group of cards and state that you will attempt to call each card in the deck without regard to sequence, value, suit, or color, at random, until all 52 cards have been called, without repeating any card once named. Retire to a far corner of the room and turn your back, stating that you do not wish to see the cards, since this would interfere with your powers of concentration. Instruct your volunteers, as each card is called, to have it placed faceupward on a pile upon the table, and indicate when this has been done. When you turn your back, fold your arms, and simulate deep concentration. Read off the cards in order from your prepared Key-Card. Yes, Cardistes - it's as simple as that 7 but for the sake of presentation, appear to hesitate and concentrate. Each card is called in proper sequence,



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,. hile w a i t i n g f o r m e n t a l c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o come a l o n g , i n r e sponse t o RON EDWARDS' r e q u e s t , I t h i n k I w i l l k i c k - o f f w i t h a mental speller I have used on occasion.

This idea is based on one found in Greater Magic and i s made possible by cards spelling with varying number of l e t t e r s . In most versions, 9 indifferent cards are used to get to the starting point of the spell - but in t h i s one - only the cards from which the mental choice i s to be made, are used. This one even makes Rusduck happy - because a certainamount of prearrangement i s used. EFFECT:

Any of one to four spectators are handed a group of cards with instructions to REMEMBER one of them. Spectator now makes a MENTAL SPELL of his card and i t turns up on the l a s t letter* At no time does the cardiste need know the card selected - or is required to handle the cards o onco they have been given to the spectator.

METHOD: Altho each spectator is given a "hand of cards" he gets EXACTLY SIX, each respectively spelling with 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15 l e t t e r s . You will, perhaps prefer pre-arrangement of the cards - but I use a well-shuffled deck and hand the cards one-at-a-time at random (?) (So I say) giving him his cards face-up in his hand. Actually they are culled in the required order,. Now in order to make his mental spell function, the cards must be given in this order (face-up): 1 3 - 1 4 - 15 - 10 - 11 - 12 - for example: QS - 9D - QD - AC - 2H - 4S : by having spectator turn cards face-down in his hand and i.iaking a mental spell of his card - taking one card from top and placing i t on the bottom for each l e t t e r , and turning up the card on the final S. I t must be his mentally selected
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