The Cardiste 3

April 17, 2017 | Author: jamie Marsden | Category: N/A
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THE CARDISTB "Dedicated To The Art Of Cardistry11 No. 3.

Rusduck, PO Box 372, Philipsburg, Pa.


DEALER'S CHOICE; That Pudgy Pill Pusher, the scourge of Oakland - LLOYD E. JONES sent along all issues of "BAT" containing CHARLES T. JORDAN material pertaining to his research on the Dovetail Shuffle,.,I was surprised to learn that there has been controversy as to the origin of the Jordan material,,,It seems to me that styling' in cardistry is similar to a work of art on canvas,,,It is not necessary for the artiste to sign his name,,,His individuality speaks for itself.,.For example: No one would mistake an ED MARLO effect for one by STEV/ART JAMES - yet both are creators in their own style - and neither attempts to copy the other's workslll Reading these issues of Lloyd's "BAT" gives me the' wistful feeling that it has been sorely missed,,,Wish "Bulgy" would get off his acidity and get it going again,,,Those mathematical puzzles are certainly intriguing and entertaining. Well, Cardistes, this little effort has gone International with subscribers in Canada, Mexico, England, Sweden, France. I'm driving these Joes at the local P, 0. frantic wondering what goes with all this exotic international mail - me - the only lover of cardistry in a small town where not another soul even dreams of my weakness,,.Quite a paradox - worldwide correspondence - yet unknown in one's own back-yardIJ DECEPTION:

Half the work that is done in this world is to make things appear what they are not,


Originality is nothing but judicious im£t.-. ' ation. The most original writers borrowed one from another. The instruction we find in books is like fire. We fetch it from our neighbors, kindle it at home, communicate it to others, and it becomes the property of all,

No response from readers on my inquiry relative to a method (1)

for improving my continuous straight routine,,,Hovzabout helping me out of the Rusduck Rut of continuous routines with no effective climax - gotta learn where, when and how to break it off rather than continue on the usual merry-go-round. Hope you like the Rusduck "Four-VJay Deal" in this issue,..It can be developed into a thing of beauty and deception, as -well as a means of supremo personal satisfaction when mastered...Of all I have acquired in my years in pursuit of cardistry...My two most treasured possessions are the mastery of the Four-WayDeal, and the Perfect Riffle Shuffle...What next??? MERLIN in "...And A Pack Of Cards" says, "An export dealer of seconds and bottoms has nothing to fear from the _ overly wise as there is practically no limit to the conjuring effects possible with these two sleights." I say - Me Tool JACK

Tired of Rusduck material??? - Then why not send in some of yours to supplement it??? Others are doing it, as you must have noticed.,.Any dealing or other effect, preferably NOT of the "Tako-A-Card" variety, is acceptable if original:::::::: Does anybody have the correct addresses of the ten current Card Stars of the USA??? I have been sending issues to all of them, but ED MARLO is the only one of this exclusive group who has acknowledged receipt of them,,.Each of these ten Cardistes is on my lifetime preferred subscription list, and I would like to kno\'j if they are receiving Cardiste, Cardiste is gradually coming around to a regular appearance. Lots of correspondence, bjtt no worried letters inquiring as to the demise of the sheet during the past month,.,I hope to be on regular schedule by July if at all possible, Actually, I am OBLIGATED to keep going for the next, 5 YEARS, air. Edw, F, Howard, of Caravan Gables Farm, Uffington, lS?cv!sbury,T ShTSplhirc, England has just extended his subscription for that period of time... HOI .EVER - HOTARD LYONS, Editor of IBIDEM writes: "...Of course, if you continue on your present schedule^ my year's subscription runs out sometimo in I960,,," OUCH'. 11 So let's get on with this issue... Thr.nks, follows for your letters and good wishes - I hope to justify your faith in me and Cardiste,..RUSS. (2)

At the time of this writing - having been actively interested in eard effects for the past twenty-three years.,»I have come to the conclusion - that if I had spent more of my leisure time on the development of a passable combination top, second, middle and bottom deal - instead of back palms, fans, passes, forces and other strategems never used...I might be-able to accomplish an indetectible combination deal. Lately, I have given considerable thought and effort to this proposition however - and believe I am on the right track... It took a change of attitude.,,After all you are not a ganbler whose existence depends upon a faultless•Invisible Sleight,but an entertainer demonstrating the sleights of which the spectatoi? must have some vision, to see that the sleight actually is being-used.,.After all - you ARE showing HOW IT IS Done, Right? Here for your consideration is a four-way combination dealt(tops, seconds, middles, and bottoms) from the same dealing position, with the deck being under constant control, NO Finger Movements other than thumb -of hand holding deck, and finally - identical sound for all cards leaving the deck, no matter from what position.*.It is dubbed: RUSDUCK FOUR-WAY DEAL RUSDUCK

First the grip: A natural one,..Deck is held in the usual position for the Charlier Pass before the cut is made...That is with thumb along one side, second and third fingers together along the opposite side, little finger at one end, and index finger at other end».#Please observe the cards are NOT placed in the palm of the dealing hand - but out NEAR TIPS of the fingers - leaving considerable space between the cards and the palm of the hand..,Really, a claw-like firm grip:::t This position should come naturally to all cardistes...Cards can be held in this position securely, yet loosely - and without the aid of the thumb - merely by the natural grippingtendancies of the fingers - this proving my statement of the control of the cards possible with this natural grip» 3)

Now for the thumb action: The thumb of the dealing hand is pressed along the side of the deck...This causes a natural bevel of the cards toward the tips of the sedond and third fingers along the opposite side of the dock, making it possible to see the dealing edge of each and every card in the deck...This is very important - SEE LATER DISCUSSION. TOP CARD DEAL: This is the position you will use for all doals..,All that is required of the dealing hand is to push top card with dealing thumb toward the extended 2nd and 3r& finger-tips , guided between the index finger and the little finger at the ends...NOTE: Cards are NOT pivoted off as in the Mechanic's Deal, but pushed off SQUARELY toward the side. It is assumed that the cards are hold in the left hand...If you deal in reverse,..adjust these instructions accordingly. Now for the right hand action: Right hand approaches the left hand palm-upwards.,.The second and third fingers arc together, and separated from the index and little fingers,.,All four fingers go beneath, and the thumb above the deck in the other hand...Second and third fingers slide along the backs of the corresponding 2nd & 3rd fingers holding the deck, while the index and little fingers fit naturally into the openings provided between the 2nd & 3rd fingers of the dealing hand where separated from the index and little fingers at the ends of the deck...This places the tips of the right index and little fingers in contact with the face of the bottom card of the deck...Observe that cither the top or bottom card can be pulled off with equal fapility - the top card by pressure of the; right thumb - and the bottom one by upward pressure of right index and little fingers on face of bottom card, DEALING ACTION: The top card, can be released without any movement of left thumb, merely by sliding off cc.rd with the right thumb - but it is preferable to first push card over vilth the loft thumb before grasp;Lng it with the right, in order to conform with movements of the deal in other combination deals,.,The right and left hands should swing toward each other in an arc not exceeding 12 inches,,.Both hands being in continuous motion gives adequate time to make the necessary sight calculations to determine what cards go where - and the r^thm and regularity assist also - then too, both M n d s in


motion effectively tends to conceal the passage of cards from the various locations in the deck,,.The cardiste should strive for rythm of movement, and regularity of action...The top deal should be practices continuously and adopted for all dealing. Once this becomes natural, the other deals are ea-sily acquired. Be sure that the right hand fingers go into correct position for each card dealt, with fingers making proper contact. BOTTOM DEAL: With the RUSDUCK GRIP & DEAL, the bottom deal is as natural and easy as the top deal,,.Right index and little finger-tips are in contact •with the face of the bottom card as each card is dealt, regardless of which deal is made.,. Simple pressure upward releases the bottom card, -which is slid out over the extended tips of the left second and third fingers...Simultaneously, the left thumb, has pushed over the top card, effectively concealing the appearance of the bottom one, and immediately returns the top card flush -with the deck as the bottom card is removed by the right hand. The bugaboo of multi-dealing relative to excessive "Whispering" as the bottom, or middle card is removed, has been.overcome in the Rusduck Deal by means of a bit,of Applied Psychology:::j: Rather than attempting to remove the sound...Deliberate effort is made to have ALL CARDS dealt with a snapping sound...This is found to be natural with this grip, as cards are released over the extended left finger-tips.»,If YOUR deal is completly have .not acquired the elements advocated. SECOND DEAL: Just a little more difficult..,It is necessary to push over the top card slightly with the left thumb, thus bringing the edge of the second card into contact with the. ball of left thumb,,,Both cards are pushed over the extended tips of the left second and third fingers, and as the second card is engaged by the right hand fingers & thumb, the.left thumb returns top card flush with remainder of the deck. This action is made easier thru the natural bevel of the cards as held in this grip...As before, a snapping sound is made as card is released, with both hands in motion hiding move. MIDDLE DEAL: A new concept of the middle deal is made in this study...No breaks are held, member of the dealing hand is utilized except the dealing thumb, which is kept in constant motion for all deals in conformity with top deal,


It is my opinion that dealing from the middle means dealing any card except from the top, second, or bottom positions. In order to use the middle cards, it is necessary of course to know the location of the cards, and then proceed to deal them as required...Uc will discuss later, an idea for identification, because it is of no value to deal cards from the middle, if the dealer has no idea of their value to the demonstration. In the dealing action, push over with the left thumb, all cards above and including desired card slightly over the extended tips of left second and third fingers...The right thumb pushes back the stock into a position flush with the remaining cards, leaving the required card slightly exposed on the tips of the fingers,..Card is grasped between the right thumb and fingers and withdrawn...All this action is simultaneous, and rythm and timing must be acquiredi IDIJNTIFICATION: In most card games, the winning cards or combinations of cards are usually the top-ranking or honor cards in the deck...That is: the ACES, KINGS, QUEENS, JACKS, and TENS...Twenty cards in all...Thus, in any card dealing demonstration, knowledge and control of those 20 cards are all that are required to produce winning combinations. I have found that it is not necessary or feasable to mark each of these cards for suit and/or value...A mere designation of each as one of the Key Cards is sufficient...Thus, any approved system of marking - Daub, nail-nicks, crimps, which will designate the cards as one of the "Premium11 ones will suffice...Personally I prefer edge or "Rim" nicking as being the most impromptu, since a minumum of handling of anybody's cards will provide sufficient opportunity to put in the necessary work...The marks should be in the same relative location at the dealing edge of the cards, merely indicating that the card is one of the honor cards, and disregarding any reference to suit or value. For practice, it is recommended that you pencil dot the 20 key cards along the dealing edge so that the bevel will disclose all these cards at a glance...This is essential for the Rusduck Middle-Deal as it is from these designated points


that the block of cards is pushed over to produce the necess- • ary middle card. I formerly spent most of my idle time in dealing solitaire.., Now I use it in dealing winning poker and bridge hands for practice...Here's haw: The POKER DEALr The cards are freely and honestly shuffled (Spectator does this) and honestly cut...The number of hands to be dealt; .and designation of the winning hand is made by anybody...Cards are dealt either face-up or face-down as desired. Cards are dealt around in the ordinary fashion, with cards being held in the beveled dealing position for the Rusduck Deal, exposing all card edges...Winning cards are dealt to the desired hand as they appear by retaining them thru the seconddeal... If no winning cards appear in the top stock. •«the necessary cards can be obtained by means of middle deal procedure. Of course you won't always win by this method,,,It is surprising the number of good hands turned up in the other hands in an ordinary demonstration deal.,,But you WILL WIN on an average of NINE OUT OF TEN deals...Not bad, when ANYBODY can shuffle, cut, call the number of hands, and designate the winning one, BEFORE the cardiste has even touched the cardsttl BRIDGE:

Cards shuffled* and cut as in Poker.. .Honor Sards arc dealt to yourself and partner be means of the second-deal procedure face-up or down as desired...This brings your bottom and middle deals into use too, by locating and using the required cards to f i l l in the hands for demonstration purposes. In any event, this makes an effective practice dealing routine, which can be developed into an effective demonstration for winning deals...As a matter of fact, I use i t as an encore with anybody's deck, having put in the necessary "work" during the previous effects...of course with my own deck..,I l m always prepared with cards permanently marked as per this system. Give this a t r i a l , and don't be disappointed in your early efforts...Remember the statement on "ATTITUDE" at the beginning of this discourse - You are an ENTERTAINER, no GAMBLERj



BILL MIESEL, of 1128 Western Lane, Eric, Pennsylvania writes that he differs from me in that he docs not care much for stacked decks...We are agreed however, in that we both love cardistry...Bill has sent in the contribution below - which places him on my preferred complimentary list for 12 free issues of Cardiste...Perhaps he will be converted to the miracles made possible ONLY with stacked decks by then.., Thanx, Bill, and Cardiste will definitely contain MANY items of impromptu nature for those of you who prefer them, EFFECT:

The four aces arc supposedly removed from the deck and are shown one at a time. But each one is the Ace of Spades. When they arc shown again, the four cards are the: Ace of Clubs5 Ace of Hearts; Ace of Diamonds; and the King of Spades. METHOD:

1. When you state that you are looking for the four aces, actually remove the four aces plus the King of Spadesi .... 2. The cards are removed in this order: the face : card is the Ace of Spades, followed by the other three aces and finally the King of Spades on the back of the packet,

3. As you display the Ace of Spades get a break under the top two cards. Turn your palm down as if to deal the ace facedown on the table. Slide your fingers into the break. Now extend your fingers out pushing the second card face down on the table. (This will later be referred to as a second deal,) 4. Square up the cards a bit with one hand and turn the packet face-up and show the second to be.also an Ace of Spades, 5. As you turn your hand palm down buckle the... bottom* two cards and second deal the next ace on top of the (8)

one already on the table. 6. Square up the packet turning over and showing the third Ace of Spades, Turn your hand palm down and at the same time single buckle the bottom card- and second deal the next ace on top of the two already theret 7. Be careful so that the last two cards do not separate, and show the fourth Ace of Spades. Drop the two cards as one onto the pilo on the table and pick them up retaining them face down, 8. Remark that, "Ithought I lost the Ace of Spades so for this effect I intended to use the other three aces and the King of Spades, 9. As you say the last part turn the packet face-up and take the first ace in the right hand; take the second ace under it (leaving the cards slightly fanned).. Single buckle the bottom card and take the next two as one under the other two. Finally the King is taken in the right hand and the fan is displayed. The Ace of Spades IS NOT THERE lit ADD-ED:

Come again, BILL MIESEL - this is a cute quickie to be done anywhere, anytime, with anybody's deck an excellent interlude for any playing card routine presented.

This is the second appearance in Cardiste for CHARLES M. HUD SON, 210 Stewart Road, Columbia, Mo...CHARLIE has greatly in trigued me with the possibilities of this effect - I c"r:'t determine '.THAT MAKES IT YJORK,. .Further ideas have been devel oped for a later issues...Now for the original contribution: SORCERER>S SEVEN CHARLES


Take out all cards below the 7 in value and arrange in four recurring groups so that each pair of cards 3 cerds apart will total 7. For example: 6-3-5-A-A--2, repeated 3 more times. (9)

Put these 2k cards on top with a bridge to separate this group slightly from 28 mixed cards below. Overhand shuffle so as not to disturb the top stock of 24; then follow with a genuine riffle shuffle, dividing pack at the break for the shuffle. Cut as much as you wish. Talk about the Mystic Number 7. Say you will make a prophecy involving this number, Make this Prophecy on a piece ofpaper: "Your card will lie between two cards whose values will total 7; and no other two adjacent csrds will total 7»" Lay aside the prophecy, Sr.y that you will remove from the deck all the cards below the seven spot, far a reason which will appear at close of the effect. Proceed to do this, taking the cards one 'at a time from the face-up deck, thus gathering your stack of 2k* Cut this bolow-seven pile and lay aside face-down. Let the spectator take the other pile (of 28), choose any card - (FOR SHAME, CHAZ - choose, select, take-a-card are NASTY UORDS rerely heard in Cardiste - Go wash out your mouth & don't let it happen again - RUSS.)- -«nd thrust it (after noting what it is) into the below-7 pile wherever he wishes', Emphasize the freedom of his choice. Tell him to cut this packet and to deal it into two piles in order to mix the cards a little further. Now let him put either dealt-out packet on top of the other and cut as often as he chooses. Hand him the prophecy to read. On checking the packet of 2k, he will find (this works automatically) that the indicator Card (the chosen card) lies between two cards whose values total seven, and that no other two adjacent cards have a value totalling seven, I suggested to CHARLiE that the spectator might be directed to take one of the MYSTICAL SEVENS from the deck to act as an indicator card...Later study disclosed that ALL FOUR SEVENS could be utilized, and if dispersed sufficiently would create a four-star effect the same way... CHAi&ES HUDSON has come along with some astounding applications of this principle which will be developed in a later issue - but for the time being - try this out - and satisfy yourself that_it works...I still don't know why, but it does I



Here is a short gambling lecture I use in my card -work...It is used for the purpose of stacking a deck of cards into a known order and utilizes the principle of doing it in a tale-telling form, ..It purports to -warn of the wiles of card-sharks, and the preventative measures to take...The lecture consists of 104 words only - using words beginning with the initial letters of the 52 cards in the standard each pair word is uttered.,.The respective card is gathered face-up in your hand...When the lecture is completed, your deck is set in the required order, accomplished by gathering from an honestly shuffled spread of cards from the table..«The story sequence is easily learned and remembered...1 call this: SERMQNETTEl • • •


Jogging Cards (JC) To Stack (2S) For Dealing (4D) Neatly Conceals (9C) Questionable Shuffling (QS), Tempting Cheating ( (IOC). Quiet Culling (QC), Finagled Dealing (5D), Sccrdt Deception (7D), Signify Deviation ( 6 D ) . Nefarious Sleights (9S) Kindle Contempt (KC) Toward Honesty (2H). All Cards (AC) Evasively Dealt (8D) Signal Skullduggery (6s). Jogging Dealers (JD) Transfer Slyly (3S) Trivial Hands (3H) Neatly Discarded (9D), Keeping Selected (KS) Tempting Desirables (10D) Quoerly Derived (QD). For Harmony (4H), Simply Hamper (6H) Furtive Handling (5H), Terminate Subterfuge (10S). Keep Demanding (KD) Total Compliance (2C) Against Deception (AD). Secretive Handling (7H), Seemingly Suspicious (7S) Technical Handiwork (10H) Forewarn Stealthy (4S) Treacherous Connivance (3C). Excessive Handling (8H) Arouses Suspicion (AS). Never Hesitate (9H) Justly Helping (JH) Foil Cheating (AC). Successive Cutting (6C) Fully Completed (5C) Just Simply (JS) Quenches Hopes (QH) (11)

To Deal (2D). Killing Hands (KH). Sensibly Continuing (7C) .Exposing Sleights (8S) Artfully Handled (AH) Firmly Safeguards (5S) Trustworthy Dealing (3D), Eliminating Chicanery (8C). Having thus gathered all the cards I conclude:- "And the Moral of this Story Is: - No matter HOU STUPID they look ALWAYS CUT THE CARDSI"

oeveral years ago, I gave my good friend, JAMES G. THOMPSON, Jr. two effects to be included in a book he proposed to edit. One of these was KOLDEX (See Linking Ring, July 1955) and the other is outlined below...Jim finally wrote his book "Top Jucrets of Magic" in which this item appears..,He has created a marvelous gambling background patter to enhance a tip-top effect...I suggest you get the book from GENE GORDON - he published it, and enjoy the wealth of routines - including Jim's own pride and joy - his "Coins Thru Table", Here is the story as I tell it, lacking however, the luscious patter background found in the Thompson version: I take the assembled deck at the completion of "Sermonette" above, and deal it into four face-down bridge hands as below: N W

E S Dealer is South and deals cards one at a time beginning at the left with West..,Hands are turned over separately -without disturbing order of the cards, showing an average distribution of cards as would ordinarily be found in bridge hands. The deck is then assembled by placing W on E, S on N - and finally VJE on SN,,,The Deuce of Spades should be the bottom or face card of the deck at this time. Patter about the time you were playing bridge at the club ijith your Best Friend? and two other members,, .Your BF remarks that he has seen you run up perfect bridge hands on quest0 Naturally the other members are interested in jing this done. At this point you false shuffle the cards (12)

keeping the order intact,,.Story continues that at this .point you were called to the phone, and left the cards lying on the table,,.At this time your BF (Seated to your right) remarks that you have never failed at this attempt, but wonders how you would feel if the deal was "goofed",..He said, "If the bottom card is the deuco of spades, he has the deck sot so that all the spado cards will fall to his hand". (Turn over the deck revealing the 2S on the bottom..."Yep, there it is. Now I figure if I cut one card from the top, and place it on the bottom, I will got the hand he thinks he has set up for himself, (Place top card on bottom of deck and square), At this time I returned to the.: game, asked if the cards had been cut,-..and being assured that they wore, I proceeded .to deal in the usual fashion, one card at a time, face-down1, into four hands, beginning at my left, with the .final card falling to my hand...As the dealer, I was automatically first bidder. Picking up my squared cards, I could hardly restrain a looE of dismay when I saw the red 10 on the bottom (turn over cards showing 10H on bottom,,,I knew something was amiss, and decided I'd better ride along until I could find out what- gave. Consequently I passed, as did the player to my left, and also my partner...Then the blow fell...MY BEST FRIEND??? smugly declared a bid of SEVEN SPADES - a Grand Slam Bid'. - and now I knew why I didn't hold the hand I had run up for myself« TTell, I had a reputation to uphold...I felt that with the help of my partner, we might squeak thru the remotest of chances to pull this one out of the fire, so I bid SEVEN NO TRUMP...Of course the player to my left again passed, likewise my partner. Now my BEST FRIEND??? said, "Are You Balmy"..."You can't beat a perfect hand...Just to keep you in line, I DOUBLE your 7 No Trump Bid"...I replied, "Who's supposed to be giving this demonstration, anyhow? I'll REDOUBLE 7 NO TRUMP 1J i Bitingly, BF says, ""How do you expect to top a PERFECT SPADE HAND?"...Spreading his hand face-up he displayed , EVERY SPADE IN CORRECT NUMERAL SEQUENCE - a beautiful sight 1 One which caused the other players to bulge their eyeballs. The dream of every bridge player - a so-called perfect hand. (13)

"HOW?" I replies, "Miy, with this perfect No-Trump hand of-* course* There i s n ' t any possible way to lead against i t l " Spread hand showing i t to contain nothing but Aces, Kings, -M Queens, anf Jacks, plus the 10H, Now gather the hands in the following manner: Pick up West, Plaoe North on West, East BENEATH North and West, and finally place South on a l l . The spade hand is the one on the bottom, while the no-trump one is the one on top of the deck, Fi-lse shuffle and cut, retaining the deck order intac"t. State: "Now I'm going to deal four more hands, and just to make certain that I get the one I'm supposed to, I ' l l deal i t from the bottom* Proceed to deal four hands in the usual manner, dealing each card for the dealer's hand openly and slowly from the bottom. Square up eaoh of the hands and turn them over, disclosing an ace at the face of each p i l e . Now have cards spread, showing that each hand is in numerical sequence showing a f u l l suit* CABDS ARE NOW IN NEW-DECK ORDER - YOU Take I t From Here:::i :

FARO FAVORITES: The response to this department has been so enthusiastic that it is proposed to continue with selected effects made possible by no other method::: This is the class for experts, because the mastery of this deal will place you in the select top-flight of cardistrylU Last month, GERALD KOSKI presented, "ANYONE FOR BRIDGE?". This marvelous effect got the Rusduck Brain Cells generating with the result shown below, entitled: FARO FANTASIES RUSDUCK Cards are freely shuffled by spectator, who deals into four face down piles - each of whioh is taken and examined by a spectator to determine cards he holds in his ca^d-group. He


is instructed to form a good poker-hand from the cards ho holds...This is easy to do from 13 cards, and hands of straights or better are easily gathered. Have each of the spectators place his unused cards facedown befor him on the table, and instruct them to remember the cards they hold in their selected poker hand, then place this hand #ace-down on the remaining cards before him. Gather the hands in the 1, 2, 3> 4 order, with each hand going beneath the one preceding it,.,Make cut at 26...make two perfect faro shuffles, keeping the top and bottom cards intact« Deal dour hands of five cards (face-up or down as you choose)-. Each player is asked to name his cards, which are turned over revealing them to be the identical cards. For a repeat, have cards chuffled and cut as before, again dealt into 4 face-down piles.,.Have each of the 4 participants select TWO poker hands and place them, face down upon the remaining cards before him - 1st hand on top of 2nd one. Pick up and make two perfect faro shuffles as before, and deal out four hands of five cards each,,.Have them named and shown...Immediately deal four more hands to the same players, thus bringing the second chosen groups into play,,,This is a real DOUBLE-ACTION STUNNER for demonstrating card control, A CLIMAX: Have cards shuffled, cut, and dealt into four bridge hands as before,,.Ask each player to place his cards into suit sequence to remember them, ..Each hand is taken in the 1, 2, 3> 4 order as above, and treated the same way with two perfect faro shuffles...This deal will give each player the identical cards he held previously. I know of no better impromptu effect for showing ACTUAL STACKING OF CARDS, which can be duplicated in any way other than thru the mastery and use of the Perfect Faro Shuffle:?:::::

DIDJA KNOW? I t i s possible to stack a SI-STEBBINS SET-UP from the New Deck order with two perfect r i f f l e shuffles? (1$)

separate the suits into the alternating color system you use. arrange cards from King at back to Ace at face of each pile. Cut an ace to the face of the first pilej a four to the 2nd; a seven to the 3rd; and a ten to the 4th,..Assemble piles in the 1, 2, 3, 4 order, make two perfect riffle shuffles, and PHESTOt - SI STEBBINSl - - Top THAT for efficiency of method! •JBBHBHHMBBJ-

VENTED COLUMN: Does anybody know a system whereby the arrangement of four cards will designate the suit and value of an unknown fifth card??? - This would make an amazing demonstration for telegraphing the face-down hole-card in. Stud-Poker...I have worked out such a system, but i t is unsatisfactory, because i t uses the hole-card in various positions in the spread to aid in designating i t s suit and value.•. What I am looking for is a system whereby the hole-card need not be used - but the four remaining face-up cards freely dealt can be arranged in such a manner as to designate exactly...The identy of the Hole-Card.'..A STUDY IN STUD:::::::::: Some time back, Scalbert brought forth the "MYSTERY OF THE 7TH CARD" for a similar effect - but my problem is to reduce this to a FOUR-CARD EFFECT...I have a vague recollection of seeing a solution somewhere in magical l i t e r a t u r e , but I can't remember where or when,..Wish I had one of those photographic minds like SID LORRAINE,..Perhaps JACK POTTER has i n dexed this sometime for his "Potter's B a r : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ; I am offering a free subscription of 12 issues of Cardiste to the f i r s t solution for a satisfactory, clean, efficient and fool-proof method to accomplish the above poker-poser:::::::

At the suggestion of England's ED HOWARD - with the next issue, I plan to re-write all Rusduck material of merit which has appeared in magical literature in the past...This will appear in serial form.,,It will be called: "The Best of Rusduck" and will appear in serial form...This doesn't mean I have run out of ideas...and new ideas will bet seen - but some of you have iot seen these past items - and others. - like myself;..Read an xo, plan to try it, put it away, and- forget it:::::::::::: (16)

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