The Cardiste 1

April 17, 2017 | Author: jamie Marsden | Category: N/A
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THE CARDISTE "Dedicated To The Art Of Cardistiy" No. 1

Rusduck, PO Box 372, Philipsburg, Pa,

. Fe b »j 1957


TO A MEMORY; Twenty-two years ago TED ANNEMANN launched his immortal "JINX" with this statement of dedication OCTOBER 1934 - "Conceived, written and published by Theo. Annemann. The Jinx is not a magazine, neither is it a crusading sheet with a chip on each shoulder and a woodpile in reserve. All offices both in an artistic and business sense are held by one individual who has but a single thought in mind, that of supplying magicians and mystery entertainers at large with practical effects and useful . knowledge. Where the editor (also owner and,head office boy) finds his own knowledge lacking, he steps out with the ever at work minds of the country's best amateurs and professionals and therefrom gleans the necessary information to keep his brain-child on an even keel and prevent lopsidedness from one-track logic. The tricks will be g3od, the hints, tips, and miscellaneous matter that may creep in will be practical, and above all, the price will remain a fraction of a fraction in comparison with the value of the information disclosed. At times the grammar may be bad, but on other occasions we can assure you that it will read unusually well. We do not believe in promises or over enthusiastic statements of things to come. The fraternity it large is respectfully' requested to accept the Jinx from month to month with n:> boosting or fanfare, but simply on the merits of what it contains for what it costs, Al BAKER has said that if a person can get one trick out of an issue it costs them only a qu&rterj if they find two they can use

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he cost is twelve and a half cents each,...However, if they can ind use for all three, then 'tis a rare bargain. 3o with a lofted glass instead of a broken bottle, I dedicate in-cjad of christen the first copy of the Jinx TO A MEMORY." (Signed) THEO ANNEMANN Ct can only be fitting that this initial issue of the "Cardiste" e dedicated to the memory of TED ANNEMANN and his monument - JINX. !

have no delusions of grandeur that this feeble effort can ever . asibly be on the same plane, or qualify in the. same league with ) Jinx, but I will ever strive to attain the perfection and sat-.faction which has come .down thru the last quarter century from ; thoughts and inspirations emanating from the mind and typei-itor of the legendary and fabulous TED ANNEMANN. his as as good a time as any to state the policies and ideas back L the "Cardiste". This is not to be construed as a magazine, ••js-letter, bulletin, or anything other than an effort to compile ; ideas of myself and others who are interested in the furthercc of entertaining with playing cards. .( b is not expected or intended that this work will reach a large 'rculation. In the first place - it is intended exclusively for uardistes" - who constitute a small minority of the magical mindd gentry in existence - and in addition to this - "CARDISTE" will .ontain ONLY such effects as are coincident to card table routine r which playing cards were originated, 'designed and intended. "hore will be very rare reference to the "You Lose It - I Find It" pe of effect. This monotonous monstrosity has been estimated to ^.iclude over 90$ of the card tricks in existence, which probably oost answers the question of "What's Wrong With CARD MAGIC?" •'Cardiste" will be circulated on a limited basis with no delusions x' being a means of monetary benefit, I am not an entertainer ofessional, amateur, or otherwise - but strictly an originator ad creater of card effects of dubious merit - deriving full and mplete satisfaction from witnessing the showmanship (which I do jt possess) provided by others to enhance and SELL the result, -f you are an editor or reviewer, you will eventually find yourself (2)

on my mailing list gratis. This also applies to the ten living "CARD STARS OF THE USA" who have inspired this compiler in the development of the "Art of Cardistry", with sincere hopes that they will see fit to use this medium for the exchange of information and ideas. To the rest of us - the "Privates" .who do the spade-work and keep the art alive thru our interests in "Cardistry" - for each of "you. who will submit an acceptable idea or effect (NO "TAKE A CARD - YOU LOSE IT - I FIND IT" - PLEASE) - I will place you on the mailing list FREE for 12 issues - OR - if you will obtain TWO paid up subscriptions for 12 monthly issues - You will receive an annual subscription FREE - for 12 monthly issues cf "CARDISTE." If you DO NOT come under any of the above classifications - and still want to use more of the ideas you will" find in "Cardiste" I must break the sad nevus that issues will cost you 250 each or £>3*00 for an annual subscription of 12 issues, I can guarantee you enough Rusduck material to last for at least a year, and I sincerely hope this effort will attract sufficient acceptable material to make it a general meeting of the minds in a trend toward higher type of card magic worthy of being designated as "THE ART OF CARDISTRYl" Now let's get down to work with an idea of what you can expect in the way of material to be found in subsequent issues of "Cardiste", This first issue will necessarily contain all Rusduck material, I hope you like it and will come back for more - SO - "AWAY TIE GO": STRICTLY STRAIGHT RUSDUCK

While away a bit of your spare time in reading over this little bit of "Cold-Decking" deception. I am indebted to LYNN SEARLES and his gem, "THE STRAIGHT GAMBLER" for the inspiration of this effective dealing routine, I have changed the set-up, the handling, varied the climax, and added additional progressive effects to the original routine. The patter background for the SEARLES "Straight Gambler is superb, and it is earnestly recommended that you obtain the manuscript sold by ABBOTT,




"a with the story: While visiting EDDIE; CLEVER recently, vie got to .Iking about dealing effects, and Eddie said, "Russ, what's new in Id-Decking Circle?" I replied,'"Eddie; you and JIM THOMPSON have certainly done a thorough job in identifying the name of Rusduck dth stacked decks* Every time I do an effect, everybody is lookng for a "set-up", I want you to know that- I've reformed. As a •tter of fact all my deals are now STRICTLY'STRAIGHTI Let me *ow you what I mean," tool the ol' family deck out ; a good rapid riffle shuffle it five face-down poker hands '/or my hand (dealer's hand) I rhlCTLY STRAIGHTI"

of my pocket and proceeded to give (thoroughly false). I then dealt in the approved manner. Turning said, "See what I mean, Ed? - >••••

lie says, "Whoa-, slow down a bit, Russ; That looked like a. pretty fast stock shuffle to me. Now suppose you put the rest of the cards back in your pocket." I returned the unused cards to agr coat pocket, "Now gather up your dealt cards*" I placed the vanning hand on my palm, and gathered up the remaining hands in tho order dealt, placing them on the winning hand I held* Continued Eddie: "Now let's see you deal out the cards without any of your fancy shuffles, and also, DEAL .ME OUT!" I said, "You moan deal FOUR hands?" "That's EXACTLY-.what I mean," he replied. So I proceeded to deal out four hands in the same manner, turned over the dealer's hand and said, "See, Ed, STRICTLY STRAIGHTl" "WOWl" screams Ed, Where are those cards coming from, Russ?" I replied, "Well, since you're making me do it the hard way, I have to take them, where I find them - Bottoms - Seconds - Middles - and even from the top if necessary," "I'll try again, Ed, so watch my fingers very closely," I again "gathered up the hands as before (Winning Hand First). "How many hands, Ed?" "LET'S TRY THREE." Three hands dealt - Result:


"I know I'm being 'conned' says Eddie, "but I can't find the gimmick. "Watching your fingers doesn't help any, either," "Keep going, Russ - I'll figure this if it takes all night#tt


"Like to go. for two, Ed?" "Might as well, Russ." Cards gathered •as before ce-down. Cards are again dealt i n t o four hands i n the accepted anner and shown. DEALER'S HAND CONTAINS ALL SRKDES. Cardiste ys, "See -what I mean, nobody w i l l argue with a perfect hand." 'Once t h i s has been a t t a i n e d , what remains to be done?" ''ards gathered as before and again dealt i n t o four face-down hands, 7-ar.diste's hand contains ALL ACES, KINGS & QUEENS i n ALL SUITS, ft perfect NO TRUMP HaND which actually outranks the so-called perfect hand i n spades. Hands are gathered as before and handed t o spectator t o d e a l . I f he deals i n the standard orthodox manner, a l l hands upon i n s p e c t ion w i l l show an average d i s t r i b u t i o n of cards in the normal ^ame, thus indicating t h a t a l l ~ i s w e l l , with no set-ups or a r r angements. THAT'S IHAT HE THINKS! Gathering the cards i n the usual manner places the deck i n t o the ORIGINAL ORDER and you are roady t o REPEAT IMMEDIATELY] . SUIxELY there can be no more stunning demonstration of perfect C^RD CONTROL than t h i s . I t i s one of the neatest automatic deals over perfected. Just t r y the following set-up t o SEE FOR YOURSELF. SET-UP: 6S 3S 2S JS


2D 6H 9C 4C -

Top to Bottom Face-Down: 3H JH 2C 8D -

9H 3S XS 5S -

8C 3D 8H 9D -

7D 2H XC 5C -

7H XH 4S 7S -

(Read a c r o s s : - ) 9S 7C 5D 5H -

6C 6D 3C XD -






« # -x- * •«•

In {he "New Phoenix" No. 320, I presented an automatic Poker Deal bearing the t i t l e "Forever Royal", so named because continuous deals always brought out a Royal Flush for the dealer. As a mattor of fact, this was the principal weakness of the effect,'there boing no climax or ending. (8)

Mr. GEORGE BLAKE, Technical Editor of MAX ANDREWS "Magic Magazine" pointed out this flaw, and came thru with a startling climax, which brought this effect to a surprise ending. I am not at liberty to disclose th'e Blake version, since it has been submitted to the "New Phoenix", but his efforts started the ol1 brain cells working with this result: "FOREVER ROYAL - And Yet Again'." RUSDUCK

FIRST: A review of the original effect "FOREEER ROYAL":This dealing effect is simple but significent. It consists merely of 'continuous deals, in which YOU, the dealer, always get the perfect hand, that elusive, immortal - ROYAL FLUSH. Each subsequent deal turns up a different Royal Flush for the dealer, and this can be continued indefinitely if desired. Since this deal is practically automatic, with each deal and pickup setting the cards for the next deal, it is necessary that an initial set-up be made, THE DEAL: Deal out EIGHT HANDS of poker in the usual manner, one card at a time, FACE D O W , starting at the dealer's left, with the dealer's hand last. Five cards are dealt into each hand. Deal cards so that they may be picked up in the order dealt into piles. Turn over the dealer's hand (last hand dealt) showing the Flush. THE PICK-UP: Pick up each hand in the order dealt, that is: starting at the dealer's left - show and place on top of the cards held in your hand. HOWEVER:"Note this ONE MOVE so. dear to the hearts of you "Finger-Flingers". Before placing the first hand shown, on the remaining cards you hold, separate the two top cards in your left hand, (the aces) and in placing the first hand shown, on top of the remaining cards, slide these two cards between the ace on the face of the first hand, and the remaining four cardsj in the act of squaring up the cards.


ovi place each of the remaining hands face-down on the remaining ".rds you hold. False shuffle and cut, retaining the complete •>rder of the deck, and proceed into the next series of deals, v jntinue for as long as desired, • -Gorve that this move mentioned above is made only in returning he FIRST HAND on top of the remaining cards. This keeps fringing Ihc proper aces into play, in order to fill out the necessary tlushes* It is not :the intent of this discussion to explain this riovo, as experiment will show the most desirable way of doing it, .lids move is beautifully and clearly illustrated on Page 88 of "Now Phoenix" No. 320). Suffice it to say, this will make the i.rick work for you, but not for anybody else trying it, it should further be observed that you must make this move after w r y flush you deal. Otherwise, it won't work for you either, I0H - ON WITH THE STORY :hon JAY MARSHALL showed me what. GEORGE BLAKE had accomplished .ith "Forever" Royal", I realized that my original effect was like .iiu proverbial dog chasing his tail - lots of action - but getting -uohere. George has made a plausible presentation for the routine, - ithout losing any of the effectiveness, and actually climaxing the build-up for the let-down. •.y thought I might'have some ideas on this, and he was SO right 1 In the first-place the Blake variation with the patter concerning1 "Dream Hands" made an entirely new slant for the climax, and the •appearance of the Dream Hand makes a startling culmination for the routine, Hers is the result of my study of the problem after working the' GEORGE BLAKE version:• .:;,' : ihc re is no change in the arrangement of the cards shown iri -the original "Forever Royal" set-up. However, I have taken the'liberty of assigning identities to the remaining cards, which were .orderly indifferent "fillers", thus permitting the dealing of ! ho complete cycle of flush hands as in the parent effect,


Assume that you have dealt hands four times around, thus completing the entire cycle of possible royal flush hands. Once again make the "-slip move" which places the aces in proper position. Continue picking up the hands CLOCKWISE AS BEFORE in the order dealt, When all hands are gathered, thumb-count 8 cards from the bottom of the deck, and cut to top. Proceed to deal eight hands as before. IMMEDIATELY THE 8 HiiNDS HAVE BEEN DEALT, thumb-count FIVE cards from bottom of remaining packet, and cut to top of packet. Drop packet face-down on table. Turn over and show each hand> beginning -with the first thus showing each to be of better than average value, abundance of exceptional hands., remarking that-this is quence, however - since you INVARIABLY deal yourself a

one dealt, Comment on the of no conseRoyal Flush,

Turn over each of the cards in the final hand ONE AT A TIME, showing the usual flush abuilding*.-..Call.the-Gards as turned, naming the final one "ACE", Everybody is actually expecting the ace,-and the "let-down" comes when deuce proves the supposed "Topper" to be a dismal "bust-hand", badly beaten by every hand on the table. Patter along the line of a return to reality, in waking from a beautiful dream which has degenerated into a horrible nightmare. Continue, "And the irony of it all,- is that the CASE ACE, comes along RIGHT NEXT IN LINE I" Lift pff the top card from the remaining packet, and place it faceup on the spade hand, covering the red deuce, to show how it would have filled out the straight flush hand, "And that isn't all. Here are a few more aces in reserve I" Lift next two cards and show. FINIS! SET-UP: Top to Bottom Face-Down: (Read Across;-) AD 5H 3S AS






JD.- XD 2H - 4H QG .- 9H 8D - 7C


5C 3H KS 2S


7H XC 6C 4C


XS 4D 4S 3D



2C 5S KC 9S



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6D KH 9C 2D

r" :

..*&ny years ago, CHARLES T. JORDAN made an exhaustive study of the properties and peculiarities of the "Dove-Tail" riffle shuffle, • rnd his discoveries have become guideposts for succeeding generations of "Cardistes" in the performance of card miracles. TED i.l,b!EiVihNN was greatly intrigued with the perplexities and ingenu.. .ity of the Jordan endeavors, and further explored, and developed the principle, L~re is the next logical step, now appearing for the first time in a principle which I unhesitatingly and unblushingly predict will revolutionize the art of the "Cardiste" - the ultimate in Full Deck Control - made possible ONLY thru the mastery and virtuosity of the system now to be explained: RUSDUCK "STAY-STACK" SYSTEM The deck is honestly, thoroughly and convincingly shuffled by the "Cardiste" as many times as desired - as openly and deliberately cs he cares to make it - YET - Believe it or not - POSSESSION OF ;.; LITHER HALF QF THE DECK - gives him the- knowledge of THE EXACT CaDER A N D POSITION OF EVERY CARD in the OTHER H A L F of the deck HELD BY THE SPECTATOR'. Try to imagine the tremendous advantage gained by the Cardiste with this knowledge at his commandl Try to envision the number of fantastic, fabulous and impossible feats to be accomplished ONLY by this systeml Projecect your imagination beyond the heights of new horizens endowed upon the advanced Cardiste with this weaponl •• •


lulieve me, this system is strictly for the use of the expert - if you are not now in this -class - the mastery of it will make you one - definitely. This system will place the "Cardiste" in that select class because he must spend the time and effort to PRACTICE iiKD UIASTER the PERFECT RIFFLE SHUFFLE - Variously known as the "Faro Shuffle" or the "Weave" wherein the cards are made to fall fruia either hand alternately and singly - one by one, irt this point we afe about" to lose the majority of those who have shovai"an interest so far. For several years, I half-heartedly i.sado spasmodic efforts to master the perfect riffle shuffle, but •vo it up for lack of initiative or necessity to acquire the rt< The necessity-and initiative did come along, however, when (12)

ED MARLO brought in his marvelous work "MARLO IN SPADES" several gambling routines which could not be presented without this shuffle. Consequently, I determined to practice and master this marvelous and ingenious principle with the result that •*• was able to finally make rapid progress, to the extent that the perfect riffle shuffle is now accomplished without effort .-or concentration, automatically. It is not the intent of this discourse to show HOW to do the perfect riffle shuffle. HUGARD-BRAUE, in their classic "EXPERT CARD TECHNIQUE" have devoted a complete ...chapter to the Perfect Faro Shuffle acquiring of the knack - and several miracle effects possible only by its use - as well as various academic tables of mathematical permutations made by the cards in progressive shuffles. The serious student in search of the Perfect Riffle Shuffle is referred to this source of material. BUT - You must develop YOUR OWN technique. From this point on - only the advanced students of "Cardistry" will be in attendance - as curiosity seekers and collectors will pass on to something less in effort and concentration for something of more Apparent interest - so it is time to proceed with the mechanics of the- "STAY-STACK" System, ,.• . .-. ,. ,; Arrange-the cards in the "New Deck" order, that is: Suits in.order from ace to king - with colors alternating. Holding the cards faceup, count off 26 cards (one-half of deck) one card at a time, thus reversing their order. . You are now holding one-half of the deck in each hand with the cards running from ace to king in one hand - and in reverse -order - from king to ace in the «ther» NOW MAKE THIS OBSERVATION: By placing the two halves together Note that the bottom card pairs with the top one in color and value; the second card pairs with the card second from the bottom in the same manner; and each succeeding card in the deck is likewise paired with its complement; and continuing to the dividing point at the center where the paired cards meet, NOW HERE IS WHERE THE PHENOMENON TAKES PLACE: •By cutting the cards at 26 - (a simple matter done in releasing the (13)

crds from thumb until paired cards at middle indicate where cut is to be made) and making ANY NUMBER of Perfect Riffle Shuffles - and disregarding v/hether the top and bottom cards remain in position You will find by examination: ALL CARDS STILL RETAIN THEIR REUTIVE POSITIONS I The top card still matches the bottom one in value and color - the second one matches the one second from the bottom in the same manner - and ALL THRU THE IECK - This situation preyails - THE TOP HALF of the deck EXACTLY MATCHES the BOTTOM HALF in reverse.1 - and. this can be continued INDEFINITELY by cutting at 26, and making any number of successive perfect riffle shuffles* The essential PRIME REQUISITE of the Perfect Riffle Shuffle is that EACH and EVERY card falls alternately ONE BY ONE from either hand without FAULT OR ERROR. Further study of this principle brought to light the facts which I propose to enumerate below: 1. Each half ALWAYS contains two cards of each value - that is: two aces, two deuces, two treys, etc., on thru the two kings. 2. Each half ALWAYS contains 13 red and 13 black cards. 3. Each half ALWAYS.contains 1 red and 1 black card for all 13 values. •




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h, Each half ALWAYS is independent from, but exactly complimentary to, the other, in reverse, Lxporimenting with the pinochle deck of. 48 oards proved that the nui/iier of cards needed for the success of this prinoiple is of no consequence, other than an EVEN number being required, A pinochle Seek has duplicates of all card values* The perfect riffle shuffle, after the original set-up resulted in a perfect mirror reverse for each half of the deck - that is - if the top aard is the Ace of Spades - the bottom card also shows the same suit and value', v;ith the same result for each of the remaining cards in either half of the deck - and each half being a complete unit of all pinochle values - completely independent of the other half j or in reality:'- TWO SEPARATE AND INDIVIDUAL "DECKS in reverse order. (14)-


The success of experimentation with the pinochle deck prompted further efforts in using W O FULL DECKS for the perfect shuffle "STAYSTACK" research. - and "Beleive it or not" - IT WORKED* A perfect riffle shuffle of twe complete decks, set-up in reverse order as explained previously, fulfills all requirements shown in the previous experiments; and also provides THIS phenomenon; No matter how many times the two halves of the combined decks arc perfectly riffle shuffled - a cut at the middle will give TWO COMPLETE DECKS with all values in all suits - and all cards STILL are in MIRROR REVERSE of their duplicates in the other deckl Now for the final discovery I made in this experiment: It so happened that my decks are "Bridge" cards with matching backs, but contrasting color backs, a normal occurance in such paired sets, I was dubious as to the use of contrasting backs for this "STAY-STACK" system - BUT - I found that it adds the FINAL TOUCH -'that little extra - which puts the final lustre to the perfection of this principle. By starting out with two decks with contrasting backs - (decks stacked however in complimentary reverse order) and making subsequent repeated perfect riffle shuffles - I found that the apparent mixing
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