The Canterville Ghost Characters

October 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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 The Canterville Ghost’s characters Main characters: The T he ghost, Virginia and Mr. Mr. Otis Secondary characters: Washington, Mrs. Otis, the twins, Due o! Chesire and "ord Canterville, Mrs. #$ney, gy%sies an &ev 'ugustus Da$%ier. (! we consider this story as a !airy tale, we can de)ne the characters *y $eans o! their !unctions, the ty%ical ones o! the traditional stories according to the !a$ous categories devised *y +ro%% and the structural literary analysis.

Characters in cha%ters  to  unctions: +rotagonist: Mr. Otis 'ntagonist: the ghost O*/ect: to turn out the ghost +rotagonist’s hel%er: Washington and the twins 'ntagonist’s hel%er: his su%ernatural %owers Characters in cha%ters 0 to 1  unctions: +rotagonists: the ghost 'ntagonist: Mr Otis O*/ect: the ghost soul’s li*eration +rotagonist’s hel%er: Virginia 'ntagonist’s hel%er: his !a$ily, e2cluding Virginia, and the Due o! Chesire


Descri%tions o! the characters "ord Canterville *elongs to a very old 3ritish !a$ily who has *een the owner o! Canterville Chase !or three centuries. centuries. 4e sold the haunted house to 4ira$ Otis a!ter warning hi$ a*out the ghost. Mr. Otis is the '$erican '$*assador. 4e is a very rich $an who ca$e !ro$ a $odern country where everything can *e *ought with $oney. 4e *ought Canterville Cantervil le Chase and went there to live with his !a$ily !a$ily.. 4e doesn’t care a*out the ghost *ecause he doesn’t *elieve in it. Mrs. Otis is 4ira$ Otis’s wi!e. She had *een a well5nown 6ew 7or *eauty. She was now a )ne5looing $iddle5aged wo$an, and in $any ways she looed lie an 8nglish lady.

Washington is the oldest son o! Mr. and Mrs. Otis. 4e was a !air5haired, rather good5looing young $an. 4e was !a$ous as an e2cellent dancer. 4e was very sensi*le. Miss Virginia was a lovely girl o! )!teen, with large *lue eyes. She was a good s%ortswo$an s%ortswo$ an and loved to ride horses. Virginia was the only one that didn’t see$ to share her *rother’s /oes to the ghost.  The Twins Twins wer were e two ha%%y lilittle ttle *oys who laughed and sshouted houted a lot. They li lied ed to %lay trics on %eo%le and were o!ten %unished %unished !or the$. Mrs. #$ney is the houseee%er o! Canterville Chase. She is an old wo$an dressed in *lac. She greeted the Otis !a$ily when they arrived.  The Ghost: Sir Sir Si$on th the e Canterville, th the e ghost, illed his wi!e "a "ady dy 8leanor 8leanore e the Canterville in 010. 4e lived !or nine years a!ter that, and then he disa%%eared very $ysteriously. 4is *ody was never discovered , *ut his ghost still haunts the Chase. 4e has the a*ility to change !or$s so he taes the role o! ghostly a%%aritions.


"ord Canterville %ertenece a una !a$ilia *rit9nica $uy antigua ue ha sido due;a de Canterville Chase durante tres siglos. Vendi< la casa e$*ru/ada a 4ira$ Otis des%u=s de advertirle so*re el !antas$a.

8l Sr.$oderno Otis es eldonde 8$*a/ador '$ericano. 8s un ho$*re $uyCo$%r< rico ueCanterville vino de un %a>s todo se %uede co$%rar con dinero. Chase y se !ue a vivir con su !a$ilia. 6o le i$%orta el !antas$a %orue no cree en =l. "a se;ora Otis es la es%osa de 4ira$ Otis. 8lla ha*>a sido una *elle?a *ien conocida de 6ueva 7or. 'hora era una her$osa $u/er de $ediana edad, y en $uchos as%ectos %arec>a una da$a inglesa. Washington es el hi/o $ayor del Sr. y la Sra. Otis. 8ra un /oven de %elo ru*io, *astante gua%o. 8ra !a$oso co$o un e2celente *ailar>n. 8ra $uy sensato. "a se;orita Virginia era una $uchacha encantadora de uince a;os, con grandes o/os a?ules. 8lla era una *uena de%ortista y le encanta*a $ontar ca*allos. Virginia era la @nica ue no %arec>a co$%artir las *ro$as de su her$ano con el !antas$a. "os ge$elos eran dos ni;os %eue;os !elices ue se re>an y grita*an $ucho. "es gusta*a /ugar trucos a la gente y a $enudo eran castigados %or ellos.

"a Sra. #$ney es Salud< la a$a adelallaves deOtis Canterville Chase. 8s una anciana vestida de negro. !a$ilia cuando llegaron. 8l !antas$a: Sir Si$on el Canterville, el !antas$a, $at< a su es%osa "ady 8leanore 8leanor e el Canterville en 010. Al vivi< nueve a;os des%u=s de eso, y entonces =l desa%areci< $isteriosa$ente. Su cuer%o nunca !ue descu*ierto, %ero su !antas$a todav>a %ersigue a la Ca?a. Al tiene la ca%acidad de ca$*iar las !or$as %ara ue to$e el %a%el de las a%ariciones !antas$ag
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