The Canadian Patriot #5

May 29, 2016 | Author: Committee for the Republic of Canada | Category: Types, Magazines/Newspapers
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The DeGaulle-Johnson Fight to Break the British Empire. This issue begins with the true nature of the Parti Quebecois an...


In this issue The history of Canada is one of the most obscured and mis-understood dramas in the western world. Until today, no principled investigation has unveiled the character of the Canadian experience as located between the bipolar tension caused by the incompatible co-existence of the American and British Systems of political economy. The shedding of light upon this obscurity is the challenge which the authors of the following report in this Canadian Patriot have taken up.

Editorial Board Matthew Ehret-Kump Jean-Philippe Lebleu

Staff Avneet Thapar Pascal Chevrier David Gosselin François Lépine Robert Hux, Ph.D. Ilko Dimov Birgit Henker Pierre Beaudry For more information visit: To know more about our associates in the USA through our Political Action Committee or Intelligence Magazine (Executive Intelligence Review), visit: To contact the Committee for the Republic of Canada, write to [email protected] or call (514)-461-7209


Through the analysis provided by the groundbreaking studies of American economist Lyndon LaRouche on physical economy, and his proof of the anti -entropic character of human economic systems, researchers of history have been granted a key to unlock the causal principles of historical changes. The fact is, as this issue and past reports have rigorously laid out, it is not merely human economic systems which must submit to the principle of constant anti-entropy (ie: constant creative growth), but that the entire universe exhibits the same characteristic property, from abiotic, to living matter. The perceived interests of empire which rely upon its control of fixed parameters and monetary logic, has developed a complex web of institutions enforced by “change agents” over countless generations that have been driven by what LaRouche has called “the Oligarchical Principle”… or the submission to the ideology of master-slave social organization. The physical economic expression of this principle as it is presented in the following reports strives to destroy the potential for creative anti-entropic change exhibited by humanity. This fifth issue of the Patriot begins with two reports on Daniel Johnson’s fight to break free of the fixed limits of the British Empire, taking advantage of the bold insight and vision of the great French President Charles de Gaulle. We then introduce a series of studies which expose for the first time ever, the entire complex of “change agents” from Maurice Strong, Liberal Party controller Walter Gorden, Louis Mortimer Bloomfield and General Andrew MacNaughton. These agents, often tragically believed to be great "canadian heroes" worked with full vigor to destroy the potential unleashed by the allies of FDR, Eisenhower and JFK in Canada who, up until the early 1960s were on the cusp of ushering in a new age of continental water and energy development beginning with NAWAPA and the optimistic belief in the unbounded potential of human progress. These British Imperial “change agents” working though the World Wildlife Fund and 1001 Club have also influenced the brainwashing of the native populations of the Americas to take on identities incompatible with scientific and technological optimism which has served as justification for the passage of the recent genocidal bill C-383 in Canada’s House of Commons. We urge you to read the following studies with an intention not merely to consume history, but rather to become equipped to shape the future.

The Canadian Patriot

Contents In this issue .................................................................................................................................2 The de Gaulle-Johnson Struggle to Save the Soul of Quebec………………………………………….....4 The Fight for Continental Water Management in Quebec……………………………………………….14 The Origins of Maurice Strong`s Imperial Perversion of Canada……………………………………..17 The 1001 Club and Maurice Strong`s Kindergarden……………………………………………………….26 Walter Gordon`s Cultural Engineering, Global Governance and Anarchism in Canada……..27 Sections of Assembly of First Nations and Idle No More being Played by Monarchy…………34 The British Crown is Guilty of Canadian Inuit Deportation…………………………………………….35 Permindex Ties revealed to JFK Murder, 1001 Club……………………………………………………....38 The Ugly Truth About General Andrew McNaughton……………………………………………………..45 The History of NAWAPA: Reviving the Spirit of JFK……………….…………………………………….48 The Genocidal Mind of Empire…………………………………………………………………………………….53


The De Gaulle-Johnson Intervention to Save the Soul of Quebec (and the world) By a CRC Investigative Team (Based on original research done by Raynald Rouleau in 2002 and published in l’Acropole)

Every revolutionary scientific discovery must necessarily throw into question our entire system of axioms which compose our scientific baggage. For example, had Kepler accepted the theory that pre-supposed the earth to be at the center of the Solar System 500 years ago, he could never have calculated the relative distance between the planets, nor their elliptical orbits or harmonic arrangement around the Sun. Likewise, had Eratosthenes supposed the earth to be flat 2500 years ago, he never could have calculated its circumference. Similarly, in order to ensure Canada’s and Quebec’s full participation in a new international Glass-Steagall system revolution, it will be necessary to address and challenge the axioms underlying some of our population’s deeply held beliefs about national history and culture.

Part 1 The Origins of the Parti Québécois The founders of the Parti Québécois (PQ) never had the intention of transforming Quebec into a truly sovereign country: that is to say, a constitutional republic, independent of the British Empire. A republic that would be built upon the inalienable rights of citizens, as these were defined and later enshrined in the preamble of the United States Constitution by the founding fathers of the American republic, as the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We are not referencing the actual leaders of the PQ, but rather those who, from the beginning, catalyzed the PQ into existence and continue, to this day, to forge and profit from the artificial divisions that were partly successful in setting up the larger segment of the population of Quebec, the French speakers against the English 4

speaking Canadians living in Quebec and the rest of Canada. A perceived unbridgeable divide that was famously called The Two Solitudes, in earlier times. In fact, these catalysers of the separatist movement had fought tooth and nail against Daniel Johnson Sr. who was among the leading nation-builders in Canadian history and one who did have a mission to implement a constitutional republic for Canada modeled on the American constitution.

Quebec’s republican Premier Daniel Johnson (1915-68) struggled to free Canada of its British Constitution

The PQ was created 16 days after the tragic death of Daniel Johnson, the then Premier of Quebec. The goal was simple: attract all separatist-nationalist forces; whether they be left, right, communist, socialist, or catholic. The game plan was straightforward: maintain the separatist movement as a wedge issue, a divide and conquer British Empire tactic and prevent a Johnson solution that would overthrow the British stranglehold over Canada. In 1982, the LaRouche authored Draft Proposal for a Commonwealth of Canada was also an attempt to free all Canadians from British imperial control. Now, in 2013, the required policy is called the Glass-Steagall system that would eliminate speculative banking and create a Canadian National Bank, on Hamilton’s model, that would issue large amounts of productive public credit that would transform Canada into a fully sovereign nation-state.

The Queen’s Crown Agents One of the impediments to a sovereign Canada has been an aspect of the Monarchy’s extension into its colonies and beyond which is of exceptional importance for Canadians and Quebecois to become familiar with: Her Majesty’s Crown Agents. Before Canada was ever given the legal status of “country”, the term in usage was “Dominion of Canada”; an appendage of the British Empire within the North American continent, administered by Crown Agents, across hundreds of institutions. This structure still exists to this day, and in certain ways, exercises an even greater influence today. “Crown Agents have no formal Constitution and are not part of the United Kingdom Civil Service or of the United Kingdom Government machine... Crown agents act as businesses and financial agents for the Governments of all territories for the administration of which the Secretary of State is ultimately responsible, including the territories under the protection of Her Majesty and the territories administered on behalf of the United Nations”(1). Crown Agents work directly through such key organizations that run the upper echelons of the Civil Service, as well as the Canadian Institute for International Affairs. These bodies coordinate directly with the Canadian oligarchy and London’s Foreign Office through the Canadian Council of Chief Executives. It is not within the corporate boards of directors or even parliament, but here in this hive, where the real directing power of Canada is located. As for the Parti Québécois itself, it was founded by René Lévesque. During World War II, Lévesque was recruited by an agent going by the name of Robb (2), who was the Montreal bureau chief of the Office of War Information (OWI), a nominally American intelligence service, but which operated under British control (3). Lévesque was sent to New York to meet Pierre

(1) p.1-2 A Short History of Crown Agents and Their Office, by Arthur William Abbott, C.M.G, C.B.E The Chiswick Press 1959. -- A.W. Abbott à été Secrétaire de Crown Agents de 1954 à 1958. (2) p. 45 Renée Lévesque: Portrait d'un Québécois, par Jean Provencher Éd. La Presse 1973 (3) In order to win the war, Roosevelt created the OWI and OSS (Office of Strategic Services). OWI took care of the propaganda while OSS took care of intelligence. After the war the OSS and OWI were dismantled, as they were not entirely under American control. The OSS became the CIA and the OWI was re-integrated into British Intelligence services. (4) p. 71 René Lévesque: Portrait d'un Québécois, par Jean Provencher Éd. La Presse 1973

Lazareff, the editor-inchief of the French services of the OWI (4). He was quickly sent to London. By the end of the war he had attained the equivalent to the level of captain: “We were still among the best paid guys. I had something equivalent to the grade of lieutenant. I think I ended as a captain. I wasn’t a captain in charge of a unit, but something equivaRené Lévesque lent” said René Lévesque in an interview years later. After this experience, he was recruited by British intelligence as a “journalist” for the Montreal office of the international radio service of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC). He was transferred to television services in the 1950s and became a celebrity for the French Canadians with his popular political-economic news program “Point de Mire” on Radio Canada. During the 1950s and early 1960s, Lévesque was a regular contributor to the magazine Cité Libre begun by his school period friend, Pierre Elliot Trudeau. By this time, Trudeau had also been recruited by British Intelligence after his conditioning at Harvard, and the London School of Economics. Trudeau was tutored by mentors like William Yandell Elliot, Joseph Schumpeter, and the leader of the British Fabian Society Harold Laski. Both young men had been profiled Pierre Trudeau early on in the Jesuit-run elitist Collège Jean-deBrébeuf. The idea that there had been a legitimate feud between these two men in later years became one of the greatest frauds of Canadian history. It was at this moment that Lévesque was «officially» catapulted to action in Quebec politics. The reason was very simple. It was vital to end, at all cost, the power of the Union Nationale as Daniel Johnson was in the


midst of becoming its leader, after the sudden deaths of Maurice Duplessis and Paul Sauvé and the failure of Antonio Barrette as leader of the party. With Daniel Johnson as leader, the Union Nationale again won the elections of 1966. From the British point of view, this could absolutely not be allowed to happen. Daniel Johnson was after all, a politician of Irish descent, who understood history, and most importantly understood the psychology of the British Empire, especially how the Empire had caused the Irish to suffer famine over generations as a matter of policy. Johnson was part of a small but influential group working within the Catholic Church, who opposed the massive introduction of Malthusian values into society via the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which had forced school reforms leading to the brainwashing of youth in all industrialized countries (5). This was the beginning of what was later called “the counter culture revolution” of sex, drugs and Rock & Roll. After the Liberal victory in Quebec’s 1960 elections, René Lévesque, and another Brébeuf classmate Paul GérinLajoie were among the new `reformers` assigned to carry out the overhaul of the Quebec political and educational structure. Oxford Rhodes Scholar Paul GérinLajoie, the first Minister of Education, led the radical reforms of the Quebec educational system that brought in those OECD reforms by 1965. Within this small but influential group working within the Catholic Church, this “alliance for progress and development” were to be found men representing several nations, from diverse regions of the world, such as Aldo Moro of Italy, Ben Barka of Morocco, John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert, General de Gaulle of France, Cardinal Montini (later to become Pope Paul VI), and Martin Luther King, to name but a few. All promoted human progress. For these people, every human was created in the image of God, regardless of colour and every man, woman and child had the fundamental right (5) At the end of the 1950s, 60% of Québec’s students were studying in science programs, and 50% of Canada’s hydroelectric power was generated in Québec. By the beginning of the 1960s, Hydro Québec forecasted that 50% of its energy would come from nuclear power by 1985. In 1963, under the direction of Alexander King (later to go on to co found the Club of Rome) the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) had produced a report which served as a model for an “educational reform” within all industrialized countries. Some of these reforms involved replacing constructive geometry for “new math”, and replacing the study of Greek and Latin with French existentialism. In Quebec, this reform coincided with the creation of the Ministry of Education (which involved a battle between the Catholic church and Freemasonry). See La Présse of November 11, 1963- A five part series defending the Grand Lodge of Quebec.


An unfortunate Jean Lesage (center) celebrates his victory in 1960 with two architects of “The Quiet Revolution” René Lévesque (left) and Paul Gérin-Lajoie (right).

to development and enjoy the full fruits of scientific and technological progress. This concept is extremely dangerous for an empire which can only maintain its hegemony through the exploitation of resources, and a physical-intellectual impoverishment of its subjects. It is within this context that René Lévesque played his assigned role, directly against the networks of Daniel Johnson. The only positive steps taken by the Liberal Party in Quebec during their period in government (1960-1966), were made via the efforts of Charles de Gaulle, his ministers, and the leader of Opposition Daniel Johnson who had many like minded thinkers within the Liberal Party. The intensity of their organizing even influenced at times the paradoxical and confused Premier Jean Lesage who tended to see himself as a “C.D. Howe nation-builder”, yet was often controlled by forces that he never understood. Little beknownst to Lesage, these forces ironically hated both progress and especially C.D. Howe, the “minister of everything” of the federal Liberal Party of 1938-1957. Lesage had the wits about him to first open up “Maisons du Québec” in Paris with the help of Charles de Gaulle, but not nearly enough to recognize in what way he was being used to undermine both Quebec and Canada as a whole. C.D. Howe represented one of the last prodevelopment leaders in Canadian federal politics

While many people only recognize the lower level oligarchy expressed by such cardboard cutouts as Paul Desmarais and Maurice Strong (on right), the true locus of power is to be found another degree above this in form of the «royals ». Co-founders of the World Wildlife Foundation, and 1001 Club Prince Phillip Mountbatten and the late Prince Bernhard (on left) represent the pure evil demanding world government and depo pulation today.

The majority of the financing of the Liberal Party at that time, was coming from the networks run by Maurice Strong, an enemy of Charles de Gaulle, who himself was an active agent working for the networks of Prince Philip and Prince Bernhard. Liberal Party funds were channelled through subsidiary entities controlled by Power Corporation, of which Maurice Strong was a leading director. Strong became Vice President of Power Corporation in 1963, after having made a fortune during the nationalization of electricity in Quebec. Power Corporation soon got out of the business of energy and quickly became a giant consortium specializing in financial services whose reins were given to a young Paul Desmarais to run as an integral component to the newly re-organized Canadian oligarchy in 1968. To get a simple idea of the relationship between René Lévesque and Daniel Johnson: One day, during a session of the National Assembly, Levesque told Johnson «vous êtes le personnage le plus vomissant que je connaisse» (“you are the most disgusting person that I know). (6) Nevertheless, after Louis Joseph Papineau, Daniel Johnson is the political figure who did the most to advance the development of Quebec and its citizens. Johnson understood that in order for the idea of a new constitution to be accepted in Canada, it needed the approval of the other provinces, though not necessarily Ottawa. In effect, due to a fallacy imbedded in the British North America Act of 1867, the progress of Canada has often tended to be catalyzed by the provinces rather than the federal government. From a legal standpoint, Ottawa was rarely much more (6) Jean Provencher, René Lévesque: Portrait d’un québecois, 1973, p.166

than the “buffer” between the British Empire and the Canadians. When Ottawa had been able to direct true development as was seen clearly during the 1937-1957 Liberal Party leadership, it was due to a mix of American private and public initiative, and the vast war powers used by the likes of C.D. Howe which permitted him to bypass both the parliamentary red tape and the civil service bureaucracy long after World War II had come to an end. Daniel Johnson knew that if he could gain the support of the provinces, then Ottawa would have no other choice but to accept the will of the people. An informal conference comprising the ten provinces had occurred by the end of 1967, in order to put in place a strategy which went on to become the first official Constitutional conference in February 1968, which strove to adopt a Canadian Constitution, written by and for Canadians. A constitutional committee made up of provincial representatives was established in the course of that month. This committee’s mandate involved studying all of the propositions made by the provinces. Sadly, on June 5, 1968, Johnson suffered a severe heart attack, forcing him to pull out of politics for 10 weeks, returning triumphantly in September. He gave a press conference on September 25 in Quebec, just before leaving for the inauguration of the Manicouagan 5 dam, where he was planning to unveil his full nation-building vision. He was planning to meet de Gaulle ten days later, and was intending to invite him to return to Quebec in 1969. However, the next morning he was found dead in his bed at the foot of the great hydro project that he had set into motion ten years earlier. To add insult to injury, Charles de Gaulle was denied an invitation to attend the funeral of “mon ami Johnson”. This marked the end of Johnson’s Constitutional project. 7

Part 2 The de Gaulle-Johnson Project During the summer of 1967, Canada was celebrating its centennial with the 100th anniversary of the British North America Act. It must be noted that the Canadian Confederation of 1867 was formed for no other reason but the protection of the empire against the republican forces of Abraham Lincoln in the United States and their allies in Canada. That same year, the president of France took the hand extended to him by Daniel Johnson, which sent a shockwave throughout the entire North American continent. De Gaulle received an official invitation from the Premier of Quebec in May 1967, after Mr. Johnson himself was the General’s guest of honour in Paris. During this historic meeting, France and Quebec had put an emphasis upon nine principled points of cooperation for the development of culture, technology, and industry. One of these points involved Quebec’s entry into the Franco-German space program “Symphony”, for the development of communications satellites (7). We must remember that thanks to de Gaulle, France had become a world power centering on the pillars of “Progress, Independence and Peace”. De Gaulle told the people of Quebec: “Your history is our history. In reality this is the history of France”, he added that within the circumstances “it is now up to you to play the role which was written for you, a French role”. This did not mean that those who spoke English or were foreign to France couldn’t play a “French role”. Are you inspired by the idea of “Progress, Independence and Peace”? If so, then in the mind of de Gaulle, you are French! Continuing his voyage in Canada, de Gaulle spoke in the Town of Berthier on July 24 1967: “France for her part, after great obstacles and tests, is in the midst of a booming renewal and, you can see and feel it. It is an (7) The Symphony Program was a Franco-German project consisting of two communications satellites which would have the effect of connecting Quebec with the rest of the French speaking world. De Gaulle invited Quebec to participate with Johnson replying “the cosmos will speak French”. The project wouldn’t be ready until the beginning of the 1970s. Sadly, the Ariane rockets had exploded on lift off twice and were finally sent in space by the American Delta rocket in 1974 and 1975. However the Americans only cooperated on the condition that there would be no intercontinental link, thus immediately excluding Quebec from the project.


example both of progress for the world, but also an example of the service of men, wherever or whomever they are!” Midway between Québec and Montreal, at the industrial city of TroisRivières, the General had launched a brilliant attack against the British Empire: “When a nation is President Charles de Gaulle born, we cannot justify her existence and her rights, as you sung “Oh Canada” earlier, we cannot justify her existence and her rights unless we are moving towards progress. This is who you are, and I can see it from one end of Quebec to the other. You are in the midst of accomplishing magnificent economic and technological developments!” If we look at the world today, those countries most under-developed are those territories which are under the influence of the British Empire. The “love of progress”, as de Gaulle describes it, is non existent within the British Empire. Enslavement and the pillaging of resources are the only conditions within which the cancerous Empire can survive. But as Johnson and de Gaulle understood the problem clearly, cancerous cells have no lasting future. They die with the host which they had just killed. The greater their power, the harder their fall. A country cannot survive for long unless it is perpetually creating true wealth, unless it is progressing. De Gaulle saw his intervention in Canada from 1960 to 1969 as not only an intervention into international geopolitics, but of primary importance for all humankind. Continuing his voyage along the shores of the St Lawrence River, he declared during a stop in Louiseville: “this effort (the cooperation between France and New France for progress, independence and peace), this effort is something which France wishes to develop and you can count on her, since that which we do together, we French from one side of the Atlantic to the other, is what we can do to improve humanity as a whole”.

“Vive le Québec Libre!” On July 24, de Gaulle’s open top presidential motorcade made several stops in small towns and villages on his journey between Quebec and Montreal on what is known as the former “Chemin du Roy” (the King’s Path) along the northern shore of the St. Lawrence. Throughout the day, he gave several short speeches, in different towns and villages, to cheering crowds. Before he reached Montreal in the early evening, he already had been enthusiastically greeted by nearly half a million people. In the evening, he delivered his famous speech from the balcony of Montreal City Hall, in front of a large crowd assembled at Place Jacques Cartier. “... I will confide in you a secret you should not repeat. Both this evening, and all along my journey, I have found myself in the same sort of atmosphere as I experienced during the Liberation. On top of this, I have seen what efforts have been achieved towards progress, development and consequently freedom that you have accomplished here... This is why she (France) has, alongside the government of Quebec, and alongside my friend Johnson, signed treaties to unite the French from both sides of the Atlantic... You are in the midst of becoming elites, you are creating factories, enterprises, laboratories which will surprise everyone... Long live Montreal! Long live Quebec! Long live a free Quebec! Long live a French Canada and long live France »! The British monarchy was frightened by the visit of de Gaulle. The awakening of the “little people”, the awakening of a country, of a republic, the idea of freedom, and the integration of “that spark of France”, which is diametrically opposed to the Empire, represented a mortal threat to its existence. This is why a propaganda cam-

De Gaulle stands on the balcony of City Hall in Montreal, Quebec having just challenged thousands of Quebecois to break with the British Empire.

paign was unleashed exclaiming: “de Gaulle is playing the game of a small minority of extremists who want the separation of Quebec.” (72% of French Canadians were favourable to the policies of de Gaulle: Four million... that makes a nice “small minority of extremists”.) It is quite interesting to note that René Lévesque, the Parti Québécois’s future leader, one of the leaders of the real minority of separatists, was not at all happy with de Gaulle’s move: “We tried, until the last moment, to convince Aquin [one of Lévesque’s colleague] not to go ahead with his statement [in favour of de Gaulle]. (…) It didn’t take long before he was dubbed a Gaullist MNA. That’s exactly what we wanted to avoid when forming the movement. (…) You will find it was one of the major reasons we delayed the creation of the movement.” Lévesque would angrily say:“we don’t need the French to tell us what to do. We will not become the lowly imitators of the general, thank you” (9)

Daniel Johnson and Charles de Gaulle in Quebec

(8) p. 249 Daniel Johnson: 1964-1968 la difficile recherche de l'égalité. Pierre Godin, Edition de l'homme,1980.

Showing a total lack of understanding towards de Gaulle’s design, Lévesque continues: “We maintain an enormous gratitude to de Gaulle, for having, by this happy mistake, made us known to the world.” Lévesque says “mistake”, what a lack of insight! As if the British Empire’s attack on de Gaulle was based on the “Vive le Québec Libre”… De Gaulle had put sticks in the Empire’s gears the whole time he was President of the French Republic. That is why they hated him so much, not for few words said on the balcony of Montreal’s City Hall.

(9) Claude Fournier, René Lévesque: Portrait d’un homme seul, 1993, p.83-84


Part 3 Freedom for the Whole of Canada De Gaulle was never a separatist. On the contrary, it could be said that he was more favourable to a Canadian marriage than a Quebec-British relationship. The official declaration of the French Ministers Council of July 31 1967 was clear: “He (de Gaulle) was brought to measure their will (of the French Canadians) to attain the evolution that would need to be accomplished by Canada as a whole to control their own affairs and become masters of their own progress.” Contrary to popular opinion, de Gaulle’s intentions were never to destroy Canada, but rather to liberate it from the British octopus, so that all of Canada could enjoy the liberty that would be the effect of France’s policy of Progress, Independence and Peace. While de Gaulle and Johnson clearly wanted to liberate Quebec, they knew that it wouldn’t be possible as long as Canada were an appendage of the Crown… During his press conference of November 27, 1967 at the Palais de l’Elysée, de Gaulle explained what two “preconditions” were absolutely necessary for a “free Quebec” to come into being. The first would be a «complete change of the Canadian political structure” that had been established a century earlier by the British Monarchy. The second condition would necessitate the re-uniting of lost bonds between the French cultures on both sides of the Atlantic in solidarity. Alas, today we know that a series of (well synchronized) heart attacks insured that the historic reunion that de Gaulle dreamed of would not occur. This failure contributed directly to the formation of the terrible Anglo-American geopolitical system that we know today.

Diefenbaker, de Gaulle and Johnson Throughout the 1960s, Daniel Johnson fought to ensure that not only Quebec, but Canada as a whole would eventually become sovereign and adopt a republican constitution. He understood, as General de Gaulle did also, that the proper development of a French society within Canada could only occur if Canada itself became a sovereign nation based upon a principle of progress. This is the only way to comprehend Johnson`s

battle cry:“independence if necessary, but not necessarily independence”. This understanding was evidenced in Johnson’s energetic support to ensure the sweeping victory of John Diefenbaker as Prime Minister in 1957 and 1958 winning the full support of the Union N a t i ona l e. Diefenbaker is distinguished as the only Canadian Prime Minister to campaign vigorously for De Gaulle and Johnson ally a full Canadian developJohn Diefenbaker ment plan and devotion to scientific and technological progress, going so far as to fight for the establishment of a Canadian Credit System for the first (and only) time in history (10). To the astonishment of all, Diefenbaker’s Conservatives swept the elections taking even the majority of the vote in Quebec, a province which had never broken with its support of the federal Liberal Party since the days of Wilfrid Laurier. Since their original meeting in a Commonwealth Conference of Parliamentarians in 1950, Diefenbaker and Johnson would be allies with Johnson even being considered “the right arm of Diefenbaker in Quebec” (11). Diefenbaker was also known to be allied closely with General de Gaulle during this period. This friendship quickly formed after their first 1958 meeting in Paris. Years later, Diefenbaker wrote of his friendship with de Gaulle in the following terms: “I was very much impressed with de Gaulle’s wisdom and with the fullness of his dedication to the service of France. In truth, he was the soul of France… Of all the official visits that I made during my period of office, none exceeded in splendour General de Gaulle’s reception in honour of Canada.” (12) The admiration both leaders shared for one another established a foundation of cooperation based upon a common recognition that the sovereignty of nations rested upon their commitment to constant rejuvenation. Were the policies of Diefenbaker and his “Northern Vision” to succeed, a systemic overhaul of the Canadian federal political structure must necessarily have

(10) Matthew Ehret-Kump, Diefenbaker and the Sabotage of the Northern (12) John Diefenbaker, Memoirs vol. 2, Macmillan of Canada, Toronto, Vision, The Canadian Patriot, CRC, January 2013, p. 28 (11) Albert Gervais, Daniel Johnson: A Short Biography, pg. 18 p.94


occurred. A universal cultural heritage of progress would have established a principle upon which a multi-linguistic unified country of various ethnicities could organically be nourished and grow. Without this orientation and a unified sense of national mission living in the hearts of a people, any nation were doomed to division, and multicultural stagnation under the Social Darwinist laws of “each against all”. Both de Gaulle and Johnson were undoubtedly sensitive to this fact, although Diefenbaker the unrepentant monarchist was somewhat more naïve regarding the obstacles that would be set in his path and eventually sabotage much of his attempted revolution in physical economics and statecraft. During his Ottawa message of April 18, 1960, Charles de Gaulle expressed his feeling of a Canada pregnant with the potential for progressive change, in the following terms:

General de Gaulle and Chancellor Konrad Adenauer threw a large monkey wrench into the gears of the British Empire with de Gaulle’s Grand Design for a Europe ‘from the Atlantic to the Urals’

“How delighted and honoured I am to find myself on Canadian soil. Many are the reasons for this: first of all, our deeply rooted past- numerous indeed are the links which bound us, and which, indeed, still bind us- and then there is the more recent past. I recall the two World Wars in which your country and mine joined forces in the battle for freedom of the world… I am therefore pleased to be back on your soil, and to renew my many friendships, and to greet you in the name of France. Long live Canada, Long live France, and Long live the free peoples!”

From a British to an American Constitution While often critical of the direction America had chosen to pursue in the post-Kennedy era, de Gaulle and Johnson were not at all opposed to the United States as a country; that is to say, the essence and soul of the United States expressed in its constitution. This fact is evidenced by Daniel Johnson’s constitution project where on page 19 of his Égalité ou Indépendance, we can read: “It were wise to examine what opportunities exist to replace the British based parliamentary system with a congressional system based upon the American model”. The problem is clear. The origin of those terrible things which we here in Canada have often attributed to the “American Empire” can usually be traced back to an oligarchy in the City of London, moving quietly

through networks in the Canadian Establishment. De Gaulle, who had access to the most efficient intelligence services of the day, would certainly not ignore the evil role played by the secret societies and elite clubs loyal to the Empire. Those networks, which had come to determine in large part United States foreign policy, have had the tendency to induce the USA to behave very much contrary to its historical nature. On top of that, these networks are highly ingrained and protected throughout Canada. By the beginning of the 1960s, the world was entering a very unstable period. The fruits of those great works planted by de Gaulle over the years following WW II, revealed a new dimension to the French identity centered on “progress, independence and peace”, and come to play a crucial role in history. Under de Gaulle`s leadership, a new era was taking form: He removed all French forces from NATO, he refused England’s desired entry into the Common Market since he knew that if they would be permitted entrance, then his Grand Design of a Europe as agreed upon by himself and Germany’s Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, from “the Atlantic to the Urals” could never come into existence. De Gaulle wanted a “détente”, and that would involve ending the cold war, and advancing policies of economic cooperation between the East and West. This period therefore elicited great hope among republican forces.


Part 4 Daniel Johnson’s Courage At the official dinner honouring General de Gaulle on the evening of his arrival in Québec, Daniel Johnson was full of hope and outlined his acceptance of the General’s challenge to join in his Great Design. “Under your leadership, France has recovered a stability that merits our admiration. She has vigorously pursued a vast program of national planning which, in two decades, has justified your unshakable faith in what you yourself have called the ‘genius of rebirth.” “[…] but your light shines beyond the frontiers of old Europe as witnessed by the eloquent receptions of which you were the object in Asia and in the Americas during recent years. Your understanding of world problems, your decisiveness and your tenacity executing your ideas polarises the hopes of numerous countries. Your diplomatic actions have proven in many ways to be one of the most powerful factors of international equilibrium.” Two days later, just before de Gaulle’s departure, Johnson added that he believed a new era was opening up for Quebec on the world stage, and that Quebec would be able to play a role of partner and unifying force to achieve universal good will. In the mind of the Premier, the French nation in America would enter world history and realize her international role.

[…] Progress, independence and peace, are those goals which our political decisions must follow […] In this way, all that is realized in the development of the country, in whatever domain, at whatever moment, in any way, is fought in principle and without exception, all of the time, by those humble followers of its truth. The fact that France, without denying any friendship to Anglo American nations, but breaking with absurd conformity and outdated habits, takes a proper French position on the subject of the war in Viet Nam and the conflict in the Middle East, or- no later than yesterdayof the unanimous and powerful will to franchise that French Canadians manifested around the President of the French Republic, stupefied and indignant as they were to the apostles of decline. “

Conclusion For over four decades, a blinding darkness has spread across the Quebec political scene. After the death of Daniel Johnson, the nightmarish vision of those “apostles of decline” began to be felt across all of Canada. Over the recent decades, no one has yet risen to shine light on the road to progress, as the light of Johnson’s spirit was no longer directly visible. The English and French populations of Canada had fallen as moths at night, upon the blinding flame of the Empire, with Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau on one side, and his counterweight, René Lévesque on the other. Canadians thought they had to pick either one of the two, without ever considering for one instant that either choice would have them fall under a single trap.

Upon returning to Paris, de Gaulle explained his political vision to the French people, a vision which Anglo American political forces acting through the French press and political channels rabidly attacked. In his televised address of August 10, 1967, the General demonstrated that the liberation of “New France” was a necessary aspect of French foreign policy. “Ordinarily, each of us- and this is very normal- is absorbed by the circumstances and demands of daily life and thus takes very little time to look at the whole of which they are a part, or what could become of our country. And yet, everything depends upon it […]. As in the tense situation in which the world finds itself, our peoples’ actions weigh heavily on her destiny. We have the opportunity today to ask what goals are necessary for the direction of the country and which path will best achieve them?


The post ‘68 era of Canadian history was be shaped by counterculture irrationalism and the artificial conflict between Pierre Trudeau and Rene Levesque

Would it not have been better to return to a saner period of our history and to follow the example of those individuals who understood those goals of Progress, Development, Cooperation and Peace? Why must we continue to admire those who, consciously or not, brought the vision of de Gaulle and Johnson to ruin? Why must we continuously give our admiration to those who resisted joining their efforts when the time was ripe? Whether you were for or against René Lévesque is not important, but the great error of those living at that time, was their belief that René Lévesque truly desired independence and sovereignty, or even that Lévesque represented, under one form or another, the continuity of the “de Gaulle-Johnson” tradition. Johnson’s presentation of his project for a constitutional republic to liberate all of Canada, and as de Gaulle hoped, transform the soul of the United States at the same time, was one of the most dangerous moments in the Empire’s recent history. By the end of the 1960s, the choking of the «French effort» had become a terrible success, culminating with the death of Johnson, the fall of de Gaulle in France the following year, and the October crisis of 1970. The

later October Crisis was an operation directed by the Special services of Anglo American interests, which terrorised hundreds of thousands of Quebecois under the dynamic of terrorism, cultural irrationalism and martial law, to the point that the traumatized population forgot what exactly de Gaulle and Johnson were trying to do for them. Little by little, the consolidation of perfidious independence movements, of which René Lévesque was a key figurehead, became hegemonic and a trap for those in whose hearts a flame of liberty had not yet been extinguished. It is never easy to admit to have been scammed, especially when that scam, under various guises, spanned a period of over four decades. The majority of those members of the Parti Québécois or Bloc Québécois are not necessarily bad people, if perhaps a little naïve. In general most people who want sovereign change have a positive inclination and disgust for the effects of imperialism, but the fact of being emotionally attached to false institutions and false axioms that have led directly to civilization’s enslavement and downfall, will forever keep them from representing the true interests of our people.

For vital background on the hidden history of Canada’s struggle for progress and an introduction to the true nation builders you don`t learn about in school, read the last issues of the Canadian Patriot. The true stories of C.D. Howe, John Diefenbaker, W.A.C. Bennett and the imperial agents working through the Rhodes Trust network that has struggled to destroy their legacy from past and future generations is uniquely unveiled for the first time in these pages. To order past copies, call or write to the offices of the Canadian Patriot at [email protected] 514-461-7209 13

The Fight for Continental Water Management in Quebec By Matthew Ehret-Kump While minister of Hydraulic Resources under the leadership of l’Union Nationale Premier Maurice Duplessis (1945-1959), Daniel Johnson championed large scale water and hydroelectric projects, making Quebec into the premier pioneer of hydroelectric engineering in the world. Prior to Maurice Duplessis, Québec’s break with cultural backwardness that had plagued its population for so long, had been initiated most boldly with Premier Adélard Godbout (1939-1944) and his creation of Hydro Quebec via the nationalization of Montreal Light, Heat and Power Company. Godbout’s collaborator Louis Philippe Pigeon was inspired by Roosevelt’s Tennessee Valley Authority, and began bold programs that unleashed cheap electricity, advanced agricultural technologies and rural electrification, breaking the usurious private stranglehold of Montreal Light, Heat and Power which had been prohibiting development and squeezing the population dry with expensive and unreliable electricity for decades. Adélard Godbout, Photo: Commission de la capitale nationale

By 1959, approximately half of Canada`s hydroelectric power was coming from Quebec, and a culture of progress was finally beginning to blossom through the aid of the unique `Classical education` system whose design was to create morally developed citizens fluent in classical literature, as well as Greek and Latin.

was also given carte blanche to use Quebec-based engineers instead of Duplessis’ intention to use only American firms to construct Quebec’s energy and water development projects. Daniel Johnson would lead in the initiation of several ambitious hydroelectric programs during the last years of the 1950s which would include the Manicouagan 1, 2, 3 and 5 as well as three sites at the OuPaul Sauvé tardes River with the 2600 Megawatt (MW) Manicouagan 5, or “Manic 5” dam as the largest of the set. The Dams would impound the world’s fifth largest asteroid impact crater creating the fifth largest reservoir in the world. The total electricity development of these projects would be over 7500MW! The real wealth however, would be located not in the increased electricity, monetary profits or even productivity of the society, but rather in the intellectual and cultural revolution that would transform a submissive society into proud citizens due to their increased mastery of nature. The former boundary conditions that had held Quebec back in a closed system and a logic of scarcity, were being quickly eliminated to the horror of the British Empire.

After Duplessis` untimely death in 1959, the next wave of cleansing of radically regressive elements inside of the Quebec establishment occurred during the ``100 day revolution`` of Paul Sauvé, Duplessis’ successor. Under Premier Sauvé and Johnson, the trans-Canada highway was constructed through Quebec, and an array of social reforms were implemented leading to increased funding to classical colleges and increased minimum wages. Johnson The Manicouagan-5 Dam (later re-named the Daniel Johnson Dam)


The Quiet Counter-Revolution After untimely heart attacks killed both Maurice Duplessis in 1959 and his successor Paul Sauvé four months later, the Union Nationale fizzled out and was replaced by the “new reformers” of the Liberal Party of Jean Lesage and a clique of authors of a program later called “The Quiet Revolution”. This program was led by René Lévesque who became Minister of Natural Resources, his deputy Maurice Lamontagne, and a young Rhodes Scholar named Paul Gérin-Lajoie. These characters had spearheaded the establishment of the first Ministry of Education, cleansing the educational system of all traces of classical-humanism. While Lévesque went on to form the Parti Québécois (PQ) 16 days after Johnson’s death, Maurice Lamontagne became an influential Senator and Chair of the Commission which purged Canadian science policy in 1970 bringing in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD’s) Systems Analysis. This strategy was being led at the time by Alexander King, then science director of the OECD, and later co-founder of the Malthusian Club of Rome, whose Canadian branch included Maurice Lamontagne as a founding member. In 1970, Gérin-Lajoie would head up the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) created by Maurice Strong two years earlier. Gérin-Lajoie employed his fellow Rhodes Scholar Jean Beetz to direct the Institute for Research into Public Law (IRPL) at the Université Laval in 1961, providing Pierre Trudeau with his first teaching position after having been blacklisted by Duplessis for years. This institute also brought Trudeau’s inner circle collaborators Marc Lalonde and Michael Pitfield in on the Board of Directors. All of these “new reformers” were united in having come to prominence writing for the influential anti-Duplessis magazine Cité Libre, begun by Trudeau in 1950. At this time Gen. Andrew McNaughton Pitfield and Lalonde were busily working as assistants to Federal Minister of Justice Davie Fulton whose assignment was to (1) Premier Bennett fought for almost 7 years to ensure that his plans to develop the Peace River in northern BC would not be sabotaged by either Mcnaughton or Fulton who tried various schemes to ensure that Canada was not brought into closer proximity with America to the north or the south. For more, see `W.A.C Bennett: Canada`s Spritual Father to NAWAPA`, by this author in The Canadian Patriot #4, Jan 2013

The founding members of the IRPL in 1961, most notably Marc Lalonde (upper left), Jean Beetz (bottom left) and Pierre Trudeau (upper right)

sabotage the design of W.A.C. Bennett’s “Two Rivers” development policy in British Columbia (1). Fulton was also a Rhodes Scholar and was allied with another “new nationalist” named General Andrew McNaughton, then Canadian head of the International Joint Commission charged with overseeing transboundary water issues with the United States. Their chosen method of proposing water projects on the West Coast that would cut off the Americans and direct water to Canadians only, would be attempted in the East Coast as well as we shall soon see. The fear of “continentalism” driven by technological progress and joint development of resources amongst Canada and the USA was the greatest motivator of the British Empire at this time. Louis-Philippe Pigeon While many elements intent on bringing in “scientific” (aka: system’s analysis) methods of management in political and educational planning were introduced with these Liberals, positive elements such as Adélard Godbout’s old ally Louis-Philippe Pigeon was brought in to help plan for Quebec’s development as well. Daniel Johnson’s friend Pierre Laporte also became a leader within the “new reformers” and went on to be assassinated by the RCMP controlled FLQ terrorist cells in October 1970. Some of these elements, including Jean Lesage himself, would became influenced by the aggressive diplomacy of Charles de Gaulle who intended for Quebec to take on a key role in his international “Grand Design”. Jean Lesage


Johnson’s plans for the Manicouagan and Outardes dams were almost thwarted early on due to the intervention by Lord Edmund Leopold de Rothschild who commissioned a study to exploit the 5428 MW hydro potential of Labrador’s Churchill Falls as an alternative to moving ahead with the Johnson Lord Edmund Rothschild design. General McNaughton became an avid champion of the Rothschild project and had it gone through then no culture of Quebec engineering or development would have occurred as it did, and a greater degree of separation of Canada from the USA would have been effected. Through the influence of Johnson’s allies in the Liberal Party, as well as Charles de Gaulle’s advice, Lesage was swayed to break with the Rothschild policy and moved ahead with the Johnson plan employing Quebec engineers. By 1965 Lesage became even more uncooperative with the British-run `New Reformers` when he rejected his former adherence to the `Fulton-Favreau` formula for constitutional reform then being pushed by Gérin-Lajoie and the IRPL. A $100 million loan provided by B.C.’s Premier W.A.C. Bennett who was busy fighting a similar battle on the West Coast was also used to help Jean Lesage access highly needed capital to begin construction of the Manicouagan and Outardes dams. The intention to keep society stuck within frameworks of fixed parameters, both materially and intellectually, has been the driver of this past cycle of history that began with the deaths of Paul Sauvé, and John F. Kennedy. The fact that mankind`s relationship with the biosphere is not fixed, but rather dynamic has been a troublesome reality which those self-proclaimed `gods` and their lackeys would try desperately to conceal. The sole metric of value worth 16

anything must be founded on the fact that the biosphere`s evolution is the effect of an anti entropic directionality underlying the fabric of the universe, and wh en humanit y Johnson greets workers at the unveiling of the Manicouagan 5 Dam abides by its own anti-entropic potential by making ever more advanced discoveries into the universe, those parameters defining his limits melt away and ever greater states of freedom are opened to his potential sphere of activity. By disregarding this fact, the British Empire, and all empires necessarily force themselves into the conclusion, as Aeschylus`s Zeus had done, that depopulation and the management of diminishing resources is the unfortunate basis upon which its continued existence must be maintained. Let us learn from the lesson of Charles de Gaulle, Paul Sauvé and Daniel Johnson by throwing off the shackles of Zeus and return to a spirit of progress before the path towards a new dark age becomes one from which we can no longer return.

The full layout of hydroelectric power in Quebec now accounts for 40 GW of energy. The northern most system of James Bay Project dams were constructed under Liberal PremierRobert Bourassa, and continued by René Lévesques, but also served to derail the Hydro Quebec policy of going nuclear following the example of Ontario Hydro..

The Origins of Maurice Strong’s Imperial Perversion of Canada By Matthew Ehret-Kump Prologue

Anna Louise Strong, a high level member of the Trust [See Box].

In view of the growing importance of the role of Canada in world policy, both as a potential linchpin around a Eurasian - USA collaboration, but also as a tool of British geopolitics in sabotaging international development, it is the purpose of this report to showcase one of the most active agents of the British Empire of this century. Maurice Strong is a Canadian who has played many roles during his life, from Rockefeller sponsored oil executive, to Liberal Party sponsor, Conservation guru, to international political advisor, but the invariant throughout it all has been his adherence to the Fabian Society’s logic of World Governance, and population reduction.

Historian Scott Thompson wrote in a 1999 study of Strong’s early career: “Strong did not stay long with this Crown -chartered firm [Hudson’s Bay], but quickly teamed up with an American adventurer named "Wild Bill" Richardson, who, after serving in the Royal Canadian Air Force, had begun prospecting in the North. Through his wife, Mary, (née McColl), Wild Bill had a tie with the family that founded the largest oil company in Canada, McColl-Frontenac. The company was controlled by its U.S. investor, Texaco, part of John D. Rockefeller's original oil trust monopoly. Wild Bill hired the 18year-old Strong to be one of the "five men Maurice Strong of the North" who built his New Horizon Explorations Ltd. (NHE Ltd.) prospecting Strong’s influence in shaping national firm. Wild Bill also acted as a spy, stealpolicy for almost five decades for his masters in the City of London cannot be overstated… especially as he now oper- ing the mail of the National Council of Canadian-Soviet ates as a key agent of influence in China playing a poten- Friendship, which shared offices in the same building as tially devastating role in undermining the Four Powers Al- NHE Ltd.’s Toronto headquarters. liance (Russia, China, India, and USA) promoted by Through Wild Bill, Strong was American economist Lyndon LaRouche. introduced to many of the future We now present on a brief biographical profile of Maurice political leaders of Canada— Strong from his unlikely beginnings in Saskatchewan to e.g., Paul Martin Sr., then Membecoming the powerful front man for the new British Em- ber of Parliament for Windsor— who later helped advance his pire. career. Another important person whom Strong met at Wild What is Maurice Strong? Bill's home was Noah Monod, After leaving his Manitoba home at the age of 14 in 1943, then treasurer of the United Nathe young Maurice Strong found his first job working as a tions, who invited Strong to fur trader for the Hudson Bay Company in northern Can- New York, where he introduced ada. All of Strong’s biographers present a series of strange him to David Rockefeller. This gaps at this point, as he makes the unlikely shift from fur was the start of a lifelong friendtrader, to the United Nations and into leading corporate ship and business relationship. positions of oil companies all before the age of 30. A nec- For the rest of his career, everyessary key to explain this early rise to prominence can be where that Strong went, Rocke- Strong collaborator roller and fellow cardboard cutout David Rockefeller found in the fact that a sponsor of the young Strong was a feller money was sure to folpowerful member of the American branch of his family, low.” (1) (1) Scott Thompson, Maurice Strong Exposes Al Gore’s Dark Age ‘Cloak of Green’, Executive Intelligence Review, January 29, 1999, p. 24


Maurice Strong’s meteoric rise to power in international affairs can only be understood as the effect of this early recruitment to the networks steered by the Rockefellers and the Council on Foreign Relations, themselves mere junior partners in the Globally extended British Empire. The following decade would see the world torn between two post war impulses: that of an anti colonial defense of national sovereignty as the instrument for true development of science and technological development on the one side, and a recolonization of nations under the control of a new Anglo American alliance. Strong returned to Canada to become an oil “analyst” in Calgary firms such as Dome Exploration which was connected to Rockefeller’s Standard Oil though Strong’s partnership with Jack Gallagher, a man who had been a Standard Oil executive for 12 years. Strong had spent over a year beginning in 1951 working in Africa, taking a boat to Mombassa Kenya, during the peak of the Mau Mau revolt. His African work would take him to Zanzibar, Tanzania, Uganda, Mauritius, Madagascar, Eritrea and the Congo. Throughout these adventures in collapsing colonial structures, Strong worked for CalTex, which was a joint venture between Texas Company and Socal. Strong’s world assignment would take him to India, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong and the Philippines, arriving back to Canada in 1954. At this point, Strong returned to work for Dome and now also including work with the YMCA into his portfolio. YMCA served as a valuable intelligence institution as its powerful worldwide networks were unique in that they crossed all Cold War barriers. It was one of the few Western organizations that maintained its facilities in Eastern Europe as well as mainland China. Elaine Dewar writes in Cloak of Green that it was in the summer of 1955 Strong took a detour to Geneva and introduced himself to his very distant American cousin Robbins Strong. “The Y had just appointed him the Professional Secretary of its extension and inter-movement aid division which divvied up government and private money for aid projects. These moneys were moved discreetly around the world by the Swiss banks of Geneva. Leonard Hentsch of the private bank of Hentsch et Cie. was the division's treasurer that year. Strong and Hentsch became friends and later, business partners. In due course, the two Strongs formed what Robbins referred to as "a cabal" to reduce U.S. dominance of the Y's international system. As Robbins saw it, there were "problems" with the International Committee of the U.S.A. and Canada. By 1958, Robbins Strong 18

Maurice Strong in Kenya during the Mau Mau uprising of 1954

at twenty-nine, Maurice Strong had got appointed to that committee.” (2)

Liberal Kingmakers and Power Corp. Already by 1956, Strong was a close friend of Paul Martin Sr., who was getting ready to run for the leadership of the Liberal Party of Canada. Martin regularly visited Strong, at his house in Calgary. Elaine Dewar continued: “Strong picked this time to leave Dome, and form his own company, MF Strong Management. In 1960 Strong was an equity holder in Ajax Petroleum, another "independent" oil company, when Paul Martin's son, Paul Jr., came to work for him during his summer vacation”. “In 1961, Strong had been appointed chair of Robbins Strong's international division at the Y, which gave Strong a reason to rent a house outside Geneva where he was frequently visited by Paul Martin Jr... That same year, Strong became acquainted with Harold Rea, the new president of the Canadian YMCA and a man who ran an oil company controlled by Power Corporation in Montreal. Rea was looking for a new president for Power Corporation.” (3) Power Corporation was (and still is) a control center for the British Empire’s management of Canada. It had been put together in 1925 to control the ownership of power generation facilities across the country. Power Corporation was run by Peter Thomson Sr., head of Nesbitt Thomson, one of the largest brokerage firms in Montreal and until the mass provincial buyouts of their utilities in 1960-61, had controlled the majority of energy systems, and oil across Canada.

(2) Elain Dewar, Cloak of Green, James Lorimer & co. publishers, Toronto, 1995, p.268 (3) Cloak of Green, p.269

The control of Power Corporation moved to Peter N. Thompson Jr., upon the death of his father. Thompson Jr. already had a massive influence in the Quebec Liberal Party at this time (4). In Quebec, this British-run AngloAmerican machine, had been used to defeat the Vaticansteered, nationalist party of Maurice Duplessis, l'Union Peter Thompson Jr. Nationale, which had been in power in Quebec, since the end of WWII and had been a major pillar of resistance against the imperial Malthusian / anti-technological growth paradigm being enforced by the Organization for Economic Development (OECD) and UNESCO. The method chosen by the British Empire operating through the OECD and UNESCO was to split politics from economics by inducing the bureaucratic/educational policies of nations to be managed by the absolute logic of Systems Analysis while the economic behaviour of nations would become increasingly guided by adherence to the intrinsically irrational forces of the “global free market” (5). This artificial dualism would create a degree of chaos that could then be “solved” by the re-absorption of lost colonies internationally under the framework of a Global Governance structure guided by the inbred families of the Venetian Black Nobility and their lackeys. During these years, Canada had no pesky rules to control campaign expenditures, no rules to force disclosure of campaign contributions and few to forbid certain supportive measures a politician might choose to take before, during, and after public life. Power Corporation employed and still employs persons who organize the campaigns of those seeking public office. Prime Minister Jean Chretien's chief organizer for his leadership race and overall architect of his election victory in 1993 was John Rae (Liberal Party leader Bob Rae's brother), an executive and director at Power Corp. As for Pierre Trudeau and his right-hand man Michael Pitfield, they both occupied powerful positions in the company after their “official” retirement from public life. By 1961 Maurice Strong was made executive VicePresident. When Strong arrived in Montreal, and in 1962, (4) This is from where, and from whom, Rene Levesque, the later founder of the separatist Parti Quebecois, got his start in official politics (5) The method chosen by the British Empire operating through the OECD and UNESCO was to split politics from economics by inducing the bureaucratic/educational policies of nations to be managed by the absolute logic of Systems Analysis while the economic behaviour of nations became increasingly guided by adherence to the intrinsically irrational forces of the “global free market”. This artificial dualism created a degree of chaos that could then be “solved” by the re-absorption of lost colonies internationally under the framework of a Global Governance structure guided by the inbred families of the Venetian Black Nobility and their lackeys.

Former Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin Jr, Former Federal Reserve Chair Paul Volcker, and former President of the World Bank James Wolfensohn all got their start at Power Corp

after the power utility monopoly of Powercorp had been bought out by various provinces, he became a senior executive of one of the most important companies in the country and also a player in the international YMCA network. He described the particular virtues of running Power Corp. "We controlled many companies, controlled political budgets. We influence a lot of appointments. ...Politician got to know you and you them." (6) Strong recruited to Power Corp more young men interested in business and politics. He hired James D. Wolfensohn to run the new Australian-based subsidiary called Super Power International. Wolfensohn went on to head the World Bank and then created his own firm, James D. Wolfensohn Co. making Paul Volker its president. Volcker later joined Power Corp.’s International Advisory Board. While President of the World Bank from 1995-2005, Wolfensohn brought Strong in as his personal advisor (7).

International Affairs and the Penetration of Africa There are three main sources of influence that interact in the control of the Canadian political system. Two are real influences and one is merely illusory. The illusory source is the public masquerade known as “party democracy of the Commons.” The second source has a real influence and it is through the corporate and financial establishment operating through such clubs as the Empire Club, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives. Power Corp falls under this category. Yet the second source merely carries out the intentions of a higher third source, and that is by far the most important for any historian who wishes to honestly (6) Cloak of Green, p.270 (7) In a 1999 interview with EIR, Strong revealed that Wolfenson and he used this position to further transform the culture of the World Bank from the financing of large scale megaprojects to small local works, NGOs and community control: “He knew not just to rely just on the big megaprojects, but to bring in the NGOs, the little people, citizens, religious leaders, foundation leaders. Those things he already had in mind and on his agenda, when he came. If I was any help, it was more a matter of helping him to actually implement some of those things.”


Box 1:

Anna Strong’s Trust Born in Oak Lake, Manitoba, in 1929, Strong never completed more than 11 years of schooling. Yet powerful interests found him to be the ideal candidate for rapid promotion to wealth and power. One reason is undoubtedly his sponsorship by a member of the American branch of his family, Anna Louise Strong, who is to all appearances a top-level member of what EIR has detailed as "The Trust," on behalf of both Mao Zedong's China and the Soviet Union. Here is what Elaine Dewar writes about Anna Louise Strong in her groundbreaking 1995 exposé “Cloak of Green”: "Born a generation ahead of him [Maurice Strong] were his distant cousins Tracy and Anna Louise Strong. The children of a Congregationalist missionary based in Friend, Nebraska, their lineage went all the way back to the men who helped endow Harvard and Yale. Christian activist Tracy Strong became a director of the YMCA's Prisoners' Aid Committee Alliance, based in Geneva. Anna Louise Strong, his sister, was a Marxist and a journalist and possibly a spy, although for whom it is difficult to be certain. In 1921, she got into the new Soviet Union as part of a Quaker aid committee and got to know members of the emerging Soviet hierarchy, including Trotsky; she wrote about the new Soviet Union for the Nation and for Hearst International. She became a member of the Comintern, later married the Soviet Union's wartime deputy minister of agriculture (a man who was purged later by Stalin). During the period between the two wars she traveled in China, corresponded and dined with Eleanor Roosevelt... She was treated with deep suspicion by the FBI, who thought she worked for Stalin's notorious spymaster Beria, but she also lectured at Stanford to U.S. intelligence personnel Anna Louise Strong headed to China. In fact, she was flown to China by the U.S. Navy right after the war's end. She spent two years with Mao and Chou En-lai in the crucial period leading up to the defeat of the Kuomintang. When she returned, she carried secret messages from Chou En-lai. She was arrested in 1949 during a trip to the U.S.S.R. as an American spy. After Mao was victorious in China, she was denied her U.S. passport, and her association with persons in the U.S. State Department was listed as part of the grounds for their dismissals. Nevertheless, she managed to visit a nephew working in Mexico working for the Rockefeller Foundation and visit Guatemala in 1954 [the date of the CIA's coup d'état against Jacobo Arbenz as an alleged Communist], writing in praise of President Arbenz. She returned to China during the Cultural Revolution and died there in 1970, a full-fledged Friend of the Revolution, her burial organized by Chou En-lai himself. In part because of his connections to Anna Louise Strong, the Chinese trusted Maurice Strong." It was not just the "Cultural Revolutionists" of Mao's China who trusted Maurice Strong because of this connection, but, also, such powerful families in the U.S. establishment as the Rockefellers, who were his early promoters and lifelong friends. -Scott Thompson


Chairman Mao and Anna Louise Strong in 1965

evaluate causes in the changes of Canadian history. It is at this level that we find the true fount of power to be the nigh omnipotent Privy Council Office, and Governor General, through which everything else is directed at the behest of the London Foreign Office, and under the absolute authority of the Monarchy. Strong’s role, as a talented though obedient enforcer of the imperial will of London, must be clearly understood in order to shed some light on the third, higher level that exerts political control over Canada. The highest authority governing Canadian national, foreign and corporate policy is channelled through the manipulations of British operatives working through the Privy Council Office, and the Canadian Institute for International Affairs (CIIA) (8), operatives such as Walter Lockhart Gordon who led in the re-organization of the Liberal government under Lester B. Pearson. Gordon and Pearson both became close friends with Maurice Strong as early as 1963. Dewar writes that “after the Liberal government came to power in 1963, Power Corp funded think tanks to make public platforms to sell the political agenda of the new government. Jim Coutts, Pearson’s Principal Secretary, introduced Strong to Finance Minister Walter Gordon, then proposing a Canadian Development Corporation to help Canadian companies compete globally. Strong gave speeches in support. Power Corporation’s meetings at Mont Tremblant became semi-public stages to test market the not-yetwidely-known but politically interested, such as Pierre Trudeau.” (9) Pearson, upon becoming Prime Minister, quickly chose Paul Martin Sr. as his Foreign Minister. By 1966, Maurice Strong became President of YMCA Canada and also joined the External Aid section of the Canadian Department of External Affairs, overseeing all foreign aid to third world countries. As the head of YMCA, Strong pulled the Canadian Y out of its “special relationship” with the U.S. on the International Committee. Canada had no embassies in French Africa, and President Charles de Gaulle was pushing all former French African colonies to create direct contacts with the government of Quebec, by Paul Martin Sr. -passing the federal government of Canada. Maurice Strong’s assignment was to ensure that no such alliance would occur following de Gaulle’s intention. Pearson's Liberal Party needed a flexible solution. A layered solution was found. Both the re-colonization of Africa, as well as the subversion of de Gaulle’s project of true de(8) The CIIA was re-named the Canadian International Council (CIC) in 2009 (9) Cloak of Green p. 272

President de Gaulle’s intervention to create a global Francophonie of cooperation and development had to be stopped. The Canadian government under the Liberal Party was re-organized with the help of Strong to do just that.

velopment could be done through development aid programs for France's former colonies. The use of "aid" in this fashion fitted with the new American foreign policy toward Africa. The assassination of Kennedy opened the door to the Rockefeller control and management of U.S. foreign "aid" programs in Africa. Under the umbrella of British control, both Canadian and American policy converged as far as Africa was concerned: Stop de Gaulle's development programs, and go for a grab of raw materials. The impulse which created USAID in 1962 was a good idea, but its potential for good immediately died with Kennedy in 1963 (10). USAID from that point on became a strong arm, or "Strong arm" for Malthusian genocide against de Gaulle's anticolonial development programs. Strong had assigned Pierre Trudeau the task of conducting broad intelligence in French speaking African countries in order to undo the mess de Gaulle was making for the British designs for re-colonization. Dewar notes that Trudeau’s report to Ottawa “led to a larger mission headed by former President of the Privy Council Lionel Chevrier [former President of the Privy Council- ed], who's orders were to go to French Africa and say “yes” to whatever French African leaders wanted… Since he had almost no staff at External Aid, Strong made a deal with SNC (now SNC-Lavalin), the Quebec-based engineering company, to offer technical facilities to the External Aid in Africa.” (11) SNC acted as a go-between the government and the actual on-the-ground contractors.” Trudeau’s efficiency at this task found him rewarded within months with the title of Justice Minister; a year later and he was elected Prime Minister. This work set the basis for the formation of the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) which Strong created in 1968. CIDA would replace External Aid and another organization would soon be created alongside it (10) As is documented in “Permindex Ties Revealed to JFK Murder, 1001 Club on p. 38 of this issue, Maurice Strong and the 1001 Club intelligence network he was a part of played an integral role in coordinating the JFK assassination. (11) Cloak of Green, p. 273


called the International Development Research Center (IDRC). The difference was that while CIDA was a Government run Crown Corporation, IDRC was a partial Non-Governmental Organization, which allowed it to receive private tax deductible donations and make donations directly to individuals and private organizations without going through national governments. Its Lester B. Pearson board of governors would be partially private, and partially government. Maurice Strong became the Chairman of IDRC in October 1970, replacing its founding Chair Lester Pearson.

robi, Kenya, Strong's old stomping ground… After the Yom Kippur War in 1973, Nairobi became the spy capital of Africa and Strong became UNEP's first Executive Director.” (12)

Using the same model as USAID, CIDA operates a tied-aid program, which means that when CIDA gives aid to, for example, the Congo, in return Congo may have to purchase its "goods and services" from select corporations in Canada, or Britain. Strong's hand-picked people in Africa were imbedded in various private companies as a cover. This type of approach went far in creating “local oligarchies” and bureaucratic elites in former colonies. This factor of controlled corruption would be continuously used to manipulate former colonies into decades of intrigues and civil wars organized always from forces in the Trans-Atlantic region, far outside African borders.

In 1992, Strong had been assigned to head the second Earth Summit (the first having been the 1972 Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment also chaired by Strong). The Rio Summit had established a new era in the consolidation of NGOs and corporations under the genocidal green agenda of controlled starvation masquerading behind the dogma of “sustainability’.

Through his contacts in the YMCA, Strong ended up becoming Secretary General of the U.N. Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment in 1972, became a trustee for the Rockefeller Foundation from 1971-77.

Maurice Strong as first Chairman of the UN Stockholm Conference in 1972 (12) Cloak of Green, p. 279


Two of the by-products of the Stockholm Conference were the use and expansion of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to 1) encourage a “bottom up” thinking to solving problems of underdevelopment, thus negating all means of acting on systemic causes to world problems, and 2) advance the creation of a new British intelligence and Malthusian front, as part of the U.N. structure: The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP). Dewar writes: “In 1974, the UNEP rose out of the underdeveloped soil of Nai-

By January 1976, Strong had become a Trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation, and would be assigned to run Petro Canada, the first state owned Oil company begun by Pierre Trudeau in response to the 1973 Yom Kippur war and oil shocks that followed. Petro Canada provided a medium to enter into regions that no private U.S. based oil company could enter such as the waters between Viet Nam and China. taught other government run oil companies in other countries how to deal with natives.

RIO and Global Governance

This doctrine would be formalized with Agenda 21 and the Earth Charter, co-authored by Mikhail Gorbachev, Jim MacNeill and Strong. At the opening of the Rio Summit, Strong announced that industrialized countries had “developed and benefited from the unsustainable patterns of production and consumption which have produced our present dilemma. It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class, involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housingare not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles

Strong and Gorbachev at Rio in 1992

back once again to Strong’s rein at the Department of External Aid in 1966.

Maurice Strong, shakes hands in Rio de Janeiro with Brazilian indigenous tribe chief . Photograph: Antonio Scorza/AFP

less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns." In an essay entitled from Stockholm to Rio: A Journey Down a Generation, Strong wrote: “The concept of national sovereignty has been an immutable, indeed sacred, principle of international relations. It is a principle which will yield only slowly and reluctantly to the new imperatives of global environmental cooperation. What is needed is recognition of the reality that in so many fields, and this is particularly true of environmental issues, it is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised unilaterally by individual nation-states, however powerful. The global community must be assured of environmental security.”

The Destruction of Nuclear Power This biography couldn’t be complete if we didn’t return to Strong’s role in destroying Canada’s nuclear potential, one of the greatest beacons of hope mankind has to break out of the current fixed boundaries to humanity’s development. Indeed, the controlled use of the atom and the necessary discovery of new universal principles associated with this endeavour has always represented one of the greatest strategic threats to the oligarchic system which depends on a closed system of fixed resources in order to both manage current populations and justify global governance under “objective” frameworks of logic. Fission and fusion processes exist on a level far outside those fixed parameters that the earth’s “carrying capacity” is no greater than 2 billion souls. If mankind were to recognize his unique creative potential to continuously transcend his limitations by discovering and creating new resources, no empire could long exist. With Canada as the second nation to have civilian nuclear power, and a frontier science culture in physics and chemistry, the need to destroy this potential in the mind of the proprietors of Canada was great indeed. To get a better sense of the anti-nuclear role Strong has played in Canadian science policy, we must actually go

A key reason that Strong had been brought into Canada’s Civil Service to head up the External Aid office in 1966 was to sabotage the international efforts leading scientists and statesmen had achieved in making Canada an exporter of its original CANDU reactors. Since 1955, leading patriots within Atomic Energy Canada Ltd. (AECL) and the National Research Council such as C.D. Howe and his collaborator C.W. Mackenzie, the exporting of nuclear power technology was advanced to developing countries such as India and Pakistan. The banners under which this advanced technology transfer occurred was both the Columbo Plan and President Dwight Eisenhower’s Atoms for Peace. This progressive approach to international development defined “external aid” not around IMF conditionalities, or simply money for its own sake, but rather as the transfer of the most advanced science and technology to poor countries with the explicit intention that all nations would attain true sovereignty. When Strong got to work in External Aid, and later formed CIDA (discussed above), Canada’s relationship to “LDCs” (lesser developed countries) became reduced to advancing “appropriate technologies” under the framework of monetarism and systems analysis. No technology or advanced infrastructure policy necessary for the independence of former colonies would be permitted under this precursor to what later became known as “sustainability” and “zero growth”. Under Strong’s influence, Canada’s role became perverted into inducing LDCs to become obedient to IMF “conditionalities” and the reforms of their bureaucracies demanded by the OECD in order to receive money. Both in Canada and in developing countries, Strong was among the key agents who oversaw the implementation of the OECD’s strategy of “Systems Analysis” for national policy management.

“Atoms for Peace” catalyzed by President Eisenhower, alongside the Columbo Plan promised to usher in a new age of reason through development.


In his role as President of Petro Canada, Strong endorsed the national call to create a nuclear moratorium for Canada which had been carried out by the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility in 1977. This document not only demanded an immediate halt to the continuation of all reactors then under construction, but made the sophistical argument that more jobs could be created if “ecologically friendly” energy Prince Philip sources and conservation methods were developed instead of nuclear and fossil fuels (13). Strange desires from an oil executive, but not so strange considering his 1978-1981 role as Vice President of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), an organization founded by the British and Dutch monarchies as a Royal Dutch Shell initiative in 1961. Strong was Vice President during the same interval that WWF co-founder Prince Phillip was its President. In September 1976, Strong wrote in the Montreal Gazette: “No other large animal has used the planet’s resources so extravagantly. Man’s skills, the technical success with which he overspreads the earth, makes him the most dangerous of all creatures… We must surely break from this pattern of energy expansion and stress instead its conservation and re-allocation... it is vain to hope that sudden technological breakthroughs will solve our national and global energy shortages… Our energy problems cannot be solved by the unthinking advocacy of anyone’s pet projects, whether those schemes are fusion reactors or solar cookers.” While still heading up the External Aid Department in 1967, Permindex’s Late Louis Morti- Strong had co-founded the 1001 Club as an elite international mer Bloomfield organization which was used to finance the emerging green agenda for world governance. In this position, Strong recruited 80 Canadian “initiates” to this elite society otherwise known as “Strong’s Kindergarden” [see appendix], the most prominent being Lord Conrad Black, Barrick Gold’s Peter Munk and Permindex’s late Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield. As documented else(13) Time To Stop and Think, A Brief to PM Trudeau, The Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, 1977


where, the latter had been at the heart of the plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy [See article on page 38].

The Case of Ontario Hydro By 1992, Strong had completed his role heading the Rio Earth Summit in Brazil and had returned to his native land to attempt to finalize the dismantling of Canada’s nuclear program in his new assignment as President of Ontario Hydro, a position he held from 1992 to 1995 under the formal invitation of Bob Rae, then NDP Premier of Ontario and brother of Power Corp.’s John Rae. Bob Rae would later serve as the leader of the Liberal Party from 20112013 in preparation for Justin Trudeau’s appointment to become the party’s new mascot in April of 2013. With the most ambitious nuclear program in North America, Ontario was proving to be a thorn in the zero-growth agenda demanded by the British Empire when Strong was brought in. The completion of the massive Darlington system in Ontario had demonstrated what successful long term science planning could accomplish, although the utility found itself running far over budget. The budgetary problems occurring as they did during a deep recession in 1992 were used by Strong to “restructure” the provincial energy utility. The “remedies” chosen by Strong to solve Ontario Hydro’s financial woes involved the immediate cancellation of all new nuclear energy development then being planned, firing 8 of the 14 directors, and downsizing the utility by laying off 14 000 employees, many of whom being the most specialized and experienced nuclear technicians in Canada. To add insult to injury, Strong would use $10 million dollars of Ontario taxpayer revenue to purchase 31 000 acres of Costa Rican rain forest for Conservation with the justification being that the Costa Rican trees would offset the carbon emissions produced by Ontario’s coal plants in the fight against the non-existent global warming! Before leaving his post in 1995 with the fall of Bob Rae’s government, Strong ensured that his work would continue with his replacement Jim MacNeill who headed Ontario Hydro from 1994 to 1997. MacNeill was co-architect of both the Earth Charter and the genocidal Agenda 21 during the Rio Summit and a long time British agent. Under MacNeill, Strong’s mandate to unnecessarily shut down eight reactors for refurbishment and one permanently was effected in 1997, while Ontario Hydro itself was broken up into three separate entities. With the irreparable loss of specialized manpower and skills Strong and MacNeill left Ontario Hydro and AECL mortally wounded for years to come.

hope to survive located in its strategic partnership with Russia and long term megaprojects to lift its people out of poverty and into the 22nd Century.

Strong and Jim MacNeill in 2010 celebrating a Corporate Knights gala

Surprising all observers, including Maurice Strong, AECL and the Ontario utilities were able to remobilize their remaining forces to pull together the successful refurbishment of all reactors, the last of which came back online in October 2012 with plans for two more in the near future. Although the parts would slowly be pieced back together at Ontario’s nuclear facilities, AECL would not recover from this onslaught. The damage inflicted by Strong and MacNeill resulted in AECL’s full privatization under Prime Minister Stephen Harper in 2011. AECL, a crown corporation created by “Minister of Everything” C.D. Howe in 1952 to oversee all CANDU reactor development was sold for the bargain basement price of $15 million to SNC-Lavalin without any plans for new research or even forward thinking projects and its future remains in question.

Not only that, but the rejection of all “bottom up” NGO approaches to governance has also been vital for China’s capacity to stabilize its nation and advance top down projects such as the Yangtze Three Gorges Dam (completed in 2010), the Move South Water North Project now underway, advanced space exploration, lunar mining prospects and advanced nuclear power programs using the CANDU designs as well as advanced Fourth Generation Thorium Reactors now under construction. The future oriented outlook shared among other Shanghai Cooperation Organization nations are the keys to breaking off of reliance on diminishing raw materials and fossil fuels which are currently monopolized by the British Empire’s networks globally. Canada’s relationship to China can be shaped around mutual cooperation on such advanced science driver programs for growth and discovery, within the context of LaRouche`s Four Powers Alliance or we can continue to be satisfied serving as vassals advancing the doctrine of “green” genocide on a scale that would make Hitler blush.

Epilogue In the 21st Century, Strong’s talents have been put to use in subverting the aspirations of Asian development, and the Pacific alliance formed around the pillars of the India-China-Russia coalition for progress. Strong’s current activities are centered in Peking University where he is an active Honorary Professor and Chairman of its Environmental Foundation and Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Research on Security and Sustainability for Northwest Asia. In the face of the meltdown of the Trans-Atlantic economy, the Chinese have had to deal with the pressure to succumb to the Green Agenda, submit their national sovereignty to the “New World Order” of zero-growth and depopulation. In spite of this pressure, a powerful tradition of Confucianism and its commitment to progress has demonstrated its powerful influence in the various branches of the Chinese establishment who see China’s only 25


The 1001 Club and Maurice Strong’s Kindergarden by Scott Thompson In an interview published in Executive Intelligence Review in 1999 (1), one of the high priests of evil, Martin Palmer, Prince Philip's "spiritual adviser on ecology," confirmed that Al Gore, Jr. has had a longstanding relationship with the British Royal Consort. Now, another consummate insider has come forward to speak with a Washington, D.C.based journalist, providing details of his own relationship with Gore, in pursuit of some of the most ambitious oneworld and "deep ecology" programs, programs that would spell doom for billions of people, should they ever be implemented. Undersecretary General of the United Nations and Earth Council Chairman Maurice Strong has worked intimately with Al Gore for well over a decade. Strong was a cofounder with Prince Philip of the secretive 1001 Club, the main "piggybank" of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) that served as an umbrella control group for the countless ecogroups that have sprung up under its control over the years. The other 1001 Club initiator was former Nazi officer Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. (For background on these institutions, see The Canadian Patriot: News from the Northern Front issue 3,"The True Story Behind the Fall of the House of Windsor, available on the website: ) Strong was vice president of the WWF during the decade that Prince Philip's was its president, and he is a politician and businessman extraordinaire. Strong handpicked the

entire Canadian membership of the 1001 Club, from its inception in 1970, and is featured in their internal memoranda as among the three most powerful figures, along with Prince Philip and the late Sir Peter Scott. Among the 80 or so "initiates" to the 1001 Club from Canada, who are referred to as "Strong's Kindergarden," are: Maj. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, the late head of the Montreal-based British intelligence front company Permindex (Permanent Industrial Expositions), which was accused by the French secret services and New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison of financing the attempted assassinations of President Charles de Gaulle and the successful murder of President John F. Kennedy. Bloomfield also served as Vice President of the WWF under Prince Philip from 1970-1978) Lord Conrad Black, the former head of the Hollinger Corporation, and current promoter of the “Renewed Commonwealth” model of new global empire. Peter Munk, the owner of Barrick Gold, the Canadian mining company involved with both former U.S. President George Bush Sr. and former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, in a worldwide raw materials grab, on behalf of the "British-American-Canadian" (BAC) oligarchy.

Strong is known to have been a powerful influence on Al Gore (1) Scott Thompson, Maurice Strong Exposes Al Gore’s Dark Age ‘Cloak of Green’, Executive Intelligence Review, January 29, 1999, p. 24


Bloomfield, Black and Munk, alongside Strong are three of the most prolific of the Canadian founding members Prince Bernhard and Prince Philip`s 1001 Club

Walter Gordon’s Cultural Engineering, Global Governance and Anarchism in Canada By Matthew Ehret-Kump Stephen Harper has unleashed a can of worms with his recent activation of Bill C-45 in early January 2013 which is beginning to be felt across Canada. Bill C-45 is a part of a larger omnibus bill rammed through parliament in the summer of 2012 which has the effect of repealing decades of environmental protection measures painstakingly implemented ever since the World Wildlife Fund’s Greening of Canada began under former Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau over 40 years ago. This greening program has resulted in 10% of Canada’s landmass becoming legally untouchable to development. While such programs were originally installed with the intention of blocking continental development projects popular in the 1950s and 1960s such as (the North American Water and Power Alliance from coming into being), their usefulness has Idle no More protestors on the Trans Canada Highway in December 2012 increasingly become incompatible with the British Empire’s more desperate intention to break up the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, currently anarchism. This momentum has attracted many anarchist led by the Russians and Chinese, and break up sovereign ecologists to the cause of what they perceive as “aboriginal nation states under a “one world government ” of the new rights”, many of whom were activated by the George Soros funded “Occupy movement” of 2011, and re-activated by British Empire. Quebec`s student protests of 2012-2013. More moderate In order to make plentiful low cost natural gas available to activists that are looking for systemic solutions to the colan Asian market which fears the loss of available resource lapsing financial system risk being overwhelmed by radiflows due to the British orchestrated chaos spreading across calized minority groups both above and underground, that Africa and the Middle East, Privy Councillor Stephen have been created and cultivated by the very same oligarHarper has been assigned the role of eliminating all obsta- chy whose system they are rebelling against. Thus far, First cles to resource exploitation in short order such that a des- Nations activities, such as Idle no More, have resulted in perate Asia can be welcomed into her honey pot. Once the mere blockading of trains and highways alongside various Asian economies become addicted to Canada’s cheap re- protests across Canada, but the opportunities for chaos are sources, and are sufficiently weakened by their lack of un- plentiful and for an oligarchy intent on unleashing civil war ion with Putin’s Russia, the “taps” can be turned off at the in the United States, the breakup of nation states, depopulaEmpire’s will, forcing Asia to submit to the genocide con- tion, and major wars abroad, this transition period into a ditions of population reduction demanded by the self- new order can see almost anything happen. proclaimed empress Queen Elizabeth and her Royal Consort Prince Phillip, the founder and controller of the World It is the purpose of this brief study to shed light upon a character that has played a powerful role in creating the Wildlife Fund. current dynamic shaping the monetarist, ecological and One of the side effects of Harper’s repeal of environmental anarchistic tendencies now activated among the land of protection legislation, has been the activation of a move- “strong and free”. The name of this character is Walter ment of civil disobedience, bordering on Jacobin- Gordon. 27

Who Was Walter Gordon? Walter Lockhart Gordon’s legacy typifies the Delphic methods applied by the British Empire to subvert the cultures of their victim populations. Walter Gordon’s master’s understood that in order to maintain a modern empire, both the greatest control of a victim population must occur while maintaining the greatest illusion of democracy. This is only possible to the degree that the perception of a victim is as far removed from their sad reality as possible. Gordon’s role in shaping the current of Canadian history is so strong, that a brief biography is in order before proceeding to the substance of this report. While Gordon was an executive director of the Canadian Institute for International Affairs (CIIA- formerly the Rhodes-Milner Roundtable Group), he was known to be one of Canada's wealthiest entrepreneurs, having inherited the reins to Clarkson Gordon from his father in the 1940s. For a time, Clarkson Gordon was the largest management consulting and accounting firm in Canada. Gordon became involved in the Canadian government during World War II when he worked alongside a young Lester B. Pearson on the Price Spreads Royal Commission of 1942. After becoming close friends, Pearson was assigned to Vincent Massey work under the control of CIIA chief Vincent Massey in the London High Commission for the duration of WW II. In 1955, Gordon was assigned by his London masters to head the Royal Commission on Canada’s Economic Prospects. This Royal Commission produced the first report of its kind by officially painting America as an Empire poised to take over the Canadian economy. The report called for a new economic strategy to

cut America off from the Canadian economy even if it meant a lowering of living standards for Canadians! This report was joined by a sister Royal Commission conducted earlier under the leadership of CIIA leader Vincent Massey calling for the need to create a synthetic Canadian culture for fear of the “Americanization” of the Canadian identity. Both reports were promoted by the Canadian press and rapidly polarized the Canadian population into largely becoming paranoid of America's immanent takeover (1). The rampant anti-Americanism became the foundation for the policies that followed in the subsequent decades. After helping to organize the downfall of the well intentioned, but highly misguided Conservative government of John Diefenbaker, which fell in 1963, Gordon organized a complete cleansing of all pro-development “C.D. Howe Liberals” and brought in a new breed of technocrats to begin a revolution in bureaucratic affairs under the guidance of the newly formed Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) headed by Club of Rome co-founder Alexander King. During this time, Gordon was fully in control of Lester B. Pearson, having taken Pearson’s leash from Vincent Massey in the 1950s. Gordon had organized Pearson to head the Liberal Party ever since 1949, writing to Pearson in 1955 that “I have a feeling that people would like to follow your star in droves - if and when you decide the time is right to give them the nod.” (2). Before even becoming a member of the Liberal Party, Gordon even paid for a large scale Nobel Prize gala in Pearson’s honour from his own pocket in 1958 (3).

Pearson and Gordon at the Toronto Board of Trade Dinner in 1948

Members of Gordon`s 1955 Royal Commission. Gordon Is seated 3rd from right


(1) While 60% of Canadians thought American investment should continue in 1950, that number had fallen to a mere 30% by 1957, see Walter Gordon and the Rise of Canadian Nationalism p. 88 (2) Ibid. p.70 (3) Pearson had received the Nobel Prize for having organized the first use of the UN ‘blue helmets’ as a supernational military force as the solution to the Suez Crisis of 1957

within the federal Liberal Party. Even though Gordon preferred Marchand (Pearson’s lieutenant in Quebec) to Trudeau, he became an early backer of Trudeau nonetheless. By 1967, Lester Pearson was considered compromised as he was too easily influenced by the anti-Gordon faction in the Liberal Party, and resigned due to “health reasons”.

De Gaulle and Daniel Johnson Sr. in Quebec

By this time, Gordon was officially the kingmaker and controller of Pearson under whom he served as Minister of Finance from 1963-1965. Revisionist historian and Gordon protégé Peter Newman described his role during this time as being “in undisputed command of the liberal policy apparatus. Nearly every initiative taken during the 60 days was inspired by the Minister of Finance”. It was in this powerful position during the first “60 days” that Gordon began to apply the "nationalist" financial measures prescribed in his 1957 Royal Commission Report to limit foreign investment limits and cut off “continentalist” forces that were seeking greater US-Canadian involvement around a nation building paradigm. The greatest threat from the continentalist forces centered around the continental approach to water and energy resource management provoked by the efforts of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, whose allies in Canada included B.C Premier W.A.C. Bennett and C.D. Howe. Eisenhower’s water management plans were announced for the first time in his 1955 address, and again re-iterated in his 1960 State of the Union. The political climate created by the strong intention to deal with water scarcity decades before the crisis was to strike inspired the design of the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) by the Parson’s Corporation in 1955. This orientation to breaking out of those closed parameters of water scarcity was advanced boldly by the likes of John F. Kennedy, and his brother Robert. RFK even endorsed the NAWAPA resolution introduced by Senator Frank Moss.

Pearson’s incapacity to speak French had also contributed to making him incapable of dealing with the republican nationalist ferment created in Quebec under Premier Daniel Johnson Sr., and exacerbated by French President Charles de Gaulle’s intervention into Quebec in July 1967. De Gaulle sent shockwaves through Canada and the world when he called for a “Quebec libre” as a pillar to a global ‘Francophonie’ founded upon scientific and technological progress. After successfully attacking Johnson in a public debate, followed by a successful assignment coercing French speaking African leaders to ignore de Gaulle’s strategy in favour of a ‘Canadian option’, Pierre Trudeau was quickly rewarded by being made Prime Minister following a social engineering campaign seemingly modelled on Beatlemania. Walter Lockhart Gordon left the government in 1968, and quickly set up two pivotal instruments as part of the ongoing social engineering campaign of which he had long been a part. The names for these organizations were:

F. Lennon, Toronto Star

Claude Ryan, Jack McLelland and Gordon at a Sept 1970 Press conference announcing the creation of the Committee for an Independent Canada

1- Committee for an Independent Canada (CIC) in 1970 2- The Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation in 1965

After two years, his economic program turned out to be such a disaster that Gordon was forced to resign from his position, only to become President of the Privy Council Office (1966-68) where he set the stage for the second purge of the Liberal Party and re-organization of the Privy Council Office. It was this second purge which saw Fabian socialist asset Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Jean Marchand and Gerald Pelletier brought in to prominent positions

Gordon shaping a generation of manipulatable baby boomers at a 1970 University of Toronto `teach in`. Photo: D.Griffin, Toronto Star


The Committee for an Independent Canada The CIC was an influential group used to promote Gordon's New Nationalism which involved a small coterie of populist gatekeepers influential in controlling mass perception such as authors Peter C. Newman and Abraham Rotsein, publishers Jack McClelland, and Claude Ryan. Ryan remained a strong voice for Liberals, especially as editor of Le Devoir and later, as head of the Quebec Liberal Party. A young founding member of the CIC was Mel Watkins who was recruited to head a Task Force of 1967 chaired by Walter Gordon called “Foreign Ownership and the Structure of Canadian Investment”. This task force’s recommendations led directly to the creation of the Canada Development Corporation to “buy back Canada” from foreign investment in 1971, the creation of Petro Canada as Canada’s first state run oil company in 1976 and the Foreign Investment Review Agency to limit American influence in the Maurice Strong Canadian economy. The CDC was be headed by British asset Maurice Strong in 1980, who was also serving as Petro Canada's first CEO. Strong had risen to prominence as a recruit of David Rockefeller, and given the role of Vice President of Canada’s conglomerate Power Corporation in 1963 before it was given to Paul Desmarais, whose family has run it to this day. Other important institutions which Maurice Strong had run included the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) which arose out of the External Affairs Department’s foreign aid institution which Strong had headed under Pearson in 1968. CIDA’s job, alongside USAID, was to bring the third world countries, then seeking true sovereign development and access to advanced technology, into debt slave r y a n d t r a p t h em i n t o "ecologically appropriate technologies” instead of advanced infrastructure and nuclear power. This occured via Strong’s connecPhoto: R. Bull, Toronto Star tions as the Secretary General of Mel Watkins and James the first United Nations Stockholm Laxer, leaders of the Conference on the Environment in Waffle Group in 1972 1972 which formalized the frame(3) It is in this period that the Club of Rome was formed and brought quickly into Canada. The CIDA and IDRC applied the Club of Rome’s “system’s thinking” to their methods of operation and Trudeau enthusiastically attempted to make over the federal government using the same model.


work of “bottom up planning” and NGOs in foreign aid. CIDA’s sister organization, the International Development Research Center (IDRC) was created in 1968 and was also headed by Strong after he replaced CIIA agent Lester Pearson in 1970. The methodology applied in entrapping former colonies into a depopulation paradigm by offering barrels of Pierre Vallieres, Leader money in one hand, while enforc- of both the terrorist FLQ and Cite Libre ing standards of “appropriate” technologies”, IMF conditionalities and cultural identities compatible with “indigenization” in the other, will be the same method applied to the First Nations in Canada. “Nuclear power and advanced infrastructure is incompatible with an “innately” tribal people” says the imperialist. (3) Gordon’s young protégé Mel Watkins of the 1967 Gordon Task Force went on to co-found the Waffle Movement in 1969 as a radical socialist branch of the NDP whose founding manifesto called for socialist revolution to destroy capitalism, and an independent Canada free of American imperialism. They were one of the three major Marxist-Anarchist movements spreading across Canada at this time. The Waffle’s sister movements were the Front de Libération du Québec (FLQ) headed by Trudeau’s collaborator at the Delphic social engineering journal Cité Libre, Pierre Vallières and the Canadian Liberation Movement (1968-1975). The Waffle movement was typically supportive of Quebec separation, and all three ran parallel to the Weathermen Underground terrorist movement in the United States. The Waffle Movement took on steam during the 1970s, but petered out by 1983 as Canada's internal and foreign policies were sufficiently controlled by the British Empire's Fabian socialist agents such as Strong, Trudeau and their ilk. As the Canadian economy and population seemed adequately "domesticated" by this time, radical revolution was no longer deemed necessary. The United States’ economic program of extreme liberalization under Reaganomics resulted in an economic re-colonization of American finance and industry which had advanced to the point that the City of London deemed Canada’s antiAmerican isolationist program no longer necessary. A new phase could be unleashed.

(4) The FLQ was the RCMP steered separatist movement used to usher in marshal law in Quebec during October 1970 when British Consulate James Cross and Liberal Labour Minister Pierre Laporte were kidnapped, suspending the Bill of Rights even across British Columbia where no terrorist activities were taking place. Cross was released within weeks, but Laporte was killed. The leader of the FLQ, Pierre Vallières had been given the editorial control of Pierre Trudeau’s Cité Libre magazine in 1965. (

By 1984, Gordon’s New Nationalist program was sacrificed as Trudeau left his 17 year post as Prime Minister and entered into an array of new projects, one of which include his role as a founding member of the Inter Action Group, followed later by a role on the International Advisory Board of Power Corporation. Even though John Mulroney and Bush Sr announce the coming of NAFTA Turner briefly stood in as Prime Minister for several Thomas Axworthy’s work for the new British Empire intersects months in 1984, attempting the most influential oligarchical networks in Canada. to undo some of Trudeau’s bureaucratic reforms, it is too little, and too late. By the end of 1984, Power Corporation’s obsequious Brian Mulroney (5) became the Prime thusian de-population under a logic of world governance Minister with a landslide victory with his infamous battle as the replacement for the nation state system. cry “Canada is now open for business”. Full scale liberalization leading up to the North American Free Trade Since Pierre Trudeau's former principal secretary Thomas Agreement was brought in, the destruction of productive Axworthy was made President and CEO in 2009, the Walbanking laws occurred in Britain and then Canada, the ter and Duncan Gordon Foundation (WDGF) now focuses Maastricht Treaty was signed and George Bush Sr. and upon Arctic control, water conservation, and brainwashing Margaret Thatcher proclaim the “New World Order” to the First Nations into believing their culture is irreconcilable with the tenets of a productive modern economy, eshave arrived. pecially scientific and technological progress. A SeptemThe program to bind the Americas under a fascist mone- ber 2012 paper submitted by Axworthy at the Polar Law tary union similar to that of the Euro under the control of a Symposium in Finland begins with the following statement which demonstrates the influence of the zero growth axi“one world government” was begun. oms of the Club of Rome on Axworthy : “Indigenous Canada’s next two liberal prime ministers, Jean Chretien people in the Arctic view themselves as an integral part of and Paul Martin Jr., have risen to prominence under Tru- the ecosystem. Their inseparable relationship with their deau and Maurice Strong, and worked for Power Corp territories has a special importance for their cultures and directly, while Canada’s current Prime Minister Stephen spiritual values. Any emerging framework of policies and Harper has affiliated with Power Corp indirectly. laws in the Arctic must fully accommodate indigenous perspectives and concerns.” (6)

The Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation This think tank, begun by Walter Gordon and his brother in 1965, is partnered directly with the World Wildlife Fund, the Royal Bank of Canada, the Munk School of Global Affairs, the Canadian Water Network and George Soros’ Tides Foundation.

Since 1965, the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation has provided a continuous supply of grants to the Canadian Institute for International Affairs (CIIA)- now re-named the Canadian International Council (CIC), Massey College, the University of Toronto School of Global Governance, and the Canadian Club of Rome (CACOR). All of these organizations are prolific for their promotion of Mal(5) Mulroney’s friend Ian Macdonald described Paul Desmarais, the CEO of Power Corporation, as “Mulroney’s mentor in the business world”

The Club of Rome, having been brought into Canada by Axworthy’s mentors Pierre Trudeau and Maurice Strong decades earlier, had made the basis for its war on technological progress sit upon the dual precepts espoused in this paragraph, namely that: 1) ecosystems are fixed systems governed by entropy and thus always seek “equilibrium”, and 2) that humanity in its “pure” state is, like the other primates, in no way superior to the imagined fixed ecosystems. The Club of Rome’s notion of humanity is subservient to the ecosystem’s supposed entropic laws (7). (6) Thomas Axworthy, Changing the Arctic Paradigm: From Cold War to Cooperation, Sept. 6-8, 2012, p. 2 (7) The second law of thermodynamics (aka: entropy) presupposes that systems can be analyzed as if they were closed and thus without external influences, while the energy to sustain the motion within the given system is fixed. Under these constraints, all additional motion within parts of the system must necessarily consume energy from the system as a whole and accelerate the irreversible path towards an imagined “equilibrium”. The ecologist or economist who permits this thinking into their planning must necessarily condone depopulation.


Under the “benevolent guidance” of the foundation, First Nations communities have been provided masses of free legal aid to ensure that they make as much money as possible when mining companies do business with their reserves. This apparent benevolence betrays a deadly trap which the First Nations have fallen into, as none of that abundance of cash provided to their communities is used to develop the conditions of life to even minimal standards. No lasting industries or durable infrastructural improvements are permitted to northern reservations under this approach and because of the foundation’s indoctrination, such development is rarely even desired from those communities. To ensure that talented native youth displaying leadership qualities become enforcers of this racist imperial policy, the foundation has been providing scholarships to create "native leaders to protect the natural ecology of the North" through its Arctic Fellowship Program. One of the major initiatives advertized on the foundation’s website includes “the preservation of the largest basin in the world (the Mackenzie River Basin) from development”. Specifically, the Mackenzie River Basin Initiative is designed to stop the mega dam called "site C" in British Columbia from being constructed, as well as ending the Alberta oil sands' use of this basin’s water. The Mackenzie River Basin has played a central role in the fight for continental water management projects instigated by BC’s former Premier W.A.C. Bennett and the Parsons Engineering designed North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) of 1964 championed today by American statesman Lyndon LaRouche and the Committee for the Republic of Canada. The Foundation's stated mission of the Mackenzie River Basin initiative is to: 1) Educate Canadians on the national and international significance of the Basin and threats it faces. 2) Encourage Trans boundary agreements across all levels of government and between jurisdictions to ensure water quality is monitored effectively across watersheds. 3) Work with Northern Canadians, the stewards of the Mackenzie, to ensure this global treasure is protected for current and future generations. Thomas Axworthy chairs the Blue Economy Initiative with the Royal Bank of Canada. The Blue Economy initiative seeks to monetize water's conservation in the "new green economy" (a major success story on their website


Peter Munk and Brian Mulroney

features several cities’ use of waste water for industrial use saving). Perhaps the initiative would be more aptly titled the “Brown Economy Initiative.” While enslaving himself to RBC’s contemptible business model, Axworthy also sits as a senior fellow at the Munk School of Global Affairs. The Munk School is typically a free trade-right wing hive whose monetarist doctrines have been associated with the Fraser Institute and Stephen Harper’s conservatives. It is of note that the school's founder, Peter Munk made his fortune pillaging Africa and plundering its resources with his company Barrick Gold, whose International Advisory Board is chaired by Brian Mulroney and a company that once had George Bush Sr. as senior advisor. It is notable that Peter Munk was also a founding member of the 1001 Club alongside Maurice Strong in 1971 to finance the World Wildlife Fund’s activities and promote global depopulation and world governance. Axworthy was recently appointed chairman of the Inter-Action Margaret Jay Council (IAC) in May 2011, whose co-chair is Jean Chrétien. The IAC is a group of former heads of state who promote the British monarchy’s agenda of depopulation through conservation and global governance. Axworthy is joined in his post by Margaret Jay; she is the former leader of the House of Lords and Lord Privy Seal, and Minister of State for Health during the NHS reforms of 1999 which brought in the "useless eater" program under Blair and served as a model for Obamacare. In 2007, Mrs. Jay served as cochair of the Iraq Commission that absolved Tony Blair of his sins in fraudulently starting the Iraq war. Axworthy proudly announces on his website that his work for the Inter Action Council involved the co-authoring of the utilitarian framework for a global constitution called “The Declaration of Human Responsibilities” in 1997.

On November 15, 2012, Axworthy formally attacked the Russian Ministry of Justice for suspending the RAIPON treaty (Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and Far East) and the detention of two community leaders in Buryatia. RAIPON is a permanent participant in the Arctic Council. The Arctic Council’s blueprint goes back to 1971 and is the brainchild of the CIIA. In 1989 the CIIA Chairman and Gordon Robertson former Clerk of the Privy Council (1963-1975) Gordon Robertson, called for the creation of an “Arctic Basin Council”. The formation of this council was vigorously championed by none other than eco-globalist and British agent Mikhail Gorbachev.

Walter Gordon, Peter Munk and George Soros which have become infamous for their role in promoting eco-anarchist movements includes the recently deceased Teddy Goldsmith and his Black Bloc. Deep Green Resistance, a California based group of eco-terrorists now recruiting in British Columbia even call openly for the complete destruction of major infrastructure around the world. Under the section called “Decisive Ecological Warfare”, its website reads:

The Arctic Council was set up in 1996 with the aid of the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation to ensure that an anti-development logic was instituted as framework for Arctic relations ensuring that such projects as the Bering Strait tunnel program advocated by Vladimir Putin would never occur. The person viewing this Russian behaviour would obviously draw similarities with Stephen Harper’s Bill C45. Any similarities are cosmetic however; as the Russian paradigm actually wants to develop the Russian Arctic and not just rape it for monetary gain. It is worth noting that the benevolent Axworthy doesn't seem to be very angry with the Harper regime, yet finds such behaviour absolutely repulsive when Russia does it.

The thread uniting these various anarchist organizations and their wealthy founders is not only to be found within a profound materialist (often Marxist) interpretation of history, but complete lack of understanding of the role of the antientropic quality of mind which makes humanity both unique and superior to all forms of life within the biosphere. The tendency to treat human economy as a mere closed entropic system striving for equilibrium as an “ecosystem” when applied in a conscious way will always lead the ideologue to conclude along with WWF founder Prince Phillip, that the mass culling the population is occasionally necessary when confronting resource scarcity. Ever since the OECD and UNESCO first began applying their doctrines of Cybernetics and Systems Analysis to world policy making, fixed parameters have been deemed necessary to help those “managers” of the world control the masses. In Canada, this process began in full force with the ouster of John Diefenbaker and the emergence of the new age of Walter Lockhart Gordon, Fabian Cybernetics ideologue Pierre Elliot Trudeau and the Monarchy’s sociopathic promoter of Malthusianism Maurice Strong.

Today’s Strategic Situation: A Powder Keg Ready to Blow? It is known that George Soros' Tides Foundation, partner of the Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation, was the catalyst behind the Occupy movements, and the green anarchists like Bill McKibben have been creating and recruiting Green potential terrorists from the more radicalized layers of the disenchanted youth who were activated by Occupy since 2011. Other wealthy assets aside from Maurice Strong,

“The above grounders would work to build sustainable and just communities wherever they were, and would use both direct and indirect action to try to curb the worst excesses of those in power, to reduce the burning of fossil fuels, to struggle for social and ecological justice. Meanwhile, the under grounders would engage in limited attacks on infrastructure, especially energy infrastructure, to try to reduce fossil fuel consumption and overall industrial activity. The overall thrust of this plan would be to use selective attacks to accelerate collapse in a deliberate way.”

The only means currently available to reverse this downward trend in civilization is to adopt the LaRouche plan for a recovery beginning with a global Glass-Steagall and a policy of Productive Public Credit, followed by major scientific and infrastructural endeavours vectored around space exploration, asteroid defence, and the North American Water and Power Alliance. The quickest path to this orientation is to be found in the 64 km tunnel which can be built to accommodate high speed rail across the Bering Strait connecting the two great continents for the first time. The parameters defining mankind’s limits must be changed via the fruits of creative thought, not adapted to as today’s genocidalist Do eco-anarchist freaks such as Middlebury College’s Bill McKibben (right) know that demands. they are funded and run top down by such billionaires as Teddy Goldsmith (deceased), Peter Munk and George Soros (left to right)?


Sections of Assembly of First Nations and Idle No More Movement Being Played By Monarchy Recently, Huffington Post Canada attempted to answer what is on the mind of many Canadians in the present First Nations’ Idle No More protests across Canada in their post entitled: “Governor General and First Nations: Why The Crowns’ Presence Was So In Demand” That explanation of why the insistence on the presence of the Queens’ representative in their scheduled meeting with PM Harper is a cover story. The real story appeared in 1994 in the Executive Intelligence Review’s Special Report: The true story behind the fall of the House of Windsor, which exposed the inner workings of the oligarchical principle at work in the creation and control of both the international environmentalist movement and the indigenous peoples movement by H.R.H. Prince Philip and his Club of the Isles in order to implement a worldwide resource grab and a genocidal depopulation policy.

eventually reduce the world’s population from the present seven billion down to one or two billion! The only path of continued survival and progress for Canada’s First Nations is for the Canadian Parliament to enact a Glass-Steagall legislation and make available the much needed large amounts of public productive credit to finance the necessary improvements in the lives of First Nations peoples and especially large infrastructure projects such as the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) that would benefit all the peoples of Canada including those who live North of 60.

Part of that control apparatus was the creation of the Survival International and its offshoot Cultural Survival whose Board Member Chief Edward John of the British Columbia Ti’azt’en Nation was recently elected North American Representative to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues. The former executive director of Cultural Survival Canada is Green Party leader Elizabeth May, another figure who has been instrumental in passing the C-383 to prohibit transboundary water development so necessary for NAWAPA to come into being. While the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) rightfully demands that the Canadian Parliament must eventually abrogate the infamous Indian Act and consult with them when Parliament enacts legislation that would affect existing treaties with First Nations, the truth of the matter remains that a section of the AFN are being played by the very monarchical forces whose real agenda is to stop science and technology in order to 34

The JFK era North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) now provides the only hope to avoid the destruction of the agricultural and industrial productive powers of the continent For more on NAWAPA see

The British Crown is Guilty of Canadian Inuit Deportation by Raynald Rouleau If Nuremberg Trial standards were to be applied to the case of what the British oligarchy did to the Inuit people of Canada, Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, Elizabeth II, would be in serious trouble. In 1953, the Canadian government deported several families of Inuits from Inukjuak, Quebec to the High Arctic, in order "to restore the Inuit to what was considered their proper state." It was called "a rehabilitation project."

This insane situation recalls the "Do Not Feed The Animals " sign at the London Zoo. In this case, the zookeeper was the RCMP. The Inuit were even tagged, and forced to wear a metal disk with a chain around the neck. Many official government documents show the name of an Inuit followed by their tag number.

In 1994, an explosive report was issued by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples called The High Arctic Relocation: A Report on the 1953-55 Relocation. The contents of this report shed light on a key policy doctrine of the British Empire in regards to the manipulation of native populations within Canada. This policy involves destroying continental development by cultivating identities conducive to technological backwardness, yet wearing the mask of `natural purity`. This mask hides an insidious program of scientific and technological apartheid on a vast scale.

The Canadian government in power during the period of this relocation policy was applied knew or should have known that the program was brutalizing and inhuman. But, as were the black slaves who were trained to pick cotton by the British Confederate slave-masters in the southern United States, Inuit were "tamed," to do the trapping for the British Empire's Hudson Bay Company. The living conditions of the Inuit around the Hudson Bay Companyrun trading post, were very bad. One could rightfully label these posts as "Arctic plantations."

This technological apartheid which the contents of this report shed light upon, directly challenge the popular doctrine that native people exist as a fixed part of their `ecology`. Such a doctrine has been cultivated by the likes of Maurice Strong, The Club of Rome, The World Wildlife Fund, The Munk School of Global Affairs, and The Walter and Duncan Gordon Foundation headed by Thomas Axworthy. [This racist assumption underlies the passage of such `natural protection legislation` such as Bill C-383 to prohibit all trans-boundary water development across Canada and the USA and threatens to destroy the long fought for JFK-era project NAWAPA. –editorial] In the 1994 report, Canadian military serviceman stationed at Resolute Bay who witnessed the experiment, said that "he didn't understand why the Inuit were not given quarters at the base to live in and why the ample food which was available at the base was not made available to them." The report continued, ``The servicemen were told that the Inuit were there to rehabilitate themselves . . . to learn how to survive on their own and go back to their old way of living. The project was to see if they could survive in that High Arctic environment where Inuit had lived in earlier times. . . . Temperatures of -55°F were common in the winter." The servicemen were told that in no way were they to associate with the Inuits or give them anything unless escorted by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, which was running the project.

The 'High North Relocation Project'

According to the report," In 1930, Canada's western Arctic population was estimated to have fallen to about 200 from the 2,000 who had inhabited the region a century earlier .... The reality was that during the, 1920s and 1930s the healthcare of Inuit, particularly in the eastern Arctic, was in shambles.... Medical care was not given to the dyingthey were turned away if they could get to a medical center or were turned out to die in a snow house or tent if already in one of the few treatment centers. . . . Canada was embarrassed by public criticism flowing back through U.S. military personnel entering the Arctic during the Second World War, and it has been said that if the whole truth had been made public, the Canadian government, already stinging from embarrassment, would have had much to answer for." In 1945, because of international pressure, the "Eskimos were for the first time . . . publicly recognized as citizens by receiving family allowances," which are for "maintenance, care, training, education and advancement of the child." (These allowances were later classified as "savings," and in effect denied to the children of the families who were part of the "relocation experiment.") During the World War II mobilization in the 1940s, many Eskimos were employed in the building of military and related facilities in northern Canada, including the Arctic,


and some were later retained, for example, to help with the maintenance of weather stations. "The effect of improved health care introduced after the Second World War was that the mortality rate began to decline and the Inuit population, by the mid- to late-1950s began gradually to increase."

Elizabeth II ascends the throne

ily, is that the RCMP, aside from having been directed "to keep the Eskimos self-supporting and independent," were also directed to enforce the "wildlife laws." The Inuits were prohibited from killing musk ox or hunting caribou, the skins of which are a must for blankets and other warm clothing. Maj. Gen. Hugh Andrew Young, the deputy Minister of Resources and Development, pushed the "rehabilitation project" down the chain of command, with the help of his partner in crime, Lt. Cmdr. Bent Gestur Sivertz, an avowed Freemason and former head of the King's officer training establishment of the Canadian Navy in Halifax, who was made Officer of the Order of the British Empire in 1945.

Soon after Elizabeth II ascended the throne, the Eskimo deportation projects started. Inukjuak, a major Inuit settlement in northern Quebec; was said to be becoming "overpopulated " (about 500 people lived in the area). But the evil reasoning behind the so-called need for the relocation was that the Eskimos were becoming more and more like the white man, i.e., too civilized:· "In Inukjuak, there was a health facility, a church, a schooI, a fur trading post, a store, a port, etc .... So, slowly, The High the Eskimos were becoming a part of the whole society. Even if most people were still hunting, it wasn't their main Source of food. Many were getting some kind of benefits, either as salary, family allowance, or old age security payments, like all other Canadians who benefit from the universal social safety net."

Arctic Relocation, 1953

But, under the top down British Empire policy towards native peoples, the Inuit are not supposed to be the beneficiary of the civilizing effect that modern science and technology bring about. Eskimos, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica, live in igloos and hunt seal, walrus, and polar bear somewhere near the North Pole. Therefore, the Canadian government-enacted a policy to "correct " the problem. The government deported several families, specially those judged to be more in need of "rehabilitation," e.g., those who had taken "the white man's way of life." The report stated: "It was recognized in the department that the cyclical nature of hunting could and did lead to periodic famine and starvation. This was considered the natural state for the Inuit. The goal of the relocation was to restore the Inuit to what was considered their proper state." In the Arctic, the RCMP was the government. "For decades, continuing into the 1950s, the RCMP were the embodiment and custodians of Canadian government policy and carried out almost every government function, from handing out family allowances to enforcing the law in the Arctic," the report said. "The RCMP were seen as having extraordinary legal power and an extraordinary reputation for being able to deliver the results of this legal power." One thing that shows the insanity of the whole project, and also has the hallmark of the royal fam36

In the High Arctic Relocation Project, Inuit families were moved north to desolate areas, despite periodic famine, to restore them to ``what was considered their proper state``. According to the Commission`s report,``In 1926, the game reserve was extended to cover all Canada`s Arcitc Islands even though most of the Arctic Islands were uninhabited and remain so.`` Map by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

On Feb. 20, 1953, Young wrote to RCMP Commissioner Nicholson: "As you are aware, we have been giving consideration to the possibility of transferring a few Eskimo families from overpopulated areas to places in the High Arctic .... It would be possible to establish these small settlements only with your cooperation as there is no one else at these places who could assist these people in adjusting themselves to new conditions .... We could not consider placing Eskimos at Resolute Bay unless we had someone to look after them and direct their activities .... I would be interested to hear, therefore, if you propose to open a detachment at that point this year." The RCMP commissioner replied: "I would be quite willing to select a good man and have him stationed there with the specific job of taking care of the natives. He might even be able to encourage some hunting and trapping on their part and handle their furs for them."

Opposition Arose There were people in the government who opposed this insane idea. A memorandum on May 2, 1952 by a senior official of RCMP, Mr. Carlson, who had 30 years of Arctic experience, said: "If the living standards of the Eskimos are ever to be raised they will require education, and education will interfere with their so-called “nomadic life”, but their life has, to a large extent, already been eliminated by changing them from hunters of meat to fur rappers. Fur trapping keeps them comparatively close to the trading post to which they go often with their fur, and, of course, the traders encourage them to do as much trapping as possible. If the Eskimos were living their true nomadic way of life, they would, to a large extent, be living hundreds of miles away from the trading posts, following caribou herds or fishing some good lakes or streams or camping at good sealing and walrus grounds. . . . There is really no valid reason why the Eskimos should be made or encouraged to continue as hunters or trappers in the Arctic, especially if they don't want to .... The more employment that is found for Eskimos other than hunters and trappers, the better. I think it is useless to talk of them resuming the native way of life."

The Sovereignty Issue The deportation coincided with a "worry " of the British vis-a-vis the United States concerning the High Arctic Islands. The report said, "By 1946, the U.S. presence in the north had declined substantially, but within a few years it would increase again. The Cold War led to several large projects in the Arctic, this time involving the High Arctic Islands. First came the joint Arctic weather stations, followed by the radar stations of the Distant Early Warning (DEW line). A large number of U.S. vessels were involved in the sea supply of these operations. Over time, Canada's

claim to Arctic waters became the predominant concern, and one that remains today." The report stated: "Mr. Denhez observed that the creation of the Arctic Islands Game Preserve involved the exercise of Canadian sovereignty and was designed to reinforce Canadian control over the Arctic. The stated purpose of the game preserve was to preserve the game for the benefit of the Canadian Native people. However, there was no aboriginal population in the High Arctic Islands at the time. The question that then arose was the significance of populating the High Arctic Islands with aboriginal people as the logistical consequence of the adoption of such measure. Mr. Denhez asserted that the 1953-55 relocation must be seen against the background of many years of government efforts to assert a Canadian presence in the Arctic and that there were those who saw the relocation in terms of further assertion of Canadian sovereignty.” A 1929 Canadian government memorandum was quoted in the report: “The creation of this preserve and its appearance on our maps serves to notify the world that the area between the 60th and 141st meridians right up to the Pole is under Canadian sovereignty.” As shown in EIR’s 1997 Special Report “The Coming Fall of the House of Windsor”, the British monarchy’s World Wildlife Fund for Nature’s creation of “wildlife reserves” all over the world is only a pretext for strategic control over specific areas, for the purpose of irregular warfare. According to the Royal Commission report, “A Dec. 29, 1952 memorandum to J.W. Pickersgill, Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary of the Cabinet, situates the opening of RCMP posts in the Arctic in the context of a discussion about the importance of maintaining Canadian sovereignty in the Arctic. The memorandum states that ‘About a year ago Mr. Pearson (Secretary of State for External Affairs) remarked in private that he wondered how good our claim was to some areas of the Arctic… Probably of much greater concern is the sort of de facto U.S. sovereignty which has caused so much trouble in the last war and which might be exercised again.” A spokesman for the Royal Commission told EIR that “there have been hundreds of such rehabilitation projects” over the years, in which a substantial number of human lives were lost. He said that such projects are still going on.


Permindex ties revealed to JFK murder, 1001 Club By Jeffrey Steinberg and Joseph Brewda This year will mark the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on Nov. 22, 1963. Five decades after the "crime of the century," the Kennedy assassination is still shrouded in mystery and controversy. Executive Intelligence Review’s (EIR) own continuing investigation into the JFK murder recently turned up startling new evidence that not only strongly supports the late New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison's charges that there was a conspiracy to kill President Kennedy, and that New Orleans businessman Clay Shaw was guilty as charged of participating in the murder plot. The new documents reveal that the Permindex organization based out of Montreal Canada, identified by Garrison as the "assassination cabal" behind the JFK killing was never dismantled. Many of the culprits caught in Garrison's investigation, as well as parallel 1960s assassination probes by French and Italian authorities, later surfaced as members of a shadNew Orleans District owy organization called the Attorney Jim Garrison "1001 Club," founded by Prince Philip Mountbatten, the Duke of Edinburgh, and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in 1971. Prominent Canadians who played a key role in the forming of this club include Peter Munk, of the Munk School of Global Affairs and CEO of Barrick Gold, Lord Conrad Black, Maurice Strong, and Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield. The 1001 Club, a by-invitation-only organization, was nominally founded as a "Nature Trust" whose primary goal was to fund the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), now known as the World Wide Fund for Nature. However, as EIR reported on Oct. 28, 1994, the WWF-1001 apparatus is a vast secret intelligence network engaged for the past 53 years in 38

a war of genocide against the population of Africa and other continents to further the political goals of the British House of Windsor and the Club of the Isles. The idea that lurking under the WWF's well-known Panda logo is a contemporary Permindex assassination bureau is not only a chilling prospect. It has immediate implications for the security of world leaders!

Part I: Shaw could have been convicted On March 1, 1967, New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison filed an arrest warrant against local businessman Clay Shaw, charging him with conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. Shaw was tried on these charges and acquitted. Yet, but for a legal technicality, Shaw would have been found guilty and his conviction would have led the investigation of the Kennedy murder directly to the door of Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, who helped found Permindex, shattering the Warren Commission "lone assassin" cover-up and tying the greatest political crime of the second half of the 20th century to a conspiracy of unheard-of scale.

Clay Shaw

Almost immediately after the assassination of JFK, Garrison had opened a quiet probe of the "New Orleans" angle on the killing. Lee Harvey Oswald had been living in New Orleans on and off during the year leading up to the assassination in Dallas. Following his arrest, Oswald had been initially referred to New Orleans attorney Dean Andrews by a man using the name "Clay Bertrand." Garrison's investigation had established that "Clay Bertrand" was actually Clay Shaw.

The probe placed Shaw, the director of the New Orleans International Trade Mart and a board member of Perm index,

in the orbit of Oswald, former FBI Division Five official Guy Banister, and David Ferrie. In the spring and summer of 1963, all these men had been in and out of Banister's private detective office at 544 Camp Street. That office had served as a covert operations center for the training and arming of Cuban exile mercenaries who conDavid Ferrie tinued to carry out military raids against Cuba after the failure of the Bay of Pigs invasion. Oswald was a regular visitor to Banister's office. The former U.S. Marine who had "defected" to the Soviet Union and returned unimpeded to the United States had used Banister's office as the address for a local chapter of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, a pro-Castro outfit that was clearly out of sync with Banister's anti-communist crusade. Nevertheless, according to Banister's personal secretary Delphine Roberts, Banister had described Oswald as a part of the covert operation: "He's with us, he's associated with the office," he told Roberts, according to author Tony Summers.

A trail of corpses By the time Garrison filed the arrest warrant against Clay Shaw, Oswald, Banister, and Ferrie were all dead. Oswald had been shot inside the Dallas police headquarters by local mobster Jack Ruby. Back in the 1950s in Chicago, Banister had been the Special Agent in Charge of the FBI office, and Ruby had been one of his informants. Banister apparently died of natural causes, but Ferrie's death was a mystery, ostensibly a suicide. The opening statements in the trial against Shaw began on Feb. 6, 1969, following lengthy jury selection. Ultimately, the case came down to the question of whether it could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that Clay Shaw was indeed the "Clay Bertrand" who had arrange for the New Orleans lawyer to represent Oswald moments after his arrest in Dallas.

Local mobster Jack Ruby shoots an unfortunate Lee Harvey Oswald

Although a number of witnesses testified for the prosecution that they had seen Oswald, Ferrie, and Shaw together during 1963, and one witness, Perry Russo, had claimed he had been at a party where Ferrie and Shaw had discussed details of a plot to assassinate JFK, the Garrison case nevertheless lacked hard proof to convince the jury beyond a reasonable doubt that Shaw and Ferrie had

This crucial photo of David Ferrie (left) and Clay Shaw (third from left, in wig), together at a party in New Orleans Parish, was never presented to the jury in the Clay Shaw trial. New Orleans DA Jim Garrison had discovered Shaw's links to "patsy" Lee Harvey Oswald, and to Ferrie, but was unable to break Shaw's perjured testimony.

been associates. Two crucial pieces of evidence, either one of which would have provided the "smoking gun," were never presented to the jury. The first was the booking form that was filled out at New Orleans police headquarters the day Shaw was arrested. Police officer Aloysius Habighorst, a decorated veteran of the police department, had booked Shaw on March 1, 1967. When Habighorst asked Shaw if he ever used an alias, Shaw carelessly responded, "Clay Bertrand." However, for reasons that still remain murky, trial judge Edward Haggerty refused to allow the booking form to be presented to the jury, and he blocked Habighorst from testifying. The other piece of hard evidence was a pair of photographs apparently taken at a 1949 house party for supporters of WDSU radio station, showing Clay Shaw and David Ferrie clowning around together. The pictures had been published in the May 1967 issue of The Councillor, a right-wing newsletter from Shreveport, Louisiana. Ironically, a reporter covering the Shaw trial had copies of the pictures in his briefcase in the courtroom, but the incriminating photos were never presented by Garrison's prosecution team. At the close of the defense case, Clay Shaw had taken the witness stand and lied repeatedly, under oath, that he had never met David Ferrie. What would the jury have done had Garrison countered Shaw's denials by producing the pictures of him and Ferrie? Other witnesses had already testified that Ferrie had described Shaw as an "old friend." Old enough friends to have been partying together in 1949? In the wee hours of March 1, 1969-two years to the day after Clay Shaw's arrest and two years and one week to the day after David Ferrie's body was discovered at his dingy apartment-Judge Haggerty charged the jury. One hour later, they returned with their verdict: not guilty. 39

Interviewed after the acquittal, the majority of jurors had said that they had been convinced by Garrison's evidence that President Kennedy had been killed as the result of a conspiracy. However, they had not been convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that Shaw was part of the conspiracy with Banister, Oswald, Ferrie, and others. Shortly before his death, Judge Haggerty told WLAE-TV reporter Stephen Tyler that he was convinced that Shaw had committed perjury. "Shaw lied through his teeth," he had told the reporter. Shaw "pulled a con job on the jury.” Garrison himself was undeterred by the jury verdict. Shortly after the acquittal, Garrison indicted Clay Shaw again, on charges of perjury. Garrison had a damning case against Shaw. However, in a rare move, the U.S. District Court ruled that Garrison could not go ahead with the perjury prosecution, on the grounds that it constituted double jeopardy and was therefore unconstitutional. Imagine the consequences of a Shaw conviction on March 1, 1969. An international spotlight would have been cast on New Orleans, and every facet of Shaw's life would have come under scrutiny. The day of his arrest, police had hauled off a collection of sado-masochistic paraphernalia, evidence of Shaw's bizarre homosexual lifestyle (yet another thing he shared in common with David Ferrie). But the aspect of Shaw's life that would have drawn the greatest amount of attention was his relationship to Maj. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield and the Permindex outfit that Bloomfield established in Montreal and in Rome, Italy in the mid-1950s. On March 16, 1967, shortly after Clay Shaw's arrest, the Montreal daily Le Devoir published an expose of Permindex, linking the company to a 1962 assassination plot against French President Charles de Gaulle. Two Italian daily newspapers, Paese Sera and Corriere della Sera, had also covered the Permindex scandal, with Paese Sera running a six-part series on March 4, 11, 12, 14, 16, and 18, 1967.

Part II: Oswald and J. Edgar Hoover Had the Shaw-Bloomfield connection to the JFK assassination become a subject of wide scrutiny in 1969 as the result of a conviction of Clay Shaw, another element of the cover-up would been exposed: Lee Harvey Oswald's relationship to FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, particularly during the days leading up to Nov. 22, 1963. "Defector" Oswald was allowed to return home to the United States in the summer of 1962 with his Soviet-born wife, Marina. Despite the fact that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover had ordered a massive expansion of the Bureau's Security Index, its tracking of suspected subversives, Lee Harvey Oswald's name never appeared on the index. That is not to say that the Bureau had not taken an interest in Oswald. Not only had "retired" Division Five official Guy 40

Banister brought Oswald into the 544 Camp Street apparatus, but Dallas FBI Special Agent Jules P. Hosty Jr. had been assigned to keep in touch with him, apparently as part of Oswald's understanding with the FBI that he would provide information about subversives. Some books on the Kennedy assassination have alleged that Oswald was a paid FBI informant during the period prior to the JFK murder.

Guy Banister

On approximately Nov. 9, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald paid a visit to the FBI's Dallas office, asking to speak with Special Agent Hosty. Hosty was not in the office, and Oswald left a handwritten note. According to the FBI version of the story, the note contained a threat against Hosty, demanding that he stop harassing his wife. However, other versions of the story suggest that Oswald's note contained a warning that there was a plot to assassinate the President. After his visit to the FBI office, Oswald fired off a telegram to J. Edgar Hoover in Washington, reportedly repeating his warning about a plot to kill the President. Had Oswald begun to figure out that he might be being set up as a patsy in a presidential assassination? If Oswald were the assassin, he would not likely have paid a visit to the FBI just weeks before the killing, a visit certain to draw FBI attention to him. The content of Oswald's note to Hosty and the telegram to Hoover will never be known. Within two hours of Oswald's assassination, Hosty was called into the office of Special Agent in Charge J. Gordon Shanklin and ordered to destroy the note and a memorandum that Hosty had prepared on Oswald right after his arrest in Dallas on the afternoon of Nov. 22. Shanklin told Hosty: "Oswald's dead and there can't be a trial now." Hosty flushed the incriminating note down the toilet. J. Edgar Hoover had suspended Hosty for 30 days without pay in 1964, charging him with "negligence" for failing to adequately monitor Oswald's activities in Dallas. Hosty was later transferred to Kansas City. In 1975, when Hosty tipped off

J. Edgar Hoover

reporters to the destroyed note, Rep. Don Edwards (DCalif.) held House Judiciary Committee hearings on Oswald's relationship to the FBI. By that point, however, Hoover was dead, and all the relevant FBI files and notes had been long since destroyed.

Part III: Major Bloomfield, Permindex, and WWF The late Maj. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield, the boss of Clay Shaw, oversaw the planning and direction of the murder of top targets of the British royal family in the postwar period. Permindex was a de facto subsidiary of Prince Philip's World Wildlife Fund, operating in collusion with J. Edgar Hoover. Bloomfield's career begins in World War II when, as a major in the Royal Canadian Service Corps, he was detailed to the FBI to serve as the contract (recruitment) agent of its counterespionage division, Division Five. This curious arrangement, whereby a British subject could occupy a highly sensitive position in Sir William Stephenson U. S. intelligence, was made possible by Churchill's personal emissary Sir William Stephenson, another Canadian. Stephenson oversaw the merging of certain limited wartime operations of British intelligence with the FBI and elements of U.S. military intelligence. Through such conniving the British effectively took over whole sections of U. S. intelligence and law enforcement, especially in the FBI, which had been set up under strong British influence in the first place just prior to World War I. Stephenson oversaw all British Secret Intelligence Service operations in the Western Hemisphere from his base in New York City; Bloomfield was one of his agents. Stephenson had been part of Prime Minister Winston Churchill's prewar circle, and a protégé of Lord Beaverbrook, a fellow Canadian who became the British Minister of War Supply and Churchill's key adviser on propaganda and intelligence. This Beaverbrook apparatus is the mother of Permindex, and the World Wildlife Fund. Following World War II, Bloomfield returned to Montreal to resume his law practice, but he continued to be Division Five's recruitment agent. His law firm, Philips and Vineberg, managed the Bronfman organized crime interests which emerged into prominence during Prohibition. The Bronfman syndicate has always functioned as a covert capability of British intelligence. The story of the Bronfman family's role in North American organized crime on behalf

Permindex inaugurates its buildings in Rome in May 1959. Permindex was involved in an assassination plot against French President Charles de Gaulle and its link to the Kennedy assassination is now confirmed.

of the British Crown is detailed in the bestselling book Dope, Inc., by the editors of EIR. To facilitate his operations, Bloomfield became the chairman of the Canadian subsidiary of Credit Suisse (a bank which Oliver North later used for the Reagan-Bush administration's Iran-Contra operations), and the representative of such corporations as Israeli Continental Corp. and Heineken Breweries. He also became the consul general for Liberia and director of the Israeli-Canadian Maritime League. In 1952, Bloomfield became an executive in the International Law Association, a British oligarchical intelligence apparatus whose leading families, the Wilberforces, Buxtons, and Cadburys, played an instrumental role in the creation of the WWF. Bloomfield used his position as chairman of its piracy and hijacking committee, and his emergence as a U.N.-linked expert in counter-terrorism, to build his network.

Bloomfield's WWF friends Prince Philip created the World Wildlife Fund in 1961 to provide an umbrella for diverse privatized intelligence capabilities operating under the British royal family. According to his obituaries, Bloomfield was the co-founder of the WWF in Canada, and served as its vice president from 1970 to 1978, and as a director from 1978 until his death in 1984. Bloomfield was also a member of the 1001 Club, an organization created in 1971 to fund the WWF. The 1001 members of the club include Indian maharajas, Caribbean narcotics bankers, and dozens of European counts and princes. The common characteristic of its members is that they are either officers of the British royal family or of European oligarchical families acting in collusion with the British 41

royal family. This is the international capability which provided backup to Bloomfield's assassination bureau. Although the Permindex corporate front of Bloomfield was shut down before the end of the 1960s, the capability for organizing and covering up such high-level terrorism as the assassination of a popular American President was not dismantled along with the temporary corporate address. In fact, many of the pivotal players in Bloomfield's assassination bureau showed up in the early 1970s as charter members of the 1001 Club-along with Bloomfield himself. It is no stretch of the truth to say that the 1001 Club represents one line of continuity from Bloomfield's Permindex to the current generation of British Crown assassins. Here are some of the most egregious cases of Permindex1001 Club overlap. -Maurice Strong: Recruited from the private sector as Vice President of Power Corp (1963-1965), Strong became a leading figure heading the Department of External Affairs under Lester Pearson, and creator of the Canadian Investment Development Agency (CIDA) under Prime Minister Trudeau. In this function, Strong promoted the program of depopulation and “appropriate technologies” onto third world countries seeking foreign aid. Strong became a main recruiter of corporate Canada to the WWF agenda, becoming co-founder of the 1001 Club alongside Bloomfield in 1971, and taking over as Vice President for the WWF from Bloomfield from 1978-1981 (while Prince Philip was still serving as its President). • David Ogilvy: Founder of the advertising firm Ogilvy Mather, who worked out of Stephenson's New York City office as the British SOE (Special Operations Executive) liaison to OSS during the war. Ogilvy and Stephenson later established the British American Canadian Corp. It was out of that firm that Permindex was spawned. Ogilvy was the cousin of the Angus Ogilvy, the patron and partner of Tiny Rowland in Lonrho (London-Rhodesia Ltd.), the British intelligence proprietary responsible for orchestrating numerous civil wars in Africa in collusion with the WWF. Angus Ogilvy's wife, Princess Alexandra, is the cousin of the Queen. Princess Alexandra recently succeeded Prince Philip as president of WWF-U .K. Some of the WWF's first staff were drawn from Ogilvy and Mather. • Jean Riboud: Chairman of Schlumberger Ltd. Schlumberger is owned by Dominique Schlumberger de Menil of Houston, Texas. Her husband, Jean de Menil, was a Permindex board member and a close collaborator of Bloomfield since the war. Involved in oil diagnostics, the firm served as a cover for Permindex operations internationally. During World War II, de Menil had been the head of de Gaulle's Free French forces in Venezuela together with Jacques Soustelle. Soustelle later formed the OAS unit (Secret Army Organization) that attempted to kill de Gaulle. 42

• James S. Schlesinger: Schlesinger was the owner of the only South African firm listed in the Permindex’s internal phone directory (which is now in EIR’s possession). In 1962, President Charles de Gaulle forced the Swiss and Italian governments to expel Permindex after it was caught orchestrating a failed attempt to kill him that year. Permindex moved to Johannesburg, South Africa. Schlesinger's firm was financed by, and was a partner with, Hambros Bank, the WWF bank. • Sir Max Aitken: Aitken was the son of Lord Beaverbrook, Stephenson's mentor. Beaverbrook's nephew, Howard Aitken, was one of Bloomfield's closest associates in the postwar period. He shared an office building with Bloomfield in Montreal. • Baron Alain de Gunzberg: The French husband of Minda Bronfman, sister of Seagram Corp. chairman Edgar Bronfman. Bloomfield was the Bronfman family's attorney from the pre-World War II period until his death. • Sir Brian Mountain: Chairman of Eagle Star Insurance, which has been the financial patron of the Bronfman interests for much of the postwar period. It has had more members of Britain's titled aristocracy on its board than any other British firm. Eagle Star was a majority owner of Edper, a Bronfman flagship firm. Mountain was also a partner with Schlesinger in South Africa Eagle. • Edward Plunkett Taylor: The founder of Argus Corp. (later the Hollinger Corp.), which had been formed as a postwar spinoff of the Beaverbrook-Sir William Stephenson network. The Hollinger apparatus and the Bloomfield network have infamously shared common personnel. For example, Hollinger Corp. had the Bronfman syndicate on its' board: Peter Bronfman, and Bronfman operatives Peter Reichmann, a leading real-estate speculator, and former Canadian ambassador to the United States, Alan Gottlieb. Daniel K. Ludwig, a partner of Taylor in real-estate ventures and horse racing, was another 1001 Club member. Ludwig ran the "Great Lakes navy" that shipped Bronfman whiskey to Moe Dalitz's Purple Gang during Prohibition. Dalitz was involved in the Kennedy assassination according to some investigations. • Lord Conrad Black: Former chairman of Hollinger and son of the Taylor subordinate who formed Argus/ Hollinger. A recruit of Maurice Strong and co-founder of the 1001 Club, Black had taken a fall in 2006 when he was found guilty for fraud and sent to 17 months prison in Florida. Since his release, Lord Black has since retaken control of his powerful rightwing mouthpiece the National Post and is once again shaping leading popular opinion among Canadians.

• Edmond Safra: The money man whose wife now sits on the WWF-International Board of Trustees, and who is part of the general Bronfman apparatus. Safra, one of the world's biggest dirty money managers, is the heir to the networks of 1001 Club member Tibor Rosenbaum, the first head of Israeli intelligence's financial department, who had been a heavy investor in Permindex. Rosenbaum's Banque de Credit International was used to launder Permindex money to finance the assassination of de Gaulle.

Part IV: How Permindex was created In 1945, in the aftermath of World War II, the British monarchy ordered the privatization of several wartime intelligence agencies and networks. The purpose of this privatization was to obscure the British oligarchy's farflung capabilities while facilitating its penetration of the corporate and oligarchical elite of the United States. Permindex was created as a stepchild of a combination of several of these privatized capabilities established in the immediate postwar period. In May 1945, just a few days after the end of the war in Europe, Sir William Stephenson incorporated the British American Canadian Corp. in Panama, but with offices in New York. The firm was soon renamed the World Commerce Corp. According to Stephenson's wartime aide David Ogilvy, the purpose of the firm was to "form a profitable company of merchant adventurers" composed of British intelligence veterans. Ogilvy drafted the corporate papers and became vice president. John Pepper, the head of Stephenson's wartime staff in Washington, became the firm's president. Stephenson's founding partners in the World Commerce Corp. included former SOE director Sir Charles Hambro, and Sir Rex Benson, who had been the resident British intelligence liaison to Washington during the war. Benson put up much of the money for the firm. Both had worked closely with Stephenson during the war. He was assisted

Three of Stevenson’s allies: Lord Beaverbrook, Sir Ian Flemming and Sir William Wiseman grouped together to form the elite “TryAll Club” in Jamaica.

by Col. Louis Franck, the banker who had been Hambro's wartime deputy. Both Benson and Hambro later became founder-trustees of the WWF. Officials of their family banks, Kleinwort Benson and Hambros, have always served as WWF trustees since its creation. As for Franck: He became WWF treasurer. It was out of the World Commerce Corp. that Permindex was formed. In order to provide himself a secure base of operations for this sensitive project, Stephenson moved to the British Crown Colony of Jamaica in 1946. He pioneered a property development in Montego Bay, which soon attracted several of his wartime colleagues as residents. Among these colleagues were Lord Beaverbrook; Ian Fleming, the famous "James Bond" spy novelist and SOE spy whose family later helped form the WWF; and Sir William Wiseman, the World War I British intelligence boss in New York whose networks had been taken over by Stephenson. Beaverbrook and Fleming were both closely associated with Stephenson's new firm. From its inception, the World Commerce Corp. worked closely with the World Trade Mart of New Orleans, nominally to promote world trade. The founder and chairman of the World Trade Mart was Col. Clay Shaw, who had first hooked up with the British in World War II when he was an OSS liaison officer to Winston Churchill's headquarters. Shaw had considered renouncing his U. S. citizenship and remaining in London, but in 1945, he returned to the United States to establish the World Trade Mart.

Prince Phillip’s World Wildlife Foundation wants you to give him a hand

Shortly after he had overseen the first phase of this privatization, Stephenson transformed his Jamaican property into the curiously named "Tryall Club." The elite British club became a watering hole for de Menil, Bloomfield, and others implicated in the JFK conspiracy. 43

While Stephenson and Shaw were establishing the World Commerce Corp. and the World Trade Mart, Edward Plunkett Taylor was setting up yet another firm dedicated to world trade. Taylor had been Winston Churchill's personal secret representative in wartime Washington. He had been detailed to the United States from Toronto in 1940 to E.P. Taylor obtain war supplies for Britain at a when such purchases were still illegal under the U. S. law. Taylor worked directly under fellow Canadian Lord Beaverbrook in close coordination with Stephenson. In 1945, Taylor was ordered to form Argus Corp. as a private, postwar continuation of his wartime procurement and intelligence staff. The firm had been renamed Hollinger Corp., grew rapidly, perhaps through funds acquired outside legal channels during the war, and certainly through British oligarchical patronage. Among Hollinger's key figures have included Rupert Hambro from the SOE banking family; Sir James Goldsmith, a top British intelligence officer and leading controller of the World Wildlife Fund, and Sir Henry Keswick whose Hong Kong banking family has always played a dominant role in the WWF. Simultaneously, Stephenson’s agent, Major Bloomfield, was detailed back to Montreal to oversee the postwar expansion of the Bronfman syndicate. In 1956, Bloomfield incorporated Permanent Industrial Expositions, Inc., Per-

Permindex’s hitlist was directly implicated in the assassinations of Kenney, and Enrico Mattei as well as several of the many attempted assassination attempts on de Gaulle

mindex merging the capabilities of the World Commerce Corp. (which soon formally dissolved) and Clay Shaw's World Trade Mart. In 1959, Permindex formed the Centro Mondiale Commerciale, the World Commerce Center, in Rome, as its subsidiary. In 1962, the Secret Army Organization (OAS) of Permindex board member Jacques Soustelle, a decades-long partner of Permindex board member Jean de Menil, oversaw an assassination attempt against French President Charles de Gaulle financed by Clay Shaw's FBI crony Guy Banister. De Gaulle forced Switzerland and Italy to expel Permindex's offices from their territories as a result. In 1962, the Permindex networks were implicated in the sudden death, in a mysterious plane crash, of Italian state oil industrialist Enrico Mattei, who was working on a political track parallel to de Gaulle's.


Inauguration ceremonies of Permindex facilities in Rome. British Ambassador Sir Ashley Clark is seated in the front row, the first male on right. Permindex was a de facto subsidiary of the World Wildlife Fund of British Royal Consort Prince Philip. 44

Today, little time remains to ensure that civilization can survive the effects of the cover-up of John F. Kennedy’s murder. The takeover of the U.S. economy and cultural destruction that was unleashed by this process has resulted in a youth generation that no longer believes in scientific and technological progress and the largest monetary bubble ready to blow. If the truth of the role of the Royals, Canadian intelligence networks, and the environmentalist movement were recognized to be part of a single process that is at the heart of bringing about the greatest population reduction scheme in human history, then the brave struggle of John F. Kennedy and his co-thinkers during the 1960s will not have occurred in vain.

The Ugly Truth About General Andrew McNaughton By Rick Sanders Just mention the word "Dieppe" around older Canadians and you'll be stirring up a hornet's nest. The Dieppe raid was the worst disaster in Canadian military history; and everybody involved tries to pass the buck; but the real truth is that it was not an accident, but deliberate - and that buck stops with Churchill, Lord Mountbatten and, specifically, General Andrew McNaughton, the same McNaughton who designed and ran the hated 'relief camps' during the Depression. Dieppe, August 19, 1942, 0500h. Landing craft filled with about 50 U.S. Army Rangers, 1000 British troops, and 5000 Canadian soldiers are behind schedule. At 0507h the sun comes up, the first craft still 30 meters off shore and the Germans begin firing, shooting them like fish in a barrel. In a retrospective article of Nov. 8, 2012, the grandson of Captain L.G. Alexander, a Calgary doctor and medical officer for the 14th Canadian Army Tank Regiment (Calgary Regiment) who survived, writes in the Rocky Mountain Outlook of Banff, Alberta: “Our boat was now [about 9 am] hopeless,” Alexander wrote of LCT 8. “All the Naval crew were either killed or blown overboard and we floated sideways into the Beach, receiving broadsides from all of the shore guns. Machine gun bullets were beating a constant tattoo on the boat. Explosions were occurring inside and out, and at one time the inside of the boat was a sheet of flame. “Men were blown overboard, many of whom I had just finished bandaging when I turned back I found had been killed, and nearly all were blown completely off the ship … By now, of the 130 men who set out on LCT 8 the day before, 97 had been killed, wounded or captured. The smokestack and bridge of LCT 8 had been blown away. The hull was riddled with holes, both numerous small ones and 32 larger ones caused by shelling. The British provided very little air support for the infantrymen trying to land, ostensibly for fear of causing too many civilian casualties! The naval bombardment from British ships amounted to mere pin pricks; the Germans were fighting from fortified strong points so that hundreds of the assault troops never made it off the beaches, and within a few hours, nearly 2000 were forced to surrender. The Churchill tanks that were supposed to support the infantry

immediately got mired down in the pebbles on the steep beaches, and every single one of them was destroyed. Who was responsible for this disaster? Even General Montgomery had wanted to scrub the plan after the original date of July 4 had to be postponed because of bad weather: "[Once the original plan was postponed] …it was reasonable to expect that it was now a common subject of conversation in billets and pubs in the south of England, since nearly 5000 Canadian soldiers were involved as well as considerable numbers of sailors and airmen. … But Combined Operations Headquarters thought otherwise; they decided to revive it and got the scheme approved by the British Chiefs of Staff towards the end of July. When I heard of this I was very upset; I considered that it would no longer be possible to maintain secrecy. Accordingly I wrote to General Paget, C.-in-C. Home Forces, telling him of my anxiety, and recommending that the raid on Dieppe should be considered cancelled "for all time." If it was considered desirable to raid the Continent, then the objective should not be Dieppe. This advice was disregarded. On the 10th August I left England to take command of the Eighth Army in the desert." (1) Clearly, Churchill's hand-picked 'Adviser on Combined Operations' Commodore Lord Louis Mountbatten had no such qualms. As for General McNaughton, he had been working hand-in-glove with the British Commander in Chief Home Forces, General Paget, in planning an "expeditionary force" which was to be under Paget's direction… "Paget said that it was now intended to set up an Expeditionary Force Planning Staff Committee, and that this would be composed of himself as chairman, Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay (C.-in-C. Dover) as Naval representative, Air Chief Marshal Sir Sholto Douglas (C.-in-C. Fighter Command) as Air representative, Major-General Chaney (Commanding General, United States Forces in the United Kingdom) to represent the United States, and General McNaughton to represent Canada." (2) (1) General Bernard Montgomery writing about the Dieppe Raid in his autobiography, The Memoirs of Field Marshal Montgomery (1958), cited in http:// (2) Six Years of War, The Official History of the Canadian Army in the Second World War Chapter X, p. 321 [ SixYears/SixYears-10.html 45

McNaughton apparently continued to promote the Dieppe raid, even after General Montgomery had so strenuously objected. What kind of incompetence or malevolence would send these boys on this suicide mission? The Germans clearly had time to catch wind of the intended "surprise" and prepare themselves; they had even spotted concentrations of landing craft in British harbors and had attacked some of them!

Flashback to the Depression: McNaughton's Royal Twenty Center camps (3)

Given McNaughton's pre-war record, could the English King George have expected any lesser service to the Empire? The response of the Roosevelt administration to the Depression was to organize huge infrastructural development programs to immeBut the many warning signs were undiately begin a recovery of the productive heeded. The net result: out of the 4,963 civilian economy. The Works Progress Canadians who had sailed from England Administration (WPA), Peoples Work Adearly that morning, 907 were killed, and ministration (PWA) and the Civilian Con2460 were wounded or taken prisoner - Yousuf Karsh/ Library & Archives Canada/ PA-034104 servation Corps (CCC) provided on-the-job a 68 percent casualty rate (3). All within six General A.G.L. McNaughton (1887- training, education, and productive work at hours. There is no record that McNaughton, 1966), General Officer Commanding of reasonable wages -- the CCC (1933-1943) the 1st Canadian Division, 1939. who was supposed to represent the Canadibeing especially popular, with men riding ans, ever tried to stop it. Why were the Cathe rails or walking thousands of miles to become part of nadians chosen as cannon fodder? The British have the this. Octogenarians would point out to their great grandreputation of letting the colonials do the fighting for them. children: "I built this." Major General Andrew McNaughChurchill feared that the world was catching on to this: "I ton, the army chief of staff, did the diametric opposite. His am grieved at [the] Australian attitude, but I have long biography describes his response to the Depression, honfeared the dangerous reactions on Australian and world eyed o'er with McNaughton's own words: "to proceed by opinion of our seeming to fight all our battles in the Middle persuasion and not by compulsion, and to do everything East only with Dominion troops." (4) possible to facilitate the flow of men back to industry…" (4) - but it amounted to a failure to deal with the underlying The Dieppe disaster certainly served the British Empire! problem of an unproductive economy, and rather to contain By late 1941 and early 1942, the Russians and the US were potential trouble by military means. The relief camps were insisting on the need to open a second front to defeat Nazi proposed by McNaughton, and Prime Minister R.B. BenGermany. But Churchill, more interested in preserving the nett chose him to run them. Young people in the American Empire than winning the war, wanted to convince Stalin CCC camps lived in decent conditions, were paid a dollar a and Roosevelt that a landing in Europe was infeasible "this day and performed work such as planting trees and buildearly," - so Churchill needed a clamorous failure, - and got ing state park recreational facilities which are part of the one. general welfare; the young Canadians in the relief camps were paid a miserable $.20 a day and lived in tarpaper shacks. Soon they smelled more like Hitler's camps, and McNaughton used this almost "free" labor for a large number of military projects. (5) Resistance to the camps was enormous and almost universal. Strike after strike was called, and a peaceful march on Ottawa was stopped in June of 1935 in Regina, Saskatchewan when on Ottawa orders, the (federal) Royal Canadian Mounted Police began clubbing unarmed marchers and ordinary citizens indiscriminately, injuring hundreds of residents and marchers; one marcher was killed and it might have ended in a massacre had the provincial government not pressured Ottawa to call off their police. (6)

Photo credit:

Young Canadian soldiers were sent to certain death at Dieppe.


(3) McNaughton. John Swettenham, The Ryerson Press, 1968. Vol. 1, p. 278 n: "Royal" gave the title a derogatory military flavor; "Twenty" referred to the twenty-cent allowance. (4) loc. cit., p. 271 (5) Swettenham, loc. cit., p. 285 (6) zzz

cept," based upon "a diabolic thesis that all waters of North America become a shared resource" all to make "existing desert areas … bloom at the expense of development in Canada." (8) A cynical manipulation. Managing the continental watershed, and harnessing the enormous hydroelectric power, and the benefits of irrigation and highlyimproved infrastructure and transportation would have been, and will be, of incalculable benefit for Canada, the US and Mexico alike; but not to the benefit of the British Empire. You might say in a nutshell, that McNaughton fought to deny Americans and Mexicans access to fresh water currently being dumped into the salt ocean, just in case the Empire might some day in the unforeseeable future, need that water to wash the Queen's dirty laundry. Credit:

Mothers across Canada organized to shut down McNaughton’s cheap labour camps

The camps and other policies of the sitting government were so unpopular that in the 1935 election, the ruling Conservative Party dropped from 134 to 39 seats; in 1936, the new government of MacKenzie King shut down the camps.

McNaughton’s Sabotage of NAWAPA The British hated President Kennedy, his brother Robert, W.A.C. Bennett, for their promotion of continental planning of water management which had culminated in the Great North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA, See Patriot IV). The British hated NAWAPA because continental water management would mean that the whole continent would slip out of their grasp, along with their hope of bringing the USA back into the imperial fold. NAWAPA had enormous support all over Canada (7); for example, in 1965, Prime Minister Lester Pearson purged two anti-NAWAPA ministers from his cabinet - and the future looked very promising. So the British deployed McNaughton, who had expertise on water issues through his work as the Canadian head of the International Joint Commission (IJC). The General spent the last years of his life fighting NAWAPA tooth and nail. McNaughton gave three speeches to the ruling elites of Canada, one of them in the form of a debate against Senator Frank Moss of Utah, the international champion of NAWAPA. McNaughton called the Columbia River treaty "pillage" by the US, called NAWAPA a "monstrous con(7) A report put out by the Western Canadian-American assembly in 1964 said: "Canada and the United States are moving in the direction of a new and significant policy for the development of energy resources particularly water power on a continental scale. Recent technological advances which have made the border increasingly irrelevant have brought about in both countries the willingness to consider an encouraging degree of integration." Swettenham, p. 332, n.

THE MURDER OF JFK Two of McNaughton’s key allies in the fight to thwart the design of B.C. Premier W.A.C. Bennett’s design for the Columbia River Treaty and Peace River projects were two lawyers steered directly by the upper echelons of British intelligence: Davie Fulton and Maj. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield. Fulton was a young Oxford Rhodes scholar working as Justice Minister in Ottawa under Diefenbaker, who openly tried to sabotage Bennett’s proposals for a two basin policy in tandem with the Columbia River Treaty. This Bennett design provided a direct outline of what was to become the NAWAPA design later. Fulton fought to support the McNaughton alternative design which involved bringing the Canadian water flows into the Prairies and letting the Americans hang out to dry. Major Bloomfield, then head of the Permindex assassination cabal [outlined in the accompanying study on p. 38] was close friends with both Fulton and McNaughton. Working directly under McNaughton at the IJC in 1958, Bloomfield authored “Boundary Water Problems of Canada and the United States” which produced a legal case against W.A.C. Bennett and Frank Moss’s approach to continental water management. Fulton would happily describe Bloomfield as his “dear friend” after a Conservative Party convention in 1967.(9) Partners in crime. Davie Fulton (right) and Bloomfield (left) at a dinner gala in Bloomfield’s honor. April 1967 [photo: Montreal Gazette]

(8) Water Resources of Canada, University of Toronto Press, 1967, p. 22. (9) Montreal Gazette, April 12, 1967. section A5


The History of NAWAPA Reviving the Spirit of John F. Kennedy By Michael Kirsch The history of NAWAPA has recently been made available for the first time, captured in the feature film, “NAWAPA 1964” which consists entirely of Senate Correspondences of Senator Frank Moss, published news reports, speeches and TV broadcasts, all taking place between 1962-1973. See “Man’s dependency on an adequate supply of fresh water is an indisputable fact. It is equally a fact that there is an insufficiency of such water and that this insufficiency has been particularly felt in the Western United States. Many efforts have been and are continuing to be made to solve the problem of limited water supply, and although great strides have been achieved, so great is the problem and so important its solution that it now has become imperative that consideration be given to what at one time seemed unachievable proposals. The time has passed during which this problem can be solved through traditionally local or piecemeal approaches. The solution must be equal in magnitude to the problem.” -Frank E. Moss, Chairman, Special Subcommittee on Western Water Development 1964 In the Spring of 1964, a United States Senate Special Subcommittee on Western Water Development was formed to evaluate a plan that newspapers in the U.S. and Canada were soon heralding as the most ambitious public works project in history: the North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA), the brainchild of Donald McCord Baker and Hillman Hansen, two engineers working out of Ralph M. Parsons’ engineering firm in California. Headed by Utah Senator Frank “Ted” Moss, the committee published a comprehensive report by October of that year, titled “A Summary of Water Resources Projects, Plans, and Studies Relating to The Western and Midwestern United States.” The report found that if all the projects studied or authorized by Federal and non-Federal agencies were to be implemented, they would have amounted to 3,151 projects, storing 2.7 billion acre-feet; in comparison, the 48

NAWAPA project would entail 369 separate projects, storing a total of 4.3 billion acre-feet, and, therefore, warranted a full engineering feasibility study. On September 1965, Moss introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution 55, calling for NAWAPA to be referred to the International Joint Commission, a U.S.-Canadian organization with a mandate to resolve boundary water issues. A similar resolution was introduced six days later in the House by Rep. David King as House Con. Res. 488.

A documentary

The measure received wide publicity, and judging from Moss’ correspondences, it enjoyed broad bipartisan support in Congress, as well as from citizens in the U.S. and Canada who wrote to Moss volunteering their efforts to help organize for it. Among the co-sponsors of the NAWAPA resolution was Senator Robert F. Kennedy, who wrote to Moss, “I am glad to join you as a cosponsor of S. Con Res. 55 expressing the sense of Congress that the President refer to the International Joint Commission the subject of the North American Water and Power Alliance... This proposal deserves careful study and consideration by both the United States and Canada and has applications to the East as well as the West.” Moss actively organized for joint action between the U.S. and Canada, and participated in several high profile debates with Canadian officials on the project. Despite vocal opposition from some quarters, favorable opinions on NAWAPA from Canadian legislators reached as high as Prime Minister Lester Pearson, who stated publicly that water diversion from the Arctic could be “one of the most important developments in our history.” However, official government action on NAWAPA stalled, especially as the U.S. was sucked into heavy combat in Vietnam beginning in November 1965. This coincided with a retreat from the pro-development programs of the Kennedy era, including the beginning of massive cuts to NASA’s budget, and a halt to new starts on dam projects. Therefore, while the Canadian government became increasingly favorable to the idea of NAWAPA in 1966-1967, the context surrounding NAWAPA was transforming; this new context became the determining factor in its outcome, regardless of any actions taken by its pro-

ponents. Any hope of a return to Kennedy’s “New Frontier” outlook, was effectively dashed with the June 6, 1968 assassination of his brother Robert following his victory in the California Democratic Presidential primary election, which followed on the heels of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. only two months earlier. A new cultural pessimism began to set in, typified by the “Limits to Growth ideology of the environmentalist movement and its oligarchical sponsors. The truth of man’s inherent ability to improve upon nature was replaced with cries of overpopulation and demands to “leave nature alone,” codified in legislation that specifically banned the kinds of water transfer measures outlined in NAWAPA. (1)

If Kennedy Had Lived The original NAWAPA proposal was conceived at a time when the meaning of “conservation” implied mankind’s utilization of the principles and material of the biosphere in which he lives, to improve upon it—it did not imply that man should leave nature as he finds it. During this time, in the wake of the Presidency of Franklin Roosevelt, it was a well-understood maxim, that mankind’s continued investment toward discovery and utilization of technology, would allow for continually increasing consumption, production, and population growth. This was a time of Great Projects, the dawning of the age of peaceful nuclear energy, and the bold optimism typified by John F. Kennedy’s Apollo program. Though the goal of landing a man on the moon was achieved within the timetable Kennedy prescribed, his commitment to the broad physical (1) Marcia Merry Baker, “NAWAPA’s History and Scope,” Executive Intelligence Review, August 6, 2010.


atically, to conserve its soil and its water, and to channel the destructive force of these great rivers into light and peace. And today, as a result of this, the face of this nation has been changed. Forests are growing where there was once dirt and waste. Now there is prosperity where our poorest citizens once lived. If there is one outstanding story among all this which indicates the kind of progress we can make working together, it’s the story of the REA.... “This is not a choice between spending and saving, for REA is a form of saving, as is this dam, hours and lives, saving farms and saving and returning to our Nation’s Government every dollar loaned, with interest, in taxes on new appliances and new equipment, and new farm income. This program and so many like it have returned to the public treasuries many times the entire cost of the program. JFK inspecting a space capsule with John Glenn

-economic advancement of the United States went unfulfilled in the wake of his assassination. This commitment can be seen in his 1961 bill for an investment tax credit to spur high-gain industrial growth, in conjunction with the technological driver of the space program, as well as his position on the development of water resources in the West. He articulated this vision in a series of dam dedications on two western states tours in 1962 and 1963. (2) On August 17th and 18th, 1962, two months before defusing the nightmare scenario of the Cuban Missile Crisis, JFK took a short trip to the West to dedicate three great projects of reclamation, leading him to declare that year the banner year for reclamation. Indeed, 1962 saw the most new and largest project starts since the administration of Franklin Roosevelt. Kennedy first stopped in South Dakota to tour and dedicate the Missouri river’s Oahe Dam, which at that time would be the largest earth-fill dam in the world. “When we are inclined to take these wonders for granted, let us remember that only a generation or two ago all the great rivers of America, the Missouri, the Columbia, the Mississippi, the Tennessee, ran to the sea unharnessed and unchecked. Their power potential was wasted. Their economic benefits were sparse. And their flooding caused an appalling destruction of life and of property...this nation began to develop its rivers system-

“The question which confronts us is... the whole question of our resource development in the western United States in the 1960’s. ...Surely a continent so rich in minerals, so blessed with water, and a society so replete with engineers and scientists can make and must make the best possible use of the bounty which nature and God have given us, public and private, federal and local, cooperative and corporate. “If we can apply to the challenges of the sixties the same principles of efficiency, cooperation, and foresight, which made this great dam possible, the same principles which cause American technicians to be sought out the world over to assist in developing the Nile, the Volta, the Mekong and the Indus Rivers, then we can look to a happy future....I don’t want to see the United States second in space or in the development of power resources. And I think it’s most appropriate in this great decade that we light the entire country....” —Oahe Dam, August 17, 1962 Later that same day, Kennedy flew to Pueblo, Colorado, to dedicate the Fryingpan-Arkansas reclamation project, which involved a trans-mountain tunnel system, transferring water between the Pacific and Atlantic watersheds. This powerful speech continued the theme of a multigenerational perspective fornational planning. “I don’t think there is any more valuable lesson for a President or member of the House and Senate than to fly as we have flown today over some of the bleakest land in the United States, and then to come to a river, (2) JFK Speeches Toward a Nation-Wide TVA.


and see what grows next to it...and know how vitally important water is. I hope that those of us who hold positions of public responsibility in 1962, are as farseeing about the needs of this country in 1982, and 1992, as those men and women were 30 years ago who began to make this project possible…

projects which were part of the Upper Colorado Basin and California water developments. On the morning of September 27th, a short ceremony was held at the municipal airport of Salt Lake City at which President Kennedy pressed a key to start the first generator at Flaming Gorge Dam in Utah, 150 miles away.

“This is an investment in the future of this country, an investment that will repay large dividends. It is an investment in the growth of the West, in the new cities and industries which this project helps make possible.

“As I move through the West, especially in this state and other states where water is short, I realize that nearly all of the standard of living which we enjoy in this part of the United States has been due partly to our own efforts, the generation which is now here, but really even more to the generation that went before—the people who started in the early 1920’s, for example, to organize the distribution of water along the basin...

“...And I hope that in the 1960’s we will commit ourselves to this same kind of mutual effort, and not regard those projects which aid our cities as inimical to Colorado or those projects which help our farmers as taking it way from our cities. Because that concept of the moving ahead of a great country on a great errand is what I think can give this country its leadership in the future as it has in the past. “Every Member of Congress, everyone in the executive branch from the President on, in the field of national resources, has to plan during their period of administration or office for the next generation, because no project that we plan today will be beneficial to us. Anything we begin today is for those who come after us. And just as those who began something years ago make it possible for us to be here, I hope we’ll fulfill our responsibility to the next generation that’s going to follow us.” —Pueblo, CO. August 17th, 1962 The next day Kennedy was in Los Banos, CA to dedicate the San Luis Dam project, part of the massive California State Water Project initiated under Governor Pat Brown. “This is a fast trip, but if it had no other benefit than to permit us to look at this valley and others like it across the country, where we can see the greenest and richest earth producing the greatest and richest crops in the country, and then a mile away see the same earth, and see it brown and dusty and useless, and all because there’s water in one place and there isn’t in another. I know of no better trip for any President or any Member of the House or Senate, or indeed any citizen, particularly those of us who live in the East, where water is everywhere and is a burden, to realize how very precious it is here in the western United States. —San Luis Dam, August 18th, 1962 The next year, on September 24th-28th, 1963, President Kennedy again toured the country, stopping at 10 different cities, including a stop to dedicate the Hanford Nuclear Facility, as well as two major water resource development

So I think it is essential that we, in the 1960’s, take steps to provide for the kind of country and state that we are going to have 20 years from now, so that we do for our children the same thing that was done for us.” In this state, this section of the United States, of course, the key is water. And unless we organize every drop to be of service to mankind, this state is going to stand still. You can’t possibly grow once the water level remains the same. Once the amount of water you have available for irrigation and reclamation and power remains the same, this state stands still. So water is the key-the management of water, I think, is the key that will open a very bright future... “I am particularly glad because Senator Moss has preached the doctrine of the wise use of water with, I think, more vigor, almost, than any Member of the United States Senate. He is chairman of the Subcommittee on Irrigation and Reclamation. He learned this lesson the hard way, as anyone must who lives here...But the important thing to remember is, for 50 years men have been talking about this project. It is now a reality. What are we going to do now so that 50 years from now the people who live in Utah and the United States will feel that in the early sixties we made the proper decision for the management of our resources?” —Flaming Gorge Dam, September 27th, 1963 On September 28th, JFK stopped in Whiskeytown CA, landing by helicopter directly on the dam, during the last day of his tour. The Whiskeytown Dam was the last of 5 Trinity River dams, which completed a section of the California Water Project. “Water should be used. Land west of the 100th parallel


was never regarded as fertile until some days after the Civil War a few men began to come out here and made determinations of what could be done. And we have moved ahead, and this project is only the most recent. I am proud of it. It was opposed for many years... For too long this water ran unused to the sea. For too long surplus water in one area was wasted, while there was a deficit nearby. Now, by diverting these waters to the eastern slope, we can irrigate crops on the fertile plains of the Sacramento Valley and supply water also for municipal and industrial use to the cities to the south....And while running their course, these waters will generate millions of kilowatts of energy and help expand the economy of the fastest growing state in the Nation. In these ways, Whiskeytown Reservoir and the Trinity division will add to our natural beauty and will show that man can improve on nature, and make it possible for this state to continue to grow.” —Whiskey Town, CA September 28th, 1963 At Greers Ferry, Arkansas, on October 3rd, just a month and a half before he was assassinated, Kennedy gave the last and one of the most remarkable speeches on national development, and the unity of all the states, polemicizing against those who considered infrastructure development as a mere local issue.

“This dam represents not merely the time of construction; it represents almost 30 years of effort...That is a long view. It is a man’s lifetime, and I would like to see us in this decade preparing as we must for all of the people who will come after us. I would like to see us do what we are doing here, do it in the Northwest, do it in the Midwest, do it in the East...” “...Those people who say it is ‘pork barrel’—which is more wasteful: the waste of life and property and hope or a multi-purpose project which can be used by all of our people? Which is more wasteful: to fail to tap the energies of that river, to let that water flood, to deny this chance for the development of recreation and power, or to use it and to use it wisely? Which is more wasteful: to let the land wash away, to let it lie arid, or to use it and use it wisely and to make those investments which will make this a richer state and country in the years to come? These projects produce wealth, they bring industry, they bring jobs, and the wealth they bring brings wealth to other sections of the United States.” —Heber Springs, Arkanas, October 3rd, 1963 Four months after Kennedy’s assassination, the plan for NAWAPA, which had been in development for several years, was made public.

To the left: NAWAPA Regional Breakdown. The full program for this megaproject which can yet be reborn is accessible on


The Genocidal Mind of the Empire By a CRC-EIR Investigative Team Could there possibly be human beings who have such a perverted view of the nature of mankind, as to want to radically reduce the number of people alive? Who see people as a "cancer" on the Earth which should be excised, rather than the source of creative growth for the universe as a whole? Not only is the answer yes, but it is the people who think like that—the imperial financial oligarchy—who are the controlling power on our Earth today. As a supplement to the previous articles, we document some of the more blunt and vicious ravings of the British oligarchy, and its lackeys, up through today, especially in the largely British-spawned Green movement. This is the enemy we must defeat.

Thomas Malthus Parson Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) was a hired pen for the College of the East India Company, a core institution of the British Empire, which had been consolidated in 1763, and his views on the need to suppress population—of the lower classes, of course—were tailored to that Empire's needs. We quote from his "Essay on the Principle of Population": Thomas Malthus

"We are bound in justice and honour formally to disdain the right of

the poor to support. "To this end, I should propose a regulation to be made, declaring that no child born from any marriage taking place after the expiration of a year from the date of the law, and no illegitimate child born two years from the same date, should ever be entitled to parish assistance. "The infant is, comparatively speaking, of little value to society, as others will immediately supply its place. "All children who are born, beyond what would be required to keep up the population to a desired level, must necessarily perish, unless room be made for them by the death of grown persons. Therefore we should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavouring to impede, the operations of nature in producing this mortality; and if we dread the too frequent visitation of the horrid form of fam-

ine, we should sedulously encourage the other forms of destruction, which we compel nature to use. "Instead of recommending cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court the return of the plague. In the country, we should build our villages near stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlement in all marshy and unwholesome situations. But above all we should reprobate specific remedies for ravaging diseases; and restrain those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have thought they are doing a service to mankind by protecting schemes for the total extirpation of particular disorders."

Lord Bertrand Russell Lord Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) was a member of a prominent British aristocratic family, who became a leading source of intellectual evil during a large part of the 20th Century, shaping the diseases of Fabianism, mathematics, and greenie-ism. While known as a pacifist, Russell actually called for pre-emptive nuclear war against the Soviet Union in 1946. His viciously anti-human views are most sharply expressed in his 1923 Prospects for IndusBertrand Russell trial Civilization, and 1951 book Impact of Science on Society. From the former: "The white population of the world will soon cease to increase. The Asiatic races will be longer, and the negroes still longer, before their birth rate falls sufficiently to make their numbers stable without help of war and pestilence...." From the latter: "At present the population of the world is increasing at about 58,000 per diem. War, so far, has had no very great effect on this increase, which continued throughout each of the world wars.... 53

"What, then, can we do? Apart from certain deep-seated prejudices, the answer would be obvious. The nations which at present increase rapidly should be encouraged to adopt the methods by which, in the West, the increase of population has been checked. Educational propaganda, with government help, could achieve this result in a generation. There are, however, two powerful forces opposed to such a policy: one is religion, the other is nationalism. I think it is the duty of all who are capable of facing facts to realize, and to proclaim, that opposition to the spread of birth control, if successful, must inflict upon mankind the most appalling depth of misery and degradation, and that within another fifty years or so. "I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing. There are others, which, one must suppose, opponents of birth control would prefer. War, as I remarked a moment ago, has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective. If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full. There would be nothing in this to offend the consciences of the devout or to restrain the ambitions of nationalists. The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of that? Really high-minded people are indifferent to happiness, especially other people's.... "There are three ways of securing a society that shall be stable as regards population. The first is that of birth control, the second that of infanticide or really destructive wars, and the third that of general misery except for a powerful minority.... Of these three, only birth control avoids extreme cruelty and unhappiness for the majority of human beings. Meanwhile, so long as there is not a single world government there will be competition for power among the different nations. And as increase of population brings the threat of famine, national power will become more and more obviously the only way of avoiding starvation. There will therefore be blocs in which the hungry nations band together against those that are well fed. That is the explanation of the victory of communism in China. "These considerations prove that a scientific world society cannot be stable unless there is a world government."

Prince Philip Since World War II, the leading spokesman for the antihuman policies of the British financial establishment has been Queen Elizabeth's Royal Consort, Prince Philip (b. 1921), who co-founded the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) in 1961, and has spurred the expansion and penetration of private and government institutions globally with the pernicious Malthusian ideology. Just a few examples will suffice. 54

"Vanishing Breeds Worry Prince Philip, But Not as Much as Overpopulation," interview in People magazine, Dec. 21, 1981. Q: What do you consider the leading threat to the environment? A: Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We're in for a major disPrince Philip aster if it isn't curbed—not just for the natural world, but for the human world. The more people there are, the more resources they'll consume, the more pollution they'll create, the more fighting they will do. We have no option. If it isn't controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war. Address on receiving honorary degree from the University of Western Ontario, Canada, July 1, 1983. “The industrial revolution sparked the scientific revolution and brought in its wake better public hygiene, better medical care and yet more efficient agriculture. The consequence was a population explosion which still continues today. The sad fact is that, instead of the same number of people being very much better off, more than twice as many people are just as badly off as they were before. Unfortunately all this well-intentioned development has resulted in an ecological disaster of immense proportions.” Address to Joint Meeting of the All-Party Group on Population and Development and the All-Party Conservation Committee, London, March 11, 1987. "...The simple fact is that the human population of the world is consuming natural renewable resources faster than it can regenerate, and the process of exploitation is causing even further damage. If this is already happening with a population of 4 billion, I ask you to imagine what things will be like when the population reaches 6 and then 10 billion.... All this has been made possible by the industrial revolution and the scientific explosion and it is spread around the world by the new economic religion of development.” Prince Philip was quoted by the Deutsche Presse Agentur, August 1988: "In the event I am reborn, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation."

Britain's Green Movement Paul R. Ehrlich One book which spurred the 1960s paradigm shift to antihuman green ideology was The Population Bomb, written by lepidopterologist Ehrlich and his wife, and published in 1968. Ehrlich, who is still active in depopulation groups such as the British royalty-sponsored Population Matters (formerly the Optimum Population Trust), showed his view of mankind in that book as follows: "A cancer is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells, the population explosion is an uncontrolled multiplication of people. We must shift our efforts from the treatment of the symptoms to the cutting out of the cancer. The operation will demand many apparently brutal and heartless decisions." Paul Ehrlich

In the wake of the publication of the British Royal Society's April 2012 "People and the Planet" report, which called in general terms for limiting population, Ehrlich said the following to the London Guardian: "How many [people] you support depends on lifestyles. We came up with 1.5 to 2 billion because you can have big active cities and wilderness. If you want a battery chicken world where everyone has minimum space and food and everyone is kept just about alive you might be able to support in the long term about 4 or 5 billion people. But you already have 7 billion. So we have to humanely and as rapidly as possible move to population shrinkage" (emphasis added).

Dennis Meadows Known for his co-authorship of the notorious Limits to Growth book of the British depopulation movement's Club of Rome, Meadows continues to be active in demanding a reduction in population. Exemplary is his interview with Spiegel Online on Dec. 9, 2009, where he was commenting on the failure of the Copenhagen Climate Summit. Asked for his proposal, he said:

"We have to learn to live a fulfilled life with the CO2 emissions of Afghanistan." (Note that Afghanistan's per-capita energy consumption is approximately 35 kWh, compared to 12,000 plus for the U.S.A. Thirty-six percent of the Afghan population has access to electricity. Its death rate is almost double that of the United States.) "Is this possible with 9 billion people on this planet?" asks the interviewer. Meadows replied, "No, even 7 billion people is too much for this planet.... If everybody is allowed to have the full potential of mobility, nourishment and self-development, it's 1 or 2 billion" (emphasis added).

Population Matters: This British-based group, heavily staffed with knighted Britons, won notoriety under its original name, Optimum Population Trust (OPT), which recommended drastic worldwide cuts in population, including in Great Britain, based on the fraudulent "carbon footprint" measurement. OPT was founded in 1991, and specializes in p u t t i n g o u t "sustainability" figures based on suppressing advanced technologies and promoting population control, including through abortion. One prominent member is the Baronet Jonathon Porritt, who functioned as a senior green advisor to former British Prime Ministers Gordon Brown and Tony Blair. In early 2009, Porritt called for cutting the population of Great Britain from the current 61 million subjects to no more than 30 million. That was the level of Britain's population during Victorian England. This outfit, which features sponsors such as naturalists Sir David Attenborough and Dame Jane Goodall, embraces a global population goal of no more than 4 billion people—3 billion fewer than today, and 5-6 billion fewer than current trends portend.

Jonathon Porritt

Dennis Meadows 55

OPT issued a press release March 16, 2009, titled "Earth Heading for 5 Billion Overpopulation?" which said: "Based on ecological footprint and biological capacity data which have become available over the last decade, OPT estimates the world's sustainable population currently at 5 billion and the U.K.'s at 18 million (the U.K.'s actual current population is 61 million). "However," the release continued, "these figures are predicated on present levels and patterns of consumption. Greener lifestyles in the U.K. could push up its sustainable population; by contrast, if the world as a whole grows richer and consumes more, this will reduce the planet's carrying capacity. If present trends continue, by 2050, when the UN projects world population will be 9.1 billion, there will be an estimated 5 billion more people than the Earth can support." I.e., only 4 billion need apply. The OPT is so integrated into the British-dominated UN structure that the the United Nations Population Fund gave its de facto blessing to OPT's mass murder scheme on Nov. 18, 2009, when it featured its director, Roger Martin, as a presenter of the UN's own "State of World Population 2009" report. Attenborough, one of OPT's leading promoters, received the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts prize on March 10, 2011, from Prince Philip, the RSA president. With Philip at his side, Attenborough stated: "We now realize that the disasters that continue increasingly to afflict the natural world have one element that connects them all—the unprecedented increase in the number of human beings on this planet," as Malthus warned. But no one proposes the necessary measures to curb human population, which makes every problem

worse. "Why this strange silence? ... There seems to be some bizarre taboo around the subject.... There are over 100 countries whose combinations of numbers and affluence have already pushed them past the sustainable level.... It is tragic that the only current population policies in developed countries are, perversely, attempting to increase their birth rate, in order to look after the growing number of old people. The notion of ever more old people needing ever more young people, who will in turn grow old and need even more young people, and so on, ad infinitum, is an obvious ecological Ponzi scheme."

Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research This Berlin, Germany-based organization is headed by a Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, who has pushed through a denuclearization, deindustrialization program in Germany over the past two years. (He was knighted in 2004.) Schellnhuber, at the March 2009 Copenhagen Climate Conference, asserted that his computer models had thoroughly shown that, if his plan for denying nuclear and carbon based energy supplies for humanity were not implemented, the carrying capacity of Earth Hans Schellnhuber would be only 1 billion people. Schellnhuber's "solution," a global green dictatorship, echos the brutal logic that his much admired mentor Bertrand Russell expressed in his infamous October 1946 Bulletin of Atomic Scientists article, in which Russell called for nuclear war against the Soviet Union, if it did not accept his plan for world government. Only weeks after his warning, Schellnhuber met with HRH Prince Charles at his Potsdam Institute in April 2009, and, in late May, opened the Nobel Laureate Symposium on Global Sustainability, hosted by Prince Charles, at his St. James Palace.

For a full dossier of video material and extensive exposes of the fascist roots of the Green movement, visit the following website: Attenborough and Prince Philip 56




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