The Bridge Download

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Published in USA August 2014

By Stevens Publishing, 2520 E Douglas Ave, Wichita, Kansas 67214-4514 USA  Telephone: 316.683.9582 Fax: 316.686.2442 316.686.2442

Copyright Bill Montana, 2014 


Thank you to you the reader and Bill Montana  —  From  From Mark Stevens

On a personal note, I want to thank Bill Montana for making me think "outside of the box," and for teaching me, (through this book), the most powerful thing I have ever executed in the field of magick. I admit I'm not professional, of effectsWhile to both magicians anda laymen alike. it's also true that over the years I have performed a lot  This book opened my eyes and while I was skeptical, it was short lived when whe n I applied this approach on our mail carrier — Jason, Jason, at the office. I went into the routine literally impromptu, impromptu, after having some conversation with him and quickly realizing this was the perfect opportunity to test what was at that time — strictly theatrical. Almost immediately af after ter I finished with it, I put it to the back of my mind. Cut to the next day when Jason cam camee charging through the door desperate desperate to find me to tell me that not only did he have the dream, 󰁢󰁵󰁴 󰁨󰁩󰁳 󰁷󰁩󰁦󰁥 󰁤󰁩󰁤 󰁡󰁳 󰁷󰁥󰁬󰁬 ! I don't know who was more impressed me or him — what I did know with absolute clarity — this was a powerful technique for sure.  That day I spoke with Neal Scryer about my success and he shared with me how he likes to use  The Bridge, as a close to a venue or reading... I can see why. I had the opportunity to listen to Neal go through his presentation and as brilliant as the application is, so too was Neal's delivery. He approaches it from a very very soft, almost experimental angle, where he invites the audience to try something he is recently working on. It's very har hardd to detail Neal's Neal's delivery but the point highlighted was the 󰁷󰁡󰁹 he introduced it, such that he relaxes the audience and makes them realize they are "part" of this experiment. I have since used 󰁔󰁨󰁥 󰁂󰁲󰁩󰁤󰁧󰁥  with continued success on very special occasions and love it because it is always there in my mind - ready  when I need it. In closing we want to thank Bill Montana for allowing Stevens Publishing to pick up this book, we are honored to add it to our line of quality books listed below as of this printing.  󰁌󰁩󰁦󰁥󰁴󰁩󰁭󰁥 󰁯󰁦 󰁍󰁡󰁧󰁩󰁣  󰁍󰁡󰁧󰁩󰁣  —  — Charles Gauci — Stevens Publishing 󰁔󰁨󰁥 󰁒󰁥󰁡󰁬 󰁓󰁥󰁣󰁲󰁥󰁴󰁳 󰁯󰁦 󰁴󰁨󰁥 󰁃󰁨󰁩󰁮󰁥󰁳󰁥 󰁌󰁩󰁮󰁫󰁩󰁮󰁧 󰁒󰁩󰁮󰁧󰁳 — Pete Biro — Stevens Publishing 󰁒󰁥󰁡󰁬 󰁓󰁥󰁣󰁲󰁥󰁴󰁳 — Adam Milgate — Stevens Publishing 󰁔󰁨󰁥 󰁃󰁯󰁬󰁤 󰁒󰁥󰁡󰁤󰁩󰁮󰁧 󰁂󰁯󰁯󰁫 — Martin Baukin — Stevens Publishing  󰁅󰁸󰁰󰁯󰁳󰁩󰁴󰁯󰁲 󰀭 󰁔󰁨󰁥 󰁔󰁨󰁥 󰁐󰁩󰁧 󰁂󰁯󰁯󰁫 — Pinchbeck (Reproduction) — Stevens Publishing  󰁁 󰁃󰁡󰁮󰁤󰁬󰁥 󰁉󰁮 󰁔󰁨󰁥 󰁄󰁡󰁲󰁫 — Ady (Reproduction) — Stevens Publishing  󰁂󰁲󰁥󰁳󰁬󰁡󰁷'󰁳 󰁌󰁡󰁳󰁴 󰁌󰁡󰁳󰁴 󰁌󰁥󰁧󰁡󰁣󰁹 (Reproduction) — Stevens Publishing


THE BRIDGE by Bill Montana


 This has been a Bill Montana Private Stock Release Release Copyright © 2010 Dayton, Dayton, Ohio Cover Image- Alchemy and Mysticism from The Hermetic Her metic Museum Work: Work: Uraltes chymisches Werk Author: A. Eleazar Year: 1760


TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction……………….. 7 Background Information……………….. 8 Further Examination……………….. 9  The Effects……………….. 10  The Method……………….. 12 Bonus Section……………….. 13 Thomas Heine ………. ………. 14 Bob Cassidy ………. ………. 19

 Thanks……………….. 20


'THE BRIDGE' by Bill Montana "Dreams are the touchstone touchstoness of our characters” characters” - Henry David Thoreau

INTRODUCTION  󰁆󰁩󰁲󰁳󰁴 󰁡󰁮󰁤 󰁦󰁯󰁲󰁥󰁭󰁯󰁳󰁴, 󰁷󰁨󰁡󰁴 󰁹󰁯󰁵 󰁡󰁲󰁥 󰁡󰁢󰁯󰁵󰁴 󰁴󰁯 󰁲󰁥󰁡󰁤 󰁩󰁳 󰁡 󰁍󰁥󰁮󰁴󰁡󰁬󰁩󰁳󰁭/󰁓󰁰󰁩󰁲󰁩󰁴󰁵 󰁍󰁥󰁮󰁴󰁡󰁬󰁩󰁳󰁭/󰁓󰁰󰁩󰁲󰁩󰁴󰁵󰁡󰁬󰁩󰁳󰁭 󰁡󰁬󰁩󰁳󰁭 󰁥󰁦󰁦󰁥󰁣󰁴 󰁵󰁳󰁩󰁮󰁧 󰁡

completely different approach. Though the presentation takes place in the ‘wakening state’   of the spectator, the actual effect happens hours later within the spectator’s dream… In this work, I will give you the information needed to perform this remarkable effect by explaining how our brain makes decisions of what our dreams consist of. I began working on this effect when I was very young. This effect actually predates ‘Pulse’ by several control my dreams?”  dreams?”  Thinking years. It all came about from a question I asked myself “What if I could control   Thinking about it further I asked “Why and how does our mind select the images and sounds it does for creating our dreams”? I’ve always thought that dreams are simply based on the things we see and hear each day. Years later, I discovered that I was right and the answers to all my questions soon followed in rapid sequence.  With these new discoveries and a bit of ‘auto sugg suggestion’ estion’ I was able to select common objects which allowed me to insert an idea into a spectators mind... Hours later, the spectator would dream about this implanted idea and construct numerous details surrounding it within their dream. If you think this is a joke, I encourage you to please try this effect on yourself before reading the methodology. When you awake in the middle of the night you will soon understand why this effect, its principle and the contents of this manuscript are of monumental importance to Mentalism.  As you know, know, dreams can include many images, sounds and emotions. Dreams can be extraordinarily  vivid or very vague. They can be filled with pleasant emotions or terrifying ones. The memory of a dream can be very detailed or very unclear.  The context of this work must follow some guidelines for success. I w will ill explain this in the method but to better understand the method please allow me to share some background information.


BACKGROUND INFORMATION  Dreams for removing non essential sensory information.  The Physician W Robert from Hamburg, Germany was the first to suggest in his book ‘Der Traum Traum  ALS Naturnothwendigkeit Erklart’ (1886 German) that dreams are a need and that they have the function to: “Erase Sensory Impressions  which were not fully worked up and Ideas  which were not fully developed.” By the dream work, incomplete material will be either removed or deepened and included into in to memory.

 John Hughlings Jackson Jackson the English Neurologist (1835-1911) viewed viewed that sleep serves to sweep away unnecessary memories and connections from the previous day day.. everse Learning Theory’ , which simply states  This was revised in 1983 by Crick C rick and Mitchison's in the ‘R everse that “dreams are like the cleaning-up operations of computers when they are off-line, removing parasitic nodes and other "junk" from the mind during sleep.”

However, the opposite view point should be considered as well that states dreaming has an information handling; memory-consolidating function. “Dreams are a result of the spontaneous firings of neural patterns while the brain is undergoing memory consolidation during sleep.” During the night there may be many external stimuli bombarding the senses, but the mind often interprets the stimulus and makes makes it a part of a dream in order to ensure continued sleep. Dream incorporation is a phenomenon whereby actual sensations, such as environmental sounds are incorporated into dreams such as hearing a phone ringing in a dream while it i t is also ringing in reality, reality, or dreaming of urination while wetting the bed!  The mind can, however, however, awaken an individual if they are in danger or if trained to respond to certain sounds, such as a baby crying. The only exception is in the case of lucid dreaming, where people dream without being aware that they are doing so.


FURTHER EXAMINATION  Let’s see how all this can be modified to incorporate an idea or thought into the ‘waking state’ of a spectator that will produce a vision in their ‘dream state’. Roberts’s work of 1886 stated that dreams are a need and that they have the function to erase sensory impressions which were not fully worked up and ideas which were not fully developed during the day. This is a very interesting idea because it suggests that dreams are composed of images and ideas that went undeveloped during the day. For example: You’re driving down the street it’s a street you have driven down many times before.  T  Today oday you see something out of the corner of your peripheral vision, an image of a person walking along the street. Since you gave this image no attention or thought it will later come into your dream state as a person walking down the street in the background of your dream. The same thing will occur with objects as well. Objects that we have seen numerous times have been dealt with in past dreams. This is to say that the first time you saw the color red it entered your dream state. Since this has happened so long ago it no longer needs to be erased, as it is now a part of your functional memory. This process of the mind of erasing unimportant information is a sub-process of the collective conscious.  The great psychologist Carl Yung stated in one of his lectures that “there is no subconscious in a conscious mind” thereby destroying Freud’s idea of the “unconscious mind”.  This is where John Hughlings Jackson comes in with his idea that sleep serves to sweep away unnecessary memories and connections from the day. When we are dreaming we are still conscious, even though this is a different state of consciousness and not the Freudian theory of the Id.


THE EFFECTS  The following effects I will exemplify aare re based on a single premise to help illustrate the context of this work. By no means are these the only effects you can achieve using the ‘The Bridge’  principle.   principle. Greater possibilities exist. I will list several basic presentations each playing to a diverse audience, first starting with the heckler, then the standard lay audience and finally the metaphysical audience. THE EFFECT (as performed for a heckler): “I would like to ask for your participation in an experiment. When you go home this evening, I would like you to find a small stick lying on the ground. A small stick about four inches should do. Carry this stick inside your home and  pour yourself a glass of water. Only fill the glass half-way. I want you to place this thi s half filled glass of water under  your bed and then lay the stick you found across the rim of the glass. When you go to sleep you will have a very distinctive dream. In this dream at some point you will come upon an old bridge over a stream of water. W Walk alk across this bridge and on the other side you will meet a witch.”  

*Again, if you think this is a jok joke, e, please stop reading and try it for yourself.  THE EFFECT (as performed for a lay audience): “I would like to ask for your participation in an experiment.” When you go home this evening, I would like you to  find a small stick lying on the ground. A small smal l stick about four inches should do. Carr y this stick inside your home and pour yourself yourself a glass glass of water. water. Only fill fill the glass glass half half way. way. I want you to place this this half filled glass glass of water under your bed and then lay the stick you foun foundd across the rim of the glass. When you go to sleep sleep you will have a very distinctive dream. In this dream at some point you will come upon an old bridge over a stream of water. W Walk alk across this bridge and on the other side sid e you will meet a person, da days ys later you will meet this same person p erson again.”  

THE EFFECT (as performed for a metaphysical audience): “I would like to ask for your participation in an experiment? When you go home this evening I would like you to find a small stick lying on the ground, the stick does does not need to be very big a small stick of about 4” should due nicely. Bring this stick in with you. you. Then I want you you to get a glass and fill it half way with water. water. Place this glass of water under your bed and lay the stick across the rim of the glass. Now, Now, when you go to sleep you will have a dream. In this dream, you will come upon an old bridge over a stream. Walk across this bridge and on the other side you will meet  your spirit guide. You will be able to ask only one question so make it count. Your guide will answer this question. There is however only a couple of things I would like to add. Y You ou can only ask one question per day using this contact method and if you have more than one spirit guide you you will more than likely meet a different spirit guide each time you try this.”  



THE EFFECT (as performed for a magician, mentalist or laymen): “I would like to ask for your participation in an experiment.” When you go home this evening, I would like you to  find a small stick lying on the ground. A small smal l stick about four inches should do. Carr y this stick inside your home and pour yourself yourself a glass glass of water. water. Only fill fill the glass glass half half way. way. I want you to place this this half filled glass glass of water under your bed and then lay the stick you foun foundd across the rim of the glass. When you go to sleep sleep you will have a very distinctive dream. In this dream at some point you will come upon an old bridge over a stream of water. W Walk alk across this bridge and on the other side you will meet a person person who will have a deck of cards in hand, as you approach this  person you will be shown a single card.”   The spectator will compare the results to the card they previously thought of and wrote down, they will match! This may also be done with any deck of cards including Tarot. Tarot.  



THE METHOD  Within your dream (assuming you have tried one of the effects described) you have seen a wooden bridge crossing over a body of water. You’re probably wondering if this was just ‘auto suggestion’.  The answer is no, it was only partly pa rtly ‘auto sug suggestion’. gestion’. In fact, your actions are what made the effect a success because the real secret is how our brain selects what we dream. The Selection Process and How it Works

 The mind selects what we dream based on the brains ability to identify identify.. Our brain searches for order  while sifting through random patterns of information that went undeveloped throughout the day. day. The brain has to deal with objects not focused on directly. In our ‘dream state’ our brain takes all of this undeveloped information and develops it into an identifiable sequence. In the effects described we are giving the spectator undeveloped information with a visible connection. (1) The unusual act of walking around and searching for a small stick. (2) The glass of water half-filled (3) Putting the stick they found on top of this glass. (4) Placing it under their bed… (5) The visible connection being a bridge over a stream of water  This entire process is outside of their daily routine and their brain must process this undeveloped information. When the brain starts searching through this undeveloped information it identifies these uncommon images and then searches for a connection to give it order. The connection it finds is a bridge over a stream of water! The brain will recall this from your earlier presentation. After the connection has been made the spectator will construct the rest of the image for themselves, based on what you said would appear on the other side of the bridge…



BONUS SECTION In this section, I’m including some letters I received from two of the greatest minds in mentalism.  These letters contain some brilliant thinking that will be of great benefit to those reading this work. I would like to take this opportunity to extend my profound gratitude to Thomas Heine of ParaLabs and to Bob Cassidy!  Thank you both for your generous contributions to ‘The Bridge’. 



THOMAS HEINE This letter was received from Thomas Heine from ParaLabs, Berlin Germany: Hello Bill,

I think your description works perfectly and the explanations for the effect can clarify the concept  very well. Nonetheless I like to add some thoughts I had reading the sequence. sequ ence.  As you may know I have experiences and knowledge in neurophysiology as well as in psychology (neuropsychology) and philosophy therefore based on this, there were a few things that crossed my mind reading your explanations. Maybe you wish to add some of them to your script; so feel free – but in fact … you don’t have to. to. Your description works and impresses!  

 Anyway - eventually some of my thoughts may offer an extr extraa take on it; it’ it’ss up to you.  There are psychological tendencies of the human nature that can be used quite reliable in suggestions like yours. We wrote about it in a book last year; right now a translator is working on it because we want to share some of our ideas with some friends.  The so called cal led “Misinformation Effect“ means, that people who get correct/true information’s will accept hypothetical or false information’s information’s as well when those misinformation’s misinformation’s are connected to the correct ones. Many suggestions are based on this psychological effect.  The brain works with creative and constructive approaches on the one hand and rebuilding/remembering approaches on the other as you may know. The wonderful thing is that those approaches can shift or melt into each other. By giving information as you do with the command of doing something and the remark of what will happen, exactly this will appear:  They will “remember” a dream – THE DREAM you told them just because the creative construction of their brain is misinterpreted as a memory!  The beauty of this is that nobody has a chance to do NOT:  Naming means creating!



In exactly the very moment when you tell them something this “something” is in the world! It is there, it is created!

 And in the very moment they heard what you said; they have no chance chance to think NOT of it! This is a kind of “malfunction” of the human brain: 

 Y  You ou can’t “not hear” and even if you want: you can’t forget forget just because you want to. Something you heard is in your mind – and you can’t do anything to delete it by will!  A second point, I see in this context is that you produce a self-fulfilling prophecy. prophecy.  You  You do this for two reasons: One is the explained tendency of the brain to not be able to know exactly what is remembered and what it a created “vision”. This makes no difference at all to our brains. The other reason deals with our beliefs, if you think/believe something works – it works! This effect is called “belief perseverance” in psychology. This produces one of the following two outcomes in yyour our effect: 

Let’s say your participant is a “believer”. So he puts his glass of water and his stick beneath his bed, “knowing” something will happen. For this reason it WILL. Imagine your participant is a disbeliever.  What will happen in his mind while he is putting the glass and the stick beneath his bed? He will think “What the hell am I doing here ?” ?” What a crap! Hopefully nobody sees me, doing such stupid things, …!” So he is mentally and emotionally involved in this process. And because he is, his brain is set on an anchor! While he is lying in his bed, thinking about the stupid things he did and the things you told him that will happen … he is shifting into sleep, into his dreams … Next morning he will not know which of his thoughts were there while he was awake and which came as a dream when he was asleep. a sleep. He cannot discriminate one from the other. So either the client “dreams” just because he believes that he will … Or he doesn’t know if his “thoughts” were dreams or not. But in this case his mental images dealt exactly with the things you told him anyway!  Y  Your our constru construction ction means on another level that if a person follows your iinstructions, nstructions, he ensures the correct outcome by himself – just because he anchored this outcome by doing what he is told to do!  Thinking, doing, acting, and anchoring. Only those will NOT see the effect who did NOT followed your instructions. But those people will not wonder why nothing happened …



Using an easy symbol (bridge) as a metaphor is ev even en a profitable point in anot another her way: Everybody has a need for control! Everybody Everybody needs to know that he is in control of the things happening in his live. So most of the time this “need of control” shifts in an “illusion of control” just because most people don’t know what they can control and what wh at is controlling them … Because of this an easily remembered motive like a bridge is something you can easily depend on; you wait for it to come – because be cause when you depend on it you have control! Control is a strong desire … Looking back to a situation, most people think they controlled the outcome; even if they don’t. But they think they did – just because they want it to be controlled by themselves! So they build so called “illusory correlations” combine them with “belief perseverance” and are treated by “self-fulfilling prophecies”. In the back view to the things that happened that night, dreaming this dream or imagining dreaming this dream, a further psychological effect comes into play: People tend to think that their “knowings” (in fact “believes”) are true!  

Even if there are good arguments against this thinking – people are overconfident with their “knowings”. This “overconfidence phenomenon ” is something you can depend on for sure! So this is the next anchor that makes your effect work and the moment somebody thinks that he knows or just seeing   what happened, he has the tendency of searching ( or  ) those information’s information’s exclusively that match this seemingly truth. This tendency is called “confirmation bias”: You are looking for information’ss that match your “knowing” or beliefs – while you ignore those information’ information’ information’ss that don’t fit your thinking. So they will just see those aspects of what happened that strengthen your self concept (self  verification)  verificat ion) and ignore those that don’t. And they will even remember the matching points better and longer and will forget the others (self-reference-effect).  The other funny thing is that people tend to think that most others think like them (false consensus effect). On the other hand, we tend to be sure that we are unique and “different” (false uniqueness effect). In the field between those two tendencies you can increase your effect: In the announcement of what will happen you just have to clarify that this happens to everyone for sure (a FACT); FACT); but as well you have to clarify that you know it will happen especially and in the most degree to this very person – because s/he is different and special! What this “being special” is like isn’t important, because everybody will see his/her specialty anyway (personal validation fallacy). I hope some some of my re remarks marks aare re a kind of helpful fo forr you; so if you lik likee to use some some of them - feel free.  Y  Your our script works anyway and the concept seems to be quite clear to me!



It is a wonderful effect – and I’m happy you shared it to me.

Best  Th. /ParaLabs *****  A second Letter from Thomas Heine Heine from ParaLa ParaLabs: bs:  Maybe you wish to add another little piece:  

Even if it obvious - for you didn't write about I like to mention this fact:  What you ask your participants to do here is nothing more and nothing less that a RITUAL. RITUAL.  As I said - it is obvious even so you didn't named it as such.  You  You ask your participant participant to do a ceremonial act. 

 They follow some ceremonial duties. So they have a ceremonial role.  They perceive a ritual.  They agree!  The beauty of rituals or cceremonies eremonies is: their impact as a metaphor - their symbolic meaning which can be interpreted personally. But more than this it's their assumed importance!  A ritual is a ritual because you perceive it each and every time exactly the same way way.. And the actions that have no flexibility in the way way they are preceded have have to be important! Actions that you must not change in any way have to be "right".  They have to be "right" for if and when they were not ... you would change them for sure. Fixed and determined are just things that proceed the optimal way exactly as they are. Giving your participants a ritual you tell them ( even even without saying   ) non-verbally: "Doing it exactly this way is a thing of importance! It is reliable - it is proven!"

Best  Th.



*****  An additional thought from Thomas Heine Heine from Para Labs: 

I tested "The Bridge" several times - and when I read your new description this morning I realized that I intuitively changed the wording a little bit.  This change is just a minimal shift - but it produces a meaningful difference. In all of your announcements to the participants you use the wording: I would like you to find a small stick lying on the ground To me this seems to ask the participant to search for a stick! 

 What I did the last days was to claim that they WILL find a stick! See the difference? My first announcement is a prophecy on its own!  And it will be proven! Because on one level in both cases these wordings work the same: The participants will search for a stick! But in the original version they just search because you asked them to. In the second version they search because you predicted something and they like to verify this prediction.  The beauty of this is that they will find a stick anyway. anyway. But when they find in the second situation your first prophecy became already real! And now the following situation proceeding the ritual is completely different: Because the start the ceremony knowing that a part of your announcement already happened! For me this works really well. Best  Th.



BOB CASSIDY  A letter from Bob Cassidy: 

Bill I like "The Bridge" a lot as it stands. If I were to do it I would make it a point that the participants not tell me the card (or word, or whatever) that they think of. The next day, after confirming that she actually had the dream, I would simply hand her an envelope. Inside would be a picture of a person standing at the end of a shadowy bridge holding the thought of card. (or, if a word was thought of, a large pad or slate with the word printed on it.) Would simply use a peek, force or imp device at the first meeting. Bob Cassidy 




I would also like to thank a few other performers whose works have been a great inspiration to me. Paolo Cavalli  whose published work has the power to make any performer a legend, they are just that good. Luca Volpe who develops some of the most interesting and fascinating works I have ever had the pleasure of reading. David Gemmell if it was not for a conversion with him you may have never seen this work.  Jerome Finley (speechless) what more do I need to say. And to all of you who make works like this a pleasure to reveal.

“The Bridge” principle was created from my research on dream theories, applied psychology and questions that I asked myself many years ago. ‘The Bridge’ is only the beginning. Once this mater material ial starts circulating among the great minds in mentalism, the art will truly evolve. I am merely setting a simple foundation for what is to come. I encourage you to continue this exploration into ‘The Bridge’ principle.

 Acta est fabula, plaudite! plaudite! 





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EL PUENTE “THE BRIDGE” Por: Bill Montana



Derechos de autor de Bill Montana Private Stock Release © 2010 Dayton, Ohio

Imagen de la portada – Alchemy and Mysticism del The Hermetic Museum Work: Uraltes chymisches Werk, Autor: A. Eleaza Eleazarr Año: 1760







Introducción . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


 Trasfondo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Reconocimento adicional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Los efectos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


El método . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



 Thomas Heine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Bob Cassidy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


 Agradecimientos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




'THE BRIDGE' El Puente Por: Bill Montana

“Los sueños son las piedras de toque de nuestros personajes” – Harry David Thoreau

INTRODUCCIÓN Primero que nada, lo que usted está a punto de leer es un efecto Mentalismo/Espiritualismo utilizando una manera diferente de enfocar. Aun cuando la ppresentación resentación se desarrolla en el “estado de alerta” de dell espectador, el efecto actual ocurre ocurre horas después en el sueñ sueñoo del espectador… En este trabajo, le daré llaa información necesaria para hacer este extraordinario efecto explicando cómo nuestro cerebro toma decisiones sobre en qué consisten nuestros sueños.

Comencé trabajando en este este efecto cuando era bien jjoven. oven. Este efecto antecede a Pulse” por varios años.  Todo vino de una pregunta que me hice yo mismo “qué pasaría si yo pudiera controlar mis sueños?” Pensando sobre eso más adelante me pregunté “Por qué y cómo nuestra mente selecciona las imágenes y sonidos para crear nuestros sueños?”

Siempre había pensado que los sueños eran basados simplemente en las cosas que vemos y escuchamos a diario. Años despu después, és, descubrí que estaba en lo correcto y que llas as respuestas a todas mis pregun preguntas tas prontamente siguieron siguieron en rápida secuencia. Con estos nuevos de descubrimientos scubrimientos y un poquito de autosugestión pude seleccionar objetos comunes que me permitieron insertar una idea en la mente del espectador… Horas después el espectad espectador or podría soñar sob sobre re esta idea plantada y con construir struir numerosos detalles alrededor de su sueño.

Si usted piensa que esto es broma, yo le exhorto a que por favor trate este efecto primero antes de leer la metodología. Cuando despie despierte rte en la mitad de la noche pronto enten entenderá derá por qué este efecto, su principio principio y el contenido de este manuscrito son importantes y monumentales para el mentalismo.



Como usted sabe, los sueños sueños pueden incluir muchas imágen imágenes, es, sonidos y emociones. Los sueños pueden ser extraordinariamente intensos o muy indefin indefinidos. idos. Pueden estar llenos de emociones pl placenteras acenteras o aterrorizantes. La memoria de un sueño ppuede uede ser bien detalla detallada da o ambígua..

El contexto de este trabajo debe seguir algunas guías para que sea eexitoso. xitoso. Voy a explicar esto en un mét método, odo, pero para poder entenderlo por favor permítame compartir el trasfondo.



Trasfondo Sueños para remover información sensorial no-esencial

El Dr. W. Robert de Hamburgo, Alemania fue el primero en sugerir en su libro “Der Traum ALS Naturnothwendigkeit Erklart” (1886 Alemania) que los sueños son una necesidad y que tienen la función de:

“Borrar impresiones sensoriales,” las cuales no están totalmente en funcionamiento e Ideas, las cuales no están totalmente desarrolladas. desarrolladas. Por medio del sueño, material incompleto puede puede ser removido o hacerse más profundo y ser incluido en la memoria.

El neurólogo inglés John Hughlings Hughlings Jackson (1835-1911) observó que el sueño sirve para limpiar memorias y conexiones de días previos que no son necesarias.

Esto fue revisado en el año 1983 por Crickand Mitchison´s en Reverse Learning Theory , donde se expone que “los sueños son como una operación limpieza de computadora donde se remueven nodos parasíticos y otra basura de la mente mientras estamos dormidos.

Sin embargo, el punto de vista opuesto debe ser considerado, donde se expone que soñar tiene un manejo de información; la función de conso consolidación lidación de me memoria. moria. “Los sueños son el resultado de un disparos espontáneos de patrones neuronales, mientras el cerebro está experimentando fortalecimiento de memoria mientras dormimos”.

Durante la noche pueden haber estímulos externos bombardeando los sentidos, pero a veces la mente interpreta el estímulo y lo hace parte del sueño para poder asegurar que se tenga un sueño continuo.

La incorporación del sueño es un fenómeno por medio del cual las sensaciones actuales, tales como sonidos del medioambiente son incorporados en los sueños tales como escuchar el sonido de un timbre de teléfono en un sueño, mientras que está sonando en la realidad, o soñando que se está a punto de orinar mientras se está mojando la cama!



Sin embargo, la mente puede despertar un individuo si la persona está en peligro o si está entrenada para responder a ciertos sonidos, sonidos, tales como el llan llanto to de un bebé. La única excepción es en el cas casoo de un sueño lúcido, donde la gente sueña sin percatarse de que están soñando.



Reconocimiento adicional  Vamos a ver cómo todo esto se puede modificar para incorporar una idea o pensamiento dentro del “estado de vigilia” del espectador que a su vez producirá una visión en su “Dream state”.

El trabajo de Robert del 1886 expone que los sueños son una necesidad y que estos tienen la función de borrar impresiones sensoriales, las cuales no han sido totalmente elaboradas e ideas las cuales no han sido totalmente desarrolladas durante durante el día. Esto es una idea bien interesante porque sugiere sugiere que los sueños son compuestos por imágenes e ideas que no fueron desarrolladas durante el día.

Por ejemplo, usted está manejando manejando por una calle por la cual cual usted ha manejado antes. Hoy usted ve algo en la esquina de su campo visual, visual, una imagen de una persona caminando caminando por la calle. Como usted no le ha prestado atención a esta imagen o pensamiento, luego esa imagen se presenta en su “estado del sueño” como una persona caminando por la calle en el fondo de su sueño. Lo mismo ocurre con objetos también también..

Los objetos que han sido vistos numerosas numerosas veces han negociado con sueños sueños pasados. Esto es, si la primera  vez que usted ha visto el color rojo, éste entra en su “estado del sueño”. Como eso ha pasado mucho tiempo atrás y no necesita ser borrado, borrado, ahora es parte de su memoria funcional. funcional. Este proceso de la men mente te de borrar información que no es importante es un subproceso de conciencia colectiva.

El gran psicóloco Carl Yung expone en una de sus disertaciones que “no hay subconsciencia en una mente consciente”, por este medio se destruye la idea de Freud de la “mente inconsciente”.

 Aquí es donde John Hughlings Jackson viene con su idea de que el sueño sirve para borrar todo recuerdo y conexiones no necesarias del día. Cuando estamos soñando todavía estamo estamoss conscientes, aun cuando esto es un estado diferente de conciencia y no la teoría Froidiana del Id.



Los efectos Los efectos que a continuación voy a ejemplificar están basados en una premisa simple para ayudar a ilustrar el contexto de este trabajo. Esto no significa que estos son los únicos efectos que que puede lograr usando El Puente (The Bridge  ). Existen grandes po posibilidades. sibilidades.

 Voy a dar una lista de varias presentaciones básicas, cada una jugando con una audiencia diferente, primero comenzando con el público que interrumpe, entonces con la audiencia estándar y finalmente con la audiencia metafísica.

EL EFECTO (ejecutada por el público que interrumpe)

“Me gustaría preguntarle si desea participar participar en un experimento. Cuando usted vaya a su casa esta tarde, tarde, me gustaría que usted buscara o encontrara un pequeño pequeño trozo de madera en el patio patio de su casa. Un trozo de madera de más o menos cuatro pulgadas pulgadas estaría bien. Cargue este palo hacia dentr dentroo de su casa y sírvase un  vaso de agua. Sólo llénelo a la mitad. Ponga el vaso de agua debajo de su cama y coloque el pedazo de madera encima del vaso atravesando el borde del vaso. Cuando usted se vaya a dormir usted tendrá un sueño bien distintivo. En este sueño en algún momento usted estará sobre un puente antiguo que está encima de un cuerpo de agua. Camine a través de este puen puente te y al otro lado del mis mismo mo se encontrará con una bbruja”. ruja”.

*Otra vez, usted pensará que es una broma, por favor pare de leer y trátelo por usted mismo.

EL EFECTO (ejecutado por audiencia estántar)

“Me gustaría preguntarle si desea participar participar en un experimento. Cuando usted vaya a su casa esta tarde, tarde, me gustaría que usted buscara o encontrara un pequeño pequeño trozo de madera en el patio patio de su casa. Un trozo de madera de más o menos cuatro pulgadas pulgadas estaría bien. Cargue este palo hacia dentr dentroo de su casa y sírvase un  vaso de agua. Sólo llénelo a la mitad. Ponga el vaso de agua debajo de su cama y coloque el pedazo de madera encima del vaso atravesando el borde del vaso. Cuando usted se vaya a dormir usted tendrá un sueño bien distintivo. En este sueño en algún momento usted estará sobre un puente antiguo que está encima de un cuerpo de agua. Camine a través de este puente y al otro otro lado del mismo se encontrará con una persona, persona, días más tarde usted se encontrará con esa misma persona otra vez.

EL EFECTO (ejecutado por audiencia metafísica) 33 


“Me gustaría preguntarle si desea participar participar en un experimento. Cuando usted vaya a su casa esta tarde, tarde, me gustaría que usted buscara o encontrara un trozo de madera en el patio de su casa, el trozo de madera no tiene que ser grande, uno uno pequeño ccomo omo de cuatro pulgadas estaría bien. Traiga ese palo con usted. Ahora quiero que busque un vaso y lo llene de agua hasta la mitad. Coloque este vaso de agua debajo de su cama y coloque el trozo de madera encima a través del borde del vaso. Ahora, cuando usted vaya a do dormir rmir usted tendrá un sueño. En este sueñ sueñoo usted estará sobre un pue puente nte antiguo que está sobre un cuerpo de agua. Camine a través de este puente y al otro lado del mismo usted encontrará su guía espiritual. espiritual. Usted sólo podrá hacer una pregunta, así que ésta debe ser buen buena. a. Su guía le con contestará testará esa pregunta. Sin embargo, hhay ay solamente un par de cosas que me gustaría gustaría añadir. Usted sólo pod podrá rá hacer una pregunta por día usando este método de contacto y si usted tiene más de un guía espiritual, usted podrá conocer o encontrarse con un guía espiritual diferente cada vez que trate esto”.

EL EFECTO (ejecutado para magos, mentalistas o público estándar)

“Me gustaría preguntarle participar participar un experimento. Cuandoenusted su casa. casa esta tard e, me gustaría que usted buscarasi odesea encontrara un en pequeño pequeño trozo de madera el patio pativaya o dea su Un tarde, trozo de madera de más o menos cuatro pulgadas estaría bien. Cargue este palo hacia dentro de su casa y sírvase un  vaso de agua. Sólo llénelo a la mitad. Ponga el vaso de agua debajo de su cama y coloque el pedazo de madera encima del vaso atravesando el borde del vaso. Cuando usted se vaya a dormir usted tendrá un sueño bien distintivo. En este sueño en algún momento usted estará sobre un puente antiguo que está encima de un cuerpo de agua. Camine a través de este puente y al otro lado del mismo se encontr encontrará ará con una persona que tendrá un paquete de barajas en su mano, según usted se acerca a esa persona, usted verá una sola baraja”.

El espectador comparará los resultados de la baraja que habían pensado anteriormente y que escribieron en un papel, las barajas son iguales. Esto se puede hacer también con cualquier paquete de barajas, incluyendo barajas del tarot.



El método  A través de su sueño (asumiendo que usted ha tratado uno de los efectos descritos anteriormente) usted ha  visto un puente de madera cruzando sobre un cuerpo de agua. Usted probablemente se está preguntando si esto fue solo una “auto-sugestión”. La respuesta es nno, o, sólo ha si sido do una auto-sugestión parcial. En efecto, sus acciones son lo que hacen el efecto efectivo porque el verdadero secreto es cómo su cerebro selecciona lo que sueña.

El proceso de selección y cómo trabaja

La mente selecciona lo que soñamos basad basadoo en la habilidad ddel el cerebro para identifica identificar.r. Nuestro cerebro busca orden mientras examina minuciosamente a través de patrones de información al azar que no fueron desarrollados durante el día. El cerebro tiene que negociar con objetos no enfocados directamente. En nuestro “estado del sueño” el cerebro toma la información información no desarrollada y la desarrolla en una secuencia secuencia identificable. En los efectos descritos le estamos dando al espectador información no desarrollada con una visible conexión.

(1)  El acto inusual de caminar alrededor y buscar un pedazo pequeño de madera (2)  El vaso de agua lleno a la mitad (3)  Poner el pedazo pequeño de madera encontrado encima del vaso (4)  Colocarlo debajo de la cama (5)  La visible conexión de estar en un puente que está sobre un cuerpo de agua Este proceso completo está fuera de la rutina diaria de ellos y sus cerebros deben procesar esta información no desarrollada. Cuando el cerebro comienza a buscar a través de esta información no desarrollada, identifica estas imágenes no comunes y entonces entonces busca por la conexión que le da orden. La conexión lo que encuentra es un puente que está está sobre un cuerpo de agua. El cerebro recorda recordará rá esto de presentaciones presentaciones anteriores. anteriores. Luego de que la conexión se ha hecho, el espectador podrá construir el resto de la imagen por cuenta propia, basado en lo que usted dijo podría aparecer en el otro lado del puente…



Bono En esta sección, estoy incluyendo algunas cartas que he recibido de dos de las mentes más grandes en mentalismo. Estas cartas contienen algunos pensam pensamientos ientos brillante brillantess que serán de gran beneficio para los que lean este trabajo.

Me tomo esta oportunidad para extender mi profundo agradecimiento a Thomas Heine de ParaLabs y a Bod Cassidy!

Gracias a ambos por su generosa contribución para “El Puente” ( The The Bridge   ).



THOMAS HEINE Esta carta fue recibida por Thomas Heine de Para Labs, Berlín Germany : 

Hola Bill:

Pienso que tu descripción trabaja perfectamente y las explicaciones para el efecto pueden clarificar el concepto muy bien.

No obstante, me gustaría añadir algunos pensamientos que tuve al leer la secuencia. Como tu sabes, he tenido experiencias y conocimientos en neurofisiología, así como en psicología (neuropsicología) y fisiología, por lo tanto, basado en esto, hay algunas cosas que cruzan mi mente leyendo tus explicaciones.

 Tal vez quieras añadir algunas de ellas ellas a tu libreto, así que siéntete siéntete libre, pero no tienes tienes que hacerlo.

Tu descripción trabaja e impresiona!

De cualquier forma, eventualmente algunos de mis pensamientos pueden ofrecer extra “take on it” pero lo dejo a tu discreción.

Hay tendencias psicológicas de la naturaleza del ser humano que pueden ser confiables en las sugerencias como las tuyas. Escribimos so sobre bre eso en un lilibro bro el año ppasado, asado, pero ahora un traductor está ttrabajando rabajando en eso, porque queremos compartir algunas de nuestras ideas con algunos amigos.



El llamado “efecto de desinformación” (Misinfo (Misinformation rmation Effect) significa, que la gente que recibe información correcta/cierta, aceptarán hipotética o falsa información, así como cuando esa desinformación está conectada a las que son correctas. Muchas sugerencias están basadas basadas en este efecto psi psicológico. cológico.

Como tu sabrás, por un lado el cerebro trabaja con enfoque creativo y constructivo y por el otro, trabaja con un enfoque reconstructivo y de memoria. La cosa maravillosa es que es esos os enfoques se pueden mover mover o mezclar entre uno y el otro. otro. Brindando informació informaciónn como lo haces cuand cuandoo usas el comando de hacer algo y la advertencia de qué pasará, aparecerá exactamente lo siguiente:

Ellos “recordarán” un sueño – EL SUEÑO que tu les dijiste, sólo porque la construcción creativa de su cerebro es malinterpretada como un recuerdo.

La belleza de esto es que nadie tiene la oportunidad de no hacer:

Nombrar significa crear!

En el momento exacto exacto cuando tu le dices a ell ellos os algo, este “algo” está en el el mundo! Está ahí, está creado! Y en el momento exacto en que escuchan lo que tu dijiste, ellos no tienen oportunidad de no pensar en eso.

Esto es una clase de malfuncionamiento del cerebro humano:

 Tú no puedes ” no escuchar” quieras: no para puedes olvidar sólo loporque escuchaste está en tu mente – y túaunque no puedes hacer tú nada borrarlo aunque desees.tu quieres. Algo que



Un segundo punto, yo veo en este contexto que tu produces una “profesía de auto-suficiencia” (alterar las cosas para que se hagan realidad) . Tú haces esto por ddos os razones: una es la tendenc tendencia ia del cerebro de no ser capaz de saber exactamente qué es recordado y qué es creado “visión”. “visión”. Esto no hace ninguna diferencia diferencia en nuestro cerebro. La otra razón trabaja con nue nuestras stras creencias, si tú piensas/ piensas/crees crees que algo trabaja – trabaja! Este efecto en psicología es llamado “creencia-perseverancia” (decir que las cosas no son correctas, aunque sean correctas).

Esto produce en tu efecto uno de los siguientes dos resultados :

 Vamos a decir que nuestro participante es un “creyente”. Así que el coloca su vaso de agua y su pedazo de leña debajo de su cama sabiendo sabiendo que algo pasará. Por esta razón así SERÁ.

Imagínate que el participante es no creyente.

Lo que pasará en su mente mientras está colocando el vaso de agua y el pedazo de madera debajo de su cama? Él va a pensar “qué rayos estoy haciendo aquí?” Qué tontería! Espero que na nadie die me vea haci haciendo endo estas cosas estúpidas,….!”

Él está mental y emocionalmente emocionalmente envuelto en este pproceso. roceso. Y porque él es, su cerebro está ppuesto uesto en un ancla! Mientras él está recostado en su cama, pensando sobre las cosas estúpidas que ha hecho y las cosas que tu le dijiste que van a pasar….. él está durmiéndose, en sus sueños….

 Al día siguiente él no va a saber cuál de sus pensamientos estuvo ahí mientras él estaba despierto y que vino como un sueño mientras él estaba dormido. Él no puede discriminar entre uno y el otro.

 Así que el cliente “sueña” sólo sólo porque él cree que él podrá…. podrá….

O él no sabe que sus “pensamientos” eran o no sueños. sueños. Pero en ese caso sus imágenes mentales negociaron exactamente con las cosas que tú le dijiste de todos modos!

 Tu construcción significa en otro nivel que si una persona sigue tus instrucciones, él asegura el resultado correcto por cuenta propia – sólo porque él sujetó este resultado haciendo lo que le dijeron que hiciera! Pensando, actuando y anclando. 39 


Sólo aquellos que no ven el efecto son quien quienes es no siguieron tu tuss instrucciones. Pero esa gente no se preguntarán por qué no pasó nada?….

Usando un símbolo sencillo (el puente) como una metáfora es un punto más provechoso en otra manera:  Todo el mundo tiene la necesidad de control! Todo el mundo tiene que saber que él está en control de las cosas que suceden en su vida. De esta manera la mayoría del tiemp tiempoo esta “necesidad de control” se convierte convierte en una “ilusión de control” sólo porque la mayoría de la gente no sabe qué pueden controlar y qué los controla a ellos…

Debido a esto, un motivo fácil de recordar como un puente es algo que tú puedes fácilmente depender de; tu esperas que aparezca eso – porque cuando tu depende dependess de eso, tú tienes control! control! El control es un dese deseoo fuerte…

Mirando hacia atrás a una situación, la mayoría de la gente piensa que ellos controlan el resultado; aunque ellos no lo controlan. Pero ellos piensan que sí – sólo porque ellos quieren quieren tener el control de ellos mismos!

De este modo ellos construyen lo que se llama “correlación ilusoria” (fenómeno de ver una relación entre  variables, aún cuando no existe relación) combinada combinada con “creencia perseverancia” (decir que las cosas no son correctas, aunque sean correctas) y son tratados por “profesía de auto-suficiencia” (alterar las cosas para que se hagan realidad). Pensando hacia atrás en las cosas que sucedieron esa noche, soñar este sueño o imaginar que se está soñando este sueño, un efecto psicológico viene a jugar un papel importante:

 󰁌󰁡 󰁧󰁥󰁮󰁴󰁥 󰁴󰁩󰁥󰁮󰁤󰁥 󰁡 󰁰󰁥󰁮󰁳󰁡󰁲 󰁱󰁵󰁥 󰁱󰁵󰁥 󰁳󰁵󰁳 󲀜󰁣󰁯󰁮󰁯󰁣󰁩󰁭󰁩󰁥󰁮󰁴󰁯󰁳󲀝 (󰁤󰁥 󰁨󰁥󰁣 󰁨󰁥󰁣󰁨󰁯 󰁨󰁯 󲀜󰁣󰁲󰁥󰁥󰁮󰁣󰁩󰁡󰁳󲀝) 󰁳󰁯󰁮 󰁣󰁩󰁥󰁲󰁴󰁡󰁳!

 También si hay buenos argumentos en contra de este pensamiento – la gente está sobre-confiada en sus “conocimientos”. Este “fenómeno de exceso de confianza confianza”” es algo de lo que puedes depender por seguro.  Así que éste es el próximo ancla que hace que tu efecto trabaje y en el momento que alguien piense que él sabe lo que está pasando, él tiene la tendencia a buscar (o sólo ver) esa información exclusivamente que coincida con esta verdad. Esta ten tendencia dencia es llamada “tendencia de confirma confirmación”: ción”: tú estás buscando información que coincida con tus “conocimientos” o creencias, mientras tu ignoras aquella información que no encaja con sus pensamientos. 40 


De este modo ellos sólo verán aquellos aspectos que suceden que sostienen tu concepto “auto-verificación” (personas quieren ser conocidas y comprendidas por otras personas por sus propias creencias) e ignoran aquellos que no. Y ellos incluso recordarán los punto puntoss que coinciden mejor y más tiempo, y se olvidarán de los otros ( “efecto de auto-referencia” -tendencia de clasificar información de maneras particulares, dependiendo de cuánto la persona está relacionada con la información).

Otra cosa que resulta graciosa es que la gente tiende a pensar que la mayoría de las demás personas piensan como ellos (“efecto de falso-consenso” - tendencia a sobre-valorar y/o sobre-estimar el número de personas que comparten tus valores valores y/o opinio opiniones). nes). En la práctica, ppuedes uedes incrementar tu eefecto fecto entre estas dos tendencias:

 Al anunciar lo que sucederá, sólo tienes que clarificar que esto le sucede a todo el mundo por seguro (que es un hecho); pero a la vez que tú tienes que clarificar que tú sabes lo que pasará, especialmente y en mayor grado a esta persona – porque él/ella es diferente y especial! Ese “eres especial” no es tan importante, porque todo el mundo de todas su especialidad (él/ella) (“efecto personalque de aparentan falsa validación” conocido como elverá efecto Forer –maneras ocurre cuando utilizamos términos generalizados exactitudacerca de nosotros mismos con poca o ninguna evaluación).

Espero que algunas de mis observaciones sean buenas y de ayuda para ti; siéntete libre, si gustas usar algunas de ellas.

 Tu libreto funciona de todas todas maneras y el concepto parece estar claro para mí.

 Es un efecto maravilloso – estoy contento que hayas compartido el mismo conmigo.

Mis mejores deseos  Th./ParaLabs




Una segunda carta enviada por Thomas Heine de ParaLabs:  Tal vez tú deseas añadir otra pequeña pequeña pieza:

 Aunque sea obvio – tú no escribiste escribiste sobre esto y deseo deseo mencionar este hech hecho: o:

Lo que le vas a preguntar a la audiencia que haga es nada más nada menos que un RITUAL.

Como te dije – es obvio aun cuando tú no lo nombras así.

Tu preguntas a tu participante a hacer un acto ceremonial.

Continúan varias tareas ceremoniales.

 También tienen un papel papel ceremonial.

Ellos perciben el ritual.

Ellos están de acuerdo! La belleza de los rituales o ceremonias ceremonias es: que impactan como una met metáfora áfora – su significado simbóli simbólico, co, el cual puede ser interpretado personalmente. Pero más que eso, es su sup supuesta uesta importancia!

Un ritual es un ritual porque porque tú lo percibes cada vez exactamente de la misma forma forma.. Y las acciones que no no tienen flexibilidad en la manera manera que son precedidas, tienen tienen que ser importantes! Acciones que tú no deb debes es cambiar en ninguna manera tienen que ser correctas.



 Tienen que ser “correctas” aunque no lo sean… sean… tú las puedes cambiar por seguro. Arreglar y determinar son solo cosas que proceden el estado óptimo exactamente como debe ser.

Dándole a tus participantes un ritual le estás diciendo (aunque no lo hables verbalmente) en lenguaje no verbal:

“Haciéndolo exactamente de esta forma es una cosa importante” Es confiable – está probado!”

 Mejores deseos




Un comentario adicional de parte de Thomas Heine de ParaLabs: Probé “El Puente” (The Bridge) varias veces – y cuan cuando do leí tu nueva descripción descripción esta mañana, me di cuenta de que intuitivamente cambié la fraseología un poquito.

Este cambio es un mínimo esfuerzo – pero produce una diferencia significativa.

En todos tus anuncios a los participantes usas la fraseología: fr aseología:

Me gustaría que buscaras un pequeño trozo de madera en el patio de tu casa.

Para mi parece que estás preguntando al participante que busque un palo! Lo que hice en estos últimos días fue reclamarles que ellos iban a encontrar un palo.

 Ves la diferencia?

Mi primer anuncio es una profecía por sí mismo!

 Y será probado!

Porque en un nivel en los casos la fraseología trabaja de la misma manera:

Los participantes buscarán un palo.

Pero en la versión original ellos buscan porque tú les pediste hacerlo.



En la segunda versión ellos buscan porque tú predices algo y ellos desean verificar esta predicción.

La belleza de esto es que ellos encontrarán el palo de todas maneras.

Pero cuando ellos encuentran en la segunda situación tu primera profesía se convierte enseguida en realidad!  Y ahora la siguiente situación situación que procede el ritual ritual es completamente diferente: diferente:

Porque el principio de la ceremonia sabiendo que una parte de tu anuncio ya sucedió!

Para mi que esto funciona muy bien.

 Mejores deseos




BOB CASSIDY Una carta de Bob Cassidy: 


Me gusta mucho “El Puente” Puente” (The Bridge) tal y com comoo está. Si yo lo fuera a hacer, lllegaría legaría a un punto eenn donde los participantes participantes no me digan la baraja (o palabra, o lo que sea) que ello elloss hayan pensado. El día siguiente, luego de confirmar que en realidad él/ella tuvo el sueño, simplemente le entregaría en la mano un sobre. Dentro habrá una foto de una person personaa parada al final de un puente en sombras aagarrando garrando el pensamiento de una baraja. (o, si una palabra fue pensada, una libreta grande con la palabra escrita en ella). Simplemente miraría con disimulo o forzaría de primera intención.

Bob Cassidy



 AGRADECIMIENTOS Me gustaría agradecer a algunos artistas los cuales sus trabajos han sido de gran inspiración para mí.

Paolo Cavalli  - cuyo trabajo publicado demuestra el poder que puede hacer hacer de cualquier artista una leyenda, así son de buenos!

Luca Volpe - quien desarrolló algunos de los más interesantes y fascinantes trabajos que he visto y que he tenido el placer de leer.

David Gemmell – si no fuera por mi conversación con él, usted nunca hubiera visto este trabajo.

 Jerome Finley (sin habla) – qué más puedo decir.

 Y a todos ustedes quienes hacen que trabajos como éste sean revelados.

El principio de “El Puente” (The Bridge) fue creado de mi investigación sobre las teorías de los sueños, psicología aplicada aplicada y preguntas que me hice muc muchos hos años atrás. “El Puente” (The Bridge) eess sólo el comienzo. Una vez este material comienza a circular entre las grandes mentes del mentalismo, el aarte rte ciertamente evoluciona. Sólo estoy dando dirección a una simple simple fundación para lo que viene en el futuro.  Te exhorto a que continúes esta exploración dentro del principio de “El Puente”.

 󰁁󰁣󰁴󰁡 󰁥󰁡󰁴 󰁦󰁡󰁢󰁵󰁬󰁡, 󰁰󰁬󰁡󰁵󰁤󰁩󰁴󰁥!





Bonus Book







Cover ph phot used for this book by Dr. Paul Potter. Phot is of Put n Bay, Ohio (at sunset)

Stevens Magic Emporium Wichita, Kansas

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Introduction DREAM CATCHERS:

Dream Catchers are fascinating objects originally created by the Ojibwe (sometimes spelled Ojibwa do to pronunciation) people (also known as Chippewa) of Native America. The Dream Catcher was intended to protect the sleeping individual (mostly children) from negative dreams, while letting positive dreams through. The Dream Catcher works by allowing positive dreams to slip through the hole in the center of the Dream Catcher’s web and glide down the feathers to the sleeping person below. The negative dreams would get tangled up in the web section and expire when the first rays of the sun strike the Dream Catcher. In the book Chippewa Customs by Frances Theresa Densmore (May (Ma y 21, 1867– June 5, 1957) she writes: “Even infants were provided with protective charms. Examples of these are the ‘spider ‘ spider webs’ hung on the hoop of a cradleboard cradleboard.. These articles consisted of wooden hoops about 3.5-inches in diameter filled with an imitation of a spider’s web made of fine yarn, usually dyed red. In old times this netting was made of nettle fiber. Two spider webs were usually hung on the hoop, and it was said that they ‘caught any harm’ that might be in the air as a spider’s web catches and holds whatever comes in contact with it.”

The Dream Catcher has been a part of Native American culture for many generations. One element of Ojibwe Dream Catcher relates to the tradition of the hoop. Some other tribes of the Native Americans of North America also hold the hoop in the highest esteem. This is because the hoop is a symbol of strength and unity. In other Native American cultures there is a lot of symbolism surrounding the hoop or closed circle and one of the more common of types of this symbolism are found within the legends and lore surrounding Dream Catcher. DREAM CATCHER LORE:

Many Native American cultures believe that the night air is filled with dreams both good and bad. So Dream Catchers are hung over or near your bed and allowed to swing freely in the air. As the dreams flow by they are caught in the web of the Dream Catcher. The good dreams that float in the night air know the secret of how to pass through the Dream Catcher, slipping through the middle hole and by sliding down the soft feathers so gently that many times the sleeper does not know that he/she is dreaming. The bad dreams or nightmares not knowing this secret knowledge get tangled in the Dream Catcher and perish with the first light of the new day. Beliefs such as these are associated with many magical objects from various cultures around the world. Here is where we begin to see several different types of symbolism being combined to produce a result. This combining of several different symbols will be used again and again in this work so I encourage you to look for these symbols when they are related to objects to produce a crafted dream. I cover this concept later in detail however they are a few hidden symbols associated with objects that may not be clear unless you’re looking for them.




Ojibwa use a hoop made from a willow tree, and decorating it with findings, bits and pieces of everyday life, (feathers, arrow heads, beads, etc.) the Dream Catcher is believed to have the power to catch all of a dreams passing by in the night air and trapping the bad ones. By only letting only the good dreams pass through the Dream Catcher these dreams are seen as a tool for spiritual growth. Since the dawn of mankind people have dreamed. The historians tell us that the people who were a part of primitive or early tribal societies were unable to distinguish between the world of dreams and the reality of this world. This was because these societies viewed the dream world as an extension of the whole reality in which they lived and not a separation of the waking state and the dream state of consciousness. Although many of these cultures viewed the dream state as a more powerful realm. In the realm of dreams they communicated with their spirit guides and ancestors and obtained information on how to better their lives. In the history of the Dream Catcher form the Lakota we see any early example of this concept and how it’s applied through oral tradition. HISTORY OF DREAM CATCHERS:

Long ago when the world an old Lakota spiritual wasappeared on a high and had a vision. In his vision, Iktomiwas (thesound, great trickster and searcher of leader wisdom) in mountain the form of a spider to this spiritual leader. Iktomi spoke to him in a sacred language and as he spoke, Iktomi the spider picked up the elder’s willow hoop, which had feathers, horsehair, beads and offerings on it, and began to spin a web on this scared hoop. He spoke to the elder about the cycles of life, how we begin our lives as infants, move on through childhood and on to adulthood. Finally we go to old age where we must be taken care of as infants, completing the cycle. But, Iktomi said as he continued to spin his web, in each time of life there are many forces, some good and some bad. If you listen to the good forces, they will steer you in the right direction. But, if you listen to the bad forces, they’ll steer you in the wrong direction and may hurt you. So these forces can help, or can interfere with the harmony of Nature. While the spider spoke, he continued to weave his web. When Iktomi finished speaking, he gave the elder the hoop with the newly created web and said, the web is a perfect circle with a hole in the center. Use the web to help your people reach their goals, making good use of their ideas, dreams and visions. If you believe in the Great Spirit, the web will filter your good ideas and the bad ones will be trapped and will not pass. The elder passed on this vision to the people and now many Indian people have a Dream Catcher above their bed to sift their dreams and visions. The good will pass through the center hole to the sleeping person. The evil in their dreams are captured in the web, where they perish in the light of the morning sun. It is said the Dream Catcher holds the destiny of the future. Now if you have been following the symbolism you will see how objects are used to create and craft dreams. In my work The Bridge, I used a series of natural objects which were also symbols that relate to real objects. These symbols all have positive attributes and by the combination of these symbols with sometimes hidden meaning one can affect the consciousness of the individual in a positive way. Often the aftermath is largely unknown to this person as they only experienced the effect of dream implantation and not the hidden meaning behind the symbols used.




The Bridge To dream that you are crossing a bridge signifies an important decision or a critical junction in your life. This decision will prove to be a positive change filled with prosperity and wealth in the horizon. Bridges represent a transitional period in your life where you will be moving on to a new stage. If the bridge is over water, then it suggests that your transition will be an emotional one. If you fall off the bridge and into the water, then the dream indicates that you are letting your emotions hold you back and prevent you from moving forward. Alternatively, the bridge may indicate that you are trying to “bridge” or connect two things together.

The Stream To see a stream in your dream represents a flow of fresh and profound ideas. The stream is also symbolic of the flow of your emotions. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on something that is “streaming” in at a steady pace. Perhaps you need to be patient.

The Trees To see lush green trees in your dream symbolize new hopes, growth, desires, knowledge and life. It also implies strength, protection and stability. You are concentrating on your own self-development and individuation.

The Twig To see a twig in your dream represent small or minor growth that is occurring in your life.



The Water To see water in your dream symbolizes your subconscious and your emotional state of mind. Water is the living essence of the psyche and the flow of life energy. It is also symbolic of spirituality, knowledge, healing and refreshment. To see calm, clear water in your dream means that you are in tune with your spirituality. It denotes serenity, peace of mind, and rejuvenation. To hear running water in your dream denotes meditation and reflection. You are reflecting on your thoughts and emotions.

The Glass Glass symbolizes passivity or protection.

The Cards To dream that you are playing a game with cards represents your ability to strategize in various areas of your life. In particular, diamonds indicate wealth and materialism, clubs indicate work and industry, hearts indicate happiness in love, and spades indicate troubling times and disappointments. The shuffling of the cards is a symbol that signifies indecision. You need to reevaluate your choices. Now are justof beginning to understand how some theapplied objectsmeaning that are used in my work The Bridge on theyou beginning dream implantation concepts also of have in dream interpretations well. Though we’re not using interpretation when crafting a person’s dream, were implanting the positive attributes of these interpretations upon the conscious and subconscious mind of that person who we are performing for. Which by the way, I should point out again that the language of the subconscious mind is symbols without classification or interpretation. Those functions are only present after the sub mind transfers its images to the conscious mind for for sorting and identificat identification. ion. The reason for all of this goes back to the dawn of man and the beginnings of language. Which at the time was a language of symbols. Each symbol would represent a thought or an idea and when two or more of these symbols were combined together a new thought or idea would be created.* *For additional reading about how two patterns are used to create a new thought or idea see Matisse’s secret: Kubatextiles of Zaire by Gyarari Nogizaka Nogizaka Art Hall, published 1992. In this work the author speaks about the work of Henri Matisse and how the textiles of the Kuba people of Zaire influenced his work.

So in the first work I published on this subject called The Bridge you were only given the cornerstone that which we will build upon its psychological principles when crafting dreams that people will dream provided you follow the simple formula laid out in this work. Although the main focus of this work will be on how to implant a dream that’s not all we’re going to cover in this work. A few more things that will be cover in this work are how to use dreams as a communication device where two people will have a conversation with each other in a dream state. Later both people will be able to discriminate this conversation in detail. Best of all they will not be sleeping near each other in fact they may be in different cities. It’s a very strong work. More on that another things will be found within these pages.



I started this book’s introduction with the Dream Catcher as it is one of the more common and easily identified objects used in association with dreaming. Please note that the Dream Catcher can be used in other shamanistic ways as well and it was place here in the opening of this book to explain some of the basic ideas surrounding the dream implantation construct. Lastly in this induction I do want to mention—never use a Dream Catcher that is not made by Native American peoples. The Dream Catchers that are made in China and other places are only made for profit and while they may work in a pinch they were made without any spiritual belief behind the recreation. Yes, the Native American versions will cost a bit more to purchase, but they are also made a lot better and will last much longer than the knockoffs made purely for profit. Not forgetting to mention the versions made in China as these could contain toxic waste products. To craft a dream for a person all you need are a few things. The first item which cannot be taught through a book is the delivery of the material used in the creation of the crafting process. This is to say that you must believe in what you about to do and relay this belief through your voice and actions foray of this materiel to be effectively used. To present any of these effects or creations with a skeptical attitude will only bring about failure. Everybody dreams. Just because they do not remember the dream does not mean they did not dream it exactly as how you presented it. The next thing I need to cover briefly is newer development in The Bridge concept discovered by Mark Stevens of Stevens Magic Emporium. “It took a little work and practice but I became a believer when I tried it on our mail man Jace Bowles! Granted it was my second attempt at performing this and when Jace bolted in the door the next day he shot straight to me to vividly retail not only the dream I told him he would have—but also his wife also experienced—with subtle differences.” What happened was astounding when the Jack went home and was preparing the experiment that Mark presented to him hours earlier he spoke about the previous event with his wife and this set forth a condition that caused Jack’s wife to also dream of crossing the bridge in the dream state. This brings us to a very important consideration about this type of work and that is it may not only affect those who you are working with but it may also affect those around the persons who you are working with. So I urge you to be mindful of all that may be involved when using anything found within the pages of this work.



Over the next few dozen pages I am going to share with you many objects that can be used as standalone objects or used in pairs or groups of objects to craft a dream. Please note you do not need to use anything to craft a dream. The objects listed herein are used as focus objects and should be used while learning this process. However you do not need to use anything to craft a dream I may cover the use nothing to craft aspect in this book or I will cover it in the final book on the subject. Either way I want you to be aware of this simple fact up front. You do not need a glass, water or a twig to implant a dream or anything else for that matter. Some of you out there have started the process by which you can remove the objects while others of you still have not grasped the context as a whole. That’s okay, in time you will understand how the process works without using anything, but for now the objects you use will help you understand what is going on within the construction that you will create one day without using anything. Although I must admit without a solid foundation the construct becomes a bit overwhelming and complicated. So for now you can use any of the objects to craft a dream. Be mindful that though this list is very long, it’s not all of the objects you can use. In fact you can use anything provided you combine it with something else in context. This combining of objects creates a reaction that sets forth the chain by which the dream is implanted upon the mind of the person who you are performing for. For if we truly did nothing all day we would not dream. Action is the key to the doorway of the mind.

The Objects The first thing I will cover in this section is the use of stones that are common among the New Age metaphysical movement. In this section I have included a very long list of stone types that are used in the new age although the use of these stones for the most part has not been applied to dreaming except for some of the commonly know dream stones. While some of the stones listed are common and easy to find others are hard to find and some of these stones are a bit pricey while others are a dollar or less each. I personally have been using stones for dream crafting in metaphysical work for well over two decades each stone type listed below has been thoroughly tested and has been proven to work. However the placement of the stone used may come in to play. So the first thing I going to cover in this section is placement. With each place the stone is laid will help determine th thee outcome of the dream.

Placing Stones Stones may be placed anywhere within three feet of the person. Some stones used in this work only have an effective range of a few inches while others have a useable range of several feet or more. When using a close proximity stone one should place it on or very close to the body. When stones are selected that have a medium range these can be placed in different locations such as under the bed or under the pillow. Stones that have a long range may be placed anywhere within the room. An example of this is a stone placed upon a dresser. This is also a good place for stones that are water soluble, toxic, stones that are very soft or stones that can easily become damaged. The key to using stones in this type of work is that the person whom you’re going to have use them must know what the stone will do for them. When using objects such as stones the rule of the blind leading the blind does not work. Just tell them what it does and the rest will happen as described.



The places where a stone may be placed are under or upon the bed, or under the pillow. They will often be held in the hand either left or right before the person falls asleep. Also please note while some of the stones have benefits metaphysically speaking they also have side effects. Take marble, a stone that is most commonly found tumbled at garden supply centers and used in landscaping. The benefit of marbles that it’s good for finding higher insights. The side-effects when using white marble is that it tends to slow or retard the breathing a bit when using it for finding and opening up pathways in the dream state. Now let’s look at a very rough illustration of a bed. Here you will notice that the bed has been divide into four primary sections. These sections are head of bed, left and right sides of the bed and foot of the bed. Also although not shown in the illustration the bed should be looked at in the same way we as mentalist look at a stage layout. With the center of the stage as the center of the bed and the same goes with stage left and right and back of stage center. I do not think this detail needs to be covered in depth but I did want to mention that you look at the bed the same way you would place set decorations and props upon the stage.

The same will apply to the pillow where an object will be placed. Only here it will either be top of or under the pillow for the most part. This will become clear later in this work. Also note several objects may bemused at the same time and placed in different locations to create the desired dream condition.



On the next page will be the start of the stone section. This section will follow the following format Type of stone will appear first, its primary use for dream work and following that will be additional thoughts and in some cases where this type of stone can be found for you more adventurous types.



Stones Used In Dream Work THE GUIDE

This guide was taken from my personal notebook. Some of this information was taught to me by Ken Harsh (1947-2013) for use in general metaphysical healing during the mid 1980s. The rest of the information I picked working many years in this field.



A Actinolite This stone is good for crafting dreams for artistic types and it will protect them while traveling in a creative dream state. This stone should be used with other artistic type stones when crafting these types of dreams.  Adamite This is a very good all around stone type that will aid in all forms of dream work as it will help the user remain focused on the task at hand.  Agate, Apache Flame This type of agate is only used in dream work when the person’s dreams have become dull and lack energy. This stone is then used with other stones to enhance a dream experience. Agate, Botswana This stone type is used as a protective stone talisman when the dream crafted calls for extra protection. Not all dreams may be 100% positive. Sometimes it’s nice to add in a villain to give them a little push to get them back on the right path. It may be placed anywhere within the room as long as it is in sight of the

person who will pick it up somewhere in their dream and carry it with them. Agate, Corba This stone is used when crafting dreams that explore the concept of finding hidden psychic gifts. Agate, Condor This is one of the shaman power stones and is used to craft dreams that give inner visions. In this type of dream craft the story will be laid out somewhat like a fairy tale that they are involved in and its message will give them insight to their inner self. Agate, Crazy Lace This stone is used in past life work that relates to a family environment or soul group. These types of dreams are difficult to craft unless you know the back ground of the person you’re working with. Agate, Crocodile This stone is used in crafting dreams when you need the person to be stable even when everything else around them is falling apart. Agate, eye This stone comes from Oregon and can be used with other stones for any dream that is crafted based upon psychic vision. It also works well when the dream crafted is using color therapy. Agate, Graveyard Point Plume This stone is only used when the person is having difficulty in exploring the fourth dimensional reality of the dream world as a whole.



Agate, Holly Blue This is the first of the angelic stone and is used in angel work to craft dreams where the person will speak to angels. May be combined with other angelic stones to create a dream specific to a certain angel or saint. Sometimes the angels will guide the person to the saint or sometimes it’s the saints who guide you to the angels. Either way if your crafting angelic dreams this stone is one of the must haves for this type of work. Agate, Lake Superior This type of stone is often used in dream work as a connecting bridge to other planes of existence. It can also be used to help in creating a deep mystical experience within a dream state. Agate, Paint Rock A highly useful tool when working with spirit guides in a dream state as it helps the dreamer hear the guide much better. When used with stones for memory it will also aid them in remembering what the spirit has spoken to them. Agate, Patch-Quilt P atch-Quilt This stone is used when the dreamer gets mixed up in the dream as it will help them sort out the visual mess of a poorly crafted dream. Note for dream craftsmen: think of this stone as an out for when you mess it all up. Sometimes dream crafting goes like some cold reading does sometimes you’re on target and sometimes you’re a few miles away. The good news is that when dream crafting they will still have the dream which by itself is amazing. Agate, Phoenix Fire/Chinese Snakeskin This is a more recent discovery from China. It’s a reddish type of agate and is useful for making quick transitions in dream states. Sometimes you may need to bridge one or more different types of dreams together. This stone will make that bridge transition smoother. smoother. Agate, Prairie This stone type is found in the Black Hills of South Dakota and parts of Nebraska. This stone is used when you need to craft a dream to bring about new perspective on old ideas. Sometimes the sitter is stuck on some old mess and just needs to find a new perspective to break free and begin a new path.

NOTE FOR SELF USE FOR MENTALISTS AND MAGICIANS: A good stone for working on old problems such as old magic tricks. Place stone under pillow and think about the old effect you’re working on revamping while your falling asleep and in the dream state new ideas may and often will appear. Agate, Rio Grande This stone is sometimes referred to as the traveler’s stone and is very useful as an all around travel stone as it helps one cross time and space in dream states. This stone is good to use with other stones when traveling through time or distance lands. Agate, Tee Pee Canyon This agate comes from the Tee Pee Canyon in the Black Hills of South Dakota. It is used to craft a dream that takes one back to very beginning of your roots and existence of your soul. Using this stone will produce a dream that will show its user his or her very first (past) life.

Sincehas it ishappened commonly loreatthat andand successes are way a direct resultthat of what in believed past livesinit metaphysical is logical to start theyour verytroubles beginning work your up from point in time.



Agate Turitella This variety of agate has fossilized shells in brown or black chunks of agate and is also useful in crafting past life dreams and may be used with other past life stones to reveal hidden details about the person whom the dream is crafted for. Agate, Winegate

The name comes from the Winegate pass which is located near Death Valley National Park and the pass is part of The Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake. China Lake is located in the Western Mojave Desert region of California, approximately 150 miles north of Los Angeles. All of the land is protected so this stone is hard to get but not imposable to obtain. In Dream Work this stone is used to craft shamanistic dreams in which the dreamer will be visited by Thunder Beings who may share secret information with them. Warning: These begins can be dangerous. According to Algonquian mythology the Thunder Beings are a race of powerful storm spirits hat live in the sky and cause thunder and lightning. These beings are strongly associated with birds, particularly in artwork of some of the Native American Peoples. They also a lso turn up in legends as anthropomorphic sky— beings, giant eagles or an intermediate form between the two, such as a bird with a human head. Thunder Beings are dangerous spirits who sometimes kill people with their powers, but they are also sworn enemies of the Horned Serpents S erpents and sometimes rescue people from those monsters. The Horned Serpent is a type of mythological freshwater serpent common to many tribes of the eastern United States and Canada. According to the legends of the Horned Serpent that vary somewhat from tribe to tribe, these spirits are usually described as huge, scaly, dragon-like serpents with horns and long teeth. They can move about on the land, but are more often found in lakes and rivers. The ubiquity of Horned Serpent stories in this region has led some people to speculate that they are based on a real animal (such as some sort of now extinct giant crocodile). In Native American mythology and legends, Horned Serpents are very supernatural in character—possessing magical abilities such as shape-shifting, invisibility, hypnotic powers; bestowing powerful medicine upon humans who defeat them or help them; controlling storms and weather, and so forth, (which is why the Thunder Beings do not like them) and were venerated as gods or spirit beings in some tribes. Unlike other animals such as crocodiles and snakes, Horned Serpents are not included in common Woodland Indian folktales. Horned Serpents are always viewed as mythological spirits, not as animals, and belief in them was widespread in the eastern part of the country. Horned Serpent mythology may trace back to ancestors of Eastern Native American tribes such as the Hopewell, Mississippian, and other mound-builder civilizations, as stylized serpent motifs have been found in their earthworks and artifacts which bear some resemblance to the Horned Serpents of historical Native American tribes. Here are some of the names of the Thunder Spirits from Native American Tribal legend these are the names given to these begins from various tribes. Native names: Pèthakhuweyok, Pèthakhuwe, Pethakowe’jàk, Pehtakuweyok, Pethakhuweyok, Pëlesëwok, Plethoak, Nenemehkia, Nenemehkiwa, Neneme’kiwa, Ciinkwia, Neimpaûog Pronunciation: varies by dialect: peh-thock-hoo-way-yok or pethock-hoo-way-yock. Pèthakhuwe is a singular form, referring to just one Thunder Being; the rest are plural nouns. Nenemehkia is pronounced neh-neh-meh-kee-uh and Ciinkwia is pronounced cheenk-weeuh.



From the historical information above you can get a better idea of how this dream is to be crafted using Winegate Agate. However, it should only be used under certain circumstances and only when the participant is on the path to becoming a shaman. Generally this will only be used if the person has had or defeated a Horned Serpent in a previous dream state. SPECIAL NOTE:  An entire book could be written on just this dream implantation method using Winegate Agate as the as strength of visual and audio imagery that the person experiences is unsurpassed

provide the participant is on a shamanistic path and needs the special knowledge he will be provided with. Agate, Woodward Ranch This is the only source in the world for Red Plume Agate and it comes from a Woodward ranch in Alpine, Texas. When using this stone in dream crafting it is used with other stones to open the path to nirvana as it is one of the Nirvana agates the stone will be set in an area that is close to the Root Chakra Center. Amber, Blue This is one of the commonly c ommonly known dream work stones. It’s also a good choice when crafting dreams that involve fairies. The only downside is that this type of amber is rare and pricey. It’s sometimes very hard to get since rarer than other types of amber. Amber, Red This amber type is used when the dream involves hidden fire from the earth. It also good for crafting dreams that require magic energies. Amethyst One of the traditional dream work stones and is good for just about everything. In dream work this stone will provide right left brain balance which is handy when you’re crafting a dream where the subconscious mind must transfer it’s collected information to the conscious mind during the dream state more so than it already does in the dreaming condition. Amethyst, Flower This type of amethyst comes from Brazil and is one of the go to stones for all dreams involving angels or guides. This stone will help them feel connected to the spirit guide or angel they are speaking with.

These flowers are groups of amethyst that are found within the basalt layer and are hard to mine so many of these types will have some damage. Amethyst, From Tibet Due to its high energy level this stone used to open a path to Shambala within a dream state. It may be used in manners similar to other types of Amethyst. Anapaite This stuff is hard to find but is one of the best stone types for crafting sexual dreams of a fetish nature. Anglesite This stone is very useful when working to craft dreams for other psychic reader or those that channel. When used in this manner it brings forth guides that bring with them spiritual answers.



Apatite With Muscovite Great all around stone for crafting any dream that involves spirit guides as it will bring forth guides who have the spiritual answers the dreamer seeks and wishes revealed in dream state. Place under pillow and have them repeat the question they seek the spiritual answer to till they fall asleep. So easy to use but very effective. Apophyllite

Another dream stone to be used in Divas, fairy and angel work. Combine with other stones for additional context. Apu Stone (S) These are carved limestone/calcite stones with sacred symbols carved on them from Peru. The symbol on the stone will refer to the type of dream. In general this is a good stone for elemental spirit work. Several stones can be used together providing they have different symbols. Very handy at times. Arrowhead, Native American Artifact For those who were hunters and gathers in a past life. For connecting with Mound (Bannerstone from Ohio) and effigy building cultures and ancient Mississippian cultures. Used in dreams where the person needs to travel back to a time to visit with ancestors to seek insight. Arrowheads and primitive tools of all a ll time have many uses in dream work when it comes to past lives. Extraordinary results can be created using artifacts in this way, although its best to combine artifacts to craft a ccomplete omplete dream. Artinite Used in crafting dreams where an object is lost and must be found. This stone type may also be used to make new discoveries. Due to its fragile needle like structure this stone should be left on the dresser so it does not get broken or the person does not get injured by getting tiny needle shards stuck in them. This is also a seer stone and has many applications. It’s difficult to find aand nd can break easily. Astrophyllite And Atacamite While very different, stones both work well in dream crafting by means of astral travel or out of body experiences while in the dream state. Aventurine, Black Sometimes it is necessary to craft a dream that requires the dreamer to see or explore the dark side of themselves. It should be noted that what they are seeing is only a mirror of themselves, a reflection if you will. Aventurine, White Very useful for protection in a dream where the dreamer is being attacked by another dreamer as this stone will send the negative energy back to the dreamer who sent it. I cover how this concept works later in this book unless I forget, then it will be placed in the supplement for this work. Aztec Stone For crafting dreams to find lost objects objects works similar to Artin Artinite ite with one difference. This stone can be used to craft dreams for people who in a past life have been oppressed. In this type of dream the oppressed person will rise up and revolt against their oppressors. Azurite A good general all around stone that can be used as a key to unlock doorways in the dream state.



B Barite For crafting dreams where old relationships must be revisited to resolve past issues. Also good all-around tool for angelic communication and dreams involving angels. Barite, Golden With Calcite An excellent choice for crafting dreams to find a person a new spirit guide. Comes from Elk Creek, South Dakota. This has needles, so place in the room on a dresser. Barite With Red Tips From Morocco This stone is useful for crafting dreams dr eams of an initiation nature. Barite Rose Oklahoma Only found in Oklahoma and is a good stone for general dream work involving compassion and forgiveness. Belemnite (Fossil Squid Tail) This is one great stone for crafting dreams that will allow the dreamer to explore his or her hidden fears. However, it has a downside. The stone, when used in dream work will often generate powerful and disconcerting feelings that sometimes will be experienced as nightmares either in the same dream or in an upcoming dream.

The opalized version of this stone works better although it’s very rare and does not produce the nightmares. Beryl, Golden Also Known As Helidor This stone is used in dream work to open doorways in higher dimensional dreams. Very useful. Beryl, Red This is also know as a Phoenix Stone as it is used in dream work to obtain new ideas from the ashes of old ideas. Can be used without stones such as Prairie Agate. Betafite If there is a better stone for past life dreaming, I do not know what it is. This stone will bring up past lives whether you’re ready for them to surface or not. The downside is that some of the past life stuff that comes to view in the dream state may not be pleasant. This stone is for use in dream work only for use in past life dream work and I should mention it’s slightly radioactive. It’s also rare and expensive. Binghamite, Crow Wing County, Minnesota This is a generally all around good luck stone. Extremely useful in crafting dreams where you are helping someone find their pot of gold under the rainbow in a dream state. Have them place this stone under the pillow as they ask the show me the rainbow. Just watch out for the leprechauns. Biteite This is a ugly and rare whitish colored stone from Madagascar. It’s only used when you need to cause

disorientation andusable confusion a dreamdreams state intowhich willhabit. help the person leave their old way behind. Also whenincrafting break the oneend freeresult of a bad



Boli Stone A calcite that is found in the deserts of Saudi Arabia. This stone is good for all dreams involving light as its other more ancient name is the Light Bringers Stone. In dream work when one needs ascension this stone is very handy for crafting these types of dreams as well. The only downside is that it’s rare, hard to obtain and moderately priced. Brookite

Found near Magnet Cove, Arkansas and is difficult to find. Used in dream work for flying dreams as it helps one keep a themselves attached to the earth while flying around Dream World. Bustamite Great for general dream work and is one of the commonly known dream stones. When using this for dream crafting the stone should be used to help the person maintain balance. Bytownite When using this stone in Dream Work it is used for finding light in dark dreams. The stone is found in New Mexico and is difficult to get but not that expensive once it’s ffound. ound. It’s a type of feldspar.



C Cacoxenite Only used when crafting a dream that will lend itself to the dreamer finding a new job j ob or the right place to work. Calcite , Black Also known as Shamanite, traditionally this stone was used by shaman to dispel darkness. However, it’s a great stone for dream crafting as it is used to cause one to shape shift while in the dream state. Calcite, Blue Comes from Madagascar and is one of the best stand alone dream stone since its used to intensify dreams and promote lucid dreaming. Also good for time travel dreams and when you’re crafting a dream that involves a time shift. Calcite, Sand Found at a place called Rattlesnake Butte, South Dakota. This stone is used for all dream work involving Kundalini energies. Those of you who work with Kundalini will know exactly what and how-to use this item. Cats-Eye From Brazil For crafting dreams about the recovery of lost and hidden objects. This stone is great for crafting treasure hunting dreams when combined with Binghamite and other lost or hidden object stones. Celestite This is a general all around stone used for crafting dreams that involves celestial beings, it is also handy when crafting dreams where one is exploring their psychic powers. Celestite From Madagascar Also a good choice for general dream crafting that involves celestial beings though this variety is a bit more energetic. Celestite, Phantom Variety This type has phantoms inside the matrix and is very usable in dream work. This will get a bit strange, but that is kind of the whole point of dream work by using this stone in a crafted dream you will be able to reveal invisible spirits that are present and watching and observing you in a dream. Just make sure you try to speak with them once they appear.



Chalcedony from Bear Mountain This form comes from the Bear Spring Mountain deposit of the Fort Apache Indian Reservation, Arizona. Good for ascension dreams but incredibly hard to get. Charoite General all around stone used in various dream work of a psychic or intellectual wisdom nature. Chert, Green Used in dream work to find healing guides. Chromium Clinochlore Another stone to help one find a job or vocation in the dream state. Chumpi Stones

Carved alabaster/calcite from Peru. This is a shaman stone of the first order used in all forms of dream crafting that is associated with the chakras. Count the number of points and this will tell you what chakra that the particular stone stone works with. These are are rare and almost imposable to get any more. When and if you ever see one is the time to buy it. Also note these stones are commonly stolen off the worker table because they are so rare and useful.



The limestone variety of the Chumpi Stones is much easier to find than the alabaster variety. Also the limestone version is much cheaper. The key is to buy a full set if you can find them. Also note there is a type of these that are made from white alabaster and a type made from Meteorite Iron. This meteorite iron type is the rarest and most expensive. Cinnabar With Stibnite This is very useful when crafting a dream about financial issues and the person has trouble with fears associated with making money. Copal This is a type of very young amber and it can be used as a incense in crafting dreams related to out of body experiences. Copper Copper is one of the few metals I ever use in crafting dreams and the only type that I use is mined in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This metal is also only used in its naturally found state. It’s used for general added energy when crafting a dream stone kit. Another type of copper used comes from the same area and is called float copper because it floated free in the environment and is used to craft dreams of

enlightenment. Anotherintype tythe pe also Michigan known Halfthe Breed. has bits of silv silver er and copper mixed together samefrom stone. The lastistype alsoas from same This placetype is Copper with Prehnite. This stuff is hard to get and another one of those that gets stolen from the working table. When using it in dream crafting, the dream will be centered around getting rid of old stresses while in an out of body experience. Coprolite (Fossilized Dung) A unusual item to use in dream crafting and is only used occasionally for those whom you are working with that are having problems with other peoples crap. When used in the dream state it will allow them to dish out some of their own crap and this will become fertilizer for their mind as when this is correctly used they will grow from the experience. Coral—A generally good all around materiel from the sea and excellent for all dreams involving water. The color will give one a specific direction. Best used in the room on a dresser. Black—Used when crafting dreams when the person has recently emerged from a period of Darkness.



Fossil Horn—Good for use when crafting aquatic dreams that relate to past lives. Horn—A cylindrical type that comes from Utah with a bright red center used for those whom you are crafting a dream for that have trouble with their bones. This type is extremely rare these days as most all of the deposits have been collected. If you see it grab it. Indonesian—Good choice for past lives in general. Also very handy for some reason for those that drowned in a past life. No one is sure why this is but it does seem to work very well. Pink—Is used for female sexuality and the exploration of said within the dream state. Red—Is also used for sexuality in dreams but unlike the pink type it can be used by males as well. Creedite, Orange And Yellow Balls Found in Mexico a decade or two ago. Used in dream creation to contract spirit orbs and spirit worlds. This stuff is great for opening a portal in dreamland if you can find it.

D Descolozite Helps one let go of the past and when crafting a dream it can be useful. Can be utilized in past life dream crafting as well. This is another stone that will sit on the dresser or night stand. Note: You want the stuff in its natural state and still a brownish in color. Often this stone gets cleaned up, so it’s shiny and the crystals look better. For some unknown reason the uncleaned version seems to work better. Diaspore It’s a somewhat new stone discovered in the last part of the 1990s by those who do metaphysical stonework and prior to this time it was not in use in the new age movement. It is found at Saga Quarry, Oslo Region, Norway and S & K Mine (Monywa Mine), Monywa, Monywa District, Sagaing Division, Burma. The stuff is rare.

When usingIt’s thisability stone to type for dream crafting, it is the best most power stone on the planet. enhance dreams is unsurpassed andand may be important used with ascension other stones when you’re creating a special dream for a special client a small piece of this stuff no bigger than the tip of your little finger will run around $120.00, $120.00, if you can even find it. Dinosaur Fossil All pricey and vary in size however when crafting dreams that involve the ancient past there may not be anything better. Eggs—Dino eggs are by far one of the best things for crafting dreams about past lives since they already have a natural connection c onnection to the distant past. Bone—Like eggs these bones have a connection with all past ages and will produce the same results as dino eggs but are much cheaper. Even a broken fragment will produce good results

when dream crafting a dream that requires a trip to the past.



Dragon Stone This is a jasper like stone that is red-green in color that comes from South Africa. Great stone for balancing energy while in a dream state. It’s also good for communication with ancient Dragons while in a dream state.

Look, you spend a third or more of your life sleeping and a fraction of that is spent dreaming where in all things are possible without limitations. So yes, you can craft a dream where they speak to a Dragon. Just tell them not to even attempt to take the dragons treasure as they do not like that very much. Dumortierite Good for crafting dreams where patience is needed. As my old friend Ken said time and time again. “If you ain’t patient you ain’t gonna make it at all.”

E Edenite Use this stone to help a person find their own Shambhala, Nirvana or Utopia. Earginte This stone is very useful in shamanistic work when someone is starting on the path of becoming a shaman. This stone type will, if used correctly, cause an initiator effect and will lead them to the path where the initiation to shamanism will begin. Carefully craft the dream with shamanistic attributes. Erythrite This was an unusual discovery that I learned from a old friend. This stone is used when you’re dealing with people who think that higher consciousness means martyrdom. Euclase This stone is used to craft out of body dreams and will help open the third eye of someone who has never seen through this eye before.



F Flint I absolutely love using flint in stone to trigger dream crafting. Metaphysically speaking, flint in general helps one survive difficult conditions and helps one stay grounded. But in dream crafting it can do a lot more. Knife River—This variety comes from Oklahoma and Texas. In dream crafting this stone helps one stay invisible and hide in the shadows. Marbled—In dream crafting this stone is primarily used to help one on a Native American path as it will allow them to travel back to past lives as a Native American to learn and experience ancient rituals and rites first hand while in the dream state.

conjunction with marbled flint so th that at dreamer can Nellie Blue—Comes from Ohio. It’s used in conjunction adapt easily to the ancient Native American ways. Viking—A flint type from Finland. Used in crafting any Viking style of dream. Fluorite, Rainbow An excellent choice for crafting dreams that involve mystic and foreign lands, cultures and ideas. This stone seems to balance and make a connection between these things that may not have been available otherwise. Fluorite, With Stibnite This variety of Fluorite is excellent for crafting all dreams that involve getting rid of fear. Fossils Caetecean—This fossil looks like a type of small bone and is very useful when working with those ladies who are pregnant. Remember that when crafting dreams for those who are pregnant remember they are not alone and you may affect the baby inside as well. Use great care and keep it extremely positive. Crinoid—A strange but useful object when crafting flying dreams.  Horn Coral—This type of fossil is used when one is crafting a dream that is about revealing truth.  Snail—If you need them to move slowly during a dream, try a fossilized snail. Also helps one see the big picture from the point of view of a snail. Place on floor under the bed’s foot board. Fuchsite When used in a dream state this stone type is primarily used with artistic types and used to enhance their creativity. Normally, this would not be something I would play around with but when I was in my teens I had a friend with the last name of Fuch so I picked some up and played around with crafting dreams with the stuff a few times. It’s okay but I still feel there are better stones to use for artistic types.



G Gabbro This is a white and black foundation stone that is found in Brazil. This stone type is a good choice when crafting the foundations of past lives in dream work. This stone should be used in conjunction with other past life stones. Think of this stone as the foundation that your past life houses are built upon. Geodes These are great things for the times your having to craft shamanistic dreams to lower worlds. Also good to use for all dreams relating to inner worlds, middle earth or dreams that will cause one to travel to the Hollow Earth. Goldstone Man Made This is glass with copper in it. The stuff is made in China and Italy. The better stuff comes from Italy. This is one of the better stones for crafting dreams for artists and artistic types. There is also a blue type of Goldstone that is a bit better for working with artists when crafting dreams of artistic nature. This stone is also good to use if the artist you’re working with has lost his or her mojo. The stone may also be found in the color green and a great find at times. Granite Works a lot like marble. It is the foundation stone of the Earth and is used in all dreams where centering oneself is a must. Also available in a type know as Orbicular. This Orbicular is a better choice for a grounding stone that is to be used in dream work but is a bit on the rare side. In fact I have not seen the stuff in many years. The red Granite comes from Wisconsin and has some Grey strips or blotches in its matrix. It works about the same as other granite except this is a special variety and sometimes it’s a nice touch to use these varieties of a common stone in dream work as it will enhance the whole of the dream.



H Halite Commonly known as rock salt, is the mineral form of sodium chloride. When using this stone in a dream combine it with other related stones to reveal old and hidden anger issues as this stone will help guide the person to a place within the dream where the old anger issue can be dealt with once and for all. This stone will assist in removing the anger and should be carried with them the next day. Hematite Good general grounding stone that may be used in dream crafting as it is among the best all around grounding stones on the planet. Herkimer Diamond Only found in Herkimer, New York. This is a crystal form and a great stone to use in all general dream work. This stone crystal is good to use when you’re stuck and not sure what to use when crafting a dream. Thereby this is your go to stone as it works as a natural dream enhancer. Hottite

When crafting use a dream thatThere will involve thebetter person to meditate in dream state to reach even higher you’re consciousness Hottite. is nothing than this stonewhile type for that use.

I Impactite From Canyon Diablo Arizona This is a type of glass that looks more like mud that has been turned in to a rock. It was made about 47 to 49 thousand years ago when a meteorite hit Coconino County, Arizona (Meteor Crater) and broke apart upon impact. These shards flew through the air about 12 miles and when they struck Canyon Diablo the impact of these shards formed what is known as impact glass. Canyon Diablo is also a ghost town.

Wow! This is the best stuff for crafting dreams for trips to the Hollow Earth on the planet if you can get it. The area is now located on a Navajo Reservation and access to the digging collecting area is seldom permitted. Indian Picture Rock Very usable stuff and when crafting dreams that have origins in past lives of Native American peoples and is a good alternative to Impactite for dream trips to the Hollow Earth. Yeah, there is not much in the way of stone that begin with the letter I that is usable in dream crafting. Those that are used are primary used for trips to Middle and Hollow Earth while in dream state.



J Jade For thousands of years Jade has had both symbolic and spiritual associations. This stone type was used by many ancient cultures from around the world. Jade is also very useful as a tool for crafting dreams. Blue—The blue variety of Jade comes from California and has several uses in dream crafting. This type may be used as a shamanistic visionary stone within the dream state. It is also useful when the dreamer is experiencing a past life dream sequence and is unable to see clearly in the dream. Blue Jade will be offered as a solution to this visibility problem in future dreams. It is also used with artistic dreams that involve sculptors. However some other types of artist have found it helpful as well within a dream state. state . Machu Picchu—Although listed as a type of Jade, it is really a mottled variety of serpentine and is found in Peru and other places. It’s used in dream crafting for shamanistic style of dreams that involve ascension to higher planes. Pink—This variety comes from Wyoming and I have found it to be very useful when creating

dreams lovea for Asianwill origins. these around types ofindreams willand begin withthe resolving an issueof with pastthose lover.ofThey beginOften to wonder the dream before awake they will see the face of either a soul mate or a new lover. Purple—This type of Jade is most useful for crafting dreams while the person is still awake. Think of this Jade as the daydream stone. Sagebrush—A rather hard to find type of Jade that is found in Wyoming. The only use I have found so far is for dream crafting is when the dream takes place on a prairie. When I made this discovery, I had a small piece of this Jade and did not know what it was called at the time, only that it had a color that was very close to the sage smudge sticks I was using at the time. Jasper This is one of the most common stone types used in metaphysics. There are many types of this stone if

not over hundred different it. While all Jasper can be used into dream there overlike 20 types thata seem to have been types made of special for dream crafting. One way thinkcrafting of Jasper and are stones the agates is that these stones are the salt and pepper of dream crafting. Jasper may be one of the stone types you find yourself using more than any a ny other. Alkela—Comes from an unknown area in Mexico I tried several times to find out where but as usual no one’s talking. Good for past life work and talking with guides in a dream state. Amazon Valley—From totem animals to guides to shape shifting, this is the stone for this type of dream crafting.

dream craft and want to try your your hand at crafting a Bear Mountain—If you’re just starting to dream visionary prophetic dream start with this stuff. Also good for more advanced dream craftsmanship as well. Biggs Golden—Only used when dealing with gay people who are always feeling threatened. Can be used in any dream just toss some in the dream kit when you give them the instructions.



Brecciated—General use healing dream stone. Bull’s Eye—Place this stone under your pillow tonight. Through a doorway you shall pass tonight in your dream and on the other side of this doorway you will see if the path you have set out for yourself is full full of light or filled w with ith darkness. Crafting dreams is sometimes sometimes as easy as that. Celadone—This Jasper is used when using a dream to help straighten out the dreamer’s priorities in life. Can be used in a similar fashion to the Bull’s Eye type found above.

f or past life work. Desert Rose—Use in general dream crafting for Fairhills Only found in South Dakota and used in dream work for the dreamer to find Eden. Imperial—If your dreamer life is falling apart use this type of Jasper and tell them to place it under their pillow and they will have a dream during the night about how to bring some order back in to their life. Morrison Ranch—Used for both past life work and shamanistic dream crafting. Can also be used with Imperial to help bring for a vision of how to change the view of the world that is making their life fall apart. Mook—Good for first chakra dream work. Also can be used for crafting dreams to help build self-esteem. Mushroom—If the dream is about a vision quest, then this is the stone to use to craft that dream. Navajo Splash—Used to connect native peoples in past life dreams. Ocean from Madagascar—This type of Jasper is used to build connections to all people and beings when crafting a dream. Owyhee—Used in general shamanistic dreams. Owyhee Red—Used in the same manner as Owyhee the only difference is this stuff is used when the person must speak with animals in the dream state. Pichacho Peak—Another one of the many past life stones. This stone has two varieties. The one with the more defined line is for past life work. The other which is darker is used when a mirror is present in the dream and a nd it will show them their better attributes. Pilbarra—Found in Australia and works well with Dragon Stone and will enhance any dragon dream when the two stones are used together. Also can be used by itself or in combination with other Lemurian stone types. It’s only used as an enchanter in this type of dream crafting. Rainbow—A traditional teacher stone used in dream crafting cr afting to find a spirit guide. Rocky Butte—Shamanistic Dream work only used as an enhancer. Combine with other stones. Spiderweb—Used as a dream enhancer when the dream is about reducing stress.



Warpaint—Used in dream work when the person has trouble standing up for themselves. It is a good enchantment stone and may be recombined with other for a more specific problem related to the dreamer standing up for themselves. Wild Horse Picture—For dreaming when the dreamer has wild instincts that could bring them harm. Willowcreek—Okay, I am only going to tell you this one time. Only use this stone in dream crafting with a female who wishes to become pregnant. Jet This stone is a good all-around stone to help dispel any negativity within a dream that may be coming from outside sources and helps to reduce environment noise while the person is in the dream state. This environmental noise thing was relayed back to me several times from different people who were using Jet at the time for some dream crafting experiments. In these cases they all responded that everything got very silent at different times during the dream. It’s odd, so I thought I would mention it. Jourvaskite The only use I have found for this stuff is when crafting a dream that is centered on building wealth. Metaphysically speaking, the stuff is used for increasing energy. I do not know, it seems to put me to sleep.

K Kammaerite Another shamanistic stone for higher planes of existence type of dreams. Kolwezite A hard to get and ugly stone that has a brownish green color that looks like something I left in my fridge before I went on my last tour. However, when used in dream work sitting somewhere in the room it has proven to help with the creation of dreams to help heal past love. Although I only experimented with this one time about 1998 it seemed to work as intended. I would not attempt to hunt the stuff down for regular

use but I thought I would mention it as it’s in my notes for this type of work. Kyanite Often found in bead form and a nd has a light blue color. This stone is nice for working with the chakras while in a dream state. Bi-Color (Blue And Green Variety)—This type is used for balancing all the chakras. Black—Used when working with the lower chakras. Green Form Tanzania—When working with chakras to heal past life issues this is one of the better choices to use in dream crafting work. Orange—Only useable for second chakra dream work.



L Labradorite This stone is used when crafting a dream for a dreamer who has inner childhood issues and grudges as this type of dream will help them let go of the past. It’s also good for dispelling a demon should you ever encounter a person that has a demon appear in their dreams. Have them sleep with Labradorite and the demon will plague them no more. You can also craft a dream around this topic where in the weapon or object used to send the demon away is made for Labradorite. Lapis Lazuli For thousands of years this stone has been used as an energy stone and is used in dream crafting to help the dreamer use their psychic powers whatever they may be. Larimar This stone is used to assist a dreamer find their soul mate. Do not use this stone when they are just looking for another relationship or to get sex. Lava Rock

If you’re crafting dream thatofinvolves therise. energy of Kundalini include this stone with all dreams of this type. It will make athe energy the dream Leopard Stone Use Leopard Stone in any dream where hieroglyphics can be seen and this will allow the dreamer to read them.

M Magnetite This stone is only to be used with other stones when you are in need of powering the whole of the dream crafted up a few dozen notches. This is a good choice when you’re not so sure the dream you have crafted

is all that great. This stuff will enhance the other stone aspects of the dream so the dreamer will never know that your dream crafting at the moment is not up to par. Malachite Good choice for all healing dreams. Marble Is one of the foundation stones used by the ancient builders. In dream crafting marble in all its forms is used to lay the first building block upon which to craft a whole dream world. There are many types of Marble for this work I am only including three. Some Marbles are dyed by man to give them a better color or to change the color altogether. Tan—Marble is used when extra strength is required for a psychical task within the crafted dream. White—Marble is used within a dream for discovery of higher insights.



Zebra—One of the best stones to use in a dream when the dreamer will be traveling down whitewater rapids or over a waterfall within the dream. Merlinite This stone comes from India and has small needle like crystals coming from it when seen it its raw form however fairly easy to find tumbled. Very cool stone to use for all dreams involving healing qualities; psychic abilities, seeing both sides of an argument, Akashic records, calming, yin yang, sexual energy, survival instincts, flow, magic, moving forward in life, optimism, seizing the moment. Good all around dream stone that has many uses. Meteorite These stones can run into some big money and the price of the stone is by the gram. Used in much the same manner as tektite except Sikhote-Alin variety and the Gibeon variety from Nambia, Africa which is found scattered upon the tribal lands of the Gibeon which are good for working with Lemurian and shamanistic dreams. Mochi Balls Or Moqui Balls (pronounced Mo-Key) Moqui Balls are concretions of iron with an outer shell of hematite (iron oxide) with a sandstone center. They are best used in pairs. These are one of the original shaman stones and were used in ancient rites for vision quests. One of the very few stones I have every used to craft a dream where in nothing but a pair of these stones are used. Would you like to have a shamanistic dream? Then place one of these stones at the head of your bed and the other at the foot of your bed and you will have a shaman’s dream. Absolutely without a doubt the easiest dream crafting one can do. Works like a dream. No pun intended or implied.  Moldavite If you’re looking to craft a mystic dream this is the stuff. It’s not cheap. But nothing for this type of dreaming works like this stuff. It is also rumored that Nicholas Roerich’s (October 9, 1874 – December 13, 1947) Chintamani Stone, which is thought to be made of Moldavite (perhaps a rare form of the stuff). According to the legend of the Chintamani Stone which came to Earth form extraterrestrial origin, and was brought to Earth by emissaries from a planet orbiting the star Sirius and then handed over to Shambhala’s principal resident, the elusive “King of the World.” He was a monarch known by many

mystics in the EastHoly but only a handful occultists iin nStone the West. Wait! It gets even better. regards to its identity in the Grailby legends, the of Chintamani appears to be synonymous withInthe “Stone of Heaven,” the Holy Grail manifestation mentioned by Wolfram von Eschenbach (c.1170 – c. 1220) in his famous Grail rendition an epic poem known as Parzival, which is regarded by most Grail scholars to be the most complete and authoritative of all the Grail legends. The Chintamani Stone also certainly does fits the profile of Eschenbach’s Stone of Heaven because, like its literary counterpart, the Treasure of the World is said to possess both the power to make a human immortal, as well as to have come to Earth from “Heaven” (Sirius), a truth that is supposedly engraved upon it in Sanskrit letters that Roerich once translated. So if the legends of the Chintamani Stone and the Stone of Heaven and the rumors that both stones could be the same or different stones are made of Moldavite then this may just be the most mystic stone in the world.



Moonstone As a dream crafting stone, this stone and all of its types should only be used for crafting dreams for females. Black—Used to explore a ladies dark side while dreaming. Brown—Used in healing dreams that deal with the left leg. I have no idea why it only works with the left leg and not the right, but that is how some of this dream crafting stuff goes sometimes. Still have not discovered the stone that is used to heal the right leg in a dream state in case you’re wondering. Green—Used in very positive healing dreams that involves growth. Pink—Similar to green but only used to craft dreams that help to relieve stress that is associated with PMS. Rainbow—Used only in dream crafting to summon a goddess who may share some ancient wisdom with the lady dreamer. Morensoite Having trouble crafting a story telling dream for another person? Try dreaming with this stuff under your pillow. Just have a notebook by the bed to write down what comes to you in the dream upon awaking and remember you only have about ten minutes till your memory begins to decay from what you just dreamed for the other person. Muninja Stone This stone comes from Austria and when used in a dream state will help one connect to ancient past life problems.

N Neptuneite

This stone is only used when crafting dreams of the space time continuum. Nummit Or Nuumit This is another ultra rare black metallic type of stone that can be used for past life work. Works extremely well with those who had a past life in India and those who lived in the time when the gods of India were at war. If they witnessed these events this is the perfect stone for this type of past life dream crafting. It also works well for those who had past lives when the Mayan gods and other gods ascended from the stars. Although rare and hard to find it’s not very expensive. Seen more in new age shops in New Zealand than anywhere else from what I have learned. It seems to be very scarce in the United States.



O Obsidian (Volcanic Glass) There are a lot of different types of Obsidian which is a type of Volcanic Glass and it comes in a wide range of colors. The types of Obsidian listed in this work are only of few of the types of this materiel that may be used to dream craft with. All Volcanic Glass is very useful in dream crafting. Here are just two types that are used more than any other in this type of work. Red Fire—This type is used to light the inner fire within the person dreaming used in any dream where their passions for people or things are present. Snowflake—This is one of my favorite f avorite types of Volcanic Glass probably due to the fact I learned to cut the stuff in 9th  grade in Lapidary Class at the local high school. Before that I was an avid rock hound since I was in elementary school. That should give you an idea of how long I have been around stones.

This stone type is very useful when the dream that is crafted involves a car or other form of motorized transportation and is used to protect the said vehicle. In this type of dream it is always good to add protection or talisman in theThis mix.become By doing so it will subconsciously the idea thatathe person isobject safe and in no harm. a factor when the person is aimplant screw up or drinks a lot. Often this type will will have dreams involv involving ing auto wrecks of some sort. Onyx In dream work this is a good all around grounding stone and can be used to replace other varieties of stones that are more expensive that will be used to craft a dream. Opal Traditionally in the early metaphysical literature, Opal had negative connotations associated with it. This is due in part to a very big (nameless) new age stone supplier who could not get Opal at a price he could make money at. So he and a few f ew dozen of his cronies set off to turn Opal in to a negative thing.

Later his secret would get out and the fact that people really liked Opal in the new age movement seemed to bring changethat fromuses Opal being Opalthese beingaspects positive. if you some of about the oldthis literature Opal in anegative negativetoway, canHowever, also be used. In still this have case think of Opal in the terms of Yin and Yang symbolism. In general, Opal is good for all dreams involving a healing aspect. Black—This type of Opal has two distinct types. One is natural the other in enhanced by man sometimes referred to as a triplet. Use natural if you can find it—the man made/enhanced stuff does not hold value.



In dream crafting, we will use Opal much the same way we would use black aventurine. Thereby Black Opal is used to explore one’s dark side as it will allow a dream to be crafted that a person can explore their own personal Jekyll and Hyde without harming themselves or other in the process. Blue—This type of Opal comes to us from Peru and was a favorite of the ancient cultures of this area. It turns up in artifacts, many of the statues and other objects that have been recovered from archeological dig sites. This Blue Opal is very useful in crafting dreams of the sea or ocean. Boulder—This type of Opal is used in dream crafting when you need to craft a dream for a person to explore the weird side of themselves. Can be combined with other stone and opal types. For example, use this with the Black Opal mentioned above and they may begin to see just how very strange they really are. This stone will also help bring to the surface any odd quarks the person may have and reveal it in a dream state. Green—This type of Opal comes out of Bulgaria and has no fire. It’s also rare and hard to find. Useful for crafting dreams that involve the healing of emotions. Lightning Ridge—This is one of the neater Opals out there since some of it is fossiliferous (containing fossils). It also has a great sparkly flash. ( Yeah, I think I just used the word sparkly for the first time ever. ) This Opal is a great choice for crafting all dreams that involve the past including places, times, object and events. Pink—This is another stone used in crafting dreams where in the result of which will be to free the dreamer from a state of martyrdom. White—This type of Opal is used in dream crafting to deal with difficult emotional issues and problems. Osmulite If you’re crafting a dream that involves natural spirits then this rare stone may be what you’re looking for. Oh yes, I should point out that stones such as these should be only exhibited in a locked showcase. Made that mistake a few too many times when working in the den of thieves.

P Paua Shell (Abalone) This is used when crafting a dream where the person needs to relax. This type of dream crafting is very usable when working with people who are very stressed out.



Peacock Ore I really like the look and the weight of this stuff. In dream crafting, this Ore is used in just about all dreams that require building self esteem. Pearl, Freshwater Similar to any stone type that is used for crafting dreams on the sea except this type of Pearl is used when crafting dreams about freshwater lakes, ponds or inland rivers. Petersite This is one of the many Tempest Stones. This stone comes from South Africa and is used in dream crafting to create a vision within a dream. It’s a shamanistic type of stone.

Let me try to explain vision within a dream a bit more. Let’s say we have crafted a dream in which the person will be walking among an ancient site where they will sit upon a rock and meditate for a while. In this mediation sate within the dream they will have a vision of some importance to them or they may experience and out of body or astral travel effect while meditation in the dream. This is just an example but I think you should be able to get the concept. Petosky Stone This stone is found on the shores of Lake Michigan. Near the town of Petosky, Michigan. This stone was named after a Native American Spiritual Leader.

A little background about about this stones name. Chief Petosegay, whose name name means in Ottawa, Rising Sun, Rays of the Morning Dawn and Sunbeams of Promise was named after the rays of sun that fell upon his newborn face. He was the child of a descendant of a French nobleman and an Ottawa princess. Petosegay became a wealthy fur trader who gained much land and acclaim for himself and his tribe. He married another Ottawa, and together they had two daughters and eight sons. In the summer of 1873, a few years before his passing, a city began on his land along Little Traverse Bay. The settlers christened the newborn city Petosky, an anglicized form of Petosegay. The stone would also share this anglicized name. The stone itself is coral fossils fossils within limestone. Using this stone in dream crafting is still being explored. explored. So far it seems to work well with past life issues and when the dream crafted takes place in the daytime. It seems that when using this stone that darkness even in a dream state can fall upon it. The reports so far seem to share a commonality. That commonality is “once it the sun started to set I woke up.” Petrified This is oneWood of the go to items when crafting a dream drea m that relates to past lives. When crafting these types of dreams remember to make the translation slowly and gently through time. This is different than awake past life work. Pipestone Among some of the Native American cultures this stone is thought to be the blood of mother Earth. This stone is also the most revered native stone of the Plains people. It is also significant in some of the other Native American peoples as well. This stone was made in to sacred objects like pipes for over a thousand years. When using Pipestone in dream crafting cr afting treat this stone as a sacred object and all will be well. Prase This stone is another of the artisan stones that works well for those who do pottery, jewelry making and some earth artist work. This stone is often confused with another stone called chrysoprase as they look

very much the same. Prase is a light green or light grayish-green variety of translucent chalcedony.



Pyrite In general all forms of Pyrite will be used in dream crafting to see things as they really are. Ohio—This is a bizarre form only found in Ohio and is found in odd shapes. Sun—This is now much harder to find than it was ten years ago. In dream work this stone is used with all persons who are counselors who have problem clients. When combined with other stones used in a dream it will help them discover a new way of dealing with their client.

Q Quartz There is a lot of this stuff around. Quartz is the most common type of stones used in dream crafting and I will warn you now this section is going to be long. In my book Bill Montana’s Crystal Reading For Psychic Fair Workers, I gave you a reading system that uses various small quartz crystal points that are found in Arkansas. If you have this work please note that these same points you’re using with that system may also be used in dream crafting. Magic If you do not this work, is available me via PDF of format available  Emporium  in have printed form. In itthat work therefrom are illustrations each or of the pointsfrom used Stevens and additional information can be found in that work about each of the points contained therein.

In this work on dream crafting, I will be giving you the name of each crystal point as it appeared in that work and in this work it will contain the information on how to use that style of point with dream crafting. Later in this Q Section I will give you other quartz types that are use in dream crafting. First up point from Bill Montana’s Crystal Reading For Psychic Fair Workers and how to use each for Dream Crafting. Crystal Reading for Psychic Fair Workers Crystal Point Uses for dream crafting. NOTE: This list is in the same order that it appeared in that work. Warrior Crystal—Used in dream crafting to create dreams where in the person must knock down some form of barrier that is blocking the path. Empathic Crystal—Used in dream crafting to create c reate dreams where any transition is made. Abundance Crystal—The most used dream crafting type of Crystal. This type of Crystal is a point with smaller points attached to its base; it will work well with all types of dreams. Crystal Cluster—Like that which I wrote in the Crystal Reading Book, it is used here to create cooperation and harmony. It may also be used in dream work to limit the number of people that will be seen in the dream. In this application each point of the crystal will represent one person who will be dreamed about. a bout. Extra-Terrestrial Crystal—Use in dream crafting to contact and travel to other worlds. Remora Crystal—This Crystal type is used when exploring dream of an underwater nature. When used with red sandstone it can produce a dream where one appears before the Stone of




When combined with the healing stone of Saint Fillan and a small cross it can produce visions of the Loch Ness Monster. Saint Fillan worked in the communities surrounding Loch Ness. One story from his life recounts a wonderful tale. As he was gathered with a crowd of his followers, Nessie appeared from the depth of the Loch and Saint Fillan held up a cross and Nessie turned away from frightening worshipers. Saint Fillan is more famous for his healing stones which are still in use. These stones resemble the organs they are said to heal: eyes, kidneys, liver, lungs and heart. The original stones are said to be at the Tweed Mill beside Dochart Falls near Killin. Of these stones only five of the originals exist they are for the head heart kidneys and I forgot the other two. The stones are a common building stones found all over the shore of Loch Ness and any stone from the Loch may be used provided it bears a resemblance to some body part. Today this type of spiritual healing stone is largely unknown outside of the Loch Ness area. When using this type of crystal a cross and a small stone from this area of Scotland one can craft a dream where Nessie will appear. You may also want to try combining this Crystal with common stones from other lakes where monsters are thought to live and have been reported to have been witnessed. Twin Crystal—In dream work these stones are used to bring two people together in a dream state. Soul Mate Crystal Type—In dream crafting this Crystal type is used to help one find or see a soul mate. Usually this type of dream is only used when someone is searching for a soul mate or lover and has no idea what to look for. V-Formation or Twin Flame Crystal—Another relationship Crystal type used to craft dreams where the is trying to find someone they are compatible with. Like attracts like. The X Formation Crystal—This type of Crystal is used in crafting dreams for men who have warrior or hunter gathering tendencies or collector types and should be used with other types of stones or objects to craft the dream. The Y Formation Crystal—This stone is used the same way that the X formation type is used.

The only difference is it is used when the dreamer is female. The Double Terminated Point—This type of point has multiple uses in dream crafting. It good for all people who you’re crafting a dream for who are healers. It is also used in dreams where psychic developmental will occur. Used in dreams that require a lot of energy. Used in dreams where there will be a transition from one place to another within the same dream. It is also an alternative using an Empathic. Crystal Type The Window Crystal—This type of Crystal is used when the crafted dream involves seeing though a wall or barrier. The Left Handed Window—As I mentioned in my Crystal Reading Work this point type is used to boost natural creativity and is a good choice for all dreams involving an artist. This and the

right handed window arevisual both energy good general stones as this type can serve multiple functions in the way oftype added flow in dream the dream state.



The Right Handed Window—Same as the above except it can be used for all student types who are wishing to use dreams to enhance studying or learn additional information about a subject that is not previously fully known or understood by the student whom you’re crafting a dream for. The Railroad Track Crystal Point—When used in dream crafting, this Crystal type is used to strengthen and enhance all forms of communication with supernatural creatures, spirit guides, angels etc... Also may be presented to a dreamer who will need to understand a strange language that he or she is unfamiliar with. There, by this stone when used in the dream state, will work like a universal translator. The person will still hear the language spoke as different from their own native tongue however they will be able to understand what is said. The Searcher Crystal Point—See Crystal Reading Book as this stone is used prior to proving with a Crystal Dream Kit and is used in the same manner as I spoke of in that book. This is only used when working at fairs or new age book stores and it will help create an atmosphere that will be useable to your work at these locations. The Dynamo Crystal—Used in dream crafting for telepathic communication. The Channeling Crystal—Used in general dream crafting where the person is a spiritual seeker. When using this type of point combine it with other stones or crystals to affect the direction of the dream. The Five Sided Crystal Type—Only used when crafting a dream when the dreamer wishes to contact a lost or departed love one. This style of dream is difficult to craft and will take some experience with general dream crafting before any attempts to craft this type of dream are attempted. The Laser Wand Crystal Type—When any form of accuracy is needed within a segment or part of a dream use this crystal type. The Thin Or Needle Crystal Point— Only used in dreams crafted for alternative healers. In this type of dream one will create a condition by which the alternative healer will be able in a dream state to refine his or her healing methods. May also be used by the same to aid in the development of new healing methods based upon tradition methodologies. Must be combined with other stones

to be effective. The Broad Crystal—Another good all around dream stone for crafting any dream where difficult to use objects are linked together to create the dream sequence. The Key Crystal—Use in dream crafting when a person is set forth on a personal path of inner envelopment. The Akashic Record Crystal Type 1—Used in dream crafting where the dream consists of a quest for ancient or forgotten spiritual knowledge. The Master Akashic Record Crystal Type 2—This is the crystal type to use when you want to see a vision within the Crystal that they will later experience in a dream state. In that dream state they will be able to commune with all forms of supernatural beings. Provided you use this Crystal

to set up the vision beforehand. Mostly used at psychic fairs and book shops.



The Phantom Crystal—Used in all types of past life dreams and may be used as an alternative to rare or scarce stones. The Rainbow Crystal—Used in dreams that will have storms and where the storm will end and clear up. Often used to see rainbows in dreams. The Water Crystal—Excellent stone for all types of dream work involving ancient water sources. Good general dream stone. The Scepter Crystal—This crystal type is used in crafting dreams that were created to show the dreamer who they really are. This is an excellent choice for all crafted dreams where the dreamer is seeking their own origins as well. Now back to general section for stones with the Letter Q. The above section was added to this work so you can see how easy the same materials from one system can be used with another completely different system. Quartz This is the stone type that is the foundation stone that in all basic to moderate dream crafting. Please note the type of quartz used will vary from dream to dream. Quartz in general is also a good choice to use when there is more than one object that is used in the crafted dream that must be linked to another object within that dream or used to connect a series of dreams together. Aqua Aura—This quartz variety has gold within it matrix and has a blue coating on the Quartz. It is used in dreams that require a supper high level of communication is required. Note: This stone will only be used in very advanced dream work. Beta—Used in any dream that has an alien or other interstellar world involved. Candlestick—This type of Quartz comes from Madagascar used in dream crafting to allow a person to pass through fire. Elestial—Used in dream crafting when the dream involves higher kingdoms, planes of existence, guides, angels, spirit helper and the like. A good alternative to other rare and sometimes

expensive stones. Elestial Type (from Madagascar) —This type looks more like a Herkimer Diamond from New York. Commonly used as a dream enchanter in metaphysics. In dream crafting however this type is a wonderful stone to use when working with women who wish to create or bring forth their inner goddess. Lemurian Seed—This crystal type has a frosted appearance and was originally found in Brazil. The Legend states that there was once an advanced ancient civilization called Lemuria, similar to Atlantis but more spiritually developed and peaceful.

This is one of the newer trends among the new age movement after Atlantis. I should also take a moment to point out that many of the so called Lemurian seed quartz crystals are coming from places Like China and India. The ones you will want to use are those from the Brazil deposits but the other will do fine if these are unavailable.



If you need a go to choice for all dreams involving ancient lands these are a fine choice if the dream involves the dreamer that needs a connection to his or her own creativity. Orange Quartz—There are three different varies of this quartz type. This Quartz gets it color from the hematite found with it. Brazil—Only one batch came out of Brazil back in 2003 and is mentioned here to let you know it exists. I have been unable to this point to get a hold of any of it to test. China—Usable stone in dream crafting when creating dreams to help the person get rid of fears. Orange River South Africa—Used in dream crafting to create the spirit and soul of any ancient culture. Must be used with other stones of different types to craft a specific culture. May also be combined with ancient artifacts or fragments of the culture in question. Red Phantoms—This is one of the many phantom types of quartz, only in this case the phantoms inside the stone are red in appearance. China—Useable when crafting any dream that involves a person’s inner child. Tibet—Used in any crafting dream where spiritual otherworldly travel is needed. Rose—A common type of quartz that has a pink color that is easy to find in a tumbled variety. Used in dream crafting when the dream involves love of any form. Rutilated—This type of Quartz has golden/silver/red needles within. Used in dream crafting when the dream has a goal that must be reached. Smoky—Used in dream crafting for all a ll types of healing dreams. Spirit—This is a newer type of Quartz that is mostly amethystine in its makeup. Since it’s fairly cheap and available, it a good stone to use for all dreams crafted involving angels, fairies, divas

and the like. Tibet—This type of Quartz is a good alternative to Arkansas crystals as these were formed in a time long before those in Arkansas and will generally not be as clear. Used in dream crafting as an alternative to hard to find ascension stone types. Time Link—These are another one of the Madagascar type, however, this type has a long narrow slit below the main faces of the crystal. These are a bit hard to find and are a very good choice for all dream crafting that uses time travel of any kind.



R Rhodonite Should there be a need to have the dreamer hear someone chant a mantra within a dream state use this

stuff. At pointsomeone in the study and craftingwithin of dreams this is the only stone that has proven results when it comes tothis hearing chant a mantra a dream. Rhodonite, Madagascar When this is used in dream crafting it is associated with another being who presents unconditional love to the dreamer within the dream. Rhodizite To be used in any crafted dream that utilizes astral travel or where the dreamer is seeking enlightenment. Rosasite This stone is used in conjunction with other stones to learning or seeking new or hidden information within a dream state. Ruby, Raw From North Carolina, USA

Gem Rubies are very rare in Sapphire America Mine although they have beenCarolina unearthed. Oneyou place find these stonesquality is at the Cherokee Ruby and in Franklin North where cantomine them straight from the ground yourself. yourself. If you can find these Rubies tumbled tumbled they will also wo work. rk. Ruby is used in dream crafting much the same way that Rose Quartz is with one exception, when using Ruby in dream crafting the dream basis should be about healing of past love and or a past relationship.

S Sandstone Used when creating dreams of the sea. Sapphire, Raw form North Carolina This gem stone can be used in healing dreams of all types and in dreams where enhanced creativity is needed.



Sapphire, White from Madagascar Another one of the dream crafting stones that is used when angels or guides appear in the dream as teachers. Selenite This is only used in a dream when the communication with the spirit guide or spirit animal will occur on a telepathic level. Selenite, Fishtail If the dream involves water of any type, this stone can be used. It is now very hard to find as the mine has closed. It is also the best stone type when to us crafting dreams where the dreamer will swim with dolphins and other marine mammals. Septarian Nodule If you ever need to craft a dream where the dreamer already has too many far out ideas this is the stone that when used to craft the said dream will bring them back in to reality. By now many of you who are reading this are thinking, I need this stuff now and that would be fine except the fact this stuff that I am revealing to you works if you follow the instructions found in this work and in The Bridge.

Septarian Nodule This stone type withFrom blackPeru nodules from Peru is used to bring forth lighting in a shamanistic dream. Shark Tooth Fossil May have other uses but thus far only seems to be of use in warrior type of dreams. Shiva Lingam This is a sacred stone from India and is used for many things in dream crafting. Can be used for all dreams relating to ancient India and past life work as well. Skutterudite Only used when working with a dream that is heavily involved with past life work prior to coming to you for dream crafting. Sodalite If the dream crafted has a long journey then this stone type will help with the return voyage. Sellarite Used in some dream crafting to create dreams that have a celestial realm involved within the dream sequence.



T Tektite There are two different theories of how this type of glass was formed. The first is Tektites consist of

terrestrial that was ejected durfrom during ing the an impact creator. The second is thateruptions Tektites consist of debris material that was ejected theformation Moon by of major hydrogen driven lunar volcanic and then drifted through space to later fall to Earth. Any way you wish to look at Tektites, they are not from planet Earth. While these are similar to Moldavite they do not seem to work as well. However they do have their use in dream crafting. First, Tektite is a lot cheaper in cost that Moldavite, secondly when using these in dream crafting they are generally used in any dream that will have extraterrestrial origins. Tektite (Libyan Desert Glass) This stuff was found in the tomb of King Tutankhamen and thought to be used in the resurrection process. When this rare form of Tektite is used in dream crafting it has one main use and that is if the person is to die within the dream they will be reborn within the same dream in much the same way a Phoenix rises from the ashes after its death. For advanced dream craftsmen only. Tiger’s Eye Tiger’s Eye comes in three different color types. Blue, which is used in dream crafting when it is required to extend the dreamers sight while in the dream. The gold or common type is used within a dream where a decision must be made. In this type of dream crafting the dreamer will be given several choices and must chose the direction they wish to follow. While this is not the easiest type of dream to implant is very interesting to find out the outcome of their choice. If extra power in making the decision in needed, add red Tiger’s Eye with the dream crafting kit. Just make sure the piece of red is smaller than the piece of Gold and all will be fine. I made that mistake a few times and found out the hard way that using Red Tiger’s Eye tends to make the dreamer a bit too aggressive in making the decision. In other words they do not take any time to think about which choice would be the better option. Topaz All Topaz, regardless of color, is used in dream crafting as an aid in communication with all sorts of

guides and other people while in the dream state. Tourmaline Very expensive gem stone and is a bit cost prohibitive to use in general dream work. That said, there are two types that have been tested for dream crafting and found to be highly usable. The first is Tourmaline Liddacoatite. This stuff is the strongest stuff I have ever played with for opening a doorway in a dream state. So strong, both times it was used the doorway was blown up and destroyed by the dreamer. Unexpected things will always happen in dream crafting that are beyond your control which is one of the many reasons dream crafting is so much fun. The other is the fact you were able to implant a dream in the head of a person is another. That’s just about as astounding as an experience as one can have.

The next type of Tourmaline is the pink stuff. It’s also the lowest price of all the Tourmalines. This stuff is used when the dream requires spiritual love.



Turquoise Well you probably guess it. This stuff is used in Native American dreams that involve a shamanistic approach. Also a good choice for all dream work concerning the past and past lives. Note: Do not use this stone if the dream contains an angel. That’s all I will say about that mistake.

U Unakite With all of the stones that begin with the Letter U, one would think more of these stones would have use in dream crafting. However, it seems there is but one and it’s Unakite. This stone is highly useful for crafting any dream to help the person through any natural disaster. I will tell you that these dreams are very hard to craft and at first they may appear more as nightmares. However by using Unakite it seems that this stone helps the person adapt to the change caused by the earth.

V Volborhite Only used when the dreamer will be exploring an ancient site or earth work. Vesignieite Works the same as Volborhite however its ability for one to astral travel within a predream or daydream state is much better.

W Wonderstone This stone comes from only one very small vein just outside Fallon, Nevada and is classed as Arhyolite. Although very rare it is the best stone for crafting a dream that involves exploring wanderlust. wanderlust. It may also be used for many other things as its name may suggest as it is a great all-around stone to use. Woodwardite Another rare stone that is so perfect for f or crafting dreams that involve exploration of ancient runes. I wish it was more common. This is a odd bird since the visual detail the dreamer will have is so very strong that they will upon awaking be able to tell someone about the dream they have just had in vivid detail provided the crafting of this dream was done correctly. And I mean detail. I had situations in the past where the person described how the land smelled and how the stones of the ancient structure felt.



Y Youngite This stone is very useful when crafting and dream that involves a King, Queen, Knight or Knave. The

stone comes motivated from Wyoming and isone’s fairlyown easybody. to find at new age shops where it is used primarily to help one become to improve

Z Zebra Stone This stone comes from small mines mines in the outback of A Australia. ustralia. This stone is used when crafting dreams that have a connection with with the creation of higher higher life forms. This stone type also works works well for individuals seeking and searching for the origins of their own soul while in a dream state. Perfect choice for all shamanistic dreams. Zunyite

This is a very strange application I discovered one day a few years back when working with this stone. Works well when crafting a dream for a Patriot, Loyalist, a veteran of a war or a person who has had military service to his or her country. It’s also usable for those who have had past lives in a war such as the Civil War. This is the stone to use as no other stone will bring up patriotic dreams like this one.



Okay, now that we have gotten through the basic use guide for dream crafting for those who are in to the metaphysical or new age movement, I will now address a few additional things. First the guide you just read was placed here in and was created over the last two decades. It was included in this work to give you an idea of how objects may be used to craft anything you want. It is important to remember a few things when crafting a dream for a person. Keep it positive. You will not be able to implant your dream for the person if they do not perform some sort of action. One way to wrap your head around dream crafting is to think of it as a suggestion with an action performed by the participant. But it’s not a form of suggestion, it’s something altogether different. Placing the stone(s) as illustrated in the above section is an action. No dream can be implanted without action taken by the participant. Although strange objects can appear within the context of a dream, that is the only exception to the role. See The Bridge. Now in this next section we shall take a look at one of my effects called the link, which will explain one of the ways of how the subconscious mind transfers its information to the conscious mind. BILL MONTANA’S THE LINK.

Every so often I stumble upon an idea of great importance to my work in both mentalism and the related field of psychic phenomena that words words fail to express how powerfu powerfull this effect really is. Generally these ideas are so diabolical in the methodology that explaining the work to anyone other than myself often takes years and years of contemplation just to begin the explanation process. The Link is one of these rare works that literally took seconds to create but took years to figure out how to explain the methodology behind this work. This effect is like no other effect ever created. In fact, it is a unique work and a completely new methodology that will be explained using a few of the principles set forth in some of my previous works. This was done for ease in explaining how this remarkable effect works in an easy to follow terminology that you will be able to follow and hopefully understand. However, I assure you that the real explanation behind this work is completely new and extremely advanced. The Link is primarily a work I developed for application in the world of metaphysics and was created so the persons involved could have a very real psychic experience for themselves. This concept is often missed by the attention seeking junkies in magic and mentalist who only seek further gratification for themselves and forget about the experience for the viewer, thinking instead that the experience of reading their mind is enough. How wrong those types of performers are.

In this work the participants involved will have a psychic experience. An experience that is so real that even attempting to explain that it is a trick would be a complete waste of time. Therefore, as always, in my work the use of a disclaimer should not be used.

The Effect  After standard protocol and a few opening effects of the metaphysical type. The performer asks or selects two members from the audience to participate in having a psychic experience for themselves with your help or assistance.



Now I will describe the setting as I perform the effect. On stage I have three Islamic prayer rugs. Each rug is facing another to form a triangle and each is set about six feet apart. This triangle is set with the wide side toward the audience with its apex toward the back. This is done so that when the spectators come on the stage they will be towards the front of the stage. At this point, the people selected are asked to have a seat, one on each of the rugs at the front of the stage and facing each other. Then I take a position on the apex rug of the triangle and remain standing with my arms out stretched and with open hands pointing at each of the participants. This will be my position for the remainder of the effect. This position begins while the persons participating in the effect begin to relax and enter into a semi-meditative state. A few moments later I explain that I would like their minds to begin to drift and think about whatever comes into their thought. In addition, I also explain that these thoughts must be allowed to flow freely. This is to say allow one thought to enter and another to exit without restriction or interference. Nearby is a small table with two normal clipboards with some paper and a couple of writing instruments. After a few minutes have passed, I ask the persons involved to open their eyes. As this statement is being made the persons involved in the experiment are handed the clipboards and each is given a writing instrumentwhatever to recordit whatever whatev it is canabout, remember the relaxed havewhat finished recording is theyer saw or they thought they from are asked to standstate. up andAfter read they or show they wrote or have drawn as this is a common occurrence. Most of the time you will receive both a picture and word when the clipboard is seen after a fter they have finished. What is amazing is that these two people will have similar visions and thoughts. Not necessary exactly the same but similar. At this point during the review process, these similarities are pointed out to the persons involved in the effect and to the audience at the same time thereby proving that a psychic link has been established. Now before I explain the effect I would like you to go back and read this effect again so that you will be able to form a mental picture of how it is presented.

The Explanation First let me say that if both persons saw the exact same thing, it would seem that some form of trickery has been used. Secondly, let me say that on occasion that the persons will have the same thoughts or visions, but this is not the normal response. r esponse. All in all this effect is to give the participants a feeling of what it is like to be a psychic without ever having to reveal a secret or a disclaimer. The Link also makes it possible for those who witness it to believe that such things a psychic phenomenon are in fact really possible. Now, I should not need to tell you how variable of a tool that this is to our work as psychic entertainers as you should already know. So, I will not cover this fact further in this explanation of The Link other than to say it is of extreme value. In The Link, the performer only needs to appear to the audience as if he is controlling or offering aid to the participants. participants. This should be don donee simply without overacting. overacting. That’s it for the presentation portion of the effect.



Later the performer’s job will be to make sense of the writings of the persons involved and point out the commonalities they have written on the clip board. The reason for the rugs, the layout and the performer standing with arms outstretched is to give the whole concept a bit of theatrical flair. The truth is this effect known as The Link is entirely self working. It is based on a similar principle to The Bridge and Pulse, yet is bit more advanced in some aspects since it occurs in a waking yet relaxed state. Let me explain. When people go out to a show they all follow about the same routine this creates a set of visual images that are often overlooked and unprocessed by the human mind. It is during these first moments that the inner mind opens and begins to sort and process these things that the wakeful mind did not process. Now, here’s why. This is directional unprocessed unprocessed thought. thought. Most people will relax after work before getting ready to head to a show. During this time the inner mind will process the unprocessed data of that period of the day. So after this relaxation period will be the start of a new cycle of unprocessed data. In this period we will find the same patterns as we all go through similar process of getting ready and traveling to as how. Since the show is in a central location and many will have traveled a similar route in coming to the show they will have seen many of the same things. In addition, they will have or basis have been affected many of sorted the same information that we are bombarded withnot on seen a daily that will only by begin to be outunprocessed once the mind begins to relax. If you are doing your job correctly in entertaining the audience in the opening of your show this process that I am speaking of will not occur. While attending a show is a form of relaxation it is not sufficient enough to open the process need and under the control of the inner mind. And that is how you can create a miracle of mentalism that is total beyond your control and totally self-working at the same time. Well I hope you have enjoyed The Link and will put its diabolically simple yet complex principle to good use without the use of a disclaimer. The Link is such magical and mystical experiences for those involved who don’t blow it for them by telling them how it was done. So now you should have a basic understanding how all of these process are at work and how the mind is gathering some of inform information ation is collected for recall lat later erthey when thedream. personBoth is asleep. There are a few differences thatthe come into playthat when telling someone what will the subconscious mind and the conscious mind hear the instructions that are given to the person at the same time, however, you have set forth a condition by which the conscious tells the sub mind to send this information back to me later when I am asleep. Ala the suggestion. Which you never made. You see you told them what was going to happen when they dream tonight and their mind made the suggestion not you. That’s why this stuff is so strong and why you will never get busted using dream crafting. You did not create the effect—they did. You only created the conditions for them to create the effect. Therefore anything that comes out of your mouth is now possible to appear in the dream. And I mean anything. Now that said, without knowing the psychological information that I wrote up in The Bridge, none of the contents of this work are usable. The foundation key stone that is used to dream craft is found only in that work. It’s also a card trick but not a card trick at the same time. You may have noticed me not doing any card tricks in this work.



Now the next bit of information you need to know is any object may be used as a catalyst for the action they need to take to implant the dream. Any object old keys, old buttons, a small stone you picked up from the street on the way in to the building. It does not matter what the item is as long as there is a  justification for it to craft the dream. So why did I use stone and crystals crystals?? Well that’s a good good question. It’s because these items items when working in the new age already have an association of a mystical power with them. Even people who do not use stones know that there are those who believe these things have mystical energy. If this non-believer or user performs the action of using one of these stones found within this work for a dream, they will become aware that all of this may be very real and those new age wackos may not be crazy as they once thought. It’s a Catch 22-type of conundrum. So how does one craft a dream using stones? Here are some more examples of how to do this. For this first example we are going to use a single stone in much the same way that I use used Bull’s Eye and Celadone Jasper in the preceding text. For this we will need: Some Peacock Ore. Ore. When working as a dream craftsman at a psychic fair you are approached by people who are paying you to craft a dream so blend that can eithercidentify a problem, solve a problem, or have mystic experience. It’s a for verythem unique unique of psychi psychic reader and a shaman. Please note it pays a hella of a lot better than a tarot reader who will work for a half hour to an hour and make less. They walked up and asked you if you could craft a dream for them. Note: This is a good dream to open a new dreamer up to what you do. It’s also perfect for the multiple day fair or one of the venues you work at regularly. By the way, in dream dream crafting the dreamer is a new term for sitter. “I get a sense that you are having trouble with some self-esteem issues and you’re not sure where the issue is coming from.”  Actually I got it from the expensive designer clothes they were sloppy wearing. “Do you know what  this stone is?”

It does not matter what they say. If they say yes its Peacock Ore, that’s good. If they say no, I will tell them what it is. It is that simple . “This stone is very usable in me creating a dream for you. Please take it.”   At this point I hold out my hand and let them take the stone from my hand. This is a compliance technique to see if they will perform the action I set forth later in the dream created for them. “What I would like to do is take this stone home with you. When the moon comes out take it out side  for a few minutes and allow the rays of the moon to fall upon its surface. Then go your bedroom and  place the stone under your pillow. Sometime during the night you y ou will have a dream where you will be walking by something that you can see your reflection in. Look at that reflection of yourself and it will  reveal unto you in a mist like fog, a vision vision that will show you where this self-est self-esteem eem issue stems from.”

Do this and that is just about what will happen in their dream. One of the key points is “ something that  you can see your reflection in,”   notice that statement is not fixed to any specific object. This will allow the subconscious mind to pull one of the things they did not pay attention to during the day as I mentioned in The Bridge. However in this construct since the suggestion is made by their mind, the submind will use this article and save it for transfer for later in the sleep state instead of allowing it to be transferred in the waking state as in The Link you read earlier.



Here is something else to remember. remember. Keep the dream actions limited to fewer than seven things or they will not be able to remember it unless you write it down. Writing it down is only good when you’re working over the net or have to prepare a bunch of dreams in advance for a group of people. “When the moon comes out take it out side for a few minutes and allow the rays of the moon to fall upon its surface combined information in to one action is known as grouping objects together to aid  memory. This is okay as long as the task is simple. Go to sleep. Have a dream where you will see your  reflection and look at it. The foggy mist.” So this dream has to its simple core structure only four parts they need to remember since the stone is already in their pocket. Earlier when I told them what will h happen appen to them in the dream I alluded to the metaphysical properties of the stone without the need to tell them what it is used for. Thereby not breaking one of the rules of dream crafting. Just bent it slightly.

Now a complex dream will use the following stones: Moldavite, Shiva Lingam and Woodwardite. That’s right, we are now going to take a trip to the the mystical land of Shambala. While this seems simple you must understand that the person that this dream was created for has been studying mystical things for a very long time and wants to take the next step. “What I would like you to do tonight, is sleep upon the  floor. Place the Moldavite at the crown of your head. Place the Shiva Lingam on your heart he art and place  the Woodwardite at your feet.”   When this is used and they are already into mysticism and stone work there entire body will be buzzing. And Buzzing hard. “Soon you will feel a spiraling sensation. sensation. Just before you fall asleep drift up with this sensa sensation tion and fall asleep. When you awake in dreamland, dreamland, a guide will appear upon a hil hilll wearing a white robe wit with h a golden sash. Follow this guide and he will take you to the path that leads to Shambala.”

While this seems very simple, it is very complex. The best things are often presented in this fashion. Simple, with hidden psychological conditions at work behind the scene are at work. I alluded to these things all the way through this work and if you have been paying attention you are now seeing these complicated issues simply as they really are. Without this sort of understanding of what is going on dream crafting can be very hard to accomplish. Once you understand what is at work within the human mind, it is so very easy. Now look over this work again and The Bridge,  if needed, and collect some objects you have laying around. Andgive for athis practice selectto just three of can those hav collected. Once ready you have the three from many, great deal ofrun thought what each beyou usedhave fore and then you’re to craft your first dream. Before I end this work there is one more thing. It is called dream communication.

Dream Communication I want you to imagine that earlier in the day two people were having a conversation that they could not finish due to unforeseen circumstances. Later these two people will go home to very different places. What if I told you that the conversation could be finished by both parties dreaming later that night? By now if you have read one or more of my works you know I am not real big on things I cannot do. Creating the impossible. impossible. That is what I do best. And that’s exactly what will happen in this dream between two people.



If you will remember I opened this work with the Dream Dream Catcher. For this you will need two of these these preferably those made by a Native American and the two are made from the same willow tree and the leather to wrap the Dream Catcher will come for the same animal and be dyed with the same dye if it’s colored. In fact ever single part of these two will come from the same source including the bird feathers used in these Dream Catchers. They will also be made on the same day one right after the other. If you cannot get these or they are out of your budget just use two of the same color from China. It will work fine. The pair mentioned above are custom made by hand. Also it adds to the ambiance of the effect when you tell the story of how these came to exist. All you need to do to make this effect work is have each person involved hang the Dream Catchers above their bed in different houses. Can be work at any distance. Now explain to them simply that when they sleep they will see each other in the dream world where in they can finish the conversation they started earlier that day. This works using a very sneaky principle. I will explain it this this way. How many tim times es did you know where a conversation was going long before anything was ever said? Here is what must occur naturally prior to using this effect. First the person must see the face of the other person either in person or on a flat screen monitor. This applies to both people. Secondly, they must both want to finish the conversation that was abruptly ended earlier. The rest is nothing more than standard dream crafting. The only difference is that both parties will wake up the next day and confirm with each other about the details of the conversation they had while they were asleep. It will prove to be accurate with only minor variations. Well it is my hope that you now have a better understanding of what can be accomplished within the world of dream crafting. I hope you can put this information to good use. One last thing, dream crafting works well because it’s an underground concept and it should stay that way. For once a concept such as this goes in to the main stream it gets perverted and becomes a twisted mess. Not to mention if it should go mainstream among the new age metaphysical crowd there will be more idiots who will want to make this work only to be able to be used by certified psychic. If you’re familiar with this B.S., then you already know what I mean. Keep it underground and for keep how dreams are created and then you will have a very powerful tool you can use thethe restsecret of youroflife. Wishing you all the very best, happy dreaming, Bill Montana



Additional Thoughts from Timon Krause of New Zealand What follows are a few fe w thoughts on “The Bridge” and related techniques. Defined Imagery: Manipulating dreams after they took place.

A dream, as Bill Montana has shown with his wonderful publication “The Bridge” can be manipulated before it takes place. However, a dream can also be manipulated after it takes place. Consider The Following Story: A woman falls asleep at night and has a very unusual dream. The next morning, she does still remember the dream and quickly scribbles it down into her notebook. During the course of the day she is trying to interpret what the dream could mean but she does not find an explanation to her dream. Therefore, she decides to visit a dream interpretator in town. When she gets there, she tells him all about her dream, he asks her a few questions and then interprets her dream. Happy with the interpretation, she leaves.

The dream interpretator has given the dream meaning “after” it took place. In essence, he could have given it any meaning he wanted. Situations like this are not especially unusual, they occur every so often. What makes me wonder every time this happens however, is that people who have no idea how to interpret their dreams quickly and happily accept the very first interpretation, if an “expert” presents it with conviction. I tried this, it does not matter what you tell the person their dream could mean—more often than not, they will believe it and be happy that they found a “logical reason” for their dream. This, of course, makes for some interesting opportunities. By listening carefully to what a person tells you about their dream, you can then take the imagery found in the dream and give it meaning according to what you feel would benefit your client. I like to call this “defined imagery”. Dale Hildebrandt did some interesting similar work in his thought-provoking book “ Lunarcy” under the title of “Cubed Roots”. The basic idea is: You define an undefined image. What you define, you can change. Remember:  Definition equals creation. Defining The Image: Defining the images from the subjects dream is as easy as saying “The tree symbolizes yourself while the bees around it are a symbol for your friends.”  Of course, this will require you to be flexible and spontaneous, but it’s not very hard to do. People who have some experience giving readings will probably find this to be pretty easy. e asy.

Once you defined the images from their dream you can now go on to work with images similar to what you would do when working with things the client visualized. Change the image, make certain parts bigger or smaller, replace other parts and of course give meaning to and explain every action you take, so the participant knows what is going on. Have them figure out for themselves what changes would have to be made to the image to help solve their problem. If they ask, there is a problem!



Their problem, you ask? Indeed. Personally, I only ever involve dreams in my work if either my clients ask about it specifically or if I feel this could help a client solve their problem. Also, if someone asks me about a dream, I instantly will assume there is a problem they have which they feel the dream’s interpretation could help them solve. Why? Well, if they felt the dream was unimportant they would not ask in the first place, therefore there must be something about the dream. If they feel this is the case, they will most likely (even if not conscious of it) know which part of the dream it is, how it relates to the problem. Knowing their problem, and how it would hint at a solution for it. Please bear with me here. I’ll try to say it simple and if that explanation of my mindset doesn’t do it for you, go read Plato on Knowledge and Recollection for a simpler one. Let’s assume a random person, not even a client, asks me about a dream. I immediately believe, that they have a problem the dream relates to and that they know the dreams interpretation, or how it might lead to a solution of their problem. This is due to the fact that if they felt the dream was unimportant, they would not ask me about it. If they know the dream is important it will relate to some conflict in their life. If it does, they'll also know what certain part of the dream relates to their problem. If they know this and know what their problem is, they will know the solution the dream might point to. You, as an interpretator are only a midwife here really. When a client asks about a dream, it might also be the case that the dream points to what their problem is. If it does, you will quickly notice. If they ask you in this case, then they will probably also know the dream points to. their If their they know this,they theycan will havesolve recognized their problem at least subconsciously. subconsciously Onceproblem. they know problem, goalready ahead and it. Of course, they might just be curious when asking you about a dream, but with my mindset, I’d rather be safe than sorry. Most people do not ask just because they are curious, bel believe ieve me. Some people might just say they are “just curious” when they do not want to acknowledge they feel some meaning to the dream. You get those people who feel they will be seen as crazy when they ask about a dream’s interpretation. Often, I then explain they would not ask if they were just curious and what makes them feel the dream has more importance than other dreams. They might say it is because some aspect of the dream was different. I then ask “how” it was different and what they think this difference would mean. They then often proceed to interpret their own dream, while in the beginning they did not even want to acknowledge their dream could have meaning! Indeed, you can even setup a whole coaching session this way using defined imagery. Move through the questions questions until they they start interpreting the dream, then ask what changes changes would have to be made for their problem to be solved and from there move directly into the necessary visualizations. Of course, here, the dream again becomes what the client makes of it, similar to when you interpret a dream. Whenever I know their problem, I interpret the dream in a way I feel is beneficial to them. When I do not know their problem, I let them interpret the dream to get hold of what is bothering them and to make sure the interpretation has relation to what is going on in their actual life. If you can find absolutely no connection between the participant’s dream and their problem or if there seems to be no problem at all, be careful not to interpret the dream in a way that would cause a problem, as in “This means your partner is maybe cheating on you...” and be also careful not to push them into interpreting their dream as a problem themselves when they do not seem to find any connection between dream and life. When there seems to be truly no problem interpret uplifting way, because remember: the dream is only what you and they make of it!






Defined Imagery And Hypnosis Defined imagery becomes especially powerful when coupled with hypnosis: Have your clients go into a focused trance and slowly let them re-build their dream, this time consciously taking part in the experience. Then, while re-living their dream, have the participants re-imagine the parts that need to be changed and this way elicit change in themselves.

Defined Imagery & “The Bridge” Of course, you can also combine these techniques with “The Bridge” once the client returns after they did the ritual, ask them about details from their dream like the length of the bridge, what was under it, what they saw to their sides and define every image, then changing it—the bridge might symbolize themselves, the person they met is their inner teacher, what is under/to the side of the bridge relates to their problem... Another way to combine defined imagery and “The Bridge” is to first have them dream a certain dream using the bridge technique (or simply taking their “own” dream they may have already dreamt), then changing its images during the coaching session and then having them re-dream this new version of the dream, locking it and the changes into their minds. How to make “The Bridge” hit rate go up: You can also, from my personal experience, make the “The Bridge” ritual more likely to be successful (as in, the person dreams what you predicted they would dream) by defining all the images and details they will see in their dream beforehand. Tell them that the bridge will be a symbol for themselves and that they should pay attention to any details around it—this way, they will start thinking about the dream and vividly imagine it, therefore getting very much into it and increasing their expectancies. The dream will be more likely to happen. Of course, leave some room for own interpretation by only naming the basic features of the dream—bridge, person, way and that there will be some details—and not going too much into detail.

drea m for a client using this and then re-inducing the “The Bridge” can be also very helpful by creating a dream dream in them to change things in it (after you ascribed meaning to them). If the ritual worked on them the first time, repeating the ritual in your practice and under hypnosis will be very effective in having them recall the dream and a nd it’s details which can then be changed.

Dream Triggers If clients tend to forget their dreams but you need or want to do dream work with them, you can also set or suggest a trigger: tell them that they will see a certain ce rtain detail from your office in their dream or that they see a certain bridge in their dream. Then suggest that as soon as they wake up, even when they forget the dream, they will recall it as soon as they see this bridge or item from your office.

Help From Nightmares “The Bridge” can, of course, be used to help the client get rid of nightmares. Simply tell them instead of a nightmare, this night they will dream of the bridge instead if they do the ritual. They could then, for example, ask their inner guide to make the nightmares stop.

“The Bridge” & Lucid Dreaming



Lastly, “The Bridge” is very effective when teaching your client how to experience lucid dreaming. Use “The Bridge” to segue into lucid dreaming by suggesting that the participant will become aware of the fact that they are dreaming when they find themselves on the bridge in their dream/the situation you described to them that will be induced by Bill Montana’s wonderful ritual. As they now know what to expect and have a certain situation (which they await highly expectant, too) in which this reminder will be triggered, lucid dreaming becomes a lot easier with “The Bridge”. The next step then, of course, would be to teach your participants to change images while lucid dreaming and leaving them to make necessary changes once they define the images and a nd then change them, leading to aactual ctual changes in their life. Hopefully these techniques will be helpful or at least inspire you to other thoughts. Thanks for sharing “The Bridge” back then. Timon Krause

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