The Brazilian Butt eBook1

May 1, 2017 | Author: Camden White | Category: N/A
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The Brazilian Butt eBook The Must Have Secrets That Every Woman Should Know About Tightening And Shaping Their Behind.


Health and Personal Care Disclaimer The content of this report is for references purposes only. It is not intended to substitute for advice given by a physician, pharmacist or other licensed health care professional. You should not use the information herein as self-diagnosis. If you suspect that you have a medical problem, contact your health-care provider immediately. Copyright Notice © 2008 Rob Brinded. All rights reserved All contents contained in “How To Tone Your Butt” are protected under copyright, © 2008. All literary work contained within the “How To Tone Your Butt” belongs to and is the sole property of its respective publisher and can only be reprinted with written permission. Reproduction, copying or any other form of use of any part of this book is strictly forbidden without the written permission of the author himself. If plagiarism is discovered the offenders will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. These rules have been established to protect the rights and ownership of the publisher. If you feel that someone else could benefit from a copy of this book, please ask them to visit to get their own copy. Legal Notices and Disclaimer THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS APPLY: While all attempts have been made to verify information provided as being current, factual and applicable, neither the author, nor any ancillary party, assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contradictory interpretation of the subject matter contained herein. Any perceived slights of specific people or organizations are unintentional. To the fullest extent permitted by any applicable laws, in no event shall I,, our distributors, agents and suppliers, be liable for any damages of any kind or character, including without any limitation any compensatory, incidental, direct, indirect, punitive, or consequential damages, loss of use, loss of profit, loss of or damage to property or health, claims from third parties, or other losses of any kind or character, even if I, or, have been advised of such damages or losses, arising out of or in connection with the use of this E-book,, or, for that matter, any other website or person with which it is linked.


The Author Rob Rob has worked in the Sport and Fitness Industry for the last 16 years. He has worked with many top sports clubs and resigned from one of the top clubs in the world last year, where he had worked for the last 6 years, to set up his own company. He has worked with clients from various ages and sizes, from ballet, where he worked at the English National Ballet School for 2 years, to Actresses and models. Rob has sought out the best in the world in their fields to study from, knowing that the best do not work in universities but for themselves. He has studied with one of the greatest holistic health practitioners, Paul Chek, in San Diego. Spent time in Paris studying with the world-renowned posturologist, Bernard Bricot. Studied with Guy Voyer in Marseille, France, one of the best Osteopaths in the world. He is currently studying Applied Functional Science with probably the best physical therapist in the world, Gary Gray in Michigan. Rob is an innovator and through his passion for studying movement he is always trying to find new ways of understanding the body and why it may not be moving correctly. He currently resides in Barcelona, where he is the physical conditioner for one the Barcelona FC players.

Co author Neil Neil is currently studying with Gary Gray along side Rob. He works in Elite sport in the UK and is currently the physical trainer for a premiership footballer. He has lectured at medical and sports conferences and is an expert in applied functional science.



Chapter 1: How Do I Get A Great Looking Butt. Chapter 2: Subconscious Movement, The Secret. Chapter 3: Why Is A Big Hip Sway Sexy. Chapter 4: Who Has The Best Looking Butts. Chapter 5: Why The Hips Shut Down. Chapter 6: Better Sex. Chapter 7: The Workout Chapter 8: Waking Up The Magic Butt Switch


Chapter 1: How Do I Get A Great Looking Butt.


How Do I Get A Great Looking Butt… A peach butt - just what every woman wants and every man wants his woman to have. So how can I get one I hear you ask yourself? This is a question I asked myself many years ago whilst trying to improve the aesthetics of some of my female clients. When I first got into training, I remember my female clients always asking what they could do to tighten and firm up their butts. I would offer the same advise that you get everywhere, “do squats and lunges”, and on the most part I got good results. However, there were women who could not firm up the muscles in their behinds and I would put this down to poor genetics or that they were simply not training hard enough. I also noticed that the clients who trained well started to look a certain way. They became toned which was good and the muscle wasn’t too big but it changed the way they moved. I remember once an aerobics class I gave had a Christmas party together as we had all got to know each other really well over the year. I really looked forward to it as it was an opportunity to talk to all the people in the class and get to know them as more than clients. After about an hour of mingling and answering questions I went to the bar to have a little quiet time and save my voice, which was fast disappearing. I was watching everybody mingling when it struck me … the women who had done such a great job to get in shape, toning up and losing body-fat …. Moved like men in their dresses. I realized that the training that they had been doing had somehow changed their movement so that it had become clunky and robotic. This was the first of many realizations that maybe what I was doing was not so great 6

and that what I was reading and learning from the experts was wrong. That was 12 years ago and I still hear the same advice all over the world today. Back then I tended to consult with other more experienced trainers in the gyms where I worked, and they’d advise me on exercises from isometric clenching and gripping exercises, to a whole host of hip extensions, like the ones commonly used in aerobic exercise classes, where the leg is lifted out to the side and extended back against gravity. I remember teaching butt blast classes back in the 90’s where the ladies in the class would do shortening movements, just for the butt for a whole 30 minutes. I remember walking out of the class with a pumped butt but walking like a robot … but that’s ok for me as I’m a man and need less movement in the hips than a woman. I visited a gym a couple of days ago and saw a class called The Brazilian Workout, a whole 45 minutes of concentric exercises for the butt. Yikes… I agree that these exercises definitely target the butt muscles and you probably find them burning whilst doing the exercises but does it improve the shape and movement of the butt and the hips to give you that sexy look you’re after? I would say that there are far more productive ways to achieve this with far less effort, that doesn’t have the side effect of giving you a manly walk that turns men off you instantly, please read on and I’ll explain. So What Do I Need To Do? The answer is in subconscious loading. Subconscious means that it is happening without you even thinking about it. For example when a man sees you for the first time He may be consciously thinking … “She has a nice smile and looks friendly”, this is what he is saying to himself. However, 7

underneath this, and in a way that he is not aware of, he will be, for example, assessing how much hip sway you have when you move, which on a primal level, going back to the caveman days, will let him know if you are fertile and healthy and therefore if you would make a good mate, and mother for his children. This might sound far- fetched but it is true. We have not really changed that much from our ancestors. These primal triggers still exist today. Women are attracted to men with broad shoulders, narrowed waists and strong arms because he will be able to protect them and fend off potential danger to the family. In the book “Why Men Don’t Listen & Women Can’t Read Maps”, Allan & Barbara Pease explain why men find certain types of hips attractive … “ The one thing that has remained constant, however, is a woman’s hip-to-waist ratio which never fails to grab a man’s attention. Women with a hip-towaist measurement of 70% waist size relative to hips have been shown to have a higher fertility rate and better health than other women. Dr Devendra Singh of Cambridge University surveyed men of many nationalities to find that men had unconsciously learned to read this information somewhere in their past, and now have it prewired into their brains”. ”Why Men Don’t Listen & Woman Can’t Read Maps”.2006. This is happening on a subconscious level, without thinking about it. When you train your hips and butt and any other body part, it needs to be done so that your muscles are switching on (being worked) without you consciously thinking about it. When you try and turn a muscle switch on, it goes against the body’s natural way of working and it is this that robs women of their natural grace. Clunky, robotic muscles combined with sitting too much, bad food, high heels, gravity and stress equals an unattractive, unhealthy 8

body. But if we can get your bum to switch on with every step you take, without you even thinking about it, then it will start to firm up naturally. Thus getting the type of behind men will lust after and women will be envious of. The problem these days is that when most women walk, their butts don’t even get stimulated. So is it possible to stimulate it by simply walking, and get a sexy bum by going shopping I hear you asking….read on to find out.


Chapter 2: Subconscious Movement - The Secret.


So how do we subconsciously switch the butt on? Let’s discuss a few movements to help you understand this....

A Test Have you noticed that when you move in one direction, you usually go in the opposite first. I want you to do something for me now, find some space, not somewhere with a low ceiling, and I want you to jump as high as you can without causing any injury to yourself. OK, did you notice that you went down first? So why is that? We all do it but have you stopped and asked yourself why? It’s the same reason that when we throw a ball we move our arm back in the opposite direction first, because our muscles switch on when they are lengthened. I’ll say it again because this is one of the most important points of this whole e book… ...TO SWITCH A MUSCLE ON SUBCONSCIOUSLY IT MUST LENGTHEN FIRST! Anyone who plays squash for the first time will know this because they usually wake up the next day with pretty sore muscles in the bum due to all the lunging and DECELERATING (LENGTHENING UNDER LOAD) and MULTIDIRECTIONAL MOVEMENTS that are needed when playing the game. This aching in the region is evidence that the muscles have been SWITCHED ON and finally done some work. 11

When I first started out in the fitness industry about 15 years ago, I would do a circuit class for both men and women. The class quickly became popular and went from 11 people to 120, which maxed out the room. The class then had a waiting list. I remember one class I did when I introduced a plyometrics exercise. This just means that it had a jump aspect to it, so instead of just doing a squat, you did a quick jump-squat, thus lengthening the muscles on the downward part so you could jump up on the way up. Everyone was beaming after the class thanking me for making it hard and pushing them. However, two days later in the evening I received a call from two of the ladies in the class complaining that they had had to take days off from work because they couldn’t walk down the stairs. It had taken one of the women 5 minutes to lower herself onto the toilet seat as it was so painful. Strangely enough I became a legend after this incident and the class became even more popular. But I had learnt my lesson, ‘eccentric training’ where you lengthen the muscle under load is very powerful and is definitely how to properly switch muscles on. Gym Training Today. Unfortunately, 99% of the exercises in the gym today are aimed at shortening a muscle under load. The muscles then become great at contracting but bad at lengthening and what does this do? It helps you lose all grace with your movement-not sexy! …OK, a few lights are beginning to switch on.


Who are the most beautiful people on the planet …models. It is their job to look as attractive as possible. When a model walks with hip sway a man’s attraction is triggered on a subconscious level. The hips are also supposed to move this way, it is healthy and will stop you from getting back and neck pain. So you want to walk more like a catwalk model… Well have you asked yourself what’s happening to their hips when they walk? Their hips are going through a large range of motion, which can only be achieved when the muscles have the ability to switch on and decelerate movements. The larger the range and the more speed (or momentum) the hips can handle, the more desirable it is on the eye because it’s displaying health through this region…(on a subconscious level to a man). To achieve this, the muscles in the hips need to be flexible with strength throughout their range and most importantly able to load whilst lengthening. That means the shortening exercises that 99% of women do in gyms is the opposite of what they are supposed to do. I used to think that it didn’t matter, that a woman could do the shortening, butt crunch exercises, then the body would just change that muscle into intelligent muscle that looks graceful and sexy. However, after 5 years of intensively studying female biomechanics, I now realize it is counterproductive. It robs women of their natural grace and causes them to give off a sort of manly sexual trigger that can make them ‘invisible’ to men. I’ve probably just spun every exercise you’re doing down the gym on its head with that last sentence. To be graceful and sexy and have the ability to swing your hips through large ranges, the muscles need to lengthen and 13

go through as large a range as possible, put the breaks on at the end of the movement (to protect the joints) and explode you off in the opposite direction


Chapter 3: Why Is A Big Hip Sway Sexy?


So why is a big hip sway sexy? A big hip sway often portrayed by models on the catwalk is sexy to the eye because the sway is showing health as I explained earlier. Yes, we are all animals at the end of the day with a built in chip that drives us to reproduce otherwise the species would die out. And another thing, if the species is to survive in the long term it’s advantageous for it to become stronger and this happens by the strongest, fittest and healthiest mating together, so guess what? We also have a built in chip that helps us pick up on clues on the health of our potential mates without having to read through their medical records or ask them for blood tests etc. This list of attributes that men find sexy in a woman shouldn’t really wow you, you already know this, but what you need to know is that these are all indicators, which give away the health of the person. Here they are: • Well-conditioned hair and good skin • Clear and sparkly eyes • Nice smile (healthy teeth) • Good posture • Pert breasts 16

• Flat stomach • Long slender toned legs and calves • A healthy body fat percentage • Rounded hips and a small waist • And of course, a nice firm peachy bum. So yes, our built in guide which causes us to believe a woman is sexy is a actually our guide to let us know she’s healthy and would make a good mate and the hips are probably the biggest indicators when it comes to sexiness for the following reasons. A combination of strength, mobility and stability throughout the pelvic region shown by big smooth movements is a direct subconscious message showing health in this part of the body, which incidentally, is also the most sexual part of the body because it contains the sexual organs which are directly linked to reproduction. Let me tell you a story that I was witness to a last year while I was holiday in Miami. I was lying on the Beach with my friends, one sportsman, an actor, an entrepreneur and a banker, all very wealthy and good-looking. We were chatting about guy’s stuff when one of the guys pointed out a woman walking up the beach in a bikini, about 300 yards away. They all said how sexy she was etc…I was curious and asked what it was that they found so absorbing in her especially as she was so far away. Also from what I could see she wasn’t great looking face wise. They all said, “ It’s the way she moves”. In my head I quickly assessed her movement pattern and realized she was exhibiting all the traits of normal hip function: Side to side movement, good extension of the hips and rotation. Sexy for men! This was no surprise to me as I have been studying the way 17

people move for over 12 years: The last 5, focusing on women and sexual attraction. As an experiment I pointed out a beautiful girl walking up the beach about 30 yards away in a micro bikini with flowing long brown hair and a great body. “Nope!” they all said, “She’s not sexy!” I picked her because she had tight hips flexors and couldn’t extend her hip fully. This was not even an extreme example of tight hips but it had stopped my friends’ attraction switches from being turned on. They did not know it was because of her tight hips, they just weren’t interested for some reason. But this can be reversed! I have asked this question to hundreds of men and they all talk about “she has a special something”, “the way she moves her hips”, “she is graceful.” And women, this happens in the first few seconds a man sets eyes on you. Once he has categorized you into not sexy, you will be ignored for the rest of the evening.


Chapter 4: Who Has The Best Looking Butts.


Let’s look at which type of people have great behinds as a clue about how to get one… Have you ever asked yourself why some sports women have great butts and some don’t? I asked myself this question a while back and one of the first things I did was to look at which kind of athletes had this type bum shape and then I looked at the requirements of the sport and the way the athletes trained and moved. Here we can see a beach volley ball player. She has that great peach shape butt that comes from multi directional, 3D exercise.


Here is an aerobic type athlete, probably doing a marathon. The body tries to become as economical as possible because it is unnatural for us to run long distances. One dimension running gives you the flat un-toned looking butt.

The sports and professions which continuously produce the best butts for me are dancers, tennis and beach volley ball players, and the reason for this is that the nature of their sport and movement is multidirectional where the butt is used to decelerate movement in one direction and explode in another direction in a 3d fashion. Not only this, but the movements are powerful and done at speed. When this doesn’t happen, and this rarely gets trained in the gym, the big muscles which control the hips, begin to weaken and a whole host of not so flattering bottom shapes begin to evolve.


One of the most recognized bum shapes is the heart shaped bum syndrome. The heart shape bum also known as the pinch bum is where the butt loses its round peachy shape and gives the impression that the person is clenching their butt cheeks, leading them to resemble the shape of a heart

,hence the name. This is opposed to the 3D pert round bum found on tennis players etc. that resembles more of an inverted heart, which can be achieved by exercising the hips properly. All you have to do is switch on MTV these days and the dancers are swinging their hips through as large a range of motion as possible, in order to look as sexy as they can. You may have done this yourself whilst trying to catch a guy’s attention on the dance floor at a disco or a club. I had the privilege of working for the English National Ballet School in London for two seasons. This was a real eye opener on how toned a woman could become but still look so graceful. One of the strange things about ballet and an aspect 22

of their training that is so hard on their body is the fact that all their movements are performed for the audience. This means that they have to put themselves in very unnatural positions, just so that they are always facing the audience. Fortunately I do not have to take this into account with you. Working with Ballet dancers was a steep learning curve in how to strengthen a woman without putting bulky muscle on her therefore retaining her elegance. Ellie, ballerina … “Training with Rob was brilliant. We would talk a lot about what was needed in Ballet and how my body would move. One of my concerns with doing strengthening work, which I needed for back pain, was putting on weight and looking muscular. Rob had been working on a new way of training for sometime when he shared it with me I immediately felt stronger without losing my dancing grace. My teachers at school all asked what I was doing, as my dancing and movement had improved so much. I told them about Rob and he was asked to consult for the school as a result.” The thing is, you know large fast movements in the hips are sexy, and basic physiology knowledge will tell you that to achieve this the muscles need to be strong when they’re lengthened. Yet most modern training techniques are based on reducing motion and keeping the hips as still as possible while we move…. So let’s just recap. You want tone and shape your butt, become sexy by having large movements around the hips, and we know that the best butts belong to dancers, tennis players and beach volleyball players who constantly strengthen their muscles through lots of momentum and huge ranges through their hips.


So why is that, to get a great bum, people train our hips not to move? I don’t know about you but that doesn’t make sense to me and it’s probably why you’re reading this eBook… to find the real answers on how to get a great looking butt. Here’s a little story that happened to me a few months ago that was one of those ‘Aha’ moments when you understand something just that little bit better. “I went to a Lebanese restaurant last night with a bunch of friends. I had a really good night and met some very interesting people and got talking to a girl on my right about what I did, teaching women to be more sexually attractive to men. When I started talking about evolutionary biology she smiled and said she had studied this at university. I told her my theories about hip to shoulder ratio etc...and she looked a bit skeptical. We chatted on and forgot about the hips stuff. Then the Arabic music started and in walked a beautiful belly dancer who was incredible. We laughed as lots of tables had men who were entranced, sitting next to their wives who weren't so transfixed. There was one guy who was pretending not to want to look at her, she was 2 feet away from him to his right, he was keeping his eyes fixed straight in front. To his left was his girlfriend with a very angry look on her face staring at his face, waiting for the slightest peek from him. I chuckled to myself imagining beads of sweat starting to appear on his brow like with Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible when he is hanging from the cord. Why was she so sexy... She had mastered the ability to move her hips in all three 24

planes. Belly dancers know what attracts men, good movement in their hips. After the dance had finished the girl next to me turned, smiled and said..."ok, you're absolutely right, the hips trigger men in a primal way...Would you mind having a look at the way I walk?" When the hips and butt don’t move well in three planes in women, you start to see more movement in the shoulders than in the hips. This leads a woman’s walk to more closely resemble the walk of a man. Top female models have a lot of movement in the hips and small rotational movement in the shoulders. Male models have pretty rigid hips but large movement at the shoulders. This swagger in men helps them to exaggerate their shoulder size and conveys confidence to women. I have done this experiment with many men, working on improving their movement. I get them to walk down the street keeping their shoulders fairly still then come back up the street to me and start to walk again but this time with much more side to side shoulder movement. The difference… They all say no woman takes any notice of them the first time through but second time round they get checked out by women and woman start to play with there hair when they walk past them, which is also a subconscious action by women to draw men’s attention to them. I have a client in Miami that I have done coaching with via video link. She did the experiment of 1.moving her hips more and 2.moving her shoulders more then her hips. She did it with her husband holding her hand, as she is very much in love, and not looking for any one else. (He was aware of the experiment). I got a call from her after she had tried it and 25

she was so excited about the dramatic effect this had had on the men on the street. Men ignored her on exercise 2. But on exercise 1. Men were actually nodding their respect to her husband as they checked her out. She wanted to keep the spark alive in their relationship and this had made a real difference in how much more attention her husband paid her. Julia Roberts … However the opposite is true for women. Female clients get no attention if they keep their hips still and move their shoulders but get men’s heads turning if they keep their shoulders still and swing their hips. I believe one reason why Julia Roberts is never picked for the world’s most sexy woman and so many men think Julia Roberts is very beautiful but unsexy is because she walks like a man. No hip movement and side to side movement at the shoulders. When this is exaggerated you will see what I call the Mummy Walk. You can see an example of this on this youtube video I did.

So train your hips and butt in the right way and you will 1. Move like a woman is supposed to 2. Naturally become attractive men 3. Get a 3 D butt like dancers have, that looks great in a bikini. 4. Make your body move naturally, which will get rid of aches and pains, and make you more-healthy. 26

Chapter 5: Why The Hips Shut Down.


A Little Bit About The Hips The hips are the major power source for the body. All you have to do is look in any anatomy book at the size and the volume of muscles that attach here and you’ll realize this. The biggest and most famous muscles to this region are the glutes, which consist of gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. Therefore any large movement of the body is primarily controlled at the hips, and if they’re not working properly the rest of the body will suffer. So why does the bum become weak? The muscles in the butt become weak for a number of reasons. Here are a few of the major ones: The feet lose their ability to load the hips The feet are actually the switches that turn the butt on from below as we walk and run. When the feet lose the ability to load, due to the wearing of certain shoes, injuries to the feet, or general lack of use, natural movement stops, causing them to lose range of motion and strength. They will no longer be able to effectively switch on the glutes causing these to weaken. Here’s a little exercise for you to understand this better. Stand up and place your feet shoulder width apart facing forward. Become aware of how your feet are resting and what position they are in. Roll them out as far as you can onto the sides, then roll them in as far as you can so they are fallen in. 28

Now try to bring them back so they are perfectly in neutral (the middle). Hold the neutral position for a minute then relax your feet and let them go to their most comfortable position. Do they move a lot from neutral? Now let your feet fall in as far as they can go and feel your butt… does it feel soft? Now whilst you are still feeling your butt bring your feet back to neutral, do you feel your butt tighten? I did… this is just a simple test to show that for example if your feet pronate a lot (fall in) it will not help your butt switch on. Get your feet to work better for you and your butt will be grateful forever. Lack of 3d movement and exercise The best bums are those that can handle a lot of momentum through a large range as we’ve discussed, this unfortunately doesn’t happen by sitting around. Seated postures Too much sitting about causes the front of the hips (hip Flexors) to become very tight which has an effect on the productivity of the hips and pelvis and will inhibit the muscles in the bum and reduce their range of motion and strength. This not only causes your walk to change which will switch off the attraction trigger in men but it will also make it very difficult for you to tone your butt muscles. Simply put … not sexy to opposite sex and flabby butt.


Quick, simple test. Stand in a relaxed posture. Now push your hips forward, (if you have tight hip flexors you might find this difficult). Can you feel your butt tighten? Now push your hips back a little bit. This flexed hip position mimics tight hips, from too much sitting posture. What happens to your butt muscles… they relax and switch off! So having tight hips switches off your butt muscles making them soft and flabby. Another massive problem from having tight hips is that when you move you will be unable to switch on your abdominal muscles. This results in the dreaded pooch belly that so many women suffer from. That bulge underneath your belly button. You can do sit ups until the cows come home but they will not get rid of this. Don’t worry I have added some exercises in this book which will help you with this area. Poor training techniques Poor training techniques down the gym can actually train the muscles to become strong in certain ranges, but losing that 3d grace and causing the participants to walk more like men. As I have mentioned previously in this book, training methods for women are all wrong. Trainers teach their clients to keep their knee over their big toes to protect the knee. I understand the logic behind this bit this actually makes the knee weaker because it stops the butt from being switched on properly.


Men often look bad enough when they have done bodybuilding-shortening exercises in the gym. They seem to be puffy and walk like robots. This comes across as unathletic and I believe causes a lot of the sports injuries that you see. But for women it is disastrous. Ok I know there are men who like muscular women and that’s cool with me but it’s 0.005% of the population. Women who start looking muscular and butch turn men off. I have surveyed hundreds of men and nearly everyone agrees with this. I think women think this too. Go to the gym, even the mall/high street and have a look and I’m sure you’ll spot them. Injuries Injuries anywhere in the body can cause the glutes to become weaker. An injured shoulder for example will reduce its range of motion to prevent further injury. The shoulder in many movements, especially walking and running, swings through and helps stimulate the muscles in the hip on the opposite side, therefore when injured it will reduce this stimulation causing the opposite hip to become weak. How many women suffer from neck and shoulder problems, that are being caused by the hips? The main injury I see with female clients is the twisted ankle when they were a kid that has become inflexible. This causes the butt to switch off which is the root of all sorts of problems from pelvis rotations causing back pain to shoulder problems causing neck pain. Does my bum look big in this?


Fat generally accumulates around the butt and the tops of the legs on women because this is closer to their centre of mass and is the most efficient place to store extra weight and still move optimally. Whereas men, due to their increased upper body tone have a higher centre of mass and therefore put weight on around the gut area. Fat generally accumulating around the butt and the tops of the legs is the case with most women, although other factors can determine where fat is distributed on the body such as genetics and hormonal imbalances caused by poor nutrition and stress etc. Unfortunately this is beyond the scope of this book.

Drooping Boobs

Yes, when the hips stop moving as they should, the upper back stops working too becoming fixed and rounded. Next time you are out shopping look how many women have rounded shoulders and boobs that can only go one way and that is point downward. It is of epidemic proportions. I will be bringing a book out very soon addressing this problem alone. I have recently worked on a couple, who were both suffering from back problems. From my assessment I made the main focus of the home training program to getting their hips to work better. After four weeks of not seeing them, they came for a check up. They could not believe the results. Their back pain had cleared up but this was almost like a side issue now, what they were amazed about was that both there chests had changed. His pecs now looked more toned up and far broader and her breasts were no longer pointing downwards. She was over the moon as her friends had asked if she had had a boob job.


Chapter 6: Better Sex.


Better Orgasms I'm really excited about a new scientific research paper that has just been published. Just a little warning I will be talking about female sexuality in this part of the book and how it relates to your health and wellbeing. The study 'Gait may be associated with orgasmic ability' led by Stuart Brody of the University of the West of Scotland in collaboration with colleagues in Belgium, showed that you could determine how orgasmic a woman was by the way she walked! Here is a little bit of what they said… “Further analysis revealed that the sum of stride length and vertebral rotation was greater for the vaginally orgasmic women. "This could reflect the free, unblocked energetic flow from the legs through the pelvis to the spine," the authors note. The researchers were 80% correct in predicting which women were achieving vaginal orgasm from studying their walk. Here's the link if you want to read more I have being saying this for years ... the way your hips move and the amount of rotation you get, affects your orgasmic ability.


Notice they used the words stride length and rotation. They do not understand why this affects orgasm potential and give an esoteric explanation, saying there will be an improved energy flow, which is unusual for scientists. But I can assure you that all that is happening is their muscles are being stimulated correctly, especially rotationally. Rotation switches on the pelvic floor muscles. When this happens, all muscles, ligaments and soft tissue remains healthy, enabling you to fully experience all natural feeling in that area, without restrictions and blocks. I believe men can pick up on this, on a subconscious level, triggering attraction in them, when they see a woman moving well. I have spoken to many men about this topic and most men, especially over 30 years old, say they can tell if a woman will be comfortable with her sexual side and enjoy sex, by the way they move. This is probably true for women too, you can tell if a man is going to be good in bed by the way he moves or dances. I have had women say to me that this kind of ‘analysed and directed attraction’ is offensive to them. That they are not interested in attracting men but are interested in feeling sexy for themselves. That is great, and I respect that, but I am here to tell you how it is based on my clinical experience and science. This is what men think and I think it is important for you know to how men think and feel. Who better to tell you about this than a man. When the hips load in all 3 planes, especially rotationally, the pelvic floor muscles are stimulated and strengthen. This is why research is showing that traditional isometric, squeezing exercises are very limited, non-functional (not fun either) and because you have to consciously think about doing them, when you’re not concentrating, the pelvic floor switches off. 35

Therefore…when you get the hips to work by doing the following workout, the Pelvic Floor muscles actually do tone up which has been shown by research to give stronger orgasms…Wehey!!! This sells the workout on its own!


Chapter 7: The Workout


Finally…How to exercise for an amazing looking 3D bum? These exercises are based on applied functional science and will switch on and strengthen the muscles around the hips.


1.Lunge With Rotation… In this exercise the model is lunging forwards with the right leg and throwing both arms around to the right at chest height. It is important to lunge and reach the arms simultaneously as opposed to lunging and then throwing the arms as two separate movements. This is because you want the glutes to load not only from the lunge but also from the arm throw at the same time. You then return to your start position. Keep back straight Complete 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps, depending on your level of conditioning.

Repeat on left leg


2.Lunge With Sideways Over-Head Reach And Arm Across Body Reach. This is another lunge but this time the right arm is going over the head towards the left and your left arm is reaching across the body. This stimulates the butt in all 3 planes of movement. Again, your timing wants to be such that the arms and lunge load the glute together, then return to your start position. Keep back straight. Start gently then progress to reaching further. Complete 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps, depending on your level of conditioning

Repeat on left leg


3.Lunge With Forward Reach Again lunge forwards but this time reach forwards with both arms out straight at knee height then return to your start position. Keep back straight. Start gently then progress to going lower and reaching further. Complete 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps, depending on your level of conditioning



4.Reverse Lunge With Overhead Rotational Reach To Opposite Side. This exercise is to add strength and length into the front of the hips. In the photo, the model is lunging backwards with the left leg whilst reaching around to the right at or above head height with both hands then she returns to her start position. Repeat the opposite with the right leg. This will seem harder because it is disadvantaging the strong butt muscles and working more the front of the hip on the back leg. This will feel like a stretch. Keep back straight. Start gently then progress to reaching further. Complete 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps, depending on your level of conditioning



1.Wide Squat With Externally Rotated Feet In this exercise the model is standing in a wide stance with the right foot slightly in front of the left and both feet are toed out. Important: Please only go as far as you feel comfortable. You will feel a stretch in your legs as you squat down and you should start off gently. When you become more comfortable with the movement then you come move quicker and go lower. Keep your head up and back straight. From this position, complete 10-20 squats then switch so the left foot is in front of the right. Do 1-3 sets on each side. To progress you can start to hold weight in your hands. Always exercise within your own limits.



2.Squat With Lift Matrix This exercise has the same wide stance with the right foot in front and the feet turned out but this time we’re going to incorporate the arms. Squat down and as you come up you’re going to reach to different vectors (see below) with the arms one at a time. Do 1/3 sets of 10-20 reps of each movement. To progress you can start to hold weight in your hands. Always exercise within your own limits. Keep your head up and back straight. Important: Please only go as far as you feel comfortable. You will feel a stretch in your legs as you squat down and you should start off gently. When you become more comfortable with the movement then you come move quicker and go lower .


Squat down keeping your back straight and as you come up from your squat: 1/ reach straight up with the right hand



Then Squat down again keeping your back straight and as you come up from your squat: 2/ reach straight up with the left hand



3/Squat down and as you come up reach out to the right above head height with the right hand. Then Squat down and as you come up reach out to the left above head height with the left hand. Repeat for 10 -20 reps.



4/ Squat down and as you come up reach out to the left above head height with the left hand



Squat down and as you come up reach out to the right above head height with the right hand. Then Squat down and as you come up reach out to the left above head height with the left hand. Repeat for 10 -20 reps. 5/ reach across to the left above head height with the right hand



6/ reach across to the right above head height with the left hand



3. Squat With Abdominal Matrix This one is very similar to the previous squat and lift matrix but now we’re looking at putting a little more load on the abdominals to really get them to wake up and start to tone. We’re going for the same stance and foot positions as the last two exercises. Do 1/3 sets of 10-20 reps of each movement. To progress you can start to hold weight in your hands. Always exercise within your own limits. Keep your head up and back straight. Important: Please only go as far as you feel comfortable. You will feel a stretch in your legs as you squat down and you should start off gently. Also if you feel any discomfort in your back, shorten how far you reach until there is no discomfort then progress when you can. When you become more comfortable with the movement then you come move quicker and go lower and reach further.


7/8.This time though, as you come up from the squat you’re going to: Squat down and as you come up reach above and behind your head with the right hand. Then squat down and as you come up reach above and behind your head with the left hand. Repeat for 10 -20 reps. 7/ reach up and backwards with the right hand



8/ reach up and back with the left hand



9/10 Squat down and as you come up reach above and behind your head to the left with the right hand. Then squat down and as you come up reach above and behind your head to the right with the left hand as shown in photo 8/ on next page. Repeat for 10 -20 reps. 9/ reach with the right hand behind and overhead to the left



10/reach with the left hand behind and overhead to the right



11/12 Squat down and as you come up reach above shoulder around to the left with the right hand. Then Squat down and as you come up reach above shoulder around to the right with the left hand as shown in photo 12/ on next page. Repeat for 10 -20 reps. 11/ reach above shoulder around to the left with the right hand



12/ reach above shoulder around to the right with the left hand



How many should I do? My advice to you here is to switch the glutes on periodically throughout the day with various basic movements (see below) so they stay wanting to be active because an active butt will lead to a firm butt, and then strengthen them 2-3 times per week (see exercises above) so they can handle more load and endurance and will begin to shape the way you want them to. Switching the butt on. The muscles in the hip can simply be switched on (get them working) by doing each of the exercises in this book for as little as 4-6 reps. The hips should be switched on periodically throughout the day after events which could possibly switch them off such as when you wake up in the morning or if you have been sitting for prolonged periods of time. It’s also a really good idea to switch on those muscles in the hips just before doing activities where you want them to work so they keep getting a workout and firming. Examples of this could be when you’re going for a long walk, a run or even gardening etc. You get the idea.


Strengthening the butt. To strengthen the glutes, complete 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps of the exercises in this book, on each leg, depending on your level of conditioning. When you become stronger and have more endurance you can begin add light weights in the hands. Always work within your limits and start off easy and build up the amount you do.

Possible Strengthening Week Monday Squats

Tuesday Lunges

Wednesday Thursday Rest Squats

Friday Lunges

Saturday Rest

Sunday Walk

Squat day Squat with reach 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps with each leg forward Squat with Lift 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps of each directional lift Squat with Abs 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps of each directional Abs Reach

Lunge day Lunge with rotation 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps on each leg Lunge with Sideways Over-Head Reach and Arm Across Body Reach. 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps on each leg Lunge with Forward Reach 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps on each leg Lunge with Reverse lunge with overhead rotational reach to opposite side. 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps on each leg

Alternatively you could pick and choose and add them to your existing workout.


Chapter 8: Waking Up The Magic Butt Switch


Bonus Exercise!!! Due to the feet being so integral to the functioning of the glutes, I’m going to give you an exercise from my Slender toned calves and legs ebook (Out soon!), which explains how the feet and glutes interact to give you great looking legs and slender calves and provides a multitude of great exercises to get the feet back working properly. Remember the test I showed you demonstrating how the feet affect the butt. You collapse the feet inwards and feel what happens to your butt, and on most women the glutes relax. Then you put them in their correct position, neutral and feel the butt come alive. The feet and the butt are best friends but can easily stop talking to each other and cause pain and lead to a not attractive looking body. The first exercise is a mobility drill for your feet and ankle. This is a nice warm up before you do the Toe touch foot and butt circuit. The second exercise, the Toe touch will get both feet and butt communicating with each other. The foot has to work by keeping balance and at the same time, the butt is switched on by the hand reach. This exercise will tone and strengthen you butt and legs whilst improving your ability to trigger the attraction button in men while you walk. So here are the great exercises which should be completed before you do your hip work out. The second exercises should be done 1 after the other then repeated on the other leg.


Butt Stimulating Foot Mobility Drill part 1 Here the model is standing on her left leg, which is slightly bent, working her left foot/ ankle and leg. Find a wall or tree to lean against for balance. Gently swing your right leg to the right keeping your hips forward. Progress to swinging your leg to the right then across your body to the left, See photo on next page, in one continuous movement like a pendulum.


Butt Stimulating Foot Mobility Drill part 2 This is the continuation of the exercise on the previous page. Here the model is again standing on her left leg, which is slightly bent, working her left foot/ ankle and leg. She is still leaning agains a wall or tree to lean for balance. This time gently swing your right leg to the left keeping your hips forward. Progress to swinging your leg to the right, then across your body to the left, (See photo), in one continuous movement like a pendulum. This will help give proper range to your foot and allow it the correct movement for switching your butt on

Do this for 10-20 reps, for 1-2 sets. Repeat the 2 drills on right leg When you become confident with this exercise you can swing faster. REPEAT, STANDING ON RIGHT LEG 63

1. Legged Balance With Toe Touch To Front Here the model is standing on her right leg and therefore working her right foot/ ankle and leg. 1.Reach out as far as you can in front of you with the left foot at ankle height, lightly tap the floor keeping all the weight through the right leg.

At the same time, reach with the hands out in front at waist height as you tap with the foot then return to your start position after each reach. As you reach with your foot and your hands as far out as you can, you’ll find that you get further by bending the knee on the standing leg, this is fine and is what I want you to do.


2. Legged Balance With Toe Touch To 45’ Here the model is standing on her right leg and therefore working her right foot/ ankle and leg. 1.Reach out as far as you can to an angle of 45 degrees( between straight in front and to the side) with the left foot at ankle height, lightly tap the floor keeping all the weight through the right leg.

At the same time, reach with the hands out in front at waist height as you tap with the foot then return to your start position after each reach. As you reach with your foot and your hands as far out as you can, you’ll find that you get further by bending the knee on the standing leg, this is fine and is what I want you to do. 65

3. Legged Balance With Toe Touch To Side Here the model is standing on her right leg and therefore working her right foot/ ankle and leg. 1.Reach out as far as you can to the side with the left foot at ankle height, lightly tap the floor keeping all the weight through the right leg.

At the same time, reach with the hands out in front at waist height as you tap with the foot then return to your start position after each reach. As you reach with your foot and your hands as far out as you can, you’ll find that you get further by bending the knee on the standing leg, this is fine and is what I want you to do. 66

4. Legged Balance With Toe Touch To 135’ Here the model is standing on her right leg and therefore working her right foot/ ankle and leg. 1.Reach out as far as you can to angle of 135 degrees with the left foot at ankle height, lightly tap the floor keeping all the weight through the right leg. You will feel yourself rotate to the left, this is ok.

At the same time, reach with the hands out in front at waist height as you tap with the foot then return to your start position after each reach. As you reach with your foot and your hands as far out as you can, you’ll find that you get further by bending the knee on the standing leg, this is fine and is what I want you to do.


5. Legged Balance With Opposite Toe Touch To 45’ Here the model is standing on her right leg and therefore working her right foot/ ankle and leg. 1.Reach out as far as you can to an angle of 45 degrees, in front of the right leg, with the left foot at ankle height, lightly tap the floor keeping all the weight through the right leg.You will feel yourself rotate to the right, this is ok.

At the same time, reach with the hands out in front at waist height as you tap with the foot then return to your start position after each reach. As you reach with your foot and your hands as far out as you can, you’ll find that you get further by bending the knee on the standing leg, this is fine 68

and is what I want you to do.

Complete 1-2 sets of 6-10 reaches at each angle, depending on your level of conditioning, then change legs and


You may find that the butt works throughout this exercise, which is a great sign that the feet and butt are starting to work together, and that your foot is beginning to turn the butt on. You may find your foot burning a little. This is normal as your foot is being worked and you may not be used to it. If you have pain you must always stop and if the pain continues even when you are not exercising, consult your physician. Personally, I like to do 1 set of 10 on each leg first thing in the morning just to switch my feet and butt on before I start my day Again, always work within your limits, you should feel no pain whilst doing this exercise.


So now it comes back to that magic question I asked you earlier about how you can firm your butt whilst shopping without even thinking about it? Well the answer is in the text and you will begin to achieve this when you start this amazing workout, but in case you missed it, I’ll explain. As you begin to strengthen the glutes with this workout, they will begin to want to become more active in the general everyday movements in which they should be involved, and they will begin to do this subconsciously (without you needing to think about it). Also, when you get the feet working correctly they will add to the success of the glutes switching on. And meanwhile, to wake the glutes up and get them working when they may be asleep, we have the switch on/tone up exercises with just 4-6 reps of each exercise. So when you are wandering around looking for bargains or treating yourself to some expensive designer gear, remember that now your butt will be toning up all by itself. Butt clenching is a thing of the past.


We hope you enjoy using our revolutionary approach to naturally toning up the butt and regaining that sexual swing. We’re certain it will change how you move and thus how you feel about yourself…especially when you walk down the street. Rob & Neil [email protected] Keep reading the FREE eLetter for great weekly tips to live your life, fit, sexy and fulfilled. Watch the Secrets To A Sexy Slender Legs DVD coming soon, to learn how to get great looking legs to go with your great looking butt, and get many more great exercises and ideas on how to become not only sexy on the outside but also on the inside. Other great products soon to be released: Natural Breast Lifting eBook Slender And Toned Legs eBook Sexy Abs Forever eBook Beauty-How to Become more Beautiful workout eBook Please also take a moment to look at a charity that is doing wonderful work to free children from slavery.


We hope you get a lot from this book and that the information and training will help you to live a happy and active life. We would like to thank Gary Gray PT and Dr David Tiberio for their groundbreaking teachings on Functional Applied Science. Also we are grateful to Anna Jeannesson and Elaine Burt for helping with proof reading and Daniela for modeling in the photos.


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