The Book

April 15, 2017 | Author: RomanKorvinus | Category: N/A
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The Book Ignorant men don’t know what good they hold in their hands until they’ve flung it away. Sophocles

The Book By: Siris Kane The Right to Fair Use Act: All the information and graphics found in this book is legally used for either the education or criticism of science and/or religion. This publication is a preliminary trial. If successful the book in question will be revised, professionally proofed and rereleased in a hard and/or soft cover. Copyright © 1-3876004631, 1-767831411, 1-576228861, 1-613225101, 1-583441321 I have tried my best to give all credit where credit is due, a luxury that was never been afforded to me over the last fifteen years.


Letter from Siris Kane: Lo, there my friend, high you will seek, far within will you travel, until the pages before you, open thy mind’s eye, welcoming you in. They will ask, “How do you know?” You will reply, “It is not how I know, but more so, why is it that you cannot prove me wrong? Why is it that you belittle me with the use of your ego, your vanity, your arrogance, and the second hand knowledge of another man’s God?” Instead of simply explaining why your way is correct, with that of a rational conversation, you let inept fortitude dilute your consciousness to the point where reason no longer exists, proving that madness is no different than sanity. Indeed, it should be known, that here upon these pages is my cornerstone, dangling ever so pendulously, like that of a pebble in a sling. Verily, this stone is nothing more than an earthly reflection, teetering on the scales of one’s own creation or destruction. It should be obvious to those who are truly universal, that true children of God need no religion; a true child of God has all the truth he or she needs imprinted on their very being. So, unlike all the others who need to be told what God is, and what God should be, unlike them, you will know that God is a singular idea, an idea brought about by the individual, and the perception of one’s own inner light.


So with this I must ask you, “Who will create heaven and who will create hell? But perhaps you have already answered this.


The Heretic In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell



The Hermit First and foremost I should point out that I am a hermit. And like most hermits, I have been left to observe mankind from a window of my own design. It is not an altogether attractive window, there is no fresh coat of paint that speaks to its happiness, nor are the panes crisp and clean like that of a childhood memory. Sadly, this tattered window in which I speak, has been tainted by the sun, ravaged by the winds, and in its height…fallen upon my head like the sharpest of crowns, or heaviest of swords. Surely, in these moments, swirls of emotion have left me swayed, for glimmering in the cold reflective waters of the oceans deep; I see that of a tomb, nay a coffin, housing the most dreadful of creatures: a human being. An ordinary human being however I am not. I am he who would not be named: I am a witness, and if a truth such as mine were to ever escape…then all of mankind would hang in the balance. So let this serve as your only warning—shut this tome and go. I suppose one might consider it admirable to witness ones decent down the rabbit hole. Perhaps it’s just the defiant clockwork of the human species; the need to know. Unfortunately, the side effect of your decision has resulted in the breaking of a seal. And with my coffin now breached, and heart my exposed to the giver of life; I will


spin a new creation, using only the weight of a single feather to forge anew. Balancing these scales, I will do as the scholars and poets who have come before me. I will place my thoughts upon these fallen leaves and gamble with my very existence. I will stand before this world—spin the wheel of fortune—and hope that I too, can create something that matters. Evolving beyond the masses, I will expose the lies of man. I will raise my head to the shores of destruction, and extinguish all those who would wander in my field. And with my fist high, I will cry out to the heavens—

“You are my Enemy!” For only then that you will know—that I am Kane.

Id Quod Natum Erit Post Tenebras Spero Lucem


The Fallen So many times, I have wished to be one of you, but as I stare out my window, between the cracks—I can barely recognize any of you. You are not a friend to me, nor are you a friend to one another. I have found that death and destruction is your only art. What a loathsome and lecherous thing it is that you have come to reflect. What a woe of a world that you have forged—and for what? So that you can say that, you were right and that all others were wrong? Is this really the insanity that you would have me embrace, all so that you might have a commodity to buy and sell? Is this all that I am to you? Is this all that any of us are to anyone? Mere puppets and playthings left to circle the grave—draining each another drop-by-drop like vampires on holiday? And you sit here thinking what exactly? Oh, let me guess, in the whiniest of tones— “But I’m only human!” What a fucking insult of a reply this is. Human: they who would use their own nature as a weakness so that they might plague and destroy the Earth without reason or care. Nobility at its finest! Awe, are those the echoes of intolerance I hear swirling about like a little baby bird crying over the last grub? Well then…my liege, what will be your reply when


the oceans die? Will it be something clever, something such as this…?

“The Age of Aquarius; The Age of the Poisoned Seas!!!” What? No quick wit to supplement the lurking and impending doom of what you yourself have aided in? Did you not think Nietzsche true when he wrote, “Every church is a stone on the grave of a god-man: it does not want him to rise up again under any circumstances.” No, I suppose not. But…be that as it may, I have risen, risen above your small minded idiotic monotheistic religions, risen above your lust for power and acceptance, and most importantly, risen above all your frail attempts at righteousness…and have become a Sun unto myself. So call me what you will, cast to me your snide and pitiful remarks, judge me for my appearance and lack thereof, but know this, as it has come from the once and wise Buddha, “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” And I—this Frankenstein of God—will be hidden no more.


The Antichrist What each man feared would happen to himself, did not trouble him when he saw that it would ruin another. Virgil Just do everything I tell you—this is what we are taught, how we think, but why do we do so? Is it so that we might make for a more compliant commodity? Is it so that we might be seen as more God than Beast? What a trifling endeavor; this need to be good and noble. Yet, blind to their own enslavement, the children of today are systematically indoctrinated by Ivy League educations and tag lines of the corporate media. Taught to rape the Earth as a past time activity, these future tyrants are left to support laws which exemplify the financial income of both corporate pedophile, and warmonger alike. And you think what in this moment, as you reflect on what an “Antichrist” is supposed to be—that you’re a good and noble substitute for a life of modesty and virtue? And here you thought that the second coming would bring you a deliverer; someone who would sit back and act like you were right all because a preacher convinced you to show up on Sunday! Nothing ever wrote, not by any one, will ever provide the masses with a savior suitable to their own individual psychology. Your very nature is programmed to support


only those who hold favor with your actions. Systematically siding with whoever supports your ideal of righteousness, and condemning anyone who does not. And how do you view those who do not fit your prefabricated criteria of “righteousness?” As Pagan, Satan Worshipper, Devil, Evil Spawn, —Lucifer? Yeah—I’m a dark and wicked thing, and why is that I wonder? Is it because I have yet to assimilate to your preconceived notion of morality? …as if, survival ever understood such a thing. As far as this planet is concerned—

It is you, who are the Antichrist.

A chief event of life is the day in which we have encountered a mind that startled us. Ralph Waldo Emerson


The Monotheistic Thomas Jefferson posed a question, “What has been the effect of religious coercion?” His reply was, “To make half the world fools and the other half hypocrites.” Indeed, a true fool one must be to stand before this world and say, “It is our god and no other way, and all others are damned!” —what a pitiful pettiness. With revelations as this, one is all but forced to ask, “Whose god created me? Do we not dwell in the house of the Lord forever? Is this house neither yours, nor yours mine? Do we not stand upon its sands in this very moment, battling over nothing more than the right to expand one’s own conscious?” What, has your heavenly wisdom escaped so soon? Hear this, and hear it well…the Valley of Death is not the physical path in which one travels; but the psychological stone now cast in the minds of all the would be Goliaths. You see I learned long ago, that if man has rule over the tongue of God, then the Devil is all he will ever receive. I—unlike so many—have discovered that the greatest work of any infidel is to claim that it is their God, who is just and true. In truth, this sanctified mentality created by religion is nothing more than a mere delusion of grandeur; a mental illness that has become the very blueprint of salvation.


I believe it was Voltaire who said, “It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.” After having been subjected to the white-wash-whims of your salvation, I can truly say, “Freeing you is an impossible task.” For you have traded the title of slave for that of libertine…and yet, to this day, you still provide no distinction between the two? Indeed, I will tilt the tables of the mind: plundering your riches among the stones, teaching the hard won lessons of he who has long suffered, and lastly, the ultimate lesson of all, what it means to be last.


The Messenger With fools, there is no companionship. Rather than to live with men who are selfish, vain, quarrelsome, and obstinate, let a man walk alone. Buddha We as men and woman have become our temptations—and we still expect our saviors to be swayed by our pleas? It is not God we seek…far from it. We seek only to admonish the guilt that survival has awarded us. It is because of this, that I realize an unfavorable truth can make a tyrant of even the most righteous of men. And here you thought the Antichrist would be loved by all? Sadly, this is untrue. I have found that being loved by you is far from any love that I would ever want. After all, what good is it to be a leader when none are worthy to rule over? Who would want such a misery? And how exactly should I be? You fight one another over wrong, over right, over sun and moon, good and bad, this and that, even land and sea, accomplishing nothing but disdain and despair. And what has been our reward for this commercialized mentality, a poisoned planet full of fools and hypocrites? Trust me, your love is no prize—and your good intentions—they rival the worst of hells. Oh indeed, I am sorry, but that faith you so desperately cling too—has no power among these leaves. That


vanity, that arrogance, that overbearing ego of selfrighteousness and pomp, will never sever this head. For hidden within the fountain of this pen lies that of a stone; having been forged the world over by the righteous confidence and charisma of man’s legacy.



The Nobodies Except our own thoughts, there is nothing absolute in our power. Rene Descartes Tell me Mr. Preacher Man, “How exactly does one ascend when Biblical interpretations expressed by our preachers do nothing more than leave us riddled with contradiction and confusion?” What type of Christian are you exactly? I mean after all, it is my understanding that God is incapable of being confused, hence the allknowing. Are we to believe that the “Men of God” are incapable of following clear and concise instructions? Hint: more than forty thousand denominations, the most divided house of all. Oddly enough, most of you can’t even figure out the name of your own messiah, much less, what has been written, and were supposed to trust that you speak on God’s behalf? Said to have been derived from the Hebrew names like Yeshua and YAHshua. The Greek name Iēsous. The Latin name Iesvs. The Irish name Hesus, as well as various others throughout antiquity, the name Jesus, is only four hundred years old. This due in part to the fact that the letter J is only four hundred years old, give or take a few years. Fact: There are no J’s in the original King James Bible.


I suppose it’s true what they say, “Knowing a person’s true name is to have power over them.” And the last thing the Church will ever want is for us to have is power over their Messiah, as this would mean that we would in fact have power over them. Truth be told, the name itself should be irrelevant; the characteristics of Jesus on the other hand—they are what should merit concern. Mithras of Persia is said to have been the truth, the light and the way, even the King of Kings. The same is also true of Sargon the Great: the One True King. The Egyptian God Horus was said to have been born of a virgin: a word that has derived from the constellation Virgo and used in reference to Isis. It is also said that his birth took place in a cave…, which was used as a stable. Then there is that of his nickname: KRST (Christ). If only these handful of comparisons were my only defense. Sadly however, when one considers the deities of other cultures, this lowly few becomes that of dozens—characteristics which have been pilfered from the likes of Krishna, Osiris, Odin, Zeus, and Helios…to name but a few. I suppose Benjamin Franklin is right, “The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason.” Tell me, if you took one characteristic from twenty different gods and then used those characteristics to forge a single God, how hard would it be to convince two billion idiots that he was in fact—original? In reality, Jesus


is no different from that of Cronus, devouring the power of other gods while claiming a seat of prosperity and superiority—a true heathen god, if there ever was. Here is a better question, “If these Pagan deities are nothing more than myth, as so many preachers would claim, then what inspired their stories?” I think there are those of us who would answer this question by saying, “The stories are allegories for the Sun as it makes its yearly cycle across the heavens.” Anyone who has ever mapped out the Sun’s path knows that the Winter Solstice begins when the Sun’s decent stops on the horizon. Then three days later, it resurrects with the Southern Cross in its back. Prior to this rebirth the Sun is met by the three wise kings of Orion’s Belt; led by the Eastern Star of Sirius, all four of which mark the Sun’s rebirth on the horizon. Then a year later, we find that we have not only cycled through all twelve Greek gods, but the twelve disciples of the Zodiac as well. At least that’s what the western zodiac implies. The real zodiac might go a bit farther by acknowledging the man-god serpent bearer, and the thirteenth house of his moon. Trust me, I am under no illusion, you will in fact try to use some “Christian” reference to dispute this, but in doing so you will ignore the fact that you have no more historical proof in your defense than you do in your criticism. And no…the pious fraud of Josephus and his ilk will not satisfy the likes of me. Nor will the work of


Paul the Pharisee, or any other whose existence was decades behind that of the original. Unfortunately, the validation of those such as this will continue to be the life blood of fanatics galore; of this I have no doubt. As they will continue to ignore and “debunk” anything and anyone who might threaten their beliefs while spewing the guilt-ridden sanctity that salvation has lovingly afforded them. After all, what is salvation without the guilt to guide it?

Faith: not wanting to know what is true. Friedrich Nietzsche


The Christ Interesting fact, the word Pharisee (meaning to separate) is Persian in origin, and Persia, better known as Iran, is the home to the Zarathushtrian: a religious sect which is not only linked to Christianity, but to the Dead Sea Scrolls as well. History has shown us that near the end of the Seconds Temple the Christians, as well as the Pharisee, both chose to separate from Jewish Law, having done so under the protection of the Flavian Dynasty. Do you really think that this was a coincidence, especially given that they all ended up in Rome? I think that if you were actually honest with yourself, you would realize that Jesus (Iesvs) was created by the Pharisee for the sole purpose of helping them separate from Jewish Law. After all, did Jesus not tell you to observe and do as the Pharisees told you? How could Christianity be anything but the teachings of the Pharisee? The reality is, that if Jesus did exist, and he wasn’t just an allegory used to describe the Sun’s resurrection on the horizon, thus marking the start of the Winter Solstice, then he would have most certainly been the coup d’état of the Pharisee. Meaning he would have been trained, scripted, and financed by the Pharisee for the sole purpose of helping separate from the Sadducee and the Essenes. Either way, no one can deny that this deception would have been a lucrative win for both parties—as it


still is today. This is the very reason why Pope Leo X said, “What profit has not that fable of Christ brought us?” Therefore, the fact is, whether you want to admit it or not, Iesvs (earth pig) was either the fall guy of the Pharisees, or an astrological observance based on the Sun. Not the righteous fairy tale you have made him out to be.

I.N.R.I: This earthly pig is King of the Jews (Latin) ∞ What I find even more perplexing is the graven image wrapped around your neck: I am of course referring to the cross itself. This combined with the human etching of God, embedded in the mind when the word itself is spoken—replacing one’s true enlightenment with the shackles of prosperity and servitude, does nothing more than relinquish one’s psyche over to the hysterical influences of the majority, ultimately severing our divinity. Fact: God is light, and only light, neither human nor idol. All things are bound by energy, all energy is light, all things are One, and most importantly, all things are God. There is no religion for a truth such as this.


The Liberator Enough about Jesus let’s talk about Moses. Moses is often regarded as having written the five books of the Torah, more commonly referred to as the Old Testament. The problem is that no one can prove that he ever existed. In order to figure out where Moses came from, we are forced to take a better look at the seat in which Moses ruled. The Pharisee, said to have surfaced around the time of the Second Temple (515BCE-70CE), were faced with a decision. With their empire in decline, the Persian Empire (464-330BC), they had to decide on how they wished to survive. I don’t know about you, but I think I would have done just as they did. I would have migrated to Jerusalem, and become a member of the Second Temple. It was either this, die in battle, become a slave, or starve. Seems like a pretty limited future to say the least. Once at the Second Temple, whom do you think these Pharisee would have come in contact with? Perhaps the descendants of those to whom they had once defeated in battle: The Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, and Akkadians? An easy summation at this point would be to say, for these groups to survive, they had to cultivate their ancestral teachings into a religion in which all could agree. A prime example of these teaching would have come from the Epic of Gilgamesh.


In one part of this epic it says that Sargon the Great was placed in a reed basket by his mother, who was a High Priestess in the Temple of Ishtar; which is the foundation of Easter. He was then floated down the Euphrates River, and was rescued by an irrigation worker named Akki; who later adopted him as her own. Sounds a lot like the story of Moses to me. Sargon is also said to have been the very first Semite. Unfortunately, however it is said that his genetic line does not match that of a modern Jews, as it is said that he would have been a Caucasoid. So whom then does the Bible consider as having been a false Jew? Is it a modern Jew? Or is it those who have two masters: those who worship both Moses and Jesus? Not to be off putting, but modern Christians have never been afforded the ability to separate from Jewish law, as most are not even Jewish. Yet for some reason they cling to the Ten Commandments…ignoring the fact that a Pharisee are Jewish, whose sect strictly follows the laws of Moses i.e. the Ten Commandments? And what about Noah and the Great Flood…it too can be found in the pages of the Epic. It’s almost as if every Christian in the world considers historical texts to be outright lies. Just because the names were changed doesn’t mean that the stories themselves haven’t been stolen. And just because all their actions were not identical, doesn’t mean that the Church didn’t pick out


the good parts from each belief system and craft a deity to their liking, thus giving the illusion of originality. Even worse is that of the Exodus. Some say it was the Hyksos, others say it was the followers of Akhenaton. You could even go out on a limb and say that it was the Akkadians, after the Gutian Army all but wiped them out in 2150BCE. That’s right—the Akkadians. Think about this, an age is roughly 2150 years. Aside from the defeat of King Ur-Utu, what else would have happened during this time period? It was around this same time that we transitioned into the celestial age of Aries, represented with the blowing of the Shofar: or ram’s horn. And what age preceded that of Aries? The Age of Taurus: symbolized as the golden calf or Apis Bull. Oh, and we can’t forget about the Persian/Iranian homeland in which Moses fled too: a place called Madian, sometimes referred to as Median—not to be confused with Midian. The fact is…whether it is Sargon the Great, Cyrus the Great, King Ur-Utu or even Akhenaton…Moses is nothing more than a culmination of various leaders, all of which existed dozens, if not centuries apart. To say that Moses was an actual person, or that he wrote the Torah, is an insult. ∞ I would like to point out; there are those who view the messiah as being that of the lamb, represented as he who is born in under the sign of Aries: The God of War.


What they ignore is that each age has its own messiah— glorifying the age itself, a fact most overlook. With the Age of Aquarius close at hand, I believe I would be looking for a Water Bearer. I however am a Sagittarius, and this Satyrs’ house is far away. What? I didn’t say we couldn’t influence—did I?


The Pagan It is a man’s own mind, not his enemy or foe, which lures him to evil ways. Buddha Now-Now! I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking that this is where I start talking about the Quran. That this is where I point out, by Allah’s own admission, that the Quran is a polytheistic based text, thus contradicting the beacon of salvation that so many serial killers have deemed “the pinnacle of inspiration.” I guess that’s what happens when you pluralize words like “creator.” I mean it’s not like we’re talking about the Bible when it says, “He has become as one of US, to know good from evil.” Yeah me! And it’s not like the Catholic Church hasn’t excommunicated and killed people like Alberto Rivera for writing books which state that the Catholic Church is responsible for the teachings of Muhammad. Or that it was the Church who created the Quran for the sole purpose of helping them to reclaim their ancestral homeland of Jerusalem. Sadly, I must go in another direction, one opposite of these pedophile prophets, priests, and Imam who seem to have spent their lives treating the wickedness of man as if though it were a divine righteousness. The direction


I must go is to that of the Pagans. After all, if I have to side—I side with them. Aside from being a great name for a fighter pilot, Pagan comes from the Latin word Paganus: meaning country-dweller. I find it extremely odd how these simple “country-dwellers” came to be viewed as such Satanic harbingers of doom. The world of herbology must be quite a vicious practice indeed to invoke such an onslaught of retribution and terror. After all, for God to set aside one Gods own commandments just to deal with these “heathen” —it must of been just dreadful. God can’t have nature worshippers prancing around honoring the house of the lord: hunting, growing crops and cannabis, using tinctures and salts to heal the sick and then refusing to pay taxes—who could suffer such wickedness? Thank goodness for the Catholic Church, who knows what kind third world riffraff would be lurking in the shadows waiting to molest our children had Prima Nocta not been established. Those poor pagans, god came on them as a thief in the night taking everything they owned. Strikingly odd don’t you think, that god can steal from god’s own self? If only god would have created all things, then what a glorious god he would be. Ah, but alas this trifling trickster of a god is left to steal from everyone but the crown jewels of the Monotheistic Church, Synagogue and Mosque. Verily, children of god they must be. For


who would have thought, “God”—the original gangster? The Borgia’s would be so proud. I can only imagine what Muhammad thinks about all of this. I’m sure if he wasn’t diddling little children before I sure bet he is now, doing anything he can to heal his fragile little mind. If only Muha-ha-ha-hammed would have gotten baptized by Joseph Smith! Then they could have both celebrated over “cocktails” and nine-year-old little girls. Indeed, peace and love for all, whether you want it or not—cause that how God roles. I know asshole—I’m the evil swine of the infidel. Maybe we’ll all get lucky and see Muhammad get raped by a stuffed teddy bear. Wouldn’t that make for a swell T-Shirt? “Nothing says luv’n like whole lotta stuffin’.”

The whole religious complexion of the modern world is due to the absence from Jerusalem of a lunatic asylum. Thomas Paine


The Keys The public is wonderfully tolerant, it forgives everything except genius. Oliver Wilde

Now that I have your attention, I suppose I should make my intentions clear. I am what one might call a key holder, just as Hermes was before me when he wrote the Emerald Tablet, so shall I be now. You see, these keys, the ones in which your savior would claim, they are better known as the Keys of Death and Hades. How does that old saying go, “There is nothing new under the Sun?” As ecclesiastical as my sunny nuances might be, these particular keys are of a very rare sort, so much so, that they are only passed down once or twice in an age.


So if I might offer a bit of advice, give these pearls the respect they deserve. Do this, or have your very existence eviscerated upon the pages of history. And trust me, wiser men than I will see to it, for I have given them much and they me—little.

All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo


The Lock With the battle over the flesh and mind now waged, our next step is to split the Keys. As most know, the number 333 is linked to the builders: those better known as the Freemasons. And the more obvious 666 is linked to the Christians: the spiritual slave traders who would rally no less than a third of man. While the various texts of the Monotheist are left to craft a battlefield in the mind of men, the age old war between heaven and hell, the age old war in the minds of all men. The Freemasons made it so man would marvel at the works of his fellow brethren, inspiring lesser men to ravage the Earth so that they too might have a piece of the divine. And in turn, to ease the echoes of their newly found insanity, Monotheistic Priests would ask for but a simple tithe; exalting a righteous Amen, and healing the fickle mind. Yes, the road to hell is indeed…paved with good intentions. What I find odd is that you actually believe that good intentions will carry no ill will, or even so much as a modicum of consequence. Why do you believe such a ridiculous scenario? Is it because prayer and forgiveness: the second guessing of one’s own path…has convinced you that in order to escape responsibility, accountability,


and more importantly sin, that all one need do is mutter to one’s self and that God will hear? …a casual stroll through an insane asylum indeed. To think, you sit here in all your glory, proving to me and all, that the meaning of life hinges only on the ability to kill the planet for profit. And you actually think that prayer will be your crutch to enlightenment—what a divine conduit you must be. Feel free to reply to this however, you wish, but the evidence overshadows any-and-all beliefs that you may have on the subject. And I have no doubt that James Joyce would agree, “It is your actions—and not your words my little monkey—your actions which have proven these words just and true. The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. Marcus Aurelius It is has been said that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world that he didn’t exist. I find this to be untrue. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world that man’s law was gods will. And it was such an easy trick—for you all seem to think God’s law is man’s will.


The Mark We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell. Oscar Wilde Shall we proceed? Yes, indeed we must, for I feel I have been too lax. What is it that we shall continue with I wonder—perhaps a limerick—something classy about a goose sipping wine? No-no I have it—The Mark of the Beast. I suppose this is where I deliver a “Revelation!” But first, when someone leaves their mark on you, is it a physical mark or a psychological one? Me, I personally tend to lean toward the psychological, but what do I know? I am but a homeless fool and layman. If you want, you can go to the center of the keys and pull out the “hex mark,” but I don’t think the Jews would like that too much. As emotions go, it might get their little yam micas in a bunch, voiding any-and-all truths that one may have on the subject. Perhaps Marie Laveau would have understood?



Nonetheless, let he who hath the wisdom count the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man… wait, I should stop right there. I’m pretty sure they may have made error with this particular translation. I believe an “A” was added when it shouldn’t have been. I believe it would have read better like this, “For it is the number of man, and his number is six and three score six.” There, that’s better…don’t you think? Moving on, the next question is whether or not the mark is in the hand or in the forehead? Like with most pictures, I feel the Keys are worth a thousand words. While there are multiple concepts as to why the right hand is important, or why it is that the forehead is important, most of these being reflected in Sacred Geometry, I will give you only a single perspective at this point in time, so as to not confuse you with an area of study that you are not familiar with. Now given that, our target audience is that of both rich and poor—young and old—how exactly does one encompass them all? Well that’s simple…the Mark of the Beast is the Basic Number System. You feel free to think about that for a minute. You see, it is thought that if “God” had a language, that it would be Math. I cannot think of a single thing that man can do without it. Reflect upon this, the human face as well as the human hand, both utilize Euclid’s Golden Ratio: Phi 1.618… Genetically speaking however, man’s more


dominate hand is that of the right. Not only is this right hand used as an instrument of expression and measurement, as it relates to the everyday creations, it also reflects the universal spirals of nature itself. The architectural spiral of said hand was initially rediscovered by the Meru Foundation. Unlike the spiral of their model, my interpretation of this spiral is mathematically in tune with Euclid’s 1.618. The Greeks on the other hand, view this Golden Ratio as a reflection of one’s beauty. Similar to the bones of the hand, the distance between one’s facial features holds the primary focus. And let us not forget, the frontal lobes are where all problem solving is done. When the hand and mind joined, we get the tinkering and logic that is man’s curiosity: expressed not only in cunning and savagery, but in artistic aptitude and personal inspiration as well. So, as it stands, if math is Gods language, and God created all that we know, wouldn’t destroying the works of God, through the use of said language, mean that we have not only placed ourselves before and above God, but wouldn’t this also mean that we have in fact chosen Mammon, ourselves, over God? Don’t be too hard on yourself of course, just think about all the industrial ingenuity the world has seen from


your blatant disregard for the obvious. Sure, we may have killed a few million Natives: fifty-nine million to be exact, if Floyd “Red Crow” Westerman is to be believed. And who cares that the Native way of life was one that had gotten over the Mark of the Beast? I mean after all, what would this world be without toilet paper, showers, clothes, and a nice little heater to keep us warm on a cold winter’s night? If it at all helps, you can take solace in the work of Victor Hugo when he says, “An intelligent hell is better than a stupid paradise.” Yeah, you deserved that, I mean you do you know, two thousand years of oppression all for a fucking Pope and a bunch of pedophile followers who systematically tells everyone that they are right and that everyone else is wrong—what did you think was going to happen? Truly, Shakespeare is right, “Hell is empty—all the devils are here” —reading this book. ∞ I can hear it now, some Roman soldier said to the other, “You know, Jesus—he’s a swell guy—let’s go kill that son-of-a-bitch.”


The Word Is that the locust I hear whispering in my ear, shall tears of fire drip from my swollen eye, will the teeth at my throat bring forth a devilish croak? May pity fall upon you holy one, ye who would glorify a book plagued with savagery and madness as if thou it was divine providence. Ye who would pretend to know the mind the God, while ignoring the fact that the God of your Bible has killed millions. Yes—that is right my friend, claim that personal relationship with your one true god, and then follow the guidelines of another in order to receive it. Tell me, do you now despise yourself enough to be considered a disciple of Christ? Or do you choose to ignore that little piece of scripture as well? Fight my words all you want, but know this, forth from the abyss came the light: the prince of darkness, the prince of light. Forth from that single seat did all arise: that place from where the ones and zeros came, like two dimensions in a never-ending battle of love. Forth from the abyss came the song of creation: the vibration that would be seen as the word, gracing itself upon all the elements of man, so much, so that solidity itself would be seen as a mere mist in the trees. What an illusion it must have been for you to know that upon all things rested the name of God, and still you


saw no qualm with taking them in vain. As if, saying Goddamn was somehow an inelegant substitute for the actions of man. I can only hope that you now realize that the taking from, and the adding too, as it relates to the word of god, is the very work of man itself; truly— heaven into hell…man’s only religion! ∞ Atheist! Did you really think that a philosophical objection to God would somehow mask your part in the Earth’s destruction? Or that you would somehow escape the energy of each and every morsel of light that is life?

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever. George Orwell


The Birth Perhaps we should take a better look at this “Heaven” of yours. I believe it was Jesus who said, “Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God.” Well—that is a fascinating thought isn’t it? A man has to be born of the waters and of the spirit; I suppose the word “conceived” was a bit too forward. Tell me, am I destined to be reborn unto the waters, from the waters, passing through the Gates of Heaven as child—well ladies—am I? I mean after all; we dwell in the house of the lord forever don’t we? Wouldn’t be much of second coming if we didn’t—now would it? If it all helps you can call me that old serpent, and when the time comes—cast me to the wilderness. If only a newborn child could speak. I bet it would go like this, “Oh my, what fresh hell is this. I was a piece of firmament cast into the waters, and then all of a sudden, there was this great flood. As if, I were in a reed basket flowing down the river of deceit. I came forth into the light, and now I feel something strange in my bones, in my very DNA, something animalistic; a duality of seven as it were. And now I can’t help but wail…where is my


Fascinating, the universe being viewed as a womb? What a horrid implication, this would mean that the


Immaculate Conception was nothing more than a creation story used to describe the very birth of the universe: the only Sun of God indeed. Here let me stroke that spine for you. You will call on the Son of God; I will point out that the Son of God is that of the Universe. Then I will point out that our bodies are made of stardust, thus showing that God does in fact dwells within us. Then we can all agree that we dwell in God, as we are in fact children of the universe: Children of Light. Does that make you feel better? Yes, coochie coochie coo to you too. ∞

Mark Miller from Brandeis University stained a slice from a mouse’s brain. He found that the neuron cells (two red and one yellow) were near identical to the evolution of the universe. A simulation conducted by the Virgo Consortium for Cosmological Simulations.


The Fish Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well. Aristotle If only I were a fisher of men, nay a Fisher King, but alas, I am lost like a puppy on a flyer, having been placed on a post like a long lost savior. What a journey this is, shall we continue with a walk upon the waters? Shall we cast our net into the oceans deep and bring forth that old beast? Shall we claim the crowns of seven…validating the completion of man? Indeed, but sadly, the black mark cast across my name leaves little choice. Therefore, it is here that I must defy Plato; I must open the doors of the temple and teach those who cannot see, and those who cannot hear. I must pry open the third eye of man, and lay before it a blueprint of creation. Like the masters of old, I sit before you, not to teach one how to want, that’s a job best left for parents and politicians. I sit here to help teach one about their place in the halls of creation. The most complicated task a man can ask of himself is to explain creation in such a way that even a child can understand. Does one start with light as


Nikola Tesla might? Perhaps the spark is a wiser choice? Or maybe even the Zero Dimension? Don’t worry, I intend to cover them all, but to do so, I must make my point about sacred geometry, beginning with an area all are sure to grasp…water.



The Craft Confusion heard his voice, and wild uproar stood ruled, stood vast infinitude confined; till at his second bidding darkness fled, light shone, and order from disorder sprung. John Milton



The Water Water, the lifeblood of our existence, has proven itself a living entity. All skepticism aside, when one introduces a kind, loving, inspirational word or sound, water reacts in such a way that geometric shapes are expressed. In the ancient world hymns, rituals, and even meditation rituals have been created in order to compliment these geometric emotions. Then one day these practices led to the rediscovery of the tri-tone: a set of musical tones used in the healing of one’s mind and body. Offended by this Pagan enlightenment, the Catholic Church demonized the use of these tones by labeling them, “The Devils Interval.” In hopes of deterring any future discoveries, the Church then altered the Solfeggio Scale, masking the Intervals true origin. Here we can see the ultimate goal of these tones; this fractal is better known as The Diamond Body: a harmonization of both mind and body into a single state. As you gaze upon this recreated version of Ananda Bosman’s


crystallized body of God, want you to notice the apex just above the head, this is known as the seventh chakra: the Hindu flame of invisible light. In Christianity, this chakra is symbolized through the wearing of a Biretta: a hat with a fuzzy ball on top worn by the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and Anglican clergy. Also, if you look just above the sixth chakra, which resides over the Pineal Gland (the cave), you will find the very reason why the Catholic Church places a cross on the forehead of its parishioners to commemorate Ash Wednesday. One might even consider this cross to be the symbolic Mark of the Beast! Even more intriguing is the pattern, which emerges from within the Diamond Body: The Keys of Death and Hades. Tell me, “Where exactly do you think your Holy Water comes from— these living waters of yours?” If only the Kingdom of Heaven were within. Consequently, however, negative words and sounds do not create geometric shapes. So I ask you this, “If the word of god is love, and if loving words and sounds create geometric shapes within water, and we, like the planet…are made up of mostly water, why then are Monotheistic texts filled with such malice and strife?”


Would these emotions not destroy any-and all hopes that one might have in creating this living fractal? Would this not only sever ones link to nature, but to the works of God as well? And what do we call those who strive to maintain this connection? That’s right, Pagan! I think people should consider that the works of God; more commonly recognized as monotheistic texts, are not divine at all. The way their knowledge has been hidden reflects a mentality of those who are not only manipulative, but petty and cruel as well. It is they who have manipulated the word of God, in fear that those such as ME would expose their tyranny. What all this should tell you is that if the word of God is love, and if love is reflected in the very design of our being, then the philosophical and spiritual crippling brought about by Monotheism is nothing more than a financial tactic used to ensure the livelihood of the Pharisee—not the wisdom of its followers. Indeed, you have fallen victim to the father of lies. But I suppose it never occurred to you that telling the truth would in fact make one the father of lies—did it?

“There is no heresy or no philosophy which is so abhorrent to the Church as a human being.” James Joyce



The Vesica Art is the tree of life. Science is the tree of death. William Blake Perhaps I should bring a few things to light, things that directly involve water and its use in religion? To begin we will examine one of the most basic of all designs: the Vesica Piscis. The Vesica Piscis in Latin means Bladder of the Fish. It is viewed as having being the first act of consciousness, as well as the first act of separation: a separation whose vibratory attributes extend throughout all of creation. An example of this separation on a celestial scale comes to us from the body in which Hubble named “The Hour Glass Nebula.” Originally thought to be the Eye of Anubis, the geometry held within the almond reflects the same number of fish as mentioned in John: 21. Biblically speaking, this


measurement was used by Pythagoras to find the √3: 265/153. *If you would like a more in-depth description on the √3 (1.7320), then you might do well to read: Jesus Christ the Sun of God by David Fideler. His book delves into the hidden geometries within Monotheism, reflecting its Masonic and Gnostic origins. Just imagine, mankind using the Vesica Piscis to explain creation. Would this not explain stories like Jonah and the whale? Would this almond not be the mouth of the whale? Would Jonah not be in God? For are we not Stardust? Sadly, the Gnostic were killed for teaching what I have shown you thus far. What more proof does one need? Can one not see that the servants of god are nothing more than charlatans? Does this not prove that their interpretation of the Bible is that of false prophets? I suppose convincing the brainwashed masses of a truth their delusion did not create is more than a man can hope for? So let us examine how it was that Jesus was able to walk on water. This is known as the water molecule. Obtained from the book Occult Chemistry: written by C.W. Leadbeater and Annie Besant. And before you go pulling your hair out, know


that the word occult means hidden, not Satan’s fuzzy little bunny. Upon further examination of this water molecule, one will notice a numbered pathway. This pathway is more commonly known as the firmament. Similar to that of Yggdrasil, this firmament can be found on the first page of Genesis. Next we will merge this water molecule with that of the Vesica Piscis. As you can see, the Vesica Piscis has evolved from its original state, relinquishing its true Pagan heritage. Joining these two pentagrams is the Cross of Loraine, the Christian Cross, the double square, Aleister Crowley’s Unicursal Hex, and lastly, in honor of the unknown drafter, my version of Pythagoras’ three triangles, in what I call, “The Kings Chamber.” All that one need do now is overlap the “perimeter” of the Kings Chamber with that of the water molecule. Keep in mind however, that the geometry of the page rarely ever fits the geometry of


nature; as the flowers, the sea shells, and the trees have all proven. In a secondary view however, the firmament is better described as a column: similar to the left and right-handed spiral of DNA, or even the cathode and anode of Sir Walter Russell’s Wave Cycle—, which is fitting. The remaining piece of the question is this, “Where is Jesus?” As many know, the Jesus Fish (Yoni) is one of the most widely recognized symbols of all time. The downside is that very few accept its origin. They deny any possible claim that it might have to the two pentagrams of Pagan lore. But, as you can see here, found in the center of the Kings Chamber, is that of the Jesus Fish. It doesn’t take much of an imagination to connect what I have laid out does it? I suppose one could even say that Baptism itself was also born of the Occult—that’s probably because it was.


So, if you’ve been paying attention, you now realize why Jesus was hung on the cross, and if you take the tails off of the fish itself, you get your little reed basket, flowing down the River Taijitu. Yeah I know, I’m so fucking awesome I make puppies jealous. However, as I said, this knowledge has been around for some time, and was widely taught by the Gnostic until the Catholic Church had them all hunted and killed. ∞ One might compare what happened to the Gnostic in much the same way as what happened to the Mandaeans; who in 2003, were all but killed off in the Iraqi War; ninety percent to be precise. Which is odd considering that ninety percent of all Mandaeans lived in Iraq! Basically meaning—they were all killed off.

This is not a coincidence.

This makes more sense when you realize that Mandaeism is a Gnostic form of Christianity. It makes one wonder why the World Trade Centers were really attacked doesn’t it? I believe it was the media who labeled this attack, a “Holy War.” And now we know exactly what they meant—don’t we?! Yeah, I got a lot of brass! What? Don’t you like the Monster you created?


In a modified version of David Hatcher Childress’ ley line map, I am left to wonder, if I add Atlanta Georgia, would you find it odd that four out of five cities on this sister ley line have been attacked? I would, that’s why I told the mayor of Philadelphia, and got a visit from the FBI for my trouble. At least I think it was the FBI. He seemed a little sketchy to me.


The Child Albert Einstein wrote, “If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.” Is this what we have become? Those who would separate themselves from their own mind so that an idiot religion can flourish with the rationality of those who can be seen as nothing more than megalomaniacs and sociopaths? Tell me, do you think that if you follow these types of people that it will make you one of God’s chosen? I personally do not believe in a chosen people. To say that you are chosen is to say that all others are of a lesser quality. Therefore, by extension you have openly admitted that your God is fallible, for what else could those denied be but imperfect things? It’s sad, man cannot be told of his own mind, and those that are, cannot claim a mind of their own, thus my discrepancy with the men of god. For they read, “Let your yes mean yes, and your no mean no, all else is evil,” and yet they still seem to think that they can preach to others about what is right and wrong, not realizing that the conversation itself is what is evil? I wonder what ever happened to the true philosophy of one’s own individual expression? What ever happened to the temple being found within? After all, God will not protect you from Gods own creations. Nor will God


second-guess these creations to supplement your shortcomings. How did such an assimilated idea become that of a personal relationship? Oh—right, you have faith: vanity, arrogance, and ego built on the beliefs of others and their opinion of second hand knowledge. So much for the seeking of God huh, I guess personal relationships aren’t all that important after all; so long as you got a mob at your back and money in your pocket that is. Pathetic.


The Kore Rising from the waters, our second area of sacred geometry is known as the Panthian Kore. The Kore itself is a culmination of various waves and electrical processes, which reflect the Zohar’s imperceptible point. In this book of Jewish mysticism, it says that “God” began as/by creating an imperceptible point: otherwise known as the Zero Dimension. • It also states that it was “Gods” own thought, and with this thought, “God” began to construct a mysterious and holy form: otherwise known as the Panthian Kore.


In truth, this Kore is no different from that of you or me, a mere synapse of godly expression, bound to the light, forever and ever… immortal. Know thy self, only then will you see, that all is one, and that one is God; only then will you claim the title of Panthian: a universal witness of light/God, witnessing the guiding mind of all matter. Only then will you become a true universal observer, witnessing all that is and ever will be, a true child of light. Nevertheless, be weary in your pursuit, and let this not go to your head, as Russell and his Illuminati Bloodline have. They have forgotten that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. You have neither the ability to become, nor the ability to comprehend, all that is God. These are but vain attempts designed by the righteous to subdue lesser minds into a Sabbath of slavery. Remember this the next time you try to create DNA from light. You have never been, nor will you ever be—a God…no matter what the Book of John says. You are nothing more than a single drop in a sea of emotion: a mere synapse of godly expression, nothing more and certainly nothing less. ∞ In this next section we will begin to dissect the Panthian Kore, breaking it down into various waves so that we might be able to better understand the communication between the waves themselves.


Unlike others, I will try not to confuse you with the stillness of light, or the illusion of motion. I see no need to contradict the foundation of our senses: the five instruments of light; the five cups of the physical, feeding the spiritual with illumination. Halt in the Balance, in the stillness of this thought, align the two, and gather your senses, for we are here, in the Cave of the Third Eye.

As you can see, the Panthian Kore has within its structure a system of electro-magnetic waves emanating from a central core. This is more commonly viewed as Earths electro-magnetic field. When these fields are express as lenses; pulsing and radiating, altering ones perception, similar to that of a stereographic painting, we are given the ability to perceive both color and texture. When sound is then added, pulsing at the speed of light, these five senses allow us to perceive the stacking of each holographic plate; plates which represent the body of each individual elemental structure.


∞ The next set of waves are known as atomic orbitals. The purpose of these orbitals is to create a mathematical function: inputs and outputs used to describe the wavelike behavior that an electron has within an atom. It might do one well however, to view this particle as the foundation of Prime Matter, what is more commonly known to Physicist as 6Pz. Shocker, I know!

*While on the subject of elements, I would like to stray for a moment and mention Descartes. He stated that light was made up of waves, but these waves had to have a medium, a medium in which he called Aether. It is my belief that this medium exists within the “electron” itself. Since energy cannot be destroyed, the lowering of frequencies allows the remaining waves to become a vibrational static…or fluid, which then replenishes the electron once the energy is released. Essentially this means that the Aether acts like a plasma (the fourth state of matter), allowing the waves to regenerate once


the light has been expelled. Consider how the sun produces and uses hydrogen, or how the moon affects the tides here on Earth, flowing in and out. ∞ Our third picture is what I view to be the reason behind Bells Theorem: a test which was done by John Stewart Bell to measure the spin-half of particles as they relate to a common source. Not to be out-done by the elliptical patterns established by the Doppler Effect; the Standing Wave link the two bodies together, affording them the ability to communicate over vast distances. In an overhead view we can see the pathway taken by these two bodies. Having been drawn in and repelled simultaneously, the spinhalf keeps these two bodies in perfect time: a state of perpetual motion. All that one need realize now is that future bodies may be added, changing the elemental nature of each body. This in turn supply us with a variety of signatures and frequencies, as well as elemental make-ups. ∞


Here we have my version of a holognomic fractal, discovered while researching the work of Jonathan Barlow Gee’s T4. The fractal itself reflects the various pathways within the Kore itself. These pathways can then be used to identify a specific point in an electrical signature; mapping the Time Line at various stages. Consider this, the time, intensity, and duration of electrical charges as they orchestrate the symphony that is Junk DNA. With the remaining three percent awaiting alteration, the mutation of every living creature now has the ability to evolve. If one could map out the electrical signatures of said Junk DNA, then one might be able to use this same procedure to map out the electrical pathways leading up to a specific point in the Earth’s electro-magnetic frequency.


One should note these same principals have been given to the theory of evolution as well, which is said to not exist. However, through human interference, the ability to evolve is achievable with viruses, such as the Zika virus, or even something as innocuous as Wi-Fi. British weapons researcher Barrie Trower stated in an interview that Wi-Fi has the ability to alter the mitochondrial DNA in the ovaries of developing fetus, as well as small children. This arrangement usually goes unchanged, and is traceable back to the beginning of one’s ancestral line. I guess it goes without saying, everything that the government says is safe—actually contributes to our demise. Yep, were just one big science project.

Seek Simper Tetanus.



The Altering The eye altering, alters all. William Blake I once came across an obituary of woman to whom I had once known. It stated that she had been in the hospital for days, and had died from respiratory complications. Then, one day, a year or so later, I found out that the same woman had been found dead in a field, under her maiden name. It was stated that the FBI was investigating the death. Perhaps, I just felt bewitched, and I took that spider in my fist and forced a change! I’m evil like that. ∞ Another instance involves a fence at a local college. One day I was walking into the community center and to my left was a soccer field. At the end of this field there was a goal; having no fence behind it. A few months later I walking along and I looked and there it was. I couldn’t understand how they had gotten it up so quickly, without me noticing, as I was there every day. Time went by, and I noticed it was gone. Then a few months later, it was back—and then gone again. Until one day, they actually started to build it. ∞ What all this tells me is that someone is altering our reality for his or her own gain. Let me explain. About


fifteen years ago, I had the notion to get up and drive to New Orleans. When I get there, I start walking the Quarter. I must have walked around for fourteen hours, thinking that someone would intervene on my behalf. Thinking back, I suppose one could say they did, I however, was not intelligent enough to see it. Needless to say I left the next day, selling my truck, in order to buy a bus ticket home. While on the bus, I came across a girl. I liked her, so I kissed her. She asked, “Why did you do that?” I said, “Because I thought I could.” During our time on the bus, she explained how she had lost her license, how her dad had bought her a horse, that he was a struggling golf pro, and a variety of other things, all of which I have now long forgot. Reaching our layover point, she asked me to come home with her. Thinking back, I probably should of went, however I didn’t entirely trust her, as I got the distinct feeling she was transporting drugs. Using me to take her bag off the bus, and disappearing to the shadows…waiting to see if I would be arrested, I kind of felt it was a safe bet. Then, roughly five years later, living in my van, and not down by the river, but in a church parking lot, a cop who went to the Church decided he would be a nosey prick, as I had refused the Churches help. Needless to say—I got arrested for a dime bag of weed, receiving ninety days in jail, and escaping the worst winter in years.


Incarcerated for only a week, I was granted work release. After a month or so on the program, the guys in my unit decided to spent a half hour throwing horseshit at one another. Unlike the story of Horus however, I chose not participate. It was then, as we were walking around the track that an old man walked up. He stated that he tried to give me a Jeep (the girls’ vehicle) and a white horse. Thinking back to the time on the bus I stated, “One day the Dragons gonna get up, and then you’re all fucked!” Yes, I believe that this individual was somehow responsible for meddling with my path. Unfortunately for them, I have always refused as much of it as possible, as it has never felt natural, always muddied and ill conceived at every turn. And given the state of our world, if these “Masters of Time” do exist, then I can say first hand, they are doing a piss poor job. And I know what you’re thinking, ‘this guy is bat-shit crazy.’ However, I want you to think back to others like Nikola Tesla and Sir Isaac Newton. They too spoke of assistance from outside forces; only they described them as being Alien…and it wasn’t all in my head, was it my brother from a doppelganger mother? The reality is, if we can’t learn from our own mistakes, then we deserve to fall—plain and simple. This earth is designed to self-regulate, self-evolve, and selfeliminate. And if we, in our arrogance and ignorance can’t


respect the Earth, then we deserve to go extinct. It’s time we starting living with the Earth, not against it.


The Line The Superior man is distressed by the limitations of his ability; he is not distressed by the fact that men do not recognize the ability that he has. Confucius Yes, indeed, a line in the sand has been drawn, separating you and I like two great foes: that of angel and beast. Truly, I forgive your gnashing of teeth, for what else can be expected of toiler such as I? Having but to craft my whole; here among the ones and zeros, the positive and negative, even more so, the male and female…the Kore, having been split, creating the hardest button, is left to forge the Line of the First Universal Dimension, separating the minds of all.

To understand the various stages of this separation, we must first address its magnetic motivation. When the Zero Dimension chose to duplicate itself; resulting in the “First Dimension,” the two bodies became an exact mirror of one another. What this means is that when they separated, the magnetic positive of each body was facing its counterpart, from


here they were forced to repel, creating a line. Recording this process is that of the holographic plate: The Second Universal Dimension, centered in the almond of the develop-ing structure. As this cell-ular division takes place, we find that four addi-tional dimensions are created. This being due to the geometry of the Vesica Piscis, as well as the internal compression of the separating vac-uum: expressed by the realms of awareness and in the magnetic charge of the Zero and First Dimension. It is at this point that we realize the hologra-phic plate has created a magnetic stillness, bring-ing our line to a halt. As we observe this Third Universal Dimension, we realize that the male and female tetrahedrons are now reflecting


the two flames of the eternal truth: or the hall of two truths. Mapping out the holographic plates’ magnetic stillness, is that of a sine wave. From a side view, we can see that the pathway itself provides us with the illu-sion of motion, revealing the true nature of the Widow’s Son. ∞ Now tasked with their return, we must apply a mechanical motion to the Zero and Firsts’ geometric structure, a practice which has been long forgot. Having been brought to a halt, the First Dimension is now manipulated into rotation: revolving from that of a positive to that of a negative. Having each adopted a solid body, the apexes journey back to the source, separating the Rib of Adam: or the First Tone of creation: the two sticks: or the two strings of the Erhu. As this is done we find that in the wake of their return, the Zero and First Dimension have spawned two additional dimensions: The Seventh and Eighth Dimension. It is here that we notice that an electric sine wave has


formed; this is due to the ridged nature of the solids themselves and the magnetic flip of the First dimension. Should you study the work of Ed Leedskalnin you will find that this is true.

Similar to that of the Kiddush Cup; this Martini of Fishes, albeit tilted, establishes what is known as the Electric Sine Wave, that of the East and West. ∞

When it comes to our line, the definition states that a line can be either straight or curved. What I find interesting, is that when both lines are combined, they reflect a pattern that is more commonly linked to that of DNA splicing.


The Wire Next, we will examine the sine waves mentioned in the previous chapter. We will start by pointing out that as one sine wave runs North and South, along the holographic plate, the other runs in a perpendicular fashion, East and West, connecting the holographic plates. Most will see these sine waves as each being a single current, running only in a single direction. However, if you read Ed Leedskalnin’s Magnetic Currents, you will learn that the sine waves, as described by Ed, run in both directions at the same time, having been split in half, like so, as well as a spiraling fashion.

Here we have my version of a magnetic lattice. If one were to consider that a holographic plate exists for each electrical body: electron, proton, neutrino, etc…then one


could say that all the elements, when viewed as having their own holographic plate, reflect what is more commonly known as the “Book of God.” For all you debating Loop Quantum Gravity and String Theory, consider this; the electro-magnetic breathing and flexing. As a whole, these little springs of energy, coiling and stretching, are nothing more than threads linking the holographic plates. After all, is energy not elastic? Maybe science would learn a little more if they combined some of their theories. They view things in a single painting format, when a triptych would have been better.


The Star The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently. Friedrich Nietzsche Oh yes, twinkle twinkle my little stars, and maybe just maybe, you will be seen through the forest of light as something special. So much so, that the ticks and leeches; those who have spent their lives serving you up on a plate, will abandon their meal for another day. In our last installment, I left you with the creation of two sine waves, as well as the foundation of vibration. What I neglected to discuss, was the structure in which these two spheres create. As you can see, the structure itself is not stable; however, this does not mean that this arrangement is not beneficial. In the book: The Universal One, Walter Russell observed these electrical and magnetic forces by labeling them the Cones of Energy. Thinking back to the creation of our last sine wave. The electrical sine wave running East to West forces the sine wave of the North and South to expand. This is achieved through the offset of the tetrahedrons and their


complimentary placement. The slight spiraling of the North and South is carried out by this displacement, a spiraling that can never be undone. This process is better reflected as the Seating of the Spheres, a process that forces the parent dimensions to separate. The action itself accelerates spin by exploiting the attractive pull of the gravitation and the repellent thrust of the radiation as it relates to the Northern and Southern Sine Wave. The result of this seating process leaves us with the Egg of Life, what is otherwise known as The Star Tetrahedron. Walter Russell on the other hand, might consider this the Cube of Motion, whose electrical separation is the foundation of white light.


The Doubling Before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s take a look at the architecture of the Zero and First Dimension. As we can see here, the geometry within the Kore has evolved from its original state, in what is better known as the First Doubling. It is this flower, this Iron Cross, which sets the stage for the development of piezoelectricity. This is the very same type of electricity said to have been produced by the Pyramid of Khufu, believed by some to have been an ancient power station. ∞ The most fundamental part about understanding sacred geometry is this; the arrangements of nature far exceed man’s ability to duplicate. Think of it like this, every tree, every flower, every animal has two things in common: energy and geometry. Now I ask you, “How hard do you think it would be to start from a single point of energy, explaining the geometrical process of every tree, animal, and insect in existence?” I personally don’t think anyone has it em’ to


accomplish such a wonderful task. The most I can offer however, is but a single piece…Salt. To start we must double the architecture of the Vesica Piscis, creating the Measure of Fish.

Mirror this geometry at a 90° angle, then overlap the two, and you get the cross of the Maltese. Join this cross with that of the First Doubling, and what is left is Ronald L. Holt’s diffracted electron salt crystal. I might do well to mention, it is said that he who controls Salt— controls the world.☺


The Hole As previously mentioned, the Seating of Spheres has forced the Zero and First Dimension to separate, it is from here that we must examine the internal nature of the Cube itself. Luckily, the Zero and First are still afforded the ability to evolve. So, unlike the other six dimensions, they alone have the ability to elevate their geometry. Reexamining the structural aspects of the Panthian Kore, we find that residing in the center of these two bodies is that of a black-hole-type-event. Since Black Holes have yet to be discovered, I feel I should redefine this in my own terms. Black Hole: a spherical vacuum centered within the Cones of Energy. If a Black Hole acts like the model that I have suggested, then the system of waves surrounding this hole must create a pulse between the attractive pull of its gravitation and the repellent thrust of its radiation. It is here that we are left to realize that a Black Hole is but a piece to a larger dynamic; meaning they are subject to their environment, not the other way around. This is why Black Holes have never been observed in space.


If we include the idea on how light it formed, we can then understand how it is that electrons release said energy, which is not so much as a lowering of frequencies, as much as it is a change in direction, determined by the vacuum as it pulls itself back and forth. The question that presents itself now is this, “What happens when the Zero and First Dimension separate?” When this process takes place, the Black Hole at the center meets with a cellular division, which will be pointed out, geometrically, in upcoming chapters. The separation of this cellular division opens up a spherical vacuum between the two bodies, opening a hole in the holographic plate, of which they share, this wormhole, as it may be considered, and links two dimensions within the Cube, termed as the Seating of the Spheres. The event itself will never over power said structure, if it could, then the universe would not exist, as we would have all been swallowed at the point of conception. Not to mention the fact that the energy created by the two dimensions overpowers the requirement needed to sustain said Black Hole.


The Flower For the sake of posterity, I want to show you the flower created by the First Doubling, and its relation to Ed Leedskalnin Coral Castle. If you look at the center of Ed’s motor, you will see how Ed expressed the electrical principals of the First Doubling. This is how I believe Ed, the Egyptians, and even the Mayans, moved their stone blocks. I hope that by the end of this book, I will have proven the reason for the twenty-four magnets seen surrounding this wheel, as well as the electro-magnetic weightlessness which Alan Guth contributes as to being the reason behind the expansion of the universe.

*The magnetic wheel pic is from Jon in Orlando FL. This is all the information I have.


The Jitterbug Do you ever get the feeling that if the planet had a body it would be stuck in the corner rocking back and forth like a criminal in a strait jacket? I suppose it’s poetic in a way, insomuch that the very foundation of our insanity has been predetermined by either the “Servants of God” or by the “Leaders of Industry.” For between the two of them they have taken all available beauty and placed upon it a calculated wealth, a wealth for which only the worst of the species seems worthy. I guess the most a man can do is raise a finger and say, “Fuck You” …and then do a little dance. That said, with the Zero and First Dimension now being forced apart, leaving us with the Star Tetrahedron, we must imagine if we can, the depths at which these two will go in order to reunite. To begin this quest, the two dimensions must first fall back on previous knowledge, constructing their foundational shape: the tetrahedron. This time however, the tetrahedron in which they create has two surface layers, a design rediscovered by Joseph D. Clinton. The implication of said design, proves that the dimension


themselves have now cheated on one another. I suppose it goes without saying, even in creation monogamy is impractical. The result of this betrayal, aside from that of a lesson learned, is that both the Zero and First Dimension have now gained two additional internal dimensions, for a total of six each. Here we have two classifications: the “Lover” dimensions: who have mated with the Zero and First, having been taught the slipknot as well as gravity, and the “lesser lovers:” those who have discovered the foundation of energy, adopting the role of the Zero and First, creating a spark of their own. Observing the six internal dimensions of the Zero and First, we realize that a pathway of communication has now been added; mapping out the Cartesian Coordinates, representing that of an internal slipknot. It is this spiraling communication, which creates a point of implosion. A tri-cyclical-vortex that is the basis for gravity, drawing everything to its center. Consider this, a hole in the holographic plate opens up (The Black Hole). The electrical spark emitted between the two dimensions bridges the gap between the two dimensions, filling the hole with energy. The slipknot then creates gravity by compressing the electrical charge, establishing an environment. This energy is then cycled


from the center, encompasses the pathway, ultimately completing the circuit. Essentially this is nature’s perpetual motion, based on Zero Energy. ∞ However, an alternative arrangement could also be occurring as well. The holographic plate could be drawing all six of these dimensions into a place of reflection, housing then upon the plate itself, altering the electrical aspects of the Blanket (the sine waves of North, South, East, and West). This scenario presents us with what appears to be a three-dimensional object.

The result of said formation looks just like the acoustical pattern created by the cymascope in relation to the Kings Chamber of the Khufu Pyramid. Hans Jenny would be proud, I think.


The Octahedron Next, as droll as it might be to talk about, is that of the Octahedron, otherwise known as the symbol of Air, which is more commonly linked to the chemical bonds of molecular geometry; sulfur being the most common. Fire and Brimstone anyone? Here that we must consider the evolution of the Zero and First. With their energy now contained within the Gravitational Cubes of each individual dimension, that’s to say, their newly formed slipknots, leaving us to consider the spark of the lesser lovers. When the Zero and First Dimension split from their tetrahedral mates, the Lovers, as well as the Zero and First, express themselves upon the central plane, leaving each dimension with a total of six internal dimensions. Leaving the lesser lovers to create an electrical charge for an axis. Known to fire at different lengths, the lesser lovers, similar to that of the Zero and First in the original spark, expand on the creation of different colors and sounds.


The Sri While on the subject of the Octahedron, I thought I might point out the Sri Yantra, seen in the upper half of the picture. Had this depiction not of been flawed, we would have been allowed access to both male and female pyramid. However, as you can see, the echoing of the lower plane has left the architectural aspects incomplete. In a more popular version of the Sri Yantra, you will come across this design as being depicted with two circles. One might consider these two circles as the troposphere and the stratosphere of the Earth.

In my study however, the Sri Yantra I discovered, shows that the alignment of the triangles is slightly off, resulting in a third sphere. This may in fact be the key component in cellular division, as previously mentioned


in the separation of the Zero and First and the Black Hole. This cellular slipknot is better recognized as a ring, or a crown of thorns placed around a heart in Christian symbolism. If one were to construct a spherical chain depicting this division, then one would be met with an Obelisk. This prominent figure not only found in the Egyptian culture, but in various cultures throughout the world, the Vatican being no exception.

*The stick Sri Yantra is from the Meru Foundation. The above Obelisk is a recreation observed from Dan Winter.


The Cube Ranging from Kepler’s astrolabe, to the Sefer Yetzirah, the Cube (Earth) is probably the most recognized of all the solids. In order to establish the Cube, the lesser lovers holding the spark, must now separate. The Cube that we are now presented with, distinguishes itself as having both positive and negative charge, expressed as an internal X. Here we are left to reflect on the previous, primarily piezoelectricity and Salt. As we can see, nature and creation always seem to revert to the same basic structures, as so proven by Salt and its basic structure. It is because of this we are left to consider the formation of all other crystals: the monoclinic and orthorhombic. With the holographic plate collecting information, the creation of piezoelectricity, and the structural formation of crystals, we now have a basic understanding as to how crystals hold not only electrical charge, but memory as well.


The Icosahedron The Icosahedron, more commonly known the symbol for Water, is used to represent by the Earth’s ley lines. It is thought that almost every major monolithic structure on Earth can be found on one of these nodes. The nodes themselves reflect points of natural energy. Combine these point of energy with that of the stones structures and the crystals within the stones provide us with the ability to understand how it is was that monolithic structures were built. Diverting back to the shapes itself, one now requires twelve external dimensions. It is here that the Zero and First Dimension, alongside that of the two Lover dimensions, must each spawn a new dimension. When this is done, the Zero and First Dimension line up opposite of one another, mimicking that of an axis. All that is required now is for them to push their way through the crowd.


The Cubeoctahedron As the Zero and First Dimension pushed their way through, forcing their counterparts to move around in their seats, the Cubeoctahedron, also known as the symbol of Life, takes shape. The interesting thing about this solid is the number of internal dimensions found within our new Kore, the total of which is thirteen. This is of course if you count the “Black Hole” at its center. I hope that you now realize that we have just created an envelope. This being due to the fact that the external number of dimensions is equal to that of the internal number of dimensions. What this means is that our Kore has just become our external Black Hole; circuit complete, making the Black Hole a collection of waves. So does this mean that the Kore is now folding in on itself? Expressing what can only be seen as gravity? Do we consider the various hyper solids known to express this very same behavior? Perhaps we should reflect on the work of Vincent Bridges, and realize that we have just added language to that of sound and color? If I answered, would you still seek?


The Kissing Here we see the internal complexity of the Kore, as it now has a total of six groupings. It is here that I would like to point out the Kissing Problem of Sir Isaac Newton: thirteen spheres packed together to create the Icosahedron. The problem comes when these thirteen spheres are brought together, as some of the dimensions do not always seat properly; leaving gaps between the dimensions, allowing for movement. Drawing on Judas and Jesus, Matthew stated that Judas kissed Jesus, while in Luke it was said that Judas couldn’t get close enough. It is here that we realize Newton’s kissing problem was in fact a Biblical observation, thus proving the scientific, or more to the point, the Gnostic nature of the Bible itself.


The Squaring I know what you’re thinking, “He’s not done!” For the moment I am. What I am going to show you next takes precedence over the Dodecahedron, as well as other remaining factors yet to be mentioned. What I am going to show you next comes from Leonardo da Vinci and Michael Maier, in what is better known as “The Squaring of the Circle.” In the early sixteen hundred, Michael Maier wrote a book called Atalanta Fugiens. In this book, Maier drew a series of Emblems depicting various aspects of geometry and symbolism. While each emblem is unique in its wisdom and understanding, I find myself drawn to one emblem in particular, Emblem number 21; thought to represent the Squaring of the Circle. Through much deliberation, not to mention trial and error, I discovered that the right hand of Maier was actually a symbolic gesture of where to start. It wasn’t long after this discovery that I was able to recreate his work.



And yes, as it stands in the world of mathematics, the desired sum for squaring the circle is zero. However, in 1882, contradictory to today’s educational system, Carl Louis Ferdinand von Lindemann proved that Pi is a transcendental number, not irrational; meaning that it is not the root of any known polynomial with rational coefficient, and therefore cannot be squared. Therefore, with that said, we must then figure out why Maier used such a complex and artistic formula to create one of the most elaborate puzzles. To start, I would like to point out that when I calculated the area of a circle, I used the modern value of Pi; 3.141592... This according to Archimedes is 99% accurate, contradicting the Ancient Egyptians, whose value for Pi was (22/7), 3.142587… I might also mention, that when I drew this on the computer, I did so in the exact same manner as if though it were a piece of paper. In doing so, my values may differ from those who rely on the software itself. I found that when I relied on the software, as I zoomed in, the program didn’t always place the lines or tangents properly, proving the computer was no less fallible than that of a human eye. Nevertheless, because of what Maier left behind, we now have a procedure that will allows us to make an informed comparison between both square and circle. That said, this comparison would determine one of two things. The first will be whether that Pi is correct. The second will be to see if there is a singular number


associated with the perfect square and circle, should Pi be correct: this being reflected in the diameter of the primary circle, or the first circle drawn. The reason I say this is that when I drew this diagram, the values seemed to fluctuate on both sides of the primary circle (1.222). I went from a half inch all the way to ten inches and values never seemed to show a distinct value between the areas presented. Therefore, should this be the case, and this primary circle reflects only one specific diameter, then this diameter should help calculate the diameter associated with Black Holes, Atoms, or even the Zero Dimension itself. Fittingly, the Vitruvian Man created by Leonardo da Vinci, thought by some to be the most famous sketch of all time, shares this very same formula, if not a little more.

*Should one wish it, in the very back of this book, I will provide you with a step-by-step set of instructions, pg. 167. Perhaps you will take it further? *Da Vinci pic from Stanford.


Da Vinci’s version, adopting a mirror version of Maier’s formula, adds a few extra steps in order to achieve the square and circle of the Vitruvian Man. Do you notice the navel and head line? Those who think they know what is what, that my work is useless, however…they probably wanted to steal it.


The Hidden Next, we are going to look at a few of the hidden pieces of architecture found within the Squaring of the Circle. The first of our hidden secrets is that of the Corn Kernel. If you have ever wondered why ancient cultures paid homage to the Corn Gods of old? This is your answer. Just think about all those stupid people throughout our history who actually thought that the worship of a Corn God made you nothing more than primitive-ignorantsavage. I wonder who they were; surely, they were wise beyond their years? They would have had to of been wouldn’t they? I mean to believe in the divine righteousness of a necromancer like Jesus Christ, and not be inteligent? Nonetheless, what should sadden people the most about corn is that large corporations like that of Monsanto, with their Third-Reich-Nazi-New-WorldOrder-Agenda, have all but destroyed corns original genetic line, done so through the splicing of dangerous cancer causing pesticides/Dioxins.


Feel free to thank your local farmers, as they seem to care more about subsidies and profits than the health of the people. For me, this is all the proof I need, the Food and Drug Administration, as well as the World Health Organization, are useless. Let’s face it; the use of these genetically modified foods should be classified as Crimes Against Humanity—plain and simple. ∞ Our second diagram is an optical; I call it the Eye of God, as it has a distinct shape to that of a human eye. It is because of this shape that I decided to stray from the Dodecahedron. I can only hope that later on this will make more sense. ∞ Our third diagram is that of the Sun and Moon, thought to represent the true psychological light of The Golden Age. However, I think most of you will see this as having been linked to the Sun of Egyptian lore. For those of you who are musically inclined however, you will recognize this


symbol as the Fermata: it allows a musical note to be held for long periods, such as in a trumpet blast, as it were— Come and See ∞ Lastly, we have what I call Maier’s Pinwheel. As you can see, the two traingles form a diamond…in the rough so to speak. The most important fact about this Pinwheel is the relationship between the Eastern and Western points of the diamond. If you look hard enough, you may even find a rhombic dodecahedron; better known as the hyper diamond: a fourth dimensional solid considered to be the sixth platonic solid. It is here are that we are left to contemplate the Kore and Black Hole.


The Staff The most influential of the sacred geometries is known as the Budded Staff of Aaron. As we can see here, the staff is composed of the cubeoctahedron, the axis, and the rotational elements of the Earth. Acknowledging said axis, we notice that two of our dimensions have been cast out; this is done for the sole purpose of drawing energy from the Kore. The energy itself is then expressed in the form of an electromagnetic field around the Staff. It should be noted that at one time or another scientist believed that the Earth had not one, but two moons; later colliding to become a single moon. Recognized by the British Museum’s Celtic Battersea Shield, we can see that even the ancients considered the role of


these two bodies. If the Earth did in fact have two moons, then we might say that prior to this collision that the magnetic axis of the Earth was in fact vertical. We know that this is possible because an Atom with two electrons says it is possible. Just as we know, an Atom with one electron has tilt. The question then becomes, “Are these two moons responsible for the Earths’ atmosphere?” If one were to consider the holographic plate and the Black Hole therein, then the electrical arc existing between these two bodies support the Staffs’ amplification. This in turn completes the solar circuit of Hannes Alfven by splitting the equatorial line of the electro-magnetic field, returning the currents back to the Kore, as reflected in the weather patterns of the Sun and Earth. On an atomic scale, one might consider these atmospheric conditions to be the equivalent of an electron shell. Given a sufficient amount of time, coupled with the developing thickness of the crust and or shell, and the electro-magnetic emissions undergo a state of dampening. This shift then broadens the magnetic spectrum of the two orbiting bodies, eventually bringing about their collision. Tilt then emerges, marking the beginning of the cooling down period. Allowing for the evolution of various species, and the electro-magnetic variances, altering the electrical signals found within Junk DNA, bacteria and microbes gain the


ability to adopt various proteins and amino acids, provided by sources such as lightning and solar radiation. This of course is only conjecture, as the theory of evolution is considered impractical. ∞ Returning to the actual bodies themselves, logic dictates that when these two dimensions are expelled, the magnetic properties associated with the Kore imprints upon their orbit. The spiraling rotation of the individual body can then draw from the Kore, expressed as one-part momentum and one-part rotation. To better understand said spirals, we must fall back on their development, or more to the point, the geometry of the First Union, as well as its separation. Here we have what I call The Geometric Echo of a Helix: a holographic chain, or electro-magnetic shadow, established in either the joining, or the separation of the Zero and First Dimension.


As we can see on the former page, a bar has formed in the center of the Echo. If we consider this bar to be a helical pathway, we can then establish a spiral for each of the Platonic Solids, as shown here, all of which have the ability to draw from the Kore. With what we know of the universe, it would be unwise to dismiss any of these solids, as all of these spirals may in fact be occurring at once; this being due to the multidimensional traits established by both the Kore and Staff. However, if we consider the atmospheric conditions previously mentioned, then one might say that the Tetrahedron: whose sign is Fire, reigns as the supreme solid. When coupled with the helical pathway of the Echo, this tetrahedron then forms a tetrahelix, expressing the three pathways of the Norse Ash Tree, Yggdrasil. ∞ Evolving to the outer dimensions of the staff, we realize that in their expulsion, the entire structure absorbs their leave, creating a thrust, complimenting the rotation of the entire Staff.


To better understand said process, I want to draw your attention to a little thing known as Soddy’s Annular Hexlet. The Hexlet itself consists of three contributing factors: First, is the ring of seven spheres (staff included). Second, are the two planes, which hold these seven spheres in place: The Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, or what some may view as a cathode and anode wall. Third, is an outer sphere, which keeps all seven of the inner spheres grouped together: this can be viewed as the electro-magnetic field, as well as the spherical vacuum of the holographic plate. With the rotation of the Hexlet implemented, due to the thrust previously mentioned, a torus begins to appear. If one were to apply this information to the equatorial splitting of the electro-magnetic field, the Dual Torus of Nassim Haramein becomes present. This dual torus reflects the formation of all matter. This dual torus can also found in the Squaring of Circle: Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man. Here we notice that as this thrust takes place, two of our dimensions are been placed in opposition, providing us with a point of friction. As these two bodies act against one another, I must consider its debris, seen as miniature replicas of the Panthian Kore, of which I call The Ribbons of Sand. Considering the microcosm and


macrocosm, the Ribbons then create what astrophysicist call Galactic Arms; better recognized as the Land of the Genesis, or the Land of Yggdrasil. One might even go so far as to say that an “electron cloud” has been created, leaving one to speculate about the charge being exchanged. Connect this with the electro-magnetic field expressed by the Northern and Southern sine wave, and these charged particles may in fact represent the light of galactic flares.

The Scepter of Zeus and Yggdrasil

*Scepter of Zeus is from the Masonic Encyclopedia. Yggdrasil is by Oluf Olufsen Bagge 1847


The Scale

Next, I would like to point out the work of Marco Rodin. He discovered a numerical sequence embedded within the individual Torus. Of those circled, 174 Hz is the foundational tone of the Solfeggio Scale. Perhaps these three pathways are better viewed as positive, negative, and neutral tones? On the other hand, perhaps even the three tones of the temple. If one were to consider the glass harmonica created by Benjamin Franklin, then the tones exhibited by these torus’ have the ability to alter the magnetic waves within the Kore particle, allowing the tones to be massaged, resulting in various states of matter. Here I am left to consider the multidimensional aspects of this Sacred Geo-


metry; multiple frequencies overlapping, creating multiple realities, geometries that are establish a single body. Can I explain them all? Seriously? If I was the smartest person on the planet, then I might actually live up the description perpetrated by the Christian Messiah. However, alas…no, I cannot! And if truth be told, neither could he…as fairy tales go. ∞ Here we have some of the numerical arrangements found in the Keys of Death and Hades; the 444 hertz seen at the top is considered the Key of David. Perhaps this little cornerstone of mine is making a little more sense? UT=396, Liberating Fear and Guilt. RE=417, Facilitating Change. MI=528, DNA repair. FA=639, Connecting/Relationships. SOL=741, Awakening Intuition. LA=852, Return to spiritual Order.


The Lantern Next, I would like take this moment and return to the Hidden aspects of the Squar-ing, more importantly the optical; otherwise known as the Eye of God. Let us say that in this pic-ture, we have a central lens, expressed as the Jesus Fish…to make it simple. Seen edging just past the top and bottom of the Jesus Fish are that of the optical lenses. Lastly, mimicking that of an hourglass, we have the two orbs, which hold the fabled sand of time. Now that we see eye to eye, let us say that in the center of this hourglass, a star is being born. This star is symbolized by the rotation of the two dimensions, as well as the two sine waves, all of which is found in the center of hourglass above. The hourglass presented, is comparable the infrared water emissions of a protoplanetary disk,


depicted by the Spitzer Space Telescope, whose architecture reflects my hourglass in near perfect detail.

As the Northern and Southern sine wave escapes from the outflow cavities, the sands held within the orbs flows outward, similar to that of a volcano. These particles blanket the Eastern and Western sine wave, resulting in the shocked layer: an electro-magnetic disk created from the expulsion of light, as so expressed by the edge of the Jesus Fish’s lens. The optical markers, viewed as an X in each orb, hint to a tilt in the rotation, resulting in a hollow cone of spiraling light, giving our disk the appearance of a gravitational wave.


The Sea Next, we begin weaving the foundation of our singularity. What this means is we have to weave our DNA into an electro-magnetic Blanket, expressed in such a way so as to represent the Lake of Fire, better known as the Universe. It is here that I am forced to consider the twenty-fourth dimension, and the corkscrew like behavior that all celestial bodies exhibit. In her book: Geometric Extensions of Consciousness, Anne Griswold Tyng discovered that when the Dodecahedron was stacked in increments of 1.618, the two spirals which are marked by the Vesica Piscis’ pentagrams, create what she calls “The Ratcheting of DNA.” It is here that one must consider the orbit of the two previously expelled dimensions, as so mentioned in The Staff. *Interestingly enough, if you look in the center you will see the five plates


of the Djed, often referred to as the Backbone of Osiris. ∞ The question we are now faced with is this, “How exactly does this Dodecahedron come into being?” With the Zero and First Dimension now locked into place, and the remaining dimensions properly seated, we can conclude that the Budded Staff, or the cubeoctahedron, no longer wishes to evolve, as it in itself is perfect. With this, we must consider the nature of the ten remaining dimensions surrounding the Staff. Drawing our attention back the dual layered tetrahedron, and the imprint established by the Zero and First Dimension, in relation to our lesser dimensions, we are left to consider the possibility that two of our lesser dimensions now wish to unite with the Kore. The best alternative that I have found that compliments this possibility comes from the Sangaku. In order to implement this design, we must consider that the Kore itself has expanded, resulting in the Fourth Universal Dimension: Time. Drawing our attention back to the Lantern, we know that the equatorial line of the electro-magnetic field has returned to the Kore. However, like with most things, the electro-magnetic waves still need guidance. This is where


the remainder of our lesser lovers, come into play, as the other two were those cast out in the staff. Following the path of the Eastern and Western sine wave, the electro-magnetic return allows the lesser lovers to add charge, now totaling twenty internal dimension; as each of the lesser lovers have four internal dimensions each. With the Kore representing that of the Black Hole, as mentioned in The Cubeoctahedron, we are left to conclude that the Black Hole in the center of the Kore has now expanded, establishing the dodecahedron of the Sangaku. This in turn validates our Battersea Shield, whose magnetic flux now pairs the remaining eight dimensions.


The Field I’m not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it. Niccolo Machiavelli If I didn’t know better, I would say that you missed the part where I abandoned Ed Leedskalnin’s twentyfour magnets. Perhaps we should remedy this. Turning our sights back to the Measure of Fish, we are left to consider the formation of the Maltese Cross, as well the electro-magnetic properties therein. Let’s say that when the two bodies were expelled, the Budded Staff’s environment matched that of the original Line; creating the Measure of Fish, as seen here. It is here that we are forced to consider the Fifth Angel: the Fifth Universal Dimension, which unifies the four fundamental forces of nature, all of which can be found upon these pages: gravity (trivortices), strong and weak nuclear forces (atomic orbital in relation to the Doppler and Standing Wave), and lastly electro-magnetism, which should be obvious at this point. In our last Universal Dimension, the Fourth, we concluded that the two bodies uniting with the Kore are in fact a pair of lesser lovers. However, remembering the


acoustical pattern created by the cymascope, in relation to the Khufu Pyramid, we consider the possibility that the dodecahedron, as represented by that of the Sangaku, is now developing an alternate arrangement upon the holographic plate.

Returning to their initial arrangement, as seen in The Star; the unstable stacking resulting in the Cones of Energy, we see that the dimensions have now distributed themselves equally around the magnetic and electrical sine waves; otherwise known as the Internal Blanket. This provides us with the octagon of Venus, whose planetary angel is that of Lucifer: the light bringer.


Acknowledging the four Axis’ of Separation, we notice that as the Dimensional Arching combines with that of the Secondary Arching, the original separation established by the Zero and First becomes a primary function. Meaning that when the three dimensions of each tetrahedron pivots, the joining dimensions are left to phase in and out, creating additional dimensions in the separation, totaling that of thirty-two. These points of separation are then left to create additional arcs, which in turn charges the two sine waves.

As these four groups, harness their power into a single point: a central collective of power, phasing in and out, the weaker, the more spread out of the dimensions, force the tetrahedrons to close and separate. It for this reason


that some view creation as a flickering, or a rippling of light, as so presented by Fifth Dimensional theories. Counting these outer dimensions, one is met with the twenty-four magnets of Ed Leedskalnin’s magnetic wheel. However, one will note that the six dimensions seen in each quadrant, represent a migrational pathway, as opposed to all six being actual dimensions, however, this is no less important, as seen by the operation itself. ∞ Drawing you back to the Fourth Universal Dimension, we are left to reflect on the work of Leadbeater and Besant. In their book of Occult Chemistry, the cork screw like spiral being emitted by this twenty-fourth dimension, reflects the spirals of the Anu. Not to get hung up on Occult Chemistry, however, multiple spirals are being created. The three spirals of Yggdrasil, the five spirals of the dodecahedron, pointed out by Dan Winter, and the two spirals of Tyng’s DNA, all of which result in the Heart of the Anu, with a Star driving at the center, dividing the four


chambers of the heart, expressing itself as the Lantern and Dual Torus. It is here that I am left to consider the seven sons and three daughter of Job, you know, the ones Satan was said to have killed. Funny, I don’t recall creation involving the child molestation or human sacrifice. I guess it goes without saying, “Satanist and the Mayans can go Fuck themselves, right along with the Christians interpretation of what Evil is supposed to be.” This is better known as the Roman Dodecahedron.

I can’t believe no one knows where this came from. *Roman Dodecahedron from Wikipedia, displayed at Saalburg Castle.


The Mates

Centralized by the waters, these two outer geometries mimic that of the Squaring. What they lack however, are an independent set of dimensions that express these architectural frequencies. Much like a stone in a pond, these two realms pick up the frequencies provided by the Lantern, and ultimately the Anu itself, broadcasting the internal geometry of the singularity, reflecting in the electro-magnetic blanket. It is at this moment one realizes that the two Vitruvius’s of da Vinci actually represent the Male and Female aspects of creation, which is validated by Russell. Residing between these two bodies, in the Mercy Seat, is


that of the singularity, otherwise known as matter, or the foundation of Light. Can I assume that you will find the asymmetrical wave pattern, which goes with these four brothers and sisters, as well as the Horus between them? Or was it Osiris? I forget.


The Lake Finally, we have come to the Lake of Fire. This picture comes from E.A. Wallis Budge’s book: Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection, Volume 1.

In order to understand the Lake of Fire we will begin by dissecting its construction. First we will start with the three squares. If you recall, we evolved into the Fifth Universal Dimension. When the Universal Dimensions evolve from one dimension to the next, we notice that within the center of said architecture, a layering occurs,


matching that of our three squares. These three squares reflect the various dimensions as they transition between the perspective projections, stereographic projections, and lastly Schlegel’s diagram. And as a personal observation, these three squares also represent the three tones of the temple. Next on the list are the snakes, otherwise known to the Egyptians as DNA. Discovered by Robin Holliday, found intersecting and splicing, the two DNA strands form what he calls, The Holliday Junction. If one were to think back to Soddy’s Annular Hexlet, you will recall the four spheres, which created the Ribbons of Sand. Drawing out these two strands, in the form of Geometric Echo of a Helix, the two points of friction give the Holliday Junction the ability to both splice and separate. Next, we notice that on the sides, in the center of the Lake of Fire; appear to be that of a fountain, better known as sine waves, or the electro-magnetic currents of both North and South, East and West. After this we are faced with the four baboons; C, T, G, and A of DNA. The four building blocks of life: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acid. The four elements of life: fire earth air and water. Not to mention


the four most common elements of life: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen. When all is said and done, the Lake of Fire is actually life itself. So all those assholes who say that you’re going to be cast into the Lake of Fire, are right, problem is they have forgotten that we dwell in the house of the lord forever. Thus, all that bullshit they spew awards them nothing, because we are all in the Lake of Fire, as we are all, children of the Universe. Yeah…I’m in the Illuminati, my balls swing like big chandeliers, I’m so important, Alien races ask me for advice. Nice job looking after the Earth, you fucking pricks.


The Whole Science has not yet taught us if madness is or is not the sublimity of the intelligence. Edger Allen Poe I think it’s time we address the whole, and bring my view of creation into perspective. As I have pointed out, the Zero and First Dimension have joined one another on the holographic plate, thus imprinting it with the work of the Panthian Kore, the Squaring of the Circle, the Blanket, the Jitterbug, and ultimately the Anu itself. What we have to realize now is that as the Hourglass expels the base particles, which are picked up by the Blanket (the Eastern and Western sine waves), the Blanket itself alters the electro-magnetic environment of each Kore.

Consider this, the pulsing of the electron, as it raises and lowers its frequency, expelling light. Now subjected to outside forces, the Zero and First of each body is left to either accelerate, or decelerate, depending of their environment. This in turn opens the door for multitude


elements, environments, and expressions, known and unknown. I give you The Electric Universe ∞ I hope I wasn’t too dull? What can one expect of Physics and Math? However, it was necessary, as I hope you now see. Everything you know about religion is a manipulation of Sacred Geometry, Astronomy, Gematria, electro-magnetic, and various other areas of study, all of which has been taught by the Gnostic and the Pantheistic alike. ∞ With that said, the next few chapters will test the validity of what I have just said.


The Virgin

This is known as the Flower of Life. Hey all you suicide bombers—you have been killing yourselves and everyone else over a freaking picture. Oh yes, Allah is doing great miracles for you, fucking dumb asses. How’s that for your seventy-two virgins?


The Tree



Both the Orion Tree of Life and the Kabbalah Tree of Life can be found gracing the Flower of Life; both of which are considered to be the two trees of Genesis. However, unlike that of the Kabbalah Tree, the Orion Tree has the ability to fold into a three dimensional object: otherwise known as the Budded Staff of Aaron. Another distinct observation of the Orion Tree, aside from that of a hidden sphere, which I will call the Celt, is its number of pathways. In the Kabbalah there are 32 pathways, in the Orion Tree there are 33, with a potential for 35, depending on how you chose to view the Budded Staff and its folding’s. Also, within the Orion Tree of Life, we have a dimension that is known as the Destroyer; representted as that of Nibiru. Nibiru, said to be that of a brown dwarf star, and is believed to be a key figure in the Anunnaki culture. Thought to have a 3600-year celestial orbit, Nibiru may or may not be on a collision course with Earth. If such a planet does exist, then the electro-magnetic disturbance generated by such a planet, has the ability to disrupt our fault lines, and quite


possibly, the poles themselves. I don’t need to tell you, this would be a catastrophic event for planet Earth. Hang on New Madrid and San Andres, shits fixing to get real.


The Shipwright

Returning to the waters, you will recall, I made my case about how it was that Jesus was able to walk on water, and how it was that Moses floated down the river Euphrates. In another telling of this story, we have the arc in which Noah built. Thought to be roughly 20.6-20.8 inches, the cubits in which Noah’s Arc measured are as follows: 150 cubits long, 20 cubits wide and 30 cubits high. Leaving us with a ratio of around 7.5:1, a ratio that fits perfectly around the almonds of the Vesica Piscis, depending the shape of the stern. Aside from its obvious link to Genetic Engineering, resulting in the creation of all creatures, the boat in which Noah built does nothing more than reflect the Geometric Echo of a Helix, which in turn reflects the tetrahedron, expressing that of DNA. And this of course puts to rest the argument, two or seven animals?


The Apprentice Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland thought to be one of the most beautiful chapels’ ever built, viewed with awe by all those who attend, has the Apprentice Pillar to thank for its success. History tells us that a Master took under his wing a young apprentice, schooling him in the art of masonry. While in the process of said schooling, the Master was called away to oversee another project. In his boredom, the apprentice then took it upon himself to carve his own pillar. Upon his return, the Master saw said pillar, turned, and then killed the Apprentice. It is said that the Freemasons still hold a ceremony in honor of the apprentice. However, when it comes to the inspiration of the pillar itself, none are said to know its origin—until now.


The picture on the left is a fractal created by Robert Sontheimer. It is this fractal proves that the outer perimeter of the pillar, contradictory to the work of Benoit Mandelbrot, which is no less impressive, as he is the one who rediscovered fractal geometry, proves that fractal geometry, as a whole is much older than previously thought. Couple this fractal with that of a DNA spiral, and one can then begin to uncover the wisdom of the apprentice. However, some say that a fractal such as this would have taken an entire lifetime to draw by hand, meaning that the Apprentice must have found the work in the midst of the Masters belongings, took the design, and then proceeded to cheat the Master of his masterpiece.

Photo bySimon Brighton


The Stone Here we have the Fleur De Lis, placed in a mechanical operation. Pulling it from its resting flux, is that of the Egyptian staff. Given the covetous nature of man, I hope we never rediscover the true secret of the stone, if we did, we would wipe away the mountains away and call it progress, and I am fucking done pretending human beings are more important than nature, we are not. ∞ Another aspect of this electrical process is DNA supercoiling. In a circular chromosome, the parental strain evolves into a new strand, taking the above shape, then splits to become two circles, mimicking that of the Vesica Piscis. From here the two circles split, similar to the creation of a Line, forever being viewed as having both positive and negative charge. In DNA knotting, the electrical currents of Ed Leedskalnin assist the Catenae process of said supercoiling.


The Ball

People all over the world have been trying to figure out where the stone balls of Scotland came from, and why they were crafted. In the upper left, we have John Stuart Reid’s Delta Brainwave, discovered using a device called the cymascope…thank you Hans Jenny. In the upper right we have the University of Aberdeen’s stone ball, and bellow it, we have the National Museum of Scotland’s stone ball. I believe we can all agree that the triangular void of each stone balls matches that of the delta brainwave, proving that the stone balls themselves are definitely not


ball bearing, or any other such non-sense. What this comparison does prove however, is that anthropologist and archeologist of today’s educational system are much less advanced than that of our ancestors, of which were neither primitive, nor dumb.


The Three The moment you think you understand a great work of art, it's dead for you. Oscar Wilde

Quite the little pit viper isn’t it. Known as the cross section of DNA, this particular drawing might just be one the most influential pieces of sacred geometry in the world. In Egyptian lore, it is said that Horus was tested in the desert by three animals: the lion, the cobra, and the scorpion. Starring at the center of this drawing are you able to see these three animals? Perhaps you can see the plumed serpent of the Inca instead?


The reason this cross section is so important is for the stories that it has created, the most important being reflected in the Garden of Eden, where it is said a serpent tempted Adam and Eve. With that, let us think back, we have two tetrahedrons, which inspired the splitting of the rib. We have the Norse Tree Yggdrasil, the tetrahedron and the dodecahedron. Now we have the cross section of DNA. When all of these are combined, you get to bite a big old tasty apple. Ultimately, this cross-section not only inspired the story of Adam and Eve, but it also inspired the story in which Pharaoh tested Moses: turning a snake into a staff, who knows how many others one will find if you only look. Turn it upside down and see, maybe you’ll find some magnetic currents and raise up Medusas’ head? Or even a skull? Score one, King of the Dead! Let us carefully observe those good qualities wherein our enemies excel us; and endeavor to excel them, by avoiding what is faulty, and imitating what is excellent in them. Plutarch

*Unsure where this cross section originated, many claim it.


The Observation And so it is here that my section on the Craft comes to an end. No I haven’t explained everything like that of an encyclopedia. What would be the point? However, I hope that I have at least made my case for the fact that we live in an Electric Universe, all the way from the creation of the universe, to DNA itself. While I will admit, I am far from intelligent; I have an IQ of only 122, with little to no conversational skills. I do hope however, there are those who have the ability to understand this guide, and hope that one day they write a new book: one that will kill religion in its entirety and forces science to teach the reality of nature, and not the mainstream idiocy that we have become so accustom too. In time, we may even return to the days where Sacred Mystery Schools were the normal way of things, the foundation of a classical education. And not the mechanized regurgitation that passes for today’s enlightenment.



The War Political language…is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. George Orwell



The Criminal The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first. Thomas Jefferson A legalized version of the first is exactly what our Government has become. The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, even the Bill of Rights have become nothing more than pieces of toilet paper used by the elect for the sole purpose of wiping their ass. Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerated the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than the democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism: ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or any controlling private power.” Without further ado may I draw your attention to the Thirteen Bloodlines of the Illuminati. Having been divided into subgroups, like that of the Skull and Bones and the Bilderberg Group, these secret organizations are thought to control the World Court, the United Nations, Interpol, the Vatican, and a variety of other corporations and private sector entities, all of whom find it completely acceptable to use war as a financial tactic.


It is at this point and time that I would like to re-name the New World Order, to a more deserving title,

“The Following of Set.” Patriotism: a psychological slavery perpetrated by one’s government to support the financial manipulation of corporations and secret organizations alike. And to think, the Freemasons actually have the nerve to claim homage to Osiris and the Apprentice—it is their very philosophy which works against them both, after all, was Osiris not the God of Vegetation, Earth, case in point. Fucking insulting! What I find funny is how all you self-righteous sycophants actually thought you could help rid the world of what—in your opinion—is evil and wicked. All of which is been done with an “Amen” and a “Making Good Men Better.” Unfortunately, for you, William the Conquer can be found in my families’ genealogy as well, a marriage to a distant granddaughter. I suppose me being a “rabble rouser” should be of no surprise, especially when I say— Fuck the Freemasons! …Fuck the Illuminati! …and Fuck Your God!


The fact is, you have made the world evil and wicked all on your own, to the point that our own militaries are nothing more than corporate run militias; little pipeline soldiers. Patriots my ass! We are nothing more than a rebranded version of British rule some two-hundred-and-fifty years later. It leaves one to wonder at the disgrace George Washington would feel in lieu our “accomplished” nation? Nevertheless, remember this, if a virus is ever released and it kills millions of people; or if some idiot mob— which of course is the mentality of every mob—gets tricked into starting a war; or at the very least we are placed under attack, rest assured, no matter what part of the world you are in, it will be your government who assisted in its development.

No… “Those soldiers are not here to assist you.”


The Liberty They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. Benjamin Franklin Well, I think it’s safe to say that in this day and age we have neither liberty nor safety. As people are now being arrested for feeding the poor, asking the wrong questions in class, and a multitude of other absurdities that can only be viewed as the earmarks of a dictatorship. The sad part is, people actually think “hope” is all that is required to make things better. To sit back and view hope or prayer as an effective course of action is no different than sending a young child off to the park to play catch with a hand grenade. Frederick Nietzsche said this, “Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man.” Am I to believe that liberty itself should be viewed as a torment? Should I not be able to walk down the street, speak my mind in any public setting, rebuking any form of corruption I see fit, without having some idiot in uniform, who can’t even validate his own identity, tell me to cease and desist, or I will be arrested, or even worse, shot! —all because he’s a fucking coward?


Coward: he who requires assistance in the defense of either a belief or a system of laws whose corruption feels threatened by a mere speck of honor held by single individual threatening to cast them beneath the shadows of mediocrity. If have always said that when one rises alone he falls alone, but what I never mentioned was the shock wave of my landing—we will be victorious.


The Ibis There is no odor so bad as that which arises from goodness tainted. Henry David Thoreau Since the creation of the Hippocratic Oath, only a single philosophy remains true: to not give the patient any medicine that may be harmful. How many lawsuits are there involving drugs with disastrous side effects? In the United States, this coupled with doctor malpractice, is the third leading cause of death. Perhaps we should find a way to hold these doctors and pharmaceutical companies accountable. Maybe the people should actually comer together and draft an Ethical Blacklist! This list could include workers from the food industry, the chemical industry, stock traders, bankers, oil execs, and even the energy sector…basically anyone who destroys the environment for profit while using the people as a means of financial gain. In order to safeguard the integrity of such a list, DNA samples, iris scans, and fingerprints should all be collected from those in violation. But most importantly, to ensure that this list is taken seriously, only a single strike must be permitted, making it so that none placed


on the list, can work, or hold influence over public and environmental interest, ever again. An example of those placed on the list would be the bankers who caused the housing market crash, through the misuse of CDO’s—which I believe is on its way to happening again, how many regulated recessions have we gone through? Other’s would be those responsible for the event at Three Mile Island, the contamination of the Saginaw River, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, building contractors who use subpar materials, and drug companies whose medications endanger the lives of the unsuspecting. Let’s face it, the only way things will ever change is to threaten the lifestyles of those responsible, after all, do you really think they would cut corner if it meant they would have to share in the poverty they helped to create? Another good idea would be to treat the pharmaceutical companies in much the same way as the cigarette companies, by making the advertisement of all prescription drugs illegal. Most importantly, force them to sign the Hippocratic Oath prior to the selling and manufacturing of each product. If you really want to piss em off, make it illegal for those who hold a public office to obtain public and private contracts. I don’t see any reason why someone who is claiming allegiance to the people should feel compelled to skirt the law in order to make a quick buck. I say


eliminate the desire all together, maybe then those who actually want to do good for the country will have a chance, instead of just the crooks who want to steal from everyone and call it patriotism. What? I thought you wanted a democracy? Well this is what it’s all about isn’t it? They have proven time and time again that the public interest is inconsequential, why do you keep on trusting that they will do the right thing? They won’t, they never have, and they never will. And to think, you actually believe that you have a choice in who you elect, the Democrats and Republicans started as a single organization: The Democratic Republican Party. Bipartisanship is a joke, and they are laughing their ass off.


The Cure Otto Heinrich Warburg won a Nobel Prize in 1932 for proving that all cancer is caused from an acidic environment with low levels of oxygen. The natural remedy would be to introduce a diet that would reverse the body’s acidic nature by returning it to an alkaline state. Couple this with the proper breathing and exercise techniques, and the oxygen levels in the blood would increase. And as we know, cancer can’t survive in oxygen enrich environments. However, what do we do? We take this advice and do the opposite, building a food system which poisons us. This is the very reason why foreign countries refuse American food, and if we had half a brain—so would we. From the over use of soybeans (which should not be consumed at all), to table salt having additives made from cyanide, even food dyes that cause cancer and ADHD, the leading cause of illness comes from a little substance known as Dioxin, which is found in pesticides, and ultimately GMO’s. This is why over ninety percent of all contact with dioxin comes from the food source. And if I recall correctly, why ninety percent of all illnesses are a result of dioxin related materials. Even though most individuals have between two and three times the allowable amount of dioxin in their system, the body itself can only pass seventy pictograms of


dioxin per month. The half-life of dioxin on the other hand rages between seven and eleven years, depending on the level of one’s fat content. The downside of this storage is that of epigenetic transgenerational inheritance. This gives chemical compounds the ability to be stored in the body indefinitely, which can then be passed off to one’s children. What this means is that illness caused by dioxins: things like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, reproductive and infertility issues, damaged immune systems, not to mention a number of other illnesses, may in fact one day—kill off your entire genetic line. To give you an idea of just how dangerous dioxins are, the dioxin 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibeno-Para-Dioxin (TCDD) is used as a baseline to determine the chemical toxicity of all other chemicals. It is known that one drop of this particular dioxin can contaminate four million gallons of water. Now explain this, “Why are dioxins, chlorinated materials, created in the manufacturing process of plastics and pesticides, as well as improper incineration, allowed to remain in the environment?” I have an answer. Doctors need patients. Lawyers need lawsuits. Farmers need subsidies. Pharmaceutical companies need to sell pills. Medical manufactures need to sell medical supplies. Pesticide companies need to sell neurotoxins, organochlorides, and a plethora of other


contaminates, fluoride included. And most importantly, Governments need to control population growth. You see boys and girls, if you are going to kill someone, make sure you kill millions, because one is just too damn much of a tragedy. A million however, that’s just a statistic, and who actually gives a shit about those? However, you take care as to not take the law into your own hands; big businesses have the right and wrong covered, and obviously, we are not intelligent enough to understand the dynamics of a “productive society.” With the average police station having a closing rate of about twenty percent, we would be better off convincing serial killers to do the work for us. It’s not like there isn’t enough targets. But if they were actual predators, they would already know this. Instead of doing the world an actual service, they hunt the weak and helpless. Not really a predator fitting of the term intelligent is it? Therefore, in case you are slow, this means is that you are in fact, paying to be alive, or more to the point, paying not only let them kill you, but to save you as well. Just remember that the next time you go to pay for health insurance.


The Cannabis When I first wrote this section I thought I would tell you how Cannabis is proven to kill cancer cells, how cannabis stops the calcification of neurons, which leads to Alzheimer’s. Then I realized, the truth about cannabis is easily researchable, so long as you actually care about wanting to know the truth, as opposed to the propaganda, all of which the media and big business generate in plenty. What I decided on instead, not to say that the health benefits of cannabis doesn’t exceed that of every other plant on the planet, especially in relation to the human body, of which we are born to accommodate, genetically, is to stop the future degradation of the plant itself. What this means is that much like that of tobacco, the future of cannabis is in the midst of being manipulated by Big Pharma and chemical manufactures like that of Monsanto. This being done for the sole purpose of serving their own financial exploits, these companies, who have spent the better part of two centuries killing the earth and its inhabitants, has every intention of genetically modifying cannabis. The only logical choice for me is to stop said acts from happening. Consumers of Cannabis, be it the smoker, or those who ingest raw cannabis and its oils, need to advocate on behalf of organic growth.


The most detrimental thing the cannabis industry can do, is to allow the major players of the pharmaceutical and chemical companies, to have reign over how cannabis is grown. I think that the corn and tobacco industry are all the proof I need, when I say, “They have every intention of destroying cannabis’ genetic makeup!” Since we are at the foundational point in the development of one of the most beneficial plants on the planet, allowing these tyrants the ability to alter the genetics of the seeds, through the manipulation brought about by their chemicals, which is what has been done with so many crops, is downright ignorant. The best thing for the Cannabis farmer to do is to create seed banks, and save the offspring of organically grown cannabis. Ironically, the government is trying to outlaw seed storage, of which I have no doubt you can thank people like Monsanto for. This in itself should tell you all you need to know about your rights and liberties, as to have voice against them means that big businesses will lose their ability to force Franken seeds, no disrespect to Seattle’s Frankenstein, down our throats. Ultimately, should we not check them from the start; the medical properties of Cannabis will become as poisonous as that of tobacco, of which no one wants. And this will happen, and you damn well know it.


What I’m saying people, is keep your cannabis businesses small, don’t cut out the little man. When you do, you will become its enemy, and we will all suffer. The best course of action is to use a bubby system. What this means is the neighboring states or neighboring counties, legally permitted to sell, should cooperate with one another. What this means is that they should estimate and evaluate the rate of consumption in their area, and grow to suit the area itself, and not to flood the market with more cannabis than what can be sold. This cuts out the future of Franken seeds, of which I have no doubt are being researched in a lab right this moment, and it keeps the price steady, as opposed to the drop it will most certainly face should the market be flooded. Let’s face it, there are billions to be made, don’t let the ignorance and greed of man, for the collection of funds that you will never be able to spend, turn a decent and honest profession into the chemical genocide that the government and their affiliates have already turned the rest of the food industry into. The production of Cannabis is the last refuge of the small business. The monopolization of Cannabis will be the deathblow to all that is honest in the spiritual and physical realm of our species. If they must have a piece of the Cannabis industry, leave them Hemp, and be done with it, and even then, I’m pissed to think with that they might do. ∞


In this next section, much like that of before, I had planned to talk about how one acre of hemp could replace four acres of trees, or how NASA had a fuel formula that could replace between 50-70% of all foreign oil consumption. Instead, I thought I might redirect your attention to how we as citizens view the accept-ability of our laws. In 1937, Harry J Anslinger went before the Supreme Court, armed with only racial bias and idiotic claims, and got cannabis turned into a schedule one drug. Basically what Anslinger did was convince the “Supreme Court” to demonize cannabis with all the rationality of a Blue Law. Take the Blue Law in Kentucky for instance: a person cannot dye a duckling blue, and put it up for sell unless he has a total of at least six ducklings for sell. This is all the common sense that the “Supreme Court” could muster? And we, Joe Public, bought it. Now one would think that if a law was passed, whose foundation for legality was placated by the misrepresentation of facts as well as scientific research, that the public would have the ability to appeal said law, and one would think that “The Law” would give the public the ability to do so. So tell me, “Why the hell can’t we?” ∞ And therein lies the rub. Medically speaking, it has the ability to divert billions from the pharmaceutical industry; companies who have inserted their financial influence in convincing the ISO to change the musical standard from


432 Hertz to 440 Hertz. What this does is create chemical brain imbalances in human subjects, of which pharmaceutical companies have a drug for. In turn it makes it so that the medical field can view every citizen in the United States, and around the world, as being mentally ill. This is even more ironic once you realize that there are no tests, which can prove that a patient is mentally ill. Cannabis on the other hand, is known to recalibrate ones’ brain chemistry, as we have endocannabinoid receptors in our brain. Potentially regulating and alleviating mental and physical abnormalities, many of which are instigated by government and private research groups. Cannabis has been used to treat a variety of illness, things such as seizures (Dravet Syndrome), Pulse Traumatic Stress Disorder, diabetes, fibromyalgia, cancer, Alzheimer, depression, arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, and a variety of other illnesses, all of which pharmaceutical companies feel is their place to treat, bankrupting every person they can.


The Automatic I have just one major problem with the future of transportation and energy. For a hundred years or so, we have been using alternators to charge our car batteries. In today’s age, electric cars are on the rise, yet for some reason, even though we have the use of planetary gears drives, which can triple ones RPM, we still can’t seem to come up with a single generator that can be placed under the hood of a car that can charge an electric cars battery. What they are telling us is that in all our wisdom, we cannot even create an electric transmission, or at the very least, a series of relay which allow for a generator to charge a single car battery—even though we have been using alternators for a hundred years. I find this to be disturbingly ignorant. It’s kind of like there being numerous patent involving carburetors, all of which get over a hundred miles per gallon, and yet no one seems to care that they never use them. And we wonder why miles per gallon have barely gone up in the last 40 years. I can only imagine what will happen when they convince the masses that we need Thorium power plants in order to stay competitive. When what they really want is a good supply of nuclear materials, which of course Thorium produces as a by-product.


A smart person just might take their Thorium advice and create self-contained fuse box, eliminating the need for power plants altogether. I mean if a half inch ball is all the Thorium a person needs for a lifetime of energy, why go big, keep it small. No more power lines, they’re unsightly anyway, and all of it can be found in a cubic meter of topsoil, right in our own back yard. But of course this would mean that we would actually have to build things to last, good thing cannabis can be made to be ten times stronger than steel huh? Yep, we sure could have a better world, just too bad you all seem to enjoy being their slaves, who knows, if you actually gave shit you might actually create a bio-mass pellet that replaces coal.


The UrOakUs Power has only one rule; that it will always rule you and you never it. I have seen no greater abomination than those who would label one as “outcast.” No real God would ever be so petty as to be defined by a religion. The greatest advocate for wickedness is a man with good intentions thinking that he will better the world. Grand and intelligent words are designed for the sole purpose of manipulating the poor and weak minded. The greatest of all terrorists are the politicians who pretend to work on behalf of the people. It is better to be Godless than succumb to those who actually think that their teachings are a gift from God. A government, whose values reflect the actions of corporations, over the need of its own people, can no longer claim a service to its people, and should be done away with.


A singe act of betrayal can decide the winner of a war. So be wise, and recognize the evil one in your midst. There is no such thing as the supernatural. All things are natural, just as all things are One. In religion, the Devil is man’s solution for realizing that perfection does not exist. God is the wicked man’s solution for finding something within that is not pure evil. There is nothing worse than loving someone who will never stop disappointing you. Those who speak of a better life rarely have the soul to go with it. Is murder defined as a killing of the flesh, or the psychological suppression of ones ascension? The best way for a politician to avoid answering a question that requires a definitive answer, or at the very least, one with a modicum of substance, is to say that we are moving in the right direction, or that the long-term goal looks promising.


When human rights are ignored, and the accuser is released based on legal informalities, then we are neither human nor right. Jesus, nor any other religious archetype, did not so much as die for our sins, as much as they did because of them, and our willingness to act them out. Take away the arrogance, the vanity, and the ego, and everything that makes you one of God’s chosen— will be gone. God has no need to test the faith of man, or the devotion required to believe in such a thing. Such tests are the whims of men who actually think they are of a godly nature. Whatever they do on behalf of god is far from anything that might be considered legitimate, virtuous, or even true. They do these things for the sole purpose of feeling important—which they are not. They say that sickness and poverty is a curse. Yet the transgression of all man is his own nature. And it is their greed that has made them lairs. That which is Gods gifts first, long before it became the possession of man, should never be bound nor held over for the greed of entitled men.


Our divinity is found in knowing when and when not to listen to the voice in our head. All politicians and law enforcement steal out of a flawed sense of justice and nobility. We remain poor not because of our wit or intelligence, but because the worst of our kind has made themselves noble. The oratory skill of person is by no means a testimony to that person’s knowledge or wisdom. Nor does such a skill reflect a conduit of the divine. I hold allegiance to no one, not by birth, and certainly not by country. To deny the magical or the mystical creations held within the beauty of one’s own mind is to relinquish ones’ soul to the shadows. The more a man pays in taxes the closer that man comes to slavery. When the right thing involves money over life, then the only failure is you.


Honor has no courtship with entitlement, for the privileged have done nothing more than built upon an already existing foundation, and have rose to no occasion. We do our best to find a fool greater than ourselves. We do this so that our true self, the weak and powerless self, may not find its illumination in the eyes of the world. The sanctified mentality of an Elect or an Elitists stems from a manufactured nobility derived from the division and manipulation of their own fellow countrymen. Heal me Jesus, I don’t want to go to heaven. Think not as the masses do, God is not as petty as they, and as such, cannot be labeled nor defined though any religious means. Prayer does nothing more than appease one’s own self-righteous ego. To say that prayer has a physical effect is a direct admission of what Christians call witchcraft. When a belief reaches out and brings affliction to the physical, as opposed to the philosophical, then it is not really a belief, but a transgression.


A true martyr is killed for their beliefs, but true martyrs remember this one Pagan philosophy, “Do what thou wilt, thou it harm none.” Killing yourself and others for your beliefs does not make you a martyr. It just means that you cannot think for yourself, and have fallen victim to those who are nothing more than psychological vampires. Our mortality is not a test, it is not a whim, and to treat others as if it were, is careless, godless, and more to the point, irresponsible. The laborious words of honor and nobility that established this country, as well as the many others, have become cheapened by the whitewashed whims of today’s suit and tie. Laws should not be created to support the financial income of businesses or corporations. Know thy self. Gods will is better known as man’s insanity. Acceptance is the burden of man, and has nothing to do with the laws of God.


Messiahs are created for the sole purpose of the followers, and the Church who wishes to rule over them. Democrats and Republicans are like the drunkards behind the wheel of a speeding car, both fighting over the wheel. A philosophy or religion that has lost its ability to evolve is dead. Tradition is the noose around the neck of spiritual evolution.



The Squaring Disclaimer: It has been brought to my attention that most of you will rely on computer software. If you are to draw this on a computer, please practice, the traits provided from traditional drafting practices. Make sure, when you zoom all the way in, and that the circles are truly round. Make sure that when you place a line it doesn’t snap out in space. If you have to place a tick mark at the intersection, do so. Also make sure all your circles are tangent, and in their proper place. I have seen those who draw this and complain about my values being off, yet they ignore the fact that they haven’t even drawn it properly. I spent hours upon hours drawing this, making sure that every line began and ended on an actual line. Never once did I rely on the program; it has always been a visual endeavor: as compass and squares are. If you do this, you will find that the values between the square and circle fluctuate. I have drawn this both smaller and larger and the primary circle of 1.222 has provided me with the smallest value of .003 between the two areas. This to me means that Pi fluctuates, but I am no mathematician, and after all, Pi is an approximation. However, if this did not occur, then going smaller would have given me a smaller number, eventually finding 0, it does not.






















The bad gains respect through imitation, the good loses it especially in art. Friedrich Nietzsche


Letter from Roman Korvinus: Struggle, the sigil of division, is the foundation of what we call a whole life. When I began this work, I was but nine years old. I was sitting in the living room, drawing on the coffee table. It was then that I drew the first of two keys. When I discovered the 666 I went to my mother, she looked at it and said, “Take it was far as you can.” Having been watching a movie at the time, I took the words of who I believe was Billy Crystal, and said, “One person’s wish may be another person’s dream.” And with that I cast the keys aside, forgetting them. Months before my twenty-fifth birthday however, I was sitting, watching TV, getting high before work, and the memory of that day came back. I drew them both in that moment. It wasn’t long after that that I drew the Orion Tree of Life. I showed Peter but I don’t think he understood. But, given no one on the planet knew about them, I guess it was to be expected. This is when I went to the MSU Library, and using their computers began my campaign. Having no real place to connect, I found myself upon the forums of the Holywood. I was banned a number of times, they eventually gave up. Perhaps it was something I wrote. I saw a lot in those days, participated in more, from the first moment the name Lady Gaga was first used, to


the moment I felt the true weight of what I had written, and how it affected those around me. And now, through it all, here I sit. Having been subjected to a world whose only true objective is the elevation of its own deplorability. People act like we know good from evil, if that were true then there would be no need for the discussion; the past time activity of governments, artists, and preachers alike. And I know this is true, I can’t even go into a library to work on my book without having someone spy on me, someone has even stolen copies of this work from my truck, of which I keep saved on cd, to prove its evolution. The only thing I know for certain, is that mankind is full of wretches who think that it is completely o.k. to lie, cheat, and steal, and ultimately interfere with other people’s lives, while actually having the audacity to think that they are holy in the process. Over the years, I have heard a lot of philosophies and perspectives, but only one has ever truly stuck; it was Rob Zombie who said, “Get it proud and get it fair.” I don’t see very much of that in this world. And because of that I am left to realize that my life will more than likely take on an unsavory path. I will either be murdered by some religious fuck-nut: deluded by his own sense of grandeur. Framed for a crime I didn’t commit by another sociopath who thinks he’s fulfilling some bullshit prophesy. Or the people from my past will provoke beyond the point of madness and I retaliate, like I did when I was 11.


It’s sad, all I really want to do is get high, travel, see the sights, forgetting any of you ever existed. A shortsided myopic perspective I know. But how can I be blamed? You have turned heaven into hell for nickknacks and jellies, poisoning everything in the process.

We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. J Robert Oppenheimer I have encountered on this long road an enthusiasm for an Irishness which will be built on recognizing again those sources from which spring the best of our reason and curiosity. Michael D. Higgins


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