the body keeps score

May 7, 2017 | Author: api-336350430 | Category: N/A
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Allison Rebecca Wright

Education 2300-010

The Body Keeps Score Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk

This book is a thorough scientific dissection of trauma. It evaluates, studies, and empathizes with the effects of trauma on the brain, mind, and body. It also dedicates immense time on effective proven ways of healing. Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk has dedicated his life and career to finding the best treatment for the individual. This book is full of heart wrenching case studies that are at times extremely hard to read. Even though the stories can be so sad, it gives you drive and hope for the bettering of these people’s lives and hope for our country’s future. I found it incredibly healing for my own past and can’t wait to study more of his work. In addition, he discusses in depth the anatomy and physiology of the brain. What an incredible intrinsic piece of work it is. The process of finding treatments and solutions has not been an easy widely accepted road either, this too is taught in depth by his own trials, errors, and struggles. Dr. Bessel teaches about the trauma, reactions, feelings, sensations, and the unexplainable for PTSD, sexual abuse, mental abuse, and the personal prison you live in. Medication and alternative medicines are discussed in depths and the pros and cons are unbiasedly decided. This is by far the most influential book I believe I’ve ever read. I chose it for a challenge, educating myself for my future students, and a slightly selfish search for healing as well. I recommend any and every one read this book, anyone who unfortunately is a victim of violence, those working with the public, teachers, and just to become a better aware citizen. Trauma and violence is such a taboo subject but the victims and lasting debilitating effects are all around us. We need to stop

Allison Rebecca Wright

Education 2300-010

pulling the wool over our eyes and become a family to all and help stop the causes before the trauma starts. Trauma is such a hard subject to discuss but that doesn’t make it nonexistent. Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk explains trauma as the lies we tell ourselves in order to survive. We never want to know the truth but statistics show ‘almost a third of children are molested and abused in our society and that same number of couples engages in violence during the relationship. The numbers are staggering in reality and yet we don’t shine light on what’s really going on. We all want to believe that families are a safe haven full of love and support but we must tackle this issue as a united front. We were created to live and function in groups, to have a purpose, and a healthy sense of self. Trauma is the ultimate evil causing us to lose this ability and be lost in more ways than one. Social support is crucial to help us not be overwhelmed by fear, stress, and especially so for the traumatized and their healing process. If you’ve never experienced violence in your life it’s hard to understand why those who have feel and react the way they do. The brain is made up of an emotional and rational brain. Once a person has been subjected to the unthinkable their brain is forever changed by the acts. It no longer is able to rationalize or separate the past from what’s happening this very second and anything or anyone is a potential trigger to the memory(s). Over time this overstimulation of adrenaline driven fear causes massive health issues that seem unfixable to those not knowing the real reason. Every traumatized individual has their own way of concealing, coping, surviving, disappearing into their own prison of life. Being traumatized means your entire life continues to revolve around its self as if the trauma is continuously happening. Can you imagine? I know I sure can…

Allison Rebecca Wright

Education 2300-010

I grew up with a narcissistic alcoholic father who over the years got more and more abusive. I found myself lying constantly for him to keep him out of jail, to hopefully soften his angry wraths, and to my classmates so they didn’t know what I was living with. Over time this begins to feel normal and anytime I would try to run, he seemed to catch up to me and ruin any relationship I had made with people, reducing my life to such a debilitating numbing guilt revolving around taking care of him. The shame, guilt, hurt (emotional, mental, and physical) were often more than I could stand but I put on a smile and try to forget. After a while you honestly can’t remember your entire childhood and for a second you think it’s all ok. Then the nightmares invade this pseudo peace. Night after night you try to stay awake to not see what you so desperately try to hide, conceal, and forget but as the book says…..”Your body keeps score”. I have finally been able to come to terms with my past and cut ties from the abuse and abuser, in many ways described in this exact book! It isn’t something that is easy to do but is essential to life for the victims of violence. Healing is a daily commitment to not let myself feel guilty for what I couldn’t change as a child. That all being said is why I have chosen to work with children and be their guidance, role model, outlet, support, and way of healing. I want to dedicate my life to helping others and can’t imagine a better way than teaching. Perhaps I’ll be blessed enough to work with troubled and abused children and to teach the privileged ones how important it is to be aware and helpful to all humans no matter where they come from, what they look like, and how each and every one of us can make a difference. You never know what someone is living with at home, and often those who are suffering are the ones who hide it the best. It is our job and purpose to find understanding and help and stop this terrible trend in

Allison Rebecca Wright

Education 2300-010

our society. You may only change one life in your lifetime but that one life is more thankful than you will ever know. I know I am and can’t wait to pay it forward.

I truly hope my story can make a difference in someone’s life. I have hidden it for so long, but realize there is no healing nor helping others in only surviving. We have to heal and thrive….who knows who it could influence to better their own lives. I am so thankful for this book and this assignment! I hope you can all find the time to read it and have it change your perspectives as well. Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk is a true inspiration to all who want to dedicate their lives, education, and means to helping others. I wish to end with an amazing quote from the book that I feels sums it all up, “research on the effects of early maltreatment tells a different story: that early maltreatment has enduring negative effects on brain development. Our brains are sculpted by our early experiences. Maltreatment is a chisel that shapes a brain to contend with strife, but at the cost of deep, enduring wounds. Childhood abuse isn’t something you “get over”. It is an evil that we must acknowledge and confront if we aim to do anything about the unchecked cycle of violence in this country.” –Martin Teicher, MD, PhD, Scientific American. If this doesn’t wake us up to what’s going on around us….I don’t think anything will.

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