The Black Flag

February 22, 2017 | Author: scribdacct123 | Category: N/A
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This is a pick up manual by PUA master "Shark" on how to attract women....



                            ©  2011  Solve  My  Girl  Problems   All  rights  reserved.    

          Table  of  Contents     Internal  Game       External  Game       The  Pick-­‐Up       Pre-­‐Coital  Adventures     Meta  Game         Exemplars      

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Chapter  The  First:  Internal  Game     THE  MATRIX     “Why  do  my  eyes  hurt?”     “You’ve  never  used  them  before”    

  The  Matrix  is  omnipresent.  It  is  ubiquitous,  it  is  all-­‐encompassing,  it  is  all-­‐seeing,  it  is  all-­‐ knowing.  From  billboards  to  magazines  to  TV  shows  to  high  school  clubs  to  advertisements  to   movies  to  father-­‐son  conversations  to  novels  to  fairy  tales  to  news  paper  articles  to  proverbs  to   jokes;  it  is  literally  fucking  everywhere.       It  starts  with  Disney  movies.       From  a  young  age  all  men  are  exposed  to  a  stream-­‐line  of  normalization  that  teaches  them  that   all  girls  are  princesses  and  all  women  are  led  to  believe  that  they  are  entitled  to  their  own  fairy   tales.  By  their  pre-­‐teen  years,  boys  have  been  thoroughly  conditioned  to  believe  that  all  women   need  to  be  placed  on  pedestals,  that  insecurities  are  a  parasitic  yet  beneficial  aspect  of   relationships,  and  that  one  day,  it  will  be  honorable  for  them  to  willingly  sacrifice  their  minds  to   a  media-­‐fueled  pop  sensation  soul-­‐mate  mythology  whose  sole  function  is  to  systemically   sterilize  them  and  all  of  their  kin.  Other  girls  give  them  shitty  advice,  leading  them  to  think  that   girls  actually  like  desperate  behavior  and  that  the  appropriate  way  to  win  a  woman's  heart   involves  a  prostrating  desire  for  exclusivity,  a  willingness  to  spend  a  suicidal  amount  of  money   on  flowers,  and  an  over-­‐protective  standard  of  commitment.  The  few  men  who  are  able  to   escape  the  jaws  of  a  greater  feminized  imperative  adopt  a  perverted  form  of  masculinity,   becoming  the  famously  labeled  "jerks"  of  society,  extroverting  their  insecurities  in  the  form  of   cocky,  arrogant,  or  obnoxious  behavior.    Afraid  of  commitment  and  themselves,  they  are  the   future  janitors  of  our  race.  Of  the  saved  souls,  only  a  few  become  real  "men"  -­‐  and  even  they   have  trouble  articulating  their  leadership  into  useful  forms.  From  video  games  to  materialism,   the  hyper-­‐addictive  personality  embodied  by  contemporary  society  successfully  transfigures   them  into  a  corrupted  version  of  themselves.  Nice  guys  are  praised  for  their  willingness  to  bend   over  and  take  it  up  the  ass.  Jerks  are  demonized  for  jizzing  on  other  people’s  faces.  "Real"  men   waste  all  their  time  playing  video  games,  masturbating,  and  engaging  in  other  useless  activities.   In  short,  men  are  taught  to  be  pussies  and  no  one  realizes  that  they're  being  lied  to  until  it's  too   late.     The  ending  isn't  from  a  Disney  movie.       The  symptoms  of  a  decaying  post-­‐modern  society  leak  out  in  the  form  of  divorce  rates  and   psycho-­‐social  pathologies.  Approach  anxiety  seizes  its  victims  by  the  throat  and  turns  good   natured  men  into  lifeless  herbs  who  innocuously  orbit  the  dark  corners  of  clubs  and  bars.   Jealousy  etches  itself  into  the  foundation  of  every  relationship  as  men  opt  for  lackluster   Page 3 of 139

attempts  at  controlling  their  emotions.  The  defiant  subculture  of  game  turns  into  a  tool  used  to   oppress  women  rather  than  liberate  men  -­‐  it's  original  purpose.  Husbands  and  boyfriends   world-­‐wide  contemplate  suicide  or  murder  everyday  because  they  can't  stand  the  idea  of  "the   one"  leaving  them  to  get  raw-­‐dogged  by  fresh  cock  in  some  dark  alleyway.  Girls  who  refuse  to   acknowledge  the  true,  biologically  determined,  nature  of  men  are  left  in  the  dark  and  fed   acreages  of  shit  in  their  own  abusive  or  pathetically  isolated  half-­‐relationships.  The  swath  of   supplicatory  comments  offered  as  tribute  to  them  on  facebook  via  decadent  bitchboys   galvanizes  even  the  most  repulsive  of  marsh  monsters  to  join  the  league  of  extraordinary  cunts   –  an  exclusive  priori  dedicated  to  burning  an  embroidery  of  feminism  unto  their  world.         The  sexual  market  is  merciless  in  its  judgment.  Men  begin  to  seek  solace  in  World  of  Warcraft   and  porn  magazines.  The  mass  production  of  lube  makes  it  possible  to  find  comfort  in  jerking   off  to  lesbian  literature  while  avoiding  the  horrifying  experience  of  being  rejected  by  a  real  girl.   Social  skills,  like  common  sense,  become  a  rare  commodity.  The  purifying  acid  wash  of  reality   begins  to  settle  in  as  the  painful  dissolution  of  humanity  begins  its  tragic  descent  to  chaos.  This   is  the  degenerated  acropolis  of  “refined”  culture  you  begin  your  journey  for  self-­‐improvement   in.            



“Men  weren’t  really  the  enemy  –  they  were  fellow  victims  suffering  from  an  outmoded   masculine  mystique  that  made  them  feel  unnecessarily  inadequate  when  there  were  no  bears  to   kill.”       -­‐Betty  Friedan       National  Geographic  News  reports  that  after  sequencing  the  genome  of  the  chimpanzee,   scientists  have  found  humans  to  be  96%  similar  in  genetic  makeup  to  the  great  ape  species.  The   4%  difference  has  amounted  to  a  significant  change  in  appearance,  the  ability  to  use  our   thumbs,  and  a  few  other  idiosyncrasies,  which  by  a  mad  stroke  of  luck,  has  allowed  an  utterly   insignificant  ape-­‐descended  life  form  to  become  the  only  self-­‐labeled  “sentient”  beings  on   earth.  Ecclesiastical  law,  Hollywood  ethos,  and  the  strained  sciences  are  all  elocutions  of  that   small  4%;  but  the  truth  remains,  the  4%  we  pay  such  an  insurmountable  attention  to  pales  in   comparison  to  our  anatomically  pre-­‐determined  nature  with  regards  to  our  overall  behavioral   schema.  But  no  statistics  are  required  to  prove  that  our  atavistically  driven  instincts  are  the  real   motivators  behind  our  “complex”  social  interplays  –  only  a  brief  glance  at  the  male  sex  drive.       Year  round,  weak  men  are  dazzled  by  ostentatious  shows  of  skin  and  the  numbing  power  of   beauty.  From  cleavage  to  legs,  the  propensity  of  lesser  men  to  allow  themselves  to  be   consumed  by  aesthetic  delight  is  somewhat  awe-­‐inspiring.  For  a  period  of  time  before  they  hit   the  wall,  women  hold  within  their  hands  God-­‐like  power.  But  why  the  obsession  with  beauty?     Page 4 of 139

      “Men,  on  average,  tend  to  place  a  higher  value  on  physical  appearance  in  a  partner  than   women  do.  This  may  be  explained  by  evolutionary  psychology  as  a  possible  consequence  of   ancestral  humans  who  selected  partners  based  on  secondary  sexual  characteristics,  as  well  as   general  indicators  of  fitness  (for  example,  symmetrical  features)  enjoying  greater  reproductive   success  as  a  result  of  higher  fertility  in  those  partners.”     “A  feature  of  beautiful  women  that  has  been  explored  by  researches  is  a  waist-­‐to-­‐hip  ratio  of   approximately  0.70.  Physiologists  have  shown  that  women  with  hourglass  figures  are  more   fertile  than  other  women  due  to  higher  levels  of  certain  female  hormones,  a  fact  that  may   subconsciously  condition  males  choosing  mates.”1         Modern  science  has  stripped  beauty  of  its  grandeur  and  turned  it  into  a  calculable   phenomenon.  There  is  no  arcane  magic  behind  it,  no  Delphic  fascination,  no  preternatural   meaning.  Beauty  is  simply  indicative  of  a  woman’s  ability  to  reproduce.  Bloated  vaginas  and   warts  make  women  less  attractive  because  men  are  predisposed  to  noticing  such  things  as   caveats  for  infertility.          So  what  determines  what  women  are  attracted  to?         “A  male’s  ability  to  provide  resources  for  offspring  was  likely  signaled  less  by  physical  features.   This  is  considered  to  be  due  to  the  most  prominent  indicator  of  fertility  in  women  being  youth,   while  the  traits  in  a  man  that  enhance  reproductive  success  are  proxies  for  his  ability  to  accrue   resources  and  protect.”2           The  age  old  mystery  of  female  sexuality  –  dissected  by  rudimentary  logic  and  text-­‐book  science.   This  is  where  the  seed  of  confidence  lies.  The  world  has  evolved  from  an  age  where  physical   adaptivity  determined  the  most  dominant  males.  Social  adaptivity  has  taken  control  of  the  reins   of  productive  utility  and  in  return,  the  mental  filters  that  women  use  to  select  mates  have   shifted  to  recognize  more  abstract  qualities,  less  quantifiable  than  brute  strength.    

1 Stephen J. Dubner (July 9, 2007). "The Science of Large Breasts, and Other Evolutionary Verities". The New York Times 2

Abigail Trafford, Andrew Cherlin (Mar. 6, 2001). "Second Opinion: Men's Health & Marriage". Washington Post.

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Women  are  attracted  to  confident  men  because  they  have  evolved  to  recognize  them  as  the   ones  most  capable  of  providing  for  them  and  their  off  springs.  A  decisive  man  who  could  lead   his  troops  to  victory,  who  could  keep  his  family  from  falling  into  desolate  poverty,  and  who   could  pass  on  his  lady-­‐killer  genes  to  his  son  is  the  contemporary  equivalent  of  a  caveman  who   could  strangle  a  pterodactyl  with  his  pubes.  From  a  psychological  perspective,  it  makes  sense   for  a  girl  to  assume  that  confident  men  have  substance  behind  their  game  because  power  and   authority  have  consistently  correlated  with  the  natural  cultivation  of  a  confident  aura.       The  dizzying  rate  of  aggregating  complexities  in  modern  society  continues  to  create  ways  to   circumvent  this  law.  Insecure  men  well  versed  in  IT  vernacular  can  easily  accumulate  massive   amounts  of  wealth,  and  theoretically,  very  high  “provider”  capabilities;  but  ultimately  this   remains  irrelevant.  Confidence  does  not  delineate  an  absolute  amount  of  Power  nor  does  it   work  the  other  way  around.  The  entire  premise  of  “game”  was  originally  based  on  manipulating   this  dynamic  by  mimicking  traits  that  dominant  men  naturally  possessed  to  elicit  the  same   responses  they  would  get  from  women.  But  assessing  the  exact  percentage  of  accuracy  this   theory  has  historically  held  does  us  no  good.  For  our  purposes,  it  is  clear  enough  that   confidence  and  masculinity  are  generally  the  most  attractive  traits  a  man  can  possess  because   in  the  250,000+  years  of  our  existence,  they  were  indicative  of  a  male  with  high  reproductive   value.  Any  method  focused  on  developing  inner  game  would  have  to  revolve  around  these   traits.       But  do  these  methods  even  exist?  It  would  seem  as  though  life  has  played  a  cruel  trick  on   mankind,  that  only  a  handful  would  be  born  with  confidence  and  inner  game  while  the  rest  of   us  were  doomed  to  suffer  from  calloused  hands  or  be  forced  into  settling  for  stretched  out   labials  at  a  later  age.  Some  men  just  seem  to  have  life  made  out  easier  for  them,  imbued  with  a   natural  ability  to  charm  women  into  agreeing  to  threesomes.  The  genesis  of  game  has  given   birth  to  a  strict  process  of  segregating  men  into  naturals  and  unnaturals  or  men  who  are   innately  capable  of  seduction  versus  men  who  have  to  consciously  maroon  their  targets  based   on  sound  principles.       The  truth  is,  the  entire  dichotomy  between  natural  and  unnatural  is  false  and  stems  from  a   misunderstanding  of  social  development.    The  term  “natural”  itself  is  a  misnomer  –  certain  men   only  seem  to  be  organically  saturated  with  charisma  because  they  were  placed  in  favorable   positions  when  they  were  young.  The  shocking  thing  about  a  natural  is  not  his  intrinsic  ability  to   emanate  confidence,  but  the  age  at  which  he  picked  up  through  experience  what  you  are  now   meticulously  learning  through  study.       Men  who  have  had  Alpha  fathers  or  father  figures  to  model  themselves  after  have  a  higher   chance  of  becoming  Alpha  than  men  who  grew  up  in  pampered  households  surrounded  by   AFCs.  Boys  who  were  captain  of  their  little  league  teams  will  develop  more  leadership  qualities   than  their  friends  who  actively  bleach  their  faces  from  staring  at  computer  screens.  And  most   importantly,  men  who  have  enjoyed  success  with  women  at  an  early  age  are  able  to  build  on   their  success  by  capitalizing  on  a  marginal  boost  in  confidence  while  their  soon-­‐to-­‐be-­‐beta   counterparts  will  dwell  endlessly  in  a  cesspool  of  failures.  Confidence  is  not  a  visceral   Page 6 of 139

characteristic;  it  is  the  result  of  proper  conditioning.  While  certain  road  blocks,  like  getting   sorted  into  Hufflepuff,  can  severely  hamper  one’s  self-­‐esteem,  we  can  intentionally  place  our   selves  in  favorable  positions  at  a  later  age  to  make  up  for  lost  times.          


    “I  see  now  that  the  circumstances  of  one’s  birth  are  irrelevant;  it  is  what  you  do  with  the  gift  of   life  that  determines  who  you  are”     -­‐Mewtwo           If  the  attractiveness  of  a  man  can  be  reduced  to  his  proxies  for  accruing  resources,  committing   to  protecting  his  offspring,  and  other  vigilant  qualities,  then  the  operational  purpose  of   qualities  like  confidence  can  be  reduced  to  a  single  term  –  survivability.  On  a  more   comprehensive  spectrum  of  evolution,  survivability  is  determined  almost  exclusively  by  an   animal’s  ability  to  adapt  to  its  environment.  Decorum  is  the  evolved  form  of  this  type  of   physical  acclimation,  superior  etiquette  the  refined  version  of  superior  physical  presence,  and   suave  propriety  the  modern  reconstruction  of  external  displays  of  fertility.  Activities  that   bolster  the  aptitude  of  a  man  to  survive  in  a  socio-­‐economically  driven  world  –like  any  activity   that  harbors  a  competitive  mentality-­‐  would  likely  correlate  with  a  development  in  inner  game.               “The  new  study,  published  in  The  Journal  of  Strength  &  Conditioning  Research,  was  led  by   Andrew  C.  Fry,  PhD,  CSCS,  of  University  of  Kansas.  He  and  his  team  collected  blood  samples  from   collegiate  wrestlers  before  and  after  matches  to  measure  levels  of  testosterone  and  other   hormones.       When  hormone  levels  of  the  winners  and  losers  of  the  matches  were  compared,  testosterone   levels  rose  in  both  groups  of  athletes.  However,  average  testosterone  levels  increased  more   among  wrestlers  who  won  their  matches  compared  with  those  who  did  not.       Elevated  testosterone  levels  have  been  studied  in  other  athletes  as  well,  ranging  from  high   resistance  weight  trainers  to  basketball  players.  However,  an  increase  in  testosterone  levels  is   not  limited  to  physically  competitive  activities.       In  a  study  conducted  in  Japan,  saliva  samples  were  collected  from  90  healthy  male  university   students  who  were  members  of  a  competitive  Japanese  chess  club  (shogi)  immediately  before   and  after  playing  chess,  and  again  30  minutes  later.  The  researchers  found  an  increase  in   testosterone  and  cortisol  in  the  saliva  of  players,  regardless  of  whether  they  had  won  or  lost.  

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Increases  were  more  pronounced  the  more  competitive  the  game.”3           Studies  concur;  men  who  are  competitive  are  more  alpha  than  their  vagina  bequeathed   brethren.       If  you’re  young,  you  have  time  to  pick  up  a  sport.  If  you’re  older,  your  career  is  the  way  to  go.   Become  uncannily  good  at  anything  you  do  –  approach  it  with  an  untapped  competitive   potential  –  and  your  flaccid  personality  will  follow  in  suit.  It  is  no  coincidence  that  men  who   stand  out  in  their  respective  fields  generally  display  Alpha  characteristics.       The  study  indirectly  makes  note  of  two  additional  points.  First,  the  intensity  of  a  man’s   competitive  fervor  directly  affects  his  level  of  confidence.  Star  Centers  will  be  more  alpha  than   3rd  string  point  guards;  nationally  acclaimed  chess  players  will  be  more  alpha  than  local  chess   enthusiasts.  If  you  want  to  be  confident,  have  something  to  be  confident  about.  If  you  spend   your  weekends  touring  dildo  factories  and  your  weekdays  logging  billions  of  hours  on  Xbox  Live,   you  have  little  hope  of  drawing  women  to  their  boudoirs.       Second,  the  key  ingredient  is  competition,  not  sports.  It  would  be  unfair  to  quickly  draw  a   super-­‐nerd  AFC  stereotype  based  on  the  presumption  that  a  guy  plays  video  games.  The  recent   influx  of  hyper-­‐competitive  e-­‐sports  has  given  birth  to  a  new  milieu  of  gamers,  ones  who   pursue  their  hobbies  with  the  same  gusto  seen  in  men  who  have  reserved  their  tenacity  for   physical  sports  and  the  world  of  business.  Predictably,  pro-­‐gamers  are  all  alpha,  rake  in  glorious   amounts  of  coquettish  pussy,  and  achieve  celebrity  status  in  return  for  their  talents.  Their   friends  who  prefer  playing  uncompetitive  games  get  shafted  by  Darwinism  and  eventually   tossed  aside  like  sperm  receptacle.         Compete.  Dominate.  Repeat.       A  competitive  mentality  is  not  the  only  ground  upon  which  a  progressively  confident  persona   can  be  developed.  If  the  functional  purpose  of  confidence  can  be  reduced  to  survivability  then   increasing  the  number  of  social  adaptations  a  man  is  capable  of  would  have  an  equal  effect.   Physically,  this  would  translate  to  cleansing  oneself  of  bodily  weaknesses  like  allergies.  In  our   case,  this  refers  to  getting  rid  of  social  phobias.  From  spiders  to  public  speaking,  the  fears  we   casually  brush  off  as  insouciant  manifestations  of  youth  and  inexperience  are  metaphysical   maladies  that  hold  us  back  from  functioning  at  the  acme  of  our  potentials.       While  shortcuts  can  be  taken  to  minimize  the  amount  of  mental  trauma  caused  by  having  to   confront  these  problems,  I  suggest  avoiding  them.  The  trauma  caused  from  facing  your  bête-­‐ noir  is  necessary,  you  need  to  associate  extreme  pain  with  the  overly  vagrant  personality  you   have  now.  Afraid  of  germs?  Throw  yourself  into  a  vat  of  infectious  miasma  and  absorb  your   enemies.  Afraid  of  talking  to  a  girl?  Do  100  approaches  every  night  using  lines  from  Seinfeld.   3

Mitchell, Deborah (January 26, 2011) “Higher Testosterone Found in Winning Wrestlers, Chess Players”. EmaxHealth

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Afraid  of  spiders?  Hire  a  prostitute  to  dress  in  a  Xeno-­‐arachnid  costume  and  hatefuck  her  till   you  develop  a  bizarre  fetish  for  harvestmen.  Afraid  of  physical  confrontation?  Compete  in   naked  staring  contests  at  the  kremlin  while  wearing  a  foaming  vibrator  on  your  forehead.       What  you’re  doing  right  now  is  not  enough.  By  the  time  most  people  realize  that  the  fears   shackling  them  to  a  mediocre  existence  are  creations  of  their  own  diseased  minds  –  it’s  already   too  late.  You  have  a  choice  of  either  overcoming  the  belching  whirlpool  of  phobias  gorging  on   your  freedom  right  now  or  ignoring  them  and  passing  through  life  with  a  blanched  face,  smiling   like  a  retard  being  tickled  by  his  own  hands.       To  challenge  oneself  in  all  aspects  of  life  is  to  force  oneself  to  grow  in  ways  never  thought   possible.  Evolution  is  the  cornerstone  to  survivability  and  thus  alphaness  –  personal  evolution  is   only  a  myopic  version  of  that  same  process.  It  is  not  enough  to  approach  our  fears  in  life  with  a   passive  aggressiveness;  we  need  to  approach  them  with  an  aggressive  aggressiveness.       The  issue  of  adaptivity  also  explains  why  rich,  famous,  or  powerful  men  are  able  to  make   vaginas  oscillate  at  extreme  frequencies  without  any  out  of  pocket  effort.  We  live  in  a  socio-­‐ economically  driven  society  hence  men  who  excel  at  accumulating  capital  in  either  form  are   technically  the  best  at  adapting  to  their  environments;  thus  are  perceived  to  have  the  most   value  and  desirability.  This  is  implicitly  understood  by  women;  who  subconsciously  expect  men   with  money  and  power  to  possess  the  traits  that  beat  rhythmically  with  female  desire.  Women   don’t  masturbate  to  images  of  large  unmarked  bills;  but  the  idea  of  a  man  with  a  suitcase  full  of   those  bills  carries  the  telltale  signs  of  ambition,  leadership,  mystery,  and  other  simian  qualities.   Women  are  not  attracted  to  power  and  money  as  disassociated  concepts.          


  “There  will  come  a  time  when  you  have  a  chance  to  do  the  right  thing.”     “I  love  those  moments.  I  like  to  wave  at  them  as  they  pass  by”  

      The  tendency  for  an  irritated  vagina  to  seek  recourse  in  chauvinistic  criminal  cock  seems  to   make  little  sense  in  terms  of  evolutionary  psychology  but  a  closer  examination  of  the  science   behind  why  women  are  attracted  to  BAMFs  might  reveal  otherwise.  I  refuse  to  use  the  term   “bad  boy”  in  our  discussion  because  it  sounds  homosexual  (no  offense).              “When  people  have  power,  they  act  the  part.  Powerful  people  smile  less,  interrupt  others,  and   Page 9 of 139

speak  in  a  louder  voice.  When  people  do  not  respect  the  basic  rules  of  social  behavior,  they   lead  others  to  believe  that  they  have  power,  according  to  a  study  in  the  current  Social   Psychological  and  Personality  Science       People  with  power  have  a  very  different  experience  of  the  world  than  people  without  it.  The   powerful  have  fewer  rules  to  follow,  and  they  live  in  environments  of  money,  knowledge  and   support.  People  without  power  live  with  threats  of  punishment  and  firm  limits  according  to  the   research  team  lead  by  Gerben  Van  Kleef  of  the  University  of  Amsterdam.  Because  the  powerful   are  freer  to  break  the  rules  -­‐-­‐  does  breaking  the  rules  seem  more  powerful?       People  read  about  a  visitor  to  an  office  who  took  a  cup  of  employee  coffee  without  asking  or   about  a  bookkeeper  that  bent  accounting  rules.  The  rule  breakers  were  seen  as  more  in   control,  and  powerful  compared  to  people  who  didn't  steal  the  coffee,  or  didn't  break   bookkeeping  rules.       Acting  rudely  also  leads  people  to  see  power.  People  who  saw  a  video  of  a  man  at  a  sidewalk   café  put  his  feet  on  another  chair,  drop  cigarette  ashes  on  the  ground  and  order  a  meal   brusquely  thought  the  man  was  more  likely  to  "get  to  make  decisions"  and  able  to  "get   people  to  listen  to  what  he  says"  than  the  people  who  saw  a  video  of  the  same  man  behaving   politely.       What  happens  when  people  interact  with  a  rule  breaker?  Van  Kleef  and  colleagues  had  people   come  to  the  lab,  and  interact  with  a  rule  follower  and  a  rule  breaker.  The  rule  follower  was   polite  and  acted  normally,  while  the  rule  breaker  arrived  late,  threw  down  his  bag  on  a  table   and  put  up  his  feet.  After  the  interaction,  people  thought  the  rule  breaker  had  more  power  and   was  more  likely  to  "get  others  to  do  what  he  wants."       Norm  violators  are  perceived  as  having  the  capacity  to  act  as  they  please"  write  the  researchers.   Power  may  be  corrupting,  but  showing  the  outward  signs  of  corruption  makes  people  think   you're  powerful.”                 As  luck  would  have  it,  it  isn’t  by  accident  that  assholes  and  ethical  renegades  have  a  far  lower   statistical  probability  of  dying  from  seminal  backlash.  Girls  aren’t  stupid,  they’re  just  aware  that   men  who  have  a  taste  for  debauchery  are  likely  to  have  bigger  testicles  than  ones  who  prefer   living  by  every  letter  of  the  law.  Ignoring  rules  and  authority  will  help  your  inner  game.  At  this   point  half  of  you  will  go  “wait…wtf?”  and  re-­‐read  that  last  line.           Discourse  shapes  reality,  not  the  other  way  around.  People  who  break  rules  are  perceived  to  be   more  powerful  which  leads  them  to  act  more  powerful.  The  circular  nature  of  behavioral   modification  is  often  ignored  for  a  more  linear  model;  people  assume  that  you  need  to  be   powerful  first  to  act  the  part  when  the  truth  works  in  reverse.  If  competition  and  social   Page 10 of 139

adaptivity  can  successfully  breed  confidence,  then  our  thoughts  and  actions  must  be   dynamically  interrelated.  Our  actions  are  not  only  a  manifestation  of  our  thoughts;  our   thoughts  are  also  a  manifestation  of  our  actions.  Break  rules,  think  you’re  Alpha  because  you   just  broke  rules,  Become  Alpha.       The  only  problem  with  men  who  enjoy  making  a  mockery  of  societal  norms  is  that  they  subvert   the  rapport  clause  of  all  pleasantly  feminine  women.  They  have  no  problem  submerging   themselves  in  vaginal  discharge  but  their  drive  for  destruction  becomes  all-­‐consuming  all  to   often.  A  disdain  for  imposed  control  has  an  eerie  habit  of  turning  into  a  disdain  for  self-­‐control.        The  key  to  avoidance  takes  far  more  self-­‐discipline  than  most  people  expect.  Power  is   intoxicating,  as  are  the  various  perks  that  come  with  it,  including  a  caustic  savoir-­‐faire.  But  one   cannot  expect  to  break  every  rule  while  avoiding  every  consequence.  Questionable  acts  must  be   deployed  with  plausible  deniability  and  only  semi-­‐dubious  pretexts.  To  illustrate,  we  observe  an   unchangeable  law  of  the  universe…       The  ideal  man  is  one  who  could  cheat  easily,  but  would  never  do  so.       FemiNazis  leave  the  first  part  out.  Players  leave  the  second  part  out.  We  are  conditioned  to   believe  that  forsaking  all  other  options  is  a  necessary  preface  for  a  successful  relationship  but   any  veteran  in  love  will  tell  you  that  misplaced  loyalty  is  the  kiss  of  death  in  romantic  attraction.   Likewise,  other  men  will  disregard  the  entire  notion  of  monogamy  and  happily  fuck  a  girl’s  best   friend  to  soothe  a  momentary  genital  itch.  But  the  perfect  man  is  one  who  is  willing  to  break   the  feminized  norm  of  being  a  cyclopean  beta  while  still  refusing  to  go  all  the  way  and  cheat  – because  it  violates  his  own  principles.  He  will  shamelessly  flirt  with  another  girl  with  no  regard   for  moral  conventions  but  when  her  vulva  hangs  loose  right  in  front  of  his  pubic  bone  he  retorts   with  “Oh  I’m  sorry,  I’m  already  in  love.”       A  man  who  can  break  enough  rules  to  stand  at  the  brink  of  moral  chaos  but  have  enough   discipline  to  keep  himself  from  falling  over  is  both  a  master  of  himself  and  his  inner  demons.  A   man  who  follows  all  the  norms  he  was  groomed  to  follow  has  no  credibility,  he  never  saw  what   life  was  like  over  the  edge.  A  man  who  follows  disaster  to  no  controlled  end  can  only  take  pride   in  his  own  coup  de  grace,  not  society’s.         This  is  why  Alphas  who  don’t  cheat  are  more  valuable  than  Betas  who  don’t  cheat.  There  is  a   great  amount  of  difference  between  men  who  abide  to  rules  out  of  fear  and  men  who  abide  to   rules  out  of  respect.  A  man  with  no  options  who  says  “I  would  never  cheat”  is  a  lampoon  of   moral  integrity.  A  man  who  has  women  pouring  all  over  him  like  manna  from  the  heavens  who   says  “I  would  never  cheat”  is  a  symbol  of  masculine  perfection.                   Page 11 of 139

“Murder  suspect  Joran  van  der  Sloot  says  women  are  begging  to  bed  him.  He  bragged  to   reporters  this  week  about  receiving  love  letters  and  marriage  proposals  since  confessing  to  the   murder  of  Stephany  Flores,  whose  battered  corpse  was  found  in  the  young  Dutchman's  Lima   hotel  room  on  June  2.       Not  everyone  thinks  murderers  make  bad  company.  To  some  women  -­‐-­‐  and  a  smaller  share  of   men  -­‐-­‐  extinguish  a  life  and  you  become  a  fetish  object.  What  drives  women  to  cruise  Web  sites   such  as,,,  and  Meet-­‐an-­‐,  where  prisoners  (granted,  only  some  are  killers)  post  pictures  and  pleas?”4           There’s  no  doubt  about  it  –  breaking  rules  fosters  inner  game;  otherwise  women  wouldn’t  have   hind  brains  trained  to  regard  caddishness  as  a  vestige  of  Power.  And  before  I  accidently  breed   an  army  of  serial  killers;  [Disclaimer:  not  all  rules  should  be  broken.]       You  won’t  be  making  vaginas  marinate  from  a  jail  cell,  so  the  legal  ramifications  of  any  action   should  be  considered.  Breaking  petty  laws  probably  won’t  do  much  for  your  game  either.   Robbing  a  bank  might  get  you  as  much  money  as  lying  on  your  corporate  income  statement  –   but  “I  robbed  a  bank”  is  invariably  a  better  pick  up  line  than  “I  lied  on  our  annual  income   statement.”       Follow  conventions  irregularly  and  always  harbor  a  disdain  for  puerile  norms.  Set  goals  for   yourself  and  stay  focused  on  results.  Rules  that  can  be  circumvented  to  advance  your  interests   while  avoiding  a  calamity  should  be  callously  ignored.  You  have  no  interest  in  letting  the   Amoebic  reach  of  etiquette  hold  you  back  from  success.       People  will  always  embody  the  internal  image  they  have  of  themselves.  Personalities  are  self-­‐ fulfilling  constitutions  contingent  upon  outside  variables.  When  someone  breaks  a  rule,  they   perceive  their  own  character  as  “above”  the  law  and  they  act  the  part.  Any  action  that  forces   you  to  rationalize  yourself  as  “superior”  has  the  same  extolling  quality.  Butch  lesbians  have   unstoppable  confidence  because  they  see  themselves  as  above  the  scabbed  filth  of  society,   although  one  could  argue  no  one  is  more  responsible  for  our  extended  emotional  gutters  than   they  are.                     4

Rufus, Anneli (June 26, 2010). “Why Do Murderers Get Mailbags Full of Love Letters and Marriage Proposals?” Alter Net.

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AS  YOU  THINK,  YOU  SHALL  BECOME     “Man…If  These  Balls  Could  Talk”    

      The  process  of  leaving  the  PussyCluxClan  to  join  the  pantheon  of  Alpha  deities  requires  not  only   a  sanctioning  of  positive  habits  but  a  destruction  of  negative  ones.  A  quick  overview  over  a   concept  I’ve  beaten  to  death  on  my  blog  is  required:           “According  to  cognitive  dissonance  theory,  there  is  a  tendency  for  individuals  to  seek   consistency  among  their  cognitions  (i.e.,  beliefs,  opinions).  When  there  is  an  inconsistency   between  attitudes  or  behaviors  (dissonance),  something  must  change  to  eliminate  the   dissonance.  In  the  case  of  a  discrepancy  between  attitudes  and  behavior,  it  is  most  likely  that   the  attitude  will  change  to  accommodate  the  behavior.”         For  all  of  you  who  have  ever  asked  me,  “how  do  I  slap  the  beta  bitch  out  of  myself?”  Here  is   your  answer.  If  you  find  yourself  unable  to  fully  “internalize”  your  changes  to  inner  game  it’s   because  a  posse  of  bad  habits  is  actively  deconstructing  your  newly  found  attitude  and  re-­‐ modifying  you  back  to  a  beta  apparatus.  An  Alpha  demeanor  will  eventually  decay  into  beta   ineptitude  following  a  consistent  courtship  of  bad  habits.       Bad  habits  your  bitch  ass  is  doing  right  now:       (a)  Buying  gifts  for  random  bitchez     Your  action  delineates  a  certain  amount  of  difference  in  value.  Regardless  of  how  you  originally   perceived  the  act  to  pan  out,  your  mind  assumes  itself  to  have  lower  value  than  the  girl  in   question  to  rationalize  you  prostration.  Your  inner  game  reacts  by  reducing  your  outward   confidence  in  favor  of  more  desperate  beta  game.       (b)  Acting  impressed  when  someone  does  something     Toss  a  gauntlet  when  credit  is  due  but  never  groak  over  someone  else’s  accomplishments.  Any   time  you  flatter  someone  with  gaudy  praise,  they  subconsciously  assume  they  are  of  higher   value  than  you.  If  you’re  an  employer,  act  happy  and  proud  over  someone’s  accomplishments,   but  not  impressed.  You  must  always  act  as  if  your  apotheosis  is  just  around  the  corner,  there  is   nothing  in  this  world  that  staggers  your  imagination  nor  is  there  anything  you  are  incapable  of.   If  someone  else  did  it,  you  can  do  it.      

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(c)  Sacrificing  your  own  concerns  for  the  sake  of  a  girl     I’m  repulsed  by  the  number  of  young  kids  I  see  making  a  decision  over  their  college  or  their  jobs   depending  on  where  their  girlfriends  are  going  to  live.  The  sacrifice  is  too  large  to  maintain   equal  footing  in  a  relationship.  There  are  thousands  of  girl’s  that  can  make  you  happy  in  this   world,  only  one  dream.  When  a  girl  sees  this  type  of  trade-­‐off,  she  does  NOT  think  “let  me   reciprocate  the  affection,”  she  thinks  “wow  he  must  be  really  desperate.”  What  her  conscience   mind  thinks  and  the  words  that  come  out  of  her  lips  are  infinitely  irrelevant  compared  to  the   assumptions  made  by  her  Id.         (d)  Entertaining  a  Long  Distance  Relationship  (LDR)     LDRs  are  by  definition  bad  trade  offs  for  men.  Women  use  sex  to  get  relationships,  men  use   relationships  to  get  sex;  this  was  how  our  species  was  meant  to  coexist.  We  are  complimentary   rivals  in  the  sexual  market.  In  an  LDR,  the  girl  is  using  a  relationship  to  get  a  relationship  and  the   man  is  using  his  subscription  to  Brazzers  to  get  sex.  The  tradeoff  on  the  man’s  part  is  too   macabre  to  maintain  a  stable  relationship  unless  you’re  going  out  with  a  gipsy  who  can  astrally   project  her  vagina  to  your  penis  across  thousands  of  miles.       (e)  Jacking  off  Mad  Timez     Your  body  assumes  you  are  sexually  sated.  The  drive  to  deploy  draconian  tactics  to  route  vagina   towards  your  shaft  is  replaced  by  a  drive  to  stay  at  home  and  surf  YouTube  for  sappy   entertainment.  The  practice  of  total  abstinence  to  maintain  focus  has  been  famous  among   several  Super  Alphas  throughout  history  (Manny  Pacquiao,  Ghandi,  Nikola  Tesla,  and  many   others).  The  premise  of  fasting  lies  in  the  idea  of  sex  diffusing  human  energy  through  orgasms.   A  man’s  will-­‐to-­‐power  is  based  on  his  psycho-­‐sexual  energy.  When  that  energy  becomes   repressed,  it  comes  out  in  other  forms.  The  need  to  succeed,  to  dominate  others,  to  be   competitive;  all  become  magnified  through  parched  desire.         Small  habits  like  these  are  venomous  to  the  aspiring  lothario.  As  time  progresses,  you  can  lose   all  of  your  inner  game  by  allowing  your  bad  habits  to  corrode  the  frame  you’ve  taken  so   strongly  to.           We  are  so  utterly  conditioned  by  the  matrix  to  seeing  these  habits  as  a  regular  part  of  our  lives   that  their  subsequent  consequences  go  relatively  unnoticed.  Every  other  movie  involves  a  guy   giving  flowers  on  the  first  date;  every  other  song  is  about  a  nice  guy  waiting  in  brutal  isolation   for  his  true  love  with  a  bag  full  of  chocolates  and  hand  cream.  The  smallest  of  habits  have  far-­‐ reaching  consequences.  Heckling  for  money  makes  your  mind  assume  you  are  desperate,   cleaning  dishes  makes  your  mind  assume  you  need  more  estrogen  in  your  blood,  and  “waiting   for  the  right  moment”  to  say  “hi”  to  a  girl  makes  your  mind  assume  that  women  need  to  be   pedestalized.     Page 14 of 139

If  you  are  truly  invested  in  liberating  yourself  from  militant  feminism,  then  a  full  renaissance  of   not  only  your  thoughts  –  but  also  your  habits  –  is  necessary.  Spending  weeks  regaling  women   with  your  new  found  charm  after  reading  this  book  will  do  no  good  if  after  being  in  a   relationship  for  3  weeks,  you  get  lazy  and  allow  the  impending  dilapidation  of  your  game  to   proceed  without  any  resistance.  No  matter  how  much  you  work  on  changing  your  attitude  from   beta  to  alpha,  beta  behavior  will  reverse  engineer  your  old  iconic  AFC.  Too  many  people  are  the   victims  of  assuming  that  once  you  achieve  a  certain  level  of  stoic  alphaness  and  get  a  girlfriend;   you  come  to  a  point  of  no  return.  Nothing  is  unconditional  in  this  world.  Not  an  “Alpha   mentality,”  not  life,  not  good  health,  and  most  definitely  not  love.       Dissonance  is  a  germ  to  our  thoughts  –  our  bodies  react  by  eliminating  certain  ideals  to  restore   mental  equilibrium.  If  you  happen  to  be  homophobic,  start  attending  gay  porn  conventions   where  everyone  comes  together  to  enjoy  a  mass  erection  and  watch  your  loathing  of  gay   people  sublime  into  an  appreciation  for  their  differences.  A  technique  like  this  can  be  a   powerful  tool  for  relinquishing  thoughts  that  incapacitate  inner  game.     Approach  anxiety  capitalizes  on  our  need  to  avoid  social  mastication.  Rejection  is  a  naturally   aversive  stimulus  so  it  would  make  sense  for  people  to  avoid  it  at  all  costs.  But  you  don’t  need   to  jump  into  approaching  sets  at  a  club  right  away  to  supplant  your  lapses  in  confidence.  Think   about  the  subconscious  repository  for  approach  anxiety  –  a  fear  of  being  rejected  by  strangers.   Talking  to  any  stranger  warps  anthrophobic  thoughts  into  confidence.  Homeless  people  don’t   mind  conversation,  start  by  talking  to  them.  Old  people  at  laundry  mats,  other  guys,  any  person   you  don’t  know.  Your  body  can’t  harbor  approach  anxiety  while  you’re  aggressively  cold   approaching  people.     Body  language  connected  to  a  specific  mode  of  thought  would  create  the  same  type  of   antagonism  if  our  instinctual  thoughts  are  geared  in  a  different  direction.  Acting  calm  when   we’re  nervous  –  makes  us  less  nervous.  The  dissonance  created  by  forcing  yourself  to  maintain   a  calm  exterior  actively  degenerates  the  nervousness  created  by  your  internal  fears.  Taking  up   more  space  in  a  place  we  feel  uncomfortable  in  –  makes  us  more  comfortable.  Talking  slowly   even  when  we  feel  urged  to  rush  ourselves  –  makes  us  feel  more  confident.  All  these  examples   could  be  used  not  only  in  day-­‐to-­‐day  conversations  but  in  interviews  and  other  tense  situations.   Retaining  controlled  body  language  when  it’s  most  difficult  to  do  so  sublimates  our  instinct  to   withdraw  ourselves  and  forces  our  minds  to  generate  more  assertive  thoughts  to  reflect  how   we’re  projecting  ourselves.  Take  it  a  step  further;  intentionally  place  yourself  in  highly  tense   situations  to  push  yourself  to  maintain  proper  body  language.         Feeling  stupid?  Do  smart  looking  things  that  even  dumb  people  like  you  can  learn  and  your   thoughts  will  imitate  your  actions.  I’ve  never  thought  of  myself  as  a  “genius”  but  I’ve  been  so   adeptly  trained  at  bullshitting  my  ass  off  and  pretending  to  be  smarter  than  everyone  else,  I  can   convince  anyone  that  I  am.  It  would  take  about  two  weeks  for  anyone  to  learn  a  song  on  the   piano  but  our  minds  are  so  conditioned  to  believe  that  musical  talent  reflects  intelligence  that   when  you  hear  yourself  play  a  song  you’ll  convince  yourself  that  you’re  not  stupid.  The  self-­‐ doubts  you  have  about  your  intelligence  will  be  replaced  by  a  beautiful  self-­‐stroking  vanity.  It   Page 15 of 139

doesn’t  end  at  playing  music,  go  to  the  library  and  read  a  book  with  a  complicated  name  like   “Thus  Spoke  Zarathustra”  by  Friedrich  Nietzsche.  Despite  how  stupid  you  actually  are,  your   brain  will  convince  yourself  that  you’re  smart  because  you  go  to  the  library  and  read  books  with   bouygues  names.  The  next  time  you’re  in  a  room  full  of  people,  watch  the  magic  unfold  as  your   almost  poetic  ability  to  bullshit  baffles  the  audience.  Do  intelligent  looking  things  è  think   you’re  intelligent  è  become  “intelligent.”  (Being  intelligent  and  tricking  other  people  into   thinking  you’re  intelligent  are  synonymous).       If  you  want  the  world  around  you  to  change,  change  yourself  first.  If  you  want  to  change   yourself,  change  your  habits  first.          


  “Lennox  Lewis,  I’m  coming  for  you  man.  My  style  is  impetuous.  My  defense  is  impregnable,  and   I’m  just  ferocious.  I  want  your  heart.  I  want  to  eat  his  children.”     -­‐Tyson     Testosterone  is  the  lifeblood  of  game.  Any  outside  references  to  support  this  fact  would  be   superfluous  (but  will  be  added  anyways),  the  amount  of  studies  conducted  that  have  reiterated   the  positive  effects  of  testosterone  allow  for  little  latitude  in  interpretation.  Every  single   influential  man  on  earth,  bar  none,  had  a  Big-­‐T  personality;  comparative  psychology  has  already   observed  the  highest  amount  of  circulating  testosterone  in  the  Alpha  Male  of  any  group,  and   several  psychosocial  temperaments  emblematic  of  seductive  prowess  are  naturally  induced  by   testosterone.  Testosterone  is  the  vitality  of  life,  the  cure  to  middle  class  vacuity,  the  savior  of   western  civilization.  Below  I’ve  listed  the  most  prominent  ways  to  prevent  your  figure  and   mental  sharpness  from  turning  svelte.  I  would  suggest  pursuing  all  of  them,  as  they  not  only   indirectly  improve  internal  game,  they  also  have  a  myriad  of  health  benefits.  Look  up  other   ways  to  boost  testosterone  besides  these,  adopt  as  many  of  them  as  you  can.  Estrogen  =   MetaDeath.         (1) Don’t  be  a  Fatass     The  estrogen  catalyzing  enzyme  aromatase  resides  in  fat  cells.  Excess  fat  inhibits  the  production   of  testosterone  and  increases  the  production  of  estrogen  allowing  for  things  like  man-­‐boobs,   big  man-­‐boobs,  feelings  of  fatigue,  depression,  and  insomnia.  The  consequences  of  obesity   have  a  cyclic  effect;  people  who  are  obese  are  more  likely  to  be  lazy  which  further  feeds  into   their  obesity.       (2) Slaughter  animals  and  then  eat  them  without  mercy     Page 16 of 139

Men  on  vegetarian  diets  have  lower  testosterone  levels  than  their  carnivorous  friends.  Men   who  hunt  their  own  prey  generally  have  higher  testosterone  levels  than  those  who  prefer   buying  their  meats  at  supermarkets.  Hunters  >  Gatherers       (3) Foods  with  the  right  nutrients     Peanuts,  almonds,  and  other  foods  high  in  monounsaturated  fat  have  a  positive  effect  on  the   testeez.  Fish,  vegetables  and  all  that  good  stuff  help  to.  If  you’re  like  me  and  you  think   vegetables  are  an  abomination  to  edible  cuisine,  consider  shortcuts  (compressed  vegetable   drinks).       (4) Moderate  your  intakes  of  alcohol,  caffeine,  &  cigarettes       All  3  have  an  extraordinarily  negative  effect  on  testosterone  production.  Caffeine  can  be   harmless  if  consumed  in  reasonable  amounts.  Dossiers  of  pseudo-­‐science  have  contended  that   bodily  toxins  like  alcohol  and  nicotine  fuck  your  internal  chi  up.  While  I  don’t  have  a  crippling   fear  of  spiritual  damnation,  I  do  think  living  a  healthy  lifestyle  should  be  looked  into.     (5) Try  and  avoid  anorexia       Going  for  long  stretches  without  food  or  not  eating  enough  shoots  down  hormone  production.   Consume  a  healthy  amount  of  fat  a  day,  your  body  needs  carbs  and  fats  to  produce   testosterone.         (6) Work  out  Terminator  style       Heavy  weights  +  Compound  Exercises  =  More  T.  Rigorous  training  sessions  must  be  followed  by   long  periods  of  rest,  over-­‐exerting  yourself  has  a  negative  effect  on  not  only  muscle  growth  but   also  T  production.  Maintain  a  healthy  circadian  rhythm  and  avoid  fucking  up  your  sleep  cycle.       (7) Supplements     Daily  vitamins,  zinc,  and  certain  herbs  like  tribulus  terrestris,  ginseng,  muncuna  pruriens,  and   horny  goat  weed  all  increase  T-­‐production.  I  would  suggest  avoiding  steroids  or  other  extreme   methods  unless  you  are  advised  to  do  otherwise  by  a  professional.  I  don’t  have  a  moral   vendetta  against  steroids  or  “shortcuts,”  but  I  do  think  they  can  be  misused  easily.  I  had  a   friend  who  took  roids  and  his  dependency  on  them  went  from  casual  to  more  persistent  than   woodlice  within  a  matter  of  weeks.       The  imperators  of  science  have  confirmed  our  hypothesis  that  testosterone  positively  affects   game:        

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The  study  engaged  pairs  of  men  in  a  seven-­‐minute  videotaped  competition  for  the  attention  of   an  attractive  female  undergraduate.  Pre-­‐competition  testosterone  levels  were  positively   associated  with  men's  dominance  behaviors  in  the  mate  competition-­‐including  how  assertive   they  were  and  how  much  they  "took  control"  of  the  conversation-­‐and  with  how  much  the   woman  indicated  that  she  "clicked"  with  each  of  the  men.     According  to  Richard  Slatcher,  Ph.D.,  assistant  professor  of  psychology  in  WSU's  College  of   Liberal  Arts  and  Sciences  and  a  resident  of  Birmingham,  Mich.,  the  effects  of  testosterone  on   dominance  behaviors  were  especially  pronounced  among  men  who  reported  having  a  high  need   for  social  dominance.  In  his  study,  "Testosterone  and  Self-­‐Reported  Dominance  Interact  to   Influence  Human  Mating  Behavior,"  published  online  Feb.  28  in  the  journal,  Social     Psychological  and  Personality  Science,  these  men  showed  a  strong  positive  association  between   their  own  testosterone  and  their  own  dominance  behaviors  and,  most  surprisingly,  a  strong   negative  association  between  their  own  testosterone  and  their  opponents'  dominance   behaviors.  In  other  words,  men  both  high  in  testosterone  and  who  reported  a  high  need  for   social  dominance  appeared  to  be  able  somehow  suppress  their  competitors'  ability  to  attract   potential  mates.  However,  when  men  reported  low  need  for  dominance,  there  was  no   association  between  testosterone  and  dominance  behaviors-­‐either  their  own  or  their   competitors'.     "We  found  that  testosterone  levels  influenced  men's  dominance  behaviors  during  the   competitions,  how  much  they  derogated  (or  'bashed')  their  competitors  afterward,  and  how   much  the  woman  said  she  'clicked'  with  them,"  said  Slatcher.  "Books,  film  and  television  often   portray  men  who  are  bold  and  self-­‐assured  with  women  as  being  high  in  testosterone.  Our   results  suggest  that  there  is  a  kernel  of  truth  to  this  stereotype,  that  naturally  circulating   testosterone  indeed  is  associated  with  men's  behaviors  when  they  try  to  woo  women."5         Apparently  not  only  does  increased  testosterone  help  you  overcome  things  like  approach   anxiety  and  erectile  dysfunction,  it  also  cleaves  your  inability  to  deal  with  other  men.  If  you’re   constantly  being  badgered  by  jerk-­‐off  betas  trying  to  AMOG  you  in  a  set,  start  chugging   steroids,  put  on  150  pounds  of  muscle,  and  watch  as  other  men  redact  into  noodle  dick  mode   within  your  presence.           The  appearance  of  higher  levels  of  testosterone  in  serial  killers,  rock  stars,  and  other  men  who   enjoy  tanning  their  groins  in  massive  veldts  of  pussy  suggest  that  women  may  be  able  to   intuitively  screen  men  based  on  their  level  of  radiating  testosterone.  The  fact  that  women  with   big  T  personalities  often  prefer  to  fist  rape  marry  betas  indicates  that  testosterone  levels  in   partners  are  inversely  related.  This  goes  back  to  the  game  principle  that  a  woman  in  the   presence  of  a  man  incapable  of  assuming  his  natural  role  of  leader  –  will  usurp  that  position   5

O’Connor, Julie (March 10, 2011) “Wayne State study links testosterone with men’s ability to ‘woo’ potential mates” Wayne State University Division of Research

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herself.  Naturally,  women  with  Big-­‐T  personalities  would  prefer  squishy  cotton  twats  that  can   be  easily  displaced  as  long-­‐term  partners  (they  will  still  ride  the  alpha  carousel  on  short  term   flings).          


  “Far  better  it  is  to  dare  mighty  things,  to  win  glorious  triumphs,  even  though  checkered  by   failure,  than  to  take  rank  with  those  poor  spirits  who  neither  enjoy  much  nor  suffer  much,   because  they  live  in  the  gray  twilight  that  knows  not  victory  nor  defeat”     -­‐Theodore  Roosevelt  

    There  has  been  a  significant  amount  of  speculation  on  the  connection  between  inner  game  and   one’s  profession.  Stereotypes  contend  that  careers  in  the  sciences  or  liberal  arts  attract  a   grossly  beta  population  while  more  high-­‐risk  or  competitive  ventures  attract  alphas.  Our   previous  discussions  over  experiences  that  naturally  cultivate  inner  game  may  give  these   stereotypes  some  credence.       Men  enticed  to  enter  a  field  like  business  or  a  professional  sport  are  exposed  to  a  hyper-­‐ competitive  mentality  from  day  one.  Every  basketball  game  is  an  exercise  of  will;  every  failure   in  business  requires  unabated  persistence  to  overcome.  Assuming  these  men  have  chosen   these  activities  because  they  are  somewhat  talented  in  then,  it  is  likely  that  they  never  had  to   vie  for  attention  since  childhood  or  suffer  from  a  lack  of  confidence.  Entrepreneurs  who  may   not  have  enjoyed  early  success  will  develop  inner  game  later  on  (granted  they  are  successful)  in   life  because  a  position  of  leadership  will  force  their  bodies  to  adapt  to  a  dominant  position.   Exceptions  exist,  but  they  do  not  make  the  rule.       More  domesticated  men  who  have  been  raised  to  search  for  job  security  are  significantly  less   exposed  to  hyper  competition.  While  a  field  like  medicine  may  be  competitive  on  a  macro-­‐scale   (med  school  is  highly  selective),  that  combative  need  to  be  the  best  at  every  moment  is  never   consistently  reinforced  (besides  for  people  who  internally  create  that  drive).  Furthermore,   these  careers  are  only  competitive  up  to  the  point  that  you  need  to  prove  yourself  to  be   granted  a  chance  to  learn  the  technical  skills  required  to  accomplish  them.  A  career  in  law  or   business  becomes  progressively  more  competitive,  while  a  career  in  teaching  becomes   progressively  less  competitive.       This  is  not  to  say  that  you  need  to  choose  a  supra-­‐cutthroat  profession  to  develop  inner  game.   There  is  no  substitute  for  pursuing  ones  true  passion  in  life,  and  nothing  more  fulfilling  than   blurring  the  line  between  work  and  play.  If  you  are  pursuing  a  career  not  hyper-­‐competitive,   you  must  create  that  desire  to  succeed  within  yourself.  One  can  only  snatch  their  dreams  if  they   have  an  indomitable  desire  to  chase  them.     Page 19 of 139

   Certain  careers  uproot  beta  tendencies  more  efficiently  than  others.  These  include…     -­‐  Careers  that  force  people  skills  on  you  (salesmen  and  lawyers)     -­‐  Careers  that  force  you  to  be  more  competitive  (sports  or  e-­‐games)     -­‐  “  “  “  more  aloof  and  calculative  (poker)     -­‐  “  “  “  more  dominant  and  confident  (manager  or  CEO)     -­‐  “  “  “  more  authoritative  (police  officer  or  neo-­‐liberal  tyrant)   -­‐  “  “  “    fuck  a  lot  (rock  star,  porn  artist)     -­‐  “  “  “  more  famous  (celebrity)       All  of  these  careers  externally  impose  a  standard  of  Alphaness  on  you.  You  need  to  be   charismatic  to  be  a  good  salesman  or  dominant  to  be  a  good  dictator.       If  your  job  does  not  serve  a  greater  purpose,  you  must  give  it  one.  An  investment  banker  who   spends  his  day  mindlessly  memorizing  financial  patois  and  adjusting  numbers  will  turn  himself   into  a  blind  and  purposeless  vessel  while  an  investment  banker  who  loves  being  surrounded  by   catacombs  of  cocaine  and  financial  reports  gives  himself  reason  to  stay  alive.  Your  ambition  can   be  internally  manufactured  or  externally  implicated  although  the  former  has  a  more  permanent   effect.  If  you’re  a  teacher,  have  passion  in  spreading  knowledge;  don’t  sell  out  as  a  tard   regurgitating  information  to  collect  a  weekly  paycheck.       If  you  find  yourself  constantly  thinking  “I’m  gonna  burn  this  whole  fucking  operation  to  the   ground,”  chances  are  you’ll  find  it  hard  to  maintain  that  teasing  charm  necessary  to  beguile   women.  Hating  your  job  has  a  soul  killing  affect  paramount  to  surgically  draining  yourself  of  all   creativity  and  will  power.  Learn  to  love  your  job  even  if  you  need  to  force  yourself  into  it.  If  you   can’t  love  your  job,  think  of  it  as  a  stepping  stone  to  other  things  (either  career  oriented  goals   or  just  providing  your  family  with  a  comfortable  living),  and  learn  to  love  those  things  instead.       Your  career  should  make  you  sacrifice  yourself  to  an  ideal  (power  for  most  men,  selflessness  for   doctors,  technological  innovation  for  engineers,  etc).  Leaders  with  lycanthropic  hearts  have   become  like  that  because  their  greater  purpose  in  life  allows  them  to  let  everything  else  slide   with  brutal  indifference.  Live  for  something  more,  become  greater  than  just  a  man.  The  world  is   ductile;  make  it  bend  to  your  will.                           Page 20 of 139

THE  WORST  PIECE  OF  ADVICE  YOU  WERE  EVER  GIVEN     “Just  Be  Yourself”  

    Thus  far  our  discussion  over  developing  inner  game  has  included  only  actions  one  could   undertake  to  naturally  strengthen  their  loins  the  same  way  that  “naturals”  do.  To  recap,  these   actions  have  included  being  a  competition  junkie  (A  savant  level  chess  player  or  star  athlete),  a   raging  serial  killer  (break  rules,  get  laid),  cleansing  oneself  of  social  maladaptivity    (Less  Fear  =   More  Pussy),  engaging  in  activities  that  increase  testosterone  production  (stop  eating  tofu),   abating  bad  habits  (Alpha  habits  consist  of  nude  photography,  amateur  porn,  etc),  or  picking  a   Big-­‐T  career  (become  a  fascist  dictator).  Your  life  is  only  a  perpetual  manifestation  of  your   thoughts  AND  actions,  which  means  to  improve  your  inner  game,  you  need  to  change  either   both  your  actions  and  your  thoughts,  or  only  one  of  them  but  to  such  a  degree  that  the   dissonance  created  in  your  mind  forces  your  beta  traits  in  the  other  sector  to  naturally  regress   into  Machiavellian  dexterity.  But  before  we  move  onto  more  intention-­‐driven  methods,  we   must  digress  for  a  moment  on  a  moral  tangent  to  justify  the  idea  of  changing  oneself  in  the  first   place.       The  JBY  (Just  be  Yourself)  platitude  has  haunted  the  PUA  community  like  a  fat  chick  with  mind   controlling  powers.  As  soon  as  any  person  begins  to  change  their  persona,  everyone  who  sees   them  reacts  in  one  of  two  ways:       A.  “He’s  maturing,”  or  “Wow,  he’s  genuinely  trying  to  change,”  if  they  like  your  change       or       B.  “He’s  trying  to  be  someone  he’s  not,”  if  they  don’t  like  the  change.         But  certain  problems  with  the  “just  be  yourself”  papal  decree  are  visibly  ostensible.     If  you  tell  a  guy  addicted  to  Call  of  Duty  “just  be  yourself,”  he’s  going  to  stay  home  and  keep   playing  Call  of  Duty.       If  you  tell  a  guy  addicted  to  Harry  Potter  “just  be  yourself”  on  a  date,  he’s  going  to  start  acting   like  a  house  elf  in  the  middle  of  a  restaurant.       If  you  tell  a  drug  abusing  Nazi  addicted  to  Angeldust  “just  be  yourself,”  well…  you  get  the  point.       “Just  be  yourself”  has  its  shortcomings,  especially  when  it’s  applied  like  a  solipsistic  ideal.  It  is   not  a  universal  answer  to  everything.  Some  people  DO  need  to  change.  More  importantly,   some  people  need  to  change  not  to  become  someone  they’re  not,  but  to  become  someone   they  are.  A  large  portion  of  the  guys  introduced  into  game  don’t  use  it  as  a  way  to  construct  a   Page 21 of 139

false  persona,  they  want  to  be  genuine,  but  simply  don’t  have  the  confidence  to  be  their  real   selves  around  women.  For  them,  game  isn’t  about  crafting  some  frivolous  technique  to  get  laid;   it  allows  them  to  get  a  chance  to  show  other  people  who  they  really  are.       Developing  inner  game  requires  a  certain  degree  of  open  mindedness.  Actually  who  am  I   kidding,  it  requires  you  to  be  complicit  with  getting  repeatedly  mind  fucked  until  your  older   personality  shrivels  up  and  dies.  If  after  a  significant  portion  of  your  life,  you  still  feel  like  you   aren’t  living  up  to  your  potential,  then  change  should  be  embraced.  If  you’re  getting  chronically   LJBFed,  if  every  time  you  approach  a  girl  she  throws  up,  or  if  all  of  your  ex-­‐girlfriend’s  are   frumpy  fat  women,  then  “being  yourself”  clearly  isn’t  working.  That’s  what  got  you  here.       Any  time  a  girl  gives  you  advice  like  “just  be  yourself”  or  some  other  non-­‐sensical  bullshit,  it’s   because  she  is  assuming  attraction.  Women  are  caught  in  the  same  paradox  as  men  but  to  a   larger  degree.  The  most  attractive  man  to  a  woman  is  likely  to  be  attractive  to  several  other   woman  –  thus  more  likely  to  cheat  and  subvert  the  rapport  clause  of  a  relationship.  A  guy  who   no  other  woman  on  earth  would  sleep  with  would  never  cheat  on  his  girlfriend,  but  wouldn’t  be   attractive.  This  is  why  all  woman  have  a  demonic  compulsion  to  emasculate  their  boyfriends   following  a  relationship.       Whenever  you  ask  a  girl  for  advice,  unless  she  is  in-­‐tune  with  her  more  feminine  desires,  she   will  tell  you  everything  to  increase  rapport  in  a  relationship,  never  attraction.  She’ll  tell  you  to   “be  yourself,”  to  “communicate,”  to  “understand  her  better,”  but  never  “make  her  jealous”  or   “act  aloof.”  Rejection  is  catharsis  for  the  body  and  after  a  man’s  4th  or  5th  “let’s  just  be  friends”   speech,  he  usually  realizes  that  women  give  shitty  advice.       “Just  be  yourself”  has  the  added  affect  of  parrying  incoming  scrutiny  though  circular  logic.  If  I   tell  you  “ignore  your  ex  for  5  days”  and  in  the  end  of  your  sabbatical  nothing  happens,   theoretically  I  am  to  blame  for  the  failure  in  results.  But  if  I  tell  you  “just  be  yourself”  and  you   turn  your  break  up  into  an  all-­‐out  shit  storm,  I  can  come  back  and  tell  you  “you  weren’t  being   yourself.”  This  is  how  women  proactively  defend  against  drop-­‐kicks  from  men  they’ve  fucked   over  through  bad  advice.       Rejecting  the  JBY  verbiage  should  not  be  confused  with  “not  being  who  you  are.”  This  is  only  an   avocation  for  positive  change,  not  a  justification  for  lying  to  yourself  in  superficial  ways.  JBY  has   served  as  an  excuse  for  failure  rather  than  as  a  pylon  for  success  for  too  long.  Your  personality   is  malleable;  you  can  change  it  to  fit  the  template  of  who  you  want  to  be.                     Page 22 of 139

THOUGHT  CRIME     “War  is  Peace.  Freedom  is  Slavery.  Ignorance  is  Strength.”       Time  management  and  energy  management  are  heavily  covered  in  success  books  but  not   thought  management.     If  our  actions  and  the  reality  around  us  are  reflections  of  our  inner  self  –  then  daydreaming   about  the  ugly  trifles  in  life  is  intellectual  genocide.  Think  about  all  the  hours  you  spend   daydreaming,  what  do  you  think  about?  A  TV  show  with  characters  that  don’t  really  exist?  A  girl   who’s  out  right  now  blowing  more  people  than  a  tropical  storm?  What  to  write  as  your  next   Facebook  status?  You  should  be  thinking  about  your  goals,  ways  to  achieve  them,  places  you   can  bury  your  enemies,  or  shit  you  can  invent  to  help  mankind.  Cognition  is  an  ambivalent   force;  it  can  be  destructive  or  constructive  depending  on  the  edicts  of  your  faith.       Serially  monogamous  men  are  especially  vulnerable  to  thought  crime.  They  jump  from  Oneitis   to  Oneitis,  spending  their  days  thinking  about  their  ex  girlfriends,  their  current  girlfriends,  or   their  future  girlfriends.  Drug  addicts  and  alcoholics  can’t  escape  compulsory  thoughts  of   substance  abuse.  Men  with  multiple  social  phobias  spend  hours  of  their  day  thinking  about  how   to  avoid  public  humiliation  when  it’s  quite  unnecessary  because  their  mere  existence  is   publically  humiliating.       There  is  no  active  method  for  controlling  your  thoughts  the  way  you  can  methodically  develop   a  way  to  open  girls  at  bars.  I  know  it’s  hard  to  keep  your  thoughts  from  lingering  on  heartbreak,   on  failure,  and  on  fear,  I’ve  been  there  myself,  but  remaining  docile  in  your  own  malediction  is   a  waste  of  youth.  The  following  is  a  list  of  more  common  debilitating  thoughts  that  damage   inner  game,  infamous  for  bringing  legions  of  men  to  their  knees.  Notice  that  all  of  these   thoughts  are  predicated  on  a  negation  of  logic  and  courage.         (1)  Oneitis:  An  unhealthy  psychological  dependency  that  expresses  itself  via  an  obsessive   desire  to  be  with  ONE  PERSON.  The  emphasis  our  current  society  places  on  finding  our   chimerical  soul-­‐mate  preconditions  men  to  internalize  Oneitis.  Unlike  other  negative   thought  paradigms,  it  is  not  unique  to  the  beta  condition.  Even  men  with  densely  stoic   internal  belief  systems  have  been  hollowed  out  into  tortured  shells  after  falling  in  “love”   with  a  succubus.               Our  only  defense  is  to  consistently  reinforce  an  abundance  mentality  along  with  holding   women  as  only  secondary  objectives.  Both  points  sound  inherently  misogynistic  but  are  in   fact,  the  opposite.       An  abundance  mentality  means  truly  coming  to  terms  with  the  fact  that  there  are  other   women  out  there  who  can  make  you  just  as  happy,  if  not  happier,  than  the  girl  in  question.   Page 23 of 139

Self-­‐effacing  thoughts  like  “I  don’t  deserve  her”  or  “She  is  the  only  girl  that  will  ever  make   me  happy”  do  the  opposite  of  what  they  are  intended  to  do.  Rather  than  reciprocating  your   misplaced  loyalty,  a  girl  will  lose  respect  for  you  –  eroding  the  sexual  tension  and  challenge   aspects  critical  to  developing  a  healthy  relationship.  Why  do  all  “get  your  ex  girlfriend  back”   programs  rely  on  counter-­‐intuitive  methods?  Like  all  things  in  this  world,  women  only   chase  the  things  that  run  away  from  them.       If  you  are  not  in  a  relationship  with  the  girl  you  are  currently  pedestalizing,  adopt  an   abundance  mentality  by  pursuing  other  women  just  as  hot  or  hotter  than  her.  This  solution   has  become  such  a  cliché  in  the  seduction  community  that  the  acronym  GFTOW  (Go  Fuck   Ten  Other  Women)  was  coined  in  its  name.       If  you  are  in  a  relationship  with  the  girl  in  question,  the  solution  becomes  somewhat   trickier  as  your  Oneitis  will  constantly  feed  off  of  the  highs  and  lows  of  your  relationship.  It   would  help  for  us  to  discern  a  point  of  interest  about  female  psychology.  When  a  girlfriend   sees  her  boyfriend  travel  to  unknown  lengths  to  prove  his  loyalty  to  her,  including   sabotaging  his  relationship  with  every  other  female  in  his  life,  she  does  not  think  “wow…   true  love,  this  really  makes  me  want  to  act  the  same  way,”  instead  she  thinks  on  the  lines   of  “this  guy  must  be  really  desperate.”  A  girl’s  Id  and  her  ego  are  constantly  in  flux,  which  is   why  what  comes  out  of  her  mouth  is  not  always  what  she  means.  Long  term  relationships   that  end  in  an  LJBF  typically  fail  because  a  guy  catered  to  a  girl’s  verbal  demands  while   ignoring  her  instinctual  needs.     Engaging  in  barefaced  flirtations  with  other  women  has  a  retarding  effect  on  the   mundaneness  of  a  relationship.  A  girl  will  love  you  deeply  if  she  feels  challenged  in  her   effort  to  keep  you  from  the  grasps  of  other  women  and  resent  you  if  that  challenge  is   absent.  Women  want  men  that  other  women  want.  Understanding  this  concept  is  more   powerful  than  any  direct  technique  to  cultivate  abundance  because  most  men  in   relationships  are  affected  by  Oneitis  only  after  willingly  choosing  to  be  affected.     Honing  your  energy  onto  one  girl  is  the  wrong  way  to  approach  the  relationship   conundrum.  Not  only  are  women  averse  to  men  who  are  psychologically  attached  them,   they  would  prefer  men  who  make  it  possible  to  cheat,  but  willingly  choose  not  to  exercise   their  potential.  In  the  pre-­‐relationship  phase,  attraction  can  quickly  die  out  even  after   intercourse  due  to  a  lack  of  emotional  torque.  Exercising  your  options  with  other  girls,  or   making  it  known  that  you  are  both  capable  and  willing  to  date  another  girl  and  walk  away   from  a  relationship  creates  the  anxiety  and  jealousy  needed  to  push  two  people  together.     Ejaculating  into  a  girl  hotter  than  your  past  Oneitis  has  a  Nirvana  inducing  effect  on  your   Super  Ego.  There’s  something  massively  enlightening  about  instantly  realizing  beauty  isn’t   hypodermic.  The  veil  comes  off  of  our  eyes  and  you  realize  how  many  pleasures  are   available  in  this  world  for  your  plundering,  and  the  only  thought  going  through  your  head   is,  “how  could  I  have  been  so  blind?”           Page 24 of 139

The  second  solution  involves  recognizing  women  as  only  compliments  to  your  life  rather   than  goals.  Neophytes  of  game  falsely  perceive  this  as  a  method  to  commodify  women  and   their  relationships.  The  goal  of  this  maxim  is  not  to  objectivity  a  relationship  –  only  to  keep   men  from  relinquishing  the  rest  of  their  lives  for  a  girl.  In  any  successful  relationship,  both   partners  must  reserve  a  certain  degree  of  mutual  respect  for  each  other’s  interests  and   independence.  By  maintaining  other  passions  within  your  life,  you  can  keep  your  Oneitis  in   check  by  satisfying  your  will  to  power  with  other  goals  and  related  creeds.       The  selfish  interest  that  jerks  are  infamous  for  is  important  not  only  for  a  successful   relationship  but  also  for  a  successful  life.  If  a  girl  comes  up  to  you  and  asks  you  for  a  drink,   your  self-­‐interest  should  be  focused  towards  your  selfish  desire  for  her,  not  the  selfless   desire  to  satisfy  her  wants.  You  would  refuse,  only  to  keep  her  interested,  to  fuel  your  own   self-­‐interests.  In  terms  of  oneitis,  this  effacing  self-­‐concern  is  needed  to  keep  a  woman  in   the  position  she  wants  to  be  in.  A  girl  wants  to  be  your  partner  in  life,  watching  and   supporting  you  in  your  ambitions  and  goals.  She  does  not  want  to  be  the  focus  of  those   ambitions.       I  stated  earlier  that  both  of  these  mentalities  obstruct  misogynistic  thoughts  although  they   seem  to  do  the  opposite.  A  man  devoid  of  parasitic  love  can  control  emotions  like  jealousy   and  do  a  better  job  of  understanding  his  girlfriend  through  communicative  effort.  The   positive  “loving”  effect  of  Oneitis  is  transitory  –  it  will  soon  be  replaced  by  a  deep-­‐seated   hatred  for  women  after  the  subject  realizes  that  the  girl  will  never  be  his.  Love  is   paradoxical;  the  only  men  who  are  truly  misogynistic  are  those  who  hate  women  because   they  love  them.  Enlightened  men  embody  the  opposite;  they  love  women  because  they   hate  them.  Men  with  Oneitis  live  off  of  their  insecurities  and  are  more  likely  to  engage  in   domestic  abuse  or  over  protective  behavior.  Men  who  aren’t  desperate  have  the   confidence  to  let  go  of  a  failing  relationship  without  attempting  to  fix  it  through  repugnant   means.  Like  all  goals  aimed  at  perfection,  the  quest  for  an  idealized  relationship  ends  up   being  more  harmful  than  helpful.         Avoid  any  proclivity  to  create  space  between  you  and  your  Oneitis  using  a  Shaman  or  black   magic.  I  know  the  idea  can  sound  extremely  promising,  but  it  does  more  bad  than  good  by   subconsciously  reinforcing  her  significance  through  painful  mental  bondage.  Don’t  block   her  on  facebook  or  go  out  of  your  away  to  avoid  her.  Your  goal  is  to  not  give  a  shit.   Carelessly  toss  aside  her  memories  like  a  used  condom.  A  cool-­‐as-­‐fuck,  absolutely   untouchable  attitude.         (2) “My  Peniz  iz  too  small”:  It  probably  is,  but  that’s  ok.       Self-­‐doubt  is  the  bane  of  confidence.  Less  intelligent  men  are  more  likely  to  be  intuitively   good  with  women  because  they  aren’t  smart  enough  to  intellectualize  game  and  give   substance  to  their  fears.  The  majority  of  other  men  over-­‐analyze  their  shortcomings  with  

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thoughts  like  “I’m  too  short,”  “I’m  not  attractive  enough,”  “I  can’t  change,”  and  a  plethora   of  other  debasing  sutras.   We  have  three  options  to  remedy  this.  First,  we  can  directly  affect  our  thoughts  by   inhibiting  negative  ones  and  proactively  supporting  positive  ones.  You  can  adopt  a  series  of   superficial  tactics  (snapping  a  rubber  band  at  yourself)  to  condition  your  mind  the  way   insane  people  do  or  learn  to  control  your  thoughts  through  mental  duress  (meditation,   yoga,  self-­‐hypnosis,  etc).  Second,  we  can  influence  our  thoughts  indirectly  through  actions   that  repress  beta  thoughts  (covered  previously).       The  third  method  is  somewhat  more  abstract.  We  can  promote  positive  ideals  into  higher   strata  of  thought  by  replicating  them  in  different  forms.  You  unconsciously  do  it  everyday.   Depressed  painters  paint  with  depressing  colors,  bold  writers  have  a  more  flamboyant  style   of  writing,  and  power  brokers  always  go  straight  to  the  lion  cage  when  they  visit  zoos.  If  the   depressed  painter  were  to  use  more  audacious  colors,  his  mind  would  abject  to  the   duplicity  and  force  itself  to  rationalize  his  decision.  If  the  bold  writer  were  to  suddenly   write  depressing  poetry,  his  mind  would  follow  in  suit.  If  either  character  were  to  take   further  steps  in  solidifying  their  thought  patterns  –  say  the  painter  surrounded  himself  with   blissful  company  and  the  writer  made  friends  with  a  bunch  of  visibly  depressed  Goths  –   they  would  travel  further  down  their  respectable  paths.  Thinking  a  thought  is  only  one  way   of  executing  that  thought.  The  more  ways  you  can  think  of  to  embed  a  single  thought   within  your  consciousness,  the  stronger  you  can  make  it.         Negative  thoughts  are  Oracular  by  nature.  They  become  true  because  you  think  them  so.  If   you  think  you’re  going  to  be  terrible  in  bed,  the  thought  will  manifest  itself  as  a  lack  of   immersion  and  dominance  during  sex,  making  you  terrible.  If  you  think  yourself  to  be  too   short  to  bed  women,  the  hit  in  confidence  will  flood  into  your  game,  making  it  much  more   difficult  to  talk  away  your  stature  with  charm.     If  you  find  it  necessary  to  take  extra  measures  to  control  your  thoughts,  consider   journalizing  your  ideas  as  they  flow.  If  you  refuse  to  write  down  negative  ones  and  force   yourself  to  write  positive  ones  even  when  they  don’t  exist,  you  make  it  easier  for  your  mind   to  change  the  filters  that  screen  your  thoughts.  A  rather  illuminating  experiment  I  tell   everyone  to  conduct  is  to  pretend  to  be  confident  in  themselves  even  if  they  aren’t.  For   thirty  days  straight,  don’t  audibly  say  a  single  negative  thing  about  yourself.           (3) Feminine  Social  Conventions:  Collectively  referring  to  the  various  operative  conventions   that  teach  men  to  embrace  passive  pussy  behavior.  These  include:       “It’s  bad  to  like  women  only  for  their  looks”     “Dating  a  single  mother  or  a  woman  in  need  makes  you  a  savior”   “Women  like  sensitive  men  who  share  their  own  feminine  interests”     “Women  need  to  be  pedestalized  –  beauty  is  to  be  worshipped  at  the  altar”     Page 26 of 139

“Every  person  is  destined  to  be  with  only  one  girl”   “All  lonely  men  will  die  a  miserable  death”   “Marriage  gives  you  security”   “Masculine  behavior  is  unethical”       And  a  host  of  other  ones.       I  could  analyze  each  of  these  and  minutely  reveal  their  logical  incongruences  and  latent   functions  with  a  host  of  arguments  based  on  evolutionary  psychology  and  experience,  but   that  shit  would  take  way  to  long.  And  anyways,  that  ground  has  already  been  covered.  Any   AFC  so  deeply  invested  into  the  matrix  that  he  requires  a  superlative  explanation  on  why   any  of  these  tautologies  are  false  is  doomed  to  masturbate  for  eternity  regardless  of  how   much  help  he  is  given.  Game  is  triage;  leave  lesser  men  to  the  circling  sharks.       I  will  say,  however,  that  although  these  canons  are  nothing  but  horse  shit  –  they  do  serve  a   functional  purpose.  Culture  doesn’t  develop  in  an  impartial  or  ethical  way  –  it  just  develops   in  whatever  way  it  can  to  function  most  efficiently,  much  like  evolution.  Why  on  a  sinking   boat  are  women  and  children  sent  forth  to  save  themselves  while  men  left  to  die?  Because   women  and  children  are  more  biologically  valuable.  Why  are  men  considered  alpha  if  they   can  fuck  multiple  girls  but  women  considered  sluts?  Because  a  man  can  increase  his   biological  pay-­‐off  by  having  sex  with  multiple  partners  –  a  women  cannot.  Why  are  men  so   obsessed  with  status  and  power?  Because  both  are  auxiliaries  for  attraction.       Similarly,  our  race  requires  not  only  sex  for  successful  reproduction  –  but  also  nourishment.   To  subdue  men  and  mechanize  their  utility,  humans  have  established  cultural  norms  like   monogamy  and  the  nuclear  family.  Acolytes  of  game  will  often  complain,  “marriage  is  an   insane  proposal  from  an  evolutionary  perspective.”  But  is  it  really?  Marriage  allows  woman   to  permanently  and  continuously  extract  resources  from  men,  effectively  monopolizing   their  purpose.  This  is  a  landmark  achievement  for  our  species  as  a  whole.      

  “Marriage  is  essentially  a  monogamous  arrangement  and  there  is  debate  over  the  point  in   our  evolutionary  history  at  which  we  developed  monogamy  as  a  primary  form  of  male-­‐female   bonding.  Based  upon  fossil  evidence  and  comparative  biology,  it  is  likely  that  mating  behavior   in  our  earliest  hominid  ancestors  involved  the  most  powerful  and  dominant  males  securing   open  sexual  access  to  multiple  female  partners,  who  being  significantly  smaller  than  the   males  were  generally  compliant  and  submissive  to  the  dominant  male’s  wishes.  But  as  sexual   dimorphism  decreased  in  later  hominids,  relative  equality  and  shared  responsibilities   between  the  sexes  emerged,  along  with  serial  monogamy;  we  also  saw  the  beginnings  of   romantic  love.  There  is  debate  though  over  the  primary  factors  that  originally  brought  our   human  ancestors  together  into  relatively  monogamous  and  committed  relationships.  Shlain   argues  that  it  was  a  fundamental  negotiation  –  the  female  exchanging  sex  and  progeny  for   meat  and  protection  provided  by  the  male  –  that  was  the  foundation  of  marriage  among  early   humans.  In  fact,  this  pivotal  social  negotiation  brought  with  it  an  enhanced  level  of  future   Page 27 of 139

consciousness  (making  a  long  term  commitment);  social-­‐cognitive  evolution  (assessing  the  deep   intentions  and  character  of  another  human  being);  and  self-­‐consciousness  and  self-­‐control  (the   female  no  longer  being  automatically  compliant  to  the  male’s  overtures).  An  alternative   explanation,  provided  by  Stephanie  Coontz,  is  that  the  earliest  marriages  were  arranged  by   the  families,  perhaps  even  the  tribe,  to  cement  social  bonds  and  contribute  to  the  economic   viability  of  the  group;  different  tribes  may  have  arranged  for  marriages  between  its  members   to  create  social  alliances.  The  original  purpose  of  marriage  was  to  produce  reciprocal   obligations  and  the  interlocking  of  families.  Hence,  bonding  was  not  a  conscious  and  thoughtful   choice,  as  in  Shlain’s  interpretation,  but  a  social  arrangement  forced  upon  the  participants.  It  is   this  social  model  and  practice  that  would  indeed  become  the  “traditional  marriage”  in  the   millennia  to  follow.”6         Like  marriage  and  monogamy,  all  of  these  social  conventions  serve  a  functional  purpose.  Our   allegiance  to  them  is  the  means  through  which  we  express  our  fidelity  to  the  social  matrix.   Nonetheless,  they  must  be  belied  to  taste  success.       The  difference  between  female  and  male  mating  patterns  is  the  force  behind  our  operative   norms.  Males  seek  variety  while  women  seek  the  best.  Men  prefer  polygamy  and  beauty  while   women  prefer  hypergamy  (NOT  monogamy)  and  commitment.  The  functional  purpose  of  our   feminine  code  of  conduct  is  to  strip  alpha  males  of  their  propensity  to  cheat  by  increasing  their   attachment  to  singular  relationships.  Alimony,  shame,  and  chivalry  are  all  conventions  aimed  at   moving  us  toward  a  hypergamous  dystopia.       This  battle  between  masculine  conventions  and  feminine  conventions  is  nothing  new.  While  the   concept  of  “Game”  and  its  efficient  application  is  somewhat  avant-­‐garde,  it’s  just  another   development  in  the  timeless  struggle  between  men  and  women  for  dominance  over  the  sexual   market.       Men  start  patriarchy  –  Women  call  it  oppressive   Women  start  feminism  –  Men  call  it  stupid   Men  start  Game  –  Women  call  it  manipulative   Women  start  operative  conventions  (sexual  revolution)  –  Men  call  it  bullshit     The  only  major  difference  in  our  era  is  that  the  war  has  tipped  majorly  in  favor  of  women,   although  it  seems  like  it  hasn’t.  The  overtly  executed  practice  of  patriarchy  is  constantly  being   subtly  exploited  by  feminism.  Half  of  our  troops  have  converted  to  their  side  with  the  hope  that   acting  more  “feminine”  will  grant  them  access  to  intimacy.  Of  course  all  they’ll  end  up  getting  is   a  platonic  show  of  appreciation  and  maybe  a  titty  fuck  from  a  fat  girl  with  an  obsession  for  pre-­‐ pubescent  men  because  this  whole  thing  is  actually  just  a  comically  terrible  tragedy.  Men   6

Lombardo, Tom & Jeanne Lombardo. “Seeing the Future Through New Eyes (Ed. Cynthia Wagner). Bethesda, Maryland: World Future Society, 2008

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prefer  women  who  are  feminine  and  women  prefer  men  who  are  masculine.  Why  then,  are   both  sides  trying  to  destroy  what  they  love  while  desperately  clinging  to  the  tortured  and   twisted  remnants  of  their  collateral  leftovers?       Because  God  Loves  Irony.        


  “If  I  were  you,  I  would  not  attempt  to  cross  the  Granicus  river”     “And  if  I  were  you,  I  would  also  not  attempt  to  cross  the  Granicus.  But  luckily,  I  am  Alexander.”         Some  men  are  in  another  class  of  being,  bleeding  confidence  after  every  blow  and  commanding   poon  with  rapacious  charm.  Their  deluded  senses  of  self  are  not  their  weaknesses;  they  are  the   sources  of  their  charisma.  The  term  “ego”  is  always  subjected  to  a  significant  amount  of   criticism  because  the  line  separating  men  with  “fragile”  egos  and  men  with  “big”  egos  has  been   turned  opaque  through  the  endless  paroquets  of  vengeful  idiots.  Having  a  larger-­‐than-­‐life  self   image  isn’t  necessarily  bad;  the  real  problem  is  that  men  have  been  taught  that  having  a  “big   ego”  is  synonymous  to  having  a  “weak”  ego.  A  guy  with  a  big  ego  finds  it  cute  when  someone   insults  him;  a  guy  with  a  fragile  ego  finds  it  threatening.  You’ll  know  the  difference  when  you   see  that  galloping  jock  suddenly  backlash  at  his  girlfriend  for  the  tiniest  of  infractions  or  when   the  CEO  of  a  fortune  500  company  can’t  take  criticism  from  someone  ranked  below  him.       The  lords  of  cunt  throughout  history  have  displayed  their  larger  than  life  vanities  in  proper   ambrosiac  fashion.  Observe  not  only  how  fucking  obnoxious  each  of  these  men  are,  but  also   how  insanely  large  their  foundation  for  self-­‐confidence  must  be.  It’s  one  thing  to  be  valiant  and   another  to  be  irrationally  self-­‐affirming  to  the  point  of  titanic  caricature.         “He  would  have  made,”  said  Jef  Raskin,  the  brain  behind  the  first  Mac,  “an  excellent  king  of   France…”Geniuses  tend  to  see  their  own  lives  as  universally  significant,  embodying  the  great   currents  of  their  age.  They  may  not  know  they  are  doing  this,  but  it  is  evident  in  their  work.   Everything  about  Jobs  tells  me  this  is  how  he  sees  his  life,  as  the  distillation  of  the  high-­‐tech   revolution  and  of  affluent,  aspirational  consumerism.  He  is,  as  Dan  Lyons  says,  “the  ultimate   end-­‐user”,  both  consumer  and  maker.”7         “Napoleon  saw  himself  as  invincible  and  infallible,  deserving  of  any  and  all  power  he  could   acquire.  He  began  to  see  himself  as  Christ,  Buddha,  and  Mohammed,  and  said,  ‘I  saw  myself   7

Appleyard, Bryan (August 16, 2009). "Steve Jobs: The man who polished Apple". The Sunday Times (UK)

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founding  a  religion.’  Everything  became  ‘I’  or  ‘me’  and  glory  was  aimed  at  his  own  deification.   During  an  uprising  in  Paris  he  ran  through  the  streets  with  a  small  command  of  troops,   shouting,  ‘Follow  me.  If  they  resist,  kill  kill,  kill!  I  am  the  god  of  the  day!’”       …     “Frank  Lloyd  Wright  even  referred  to  himself  as  a  creative  genius  in  one  of  his  many  court   battles.  When  a  reporter  asked  him  about  making  such  a  self  serving  statement  Wright   responded  without  hesitation,  ‘I  was  under  oath,  wasn’t  I?’”       …     “Pablo  Picasso’s  mother  had  been  his  supporter  through  all  of  his  travails.  When  he  was  young,   she  had  told  him,  ‘If  you  become  a  soldier,  you’ll  be  a  general.  If  you  become  a  monk,  you’ll  end   up  pope.’  This  idolatry  was  imprinted  on  the  young  Picasso  and  armed  him  with  resilient  self-­‐ esteem.  Dona  Maria  had  created  a  self-­‐absorbed  individual  who  believed  himself  to  be  outside   the  bounds  of  ordinary  behavior.  From  childhood  on,  Picasso  deprecated  teachers,   administrators,  and  other  authoritarian  figures  who  dared  grade  his  performance  or  criticize  his   work.”       …     “Nikola  Tesla  had  such  a  powerful  internal  belief  system  that  his  biographer  Margaret  Cheney   concluded  that  he  was  his  greatest  invention:  ‘a  self-­‐made  Superman  and  producer  of  marvels.’   A  reporter  described  Tesla’s  accomplishments  as  being  ‘like  the  dream  of  an  intoxicated  god.’   Tesla’s  college  professor  wrote  to  his  father  asking  that  young  Nikola  be  removed  from  school   because  ‘he  was  in  danger  of  killing  himself  from  overwork.’  The  professor  had  seen  the  signs  of   the  megalomania  in  this  teenager.”8       “During  his  final  years,  and  especially  after  the  death  of  Hephaestion,  Alexander  began  to   exhibit  signs  of  megalomania  and  paranoia.  His  extraordinary  achievements,  coupled  with  his   own  ineffable  sense  of  destiny  and  the  flattery  of  his  companions,  may  have  combined  to   produce  this  effect…  He  seems  to  have  come  to  believe  himself  a  deity,  or  at  least  sought  to   deify  himself.”         I  find  it  somewhat  amusing  whenever  I  see  an  article  about  how  arrogance  impedes  success.   Self-­‐serenity  is  symptomatic  of  divinity.  Our  conditioned  desire  to  avoid  being  “cocky”  has  been   artificially  inflated  to  emasculate  us.  How  many  times  have  you  heard  about  a  guy  intentionally   revealing  his  insecurities  as  a  way  to  prove  to  a  girl  how  he’s  different  and  not  cocky  like  “all  the   other  guys”  out  there?  These  men  are  not  conspiring  together  in  an  assembly  of  encumbered   8

Landrum, N. Gene. Profiles of Power and Success. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 1996.

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idiots  to  figure  out  ways  to  actively  repel  women.  They  genuinely  believe  that  acting  insecure   will  grant  them  love  through  sympathy  because  that  is  what  they  were  taught  to  believe  by  a   system  diametrically  opposed  to  their  natural  sexuality.             Yes  all  of  the  examples  I  gave  you  are  a  bit  larger-­‐than  life,  but  that  was  the  point.  Only  people   who  see  themselves  as  deserving  of  great  confidence  can  emulate  great  confidence.  None  of   these  people  were  born  with  an  elated  self-­‐esteem.  They  either  cultivated  it  early  because  their   parents  or  peers  worshiped  them,  or  they  built  it  later  on  after  tasting  success.  They  were   victims  of  a  god-­‐syndrome;  promethean  sprits  with  inner  hydras  that  swept  away  any  mental   cellulite  draped  with  insecurity.        


  “Man,  I  see  in  fight  club  the  strongest  and  smartest  men  who’ve  ever  lived.  I  see  all  this   potential,  and  I  see  squandering.  God  damn  it,  an  entire  generation  pumping  gas,  waiting   tables;  slaves  with  white  collars.  Advertising  has  us  chasing  cars  and  clothes;  working  jobs  we   hate  so  we  can  buy  shit  we  don’t  need.  We’re  the  middle  children  of  history,  man.  No  purpose  or   place.  We  have  no  Great  War.  No  Great  Depression.  Our  Great  War’s  a  spiritual  war…our  Great   Depression  is  our  lives.”         “Dear  Shark,  How  do  you  not  give  a  shit  about  anything?”       In  Buddhism  they  call  it  Nirvana,  Schopenhauer  called  it  the  embrace  of  asceticism,  even  in  an   overly  passionate  religion  like  Islam,  the  greatest  crusade  is  referred  to  as  the  one  within   yourself.  The  abstinence  of  worldly  desires  has  long  been  considered  the  crux  of  self-­‐ actualization  whether  through  religion,  philosophy,  or  personal  doctrine.  The  search  for   security  in  a  blind  world  is  a  cancer  birthed  from  our  fears.  Arcadia  is  a  sisyphean  dream  that   always  ends  up  in  self-­‐inflicted  slavery.  As  long  as  your  life  revolves  around  your  hallucinated   purposes,  the  world  will  own  you.       You  cannot  reason  appropriately  in  any  situation  as  long  as  you  are  emotionally  attached  to  the   outcome.  In  any  pick  up,  you  must  desensitize  yourself  to  the  end  result.  In  any  relationship,   you  must  ignore  the  possibility  of  loss.  In  any  work-­‐related  decision,  you  must  cut  off  the   screaming  tide  of  your  ego.  Your  emotions  are  not  negative  in  the  sense  that  they  exist,  but   their  existence  must  be  limited  to  their  chemically  induced  reflexes.  They  must  never  be   allowed  to  rule  you,  or  sway  the  progress  of  your  decisions.       Controlling  your  emotions  and  desires  is  a  conduit  to  freedom.  The  aspiring  Casanova  whose   life  revolves  around  the  girl  of  his  dreams  can’t  make  a  decision  without  taking  her  needs  into   consideration.  The  nauseatingly  rich  businessman  whose  life  revolves  around  money  can’t   make  a  decision  without  thinking  about  the  needs  of  his  shareholders.  And  the  blue  collar   Page 31 of 139

worker  constantly  striving  to  buy  a  new  set  of  furniture  to  make  his  life  complete  can  never   escape  the  chilling  ether  of  a  neurotic  lifestyle  obsession.         Sometimes  I  wonder,  why  is  it  so  hard  for  people  to  grasp  the  idea  of  letting  go?  The  answer   always  comes  as  quick  as  the  question.  We  live  in  the  epoch  of  nihilism,  desperately  clinging  to   anything  that  gives  us  purpose.  Too  afraid  to  generate  our  principles  intrinsically,  we  gather   around  anything  that  can  save  us  from  anomie.  We  have  soul  mates  to  save  us  from  loneliness,   hair  gel  to  save  us  from  esthetic  failure,  and  matching  furniture  to  save  us  from  the  sepulchral   reality  right  outside  of  our  houses.  All  of  this  is  unnecessary,  but  who  cares?  The  abyss  is  too   deep  to  contemplate  and  if  you  stare  into  the  darkness  for  long  enough,  it  stares  back  at  you.                                                                         Page 32 of 139


Chapter  The  Second:  External  Game  


    “Every  adventure  to  be  had  in  this  room  is  on  the  dark  side.  The  people  on  the  light  side  are   asleep  right  now.  They  are  dreaming  about  the  dark  side.  The  more  you  try  and  repress  the  dark   side,  the  stronger  it  gets,  until  it  finds  its  own  way  to  the  surface.  I  sleep  well.  I  dream  of  angels   and  sponge  cake  and  panda  bears.  I  don’t  see  the  dark  side  until  I  open  my  eyes.”     -­‐Neil  Strauss       Since  its  inception  in  the  early  90s  by  Ross  Jeffries,  the  seduction  community  has  matured  into  a   full  fledged  revolution.  Men  who  previously  had  no  chance  of  bedding  women  with  their   grotesquely  homogenous  personalities  are  using  preordained  techniques  to  breed  their  sexually   repugnant  genes  into  future  generations.  The  effort  needed  to  satisfy  a  woman’s  internal   compulsion  to  mate  with  Alphas  has  been  reduced  to  triviality  as  practiced  openings,  calculated   body  language,  and  hypnotic  routines  are  replacing  the  age  old  tradition  of  accumulating  crass   power  to  appease  hedonistic  desires.  For  a  few  dollars,  any  impassioned  seducer  can  learn  how   to  imitate  Voltaire’s  wit  or  Mystery’s  magick.  Like  divorce  and  privacy,  chastity  has  been   reduced  to  a  statistic  and  the  dramatic  mythos  of  sexual  congress  replaced  with  the  term  “F-­‐ Close.”     External  game  pays  its  dividends  faster,  but  exacts  a  price  for  that  speed.  Relationships  couched   on  fabricated  routines  have  a  likelihood  of  collapsing  on  their  digital  foundations.  No  man  can   keep  his  beta  core  hidden  forever  regardless  of  how  methodically  he  can  execute  game.  This   isn’t  meant  to  scare  you  into  avoiding  the  external  game  section,  only  to  make  you  aware  that   adopting  a  few  shortcuts  to  beguiling  vagina  can  never  serve  as  a  full  substitute  for  a  strong   frame.  It  is  a  complaint  heard  too  often  in  the  PUA  community  when  an  AFC  comes  running   onto  a  forum  asking  for  advice  on  how  to  get  his  ex-­‐girlfriend  back  because  his  repertoire  of   lines  was  exhausted  in  a  continuing  relationship.       The  problem  with  purely  focusing  on  external  game  is  that  men  often  come  out  of  the  rabbit   hole  with  a  perverted  take  on  Masculinity  and  Game.  Take  the  average  beta  for  example.  After   putting  down  the  vagina  monologues  and  reading  a  couple  of  books  on  seduction,  he  quickly   becomes  acclimated  to  the  field.  But  the  bazaar  of  pleasure  offered  by  loveless  sex  rapidly   dissipates  as  he  longs  for  true  companionship.  After  every  time  he  ejaculates  into  a  boorish   dyke,  he  finds  himself  staring  at  his  deflating  penis  and  wondering  if  all  this  trouble  is  really   worth  it.       External  game  and  internal  game  are  but  two  sides  of  the  same  coin.  The  holy  grail  of  both   journeys  is  identical.  Internal  game  focuses  on  developing  an  inner  belief  system  to  reinforce  a   Page 33 of 139

personality  based  on  freedom,  power,  and  masculinity  whereas  external  game  focuses  on   mimicking  the  end  product  of  that  system  with  the  purpose  of  eventually  becoming  that   product,  effectively  annexing  the  “mimicked”  personality  into  one’s  core  character.  There  is  no   difference  between  “relationship  game”  and  “club  game”  or  “internal  game”  and  “external   game,”  they  are  all  the  same.  Seduction  does  not  change  in  definition,  only  in  form.  It  can  be   heterosexual,  homosexual,  political,  economic,  religious,  and  so  forth.     “Fake  it  until  you  make  it”  is  a  cheap  substitute  for  what  External  Game  really  stands  for.  It’s   not  about  the  categorization  of  different  NLP  techniques  or  compressing  emotional  rapport  into   the  shortest  amount  of  time  possible;  it’s  about  being  self-­‐aware  over  the  natural  forces  that   drive  social  dynamics  and  controlling  those  forces  rather  than  letting  them  control  you.  Like   money,  it  is  only  a  tool  that  gives  you  more  options.  Don’t  look  into  it  anymore  or  any  less.   Remember  that  game  is  a  means  to  an  end,  not  an  end  in  and  of  itself.  External  game  only   illustrates  the  path  to  glory,  it  does  not  define  it.  You  are  not  suddenly  the  master  of  your   universe  because  you  dress  better  and  can  get  a  girlfriend  by  covering  your  ugly  face  with   naked  humor.          


  “You  see,  but  you  do  not  observe.  The  distinction  is  clear”       Researchers  estimate  that  the  impact  of  any  message  is  only  about  7%  verbal.  38%  of  what  you   say  depends  on  vocal  aesthetics  (tone  of  voice,  rhythm)  and  the  other  55%  is  allotted  to  body   language  (posture,  presence,  physical  movements)9.  In  the  same  tragic  fashion  governing  most   of  our  ironic  debacles,  men  in  game  focus  all  their  attention  on  mastering  that  scanty  7%.  What   you  say  to  a  girl  is  comparatively  insignificant  to  how  you  say  it.  Our  discussion  over  body   language  will  be  split  into  two  parts;  understanding  body  language  and  displaying  proper  body   language,  in  that  order.  More  emphasis  should  be  placed  on  understanding  body  language   because  humans  are  self-­‐obsessed  creatures;  you  will  have  less  trouble  with  the  latter  segment.       A  person’s  body  language  will  perfectly  mirror  their  emotional  state.  People  who  use  their   hands  to  express  themselves  will  use  gestures  to  signify  how  important  they  think  a  topic  is  or   betray  emotional  subtleties.  Wider  hand  movements  correlate  with  issues  of  higher   significance.  If  someone  is  consistently  using  hand  movements  throughout  an  entire   conversation,  you  can  gauge  how  important  each  topic  is  to  the  person  relative  to  each  other.  If   a  girl  uses  conservative  gestures  while  talking  about  her  interest  in  sports  and  then  bursts  into  a   masterful  display  of  metacarpus  fluidity  while  talking  about  the  latest  celebrity  gossip,  you   know  you’ve  got  yourself  a  swindler.  You  can  tell  which  of  her  past  relationships  she  was  most   9

Borg, James. Body Language: 7 Easy Lessons to Master the Silent Language, Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2010

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invested  in,  the  things  that  make  her  tick,  what  motivates  her,  and  whether  she  actually  cares   about  politics  and  the  environment  or  if  she’s  just  pretending  to  do  so  to  seem  impressive.     Whether  a  girl’s  hands  are  in  an  open  or  closed  position  will  tell  you  how  interested  she  is  in   you  or  the  topic  of  conversation.  If  her  palms  are  open  and  facing  you,  she  insists  on  kino,  or   her  arms  are  in  in  an  open  position,  she’s  likely  interested.  If  her  arms  are  crossed,  folded,   slapping  you  across  the  face,  or  in  a  closed  position,  you’re  probably  going  to  be  masturbating   tonight.  I  say  “maybe”  in  both  scenarios  because  body  language  must  be  read  holistically  (if  she   has  closed  body  language  during  winter  while  you’re  outside,  she’s  probably  just  cold).  If  a  girl   just  has  one  hand  crossed  in  front  of  her,  she’s  feeling  either  slightly  insecure  or  uncomfortable.   The  same  applies  for  a  guy  but  men  generally  tend  to  cover  their  groin  area  or  put  their  hands   in  front  of  themselves  (fixing  cuff  links,  adjusting  watches).        Self-­‐touching  has  been  infamous  for  being  one  of  the  more  obvious  IOIs.  It  is  the  subconscious   way  a  girl  projects  her  need  to  be  groomed  /  nurtured.       The  face  platter  (resting  her  face  on  both  her  hands  with  her  palms  facing  down,  as  if  her  face   was  on  a  platter)  is  a  sign  of  interest.  It  means  you’ve  built  enough  attraction  to  start  backing   off  as  the  dynamic  between  you  two  has  reversed.  Once  you’ve  fostered  enough  attraction  with   a  girl,  you  need  to  start  playing  more  aloof  non-­‐sequitur  game  to  let  it  grow.  The  face  platter,  or   any  sign  that  she’s  now  trying  to  qualify  herself  to  you  rather  than  the  other  way  around,  is   about  the  time  when  your  game  should  shift  from  aggressive  to  passive.     When  a  person’s  lying,  they  are  likely  to  cover  some  part  of  their  face  with  their  hands.  The   process  is  unconscious  and  only  noticeable  by  those  who  know  what  to  look  for.  The  gesture   will  seem  completely  natural.  It  can  be  a  nose  itch,  an  ear  grab,  an  eye  rub,  or  anything  of  that   sort.       If  they  put  something  in  their  mouth  during  the  course  of  making  a  decision  or  while  they’re   evaluating  you,  it  means  they  are  unsure  and  require  more  confidence.  Girls  will  do  this  with   their  glasses,  biting  their  lips,  or  the  drink  in  their  hand.       Genuine  smiles  pull  the  eyes  and  the  mouth  back,  you  can  differentiate  them  with  fake  smiles   after  a  bit  of  practice.  Fake  smiles  don’t  cause  wrinkle  formations  around  the  cheeks  or  eyes.        A  closed  slip  smile  means  she  isn’t  interested.     Voluptuous  licking  of  the  lips  means  she’s  very  interested       Legs  crossed  away  from  you  means  she’s  not  interested,  crossed  towards  you  means  she  is.       Steepling  (holding  your  hands  in  a  prayer  like  position)  is  a  sign  of  confidence.  If  a  person  gets   into  a  steeple  position  while  making  a  decision,  it  means  they  are  somewhat  sure  about  their  

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decision  (whether  it’s  positive  or  negative  is  irrelevant).  Other  hand  to  face  gestures,  like   twitches  or  itches  indicate  nervousness.       Observing  pupil  dilation  is  an  easy  way  to  measure  interest.  Dilated  pupils  are  indicative  of  a   high  level  of  attraction.  Contracted  pupils  correlate  with  a  negative  or  bored  mood.  Pupil   dilation  /  contraction  is  much  easier  to  catch  than  you  think;  our  subconscious  minds  are   already  trained  to  notice  it.  Every  time  you’re  on  a  date  or  around  a  girl,  your  brain  registers   pupil  dilation  as  a  signal  to  increase  feelings  of  attraction  /  rapport.  You  just  need  to  begin   training  your  conscious  mind  to  catch  it  too.  It  took  me  about  2  weeks.       Facing  down  while  looking  up,  excessive  smiling,  or  glancing  down  are  all  signs  of  submission.  A   girl  will  display  signs  of  submissively  coy  body  language  whenever  she  is  around  a  male  she   considers  a  prospective  mate.         Eye  contact  is  a  sign  of  rapport,  if  a  girl  holds  eye  contact  with  you  and  glances  down   sporadically;  it’s  a  sign  of  both  rapport  and  submission.  Men  do  it  all  the  time  with  guys  they   consider  more  Alpha  than  them.       In  a  group  of  people,  whoever’s  talking  will  constantly  glance  at  whoever  they  consider  to  be   most  alpha  for  approval.       Regardless  of  how  hard  you  try  to  withhold  signs  of  submission,  your  gestures  will  follow   through.  If  you  recognize  a  guy  as  more  alpha  than  you  (your  body  will  do  it  subconsciously),   you  will  glance  down  while  speaking  to  him  or  at  him  for  approval.  This  is  the  power  of  the   subconscious,  the  way  you  portray  yourself  even  by  sitting  or  standing  has  an  expansive  effect   on  women  that  even  they  are  unaware  of.         If  a  girl  wants  to  get  your  attention,  she  will  hold  eye  contact  for  2  or  3  seconds  and  follow  up   with  a  hand  gesture,  smile,  eye-­‐brow  raise,  mouthing  the  word  “hi,”  or  laugh.  She  will  generate   some  sort  of  signal  to  indicate  coy  submissiveness.  Never  believe  people  when  they  say  women   are  stupid  and  oblivious  to  their  surroundings.  When  it  comes  to  romance,  women  plan  things   out  with  surgical  precision  whether  consciously  or  subconsciously.     Tight  lipped  smiles,  darting  eyes,  and  extended  blinking  are  all  signals  of  disinterest.     Lymphatic  movements  indicate  she’s  playing  hard  to  get  or  she’s  not  interested.  You’ll  know   the  difference  because  in  the  former,  she  will  still  respond  to  negs  or  be  slightly  jumpy.    If  she’s   not  interested  at  all,  her  impassiveness  will  continue  undisturbed.       Social  proximity  can  be  broken  up  into  2  important  zones.  6-­‐18  inches  is  the  intimate  zone,   anything  above  that  is  either  a  social  or  public  zone.  When  a  person  enters  your  intimate  zone,   your  body  reacts  with  a  flight  or  fight  response.  Kino,  or  any  form  of  physical  touch,  is  always   recommended  in  pick  ups  because  it  greatly  increases  rapport  by  making  a  person  feel   comfortable  to  physical  advances.  Getting  within  6-­‐18  inches  of  a  girl  will  have  one  of  three   affects.  If  she’s  unsure  about  you,  she’ll  feel  insecure  or  uncomfortable.  If  she’s  already   Page 36 of 139

attracted  to  you,  it  will  make  her  more  attracted  to  you.  If  she  doesn’t  like  you,  she’ll  like  you   even  less.  The  same  applies  for  all  forms  of  spatial  situations.  If  a  girl  already  likes  you,  she  will   like  you  more  if  you  get  close  to  her.  If  she  already  dislikes  you,  she  will  like  you  less  if  you  come   close  to  her.       If  a  person’s  feet  are  in  a  relaxed  position,  they  will  point  in  the  direction  they  want  to  go.  This   is  why  a  girl  who  crosses  her  feet  away  from  you  is  void  of  interest.  The  feet  play  an  important   role  in  reading  body  language  because  our  brains  have  the  least  amount  of  conscious  control   over  our  legs.  The  feet  are  a  window  to  the  subconscious.     If  a  girl  crosses  both  her  legs  and  her  arms,  communicating  an  idea  to  her  will  become   substantially  harder  (including  the  idea  that  she  should  sleep  with  you).       Ankle  locking  indicates  uncertainty  or  fear.         If  a  girl  is  into  a  conversation  with  you,  she  will  extend  her  feet  towards  you  or  point  them  at   you  if  she’s  in  a  standing  position.  If  one  of  her  feet  is  pointing  away,  she  would  rather  be   somewhere  else.       Quick,  jerky  movements  like  fast  head  nods  or  excessive  blinking  means  she  wants  you  to  finish   talking  and  go  away.  Slow,  deliberate  movements  indicate  that  she’s  into  the  conversation.        Tilting  her  head  to  one  side  is  an  IOI.       All  of  these  signals  must  be  read  appropriately  in  context  and  holistically.  A  person  may  be   sitting  or  standing  in  a  certain  way  because  of  their  attire  or  the  temperature  rather  than   because  they  are  interested  /  disinterested  in  you.       If  a  girl  shows  disinterest  through  her  body  language,  you  must  reciprocate  with  a  greater  show   of  disinterest.  If  you  engage  further  when  a  girl  pulls  away  from  you,  it’s  a  sign  of  lower  status   and  will  further  reduce  the  amount  of  interest  she  has  in  you.  If  you’re  able  to  pull  away  and   talk  to  someone  else,  you  are  displaying  higher  status  and  utilizing  female  hypergamy  the  right   way.  If  she  points  her  body  towards  you,  do  the  same  to  condition  her  mind  to  wanting  to  give   you  IOIs.       Even  if  you  catch  an  IOI  from  a  girl,  act  oblivious  to  it.  Women  are  used  to  men  not  catching   their  subtle  advances  and  thus  will  repeat  them  several  times  for  him  to  finally  get  it.  Each  time   a  girl  is  forced  to  repeat  an  IOI,  her  brain  rationalizes  by  assuming  she  must  like  you  that  much   more  (cognitive  dissonance).         I  condensed  the  information  in  about  3-­‐4  books  for  you  within  the  last  2  pages.  The  books  use   several  studies  and  experiments  to  prove  their  points  but  the  useful  information  can  be   compressed  efficiently.       Page 37 of 139

Memorizing  all  of  these  nuances  is  unnecessary;  just  pay  more  attention  to  whether  the  girl  is   displaying  open  or  closed  body  language  on  a  general  scale.  AFCs  are  so  invested  in  their  own   failures  they  never  pay  attention  to  the  physical  subtleties  of  a  girl’s  body  language;  they’re  too   busy  thinking  about  her  boobs,  whether  they’re  fucking  up  the  routine,  or  what  to  say  next.   Attention  to  detail  is  the  hallmark  of  a  veteran  in  love.  Remembering  the  small  seemingly   irrelevant  things  about  a  girl  is  the  key  to  her  heart.         Occasionally  throw  in  glib  remarks  about  a  random  topic  to  see  how  her  body  language  reacts.   You  can  test  the  waters  in  this  way.  Randomly  mention  how  you  hate  cheating  whores  and   would  rather  see  them  shot  off  into  space  and  she  if  she  reacts.  Watch  her  body  language  as   she’s  talking  about  things  like  her  father,  her  ex,  children,  partying,  feminism,  things  that  you   can  determine  her  character  from.     It’s  not  difficult  to  read  body  language;  you  just  need  to  start  doing  it.  It’s  just  like  reading   books;  knowing  how  to  do  it  doesn’t  mean  you  can  benefit  from  it  without  actually  doing  it.   Stop  shutting  your  brain  off  during  social  interactions.  In  this  past  year,  look  at  all  the  movies   that  came  out  in  the  box  office.  Almost  every  single  one  from  transformers  to  Thor  could’ve   been  watched  and  fully  comprehended  while  half-­‐passed  out  on  peyote  with  only  one  eye  open   to  take  in  the  visual  effects.  No  one  cares  about  the  plot  or  the  acting  skills  of  the  lead  girl,  it’s   all  about  visuals.  Clubs  have  become  the  same  way.  The  music  will  make  your  ears  bleed,  the   flashes  of  skin  will  make  your  eyes  dart,  how  is  a  guy  supposed  to  get  a  girl  in  an  environment   like  this?  Technically…  it’s  easier  now.  Remember  all  of  these  handicaps  apply  to  your   competition  too.  By  being  the  only  guy  who  actually  uses  his  brain  while  talking  to  a  girl,  you   can  offer  the  crimson  paradise  so  many  women  seek  to  find  in  the  wrong  places.  Pay  attention   to  detail,  take  in  everything,  immerse  yourself  in  an  interaction,  and  understand  how  she  feels   not  just  what  she  says.         Displaying  proper  body  language  has  explosive  ramifications  for  a  pick  up  –  far  more  than  how   smooth  your  opening  is.  For  direct  game,  body  language  is  the  opening.  The  unadultered  power   that  your  physical  frame  displays  must  tell  her  that  you  are  the  mortal  god  she  has  been   searching  for.       A  girl’s  first  impression  of  you  will  define  the  context  of  all  of  your  later  interactions.       Initial  encounters  are  emotionally  concentrated  events  that  can  overwhelm  us—even  convince   us  that  the  room  is  spinning.  We  walk  away  from  them  with  a  first  impression  that  is  like  a   Polaroid  picture—a  head-­‐to-­‐toe  image  that  develops  instantly  and  never  entirely  fades.   Often,  that  snapshot  captures  important  elements  of  the  truth.     Consider  one  study  in  which  untrained  subjects  were  shown  20-­‐  to  32-­‐second  video-­‐taped   segments  of  job  applicants  greeting  interviewers.  The  subjects  then  rated  the  applicants  on   attributes  such  as  self-­‐assurance  and  likability.  Surprisingly,  their  assessments  were  very  close  to   Page 38 of 139

those  of  trained  interviewers  who  spent  at  least  20  minutes  with  each  applicant.  What   semblance  of  a  person—one  with  a  distinct  appearance,  history  and  complex  personality—could   have  been  captured  in  such  a  fleeting  moment?     The  answer  lies  in  part  in  how  the  brain  takes  first-­‐impression  Polaroids—creating  a  composite   of  all  the  signals  given  off  by  a  new  experience.  Psychologists  agree  that  snap  judgments  are  a   holistic  phenomenon  in  which  clues  (mellifluous  voice,  Rolex  watch,  soggy  handshake,   hunched  shoulders)  hit  us  all  at  once  and  form  an  impression  larger  than  their  sum.     We  do  search  for  one  particular  sign  on  a  new  face:  a  smile.  "We  can  pick  up  a  smile  from  30   meters  away,"  says  Paul  Ekman,  professor  of  psychology  at  the  University  of  California  Medical   School  in  San  Francisco,  and  a  pioneer  of  research  on  facial  expressions.  "A  smile  lets  us  know   that  we're  likely  to  get  a  positive  reception,  and  it's  hard  not  to  reciprocate."     By  the  time  we  flash  that  return  grin,  our  Polaroid  shutter  will  have  already  closed.  Just  three   seconds  are  sufficient  to  make  a  conclusion  about  fresh  acquaintances.  Nalini  Ambady,   professor  of  psychology  at  Tufts  University  in  Medford,  Massachusetts,  studies  first  impressions   carved  from  brief  exposure  to  another  person's  behavior,  what  she  calls  "thin  slices"  of   experience.  She  says  humans  have  developed  the  ability  to  quickly  decide  whether  a  new   person  will  hurt  or  enrich  us—judgments  that  had  lifesaving  ramifications  in  an  earlier  era.10         Notice  that  smiling  is  necessary  to  build  initial  rapport  in  your  first  impression,  but  then   becomes  frivolous.  Excessive  smiling  only  makes  you  a  try-­‐hard  beta  no  woman  would  deign  to   love.         Start  with  a  relaxed  core.  Dominant  animals  move  slower  and  at  a  more  relaxed  pace  because   they  feel  less  threatened.  Our  minds  are  hardwired  to  interpret  slow  movement  as  a  sign  of   confidence  and  strength.  Because  we’re  generally  conditioned  to  live  our  lives  at  a  specific   pace,  it  will  take  a  while  before  your  deliberately  slowed  movements  come  about  without  any   conscious  effort.  The  period  of  transition  where  the  physical  body  resists  change  by  inflicting   pain  on  itself  is  a  sacred  rite  for  all  long-­‐term  transformations.         Get  rid  of  the  sense  of  urgency  in  all  of  your  actions.  Don’t  walk  or  talk  like  you’re  at  the  barrel   end  of  rejection.  You  cannot  win  a  girl’s  heart  without  focusing  on  her  winning  you.  Move  like  a   craving  sea  lion  gliding  through  a  school  of  circling  salema.  Betas  move  faster  to  thwart  danger,   a  conditioned  response  built  into  a  fearful  creature.      


Flora, Carlin (May 14, 2004). “The First Impression” Psychology Today

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The  dominant  position  is  always  the  upper  position.  When  you  go  in  for  a  handshake,  thrust   your  hand  with  your  palm  facing  forward  so  as  to  force  the  other  person  to  shake  your  hand   from  the  bottom,  the  submissive  position.  When  you’re  saying  hi  to  someone,  nod  your  head   upwards  rather  than  downwards.  Nodding  upwards  take  advantage  of  the  feminine  desire  to   look  up  towards  men  they  consider  dominant.  When  you’re  smoking,  blow  smoke  upwards.  If   you  need  to  gaze  distractedly  somewhere,  gaze  at  your  level,  avoid  looking  down.  Looking  up   might  make  you  look  retarded.  Apply  this  concept  to  every  micro-­‐social  interaction.  When   you’re  holding  hands  with  a  girl,  make  sure  your  hand  is  the  one  on  top.       Always  prefer  wide,  deliberate  movements  that  have  a  purpose.  Fast  or  twitchy  movements  are   for  subordinates.  Stride  confidently,  never  creep  or  walk  nervously.  Maintain  good  posture   while  you  walk.  If  this  is  difficult,  do  squats,  dead  lifts,  and  other  workouts  that  improve   posture.  Inner  game  indirectly  improves  posture;  a  strong  frame  of  mind  manifests  itself  as  a   confident  exterior.       Smile,  but  not  excessively.  Smiling  serves  two  purposes,  alphas  and  betas  always  smile  for   different  reasons.  A  smile  can  either  be  a  sign  of  happiness,  or  a  sign  of  submission.  Betas  will   smile  excessively,  say  “lol,  lmao  or  rofl”  unnecessarily,  or  laugh  during  un-­‐funny  moments  to   display  compliance;  it  is  their  way  of  minimizing  threat  projection  to  build  rapport.  Alphas  smile   less  often  because  their  internal  desire  is  to  maximize  threat  projection  rather  than  to  minimize   it.  The  opposite  occurs  at  uncomfortable  places  –  like  new  social  venues  –  where  you’ll  see  an   alpha  sporting  a  shit  eating  grin  and  a  beta  just  eating  shit.  The  beta  is  withdrawn  because  he   feels  threatened;  the  alpha  takes  it  as  an  opportunity  to  extend  his  dominance.  The  same   behavior  patterns  are  seen  in  chimps  and  other  mammals  close  to  our  species.       Always  hold  eye  contact,  but  not  for  awkwardly  long  periods  of  time.  Never,  ever  look  down   when  talking  to  a  girl.  Her  mind  will  register  it  as  an  immediate  DLV  (display  of  lower  value).   Sometimes  you  won’t  be  able  to  help  looking  down  when  talking  to  another  guy,  but  try  and   control  your  eyes  as  much  as  possible.  The  more  you  let  yourself  glance  downwards,  the  more   your  body  assumes  you  are  in  the  submissive  position  of  a  relationship.  If  you’re  holding  eye   contact  with  a  girl,  make  sure  she  breaks  it  first  unless  she’s  obsessed  with  cats  and  has  a   bizarre  need  to  establish  mental  dominance  through  soul  gazing.         Several  experiments  in  dating  have  proven  that  couples  that  hold  eye  contact  build  much   stronger  rapport.  Looking  above  the  eyes  or  around  the  eyes  doesn’t  count  either,  you  must   stare  right  into  her  pupil.       When  are  talking  to  someone,  hold  strong  eye  contact.  When  someone  is  talking  to  you,  gaze   away  absent-­‐mindedly.  In  the  initial  stages  of  attraction,  you’ll  want  to  hold  eye  contact  at  both   stages.         The  power  position  is  always  the  vantage  point  with  maximized  vision.  In  a  rectangular  table,   this  means  the  seat  at  either  head.  At  a  circular  table  propped  against  a  wall,  it  is  the  seat  on   the  table  tangent  to  the  wall.  In  a  circular  or  square  table  in  the  middle  of  a  room,  you  must   Page 40 of 139

independently  measure  the  situation  to  determine  the  power  position.  At  a  bar,  it  is  the   standing  position  against  the  bar.       When  you’re  standing,  never  stand  with  your  hands  covering  the  front  of  your  body.  This  is  an   instinctual  defense  mechanism  for  humans;  other  people  subconsciously  notice  your  action  as  a   sign  of  insecurity.  Keeping  your  hands  behind  your  back  or  in  an  open  position  makes  you  seem   more  powerful.  It  makes  you  more  “vulnerable,”  which  our  mind  interprets  as  a  sign  of  power   because  only  animals  that  are  fearless  of  their  surroundings  could  afford  to  be  vulnerable.       Be  conscious  of  your  twitches.  If  you  have  a  medical  condition,  I  can’t  help  you.  Otherwise,  start   exercising  &  working  on  your  internal  issues.  Body  or  facial  twitches,  uncontrolled  movements,   and  awkward  mobility  result  from  internal  imbalances  that  leak  out  in  corporeal  form.  Besides   being  fidgety,  watch  for  twitches  like  a  need  to  fix  your  cufflinks,  adjust  your  watch,  or  anything   in  the  front  of  your  body.  This  is  your  way  of  subconsciously  keeping  your  arms  in  front  of  you   to  thwart  psychological  blows.  Men  do  it  at  parties  when  they  hold  their  drinks  too  high  or  fold   their  arms.  Keep  your  chest,  body,  and  legs  open.     Talk  slow.  People  who  talk  fast  feel  the  need  to  rush  themselves  because  they  don’t  think   they’ll  get  to  finish  what  they  have  to  say.  Betas  in  the  presence  of  alphas  will  always  talk  faster.   Talking  slower  helps  you  maintain  a  hypnotic  tone.  During  the  initial  attraction  phase,  your  tone   must  be  charismatic  but  not  desperate.  If  your  voice  cracks,  save  yourself  the  embarrassment   and  eject  immediately.  In  the  later  stages  of  seduction,  especially  during  a  relationship,  your   tone  can  jump  from  sarcastic,  prosaic,  charming,  to  passionate.  Never  hold  a  vexed,  annoying,   or  baby-­‐sounding  tone.  A  sarcastic  tone  will  help  disarm  shit  tests  and  neutralize  possible  fem   fiascos.  A  prosaic  tone  helps  you  maintain  that  grudging  reluctance  needed  to  win  over  a  girl’s   real  heart.  A  women  wants  to  know  that  only  a  champion  of  her  type  can  win  over  your  heart   and  that  no  other  girl  has  a  chance  with  you.  If  you  make  it  too  easy  for  a  girl  to  get  you  excited,   desperate,  loving,  or  needy,  she  will  resent  you  for  eternity.  A  passionate  tone  helps  in  bed,   when  you  want  to  tell  her  that  you  love  her,  or  when  exchanging  romantic  whisperings  to   embellish  your  relationship  with  amatory  phenomena.    Never  let  your  passionate  tone  resonate   with  neediness.  If  you  find  this  happening,  withdraw  it.  A  charming  tone  is  like  a  combination   between  a  passionate  and  sarcastic  tone.  It  helps  to  extrovert  your  charm  unto  different  topics   of  conversation,  crazy  stories,  or  your  surroundings  (situational  humor).       Never  talk  with  your  hands  over  your  mouth  or  constantly  drifting  to  your  face.  It  gives  off  the   impression  that  you  are  hiding  something.  If  you  tilt  your  head  to  one  side  and  show  a  bit  of   your  ear  while  maintaining  open  body  language,  she  feels  that  you  are  being  open  and  listening   to  her  (your  ear  is  visible).  This  can  be  manipulated  in  1  on  1  persuasive  arguments  when  you’re   the  only  one  talking  but  your  opponent  feels  more  inclined  to  listen  because  you’re  giving  off   the  subtle  impression  that  you’re  listening  to  them,  even  though  you’re  not.       Slouching  can  be  either  beta  or  Alpha  depending  on  the  context.  If  you’re  already  perceived  as   Alpha,  slouching  makes  you  look  relaxed  and  uncaring.  If  you  are  already  perceived  as  a  beta,   slouching  makes  you  look  like  you  don’t  have  enough  bodily  strength  to  stand  erect.  No  girl   Page 41 of 139

wants  to  date  a  fat  sack  with  a  gut  and  bitch  tits  who  can’t  stand  up  straight.  Women  want  an   Alpha  who  can  stand  with  the  posture  of  a  general  but  who  slouches  occasionally  during  war  to   show  he  is  unperturbed  by  stress.     Never  lean  forward  when  talking  to  a  girl,  especially  if  she’s  leaning  back.  Her  words  are  not  so   precious  that  they  stipulate  a  swath  of  laser  focus.  You  must  listen  to  her  words  with  the   interest  of  a  man  with  options  –  one  who  considers  their  application  but  is  constantly  on  the   prowl  for  more  lubricated  genetilia.           Your  body  language  should  always  display  dominance  and  control,  but  never  interest,  unless  it   is  shown  first  by  the  girl.  The  only  time  you  show  interest  is  when  you  use  it  as  a  reward  to   reciprocate  her  advances.  Otherwise,  remain  tepid.     Once  you’ve  built  attraction  with  a  girl,  she  will  begin  to  mirror  your  internal  state.  If  you  are   standing  awkwardly,  she  will  feel  and  be  awkward.  If  you’re  standing  comfortably  like  a  king   surveying  his  underlings,  she  will  feel  and  be  comfortable.  Use  hand  gestures  when  you’re   exciting  her  with  short  vignettes  to  make  her  reflect  your  excitement.  Be  animated  as  you’re   talking  about  something  that  excites  you.  Be  aware  that  she  will  reflect  whatever  state  she   perceives  you  to  be  in.            


  “In  the  world  I  see  –  you  are  stalking  elk  through  the  damp  canyon  forests  around  the  ruins  of   Rockefeller  center.  You’ll  wear  leather  clothes  that  will  last  you  the  rest  of  your  life.  You’ll  climb   the  wrist-­‐thick  kudzu  vines  that  wrap  the  Sears  Tower.  And  when  you  look  down,  you’ll  see  tiny   figures  pounding  corn,  laying  strips  of  venison  on  the  empty  car  pool  lane  of  some  abandoned   super  highway.”    

  Everything  in  the  world  of  men’s  fashion  revolves  around  female  hypergamy  –  the  poignant   need  for  all  women  to  trade  up  the  social  ladder.  Men  commonly  misunderstand  Hypergamy,   immediately  interpreting  it  in  terms  of  popularity  or  monetary  resources  when  it  has  a  much   looser  definition.  A  girl  who’s  attracted  to  her  boyfriend  because  he’s  a  talented  musician,   because  he  can  write  good  poetry,  or  because  of  his  lurid  detachment  in  life  is  still  exercising   her  need  to  trade  up  the  social  ladder  the  same  way  gold  diggers  do  when  they  stake  out  rich   guys.  Hypergamy  vaguely  refers  to  the  desire  of  women  to  mate  with  men  they  view  as  alpha  –   and  their  willingness  to  leave  men  less  alpha  if  they  view  the  tradeoff  as  reproductively   beneficial  (a  girl  will  not  leave  a  mid-­‐alpha  husband  for  a  one  night  fling  with  a  super  alpha  rock   star  due  to  a  superseding  emotional  bond).      

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All  styles  of  fashion  and  what  they  stand  for  stem  from  this  demonic  compulsion  for  women  to   date  alpha  males.  Suits  and  ties  display  money  and  status.  White  shirts  with  ripped  jeans   display  a  nihilistic  “I  don’t  give  a  shit”  attitude.  Tight  graphic  t-­‐  shirts  emphasize  strong   physiques.  All  of  these  styles,  regardless  of  how  different  they  are,  are  geared  towards   displaying  power  in  different  forms  (titular,  indifference,  or  sexuality).  It’s  a  refined  form  of   neo-­‐prostitution.  Women  want  to  see  power  displays  from  their  boyfriends  through  clothes,   raw  indifference,  psychological  dominance,  or  dauntless  feats  of  courage.       There  is  no  “right”  way  to  dress,  any  style  can  attract  women.  Some  guys  look  like  closeted  gays   when  they  wear  earrings,  other  guys  can  pull  them  off.  Scottish  men  even  wear  dresses,   although  that  might  be  pushing  it.  Rather  than  a  universal  formula  for  dressing  well,  there  are   fundamental  concepts  based  on  hypergamy  that  one  should  use  as  guidelines.       A  style  will  attract  women  with  similar  taste.  Ghetto  guys  will  attract  ghetto  girls;  preppy  guys   will  attract  preppy  girls.  Again  we  see  that  the  predominance  of  capitalism  in  our  society  will   automatically  mark  suits,  ties,  tuxedos,  shiny  shoes,  and  other  clothing  that  represent  financial   or  political  influence  as  the  pinnacle  of  male  fashion.  Suits  don’t  look  any  more  visually   appealing  than  Ed  Hardy  shirts,  but  our  social  conditioning  makes  them  out  to  be  more  a  la   mode.  Within  the  beginning  stages  of  a  relationship,  you  can  guess  what  kind  of  style  a  girl  is   most  attracted  to  based  on  where  she  lives  and  her  friends  (especially  the  ones  from  her   childhood).  If  you  find  out  she  recently  moved  into  an  area  where  everyone  dresses  in  preppy   golf  attire,  but  she  spent  most  of  her  childhood  at  the  slums  skateboarding,  dunks  &  robots  will   out  game  Lacoste  and  polo.       Catching  this  type  of  social  imprinting  with  a  girl  is  important.  It  extends  beyond  clothing  and   we  will  return  to  it  again  in  the  dating  segment.  For  now,  remember  that  every  girl  has  been   imprinted  with  a  specific  dress  code  she  will  prefer  above  all  others.  It  is  most  likely  the  style  of   the  dominant  male  figures  she  encountered  in  her  youth.         Imitation  is  suicide;  you  must  always  be  the  exception.  Peacocking  was  a  term  coined  by   Mystery  to  refer  to  wearing  interesting  objects,  clothes,  or  accessories  to  grab  attention.  They   have  the  added  benefit  of  giving  a  girl  a  way  to  start  a  conversation  if  she  so  desires.  If  she  can   say  something  like  “nice  hat”  or  ask  a  question  about  something  you’re  wearing  (“is  that  a   thong?”)  she  has  an  excuse  to  talk  to  you  while  retaining  plausible  deniability.  This  is  crucial  for   women  as  they  are  even  more  self-­‐conscious  than  men  about  rejection  or  a  bad  approach.       Items  I  recently  used  for  peacocking:       -­‐  Necklace  made  out  of  lucky  charms,  the  cereal.  When  a  girl  asked  me  “what  kind  of  necklace  is   that?”  I  told  her  “they’re  lucky  charms”  and  when  she  asked,  “wow,  from  where”  I  followed  up   with  “a  cereal  box”  and  explained  my  genius  to  her.      

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-­‐  At  a  wine  and  cheese  party  with  a  bunch  of  semi-­‐rich  people  I  took  a  marker  and  drew  a  watch   on  my  wrist  and  wrote  “Rolex”  in  the  middle.  Most  people  found  it  really  funny  although  I  think   some  guys  with  actual  Rolexes  felt  a  bit  uncomfortable.       -­‐  A  bracelet  I  got  from  a  real  Shaman  in  Malaysia.  I  don’t  wear  it  much  anymore  because  I  think   it  may  have  real  necromantic  powers.  I  kid  you  not,  every  time  I  fell  asleep  while  wearing  it,  I’ve   suffered  from  vivid  night  terrors.       -­‐  A  fake  wedding  band.  Works  like  the  One  Ring  of  Power.  Any  time  you  pretend  to  be  married,   expect  your  chances  with  a  girl  to  shoot  up  by  50%  or  more.  If  she  asks  about  it  in  the  middle  of   sex  later  on  that  night,  say  you’re  divorced  but  you  wear  it  for  sentimental  value.  Or  say  “what   wedding  ring?”  and  she’ll  rationalize  it  away  by  assuming  she  was  hallucinating.  If  you’re  really   badass,  you  can  be  like  Napoleon  and  tell  her  “Power  is  my  Mistress”  and  wear  the  actual  One   Ring  of  Power,  although  I  expect  such  an  antic  would  take  a  surreal  level  of  Jedi  Game  to   properly  pull  off.           Never  wear  more  than  one  or  two  things  that  stand  out  simultaneously.  Attention  grabbing   objects  have  a  marginal  rate  of  return;  the  more  of  them  you  wear,  the  less  impact  each  of   them  have  individually.  Be  weary  of  visually  stellar  clothing.  Graphic  t-­‐shirts  and  colorful  ties   stood  out  at  one  point  in  time,  now  they  simply  blend  in  to  the  crowd.  If  everyone  plays  the   role  of  a  rebel,  no  one’s  a  rebel.  Wear  what  no  one  else  wears,  do  what  no  one  else  does.       Don’t  overdo  peacocking;  always  measure  how  much  “effort”  it  looks  like  you  put  into  an  outfit.   Looking  like  you’re  trying  too  hard  to  peacock  gives  off  the  impression  that  you’re  masking  a   deficit  in  other  areas.  An  item  should  barely  whisper  your  disdain  for  convention.  A  slight   disturbance  in  your  appearance  that  makes  a  girl  notice  you  without  her  noticing  why  she   noticed  you.  Seeming  try-­‐hard  immediately  brands  you  as  a  try-­‐hard.       Peacocking  is  positively  related  with  your  level  of  Alpha  or  pre-­‐conceived  eccentricity.  If  you’re   a  famous  celebrity  for  example,  you  can  walk  into  a  club  with  a  shiny  silver  cape  and  no  one’s   going  to  accuse  you  of  suffering  from  psychic  distress.  Lady  Gaga  can  look  like  a  Martian   Sapphic  gang  banger  and  no  one’s  going  to  think  she’s  trying  to  get  attention;  she’s  just   “expressing  her  individuality.”       Never  dress  the  same  way  consistently.  If  you  always  have  to  wear  suits  to  work,  have  a  more   versatile  wardrobe  back  at  home.  Evolving  the  way  you  look  from  suddenly  wearing  glasses  to   colored  contacts  can  help  you  avoid  the  trap  of  over-­‐comfort  in  relationships.  Both  men  and   women  (especially  men)  get  sexually  bored  with  their  partners  after  a  while  because  people   have  evolved  to  prefer  physical  variety.  Changing  your  appearance  marginalizes  this  effect  in   relationships.  Remain  formless;  don’t  let  your  style  be  definable.     Half  of  your  gender  smells  like  cooked  dick.  Take  advantage  of  this  by  wearing  cologne.  Some  of   my  personal  favorites  are  Bulgari  Black,  Armani  Code,  Coolwater,  Chanel  Allure,  and  Egoiste.   Page 44 of 139

There  are  plenty  more  out  there,  get  a  girl’s  opinion  if  you  need  to.  Never,  ever  wear  axe  or   cheap  body  spray.  Making  it  blatantly  obvious  that  you’re  wearing  something  cheap  is  a  DLV   (display  of  lower  value)  even  in  the  presence  of  women  who  don’t  care  about  money.  It  signals   to  her  that  you  care  about  money,  but  don’t  have  enough  to  support  your  swanky  taste.  If  a  guy   who  always  wears  sweats  and  slippers  wore  fake  jewelry,  it  would  take  away  the  “I  don’t  care   about  money”  effect  and  replace  it  with  “I  do  care  about  money,  but  I  don’t  have  any.”       You  can  take  two  approaches  to  cologne.  You  can  have  multiple  ones  to  stay  unpredictable,  or   use  only  one  and  “brand”  your  presence  to  it.  Even  in  the  latter  example,  you  must  eventually   change  colognes  to  avoid  the  dregs  of  familiarity.  I  recommend  rotating  between  3  or  5   different  smells  and  applying  certain  ones  more  liberally,  depending  on  how  many  compliments   you  get  and  from  whom.  Avoid  desensitizing  your  girlfriend  to  a  smell  she  says  she  really  likes.   Abstain  from  the  pitfalls  of  repetition.     Apply  cologne  liberally.  I  know  guides  will  often  tell  you  to  use  only  a  minimal  amount,  but  I   promise  you  from  in-­‐field  experience,  that’s  bullshit.  It’s  almost  a  conspiracy,  I  expect  most  of   these  guys  who  tell  you  “don’t  put  on  too  much  cologne”  do  it  themselves  and  hope  their   advice  will  keep  you  from  becoming  a  competitor.  While  you  don’t  want  to  smell  so  piquant   that  you  give  your  date  an  asthma  attack,  do  edge  more  towards  putting  on  too  much  rather   than  too  little.       If  you’re  poor,  take  advantage  of  it  by  preferring  not  to  wear  $5,000  suits.  If  you’re  poor  but   insist  on  wearing  priced  down  clothing,  you  are  intentionally  entering  a  losing  battlefield.  Take   advantage  of  your  passions  and  what  you  do  have.  A  broke  single-­‐father  who  plays  amazing   pool  will  outclass  the  millionaire  entrepreneur  in  a  billiards  hall  if  he  plays  his  cards  right.   Maximize  your  strengths,  minimize  your  weaknesses.  If  you’re  a  broke  stand-­‐up  comedian,   make  your  own  funny  t-­‐shirts  instead  of  wearing  fake  Armani  suits.  Play  to  your  advantage.       Do  not  follow  the  “get  a  woman’s  advice”  tip  universally.  If  you  read  game  literature,  it  should   be  obvious  by  now  that  women  have  absolutely  no  fucking  idea  about  what  they  want  in  a  guy.   If  your  taste  in  clothing  is  insulting  to  humanity,  you  have  three  options.  Find  a  girl  who  overtly   admits  that  she  likes  assholes  or  is  somewhat  consciously  aware  of  female  psychology  (they  are   rare,  but  they  exist),  has  a  strong  self-­‐esteem,  and  dresses  well  herself.  She  will  give  you  good   advice.  Find  an  alpha  known  to  dress  well  and  copy  his  style.  Or,  look  at  manikins,  celebrities,   and  blogs.  As  a  rule  of  thumb,  never  spend  too  much  time  trying  to  correct  your  sense  of   fashion.  It’s  better  to  be  productive  in  other  ways  while  wearing  a  white  t-­‐shirt  and  converses   than  to  spend  your  time  obsessively  observing  the  latest  fashion  trends.       Not  all  gay  people  know  how  to  dress  well.  This  is  a  universal  misconception  with  dangerous   repercussions.  Sometimes  a  gay  guy  will  just  teach  you  how  to  look  gay.       Your  style  must  be  daring,  bold,  and  give  off  the  aura  of  power  while  looking  like  you’re  not   trying  to  do  any  of  the  above.  Genius  and  creativity  must  always  come  off  as  effortless,  even  if  

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extra  effort  is  needed  to  make  them  seem  so.  You  must  never  seek  attention  through  your   clothing  –  attention  must  seek  you.       Because  first  impressions  have  a  filtering  effect,  its  important  to  always  stay  at  your  best.   Slacking  at  the  gym  or  dressing  lazy  immediately  diminishes  your  value.  Its  fun  and  quixotic  to   believe  that  people  aren’t  shallow  but  alas  –  the  moment  we  reject  reality  is  the  moment  it   works  against  us.  If  you’re  constantly  running  into  your  exes,  look  like  you’re  about  to  try  out   for  a  part  in  the  next  James  Bond  movie  every  time  you  go  out.  A  girl  will  not  forgive  you  if  your   first  impression  on  her  reeks  of  failure  even  if  your  next  five  say  otherwise.  First  impressions   can  be  reversed,  but  it’s  much  easier  to  get  it  right  from  the  start.  Burn  an  image  of  a  Super   Alpha  God  Father  into  her  mind  within  the  first  three  seconds  she  notices  you.       If  previously  you’ve  been  dressing  or  looking  more  proletariat  than  GQ,  make  your  changes  in   outward  appearance  come  about  gradually.  A  sudden  shift  in  the  way  you  look  overtly   communicates  your  desire  to  change  to  be  “someone  you’re  not.”  Your  mind  doesn’t  have   enough  time  to  readjust  to  the  status  quo  and  you  risk  going  back  to  your  old  ways,  but  under  a   different  skin.  Make  your  change  gradual,  an  unintentional  reflex  from  a  change  in  your   thoughts  and  perception.  If  those  around  you  notice  a  progressive  difference  rather  than  an   impulsive  one,  they  will  assume  it  to  be  more  genuine.  The  women  around  you  will  assume  you   are  oblivious  to  the  changes  and  will  make  their  own  assumptions  about  you  –  which  is  exactly   what  you  want.  The  more  a  girl  has  to  draw  her  own  inferences  about  you,  the  more  she  will   feel  both  connected  to  you  and  accomplished  through  her  sense  of  intuition.       Fit  is  everything.  Oversized  or  undersized  clothing  will  either  make  you  look  gay  or  unappealing,   regardless  of  how  trendy  what  you’re  wearing  is.  In  some  cases  you’ll  look  even  more   homosexual  if  your  clothing  is  both  trendy  and  tight.  I’ve  spent  a  while  thinking  about  why  fit  is   so  important  in  accordance  with  biomechanics  and  I  could  only  come  up  with  one  reasonable   explanation.  Beauty,  if  mathematically  reduced  to  its  rawest  form,  comes  down  a  perfect  set  of   proportions  and  asymmetry.  Whenever  you  see  a  guy  in  an  oversized  jacket  or  sagging  pants,   this  rule  immediately  becomes  violated.  The  only  exception  to  the  above  rule  is  when  you  are   intentionally  exaggerating  the  size  of  your  clothing.       You  might  have  noticed  before  that  clothing  for  men  is  much  more  expensive  than  for  women.   At  this  point,  you  should  be  educated  enough  to  realize  why.  The  somber  eye  of  visual  appeal  is   all  that’s  needed  for  men.  A  $5  dress  can  be  just  as  attractive  as  a  $500  dress.  The  same  doesn’t   apply  for  a  man.  If  you  wear  a  shirt  with  a  small  drawing  of  a  guy  playing  polo  on  your  left  tit,   you  suddenly  become  seamlessly  entwined  with  the  aura  of  a  powerful  being.       Woman’s  fashion  is  the  result  of  an  internal  crisis  over  their  lack  of  control  over  physical   beauty.  The  importance  of  the  genetic  lottery  is  unproportional  for  women  and  time  is   exceptionally  cruel  to  them.  It’s  the  same  thing  when  men  adopt  frivolous  pursuits  while   they’re  searching  for  their  “own”  identities  in  an  increasingly  anarchic  world.  We  are  all  victims   to  our  own  vanity.     Page 46 of 139

Mix  in  contrary  game  with  your  sense  of  dress.  A  man  who  walks  in  with  a  fedora  and  starts   talking  about  19th  century  music  is  too  predictable.  But  if  he  were  to  tell  you  he  listens  to  hip   hop  and  plays  Pokémon  –  suddenly  he  becomes  interesting.  What  doesn’t  make  logical  sense  is   enticing;  it  makes  us  want  to  question,  to  learn  more.       I’m  going  to  list  a  couple  of  fashion  blogs  on  my  site,  but  I  should  add  that  I’m  doing  so  with  a   bit  of  reluctance  so  I  find  it  necessary  to  also  tell  you  how  to  use  them.  Never  spend  more  than   45  seconds  looking  through  a  fashion  blog.  Go  to  the  site,  quickly  scroll  up  and  down,  and  if  you   find  anything  that  you  like,  remember  the  look  for  later.  Do  not  spend  time  you  could  be  using   to  plot  against  your  enemies  reading  through  articles  about  sartorial  trends.  Do  not  spend  more   than  5  seconds  looking  at  a  piece  of  clothing  and  deciding  if  you  want  it.  The  only  time  you   should  “patiently”  shop  is  when  you  need  to  try  things  on  to  make  sure  they  fit  right.   Otherwise,  shopping  is  purely  a  woman’s  activity;  do  not  enjoy  it  even  for  a  second.  The  only   reason  you  shop  is  to  look  better  so  you  can  fuck  more  women.  You  do  not  ever,  ever  shop   because  you  enjoy  shopping.  You  hate  shopping.  You  loathe  spending  your  time  at  a  mall.  But   you  find  it  a  necessary  evil  to  avoid  obtuse  vajayjays  and  bang  only  the  best.  Men  are  stylish,   not  fashionable.       Look  Good.  Smell  Good.  Fuck  Good.          


  “Warning:  If  you  are  reading  this  then  this  warning  is  for  you.  Every  word  you  read  of  this   useless  fine  print  is  another  second  off  your  life.  Don’t  you  have  other  things  to  do?  Is  your  life  so   empty  that  you  honestly  can’t  think  of  a  better  way  to  spend  these  moments?  Or  are  you  so   impressed  with  authority  that  you  give  respect  and  credence  to  all  that  claim  it?  Do  you  read   everything  you’re  supposed  to  read?  Do  you  think  every  thing  you’re  supposed  to  think?  Buy   what  you’re  told  to  want?  Get  out  of  your  apartment.  Meet  a  member  of  the  opposite  sex.  Stop   the  excessive  shopping  and  masturbation.  Quit  your  job.  Start  a  fight.  Prove  you’re  alive.  If  you   don’t  claim  your  humanity  you  will  become  a  statistic.  You  have  been  warned.”         A  large  portion  of  external  game  depends  on  being  able  to  trick  women  into  thinking  you’re  a   billionaire  and  then  sleeping  with  them  before  they  realize  you’re  not.  A  few  cheap  parlor  tricks   can  go  a  long  way  into  massacring  vagina  or  tricking  your  wife  into  giving  you  morning   blowjobs.  Displaying  an  attractive  lifestyle  can  be  tricky  because  you  still  have  to  keep  gold   diggers  at  bay,  prevent  a  girl  from  thinking  you’re  intentionally  trying  to  impress  her,  and  keep   all  of  your  externalities  congruent  with  the  rest  of  your  game.  If  you’re  all  Bondesque  while  at  a   bar  and  then  you  take  a  girl  back  to  a  shithole  house  with  piss  leaking  from  the  bathroom   upstairs,  she’ll  feel  duped  and  possibly  repulsed  (if  you  live  in  said  house,  don’t  act  like  James   Bond,  act  like  Tyler  Durden.  Being  poor  can  be  used  as  a  weapon  if  spun  the  right  way).       Page 47 of 139

Your  bachelor’s  pad  must  contain  all  the  functional  necessities  for  a  girl  to  stay  over.  Tissues,   extra  tooth  brushes,  clean  fluffy  towels,  even  tampons  if  you  have  women  over  for  consecutive   days  (or  if  your  AFC  friends  have  vaginas).  Entertainment  should  include  a  television  at  the  bare   minimum.  Board  games,  magazines  (cosmopolitan),  and  a  stereo  system  are  also   recommended.  Fish,  plants,  or  stuffed  animals  are  good  to  liven  up  the  atmosphere  and  display   your  provider  capabilities.  Women  subconsciously  take  note  of  things  like  pets  to  measure  your   potential  as  a  long-­‐term  suitor.  If  you  have  a  mangy  puppy  that  looks  like  he’s  been  beat  a   couple  of  times,  don’t  expect  a  second  date.  Candles,  massage  oil,  and  condoms  should  always   be  available.  Never  keep  new  condoms  visible,  or  even  worse,  used  condoms  visible.         Peacocking  doesn’t  only  apply  to  your  clothing;  it  applies  to  anything  associated  with  you.   Peacock  with  items  in  your  house  by  keeping  interesting  objects  that  can  serve  as  topics  of   conversation.  Exotic  plants,  lava  lamps,  or  vintage  items  all  work  well.  Your  sofa  and  bed  should   resemble  royalty  as  close  as  possible.  If  you  can’t  afford  1,000  thread  count  Egyptian  Sateen   sheets  with  pillows  made  out  of  Ostrich  feathers,  buy  covers  and  wrappings  as  a  substitute  (find   a  couch  on  the  streets  and  drape  it  with  a  suede  couch  cover).       Keep  everything  spotless.  No  shit  stains  on  the  ceiling,  no  crusty  dried  piss  on  the  toilet  seat,   and  no  phlegm  in  the  sink.  “Dirty  Guys”  are  popularized  because  their  carelessness  exudes   confidence  and  power,  they  aren’t  actually  unhygienic.  And  if  they  are,  it’s  because  their  frame   control  is  powerful  enough  to  subvert  a  woman’s  normal  human  standards.  Vast  wealth  will   counteract  hygienic  shortcomings  any  day.  Any  man  who  thinks  otherwise  should  take  a  look  at   Howard  Hughes’s  track  record.  Even  female  luminaries  who  have  an  elevated  standard  will   make  exceptions  for  sadistically  powerful  men.       To  end  the  “Dirty  Alpha”  misconception  once  an  for  all,  “dirtiness”  is  only  attractive  because  it   displays  power  through  indifference.  A  repugnant  odor  is  never  attractive.  Bad  breath  will  never   turn  a  girl  on.  If  you  can  smell  good  while  still  looking  carelessly  dirty,  you  can  achieve  both   ends.  The  reason  I’d  recommend  straying  towards  the  immaculately  groomed  side  is  because   attraction  comes  down  to  a  numbers  game.  Proportionally,  a  larger  number  of  women  will   prefer  cleanliness  over  tribal  dirtiness.  Yes,  some  women  are  turned  on  by  bacteria  and  gross   habits,  but  the  exceptions  do  not  make  the  rule.         Alcohol  and  a  mini  bar  is  a  must.  Make  it  look  like  your  apartment  could  belong  to  Don  Draper.   Keep  a  variety  of  drinks  in  your  fridge,  from  Snapple  to  bottled  water  and  soft  drinks.  For  some   reason  it  makes  a  big  difference  in  rapport  when  you  have  a  stocked  fridge.  I  imagine  this  has   something  to  do  with  a  woman’s  nesting  instinct.  If  you  find  yourself  fucking  fat  girls  a  lot,  you’ll   need  a  lot  of  ice  cream  bars  and  popsicles.  Candy  helps  to  disarm  little  kids  if  you  find  yourself   dating  a  single  mom.  I  hate  little  cock  blocking  fuckers  so  I  keep  truckloads  of  skittles  in  stock  to   distract  the  shit  out  of  them.  When  fat  women  start  breathing  heavy,  they  are  getting  hungry.   Feed  them  adequately  before  you  continue  boffing  them.  Have  something  for  women  of  all   tastes  to  appreciate,  keep  all  of  your  bases  covered.        

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Be  a  good  drink  mixer.  You  don’t  have  to  be  a  professional  bar  tender,  just  have  a  basic   knowledge  over  alcohol  and  learn  how  to  pour  juice  with  an  allusively  smooth  aura.             Women  are  much  better  at  catching  clues  to  a  person’s  character;  a  girl  will  be  judging  you   based  on  all  of  her  minute  observations.  Use  this  to  your  advantage.  Keep  a  romance  novel   barely  hidden,  a  picture  of  you  and  your  best  looking  ex  girlfriend  lying  around  somewhere,  or   anything  that  hints  towards  what  you  want  to  convey  to  her.  If  you  want  a  girl  to  know   something  about,  you  cannot  tell  her  directly.  Leave  breadcrumbs  that  will  lead  her  to  the  same   conclusion.  Let  her  feel  like  she  has  intuitively  discovered  a  lot  about  you  by  looking  through   your  home.  Romance  novels  give  off  the  impression  that  you  have  a  romantic  side  hidden  deep   down  inside  that  requires  vigorous  work  to  uncover.  A  challenge  every  girl  secretly  fantasizes   about  undertaking.         Besides  romance  novels,  keep  a  collection  of  books  somewhere  in  stock,  preferably  classics.  A   man’s  favorite  says  a  lot  about  his  personality.  If  a  girl  comes  from  a  religious  household,  keep  a   bible  (or  your  respective  religious  book)  out  in  the  open.  Don’t  act  religious,  just  keep  it  there.   The  gesture  will  make  her  connect  with  you  better  (struggling  to  hold  onto  roots  in  an   increasingly  chaotic  world).         As  we  delve  further  into  the  information  age,  cars  are  becoming  less  and  less  important  in   terms  of  pick  up.  A  few  years  ago  it  was  almost  essential  to  have  a  car  if  you  were  over  21,   otherwise  you’d  look  like  a  loser.  Nowadays,  especially  if  you  live  in  the  city,  it  barely  makes  a   difference.  If  you  do  have  a  car,  or  are  considering  to  buy  one,  keep  it  in  good  visible  condition.   Again,  a  girl  will  measure  your  ability  as  a  long  term  provider  based  on  how  well  you  take  care   of  the  things  around  you.         For  the  size  range  of  your  car,  stay  away  from  the  extremes.  Yappy  cars  that  are  too  small  look   weird  and  cars  that  are  way  too  big  make  you  look  like  you’re  insecure  about  your  penis  size.   Stick  to  basic  colors  unless  you’re  driving  a  Lamborghini.  Until  you’re  in  the  extreme  ranges  of   wealth,  your  car  model  won’t  matter.  As  long  as  there’s  no  dried  up  cum  stains  in  the  backseat   or  dead  body  in  the  drunk,  a  girl  won’t  care  what  type  of  car  you  have  (granted  it’s  a  decent   looking  car).  If  you  have  to  drive  a  car  that  looks  like  it  came  out  of  an  episode  of  the   Flintstones,  donate  it  to  the  museum  and  get  a  bike  instead.  Better  to  pretend  to  be  eco-­‐ friendly  and  ditch  cars  than  drive  a  broken  one  and  say  you  can’t  afford  a  better  one.  There’s  no   shame  in  not  having  a  car,  but  if  you  act  embarrassed  over  it,  it  will  reflect  in  her.  And  let’s  face   it;  electric  cars  are  for  pussies.       If  you  have  the  money,  buy  useless  gadgets  like  night  vision  goggles  and  nerf  guns.  Most  people   remember  their  childhood  as  a  perpetual  state  of  bliss.  If  you  can  tap  into  this  inner  sanctum  of   happiness  through  established  anchors,  you  will  make  your  presence  a  breath  of  nostalgic  fresh   air.  Nintendo  made  the  lives  of  a  million  players  around  the  world  significantly  easier  by   releasing  the  Wii.  Never  before  has  a  video  game  system  been  built  for  the  sole  purpose  of   tearing  down  last  minute  resistance  like  a  crack  team  of  philanderers.       Page 49 of 139

The  belly  rules  the  mind.  If  you  eat  like  shit,  expect  to  function  like  shit.  Treat  your  body  with   care;  I  can’t  over-­‐emphasize  this  point.  Go  to  the  gym  and  eat  healthy  religiously.  Living  on  a   clean  diet  keeps  your  head  clear  and  your  cock  from  going  dysfunctional.  Ever  heard  horror   stories  of  guys  whose  penises  failed  them  last  minute?  That  comes  from  a  lifestyle  of  binge   drinking  and  taking  distilled  morphine  through  a  glass  funnel.  You  will  end  up  echoing  your  diet   more  than  you  think.  Consider  this  as  a  warning  more  than  a  piece  of  advice.     Use  caffeine  and  supplements.  Performance  enhancing  drugs  often  get  a  bad  rep  because   stupid  people  abuse  them  and  give  the  entire  industry  a  bad  name.  Caffeine  is  addictive,  but   you’ll  be  fine  if  you  drink  a  cup  a  day  or  less.  Don’t  let  it  snowball  from  1  cup  to  2  cups  to  a  pot  a   day.  Don’t  wait  to  take  supplements  until  you’re  80  and  can’t  live  without  them.  Take  them   now;  preventative  health  care  is  always  the  best  type.       Getting  a  torn  physique  is  the  easiest  way  to  gain  social  proof.  It  boosts  your  confidence  and   makes  you  more  attractive.  Not  just  a  medially  ok  looking  body,  make  it  look  like  you  eat  metal   for  breakfast.  Of  course  this  has  its  limits,  don’t  overdo  the  weight  gaining  aspect.  Women   prefer  men  who  are  built  extremely  well  and  bigger  than  average,  but  not  juice  heads  who  look   like  the  hulk  on  steroids.  There’s  a  growing  breed  of  women  now  looking  for  skinny  guys  with  a   more  feminine  build;  like  Rudolph  Valentino.  If  you’re  a  natural  ectomorph,  use  this  to  your   advantage  instead  of  constantly  trying  to  put  on  weight.     Now  since  we’re  all  realists  here,  let’s  be  honest,  abs  are  the  most  important  muscle  for   attracting  women  (unless  they  look  disproportionate,  like  skinny  packs).  My  social  circle  game   went  from  banging  2  girls  to  35+  including  4  lesbian  mermaids  the  first  time  I  got  abs.  This  being   said,  abs  do  NOT  make  up  for  a  weak  overall  physique.  Focus  on  everything  from  calves  to   triceps.    A  good  overall  anatomy  will  get  you  pussy  at  wholesale  prices.  It  grazes  the  ancestral   need  for  women  to  search  for  protectors  much  more  than  glossy  eyes  or  a  cool  hair  cut.       There  are  too  many  resources  online  for  me  to  try  and  offer  workout  tips  without  turning  this   into  a  rote  discussion.  But  I  will  say  this,  always  be  changing  your  work  out  routine.  Both  your   mind  and  your  physical  body  need  to  be  constantly  challenged  in  different  ways.  Avoid  receding   into  repetitive  routines.  Always  look  to  be  innovative  in  your  work  outs.  Get  out  of  your   comfort  zone.       Google  “things  every  man  should  know  how  to  do.”  There  are  certain  questions  that  should  be   made  unlawful  for  men  to  ask.  For  example,  you  should  never  have  to  ask,  “how  do  you  tie  a   tie?”  or  “how  do  you  jumpstart  a  car?”  Learn  these  things  yourself  if  your  father  hasn’t  taught   you.  Luckily  you  live  in  the  age  of  YouTube  and  Wikipedia  so  everything  you  want  to  learn  will   be  within  your  reach.  In  Roger  Dodger,  Campbell  Scott  states  the  uncomfortable  truth  often  left   unsaid;  men  are  only  useful  as  per  their  utility  to  society  and  certain  men  are  more  useful  than   others.  We  can  read  maps,  we  can  lift  heavy  objects,  we  can  direct  troops  in  battle.  If  we  can’t   do  any  of  these  things,  we  are  not  being  productive  members  of  a  society  that  recently  gained   the  ability  to  moot  our  existence  through  artificial  insemination.       Page 50 of 139

In  our  generation,  status  whoring  is  the  religion  of  the  day.  Resource  displays,  no  matter  how   shameful,  work.  Cufflinks,  expensive  watches,  an  AMEX  black  card,  all  of  these  things  create  a   subtext  of  wealth  and  power  that  serves  as  a  catalyst  for  seduction.  Same  thing  with  fame.  If   your  lifestyle  consists  of  dodging  TMZ  and  Googling  your  own  name,  vaginas  will  march  in   unison  towards  your  all-­‐mighty  blessed-­‐be  cock.       Take  part  in  activities  that  let  you  peg  multiple  goals  at  once.  Yoga  will  let  you  meet  flexible  girls   and  help  you  disseminate  stress  simultaneously.  Hanging  out  at  cafes  gives  you  a  place  to  meet   people  and  get  work  done  at  the  same  time.  Book  stores  let  you  read  and  meet  girls  with   similar  interests.  Incorporate  highly  productive  habits  in  your  day  to  day  routine.           Surround  yourself  with  eccentricity.  What  is  bold  and  different  is  seductive.  Drink  black  coffee,   read  philosophy,  learn  how  to  pick  a  door  lock,  take  salsa  lessons,  learn  how  to  hunt,  write   poetry,  watch  the  discovery  channel,  be  a  fan  of  ballet  over  sports,  be  different,  be  unique.   Keep  a  musical  instrument  in  your  bedroom,  a  copy  of  the  Kama-­‐Sutra,  and  a  millennia  old  relic   you  dug  up  yourself.       Be  quick  on  your  feet,  learn  to  play  poker,  and  improve  your  wit.  Imagine  your  life  as  a  movie  at   all  points  and  yourself  as  the  omniscient  Alpha  commanding  the  world.       AVOID  COMPLICATIONS.  Wear  a  condom  when  you’re  having  sex  with  a  prostitute  (coated  with   penicillin  if  need  be),  don’t  deal  drugs,  don’t  aid  or  abet  a  fugitive,  don’t  sit  in  a  car  without  a   seatbelt  on,  don’t  get  a  girl  pregnant  by  accident,  don’t  be  stupid.  One  of  the  biggest   misconceptions  about  being  Alpha  is  that  it  turns  you  into  a  risk  taker.  I  never  take  risks,  ever.  I   manage  them.  I  don’t  take  risks  with  uncontrollable  variables.  I  don’t  drink  and  drive,  I  don’t   play  the  lotto,  I  don’t  delegate  jobs  to  other  people  without  knowing  that  they  can  do  it.  I  take   risks  on  myself,  because  I  am  supremely  confident  in  my  own  ability;  but  my  tenacity  and   ambition  is  a  variable  I  control.       The  avoiding  stupidity  lesson  will  save  you  a  lot  of  time  and  wasted  effort  if  you  learn  it  early.   Embrace  common  sense,  humanity’s  weakness.  Don’t  do  things  without  thinking.  Be  capable,   be  a  problem  solver.       Associate  your  identity  with  symbols  of  power.  For  long-­‐term  relationships  and  political   seduction,  this  is  the  most  important  form  of  peacocking.  Buy  a  gun  and  let  your  wife  massage   the  barrel,  buy  a  timepiece  and  blind  your  girlfriend  with  the  embezzled  diamonds,  get  a  tattoo   of  something  with  symbolic  importance  that  makes  other  people  cringe  with  fear.  Poeticize   your  appearance;  make  it  greater  than  just  a  man.     Create  spectacles  around  your  life.  No  one  cares  about  what  the  guy  with  the  9-­‐5  job  is  doing.     Everyone  is  too  busy  watching  the  bold.  Their  own  lives  are  boring  as  fuck;  they  live  vicariously   through  the  adventurous  people  around  them.  They  are  driven  by  an  evolutionarily  mediated   response  aimed  at  searching  for  leaders  who  aren’t  afraid  to  push  the  boundaries  in  life.  The   audacious  capture  the  hearts  of  their  fans  because  their  impudence  gives  birth  to  the  seductive   Page 51 of 139

surreality  everyone  desperately  craves.  People  will  follow  men  with  visions  to  no  controlled   end.  Women  want  to  find  someone  they  can  obsess  over  with  cult  fixation.         “No  fear,  no  distractions.  The  ability  to  let  that  which  does  not  matter,  truly  slide.”  Get  things   done  at  a  maniacal  pace.  Good  things  do  not  happen  to  those  who  wait.  They  happen  to  those   who  can’t  wait,  those  who  chase  good  things  with  fucking  fangs  and  pitchforks.  “Time   management”  is  for  the  desperate  loser  who  doesn’t  know  how  to  be  productive.  You  don’t   need  time  management  skills,  you  are  already  a  machine.  Find  your  goals,  pursue  them.  Behind   the  façade  of  an  unperturbed  man,  you  must  be  calculative  and  fiercely  determined.  Triage   ruthlessly.  Get  rid  of  habits  that  are  unproductive,  stop  talking  to  girls  on  facebook  unless   you’re  fucking  them.  Keep  your  goals  and  dreams  in  mind,  nothing  else  matters.  Don’t  waste   your  time  making  schedules  and  to-­‐do  lists.  Those  are  for  people  who  can’t  manage  time  but   like  to  write  shit  down  to  make  themselves  feel  like  they’re  getting  things  done.  Don’t  deal  with   life  the  way  dead  people  do.           SOCIAL  PROOF     “To  compensate  for  the  difficulties  in  their  lives,  people  spend  a  lot  of  their  time  daydreaming,   imagining  a  future  full  of  adventure,  success,  and  romance.  If  you  can  create  the  illusion  that   through  you  they  can  live  out  their  dreams,  you  will  have  them  at  your  mercy…The  perfect   illusion  is  one  that  does  not  depart  too  much  from  reality,  but  has  a  touch  of  the  unreal  to  it.”       -­‐Robert  Greene       The  emotional  response  of  attraction  in  the  presence  of  a  man  displaying  the  right  value  cues  is   the  ensuing  rationalization  a  girl  uses  for  being  attracted  to  a  Man  she  perceives  to  have  high   reproductive  value.  Social  proof  is  evidence  of  a  man’s  worth,  or  couthed  in  modern   terminology,  proof  that  other  women  like  him,  and  other  men  follow  him.  Dressing  good  and   mastering  kinesics  are  good  ways  to  establish  preliminary  social  proof,  but  they  quickly   metabolize  in  the  world  of  menstrual  judgment.  A  man  dressed  like  Mystery  but  standing  by   himself  at  the  corner  of  a  club  texting  his  guy  friends  isn’t  a  Venusian  virtuoso,  he’s  just  a  loser   saddled  into  a  funny  looking  costume  begging  for  attention.       Social  proof  is  the  last  and  most  important  piece  of  the  external  game  puzzle.  You  can  stand   next  to  a  girl  with  your  hand  in  your  pocket,  designer  shades  on  your  face,  and  wreaking  of   pheromones,  but  if  a  girl  walks  by  and  says  “aren’t  you  that  loser  who  tried  to  pick  me  up  last   week?”  and  you  have  no  response,  all  of  your  target’s  lacteal  veins  will  focus  their  energies  on   her  rejection  ganglia  (in  the  above  scenario,  respond  with  “no,  you’re  not  my  type”).       Say  you  approach  a  mixed  set  of  2  guys  and  4  girls.  The  opening  works  out  well  but  their  other   friends  from  outside  enter  the  fray.  You  don’t  know  the  set  well  enough  to  get  an  immediate   Page 52 of 139

introduction  and  they  begin  laughing  at  inside  jokes.  Immediately  you  are  frozen  out  into  a  non-­‐ reactive  state;  every  moment  you  spend  in  the  set  diminishes  your  social  proof.  A  male  with   high  reproductive  value  wouldn’t  spend  his  time  qualifying  himself  for  entrance  to  a  circle  of   people;  he  would  leave  and  look  to  socialize  with  other  sets.  Women  are  preprogrammed  to   subconsciously  notice  desperate  behavior  like  this  and  to  use  it  to  assess  a  man’s  potential  as  a   suitor,  or  lack  thereof.       Nothing  says  low  value  like  a  hardcore  rejection.  As  soon  as  a  girl  blows  you  off  with  jagged   indifference,  your  value  in  the  eyes  of  other  women  within  her  proximity  shrivels  up.   Approaching  without  appearing  too  eager  and  ejecting  in  time  is  crucial  to  maintaining  a  sense   of  dignity  in  the  eyes  of  other  women.  Rejection  is  nothing,  it’s  a  simulated  emotional  response   trained  to  keep  men  in  line,  but  if  not  properly  alloyed,  it  can  quickly  poison  an  entire  night.   Persistence  is  only  a  good  trait  in  the  dating  market  if  it  comes  out  of  confidence.  Otherwise,   you  risk  giving  off  a  rapist  vibe.     Rejection  for  women  is  an  ego-­‐feeding  art.  Don’t  approach  a  girl  twice  in  the  same  night  after   she’s  rejected  you  once.  Women  are  Templars  of  the  dark  arts,  they  relish  in  crushing  egos  for   the  sake  of  careening  lesser  men  out  of  the  gene  pool.  Do  not  stay  in  a  set  after  you  get  blown   out.  I  can’t  grasp  the  reasoning  behind  this,  but  I  imagine  guys  do  it  because  they  get  paralyzed   when  an  approach  dive  bombs  too  quickly.  Don’t  worry  about  your  pride  while  you’re  talking  to   a  girl,  if  you  need  to  eject,  eject.       The  presence  of  another  Alpha  sets  off  a  compete  mentality  in  men  brazen  enough  to  collide   with  other  juggernauts.  If  you  ever  lose  a  verbal  wordplay  to  another  aspiring  seducer  and  let   him  neutralize  you,  the  shift  in  dominance  will  cause  your  game  to  rapidly  death  spiral.  Men   have  a  propensity  to  get  defensive  around  other  guys  who  subvert  their  dominance,  which   lowers  their  social  proof  even  further.  If  you  don’t  have  enough  preceding  value  to  implicitly   out  game  a  natural  alpha  who  just  took  over  your  set,  politely  excuse  yourself  from  the   oncoming  slaughter.  Counter  AMOGing  >  Avoidance  >  Losing  and  standing  there  as  the  new   beta.       Disarm  a  douchebag  that  walks  into  your  circle  by  putting  him  in  a  qualifying  mentality.  Either   charm  him,  or  subtly  neg  him.  If  you  have  an  initial  amount  of  superseding  social  status,  you   can  compliment  him  and  make  him  want  to  earn  more  of  your  affections,  just  like  a  girl.  If  he   comes  into  your  set  with  gunz  blazing,  tell  him  he  looks  metro.  If  you’re  on  the  offense,  use  the   nicer  method,  don’t  be  a  dickwad  unless  it’s  called  for.       Any  uncomfortable  physical  position  maintained  for  the  purpose  of  talking  to  someone  else   reduces  social  proof.  Standing  while  talking  to  someone  seated  reduces  social  proof.  Sitting   down  uncomfortably  to  talk  to  a  girl  reduces  social  proof.    Squeezing  yourself  into  a  table   reduces  your  social  proof.  An  alpha  with  options  would  forgo  any  type  of  discomfort  no  matter   how  minute  because  the  tradeoff  for  vagina  is  never  worth  it  for  him.  Watch  betas  while   they’re  in  the  company  of  their  girlfriends;  they  will  suffer  the  worse  indignities  womankind  has   to  offer  for  a  pussy-­‐handout.  Even  if  you’re  not  a  high  value  male  and  you  haven’t  had  had  a   Page 53 of 139

date  for  15  years,  pretend  like  you  have  options.  Standing  outside  a  social  circle  while  talking   makes  your  dialogue  look  like  it’s  being  propelled  by  an  unspoken  need  to  qualify  yourself.   Standing  against  a  wall  while  outlaying  the  rest  of  your  minions  helps  maintain  a  cyborgian   alpha  tenure.       Use  the  above  rule  to  increase  your  relative  value  to  someone  when  you  can.  Place  yourself  in   the  power  position  and  your  target  in  social  sloth.  Use  your  hands  or  your  physical  positioning   to  preclude  someone  from  a  conversation.  Create  that  split  second  of  subconscious  rejection   needed  to  contrast  with  the  whirl  of  pleasure  soon  to  come.  Artificially  create  an  awkward  faux   pas  to  achieve  a  desired  outcome.  Game  is  establishing  a  New  World  Order,  be  at  the  apex  of   the  pyramid.       Anytime  you  turn  your  back  to  something  or  someone,  you  are  indicating  higher  value.  Casually   reject  people  in  this  way  if  you  sense  failure.  A  monotonic  conversation  will  always  be  blamed   on  the  guy,  even  if  it’s  the  girl  who’s  been  talking.  Swing  the  pendulum  back  at  women  by  being   the  one  to  proactively  reject  them.       Any  position  that  gives  off  a  semblance  of  eagerness  reduces  social  proof.  Looking  like  you’re   following  a  girl,  approaching  a  set  with  too  much  zeal,  or  burning  through  routines  so  quickly   that  it  becomes  madly  obvious  you’ve  practiced  this  a  thousand  times  in  front  of  a  mirror   reduces  social  proof.  When  you’re  walking  towards  a  girl  you’re  about  to  approach,  remember   that  she  already  notices  you  and  is  sizing  you  up  before  you  say  your  first  word.  If  you  walk  over   too  fast,  your  eagerness  will  betray  a  sense  of  nervousness.  The  far  extreme  holds  true  too;   looking  hesitant  reduces  social  proof.  A  girl  within  your  target  reach  who  has  clearly   telegraphed  her  interest  in  you  will  assume  you  don’t  have  balls  to  approach  if  you  keep   glancing  at  her  from  the  side  but  refuse  to  go  up  to  her.  Audacity  is  an  art.  If  executed  poorly,  it   comes  off  as  desperation.  If  not  executed  at  all,  it  comes  off  as  a  missed  opportunity.  Rejection   is  always  better  than  regret.       Detecting  failed  positioning  is  simpler  than  it  seems;  humans  have  evolved  the  emotion  of   awkwardness  for  a  reason.  Pay  attention  to  your  gut  instincts,  the  flood  of  endorphins  that   follows  a  successfully  executed  power  play  is  a  time-­‐honored  tradition  our  bodies  hold  sacred.   The  prevailing  theme  in  curing  social  maladies  is  simple:  avoid  them.  If  you  think  you  can   overcome  the  obstacle  by  charming  your  way  out  of  poor  positioning,  go  for  it  (not   recommended  for  ex-­‐betas  who  are  new  to  the  game).  Otherwise,  it’s  best  to  strategically   maneuver  around  awkward  situations  than  jumping  into  them  with  half-­‐ass  game.     If  you’re  ever  in  field  or  in  a  group  and  you  see  another  guy  disarm  a  massively  awkward   situation  with  sociopathic  genius,  take  your  hat  off  to  him.  It  is  the  sign  of  a  master.  Super   Alphas  are  exempted  from  normal  dynamics.  Some  men  are  able  accumulate  so  much  social   capital;  awkward  moments  reverse  their  gender  scripts.  If  Tom  Cruise  approaches  a  girl,  an   awkward  moment  will  make  her  nervous  because  his  cock  has  already  tasted  rainbow  flavored   vagina.  Her  gaping  tendrils  need  to  qualify  themselves  to  him  before  he  wants  to  seduce  her.  If   a  girl  really  likes  a  guy  (more  prevalent  in  social  circles),  she  will  experience  a  similar  reversed   Page 54 of 139

role-­‐play.  Use  this  to  your  advantage.  In  the  midst  of  a  girl  being  taxed  with  the  dread  of  your   disapproval,  break  out  in  a  beta-­‐like  show  of  love  and  approval.  Counter  the  low  of  an  awkward   moment  you  intentionally  created  with  the  zenith  of  sudden  euphoria  later  on.       Displaying  social  proof  is  a  simple  matter  in  venues.  At  weddings,  always  seduce  grandmas  first.   Take  them  to  the  dance  floor,  tell  them  gossip,  remind  them  of  the  glories  of  youth.  Getting  the   blessings  of  a  matriarch  will  instantly  make  younger  women  perceive  you  as  an  Alpha.  At  a  bar,   buy  the  bartender  a  shot.  At  places  where  you  regularly  visit  like  restaurants  and  cafés,   befriend  the  people  working  there.  Any  display  of  social  savy  comes  off  as  manly  propriety  in   the  eyes  of  a  woman.       The  prevailing  theme  for  increasing  social  proof  at  venues  is  to  game  men  and  women  you  are   not  competing  with.  Everyone  desires  approval  from  their  elders  and  little  kids.  Be  someone   that  older  people  can  be  proud  of  and  younger  people  can  aspire  to  be  like.  When  you’re  at  a   party  with  younger  people,  use  those  magic  tricks  you  learned  for  99  cents  or  pay  off  the  kids  to   flock  around  you  so  women  falsely  perceive  you  to  have  fatherly  attributes.         When  you’re  hanging  out  with  a  bunch  of  your  friends,  be  the  one  to  initiate  a  conversation   with  another  group.  Social  acumen  is  the  sign  of  a  man  who  can  lead.  Be  someone  who  can   unite  groups  using  the  most  gossamer  of  excuses.  Betas  fold  in  the  face  of  liberal  contact,   always  preferring  to  mingle  within  their  comfort  zone  of  2  ½  friends.  Always  be  expanding  your   social  circle.  Meeting  new  people  is  the  best  way  to  prevent  cocooning  away  in  the  same   behavior  patterns.     Take  advantage  of  power  vacuums.  These  come  in  two  forms,  a  lack  of  leadership  or  a  lack  of   strength.  In  the  former,  a  group  becomes  indecisive  when  no  know  wants  to  take  the   responsibility  of  making  a  choice.  These  are  your  opportunities  to  shine.  Steal  the  thunder,   make  decisions  quick,  avoid  hesitating.  Make  your  decisions  with  confidence  and  speed,  as  if   you  were  delegating  to  your  generals.  In  the  latter,  everyone  will  be  striving  for  a  high  rank  in   some  sort  of  mindless  competitive  activity.  School,  a  facebook  game,  a  masturbating  contest,   something  stupid  aimed  at  leeching  the  productivity  of  our  generation.  Cheat  if  you  have  to,  no   point  in  working  hard  when  the  same  result  can  be  achieved  in  another  way.  Be  sure  to  always   make  your  efforts  seem  effortless.  The  less  mindless  the  activity  (School  over  dodgeball,   football  over  facebook  tetris),  the  more  social  proof  that  can  be  generated.       Talking  negatively  about  others  always  reduces  social  proof.  This  is  not  the  same  as  making  fun   of  people  to  get  a  laugh  out  of  it  or  cynically  analyzing  the  society  around  you.  I  am  referring   specifically  to  crossing  the  line  and  becoming  a  beat  and  battered  soul  who  puts  down  others  to   blaze  the  embers  of  misery.  Gossip  is  a  natural  part  of  humanity,  it  stems  from  our  evolved   desire  to  establish  concrete  social  hierarchies.  Men  partake  in  it  just  like  women  do.  But  there   comes  a  time  when  that  need  to  gossip  becomes  embarrassingly  deluded  with  bitter  purposes.   Avoid  tarnishing  your  own  reputation  with  bitterness,  be  a  person  of  good  character.  When  you   hear  of  other  people  talking  about  you,  be  amused;  not  offended.  Don’t  concern  yourself  with  

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things  like  “who  broke  up  with  who”  and  “how  many  facebook  likes  did  they  get?”  Leave  the   public  sphere  of  popularity  debating  to  women.         In  regards  to  the  above  statement,  some  of  you  will  see  an  obvious  contradiction  with  the  idea   of  chasing  fame.  Isn’t  being  famous  and  wealthy  just  the  adult  version  of  becoming  popular?   Isn’t  studying  social  dynamics  just  learning  how  to  be  popular  in  more  tasteful  fashion?  No,   there  is  a  world  of  difference.  Why  does  the  nice  guy  cater  to  his  girlfriend’s  every  desire?  Why   does  the  Jerk  work  night  and  day  to  have  sex  with  as  many  women  as  possible?  Why  does  the   lawyer  surround  himself  with  McMansions  and  Rolexes  when  he’d  rather  be  a  poet?  They  are   not  living  out  their  own  dreams;  they  are  living  someone  else’s.  The  nice  guy  seeks  feminine   praise,  the  jerk  wants  as  many  bed  notches  as  he  can  get  in  one  lifetime  to  feed  his  infinitely   growing  ego,  and  the  lawyer  has  commoditized  his  own  self  image  to  serve  his  synthetically   woven  materialism.  None  of  these  people  are  doing  things  for  themselves.  I  have  three  friends   who  are  lawyers  who  hate  their  jobs  because  they  did  it  for  the  sole  purpose  of  wearing  suits   and  signing  their  names  in  Parker  Pens.  I  have  another  friend  who  loves  being  a  lawyer  because   it  is  what  he  wanted  to  do  all  his  life.  He  has  a  true  passion  for  it.  Are  all  four  winners  just   because  they  have  good  occupations?  No,  only  one  of  them  has  succeeded  in  life.  Chase  fame   and  glory  for  your  own  purposes,  not  someone  else’s.  The  end  result  between  the  two   scenarios  may  look  identical,  but  there  is  a  profound  difference  in  them.  Learn  social  dynamics   so  you  can  attract  someone  you  are  willing  to  love,  not  to  attract  anyone  willing  to  love  you.          


  “Very  few  men  are  wise  by  their  own  counsel,  or  learned  by  their  own  teaching.  For  he  that  was   only  taught  by  himself  had  a  fool  for  his  master.”     -­‐Ben  Johnson       External  game  is  best  learned  by  entering  the  tutelage  of  a  seasoned  maestro  who  knows  what   he’s  doing.  While  books  and  articles  can  help  you  identify  the  unknowing  variables  that  have   previously  dictated  your  failures,  they  cannot  demonstrate  the  proper  way  to  execute  game  in   a  way  for  you  to  fully  comprehend  the  principles  they  are  based  on.  Nor  can  they  forcefully   illustrate  how  effective  Game  is.  You  need  a  real  life  Alpha  to  do  a  takeaway  on  his  girlfriend  to   understand  how  tactlessly  you’ve  misinterpreted  female  psychology.  You  need  to  witness  a   broke-­‐as  shit  foul  mouthed  Alpha  hook  up  with  a  perfect  10  to  understand  how  concave   women’s  standards  are.  You  need  to  see  a  guy  with  zero  game  but  who  has  a  bank  account   deep  in  eight  figures  terrorize  a  bar  to  understand  how  the  traditionalist  mentality  of  women  in   a  post-­‐feminist  world  crumbles  in  the  face  of  unbridled  hypergamy.    Observing  someone  using   an  NLP  routine  to  pick  up  a  girl  within  minutes  has  a  much  more  enduring  effect  than  reading   about  some  guy  doing  it  in  a  field  report.       Page 56 of 139

You  cannot  choose  your  role  models  per  say  –  your  subconscious  does  it  for  you.  What  you  can   do  is  shun  the  losers  around  you  and  surround  yourself  with  people  who  have  a  positive   influence  on  you.  You’re  not  going  to  learn  how  to  make  women  moist  by  hanging  out  with  tofu   enthusiasts.  The  age  of  forced  loyalty  is  over,  run  away  from  your  social  circle  if  they  are  telling   you  to  “just  be  yourself”  and  complaining  about  your  changes.  The  world  is  teetering  with  AFCs.   They  are  like  crabs  in  a  barrel;  they  hate  to  watch  their  friends  climb  out  of  inevitable  doom.  If   your  friends  are  not  truly  happy  over  your  accomplishments,  if  they  resent  you  for  your  success,   leave  them  with  abandon.       Learning  from  an  alpha  you  personally  know  prevents  you  from  your  natural  tendency  to  gather   information  through  third  party  sources.  A  guy  might  tell  you  “just  tell  her  she’s  beautiful  and   you  want  to  get  to  know  her”  and  a  girl  might  tell  you  “just  say  hi,  you  don’t  need  to  have   anything  else  ready,”  but  if  you  were  to  statistically  observe  the  results  of  different  openings  in   field,  your  conclusions  may  come  out  differently.  By  watching  an  alpha,  you’ll  know  what   works.  By  listening  to  an  alpha,  you  might  get  all  the  wrong  inferences.  He  might  tell  you  “just   be  nice”  because  he’s  oblivious  to  the  way  his  negs  naturally  diffuse  protective  shields.  When   you  watch  him,  you’ll  see  how  his  inflexible  stream  of  teasing  is  what  makes  his  initial  act  of   being  nice  super  effective.       Having  role  models  allows  you  to  better  conceptualize  the  intangible  traits  that  define  the   Alpha.  For  the  longest  time  I  couldn’t  understand  why  some  Alpha’s  could  be  nerds,  some  could   be  jocks,  and  yet  others  could  be  musicians.  It  wasn’t  until  I  started  paying  more  attention  to   them  that  I  realized  the  underlying  virtue  of  leadership  was  the  real  common  denominator.  If   you  ask  a  natural,  “how  do  you  get  girls?”  he  will  tell  you,  “just  be  yourself”  because  it  has   worked  for  him.  But  if  you  haven’t  been  conditioned  to  court  female  attention  the  same  way  he   has,  being  suicidally  up  front  won’t  work  for  you.  You  need  to  put  his  game  on  a  vivisection   table  and  analyze  it  with  focused  peruse  to  understand  what  really  makes  his  game  effective.     Most  men  don’t  watch  their  role  models  –  they  only  listen  to  them.  This  isn’t  enough.  Like  the   above  example,  you  will  misunderstand  all  the  mechanics  behind  someone’s  actions.  An  alpha   who  is  genuinely  nice  will  tell  you  “you  have  to  treat  women  kindly  to  win  their  hearts”  without   being  aware  that  his  preconceived  status  and  demeanor  is  what  makes  his  kindness  so  valuable.   If  a  beta  were  to  apply  that  same  advice,  he  would  instantly  be  targeted  for  an  LJBF.       Direct  observation  applies  not  only  for  technical  analysis,  but  also  for  behavioral  studies.  There   are  no  “fundamental”  alpha  tendencies.  The  trait  “dominant”  can  be  expressed  in  behaviors   contradictory  to  each  other.  One  guy  might  be  dominant  because  everyone’s  afraid  of  his  short   fuse,  another  might  have  no  respect  at  the  work  place  for  the  same  reason.  If  you  observe  both   of  them,  you  can  deconstruct  their  differences  to  find  out  the  exact  cause  of  someone’s  halo   effect.  A  third  party  source  that  contends  “alphas  always  keep  their  cool”  will  be  debunked  as   soon  as  you  see  an  Alpha  who  keeps  others  down  with  his  anger.     Be  aware  that  orbiting  an  Alpha  will  decay  your  own  leadership  abilities  if  you  always  play  the   role  of  the  subordinate.  If  your  position  relative  to  him  is  beta,  his  presence  will  reinforce  your   Page 57 of 139

doormat  conditioning  by  making  you  want  to  act  submissive.  Alphas  are  not  always  loners,  but   there  is  a  higher  likelihood  of  them  being  unconnected  with  the  people  around  them  because   they  have  a  difficult  time  dealing  with  authority  or  having  their  autonomy  compromised.  They   will  generally  not  get  along  with  other  alphas  due  to  a  recurring  compete  mentality.  A  beta   loner  probably  just  can’t  find  any  friends.       As  a  result  of  the  above  assumption,  alphas  often  have  positive  role  models  outside  of  their   immediate  social  circle.  Ideally,  this  should  be  their  father,  a  teacher,  a  mentor,  or  someone   older  who  won’t  run  the  risk  of  imposing  a  beta  mentality  on  them.  An  older  brother  who  beats   out  his  younger  brother  by  only  a  couple  of  years  has  a  high  chance  of  subliminally  reinforcing  a   subordinate  attitude  in  his  younger  sibling.  This  is  the  same  reason  why  Alpha’s  have  a   tendency  of  being  the  only  child,  first  born,  or  with  the  mentality  of  either  scenario  (if  you  are   second  born  but  your  older  sibling  is  far  older  than  you,  you  will  still  grow  up  with  the  mentality   of  being  first  born).       Fantasy  role  models  are  considerably  famous  among  Super  Alphas.  It  is  likely  that  they   associated  themselves  with  an  alpha  character  from  fiction  or  the  highest  echelons  of  society   and  perceived  themselves  as  a  reflection  of  such  power.  Identifying  oneself  with  a  being  of   super  natural  capabilities  or  someone  greater  than  a  simple  man  creates  the  type  of  god-­‐like   self  image  needed  to  tear  apart  hearts  and  boardrooms.       Sever  your  ties  with  losers  unless  they  are  your  minions.  A  timid  band  of  betas  that  actively   hang  on  to  every  word  you  say  can  stimulate  your  confidence,  but  a  group  of  betas  who  think   they’re  on  equivalent  standing  with  you  will  bring  out  your  worst  personality  traits.  You  will   begin  to  pick  up  on  their  habits  and  weaknesses  and  placate  to  their  stigma.  If  you’re  the   AMOG,  this  won’t  occur  because  they  won’t  be  able  to  force  their  own  projections  on  you.  You   can  only  be  strongly  influenced  by  those  you  consider  above  yourself.       Note:  when  I  use  the  term  “loser,”  I  am  referring  to  people  who  bring  you  down,  not  necessarily   your  close  friends  who  may  be  socially  inept.                                 Page 58 of 139


Chapter  The  Third:  The  Pick  Up  

THE  OPENING     “What  is  the  object  of  playing  a  gambit  opening?...To  acquire  the  reputation  of  being  a  dashing   player  at  the  cost  of  losing  a  game.”           The  purpose  of  an  opening  is  single-­‐minded;  to  create  desire  within  the  target.  You  are  a  gift   sent  by  god  to  alleviate  women  of  their  ennui  by  serving  as  an  outlet  for  repressed  desires.   Every  word  that  comes  out  of  your  mouth  is  a  small  piece  in  an  engine  of  extortion.  The  goal  is   not  to  communicate  to  her  that  you  want  her  but  to  make  her  think  that  she  wants  you.   Seduction  always  revolves  around  the  target,  never  the  predator.         While  hi,  hello,  or  what’s  up,  can  serve  as  an  opener,  saying  something  funny  and  casual  always   has  the  added  benefit  of  expressing  rapport,  charm,  and  creativity.  Situational  humor  gives  off   the  impression  that  your  line  is  spontaneous,  even  if  it’s  your  15th  time  using  it  that  night.  What   is  extemporaneous,  improvised,  sudden,  is  bold  and  enticing.       I  have  used  all  of  the  following  openings  before  over  the  course  of  my  life.  About  25-­‐50%  of   these  ended  up  in  a  close  of  some  sort.  They  serve  as  a  testament  to  the  fact  that  you  can  say   the  stupidest  shit  ever  and  still  get  away  with  it.       Situational  Openings:       -­‐ You’re  at  a  Halloween  party  and  there’s  a  girl  not  dressed  up.  “What  are  you  supposed   to  be?  Cool?”       -­‐ You’re  at  Footlocker,  sit  next  to  the  target.  Ask  for  a  size  12.     You:  Big  Feet…  You  know  what  that  means   Her:  [Slight  Chuckle]   You:  Makes  your  penis  look  small       -­‐ Wear  headphones  at  a  club.  Whenever  a  girl  looks  at  you  say,  “yah,  this  music  sucks”   (credit  goes  to  Mystery)       -­‐ If  you’re  at  a  bookstore  and  a  girl  is  browsing  through  a  shelf  next  to  you,  ask,  “wtf   where  are  all  the  pictures?”     -­‐ You  just  ordered  food,  ask  the  waiter  “you’re  not  going  to  join  us?”       -­‐ You’re  at  church,  start  saying  the  wrong  prayer,  like  an  Islamic  mantra  or  an  African   voodoo  Spell.  Wait  for  her  to  turn  then  say  hi;  follow  up  later.     Page 59 of 139


  You’re  in  history  class  and  the  teacher  asks  what  the  most  important  invention  of   Victorian  England  was,  reply  with  “Spaceships.”  After  she  ignores  you  and  everyone   laughs,  ask  the  girl  next  to  you  “so  it  wasn’t  spaceships?”  


You’re  at  a  restaurant.  Ask  if  they  have  a  dollar  menu.  


You’re  at  a  cell  phone  store,  “I  think  I  need  a  new  phone.  The  one  I’m  using  right  now  is   really  old,  I  still  need  to  pull  out  the  antenna  and  stuff”    


You’re  at  a  hookah  lounge.  Take  out  an  asthma  inhaler  and  then  ask  the  girl  next  to  you   if  she  wants  some    


You’re  at  Wal-­‐Mart.  Go  check  the  women’s  deodorant  section  for  a  target.  If  you  find   one,  “I  don’t  understand  why  men  don’t  wear  women’s  deodorant,  wouldn’t  it  attract   more  women?”    


You’re  at  CVS  pharmacy.  Take  a  bottle  of  axe  and  walk  next  to  a  girl,  about  6  feet  away.   Start  spraying  axe  madly  on  yourself.  After  she  just  looks  at  you  weirdly,  look  at  the   bottle  and  say  “wow…  fuckin  false  advertising.”    


You’re  at  an  anime  convention  and  one  of  the  screens  is  playing  a  real  movie.  Just   comment  to  the  girl  next  to  you,  “Jesus  Christ,  the  art  is  really  good  in  this  anime”  


The  bouncer  at  a  club  wrote  the  word  “ok”  on  your  wrist  to  show  that  you’re  over  21.   Ask  a  girl  “so  does  this  just  mean  you’re  a  good  person?”    


You’re  at  Home  depot.  Find  a  good-­‐looking  employee.  “Hi  can  you  take  me  to  the  air   freshener  section.”  Start  looking  vigorously  at  the  pet  odor-­‐controlling  items,  ask  her  for   a  recommendation.  Then  say,  “I  was  actually  just  looking  for  something  as  a  stronger   deodorant.”    


At  a  parking  lot.  Look  around  for  a  bit  and  then  give  out  a  sigh  of  frustration.  Tell  her  “I   can’t  find  my  car,  this  sucks.”  She’ll  reply  with  something  along  the  lines  of  “What  kind   of  car  is  it?”  Say  “Honda,  but  the  thing  is,  I  think  I  might  have  walked  her,  I  can’t   remember.”    


You’re  at  a  camping  trip  and  notice  another  group  with  an  attractive  girl.  Join  up  with   them  and  start  walking  alongside  the  target.  Scream  out  “holy  shit.”  She’ll  say  “what?!”   start  observing  a  tree  and  say  “oh  never  mind,  I  thought  this  was  a  bear.”    


You’re  at  the  beach  walking  around  looking  for  a  girl  tanning  and  not  going  into  the   water.     You:  “You’re  afraid  of  going  into  the  water  too?”  







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Her:    “Haha,  no  I  was  gonna  go  later.  Why?  Are  you  afraid  of  the  water?”   You:  “Yah…  sea  monsters”    


You’re  at  bed  bath  and  beyond.  Start  smelling  the  same  lotion  as  the  girl.  “Wow…is  this   edible?”    


You’re  at  a  religious  convention  and  a  guy  with  a  beard  comes  out.  “Holy  shit…it’s   Dumbledore.”    


At  hooters,  ask  if  guys  are  allowed  to  apply.    


At  a  car  shop,  walk  by  target  and  say,  “Dam,  these  are  pretty  expensive.  I  might  just  buy   a  bicycle  instead.”    


At  a  flower  shop,  the  florist  is  kinda  cute.  “I  really  wanna  show  this  girl  I’m  crushing  on   that  I’m  unique,  do  you  guys  have  like  a  Venus  Flytrap  or  something?”    


You’re  at  biology  class,  teacher  asks  what  the  largest  animal  in  the  world  is.  Without   raising  your  hand,  in  a  non-­‐chalant  completely  believable  tone,  say  “Godzilla.”  Follow  up   the  same  as  the  space-­‐ship  line.    


You’re  at  a  museum,  there’s  a  girl  looking  at  the  skeleton  of  a  dinosaur.  Walk  up  next  to   her  and  pretend  to  be  observing  it  too.  “Wow…  is  this  built  to  actual  size?”    


You’re  watching  transformers;  you  conveniently  pick  a  seat  next  to  a  girl  you  don’t  know   while  your  friends  are  sitting  next  to  you.  After  about  15  minutes  into  the  movie,   “Wait…is  this  not  Harry  Potter?”    


You’re  at  the  Apple  store,  scout  out  the  most  attractive  employee  and  ask  for  a  tour  of   the  headphones.  “I’m  looking  to  buy  a  really  good  set  of  noise  cancelling  headphones   for  when  I  get  married.”    


You’re  at  the  gym.     You:  “Dam  I  haven’t  been  in  here  in  3  years”   Her:  “Yah  I’ve  been  pretty  lazy  too”     You:  “No  no,  it’s  just  that  the  bench  press  fell  on  me  3  years  ago  and  I’ve  been  too   embarrassed  to  come  back  since  then.”    


You’re  at  Mcdonalds.  Stake  out  the  most  attractive  cashier.  Order  5  big  macs  then  a  diet   coke  and  say,  “I’m  watching  my  weight.”    


You’re  at  a  July  4th  barbeque  at  a  park.  The  group  in  front  of  you  has  a  couple  of   attractive  girls.  While  everyone’s  staring  at  fireworks,  place  yourself  behind  a  chosen  






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target.  Start  singing  “God  save  the  Queen”  quietly.  Laugh  with  her  when  she  turns   around  and  follow  up  with  light  convo.    


You’re  at  a  thanksgiving  parade.  Point  to  a  homeless  guy  and  say,  “hey  look,  it’s  a  Native   American.”    


You’re  at  the  airport.     You:  “Planes  are  so  overrated”     Her:  why?     You:  Boats  are  way  more  comfortable  and  teleporting  is  so  much  faster  


You’re  on  your  morning  run  and  a  girl  runs  by  faster.  “Whoa  slow  down,  you  deserve  a   chance  to  check  me  out.”    


In  an  elevator  with  everyone  cramped  up  together.  Position  yourself  next  to  the  target.   Just  look  up  and  say  “So  awkward…so  so  awkward…”  Hopefully  she’ll  smile  and  you  can   follow  up  with,  “you  don’t  think  so?”     *  When  I  did  this,  I  also  had  to  pretend  I  needed  to  get  off  at  the  same  floor  as  the  girl,   otherwise  I  wouldn’t  have  closed.  However,  you  normally  don’t  want  to  engage  in  try-­‐ hard  conduct.  


At  a  casino,  you  and  her  are  both  playing  Black  Jack.  After  busting;  “Wow…this  is   America’s  way  of  keeping  [insert  ethnic  group  you’re  apart  of]  down.  Might  as  well  call  it   White  Jack.”    


You’re  at  a  kid’s  party  with  a  clown.  Sit  next  to  a  target,  probably  a  chaperone  for  one   the  kids,  hopefully  not  a  married  mother.     You:  “I  hate  clowns”     Her:  “Yah,  they  can  be  kind  of  scary”     You:  “Nah,  I  just  hate  things  that  are  so  happy  all  the  time.”    





    Personal  Openings  (focused  on  her  or  her  actions,  can  be  used  more  generically):       -­‐ Make  it  visibly  clear  that  you’re  checking  her  out  for  a  second  then  scream  out  “GOD   DAM…………………………nice  shoes”       -­‐ After  she  just  rejected  a  guy:   You:  Hah.  Do  you  enjoy  breaking  hearts?     Her:  I  didn’t  break  his  heart!     You:  I  duno…I’d  be  pretty  traumatized  after  that       -­‐ After  she  finished  talking  to  one  of  her  nice  guy  beta  bitch  male  friends  who  secretly   jerks  off  to  her  facebook  profile  picture  while  crying  ever  night:     Page 62 of 139



If  she  just  spilled  a  drink  on  herself  or  did  something  stupid    You:  “Ughh…Muggles”  


You:  Hi,  Do  you  go  to  [insert  name  of  nearby  university]?   Her:  Yah,  do  you?     You:  No,  I  got  kicked  out  2  years  ago  for  smuggling  immigrants  into  my  dorm    


Seeing  a  two-­‐set  “Are  you  guys  twins?  (credit  to  Strauss)”       You:  I  have  the  best  pick  up  line  ever   Her:  What?     You:  [pick  up  napkin]  “Excuse  me,  can  you  tell  me  if  this  smells  like  chloroform?”    


  -­‐   -­‐

You:  Hey  is  that  just  apple  juice?     Her:  haha  no  its…  


You’re  a  Herd,  a  hot  nerd    


You:  “You  guys  make  a  nice  couple”   Her:  “He’s  not  my  boyfriend!”     You:  “Oh  ok,  I  figured…  looks  like  he  could  do  better”       Stake  out  a  target  and  a  random  short  guy  in  the  crowd   You:  “Haha  that  short  guy  keeps  looking  at  you”   Her:  “What?  Who?”     You:  “That  guy  over  there,  the  one  in  the  Midget  Mafia  uniform”  

  Be  innovative,  if  you  turn  opening  into  an  enjoyable  process  the  endless  grinding  of  a  dry  spell   becomes  fun.  You  must  take  pleasure  in  the  work,  not  just  the  product.  If  you  hate  opening,   you’ll  find  yourself  giving  up  too  easily  in  a  slump.       Humor  isn’t  a  necessary  component  for  a  successful  opening;  but  it  helps  by  immediately   establishing  rapport  and  social  proof.  The  content  of  an  opening  is  barely  significant.  As  long  as   you  don’t  throw  up  over  a  girl  or  start  telling  her  about  how  you  sucked  off  a  tranny  at  a  bus   stop  last  night,  you’ll  be  ok.  The  opening  is  only  an  introduction,  a  split  second  of  rapport  and   attraction  that  you  can  use  to  build  on.       Cold  approaching  with  a  straight  “Hi”  isn’t  as  impressive  as  it  seems  anymore.  9s  and  10s  get   guys  to  catcall  at  them  all  day.  Unless  you  somehow  set  yourself  apart  or  calibrate  to  a  more   interesting  conversation  quickly,  you’ll  be  dumped  with  the  rest  of  the  deadbeats.  Cold   approaching  a  6  or  7  will  get  you  better  results;  they  are  much  less  desensitized  to  seductive   forays.  Cold  approaching  a  cougar  can  lead  to  sex  within  minutes,  possibly  seconds  if  done   properly.     Page 63 of 139

  If  you  have  a  massive  amount  of  social  proof,  usually  in  the  form  of  fame  and  power,  or  you  can   give  off  the  aura  that  you  possess  such  qualities;  approaching  with  humor  will  be  counter-­‐ productive.  10s  and  9s  will  swoon  at  your  advances,  no  matter  how  banal.  A  simple  “Hi,  I’d  like   to  take  you  out  to  dinner”  repeated  with  Godlike  confidence  will  distort  their  faculties  enough   to  proceed  to  higher  stages  of  game.  In  such  a  scenario,  comedy  might  make  her  blush  or  laugh,   but  erodes  the  aura  of  a  fiendishly  powerful  man.     On  the  other  hand,  if  you  find  yourself  outclassing  a  girl  to  the  point  where  she  feels  too   intimidated  to  let  you  close,  self-­‐effacing  humor  can  do  wonders.       The  opening  must  be  delivered  with  disinterested  body  language.  Not  facing  her,  almost   careless,  your  only  goal  is  to  make  her  laugh  or  socialize  lightly.  The  hook  will  allow  you  to   segue  into  deeper  conversational  threads.  Never  wait  for  the  opportunity  to  open;  there  is  no   magical  moment  to  open  a  set.  He  who  waits,  masturbates.       Never  approach  like  a  rapist.  That  means  don’t  stalk  a  girl  before  approaching  her  or  approach   her  from  behind.  The  front  can  work  but  a  casual  side  approach  with  perhaps  a  head  turn  if   necessary  works  best  for  me.  Rather  than  having  an  open  or  closed  body  language  towards  the   set  you’re  opening,  have  an  open  body  language  pointing  in  another  direction.  It  will   accomplish  both  goals  (social  body  language  +  disqualifying  the  set).  There  is  no  correct  way  to   approach,  experiment.       Occasionally  you  might  come  across  a  9  or  a  10  at  a  party  where  the  ratio  of  cocks  to  vaginas  is   spasmodically  lopsided.  In  such  a  scenario,  cut  straight  to  negs.  A  neg  is  an  insult  that’s  not   insulting,  the  female  equivalent  of  giving  blue  balls.  It  establishes  your  higher  value  relative  to  a   girl  by  showing  her  the  impotent  power  beauty  holds  over  you.  Women  are  mesmerized  by   cavalier  attitudes  that  live  for  more  than  external  approval  from  the  opposite  sex  because  it   hints  to  them  that  you  are  a  preselected  male.  In  her  mind,  only  a  guy  with  a  high  amount  of   social  proof  and  a  de  facto  harem  could  be  bold  enough  to  yank  her  chain  like  that.       I’ve  used  all  of  these  negs  multiple  times:       -­‐ “There’s  something  stuck  between  your  teeth.”     -­‐ “Wow  are  those  real?”  (Point  to  anything,  nails,  hair,  boobs)     -­‐ “Hey…………..….  can  you  introduce  me  to  your  friend?”         -­‐ “Are  you  wearing  a  wig?”       -­‐ “Have  some  gum…please.”       -­‐ “If  you  were  a  little  bit  taller  I  would’ve  had  a  crush  on  you”   Page 64 of 139


“Haha…  do  you  have  an  accent?”    


“You  look  a  lot  like  one  of  my  friends…  His  name  is  David”    


“Walk  by  casually  and  then  sporadically  say  “Sorry  I’m  taken”  (credit  to  Neil  Strauss).   You  make  it  seem  as  if  you  thought  she  made  a  pass  on  you.  


“There’s  something  attractive  about  you…  I’m  not  really  sure  what  it  is  though.”  


“Are  you  the  girl  everyone’s  making  fun  of?”  


“Excuse  me,  please  don’t  touch  me”  


“You  remind  me  of  my  crazy  ex  girlfriend”  


“You  dress  just  like  my  mom  does”  


   “Was  that  you?”  [look  of  slightly  anguished  disinterest]  


“Can  you  talk  a  little  less  loudly?”    


    Any  girl  8  or  above  can  be  negged  with  a  positive  result.  If  she’s  below  an  8,  you’ll  have  to   analyze  the  specifics  of  the  situation.  If  she’s  a  4  or  below,  a  neg  will  blow  her  out.  Unless   you’re  also  butt  ass  ugly,  then  you  should  neg  no  matter  what.     Desperate  times  call  for  desperate  measures.  Don’t  be  afraid  to  activate  a  nuke  if  you  have  to.   I’ve  used  some  of  these  more  extreme  negs  before;  they  usually  didn’t  end  very  well.  I  did  it   more  for  the  pleasure  of  refusing  to  be  an  ego  assuaging  male  servant  than  to  actually  run   proper  game:     -­‐ “You  know  you’re  the  ugliest  girl  in  here  right?”       -­‐ “Jinkies!  Is  that  an  Adam’s  apple?”       -­‐ “The  wheels  are  clearly  spinning……..  the  hamster  seems  dead  though”     -­‐ WTFFFF.  BYTCH  YOU  JUST  FART  IN  HERE?  SMELLZ  LIKE  A  FUCKIN  REFUGEE  CAMP.  ZOMG   ZOMG  ZOMG       Negs  will  be  touched  on  again  later  as  they  are  a  critical  aspect  of  precoital  conversation.  They   are  usually  not  meant  to  be  insulting  (unless  they’re  hard  negs).  If  you  insult  a  girl,  there  will  be   Page 65 of 139

no  increase  in  attraction.  Her  ego  will  lash  out  in  a  fury  of  verbal  blows,  or  she’ll  ignore  you   because  you’re  just  another  socially  maladroit  chump  taking  out  his  sexual  frustration  on  her.   Negs  should  be  delivered  in  a  playful  jive  rather  than  the  dull  mechanistic  tone  most  players   trained  in  technical  game  adopt.       The  exception  to  the  above  rule  is  when  a  girl  needs  a  dose  of  assholeness  to  lighten  up  her   cunt.       In  very  rare  scenarios  women  will  display  the  opposite  of  preening  behavior,  in  which  case  a   simple  “hi”  will  do.  You  may  even  follow  up  with  a  genuine  compliment  (never  about  something   superficial,  always  tailor  compliments  to  the  target).  The  rarity  of  the  above  situation  cannot  be   blamed  on  just  one  gender.  There  are  so  many  fetid  fucking  losers  out  there  trying  to  get  girls   to  like  them  by  making  animal  noises,  women  have  been  forced  to  adopt  bitch  shields  capable   of  withstanding  a  soviet  air  strike.  And  in  turn,  women  keep  encouraging  this  form  of   sycophantic  behavior  by  insisting  that  men  should  stick  to  their  beta  instincts  while  defecating   on  concepts  like  Game.       Don’t  just  break  the  ice  with  your  opening,  crush  it.         THE  REVERSE  OPENING     “For  with  the  music  of  their  song  the  Sirens  cast  their  spell  upon  him,  as  they  sit  there  in  a   meadow  piled  high  with  the  moldering  skeletons  of  men,  whose  withered  skin  still  hangs  upon   their  bones”       Occasionally  you’ll  find  yourself  at  the  mercy  of  a  girl  who  chooses  to  forgo  the  accepted   tradition  of  guy-­‐approaches-­‐girl.  There  are  4  possibilities  for  the  motivation  behind  this   transgendered  maneuver.  Either  this  is  her  only  way  to  successfully  reproduce  because  men   don’t  approach  her  out  of  free  will,  she  got  too  tired  of  waiting  for  your  balls  to  descend,  she   enjoys  the  thrill  of  psychologically  dominating  a  conversation,  or  she’s  very  attracted  to  you  and   doesn’t  want  to  pass  up  the  opportunity  of  getting  penetrated  by  your  ginormous  Shlong.  Three   out  of  the  four  reasons  put  you  in  an  unfavorable  position.       If  a  girl  approaches  you  first,  the  conversation  will  distinguish  itself  in  two  important  ways.  First,   her  act  of  approaching  makes  her  more  invested  into  the  conversation.  Even  women  have  to   overcome  approach  anxiety  to  execute  an  opening;  their  brains  rationalize  the  effort  by   assuming  they  are  attracted  to  you  (more  so  than  if  they  just  admired  you  from  afar).  This  does   not  apply  if  she’s  picking  on  you  or  approaching  you  to  exercise  her  ability  to  tool  herby  looking   men.  Second,  she  retains  the  power  position  until  you  take  it  back  with  languid  doses  of   emotional  scarcity  and  raw  ball-­‐busting  dominance.       Page 66 of 139

Because  women  still  get  to  enjoy  the  luxury  of  being  the  more  valuable  gender,  a  failure  on  her   side  even  after  she  approaches,  can  still  be  blamed  on  you.  She  will  approach  you  with  plausible   deniability  –  a  manufactured  reason  that  gives  her  an  excuse  to  eject  or  justify  talking  to  you   without  attraction  as  a  requisite.  If  she  gets  blown  out  the  way  guys  do,  she’ll  claim  you’re  gay   or  asexual.          If  she  approaches  you  aggressively,  prepare  for  an  immediate  transition  into  back  and  forth   teasing.  Do  not,  ever,  supplant  your  aloof  game  for  beta  eagerness  because  a  girl  chose  to  talk   to  you  first.  Women  use  their  approaches  to  ruthlessly  weed  out  lesser  men.  Don’t  take  the   bait.  The  first  two  seconds  of  your  reaction  will  tell  her  if  you’re  a  desperate  chump  who   slavishly  worships  vagina  or  an  Alpha  that  bleeds  confidence.       At  bars  and  clubs,  women  will  open  with  this  line  99%  of  the  time:     “Hi,  want  to  buy  me  a  drink?”       The  average  nancy  boy  who  nurtures  a  fierce  desperation  to  taste  vagina  would  pull  out  his   wallet  with  the  speed  of  a  professional  gunslinger.  The  wanna-­‐be  player  would  respond  too   abrasively  with  a  simple  “no.”  Both  of  these  answers  are  wrong.  The  first  subverts  a  woman’s   need  for  attraction;  the  second  subverts  her  need  for  rapport.  A  better  response  would  be,   “Why?  Are  you  broke?”  or  “No,  but  you  can  buy  me  one”  (more  generally  accepted  response   and  easier  to  execute).  A  “no”  can  work  too,  if  you  can  pull  it  off  with  a  playful  jive.  Otherwise,   the  girl  will  feel  too  dejected.  Remember  to  give  off  a  diabolically  sly  grin  when  a  girl   approaches  you,  to  foreshadow  the  phallic  torture  she’s  about  to  go  through.  A  smirk  tells  her   she’s  about  to  witness  a  forceful  exhibition  of  the  darkside  from  a  disciplined  master.  A   freakishly  enthusiastic  grin  tells  her  she’s  the  first  girl  who  approached  you  within  the  last  5   years.       In  a  more  social  setting  where  a  girl  knows  you  through  a  mutual  friend,  she  will  approach  you   with  a  simple  exchange  of  introductions.  If  she  follows  straight  into  an  aggressive  routine,  skip   to  the  same  aloof  game  as  seen  above.  You  want  to  let  her  know  that  you’re  interested  in  her,   but  not  desperate  for  her.  The  most  common  reason  why  guys  fuck  up  when  girls  approach   them  is  because  they  assume  eagerness  will  lead  to  a  quicker  close.       If  a  girl  approaches  you  with  more  bashful  reservation,  you  can  skip  to  a  real  human-­‐to-­‐human   conversation.  Be  more  conservative  with  your  negs  and  instead  enthrall  her  with  your  tactile   charm.  If  she’s  really  hunting  you  for  long  term  potential,  fill  your  interactions  with  a  lot  of   “dreaming”  and  “where  do  you  want  to  be  in  5  years?”  Keep  your  answers  vague,  but  not  as   allusive  as  you  would  with  a  loose  harlot.         Women’s  advances  are  notoriously  misleading  because  men  have  a  parochial  view  of  sexuality.   If  you  approach  a  girl,  there’s  a  99%  chance  you’re  willing  to  have  sex  with  her  right  there  on   the  spot.  If  you  assume  women  work  in  this  same  manner,  prepare  for  many  lonely  nights  and   greasy  palms.  A  women  being  interested  is  not  enough  to  entail  intercourse,  that’s  why  a  girl  

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can  play  off  approaching  a  guy  with,  “I  just  wanted  to  socialize  with  him.”  How  do  you  react   when  you  hear  a  guy  make  that  same  excuse?           If  you  have  the  agonizing  pleasure  of  being  opened  by  a  girl  less  than  a  2  or  a  gay  guy,  I  have  no   advice  for  you.  Fat  women  before  have  persecuted  me  and  their  persistence  is  somewhat   divine.  Normally  I  would  advise  you  to  give  them  a  hard  rejection  (cooing  away  only  enhances   their  longing  for  da  dick)  but  even  this  has  backfired  on  me  before  (she  tried  raping  me  to   regain  state  control).  If  you’re  being  approached  by  behemoths  and  gay  men  on  the  regular,   take  it  as  a  compliment  and  make  a  mental  note  to  carry  pepper  spray  with  you  at  all  times.        


  “It  is  a  stroke  of  good  fortune  to  find  one  who  is  worth  seducing…  Most  people  rush  ahead,   become  engaged  or  do  other  stupid  things,  and  in  a  turn  of  the  hand  everything  is  over,  and   they  know  neither  what  they  have  won  nor  what  they  have  lost.”     -­‐Soren  Kierkegaard       I  can’t  possibly  cover  every  scenario,  but  these  few  should  give  you  a  general  idea  of  how  to   adapt  game  principles  to  different  environments.         (a) Opening  a  Group:  Address  your  comments  to  everyone  in  the  group.  Be  meticulously   calculative  in  the  amount  of  attention  you  give  to  the  target.  If  you’re  approaching  a   group  with  a  female  ring  leader  (usually  the  fattest  one,  able  to  dominate  the  others   through  sheer  physical  power),  befriend  her  first  to  neutralize  the  possibility  of  an  early   cockblock.       (b) Opening  a  girl  within  your  extended  social  circle:  Seduce  everyone  around  you  first.   Intrigue  everyone  with  a  story  of  how  a  UFO  abducted  you  during  its  search  for  the   strongest  sperm  on  earth.  Charm  everyone  with  stories  of  how  your  friend  saved  a   drowning  woman  and  you  just  stood  back  and  cheered  him  on.  When  you  finally  get   your  chance  to  talk  to  her,  build  rapport  and  then  make  your  vulnerabilities  visible.   Make  her  feel  like  she’s  the  only  woman  who  can  satiate  your  beastly  appetite  for  sex   and  domesticate  your  commanding  personality.     (c) Opening  a  girl  with  a  boyfriend:  Doesn’t  make  a  difference.  Ask  them  a  question  about   their  relationship  and  decipher  the  emotional  flash  back  that  follows.  If  he’s  the  one   balking  on  and  on  about  how  great  their  relationship  is  while  her  eyes  are  darting  all   around  the  room,  be  sure  to  slip  her  your  number.  Read  a  girl’s  body  language  to  see  if   it’s  more  open  or  closed  when  she’s  talking  about  her  boyfriend.  Is  she  taking  her   engagement  ring  on  and  off?  Does  she  sneer  when  she  sees  a  text  from  her  boyfriend?     Page 68 of 139






(d) Opening  a  girl  with  her  family:  Open  the  parents  first.  They  will  be  friendlier  and  help   you  gain  social  proof  quickly.  Retreating  to  the  judgment  of  our  elders  is  a  built  in  reflex   in  all  people.     (e) Opening  a  girl  who  just  got  out  of  a  break  up:  Less  Negs  are  required.  Your  consolatory   remarks  must  only  serve  as  a  logistical  tool  for  moving  into  asshole  game.  If  she’s  upset   over  an  asshole,  chances  are,  she’s  attracted  to  them.  If  you  continue  acting  like  a  fluffy   washed  up  emotional  tampon  willing  to  drink  bile  for  a  pencil  sketch  of  a  vagina,  you   will  become  one.  The  more  a  girl  tells  you  how  she  hate’s  assholes,  the  more  she  loves   them.  If  she’s  talking  about  how  much  she  hates  her  ex  boyfriend,  who’s  an  asshole,  and   how  she  chased  him  for  four  years,  should  you  assume  she  actually  likes  or  dislikes   assholes?  This  is  a  good  example  of  learning  to  judge  a  girl  by  her  actions  rather  than   her  words.     (f) Opening  a  Girl  around  multiple  other  guys:  Introduce  yourself  to  the  guys  first.   Introduce  the  guys  to  other  girls  if  you  can,  showing  dominance  over  guys  instantly   triggers  social  proof.  Sometimes  you’ll  run  into  a  martyr  who  wants  to  prevent  his  girl-­‐ friends  from  getting  defiled  by  other  men.  Socialize  with  them  then  start  teasing  them   about  how  stiff  they  are.  Ask  him  to  come  pick  up  a  girl  with  you  in  front  of  your  target.   After  he  deliberately  displays  his  utter  lack  of  social  skill,  you’ll  find  it  much  easier  to   sway  your  target  from  his  radioactive  influence.   (g) Opening  a  girl  while  she’s  walking:  Don’t  open  until  you  walk  past  her.  If  you  guys  are   walking  towards  each  other,  you  need  to  open  with  more  direct  game  or  a  slapstick   opener  (nice  shoes  one  has  worked  for  me  before).  Allow  yourself  to  diverge  if  she   starts  walking  slower  or  faster;  it’s  hard  to  build  rapport  when  she  thinks  you  could  be  a   sexual  predator.        

THE  CONVERSATION     “I  am  a  woman.  Every  artist  is  a  woman  and  should  have  a  taste  for  other  women.  Artists  who   are  homosexual  cannot  be  true  artists  because  they  like  men,  and  since  they  themselves  are   women  they  are  reverting  to  normality”       -­‐Picasso       Every  conversation,  whether  awkward,  bubbly,  charming,  or  passionate,  can  be  admired  by  its   own  standards.  Whenever  I  see  a  guy  let  a  girl  slip  between  his  fingers  or  a  neophyte  crash  and   burn  in  a  set,  I  imagine  how  tedious  it  must’ve  been  for  god  to  create  such  a  flawless  system.       Page 69 of 139

To  be  the  perfect  conversationalist,  you  must  be  a  woman  while  being  a  man.  Think  the  way  a   girl  does,  but  act  the  way  a  guy  should.  Beauty  is  the  overriding  barometer  a  man  uses  to   measure  attraction.  For  a  conversation  to  entice  him,  he  only  needs  the  girl  to  spew  a  couple  of   lines  about  an  interest  they  have  in  common.  If  the  penis  fits  in  the  vagina,  you’ve  found  your   soul  mate.  But  the  same  doesn’t  apply  for  a  girl.  You  can’t  expect  to  build  rapport  just  by   touching  on  a  subject  that  she’s  interested  in.  You  need  to  touch  on  the  emotions  that  turn  her   on.  Jealousy,  joy,  fear,  dread,  anger;  own  her  mind.       Don’t  think  like  a  man  and  play  the  courtier.  Think  like  a  woman  and  play  the  courted.  Be   transparently  invested  in  a  conversation.  Don’t  hang  on  to  every  word  that  comes  out  of  her   mouth.  Mirror  the  female  caprice  you  are  a  victim  to  so  often,  have  the  same  fickle  attention   span  a  girl  does  before  a  worthy  suitor  engages  her.  Invert  your  inner  eye;  don’t  look  for   mistakes  in  your  own  game.  Look  for  mistakes  in  her,  what  is  she  doing  wrong?       Don’t  play  the  role  of  the  typical  guy  and  question  whether  she’s  attracted  to  you.  Be  the   perfect  10  woman  who  knows  everyone  around  her  is  easy  prey.  Treat  women  the  way  women   treat  betas.  Assume  attraction  at  every  moment  of  your  conversation.  Everything  a  girl  says  or   does  must  be  taken  as  an  indicator  of  interest.  Self-­‐doubt  will  lead  to  awkward  moments  and   obscure  pauses.  Women,  who  have  an  implicit  understanding  of  their  own  role  as  sexual   gatekeepers,  will  always  blame  men  for  vapid  chemistry.  If  you  assume  a  girl  is  attracted  to  you   at  all  times  during  a  conversation,  it  allows  you  to  focus  on  the  conversation  itself  rather  than   the  state  of  your  progress.  The  chase  is  ecstatically  thrilling  from  the  vantage  point  of  the   pursued.       Don’t  flirt;  only  women  flirt.  Men  act.  Ask  her  for  her  number.  Tell  her  to  go  some  place  quieter   with  you.  Touch  her.  Always  be  escalating.  Push  her.  Control  her.  Let  it  ebb  from  your  loins  with   utmost  ease.       Always  flirt;  you  must  be  a  homosexual  woman.  Tease  her.  Charm  her.  Refuse  to  touch  her  out   of  no  where.  Push  her  away  quaintly.  Make  her  eyes  light  up.       As  long  as  you  maintain  positive  body  language  and  dominant  state  control,  your  content  is   relatively  insignificant.  Topics  like  politics  and  religion  are  not  avoided  because  of  their  subject   matter;  they  are  avoided  because  they  lead  to  logically  drenched  discussions.  Attraction  is  an   emotional  response,  not  a  rational  choice  made  by  women.  The  man  who  dreams  is  more   attractive  than  the  man  who  intellectualizes.     If  a  girl  asks  you  “Are  you  a  liberal?”  or  tries  to  force  a  political  conjecture  on  you,  evade  the   question.  “No,  I’m  a  romantic”  is  a  good  answer.  Sometimes  “masochist”  depending  on  the   context  and  the  deviancy  of  the  girl.  Focus  on  the  emotive  phonetics  behind  a  conversation,  not   the  germane  details.  The  heart  is  never  ruled  by  logic;  logic  is  ruled  by  the  heart.  After  a  girl  has   decided  she  likes  talking  to  you,  she  will  logically  justify  it  with  “he’s  interesting”  or  “he’s  nice.”   The  rationalization  is  just  a  lexical  pulpit;  the  key  emotion  is  attraction.       Page 70 of 139

While  your  engaging  peasants  with  your  stories  of  heroism  and  gallantry,  remember  to  never   look  like  you’re  deliberately  showing  off  your  heroism  and  gallantry.  Bragging  or  trying  to   qualify  yourself  through  a  story  comes  off  as  a  need  to  hide  deeper  insecurities.  If  you  really   need  the  boost,  have  a  wing  come  in  to  discuss  your  manly  achievements  or  hire  a  personal   escort  to  drool  over  you  wherever  you  go.       Never.  Brag.  Never.  Try.  Hard.  Never.  Show.  Off.       To  be  a  good  talker,  you  must  be  a  good  listener.  A  girl  will  give  you  multiple  threads  during  a   conversation  to  go  off  on.  If  you  just  asked  her  where  she’s  from  and  she  says  Utah,  tell  her   about  how  you  and  your  grandfather  once  spent  3  weeks  hunting  for  Yeti  near  the  forests  of   Great  Salt  Lake.  If  she  starts  talking  about  her  ex  boyfriend,  leave  right  away  if  you  have  other   options  or  tell  her  how  you  went  through  a  similarly  tough  break  up  with  your  ex  girlfriend   (covertly  communicating  pre-­‐selection).  Avoid  droning  on  with  interview  questions.  Women   don’t  want  to  be  interrogated;  they  want  to  be  swept  off  their  feet  with  masculine  pizzazz.       Do  a  quick  cold  reading  of  her  body  language  every  time  a  new  topic  comes  into  play.  Did  she   suddenly  blush?  Did  she  sneer  for  a  split  second?  Did  her  pupils  dilate?  Did  her  palms  just  shift   positioning?  The  best  seducers  in  history  paid  an  inhumane  amount  of  attention  to  detail  while   flaunting  their  carelessness.  They  were  observant,  yet  made  it  seem  like  they  were  anything   but.       If  a  conversational  thread  is  dying  out,  cut  it  loose.  Jump  straight  into  another  topic  or  throw  in   a  qualifier  during  the  ensuing  pause.  Don’t  attempt  to  extract  every  last  bit  of  utility  from  a   topic,  a  subject  has  fulfilled  its  duty  right  after  it’s  come  out  of  your  mouth.  A  girl  wants  to  flush   out  your  social  acumen  as  well  as  your  insecurities  through  the  chaotic  ramble  of  an  expansive   conversation.  She  wants  to  skim  through  a  thousand  different  topics  so  she  has  a  variety  of   options  when  deciding  which  hurdles  to  throw  at  you.  She  wants  to  know  all  of  your   insecurities,  not  so  that  she  can  connect  with  you,  but  so  that  she  can  be  sure  to  warn  all  of  her   friends  that  you’re  a  pussy  and  to  save  their  eggs  for  a  stronger  man.       Focus  on  the  emotional  tangents  of  a  conversation  rather  than  its  material  roots.  If  a  girl  tells   you  how  she  feels  free  at  her  grandparent’s  chateau  because  it  reminds  her  of  her  childhood,   don’t  follow  up  with  a  joke  on  French  architecture;  take  it  as  a  hint  to  expand  on  the  topics  of   childhood  and  freedom.  A  renaissance  man  is  multi-­‐talented.  He  can  be  cocky,  sensitive,  funny,   rude,  and  caring  all  at  the  same  time.  He  can  seduce  a  woman,  write  about  it  when  he  gets   home,  then  paint  a  portrait  of  the  entire  situation  a  week  later.  Be  a  totem  of  emotions,  not  a   single  face.  Have  multiple  facets  to  your  personality.       Your  initial  conversation  should  not  only  be  geared  towards  manufacturing  emotions,  but  also   to  serve  as  filters  to  find  girls  you’ll  have  natural  rapport  with.  Some  people  are  simply  more   compatible  with  you  than  others  –  use  your  first  few  conversations  to  gauge  your  level  of   innate  chemistry  with  a  girl.  If  I  opened  a  girl  with  a  funny  line  and  she  responds  by  vehemently  

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staring  at  me,  I  assume  we  aren’t  compatible.  I  need  girls  with  a  sense  of  humor,  not  ones  who   could  get  hired  for  a  job  on  CNN’s  crossfire.       If  you’re  not  cliquing  with  a  girl,  leave.  There  are  too  many  other  opportunities  out  there  and   too  little  time  to  waste  your  efforts  on  weaving  complicated  spells  of  persuasion.  The  enemy  is   not  the  blow  out,  the  enemy  is  the  LJBF.  It’s  ok  to  fail  in  a  set  and  get  rejected  by  a  woman  who   hates  your  guts  for  no  apparent  reason.  It’s  not  ok  to  spend  3  weeks  talking  to  a  girl  and  then   have  her  tell  you  “let’s  just  be  friends”  at  the  end  of  it.  Cut  your  losses  early;  learn  this  lesson   now.           If  you  are  interrupted  during  your  initial  conversation,  immediately  adjust  your  game.  If  you’re   talking  to  a  girl  and  her  friend  just  entered  the  set,  introduce  yourself  to  her  and  shift  your   attention  to  the  obstacle.  If  you  become  overeager  to  close  and  neglect  a  girl’s  fat  best  friend,   it’s  likely  that  her  plump  friend  will  retaliate  by  pulling  her  away.  Fat  women  will  cock  block   anything  from  an  endangered  species  to  inanimate  objects  to  satisfy  their  cruel  thirst  for   pucelage.       Tease  Mercilessly.  Let  negs  flow  from  your  tongue  like  cottage  cheese  from  the  tits  of  a  Bulimic   cow.  Pay  close  attention  to  how  much  asshole  game  a  girl  needs.  Sometimes  a  lady  will  need  a   guy  to  shoot  her  in  the  face  with  a  laser-­‐guided  jizz  bomb  hailed  from  outer  space  to  get  her   back  to  a  proportional  reality.  Other  times,  a  simple  poke  on  facebook  will  do.  The  formula  to   measure  this  is:       E  =  MC^2     Where  “E”  is  “Emancipated  Asshole  Dick  Craving”   “M”  is  “Measure  of  how  hot  she  is”       “C”  is  “Constant  level  of  exposure  to  ego  inflation”       Notice  that  C  gets  squared  because  preening  has  an  exponential  effect  on  asshole  craving.  The   higher  a  girl  gets  elevated  by  beta  magnetism,  the  more  asshole  game  she  requires  to  knock  her   ass  off  of  the  golden  pyramid  whose  summit  she’s  occupying.  Nuclear  game  works  better  than   you  can  possibly  imagine.  I  always  had  a  knack  for  teasing  girls  but  after  I  learned  about  its   technical  necessity  in  pick  up,  I  applied  it  systematically  to  pillage  and  plunder  virgin  hearts   without  sympathy.             When  you  neg  a  girl,  deliver  it  without  any  hesitancy.  If  you  pause  for  even  a  moment  to  look  at   her  with  discomfort,  her  spider  senses  will  detect  beta  blood.  Never  look  at  a  girl  for  approval   after  delivering  a  neg.  If  she  thrusts  forward  with  too  much  disapproval  after  your  humbling   remark,  assume  you’re  dealing  with  a  crazy  bitch.  Otherwise,  plow  on.  80%  of  the  time  when  a   girl  acts  offended  from  a  neg;  it  means  you’re  doing  it  right.       If  you’re  conversing  with  a  group,  wait  till  you  neg  the  target  a  couple  of  times  and  ignore  her   for  a  bit  before  you  begin  your  conversation  with  her.  Create  a  fissure  in  the  amount  of   Page 72 of 139

attention  she  expects  to  get  from  you  and  she’ll  try  to  fix  it  by  qualifying  herself  for  more   attention.  Pain  is  the  necessary  prelude  for  satisfaction.  Pleasure  cannot  exist  without  suffering.   Right  after  you  give  her  that  fleeting  moment  of  rapt  concentration,  withdraw  it  and  focus  your   attention  elsewhere.  Show  her  only  glimpses  of  the  reality  that  enthralls  her.  The  premise  of   push  and  pull  is  to  remain  inconsistent  with  the  amount  of  emotional  attention  you  give  a  girl.   What  is  unattainable  but  by  only  a  slight  margin  is  most  compelling  to  us.  Keep  yourself  as  the   prize  dangling  oh  so  closely  yet  so  far.       The  best  negs  both  compliment  a  girl  and  disqualify  her  at  the  same  time.  For  example,  “If  you   knew  how  to  cook,  I’d  marry  you”  works  wonders  in  a  relationship.  A  neg  should  combine  both   aspects  of  push  and  pull,  intriguing  a  girl  with  your  apparent  insensitivity  to  her  dazzling  beauty   yet  showing  her  a  part  of  you  that  might  secretly  feel  differently.  Melt  her  heart  with  your  acid   wit  then  just  when  she’s  sure  that  you  aren’t  interested  in  her  –  show  her  a  sign  that  you’re   “accidently”  falling  for  her  alkaline  demure.  If  you  disqualify  her  and  then  make  her  think  she   won  you  over,  you’ve  executed  a  perfect  pick  up.  The  greatest  seductions  are  the  ones  where   the  seduced  get  tricked  into  thinking  they  are  the  seducer.       Compliment,  and  then  follow  with  mild  criticism.       “You  have  beautiful  eyes,  oh…  you’re  wearing  contacts?”       “Wow  you’re  rooms  really  well  decorated…except  for  this  funky  looking  vase”       “You  look  so  beautiful…when  the  lights  are  dimmed”       “I’ve  been  told  before  that  the  prettiest  girls  are  always  the  craziest”       “I  love  you…while  you’re  sleeping.”       The  point  of  a  conversation  is  to  converse.  Attraction  and  rapport  are  ancillaries  to  this   prevailing  theme.  I  hate  watching  guys  vaporize  in  sets  because  they  started  doing  some  weird   shit  to  build  attraction.  Just  last  week  I  saw  a  guy  walk  up  to  a  girl  and  ask  her  to  hold  her  palms   out  (without  even  saying  he  was  going  to  read  them).  I  could  tell  the  girl  felt  his  kino  was   unnatural  and  invasive.  He  torpedoed  his  own  chances  at  getting  a  close.  My  date  and  me   cackled  in  unison.  Secretly  I  felt  a  chord  of  sympathy.  I  planned  to  slip  him  the  address  to  my   blog  later  on.  Another  soul  to  save.       Give  off  a  sexual  vibe  while  you’re  talking.  The  easiest  way  to  dodge  the  friend  zone  is  through   preventative  sexual  tension  between  you  and  the  target.  If  you  want  to  know  if  you’re  heading   for  the  friend  zone  with  a  girl,  try  and  have  sex  with  her.  If  she  says  no,  you’re  going  to  the   friend  zone.  Why  do  jerks  and  obnoxiously  cocky  men  get  laid?  Because  giving  off  an  unhygienic   sexual  vibe  is  still  better  than  giving  off  a  clean  celibacy  vibe.  Be  seen  checking  out  other   women  while  you’re  talking  to  her.  Use  innuendos,  suggestive  takes,  and  open  up  your  legs  to   constantly  advertise  your  exalted  package.  The  only  opposing  corollary  to  this  rule  is  to  avoid   Page 73 of 139

talking  about  sex  directly.  While  it  seems  like  a  good  idea,  men  who  regularly  get  sex  tend  to  be   discreet  about  it.  Virgins  are  more  likely  to  banter  on  about  their  “sexual  conquests”  to  gain   approval.       Focus  on  sex  to  give  off  a  sexual  vibe.  The  eye  always  needs  a  horizon;  your  end  goal  must   always  be  within  your  visual  scope.  Kiss  her  before  your  lips  touch,  undress  her  before  your   bodies  touch;  penetrate  before  you  mouth  your  first  word.  The  rake  is  never  thinking  “did  I  say   the  right  thing?”  or  “did  I  just  mess  up?”  his  mind  is  to  busy  absolving  itself  in  the  theatres  of   future  possibility.  He  is  thinking  of  love,  of  lust,  of  pleasure.  The  nuances  of  failure  don’t   concern  him.  Other  men  and  women  are  insects  under  his  feet;  he  is  concerned  only  with   indulging  himself  in  a  velvet  prison  of  luxury.  He  cares  not  what  his  opening  is  or  if  he  has  a   good  follow  up.  He  is  a  born  predator;  this  is  what  6  million  years  of  evolution  has  perfected  his   species  to  do.       Never  fall  for  the  trap  of  jumping  onto  the  venereal  bandwagon.  Sex  is  a  girl’s  trump  card.  She   will  use  it  to  dominate  a  conversation.  A  guy  who  knows  nothing  about  it  fails  because  he  can’t   maintain  grace  under  pressure.  A  guy  who  talks  too  much  when  the  topic  comes  up  fails   because  he  overtly  communicates  his  intentions.  If  a  girl  brings  up  sex,  you  respond  in  the  same   way  you’ve  been  responding  to  everything  else:  Evade.       “We  don’t  talk  like  that  here”       “You’ll  have  to  wine  and  dine  me  first”       “It’s  over  rated  unless  you’re  in  love”       The  length  and  complexity  of  a  story  directly  correlates  with  how  much  interest  the  group  or   target  already  has  in  you.  If  you  just  entered  a  set,  it  would  be  unwise  to  shoot  off  on  some   convoluted  story  without  a  climax.  Woman  are  aware  that  not  all  men  can  be  as  smooth  as   James  Bond,  but  they  are  also  aware  that  men  who  are  more  socially  cognizant  are  less  likely  to   produce  retarded  kids.     The  less  you  talk,  the  better.  The  goal  of  a  conversation  is  not  for  you  to  talk,  or  for  her  to  talk.   It’s  for  you  to  make  her  want  to  talk  and  for  her  to  want  you  to  talk,  even  though  you  won’t.  If   she  tells  you  “I  wish  I  knew  more  about  you,”  you’re  on  the  right  track.  Never  liquidate  your  life   story  to  a  girl.  She  wants  to  know  as  little  about  you  as  possible  while  wanting  to  know  a  lot   about  you.  The  driving  force  is  the  desire  to  know  more,  not  the  satisfaction  of  knowing  more.   They  cannot  mutually  co-­‐exist.     Always  add  false  time  constraints  to  your  conversations.  “I  have  to  go  in  a  minute”  or  “My   friends  are  waiting  for  me  outside.”  They  give  you  a  reason  to  eject  in  case  a  set  isn’t  going  well,   add  social  proof  because  your  time  is  limited,  and  pushes  a  girl  to  reciprocate  your  advances   more  quickly.  Don’t  be  thinking  “I  need  to  close  before  time  runs  out,”  flip  the  time  constraint  

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on  her.  If  you  ask  a  girl  for  her  number,  but  you  don’t  have  a  pen,  don’t  frantically  search  for   one.  If  she’s  actually  interested,  she’ll  find  one  herself.       After  the  initial  opening  where  you’re  the  one  generating  attraction  –  force  her  to  play  the   position  of  the  pursuer.  Make  her  qualify  herself  for  your  attention.  The  judging  eyes  of  a  high   value  male  make  women  feel  feminine.  Girls  WANT  to  scry  for  the  approval  of  a  guy  with   standards,  it’s  just  hard  for  them  to  find  men  who  wouldn’t  fuck  anything  with  a  heartbeat  (and   even  those  standards  are  too  high  for  some  guys).       A  qualifier  flips  the  script  on  women  and  turns  them  into  the  ones  being  pigeonholed  for  sub-­‐ par  responses.        Qualifiers:     -­‐ Are  these  your  friends  or  did  you  pay  them  to  hang  out  with  you?     -­‐ Tell  me  something  interesting   -­‐ So  do  you  always  drink  on  weekdays?     -­‐ Can  you  only  cook  scrambled  eggs  like  all  other  American  girls?     -­‐ Who  bought  their  little  sister  here?     -­‐ Do  you  have  a  good  sense  of  humor?     -­‐ Is  there  just  a  typical  nerd  behind  those  glasses?     -­‐ Tell  me  a  joke     Questions  like  “tell  me  something  interesting”  capsizes  a  woman’s  routine.  She’s  not  used  to   being  the  one  having  to  keep  a  conversation  going.  Lower  value  straight  guys  are  always   desperately  clinging  to  conversational  straws;  they  never  throw  hurdles  at  woman.  Make   yourself  willing  to  walk  away  if  a  girl  bores  you.       Ricochet  from  topic  to  topic  with  salient  ease.  A  woman  does  not  want  you  to  discuss  a  single   topic  with  her  until  every  one  of  its  conversational  crevices  has  been  infiltrated  by  your  logical   mind.  She  wants  to  skirt  the  periphery  of  different  topics  while  you  taunt  and  tease  her  with   ambiguous  interest.  She  wants  you  to  lead  the  conversation  while  she  adds  her  feminine   glamour  to  it.  Don’t  revisit  topics  or  try  and  revive  an  older  conversation.  Be  unpredictable;   make  it  impossible  for  a  girl  to  label  you  as  a  certain  type  of  guy.  Present  contradictory  views  on   a  topic  with  disinterested  interest.       If  you  are  talking  to  a  girl  you’ve  just  met,  the  deeper  you  go  into  the  conversation,  the  more   important  rapport  becomes  in  relation  to  attraction.  Attraction  is  usually  built  within  minutes  of   talking  to  her,  slowly  transition  into  letting  her  feel  comfortable  with  you.  If  you  continue  with   the  cocky  indifference  routine  for  too  long,  your  conversation  will  lack  depth.  For  a  girl  to  want   to  meet  you  in  the  future,  she  needs  to  feel  like  there’s  something  special  between  you  two.   Take  note,  the  word  “special”  stands  on  extremely  flimsy  ground  for  most  women.       Always  allude  towards  your  pre-­‐selection  during  a  conversation.  Create  the  illusion  of   popularity;  make  your  victim  think  you  are  a  commodity  to  be  pried  away  from  the  hands  of   Page 75 of 139

other  crazed  women.  Build  a  reputation  that  precedes  you.  Tip  bartenders  well  at  bars  you   regularly  hit  up  so  they  speak  well  of  your  charm.  Always  be  creating  love  triangles  around  you   (not  with  other  guys).       Never  overtly  communicate  being  wanted  by  other  women  with  statements  like  “yah  I’ve  had  a   lot  of  girlfriends,”  they  make  you  come  off  as  pretentious  and  trying  too  hard.  This  is  the  type  of   candid  masculine  behavior  women  are  ready  to  exploit.  All  women  are  averse  to   communicating  in  overt  ways.  Mildly  hint  towards  what  you  want  them  to  know.  Don’t   elaborate  on  anything.  Let  them  think  they  have  discovered  your  “secrets”  through  their  own   intuition.        If  you’re  running  asshole  game  on  your  date,  make  it  a  point  to  be  nice  to  everyone  else.   Throughout  all  of  your  interactions,  your  date  will  be  viciously  judging  your  conversations  with   other  people.  Neg  her  adequately  then  let  her  see  the  emotional  philanthropist  within  you  as   you’re  talking  to  your  mother  on  the  phone.    Tell  her  about  your  tendency  to  be  emotionally   withdrawn  and  then  “accidently”  leave  a  love  poem  you  wrote  back  in  high  school  lying  around.   Make  her  want  to  earn  a  spot  in  your  harem  for  that  brief  moment  of  attention  you  sparingly   invest  in  the  few  women  who  earn  your  approval.       Be  talkative  but  not  too  talkative.  Find  a  point  of  balance  where  you  can  pacify  all  awkward   moments  with  a  burst  of  random  rhapsody,  but  still  leave  a  few  pauses  for  her  to  end  herself.   Pausing  early  is  a  sign  you’re  running  out  of  things  to  say;  later  on  it’s  a  sign  of  comfort.  If   there’s  no  chemistry  between  you  two  and  the  constant  pausing  is  making  you  nauseous,  eject,   you  fucked  up.  If  a  girl  already  likes  you,  pauses  may  be  more  common  because  of  a   discrepancy  between  rapport  and  attraction  (she  always  had  a  crush  on  you  but  never  talked  to   you).  End  this  with  “why  are  you  so  quite?”  and  light  comfort  touching.  It’s  always  the  man’s   job  to  build  rapport  except  for  the  few  rare  scenarios  where  you’ll  see  a  gorilla  in  a  dress  over-­‐ exerting  herself  on  other  guys.       Women  run  beta  game  too,  but  it  comes  off  differently  because  they’re  given  more  leeway.  If   you’ve  ever  been  in  a  conversation  and  a  girl  asks  you  a  question  it  would  be  inappropriate  for   you  to  ask  her  with  a  nervous  poise,  take  it  as  an  IOI  (indicator  of  interest).  She  may  ask  you   where  you  live,  or  how  whether  you  prefer  doggy  to  missionary.  In  the  presence  of  pressure,   women  crumble  like  betas.       Don’t  stare  at  her  chest  while  speaking.  Women  wear  low  cut  shirts  to  antagonize  desperate   men.  Pre-­‐selected  men  are  immune  to  beauty  and  its  brainwashing  effects.  For  women,  a   conquest  of  the  mind  is  more  important  than  a  conquest  of  the  body.  As  soon  as  she  has  you   ogling  over  he  body,  she  has  your  balls  in  an  abattoir.         Maintaining  eye  contact  consistently  can  make  all  the  difference  in  a  pick  up.         “In  his  study  on  the  “Measurement  of  Romanic  Love,”  Zick  Rubin  found  that  people  who  were   deeply  in  love  gaze  at  each  other  much  more  when  talking  and  are  slower  to  look  away  when   Page 76 of 139

somebody  intrudes  in  their  world.  He  confirmed  this  through  a  trick  experiment.  He  asked  dating   couples  a  long  series  of  questions  so  he  could  first  rate  the  pairs  on  how  much  they  loved  each   other.  The  couples,  unaware  of  their  rating,  were  then  put  in  a  waiting  room  and  told,  “The   experimenter  will  be  with  you  shortly  to  start  the  experiment.”  Unbeknownst  to  them,  that  was   the  experiment.  Hidden  cameras  recorded  how  much  time  the  couple  staring  into  each  other’s   eyes.  The  higher  the  couple  had  scored  on  the  first  test,  the  more  time  they  spent  looking  at   each  other.  The  less  love  they  felt  for  each  other,  the  less  time  they  made  eye  contact.       To  give  your  Quarry  the  subliminal  sense  that  the  two  of  you  are  already  in  love  (a  self-­‐ fulfilling  prophecy),  dramatically  increase  your  eye  contact  while  the  two  of  you  are  chatting.   Push  it  up  to  75  percent  of  the  time  or  more.”11           You’ve  heard  that  women  are  attracted  to  males  that  display  traits  like  their  fathers  and  vice   versa.  That’s  because  all  humans  are  sexually  imprinted  with  certain  blueprints  for  what  they   would  want  in  an  ideal  lover.  These  traits  can  range  from  personality  attributes  to  more  cursory   idiosyncrasies  like  a  specific  smell  (women  are  attracted  to  men  who  wear  the  same  cologne  as   their  fathers  or  brothers),  an  article  of  clothing,  or  even  a  movie.  If  I  find  out  a  girl  likes   Fightclub  for  instance,  I  immediately  consider  proposing  to  her  on  the  spot.  While  you’re   jumping  from  topic  to  topic  in  a  conversation,  pay  exceptional  attention  to  your  partner’s  pupil   dilation  or  any  sudden  movement  that  indicates  interest.  Find  out  what  makes  her  tick,  what   topics  grab  her  attention  faster.  Likewise,  play  out  different  personas  and  find  out  what  she’s   least  attracted  to.  If  I  say  a  cocky  line  and  a  girl  closes  off  her  body  language  even  slightly,  I’ll   adjust  my  game  for  less  arrogance  and  more  subtle  DHVs.       Cherry-­‐pick  words  during  a  conversation.  Neither  you  nor  your  target  will  be  metabolizing  the   bulk  of  your  conversation,  however,  both  of  you  will  be  giving  off  subtle  clues  as  to  what  you’d   rather  talk  about.  Being  the  man,  no  one  gives  a  shit  about  what  you  want  to  talk  about.   Instead,  focus  on  her.  Every  other  line  she  uses  will  have  an  unsual  word  or  topic  suggestion,   use  these  as  threads.  For  example:         You:  “Jeez  it’s  so  hot  outside”     Her:  “Yah,  I  can’t  wait  to  go  back  home  and  under  an  air  conditioner”   You:  “My  air  conditioner  is  broken,  I’ve  been  paying  this  little  kid  to  fan  me  all  day”  (don’t  say   blow  me…lol)   Her:  haha  that’s  cruel.  I  once  worked  for  a  company  that  used  child  laborers,  I  quit  because  of  it     Improper  response:  “They’re  not  that  bad,  you  can  get  them  for  cheap.”  (Funny,  but  too   generic,  doesn’t  move  the  conversation  forward).     Proper  Response:  “Oh  wow  what  company”  è  and  then  follow  the  conversation  and  neg  later.     11

Lowndes, Leil. How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You. McGraw-Hill 1996

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The  above  is  an  example  of  a  mistake  newer  PUAs  make  often.  They’ll  continue  being  funny  but   will  never  opt  for  more  depth  in  a  conversation.  The  only  time  comfort  is  more  important  than   attraction  is  right  before  the  closing  phase  when  you’ve  already  built  enough  attraction  to   close;  and  in  a  relationship  lacking  rapport.           Use  her  name  when  addressing  her  or  include  it  in  full  sentences.  The  use  of  a  person’s  name   instantly  creates  a  feeling  of  more  intimacy.  This  should  be  used  not  only  in  verbal   countenances  but  also  in  texts,  e-­‐mails,  phone  conversations,  and  facebook.         While  sarcasm  and  humor  should  be  properly  deployed,  never  overdo  it  in  a  way  that  might   make  her  believe  you’re  actually  overcompensating  or  hiding  something.  For  example,  if  she   asks  you  what  your  job  is  and  you  respond  “I’m  a  vigilante”  and  she  persists,  answer  her   question  but  in  a  vague  way  (if  you’re  a  financial  analyst,  just  say  “I’m  in  finance”  don’t  give  an   elaborate  report  on  your  career).  If  you  continue  dodging  a  question  with  sarcastic  responses,   she  will  assume  the  truth  is  something  she  doesn’t  want  to  hear.       When  I  was  8  years  old  I  remember  spending  weeks  wondering  what  I  could  talk  about  with  a   girl  (I  had  a  crush  on  my  baby  sitter).  I  paid  close  attention  to  her  conversations  with  her   boyfriend  and  I  realized  most  of  the  time,  she  was  saying  nothing.  Just  random  babble.  I  learned   early  that  a  conversation  is  just  an  excuse  a  girl  uses  to  talk  to  someone  she  likes.  If  a  girl  wants   to  talk  to  you,  she  will  find  things  to  talk  about.       When  I  saw  my  baby  sitter  again  in  high  school,  she  had  gotten  fat  and  ugly  after  marriage.  It   was  here  that  I  began  to  cultivate  a  morbid  fear  of  my  wife  ballooning  after  exchanging  vows.   I’ve  developed  a  system  of  solutions  I  think  may  help.  #4  and  beyond  should  only  be  used  if  the   condition  is  severe.       (1)  Competitive  anxiety   (2)  Exercise  together   (3)  Buy  only  healthy  food   (4)  Threaten  to  have  sex  with  someone  else   (5)  Have  sex  with  someone  else   (6)  Sow  her  asshole  shut                         Page 78 of 139

SHIT  TESTS     “We’re  a  generation  of  men  raised  by  women.  I’m  wondering  if  another  is  really  the  answer  we   need.”    

  A  shit-­‐test  is  a  subconsciously  guided  hurdle  a  girl  throws  at  a  guy  to  test  his  capacity  as  a   provider.  In  more  feral  societies  women  could  count  on  polar  bears  and  famines  to  accomplish   their  need  to  screen  out  feeble  men,  but  in  our  more  virtual  apparatus,  they  have  adapted  by   developing  indefinite  ways  to  pigeonhole  their  partners.  The  first  shit  test  a  girl  throws  at  you   will  likely  determine  how  she  categorizes  you  in  her  mind  (tool  vs.  potential  mate).       More  common  shit  tests  women  throw  at  men  upon  initial  encounters:       (a) She  will  ask  you  to  do  her  a  favor:  “Will  you  buy  me  a  drink?”  “Can  you  wait  here  for   me?”  “Can  you  polish  my  nipples?”  A  solid  refusal  doesn’t  work  because  it  tells  her  that   her  shit  test  fazed  you.  If  you  break  in  front  of  a  girl,  whether  by  succumbing  to  her   diminutive  feminine  power  or  getting  pissed  off,  you’ve  failed.  If  you’re  too  drunk  to   think  of  a  creative  way  to  say  no,  smile  widely  and  say,  “no,  that  sounds  too  hard.”   Refuse  but  with  a  blithe  tone,  let  her  know  that  you  find  her  shit  amusing.       (b) A  Jealousy  Test:  In  the  middle  of  your  perfect  pick  up,  another  guy  will  approach  and   she’ll  warmly  accept  his  incursion.  Don’t  sit  around  and  get  defensive,  walk  away  to   another  set.  The  effect  of  spontaneously  leaving  a  “sure-­‐thing”  immediately  causes   plate  shifting  and  massive  vagina  tingles.  Never  let  a  girl  think  you’re  afraid  to  lose  her,   especially  in  the  beginning  stages  of  a  pick  up.     **There’s  also  the  possibility  that  she’s  not  shit-­‐testing  you  and  you  just  missed  a  dozen   other  “not  interested”  signals.       (c) She  insults  herself  and  wants  you  to  placate  her  ego:  A  more  subtle  technique  of  soul   sucking.  Women  will  use  this  if  they  already  sense  a  spark  of  attraction  or  their  value   has  been  somewhat  truncated.  Refuse  her  comment  but  in  a  sarcastic  tone.  If  she  says   “I’m  fat”  reply  with  “nah,  you’re  not  THAT  fat”  and  then  pat  her  back  while  distractedly   looking  away  as  if  you  were  surveying  the  scene  for  skinnier  victims.  Other  responses   can  include,  “I  wouldn’t  say  FAT,  you’re  just  pleasantly  plump”  or  “Yah,  lay  off  the  beer”   if  she’s  really  begging  for  the  dominating  cock.  Never  feed  her  conceit  with   reconcilement.       (d) “I  don’t  like  playing  games:”  There’s  a  risk  of  this  occurring  if  you  make  a  sarcastic   remark  without  pre-­‐established  social  proof  or  if  she  has  a  secret  vendetta  against   sarcastic  men  (might  have  gotten  pumped  and  dumped  by  thousands  of  players  before   you).  Reply  with  “why?  Are  you  bad  at  them?”  Never  backpedal  and  say  “sorry…[insert   straight  answer].”  Worst  case  scenario,  defuse  and  eject.  Never  apologize  or  sacrifice   your  dignity  to  appease  a  girl.   Page 79 of 139







(e) Pretends  to  be  Offended  and  demands  an  apology:  Again,  don’t  backpedal.  Plow  on  and   you’ll  see  her  eyes  light  up.  If  you  just  made  a  fat  joke  and  she  says  “ummm…a  lot  of  my   friends  are  over  weight”  reply  with  “oh  wow,  mine  too.  Let’s  hook  them  up.”  To  avoid   offending  people  too  often,  reserve  yourself  to  jokes  about  ugly  people  or  more  gauzy   conditions.  No  one’s  gonna  come  out  and  say,  “excuse  me,  I  have  an  ugly  friend,  I  take   offense.”     (f) Accusations  of  being  a  player:  Infamous,  especially  if  you’re  running  tight  game  or  she’s   seen  you  around  before  with  another  girl.  Take  this  as  a  compliment,  it  means  she’s   aware  of  your  game  and  wants  you  to  continue  brain  banging  her.  Avoid  answering  this   directly,  and  never  get  defensive.  Play  it  off  as  “I’m  not  a  player,  I’m  searching  for  true   love.”  If  she  asks  how  many  girls  you’ve  been  with,  reply  with  “I  don’t  count  them.”  If   she  says  she  saw  you  with  another  girl  before,  reply  with  “Yah,  I  was  trying  to  get  you   jealous  so  you’d  talk  to  me.”     (g) A  compliance  test:  “So  do  you  think  I’m  pretty?”  A  trap  for  unknowing  men  who  think   they’ve  already  closed.  If  you  answer  with  yes,  you  might  get  a  close  but  the  hit  in  your   game  will  set  you  behind  in  future  pursuits.  Or  more  likely,  she’ll  toy  with  you  for  a  bit   longer  then  suddenly  vanish  after  you’ve  bought  her  enough  drinks.  Reply  with  “Yah,   but  you’re  a  democrat  so  it’s  never  gonna  work  between  us”  or  “Maybe,  but  you’ll  have   to  impress  me  with  your  personality  first.”  Don’t  say  “no”  directly  but  make  sure  you   disqualify  her.   (h) Testing  your  social  proof:  “Where  are  your  friends?”  or  “Are  you  here  by  yourself?”   Don’t  be  shook  if  you’re  flying  solo,  that’s  exactly  what  she’s  looking  for.  She  doesn’t   care  if  you’re  here  by  yourself,  but  she  does  care  if  you’re  insecure  about  being  by   yourself.  Reply  with  “I  don’t  have  any,  just  a  couple  of  pets.”  Don’t  say,  “They’re   coming”  if  they  really  aren’t  because  a  girl  WILL  judge  you  if  you  lie  about  suggested   social  proof.       (i)  “I’m  not  that  type  of  girl”:  Even  the  most  accomplished  sluts  will  occasionally  insist  that   somewhere  deep  down  inside,  they  chastise  lewd  behavior.  Don’t  get  defensive  and  try   and  justify  your  actions,  ignore  her  reproaches.  Smile  and  say  “phew,  thank  god”  and   then  continue.  2  steps  forward,  1  step  backwards  pretty  much  sums  up  courtship.  If  you   can  pull  it  off  and  have  enough  women  waiting  elsewhere,  laugh  and  reply  with  “that   sucks,  I’m  that  type  of  guy”  (still  back  off,  never  make  a  girl  feel  uncomfortable  from  an   advance,  she  will  rationalize  it  later  as  a  lack  of  attraction  and  a  “mistake”).     (j) Talking  about  sex:  The  trump  card  all  women  hold  over  men.  You’ll  witness  the  topic  of   sex  being  used  to  berate  men  and  over  and  over  again.  Women  use  it  to  flush  out  either   men  who  are  desperate  (given  off  by  an  over-­‐eagerness  to  talk  about  sex),  or  virgins   who  don’t  know  anything  about  women  (they  will  get  shy  and  retract  their  bad  boy   guise).  Don’t  fall  into  this  man-­‐trap,  reply  with  “You’re  gonna  need  to  impress  me  a  bit   Page 80 of 139


more  before  we  start  talking  about  sex.”  Reframe  conversations  to  place  yourself  in  the   dominant  position.     (k) Disapproval:  “Ewwww  you’re  that  type  of  guy?”  She’s  looking  to  see  if  you  get  defensive   over  your  identity.  Give  off  a  snort  and  then  flash  her  your  dick.    

  When  in  Doubt,  Whip  it  Out.          

INVESTMENT       “What  distinguishes  a  suggestion  from  other  kinds  of  psychological  influence,  such  as  a   command  or  the  giving  of  a  piece  of  information  or  instruction,  is  that  in  the  case  of  a   suggestion  an  idea  is  aroused  in  another  person’s  brain  which  is  not  examined  in  regard  to  its   origin  but  is  accepted  just  as  though  it  had  arisen  spontaneously  in  the  brain.”       -­‐Freud     Following  your  opening,  a  hopefully  interesting  conversation,  and  a  fluent  exchange  of  negs  and   teasing,  you’ll  have  to  begin  building  comfort  with  your  partner  to  move  past  the  narrow  scope   of  attraction.  To  close  or  to  guarantee  any  form  of  future  communication,  you  need  to  connect   with  her  on  an  emotional  level  and  hopefully  one  that  sets  you  apart  from  the  plethora  of  other   guys  that  have  tossed  their  chum  at  her.       For  a  girl  to  want  to  continue  a  relationship  with  a  guy  she  must  feel  invested  in  him.   Investment  can  take  many  forms  from  material,  mental,  to  time.  It  is  the  reason  why  people   have  so  much  trouble  getting  over  their  exes  or  why  men  assign  so  much  value  to  their   Oneitses.  People  we  have  invested  time  and  energy  into  are  perceived  by  our  brains  to  be   worth  much  more  than  others.       Compliance  tests  are  the  male  versions  of  shit  tests  and  can  be  consciously  executed  to   increase  or  confirm  a  girl’s  investment  in  you.  It’s  asking  her  for  a  subtle  favor  the  same  way   she  may  ask  you  to  do  something  when  she’s  shit  testing  you.  Ask  her  to  hold  your  drink,  to   hold  your  jacket,  to  wait  for  you  while  you  go  to  the  bathroom,  anything.  Anytime  you  do  a   favor  for  someone,  your  mind  rationalizes  it  by  assuming  you  must  like  the  person  (cognitive   dissonance).  In  general,  you  can  begin  a  compliance  test  right  after  you  sense  a  spark  between   you  and  the  girl,  to  segue  into  comfort  building.       Create  a  sense  of  serendipity  by  acting  surprised  when  the  two  of  you  like  the  same  thing.  If   you’re  surfing  from  topic  to  topic  like  you  should  be,  you’ll  find  one  or  two  things  you  and  her   have  in  common.  Extrapolate  on  these  and  act  as  if  you’re  surprised  to  meet  someone  with  the   same  interest.  Anything  tinged  with  a  sense  of  destiny  is  attractive;  women  have  a  childish  

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yearning  to  believe  in  soul  mates.  Don’t  let  this  be  a  weakness,  turn  it  into  an  advantage  for   yourself.         Go  through  taboo  topics  with  her.  Make  fun  of  people  with  her  or  ask  her  about  her  opinion  on   some  guy  with  herby  sunglasses  on.  The  shared  sense  of  guilt  will  help  you  guys  connect  (at  the   expense  of  someone  else’s  social  value).  Be  warned  that  this  game  can  be  somewhat   disturbing,  as  women  show  no  mercy  once  they’ve  loosened  up.         Pain  and  anxiety  are  the  precursors  to  comfort  and  pleasure.  If  you  sense  that  not  enough   comfort  can  be  built,  eviscerate  insecurities  that  she  has  to  capitalize  on  them.  You  must  guise   yourself  as  the  savior  to  her  tensions.  If  you  sense  that  she’s  a  workaholic,  ask  her  a  quick   question  about  her  job  and  make  it  obvious  to  herself  that  she  hates  being  confined  to  duties   all  day.  Then  make  yourself  the  opposite  –  a  free  spirit  that  strays  to  its  will.  If  you  sense  that   she’s  having  financial  problems,  start  making  fun  of  how  rich  people  spend  all  their  money  on   golden  yachts  and  then  make  yourself  seem  like  a  financially  well  minded  person  (You  don’t   need  to  be  rich,  just  dominant  and  knowing  how  to  survive.  You  don’t  want  to  stir  up  gold   digger  inclinations).     Insinuate  desire  by  constantly  using  the  term  “we”  or  “us.”  As  your  conversation  flows,  assume   rapport.  Make  it  seem  as  though  you  guys  are  already  well  connected  and  only  catching  up.   Constantly  use  inclusive  terms  that  suggest  you  guys  already  share  a  basic  empathy.       As  you  transition  into  the  comfort  zone,  make  sure  you  make  THE  TARGET  feels  like  SHE   EARNED  the  right  to  be  there.  In  other  words,  that  even  though  you  initially  disqualified  her,   she  eventually  won  you  over.  Reverse  the  script  even  though  you  were  the  pursuer  all  along.  As   you’re  building  comfort,  constantly  make  it  seem  like  you’re  reluctant  to  divulge  any  further  but   her  insistence  is  what  makes  you  give  in.       Move  her.  Changing  venue  (bouncing)  increases  the  amount  of  time  a  girl  feels  like  she’s  spent   with  you.  Tell  her  to  come  to  a  restaurant  across  the  street,  downstairs,  or  outside  for  a  smoke.   Avoid  staying  in  one  spot  if  you’ve  already  won  her  attraction  over.  This  is  also  the  easiest  way   to  see  if  a  girl  with  a  boyfriend  is  willing  to  leave  him  for  you  or  if  a  girl  you  just  met  is   interested  or  just  enjoying  the  attention  from  you.  A  girl  who  lacks  interest  will  not  agree  to   change  location  with  you,  especially  to  a  quieter  place.       Don’t  be  argumentative.  Women  don’t  like  men  who  argue,  they  like  men  who  have  the  balls  to   argue.  A  guy  who  parrots  her  beliefs  has  no  backbone  to  stand  up  for  himself,  but  a  guy  who   attacks  every  straw  is  just  as  insecure.  Men  who  argue  every  point  possible  have  an  overriding   need  to  prove  themselves  right  to  avoid  the  insecurity  of  being  unheard  or  losing.  If  you   disagree  with  a  girl,  make  the  disagreement  short  and  playful.  Cut  the  thread  right  after  if  you   see  it  going  nowhere.       Share  both  commonalities  and  differences,  at  both  extremes.  Tell  her  you  read  the  same  exact   weird  nerd  blog  she  reads;  but  that  you  have  a  completely  different  take  on  whether  aliens   Page 82 of 139

exist.  The  difference  incites  intrigue  while  the  commonality  creates  comfort.  Blow  up   similarities  to  make  it  seem  like  you  guys  are  perfect  for  each  other.  Blow  up  differences  to   disqualify  her  and  make  it  known  that  you  have  different  interests.       Occasionally  freeze  her  out  while  building  comfort  to  make  her  seek  more  of  it.  A  continuous   stream  of  rapport  bores  people,  the  eros  of  drama  must  be  injected  every  once  in  a  while   regardless  of  how  well  you’re  doing.  Use  jealousy  even  in  the  beginning  stages,  if  a  girl  sees   your  interest  suddenly  waning  because  another  girl  took  a  liking  to  you,  she  will  double  up  her   efforts  to  keep  you  attracted.  End  a  freeze  out  when  she  complies  with  more  IOIs  to  make  her   associate  increased  attention  with  increased  pleasure.       Sharing  vulnerabilities  serves  as  an  opiate  for  deep  comfort  building.  Tell  her  about  how  you’ve   recently  been  thinking  about  taking  some  risk  in  life  like  moving  to  a  new  place  or  quitting  your   job  and  trying  something  new.  Or  tell  her  an  embarrassing  story  with  a  funny  touch  to  it.  Make   her  feel  as  though  you’re  opening  up  to  her  –  though  reluctantly  –  and  that  she  can  do  the   same.    If  you  open  up  too  eagerly,  she  assumes  there’s  no  depth  to  your  personality  because   you  wear  your  heart  on  your  sleeve.  Be  a  man  of  several  layers.       When  you  run  vulnerability  game  –  make  it  short  and  sweet.  Sometimes  a  guy  will  get  high  off   of  the  initial  burst  of  attention  from  a  girl  when  he  divulges  an  insecurity  so  he  goes  on  and  on   about  his  weaknesses  to  extract  every  last  penance  of  sympathy.  Each  consecutive  vulnerability   revealed  will  generate  significantly  less  rapport  than  the  last  one.  Don’t  fall  for  the  trap  of  over   indulgence.  Hubris  is  punishable  by  death.     Give  her  something  of  yours  like  a  scarf  or  a  hat.  Spray  it  with  your  cologne  so  she   subconsciously  anchors  the  smell  with  the  positive  feeling  of  being  with  you.  If  she  has  an  item   of  yours,  you  can  separate  and  then  come  back  to  her  later  to  distort  the  amount  of  time  the   both  of  you  have  known  each  other  for.  This  also  works  well  in  between  concurrent  dates.       Always  make  it  seem  like  there’s  more  to  you  than  meets  the  eye.  What  is  confusing  is   seductive.  Even  during  the  comfort  phase,  occasionally  throw  in  mixed  signals  like  acting  more   withdrawn  if  she  touched  on  a  sensitive  topic.  To  build  comfort,  the  cocky  funny  persona  must   somewhat  shy  away  and  slightly  hint  towards  a  more  sensitive  and  deeper  well  of  emotions.   Feed  her  imagination  with  slight  but  noticeable  inconsistencies  and  changes  in  your  demeanor.       Keep  your  language  vague  and  suggestive.  When  you  compliment  her,  tell  her  “you’re  very   interesting,”  avoid  male  hausfrau  compliments  like  “you’re  so  beautiful.”  Don’t  give  her  a   reason  as  to  why  she’s  interesting;  let  her  wonder  what  interests  you  about  her.  In  turn,  she’ll   try  and  interest  you  even  further.  People  try  and  act  in  accordance  to  how  others  perceive   them,  let  her  feel  like  you  perceive  her  in  a  unique  and  ambiguous  light  to  make  her  want  to   seek  more  rapport  with  you.       Disarm  suspicion  with  sincerity.  If  she  starts  to  feel  worried  that  you  would’ve  hit  on  any  person   in  the  club,  confide  to  her  that  you  had  a  slight  crush  on  her  the  moment  you  walked  in   Page 83 of 139

(combine  with  inconsistency  like  flirting  with  another  girl).  Admit  to  a  sin  on  your  part,   something  she  thinks  a  regular  guy  would’ve  kept  to  himself.  This  will  only  work  after  attraction   has  already  been  built.  If  you  skip  attraction  and  go  straight  to  comfort,  she  will  see  you  only  as   a  friend.       Isolate  your  target.  Psychologically  isolate  them  by  being  the  observed  person  in  a  club.  Be  the   guy  engaging  a  set  next  to  her  with  a  hilarious  story  that  her  own  set  wants  to  try  and  listen  to.   Make  her  mind  both  notice  and  relentlessly  think  about  you.  Shut  off  the  rest  of  the  crowd  in   her  mind.  If  she’s  raved  by  your  approach,  she  will  maintain  eye  contact  even  if  a  gorilla  breaks   in  through  the  backdoor  of  the  club.  Physically  isolate  her  by  taking  her  to  a  corner  or  a  less  lit   area.  The  idea  of  being  isolated  and  hidden  allows  her  to  seek  more  comfort  without  being   bogged  down  by  her  protective  shields.       Use  the  same  dialect  she  uses  to  build  a  sense  of  familiarity.  People  will  use  a  different   vernacular  depending  on  where  they  work,  the  cliques  they  hang  out  with,  and  where  they’re   from.  Try  and  catch  her  clichés  and  use  them  yourself.  If  she’s  a  feminist  with  a  Ph.D,  use  words   like  “fem  reform”  and  “cissexuality.”  If  you’re  talking  to  a  lawyer,  use  phrases  like  “firm”  and   “Screw  people  in  the  ass.”            


  “Don’t  think,  just  do”       Escalation  should  start  in  your  head  the  moment  you  think  about  approaching.  You  should  be   exchanging  endless  orgasms  with  your  target  in  your  head  before  the  word  “hey”  escapes  your   mouth.  Outside  of  your  head,  it  should  be  a  pervasive  theme  during  the  entire  seduction.  Every   moment  is  technically  a  moment  of  escalation.  Every  date  a  gateway  for  the  moment  of   consummation  when  her  clothes  descend  to  more  idle  forms.       Your  quarry  must  feel  comfortable  to  the  idea  of  a  physical  touch  from  you.  Ideally,  this  should   start  the  moment  you  say  hi  to  her.  Touch  her  forearm  or  her  shoulder.  Retract  coolly  but  let  it   linger  when  you’re  into  deeper  parts  of  the  conversation.  If  you  have  to  console  her  after  a  neg,   pat  her  shoulder.  All  people  long  for  physical  comfort  from  others,  we’re  just  repulsed  when  it   comes  from  inferior  beings.       Touch  and  touch  often.  It  doesn’t  matter  if  you  have  to  settle  for  ankle  locking  underneath  a   table  or  stroking  her  toes,  touch  as  much  as  possible.  Until  you  feel  a  thread  of  resistance,   encroach  on  her  personal  space  (assuming  she  previously  gave  you  a  significant  amount  of  IOIs,   not  on  a  girl  that  doesn’t  like  you).  If  she’s  stayed  with  you  past  15  or  20  minutes,  there’s   almost  no  chance  she’ll  resist  some  sort  of  contact,  she  would’ve  left  by  now  if  she  weren’t   interested  at  all.     Page 84 of 139

  Handholding  is  the  easiest  measure  of  how  ready  a  girl  is  to  be  isolated  or  kissed.  If  she’s  ok   with  holding  your  hand,  she’s  ready  for  a  cock  kiss.  Always  try  and  escalate  as  far  as  possible,   whenever  possible.  The  deeper  of  an  investment  you  can  get  from  a  girl,  the  more  willing  she   will  be  reciprocate  future  advances.  Remember  to  match  escalation  with  comfort  and  never   make  her  feel  like  she’s  a  smash  and  dash.  Although  you’re  escalating  as  fast  as  possible  –  keep   comfort  as  high  as  possible.  Comfort  should  never  be  sacrificed  for  speed.       If  she’s  resisting  because  she  questions  whether  she’ll  regret  it  later  –  move  back  to  building   more  comfort.  Escalation  is  based  on  moving  2  steps  forward  and  one  step  backwards,   constantly.  If  you  kiss  her  for  a  while,  suddenly  break  out  and  stare  away  distractedly.  Insecurity   breed’s  anxiety,  anxiety  breeds  love.       It’s  important  to  ALWAYS  be  escalating  because  rejection  is  not  your  enemy  –  falling  into  sexual   depression  is  your  enemy.  Spending  6  months  chasing  a  girl  only  to  realize  your  math  professor   is  fucking  her  is  the  enemy.  Being  blown  out  in  a  set  lets  you  learn  from  your  mistake  and  move   on  quick.  But  not  escalating  with  a  girl  and  spending  twenty  minutes  of  your  time  grasping  for   straws  accomplishes  nothing.  Always  be  escalating  to  keep  yourself  out  of  the  friend  zone.       If  you’ve  successfully  escalated,  or  built  any  amount  of  comfort,  make  sure  to  ask  for  her   number  at  the  end  of  the  night.  Ask  for  her  number  even  in  the  mild  stages  of  attraction,   there’s  nothing  to  lose.  Ask  her  for  her  number  even  if  you  just  met  her.  Don’t  over  analyze  it,   don’t  think  about  the  possibility  of  rejection,  just  ask.  In  fact,  if  she  says  no,  you’ll  find  yourself   happy  that  you  did  it  because  now  you’ll  be  aware  of  how  innocuous  rejection  feels.  It’s  only  a   mental  barrier  we  construct  for  ourselves.       Use  the  2  steps  forward  1  backwards  principle  to  keep  your  entire  engagement  in  suspense.   Even  if  your  ultimate  purpose  is  single-­‐minded,  keep  the  entire  process  as  ambiguous  and  free   flowing  as  possible.  Make  it  seem  naturally  flowing  rather  than  synthetically  forced  out.      

The  more  the  both  of  you  feel  like  the  exchange  challenged  your  normal  values  or  thresholds,  the  more   you  will  both  be  invested  to  the  relationship.  It’s  always  important  to  push  a  girl’s  boundaries  whether  in   sex,  teasing,  or  seduction  to  make  yourself  an  object  of  unique  desire  rather  than  another  male  decoy.       Immerse  yourself  into  the  entire  escalation  process  as  much  as  possible.  All  external  thoughts  while  you   and  a  girl  are  alone  are  manifestations  of  inner  insecurities.  Keep  them  at  bay  by  focusing  on  nothing   but  the  experience.  If  you’ve  gotten  this  far,  you  don’t  need  this  book  or  any  material  on  “escalating.”   What  you  need  is  to  follow  your  pre-­‐programming  as  a  man  and  shut  off  the  feminine  chatter  from  the   other  parts  of  your  brain.       The  point  of  escalating;  whether  it’s  going  in  for  a  kiss  or  getting  intimate  for  the  first  time  is  to  drown   out  the  sordid  reality  inextricably  linked  to  a  girl’s  fear  of  letting  herself  go  in  your  presence.  Follow  your   gut  instinct;  overwhelm  her  with  the  need  to  take  a  chance.  Throw  aside  any  thoughts  of  uncertainty;   master  the  bold  move.  


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Chapter  the  Fourth:  The  Not-­‐Pick  Up     THE  FRIEND  ZONE     “Friend’s  are  just  girls  you  haven’t  been  able  to  fuck  yet”       If  the  seduction  you’re  seeking  is  not  a  cold  approach,  then  we  assume  that  the  girl  in  question   is  either  a  friend  or  an  enemy,  preferably  the  latter.  An  enemy  still  has  an  emotional  perception   of  you,  one  that  can  be  twisted  into  a  hate  fuck  to  generate  sexual  tension  and  life  long  regret.   A  friend  will  feel  her  vagina  dry  up  into  a  sand  dune  whenever  you  begin  talking  to  her.  Ergo  the   real  problem  in  your  situation  is  a  lack  of  attraction,  or  in  rare  circumstances,  a  lack  of  rapport.       The  question  of  the  “friend  zone,”  the  “LJBF”  break  up  and  the  asexual  relationship  has  its  roots   in  a  more  functional  problem.  The  idea  of  a  guy,  liking  a  girl,  but  not  being  able  to  generate  the   right  emotional  response  from  her  because  he  focuses  on  rapport  more  than  attraction.  The  girl   can  be  anyone;  an  ex  girlfriend,  a  classmate,  a  colleague,  or  a  teacher  if  you’re  aiming  high.  In   her  opinion,  she  just  doesn’t  “feel  the  spark.”  In  your  opinion,  you’re  doing  everything  right,   just  as  you’ve  seen  it  done  in  a  Harlequin  romance,  but  nothing  seems  to  work.         Unlike  the  previous  chapter,  this  discussion  will  assume  you  and  your  target  are  already  familiar   with  each  other.  What  this  chapter  doesn’t  assume  is  whether  your  target  is  the  subject  of  a   Oneitis  infection,  or  merely  an  infatuation  you  wish  to  cater.  I  feel  compelled  to  say  over  and   over  again  that  while  learning  how  to  get  a  girl  you  like  is  helpful,  basking  in  obsession  is  an   unhealthy  practice.    At  no  point  in  your  life  should  any  single  girl  be  the  focus  of  all  of  your   game.  Even  after  you  get  married,  keep  orbiters  around  you.  Never  cheat,  but  always  retain  the   potential  to  do  so.  Keeping  your  options  or  at  least  eyes  open  helps  to  mitigate  the  dependency   that  eventually  normalizes  the  attraction  in  a  relationship.       Any  time  you  find  yourself  going  an  extra  mile  for  a  girl,  you  won’t  get  her.  If  you’re  posting  on   forums  about  your  sexually  arid  dynamic  with  a  girl,  you  won’t  get  her.  If  you’re  having  council   meetings  with  all  of  your  friends  to  deconstruct  every  single  one  of  her  micro-­‐facial   expressions,  you  won’t  get  her.  And  even  if  you  prove  me  wrong  and  somehow  get  her,  you   won’t  keep  her.  And  if  by  some  unnatural  miracle  you  keep  her  (zombie  revolution  and  you  two   are  the  last  humans  left  alive),  she  won’t  be  happy  with  you.  The  cock  must  subdue  the  vagina,   and  no  cock  can  subdue  a  pedestalized  vagina.  Use  the  advice  in  this  chapter  loosely,  if  you   can’t  get  the  girl  in  question,  move  on  to  a  different  one.                   Page 86 of 139

WHY  DO  YOU  LIKE  HER?     There  are  three  possible  reasons  explaining  why  you  would  like  a  girl.  If  she  was  your  friend   previously  and  you  gradually  developed  a  predilection  for  her  after  spending  more  and  more   time  with  her,  it’s  because  your  mind  is  placing  higher  value  on  what  you  have  invested  time,   energy,  and  effort  into.  If  you  impulsively  began  to  like  her,  it’s  because  the  way  she  looks  or   something  she  has  done  matches  with  your  idealization  of  a  “perfect  partner,”  created  by  the   sexual  imprinting  you  went  through  at  a  younger  age.  Or  lastly,  you  don’t  have  a  desperate   preference  for  her,  she’s  just  available  and  your  mind  randomly  chose  her  due  to  a  lack  of  other   options.  All  of  these  reasons  presuppose  that  the  girl  passes  a  certain  threshold  for  physical   attraction.  You  will  rarely  like  a  girl  who  falls  below  your  “I  would  rather  fuck  a  dude”  standard.   If  you  do,  she  has  phenomenal  sirening  skills.  More  than  likely  these  reasons  will  overlap.  For   example,  out  of  three  hot  girls,  one  of  them  will  have  had  a  physical  brush  with  you,  just  a  slight   touch.  Your  mind  races  with  thoughts  of  love,  kids,  and  lifelong  monogamy.  Your  body   rationalizes  your  feelings  by  assuming  you  have  an  exceptional  liking  for  her.  Without  even   knowing  it,  you  subconsciously  place  yourself  in  a  position  to  be  around  her  more  or  to  talk  to   her.  You  become  friends,  and  the  extra  devotion  you  have  for  her  causes  your  infatuation  to   spiral  out  of  control.  The  extra  time  you  spend  with  her  exposes  you  to  more  of  her  attributes,   several  of  them  matching  what  your  brain  is  searching  for  in  an  optimal  mate.                 The  infatuation  complex  starts  because  a  girl  can  create  the  feeling  of  love  in  you  –  or  in   chemical  terms,  the  release  of  Phenethylamine  (PEA).  PEA  facilitates  all  the  flight-­‐or-­‐fight   responses  associated  with  love  and  begins  the  emotional  “high”  that  will  prevail  throughout   your  fixation  for  this  person.  The  more  your  options  are  limited,  the  larger  the  effect  a  single   girl  will  have  on  your  emotional  well  being.  The  more  partners  you  are  capable  of  attracting,   the  more  control  you  will  have  over  each  relationship  (doubly  reinforced  by  other  principles  like   hypergamy  and  preselection).  This  assumes  of  course,  that  you  are  not  intentionally  sabotaging   that  capability.  How  many  times  have  you  heard  of  a  high  status  male  suddenly  forsake   everything  he  owns  for  a  girl  who  left  him?  These  men  intentionally  ignore  other  options  and   the  opportunities  within  their  own  lives  because  they  want  to  believe  in  a  magical  “soul-­‐mate.”       PEA  can  be  created  for  a  whole  host  of  reasons,  the  major  ones  already  being  established  in  the   first  paragraph.  Once  you  begin  spending  more  time  with  a  girl,  or  thinking  about  her  more,  you   expand  the  potential  number  of  PEA  stimulants  she  can  insinuate.  If  you  date  a  girl  for  6  weeks,   there  will  be  a  higher  chance  that  she  said  or  did  something  that  caused  a  spike  in  your  PEA   than  if  you  date  a  girl  for  only  a  single  week  (basic  probability).        The  ego  investment  rule  breaks  in  long-­‐term  relationships  because  of  further  complexities.  If   you  become  truly  unhappy  in  a  marriage,  the  amount  of  resources  you’ve  invested  in  a  girl   might  pale  in  comparison  to  the  amount  of  happiness  you’d  be  able  to  get  by  re-­‐entering  the   dating  scene.  Because  men  are  predisposed  to  seek  sex  rather  than  emotional  commitment,   this  will  likely  result  in  extramarital  affairs  rather  than  a  divorce.  A  man  in  an  unhappy  marriage   has  no  problem  dumping  his  frustration  into  another  woman  in  one  all-­‐consuming  ecstatic  load.   A  woman  will  always  opt  for  divorce  unless  she  is  a  victim  of  the  wall.     Page 87 of 139

  While  the  basic  reason  you  like  her  will  be  elementary,  a  more  complex  tapestry  will  construct   itself  around  your  relationship  with  her.  You  will  find  her  “funnier”  or  “more  interesting”  than   other  girls.  Her  trivial  hobbies  and  interests,  perhaps  a  movie  or  a  book,  will  seem  unique.   When  I  tell  you  this  from  a  third  person  point  of  view,  the  absurdity  becomes  apparent.  Liking  a   girl  is  based  almost  entirely  on  Post  hoc  rationalization.  If  a  fat  girl  suddenly  came  by  and  liked   all  these  things,  you  wouldn’t  like  her.  Likewise,  if  you  never  had  the  initial  burst  of  PEA  for  the   girl  you  like,  all  of  these  “unique  tendencies”  would  hold  no  importance  within  your  mind.       The  tendency  to  pedestalize  women  we’ve  taken  favors  to  is  further  implicated  by  the  matrix   and  its  monogamous  conditioning.  “There  is  only  one  perfect”  girl  we’re  told,  and  so  we   believe.  The  logical  fallacy  of  this  idea  is  of  course  that  if  a  girl  is  perfect  for  you,  then  she   wouldn’t  leave,  or  would  like  you  in  return.  If  a  girl  doesn’t  like  you,  or  leaves  you,  she  cannot,   by  definition,  be  your  soul-­‐mate.        It  helps  to  understand  this  basic  tenant  of  your  rationalization  because  you  cannot  successfully   pursue  a  girl  you  pedestalize.  You  do  not  like  her  because  of  a  magical  sense  of  compatibility  or   a  preordained  destiny  to  be  with  her,  you  like  her  because  of  basic  psychological  principles.   There  are  no  matches  made  in  heaven  except  for  the  ones  between  angels,  all  human  bonds   are  developed  on  earth  and  for  earthly  reasons.          


  “The  more  timidity  a  lover  shows  with  us  the  more  it  concerns  our  pride  to  goad  him  on;  the   more  respect  he  has  for  our  resistance,  the  more  respect  we  demand  of  him.  We  would  willingly   say  to  you  men:  “Ah,  in  pity’s  name  do  not  suppose  us  to  be  so  very  virtuous;  you  are  forcing  us   to  have  too  much  of  it.”         For  women,  a  conquest  of  the  body  is  not  enough.  They  are  obliged  by  their  basic  feminine   prerogative  to  monopolize  male  attention  in  every  instance  and  form  possible.  In  our   compassing  social  mesh,  this  effect  results  in  every  girl  having  an  intrinsic  desire  to  preserve  as   much  platonic  attention  as  she  can  receive.  This  is  why  girls  keep  guys  who  like  them  on   leashes,  this  is  why  they  go  out  to  clubs,  this  is  why  they  wear  make  up,  this  is  why  they  are   constantly  competing  with  each  other  for  the  spotlight.  This  is  why  the  friend  zone  even  exists.       A  girl  who  can  “lead  a  guy  on”  without  giving  him  sex  is  bartering  nothing  in  exchange  for  his   resources.  It  would  be  parallel  to  a  having  a  fuck  buddy  for  a  guy.  A  guy-­‐friend  that  a  girl  uses  to   soothe  her  ego  every  time  she  needs  to  be  conciliated  is  like  an  emotional  fleshlight.  The  more   you  allow  a  girl  to  indulge  in  this  dynamic,  or  give  her  your  attention  for  nothing  in  return,  the   more  she  will  be  unwilling  to  reciprocate  being  anything  “more”  than  friends.  In  her  mind,  it   makes  no  sense  for  her  to  work  “harder”  for  something  she  received  with  less  effort  in  the  past.     Page 88 of 139

  A  guy  in  the  friend  zone  immediately  gets  desexualized  in  accordance  with  hypgergamy  and   civil  dynamics.  If  she  can  extract  all  of  your  attention  from  you  without  giving  you  sex,  there  is   an  implicit  understanding  that  she  can  do  better  than  you  in  the  sexual  market.  She  can  take  all   the  attention  she  can  get  from  you  while  saving  her  intimacy  for  someone  more  alpha  than  you,   getting  the  best  of  both  worlds.       There  is  no  direct  correlation  between  a  good  friendship  and  a  good  relationship,  although   you’ve  been  conditioned  to  believe  otherwise.  Common  interests  and  having  fun  around  each   other  is  a  prerequisite  to  a  good  relationship,  but  a  friendship  isn’t  the  only  way  to  attain  that   ground.  “Friendship”  is  thoroughly  emphasized  as  the  only  gateway  to  a  good  relationship   because  it  preserves  the  agency  of  the  girl  while  rendering  you  relatively  impotent  to  her  sexual   pilot.  As  long  as  men  can  be  kept  chasing  friendship,  women  can  be  kept  in  the  power  position.         If  anything,  friendship  has  an  inverse  correlation  to  a  sexual  relationship  because  of  the   snowball  effect  it  entails.  The  myth  of  access  to  a  girls  intimacy  through  some  indefinite  amount   of  attention  as  a  preface  to  that  intimacy  leads  to  a  continuous  stream  of  effort  being  directed   the  wrong  way,  and  then  justified  through  circular  logic.  A  guy  toils  away  day  and  night  chasing   after  the  girl  he  likes,  witling  down  his  chances  with  each  extraneous  act  of  generosity.  Not  only   do  his  chances  diminish  the  more  he  bends  his  back  over  for  her,  but  he  is  subconsciously   driven  to  invest  more  and  more  of  his  energy  because  every  failure  is  attributed  to  a  lack  of   “effort”  –  even  though  that  effort  is  the  correlate  to  his  failure.       For  every  1  relationship  that  works  because  a  girl  and  a  guy  were  very  good  friends  at  first  –   there  are  100  or  more  relationships  that  never  happened  because  a  guy  got  dropped  off  to  the   friend  zone  and  left  to  jerk  off  to  facebook  photos  while  using  his  cascading  tears  to  lubricate   his  phalanges.  Luckily  you  only  hear  about  that  1  relationship  that  worked  and  the  100  that   never  did  get  laundered  by  unrealistic  expectations  (“Becky  and  Sam?  No,  they  just  weren’t   meant  to  be”).       In  a  way,  the  friend  zone  was  the  most  ingenious  operative  social  convention  invented  to  date.   Women  are  the  beneficiaries  in  multiple  ways.  In  a  break  up,  she  can  theoretically  preserve  the   attention  of  her  ex-­‐boyfriend  by  offering  to  remain  friends  rather  than  acquaintances.  We  are   conditioned  to  believe  that  if  he  in  turn  refuses,  it’s  because  he  has  no  sense  of  decency.  During   an  approach,  girls  can  proactively  LJBF  a  guy  to  prevent  him  from  trying  to  steer  their   relationship  towards  sex.  If  it’s  done  immediately,  it  saves  both  of  them  their  efforts,  but  if  its   done  later,  it  loses  the  investment  he  already  made.  Unfortunately  if  he’s  not  smart  enough  to   cut  his  losses  early,  he  will  continue  perpetuating  his  lost  cause  ideal  until  he  finds  another  girl   to  bandwagon.  Thus,  it’s  important  to  quickly  flush  out  relations  that  will  end  up  in  nothing  but   friendship.  Unless  your  goal  is  pursue  a  relationship  with  the  girl  because  you  actually  like  her   as  a  friend,  it  will  allow  you  to  redirect  your  attention  and  focus  elsewhere.       Attention  is  the  ultimate  reinforcer  for  men.  It  is  the  male  equivalent  of  sex,  the  thing  that  we   have  that  women  want  from  us.  Your  default  response  to  a  lack  of  intimacy  should  always  be  to   Page 89 of 139

excuse  yourself  from  the  situation  entirely.  It  is  the  only  way  you  can  preserve  your  station  as   the  dominant  partner  and  in  control  of  your  relationship  with  her.  If  you  stay  complacent  with   being  played  over  and  over  by  a  girl  who  has  no  intention  of  progressing  your  relationship,  you   inhibit  your  own  chances  to  develop  by  augmenting  a  beta  position  and  trading  off  resources   that  can  be  used  on  other  women.       Only  a  guy  who  is  unwilling  to  participate  in  his  position  as  a  surrogate  boyfriend  can  repossess   his  own  agency  and  create  the  impression  of  confidence  in  the  women  around  him.  I  say  this  of   course,  without  any  remorse  for  the  idea  of  a  friendship  between  a  girl  and  a  guy.  There  is   nothing  wrong  with  that;  I  am  referring  specifically  to  those  situations  (which  seem  to  happen   all  too  often)  where  a  guy  feels  he  is  being  manipulated  out  of  his  original  intentions.  If  you’re   talking  to  a  girl  for  sex,  keep  the  goal  at  sex.  Don’t  take  friendship  as  an  alternative  route.  If   you’re  talking  to  a  girl  because  you  think  she’s  cool  and  you  want  to  be  friends  with  her,  don’t   let  sex  get  in  the  way  of  a  positive  bond.  The  statistical  rarity  of  this  situation  is  massively   disconcerted.  Around  90%  of  guy-­‐girl  friendships  exist  because  either  one  wants  attention  or   sex  from  the  other.  There’s  nothing  wrong  with  this,  just  don’t  fool  yourself  into  thinking  you’re   chasing  a  girl  because  “you  just  want  to  be  friends.”     The  self  concern  of  Jerks  is  what  keeps  them  out  of  the  friend  zone.  Staying  in  the  friend  zone  is   a  losing  tradeoff  for  them  as  they  are  intuitively  aware  that  their  energies  can  be  focused  in   more  productive  ways.  Supplicating  to  a  woman’s  need  for  access  to  her  sexuality  is  exactly  the   type  of  “selfless”  act  nice  guys  are  conditioned  to  believe  in.  Despite  failing  over  and  over  again,   the  martyr  mentality  keeps  them  continuously  sacrificing  their  balls  for  a  girl  they  know  won’t   be  interested  in  them.    It  is  the  essence  of  the  feminine  revolution,  turning  men  into   engineered  commodities  that  can  be  sacrificed  wholesale  to  mechanize  their  romantic  labor.         Self-­‐depreciation  and  the  “nice  guy”  syndrome  is  the  dementor’s  kiss  in  platonic  relationships.   When  a  guy  assumes  the  position  of  a  friend  in  hopes  of  sexual  congress,  he  inevitably  adopts   an  attitude  that  he  is  “different”  from  the  other  guys  that  the  girl  he  has  been  with.  AFCs  don’t   chase  girls  thinking  “I’m  going  to  act  desperate  to  make  her  sick  of  me,”  they  think  “If  I  act   desperate,  I’ll  show  her  that  I’m  different  from  other  guys.”  The  act  of  self-­‐deprecation  is   perceived  as  advantageous  rather  than  detrimental,  which  allows  for  the  inevitable   rationalization  of  his  original  position.  The  hope  that  she’ll  one  day  realize  she  was  “meant  to   be  with  him”  looms  in  the  near  future,  only  to  torture  him  out  of  his  prime  years  and  restful   sleep.  Luckily  by  the  time  she’s  30  years  old  and  has  to  settle,  she  will  happily  “realize”  that   they  were  “meant  to  be”  all  along.       Fuck  that  shit  sideways.     The  lacking  of  intimacy,  if  one  hangs  on  to  it,  eventually  comes  to  a  point  where  it  compromises   ones  initial  goals.  If  you  can’t  get  a  girl  after  trying  for  months,  your  body  begins  to  realize  it   needs  to  change  to  facilitate  your  relationship  with  her.  At  this  point,  withdrawing  or  using   concepts  from  game  like  “push-­‐pull”  never  come  to  mind  because  they  are  counter-­‐intuitive.   Rather,  you  begin  to  see  necessary  changes  according  to  her  identity.  Whether  consciously  or   Page 90 of 139

not,  you  attempt  to  change  your  own  being  to  accommodate  her  interests,  what  she  likes,  what   she  wants.  While  common  ground  is  a  necessary  aspect  of  a  positive  relationship,  this  type  of   forced  personality  change  will  breed  spite  in  the  future  and  compromise  your  own  ambitions.   Again  we  see  that  the  “Jerk”  has  a  natural  cure  for  this  –  never  letting  his  own  interests  become   convoluted  by  a  girl’s.  Harness  the  positive  aspects  of  being  a  jerk.     Sadly,  this  form  of  compromise  through  unthinking  optimism  will  ruin  the  chances  of  a  sexual   relationship  between  you  and  her.    The  more  you  placate  to  her  ego  by  shifting  your  own   reality,  the  more  you  show  her  that  you  are  willing  to  change  your  own  resolve  to  furnish  hers,   the  more  she  begins  to  think  you  are  unworthy  of  her  intimacy.  While  this  might  increase   rapport,  it  signals  to  her  an  inherent  weakness  within  your  character,  which  inevitably  gets   translated  by  her  as  an  inability  to  reinforce  masculine  power  and  independence.  In  her  eyes,  if   you  succumb  to  her  ego,  you  can  be  broken  by  anyone.       But  really,  who  are  you  even  kidding  with  this  friendship  bullshit  anyways?  You’re  either  in  a   romantic  relationship  with  a  girl  or  you’re  not.  Friendship  is  not  a  zone  of  “transference,”  there   is  no  limbo  between  a  friendship  and  a  relationship.  If  a  girl  does  not  see  you  as  her  boyfriend,   she  sees  you  as  one  of  her  girlfriends.  If  at  any  point  your  relationship  with  her  becomes  a   liability  in  terms  of  her  relations  with  another  man  –  one  considerably  more  alpha  than  you,  she   will  happily  shit  out  your  friendship,  even  if  it  pains  her  to  do  so.         CHANGING  HER  IMPRESSION  OF  YOU     “People  do  it  everyday,  they  talk  to  themselves…  they  see  themselves  as  they’d  like  to  be,  they   don’t  have  the  courage  you  have,  to  just  run  with  it”         It’s  much  harder  for  a  guy  to  get  a  girl  he’s  known  for  a  long  time  to  like  him  than  it  is  for  a  girl   to  get  a  guy  she’s  known  to  like  him.    Unlike  men,  women  are  sexually  attracted  to  a  guy  due  to   an  emotional  response  he  elicits  from  her.  If  her  first  impression  of  him  never  elicited  this   response,  it  is  unlikely  it  will  in  the  future.  His  image  becomes  psychologically  anchored  to  a   desexualized  response,  which  continues  throughout  the  duration  of  their  relationship.  To   change  this,  you  need  to  change  the  way  a  girl  perceives  you  and  the  original  context  she  uses   to  filter  your  actions.       To  the  above  statement,  you’ll  be  wondering;  “why  are  girl’s  always  complaining  then?”   Because  women  are  hypergamous.  90%  of  the  time  when  a  girl  likes  a  guy,  especially  a  girl  with   options,  that  guy  is  going  to  have  other  options  himself.  A  girl  complaining  about  guys  never   wanting  to  commit  is  like  a  guy  complaining  how  girls  never  want  to  have  sex.  Think  of  the  100   girls  that  George  Clooney  has  dated  that  have  the  impression  “guys  never  commit.”  There  are  a   hundred  other  betas  that  would  drop  dead  for  a  shot  at  marriage  with  any  of  those  girls.  If  you   Page 91 of 139

proposed  to  Anne  Hathaway  tomorrow  and  she  said  no,  would  you  go  around  saying  “women   hate  the  institution  of  marriage?”       All  game  concepts  should  be  applied  evenly,  as  you  would  with  any  girl.  But  if  you  already  know   her,  certain  points  are  more  important  than  others  to  change  her  impression  of  you.  A  change   in  external  game  is  just  as  important  as  an  improvement.  Hypothetically  if  your  external  game   was  already  superior  to  those  of  the  guys  around  you  (you  already  displayed  alpha  and   dominant  body  language  and  dressed  well),  continuing  to  do  so  might  reinforce  your  dominant   persona,  but  will  not  change  her  spayed  interpretation  of  your  actions.  It’s  important  to  force  a   different  stimulus,  or  shift  the  way  you  do  things.  Talk  a  bit  differently,  dress  a  bit  differently,   illustrate  quirks  within  your  personality  that  were  previously  unknown  to  her.  The  preconceived   notions  she  has  of  you  must  slowly  be  distorted  by  your  actions.       To  make  sure  no  one  gets  confused  between  the  difference  of  the  above  and  “changing  your   identity”  as  it  was  established  in  the  friend  zone  section,  changing  your  identity  to  increase   attraction  is  different  from  changing  your  identity  to  increase  rapport.  The  latter  will  involve   more  supplication  and  resource  compromise,  like  talking  on  the  phone  with  her,  parroting  her   opinions,  or  making  a  decision  based  on  her  interests  and  then  establishing  a  new  mental   schema  to  justify  the  decision  on  your  own  terms.    The  former  will  be  more  about  being  less   available,  peacocking  with  new  items,  or  picking  up  a  new  hobby.       As  you’re  changing  the  image  of  yourself  in  her  head,  pick  up  a  new  activity  or  hobby  that  can   justify  the  decision.  If  she  randomly  sees  you  beginning  to  change,  she  will  assume  you  are   consciously  doing  it  to  prove  something  to  her.  If  instead,  you  began  working  out  or  you  picked   up  a  “side  job”  and  started  acting  differently  gradually  after  picking  up  your  new  hobby,  she   would  associate  your  positive  traits  as  an  unintentional  development  caused  by  your  pursuit  of   new  ambitions.       As  a  corollary  to  the  above  statements,  make  your  goals  revolve  around  yourself  rather  than   her.  While  your  goal  might  indirectly  be  to  attract  a  specific  girl,  keeping  the  focus  on  your  self   will  help  you  sustain  the  change  for  more  long  term  results.  Any  change  you  implement  for   another  person  will  lose  its  urgency  as  soon  as  that  person  loses  their  significance  in  your  life.   People  get  flabby  and  lazy  in  relationships  because  the  sense  of  urgency  to  attract  is  gone  after   they’ve  capitulated  with  their  partners.  If  the  main  reason  for  a  change  is  an  inner  ambition,   and  the  attraction  it  garners  from  another  person  remains  as  a  secondary  objective,  the  change   will  be  more  fulfilling.       The  amount  of  attention  you  give  her  must  change  to  fit  an  exchange  dynamic  rather  than  an   appeasement  dynamic.  Your  first  impression  of  her  registered  as  a  “friend”  –  or  a  person  she   can  get  attention  from  without  exchanging  intimacy  for.  If  you  limit  the  reinforcer,  attention,   you  change  her  perception  of  the  dynamic  between  you  two.  As  long  as  she  remains  unaware   of  why  your  attention  has  suddenly  become  more  restricted,  it  will  both  intrigue  her  and  shift   her  into  qualifying  mode,  granted  you  can  create  enough  attraction.       Page 92 of 139

The  way  you  talk  to  her  should  change  gradually  and  shift  back  and  forth  between  friend  and  a   romantic  relationship.  There  are  certain  words  people  only  use  with  their  intimate  partners,  like   “babe”  or  “like”  (friends  will  say  I  love  you,  not  I  like  you).  Use  words  like  these  to  sub   communicate  your  intention  to  escalate  past  a  platonic  relationship  and  to  make  her  feel  as  if   the  intention  to  do  so  was  always  there.  She  needs  to  feel  like  your  friendship  does  not   preclude  the  possibility  for  a  romance,  but  was  only  a  mask  for  it.         The  ideal  goal  of  any  seduction  is  to  turn  the  seduced  into  the  seducer.  You  MUST  use  jealousy   to  make  a  girl  who  has  no  emotional  bond  with  you,  change  her  feelings.  After  the  slightest  bit   of  attraction  has  been  created,  use  jealousy  to  proliferate  her  emotions.  Women  compete  for   attention  with  each  other  regardless  of  whether  the  object  being  vied  for  is  sexually  desired  or   not.  They  will  compete  for  the  attention  of  alphas,  of  gay  men,  and  of  other  women  they  look   up  to.  If  you  can  get  a  girl  to  compete  for  your  attention,  she  will  assume  it’s  because  she  likes   you.  The  added  effect  of  her  invested  effort  will  push  her  more  and  more  towards  a  romantic   relationship.       While  a  gradual  change  has  the  benefit  of  authenticity  –  a  more  traumatic  adjustment  can  have   faster  and  larger  results,  if  executed  properly.  If  all  of  a  sudden  you  act  aloof  and  disenchanted   by  her,  she  will  assume  it’s  because  you  aren’t  interested.  But  if  say  she  thought  there  was  a   reason  for  your  change,  something  her  imagination  can  only  suggest  towards,  she  would  drive   herself  crazy  to  restore  the  previous  standing  between  you  two.  The  emotional  torque  created   just  from  her  effort  to  maintain  the  friendship  can  be  redirected  in  a  more  sexual  way.       Certain  exchanges  or  types  of  physical  kino  are  reserved  for  relationships,  try  and  institute   these  between  you  and  the  girl.  Any  type  of  grooming  for  example,  (wiping  something  off  of   someone’s  face,  cleaning  a  stain  off  of  their  jacket)  incites  feelings  of  romantic  rapport.  Women   have  been  conditioned  to  associate  any  form  of  grooming  as  an  intimate  form  of  kino.  Because   you  can’t  take  a  friend  to  a  corner  and  immediately  try  and  escalate  with  her  without  creeping   her  out,  establishing  a  higher  level  of  kino  will  take  a  longer  time  (and  should  be  done  more   subtly  than  directly).  Kino  escalation  should  be  done  to  indirectly  hint  towards  your  infatuation   with  her,  it  cannot  overtly  declare  your  attraction.  It  must  seem  as  if  both  of  you  are   unknowingly  falling  for  each  other,  even  if  you’ve  been  in  love  with  her  for  months.  You  must   act  just  as  oblivious  and  hesitant  as  her  until  the  right  moment  where  you  overwhelm  her  with   a  bold  move.       Carry  your  conversations  to  allude  to  unique  connections  that  you  have  with  her.  A  girl  isolates   a  boyfriend  in  one  category,  and  the  collective  AFCs  that  chase  her  into  another  category.  You   two  must  have  something  between  each  other  that  other  guys  don’t  have  with  her.  In  a   relationship,  this  is  established  by  doing  things  with  her  that  other  guys  haven’t  done  yet   (harder  with  sluts).     Change  the  emotional  landscape  constantly.  From  fighting  to  making  up  to  exercising  together,   the  more  disperse  her  range  of  emotions  relating  to  you,  the  stronger  her  perception  of  you  

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becomes.  If  you’ve  known  her  for  a  while,  this  becomes  exceptionally  important  to  undo  the   previously  motionless  image  of  you.       You  MUST  establish  a  position  of  higher  value  by  being  less  available  than  she  is,  at  all  times.  In   the  previous  chapter  we  discussed  how  the  initial  pick  up  should  neg  a  target  to  create   deficiency  in  attraction,  and  then  fill  that  void.  In  an  already  existing  relationship,  this  process   gets  drawn  out  for  a  longer  period  of  time.  Always  take  longer  to  respond  back  to  texts,  phone   calls,  e-­‐mails,  any  form  of  contact.  The  seduced  must  always  be  put  in  a  position  of  more   reactivity  than  the  seducer.       Never  feel  guilt  for  trying  to  change  anything  about  yourself  or  your  relationship  with  a  girl,   unless  it  compromises  a  positive  aspect  of  yourself  or  truly  harms  someone  else.  Making  a  girl   feel  bad  because  you  aren’t  willing  to  “be  her  friend  without  sex”  is  an  operative  social   convention,  and  a  firm  staple  of  the  matrix,  used  to  inhibit  feelings  of  guilt  to  curb  the  latent   impulse  of  men  to  fuck  women.  If  your  goal  with  a  girl  is  sex,  don’t  be  ashamed  of  it.  It  is  only   by  pragmatically  holding  on  to  your  identity  as  a  man  do  you  have  any  chance  of  attracting  the   girl  in  the  first  place.       Telling  a  guy  the  reason  why  a  girl  doesn’t  like  him  is  because  they  “weren’t  meant  to  be”  is  like   applying  a  band-­‐aid  to  a  structural  hemorrhage.  Men  are  bleeding  out  their  masculinities  for   the  girls  that  they  like  without  knowing  it.  Sure  you  guys  might  not  be  a  “good  match,”  but  you   could’ve  done  certain  things  to  increase  your  chances  with  her.  Embrace  your  sexuality,  don’t   be  mundane  about  it.  Don’t  hide  your  boner  whenever  she  walks  by,  don’t  blush  whenever  you   touch  her,  don’t  cringe  whenever  she  speaks  to  you.  Women  are  not  decorations,  they  are   meant  to  be  consumed.           SHOULD  YOU  TELL  A  GIRL  THAT  YOU  LIKE  HER?     “And  the  great  question  is…”       If  after  implementing  these  changes  while  still  avoiding  the  grasp  of  Oneitis  you  think  you  have   a  chance  with  the  girl  in  mind  –  the  inevitable  question  of  how  to  make  your  next  move  will   come  up.  Should  you  ever  tell  a  girl  directly  that  you  like  her?  No.       The  way  you  tell  a  girl  you  like  her  is  not  just  an  issue  of  semantics.  How  you  go  about  this   drastically  changes  the  way  she  will  perceive  you.  If  you  tell  a  girl  “I  like  you,”  you  immediately   pedestalize  her.  As  long  as  she  remains  the  object  of  desire,  she  will  never  be  inclined  to  chase   you.  If  challenge  is  absent  in  a  relationship,  attraction  will  never  follow.  To  a  girl,  “I  like  you”   comes  off  as  a  predisposition  of  desperation,  a  sign  that  a  guy  chose  her  because  he  is   desperate  for  her.  It  contradicts  her  prerogative  to  search  for  preselected  men  because  her  

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subconscious  compels  her  to  assume  you  are  of  less  value  than  her,  since  you  are  the  one  who   exclusively  wants  her.       How  many  times  have  you  witnessed  a  relationship  fizzle  out  even  after  a  guy  and  a  girl   declared  their  liking  towards  each  other?  If  a  guy  doesn’t  escalate  and  his  desperation  for  a  girl   is  out  there,  her  attraction  for  him  will  slowly  plummet.  Everyday  that  he  spends  focusing  his   attention  and  resources  on  her  without  escalating  is  another  day  she  subconsciously  assumes  it   might  be  a  better  option  to  wait  longer  to  find  someone  more  alpha.  A  guy  who  doesn’t   proclaim  he  likes  her  would  be  more  of  a  challenge,  intrinsically  communicating  to  a  girl  his   confidence  and  capability  as  a  man.  Girls  are  least  attracted  to  guys  desperate  for  them  and   most  attracted  to  guys  they  are  unsure  about.  Guys  that  they  know  don’t  like  them  fall   somewhere  in  the  middle.     If  you  signal  to  her  that  you  like  her  in  more  covertly  communicated  methods,  then  rather  than   seeing  you  as  a  desperate  chump,  she  sees  you  as  a  commodity  to  be  won  from  the  sexual   market.  The  implications  are  vast.  You  are  still  available  to  other  girls;  only  by  chasing  you  to   gain  exclusivity  can  she  gain  access  to  the  larger  portion  of  your  attention  (again,  attention   must  be  taken  away  to  maintain  male  agency).  You  are  not  desperate  for  her;  you  have  simply   communicated  your  interest  in  her.  The  job  of  escalating  has  now  shifted  from  you  to  her.   Normally  we’re  conditioned  to  think  that  men  should  always  be  the  pursuers,  but  this  dynamic   only  allows  women  to  indefinitely  extract  any  amount  of  attention  they  want  from  a  guy  before   even  considering  him  as  a  mate.  In  the  scenario  I  offer  to  you,  a  guy  is  still  in  control  of  his  own   agency  and  can  choose  to  forgo  a  relationship  if  it’s  in  his  best  interests.         By  not  overtly  telling  a  girl  that  you  like  her,  your  mind  assumes  that  your  sexual  interest  in  her   is  not  unique,  allowing  you  to  adopt  an  abundance  mentality  much  more  easily.  You  are   proactively  advertising  your  confidence  in  your  ability  to  attract  other  women  besides  the  girl  in   question  not  only  to  other  girls,  but  to  yourself.  As  soon  as  you  begin  to  rationalize  a  wanting   for  a  single  girl,  rather  than  being  open-­‐minded  until  you  find  someone,  you  compromise  what   you  want  in  your  ideal  partner.       The  moment  you  say  “I  like  you,”  the  tumultuous  path  of  mental  monogamy  changes  all  your   sexual  imprinting.  Ideally,  you  should  date  multiple  women  to  allow  yourself  to  naturally  realize   what  you  want  in  your  ideal  partner.  By  jumping  from  girl  to  girl  and  telling  each  one  you  like   them  individually,  your  template  for  what  you’re  looking  for  shifts  to  accommodate  each  girl   rather  than  remaining  impartial  in  its  development.       More  importantly,  “I  like  you”  is  a  precursor  for  beta  behavior.  While  there  are  no  definite   Alpha  behaviors,  there  are  definite  Alpha  traits,  dominance  being  one  of  them.  “I  like  you”  is  a   state  of  powerlessness,  admitting  that  the  girl  is  in  the  dominant  position  of  a  relationship.  As   long  as  she  can  withhold  her  intimacy  from  you,  and  her  intimacy  is  the  only  one  you  desire,   she  is  given  full  control  over  your  thoughts.      

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You  are  only  allowed  to  say  “I  love  you,”  “I  like  you,”  or  any  statement  of  exclusivity  if  a  girl  has   already  said  it  first.  By  allowing  her  to  say  it  first,  you  increase  her  investment  in  you  because   she  has  taken  the  added  effort  of  a  potential  rejection.  Women  are  given  so  much  power  by  our   default  conditioning,  it  is  important  to  reinforce  value  and  dominance  in  meta-­‐channels  like   this.  A  girl  wants  to  say  “I  like  you”  first.  She  wants  to  enthrall  herself  with  the  feeling  of  a   potential  rejection  from  a  higher  value  male,  and  possibly  his  acceptance.  It  is  an  inherent  part   of  her  genetic  encoding  and  her  own  unnatural  conditioning  makes  it  all  the  more  harder  to   access  such  pleasures.                 PATIENCE     “When  you  force  the  other  person  to  act,  you  are  the  one  in  control.  It  is  always  better  to  make   your  opponent  come  to  you,  abandoning  his  own  plans  in  the  process.  Lure  him  with  fabulous   gains  –  then  attack.  You  hold  the  cards”     -­‐Robert  Greene     In  the  process  of  a  pick  up,  while  patience  is  integral,  the  consequences  are  not  as  heartfelt.  If   you’ve  been  seducing  a  girl  over  a  long  period  of  time,  a  single  over-­‐eager  move  will  break  the   spell  and  create  more  resentment  than  attraction.  A  single  call  saying  “I  like  you”  will  come  off   as  more  disenchanting  than  bold.  While  escalating  a  relationship  is  necessary  –  it  must  be  done   in  an  aggressively  patient  style.       If  she  takes  a  day  to  respond  back  to  a  text,  you  take  two  days.  This  form  of  practical  patience  is   essential  to  reinforcing  high  value.  If  you  find  yourself  not  able  to  wait  to  respond  every  time   she  beckons  at  you,  she  will  eventually  assume  you’re  like  every  other  guy  she’s  cycled  through   for  validation.  A  girl  will  only  chase  you  if  she  finds  you  to  be  of  high  value,  and  what  is  scarce,  is   always  valuable.  You  must  aggressively  ignore  texts  if  you  need  to,  cancel  dates,  and  withhold   your  time.       Being  overeager  at  any  point  during  a  relationship  (before  or  even  after)  causes  premature   resentment  to  build  up.  It  is  always  better  to  defer  to  a  more  lax  and  patient  state  than  an  over   eager  one  if  you  are  debating  between  the  two.  If  you  are  unattached  and  patient,  a  flop  can  be   quickly  undone  by  reigniting  attraction  using  absence.  If  you  are  overeager,  the  mistakes  are   much  harder  to  fix  because  you’ve  changed  the  underlying  presumptions  she  has  about  you.  If   you’re  too  unattached,  she  might  assume  you  don’t  like  her,  which  can  easily  be  fixed  by  a   sudden  show  of  rapport.  But  if  you’re  too  eager,  and  you  spill  out  your  intentions  too  early   (before  sufficient  attraction  has  been  made),  she  will  know  that  a  sudden  absence  is  calculated   to  create  an  intentional  response.      

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Patience  and  aggressiveness  can  be  intertwined  by  using  insecurity  as  the  buffer.  Be  aggressive   in  your  dealings  with  a  girl,  but  not  in  a  way  to  accommodate  your  insecurities.  In  other  words,   imagine  a  week  has  passed  and  you  want  to  ask  her  out  on  a  date  with  a  direct  approach.  Your   insecurity  or  –  fear  of  letting  her  pass  –  is  the  main  driving  force.  If  you  cooled  your  head  and   thought  logically,  you  would  defer  to  building  more  attraction  first  and  then  approaching  her   later  (or  cutting  her  loose).       The  moment  you  make  a  bold  move,  or  try  and  escalate,  should  be  after  you’ve  locked  her  in.   You  can  lock  a  girl  in  anywhere,  at  a  party,  a  hang  out,  the  movies,  any  place  where  she  can  be   isolated.  Once  you  isolate  her,  you  immediately  shift  to  your  game  face,  and  everything  from   that  point  on  is  the  same  as  chapter  3.  You  look  for  IOIs,  expect  shit  tests,  and  eventually  move   into  a  comfort  zone.  Have  her  begging  for  it  like  a  hooker  with  bad  credit.  Don’t  tip  your  hand   early.       Patience  allows  all  of  your  actions  to  be  interpreted  under  a  subtext  of  confidence  and   preselection.  If  a  perfect  10  begins  to  see  that  you  take  longer  than  5  seconds  to  respond  to  a   text  from  her  (her  average  ETA),  she  instantly  assumes  you  must  have  more  options  than  all  the   other  guys  bending  over  their  backs  for  her.  Patience  is  the  sign  of  a  Don  Juan,  a  master  of  the   game.  His  acts  might  be  so  bold  that  one  assumes  there  was  no  thought  behind  them  –  just   spontaneous  passion  –  but  in  truth  all  of  them  are  planned  with  utmost  precision.       Patience  forces  her  to  play  the  more  reactive  role  in  the  relationship,  which  is  always  the  less   powerful  role.  For  a  girl  to  like  you,  she  cannot  be  the  person  with  more  power  in  your   relationship.  She  needs  to  not  only  respect  you,  but  defer  to  your  lordship  at  the  first  sign  of   danger  or  insecurity.             ALWAYS  FOCUS  ON  INTEREST  LEVEL     Getting  a  girl  to  agree  to  go  on  a  date  with  you  –  or  even  accept  a  relationship  with  you  cannot   be  the  barometer  for  success.  While  the  focus  of  a  seduction  revolves  around  the  target,  the   latent  goal  of  the  seduction  revolves  around  you.  You  woe  a  girl  because  SHE  makes  you  happy.   Only  date  girls  who  are  INTERESTED  in  you,  they  are  the  only  ones  who  will  be  able  to  make  you   happy.  Always  be  focusing  on  interest  level,  nothing  else.  A  girl  can  claim  she  is  interested  in   you  by  going  on  a  date  with  you,  but  the  truth  is,  she  might  just  been  bored  or  looking  for   another  guy  to  feed  her  a  free  meal.  What  you  need  to  pay  attention  to  are  her  actions  and   what  they  delineate.         “I  like  you”  means  nothing   “you’re  cute”  means  nothing   “we  should  go  out  some  times”  means  nothing     Page 97 of 139

“you’re  different  from  all  the  other  guys  I’ve  met”  means  nothing   “I  love  you”  means  nothing     Penis  in  vagina  is  the  only  accurate  meter  of  initial  success.       Over  the  course  of  you  meeting  a  girl  and  turning  her  into  a  potential  girlfriend,  you  will  either   notice  a  lack  of  cues  or  an  abundance  of  them  regarding  interest  level.  Does  she  look  for  you   when  she  comes  online?  Does  she  respond  to  your  texts?  Is  she  willing  to  spend  “quality”  time   with  you?  Does  she  make  an  effort  to  explore  your  interests?  If  she  doesn’t,  don’t  make   justifications  for  her  lack  of  interest,  just  see  it  as  it  is.       When  most  guys  see  a  girl  not  interested  in  them,  they  don’t  assign  it  to  interest  level.  They   look  at  other  factors.  The  nice  guy  who  gets  dumped  for  a  jerk  assumes  that  women  are  broken   and  stupid  and  aren’t  capable  of  gauging  what  they  really  want  in  a  partner.  But  the  problem   isn’t  in  women  –  it’s  in  THEM.  The  girl’s  interest  level  wasn’t  high  enough  because  they  weren’t   able  to  increase  it  to  a  point  that  could  cultivate  a  successful  relationship.       Interest  level  is  linear,  not  a  complex  diagram.  After  a  certain  percentage,  say  “70%”  a  girl  will   want  to  date  you.  If  she  says,  “I’m  too  busy  with  school  work,”  her  interest  is  below  70%.  The   trap  that  men  fall  into  all  too  often  is  assuming  that  a  girl’s  interest  level  might  be  higher,  but   rationalizing  her  actions  with  an  external  factor.  If  a  girl’s  interest  level  is  above  90%,  she  will   want  to  be  exclusive  with  you.  If  she  tells  you  “I  want  to  be  exclusive,  but  I’m  afraid  of  getting   hurt  again,”  her  interest  level  is  below  90%.  To  save  their  egos  from  getting  nuked,  men  will   rationalize  over  and  over  to  themselves  “her  interest  level  is  at  95%,  but  her  fear  is  holding  her   back.”  No,  interest  level  functions  in  only  one  way.  Start  seeing  reality  for  what  it  is,  not  how   you  want  it  to  be.     Use  interest  level  to  weed  her  out  if  she  doesn’t  like  you.  If  after  a  week  (or  ideally  a  moment)   of  trying  to  get  this  girl,  she  doesn’t  respond  to  any  of  your  advances,  DUMP  HER.  If  a  girl   refuses  all  of  your  ideas,  if  she’s  crying  to  you  about  another  guy,  if  she’s  considering  getting   back  with  her  ex,  why  pursue  her?  Low  interest  level  leads  to  sleepless  nights  filled  with  regret.   Eliminate  women  without  a  high  interest  level  in  you.  The  extra  effort  needed  to  seduce  a  girl   not  innately  interested  in  you  is  never  worth  it.           AMOGING     If  you  want  to  take  a  girl  away  from  the  sexual  market,  be  ready  to  fight  for  her.  AMOGing  is   most  important  in  this  form  of  seduction  because  dealing  with  other  Alphas  during  a  pick  up  is   trivial  and  dealing  with  other  Alphas  in  a  relationship  is  unnecessary.  In  a  pick  up  if  you  get   AMOGed,  move  on  to  the  next  set  and  remember  what  you  did  wrong.  Hone  your  skills.  In  a   relationship  if  a  guy  tries  to  AMOG  you  in  front  of  your  girlfriend,  you  don’t  have  to  care.  Ignore   him.  She  is  invested  in  you  enough  to  reject  the  advances  of  herbs.  If  she  gives  out  her  number  

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to  a  guy  because  he  out  muscled  you,  thank  him  for  saving  you  from  the  clutches  of  a  Hoar.  But   in  a  seduction  somewhat  drawn  out,  you  must  be  ready  to  dominate  in  every  instance  possible.       AMOGing  in  its  simplest  definition  just  means  lowering  the  perception  of  another  guy  in  the   eyes  of  other  girls.  There  are  direct  ways  to  do  this,  like  physical  confrontation  and  titular   power,  and  indirect  ways,  like  through  the  subtlety  of  language.  You  can  neg  a  guy  just  like  you   neg  a  girl,  or  disqualify  him  from  a  circle  based  on  one  of  his  characteristics.  But  these  are  more   blatant  forms  of  AMOGing;  we  are  more  interested  in  ways  other  gurus  have  never  talked   about.       Use  a  man’s  social  conditioning  against  himself.  For  example,  all  men  have  been  conditioned   from  day  1  of  their  lives  to  “befriend”  girls  in  a  way  to  supplicate  to  them.  Even  if  you’re  dealing   with  an  alpha  with  knowledge  over  game,  some  part  of  him  will  still  remember  this  dynamic   and  defer  to  it  if  you  can  force  it  upon  him.  For  example,  imagine  the  girl  you  like  has  three  or   four  other  guys  liking  her.  If  you  can  entice  all  of  THEIR  propensities  to  “befriend  her,”  you  can   desexualize  them  in  her  eyes.  When  she’s  talking  about  another  guy,  make  the  assumption  that   they’re  only  friends.  Make  her  think  to  herself  “no  I  don’t  see  him  like  that,”  and  you  will   strengthen  her  need  to  LJBF  everyone  but  you.       In  any  social  setting,  you  can  instantly  AMOG  all  the  guys  around  you  by  making  any  type  of   overt  statement  on  them.  Imagine  you’re  at  a  club  talking  to  two  girls  and  a  guy  walks  over  and   starts  talking  to  them  while  ignoring  you  completely.  Retort  with  “hey  man,  we  were  waiting  for   you  to  come  over  here  and  hit  on  them.  We  were  actually  talking  about  how  well  you  can  run   game.”  Instantly  his  actions  are  perceived  in  an  overt  rather  than  covert  light.  The  girls  will  be   ready  to  exploit  overtly  masculine  behavior,  just  as  they  always  are.  If  he  tries  to  turn  the  tables   on  you,  it  will  be  irrelevant  because  you’ve  already  established  the  “first  impression.”  You  are   the  dominant  character  thus  any  future  interactions  between  you  and  that  guy  will  be  filtered   under  this  context.       If  a  guy  is  trying  to  tool  you,  befriend  him,  and  neutralize  him.  If  he  continues  to  nag  on  and  on   or  tries  to  neg  you,  he  will  seem  like  the  douche  trying  too  hard  to  impress  the  people  around   him  by  forcibly  establishing  his  dominance.  Always  do  the  opposite  of  what  he’s  trying  to  do.  If   he’s  playing  the  neutralizing  card,  then  you  should  tool  him.  The  key  of  course,  is  to  do  either  in   a  fashionably  artful  way  so  as  to  out-­‐perform  your  opponent.  AMOGing  is  a  skill,  just  like  talking   to  women.         Constantly  be  leading  the  guys  around  you.  Dominating  other  men  is  the  prequel  to  dominating   women.  Acts  of  masculinity,  whether  AMOGing  or  chopping  down  a  tree  are  necessary  for  a  girl   to  see  you  in  a  different  light.  By  AMOGing  I  also  don’t  mean  you  should  always  act  like  a   douche.  You  can  be  “nice”  to  someone  but  in  a  way  that  presupposes  your  authority  over  them.   Command  your  environment.      

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The  advice  above  should  not  be  misinterpreted  as  a  contradiction  to  aloof  game.  You  should   still  not  care  when  another  guy  comes  along  to  try  and  steal  your  thunder.  I  am  only  insisting   that  you  display  to  a  girl  your  ability  to  lead  and  dominate  other  men.               THE  BOLD  MOVE     In  a  pick  up,  escalation  can  occur  within  minutes  of  the  initial  meeting.  Liberated  from  the   auspices  of  social  stigma,  a  girl  will  feel  no  remorse  in  spreading  her  legs  for  a  puissant  alpha  if   she  can  hide  it  from  her  memory  and  peers.  In  a  prolonged  seduction  like  the  one  we’ve  been   currently  discussing,  much  more  is  at  stake  for  a  girl.  She  will  be  judged  by  all  of  her  friends  who   will  relentlessly  appraise  her  choices  in  a  cacophony  of  criticism.  Regardless  of  how  short  or   trivial  an  intimate  moment  with  you  might  be,  she  will  view  it  as  an  investment  rather  than  a   fling.       She  will  never  do  anything  without  plausible  deniability.  She  needs  an  excuse  to  do  something  –   regardless  of  how  pathetic  it  sounds.  “Come  over  to  my  house  to  watch  my  rabbit  play  the   piano”  will  work  better  than  “come  over  to  have  sex.”  It  allows  her  to  deflect  the  responsibility   of  intimacy  on  you  or  a  bunch  of  unforeseen  circumstances.       The  moment  of  escalation  will  take  much  more  patience.  It  must  be  executed  at  a  point  when   the  girl  is  aroused  far  too  much  to  resist,  and  where  she  feels  the  need  to  do  so  in  order  to   qualify  herself  to  you.  The  first  part  is  accomplished  easily;  see  the  earlier  chapter  on  building   comfort  and  escalating.  The  second  part  takes  a  steady  commitment  to  debauchery  and  a  fluid   code  of  ethics.  She  needs  to  think  that  if  she  doesn’t  eventually  relinquish  her  heart  to  you,  she   will  lose  you  to  another  girl.       This  “ultimatum”  must  be  sub  communicated  to  her  by  acting  like  a  preselected  male.  If  you   audibly  give  her  an  ultimatum  (“either  date  me  or  don’t  talk  to  me”)  you  place  her  in  the  power   position  and  yourself  at  the  mercy  of  her  decision.  It  is  not  empowering  to  give  a  person  a   confrontational  demand.  Best  case  scenario,  she  will  give  in  but  not  without  feeling  that  she  has   been  emotionally  black  mailed.  The  resentment  will  cause  excessive  shit  testing  during  the  first   trimester  of  your  relationship.  More  importantly,  she  will  retain  the  dominant  position  in  the   relationship  because  you  have  already  tipped  your  hand  and  showed  her  how  much  you  care.   Worst  case  scenario,  you  come  off  as  a  sulking  beta  and  she  instantly  loses  all  attraction  for   you.  Game  over.       You  can  escalate  almost  anywhere  at  any  moment,  as  long  as  your  timing  is  right.  You  can   closet  fuck  a  girl  from  work  in  the  janitor’s  cupboard  if  you  feel  the  stars  have  aligned  at  that   moment,  or  you  can  choose  to  wait  till  the  both  of  you  are  “hanging  out”  at  the  movies.  Alcohol   helps  in  the  sense  that  it  removes  a  girl’s  self-­‐conscious  inhibitions,  but  not  to  a  point  where  it   removes  her  sensory  inhibitions.       Page 100 of 139

Start  by  going  a  notch  above  friendly  kino  and  see  if  she  reciprocates.  If  she  responds  with  more   closed  off  body  language,  take  a  step  back.  If  she  responds  openly,  take  another  step  forward.  If   she  responds  again,  take  a  step  back.  This  calculated  state  of  whimsical  push  and  pull  is   necessary  to  allow  suspense  and  traction  to  grow  to  its  maximum  potential.  If  you  move   forward  with  too  much  momentum,  the  entire  process  comes  off  as  “happening  too  fast”  and   loses  its  arcane  touch.  If  your  aim  is  to  establish  a  relationship  with  this  girl,  she  must  feel  as   though  the  entire  thing  was  set  up  by  a  power  beyond  her  comprehension,  not  micromanaged   by  you  and  your  game  book.       If  you’ve  successfully  escalated,  wait  2  or  3  days  before  asking  her  on  a  date.  Which  moves  us   to…                                                                     Page 101 of 139

Chapter  The  Fifth:  Precoital  Adventures     “I  am  Jack’s  supreme  sense  of  irony”     COUNTER  INTUITIVE       Dating  is  a  sham,  a  pre-­‐relationship  mechanism  highly  rigged  in  favor  of  women.  The  entire   process  is,  for  the  most  part,  counter-­‐intuitive  from  the  man’s  point  of  view.  Maintaining  things   like  “challenge”  and  a  “prize  mentality”  are  difficult  when  society  insists  on  pedestalizing   women  far  beyond  their  rational  value.  Customary  traditions  like  paying  for  your  date  already   corral  the  notion  that  she  is  of  higher  value  than  you.  Factors  like  her  friends  and  circulating   gossip  work  in  tandem  to  constantly  delay  sex  and  subjugate  you  to  laboratory  testing.  In  a  field   of  mines  like  this,  only  men  of  iron  resolve  can  come  out  victorious.  Betas  will  either  learn  to   cherish  celibacy  or  let  their  self-­‐images  become  commoditized  by  a  system  bent  on  castrating   them.       When  you’re  dating  a  girl,  she  is  not  the  prize,  you  are.  In  a  world  where  men  are  forced  to   maintain  monogamous  relationships,  you  cannot  take  the  risk  of  settling  for  a  washed  up   hausfrau  or  a  part  time  H0r3.  By  placing  yourself  on  a  pedestal,  all  of  your  actions  will  be   contextualized  in  terms  of  screening  her  as  a  potential  mate  rather  than  the  other  way  around.   It  will  generate  challenge  in  her  eyes  because  she  must  qualify  herself  to  you  before  gaining   admittance  to  a  stable  relationship.  A  high  standard  of  selective  reception  is  the  type  of   provocation  necessary  to  drive  a  girl  crazy.  You  will  never  win  a  girl’s  heart  by  putting  her  on  a   pedestal  and  giving  her  what  she  asks  for.  She  must  be  constantly  challenged  with  the  crushing   anxiety  of  a  competitive  sexual  market  ready  to  pry  you  away  from  her  hands.       Challenge  is  the  overriding  imperative  in  the  dating  phase.  Dominance,  humor,  charm,   preselection,  all  cater  to  her  need  to  feel  challenged  in  her  effort  to  get  you.  As  long  as  you  are   the  prize,  she  will  feel  compelled  to  show  up  to  dates  on  time  looking  her  very  best.  If  this   sense  of  demur  faces  regression,  expect  a  slow  transition  to  a  more  lax  dating  scene  absent  of   sexual  marathons  and  dramatic  climaxes.  Women  want  to  be  the  approval  seekers;  you  must   make  it  a  priority  to  grant  them  this  fantasy.       If  you  feel  at  any  moment  that  the  dating  is  getting  boring,  withdraw  into  another  girl.  When  in   doubt,  always  pose  indifferent  and  distracted.  As  long  as  you  have  other  women  around  you,  a   girl  will  give  you  much  more  leeway  if  you  fuck  up.  Women  have  a  6th  sense  for  men  who  have   options,  especially  if  those  options  consist  of  women  hotter  than  them.                     Page 102 of 139

  ASKING  HER  ON  A  DATE     There  are  two  requisites  to  asking  a  girl  out  on  a  date.  She  has  either  clearly  expressed  interest   in  you,  or  you  have  successfully  escalated  with  her.  Ideally,  it  should  be  the  second  scenario.  If   she  needs  to  be  the  one  to  express  interest  in  you  to  make  you  ask  her  out,  it  means  you   should’ve  attempted  to  escalate  earlier.  Either  ways,  this  is  your  cue  to  proceed  ahead.     Never  ask  her  out  on  a  date  right  away  after  she’s  said  “I  like  you”  or  you’ve  escalated.  You  wait   2  or  4  days.  Never  three.  Game  is  spread  so  extensively  now;  every  guy  waits  the  magical  “3   days.”  The  Don  Juan  is  always  the  exception.  If  every  guy  is  waiting  three  days,  you  wait  for  any   amount  of  time  besides  three  days.    When  you  ask  her  out,  you  do  not  tip  your  cards  over.  You   are  still  a  preselected  male  with  other  options.  And  if  you’re  not,  pretend  like  you  are.  You  do   not  tell  her  “I  really  enjoy  licking  your  ass,  can  we  please  go  on  a  date?”  You  casually  ask  her  to   hang  out;  you  are  not  interested  in  dating.  The  term  dating  itself  refers  to  a  female-­‐framed   dynamic.  What  you  are  doing  is  hanging  out  with  her  to  see  if  she  is  worth  your  time.       Never  ask  her  out  on  a  bland  dinner  date  unless  you’re  in  high  school  or  college.  To  the  younger   generation  of  woman,  a  “dinner  date”  is  something  straight  out  of  a  romantic  novel  and   because  not  that  many  guys  have  asked  her  out  on  one,  it  still  has  the  profound  effect  of   novelty  on  her.  More  experienced  women  will  find  a  dinner  date  banal.  She  has  seen  it  all  and   heard  it  all  and  paying  for  her  food  is  a  supplicatory  remark  that  screams,  “I’m  just  like  every   other  guy  out  there.”       The  first  date  should  be  emotionally  compelling.  Earlier  we  discussed  the  chemical  rush  of  love,   fornicated  by  the  alkaloid  PEA.  PEA  also  gets  released  into  the  blood  following  emotions  like   fear  and  excitement  (you  probably  already  heard  this  somewhere).  Find  out  what  scares  her,   and  push  those  buttons.  If  she’s  afraid  of  heights,  take  her  to  a  bookstore  but  walk  there  and   take  a  path  that  forces  the  both  of  you  to  walk  along  a  high  bridge  overseeing  a  river.  If  she’s   afraid  of  spiders,  take  her  through  a  forest  path  to  get  to  the  café  you  want  to  go  to.  If  her   favorite  color  is  pink,  chew  a  lot  of  bubble  gum.  Incite  some  sort  of  emotional  response  from   her  and  she  will  associate  the  added  octane  with  your  presence.       Even  though  the  date  should  be  aimed  at  generating  an  emotional  response  from  her,  the   overall  preference  should  be  catered  to  your  taste.  If  you  like  scuba  diving,  ask  her  to  go  scuba   diving.  If  she  says  no,  request  one  other  thing.  If  she  says  no  to  that  too,  she’s  gone.  You  are  not   here  to  embellish  other  women  with  what  they  like  to  do.  Your  main  goal  in  life  revolves   around  your  ambitions,  you  are  taking  time  out  of  that  goal  to  test  her  for  possible  value,  do   not  bend  further  than  this.       If  she  cancels  on  the  date,  paraphrase  your  discomfort  into  one  word  with  no  logical  support.   She  says  “I  can’t  make  it  today,  work.”  Reply  with  “k.”  When  she  texts  you  back,  don’t  respond.   The  responsibility  of  reinitiating  contact  must  be  placed  on  her.  Don’t  leave  a  rambling  voice   message  about  how  you’d  like  to  reschedule  because  she’s  a  nice  girl.  If  she  cancels  on  two   Page 103 of 139

dates,  she’s  gone  for  good  unless  she  volunteers  to  skip  the  date  entirely  and  go  straight  into   foreplay.       You  are  screening  chicks  for  low  interest  level.  If  she  acts  bored  during  the  date  or  refuses  to   comply  with  normal  standards  of  human  curtsey,  excuse  yourself  politely  and  leave.  Don’t   waste  your  time  with  girls  who  aren’t  interested,  trying  to  fix  the  deficit  will  cause  more  harm   than  good.  Attraction  is  not  a  choice;  don’t  settle  for  dates  where  the  chemistry  must  be  forced   upon  itself.       If  she’s  an  eight  or  above  and  is  sure  she  has  you  by  the  balls,  cancel  the  date  last  minute  and   then  reschedule  later.  Cancel  50%  of  first  dates  especially  if  they  resulted  from  a  long-­‐term   friend.  The  anxiety  of  unknowing  must  constantly  be  perpetuated  within  the  relationship.   Studies  indicate  that  people  are  more  attracted  to  people  who  like  them  back.  This  must  be   combined  with  the  notion  that  familiarity  breeds  contempt.  She  must  constantly  be  floating   between  thoughts  of  “he  definitely  likes  me”  and  “does  he  really  like  me?”  and  “maybe  he   hates  me?”  She  must  never  be  in  a  position  where  she  is  sure  of  anything  besides  where  she  is   sure  of  nothing.       Cancelling  your  first  date  has  the  added  advantage  of  being  the  first  one  to  initiate  a  dick  move   in  a  relationship.  The  first  person  to  execute  a  dick  move  will  maintain  the  upper  hand  for  years   to  come  because  it  becomes  the  “first  impression”  of  your  romantic  relationship.  An  asshole   reaction  can  be  used  as  a  weapon  of  retaliation  any  time  you  perceive  her  investment  in  you  to   decrease,  or  in  this  case,  a  weapon  of  preventative  defense.  I  would  save  the  dick  move  for   later  if  I  considered  a  girl  to  be  conventionally  “good”  and  withholds  from  too  much  shit  testing.       If  you’re  feeling  bad  about  being  an  asshole,  it’s  probably  because  you’re  the  one  who’s  used  to   taking  it  up  the  ass.  If  you’re  not  the  one  doing  the  fucking  over,  you’re  the  one  being  fucked   over.  There  are  no  altruistic  relationships.     If  a  girl  plays  games,  she  has  to  be  cut  off.  This  isn’t  because  there’s  anything  wrong  with   playing  push/pull;  it’s  just  that  a  relationship  cannot  work  if  both  people  are  strategically   maneuvering  around  each  other’s  desires.  A  nice  guy  with  high  social  status  might  have  a  girl   fuck  with  his  head  to  make  him  fall  head  over  heels,  or  a  jerk  with  a  lot  of  game  might  make  a   chick  who  could  do  a  lot  better  fall  in  love;  but  in  both  scenarios  there  is  only  one  actor.  In  any   relationship,  the  person  who  cares  less  has  more  power.  This  balance  must  be  kept  near  50/50   but  slightly  tipping  towards  you.             CONVERSATION  AND  SHIT  TESTING     Although  these  topics  have  already  been  covered  in  the  pick  up  section,  I  deem  it  necessary  to   recap  and  expand  on  them  because  in  the  course  of  dating  a  girl,  they  are  explored  in  much   more  depth.  Conversations  tend  to  linger  more  on  one  topic  than  casually  flitting  from  subject   Page 104 of 139

to  subject  and  shit  tests  turn  out  to  be  much  more  subtle  and  indiscriminate.  The  key  to  acing   both  aspects  is  not  a  prepared  full-­‐proof  response  or  method  the  way  you  do  in  a  pick  up,  but   to  adopt  a  mentality  that  will  allow  you  to  consistently  pass  them.  The  added  advantage  of   dating  a  girl  is  the  extra  margin  received  from  her  decision  to  date  you.  The  first  time  you  talk   to  a  girl,  failing  just  one  shit  test  can  cause  her  beta  alarm  to  go  off.  When  you’re  dating  a  girl,   you  can  fail  2  or  3  but  as  long  as  you  revert  back  to  a  strong  frame  and  catch  yourself  before   you  fall  too  deeply  into  beta  backsliding,  you  can  come  back  from  a  rupture  in  your  game.        A  guy  who  talks  about  himself  during  a  date  is  a  verbal  narcissist.  No  girl  wants  to  here  a  guy   ramble  off  about  his  ego  or  his  accomplishments,  they  want  him  to  “forget  to  mention”  that   he’s  a  millionaire  and  then  accidently  find  out  about  his  elated  status  after  facebook  stalking   him.  A  guy  who  asks  a  girl  to  talk  about  herself  is  a  push  over.  He  has  no  conversational  skills   and  shoots  question  after  question  interrogator  style  never  forming  a  sense  of  rapport  in  his   exchanges.  But  a  guy  who  can  make  a  girl  want  to  talk  about  herself  and  give  only  clues  about   himself  is  a  conversational  genius.       Enthusiasm  and  indifference  must  both  be  constantly  juggled  with  each  other.  Occasionally   start  preaching  to  her  about  something  you’re  passionate  about  or  bring  high-­‐energy  game  in   the  form  of  a  story  you’re  telling  her.  Then  at  other  times,  act  emotionally  sated  and  laid  back.   Be  an  extroverted  introvert.  A  man  who’s  friendly  and  loves  talking  but  secretly  enjoys  spending   time  by  himself  accomplishing  his  own  artistic  goals.  Be  Hot  and  cold  with  Kino  and   conversation.  When  you  neg  her,  touch  her.  When  you’re  being  nice,  be  laid  back  and   indifferent.  Don’t  be  aggressive  and  nice  at  the  same  time  or  passive  and  mean  at  the  same   time.       To  learn  the  right  way  to  talk  to  a  girl,  you  must  learn  how  to  correctly  listen  to  her.  A  girl  does   not  want  you  to  hang  on  to  her  every  word.  If  you’re  talking  to  her  with  your  pad  out,  jotting   down  important  notes,  you  are  trying  to  impress  her,  which  strips  your  relationship  of   serendipity.  If  instead  you  act  aloof  while  she’s  talking  but  then  out  of  nowhere  recall  some   obscure  remark  she  made  weeks  ago,  she  gets  the  impression  that  you’re  both  a  challenge,  and   a  good  catch.  Patronizing  mastery  combined  with  a  hidden  penchant  for  romance  is  the  stuff   that  gets  bytchez  wet.  Remember,  combine  romance  with  indifference,  heartfelt  concern  with   rash  indifference,  super  human  memory  with  careless  neglect.  She  wants  to  be  surprised  by   your  ability  to  listen  to  her.  She  wants  to  be  impressed  without  you  trying  to  impress  her.       Every  conversation  post  the  initial  attraction  phase  should  consist  of  a  lot  of  head  nods  and   agreement  cues.  Occasionally  disagree  but  never  insist  on  arguing.  When  she  attempts  to  start   a  heated  debate  with  you,  give  her  a  candid  smile  that  says  you  don’t  take  her  seriously.  Let  her   talk  about  herself,  your  job  is  to  create  a  comfortable  environment  that  makes  her  want  to  talk   about  herself.       Shit  tests  will  be  deployed  much  more  discreetly.  She  will  be  testing  you  without  even  knowing   it  herself.  The  key  to  passing  shit  tests  while  dating  a  girl  is  just  to  recognize  them.  If  you  know   when  a  girl  is  testing  you,  the  process  becomes  disillusioned  and  you’re  much  more  prone  to   Page 105 of 139

thinking  clearly.  For  example,  imagine  she  asks  you  “are  you  dating  anyone  else  right  now?”   Your  first  thoughts  will  immediately  race  to  “wtf  do  I  do?  Say  yes  and  make  her  think  I’m  an   asshole  or  say  no  and  lose  my  aura  of  preselection?”  But  if  you  take  a  step  back  and  realize   she’s  trying  to  shake  you,  the  answer  becomes  clearer.  Evade,  evade,  evade.  As  long  as  you   don’t  give  her  the  delayed  gratification  of  causing  your  frame  to  break  down,  you  remain  in   control.  Tell  her  “It’s  complicated”  or  “Just  One?”  No  drawn  out  explanation  or  detailed  status   analysis  is  necessary,  just  keep  her  guessing.         ANCHORING     Anchoring  refers  to  the  human  tendency  to  associate  an  emotional  response  with  a  specific   external  stimuli.  For  example,  you  might  feel  a  sense  of  allegiance  when  you  see  your  country’s   flag,  a  sense  of  nostalgia  looking  through  your  old  yearbook,  or  a  feeling  of  romance  when  you   hear  a  song  dedicated  to  an  old  relationship.         In  relationships  and  dating,  anchoring  happens  subconsciously  although  they  can  be  controlled   to  a  great  degree  (NLP  and  speed  seduction  has  its  foundation  in  manipulating  anchors).  If  a  girl   comes  into  a  bar  for  the  first  time  and  immediately  feels  connected  to  some  guy  gaming  her,   she  associates  positive  feelings  with  the  bar.  If  that  initial  pick-­‐up  leads  into  a  relationship,  the   ambience  of  the  bar  will  be  anchored  through  out  their  relationship  assuming  they  don’t  over   expose  themselves  to  it.  This  is  why  couples  sometimes  go  to  “the  first  place  they  met”  or  their   honey  moon  years  later.  The  areas  are  anchored  to  positive  emotions.       Anchoring  is  important  in  all  respects  of  the  game  but  I  decided  to  include  it  in  this  chapter   because  I  believe  it  has  the  most  significance  here.  In  the  pick  up  phase,  you  can  close  a  girl   without  consciously  anchoring  her  to  anything.  In  a  relationship,  anchors  will  be  created   regardless  of  whether  you  intend  to  create  them  or  not.  In  the  dating  phase  however,  you  have   much  more  control  not  only  over  when  to  anchor,  but  what  to  anchor  a  response  to.         Always  establish  an  anchor  when  you  close  a  girl.  If  you  kiss  her,  give  her  your  scarf  or  if  you’re   into  overkilled  clichés,  a  rose.    Assuming  you  eventually  enter  a  relationship  with  a  girl,   anchoring  the  first  kiss  will  make  your  job  of  resparking  passion  much  easier  (if  necessary).  Your   first  slow  dance  with  a  girl,  if  it’s  special,  will  be  anchored  to  the  song  in  question.  Be  aware  of   not  only  the  things  she’s  anchored  to,  but  also  the  stimuli  you’re  anchored  to.       During  dates,  establish  anchors  with  humor  or  dominance.  If  you  use  a  certain  facial  expression   whenever  you  say  a  funny  joke  (assuming  your  jokes  are  funny),  your  date  will  be  anchored  to   laugh  at  the  facial  expression  itself.       Establish  positive  as  well  as  negative  anchors.  David  DeAngelo  was  once  popularly  scrutinized   for  recommending  a  book  on  how  to  train  dogs  as  a  dating  guide.  While  the  advice  seemed   somewhat  bigoted,  it  was  golden.  Originally  anchoring  was  discovered  by  an  experiment   involving  dogs,  where  the  consistent  ringing  of  a  bell  followed  by  feeding  time  anchored  the   Page 106 of 139

dogs  to  expect  food  whenever  someone  rang  a  bell  in  their  presence.  Women  (and  men)  work   the  same  way.  If  a  girl  withholds  sex  from  her  boyfriend  and  he  caves  in,  he  anchors  sexual   pleasure  to  obedience.  What  follows  is  a  sad  regression  to  a  sexually  sullen  relationship  where   the  girl  constantly  uses  sex  as  a  meal  card.       Negative  emotions  should  be  anchored  to  stimuli  you  have  under  your  control.    Over  the  course   of  a  relationship,  a  couple  might  go  on  breaks  to  “patch  things  up.”  Every  time  you  guys  are  on   a  break,  cut  off  all  contact  and  wear  only  blue  colored  clothing.  Never  wear  blue  at  any  other   time  during  the  year.  From  now  on,  your  absence  will  be  anchored  to  the  color  blue  and  any   time  she  gets  mad,  you  can  give  her  a  post  card  of  the  ocean.  When  you’re  leaving  and  you   know  you  won’t  be  seeing  your  girlfriend  for  a  few  days  whether  to  let  off  some  steam  or   reignite  passion,  slam  the  door  behind  you.  You’ve  anchored  your  disappearance  to  the  noise  it   creates.       You  can  anchor  certain  emotions  by  synthetically  creating  them  in  her.  Ask  her  what  her  “ideal   lover”  consists  of.  While  she’s  talking,  rub  your  chin  or  engage  in  some  sort  of  esoteric   movement.  You’ll  have  anchored  the  movement  to  her  idea  of  “love.”  The  next  time  she  sees   you  doing  the  same  thing,  she’ll  feel  a  familiar  fluttering  in  her  stomach.       Anchoring  positive  and  negative  emotions  to  your  attention  /  lack  of  attention  is  the  foundation   behind  conditioning  a  girl  with  a  reward  /  punishment  system.  Attention  serves  as  the   reinforcer  for  males  in  a  relationship,  if  a  girl  does  something  you  don’t  like,  withdraw  it.  If  your   lack  of  attention  gets  anchored  to  the  action  she  partook  in,  she  associates  her  action  with  a   negative  feeling.  Condition  a  girl  into  being  happy  whenever  she  makes  you  happy.       Practical  requisites  must  be  met  for  an  anchor  to  consistently  work  in  your  favor.  They  must  be   tailored  to  a  specific  response.  If  you  slam  the  door  on  a  girl  when  you  get  back  together  as  well   as  when  you  break  up,  the  lack  of  congeniality  makes  it  impossible  for  a  specific  anchor  to   develop.  Anchors  must  in  intermittent.  Over  exposure  to  any  type  of  anchor  reduces  its  effect   on  the  subject.  Wearing  a  girl’s  father’s  cologne  helps  with  your  game  because  the  smell  is   anchored  to  feelings  of  subordination  and  pleasure.  But  if  every  guy  started  wearing  this   cologne,  she  wouldn’t  associate  positive  feelings  with  any  one  guy.       Feelings  of  loss,  betrayal,  euphoria,  and  anger  can  be  metaphorically  embedded  within  a   conversation  to  elicit  a  desirable  response.  After  a  fight  for  example  if  you  text  her  the  next  day   and  say  “hey  I’m  leaving  on  a  flight  to  Canada  to  see  my  grandmother,  she’s  sick”  the   embedded  message  of  distance,  loss,  and  pathology  are  all  expressed  through  a  superficial   action  (don’t  lie  about  a  sick  grandma,  I’m  just  giving  you  an  example.  This  disclaimer  is   necessary  for  retards).       Anchoring  should  never  be  visibly  done,  especially  when  used  as  a  reward  or  punishment.  If  you   withdraw  attention  from  a  girl  because  she  did  something  wrong,  she  cannot  know  you  are   intentionally  withdrawing  attention.  Find  something  to  divert  your  focus  on,  like  work  or  the   gym.  Guys  often  falsely  presume  that  a  girl  must  know  that  they  are  being  ignored  as  a   Page 107 of 139

punishment;  nothing  can  be  further  from  the  truth.  If  you  overtly  communicate  your  intention   to  ignore  them,  you  still  offer  them  the  dominant  position,  as  they  are  the  ones  who  choose   when  to  fix  the  problem.  If  you  ignore  them  because  you  have  other  work  to  do,  the  problem   never  becomes  magnified  and  your  absence  still  gets  anchored  to  the  initial  mistake.           RULES  OF  ENGAGEMENT     (a) Compress  emotions  to  as  little  time  as  possible  by  taking  her  to  different  “experiences”   during  a  single  date.  If  you  consider  her  serious  LTR  material,  take  her  to  more  high-­‐ octane  dates.         "We  discovered  that  people  are  not  like  Neo  in  'The  Matrix,'  dodging  bullets  in  slow-­‐mo,"   Eagleman  said.     Memory  trick     Instead,  such  time  warping  seems  to  be  a  trick  played  by  one's  memory.   When  a  person  is  scared,  a  brain  area  called  the  amygdala  becomes  more  active,  laying   down  an  extra  set  of  memories  that  go  along  with  those  normally  taken  care  of  by  other   parts  of  the  brain.     "In  this  way,  frightening  events  are  associated  with  richer  and  denser  memories,"   Eagleman  explained.  "And  the  more  memory  you  have  of  an  event,  the  longer  you   believe  it  took."12        

(b) Never  see  a  girl  more  than  twice  a  week  in  the  beginning:  Necessary  protocol  to  keep   her  hamster  grinding  for  attention.  Combine  this  with  the  clause  above  and  you  have   the  perfect  blend  of  attention  /  suspense.  By  only  seeing  her  two  times  a  week  you   avoid  the  toxicity  of  over  exposure  but  by  bouncing  around  with  her  and  having  new   experiences  whenever  you  do  see  her,  you  compress  the  emotional  rapport  gained  from   a  week’s  worth  of  cuddling  into  one  or  two  days.     (c) Never  fall  into  routines:  Don’t  text  her  once  every  morning  when  you  wake  up  or  see   her  at  the  same  place  more  than  once.  The  only  time  this  rule  can  be  violated  is  if  you’re   anchoring  her  to  a  stimulus.  Otherwise,  keep  your  dating  experiences  out  of  her  comfort   zone  When  a  man  says  one  joke,  the  joke  is  funny.  But  when  he  says  ten  jokes,  the  man   himself  becomes  funny.  By  never  falling  into  routines  and  constantly  taking  her  to  new   12

Choi, Charles. (December 11, 2007). “Why Time Seems to Slow Down in Emergencies.” Live Science.

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locations,  you  associate  your  own  identity  with  unpredictability  and  excitement  rather   than  the  act  of  going  somewhere  unpredictable  as  the  cause  of  unpredictability.      

(d)  Never  offer  emotional  sacrifice  first:  Don’t  say  “I  like  you”  or  “let’s  be  exclusive”  first,   under  any  circumstances.  Someone  once  asked  me  an  interesting  question,  “what  if  a   girl  refuses  to  submit  just  like  you?”  Then  she  gets  dropped.  The  possibility  of  having  “a   good  relationship”  with  her  is  forgone  because  there  are  thousands  of  other  women  you   could  also  have  a  “good  relationship”  with.  It  is  more  important  for  you  to  avoid  huge   mistakes  than  to  maximize  every  potential  for  pussy.  Vagina  is  abundant,  you  will  find   another  girl.  Your  time  is  not  abundant;  you  will  live  a  very  short  life.  Don’t  waste  it  all   chasing  ONE  girl.  The  point  of  game  is  not  to  maximize  every  possible  victory,  but  to   minimize  every  possible  loss.    

(e) Transition  to  a  decreasing  contact  ratio:  in  the  initial  phases  of  dating  you’ll  likely   maintain  a  1:1  ratio  for  texts,  phone  calls,  dates  planned  and  such.  As  time  passes  and   the  girl  gets  more  attached  to  you,  you’ll  notice  a  higher  investment  of  attention  from   her,  which  you  should  reciprocate  with  a  lower  level  of  investment.  For  every  3  dates   that  she  plans,  you’ll  want  to  plan  only  2  and  so  forth.  Never  let  this  ratio  fall  two  low  or   you’ll  find  her  falling  for  a  more  charming  man.  You  need  to  balance  it  just  right  so  she   feels  loved;  but  not  unconditionally  or  to  the  point  of  gross  discomfort.        

(f) Maintain  a  healthy  Attraction  to  Rapport  level:  For  every  one  romantic  line  you  throw   into  the  mix,  add  two  or  three  cocky/  funny  lines  that  remind  her  you’re  not  a  clappy   beta  posturing  as  an  alpha  for  a  relationship,  you’re  an  alpha  posturing  as  a  clappy  beta   for  sex.  Any  relationship  where  rapport  is  matched  with  attraction  at  a  1:1  or  greater   ratio  will  fail  under  the  heaving  pressure  of  growing  resentment.  Keep  the  unquenched   lust  in  a  relationship  alive  by  constantly  playing  up  your  game.    

(g) Always  Keep  an  Eye  open:  Never  focus  in  on  one  girl;  this  is  the  cardinal  mistake  of  men   who  begin  dating.  If  a  girl  is  aware  that  her  pussy  is  the  only  one  you  have  access  to  and   you  have  no  chance  of  changing  that  any  time  soon,  she  will  use  her  intimacy  as  a   bargaining  tool  to  oppress  your  freedom.  It  bores  her  to  death  to  watch  you  squirm  for   pussy  and  she  is  checking  off  the  days  until  she  can  find  a  caddish  alpha  to  explode  his   globule  of  excess  fertility  on  her  face.      

(h) Judge  by  actions  not  by  words:  What  she  says  is  irrelevant,  focus  only  on  what  she  does.   If  she  tells  you  she’s  really  into  you  but  she  shows  up  late  to  every  date,  cut  her  loose.  If   she  says  she’s  very  interested  in  the  possibility  of  an  LTR  but  cries  herself  to  sleep  every   night  thinking  about  her  ex  boyfriend,  cut  her  loose.  This  point  works  in  tandem  with   focusing  only  on  interest  level.  Her  actions  are  a  reflection  of  how  much  she  is   interested  in  you;  use  this  as  a  tool  to  measure  how  much  of  an  asshole  you  need  to  be.      

(i)  No  gifts  or  flowers:  Never  gift  a  girl  you  are  dating  unless  you  guys  have  already   declared  exclusivity  and  six  months  have  passed.  It  is  impossible  to  give  a  girl  a  gift  while  

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the  two  of  you  are  in  the  non-­‐exclusive  phase  and  come  off  as  not  being  needy.      

(j) Own  her  Body:  Leave  her  corpse  withering  in  septic  shock  after  you’re  done  fucking  her.   She  is  to  be  treated  like  a  possession  during  sex;  a  blessed  commodity  burdened  with   the  sole  purpose  of  pleasuring  you  till  her  last  ounce  of  utility  has  been  extracted.      

(k) Never  be  afraid  to  be  Machiavellian:    You  live  in  a  world  governed  by  bio-­‐mechanics,   either  learn  to  adapt  or  adapt  to  learn.  You  are  not  given  a  choice;  reality  will  not   change  if  you  reject  it.  Use  jealousy,  calculated  absences,  and  premeditated  drama  if   you  must.  All  is  fair  in  love  and  war.    

(l) Play  the  opposing  attract/rapport  position  based  on  her  level  of  comfort:  If  you  guys  are   out  with  her  friends  and  she’s  comfortable,  ditch  her  and  talk  to  her  friends.  Show  off   your  ability  to  charm  and  dazzle.  Extra  points  for  flirting  with  her  best  looking  friend.  I   guarantee  the  best  blowjob  you’ve  ever  gotten  afterwards.  If  you’re  with  your  friends   and  she’s  feeling  uncomfortable,  pacify  her  worries  by  sticking  a  bit  closer.  I  guarantee   the  best  oil  massage  ever  afterwards.  Play  the  perfect  courtier.      

(m)  Delay  showing  her  to  your  friends  for  as  long  as  possible:  Keep  as  much  as  you  can   about  your  life  under  wraps.  You  don’t  want  to  keep  her  in  an  uncomfortable  position  of   being  in  the  dark;  you  just  don’t  want  to  vomit  out  your  life  story  in  the  first  few  weeks   that  you  meet  her.      

(n) Don’t  lie.  Bend  the  truth  if  you  have  to,  but  don’t  lie.  Pretending  to  be  someone  you  are   tangibly  not  is  a  show  of  bad  character.  If  you  get  caught,  you  lose  all  of  your  credibility.   It’s  not  just  an  issue  of  trust;  it  lowers  her  perception  of  you.  It’s  also  not  necessary.  Raw   game  can  make  up  for  any  deficiency  in  material  accomplishment.    

(o) Always  maintain  the  position  of  less  reflexivity.  Get  less  mad  than  she  does  over  the   other  person  coming  late  to  a  date.  Care  less  than  she  does  about  not  getting  a   response  back  from  a  text.  Get  less  happy  than  she  does  when  you  guys  meet  after  a   while  (except  for  occasionally  when  you  should  show  unexpected  enthusiasm  just  to   throw  her  off).      

(p) Never  have  phone  conversations  for  longer  than  20  minutes:  If  she’s  demanding  that   you  guys  ‘talk  more,’  you’re  doing  shit  right.  Never  forget  that  a  girl  telling  you  “we   don’t  talk  enough”  is  better  than  “we  talk  too  much.”  There  is  no  such  thing  as   perfection,  she  will  always  be  complaining  about  the  former  or  the  latter.  Prefer  the   former  to  the  latter.      

(q) Always  be  dating  more  than  one  girl  simultaneously  if  you  can  until  you  become   exclusive.  If  you  can’t  date  another  girl,  double  up  your  efforts  to  talk  to  other  girls  while   you’re  dating  someone.  Keep  yourself  sharp  and  on  top  of  things.  Optimize  your   appearance  and  external  image.    

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(r) Infiltrate  her  family:  It  doesn’t  matter  if  you  do  it  positively  or  negatively.  If  her  family   loves  you,  they  will  vamp  up  your  position  by  elevating  your  social  status.  If  her  family   hates  you,  they  will  constantly  tell  her  how  you’re  “a  bad  influence,”  which  will  intrigue   her  to  hang  out  with  you  more.  Bytchez  love  bad  boyz.  The  only  thing  you  need  to  avoid   is  having  her  family  call  you  a  loser.    

(s) Don’t  fall  into  the  trap  of  a  savior  schema.  You  cannot  change,  alter,  modify,   disassemble,  dissect,  fully  understand,  adjust,  amend,  morph,  transform,  reconstruct,   reform,  or  reshape  her  personality.  She  is  who  she  is.  If  you  don’t  like  her,  don’t  assume   you  can  “change  her”  with  a  relationship.  If  she’s  a  whore  right  now,  chances  are,  she’ll   be  a  whore  after  you  slip  a  ring  unto  her  index  finger.      

  TEXTING     Texting,  like  facebook,  has  revolutionized  game.  At  first  the  idea  seemed  repulsive  to  me.    I   thought  the  growing  rate  of  texting  as  a  substitute  for  face  to  face  game  was  another  gizmo   aimed  at  sapping  our  generation  of  its  already  allayed  masculinity.  Being  shutdown  in  a  cold   approach  or  having  an  LTR  tell  you  to  your  face  that  she’s  “no  longer  interested”  is  the  type  of   paralyzing  mental  trauma  needed  to  carve  men  out  of  stone.  But  as  time  progressed,  the   advantages  became  clear.       Texting  is  more  of  a  benefit  to  men  who  can  cold  approach  than  ones  who  can’t.  Because  it  is   inherently  a  flaccid  way  of  communicating  with  women,  more  and  more  betas  exposed  to  game   will  rely  on  texting  rather  than  face  to  face  game  as  their  primary  method  of  seduction.  The   market  for  dry  grinding  will  shrink  decreasing  the  ratio  of  men  stern  enough  to  still  learn  how  to   say  hi  with  their  mouths.  Following  the  laws  of  supply  and  demand,  that  means  more  pussy  for   men  like  you  and  me.           Men  who  do  know  how  to  cold  approach,  can  do  both.  There  is  no  drawback  to  knowing  how  to   game  face  to  face,  only  the  added  advantage  of  being  able  to  game  multiple  girls   simultaneously  with  a  lowered  level  of  overall  commitment.  You  can’t  talk  to  more  than  one  girl   on  the  phone  at  the  same  time,  but  you  can  certainly  type  out  a  line  and  mass  text  it  to  every   girl  you’re  seeing.  Texting  has  brought  game  to  a  level  of  efficiency  never  seen  before.       It’s  necessary  to  maintain  a  level  of  glib  laconism  throughout  all  of  your  texts,  except  for  the   very,  very  occasional  over-­‐enthusiastic  text  aimed  at  keeping  her  thinking  you  might  be  taking   cocaine  on  the  side.  Stay  concise  with  your  text  messages;  no  one  wants  to  hear  a  rambling   beta  go  off  on  his  lack  of  interesting  things  to  say.  The  more  you  say  in  a  text,  the  less  things   you  allow  a  girl  to  wonder  about,  and  the  more  things  she  has  to  think  about.  And  if  you  haven’t   realized  by  now,  women  aren’t  very  good  at  thinking.  About  anything.  You  want  them  to  know   as  little  about  you  as  possible,  and  for  whatever  thinking  that  happens  to  be  based  on  her   subjective  feminine  “intuitions”  which  will  characterize  you  as  being  much  cooler  than  you    

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really  are  to  stay  in  accord  with  her  previous  choice  to  date  you  or  give  you  her  number  in  the   first  place.       A  good  rule  of  thumb  is  to  make  sure  your  texts  are  always  more  concise,  and  shorter  than   hers.  Generally  they  should  be  half  to  3/4  the  size  of  hers  but  don’t  overanalyze  this  aspect.  Just   remember  that  if  you  find  yourself  bantering  too  much  about  some  unimportant  topic,  her   pussy’s  drying  up  like  severed  contact  lenses.  A  girl  does  not  want  you  to  explain  shit  over  a  text   message;  she  wants  you  to  smoothly  disregard  her  feminine  talk  with  the  same  Adonis-­‐charm   you’ve  been  utilizing  thus  far.             One  word  messages  can  go  along  way  if  your  situation  requires  extra  breviloquence.  Saying   “okay”  for  example  and  nothing  else  leaves  expansive  room  for  interpretation,  the  kind  of   puzzle  that  makes  her  go  crazy  trying  to  demystify  your  meaning.  The  cryptic  nature  of  one   word  texts  and  their  inherent  brevity  make  them  alpha  by  nature.  They  generate  intrigue  much   the  same  way  as  a  one-­‐minute  approach  would.  It  takes  advantage  of  a  girl’s  imagination  –  the   most  important  tool  in  your  repertoire.     Use  texts  as  a  way  to  measure  interest  level  after  a  first  date  or  during  the  pre-­‐season  warm  up.   If  she  ignores  a  text  or  replies  extremely  late,  her  interest  is  too  low  to  pursue  with  dedication,   game  her  loosely  to  see  if  she  follows  through  later  but  have  other  options  available.  If  she   responds  within  15  minutes  or  less  and  not  with  a  one  word  reply,  her  vagina  gets  lukewarm   just  thinking  about  you.       Cut  out  cutesy  gay  shit  unless  you’re  gaming  a  guy.       Smileys  are  to  be  used  with  careful  control  in  regard  to  their  intentions.  Betas  will  use  smileys   or  emotive  laughing  to  minimize  their  threat  projection;  Darwinism  has  made  it  most  favorable   for  betas  to  tuck  their  balls  inside  their  legs.  Historically  speaking,  barring  teeth  would  lead  a   beta  to  getting  his  balls  smashed  by  a  man  more  Alpha  than  him.  In  this  respect,  betas  still  smile   too  often  and  laugh  too  hard  as  a  way  to  raise  the  comfort  level  of  those  around  them  and   mitigate  their  own  dominance.  Alphas  will  smile  in  uncomfortable  situations  or  when  they’re   happy,  but  it’s  not  a  lingering  smile.  Likewise,  they’ll  say  “lol”  in  a  text  when  something  is  funny,   not  as  a  precursor  to  a  random  statement  to  prevent  it  from  being  taken  “too  seriously.”  You   don’t  give  a  shit  if  a  girl  takes  your  text  too  seriously.       The  only  time  its  okay  to  use  a  smiley  is  if  its  within  the  context  of  a  sarcastic  remark  or  to   clarify  a  sexual  innuendo  in  case  the  girl  you’re  speaking  to  is  too  stupid  to  understand  your   elaborate  use  of  erotic  prose.  Never  use  terms  like  “LOL”  in  caps  unless  it  is  absolutely  called   for.  You  need  to  be  hard  to  impress,  not  a  giddy  beta  who  laughs  at  everything  because  he’s   happy  another  human  being  is  texting  him.       The  interlude  between  texts  must  be  carefully  kept  track  of.  Never  send  an  instantaneous  reply   to  a  response  received  5  hours  late.  If  her  timing  is  excessively  bad,  like  a  day  late,  yours  must   be  jammed  in  between  air  particles  and  received  a  week  late.  Never  think  that  a  girl  will   Page 112 of 139

respond  the  same  way  if  you  act  more  dedicated  to  texting  her.  The  harder  you  make  it  for  her,   the  easier  she  will  make  it  for  you.       If  you  blew  it  with  a  girl,  send  a  random  funny  line  a  week  later  to  see  if  there’s  any  chance  of   round  two,  unless  you  have  other  dating  prospects.  This  method  is  mainly  reserved  for  those   times  when  your  running  on  a  slump  and  you  need  to  milk  out  every  opportunity  possible.  This   technique  also  works  on  exes.  Text  an  ex  with  an  inconclusive  line  that  sounds  like  it  was  meant   for  someone  else  and  act  oblivious  to  your  error.       Never  have  a  phone  conversation  with  a  girl  you  aren’t  in  a  relationship  with.  Don’t  reject  a   proposal  to  talk  over  the  phone,  evade  it.  Talking  over  the  phone  is  a  pure  commitment  similar   to  a  one-­‐way  blowjob.  But  unlike  a  blowjob,  it  lands  you  in  the  friend  zone  because  of  its   platonic  subtext.  Phone  calls  should  only  serve  purposes;  texting  is  always  to  be  favored  in   terms  of  the  man  because  it  is  less  commitment  oriented.      Whether  you’re  talking  to  a  girl  online,  over  the  phone,  or  via  texting,  never  hold  prolonged   conversations  in  any  form  besides  face  to  face  talking.  Texting  is  to  be  supplementary,  not  a   continuous  stream  of  communication.  You  must  make  yourself  busy  with  other  things  like   making  money  or  studying.       Mirror  her  texting  style.  Copy  phrases  she  uses  and  imitate  the  quirky  language  she  adopts.  Use   the  same  abbreviations  as  her.                                                 Page 113 of 139

Chapter  The  Sixth:  Meta  Game       BE  FUNNY     I  found  this  subchapter  to  be  of  special  significance  because  I’ve  never  read  a  PUA  guide  that   didn’t  take  humor  for  granted.  “Be  funny  by  being  funny”  was  the  madly  illuminating  advice   offered  to  a  mafia  of  degenerated  acolytes  who  had  never  made  a  girl  laugh  in  their  post-­‐ pubescent  lives.  Being  funny  isn’t  as  “easy”  as  it  sounds  for  people  not  acclimated  to  the  world   of  humor  but  it’s  not  a  “difficult”  trait  to  grasp  either.  It’s  the  same  as  talking  to  girls;  some  men   had  favorable  upbringings  making  them  more  proficient  at  it  while  others  were  turned  into   lackeys  incapable  of  making  a  joke  even  if  their  virginities  depended  on  it.         Being  funny  starts  with  having  a  good  sense  of  humor.  You  need  to  be  able  to  laugh  at  things   yourself  before  you  can  make  other  people  laugh  at  them.  From  personal  observations,  I’ve   concluded  this  is  almost  entirely  based  on  the  amount  of  exposure  a  person  has  to  the  satirical   arts  in  the  first  place.  Comedy  is  not  an  external  manifestation  of  something  spontaneously   generated  inside.  It  is  a  deflection  of  incoming  energy.  A  person  who  watches  6  episodes  of   family  guy  a  week  will  be  funnier  than  a  person  who  watches  only  1  episode  a  week,  ceteris   paribus.       The  more  you  surround  yourself  with  absurd  oddities  and  slapstick  images,  the  more  your   impression  of  the  world  becomes  a  hysterical  caricature  of  itself.  Comedians  (not  just   professional  ones)  have  a  different  way  of  seeing  the  world.  When  I  see  a  midget,  I  look  at  him   and  laugh;  I  don’t  turn  away  in  blot  displeasure.  Ethnic  slurs  are  hilarious,  handicapped  people   prove  god’s  love  of  insanity,  and  betas  offer  an  endless  supply  of  laughter.  Life  is  funny  as  fuck     (although  the  joke’s  on  mankind).  Learn  to  laugh  along.       Watch  cartoons  and  comedians  the  same  way  you  watch  lesbian  porn  and  PUA  bootcamps.   You’re  not  going  to  “copy”  their  jokes,  but  the  style  of  their  delivery  and  their  content  will  give   the  backwaters  of  your  mind  more  material  to  work  on.  Rappers  listen  to  rap  songs,  poets  read   poetry.  The  more  substance  you  give  yourself  to  work  from,  the  easier  it  will  be  to  draw  from   your  own  mind.  Enrich  yourself  with  content.       Deploy  your  new  found  cynicism  in  your  social  interactions.  It  doesn’t  help  to  be  funny  and   introverted  at  the  same  time.  Humor  is  a  socially  contagious  phenomenon.  Like  misery,  it  loves   company.  Preferably  do  this  around  people  who  are  funny  themselves.  Being  around  comics   helps  to  develop  your  wit  and  sharpness.  Being  around  lethargic  losers  who  complain  about  the   humdrum  of  life  all  day  helps  to  develop  premature  ejaculation.       There  is  no  greater  influence  on  your  own  ability  to  entertain  than  the  ability  of  those  around   you.  Funny  people  have  funny  friends.  Because  men  are  latently  competitive,  they  will   constantly  strive  to  make  the  “funniest  joke”  in  their  social  circle  even  while  laughing  at  others.   A  funny  group  of  guys  will  continuously  encourage  each  other  to  step  up  their  level  of  comedy   Page 114 of 139

the  same  way  that  alphas  who  sarge  together  repeatedly  polish  each  others  game.    Any  social   circle  that  shares  a  similar  interest  will  drive  all  of  its  incumbents  towards  perfection.       The  above  policy  of  surrounding  yourself  with  funny  things  should  be  done  under  sensible  limits   for  two  reasons.  First,  the  marginal  rate  of  return  on  all  things  in  this  world  will  reduce  the   benefit  of  your  1,000th  episode  of  the  Simpsons  to  lower  than  the  utility  of  the  100th  episode.   Secondly,  focusing  just  on  comedy  trades  off  with  other  aspects  with  your  life.  Being  funny   without  being  dominant  or  aloof  makes  you  come  off  as  a  class  clown.  Expect  to  make  girls   laugh,  but  not  wet.  Clowns  get  laid  much  less  frequently  than  the  Motorhead  Alpha  who   occasionally  makes  a  snazzy  remark.       This  balance  between  getting  attention  and  trying  to  get  attention  should  be  achieved  by   letting  any  joke  or  comically  driven  act  to  come  “fluidly”  rather  than  forced  out.  If  ever  you  find   yourself  trying  to  force  out  a  joke  as  a  way  to  attain  approval  from  those  around  you,  tell   yourself  to  stop.  Scream  it  out  loud  if  you  have  to.  Approval-­‐seeking  behavior  immediately   breaks  down  your  frame.         If  you  say  a  single  funny  joke,  the  joke  itself  is  funny.  But  if  you  recite  ten  funny  jokes,  you   become  funny  (credit  to  Mystery  for  making  this  inference).  There’s  no  magic  behind  an   eccentric  aura,  it’s  just  the  consistent  application  of  eccentricities  that  give  you  the  aura  of   being  unique.  Do  a  sock  puppet  show  for  a  girl,  use  quirky  openers,  and  fill  your  life  with  the   general  weirdness  you  always  longed  to  express.  Do  it  with  style.       Have  props  to  anchor  a  funny  persona  to.  A  hat,  a  hammer,  a  cigar,  a  shiny  glove,  a  massive  LED   pendant  necklace,  anything  that  makes  your  image  uncommon.  An  eccentric  image  makes  it   easier  to  make  anything  you  do  funny.  If  people  anchor  your  image  to  the  unexpected  and  the   funny,  your  job  becomes  much  easier.       Comedy  is  a  reflection  of  confidence  because  a  joke  always  carries  a  certain  amount  of  “risk”   with  it.  Betas  are  funnier  around  men  than  women  because  they  don’t  have  the  balls  necessary   to  nimbly  tread  around  the  inflated  egos  of  women.    The  combination  of  irrationally  believing  in   yourself,  a  decent  sense  of  humor,  and  a  lack  of  approach  anxiety  allows  you  to  freely  express   yourself  without  the  worry  of  social  ostracization.       Smile  confidently,  but  never  laugh  at  your  own  jokes.  The  only  exception  being  when  you  need   to  play  off  a  terrible  joke.       Comedy  works  well  to  neutralize  a  girl’s  protective  shield,  elevate  your  social  proof,  and  give   yourself  a  boost  in  confidence.  Ever  notice  how  girls  are  always  quick  to  say  “I  want  a  guy  who   can  make  me  laugh”  but  never  “I  want  a  guy  who  can  fuck  me  good?”  Humor  is  not  negatively   labeled  by  the  matrix  like  masculinity  so  it’s  more  plausible  for  a  girl  to  admit  she  likes  a  funny   guy  than  an  authoritatively  dominant  one.    

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Delivery  is  everything.  Sometimes  you  need  to  be  high-­‐energy  for  a  joke  to  work  and   sometimes  you  need  to  be  laid  back  or  oblivious.  Having  good  delivery  emanates  from  having   the  confidence  to  deliver  well.  If  you  know  what  you’re  about  to  say  is  funny,  you’ll  be  able  to   deliver  perfectly.  If  you  have  an  unshakable  inner  game,  you  won’t  hold  yourself  back  from   being  over  animate  when  telling  a  joke  or  story.       While  comedy  is  mostly  universal,  men  and  women  have  a  different  way  of  reacting  to  jokes.   Men  are  more  focused  on  content  (the  contextually  of  the  punch  line)  while  women  are  more   focused  on  expression  (the  delivery  of  the  punch  line).  This  is  simply  a  “matter  of  fact,”  there  is   no  need  to  specialize  in  either  one  unless  you  hang  out  exclusively  with  women.  If  you’re  in  a   circle  of  10  women,  focus  on  making  your  delivery  perfect.  If  you’re  in  a  circle  of  5  women  and   5  men,  it  won’t  matter  because  as  long  as  you  make  half  the  group  laugh,  the  other  half  will   follow  in  suit.         BE  MYSTERIOUS       A  woman’s  imagination  lubes  her  unquenched  lust  for  more  attention.  For  a  girl  to  fall  in  love   with  you,  she  needs  to  wonder,  “what’s  he  doing  right  now?”  when  she’s  not  with  you  and   “what’s  he  thinking  about?”  when  she  is  with  you.  Honesty  has  become  the  largest  ideological   racket  for  The  Matrix.  AFCs  divulge  their  hearts  on  the  first  or  second  date  hoping  that  their   honesty  will  serve  as  a  prelude  to  engorged  vulvas  and  long  walks  on  the  beach.  The   popularized  myth  that  women  love  men  who  outwardly  project  all  of  their  vulnerabilities  has   ushered  in  a  loveless  dystopia  filled  with  men  quick  to  regurgitate  dry  facts  about  themselves   with  a  deluded  conception  of  game.       Nothing  could  be  further  from  the  truth.  Women  respond  with  prude  torpor  to  men  who  reveal   everything  about  themselves.  They  crave  mystery,  they  dream  of  climbing  severe  mental   inclines  to  win  the  affections  of  their  target,  they  fantasize  about  spending  weeks  regaling  over   a  great  man’s  success  only  to  figure  out  what  “makes  him  tick.”  Bragging  or  telling  a  girl   everything  about  yourself  is  the  sign  of  a  rotten  beta  core.       When  a  girl  asks  you  a  question,  especially  when  it’s  a  shit  test  or  a  qualifying  inquiry,  treat  it   like  you’re  a  king  being  interrogated  by  his  circle  of  concubines.  Patronize  the  question,  evade  it   with  semantical  genius,  circumvent  her  impassive  politeness  with  amused  mastery.  The  art  of   being  mysterious,  or  balancing  between  telling  a  girl  too  little  or  too  much  can  be  circumscribed   within  three  words:  Keep.  Her.  Guessing.         Her:  How  many  years  old  are  you?     You:  Guess   Her:  28     You:  wow  why?     Page 116 of 139

Her:  Am  I  right?   You:  Maybe  (Bad  Answer,  pushing  it  too  far)         Notice  how  if  you  push  it  too  far,  she’s  no  longer  guessing.  Now  she’s  concluded  that  you’re   either  too  old  or  too  young  and  you  intentionally  don’t  want  to  reveal  your  age.  Notice  the   same  thing  again:         Her:  What  do  you  do?     You:  I’m  an  opera  singer   Her:  aww  come  on  seriously   You:  Ok  fine,  I  rob  jewels  for  a  living     Her:  haha….ok     If  you  maintain  an  adrift  attitude  for  long  enough,  you  lose  the  effect  you  originally  wanted  to   coax  out  of  her.       Her:  What  kind  of  watch  do  you  have?   You:  It’s  European   Her:  What’s  the  name?     You:  Rolex   Her:  **Gold  Digger  Eyes  Light  up**          This  same  effect  could  not  be  accomplished  if  came  off  as  trying  to  impress  her.         Her:  What  kind  of  watch  do  you  have?   You:  ROLEX  MOTHA  FUCKA,  WATCHU  GOT  ON  DAT  BYTCHHH?!?!?!       (Fail)     Directly  impassive  game  like  the  example  above  doesn’t  foster  enough  ambiguity  to  generate   mystery.  Always  answer  vaguely,  but  not  too  vaguely.  Don’t  abuse  sarcasm  to  a  point  where  it’s   not  attractive  anymore.       Mystery  can  only  be  created  from  a  combination  of  a  lack  of  information  AND  a  desire  for  more   information.  If  either  ingredient  is  missing,  your  enigmatic  aura  is  broken.  Without  a  lack  of   information,  the  accumulated  facts  about  yourself  extinguishes  her  desire  to  learn  more.   Without  a  desire  to  learn  more,  a  lack  of  information  becomes  irrelevant.       This  is  why  no-­‐contact  serves  as  a  nuke  for  a  flagging  relationship.  As  soon  as  you  withdraw   yourself  entirely  from  your  girlfriend,  you  recreate  that  sense  of  unknowing  in  her  that  pulls  her   Page 117 of 139

towards  you.  If  instead  you  push  further,  you  reveal  more  about  your  emotions  and  she  feels   compelled  to  withdraw  even  further.  The  desire  for  more  information  can  only  be  maintained  if   your  withdrawal  is  accompanied  by  a  cryptic  pretext.       If  you  go  no-­‐contact  for  2  weeks  and  then  you  call  her  and  tell  her  “I’ve  been  ignoring  you   because  I’m  mad,”  the  Mystery  evaporates  and  you  become  a  sulking  beta.  Her  spellbinding   confusion  morphs  into  controlled  resentment  and  your  attempt  at  getting  back  at  her  becomes   a  filibuster  for  future  passions.       On  the  other  hand  if  you  go  no-­‐contact  and  you  start  pursuing  your  career,  you  have  an   ambiguous  reason  behind  withdrawing  from  her.  The  mystery  is  not  so  great  that  she  assumes   you  are  being  spiteful,  nor  is  it  so  small  that  she  never  has  a  reason  to  detract.  She  begins  to   think  “why  is  he  working  so  hard?”  and  possibly  even  imagines  there  might  be  another  woman   in  your  life  you’re  trying  to  impress.  She  will  pine  for  your  affections  as  her  new  found  lack  of   control  over  you  longs  to  be  squandered.           BE  DOMINANT     “To  be  obeyed,  you  must  know  how  to  command”       Behold!  The  worst  that  our  species  has  to  offer.       His  head  rested  on  her  shoulder,  arched  at  a  sickly  angle  such  as  to  perfectly  accentuate  the   prematurely  senile  state  of  his  body.  His  torso  drooped;  his  stature  was  that  of  a  saggy  vagina   brought  to  life  by  the  isolated  fatuity  of  a  voodoo  puppet  master.  He  sat  at  a  table  with  his   girlfriend,  sagging  on  her  shoulders  like  a  baby  being  nursed.  The  rest  of  his  friends  cringed   somewhere  deep  down.  The  maggoty  corpse  in  front  of  them  was  a  part  of  an  unnatural   spectacle  that  secretly  made  everyone  want  to  puke  their  fucking  guts  out.  A  malign  madness   better  left  ignored  until  its  user  sought  out  some  method  of  self-­‐cure.       His  girlfriend  scanned  the  room  with  vacant  eyes.  Some  guy  across  the  floor  winked  at  her.  She   made  a  mental  note  to  pass  him  her  phone  number  near  the  end  of  the  night.  He  had  a  friend   with  him.  Maybe  she’d  let  both  of  them  give  it  a  go.  At  the  same  time.  She  slowly  glanced  at  her   shoulder.  Ughh!  What  a  gruesome  sight!  She  stroked  his  hair,  propelled  by  the  bureau  of   financial  security  this  bad  dream  would  have  to  offer  in  years  to  come.  He  was  her  back-­‐up  plan   in  case  Social  Security  collapsed.       Her:  “Hey  I’m  hungry,  can  we  get  some  food?”     Him:  Ok,  where  do  you  want  to  go?”     Her:  “I  don’t  know,  wherever”     Him:  “It’s  up  to  you,  I  don’t,  care  either”     Page 118 of 139

Her:  “Ok  but  can  you  just  choose”     Him:  “Why?  You  choose.”       And  on  and  on  they  went  as  her  vagina  lost  more  and  more  blood  flow.  They  get  home  hours   later.  He  plops  onto  the  bed.       Him:  “Can  we  do  stuff?”       He  asked  for  permission  to  her  intimacy,  just  like  he’d  been  taught  as  a  kid.  She  refused,   claiming  she  was  too  tired.  In  reality  she  just  wasn’t  turned  on.  The  idea  of  a  feeble  man  who   exhumed  such  a  pungent  stench  of  weakness  touching  her  naked  body  made  her  shudder  with   shame.  They  wake  up  the  next  morning  and  she  says  she’s  feeling  sick  and  wants  breakfast  in   bed.  He  obliges  with  the  hope  that  by  being  extra  nice,  he  might  get  lucky  tonight.  And  so  they   continued,  both  plunging  headfirst  into  a  non-­‐existent  romance  that  would  rot  away  into   sulfuric  hatred  within  the  coming  year.       Don’t  be  the  guy  in  the  above  example.  Don’t  be  the  guy  who  says,  “no  you  choose”  when  your   girlfriend  says  “your  choice.”  Don’t  be  the  guy  who  asks  to  have  sex.  Don’t  be  the  guy  who   compromises  his  integrity  for  a  chance  at  ass.  Don’t  be  the  guy  who  sprawls  the  remains  of  his   manhood  in  extended  phone  conversations  with  his  girlfriend’s  friends  asking  for  advice  on  his   ebbing  romance.       Girlfriend  show  disrespect?     Slap  with  cock.       Girlfriend  hungry?    Go  to  forest  and  kill  deer.  Bring  back  and  make  soup.       Girlfriend  say,  “I  am  tired?”     Tie  to  bedpost  with  titanium  handcuffs.  Sex  till  you  are  tired  too.       Girlfriend  say,  “No  more  toilet  paper”     Go  outside  and  chop  down  tree.  Make  paper  with  bare  hands.         Dominance  is  not  a  candid  declaration  of  ones  power,  it  is  not  the  establishment  of   authoritative  behavior  cycles,  nor  is  it  the  exercise  of  influence  over  a  woman’s  esteem.  It  is,  in   it’s  purest  form,  the  exploitation  of  a  woman’s  SELF-­‐desire  to  be  seduced,  led,  and  loved  by  a   man  she  is  attracted  to;  it  is  the  employment  of  a  subtle  fascism  to  release  a  woman’s   subconscious  ambition  to  yield  to  a  world-­‐bestriding  Alpha.     Women  WANT  to  be  seduced,  led,  and  loved.  It  is  not  by  nefarious  temptation  that  men   dominate  women  but  by  a  willing  deference  to  men  who  have  the  ability  to  lead  whether  by   resourcefulness,  charisma,  or  raw  audacity.     Page 119 of 139

  Power  is  best  exercised  with  subtlety.  Overtly  attempting  to  control  women  will  breed   emotional  resentment  and  mistrust.  A  girl  must  internalize  her  deference  to  you,  you  cannot   insist  on  it.       Monogamous  trust  is  the  most  important  form  of  trust  for  a  man;  but  not  for  a  woman.  Women   will  always  say  otherwise,  ignore  them.  For  a  girl,  the  most  important  form  of  trust  is   provisional  trust.  Your  girlfriend  must  trust  in  your  abilities,  your  domineering  attitude,  your   confidence,  and  your  capabilities.  She  must  truly,  without  an  ounce  of  doubt,  believe  in  you.   Next  time  your  girlfriend  says  “I  don’t  trust  you”  you  can  think  of  this  article  and  remind   yourself  that  her  trust  in  your  fidelity  and  the  integrity  of  your  words  is  almost  insignificant   compared  to  her  trust  in  your  capacity  for  alphaness.  Why  do  woman  insist  on  pursuing   relationships  where  trust  is  an  issue?  Because  unbeknown  to  them,  a  greater  form  of  trust   urges  them  towards  mutual  destruction.  They  have  unshakable  faith  in  HIM,  an  unconscious  yet   super-­‐imposing  trust  in  his  ability  to  provide,  to  succeed,  to  seduce,  to  love,  to  protect,  to  solve,   to  imagine,  to  create,  to  improvise,  to  hunt,  to  NOT  be  a  giant  vagina.     Think  back  to  basic  biology.  Men  cannot  replicate  their  genes  if  their  girlfriends  are   promiscuous  hence  physical  loyalty  is  the  most  important  thing  for  a  man.  A  woman’s   reproductive  needs  are  fulfilled  whether  her  partner  fucks  other  women  or  not.  Her  provisional   needs  however,  are  dependent  on  the  amount  of  attention/nourishment  she  gets  from  her   partner,  and  the  amount  of  protection  he  is  capable  of  providing.         BE  ALOOF     A  precursor  for  aloofness  lies  in  ignoring  beauty.  Men  tend  to  take  women  seriously  because  of   their  own  desperate  circumstances.  Let  me  illustrate.     Women  love  Alpha  males,  and  they  love  Gay  males.  They  only  truly  despise  betas  and  Omegas.   What  do  Alphas  and  Gays  have  in  common?  They  both  display  a  lack  of  interest  in  women.  They   never  take  their  shit  seriously.  A  gay  man  will  slap  a  bitch  without  hesitating.  An  Alpha  has  no   problem  walking  away  from  a  9  who  shows  a  lack  of  interest.  The  beta  on  the  other  hand,   stands  there  whimpering  with  absolutely  no  intention  of  walking  away  because  he  thinks  that   there’s  still  a  0.078%  chance  he  might  get  laid.     When  an  Alpha  sees  a  girl  with  big  tits,  he  thinks  to  himself  “I’ve  seen  bigger.”  When  a  Gay  guy   sees  the  same  girl,  he  thinks  to  himself,  “That  shit  is  bootleg.”  When  a  beta  sees  the  same  girl,   he  has  a  seizure.  The  beta  can’t  possibly  fathom  the  idea  of  ignoring  the  girl  with  tits.  He  is   easily  mesmerized  with  beauty,  the  thought  of  erotic  pleasure  paralyzes  his  game.  He  can’t  neg   a  girl  –  that’s  too  risky  for  him.  An  Alpha  can  neg  a  girl  because  he  doesn’t  give  a  shit,  he  has  a   de  facto  harem  he  can  turn  to  if  things  don’t  go  well.  The  gay  guy  can  neg  a  girl  because,  well  –   he’s  gay.   Page 120 of 139

When  a  girl  uses  jealousy  to  coerce  an  Alpha  into  giving  her  more  attention  –  he  doesn’t  notice.   In  fact,  he’s  at  the  other  side  of  the  room  flirting  with  her  best  friend.  The  gay  guy  is  even   further  ahead  in  the  race,  he’s  flirting  with  the  same  guy  as  the  girl  and  getting  more  IOIs   (indicators  of  interest).  The  beta,  oh  the  beta.  When  his  girlfriend  uses  jealousy,  his  heart  burns   with  utter  anguish.  He  promises  to  discuss  it  with  her  when  they  are  back  at  home.  He  must   forbid  her  to  talk  to  other  guys  at  parties  lest  she  realize  that  she’s  going  out  with  a  loser  and   that  she  can  do  much  better.     When  a  girlfriend  complains  to  her  Alpha  boyfriend  about  how  she  doesn’t  want  to  have  sex,  he   doesn’t  mind.  He  knows  he  can  get  other  girls  and  if  this  charade  continues,  she’ll  get  dumped.   The  gay  guy  never  needed  her  anyways,  he  was  gonna  use  a  massive  shiny  dildo.  The  beta  begs   her  a  thousand  times.  In  his  pleading,  she  loses  even  more  interest  from  him.  The  next  time   they  are  out  on  a  date,  she  fantasizes  about  blowing  the  waiter  in  the  bathroom.  He  starts   prostrating  to  her  in  the  hopes  that  a  submissive  attitude  will  make  her  reward  him  with  sex.  As   the  relationship  progresses,  so  does  this  dynamic  of  reward/  punishment,  eventually  reducing   his  existence  to  slavery.     When  a  girl  asks  an  Alpha  to  buy  a  drink  for  her,  he  replies  with  some  witty  remark.  “Why?  Are   you  broke?”  When  she  asks  a  gay  guy,  he  just  starts  laughing.  When  she  asks  a  beta,  he  whips   out  his  wallet  in  0.3  seconds  and  doesn’t  even  bother  paying  for  just  one  drink.  Instead,  he   gives  her  a  wad  of  cash  so  she  can  buy  her  AND  all  of  her  friends  drinks.  Afterwards,  he   requests  a  dance,  saying  that  if  she  agrees  to  go  out  with  him,  he’ll  write  her  straight  checks  in   the  future.       If  you  are  single  –  Realize  that  you  have  game  and  that  women  are  only  compliments  to  your   life.       If  you  are  in  a  relationship  –  You  MUST  accept  the  fact  that  there  are  THOUSANDS  of  girls  out   there  who  can  make  you  just  as  happy,  if  not  happier,  than  your  current  girlfriend.  Only  by  truly   accepting  a  mentality  of  abundance  will  your  mind  naturally  shift  to  an  attitude  of  amused   mastery.       DEEP  ABUNDANCE  is  key.  Look  at  the  colossal  figures  of  the  pua  community–  do  you  think  they   stop  gaming  after  they  close?  If  they  close  a  7  and  they’re  on  a  streak,  they’ll  leave  her  to  try   and  go  close  a  9.  Would  a  beta  do  that?  Never.       Imagine  if  James  Bond’s  wife  said  “I’m  going  to  leave  you.”  Would  he  take  it  seriously?  Hell  no.   He  knows  he’s  gonna  die  within  the  next  few  months,  this  is  a  blessing  in  disguise  for  him.     The  nexus  of  aloofness  lies  ultimately  in  NOT  BEING  DESPERATE.  You  can  afford  to  be  aloof   because  you  have  an  unlimited  number  of  options.  Even  if  you  DON’T  have  any  options  –  you   must  PRETEND  like  you  do.      

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Aloofness  is  not  feigned  disinterest  –  it  is  a  MASTERFUL  way  of  displaying  an  uninterested   attitude  based  on  the  premise  that  you  have  seen  it  all,  know  it  all,  and  know  how  to  handle  it   all.  The  universe  is  your  playground.                                                                                       Page 122 of 139

Chapter  The  Seventh:  Exemplars     THE  VOICE  IN  THE  WALLS       I  knew  this  feeling  too  well.  I  was  about  to  faint.  The  draught  of  air  amplified  the  vanishing   corners.  My  date  had  drugged  me,  that  much  was  obvious.  I  just  didn’t  know  why.  This  icky   little  shit  put  a  benzo  in  my  drink;  but  the  truth  was,  I  knew  she  was  going  to.  It’s  why  I  was  with   her.  I  had  this  sadomasochistic  fetish  not  only  in  sexual  conquests  but  in  business  as  well.  I  can’t   count  the  number  of  times  my  friends  had  to  excavate  me  from  a  bad  investment,  tear  me  out   of  a  gambling  addiction,  or  take  me  to  the  manic  side  of  my  manic-­‐depressiveness.  And  here  I   was,  about  to  pass  out  in  the  middle  of  a  mosh  pit  in  bumblefuck  Vermont.     I  was  hoping  I  was  going  to  become  a  part  of  some  Goth  sexual  experiment  involving  multiple   girls  and  me.  I  think  I  had  about  a  minute  before  everything  was  about  to  black  out.       She  whispered  to  me,  “don’t  worry,  I’ll  take  care  of  you.”       For  a  second  I  realized  how  terribly  wrong  this  could  go.  She  could  have  five  gay  friends  who   just  wanted  to  butt  fuck  a  straight  guy  to  release  pent  up  hatred  against  society.  If  I  was  going   to  become  a  part  of  some  sort  of  devastating  homosexual  orgy…  it  was  too  late  to  do  anything   about  it  now.  My  butt  cheeks  contracted.     45  seconds     She  pushed  her  hands  down  my  extremely  weird  looking  patent  leather  pants.  I  can’t  believe  I   was  dressed  like  this.  Man…  the  shit  that  I  do  for  ass.  And  weird  ass  too.  Even  being  sedated,  I   got  a  boner.  There’s  something  about  a  girl  who’s  a  9+  that  makes  every  erotic  experience  with   her  an  explosion  of  sexual  tension.  A  handjob  from  a  10  is  better  than  Viagra  stimulated  sex   with  fifteen  7s.     Everyone  at  this  club  was  dressed  like  a  vampire.  Normally  people  called  this  being  “Goth”  or   “emo”  but  here  it  was  something  so  much  more  gruesome.  Everyone  was  a  devout  believer  in   the  occult.     “Do  you  trust  me?”       I  said  yes.  Actually  I  don’t  remember  what  I  said,  but  I  think  I  said  yes.       30  seconds.       Normally  I  only  date  human  looking  people  but  the  appeal  of  a  Frankenstein  girl  had  some  sort   of  a  bizarre  effect  on  me.  I  craved  their  weirdness;  I’d  never  be  in  a  relationship  with  one  but  a   sexual  encounter  with  the  strange  was  too  good  to  give  up.     Page 123 of 139

  20  seconds.       She  grabbed  me  with  cannibal  intent.  Her  gelatinous  friend  came  by  and  grabbed  my  other   arm.       “Let’s  get  him  to  the  car.”       She  told  me  before  that  her  and  her  friends  would  sometimes  take  guys  into  four  or  fivesomes.   I  was  intrigued  at  the  time.     But  how  was  this  going  to  end  up  as  a  five  some?  I  wouldn’t  be  conscious.    What  if  I  woke  up   naked  with  a  bleeding  ass  and  a  bottle  of  lube  next  to  me…     10  seconds.     How  the  fuck  did  I  end  up  here?           It  was  my  cousin’s  24th  birthday.  She  was  a  model  for  suicide  girls  or  some  type  of  Neo-­‐ pornographic  website  I  didn’t  care  enough  to  remember.  The  party  was  being  held  at  some   abandoned  building.  I’d  have  to  dress  and  pretend  to  be  Goth,  which  is  a  lot  harder  than  it   sounds.  Goths  are  brutally  efficient  at  picking  out  wanna-­‐be  Goths.  The  challenge  itself  was   somewhat  enticing  though.     How  do  you  peacock  in  a  room  full  of  Goth  Guys?     By  not  peacocking.     I  brought  along  3  of  my  friends.  A  wing  and  2  pivots.  I  looked  around.  Saw  a  target.  I  turned  to   pivot  A.  She  already  knew  the  drill.     Me:  “Her”     Pivot:  “Aren’t  you  going  to  wish  your  cousin  happy  birthday  first?”   Me:  “I  already  texted  her,  they’re  doing  speed  balls  in  the  basement  [mixture  of  cocaine  and   heroine].”   Pivot:  “ok  this  is  fucking  weird.  Why  did  I  let  you  talk  me  into  this”   Me:  “Relax,  new  experiences.  Can  you  wing  me  now?”   Pivot:  “fine,  let’s  go  grab  a  drink  first?  You  owe  me.”   Me:  “Sure,  but  I’m  just  gonna  get  apple  juice.”   Pivot:  “Pussy”   Me:  “Respect  Bro.”     Pivot:  “The  guys  here  are  weird,  I  don’t  like  weird  guys”   Me:  “Yah  they  probably  all  have  Herpes”   Page 124 of 139

Pivot:  “The  girl’s  probably  do  too   Me:  “I  plan  on  wearing  condoms  made  out  of  Kevlar”     Never  drink  too  much  at  parties  or  clubs;  it  fucks  with  your  game.  Taking  a  Couple  of  shots  to   loosen  up  your  anxiety  is  ok,  but  that’s  all.  You  need  proper  wit  to  go  back  and  forth  with  a  girl.   More  importantly,  you  might  be  hitting  on  someone’s  girlfriend  so  you’ll  need  to  have  a  clear   head  to  defuse  a  situation  or  be  able  to  exchange  blows.       We  grabbed  drinks  and  approached  the  group  with  the  girl  that  caught  my  attention.  When  I   came  closer  I  realized  she  was  a  lot  hotter  than  I  expected.  A  solid  9  with  onyx  black  pendants   all  over.  Jet  black  nail  polish.  A  putrid  sexuality  that  for  some  reason  paralyzed  my  game.  I  was   speechless  for  the  first  10  seconds  we  entered  the  set,  letting  my  pivot  do  the  opening.  I  just   looked  like  a  sober  tard  with  no  social  skills.  But  we  knew  some  of  the  people  here  from  before   so  it  wasn’t  too  difficult  to  nuzzle  in.       Normally  when  you  engage  a  group,  YOU  should  always  speak  first.  If  a  wing  knows  a  girl  you   don’t,  still  opt  to  introduce  yourself  to  the  girl  rather  than  have  the  wing  introduce  you  to  her.   The  Alpha  way  is  always  to  take  initiative.       I  caught  eye  contact  with  the  target  and  held  it.  The  moment  when  you  and  a  girl  lock  eyes  on   each  other  is  an  implicit  shit  test.  Hold  it  until  it  feels  uncomfortable.  That’s  the  moment  you   pass.        We  chatted  up  the  group  but  remained  mostly  invisible.  They  were  talking  about  music,  not   one  of  my  fortes.  It’s  too  risky  to  bullshit  in  an  environment  where  fakes  are  easily  discerned.  I   waited  politely.  The  conversation  shifted  to  philosophy  and  some  guy  started  talking  about   Philosophy.  Finally,  something  I  could  out-­‐class  these  people  in.  If  you  talked  about  Foucault  at   a  regular  party,  you’d  get  kicked  out.  Here,  it  was  a  way  to  build  social  proof.         It’s  not  just  a  myth;  Goth  girls  are  significantly  more  intelligent  and  artistic  than  normal  girls.   Lawyers  and  political  cunts  rank  high  up  too,  but  they  lack  the  artistic  sublime  of  their   underworld  counter  parts.       And  they’re  also  generally  hotter,  put  out  faster,  and  are  much…much…  better  in  bed.       The  group  disbursed,  I  approached.       Me:  “Your  nail  polish  really  stands  out”  [It  didn’t,  everyone  in  the  party  was  wearing  black  nail   polish]     Her:  “It  doesn’t,  everyone  here  is  wearing  black  nail  polish  [Rude  voice  like  she  had  a  vacuum   stuck  up  her  ass]”     Me:  “Ahh,  I  see  you  hate  sarcasm”   Her:  “No,  just  bad  sarcasm.”       Page 125 of 139

Sometimes  it’s  possible  to  build  attraction  in  situations  like  these,  but  sometimes  it’s  just  not   worth  it.  There  were  too  many  other  targets  around  to  continue  here  undaunted  and  risk  my   dignity.  I  ejected  and  met  up  with  my  wing.       Wing:  “Let’s  just  stand  here  and  look  cool.”     You:  “yah,  I’m  sure  they’ll  sense  our  game  and  come  to  us.”       Wing:  “Precisely”     You:  “Genius”   Wing:  “Elementary  Really”     You:  “I’m  gonna  go  do  some  more  approaches”   Wing:  “Yah  me  too,  let’s  keep  coming  into  each  other’s  sets?”     You:  “Yah  and  skip  introductions  if  you  want  to  run  solo”       Wing:  “ok”       3…4…5  approaches.  All  fails.  A  couple  more  and  I’d  get  blown  out  of  enough  sets  to  affect   future  attempts.     I  was  standing  against  the  wall  watching  my  wing  do  pretty  well  in  a  two-­‐set  of  coked  out  bliss   with  both  pivots  when  someone  approached  me.  A  ten.  Again  I  almost  lost  my  wits.  I  just   wasn’t  used  to  the  stuff  some  of  these  people  were  wearing.  She  wasn’t  approaching  me   because  she  was  interested,  she  was  approaching  because  she  loved  the  feeling  of  guys   gawking  at  her  in  intimidation.  I  wouldn’t  be  surprised  if  I  was  the  5th  or  6th  guy  she  was   approaching.     Ten:  “Are  you  gay?”   Me:  “That’s  not  a  very  good  pick  up  line”       Use  this  line  if  a  girl  trying  to  bust  your  balls  approaches  you.  It  flips  the  qualifier  script  on  them.       Ten:  [laughs]  What’s  your  name?     Me:  Darkness     Ten:  [laughs  again]  you’re  almost  funny  [notice,  shit  test]     Me:  you’re  almost  charming     Ten:  How  do  you  know  __________?     Me:  I’m  her  cousin   Ten:  Oh  wow  I  could  see  the  resemblance   Me:  How  about  you?     Ten:  We  used  to  worship  Satan  together.     At  this  point  I  acted  unfazed  although  secretly  I  was  thinking  these  people  were  fucking  crazy.   Fucking  crazy  and  hot.     Ten:  Do  you  do  acid?     Me:  Only  when  life  gets  boring   Page 126 of 139

Ten:  How  about  now?     Me:  It’s  pretty  boring  now  but  I  can  entertain  myself  talking  to  misfits  [neg]     Ten:  [laughs]  ok       As  we  continue  on  talking,  I  maintain  the  aloof  cat-­‐and-­‐mouse  chase  but  it’s  getting  slightly   harder.  Every  beta  around  us  kept  stealing  glances  at  her.  She  was  a  genuine  ten.  I  had  to  make   sure  to  ignore  her  beauty.     We  kept  talking,  she  asks  if  I’m  going  to  be  at  the  After  party.  I  was  planning  to  head  home  with   my  wing  and  pivots  but  I  decide  to  stay  sensing  her  interest  getting  higher.  She  went  around   doing  the  same  thing  to  a  couple  of  other  guys.  I  made  sure  she  noticed  me  doing  other   approaches.     Fast  forward  4  hours.  We’re  sitting  on  a  couch.  She  comes  in  to  kiss  me.  I  wish  she  hadn’t,  if  a   girl  comes  in  to  kiss  you,  you  aren’t  gaming  her  properly.  A  girl  who  takes  physical  initiative   immediately  takes  the  power  position  and  you  become  a  virgin  beta  sex  experiment.  Some  girls   have  deeper  psychological  insecurities  that  cluster  themselves  around  sexual  power  plays  like   the  one  I’m  witnessing  right  now.  Maintain  frame  control  and  you  will  be  rewarded.  Be  the  one   to  escalate,  you  are  the  man.     We  talk,  have  sex  in  the  bathroom,  she  seems  a  bit  too  experienced  in  all  this.  More  than  me  at   least.  Her  body  was  a  veritable  warren  of  abnormalities.  Piercings  and  quasi-­‐pagan  tattoos   pervaded  all  of  her  skin.  She  wasn’t  kidding  about  being  in  a  satanic  cult.       We  exchange  phone  numbers,  I’m  pretty  sure  she  hooked  up  with  another  guy  the  same  night.       I  talk  to  her  for  2  weeks.  With  a  girl  like  this  you  can  expect  consistent  sex  if  you’re  good,  but   exclusivity  is  a  long  shot.  The  word  “exclusive”  probably  isn’t  in  her  vocabulary.  I  find  it   progressively  harder  to  get  her  out  of  my  mind.  My  cousin  tells  me  she’s  weird.  My  cousin  is   really  weird  herself  so  when  she  says  someone  else  is  weird,  it  means  they’re  fucking  insane.       We’re  laying  down  after  sex;  she  tells  me  if  I’d  be  interested  in  a  threesome.  Normally  I’d   overanalyze  the  question  but  this  girl  was  purely  in  it  for  the  experience.       Me:  With  another  girl?     Ten:  Or  guy   Me:  Nah  I  don’t  want  him  to  accidently  slip  it  into  my  ass   Ten:  You’re  homophobic?     Me:  No,  just  straight   Ten:  Sucks,  straight  people  are  boring  [shit  test]   Me:  yah,  who  would  ever  want  to  have  sex  with  one?     Ten:  [laughs]      

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We  talk  about  everything  from  aliens  to  religion  and  Socrates.  I’m  not  cuddling  her;  I  have  to   make  sure  not  a  germ  of  neediness  comes  out.  Post-­‐sex  is  the  perfect  time  to  balloon  your   indifference  towards  a  girl  if  need  be.  Get  up  first  after  climax,  turn  the  other  way  around  after   sex,  or  get  up  quick  and  tell  her  you’re  hungry.  Do  this  with  an  ex  who  uses  break  up  sex  to  get   validation  from  you  and  watch  her  ego  melt  into  pettiness.       She  tells  me  about  this  “group”  she’s  a  part  of.  They  practice  ritualistic  sex  with  outside   members.  A  part  of  me  agonized  with  the  possibility  of  an  opulent  fantasy.  I  didn’t  want  to   know  about  the  other  preternatural  superstition  they  were  involved  in  but  she  told  me   anyways.  Strange  stuff.        She  calls  me  two  days  later.  Normally  I  don’t  pick  up  her  calls  but  I  finally  decided  to  give  her  a   little  leeway.       Me:  “what’s  up?”   Ten:  “Is  there  a  reason  you  always  ignore  my  calls?”  [a  crack  in  her  armor]     Me:  “I’m  intimidated  by  you”   Ten:  “I’m  going  to  Vermont,  come  with  me?”   Me:  “I’ve  known  you  for  a  bit  more  than  two  weeks,  you  want  me  to  come  to  Vermont  with   you?”   Ten:  “Ya…what’s  the  problem?”       I  forget  how  different  values  can  run  across  cliques.     Me:  “What  are  we  going  to  do  there?”     Her:  “The  first  rule  of  Project  Mayhem  is,  you  do  not  ask  any  questions.”     Me:  “So  now  you’re  going  to  try  and  impress  me  by  quoting  Fightclub?”     Her:  “Just  come  or  I’ll  rape  you”     Me:  “If  you  rape  me  I’ll  probably  come  anyways”     Her:  “So  you’re  coming?”     Me:  “Are  you  going  to  rape  me?”     Her:  “Do  you  want  me  to?”     Me:  “Yes”     Her:  “You  know  I  will  right?     Me:  “It’s  been  a  long  held  fantasy.  Make  it  painful”     Her:  “Will  do”       “Stop  _________  to  impress  me”  is  a  powerful  DHV  that  can  be  used  at  any  time.  The   statement  assumes  that  the  girl  is  trying  to  impress  you  so  every  time  she  answers  it  she   acknowledges  it  herself.       My  roommates  would’ve  killed  me  if  I  told  them  I  was  going  to  Vermont  with  a  deranged   nypmophaniac  in  a  subterraneous  satanic  circle  who  I’d  only  known  for  two  weeks.  They’d  warn  

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me  about  all  the  weird  shit  these  people  did  and  how  they  practiced  human  sacrifice  and  body   atonement.  But  I  was  too  intrigued.       Fast  forward  3  days.  I  walk  into  a  contagious  nightmare.  The  entire  place  looked  like  an  altar  for   Cthulu.  Every  ounce  of  me  wanted  to  retract  to  beta  mode,  I  wasn’t  comfortable  here.  When   you’re  at  a  place  where  your  date’s  comfortable  and  you’re  not,  double  the  effort  to  make   space  from  her  and  flirt  with  other  girls.  Acting  uncomfortable  shoots  your  social  proof  down  to   the  sewers.       She  hands  me  a  drink.  She  did  it  too  fast;  I  could  tell  something  was  still  dissolving  into  it.             CRASH     We  lived  like  entourage,  but  without  the  absurd  amount  of  free  time.  We  all  had  to  work  12-­‐15   hours  a  day  except  for  Frogs  because  his  dad  could  pull  out  bricks  of  gold  from  a  camel’s  ass.   Hermit  was  an  investment  banker,  Frogs  went  to  med  school,  Toad  did  something  shady  he   didn’t  want  to  talk  about  (we  all  assumed  he  was  in  the  gay  porn  business),  Tadpole  owned  4   subways  and  I  was  an  independent  trader.  We  were  all  young  and  pretty  much  fresh  out  of   college  but  together  we  raked  in  a  7  figure  household  income.  Too  bad  we  could  barely  enjoy  it.         I  wish  I  could  tell  you  we  went  out  every  night  like  every  other  guru,  but  the  truth  is,  we  were   all  way  to  work  oriented.  But  Thursdays  and  Fridays  (best  days  to  sarge)  we  made  an  effort.       9  pm  on  Thursday.  I  take  20  minutes  to  get  ready,  never  more  than  that.  It’s  important  to  look   good  before  you  go  out  for  the  confidence  it  gives  you,  not  just  the  extra  appeal.  If  you  find   yourself  piqued  about  the  way  you  look  or  wondering  if  you  have  bad  breath,  it  WILL  show  in   your  game.  Your  hands  will  drift  to  your  mouth  as  an  unconscious  way  to  cover  your  breath  or   you’ll  intentionally  hold  an  awkward  position  to  hide  your  body  as  much  as  possible.       I  take  the  basics.  A  pack  of  gum,  sample  size  of  cologne,  cell  phone,  wallet,  etc.  Never  forget   gum  if  you’re  going  to  drink,  Torrid  breath  leaves  a  bad  first  impression.  Taking  a  cologne   sampler  is  optional,  but  I  like  to  smell  exceptionally  well  compared  to  other  guys  and  we  were   planning  to  stay  out  for  a  long  time.  We  head  out  and  break  up  into  three  groups  (someone   always  runs  solo).  Phone  numbers  were  worth  one  point;  k  closes  were  worth  3  points.  F-­‐closes   granted  you  diplomatic  immunity.  Whoever  had  the  least  number  of  points  by  the  end  of  the   night  had  to  buy  dinner.  If  someone  was  doing  exceptionally  terrible  or  was  on  a  slump,  we   would  take  the  effort  to  order  a  shitload  of  expensive  things  we  couldn’t  pronounce  to  give   them  added  motivation.  “Slumps”  and  “bad  days”  can  always  be  overcome  with  persistence.   Persistence  is  the  key  to  not  just  game,  but  life.  Dethatch  yourself  from  your  failures  and  use   them  only  as  learning  experiences.       Page 129 of 139

This  is  how  we  kept  our  game  at  the  acme  of  our  skills.       Me  and  Frogs  head  out  to  a  more  high  class  area;  equipped  with  tailored  suits  and  shiny  ties.   We  enter  and  casually  walk  over  to  the  lounge  while  talking.  When  you  walk  into  any  venue,   smile  because  you  know  you’re  about  to  take  over  the  place.  Don’t  hang  idly  near  the  front   scanning  the  area  like  a  predator.  Make  it  look  like  you’ve  been  here  before  and  your  only  goal   is  to  enjoy  yourself,  not  to  impress  anyone  or  get  laid.  Never  show  up  anywhere  with  an   approval-­‐seeking  mentality,  always  have  an  approval-­‐granting  mentality.       Frogs:  “There’s  a  three  set  right  behind  you”     Me:  “Any  of  them  good  looking?”     Frogs”  “Hell  yah  man,  you  gotta  see  this”       I  turn  around  and  see  3  old  guys  talking  about  liberal  democracy  or  something.       Me:  “Oh,  are  they  your  type?”     Frogs:  [laughs]  “I  was  kidding.  There’s  actually  a  pretty  good  five  set  on  the  other  side  of  the   room  though.  Two  gay  guys  and  three  girls.”     He’s  right.  In  a  scenario  like  this,  approach  the  gay  guys  first.  Easy  way  to  gain  social  proof  and   the  sharp  contrast  makes  your  masculinity  stand  out.       Frogs:  “I’ll  approach.  Dibs  on  the  blonde.”     Me:  “If  you  let  me  approach,  you  can  have  the  blonde.”     Frogs:  “Fine,  don’t  make  me  your  gay  best  friend  again”  [referring  to  past  scenario  where  I   winged  him  but  made  him  look  gay  and  pretended  like  I  was  trying  to  hook  up  him  up  with  the   gay  guy  in  the  set].   Me:  “haha,  ok  fine”       We  casually  walk  over  to  grab  a  table  by  them.  As  we’re  walking  by  I  do  my  approach     Me:  “Nice  suit.”  [Gay  guys  love  fashion  compliments  from  straight  guys]     Gay  1:  “thanks  man”     Me:  “It’s  hard  to  find  people  with  good  taste”       And  I  walked  away  to  our  table.  This  is  what  I  call  a  “movie  opener.”  I  open  slow  with  only  a   touch  of  kino  then  walk  away  with  dramatic  pause.  Never  continue  after  this  point  otherwise   you  lose  the  effect.  Walk  away  and  let  them  think  for  a  while  about  the  debonair  stranger  they   just  met.  The  longer  you  talk,  the  higher  the  chances  of  you  messing  shit  up.  This  type  of   opener  doesn’t  work  at  clubs  because  the  music  will  be  too  loud  to  pull  it  off.  Nor  does  it  work   in  most  day  game  instances  unless  you’re  sure  you’ll  be  within  proximity  of  the  girl  to  do  the   second  approach  a  bit  later.  Talk  slow  and  rooted,  like  you  have  social  proof  leaking  out  of  your   testicles.  If  you  get  nervous  easily,  go  for  a  high-­‐energy  opener  rather  than  something   controlled  like  this.     Page 130 of 139

  Frogs:  “You  would  be  the  perfect  homosexual”     Me:  “Don’t  get  your  hopes  up”     Frogs:  “When  are  we  doing  the  second  approach?”     Me:  “seven  minutes”     Frogs:  “I’m  going  to  use  direct  game.  Let’s  pretend  to  be  hedge  fund  managers”   Me:  “We’re  too  young  to  be  hedge  fund  managers  dumbass.  I’ll  pretend  to  be  a  lawyer  you  can   pretend  to  be  my  butler”     Frogs:  “Lawyers  it  is”       Anyone  not  actually  in  the  law  field  assumes  all  lawyers  are  smooth  talking  slick  bastards.  The   reality  of  the  job  has  yet  to  be  exposed  in  popular  media.  Frogs  loves  lying.  I  don’t  know  what’s   with  him.  He  lies  even  when  he  doesn’t  need  to.  I  find  it  extraneous;  there’s  no  point  if  your   game  is  tight.  I  only  do  it  when  necessary  and  I  usually  won’t  lie,  I’ll  just  bend  the  truth  a  little.       They  looked  at  us  a  couple  times;  luckily  I  had  left  off  a  strong  impression.  During  the  second   approach  I’d  have  to  tool  the  gays  otherwise  I  might  come  off  as  gay  myself.  When  you  are   approaching  an  obstacle  to  get  to  a  target,  never  spend  more  than  7  to  10  minutes  on  the   obstacle  or  else  your  target  will  assume  you  like  the  obstacle  instead.  Timing  and  strategy  is   everything.  Love  is  war.        Suddenly  Frogs  just  gets  up  and  walks  over  to  the  other  table  and  starts  talking  to  the  brunette   7.     Frogs:  “Hi.  I’m  sorry  but  my  friend  there  is  too  shy  to  tell  you  he’d  like  to  talk  to  you”       What.  A.  Dick.  Normally  wings  are  supposed  to  help  each  other.  I’d  do  so  much  better  going   solo  even  though  this  was  more  fun.     He  AMOGed  me  and  used  it  as  a  reason  to  open  the  set.  I  have  to  admit,  it  was  a  pretty  good   move.  I  smiled  and  nodded  disapprovingly  like  he  was  a  stupid  kid.  It  was  the  only  way  I  could   think  of  not  coming  off  as  a  herb.  I  played  it  off  like  he  was  just  being  stupid.  He  joined  the  set;  I   pretended  to  have  a  phone  call  with  an  “important  client.”  I  didn’t  want  to  jump  in  right  away.   When  you’re  put  into  an  awkward  situation,  do  not  shift  into  awkward  body  language.  Maintain   Alpha  state  control.       Frogs  was  doing  well,  be  brought  high  energy  game  and  pretended  to  be  super  wealthy.  He   definitely  abuses  the  idea  of  stretching  the  truth.  Every  other  girl  he  fucks  thinks  he’s  some  kind   of  and  up  and  coming  billionaire.  In  fact  I  think  there’s  a  facebook  group  of  girls  he’s  fucked   who  are  trying  to  raise  awareness  in  new  york  city  about  his  antics.       I  joined  the  set  later  and  naturally,  I  hit  on  the  blonde  right  away.  Frogs  had  been  ignoring  her   since  she  was  the  target,  but  I  came  in  and  filled  the  deficit  instead.       Page 131 of 139

Me:  “You  have  beautiful  earrings,  Topaz?”     Blonde:  “How’d  you  know?”     Me:  “Lucky  Guess”   Blonde:  “You  have  good  eyes”     I  didn’t  actually  have  good  eyes.  I  just  overheard  Gay2  telling  frogs  “it’s  going  to  be  her  birthday   soon!”  and  it  was  the  end  of  October  right  now.  Assuming  her  birthday  is  in  November  then,  I   guessed  her  earrings  were  probably  Topaz.  Always  use  information  to  your  advantage.  If  your   friends  try  and  set  you  up  with  a  girl,  rather  than  stalking  through  her  facebook  photos,  look  at   her  profile  and  find  out  what  she  listed  under  “favorite  books”  and  “favorite  movies.”  The  more   clairvoyant  you  can  make  yourself  seem,  the  more  spellbinding  your  game  comes  off  as.       Women  want  to  be  swept  off  their  feet.  They  don’t  care  if  you  do  it  consciously;  they  just  want   you  to  hide  the  fact  that  you  did.       Notice  I  used  direct  game  in  the  scenario  because  I  already  had  already  built  attraction  in  the   beginning  and  through  association  with  Frogs.  Plus  the  girls  were  kind  of  tipsy.     We  bounce  to  get  food  at  a  nearby  Diner.  Frogs  initiated  the  bounce.  Thus  far  he  clearly  came   off  as  more  Alpha  than  me.  Even  his  target,  who  I  was  originally  gaming  to  fuck  with  him,  was   clawing  for  his  attention.  This  is  the  power  of  having  knowledge  over  social  dynamics.  When   you’re  not  doing  as  well  as  you  want  to  be  doing;  you  will  know  why.       Hermit  texted  us.  The  club  he  was  at  was  apparently  like  paradise.  I  tell  Frogs  I’m  about  to  go   and  he  decides  to  come  with.  He  number  closes  the  blonde.  I  wasn’t  paying  enough  attention   to  the  brunette  to  close  her.  She  might  have  given  me  her  number  but  I  knew  she  would  flake   or  her  interest  level  wouldn’t  be  high  enough  to  try  anything  worthwhile.  I  didn’t  care  enough   about  paying  for  dinner  to  try  and  grab  a  number  out  of  desperation  and  I  knew  I’d  be  able  to   come  back  later.  Frogs  picks  up  the  tab  before  we  leave  (No  matter  how  much  girls  will  deny   this,  spending  cash  is  a  turn  on).       This  is  different  from  paying  for  a  date  to  suck  up.  Frogs  is  spoiled  as  fuck  anyways  so  never   minds  wasting  money;  and  he  was  confident  enough  that  he  was  going  to  close  the  blonde  later   to  moisten  her  up  now  with  some  outgoing  cash  flows.       Me:  “Well  played  sir.”     Frogs:  “Thank  you,  I  got  two  numbers.  Guess  you’re  gonna  be  paying  for  dinner  tonight”     Me:  “How’d  you  get  two?”     Frogs:  “The  gay  guy”     Me:  “That  doesn’t  count”     Frogs:  “Technically  we  never  established  that.  The  rules  only  state  ‘Whoever  gets  the  least   amount  of  numbers.’”    

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We  walked  into  the  club  Hermit  was  in,  he  wasn’t  kidding.  He  was  already  hooking  up  with   some  chick  by  the  bar.  I  was  about  to  give  him  mental  props  but  then  I  realized  the  girl  he’s   with  was  a  5…  and  fat.  Maybe  even  less.  A  bird  in  hand  is  worth  two  in  the  bush  but  a  really   ugly  bird  in  hand  isn’t  worth  much  at  all.       Frogs:  “A  lot  of  really  drunk  people  here.  This  is  going  to  be  easy”     Me:  “Yah  I’ll  meet  you  at  the  bar  in  30”       Never  approach  girls  that  are  too  drunk,  any  rapistesque  behavior  should  be  avoided.  Approach   ones  who  drank  just  enough  to  loosen  up  their  protective  shields.  Alcohol  is  like  truth  serum  for   girls,  it  melts  them  of  their  normal  inhibitions.         I  walk  around  and  approached  a  couple  of  girls  solo.  Got  a  few  friendly  returns,  and  got  blown   out  once.  Number  closed  one  girl  after  using  the  “Did  you  see  the  fight  outside?”  opener.  We   talked  for  a  bit  and  danced,  she  eventually  had  to  leave  with  her  friends.  I  asked  her  “how  could   we  continue  this  conversation?”  just  as  Neil  Strauss  would.  She  gave  her  number  but  insisted   on  taking  mine  too.  High  interest.  She  was  a  7,  but  better  than  nothing.         I  find  myself  using  lines  from  Mystery  more  than  anyone  else.  Ross  Jeffries  may  be   conventionally  considered  the  father  of  the  seduction  community,  but  Mystery  has  laid  the   groundwork  for  the  upcoming  revolution.       If  a  girl  asks  you  to  dance,  you  have  two  options.  “I  don’t  dance”  and  smile  with  your  diabolical   grin  or  slowly  follow  her  to  the  dance  floor.  If  you  have  to  refuse,  do  so  in  a  non-­‐shy  looking   way.  You  don’t  want  to  come  off  as  being  too  self  conscious  to  dance.  The  scenario  you  really   want  to  avoid  is  the  one  where  she  has  to  drag  you  to  the  dance  floor  like  a  little  kid.       Met  up  with  Frogs  and  Hermit  after  K  closing  another  girl  who  had  seen  me  with  the  first  girl  I   closed.  Be  seen  with  1  girl;  get  2  more  to  like  you.  Be  seen  with  2  girls;  get  3  more  to  like  you.   There  are  no  marginal  returns  with  women.  The  more  you  close,  the  more  you  can  close.       Hermit’s  “girlfriend”  came  into  the  club.  They  were  in  the  “pre-­‐exclusive”  phase.  There  are  a   few  moments  in  life  when  a  girl’s  actions  will  really  baffle  you.  Hermit  was  telling  me  just  2  days   ago  how  this  girl  claimed  she  hated  “players”  and  preferred  guys  who  lived  a  Mormon  lifestyle.   She  specifically  said  she  wouldn’t  give  the  time  of  day  to  any  guy  who  flirted  with  another  girl  in   front  of  her.       She  walked  in  and  covered  Hermit’s  eyes  with  her  hands.  How  would  a  beta  react  to  this?   Probably  with  a  sudden  jerking  motion,  turn  around  and  say,  “Heyyyyy!!  What  are  you  doing   here?”  with  a  newly  flustered  circuit.     Hermit  was  unfazed.      

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Hermit:  “Hmmm….very  manly  hands.  Jessica?”     Sara:  “No  you  asshole  it’s  me!!”       Ofcourse  he  knew  who  it  was.  He  didn’t  turn  around  entirely;  he  just  looked  over  his  shoulder.   He  acknowledged  her  with  a  tone  of  voice  that  perfectly  combined  joy  with  disappointment.   She  was  about  an  8.  I  don’t  understand  why  he  was  hooking  up  with  that  fat  chick  earlier  if  he   clearly  had  access  to  eugenically  superior  pussy.  I  guess  some  guys  really  need  variety.       She  hung  on  to  him  for  the  rest  of  the  night.  Her  friends  were  there  too,  but  she  no  longer   cared.  He  gave  her  attention  in  spurts  of  enthusiasm.  Right  afterwards  he’d  look  around  the   room  with  hungry  eyes.  He  commented  on  how  much  “fun”  me  and  Frogs  must  have  been   having.  Her  facial  expression  twitched  with  worry  when  he  was  distracted,  then  pulsed  with  joy   when  he  gave  her  his  attention.  This  was  the  game  perfectly  executed.  This  was  a  girl  in  love.     He  “accidently”  number  closed  a  girl  in  front  of  her.  You’d  think  she’d  try  and  get  back  at  him  by   giving  her  number  out  to  another  guy  right?  Nope,  she  went  out  of  her  way  to  reject  as  many   guys  as  possible  to  show  him  her  loyalty.  Betas  will  gawk  in  disbelief  when  they  see  things  like   this,  appropriating  it  to  some  “odd  exception.”  No,  this  is  how  all  people  work.  Usually  it’s  the   GUY  whose  running  around  with  his  balls  tucked  neatly  between  his  legs  trying  to  please  the   girl  he’s  dating  with  magnanimous  displays  of  loyalty.  Hermit  was  denaturing  the  normal   dynamic  and  placing  the  girl  in  the  position  of  the  love-­‐struck  beta.       For  the  rest  of  the  night  I  thought  I’d  have  some  fun  pretending  to  be  working  for  a  film  studio   and  asking  people  for  their  numbers  to  be  “extras.”       We  eventually  left  to  meet  up  with  Toad  and  Tadpole  for  dinner.  Hermit’s  girlfriend  asked  if  he   was  going  home  since  it  was  “getting  late.”  She  wanted  to  imagine  him  as  the  good  guy  who’d   recoil  at  the  thought  of  staying  out  later  than  his  girlfriend.  Obviously,  he  said  “Hell  no,  it’s   early.”  She  asked  if  she  could  come  over  later.  My  friends  make  me  proud.     Frogs:  “I’m  at  5”     Toad:  “like  15  I  think”   Tadpole:  “yah  same  here”     Hermit:  “Technically  I’m  closing  the  girl  I’m  dating,  so  I’m  clear”     Me:  “27”     Frogs:  “Wtf?  How  did  all  of  you  get  that  many?”     Tadpole:  “Shark  gave  us  a  couple  of  numbers,  I  duno  how  HE  got  that  many.”     Me:  “I  pretended  to  be  a  film  maker  and  asked  people  for  their  numbers  to  be  extras”     Frogs:  “These  are  all  guys…and  you  shared  numbers?  That’s  not  allowed”     Me:  “Technically…  we  never  established  that.  The  rules  only  state  ‘whoever  gets  the  least   amount  of  numbers.’”     Fuckin  con  artist.  I  hope  he  learned  his  lesson.       Page 134 of 139


LOVE     “The  most  merciful  thing  in  the  world  I  think,  is  the  inability  of  the  human  mind  to  correlate  all   its  contents.  We  live  on  a  placid  island  of  ignorance  in  the  midst  of  black  seas  of  infinity,  and  it   was  not  meant  that  we  should  voyage  this  far.  The  sciences,  each  straining  in  its  own  direction,   have  hitherto  harmed  us  little;  but  some  day  the  piecing  together  of  disassociated  knowledge   will  open  up  such  terrifying  vistas  of  reality,  and  of  our  frightful  position  therein,  that  we  shall   either  go  mad  from  the  revelation  or  flee  from  the  deadly  light  into  the  peace  and  safety  of  a   new  dark  age.”       Love  is  a  hideous  thing.  I  sat  there  with  my  face  buried  into  my  palms.  An  abjected  man   wallowing  in  a  psychotic  drama  undulating  around  him  with  unsheathed  cruelty.  I  was  28  years   old,  considered  successful  by  normal  standards,  yet  felt  so  defeated.       Me:  “Why?”     Her:  “I  don’t  know,  it  was  a  mistake”   Me:  “Why?”     Her:  “I  told  you,  I  don’t  know.  I’m  sorry”     Me:  “I  don’t  understand.”     Her:  “I’m  sorry”     Me:  “How…what…How  did  this  happen.  How  could  you…”     I  was  supposed  to  be  getting  married  to  this  girl;  I  planned  on  proposing  within  the  coming   year.       She  was  sobbing  heavily.     Tears  streamed  like  my  ducts  had  been  cut  open  and  burgeoned  with  steroids.  We  were  already   in  a  wayward  position  but  nothing  that  couldn’t  be  fixed.  I  did  everything  right.  I  kept   competitive  anxiety  high,  I  treated  her  with  respect,  I  cut  off  contact  when  I  needed  to,  I   maintained  challenge,  I  had  other  options,  I  negged  her  with  succinct  charm,  I  owned  her  body;   yet  I  failed.       I  didn’t  do  everything  right  though.  I  didn’t  do  anything  right.  I  thought  she  was  different,  just   like  every  guy  in  every  failing  relationship  thinks.  I  started  buying  more  gifts,  I  started  being   more  needy,  I  started  texting  more  often;  slowly  I  watched  my  relationship  decompose  into  a   hopeless  nadir  of  petty  bickering.     Cut  off  all  contact?  Date  other  girls?  Remind  yourself  that  you’re  a  man?  Snog  a  girl  who’s   hotter?  Find  a  hobby  to  keep  yourself  busy?  Be  indifferent?  Work  on  your  career?  How  the  Fuck   are  you  supposed  to  do  any  of  that  after  a  3  year  relationship  and  a  $270,000  engagement  ring   in  the  closet?     Page 135 of 139

  Imagine  you’re  me.       It’s  a  3  weeks  into  the  relationship.  You  have  sex  for  the  first  time.  You  like  this  girl  so  much,  it’s   already  harder  than  normal  to  escape  the  impulse  to  act  beta.  You’re  quietly  enamored  by   performance  anxiety  at  first  but  you  quickly  get  lost  in  her  beauty.  It’s  the  best  sex  either  of  you   have  ever  had.       It’s  6  months  into  the  relationship;  you  buy  flowers  for  the  first  time.  You’ve  never  bought   flowers  for  a  girl  just  to  make  her  happy.  You  detest,  with  every  ounce  of  your  heart,  the   whorish  overconsumption  that  plagues  women  in  your  generation.  But  this  girl  was  different;   she  was  unburdened  by  the  oeuvre  of  status  mongering  that  mesmerized  other  women  into   gulfs  of  vanity.       It’s  a  year  into  your  relationship.  You  practiced  stopping-­‐short  while  jerking  off  for  all  of  last   week  in  preparation  for  today.  You  can  finally  last  all  night  instead  of  15  seconds.  Still,  you’re   strongly  considering  taking  a  mild  dose  of  Viagra.  You  make  love  till  dawn.  Afterwards,  you  let   her  breach  all  the  insecurities  you  normally  guard  so  anxiously.       A  year  and  a  half  passes.  She’s  sitting  on  the  couch  with  your  frumpy  pajamas  on.  You’re   watching  Fightclub  together  for  the  3rd  time.  What  other  girl  in  the  world  would  want  to  watch   a  movie  like  this  more  than  0.5  times?  You  mention  the  theme  of  existentialism  and  she’s   intrigued.  But  not  intrigued  in  the  way  cheap  hookers  are;  she’s  not  just  doing  it  to  look  cool.   Then  she  would’ve  said  something  like  “yah,  I  know  what  existentialism  is.”  No,  she  picks  up  the   laptop  and  looks  it  up  herself.  You  talk  about  it  with  her  for  an  hour  and  you  find  out  she’s   legitimately  interested.  A  week  later  you’re  at  her  apartment  and  you  find  a  book  by  Jean-­‐Paul   Sartre.  She  went  to  the  library  and  picked  it  out  because  you  had  casually  mentioned  his  name   during  your  conversation  with  her  on  the  couch.  She  wants  to  read  about  analyzing  objective   knowledge  because  you’re  interested  in  it.       It’s  23  months  into  your  relationship.  The  two  of  you  decided  to  go  on  a  “break”  after  a  bad   fight;  but  “break”  is  a  weasel  word.  You  can’t  stop  having  sex;  you  can’t  take  a  break  from  your   emotions.  There  is  no  difference  in  your  relationship  besides  the  fact  that  you’re  now   emancipated  from  an  illusory  label  that  serves  no  purpose  other  than  to  infatuate  a  futile  desire   for  asylum.  Sure  you  can’t  call  her  “girlfriend”  but  the  taxonomy  of  your  relationship  with   someone  else  does  not  measure  the  depth  of  your  feelings  for  them.       It’s  your  second  anniversary.  You’ve  been  fighting  with  her  for  the  past  few  days;  you’re  still  not   “officially”  back  together  yet.  Neither  of  you  are  on  “talking  terms.”  It’s  11:52  pm  day-­‐before.   You  plan  on  going  out  with  a  couple  of  friends  at  12:30.  You’re  going  to  surreptitiously  flirt  with   some  of  the  girls  there.  You  need  to  keep  your  game  sharp;  you  know  the  rules.  11:53;   agonizing  minutes  pass  by.  You  thought  you  had  complete  frame  control  but  doubts  begin  to   creep  in.  You  try  and  shake  them  off.  Shouldn’t  she  at  least  call?  Suddenly  you  decide  you’re   going  to  close  today.  If  your  girlfriend  doesn’t  want  to  get  back  together  with  you,  it  means  she   Page 136 of 139

doesn’t  want  to  get  back  together  with  you.  You  are  not  stupid;  you  know  all  of  the  extraneous   details  are  just  clouding  your  judgment  through  ego  predicated  bullshit.  Clear  your  head.  11:54.   Maybe  you  should  just  call?  At  least  to  officially  end  it.  But  isn’t  indifference  better?  Yes…  but…   maybe  you  should  still  call  anyways.  Or  maybe  not.  11:55.  If  she’s  over  you,  then  that  means   she’s  fucked  another  guy  by  now.  You  say  it  to  yourself  casually  because  you’re  an  Alpha,  but   deep  down  inside,  some  part  of  you  is  seething  from  the  overdose  of  endorphins  your  body  just   injected  you  with.  Your  insides  curl  into  a  venomous  cobra.  11:56.  Fuck  this  shit.  You  take  a  shot   of  Patron  and  a  pill  of  Vicodin.  Wait…shit…  Vicodin  makes  you  impotent.  Whatever,  the  good   die  young  anyways.  11:57.  You  curse  her  out  in  your  head.  Fucking  swamp  cunt  cum  guzzling   bitch  ass  feminist  whore.  Dam…you  really  love  her.  11:58.You  pick  up  your  phone  and  dial  her   number.  You  can’t  take  it  anymore.  You  admit  to  yourself  that  you’re  an  ass-­‐lickin’  vagina.   You’re  going  to  break  the  rules  of  game;  you  don’t  give  a  flying  fuck  anymore.  Game  is  stupid   anyways.  This  is  real  life.  Busy  Signal.  WHAT.  THE.  FUCK.  This  fucking  unfettered  nymphomaniac   is  probably  talking  to  some  other  guy  who  pokes  her  anus  with  a  dildo  during  foreplay.  11:59.   Your  Phone  rings.  It’s  her.  To  pick  up  or  not  to  pick  up?  You’re  not  going  to  pick  up.  No,  you’re   going  to  go  out  and  fuck  the  shit  out  of  some  skanky  whore  in  a  club  or  finger  bang  some   washed  up  cougar  in  the  backstreets  of  Chicago.  The  first  ring  finishes.  You  can’t  control  your   hands.  You  pick  up  the  phone.  You’re  voice  is  about  to  crack  but  then  you  double  back  and   revert  to  aloof  game.  “Yo.”  She  tells  you  she  just  called  you  10  seconds  ago  but  she  got  a  busy   signal.  You  realize  what  just  happened.  You  both  called  each  other  at  the  same  exact  time  and   your  calls  cancelled  each  other  out.  You  think  about  soul  mates  again.  Are  you  sure  they  don’t   exist?  I  mean…  how  could  shit  like  this  happen  without  a  Super  Omniscient  being  panning  it   out?  Whatever.  You  hear  her  sob.  She  tells  you  how  she’s  missed  you.  She  asks  why  you  never   bothered  to  try  and  get  back  together.  You  tell  her  “because  the  words  ‘why  haven’t  you  called’   sound  so  much  sweeter  to  my  ears  than  ‘why  are  you  calling  again?’”  She  laughs.  You  remind   her  why  she  loves  you.  She  starts  crying  harder.  She  asks  if  there’s  someone  else  in  your  life   now.  You  Say  no.  She  asks  if  you  were  going  to  go  out  tonight.  You  say  no  (*wink  wink*).  She   asks  if  you  could  “please  come  over.”  You  refuse  and  tell  her  to  come  over  instead.  You  know   how  it  works;  you  are  more  dominant  in  your  own  house.  She  comes  over.  You  get  back   together.  Everything  is  right  again.  Game  works.  Had  you  acted  like  a  sniveling  beta  and  begged   her  to  “end  the  break,”  this  moment  of  triumph  would  not  have  come.  You  would’ve  driven  the   chasm  of  indifference  between  you  and  her  wider  and  wider.  Secretly,  her  heart  thanks  you  for   not  being  a  pussy  (*wink  wink*).  She  is  unaware  of  how  her  own  emotions  work.       2  ½  years  have  passed  by.  The  both  of  you  have  occasionally  flirted  with  the  idea  of  marriage.   Like  the  Super  Alpha  you  are,  you  intend  to  delay  commitment  for  as  long  as  possible.  You  have   no  intention  of  becoming  a  statistic  just  yet.  It’s  her  birthday.  The  last  6  months  have  been   going  pretty  well,  and  she’s  been  acting  extra  giddy  recently.  It’s  because  you  just  hired  a  hot   new  assistant  with  a  much  tighter  body.  Women  thrive  on  challenges  like  these.  You’ve  been   acting  extra  aloof  which  has  further  triggered  her  Hamster  into  Weapon-­‐X  mode.  She’s  been   going  to  the  gym  more  often,  responding  to  your  texts  a  bit  faster,  and  running  sexual   marathons  like  an  Olympic  porn  artist.  You  decide  to  give  her  an  extra  savory  gift  and  take  her   to  a  country  in  the  South  East  during  Monsoon  season.  Like  every  other  sweetly  feminine  girl   engrossed  by  romantic  phantasms,  she’s  obsessed  with  watching  rain  fall  and  treading  water.   Page 137 of 139

It’s  a  dream  come  true  for  her.  You  spend  a  week  feeding  strawberries  to  each  other  and  doing   all  the  cliché  things  the  both  of  you  normally  make  fun  of  other  couples  for.  Her  body  is   amazing…but  yours  is  better.  You  practice  tantric  sex  and  bemuse  her  with  stories  from  work.   She  tells  you  about  the  gossip  in  her  friend  circle.  You  accidently  leave  a  flirtatious  text  from   your  assistant  out.  You  have  a  small  fight  over  it.  The  sex  afterwards  was  better  than  all  the   other  times  combined.             We  were  having  a  bad  month  mixed  in  with  some  pretty  bad  fights.  She  calls  me  and  tells  me   she  needs  to  talk.  I  say  “ok,”  I’m  staying  calm.  I  could  hear  her  crying  already.     I’m  a  man,  I  can  handle  anything.  I’ve  already  had  to  overcome  a  thousand  hurdles  to  get  to   where  I  am  in  life.       After  10  seconds  of  her  talking,  3  years  of  my  life  dissolved  into  nothingness.         I  meet  up  with  her  2  weeks  later,  only  for  closure.  She’s  crying  uncontrollably.  I  got  teary  but   swallowed  it.       The  Last  Time  is  always  just  as  unforgettable  as  the  First  Time  with  a  girl  you  love.  The   undimensional  pleasure  of  simultaneously  climaxing  while  vacillating  between  the  possibility  of   eternal  love  and  the  gnawing  clutch  of  separation  is  the  orgiastic  zenith  of  life.  She  convulsed   over  and  over  again  into  a  bevy  of  explosive  life-­‐affirming  orgasms  that  sequeled  the  rhythmical   throbbing  of  our  love  in  tangible  form.  Each  time  I  watched  in  awe  as  rivulets  of  sweat  pounded   down  her  sexually  defecating  body  cooling  down  the  remnants  of  erotic  felicity.  She  would   masturbate  to  this  day  for  decades  to  come.  No  doppelganger  will  ever  own  her  the  way  I  did.         I  called  her  a  week  later     Her:  “Hi!”     Me:  “Hey,  what’s  up?”     Her:  “Nothin,  what  are  you  doing?”     Me:  “Nothing  I  was  just..”     Her:  [cutting  me  off]  “Hey  listen  I  was  wondering  if  we  could…”   Me:  [cutting  her  off]  I  have  to  tell  you  something   Her:  “Yah?”     Me:  “I’m  moving  back  to  New  York.”     Her:  “Oh…  Ok…  Can  I  ask  why?”   Me:  “I  want  to  keep  pursuing  my  dreams  and  New  York  is  the  best  place  to  do  it,  plus  I’d  rather   finally  be  home  now.  I  haven’t  seen  my  parents  in  a  long  time.”       I  could  hear  her  break.  I  almost  enjoyed  it.   Page 138 of 139

  I  could’ve  prevented  this.  I  know  how  women  work,  I  know  how  they  think,  I  know  I  could’ve   done  something.       But  it’s  too  late  now.     It’s  the  end  of  a  chapter,  but  life  isn’t  over.  I  have  a  world  to  conquer.       I  had  a  hard  time  clearing  my  head  during  the  drive  back  to  New  York.  A  pack  of  cigarettes   helped.       Even  if  I  couldn’t  do  it,  maybe  I  can  help  someone  else  save  the  “girl  of  their  dreams,”  or  learn   to  pursue  life  the  way  I  do.       I’ll  start  a  blog  I  figured,  people  need  to  know  about  this  shit.            


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