1 (he Holy 'pirit is a ;i:t""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""5 ;i:t """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""5 ) (o (arry or ,ot to (arry" (arry """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""17 7 Recei#e the Holy 'pirit" 'pirit"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""19 (he ,e4 (estaent ohn $i$n=t pray :or the 'aaritans to get sa#e$" (hey alrea$y 4ere sa#e$" (he apostles praye$ that they ight recei#e the Holy 'pirit ,otice this care:ully it 4ill help you help othersD6 %eter an$ >ohn $i$ not pray that ;o$ 4oul$ gi#e the 'aaritans the Holy 'pirit" (hey praye$ that they ight recei#e the Holy ;host" ohn oney saying '$ive me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the &oly $host!' 'oe ha#e erroneously thought that 'ion trie$ to buy the e%perience o: the Holy 'pirit" He $i$n=t" 'ion trie$ to buy the power to lay han$s on people that they ight recei#e the Holy 'pirit" %eter replie$ to 'ion #" )*D '"hy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of $od may be purchased with money!' 'ion is not trying to buy the gi:t o: the Holy 'pirit as a personal possession" He is trying to buy the ability to lay han$s on people that they ight recei#e the Holy 'pirit" ,otice that %eter calls that ability a gi:t" (here are :our ;reek 4or$s translate$ gi:t in 1*
the ,e4 (estaent" !: you $on=t kno4 that you 4ill ne#er un$erstan$ the $epths o: 4hat the ,e4 (estaent is teaching" /ne o: the 4or$s eans a :ree gi:t" Eternal li:e an$ recei#ing the Holy 'pirit are :ree gi:ts"D But this 4or$ in #erse )* is a $i::erent 4or$" !n the ;reek it eans an en$o4ent" %eter 4as saying that he an$ >ohn 4ere gi:te$ or en$o4e$ to lay han$s on people to recei#e the Holy 'pirit" (hat is the reason they 4ere sent to 'aaria"
Chapter ) (/ (ARR@ /R ,/( (/ (ARR@
A:ter ! 4as baptiFe$ in the Holy 'pirit as a young Baptist boy pastor an$ cae aong 2ull ;ospel people ! ne#er inistere$ the 4ay they $i$ concerning the baptis in the Holy 'pirit" !n those $ays 197+-79D in our part o: the country at least all o: the 2ull ;ospel people ! kne4 got e#erybo$y to tarry" (hey took this custo :ro ?uke ) 4here >esus sai$ '"arry ye in the city of #erusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high' #" 9D" Really there isn=t any :orula :or recei#ing the Holy 'pirit" !: ?uke )69 is a :orula 4hat right $o 4e ha#e to oit the 4or$ >erusaleJ >esus sai$ '"arry ye in #erusalem!!!!' !t 4as Iust as necessary :or the to be in >erusale as it 4as :or the to tarry because in ;o$=s plan the outpouring o: the Holy 'pirit ha$ to ha#e its beginning in >erusale" (his 'cripture cannot be a :orula :or recei#ing the baptis in
the Holy 'pirit" (arry eans 4ait" erusale until ye be en$ue$ 4ith po4er :ro on high" (hey 4aite$ in >erusale" Acts )61 says 'And when the day of )entecost was fully come !!!!' @ou see 4hen that $ay cae they $i$n=t ha#e to 4ait any longer A:ter Acts ) you ne#er rea$ in the Acts o: the Apostles 4here anybo$y 4as e#er instructe$ to 4ait nor $o you see anybo$y 4aiting to be :ille$ 4ith the 'pirit" 2ro the $ay o: %entecost on e#eryone e#ery tie 4as :ille$ 4ith the Holy 'pirit ie$iately" (he early Church ephasiFe$ that in$i#i$uals coul$ recei#e ie$iately" ! certainly belie#e in 4aiting on ;o$ ho4e#er" 'pirit-:ille$ people nee$ to 4ait on ;o$" But it is a great $eal easier to 4ait on ;o$ after you are :ille$ 4ith the Holy 'pirit than it is be:ore" esus" ,o4 it is up to us to recei#e >esus" 'al#ation belongs to e#ery an 4ho $ies an$ goes to hell because >esus $ie$ :or the ungo$ly" (he an in hell either reIecte$ sal#ation i: he hear$ o: it or he $i$n=t kno4 about it" Either 4ay it belonge$ to hi" ;o$ alrea$y has $one all He is e#er going to $o about pro#i$ing healing :or us6 ;o$ lai$ our sicknesses an$ $iseases on >esus an$ >esus bore the" In the mind of $od we are already healed* !t is up to us to recei#e healing" Healing belongs to us" ! ha#e gotten any be$:ast people to see the truth o: 2irst %eter )6) 'by whose stripes ye were healed!' (hey starte$ belie#ing 4hile they 4ere still be$:ast an$ they recei#e$ their healing" /thers ho4e#er sai$ ,o ! can=t accept that no4" ohn 4ere $ispatche$ :ro >erusale" (hey lai$ han$s on the ne4 con#erts an$ they recei#e$ the Holy 'pirit Acts 8D" ,otice that it 4as 4ithout agoniFing 4ithout tarrying 4ithout $isappointentan$ 4ithout e0ception" All the ne4 belie#ers 4ere :ille$ 4ith the Holy 'pirit" (en years a:ter the $ay o: %entecost %eter 4ent to the house o: Cornelius at Caesarea Acts 1*D" He began to preach to Cornelius= :rien$s an$ relati#es" Accor$ing to #erse '+hile )eter yet spake these words, the &oly $host fell on all them which heard the word!' Reeber 'faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of $od,' Ro" 1*61+"D Cornelius an$ his househol$ not only 4ere
sa#e$G they 4ere :ille$ 4ith the Holy 'pirit 4ithout praying 4ithout 4aitingan$ 4ithout e0ception" Ho4 $i$ %eter an$ the astonishe$ >e4ish belie#ers 4ith hi kno4 that these ;entiles ha$ recei#e$ the Holy 'piritJ Accor$ing to #erse . '"&E/ &EA01 "&E2 S)EA3 +I"& "45$6ES, and magnify $od!' ?et=s :ollo4 the ,e4 (estaent" (he ne0t Bible instance is in Acts 19 t4enty years a:ter the $ay o: %entecost" (his is the last recor$e$ instance in the Acts o: the Apostles o: people recei#ing the Holy 'pirit" ACTS 1esus $i$ not say ?et hi coe an$ shout" He $i$n=t say ?et hi coe an$ pray" He $i$n=t say ?et hi coe an$ sing" He $i$n=t say ?et hi coe an$ s4eat" He $i$n=t say ?et hi coe an$ praise"
He $i$n=t say ?et hi coe an$ prostrate hisel: an$ go a4ay epty" >esus sai$ ?et hi coe an$ drink!' >esus is using 4ater as a type o: the Holy 'pirit" i$ you e#er see anybo$y $rink 4ater 4ith his outh shutJ ,o you can=t $rink 4ater 4ith your outh shut an$ you can=t $rink the Holy 'pirit 4ith your outh shut" /pen your outh" ,e0t ho4 long $oes it take you to $rink 4hen you=re thirstyJ @ou Iust pick it up an$ $rink it $on=t youJ >esus sai$ Coe an$ $rink" Ho4 long $o you ha#e to 4ait be:ore you can $rinkJ @ou $on=t ha#e to 4ait to $rink an$ you $on=t ha#e to tarry :or the baptis in the Holy 'pirit" A 4oan in one o: y eetings sai$ Brother Hagin y other has been seeking the baptis o: the Holy 'pirit :or 19 years" >ust as soon as this eeting is o#er != going to #isit her an$ share this teaching 4ith her"
'i0th encourage the person to open his outh 4i$ethis can be an act o: :aithbreathe in an$ tell ;o$ ! a recei#ing the Holy 'pirit right no4 by :aith" Absolutely insist that the person not speak a single 4or$ in his natural language" Encourage hi to rela0 an$ :earlessly bol$ly li:t his #oice an$ ake those supernatural soun$s that 4ant to coe 4orking his tongue an$ lips as he 4oul$ i: he 4ere speaking English" (ell hi to e0pect that the Holy 'pirit 4ill gi#e hi 4or$sthat his tongue 4ill see to 4ant to say soething" (his is so in e#ery case" (he Holy 'pirit gi#es the utterancethe person ust $o the talking" "he supernatural part is what is being said; it is not who is talking! esus" @our ohn .67+D so ! kno4 @ou 4on=t cast e out but @ou take e in an$ ! thank @ou :or it" @ou sai$ in @our esus Christ is the 'on o: ;o$" ! belie#e that He 4as raise$ :ro the $ea$ :or y Iusti:ication an$ ! con:ess Hi no4 as y ?or$" Because @our
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